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Proceedings of the SMART–2022, IEEE Conference ID: 55829

11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 16th–17th, December, 2022
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India

Advanced Blood Management System

Community Method Based on Deep Learning
2022 11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART) | 978-1-6654-8734-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SMART55829.2022.10047024

Aishwary Awasthi1 and Ashwani K. Sharma2

Assistant Professor

Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chandigarh Engineering College, Jhanjeri

Abstract—In consideration of both people and volume of blood must be given promptly in order to preserve
geographical area, India is a sizable nation. If we examine the the patient’s life. In these situations, blood is a need [1]. To
Indian medical system, we find that not all segments of the meet the demand for blood, every hospital must keep a blood
population are served. Due to a lack of resources or ineffective bank. These divisions handle the procedure of collecting,
resource management, the poor and lower-class population
do not get the greatest medications available in the nation.
checking, and storing the given blood bags. Nowadays,
Our bodies and the whole healthcare system depend on blood. anytime a patient needs blood, family or acquaintances of the
Many patients pass away while waiting for the blood necessary patient are contacted to obtain blood cells of a certain kind
for performing numerous life-saving procedures in hospitals. or give blood. This is a result of a shortage of blood units,
Blood is a crucial component of the healing process, whether fewer camp contributions, and a donor storing issue [2]. One
it be for a fatal sickness or a serious injury. The goal of blood of the newest advanced devices for the health industry is
transfusion is to save the patient’s life. On a local level, we the Internet of Things (IoT). For IoT technology to provide
have resource-constrained blood banks like those located effective solutions, a multi-step process is necessary. Data
in hospitals or cities. Particular blood types like AB+, AB-,
collection from various devices and sensors combined
A+, etc. are constantly in limited supply. When a patient is
struggling for his or her life, it often leaves physicians and
with big data analysis aids in system improvement. It is a
administrators powerless, forcing them to look for and request fantastic move to include IoT technology into the current
blood from other sources. People sometimes are requested to health care system. IoT enables connectivity to existing
pay for donation in an emergency, which is completely against machinery and devices so that healthcare operations may
the law and contributes to a corrupt political system. Although be carried out online. Blood is a big difficulty to store and
similar incidents often occur in federal make instantly available since it is a perishable substance
We are unable to conceive what the situation would be that deteriorates over time. The health business has been
in the isolated areas of India because men lack resources greatly impacted by the enormous increase and evolution
and money. It is astonishing that we don’t have a fully
of data. Numerous difficulties have been brought about,
reliable platform handling the widespread healthcare
issue while having a technology like the internet for nearly
including those related to data collection, preservation,
twenty to thirty years in the mainstream. Ironically, there transport, which was before, and big data analysis [3]. Big
is a significant difference between online firms that promise data, which consists of a significant volume of machine-
30-minute shopping and pizza delivery and those who really readable data, has the potential to be a huge revolution [4].
deliver blood. The major goal of this study is to shorten the By extracting patterns and associations from data, machine
time needed to complete the cycle of blood donation, waste- learning (ML) allows healthcare professionals to predict
free storage, and distribution to interested institutions. This and take precise decisions shown in Figure 1.
research uses cutting-edge technologies to improve logistics
management, performance, and quality, including cloud
computing, wearable tech, and machine learning. Designing
intelligent systems that can use artificial information to make
choices and enhance from across supply chain is crucial.
Keywords: Blood Management, ML, Healthcare System,
E-Raktkosh, SMBS, Android Platform, IDE and BaaS.

I. Introduction
Recent years have seen a sharp rise in the number of
trauma cases, including those brought on by cancer, anaemia,
sickle cell disease, major operations, chemotherapy,
dialysis, and auto accidents. In addition to this, there are
several emergency situations in hospitals when a significant Fig. 1: From Things to Smart Things (STH)

Copyright©IEEE–2022 ISBN: 978-1-6654-8734-4 | 99

Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on July 01,2024 at 09:57:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 16th–17th, December, 2022
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India

II. Machine Learning in Healthcare Systems III. Related Work

Using algorithms (Milliliters) technology [5], The present state of the blood administration & donating
computers can analyses or forecast a condition by learning infrastructure is shown in Table 1. E-Raktkosh is supported
from the most recent data. There are three types of machine by online mode (National Health Movement) as part of
learning algorithms: controlled, unlabeled, and evolutionary an India Government program. Blood donation programs,
computation. While learning the fundamentals of machine a hospital blood directory, donors search availability, and
learning, we enforce some fusion rule in our project’s first donors [7] login are the system’s main features. Logging
iteration. For the best results, we use python libraries like in allows users to see if there are any blood bags nearby.
numpy, skit-learn, NumPy, matplotlib, etc. to analyses Donors may also give using a gateway.
up a level data sources and look for correlations between Blood that is not always well controlled. The dashboard
variables like amounts, blood type, job, etc. The chapter’s lists every blood donation camp that will be held in the near
section on system implementation has further information. future. In conclusion, many other minor systems including
One of the important algorithms [6] utilized in the health E-raktkosh are offering improvements to the administration
care industry is deep learning. Data preprocessing and and donation of [8] blood, although they are restricted.
learning make up one aspect of machine learning. ML These programmes provide auxiliary features that only
(machine learning) techniques may be used to classify partly address the issue. None of these apps, however,
datasets and make predictions. Multivariate, Filtering, and place a strong emphasis on effectiveness and precision,
Segmentation are three fundamental methods used in deep such as offering the capability to store blood so that it is
learning shown in Figure 2. available even before critical events take place [9]. The
proposed system, however, adds these advanced options
in furthermore to a basic one of putting donors in touch
with patients. The opportunity to choose the best and most
relevant donors, including family members, local friends,
and charitable organizations, is an additional benefit. These
capabilities boost the supply of blood bags and the potential
to save lives. In addition to the cloud and the Internet of
Things, the suggested solution makes use of machine
learning and artificial intelligence to address issues relating
to uncommon blood types. It has been observed that the
current method only makes blood available in blood bags,
not from appropriate donors.
Fig. 2: Blood Traceability System Using ML

Table 1: Related Work Summary

Feature Abyaba BD Smart BB BB Using SMS BB One Blood Point of Life
Based on IoT Android
Target D D D D, BB D D. BB D. BB, H
Request time CE CE CE, NC CE, NC CE NC CE, NC
Donator Online ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Offline ✓ ✓
Availability of Online ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Offline ✓ ✓ ✓
Distribution Patient ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Hospital ✓
Organization BB ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Hospital ✓
Donator Relation hu hu hu hu hu hu fin, fr, hu
Donator benefits ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Blood type ✓
Total Blood quantity p mp mpc mp p mp mpc
Total Points 6 7 13 12 8 9 22

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on July 01,2024 at 09:57:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Advanced Blood Management System Community Method Based on Deep Learning

IV. Proposed System Donors are persons who have previously donated
A contemporary web mobile application makes up successfully, particularly those who are actively taking part
the concept for Sustainable Blood Management Solution in blood donation drives.
(SBMS), which is a highly straightforward and effective Every quarter, all of the body’s vital signs and
methodology. With databases as its foundation, SBMS information are verified and updated. After satisfactory
is made up of four parts. The main elements of SBMS fluid trades, the system continuously accepts feedback
are donor, patients, hospitals, and blood donation camps. and develops. In the current method, we only obtain the
The main goal of such a system is to improve the current few blood bags available in the blood products and not
blood management [10] procedure and increase ecosystem the donor’s details [13]. However, using our suggested
viability. We are all aware of the influence and recent approach, we may immediately pair a child with a donor in
growth of social media sites like Myspace, and Twitter. All a manner similar to a Tinder match. All medical solutions
of these platforms have had significant effects on world. are created and constructed to provide quick and effective
Research reveals that on an average people are spending treatment. Patient is the planned system problems and
144 minutes per day on social media. People are easily offers remedies by shortening the existing time cycle. The
influenced and are getting all the updates, latest news on required postings are periodically researched and analyzed
these platforms. Initially we have built our system on this using specific keywords and toy trucks because we have a
social approach where user logs in on the platform [11] and verification method for the hospital registration procedure,
put up a simple request as a patient or an announcement as hospitals have a better place in this system. Since all
a donor and it gets posted on the wall. This wall is same as emergency department and hospital needs are posted on
the feeds of major social networking platforms. The post various walls, verified hospitals [14] can quickly locate vials
is shared by the social network and if it is verified by the and individuals. National blood camps must be run in the
hospital, it gets a verified sign on the post. This helps in most ethical and effective manner possible. The approach
accessibility using the ML algorithm same as when we is used to analyze algorithms examine geolocations and
update our profile picture on any platform. The system also the frequency of postings of the needs. After determining
has a separate platform for emergency requirements which the ideal time to handle blood bags more effectively, the
is ordered by ML algorithms [12]. weekly camps are set up. To enhance the forecast, inventory
and location monitoring are continuously done shown in
Figure 3.

Fig. 3: Flowchart of Smart Blood Management

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on July 01,2024 at 09:57:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
11th International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends, 16th–17th, December, 2022
College of Computing Sciences & Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, India

V. Smart Blood Donation System (SMBS) VI. System Design

Architecture A. Android Studio
The modern architecture brings together the core Based on Linux, Android is a well-known mobile and
components of system to the same interface through the portable version of windows. Google formally owns it
mobile application. To create accurate and efficient datasets and publishes it. The official IDE for the Android System,
we have four different databases of the core components. supplied by Google, is called Android Studio. It is used to
The proposed system has the following key components: create Android apps. Java is supported for Android studio.
Instant Search: This module takes the geolocation of
the user and finds the suitable options from the database.
Wall: All the requirements and announcements are
constantly posted here. This is the main gateway to get
leads. We plan to create walls based on geolocation of users
to optimize the system in future.
Posts: This functional component helps a lot in the
machine learning and training the data sets. Posts are of
two types either a requirement or announcement as a donor.
These posts have filtering options for better results.
The relationship between many organizations
facilitates the collection of substantial data sources on
blood transfusions’ and donors’ present needs, forecasting
the next steps, and proactive decision-making. Linking with
blood banks enables us to manage the ecosystem accurately
and effectively rather than concentrating on creating a
new one. Direct network interaction enables the retrieval
of data such as user and donor localization. direct social
connection between individuals is improved dramatically.
Every patient or recipient know from whom they are getting Fig. 4: Use-Cases Diagram
blood and that too in real time.

Fig. 5: System Sequence Diagram: Create Profile – Add Donation

Fig, 6: System Sequence Diagram: Monitor Blood Bags – Get Report

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Advanced Blood Management System Community Method Based on Deep Learning

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