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Subject Home-Work
1. ART INTEGRATED PROJECT: As per the guidelines by the CBSE, all are required to
prepare Art Integrated
Projects under the Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Programme. In this, your state of Delhi
is paired with Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In view of this, the following project has
to be prepared by the students.
Prepare a magazine on Andaman and Nicobar Islands under the following headings
on A4 size sheets only: -
1. Cover Page (Add a catchy title to your Magazine).
2. Content page.
3. Introduction - Location / Physical
4. People of Andaman and Nicobar Islands - dress/ occupation
5. Food of Andaman and Nicobar Islands - what they cook and eat
2. Grammar: Worksheets.
HINDI कला एक कृ त श ा पर आधा रत ी मावकाश प रयोजना काय

गृहकाय व या थय के लए कई कार से लाभदायक होता है । यह छा को पढ़ने/ लखने/सोचने के कौशल को

बनाए रखने म मदद करता है तथा छा को उनके वारा सीखी जा रह साम ी का अ यास करने और उसे सु ढ़
करने क अनुम त दे ता है ।यह दोहराव उ ह वषय व तु क बेहतर समझ और नपुणता वक सत करने म मदद
करता है , िजसके प रणाम व प पर ण और असाइनमट पर बेहतर दशन हो सकता है । इ ह ं बंदओ
ु ं को यान
म रखते हु ए, दए गए ी मावकाश का नमाण कया गया है , िजसे पूर लगन से पूण करना हर छा क
िज़ मेदार है ।

❖ ह द के कसी एक लोक य क व/कव य ी, लेखक/ले खका क जानकार या ह द भाषा क उपयो गता को

दशाते हु ए सुंदर फ़ोटफ़ो लयो फ़ाइल बनाइए या ै पबुक म क रए।

❖ आप एक स ध ै वेल एजसी के मा लक ह ,ग मय क छु टय म अंडमान नकोबार क या ा के लए

पयटक को आक षत करते हु ए एक व ापन तैयार क िजए ।

❖ पाठ- मनु यता, सपन के से दन,तीसर कसम के श पकार शेल और टोपी शु ला के अवधारणा मान च
तैयार करके लाइए।

❖ त दन समाचार प प ढ़ए अथवा समाचार दे खए तथा मु य घटनाओं को ल खए ।

❖ कोई भी बीस नए मुहावरे ढू ँ ढकर उनके अथ लखकर लाइए।

❖ ( बंद ु (1) के लए जो फ़ोटफ़ो लयो फ़ाइल या ै पबुक बनेगी उसी फ़ाइल म अ य बंदओ
ु ं का प रयोजना काय
भी क रए। ै पबुक के अ त र त काय करने हे तु रं गीन A4 साइज़ शीट का योग भी कया जा सकता है ।)

❖ क ा म करवाए गए काय का पुनः लखकर अ यास क िजए।(रफ़ नोटबुक)

सारा प रयोजना काय आकषक ,सृजना मक और कला मक होना चा हए । काय को आकषक बनाने के लए आप
भ न- भ न रं ग और च का योग कर सकते ह। सारा काय आंत रक मू यांकन के अंतगत जाँचा जाएगा।

2 ❖❖❖❖❖

a) Do the holiday homework in separate holiday homework notebook. Revise all

3 MATHS questions and examples of all chapters done in class. (b) Make a beautiful bookmark for
your Maths fair notebook and decorate it with Lakshadweep art.
1.Make a portfolio on the biodiversity found in Andaman Nicobar island.
2. Do the assignments of chapter 1 and 2 given on the class group.
4 BIOLOGY 3. Prepare the notes of chapter Control and Coordination.
•Submit a write-up on a Nobel prize winner in physics along with his/her photograpgh
•Solve NCERT back Exercise of chapter 9 (LIGHT) in your Notebook

1. If the radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 40cm, what is its focal length?
2. In which medium, speed of light is the highest?
3. What is the angle of reflection when the incident ray strikes the reflecting surface
of a plane mirror normally?
4. How is the focal length related to the radius of curvature of a spherical mirror?
5. How do you draw the normal at the point of incidence in case of a spherical
6. What is meant by the linear aperture of a spherical mirror?
7. State the laws of reflection of light
8. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles?
9. Draw neat ray diagrams for concave mirror when
(i) Object is at infinity
(ii) Object is placed between pole and focal length
10. A convex mirror used for rear view on an automobile has a radius of curvature
of 3.00m. If a bus is located at 5.00m from this mirror, find the position nature size of
1. Prepare a detailed report on types of chemical reactions. 2. Read chapter 1 and 2,
prepare atleast 20 questions of your own and solve them. 3. Prepare a detailed report
on man made and natural acids. 4. What are acids and bases ? Write all the properties
6 CHEMISTRY of them with chemical equations.
Every student must undertake one project on......1. Consumer Awarenes, 2 Sustainable
7 ECONOMICS Development
1.Write about types of farming giving examples.(Primitive subsistence farming,
Intensive subsistence farming, Commercial farming)
2.Choose any one of the given Multipurpose Projects:
A.Bhakra Nangal Dam
B.Tehri Dam
C.Sardar Sarovar Dam
D.Rihand Dam
E.Hirakud Dam
On the multipurpose project chosen, collect the following information;
Where is the dam located?
Reason of construction
When was it constructed?
Problems faced due to its constructions
Impact/Utility of this project
Any other relevant point
3.Map Activity
a.On an outline map of India show wheat producing areas.
b.Locate the following dams on a political map of India:
Bhakra Nangal, Tehri, Rana Pratap Sagar, Sardar Sarovar, Hirakud, Nagarjuna Sagar
and Tungabhadra
c.Locate the 6 nuclear power stations and find out the state in which they are located
(CH-5 Minerals and Energy Resources)
a.The project should have a cover page (class, name, topic), Index, acknowledgment,
introduction of topic, explanation of content, case study, Bibliography, relevant
pictures and extra information.
b.The project has to be done on A4 size sheets and should have minimum of 10 pages.
c.It should be a handwritten project.
(1)Complete your notebook till chapter 2 notes federalism. 2) Solve UT 1 paper of
political science section in your political science notebook. 3) Prepare a project on
9 POL.SCIENCE topic " Social Issues"
10 HISTORY Prepare project on chapter- The Age of Industrialisation.
(1) Make an infography which shows the different categories of stressors which you
face in your daily life. (2) Make a poster with a mind map showing different
11 IT communication barriers and measures to overcome them.
(1)- Mandala art on A3 sheet, (2)- Quilling art on A3 sheet, (3)- Tribal mask with plastic
12 ARTS & CRAFT bottle and modlite clay.

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