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Aim: To identify one acidic radical and one basic radical of the given inorganic salt no.
Apparatus Required: Test tube , Beaker, Boiling tube, Funnel, China Dish, Wash bottle,
Funnel,passing tube, glass rod filter paper etc.

Physical observation :
Physical state: crystalline solid
Colour: white
Odour : vinegar like odour
Solubility: aparingly soluble in water
Wet test:

(i) Preliminary Test for Anion:

Experiment Observation Inference
original solution is treated Colourless gas with May be CH3COO-
with dil. H2SO4 vinegar like smell

(ii) Confirmatory Test for Anion:

Experiment Observation Inference
O.S. + FeCl3 solution Appearance of wine red CH3COO-confirmed
A little of the salt + oxalic Strong smell of vinegar CH3COO-confirmed
acid + few drops of water +
rub on palm

2 CH3COO- + H2SO4 → SO4 -- + 2 CH3COOH

6 CH3COO– + 3Fe3+ + 2H2O → [Fe3(OH)2 (CH3COO)6]+ + 2H+
[Fe3(OH)2 (CH3COO)6]+ + 4H2O → 3[Fe (OH)2 (CH3COO)] + 3CH3COOH + H+
Iron(III)dihydroxyacetate(Brown-red precipitate)

(i) Preliminary Test for Cation:

Experiment Observation Inference
A little of the salt solution No specific obsrvation +
is treated with NaOH NH4 absent
original solution is No specific obsrvation First group absent
mixed with few drops of
dil. HCl
Original solution is No specific obsrvation Second group absent
mixed with few drops of
dilute HCL and then
H2S gas is passed
through it
take original solution No specific obsrvation Third group absent
and add 2-3 drops of
conc. HNO3 to
oxidise Fe2+ ions to Fe3+
ions. Heat the solution
for a few minutes. After
cooling add a small
amount of solid
ammonium chloride
(NH4Cl) and an excess
of ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH)
solution till it smells of
ammonia. Shake the
test tube.
take original solution No specific obsrvation fourth group absent
and add 2-3 drops of
conc. HNO3 to
oxidise Fe2+ ions to Fe3+
ions. Heat the solution
for a few minutes. After
cooling add a small
amount of solid
ammonium chloride
(NH4Cl) and an excess
of ammonium
hydroxide (NH4OH)
solution till it smells of
ammonia. Shake the
test tube. H2S gas is
passed through this
take original solu�on and White ppt was formed May be group v
add a small amount of solid
NH4Cl and an excess of
NH4OH solu�on followed by
solid ammonium carbonate
Dissolve the precipitate by
boiling with dilute ace�c acid
and divide the
solu�on into three parts one
each for Ba2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+ ions
(ii) Confirmatory Test for Cation:
Experiment Observation Inference
(a) To the first part add Yellow ppt was formed Ba2+ confirmed
potassium chromate

BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH → (CH3COO)2 Ba + H2O + CO2

(CH3COO)2Ba + K2CrO4 → BaCrO4 + 2CH3COOK
Barium chromate
(yellow precipitate )
Result: The acidic radical is CH3COO- (acetate), and the basic radical is Ba+2 (barium).

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