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IAM : is a AWS service used to create Authentication and Authorization.

You use IAM to control who is authenticated (signed in) and authorized
(has permissions) to use resources.

authorized (has permissions) implemented using policies permissions.

Authentication by creating an aws user.

By default only one permission/policy is attached to every user



s policies

Users policies

EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute) : is just a virtual server

Elastic : scale up and down

Types of EC2 instances

Depending on the type of application deployed on server, we choose the type of server


SG : applied at instance level

User accessing application is an inbound traffic – by default rejects all Inbound traffic.

Application trying to access 3rd party (razor pay) – outbound traffic – by default all out bound traffic is
allowed by SG.

Except at port 25 outbound is blocked ( is mailing service)

Specify the rules for allowing the traffic.

NACL: specify the rules for allowing and denying the traffic at subnet level by opening the
appropriate port numbers.

Deploy python at port 8000 and acess it from browser

sudo apt-get update ubuntu server


run a simple server

python3 -m http.server 8000

Route53 : DNS to IP address

DNS is the one that mapps domain name to ip address.(resolves domain name to ipaddress)

In aws DNS service is provided as route53

Ip address can be static or dynamic based on home network so Route53 is responsible for resolving
domain name to ip address

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