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Oracle® Retail Xstore Suite

Services Guide
Release 18.0

February 2021
Oracle® Retail Xstore Suite, Services Guide, Release 18.0
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Gerlinde Rust
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing
restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as
expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy,
reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or
display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or
decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be
error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.
If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing
it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:
U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated
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Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal
Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication,
disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system,
integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be
subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are
granted to the U.S. Government.
This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management
applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications,
including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or
hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe,
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affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in
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Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
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Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC
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your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an
applicable agreement between you and Oracle.
Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language
Oracle Retail VAR Applications
The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section
and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR
applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR
applications may include:
(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation
(MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle
Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.
(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of
Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory
(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington,
and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.
(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of
San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization
You acknowledge and confirm that Oracle grants you use of only the object code of the VAR
Applications. Oracle will not deliver source code to the VAR Applications to you.
Notwithstanding any other term or condition of the agreement and this ordering document, you
shall not cause or permit alteration of any VAR Applications. For purposes of this section,
"alteration" refers to all alterations, translations, upgrades, enhancements, customizations or
modifications of all or any portion of the VAR Applications including all reconfigurations,
reassembly or reverse assembly, re-engineering or reverse engineering and recompilations or
reverse compilations of the VAR Applications or any derivatives of the VAR Applications. You
acknowledge that it shall be a breach of the agreement to utilize the relationship, and/or
confidential information of the VAR Applications for purposes of competitive discovery.
The VAR Applications contain trade secrets of Oracle and Oracle's licensors and Customer shall
not attempt, cause, or permit the alteration, decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly or
other reduction of the VAR Applications to a human perceivable form. Oracle reserves the right to
replace, with functional equivalent software, any of the VAR Applications in future releases of the
applicable program.
1 Send Us Your Comments..............................................................1-26

1 Preface............................................................................................1-27
Audience...................................................................................................................... 1-27
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................. 1-27
Access to Oracle Support.................................................................................... 1-27
Related Documents .................................................................................................. 1-27
Customer Support...................................................................................................... 1-28
Review Patch Documentation ................................................................................. 1-28
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Help Center ( 1-28
Conventions ................................................................................................................ 1-28

1 Introduction......................................................................................1-1
About This Chapter..................................................................................................... 1-1
Examples........................................................................................................................ 1-2
methodExample..................................................................................................... 1-2
classExample .......................................................................................................... 1-2
subClass .................................................................................................................. 1-3
Simple Data Types................................................................................................. 1-3
Common Data Types................................................................................................... 1-4
codeValueObject .................................................................................................... 1-4
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 1-4
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 1-4
statusServiceResponse .......................................................................................... 1-5
About this Manual....................................................................................................... 1-5

2 Address ............................................................................................2-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
getAvailableCountries .......................................................................................... 2-2
translatePostalCode............................................................................................... 2-2
validateAddress ..................................................................................................... 2-3
Classes............................................................................................................................ 2-3
address .................................................................................................................... 2-3
addressValidationResponse................................................................................. 2-4
country .................................................................................................................... 2-4
countryListResponse............................................................................................. 2-4
postalCodeResponse ............................................................................................. 2-5
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 2-5
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 2-5

3 Clienteling ........................................................................................3-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
addCustomerNote ................................................................................................. 3-2
getAppointmentStatuses ...................................................................................... 3-2
getAssociateAppointments .................................................................................. 3-3
getAssociateTasks.................................................................................................. 3-3
getAssociatesAssignments ................................................................................... 3-4
getClientelingConfig ............................................................................................. 3-4
getCustomerAppointments ................................................................................. 3-4
getCustomerNotes................................................................................................. 3-5
getCustomerPrefrences......................................................................................... 3-5
getCustomerRSVPForEvent................................................................................. 3-6
getCustomerRSVPs ............................................................................................... 3-6
getStoreEvents........................................................................................................ 3-6
getSuggestSellingItems......................................................................................... 3-7
markContactCustomer.......................................................................................... 3-7
saveAssociateTask ................................................................................................. 3-8
saveAssociateTest .................................................................................................. 3-8
saveAssociatesAssignment .................................................................................. 3-9
saveCustomerAppointment................................................................................. 3-9
saveCustomerRSVP............................................................................................. 3-10
searchCustomersByAssociate ............................................................................ 3-10
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 3-11
appointmentStatusResponse.............................................................................. 3-11
associateAppointmentsResponse...................................................................... 3-11
associateAssignment ........................................................................................... 3-11
associateAssignmentResponse .......................................................................... 3-11
associateRole ........................................................................................................ 3-12
associateTask ........................................................................................................ 3-12
associateTaskResponse ....................................................................................... 3-12
associateTasksResponse ..................................................................................... 3-13
clientelCustomerSearchResponse ..................................................................... 3-13
clientelingConfig.................................................................................................. 3-13
codeValueObject .................................................................................................. 3-14
codesLookupResponse ....................................................................................... 3-14
commissionedAssociate...................................................................................... 3-14
customer................................................................................................................ 3-14
customerAppointmentResponse....................................................................... 3-14
customerNote ....................................................................................................... 3-15
customerNotesResponse .................................................................................... 3-15
customerRSVPResponse..................................................................................... 3-15
customerSearchResponse ................................................................................... 3-15
dailyAssociateTask.............................................................................................. 3-15

item ........................................................................................................................ 3-16
itemSearchResponse............................................................................................ 3-16
storeEvent ............................................................................................................. 3-16
storeEventLookupResponse .............................................................................. 3-16
storeEventRSVP ................................................................................................... 3-16
weeklyAssociateTask .......................................................................................... 3-17
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 3-17
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 3-17
startupConfiguration .......................................................................................... 3-17
statusServiceResponse ........................................................................................ 3-17

4 Configuration ...................................................................................4-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 4-2
checkFirmwareUpdate.......................................................................................... 4-2
checkForEncryptionKeyUpdate .......................................................................... 4-2
getSystemStartupConfig....................................................................................... 4-3
Classes............................................................................................................................ 4-3
encryptionKeyUpdateResponse.......................................................................... 4-3
checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse................................................................... 4-4
operationConfig ..................................................................................................... 4-4
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 4-4
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 4-4
startupConfiguration ............................................................................................ 4-4
systemConfig.......................................................................................................... 4-5

5 Customer ..........................................................................................5-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 5-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 5-2
addNewCustomer ................................................................................................. 5-2
getCustomerByParty ............................................................................................. 5-2
getCustomerHistory.............................................................................................. 5-2
saveCustomerChanges ......................................................................................... 5-3
searchCustomers.................................................................................................... 5-3
Classes............................................................................................................................ 5-4
awardCoupon ........................................................................................................ 5-4
commercialAccount............................................................................................... 5-4
customer.................................................................................................................. 5-4
customerEmail ....................................................................................................... 5-5
customerGroup ...................................................................................................... 5-6
customerHistoryItem ............................................................................................ 5-6
customerHistoryResult ......................................................................................... 5-7
customerLookupResponse ................................................................................... 5-7
customerLoyaltyAccount ..................................................................................... 5-7

customerLoyaltyCard ........................................................................................... 5-8
customerParty ........................................................................................................ 5-8
customerSearchResponse ................................................................................... 5-10
customerTelephone ............................................................................................. 5-10
partyProperty ....................................................................................................... 5-10
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 5-10
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 5-10
taxExemption ....................................................................................................... 5-11

6 Discount ...........................................................................................6-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 6-2
getCouponDiscount .............................................................................................. 6-2
getDiscountsByApplicationMethod ................................................................... 6-2
Classes............................................................................................................................ 6-3
coupon..................................................................................................................... 6-3
couponLookupResponse ...................................................................................... 6-3
discount................................................................................................................... 6-3
discountLookupResponse .................................................................................... 6-4
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 6-4
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 6-4

7 Employee..........................................................................................7-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 7-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 7-2
addMessage ............................................................................................................ 7-2
authenticate ............................................................................................................ 7-2
authorize ................................................................................................................. 7-3
changePassword .................................................................................................... 7-3
deleteMessage ........................................................................................................ 7-4
getCommissionedAssociates ............................................................................... 7-4
updateMessage ...................................................................................................... 7-4
validateEmp ........................................................................................................... 7-5
Classes............................................................................................................................ 7-5
commissionedAssociate........................................................................................ 7-5
employee................................................................................................................. 7-6
employeeAuthResponse....................................................................................... 7-6
employeeMessage.................................................................................................. 7-6
employeeMsgResponse ........................................................................................ 7-7
retrieveCommAsscResponse ............................................................................... 7-7
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 7-7
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 7-7
userAuthorizeResponse........................................................................................ 7-7
validateEmployeeResponse ................................................................................. 7-7

8 House Account ................................................................................8-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 8-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 8-2
createAccount......................................................................................................... 8-2
retrieveById ............................................................................................................ 8-2
searchByAccountName ........................................................................................ 8-2
searchByCustomerNamePhone........................................................................... 8-3
updateAccount....................................................................................................... 8-3
Classes............................................................................................................................ 8-4
adaptedHouseAccountSearchResult .................................................................. 8-4
chargeAccountUser ............................................................................................... 8-4
consumerChargeAccount..................................................................................... 8-5
customerParty ........................................................................................................ 8-5
houseAccountRetrieveResponse ......................................................................... 8-5
houseAccountSearchResponse ............................................................................ 8-6
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 8-6
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 8-6

9 Input ..................................................................................................9-1
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 9-1
Methods ......................................................................................................................... 9-2
translateInput ......................................................................................................... 9-2
Classes............................................................................................................................ 9-2
inputEvent .............................................................................................................. 9-2
inputResponse........................................................................................................ 9-2
serviceContext........................................................................................................ 9-3
serviceResponse ..................................................................................................... 9-3

10 Inventory.........................................................................................10-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 10-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 10-2
getOnHandStockLedger ..................................................................................... 10-2
getStockLedger..................................................................................................... 10-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 10-3
stockLedger .......................................................................................................... 10-3
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 10-3
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 10-3

11 Inventory Adjustment....................................................................11-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 11-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 11-2
addLine ................................................................................................................. 11-2

cancelInvAdjustment .......................................................................................... 11-3
changeLineLocBucket ......................................................................................... 11-3
changeLineQty ..................................................................................................... 11-4
changeLineReason............................................................................................... 11-4
getInventoryAdjustmentConfig ........................................................................ 11-5
initializeInvAdjustment...................................................................................... 11-5
saveInvAdjustment ............................................................................................. 11-5
saveItmTransfer ................................................................................................... 11-6
validateLine .......................................................................................................... 11-6
voidLine ................................................................................................................ 11-6
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 11-7
adjustmentLineItem ............................................................................................ 11-7
inputEvent ............................................................................................................ 11-7
invAdjustmentConfiguration ............................................................................ 11-8
invAdjustmentResponse..................................................................................... 11-8
inventoryBucket................................................................................................... 11-8
inventoryDocumentResponse ........................................................................... 11-8
inventoryLocation ............................................................................................... 11-8
inventoryResponse .............................................................................................. 11-8
item ........................................................................................................................ 11-9
reasonCode ........................................................................................................... 11-9
reasonCodePromptProperties ........................................................................... 11-9
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 11-9
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 11-9
startupConfiguration .......................................................................................... 11-9
validateDocumentLineItemResponse............................................................... 11-9

12 Inventory Count .............................................................................12-1

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 12-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 12-2
addInventoryCountLineItem............................................................................. 12-2
cancelCurrentInventoryCountSession.............................................................. 12-3
cancelInventoryCountDocument ...................................................................... 12-3
changeInventoryCountLineItemQty ................................................................ 12-3
completeInventoryCount ................................................................................... 12-4
createNewInventoryCountDoc ......................................................................... 12-4
getInventoryCountConfig .................................................................................. 12-5
getInventoryCountDocument............................................................................ 12-5
getInventoryCountSheetsForCycle ................................................................... 12-6
getInventoryCountSummaryForCycle............................................................. 12-6
getVarianceReport ............................................................................................... 12-7
initiateInventoryCount ....................................................................................... 12-7
saveInventoryCount............................................................................................ 12-8
searchInventoryCountDocuments .................................................................... 12-8

submitInventoryCount ....................................................................................... 12-8
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 12-9
codeValueObject .................................................................................................. 12-9
inventoryBucket................................................................................................... 12-9
inventoryCountConfiguration........................................................................... 12-9
inventoryCountCycle........................................................................................ 12-10
inventoryCountCycleSummary ...................................................................... 12-10
inventoryCountDocSearchResponse .............................................................. 12-10
inventoryCountDocument ............................................................................... 12-11
inventoryCountDocumentResponse .............................................................. 12-11
inventoryCountElement ................................................................................... 12-12
inventoryCountLineItem.................................................................................. 12-12
inventoryCountSheet ........................................................................................ 12-13
inventoryCountSheetsForCycleResponse...................................................... 12-13
inventoryCountSummaryForCycleResponse................................................ 12-13
inventoryCountVarianceReportResponse ..................................................... 12-14
inventoryDocType............................................................................................. 12-14
inventoryResponse ............................................................................................ 12-14
item ...................................................................................................................... 12-14
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 12-14
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 12-14
statusServiceResponse ...................................................................................... 12-14

13 Item .................................................................................................13-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 13-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 13-2
checkProductAvailability ................................................................................... 13-2
getCatalog............................................................................................................. 13-2
getCatalogList ...................................................................................................... 13-3
getCurrentItemPrices .......................................................................................... 13-3
getGiftCardItems ................................................................................................. 13-3
getItemById .......................................................................................................... 13-4
getItemBySaleType.............................................................................................. 13-4
getItemDeals......................................................................................................... 13-4
getItemNotOnFileItems ...................................................................................... 13-5
getItemPriceHistory ............................................................................................ 13-5
getItemVariations ................................................................................................ 13-6
getItemsByDimensions ....................................................................................... 13-6
getItemsForCategory........................................................................................... 13-7
getNonPhysicalItems .......................................................................................... 13-7
getProductCategories.......................................................................................... 13-7
getSimilarItems .................................................................................................... 13-8
getSingleItemDealPrice....................................................................................... 13-8
getVoucherItemForActivity ............................................................................... 13-9

locateInventory .................................................................................................... 13-9
locateOrderItems ............................................................................................... 13-10
printItemLabel ................................................................................................... 13-10
searchCatalogForItem ....................................................................................... 13-11
searchItemsByDescription................................................................................ 13-11
searchItemsByIdOrDescription ....................................................................... 13-11
Classes........................................................................................................................ 13-12
catalog ................................................................................................................. 13-12
catalogListResponse .......................................................................................... 13-12
catalogPage......................................................................................................... 13-13
catalogPageItem................................................................................................. 13-13
catalogPageResponse ........................................................................................ 13-13
catalogResponse................................................................................................. 13-13
inventoryLocatorResponse .............................................................................. 13-14
item ...................................................................................................................... 13-14
itemDeal .............................................................................................................. 13-15
itemDealListResponse....................................................................................... 13-16
itemDimension................................................................................................... 13-16
itemDimensionValue ........................................................................................ 13-16
itemLookupResponse ....................................................................................... 13-16
itemPrice ............................................................................................................. 13-17
itemPriceHistory................................................................................................ 13-17
itemPriceHistoryResponse ............................................................................... 13-17
itemPricesResponse........................................................................................... 13-18
itemPromptProperty ......................................................................................... 13-18
itemProperty....................................................................................................... 13-18
itemSearchResponse.......................................................................................... 13-18
productCategoriesResponse ............................................................................ 13-19
productCategory................................................................................................ 13-19
retailLocation...................................................................................................... 13-19
retailLocationStockLevel .................................................................................. 13-19
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 13-19
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 13-20
statusServiceResponse ...................................................................................... 13-20

14 Logging...........................................................................................14-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 14-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 14-2
logEvent ................................................................................................................ 14-2
logList.................................................................................................................... 14-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 14-2
logEntry................................................................................................................. 14-2
loggingResponse.................................................................................................. 14-3
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 14-3

serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 14-3

15 Order ...............................................................................................15-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 15-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 15-2
cancelOrder .......................................................................................................... 15-2
discoverLocations ................................................................................................ 15-2
submitOrder ......................................................................................................... 15-2
submitOrderDelivery.......................................................................................... 15-3
submitOrderPickup............................................................................................. 15-3
submitOrderRetailPickup .................................................................................. 15-4
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 15-4
orderDelivery ....................................................................................................... 15-4
orderEntity............................................................................................................ 15-4
orderInfo ............................................................................................................... 15-5
orderLocation ....................................................................................................... 15-6
orderLocationsResponse .................................................................................... 15-6
orderPickup .......................................................................................................... 15-6
orderPickupTransactionDetail........................................................................... 15-7
orderPickupTransactionDetails......................................................................... 15-7
orderResponse...................................................................................................... 15-7
orderRetailPickup................................................................................................ 15-7
orderShipTransactionDetail ............................................................................... 15-8
orderShipTransactionDetails ............................................................................. 15-8
orderSoldTo.......................................................................................................... 15-8
orderTax................................................................................................................ 15-8
orderTaxes ............................................................................................................ 15-9
orderTender.......................................................................................................... 15-9
orderTenders ........................................................................................................ 15-9
orderTransactionDetail ....................................................................................... 15-9
orderUpdate ......................................................................................................... 15-9
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 15-10
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 15-10

16 Ping .................................................................................................16-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 16-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 16-2
pingServer............................................................................................................. 16-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 16-2
pingResponse ....................................................................................................... 16-2
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 16-2
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 16-2
statusServiceResponse ........................................................................................ 16-2

17 Printing ...........................................................................................17-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 17-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 17-2
getAvailablePrinters............................................................................................ 17-2
printTestReceipt................................................................................................... 17-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 17-2
printer.................................................................................................................... 17-2
printerResponse ................................................................................................... 17-3
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 17-3
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 17-3

18 Reason Code..................................................................................18-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 18-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 18-2
getReasonCodesByType ..................................................................................... 18-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 18-2
reasonCodeLookupResponse ............................................................................ 18-2
reasonCode ........................................................................................................... 18-2
reasonCodePromptProperties ........................................................................... 18-3
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 18-3
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 18-3

19 Receiving........................................................................................19-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 19-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 19-2
addLine ................................................................................................................. 19-2
addToExpress....................................................................................................... 19-2
cancelDocumentChanges ................................................................................... 19-3
cancelExpress ....................................................................................................... 19-3
changeLineQty ..................................................................................................... 19-4
createNewDocument .......................................................................................... 19-4
getCarton .............................................................................................................. 19-5
getDocument ........................................................................................................ 19-5
getReceiveFromLocations .................................................................................. 19-5
getReceivingConfig ............................................................................................. 19-6
receiveCartonInFull............................................................................................. 19-6
receiveInFull......................................................................................................... 19-7
saveDocument...................................................................................................... 19-7
saveExpress .......................................................................................................... 19-7
searchDocuments................................................................................................. 19-8
updatePONumber ............................................................................................... 19-8
validateControlNumber ..................................................................................... 19-9
validateId .............................................................................................................. 19-9

validateLine .......................................................................................................... 19-9
validateOrAddCarton....................................................................................... 19-10
voidFromExpress............................................................................................... 19-10
voidLine .............................................................................................................. 19-11
Classes........................................................................................................................ 19-11
cartonLineItem ................................................................................................... 19-11
documentLineItem ............................................................................................ 19-12
documentSearchResultResponse .................................................................... 19-13
expressLineItem................................................................................................. 19-13
expressReceivingResponse............................................................................... 19-13
inventoryCartonResponse................................................................................ 19-13
inventoryDestination ........................................................................................ 19-14
inventoryDestinationResponse ....................................................................... 19-14
inventoryDocument .......................................................................................... 19-14
inventoryDocumentResponse ......................................................................... 19-15
inventoryResponse ............................................................................................ 19-15
item ...................................................................................................................... 19-15
receivingConfiguration..................................................................................... 19-16
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 19-16
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 19-16
shipperOption .................................................................................................... 19-16
startupConfiguration ........................................................................................ 19-16
validateInvIdResponse ..................................................................................... 19-16
validateDocumentLineItemResponse............................................................. 19-16

20 Register ..........................................................................................20-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 20-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 20-2
closeRegister......................................................................................................... 20-2
getRegisterStoreStatus ........................................................................................ 20-2
openRegister......................................................................................................... 20-2
validateRegisterOpen.......................................................................................... 20-3
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 20-3
registerStoreStatusResponse .............................................................................. 20-3
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 20-3
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 20-3
statusServiceResponse ........................................................................................ 20-3

21 Retail Location ...............................................................................21-1

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 21-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 21-2
closeStore .............................................................................................................. 21-2
getRetailLocation ................................................................................................. 21-2
getRetailLocationWithId .................................................................................... 21-2

locateSendSaleStores ........................................................................................... 21-3
locateStores ........................................................................................................... 21-3
openStore .............................................................................................................. 21-4
validateStoreClosed ............................................................................................ 21-4
validateStoreOpen ............................................................................................... 21-4
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 21-5
retailLocation........................................................................................................ 21-5
retailLocationLookupResponse......................................................................... 21-6
retailLocationSearchResponse ........................................................................... 21-6
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 21-6
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 21-6
statusServiceResponse ........................................................................................ 21-6
validationResponse ............................................................................................. 21-6

22 Shipping .........................................................................................22-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 22-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 22-2
addDocumentComment ..................................................................................... 22-2
addLine ................................................................................................................. 22-2
cancelDocumentChanges ................................................................................... 22-3
changeLineQty ..................................................................................................... 22-3
createNewDocument .......................................................................................... 22-4
getCarton .............................................................................................................. 22-4
getDocument ........................................................................................................ 22-5
getShipToLocations ............................................................................................. 22-5
getShippingConfig .............................................................................................. 22-6
getShippingMethods........................................................................................... 22-6
saveDocument...................................................................................................... 22-6
searchDocuments................................................................................................. 22-7
updatePONumber ............................................................................................... 22-7
validateLine .......................................................................................................... 22-8
validateOrAddCarton......................................................................................... 22-8
voidLine ................................................................................................................ 22-9
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 22-9
cartonLineItem ..................................................................................................... 22-9
documentSearchResultResponse ...................................................................... 22-9
inventoryCartonResponse.................................................................................. 22-9
inventoryDestinationResponse ......................................................................... 22-9
inventoryDocument ............................................................................................ 22-9
inventoryDocumentResponse ........................................................................... 22-9
inventoryResponse .............................................................................................. 22-9
orderShippingMethodResponse ..................................................................... 22-10
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 22-10
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 22-10

shippingBundleResponse................................................................................. 22-10
shippingConfiguration ..................................................................................... 22-10
startupConfiguration ........................................................................................ 22-10
shippingMethod ................................................................................................ 22-10
validateDocumentLineItemResponse............................................................. 22-11

23 Tax...................................................................................................23-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 23-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 23-2
getTaxLocations ................................................................................................... 23-2
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 23-2
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 23-2
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 23-2
taxLocation ........................................................................................................... 23-2
taxLocationLookupResponse............................................................................. 23-3

24 Timeclock .......................................................................................24-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 24-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 24-2
employeeChangeWorkCode.............................................................................. 24-2
employeeClockIn ................................................................................................. 24-2
employeeClockOut.............................................................................................. 24-3
employeeTimeclockHistory ............................................................................... 24-3
validateEmployeeChangeWorkCode ............................................................... 24-4
validateEmployeeClockIn .................................................................................. 24-5
validateEmployeeClockInWithoutAuth .......................................................... 24-5
validateEmployeeClockOut ............................................................................... 24-6
validateEmployeeIsClockedIn........................................................................... 24-6
Classes.......................................................................................................................... 24-7
dailyTimeClockEntries ....................................................................................... 24-7
employee............................................................................................................... 24-7
employeeAuthResponse..................................................................................... 24-7
employeeMessage................................................................................................ 24-7
employeeTimeClockEntriesResponse .............................................................. 24-7
serviceContext...................................................................................................... 24-8
serviceResponse ................................................................................................... 24-8
statusServiceResponse ........................................................................................ 24-8
timeClockEntry .................................................................................................... 24-8
timeClockResponse ............................................................................................. 24-8
validateTimeClockResponse.............................................................................. 24-8
workCode ............................................................................................................. 24-9

25 Transaction ....................................................................................25-1
Overview ..................................................................................................................... 25-1
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 25-2
addCouponLineItem........................................................................................... 25-2
addCreditDebitTenderLineItem........................................................................ 25-3
addCustomerToRetailTrans............................................................................... 25-4
addLocalCurrencyTenderLineItem .................................................................. 25-5
addSaleLineItem .................................................................................................. 25-5
addVoucherSaleLineItem ................................................................................... 25-6
addVoucherTenderLineItem.............................................................................. 25-7
applyLineItemTaxExemption ............................................................................ 25-8
authorizeVoucherSale......................................................................................... 25-9
cancelRetailTransaction .................................................................................... 25-10
changeLineItemCommissionedAssociate ...................................................... 25-10
changeLineItemPrice......................................................................................... 25-11
changeLineItemQty........................................................................................... 25-12
changeLineItemTax ........................................................................................... 25-12
changeLineItemTaxLocation............................................................................ 25-13
changeTransactionCommissionedAssociate ................................................. 25-14
changeTransactionTax ...................................................................................... 25-14
changeTransactionTaxLocation....................................................................... 25-15
commitRetailTransaction.................................................................................. 25-16
convertSaleItemToSendSale............................................................................. 25-16
convertSendSaleItemToSale............................................................................. 25-17
createNewRetailTransaction ............................................................................ 25-17
createOrderSale.................................................................................................. 25-18
discountGroupLineItems ................................................................................. 25-18
discountLineItem............................................................................................... 25-19
discountTransaction .......................................................................................... 25-20
finalizeRetailTransaction .................................................................................. 25-21
generateRetailTransactionDocuments............................................................ 25-21
getBounceBackCoupon..................................................................................... 25-22
getEligibleGiftReceiptItems ............................................................................. 25-22
getPosConfig ...................................................................................................... 25-23
getSuspendedTransactions .............................................................................. 25-23
getTransPromptProperties ............................................................................... 25-23
isBounceBackCouponInRange......................................................................... 25-24
issueRedeemBounceBackCoupon ................................................................... 25-24
joinLoyaltyProgram .......................................................................................... 25-25
lookupTrans ....................................................................................................... 25-26
lookupTransByBarcode .................................................................................... 25-26
postVoidTransaction ......................................................................................... 25-27
redeemLoyaltyAward....................................................................................... 25-27
refreshTransaction ............................................................................................. 25-28

regenerateTransactionDocuments .................................................................. 25-28
removeCustomerFromRetailTrans ................................................................. 25-29
resumeTransaction ............................................................................................ 25-29
saveSendSaleAddress ....................................................................................... 25-30
searchTrans......................................................................................................... 25-30
searchTransByCustomerAndItem................................................................... 25-31
selectLoyaltyCard.............................................................................................. 25-32
setTaxExemptionAccount ................................................................................ 25-32
setTransProperties ............................................................................................. 25-33
suspendRetailTransaction ................................................................................ 25-33
updateSendSaleItems........................................................................................ 25-34
validateCommissionedAssociates................................................................... 25-34
validateCreditCardTender ............................................................................... 25-35
validateGroupDiscount .................................................................................... 25-35
validateLineItemChangePrice ......................................................................... 25-36
validateLineItemChangeQty............................................................................ 25-36
validateLineItemDiscount................................................................................ 25-37
validateLineItemVoid ....................................................................................... 25-37
validateTenderLineItemVoid........................................................................... 25-38
validateTransactionDiscount ........................................................................... 25-38
validateVoucherSale.......................................................................................... 25-39
validateVoucherTender .................................................................................... 25-40
voidLineItem ...................................................................................................... 25-40
voidLineItemDiscount ...................................................................................... 25-41
voidTenderLineItem ......................................................................................... 25-41
voidTransactionDiscount ................................................................................. 25-42
Classes........................................................................................................................ 25-42
authResponse ..................................................................................................... 25-42
awardCoupon .................................................................................................... 25-43
bounceBackCoupon .......................................................................................... 25-44
bounceBackCouponResponse.......................................................................... 25-44
codeValueObject ................................................................................................ 25-44
commissionedAssociate.................................................................................... 25-45
customerLoyaltyCard ....................................................................................... 25-45
giftReceiptEligibilityResponse......................................................................... 25-45
item ...................................................................................................................... 25-46
itemPromptProperty ......................................................................................... 25-46
orderSaleAccount .............................................................................................. 25-46
orderSaleTransResponse .................................................................................. 25-46
posConfiguration............................................................................................... 25-47
posTrans.............................................................................................................. 25-47
posTransDiscountLine...................................................................................... 25-48
posTransSaleLine............................................................................................... 25-49
posTransSaleLineProperties............................................................................. 25-50
posTenderLine ................................................................................................... 25-50

reasonCodePromptProperties ......................................................................... 25-51
resumeTransResponse ...................................................................................... 25-51
sendSaleAccount................................................................................................ 25-52
sendSaleAccountResponse............................................................................... 25-53
sendSaleTransResponse.................................................................................... 25-53
serviceContext.................................................................................................... 25-53
serviceResponse ................................................................................................. 25-53
sourceStoreInfo .................................................................................................. 25-53
startupConfiguration ........................................................................................ 25-54
statusServiceResponse ...................................................................................... 25-54
suspendedTrans................................................................................................. 25-54
suspendedTransResultResponse..................................................................... 25-54
taxExemption ..................................................................................................... 25-55
tender................................................................................................................... 25-55
tenderMoreInfo.................................................................................................. 25-55
tenderMoreInfoField ......................................................................................... 25-55
tenderMoreInputField ...................................................................................... 25-55
trackSet................................................................................................................ 25-55
transPromptProperty ........................................................................................ 25-55
transPromptPropertyResponse ....................................................................... 25-56
transactionHistoryResult.................................................................................. 25-56
transactionListResponse ................................................................................... 25-56
validateSaleVoucherResponse......................................................................... 25-57
validationResponse ........................................................................................... 25-57

26 ReSTful Web Services...................................................................26-1

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 26-1
Resources..................................................................................................................... 26-1
GetByQueryResource.......................................................................................... 26-1
Method GET .................................................................................................. 26-1
ReST URI........................................................................................................ 26-1
Input Parameters .......................................................................................... 26-1
Method POST................................................................................................ 26-2
ReST URI........................................................................................................ 26-2
Parameters ..................................................................................................... 26-2
Construct URL - GetByIdResource ............................................................ 26-2
GetByIDResource................................................................................................. 26-3
ReST URI........................................................................................................ 26-3
Response ........................................................................................................ 26-3
Construct Query XML - GetByQueryResource........................................ 26-4
ReST Xservices Lookup ...................................................................................... 26-5

27 Xstore Office Services...................................................................27-1

Overview ..................................................................................................................... 27-1

RTLog Endpoints ....................................................................................................... 27-1
Endpoint - RTLog Mapping Config.................................................................. 27-1
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-1
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-1
PUT.......................................................................................................... 27-1
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-1
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-2
GET.......................................................................................................... 27-2
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-2
DELETE .................................................................................................. 27-2
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-2
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-2
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-2
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-2
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-2
Endpoint - Published RTLogs............................................................................ 27-2
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-2
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-3
GET.......................................................................................................... 27-3
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-3
Response................................................................................................. 27-3
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-3
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-3
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-3
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-3
Endpoint - Generate RTLog from PosLog ....................................................... 27-3
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-3
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-3
POST........................................................................................................ 27-4
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-4
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-4
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-4
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-4
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-4
Xcenter Endpoints...................................................................................................... 27-4
Endpoint - Broadcaster REST Service........................................................ 27-4
URI........................................................................................................... 27-4
HTTP Protocol ....................................................................................... 27-4
GET................................................................................................... 27-4
Parameters:...................................................................................... 27-5
Returns............................................................................................. 27-5
Type of Web Service ............................................................................. 27-5
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth) .......................................... 27-5
Client ....................................................................................................... 27-5
Server ...................................................................................................... 27-5
Endpoint - Updates ............................................................................................. 27-5
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-5

Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide 1-20

HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-5
Get ........................................................................................................... 27-6
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-6
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-6
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-6
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-6
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-6
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-6
Endpoint - EventLog ........................................................................................... 27-6
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-6
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-6
POS .......................................................................................................... 27-6
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-7
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-7
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-7
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-7
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-7
Endpoint - File...................................................................................................... 27-7
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-7
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-7
GET.......................................................................................................... 27-7
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-7
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-8
PUT.......................................................................................................... 27-8
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-8
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-8
DELETE .................................................................................................. 27-8
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-9
Returns.................................................................................................... 27-9
Type of Web Service..................................................................................... 27-9
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth).................................................. 27-9
Client .............................................................................................................. 27-9
Server.............................................................................................................. 27-9
Endpoint - ConfigPath ........................................................................................ 27-9
URI.................................................................................................................. 27-9
HTTP Protocol .............................................................................................. 27-9
GET.......................................................................................................... 27-9
Parameters.............................................................................................. 27-9
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-10
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-10
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)................................................ 27-10
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-10
Server............................................................................................................ 27-10
Endpoint - Dtx.................................................................................................... 27-10
URI................................................................................................................ 27-10
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-10
POST...................................................................................................... 27-10

1-21 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Parameters............................................................................................ 27-11
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-11
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-11
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)................................................ 27-11
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-11
Server............................................................................................................ 27-11
Endpoint - Replicate.......................................................................................... 27-11
URI................................................................................................................ 27-12
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-12
POST...................................................................................................... 27-12
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-12
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-12
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-12
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)................................................ 27-12
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-12
Server............................................................................................................ 27-12
Endpoint - DeployStatus .................................................................................. 27-12
URI................................................................................................................ 27-12
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-12
POST...................................................................................................... 27-13
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-13
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-13
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-13
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)................................................ 27-13
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-13
Server............................................................................................................ 27-13
Endpoint - SystemDateTime ............................................................................ 27-13
URI................................................................................................................ 27-13
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-13
GET ............................................................................................................... 27-13
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-14
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-14
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-14
Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)................................................ 27-14
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-14
Server............................................................................................................ 27-14
Endpoint - ShowStatus (On-Premise ONLY) ................................................ 27-15
URI................................................................................................................ 27-15
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-15
GET........................................................................................................ 27-15
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-15
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-15
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-16
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-16
Server............................................................................................................ 27-16
Endpoint - EnrollStore (Cloud ONLY)........................................................... 27-16
URI................................................................................................................ 27-16

Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide 1-22

HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-16
GET........................................................................................................ 27-16
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-16
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-16
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-16
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-16
Server............................................................................................................ 27-17
Endpoint - EnrollClient (Cloud ONLY) ......................................................... 27-17
URI................................................................................................................ 27-17
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-17
GET........................................................................................................ 27-17
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-17
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-17
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-17
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-17
Server............................................................................................................ 27-17
Data Privacy Endpoints .......................................................................................... 27-17
Endpoint - privatedata...................................................................................... 27-18
URI................................................................................................................ 27-18
Customer/ Employee Lookup Service..................................................... 27-18
Customer/Employee Validate Service..................................................... 27-18
Customer/Employee Anonymization Service........................................ 27-18
Xadmin Endpoints ................................................................................................... 27-18
Endpoint - Receipt Viewer ............................................................................... 27-18
URI................................................................................................................ 27-19
HTTP Protocol ............................................................................................ 27-19
GET........................................................................................................ 27-19
Parameters............................................................................................ 27-19
Returns.................................................................................................. 27-19
Type of Web Service................................................................................... 27-19
Client ............................................................................................................ 27-19
Server............................................................................................................ 27-19

A Appendix: DTX Names and Database Tables .............................. A-1

B Revision History ............................................................................. B-1

Version 18.0 Revision 07.............................................................................................B-1
Version 18.0 Revision 06.............................................................................................B-1
Version 18.0 Revision 05.............................................................................................B-1
Version 18.0 Revision 04.............................................................................................B-1
Version 18.0 Revision 03.............................................................................................B-2
Version 18.0 Revision 02.............................................................................................B-2
Version 18.0 Revision 01.............................................................................................B-2
Version 17.0 Revision 03.............................................................................................B-2
Version 17.0 Revision 02.............................................................................................B-2
Version 17.0...................................................................................................................B-2

1-23 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Version 16.0...................................................................................................................B-3
Version 15.0...................................................................................................................B-4
Version 7.0.....................................................................................................................B-4
Version 6.5.....................................................................................................................B-4
Version 6.0.....................................................................................................................B-5
Version 5.5...................................................................................................................B-13

Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide 1-24

1-25 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide
Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide, Release 18.0

Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of
this document.
Your feedback is important, and helps us to best meet your needs as a user of our
products. For example:
• Are the implementation steps correct and complete?
• Did you understand the context of the procedures?
• Did you find any errors in the information?
• Does the structure of the information help you with your tasks?
• Do you need different information or graphics? If so, where, and in what format?
• Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us
your name, the name of the company who has licensed our products, the title and part
number of the documentation and the chapter, section, and page number (if available).

Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that
you have the latest version of the document and if any concerns are
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contains the most current Documentation Library plus all documents
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This Services Guide describes the requirements and procedures to communicate with
the applications of this Oracle Retail Xstore Suite release through web service interfaces.

This Services Guide is for the following audience:
• System analysts and programmers

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Xstore Suite 18.0
documentation set:
• Xstore Suite Release Notes
• Xstore Suite Oracle Retail Xstore Suite 18.0/Merchandising 16.0.2 Implementation Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service User Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Mobile User Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Reports Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Managerʹs Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Shipping, Receiving, and Inventory Guide
• Xstore Office User Guide
• Xstore Suite Implementation and Security Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Frameworks and Technologies Guide
• Xstore Suite Deal Pricing Guide
• Xenvironment User Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Technical Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Host Interface Guide
• Xstore Point‐of‐Service POS Log Changes

Customer Support

• Xstore Point‐of‐Service Database Dictionary Guide

• Xstore Office Database Dictionary Guide

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
• Product version and program/module name
• Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
• Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
• Exact error message received
• Screen shots of each step you take

Review Patch Documentation

When you install the application for the first time, you install either a base release (for
example, 18.0) or a later patch release (for example, 18.0.1). If you are installing the base
release or additional patch releases, read the documentation for all releases that have
occurred since the base release before you begin installation. Documentation for patch
releases can contain critical information related to the base release, as well as
information about code changes since the base release.

Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Help Center

Oracle Retail product documentation is also available on the following Web site:
(Data Model documents can be obtained through My Oracle Support.)

Navigate: This is a navigate statement. It tells you how to get to the start of the procedure
and ends with a screen shot of the starting point and the statement “the Window Name
window opens.”
This is a code sample
It is used to display examples of code



This manual describes the methods and classes used by Xstore Point of Service 18.0
Services. The Xstore Point of Service Services interface is accessed through separate
services, each with its own application programming interface (API). Each API is
described using Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and in a corresponding
XML Schema Definition (XSD).

Note: Communication with Xstore Point of Service Services is

performed through SOAP XML messaging. However, because this
interface is invisible to the APIs, the messaging information is not
described in this document.

About This Chapter

This chapter contains the following information:
• “Examples” provides examples of how methods and classes are documented in this
• “Common Data Types” documents data types that are commonly used by many of
the services.
• “About this Manual” lists all the services chapters in this manual.

Introduction 1-1

The following information shows the format used to describe the methods and data
types for each API.


classExample methodExample (
int variable1,
decimal variable2,
decimal variable3,
string variable4)

Methods can include any number of variables, or even no variables at all. The
methodExample above contains the following variables:
• variable1 of type int
• variable2 of type decimal
• variable3 of type decimal
• variable4 of type string
The variables can be of simple data types, or complex data types.
- See “Simple Data Types” for a list of the simple data types available in Xstore
Point of Service Services.
- A blue Type name indicates that it is a complex type and that there is a link to
the type description.
Methods often provide information through a return value. The methodExample
method returns a classExample object. The blue Type name indicates that it is a complex
type and that there is a link to the type description.

Some classes extend other classes. This information will be shown just below the class’s
This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-1: classExample Elements

Type Element Description

decimal simpleElement An element with a simple data type. See

“Simple Data Types” for a list of the
simple data types available in Xstore
Point of Service Services.

string[] simpleElementArray An array of values using a simple data

type. This array can include any number
of values.

subClass definedType A complex type described in the XSD for

the API. The blue Type name indicates
that it is a complex type and that there is a
link to the type description.

1-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 1-1: classExample Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

subClass[] definedTypeArray An array of complex types. This array can

include any number of values.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-2: subClass Elements

Type Element Description

????? elements Each subclass can include any number of

additional data types. This can include
more subclasses.

Simple Data Types

The simple data types available in Xstore Point of Service Services include the following:
• boolean - A boolean (true of false) value.
• dateTime - A date and time.
• decimal - A 64-bit, floating-point number.
• int - A 32-bit integer.
• long - A 64-bit integer.
• string - A string of characters.

Introduction 1-3
Common Data Types

Common Data Types

The following data types are used by every service in Xstore Point of Service.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-3: codeValueObject Elements

Type Element Description

string category Code category.

string code Code value.

string description Description of the code.

int sortOrder Number used to sort the code.

All service calls take this class as their first argument. This class defines the location that
is originating the message.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-4: serviceContext Elements

Type Element Description

string employeeId ID for the employee.

string localeId ID for the store locale.

long organizationId ID for the organization.

long retailLocationId ID for the retail location.

long workstationId ID for the workstation.

Every response returned from a method is an extension of this class. This is true for all
services and methods described in this manual.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-5: serviceResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string failureCode ID code for the failure, if any.

string failureMessage Message text of the failure, if any.

string promptMessage Message displayed in the

acknowledgement prompt for the failure,
if any.

1-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

About this Manual

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 1-6: statusServiceResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string status Status.

About this Manual

This manual contains the following chapters, each of which describes an API in Xstore
Point of Service Services:

• Chapter 2, “Address” • Chapter 16, “Ping”

• Chapter 3, “Clienteling” • Chapter 17, “Printing”

• Chapter 4, “Configuration” • Chapter 18, “Reason Code”

• Chapter 5, “Customer” • Chapter 19, “Receiving”

• Chapter 6, “Discount” • Chapter 20, “Register”

• Chapter 7, “Employee” • Chapter 21, “Retail Location”

• Chapter 8, “House Account” • Chapter 22, “Shipping”

• Chapter 9, “Input” • Chapter 23, “Tax”

• Chapter 10, “Inventory” • Chapter 22, “Tender”

• Chapter 12, “Inventory Count” • Chapter 24, “Timeclock”

• Chapter 13, “Item” • Chapter 24, “Timeclock PD”

• Chapter 14, “Logging” • Chapter 25, “Transaction”

Introduction 1-5
About this Manual

1-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Address Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Address Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Address 2-1

This section presents the methods used in the Address Services API.


countryListResponse getAvailableCountries (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getAvailableCountries method returns a list of countries that can be used in

This method returns a postalCodeResponse object.
Table 2-1: getAvailableCountries Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


postalCodeResponse translatePostalCode (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PostalCode,
string Country,
string Mode)

The translatePostalCode method returns city and state/province information for a

postal code/ZIP code.
This method returns a postalCodeResponse object.
Table 2-2: translatePostalCode Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PostalCode [OPTIONAL] Postal/ZIP code being searched for.

string Country [OPTIONAL] Country for the Postal/ZIP code.

string Mode [OPTIONAL] System location of lookup (e.g.

Use DEFAULT if you are unsure of the
proper value.

2-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



addressValidationResponse validateAddress (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Address1,
string Address2,
string Apartment,
string City,
string State,
string PostalCode,
string Country)

The validateAddress method checks whether an address is valid and, if an address is

invalid, attempts to find one or more addresses that could be the correct address. If one
or more addresses are found, a list of those “corrected” addresses are returned.
This method returns a postalCodeResponse object.
Table 2-3: validateAddress Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Address1 [OPTIONAL] Address line 1.

string Address2 [OPTIONAL] Address line 2.

string Apartment [OPTIONAL] Apartment.

string City [OPTIONAL] City.

string State [OPTIONAL] State/Province code.

string PostalCode [OPTIONAL] Postal/ZIP code.

string Country [OPTIONAL] Country code.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 2-4: address Elements

Type Element Description

string address1 Address line 1.

string address2 Address line 2.

string apartment Apartment.

string city City.

Address 2-3

Table 2-4: address Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string country Country code.

string postalCode Postal/ZIP Code.

string shipTo Name of the customer.

string state State/Province code.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 2-5: addressValidationResponse Elements

Type Element Description

address[] addressList List of addresses.

If the status is valid or invalid, contains the original
If the status is corrected, contains a list of possible,
corrected addresses.

string status Status of the address. This field can have the following,
possible values:
valid - Address is valid.
corrected - Address is invalid, but can be corrected.
invalid - Address is invalid and cannot be corrected.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 2-6: country Elements

Type Element Description

string countryCode Country code for the country.

string countryDesc Name of the country.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 2-7: countryListResponse Elements

Type Element Description

country[] countries Array of countries.

2-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 2-8: postalCodeResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string city The city of the postal code.

string country The country of the postal code.

string postalCode The postal code.

string state The state/province of the postal code.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Address 2-5

2-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Clienteling Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Clienteling Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server, and <companycode> is the
code assigned to the company at installation.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Clienteling 3-1

This section presents the methods used in the Clienteling Services API.


serviceResponse addCustomerNote (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId,
customerNote CustomerNote)

The addCustomerNote method adds a note to a customer record.

This method returns a serviceResponse object.
Table 3-1: addCustomerNote Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.

customerNote CustomerNote [OPTIONAL] A customer note.


appointmentStatusResponse getAppointmentStatuses (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getAppointmentStatuses method retrieves the appointment statuses in the

This method returns a appointmentStatusResponse object.
Table 3-2: getAppointmentStatuses Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

3-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



associateAppointmentsResponse getAssociateAppointments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
dateTime SearchDate)

The getAssociateAppointments method retrieves the tasks assigned to a specified

associated that are active on a specified date.
This method returns a associateAppointmentsResponse object.
Table 3-3: getAssociateAppointments Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the associate.

dateTime SearchDate [OPTIONAL] Date on which to search for active



associateTasksResponse getAssociateTasks (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
dateTime StartWeekDate,
boolean Appointment)

The getAssociateTasks method retrieves the tasks assigned to an associate, and

which are active during a specified week.
This method returns a associateTasksResponse object.
Table 3-4: getAssociateTasks Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the employee.

dateTime StartWeekDate [OPTIONAL] Date of the week during the tasks are

boolean Appointment [REQUIRED] Indicates whether to search for


Clienteling 3-3


associateAssignmentResponse getAssociatesAssignments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getAssociatesAssignments method retrieves the associates assigned to a

This method returns a associateAssignmentResponse object.
Table 3-5: getAssociatesAssignments Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.


clientelingConfig getClientelingConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getClientelingConfig method retrieves the clienteling configurations for the

This method returns a clientelingConfig object.
Table 3-6: getClientelingConfig Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


customerAppointmentResponse getCustomerAppointments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getCustomerAppointments method retrieves the appointments associated with

a customer.
This method returns a customerAppointmentResponse object.
Table 3-7: getCustomerAppointments Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

3-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 3-7: getCustomerAppointments Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer


customerNotesResponse getCustomerNotes (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getCustomerNotes method retrieve the notes associated with a specified

This method returns a customerNotesResponse object.
Table 3-8: getCustomerNotes Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.


codesLookupResponse getCustomerPrefrences (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getCustomerPrefrences method retrieves all the customer preferences in the

This method returns a codesLookupResponse object.
Table 3-9: getCustomerPrefrences Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

Clienteling 3-5


customerRSVPResponse getCustomerRSVPForEvent (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
int EventId)

The getCustomerRSVPForEvent method retrieves the customer RSVPs for an event.

This method returns a customerRSVPResponse object.
Table 3-10: getCustomerRSVPForEvent Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

int EventId [OPTIONAL] ID of the event.


customerRSVPResponse getCustomerRSVPs (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getCustomerRSVPs method retrieves all the RSVPs received from a customer.
This method returns a customerRSVPResponse object.
Table 3-11: getCustomerRSVPs Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.


storeEventLookupResponse getStoreEvents (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getStoreEvents method retrieves all store events.

This method returns a storeEventLookupResponse object.
Table 3-12: getStoreEvents Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

3-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



itemSearchResponse getSuggestSellingItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
long TransSeq)

The getSuggestSellingItems method searches for a list of items to suggest to a

customer that is purchasing a specified item.
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 3-13: getSuggestSellingItems Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

long TransSeq [OPTIONAL] Sequence number the transaction.


serviceResponse markContactCustomer (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The markContactCustomer method indicates that a customer has been contacted.

This method returns a serviceResponse object.
Table 3-14: markContactCustomer Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.

Clienteling 3-7


associateTaskResponse saveAssociateTask (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
associateTask AssociateTask)

The saveAssociateTask method creates/updates an associate task.

This method returns a associateTaskResponse object.
Table 3-15: saveAssociateTask Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

associateTask associateTask [OPTIONAL] A task for an associate.


associateTaskResponse saveAssociateTest (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
associateTask ATask,
string EmployeeId)

The saveAssociateTest method adds or updates the associate assigned to a task.

This method returns a associateTaskResponse object.
Table 3-16: saveAssociateTest Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

associateTask ATask [OPTIONAL] Task assigned to the associate.

strring EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the associate to whom the task

will be assigned.

3-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



serviceResponse saveAssociatesAssignment (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId,
associateAssignment AssociateAssignment)

The saveAssociatesAssignment method assigns an associate to a customer.

This method returns a serviceResponse object.
Table 3-17: saveAssociatesAssignment Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.

associateAssig AssociateAssignment [OPTIONAL] Associate assignment to the



serviceResponse saveCustomerAppointment (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
associateTask AssociateTask)

The saveCustomerAppointment method saves a customer appointment.

This method returns a serviceResponse object.
Table 3-18: saveCustomerAppointment Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

associateTask AssociateTask [OPTIONAL] Task associated with a customer.

Clienteling 3-9


serviceResponse saveCustomerRSVP (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
storeEventRSVP StoreEventRSVP)

The saveCustomerRSVP method saves a customer RSVP to a store event.

This method returns a serviceResponse object.
Table 3-19: saveCustomerRSVP Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

storeEventRS StoreEventRSVP [OPTIONAL] Customer RSVP for a store event.



clientelCustomerSearchResponse searchCustomersByAssociate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
string SegmentId,
int StartRecordNumber,
int NumberOfRecords)

The searchCustomersByAssociate method retrieves the customers assigned to an

This method returns a clientelCustomerSearchResponse object.
Table 3-20: searchCustomersByAssociate Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceConte ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

xt and organization from which the
message originates.

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the employee.

string SegmentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the segment.

int StartRecordNumber [REQUIRED] Sequential number of the first

customer record to retrieve.

int NumberOfRecords [REQUIRED] Number of customer records to


3-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-21: appointmentStatusResponse Elements

Type Element Description

codeValueObject[] statuses Array of appointment statuses.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-22: associateAppointmentsResponse Elements

Type Element Description

associateTask[] associateTasks An array of tasks.

dateTime currentDate Date for the tasks.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-23: associateAssignment Elements

Type Element Description

commissionedAssociate assignedAssociate Associate assigned through the role.

associateRole associateRole Associate role.

commissionedAssociate[ availableAssociates Associates that can be assigned through

] the role.

boolean lockedFlag Indicates whether the associate

assignment is locked.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-24: associateAssignmentResponse Elements

Type Element Description

associateAssignment associateAssignments Array of the associates assigned to the

[] customer.

string partyId ID of the customer.

Clienteling 3-11

This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-25: associateRole Elements

Type Element Description

boolean activeFlag Indicates whether the role is currently active.

boolean primaryFlag Indicates whether the role is the primary role.

string roleId ID of the role.

string roleName Name of the role.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-26: associateTask Elements

Type Element Description

string assignTo ID of the associate to whom the task is assigned.

string createdBy ID of the associate who created the task.

string customer ID of the customer associated with the task.

dateTime endDateTime Date and time the event ends.

dateTime startDateTime Date and time the event starts.

long storeNumber ID number for the location of the event.

long taskId ID of the task.

string taskNote Note about the task.

string taskPriority Priority of the task.

string taskStatus Status of the task.

string taskSubject Subject of the task.

string taskType Type of task.

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the task has been voided.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-27: associateTaskResponse Elements

Type Element Description

associateTask associateTask An associate task.

3-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-28: associateTasksResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string employeeId ID of the associate assigned to the tasks.

weeklyAssociateTas weeklyAssociateTasks Array of associate tasks for each week.


This class extends the customerSearchResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-29: clientelCustomerSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean moreRecords Indicates whether more customer records after the

current set.

int startRecordNumber Sequential starting number of the list of customers.

int totalNumberOfRecords Number of customer records returned.

This class extends the startupConfiguration class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-30: clientelingConfig Elements

Type Element Description

associateRole[] availableAssociateRoles Array of the associate roles available.

codeValueObject availableCustomerSegments Array of the customer segments available.


codeValueObject availableNoteTypes Array of the note types available.


codeValueObject availableRSVPStatus Array of the RSVP statuses available.


codeValueObject availableTaskPriorities Array of the task priorities available.


codeValueObject availableTaskStatus Array of the task statuses available.


boolean displayManagerOptions Indicates whether the system displays

manager options.

Clienteling 3-13

Table 3-30: clientelingConfig Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

int numberOfCustomerRetrieve Maximum number of customers to be

retrieved by a search.

For a description of this class, see “codeValueObject”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-31: codesLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

codeValueObject[] categoryCodes Array of codes.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-32: commissionedAssociate Elements

Type Element Description

boolean clockInFlag Indicates whether the associate must clock in.

string employeeId ID of the associate.

string firstName Associate first name.

string lastName Associate last name.

For a description of this class, see “customer”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-33: customerAppointmentResponse Elements

Type Element Description

associateTask[] customerAppointments Array of appointments associated with a


string partyId ID of the customer.

3-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-34: customerNote Elements

Type Element Description

string enteredBy ID of the associate who entered the note.

dateTime enteredDate Date the note was entered.

string noteLocation ID of the location where the note was entered.

long noteSeq Sequence number of the note.

string noteText Text of the note.

string noteType Type of note.

string partyId ID of the customer to whom the note is assigned.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-35: customerNotesResponse Elements

Type Element Description

customerNote[] customerNotes An array of customer notes.

string partyId ID of the customer.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-36: customerRSVPResponse Elements

Type Element Description

storeEventRSVP[] customerRSVPs Array of customer RSVPs.

For a description of this class, see “customerSearchResponse”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

Clienteling 3-15

This class contains the following elements:

Table 3-37: dailyAssociateTask Elements

Type Element Description

associateTask[] associateTasks Array of associate tasks assigned for a day.

dateTime currentDate Day for which the tasks are assigned.

For a description of this class, see “item”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-38: itemSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item[] items An array of items.

This class extends the associateTask class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-39: storeEvent Elements

Type Element Description

long acceptedRSVPCount Number of customers who RSVPed that they will attend an

long declinedRSVPCount Number of customers who RSVPed that they will not attend
an event.

long leftMessageRSVPCount Number of customers who were sent invitation messages.

long tentativeRSVPCount Number of customers who RSVPed that they may or may
not attend an event.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-40: storeEventLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

storeEvent[] storeEvents Array of store events.

This class extends the customer class.

3-16 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 3-41: storeEventRSVP Elements

Type Element Description

string RSVPStatus RSVP status for the customer.

storeEvent storeEvent The store event for which the customer RSVPed.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 3-42: weeklyAssociateTask Elements

Type Element Description

dailyAssociateTask[] dailyAssociateTasks Array of tasks assigned for each day in

the week.

string weekName Name of the week.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of the class, see “startupConfiguration”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

Clienteling 3-17

3-18 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Configuration Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Configuration Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Configuration 4-1

This section presents the methods used in the Configuration Services API.


checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse checkFirmwareUpdate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string FirmwareVersion,
string SdkVersion,
string SerialNumber,
string HardwareNamePrefix)

The checkFirmwareUpdate checks for updates to the firmware.

This method returns a checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse object.
Table 4-1: checkFirmwareUpdate Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string FirmwareVersion [OPTIONAL] Current version of the firmware.

string SdkVersion [OPTIONAL] Current version of the SDK.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the hardware.

string HardwareName [OPTIONAL] Prefix of the hardware name.



checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse checkForEncryptionKeyUpdate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string HardwareId,
string CurrentKeyId,
string Data)

The checkForEncryptionKeyUpdate checks for updates to the firmware.

This method returns a checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse object.
Table 4-2: checkForEncryptionKeyUpdate Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string HardwareId [OPTIONAL] ID for the hardware.

string CurrentKeyId [OPTIONAL] ID of the current encryption key.

4-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 4-2: checkForEncryptionKeyUpdate Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string Date [OPTIONAL] Date the current encryption key was



startupConfiguration getSystemStartupConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getSystemStartupConfig method retrieves initial configurations for the system.

This method returns a startupConfiguration object.
Table 4-3: getSystemStartupConfig Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 4-4: encryptionKeyUpdateResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string encryptionKey Encryption key.

string encryptionKeyCert Certificate for the encryption key.

string encryptionKeyCert Hash of the encryption key certificate.


string encryptionKeyId ID of the encryption key.

string encryptionKeyIdCert Certificate for the encryption key ID


string encryptionKeyIdCert Hash of the certificate for the encryption

Hash key ID certificate.

string encryptionUpdate Encryption update bundle.


string encryptionUpdate Hash of the encryption update bundle.


boolean keyNeedsUpdate Indicates whether the encryption key

needs to be updated.

Configuration 4-3

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 4-5: checkForFirmwareUpdateResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string base64Payload Base64 firmware payload.

string payloadChecksum Checksum for the payload.

boolean updateAvailable Indicates whether an update is available.

string versionNumber Version number of the firmware.

string versionPriority Priority for the firmware.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 4-6: operationConfig Elements

Type Element Description

string operationName The name of the operation.

operationConfig[] operations Array of OpChains that will run after the

current operation.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 4-7: startupConfiguration Elements

Type Element Description

operationConfig[] opChainConfigs Array of OpChains that will run on the


systemConfig[] systemConfigs Array of system configurations.

4-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 4-8: systemConfig Elements

Type Element Description

string systemConfigKey Name of the system configuration.

string systemConfigValue Value set for the named system


Configuration 4-5

4-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Customer Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Customer Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Customer 5-1

This section presents the methods used in the Address Services API.


customerLookupResponse addNewCustomer (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
customerParty CustomerParty)

The addNewCustomer method adds a new customer to the system and returns
information about the new customer record.
This method returns a customerLookupResponse object.
Table 5-1: addNewCustomer Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

customerParty CustomerParty [OPTIONAL] Customer information to be entered

into the new customer record.


customerLookupResponse getCustomerByParty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getCustomerByParty method retrieves customer information by the customer’s

party ID.
This method returns a customerLookupResponse object.
Table 5-2: getCustomerByParty Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID for the customer.


customerHistoryResult getCustomerHistory (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId)

The getCustomerHistory method retrieves the transaction history for a customer.

5-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a customerHistoryResult object.

Table 5-3: getCustomerHistory Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID for the customer.


customerLookupResponse saveCustomerChanges (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
customerParty CustomerParty)

The saveCustomerChanges saves the changes made to a customer and returns

information about the updated customer record.
This method returns a customerLookupResponse object.
Table 5-4: saveCustomerChanges Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

customerParty CustomerParty [OPTIONAL] Customer information to be saved in

the customer record.


customerSearchResponse searchCustomers (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Name,
string Phone,
string[] CustomerNumberInput,
string CustomerInputType,
string PostalCode)

The searchCustomers method retrieves all customers that match a set of search
This method returns a customerSearchResponse objects.
Table 5-5: searchCustomers Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string Name [OPTIONAL] Customer name.

Customer 5-3

Table 5-5: searchCustomers Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string Phone [OPTIONAL] Customer phone number.

string[] CustomerNumberInput [OPTIONAL] Array of customer numbers


string CustomerInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter the

customer search information.

string PostalCode [OPTIONAL] Customer postal/ZIP code.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-6: awardCoupon Elements

Type Element Description

boolean changed Indicates whether the coupon has been


decimal couponAmount Amount of the coupon.

string couponId ID of the coupon.

dateTime expirationDate Expiration date of the coupon.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-7: commercialAccount Elements

Type Element Description

string accountCode Type code for the account type.

string accountId ID for the account.

decimal creditLimit Credit limit on the account.

string status Current status of the account.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-8: customer Elements

Type Element Description

string address1 Customer address line 1.

string addressType Type of address.

5-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 5-8: customer Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string city Customer city.

boolean commercialCustomer Indicates whether the customer is a

commercial customer.

string companyName Name of the customer’s company.

customerGroup[] customerGroups Customer groups to which the customer


string customerId ID for the customer.

string emailAddress Email address for the customer.

string employeeId If the customer is an employee, the

employee’s ID.

string firstName Customer first name.

dateTime lastContactDate Date of the last attempt to contact the


string lastName Customer last name.

dateTime lastPurchaseDate Data of the customer’s last purchase.

string partyId ID for the customer’s party.

string phone Customer phone number.

string postal Customer postal code.

string state Customer state/province.

decimal totalPurchaseAmt Total amount of all purchases made by

the customer.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-9: customerEmail Elements

Type Element Description

string address Email address.

boolean contact Indicates whether the customer can be

contacted with this email.

string format Preferred format for emails sent to this


boolean primary Indicates whether this email is the

primary email.

int sequence Sequence number for the email.

Customer 5-5

Table 5-9: customerEmail Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string type Type of email address.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-10: customerGroup Elements

Type Element Description

string description Description of the group.

string groupId ID of the group.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-11: customerHistoryItem Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime businessDate Date of the transaction.

string itemDescription Description of the item.

string itemId ID of the item.

string itemUrl URL associated with the item.

long lineItemSeq Sequence number of the item.

decimal price Price of the item.

decimal qty Item quantity.

long retailLocId ID of the retail location.

boolean return Indicates whether the item was returned

(true) or sold (false).

string saleItemType Type of sale item.

string serialNumber Serial number of the item.

long transSeq Sequence number of the transaction.

string vendorId ID of the item’s vendor.

string vendorName Name of the item’s vendor.

long wkstnId ID of the workstation where the

transaction was performed.

5-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-12: customerHistoryResult Elements

Type Element Description

customerHistoryIte historyItems Array of items in the customer history.


decimal netItems Number of items in the customer history.

decimal netTotal Net value of the items in history.

decimal returnItems Number of return items in the history.

decimal returnTotal Total value of all return items.

decimal saleItems Number of sale items in the history.

decimal saleTotal Total value of all sale items.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-13: customerLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

customerParty customer Customer information.

boolean promptToJoinLoyalty Indicates whether to display a prompt

asking whether the customer wants to
join a loyalty program.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-14: customerLoyaltyAccount Elements

Type Element Description

string accountId ID for the account.

decimal balance Current balance of the account.

string cardNumber Card number associated with the account.

dateTime expirationDate Expiration date of the account.

string type Type of account.

Customer 5-7

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-15: customerLoyaltyCard Elements

Type Element Description

string cardNumber Card number associated with the account.

boolean changed Indicates whether the loyalty card has

been changed.

dateTime effectiveDate Effective date of the account.

dateTime expirationDate Expiration date of the account.

string partyId ID of the party.

decimal pointsToNextAward Number of points to be earned for the

next award.

string primaryAwardAcctId ID of the primary award account

associated with the card.

decimal primaryAwardBalance Balance of primary award account.

awardCoupon[] primaryAwardCoupons Coupons awarded by the primary award


decimal primaryLoyaltyBalance Balance of primary loyalty account.

This class extends the customer class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-16: customerParty Elements

Type Element Description

boolean active Indicates whether the customer is active.

string address2 Customer address line 2.

string address3 Customer address line 3.

string address4 Customer address line 4.

string apartment Apartment number.

dateTime birthday Customer birthday.

string cellPhone Customer cell phone number.

boolean cellPhoneContact Indicates whether the customer allows

contact through their cell phone.

commercialAccount[ commercialAccounts Commercial accounts for the customer.


string contactPreference Preferred contact method for customer.

5-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 5-16: customerParty Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string country Customer country.

boolean emailContact Indicates whether to contact the customer

by email.

boolean emailRcpt Indicates whether to email copies of

receipts to the customer.

customerEmail[] emails Email addresses associated with the


boolean faxContact Indicates whether to contact the customer

by fax.

string faxNumber Customer fax number.

string gender Customer gender.

boolean homePhoneContact Indicates whether to contact the customer

by their home phone.

customerLoyaltyAcc loyaltyAccounts Loyalty accounts for the customer.


customerLoyaltyCar loyaltyCards Loyalty cards belonging to the customer.


boolean mailingList Indicates whether the customer is on the

mailing list.

string middleName Customer middle name.

string nationalTaxId National tax identification number for the


string orgType Type code for the organization.

partyProperty[] partyProperties Properties of the customer party.

string personalTaxId ID used for determining tax.

boolean privacyCard Indicates whether the customer has a

privacy card.

string salutation Salutation for the customer.

string signUpLocationId ID of the location where the customer was

signed up.

taxExemption[] taxExemptions Tax exemptions for the customer.

customerTelephone[] telephones Telephone numbers associated with the


string workPhone Customer work phone number.

boolean workPhoneContact Indicates whether to contact the customer

by work phone.

Customer 5-9

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-17: customerSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

customer[] customers Array of customers matching the search


This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-18: customerTelephone Elements

Type Element Description

boolean contact Indicates whether the customer can be

contacted with this telephone number.

string contactType Type of contacts that the customer

permits through this telephone number.

string number Telephone number.

boolean primary Indicates whether the number is the

primary telephone number.

string type Type of email address.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-19: partyProperty Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime dateValue Date value of the property.

decimal decimalValue Decimal value of the property.

string propertyCode ID code of the property.

string propertyType Type of property (date, decimal, or


string stringValue String value of the property.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

5-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 5-20: taxExemption Elements

Type Element Description

string certificateCountry Country that issued the certificate.

string certificateHolderName Name of the holder of the tax exemption


string certificateNumber ID number of the certificate.

string certificateState State that issued the certificate.

dateTime expirationDate Expiration date of the exemption.

string objectState State that issued the tax exemption.

string partyId ID of the party to which the tax

exemption belongs.

string taxExemptionId ID of the tax exemption.

Customer 5-11

5-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Discount Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Discount Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Discount 6-1

This section presents the methods used in the Discount Services API.


couponLookupResponse getCouponDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CouponId,
string CouponType,
string CouponEntryType,
string PartyId)

The getCouponDiscount method retrieves the discount for a coupon.

This method returns a couponLookupResponse object.
Table 6-1: getCouponDiscount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string CouponId [OPTIONAL] ID of the coupon.

string CouponType [OPTIONAL] Type of coupon.

string CouponEntryType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter the


string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID of customer redeeming

the coupon.


discountLookupResponse getDiscountsByApplicationMethod (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ApplicationMethod,
string PartyId)

The getDiscountsByApplicationMethod method retrieves all discounts with a

defined application method.
This method returns a discountLookupResponse object.
Table 6-2: getDiscountsByApplicationMethod Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string ApplicationMethod [OPTIONAL] Application method.

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID of customer.

6-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 6-3: coupon Elements

Type Element Description

string couponId ID of the coupon.

string couponType Type of coupon.

string discountCode ID code for the discount associated with

the coupon.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 6-4: couponLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

coupon coupon The coupon.

discount discount The discount associated with the coupon.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 6-5: discount Elements

Type Element Description

string applicationMethod Method used when applying the


string calculationMethod The type of calculation performed to

determine the discount.

string description A description of the discount.

decimal discountAmt Amount of the discount (only used when

the discount is a fixed amount).

string discountCode ID code for the discount.

decimal discountPercent Percentage of the discount (only used

when the discount is a percentage).

string privilegeType Type of privilege required for an

employee to apply the discount.

string prompt Prompt message.

boolean serializedDiscount Indicates whether the discount is


Discount 6-3

Table 6-5: discount Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

int sortOrder Order in which the discount is applied.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 6-6: discountLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

discount[] discounts Array of discounts.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

6-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Employee Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Employee Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Employee 7-1

This section presents the methods used in the Address Services API.


employeeMsgResponse addMessage (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
employeeMessage EmployeeMessage)

The addMessage method creates a new employee message.

This method returns an employeeMsgResponse object.
Table 7-1: addMessage Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

employeeMessa EmployeeMessage [OPTIONAL] Message information.



employeeAuthResponse authenticate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType)

The authenticate method returns information about an employee that has been
authenticated by the system.
This method returns an employeeAuthResponse object.
Table 7-2: authenticate Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Login name entered.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Login password entered.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter login


7-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



userAuthorizeResponse authorize (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType,
string Privilege)

The authorize method indicates whether an employee is authorized to use a certain

Privilege in a ServiceContext.
This method returns an userAuthorizeResponse object.
Table 7-3: authorize Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Entered login name.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Entered password.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter login


string Privilege [OPTIONAL] Login privilege requested.


employeeAuthResponse changePassword (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string[] LoginInput,
string CurrentPassword,
string NewPassword,
string ReEnterNewPassword)

The changePassword method changes the password for an employee.

This method returns an employeeAuthResponse object.
Table 7-4: changePassword Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string[] LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Array of usernames for the user.

string CurrentPasswor [OPTIONAL] Current password.


string NewPassword [OPTIONAL] New password.

Employee 7-3

Table 7-4: changePassword Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string ReEnterNew [OPTIONAL] Confirmation of new password.



employeeMsgResponse deleteMessage (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long MessageId)

The deleteMessage method deletes an existing employee message.

This method returns an employeeMsgResponse object.
Table 7-5: deleteMessage Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long MessageId [REQUIRED] ID of the message.


retrieveCommAsscResponse getCommissionedAssociates (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
dateTime BusinessDate)

The getCommissionedAssociates method retrieves the associates who received a

commission in the ServiceContext on the BusinessDate.
This method returns an retrieveCommAsscResponse object.
Table 7-6: getCommissionedAssociates Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

dateTime BusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Business date.


employeeMsgResponse updateMessage (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string MessageId,
employeeMessage EmployeeMessage)

The updateMessage method updates an existing employee message.

7-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns an employeeMsgResponse object.

Table 7-7: updateMessage Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string MessageId [REQUIRED] ID of the message.

employeeMessa EmployeeMessage [OPTIONAL] Message information.



validateEmployeeResponse validateEmp (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId)

The validateEmp method returns information about an employee indicated by

EmployeeId and whether the employee has been validated.
This method returns an validateEmployeeResponse object.
Table 7-8: validateEmp Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the employee.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-9: commissionedAssociate Elements

Type Element Description

boolean clockInFlag Indicates whether the employee was

clocked in.

string employeeId ID of the associate.

string firstName First name of the employee.

string lastName Last name of the employee.

Employee 7-5

This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-10: employee Elements

Type Element Description

boolean clockinRequired Indicates whether the employee must be

clocked in.

string currentWorkCode Work code currently used by the


string employeeId ID for the employee.

string firstName Employee first name.

string lastName Employee last name.

string locale ID of the employee’s locale.

string partyId Party ID for the employee.

string privileges Privilege settings for the employee.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-11: employeeAuthResponse Elements

Type Element Description

employee employee Employee information.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-12: employeeMessage Elements

Type Element Description

string content Message content.

dateTime endDate Final date of the message.

string messageURL URL of the message.

string priority Priority of the message.

dateTime startDate Start date of the message.

int workStationId ID of the workstation/register on which to

display the message.

boolean workStationSpecific Indicates whether the message is specific

to one workstation/register.

7-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-13: employeeMsgResponse Elements

Type Element Description

employeeMessage employeeMsg Message information.

string messageId ID of the message.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-14: retrieveCommAsscResponse Elements

Type Element Description

commissionedAssociate[ associates Array of associates/employees who

] received a commission.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-15: authorizeResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean userAuthorized Indicates whether the user has been


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 7-16: validateEmployeeResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string employeeId ID of employee.

string firstName Employee first name.

string lastName Employee last name.

Employee 7-7

Table 7-16: validateEmployeeResponse Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

boolean valid Indicates whether the employee

information has been validated.

7-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

House Account

This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Customer Account Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the House Account Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

House Account 8-1


This section presents the methods used in the Customer Account Services API.


houseAccountRetrieveResponse createAccount(
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId,
decimal CreditLimit)

The createAccount method creates a new house account.

This method returns a houseAccountRetrieveResponse object.
Table 8-1: createAccount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID for the customer.

decimal CreditLimit [OPTIONAL] Credit limit to assign to the account.


houseAccountRetrieveResponse retrieveById(
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string AccountId)

The retrieveById method retrieves a house account by account ID.

This method returns a houseAccountRetrieveResponse object.
Table 8-2: retrieveById Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string AccountId [OPTIONAL] ID of the account.


houseAccountSearchResponse searchByAccountName(
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string AccountName)

The searchByAccountName searches for house accounts by the name of the account.

8-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a houseAccountSearchResponse object.

Table 8-3: searchByAccountName Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string AccountName [OPTIONAL] Name of the account.


houseAccountSearchResponse searchByCustomerNamePhone(
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string FirstName,
string MiddleName,
string LastName,
string CustomerPhone)

The searchByCustomerNamePhone searches for house accounts by customer name

and telephone number.
This method returns a houseAccountSearchResponse object.
Table 8-4: searchByCustomerNamePhone Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string FirstName [OPTIONAL] Customer first name.

string MiddleName [OPTIONAL] Customer middle name.

string LastName [OPTIONAL] Customer last name.

string CustomerPhone [OPTIONAL] Telephone number for the customer.


houseAccountRetrieveResponse updateAccount(
serviceContext ServiceContext,
consumerChargeAccount Account)

The updateAccount method updates a house account.

House Account 8-3


This method returns a houseAccountRetrieveResponse object.

Table 8-5: updateAccount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

consumerChargeAcco Account [OPTIONAL] Updates for the account.


This class contains the following elements:
Table 8-6: adaptedHouseAccountSearchResult Elements

Type Element Description

string accountId ID of the account.

decimal creditLimit Credit limit of the account.

string firstName First name of customer.

string lastName Last name of customer.

string partyId ID of party.

string status Account status.

string type Type of account.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 8-7: chargeAccountUser Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime effectiveDate Date on which the user became effective.

dateTime expirationDate Date on which the user is no longer

eligible for the account.

string firstName User first name.

string lastName User last name.

boolean primary Indicates whether the user is the primary

user for the account.

string userId ID of the user.

8-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 8-8: consumerChargeAccount Elements

Type Element Description

string accountId ID of account.

chargeAccountUser[] accountUsers Users associated with the charge account.

boolean corporateAccount Indicates whether the account is a

corporate account.

decimal creditLimit Account credit limit.

customerParty customerParty Principal customer party associated with

the account.

dateTime lastActivityDate Date of most recent activity performed on

the account.

decimal lastPaymentAmount Amount of last payment on account.

dateTime lastPaymentDate Date of most recent payment.

long locationId ID of location.

boolean onHold Indicates whether the account is currently

on hold.

boolean poReq Indicates whether the customer must

provide a purchase order to use this
account for

string status Status of the account.

string type Type of account.

For a description of this class, see “customerParty”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 8-9: houseAccountRetrieveResponse Elements

Type Element Description

consumerChargeAcco houseAccount Charge account for the consumer.


House Account 8-5


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 8-10: houseAccountSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

adaptedHouseAccountSearchResu accounts Accounts that match the search criteria.


For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

8-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the Input
Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description Language
(WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML Schema, and
various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web service described
The URL for the Input Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Input 9-1

This section presents the methods used in the Input Services API.


inputResponse translateInput (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string[] InputData,
string InputType,
string ContextMode,
string[] ExpectedInputTypes)

The translateInput method returns input that was entered into the system.
This method returns a inputResponse object.
Table 9-1: translateInput Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string[] InputData [OPTIONAL] Array of input data.

string InputType [OPTIONAL] Type of input.

string ContextMode [OPTIONAL] Context mode of the input.

string[] ExpectedInputTypes [OPTIONAL] Expected types of input.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 9-2: inputEvent Elements

Type Element Description

string inputData Data that was entered into the system.

string inputDataType Type of data contained in the


string inputType Type of data entry performed.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

9-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 9-3: inputResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inputEvent[] inputEvent Array of input events.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Input 9-3

9-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Inventory Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Inventory Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Inventory 10-1

This section presents the methods used in the Inventory Services API.


stockLedger getOnHandStockLedger (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getOnHandStockLedger method returns the on-hand stock ledger information

for an item at the local inventory location.
This method returns a stockLedger object.
Table 10-1: getOnHandStockLedger Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.


stockLedger getStockLedger (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
string InventoryLocation,
string BucketId)

The getStockLedger method returns stock ledger information for an item at a

specified location, in to a specified bucket.
This method returns a stockLedger object.
Table 10-2: getStockLedger Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the
message originates.

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

string InventoryLocation [OPTIONAL] ID of inventory location.

string BucketId [OPTIONAL] ID of inventory bucket.

10-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 10-3: stockLedger Elements

Type Element Description

string bucketId ID for the bucket in which the item is


string inventoryLocationId ID for the inventory location of the item.

string itemId ID for the item.

long retailLocationId ID for the retail location of the item.

decimal unitCount Unit count of the item.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Inventory 10-3

10-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Inventory Adjustment

This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Inventory Adjustment Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Inventory Adjustment Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Inventory Adjustment 11-1


This section presents the methods used in the Inventory Adjustment Services API.


invAdjustmentResponse addLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string InventoryItemId,
decimal AdjustmentQty,
string SourceLocation,
string SourceBucket,
string DestinationLocation,
string DestinationBucket,
string ReasonCode,
string ReasonCodeComment,
string SerialNumber,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The addLine method adds an item to an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-1: addLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory item.

decimal AdjustmentQty [OPTIONAL] Quantity of the item being


string SourceLocation [OPTIONAL] ID for the current item location.

string SourceBucket [OPTIONAL] ID for the current item inventory


string Destination [OPTIONAL] ID for the new location of the

Location item.

string DestinationBucket [OPTIONAL] ID for the new item inventory


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID for the reason code for the


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Additional comments about the

Comment reason for the move.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Serial number for the item.

reasonCodePro ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Array of properties for the

mptProperties[] PromptProperties prompts associated with the
reason code.

11-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



invAdjustmentResponse cancelInvAdjustment (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The cancelInvAdjustment method cancels an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-2: cancelInvAdjustment Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.


invAdjustmentResponse changeLineLocBucket (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long DocumentLineNumber,
string SourceLocation,
string SourceBucket,
string DestinationLocation,
string DestinationBucket)

The changeLineLocBucket changes the location and inventory bucket for an item in
an inventory document.
This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-3: changeLineLocBucket Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long DocumentLine [OPTIONAL] Line number in the document.


string SourceLocation [OPTIONAL] ID for the current item location.

string SourceBucket [OPTIONAL] ID for the current item inventory


string Destination [OPTIONAL] ID for the new location of the

Location item.

string DestinationBucket [OPTIONAL] ID for the new item inventory


Inventory Adjustment 11-3



invAdjustmentResponse changeLineQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
decimal NewQty,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The changeLineQty method adds an item to an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-4: changeLineQty Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

decimal NewQty [OPTIONAL] New quantity of the item being


long DocumentLine [OPTIONAL] Line number in the document.



invAdjustmentResponse changeLineReason (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long DocumentLineNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string ReasonCodeComment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeLineReason changes the reason for an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-5: changeLineReason Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long DocumentLine [OPTIONAL] Line number in the document.


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID for the reason code for the


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Additional comments about the

Comment reason for the move.

reasonCodePro ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Array of properties for the

mptProperties[] PromptProperties prompts associated with the
reason code.

11-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



invAdjustmentConfiguration getInventoryAdjustmentConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getInventoryAdjustmentConfig method retrieves configuration information

for inventory adjustments.
This method returns a invAdjustmentConfiguration object.
Table 11-6: getInventoryAdjustmentConfig Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.


invAdjustmentConfiguration initializeInvAdjustment (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The initializeInvAdjustment creates an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentConfiguration object.
Table 11-7: initializeInvAdjustment Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.


inventoryResponse saveInvAdjustment (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The saveInvAdjustment saves an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 11-8: saveInvAdjustment Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

Inventory Adjustment 11-5



inventoryResponse saveItmTransfer (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The saveItmTransfer saves an item transfer.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 11-9: saveItmTransfer Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.


validateDocumentLineItemResponse validateLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string InventoryItemId)

The validateLine returns information about an item.

This method returns a validateDocumentLineItemResponse object.
Table 11-10: validateLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of an item.


invAdjustmentResponse voidLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The voidLine removes a line item from an inventory adjustment.

This method returns a invAdjustmentResponse object.
Table 11-11: voidLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long DocumentLine [OPTIONAL] Line number in an inventory

Number adjustment document.

11-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-12: adjustmentLineItem Elements

Type Element Description

string comment Comment about the line item.

string destBucketId ID of the destination inventory bucket.

string destInvLocationid ID of the destination location.

string dimension1 First dimension for the item.

string dimension2 Second dimension for the item.

string dimension3 Third dimension for the item.

string dimension4 Fourth dimension for the item.

string dimension5 Fifth dimension for the item.

decimal itemCount Quantity for the line item.

string itemDescription Description of the item.

string itemId ID of the itme.

int lineNumber Line number for the line item.

string parentItemId ID of the item’s parent.

reasonCode reasonCode Reason code for the adjustment.

reasonCodePromptP reasonCodePrompt Array of properties for the prompts

roperties[] Properties associated with the reason code.

string serialNumber Serial number for the item.

string sourceBucketId ID of the source inventory bucket.

string sourceInvLocationId ID of the source location.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-13: inputEvent Elements

Type Element Description

string inputData Data that was entered into the system.

string inputDataType Type of data contained in the


Inventory Adjustment 11-7


Table 11-13: inputEvent Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string inputType Type of data entry performed.

This class extends the startupConfiguration class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-14: invAdjustmentConfiguration Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryBucket[] inventoryBuckets Array of available inventory buckets.

inventoryLocation[] inventoryLocations Array of available inventory buckets.

reasonCode[] reasonCodes Array of available reason codes.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-15: inputResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item[] items Array of items.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryBucket”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryDocumentResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-16: inventoryLocation Elements

Type Element Description

string inventoryLocId ID of the inventory location.

string inventoryLocName Name of the inventory location.

boolean systemLocation Indicates whether the inventory location

is a system location.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryResponse”.

11-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


For a description of this class, see “item”.

For a description of this class, see “reasonCode”.

For a description of this class, see “reasonCodePromptProperties”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “startupConfiguration”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 11-17: validateDocumentLineItemResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item inventoryItem Item in the line.

boolean promptModelNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a model

number for this item.

boolean promptQty Indicates whether to prompt for a

quantity of this item.

boolean promptReceiving Indicates whether to prompt for a

Location receiving location for the item.

boolean promptRetailPrice Indicates whether to prompt for a retail

price for the item.

boolean promptSerialNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a serial

number for the item.

Inventory Adjustment 11-9


11-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Inventory Count

This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Inventory Count Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Inventory Count Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server, and <companycode> is the
code assigned to the company at installation.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Inventory Count 12-1


This section presents the methods used in the Inventory Count Services API.


inventoryCountDocumentResponse addInventoryCountLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string InventoryItemId,
string BucketId,
string SerialNumber,
string InventoryLocationId,
string BarcodeType)

The addInventoryCountLineItem method adds a line item to an inventory count.

This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.
Table 12-1: addInventoryCountLineItem Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory count


string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory item.

string BucketId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory bucket.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Item serial number.

string InventoryLocationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory location.

string BarcodeType [OPTIONAL] Type of barcode.

12-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



statusServiceResponse cancelCurrentInventoryCountSession (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The cancelCurrentInventoryCountSession method cancels the inventory count

currently being performed.
This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 12-2: cancelCurrentInventoryCountSession Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


statusServiceResponse cancelInventoryCountDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The cancelInventoryCountDocument method cancels an inventory count

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 12-3: cancelInventoryCountDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountDocumentResponse changeInventoryCountLineItemQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string InventoryItemId,
string SerialNumber,
string BucketId,
string InventoryLocationId,
string QuantityChange)

The changeInventoryCountLineItemQty method changes quantity of the item

within an inventory count.

Inventory Count 12-3


This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.

Table 12-4: changeInventoryCountLineItemQty Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory item.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the item.

string BucketId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item’s inventory


string InventoryLocationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item’s inventory


decimal QuantityChange [OPTIONAL] Change in item quantity.


inventoryResponse completeInventoryCount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The completeInventoryCount method completes an inventory count currently being

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 12-5: completeInventoryCount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountDocumentResponse createNewInventoryCountDoc (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CountType,
inventoryCountElement[] Elements,
item[] Items,
string CountStartDate)

The createNewInventoryCountDoc method creates a new inventory count


12-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.

Table 12-6: createNewInventoryCountDoc Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string CountType [OPTIONAL] Type of count.

inventoryCou Elements [OPTIONAL] Inventory elements to be counted.


item[] Items [OPTIONAL] Items to be counted.

string CountStartDate [OPTIONAL] Start date for the count.


inventoryCountConfiguration getInventoryCountConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getInventoryCountConfig method retrieves the configurations for all inventory

This method returns a inventoryCountConfiguration object.
Table 12-7: getInventoryCountConfig Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


inventoryCountDocumentResponse getInventoryCountDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getInventoryCountDocument method retrieves an inventory count document.

This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.
Table 12-8: getInventoryCountDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.

Inventory Count 12-5



inventoryCountSheetsForCycleResponse getInventoryCountSheetsForCycle (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getInventoryCountSheetsForCycle method retrieves the count sheets for the

current cycle count in an inventory document.
This method returns a inventoryCountSheetsForCycleResponse object.
Table 12-9: getInventoryCountSheetsForCycle Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountSummaryForCycleResponse getInventoryCountSummaryForCycle (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getInventoryCountSummaryForCycle method retrieves a summary of the

current cycle count for an inventory count document.
This method returns a inventoryCountSummaryForCycleResponse object.
Table 12-10: getInventoryCountSummaryForCycle Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.

12-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



inventoryCountVarianceReportResponse getVarianceReport (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getVarianceReport method retrieves the items for which the inventory count
and the expected quantity are different.
This method returns a inventoryCountVarianceReportResponse object.
Table 12-11: getVarianceReport Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountDocumentResponse initiateInventoryCount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The initiateInventoryCount method starts an inventory count.

This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.
Table 12-12: initiateInventoryCount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.

Inventory Count 12-7



inventoryCountDocumentResponse saveInventoryCount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The saveInventoryCount method saves the changes made to an inventory count.

This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.
Table 12-13: saveInventoryCount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountDocSearchResponse searchInventoryCountDocuments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CountType,
string CountStatus,
string DocumentId)

The searchInventoryCountDocuments method searches for a list of inventory

documents that meet certain, defined criteria.
This method returns a inventoryCountDocSearchResponse object.
Table 12-14: searchInventoryCountDocuments Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string CountType [OPTIONAL] Type of count.

string CountStatus [OPTIONAL] Status of the count.

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.


inventoryCountDocumentResponse submitInventoryCount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The submitInventoryCount method submits a count cycle, generates a variance

report, and then generates another count cycle and/or count sheets. Note that this

12-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


method only submits the counts for a count cycle; it does not complete an inventory
This method returns a inventoryCountDocumentResponse object.
Table 12-15: submitInventoryCount Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the inventory document.

For a description of this class, see “codeValueObject”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-16: inventoryBucket Elements

Type Element Description

string adjustmentAction Action performed by the bucket.

string bucketId ID of the inventory bucket.

string defaultLocationId ID of the default inventory location.

string functionCode Function code for the bucket.

string name Name of the bucket.

boolean systemBucket Indicates whether the bucket is a system bucket.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-17: inventoryCountConfiguration Elements

Type Element Description

boolean allowCountingBefore Indicates whether the inventory

Snapshot count can be performed before an
inventory snapshot is taken.

inventoryCountElement[ availableElements Array of inventory elements in the

] inventory count.

inventoryDocType[] docTypes Array of inventory document types

in the count.

Inventory Count 12-9


Table 12-17: inventoryCountConfiguration Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

inventoryBucket[] inventoryBuckets Array of inventory buckets in the


codeValueObject[] inventoryLocations Array of codes in the count.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-18: inventoryCountCycle Elements

Type Element Description

boolean allowRepeatCycle Indicates whether the cycle count can be


inventoryCountCycl childrenCycles Array of child cycle counts.


string cycleName Name of the cycle.

string cycleType Type of cycle.

inventoryCountCycl parentCycle Parent cycle count.


This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-19: inventoryCountCycleSummary Elements

Type Element Description

string styleDescription Description of the style.

string styleId ID of the style.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-20: inventoryCountDocSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryCountDocument[] document Array of inventory document.

12-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-21: inventoryCountDocument Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime beginDate Start date of the inventory count.

boolean changed Indicates whether the inventory

document has been changed.

string countDescription Description of the inventory count.

inventoryCountElement[ countElements Array of inventory elements in the

] inventory count.

string countId ID of the inventory count.

string countStatus Status of the count.

string countType Type of count.

string countTypeDescription Description of the count type.

int currentCountCycle If the inventory count is a cycle

count, the number of the current
cycle count.

dateTime endDate End date of the count.

inventoryCountLineIte lineItems Array of inventory items being

m[] counted.

string statusDescription Description of the count status.

boolean storeCreatedFlag Indicates whether the store created

the count (true), or if the count
originated from corporate (false).

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the count has been


This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-22: inventoryCountDocumentResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean completed Indicates whether the inventory count has

been completed.

inventoryCountCycle countCycle An inventory cycle count.

inventoryCountDocume document Inventory count document.


Inventory Count 12-11


This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-23: inventoryCountElement Elements

Type Element Description

codeValueObject availableValues Array of codes for the element.


string elementType Type of inventory element.

string elementTypeDescription Description of the inventory element.

string elementValue ID of the element.

string parentElementId ID of the parent element.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-24: inventoryCountLineItem Elements

Type Element Description

string alternateId Alternate ID for the item.

string bucketId Inventory bucket ID.

boolean changed Indicates whether the line item has been


int countCycle If the count is a cycle count, the number

of the cycle.

string countId ID of the count.

int countSheetNumber Number of the count sheet.

string countType Type of count.

string dimensionSummary Summary of the item dimension.

decimal expectedQty Number of items expected.

string inventoryLocationId ID of the inventory location.

string itemDescription Description of the item.

string itemId ID of the item.

decimal quantity Counted quantity of the item.

12-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-25: inventoryCountSheet Elements

Type Element Description

boolean checkedOut Indicates whether the count sheet is checked out.

int countCycle Number of the cycle count.

int countSheetNumber Count sheet number.

string inventoryBucketId ID of the inventory bucket.

string inventoryBucketName Name of the inventory bucket.

string inventoryCountId ID of the inventory count.

long organizationId ID of the organization.

long retailLocationId ID of the retail location.

string sectionId ID of the section.

int sectionNumber Number of the section.

string sheetStatus Status of the count sheet.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-26: inventoryCountSheetsForCycleResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string documentid ID of the inventory document.

inventoryCountShee inventoryCountSheets Array of count sheets for the inventory

t[] document.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-27: inventoryCountSummaryForCycleResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryCountCycleSummary[] cycleSummary Array of cycle count summaries.

Inventory Count 12-13


This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-28: inventoryCountVarianceReportResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryCountLineIte varianceList Array of inventory items whose counts

m[] vary from their expected counts.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 12-29: inventoryDocType Elements

Type Element Description

string docTypeDescription Description of the document type.

string inventoryDocName Name of the inventory document.

string inventoryDocType Type of inventory document.

This element extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains no additional elements.

For a description of this class, see “item”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

12-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the Item
Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description Language
(WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML Schema, and
various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web service described
The URL for the Item Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Item 13-1

This section presents the methods used in the Item Services API.


inventoryLocatorResponse checkProductAvailability (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
string MinimumQuantity,
string MaximumDistance,
string FulfillmentType)

The checkProductAvailability method checks whether an item that meets

specified criteria is available at another location.
This method returns a inventoryLocatorResponse object.
Table 13-1: checkProductAvailability Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.

string MinimumQuantity [OPTIONAL] Minimum quantity of the item.

string MaximumDistance [OPTIONAL] Maximum distance from the

requesting location.

string FulfillmentType [OPTIONAL] Type of fulfillment.


catalogResponse getCatalog (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Catalog)

The getCatalog method returns the contents of a specific catalog.

This method returns a catalogResponse object.
Table 13-2: getCatalog Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Catalog [OPTIONAL] ID of the catalog.

13-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



catalogListResponse getCatalogList (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getCatalogList method returns a list of all active catalogs in the system.
This method returns a catalogListResponse object.
Table 13-3: getCatalogList Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


itemPricesResponse getCurrentItemPrices (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getCurrentItemPrices method returns all the prices (past, present, and future)
configured for an item.
This method returns a itemPricesResponse object.
Table 13-4: getCurrentItemPrices Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.


itemSearchResponse getGiftCardItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getGiftCardItems method retrieves information about all the gift card items
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-5: getGiftCardItems Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

Item 13-3


itemLookupResponse getItemById (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getItemById method retrieves an item by its ItemId.

This method returns a itemLookupResponse object.
Table 13-6: getItemById Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.


itemLookupResponse getItemBySaleType (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
string SaleType)

The getItemBySaleType method retrieves an item by its ItemId and the SaleType
of the item.
This method returns a itemLookupResponse object.
Table 13-7: getItemBySaleType Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

string SaleType [OPTIONAL] Type of sale.


itemDealListResponse getItemDeals (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
int FutureDays)

The getItemDeals method retrieves the deals that will be active for an item
FutureDays from now.

13-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a itemDealListResponse object.

Table 13-8: getItemDeals Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

int FutureDays [REQUIRED] Number of days in the future to

check for active deals.


itemSearchResponse getItemNotOnFileItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getItemNotOnFileItems method returns the items that have been sold, but are
not on file in the system.
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-9: getItemNotOnFileItems Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


itemPriceHistoryResponse getItemPriceHistory (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getItemPriceHistory method returns the price history of an item.

This method returns a itemPriceHistoryResponse object.
Table 13-10: getItemPriceHistory Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.

Item 13-5


itemSearchResponse getItemVariations (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getItemVariations method retrieves items that are variations of an item.

This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-11: getItemVariations Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.


itemSearchResponse getItemsByDimensions (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string StyleItemId,
string DimensionCode1,
string DimensionValue1,
string DimensionCode2,
string DimensionValue2,
string DimensionCode3,
string DimensionValue3)

The getItemsByDimensions method retrieves the items that have the defined
dimension code(s) and corresponding dimension value(s).
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-12: getItemsByDimensions Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string StyleItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of style.

string DimensionCode1 [OPTIONAL] ID of dimension 1.

string DimensionValue1 [OPTIONAL] Value of dimension 1.

string DimensionCode2 [OPTIONAL] ID of dimension 2.

string DimensionValue2 [OPTIONAL] Value of dimension 2.

string DimensionCode3 [OPTIONAL] ID of dimension 3.

string DimensionValue3 [OPTIONAL] Value of dimension 3.

13-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



itemSearchResponse getItemsForCategory (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CategoryId)

The getItemsForCategory method returns items in a certain category.

This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-13: getItemsForCategory Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string CategoryId [OPTIONAL] ID of a category.


itemSearchResponse getNonPhysicalItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Type,
string Subtype)

The getNonPhysicalItems method retrieves all the nonphysical items in the system.
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-14: getNonPhysicalItems Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Type [OPTIONAL] Item type.

string Subtype [OPTIONAL] Item subtype.


productCategoriesResponse getProductCategories (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CategoryId)

The getProductCategories method returns item category information.

Item 13-7

This method returns a productCategoriesResponse object.

Table 13-15: getProductCategories Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string CategoryId [OPTIONAL] ID of category.


itemSearchResponse getSimilarItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getSimilarItems method returns items similar to an item.

This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-16: getSimilarItems Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.


itemLookupResponse getSingleItemDealPrice (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId)

The getSingleItemDealPrice method returns a single item with its current price.
This method returns a itemLookupResponse object.
Table 13-17: getSingleItemDealPrice Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

13-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



itemLookupResponse getVoucherItemForActivity (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string VoucherId,
string VoucherActivity)

The getVoucherItemForActivity method retrieves the voucher item with

VoucherId that is associated with the activity VoucherActivity.
This method returns a itemLookupResponse object.
Table 13-18: getVoucherItemForActivity Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string VoucherId [OPTIONAL] ID of voucher.

string VoucherActivity [OPTIONAL] Voucher activity.


inventoryLocatorResponse locateInventory (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
string MinimumQuantity,
string MaximumDistance,
string FulfillmentType)

The locateInventory method returns stock level information for each retail location
with the ItemId in stock, with a MinimumQuantity stock level, and within
MaximumDistance of the retail location performing the search.
This method returns a inventoryLocatorResponse object.
Table 13-19: locateInventory Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

string MinimumQuantity [OPTIONAL] Minimum quantity of the item.

string MaximumDistance [OPTIONAL] Maximum distance of the location.

string FulfillmentType [OPTIONAL] Method to be used to fulfill item


Item 13-9


inventoryLocatorResponse locateOrderItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string MaximumDistance)

The locateOrderItems method uses the Order Broker Cloud Service system’s WS
channel to search for order items within a certain distance of a location.
This method returns a inventoryLocatorResponse object.
Table 13-20: locateOrderItems Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [OPTIONAL] Sequence number of transaction.

string MaximumDistance [OPTIONAL] Maximum distance from the location

to check for items.


statusServiceResponse printItemLabel (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ItemId,
string Printer,
int Quantity)

The printItemLabel method prints a specified number of labels for an item.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 13-21: printItemLabel Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.

string Printer [OPTIONAL] ID of the label printer.

int Quantity [OPTIONAL] Number of labels to print.

13-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



catalogPageResponse searchCatalogForItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Catalog,
string Item)

The searchCatalogForItem method returns a list of catalog pages on which an item

This method returns a catalogPageResponse object.
Table 13-22: searchCatalogForItem Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Catalog [OPTIONAL] ID of the catalog.

string Item [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.


itemSearchResponse searchItemsByDescription (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Description)

The searchItemsByDescription method returns all items containing

Description in their item descriptions.
This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.
Table 13-23: searchItemsByDescription Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Description [OPTIONAL] Item description.


itemSearchResponse searchItemsByIdOrDescription (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Description,
string[] Descriptions)

The searchItemsByIdOrDescription method searches for the item with a

Description item ID, or all items containing certain text in their item descriptions.

Item 13-11

This method returns a itemSearchResponse object.

Table 13-24: searchItemsByIdOrDescription Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Description [OPTIONAL] Item ID.

string[] Descriptions [OPTIONAL] Array of text items.

This class contains the following element:
Table 13-25: catalog Elements

Type Element Description

string catalogId ID of the catalog.

string catalogType Type of catalog.

string description Description of the catalog.

dateTime effectiveDate First date on which the catalog is valid.

dateTime expirationDate Last date on which the catalog is valid.

catalogPage[] pages Catalog pages.

string previewImageURL URL of the catalog preview image.

int sortOrder Sort order for the catalog.

string title Catalog title.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-26: catalogListResponse Elements

Type Element Description

catalog[] catalogs Array of catalogs.

13-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following element:
Table 13-27: catalogPage Elements

Type Element Description

string catalogId ID of the catalog.

catalogPageItem[] items Catalog items on the page.

string pageImageURL URL of the page image.

int pageIndex Page number for the index.

string thumbnailImageURL URL of the page thumbnail image.

This class contains the following element:
Table 13-28: catalogPageItem Elements

Type Element Description

string catalogId ID of the catalog.

string itemId ID of the item.

int pageIndex Page number for the index.

int pageLocationX X coordinate of the item’s origination on

the page.

int pageLocationY Y coordinate of the item’s origination on

the page.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-29: catalogPage Elements

Type Element Description

catalogPage[] pages Array of catalog pages.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-30: catalogResponse Elements

Type Element Description

catalog catalog Catalog information.

Item 13-13

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-31: inventoryLocatorResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean deliveryAvailable Indicates whether the item is

available for delivery.

retailLocationStockLevel retailLocationStockLevels Array of location and stock level

[] information for an item.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-32: item Elements

Type Element Description

decimal currentSellingPrice Current selling price of the item.

string departmentDesc Description of the item’s department.

string departmentId ID of the item’s department.

string desc Description of the item.

string dimensionSummary Summary of the item dimension.

boolean disallowSendSale Indicates whether to disallow send

sales (if true, item cannot be included
in a send sale).

boolean giftCard Indicates whether the item is a gift


string[] imageUrls Array of URLs holding images of the


string itemClassDesc Description of the item class.

string itemClassId ID of the item class.

itemDimension[] itemDimensions Array of dimensions available for the


string itemId ID for the item.

string itemLevelCode Level code for the item.

itemPromptProperty itemPromptProperties Array of prompt properties available

[] for the item.

itemProperty[] itemProperties Array of item properties.

string itemSubClassDesc Description of the item’s subclass.

string itemSubClassId ID of the item’s subclass.

13-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 13-32: item Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string itemTypeCode Code identifying the type of item.

int minAgeRequired The minimum age required for a

customer to be allowed to purchase
the item.

string nonPhysicalItemTypeCode Code identifying the type of

nonphysical item.

string nonPhysicalSubTypeCode Code identifying the type of

nonphysical subtype to which the
item belongs.

string parentItemId ID of the item’s parent.

boolean promptForDescription Indicates whether to prompt for a

description of the item.

boolean promptForPrice Indicates whether to prompt for an

item price.

boolean promptForQty Indicates whether to prompt for item


boolean promptForWeight Indicates whether to prompt for item


int qtyScale The scaling amount used for the item


decimal quantityOnHand The current quantity of the item on


boolean serializeItem Indicates whether the item is


string stockStatus The current stock status of the item.

string subdepartmentDesc Description of the item’s


string subdepartmentId ID of the item’s subdepartment.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-33: itemDeal Elements

Type Element Description

boolean active Indicates whether the deal is currently


dateTime activeDate Date on which the deal is activated.

string description Description of the deal.

Item 13-15

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-34: itemDealListResponse Elements

Type Element Description

itemDeal[] deals Array of item deals.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-35: itemDimension Elements

Type Element Description

string dimensionCode Code identifying the dimension.

string dimensionValue Value of the dimension.

string itemId ID of the item.

itemDimensionValu possibleValues Possible values for the dimension.


string promptText Prompt displayed when asking for the

dimension value.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-36: itemDimensionValue Elements

Type Element Description

string imageSwatchUrl URL used to access a swatch image.

string label Label displayed for the value.

string value The dimension value.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-37: itemLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item item The item.

13-16 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-38: itemPrice Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime effectiveDate Date on which the price becomes


dateTime expirationDate Date on which the price expires.

string itemId ID of the item.

string levelCode Code identifying the level type.

string levelValue Value identifying the level.

decimal price Price of the item.

string priceType Type of price.

decimal pricingQuantity Item quantity to which the price is


This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-39: itemPriceHistory Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime endDate Last date on which the price was valid.

string itemId ID of the item.

decimal itemPrice Price of the item.

dateTime startDate First date on which the price was valid.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following element:
Table 13-40: itemPriceHistoryResponse Elements

Type Element Description

itemPriceHistory[] priceHistories Array of historical item prices.

Item 13-17

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-41: itemPricesResponse Elements

Type Element Description

itemPrice[] prices Array of item prices.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-42: itemPromptProperty Elements

Type Element Description

string itemId ID of the item.

string[] possibleValues Possible values of the prompt.

string promptMethod Method used to enter a value.

string promptText Text of the item prompt.

string promptTitle Title for the prompt.

string propertyCode Code identifying the property.

string propertyValue Value of the property.

boolean valueRequired Indicates whether a value must be

entered for the property.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-43: itemProperty Elements

Type Element Description

string propertyDataType Data type used for the property


string propertyDescription Description of the property.

string propertyTypeCode Type of property.

string propertyValue Value of the property.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

13-18 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 13-44: itemSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item[] items Array of items matching the search criteria.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-45: productCategoriesResponse Elements

Type Element Description

productCategory[] categories Array of product categories.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-46: productCategory Elements

Type Element Description

string categoryDescription Description of the category.

string categoryId ID of the category.

item[] items Array of items in the category.

productCategory[] subCategories Subcategories of the category.

For a description of this class, see “retailLocation”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 13-47: retailLocationStockLevel Elements

Type Element Description

string itemId ID of the item.

retailLocation retailLocation Retail location where the item can be


decimal stockLevel Quantity of the item.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

Item 13-19

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

13-20 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Logging Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Logging Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Logging 14-1

This section presents the methods used in the Logging Services API.


loggingResponse logEvent (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
logEntry Entry)

The logEvent method places one Entry in the log.

This method returns a loggingResponse object.
Table 14-1: logEvent Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

logEntry Entry [OPTIONAL] Log entry.


loggingResponse logList (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
logEntry[] Entries)

The logList method posts a set of Entries in the log.

This method returns a loggingResponse object.
Table 14-2: logList Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

logEntry[] Entries [OPTIONAL] Log entries.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 14-3: logEntry Elements

Type Element Description

string category Category of log entry.

string level Priority level of the log entry.

14-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 14-3: logEntry Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string message Log entry message text.

string source Source of the log entry.

dateTime timestamp Time at which the log entry was made.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains no additional elements or attributes.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Logging 14-3

14-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Order Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Order Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Order 15-1

This section presents the methods used in the Order Services API.


orderResponse cancelOrder (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
orderUpdate OrderUpdate)

The cancelOrder method cancels an order.

This method returns a orderResponse object.
Table 15-1: cancelOrder Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

orderUpdate OrderUpdate [OPTIONAL] Order to be canceled.


orderLocationsResponse discoverLocations (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string SystemCode)

The discoverLocations method retrieves the list of possible locations for an order.
This method returns a orderLocationsResponse object.
Table 15-2: discoverLocations Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string SystemCode [OPTIONAL] System code.


orderResponse submitOrder (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The submitOrder method submits an order.

15-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a orderResponse object.

Table 15-3: submitOrder Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [OPTIONAL] Sequence number for the order



orderResponse submitOrderDelivery (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
orderDelivery OrderDelivery)

The submitOrderDelivery method submits an order.

This method returns a orderResponse object.
Table 15-4: submitOrderDelivery Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

orderDelivery OrderDelivery [OPTIONAL] Information about the order.


orderResponse submitOrderPickup (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
orderPickup OrderPickup)

The submitOrderPickup method submits a pickup transaction for an order.

This method returns a orderResponse object.
Table 15-5: submitOrderPickup Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

orderPickup OrderPickup [OPTIONAL] Information about the order


Order 15-3


orderResponse submitOrderRetailPickup (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
orderRetailPickup OrderPickup)

The submitOrderRetailPickup method submits an order for pickup at a retail

This method returns a orderResponse object.
Table 15-6: submitOrderRetailPickup Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

orderRetailPic OrderPickup [OPTIONAL] Information about the order to

kup be picked up.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-7: orderDelivery Elements

Type Element Description

string freightAmount Amount of freight for the transaction.

orderShipTransactionD orderShipTransaction Detail information for items in the order.

etails Details

string shipVia ID for the entity shipping the order.

string shipViaDescription Description of the entity shipping the


This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-8: orderEntity Elements

Type Element Description

string address1 Address line 1.

string address2 Address line 2.

string address3 Address line 3.

string address4 Address line 4.

string apt Apartment number.

15-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 15-8: orderEntity Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string attention Attention line for the address.

string city City for the address.

string companyName Company name.

string country Country of the address.

string email Contact email.

string first Person’s first name.

string last Person’s last name.

string middle Person’s last name.

string phone1 Phone number 1.

string phone2 Phone number 2.

string postal Postal or zip code.

string prefix Prefix for the person’s name.

string province Province or state for the address.

string suffix Suffix for the person’s name.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-9: orderInfo Elements

Type Element Description

string balanceDue Balance due on the order.

string currency Currency used for the order.

string employeeId ID of the employee who created the order.

orderTenders orderTenders Tenders applied to the order.

string requestingRetail Retail location making the order request.


orderSoldTo soldTo Customer to whom the order was sold.

string transactionNumber Transaction number for the order.

string transactionSubtotal Subtotal for the order transaction.

string transactionTax Tax applied to the order transaction.

string transactionTotal Total amount of the order transaction.

Order 15-5

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-10: orderLocation Elements

Type Element Description

string city Destination city for the order.

string contacName Contact name for the order.

string countryCode Destination country for the order.

string email Contact email for the order.

string extension Extension for the contact phone number.

string fax Contact fax number.

string locationCode Code for the location.

string locationHours Hours the location is open.

string name Name associated with the order.

string phone Contact phone number for the order.

string postalCode Destination postal code or zip code for

the order.

string rank Rank for the order.

string region Destination region for the order.

string stateProvinceCode ID code for the destination state or

province for the order.

string street Destination street address for the order.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-11: orderLocationsResponse Elements

Type Element Description

orderLocation[] orderLocations Array of destination locations.

This class extends the orderInfo class.

15-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 15-12: orderPickup Elements

Type Element Description

orderPickupTransact orderPickupTransaction Details about the order pickup

ionDetails Details transaction.

This class extends the orderTransactionDetail class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-13: orderPickupTransactionDetail Elements

Type Element Description

string locationCode Location code for the pickup location.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-14: orderPickupTransactionDetails Elements

Type Element Description

orderPickupTransact orderPickupTransaction Array of transaction details about the

ionDetail[] Detail order pickup.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-15: orderResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string description Description of the order.

string fulfillmentLocation Location fulfilling an order.


string fulfillmentSystemCode System code for the type of fulfillment.

string orderId ID of the order.

string requestId ID of the order request.

string responseCode ID code for the order response.

This class extends the orderInfo class.

Order 15-7

This class contains the following elements:

Table 15-16: orderRetailPickup Elements

Type Element Description

orderShipTransactio orderShipTransaction Details about the order to be picked up.

nDetails Details

This class extends the orderTransactionDetail class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-17: orderShipTransactionDetails Elements

Type Element Description

orderEntity shipTo Shipping destination for the order.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-18: orderShipTransactionDetails Elements

Type Element Description

orderShipTransactio orderShipTransaction Array of transaction details.

nDetail[] Detail

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-19: orderSoldTo Elements

Type Element Description

string customerNumber ID number for the customer.

orderEntity orderEntity Address and contact information for the


This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-20: orderTax Elements

Type Element Description

string amount Amount of the tax.

string description Description of the tax.

string lineItemNumber Line item number for the tax.

15-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-21: orderTaxes Elements

Type Element Description

orderTax[] orderTax Array of taxes.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-22: orderTender Elements

Type Element Description

string lineItemNumber Line item number for the tender.

string tenderAmount Amount of the tender.

string tenderDescription Description of the tender.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-23: orderTenders Elements

Type Element Description

orderTender[] orderTender Array of tenders.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-24: orderTransactionDetail Elements

Type Element Description

string itemId ID of the item.

string lineItemNumber Line number of the item.

orderTaxes orderTaxes Taxes on the item.

string quantity Quantity of the item.

string unitPrice Unit price of the item.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 15-25: orderUpdate Elements

Type Element Description

string employeeId ID of the employee who created the order.

Order 15-9

Table 15-25: orderUpdate Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string orderId ID of the order.

string requestId ID of the order request.

string requestingRetail ID of the location from which the order

Location request was created.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

15-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the Ping
Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description Language
(WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML Schema, and
various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web service described
The URL for the Ping Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Ping 16-1

This section presents the methods used in the Ping Services API.


pingResponse pingServer (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The pingServer method checks whether the server is available on the network.
This method returns a pingResponse object.
Table 16-1: pingServer Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

This class extends the statusServiceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 16-2: pingResponse Elements

Type Element Description

long pingReplyTime Time required for a ping packed response

to be received from the server.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

16-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Printing Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Printing Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Printing 17-1

This section presents the methods used in the Printing Services API.


printerResponse getAvailablePrinters (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Type)

The getAvailablePrinters method returns the printers that are available to the
This method returns a printerResponse object.
Table 17-1: getAvailablePrinters Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Type [optional] Type of printer.


printerResponse printTestReceipt (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Printer)

The printTestReceipt method returns the printers that are available to the system.
This method returns a printerResponse object.
Table 17-2: printTestReceipt Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Printer [optional] ID of printer.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 17-3: printer Elements

Type Element Description

string id ID of the printer.

17-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 17-3: printer Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string name Name of the printer.

string type Type of printer.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 17-4: printerResponse Elements

Type Element Description

printer[] printers Array of printers.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Printing 17-3

17-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Reason Code

This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Reason Code Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Reason Code Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Reason Code 18-1


This section presents the methods used in the Reason Code Services API.


reasonCodeLookupResponse getReasonCodesByType (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string ReasonCodeType)

The getReasonCodesByType method retrieves all the reason codes of

This method returns a reasonCodeLookupResponse object.
Table 18-1: getReasonCodesByType Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string ReasonCodeTyp [OPTIONAL] Type of reason code.


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 18-2: postalCodeResponse Elements

Type Element Description

reasonCode[] reasonCodes Array of reason codes.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 18-3: reasonCode Elements

Type Element Description

string actionCode ID code for the action associated with the

reason code.

string commentRequired Indicates whether a comment is required.

string customerMessage Message to customer.

string description Description of the reason code.

string privilegeType Type of privilege required to use the

reason code.

18-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 18-3: reasonCode Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

reasonCodePromptP promptProperties Array of properties for the prompts

roperties[] associated with the reason code.

string reasonCode Reason code value.

int sortOrder Order in which the reason code is


This class contains the following elements:
Table 18-4: reasonCodePromptProperties Elements

Type Element Description

string promptDataType Type of data requested by the prompt.

string promptText Text of the prompt.

string promptTitle Title of the prompt.

string promptTypeCode ID code for the type of prompt.

string value Value of the reason code.

boolean valueRequired Indicates whether a value must be


For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

Reason Code 18-3


18-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Receiving Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Receiving Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Receiving 19-1

This section presents the methods used in the Receiving Services API.


inventoryCartonResponse addLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
string InventoryItemId,
string ModelNumber,
decimal RetailPrice,
decimal LineItemQty,
string ReceivingLocation,
string SerialNumber)

The addLine method adds a line to a carton.

This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.
Table 19-1: addLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

string ModelNumber [OPTIONAL] ID number for item model.

decimal RetailPrice [OPTIONAL] Retail price of item.

decimal LineItemQty [OPTIONAL] Quantity of the item.

string ReceivingLocatio [OPTIONAL] Location receiving the item.


string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Item serial number.


expressReceivingResponse addToExpress (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
long PONumber)

The addToExpress method adds a carton to an express document.

19-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a expressReceivingResponse object.

Table 19-2: addToExpress Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

long PONumber [OPTIONAL] Purchase order number.


inventoryResponse cancelDocumentChanges (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The cancelDocumentChanges method cancels all pending changes to a document.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-3: cancelDocumentChanges Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


inventoryResponse cancelExpress (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The cancelExpress method cancels all pending changes to an express document.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-4: cancelExpress Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

Receiving 19-3


inventoryCartonResponse changeLineQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
decimal NewQty,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The changeLineQty method changes the quantity of a document line item.

This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.
Table 19-5: changeLineQty Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

decimal NewQty [OPTIONAL] New quantity for line.

long DocumentLineN [OPTIONAL] Line number being changed.



inventoryDocumentResponse createNewDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentType,
string DocumentId,
string DestinationId,
string DestinationDescription)

The createNewDocument method creates a new receiving document.

This method returns a inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 19-6: createNewDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentType [OPTIONAL] Type of document.

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string DestinationId [OPTIONAL] ID of destination.

string Destination [OPTIONAL] Description of the destination.


19-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



inventoryCartonResponse getCarton (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The getCarton method retrieves information about a receiving carton.

This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.
Table 19-7: getCarton Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of the carton.


inventoryDocumentResponse getDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getDocument method retrieves information about a receiving document.

This method returns a inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 19-8: getDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


inventoryDestinationResponse getReceiveFromLocations (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentType)

The getShipToLocations method retrieves the locations from which items can be
received with a DocumentType document.

Receiving 19-5

This method returns a inventoryDestinationResponse object.

Table 19-9: getReceiveFromLocations Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentType [OPTIONAL] Type of document.


receivingConfiguration getReceivingConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getReceivingConfig method retrieves configuration information for receiving.

This method returns a receivingConfiguration object.
Table 19-10: getReceivingConfig Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


inventoryCartonResponse receiveCartonInFull (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The receiveCartonInFull method lists all items in a carton as being received.

This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.
Table 19-11: receiveCartonInFull Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

19-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



inventoryResponse receiveInFull (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The receiveInFull method lists all items in a receiving document as being received.
This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-12: receiveInFull Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the receiving document.


inventoryResponse saveDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
boolean CloseDocument)

The saveDocument method saves all the changes made to a receiving document.
This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-13: saveDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of the document.

boolean CloseDocument [OPTIONAL] Indicates whether to close the

receiving document.


inventoryResponse saveExpress (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The saveExpress method saves all the changes made to an express document.

Receiving 19-7

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.

Table 19-14: saveExpress Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


documentSearchResultResponse searchDocuments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The searchDocuments method retrieves all documents with the DocumentId.

This method returns a documentSearchResultResponse object.
Table 19-15: searchDocuments Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


inventoryResponse updatePONumber (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
string PONumber)

The updatePONumber method changes the purchase order number for a document.
This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-16: updatePONumber Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

string PONumber [OPTIONAL] Purchase order number.

19-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



inventoryResponse validateControlNumber (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
string ControlNumber)

The validateControlNumber method validates the control number for a carton and
This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 19-17: validateControlNumber Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

string ControlNumber [OPTIONAL] Control number to be validated.


validateInvIdResponse validateId (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string InventoryId)

The validateId method checks whether an InventoryId is valid.

This method returns a validateInvIdResponse object.
Table 19-18: validateId Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string InventoryId [OPTIONAL] Inventory ID.


validateDocumentLineItemResponse validateLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string InventoryItemId)

The validateLine method retrieves validation information about an item.

Receiving 19-9

This method returns a validateDocumentLineItemResponse object.

Table 19-19: validateLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of inventory item being validated.


inventoryDocumentResponse validateOrAddCarton (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The validateOrAddCarton method checks whether a CartonId has been added to a

DocumentId. If it has not, the carton is added to the document.
This method returns an inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 19-20: validateOrAddCarton Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.


expressReceivingResponse voidFromExpress (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The voidFromExpress method voids a carton from an express document.

This method returns a expressReceivingResponse object.
Table 19-21: voidFromExpress Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

19-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 19-21: voidFromExpress Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.


inventoryCartonResponse voidLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The voidLine method voids a line in a document.

This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.
Table 19-22: voidLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

long DocumentLineN [OPTIONAL] Line number being voided in

umber document.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-23: cartonLineItem Elements

Type Element Description

string cartonId ID of carton.

boolean changed Indicates whether the line item has

been changed.

string controlNumber Control number.

string documentId ID of document.

string documentTypeCode Code indicating the type of


documentLineItem[] lineItems Line items in the document.

Receiving 19-11

Table 19-23: cartonLineItem Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

boolean promptForControlNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a

control number.

long retailLocationId ID of retail location.

string statusCode Status code of line item.

string statusDescription Description of status.

decimal totalItemCount Total quantity of item(s).

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-24: documentLineItem Elements

Type Element Description

string cartonId ID of carton.

boolean changed Indicates whether the line item has been


string controlNumber Control number.

string documentId ID of document.

int documentLineNumber Line number on document.

string documentTypeCode Code indicating the type of document.

string enteredItemDescription Description of entered item.

string enteredItemId ID of entered item.

decimal expectedCount Expected inventory count.

string inventoryItemId ID of inventory item.

string itemDescription Description of item.

string modelNumber Model number of item.

decimal postedCount Posted inventory count.

decimal retailValue Retail value.

string serialNumber Item serial number.

string statusCode Code indicating status.

string statusDescription Description of status.

decimal unitCount Unit count of item.

19-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-25: documentSearchResultResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryDocument[] documents Array of documents.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-26: expressLineItem Elements

Type Element Description

string cartonId ID of the carton.

boolean document Indicates whether there is an associated


string documentId ID of document.

decimal itemCount Quantity of the line item.

int lineNumber Line number.

string poReferenceNumber Reference number for the purchase order.

boolean promptForPO Indicates whether the user must be

prompted for a purchase order number.

string status Status of line item.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-27: expressReceivingResponse Elements

Type Element Description

expressLineItem[] items Array of items.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-28: inventoryCartonResponse Elements

Type Element Description

cartonLineItem carton Inventory carton.

Receiving 19-13

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-29: inventoryDestination Elements

Type Element Description

string destinationDescription Description of the destination.

string destinationId ID of the destination.

string destinationType Type of destination.

int sortOrder Order is which the destination is


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-30: inventoryDestinationResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryDestinatio destinations Array of shipping destinations.


shipperOption[] shippers Array of shippers.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-31: inventoryDocument Elements

Type Element Description

boolean cartonShipping Indicates whether cartons are used in

the document.

cartonLineItem[] cartons Cartons in the document.

boolean changed Indicates whether the document has

been changed.

string controlNumber Control number.

string description Description of document.

string documentCreationType Method used to created document.

string documentId ID of document.

string documentSubTypeCode Code indicating the subtype of


string documentTypeCode Code indicating the type of


19-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 19-31: inventoryDocument Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string expectedDate Date on which the shipment is

expected to be received.

string invoiceNumber Invoice number.

boolean itemLevelReceiving Indicates whether item-level

receiving is required.

long lastActivityDate Date of last document activity.

documentLineItem[] lineItems Line items in the document.

string poReferenceNumber Reference number to related

purchase order.

boolean promptForControlNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a

control number.

boolean promptForPO Indicates whether to prompt for a

purchase order.

boolean promptForPackingSlip Indicates whether to prompt for a

packing slip.

long retailLocationId ID of retail location.

string statusCode Code indicating status.

string statusDescription Description of status.

decimal totalItemCount Total quantity of item(s).

string trackingNumber Tracking number.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-32: inventoryDocumentResponse Elements

Type Element Description

inventoryDocument document Inventory document.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains no additional elements.

For a description of this class, see “item”.

Receiving 19-15

This class extends the startupConfiguration class.
This class contains no additional elements.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-33: shipperOption Elements

Type Element Description

string shipperCode ID code for the shipper.

string shipperDescription Description of the shipper.

int sortOrder Order is which the shipper is displayed.

For a description of this class, see “startupConfiguration”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-34: validateInvIdResponse Elements

Type Element Description

expressLineItem[] items Array of express line items.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 19-35: validateDocumentLineItemResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item inventoryItem Inventory item.

boolean promptModelNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a model


boolean promptQty Indicates whether to prompt for an item


19-16 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 19-35: validateDocumentLineItemResponse Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

boolean promptReceivingLocation Indicates whether to prompt for a receiving


boolean promptRetailPrice Indicates whether to prompt for a retail price.

boolean promptSerialNumber Indicates whether to prompt for a serial


Receiving 19-17

19-18 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Register Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Register Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Register 20-1

This section presents the methods used in the Register Services API.


statusServiceResponse closeRegister (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The closeRegister method closes a register.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 20-1: closeRegister Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


registerStoreStatusResponse getRegisterStoreStatus (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getRegisterStoreStatus method retrieves the status of a store in a register.

This method returns a registerStoreStatusResponse object.
Table 20-2: getRegisterStoreStatus Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


statusServiceResponse openRegister (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The openRegister method opens a register.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 20-3: openRegister Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

20-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



statusServiceResponse validateRegisterOpen (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The validateRegisterOpen method checks whether a register is open.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 20-4: validateRegisterOpen Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

This class extends the statusServiceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 20-5: registerStoreStatusResponse Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime businessDate Business date.

boolean registerOpen Indicates whether the register is open.

boolean storeOpen Indicates whether the store is open.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

Register 20-3

20-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Retail Location

This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Retail Location Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Retail Location Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Retail Location 21-1


This section presents the methods used in the Retail Location Services API.


statusServiceResponse closeStore (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId)

The closeStore method closes a store.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 21-1: closeStore Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [optional] ID of employee closing the store.


retailLocationLookupResponse getRetailLocation (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getRetailLocation method retrieves location information for the local store.
This method returns a retailLocationLookupResponse object.
Table 21-2: getRetailLocation Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


retailLocationLookupResponse getRetailLocationWithId (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string RetailLocId)

The getRetailLocationWithId method looks up a retail location by ID.

21-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a retailLocationLookupResponse object.

Table 21-3: getRetailLocationWithId Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string RetailLocId [optional] ID of retail location.


retailLocationSearchResponse locateSendSaleStores (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The locateSendSaleStores method searches for stores that can be used for send
This method returns a retailLocationSearchResponse object.
Table 21-4: locateSendSaleStores Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


retailLocationSearchResponse locateStores (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
decimal LatitudeFrom,
decimal LongitutdeFrom,
int MilesWithin)

The locateStores method finds all stores within a defined radius of a specified
latitude and longitude.
This method returns a retailLocationSearchResponse object.
Table 21-5: locateStores Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

decimal LatitudeFrom [OPTIONAL] Starting latitude.

decimal LongitdeFrom [OPTIONAL] Starting longitude.

int MilesWithin [OPTIONAL] Number of miles of radius from the

starting latitude and longitude
within which to search for stores.

Retail Location 21-3



statusServiceResponse openStore (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
date BusinessDate)

The openStore method opens a store.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 21-6: openStore Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [optional] ID of employee opening the store.

date BusinessDate [optional] Business date for the store open.


validationResponse validateStoreClosed (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The validateStoreClosed method checks whether a store is closed.

This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 21-7: validateStoreClosed Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


validationResponse validateStoreOpen (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The validateStoreOpen method checks whether the local store is open.

This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 21-8: validateStoreOpen Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

21-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 21-9: retailLocation Elements

Type Element Description

string address1 Line 1 of the store address.

string address2 Line 2 of the store address.

string apartment Apartment number of the store address.

string area Area of the store.

string city City of the store.

string country Country of the store.

string currencyId ID of the currency used in the store’s area.

string dataSource Data source for the store.

string description Description of the store.

decimal distanceFromStartingPoint Distance to the store from another,

defined location.

string district District of the store.

string emailAddress Email address for the store.

decimal latitude Latitude of the store.

string locale Locale of the store.

decimal longitude Longitude of the store.

long organizationId Store’s organization ID.

string postalCode Postal code/ZIP Code for the store.

string region Region of the store.

long retailLocationId ID of the retail location.

string state State/Province of the store.

string storeManager Employee ID of the store manager.

string storeNumber Store number.

string telephone1 First telephone number for the store.

string telephone2 Second telephone number for the store.

string telephone3 Third telephone number for the store.

string telephone4 Fourth telephone number for the store.

Retail Location 21-5


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 21-10: retailLocationLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

retailLocation retailLocation Retail location information.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 21-11: retailLocationSearchResponse Elements

Type Element Description

retailLocation[] retailLocations Array of locations matching the search


For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 21-12: validationResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean valid Indicates whether the store is open.

21-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Shipping Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Receiving Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Note: The Carton ID is not used in the Xstore Shipping functions.

Shipping 22-1

This section presents the methods used in the Shipping Services API.


inventoryResponse addDocumentComment (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string Comment)

The addDocumentComment method adds a comment to a document.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 22-1: addDocumentComment Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Comment.


shippingBundleResponse addLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
string InventoryItemId,
string ModelNumber,
decimal RetailPrice,
decimal LineItemQty,
string ShippingLocation,
string SerialNumber)

The addLine method adds a line item to a document.

This method returns a shippingBundleResponse object.
Table 22-2: addLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.

22-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 22-2: addLine Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string ModelNumber [OPTIONAL] Number identifying item model.

string RetailPrice [OPTIONAL] Retail price of item.

string LineItemQty [OPTIONAL] Quantity of item.

string ShippingLocation [OPTIONAL] ID of location from which the item is

being shipped.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Serial number of item.


inventoryResponse cancelDocumentChanges (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The cancelDocumentChanges method cancels all pending changes to a document.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 22-3: cancelDocumentChanges Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


shippingBundleResponse changeLineQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
decimal NewQty,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The changeLineQty method changes the quantity of a document line item.

This method returns a shippingBundleResponse object.
Table 22-4: changeLineQty Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

Shipping 22-3

Table 22-4: changeLineQty Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

decimal NewQty [OPTIONAL] New quantity for line number.

long DocumentLineN [OPTIONAL] Line number in document.



inventoryDocumentResponse createNewDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentType,
string DocumentId,
string DestinationId,
string DestinationDescription,
string ShipperCode)

The createNewDocument method creates a new shipping document.

This method returns a inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 22-5: createNewDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentType [OPTIONAL] Type of document.

string DocumentId [optional] ID of the document.

string DestinationId [OPTIONAL] ID of destination.

string Destination [OPTIONAL] Description of destination.


string ShipperCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the shipper.


inventoryCartonResponse getCarton (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The getCarton method retrieves information about a shipping carton.

22-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a inventoryCartonResponse object.

Table 22-6: getCarton Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of inventory document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.


inventoryDocumentResponse getDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The getDocument method retrieves a shipping document.

This method returns a inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 22-7: getDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


inventoryDestinationResponse getShipToLocations (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentType)

The getShipToLocations method retrieves the locations to which items can be

shipped with a DocumentType document.
This method returns a inventoryDestinationResponse object.
Table 22-8: getShipToLocations Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentType [OPTIONAL] Type of document.

Shipping 22-5


shippingConfiguration getShippingConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getShippingConfig method retrieves configuration information for shipping.

This method returns a shippingConfiguration object.
Table 22-9: getShippingConfig Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


orderShippingMethodResponse getShippingMethods (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getShippingMethods method retrieves the methods that can be used for
This method returns a orderShippingMethodResponse object.
Table 22-10: getShippingConfig Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


inventoryResponse saveDocument (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
boolean CloseDocument,
boolean ShipItemsSoFar,
int PackingSlipCopies,
boolean PrintShippingLabel)

The saveDocument method saves all the changes made to a shipping document.
This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 22-11: saveDocument Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

22-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 22-11: saveDocument Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

boolean CloseDocument [OPTIONAL] Indicates whether to close the


boolean ShipItemsSoFar [OPTIONAL] Indicates whether to ship the items

currently in the document.

int PackingSlipCopies [OPTIONAL] Number of copies of the packing slip.

boolean PrintShippingLabel [OPTIONAL] Indicates whether to print a shipping



documentSearchResultResponse searchDocuments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId)

The searchDocuments method retrieves all documents with the DocumentId.

This method returns a documentSearchResultResponse object.
Table 22-12: searchDocuments Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.


inventoryResponse updatePONumber (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string PONumber)

The updatePONumber method sets a new ID number for a purchase order.

This method returns a inventoryResponse object.
Table 22-13: updatePONumber Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of shipping document.

Shipping 22-7

Table 22-13: updatePONumber Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string PONumber [OPTIONAL] Purchase Order number.


validateDocumentLineItemResponse validateLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string InventoryItemId)

The validateLine method retrieves validation information about an inventory item.

This method returns a validateDocumentLineItemResponse object.
Table 22-14: validateLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string InventoryItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item.


inventoryDocumentResponse validateOrAddCarton (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId)

The validateOrAddCarton method checks whether a carton has been added to a

shipping document and, if not, adds the carton to the shipping document.
This method returns a inventoryDocumentResponse object.
Table 22-15: validateOrAddCarton Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of shipping document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

22-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



shippingBundleResponse voidLine (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocumentId,
string CartonId,
long DocumentLineNumber)

The voidLine method voids a line in a document.

This method returns a shippingBundleResponse object.
Table 22-16: voidLine Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string DocumentId [OPTIONAL] ID of document.

string CartonId [OPTIONAL] ID of carton.

long DocumentLineNumber [OPTIONAL] Line number to void.

For a description of this class, see “cartonLineItem”.

For a description of this class, see “documentSearchResultResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryCartonResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryDestinationResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryDocument”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryDocumentResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “inventoryResponse”.

Shipping 22-9

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 22-17: orderShippingMethodResponse Elements

Type Element Description

shippingMethod shippingMethods Array of methods that can be used for shipping.


For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 22-18: shippingBundleResponse Elements

Type Element Description

cartonLineItem carton Carton information.

inventoryDocument document Inventory document information.

This class extends the startupConfiguration class.
This class contains no additional elements.

For a description of this class, see “startupConfiguration”.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 22-19: shippingMethod Elements

Type Element Description

string shippingMethod Name of the shipping method.

string shippingMethodDesc Description of the shipping method.

int sortOrder Order in which the method will appear.

22-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


For a description of this class, see “validateDocumentLineItemResponse”.

Shipping 22-11

22-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the Tax
Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description Language
(WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML Schema, and
various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web service described
The URL for the Tax Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Tax 23-1

This section presents the methods used in the Tax Services API.


taxLocationLookupResponse getTaxLocations (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PostalCode)

The getTaxLocations method retrieves the tax locations that have jurisdiction over a
specified PostalCode.
This method returns a taxLocationLookupResponse object.
Table 23-1: getTaxLocations Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PostalCode [OPTIONAL] Postal/ZIP Code.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 23-2: taxLocation Elements

Type Element Description

string description Description of the tax location.

string name Name of the tax location.

string taxLocationId ID of the tax location.

23-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 23-3: taxLocationLookupResponse Elements

Type Element Description

taxLocation[] taxLocations Array of tax locations.

Tax 23-3

23-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Timeclock Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML
Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web
service described above.
The URL for the Timeclock Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Timeclock 24-1

This section presents the methods used in the Timeclock Services API.


timeClockResponse employeeChangeWorkCode (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
string Password,
string OldWorkCode,
string NewWorkCode,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The employeeChangeWorkCode method changes the work code for the employee.
This method returns a timeClockResponse object.
Table 24-1: employeeChangeWorkCode Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of employee.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Password entered.

string OldWorkCode [OPTIONAL] Previous work code for employee.

string NewWorkCode [OPTIONAL] New work code for employee.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID for receipt printer.


timeClockResponse employeeClockIn (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
string Password,
string WorkCode,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The employeeClockIn method clocks in an employee.

This method returns a timeClockResponse object.
Table 24-2: employeeClockIn Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID for employee.

24-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 24-2: employeeClockIn Variables (continued)

Type Element Required? Description

string Password [OPTIONAL] Password entered.

string WorkCode [OPTIONAL] Work code currently assigned to


string ReceiptPrinter [optional] ID of the receipt printer.


timeClockResponse employeeClockOut (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId,
string Password,
string WorkCode,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The employeeClockOut method clocks out an employee.

This method returns a timeClockResponse object.
Table 24-3: employeeClockOut Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of employee.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Password entered.

string WorkCode [OPTIONAL] Work code assigned to employee.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID for receipt printer.


employeeTimeClockEntriesResponse employeeTimeclockHistory (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType,
dateTime StartDate,
dateTime EndDate)

The employeeTimeclockHistory method retrieves the clock-in and clock-out

information for an employee.

Timeclock 24-3

This method returns a employeeTimeClockEntriesResponse object.

Table 24-4: employeeTimeclockHistory Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Login name input for employee.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Passwords entered.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter login


dateTime StartDate [OPTIONAL] Start date for timeclock session.

dateTime EndDate [OPTIONAL] End date for timeclock session.


validateTimeClockResponse validateEmployeeChangeWorkCode (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string[] LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType,
string CurrentWorkCode)

The validateEmployeeChangeWorkCode method validates whether the employee

can change their work code to the CurrentWorkCode.
This method returns a validateTimeClockResponse object.
Table 24-5: validateEmployeeChangeWorkCode Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string[] LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Login names entered.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Password entered.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter login


string CurrentWorkCode [OPTIONAL] Current work code assigned to


24-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



validateTimeClockResponse validateEmployeeClockIn (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType)

The validateEmployeeClockIn method validates whether an employee can be

clocked in.
This method returns a validateTimeClockResponse object.
Table 24-6: validateEmployeeClockIn Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Login name entered.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Password entered.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter login



validateTimeClockResponse validateEmployeeClockInWithoutAuth (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId)

The validateEmployeeClockInWithoutAuth method validates whether the

employee can be clocked in without entering authorization information.
This method returns a validateTimeClockResponse object.
Table 24-7: validateEmployeeClockInWithoutAuth Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID for employee.

Timeclock 24-5


validateTimeClockResponse validateEmployeeClockOut (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string[] LoginInput,
string Password,
string LoginInputType)

The validateEmployeeClockOut method validates whether employees can be

clocked out.
This method returns a validateTimeClockResponse object.
Table 24-8: validateEmployeeClockOut Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string[] LoginInput [OPTIONAL] Employee login names.

string Password [OPTIONAL] Employee password.

string LoginInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter employee



statusServiceResponse validateEmployeeIsClockedIn (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string EmployeeId)

The validateEmployeeIsClockedIn method validates whether the employee is

currently clocked in.
This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 24-9: validateEmployeeIsClockedIn Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of employee.

24-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-10: dailyTimeClockEntries Elements

Type Element Description

string businessDate Business date of the entries.

timeClockEntry[] timeClockEntries Time clock entries on the business date.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-11: employee Elements

Type Element Description

boolean clockinRequired Indicates whether the employee must

clock in.

string currentWorkCode Current work code for the employee.

string employeeId ID for employee.

string firstName Employee first name.

string lastName Employee last name.

string locale Locale for employee.

string partyId Party ID for employee.

string[] privileges Privileges granted to the employee.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-12: employeeAuthResponse Elements

Type Element Description

employee employee Authorized employee.

For information about this element, see “employeeMessage”.

This class extends the timeClockResponse class.

Timeclock 24-7

This class contains the following elements:

Table 24-13: employeeTimeClockEntriesResponse Elements

Type Element Description

dailyTimeClockEntr dailyTimeClockEntries Array of time clock entries for the

ies[] employee.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-14: timeClockEntry Elements

Type Element Description

string businessDate Business date.

string clockInTimestamp Clock-in time.

string clockOutTimestamp Clock-out time.

long duration Time between clock-in and clock-out


boolean openEntry Indicates whether the entry is still open.

string workCode Work code assigned to the employee for

the time worked.

This class extends then employeeAuthResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-15: timeClockResponse Elements

Type Element Description

employeeMessage[] employeeMessages Messages for employee.

string failureMessage Failure message.

string status Clocked-in status.

This class extends the employeeAuthResponse class.

24-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 24-16: validateTimeClockResponse Elements

Type Element Description

workCode[] workCodes Array of work codes for the employee.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 24-17: workCode Elements

Type Element Description

string code ID code.

string description Description of the work code.

int sortOrder Order in which the work code is


Timeclock 24-9

24-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This chapter provides the information necessary to send messages contained in the
Transaction Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol
(SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to
provide the web service described above.
The URL for the Transaction Services WSDL is:
where <hostname> is the name or address of the server.
The information presented below describes the methods and classes.
The format of the method and any arguments is shown along with an explanation of
what the method does and any other information that is necessary to use the method
properly. If an argument is shown in dark blue, it is a class and the class name is a link to
a description of the class and its attributes.
The class section shows the elements and attributes of the classes, along with an
explanation of each element and attribute and, when necessary, when they are used.

Transaction 25-1

This section presents the methods used in the Transaction Services API.


posTrans addCouponLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string CouponId,
string CouponType,
string CouponEntryType)

The addCouponLineItem method adds a coupon line item to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-1: addCouponLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string CouponId [OPTIONAL] ID of coupon.

string CouponType [OPTIONAL] Type of coupon.

string CouponEntryType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter coupon.

25-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



posTrans addCreditDebitTenderLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TenderId,
string LineItemToken,
string ExpirationDate,
string Cid,
string PostalCode,
decimal TenderAmount,
string AdjudicationCode,
string AuthCode,
string EntryMethodCode,
string Ps2000,
string BankReferenceNumber,
string CustomerName,
string CardLevelIndicator,
string AuthorizationToken,
string Signature,
string AuthMethodCode,
string PinBlock,
string PinSerial)

The addCreditDebitTenderLineItem method adds a credit card tender line item to

a transaction.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-2: addCreditDebitTenderLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string TenderId [OPTIONAL] ID of the tender.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token referencing the tender’s

account number and track data.

string ExpirationDate [OPTIONAL] Credit card expiration date.

string Cid [OPTIONAL] CID for the credit card.

string PostalCode [OPTIONAL] Postal/ZIP Code.

decimal TenderAmount [OPTIONAL] Amount applied to credit card.

string AdjudicationCode [OPTIONAL] Adjudication code for the credit card.

string AuthCode [OPTIONAL] Authorization code for the credit


Transaction 25-3

Table 25-2: addCreditDebitTenderLineItem Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter the credit card


string Ps2000 [OPTIONAL] PS 2000 data for the credit card.

string BankReference [OPTIONAL] Reference number for the bank

Number associated with the credit card.

string CustomerName [OPTIONAL] Name on the credit card.

string CardLevel [OPTIONAL] Indicator for the card level.


string Authorization [OPTIONAL] Authorization token for the credit

Token card.

string Signature [OPTIONAL] Customer signature.

string AuthMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Method used to authorize the credit


string PinBlock [OPTIONAL] PIN block (encrypted).

string PinSerial [OPTIONAL] PIN serial (encrypted).


posTrans addCustomerToRetailTrans (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string PartyId,
long TransSeq)

The addCustomerToRetailTrans method adds a customer to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-3: addCustomerToRetailTrans Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID for the customer.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

25-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



posTrans addLocalCurrencyTenderLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TenderId,
decimal TenderAmount)

The addLocalCurrencyTenderLineItem method adds the local currency as a cash

tender line item.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-4: addLocalCurrencyTenderLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string TenderId [OPTIONAL] ID of the tender.

decimal TenderAmount [OPTIONAL] Amount applied to the tender.


posTrans addSaleLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string ItemIdInputType,
string ItemId,
decimal Qty,
decimal Price,
decimal Weight,
string ItemDescription,
string SerialNumber,
string[] CommissionedAssociates,
itemPromptProperty[] ItemPromptProperties)

The addSaleLineItem method adds a sale line item to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-5: addSaleLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


Transaction 25-5

Table 25-5: addSaleLineItem Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string ItemIdInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter Item ID.

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of item to be added.

decimal Qty [OPTIONAL] Quantity of the item.

decimal Price [OPTIONAL] Price of the item.

decimal Weight [OPTIONAL] Weight of the item.

string ItemDescription [OPTIONAL] Description of the item.

string SerialNumber [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the item.

string[] Commissioned [OPTIONAL] Employee IDs of the employees

Associates receiving commissions for the

itemPromptProperty ItemPrompt [OPTIONAL] Properties of prompts associated

[] Properties with the item.


posTrans addVoucherSaleLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string ItemId,
decimal Qty,
string[] CommissionedAssociates,
string VoucherId,
string LineItemToken,
decimal Amount,
string AdjudicationCode,
string AuthCode,
string EntryMethodCode,
string BankReferenceNumber,
decimal UnspentBalanceAmount,
string AuthMethodCode)

The addVoucherSaleLineItem method adds the sale of a voucher to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-6: addVoucherSaleLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string ItemId [OPTIONAL] Item ID for the voucher.

25-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-6: addVoucherSaleLineItem Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

decimal Qty [OPTIONAL] Number of vouchers being sold.

string[] Commissioned [OPTIONAL] IDs of the employees receiving

Associates commissions for the transaction.

string VoucherId [OPTIONAL] ID of the voucher.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token that references the credit

card account number and track

decimal Amount [OPTIONAL] Amount of the voucher.

string AdjudicationCode [OPTIONAL] Adjudication code for the


string AuthCode [OPTIONAL] Authorization code for the


string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the method

used to enter the voucher

string BankReferenceCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the bank

associated with the voucher.

decimal UnspentBalance [OPTIONAL] Unspent balance on the voucher.


string AuthMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the method

used to authorize the voucher.


posTrans addVoucherTenderLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TenderId,
string LineItemToken,
decimal TenderAmount,
string AdjudicationCode,
string AuthCode,
string EntryMethodCode,
string BankReferenceNumber,
string AuthorizationToken,
decimal UnspentBalance,
string AuthMethodCode)

The addVoucherTenderLineItem method adds a voucher tender line item to a


Transaction 25-7

This method returns a posTrans object.

Table 25-7: addVoucherTenderLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string TenderId [OPTIONAL] Tender ID of the voucher.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token that references the credit card

account number and track data.

decimal TenderAmount [OPTIONAL] Amount applied to the voucher.

string AdjudicationCode [OPTIONAL] Adjudication code for the voucher.

string AuthCode [OPTIONAL] Authorization code for the voucher.

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the method used to

enter the voucher.

string BankReference [OPTIONAL] Reference number for the bank

Number associated with the voucher.

string Authorization [OPTIONAL] Authorization token for the voucher.


decimal UnspentBalance [OPTIONAL] Unspent balance left on the voucher.

string AuthMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the method used to

authorize the voucher.


posTrans applyLineItemTaxExemption (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
taxExemption TaxExemption,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The applyLineItemTaxExemption method applies a tax exemption to a line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-8: applyLineItemTaxExemption Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

25-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-8: applyLineItemTaxExemption Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [OPTIONAL] Line number of the item

receiving the tax exemption.

taxExemption TaxExemption [OPTIONAL] Tax exemption being applied.

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Reason code for the tax


string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comments.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


authResponse authorizeVoucherSale (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string ItemId,
string VoucherId,
string TenderId,
string LineItemToken,
decimal Amount,
string Pin,
string EntryMethodCode)

The authorizeVoucherSale method authorizes the sale of a voucher and activates

the voucher.
This method returns a authResponse object.
Table 25-9: authorizeVoucherSale Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] Item ID for the voucher.

string VoucherId [OPTIONAL] ID of the voucher.

string TenderId [OPTIONAL] ID of the tender.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token that references the credit card

account number and track data.

decimal Amount [OPTIONAL] Amount of the voucher.

Transaction 25-9

Table 25-9: authorizeVoucherSale Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string Pin [OPTIONAL] PIN for the voucher.

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the method used

for entering the voucher.


statusServiceResponse cancelRetailTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The cancelRetailTransaction method cancels a previously performed retail

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-10: cancelRetailTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

canceling the transaction.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro reasonCodePrompt [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] Properties properties.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of the receipt printer.


posTrans changeLineItemCommissionedAssociate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
string[] CommissionedAssociates)

The changeLineItemCommissionedAssociate method changes the associate(s)

who are receiving a commission on a transaction line item.

25-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a posTrans object.

Table 25-11: changeLineItemCommissionedAssociate Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [OPTIONAL] Line number of the line item.

string[] Commissioned [OPTIONAL] Employee IDs of the associates being

Associates changed.


posTrans changeLineItemPrice (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
decimal NewPrice,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeLineItemPrice method changes the price of a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-12: changeLineItemPrice Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of item.

decimal NewPrice [OPTIONAL] New price for item.

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying reason for price


string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.

Transaction 25-11


posTrans changeLineItemQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
decimal NewQty)

The changeLineItemQty method changes the quantity of a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-13: changeLineItemQty Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the item.

decimal NewQty [OPTIONAL] New item quantity.


posTrans changeLineItemTax (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
decimal TaxAmount,
decimal TaxPercent,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeLineItemTax method changes the tax on a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-14: changeLineItemTax Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of item to which

the tax is being applied.

decimal TaxAmount [OPTIONAL] Amount of the tax.

25-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-14: changeLineItemTax Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

decimal TaxPercent [OPTIONAL] Percentage of the tax.

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Reason code indicating the

reason for assigning the tax.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


posTrans changeLineItemTaxLocation (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
string TaxLocationId,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeLineItemTaxLocation method changes the tax location for a sale line
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-15: changeLineItemTaxLocation Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number to be changed.

string TaxLocationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the new tax location.

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

changing the tax location.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.

Transaction 25-13


posTrans changeTransactionCommissionedAssociate (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string[] CommissionedAssociates)

The changeTransactionCommissionedAssociate method changes the associate(s)

receiving a commission for an entire transaction.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-16: changeTransactionCommissionedAssociate Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string[] Commissioned [OPTIONAL] IDs of employees receiving a

Associates commission for the transaction.


posTrans changeTransactionTax (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
decimal TaxAmount,
decimal TaxPercent,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeTransactionTax method changes the tax applied to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-17: changeTransactionTax Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


decimal TaxAmount [OPTIONAL] New tax amount for the


decimal TaxPercent [OPTIONAL] New tax percentage for the


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the reason for the


25-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-17: changeTransactionTax Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Comments on the change.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of properties for reason

mptProperties[] tProperties code prompts.


posTrans changeTransactionTaxLocation (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TaxLocationId,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The changeTransactionTaxLocation method changes the location used for tax

purposes in a transaction.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-18: changeTransactionTaxLocation Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string TaxLocationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the new tax location.

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the reason for

changing the tax location.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comments.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.

Transaction 25-15


statusServiceResponse commitRetailTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long[] GiftRcptLines,
string EmailAddress,
boolean PrintReceipt,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The commitRetailTransaction method commits a retail transaction so that it is

logged in the system.
This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-19: commitRetailTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long[] GiftRcptLines [OPTIONAL] Array of line numbers for which gift

receipts are to be printed.

string EmailAddress [OPTIONAL] Email address to which the gift

receipts will be sent.

boolean PrintReceipt [OPTIONAL] Determines whether physical receipts

will be printed.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of the receipt printer to use, if

PrintReceipt is set to true.


sendSaleTransResponse convertSaleItemToSendSale (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
sendSaleAccount SendSaleAccount)

The convertSaleItemToSendSale method changes a sale item to a send sale item.

This method returns a sendSaleTransResponse object.
Table 25-20: convertSaleItemToSendSale Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

25-16 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-20: convertSaleItemToSendSale Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the item being

converted to send sale.

sendSaleAccoun SendSaleAccount [OPTIONAL] Account to which the send sale

t item is being added.


posTrans convertSendSaleItemToSale (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The convertSendSaleItemToSale method changes a send sale item to a sale item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-21: convertSendSaleItemToSale Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the item.


posTrans createNewRetailTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The createNewRetailTransaction method creates a new retail transaction in the

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-22: createNewRetailTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

Transaction 25-17


orderSaleTransResponse createOrderSale (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
orderSaleAccount OrderSaleAccount)

The createOrderSale method creates an order sale.

This method returns a orderSaleTransResponse object.
Table 25-23: createOrderSale Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


orderSaleAccou OrderSaleAccount [OPTIONAL] Account associated with the

nt order.


posTrans discountGroupLineItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long[] LineNumbers,
string DiscountCode,
decimal DiscountAmt,
decimal DiscountPercent,
string DiscountSerialNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The discountGroupLineItems method applies a discount to a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-24: discountGroupLineItems Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long[] LineNumbers [OPTIONAL] Line numbers of the items being


string DiscountCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the discount.

25-18 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-24: discountGroupLineItems Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

decimal DiscountAmt [OPTIONAL] Amount of the discount.

decimal DiscountPercent [OPTIONAL] Percentage of the discount.

string DiscountSerial [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the discount.


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the reason for the


string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comments.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


posTrans discountLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
string DiscountCode,
decimal DiscountAmt,
decimal DiscountPercent,
decimal NewQty,
decimal NewPrice,
string DiscountSerialNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The discountLineItem method applies a discount to a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-25: discountLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number receiving the


string DiscountCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the discount.

decimal DiscountAmt [OPTIONAL] Amount of the discount.

decimal DiscountPercent [OPTIONAL] Percentage of the discount.

Transaction 25-19

Table 25-25: discountLineItem Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

decimal NewQty [OPTIONAL] New item quantity.

decimal NewPrice [OPTIONAL] New price.

string DiscountSerial [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the discount.


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

applying the discount.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason codes associated

mptProperties[] tProperties with the discount.


posTrans discountTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string DiscountCode,
decimal DiscountAmt,
decimal DiscountPercent,
string DiscountSerialNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The discountTransaction method applies a discount to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-26: discountTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string DiscountCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the discount.

decimal DiscountAmt [OPTIONAL] Amount of the discount.

decimal DiscountPercent [OPTIONAL] Percentage of the discount.

string DiscountSerial [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the discount.


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

the discount.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

25-20 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-26: discountTransaction Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


statusServiceResponse finalizeRetailTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The finalizeRetailTransaction method completes a retail transaction.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-27: finalizeRetailTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.


statusServiceResponse generateRetailTransactionDocuments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string EmailAddress,
boolean PrintReceipt,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The generateRetailTransactionDocuments method creates transaction

documents (such as receipts) and emails and/or prints them.
This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-28: generateRetailTransactionDocuments Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string EmailAddress [OPTIONAL] Email address to which the

transaction documents are to be sent.
If left blank, documents will not be

Transaction 25-21

Table 25-28: generateRetailTransactionDocuments Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

boolean PrintReceipt [OPTIONAL] Indicates whether the documents are

to be printed.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of printer where documents are to

be printed.


bounceBackCouponResponse getBounceBackCoupon (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The getBounceBackCoupon method retrieves a bounceback coupon from a

This method returns a bounceBackCouponResponse object.
Table 25-29: getBounceBackCoupon Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [optional] Sequence number of the line item in

the transaction.


giftReceiptEligibilityResponse getEligibleGiftReceiptItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getEligibleGiftReceiptItems method retrieves a list of all items in the

current transaction for which a gift receipt can be printed.
This method returns a giftReceiptEligibilityResponse object.
Table 25-30: getEligibleGiftReceiptItems Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

25-22 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



posConfiguration getPosConfig (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getPosConfig method retrieves configuration information for the local POS
This method returns a posConfiguration object.
Table 25-31: getPosConfig Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


suspendedTransResultResponse getSuspendedTransactions (
serviceContext ServiceContext)

The getSuspendedTransactions method retrieves a list of all the suspended

This method returns a suspendedTransResultResponse object.
Table 25-32: getSuspendedTransactions Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message


transPromptPropertyResponse getTransPromptProperties (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TransState)

The getTransPromptProperties method retrieves all prompt properties for a

This method returns a transPromptPropertyResponse object.
Table 25-33: getTransPromptProperties Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

Transaction 25-23

Table 25-33: getTransPromptProperties Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string TransState [OPTIONAL] State of the transaction.


validationResponse isBounceBackCouponInRange (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string DocId)

The isBounceBackCouponInRange indicates whether a bounceback coupon is in

This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-34: isBounceBackCouponInRange Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string DocId [REQUIRED] ID for the bounceback coupon.


validationResponse issueRedeemBounceBackCoupon (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string SeriesId,
string DocId,
string DocStatus,
string DocType,
date IssueDate,
date EffectiveDate,
date ExpirationDate,
decimal MaxAmount,
string Action,
string DealId)

The issueRedeemBounceBackCoupon method issues and redeems bounceback

This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-35: issueRedeemBounceBackCoupon Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

25-24 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-35: issueRedeemBounceBackCoupon Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string SeriesId [OPTIONAL] ID of the bounceback coupon series.

string DocId [OPTIONAL] ID of the bounceback coupon.

string DocStatus [OPTIONAL] Status of the bounceback coupon.

string DocType [OPTIONAL] Type of bounceback coupon.

date IssueDate [OPTIONAL] Date on which the bounceback

coupon was issued.

date EffectiveDate [OPTIONAL] First date on which the bounceback

coupon can be redeemed.

date ExpirationDate [OPTIONAL] Last date on which the bounceback

coupon can be redeemed.

decimal MaxAmount [OPTIONAL] Maximum amount of the bounceback


string Action [OPTIONAL] Action being performed on the

bounceback coupon.

string DealId [OPTIONAL] ID of the deal associated with the

bounceback coupon.


posTrans joinLoyaltyProgram (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string[] CustomerCardInput,
string CustomerCardInputType,
string PartyId)

The joinLoyaltyProgram method adds a customer to a loyalty program.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-36: joinLoyaltyProgram Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string[] CustomerCardInput [OPTIONAL] IDs of loyalty cards.

string CustomerCardInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter loyalty

cards data.

Transaction 25-25

Table 25-36: joinLoyaltyProgram Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string PartyId [OPTIONAL] Party ID for a customer.


posTrans lookupTrans (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
dateTime BusinessDate,
long RetailLocationId,
long WorkstationId)

The lookupTrans method searches for a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-37: lookupTrans Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

dateTime BusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Business date of the transaction.

long RetailLocationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the retail location where the

transaction was performed.

long WorkstationId [OPTIONAL] ID of the workstation where the

transaction was performed.


posTrans lookupTransByBarcode (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string Barcode)

The lookupTransByBarcode method retrieves a transaction by a receipt barcode.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-38: lookupTransByBarcode Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string Barcode [OPTIONAL] Barcode to look up.

25-26 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



statusServiceResponse postVoidTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
dateTime BusinessDate,
long RetailLocationId,
long WorkstationId,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The postVoidTransaction method post voids a transaction.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-39: postVoidTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

dateTime BusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Date of the transaction that is being

post voided.

long RetailLocationId [REQUIRED] ID of the location where the

transaction was performed.

long WorkstationId [REQUIRED] ID of the workstation where the

transaction was performed.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of the receipt printer.


posTrans redeemLoyaltyAward (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string LoyaltyCardNumber,
string LoyaltyAwardAcctId,
decimal LoyaltyAwardAmount,
string[] LoyaltyAwardCoupons)

The redeemLoyaltyAward method redeems a loyalty award.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-40: redeemLoyaltyAward Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

Transaction 25-27

Table 25-40: redeemLoyaltyAward Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string LoyaltyCardNumber [OPTIONAL] Card number of loyalty card.

string LoyaltyAwardAcctId [OPTIONAL] ID of loyalty award account.

string LoyaltyAwardAmount [OPTIONAL] Amount to be redeemed.

string[] LoyaltyAwardCoupons [OPTIONAL] Coupons given by the



posTrans refreshTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The refreshTransaction method retrieves transaction information currently stored

in the system.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-41: refreshTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.


statusServiceResponse regenerateTransactionDocuments (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long RetailLocationId,
long WorkstationId,
date BusinessDate,
long TransSeq,
string EmailAddress,
boolean PrintReceipt,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The regenerateTransactionDocuments method regenerates, reprints, and/or

resends transaction documents (receipts, invoices, emails, etc.) created by a transaction.
This includes printing, sending, or saving documents in the same manner as the original

25-28 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.

Table 25-42: regenerateTransactionDocuments Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long RetailLocationId [REQUIRED] ID of the transaction’s retail location.

long WorkstationId [REQUIRED] ID of the workstation where the

transaction was performed.

date BusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Business date of the transaction.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string EmailAddress [OPTIONAL] Email address to which the

documents will be sent.

boolean PrintReceipt [OPTIONAL] Determines whether the physical

receipt(s) will be reprinted.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of the receipt printer to use if

PrintReceipt is true. If this value
is null, the receipt(s) will be sent to
the default printer.


posTrans removeCustomerFromRetailTrans (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The removeCustomerFromRetailTrans method removes a customer association

from a transaction.
This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-43: removeCustomerFromRetailTrans Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.


resumeTransResponse resumeTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq)

The resumeTransaction method resumes a suspended transaction.

Transaction 25-29

This method returns a resumeTransResponse object.

Table 25-44: resumeTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.


sendSaleAccountResponse saveSendSaleAddress (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
sendSaleAccount SendSaleAccount)

The saveSendSaleAddress method saves the address to which send sale items are to
be sent.
This method returns a sendSaleAccountResponse object.
Table 25-45: saveSendSaleAddress Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


sendSaleAccoun SendSaleAccount [OPTIONAL] Send sale account information to

t be saved.


transactionListResponse searchTrans (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
dateTime StartBusinessDate,
dateTime EndBusinessDate,
long RetailLocationId,
long WorkstationId,
string EmployeeId,
string CustomerName,
string CustomerId,
string LineItemToken)

The searchTrans method searches for a set of transaction matching the search criteria.

25-30 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This method returns a transactionListResponse object.

Table 25-46: searchTrans Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


dateTime StartBusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Date and time the transaction


dateTime EndBusinessDate [OPTIONAL] Date and time the transaction


long RetailLocationId [REQUIRED] ID of the location where the

transaction was performed.

long WorkstationId [REQUIRED] ID of the workstation where the

transaction was performed.

string EmployeeId [OPTIONAL] ID of the employee who

performed the transaction.

string CustomerName [OPTIONAL] Name of the customer associated

with the transaction.

string CustomerId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer associated

with the transaction.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token referencing the tender

account number and track data.


transactionListResponse searchTransByCustomerAndItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string CustomerId,
string ItemId)

The searchTransByCustomerAndItem method searches for all transactions

associated with a customer containing a certain item.
This method returns a transactionListResponse object.
Table 25-47: searchTransByCustomerAndItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

string CustomerId [OPTIONAL] ID of the customer.

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] ID of the item.

Transaction 25-31


posTrans selectLoyaltyCard (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string[] CustomerCardInput,
string CustomerCardInputType)

The selectLoyaltyCard method adds a customer card to a transaction.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-48: selectLoyaltyCard Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


string[] CustomerCardInput [OPTIONAL] Array of ID for loyalty cards.

string CustomerCardInputType [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter loyalty

cards data.


posTrans setTaxExemptionAccount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
taxExemption TaxExemption,
long TransSeq)

The setTaxExemptionAccount method adds a tax exemption account to a

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-49: setTaxExemptionAccount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

taxExemption taxExemption [REQUIRED] Tax exemption account.

long TransSeq [OPTIONAL] Sequence number of the transaction

to which the tax exemption will be

25-32 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



posTrans setTransProperties (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
transPromptProperty[] TransPromptProperties)

The setTransProperties method sets the properties for a transactions.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-50: setTransProperties Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

transPromptPr TransPrompt [OPTIONAL] Properties of transaction prompts.

operty[] Properties


statusServiceResponse suspendRetailTransaction (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long[] GiftRcptLines,
string TransProperty,
string ReceiptPrinter)

The suspendRetailTransaction method suspends a retail transaction.

This method returns a statusServiceResponse object.
Table 25-51: suspendRetailTransaction Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number in transaction.

long[] GiftRcptLines [OPTIONAL] Sequence numbers of gift receipts

associated with the transaction.

string TransProperty [OPTIONAL] Transaction property.

string ReceiptPrinter [OPTIONAL] ID of the receipt printer.

Transaction 25-33


sendSaleTransResponse updateSendSaleItems (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
sendSaleAccount[] SendSaleAccounts)

The updateSendSaleItems method updates the list of send sale items in a set of send
sale accounts.
This method returns a sendSaleTransResponse object.
Table 25-52: updateSendSaleItems Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


sendSaleAccount[ SendSaleAccounts [OPTIONAL] Array of send sale account

] updates.


validationResponse validateCommissionedAssociates (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
string[] CommissionedAssociates,
int MinNumberCommissionedAssociates,
int MaxNumberCommissionedAssociates)

The validateCommissionedAssociates method checks whether a set of

commissioned associates are valid.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-53: validateCommissionedAssociates Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

string[] Commissioned [OPTIONAL] IDs of employees to be validated.


int MinNumberCommissio [REQUIRED] Minimum number of associates

nedAssociates to be assigned to a commission.

int MaxNumberCommissi [REQUIRED] Maximum number of associates

onedAssociates to be assigned to a commission.

25-34 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



validationResponse validateCreditCardTender (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TenderId,
string LineItemToken,
string EntryMethodCode)

The validateCreditCardTender method validates whether a credit card tender can

be used in a transaction.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-54: validateCreditCardTender Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number of the


string TenderId [OPTIONAL] ID of the tender.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token that references the credit

card account number and track

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the method used to

enter the credit card number.


validationResponse validateGroupDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string DiscountCode,
long[] LineNumbers)

The validateGroupDiscount method validates whether one or more line items are
eligible for a given group discount.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-55: validateGroupDiscount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number of the transaction.

string DiscountCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the discount.

Transaction 25-35

Table 25-55: validateGroupDiscount Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

long[] LineNumbers [OPTIONAL] Array of line numbers to which the

discount will be applied.


validationResponse validateLineItemChangePrice (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The validateLineItemChangePrice method checks whether a price change can be

made on a sale line item.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-56: validateLineItemChangePrice Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the item whose price

is being changed.


validationResponse validateLineItemChangeQty (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The validateLineItemChangeQty method checks whether the quantity can be

changed on a sale line item.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-57: validateLineItemChangeQty Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the line item being


25-36 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide



validationResponse validateLineItemDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The validateLineItemDiscount method checks whether a discount can be applied

to a sale line item.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-58: validateLineItemDiscount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the discount.


validationResponse validateLineItemVoid (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The validateLineItemVoid method checks whether a sale line item can be voided.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-59: validateLineItemVoid Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the line item being


Transaction 25-37


validationResponse validateTenderLineItemVoid (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The validateTenderLineItemVoid method checks whether a tender line item can

be voided.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-60: validateTenderLineItemVoid Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the tender line item

being validated.


validationResponse validateTransactionDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string DiscountCode,
string DiscountAmt,
string DiscountPercent,
string DiscountSerialNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment)

The validateTransactionDiscount method validates whether a transaction

discount can be applied to a transaction.
This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-61: validateTransactionDiscount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number of the transaction.

string DiscountCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the discount.

decimal DiscountAmt [OPTIONAL] Amount of the discount.

decimal DiscountPercent [OPTIONAL] Discount percentage.

25-38 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-61: validateTransactionDiscount Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string DiscountSerial [OPTIONAL] Serial number of the discount.


string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] ID code for the reason for the


string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comments.


validateSaleVoucherResponse validateVoucherSale (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string ItemId,
string VoucherId,
string ActivityType,
string VoucherNumber,
trackSet TrackSet,
trackSet EncryptedTrackSet,
string HardwareId,
string EntryMethodCode)

The validateVoucherSale method checks whether a voucher can be sold.

This method returns a validateSaleVoucherResponse object.
Table 25-62: validateVoucherSale Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

string ItemId [OPTIONAL] Item ID for the voucher.

string VoucherId [OPTIONAL] ID for the voucher.

string ActivityType [OPTIONAL] Type of validation activity.

string VoucherNumber [OPTIONAL] ID number of the voucher.

trackSet TrackSet [OPTIONAL] Track data for the voucher.

trackSet EncryptedTrackSet [OPTIONAL] Encrypted track data for the voucher.

string HardwareId [OPTIONAL] ID of the hardware used to determine

the decryption method.

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter the voucher.

Transaction 25-39


validationResponse validateVoucherTender (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
string TenderId,
string LineItemToken,
string EntryMethodCode)

The validateVoucherTender method checks whether a voucher is valid.

This method returns a validationResponse object.
Table 25-63: validateVoucherTender Variables

Type Element Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number of the transaction.

string TenderId [OPTIONAL] ID of the voucher tender.

string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token referencing the account

number and track data.

string EntryMethodCode [OPTIONAL] Method used to enter the account



posTrans voidLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The voidLineItem method voids a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-64: voidLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the line item

being voided.

25-40 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-64: voidLineItem Variables (continued)

Type Variable Required? Description

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

voiding the item.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


posTrans voidLineItemDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
long PropertyLineNumber)

The voidLineItemDiscount method voids a discount applied to a sale line item.

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-65: voidLineItemDiscount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of discount being


long PropertyLine [REQUIRED] Line number of the property.



posTrans voidTenderLineItem (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber,
string LineItemToken,
string ReasonCode,
string Comment,
reasonCodePromptProperties[] ReasonCodePromptProperties)

The voidTenderLineItem method voids a tender line item.

Transaction 25-41

This method returns a posTrans object.

Table 25-66: voidTenderLineItem Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location

and organization from which the
message originates.

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the


long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the tender line


string LineItemToken [OPTIONAL] Token that references the credit

card account number and track

string ReasonCode [OPTIONAL] Code identifying the reason for

voiding the tender.

string Comment [OPTIONAL] Additional comment.

reasonCodePro ReasonCodePromp [OPTIONAL] Array of reason code prompt

mptProperties[] tProperties properties.


posTrans voidTransactionDiscount (
serviceContext ServiceContext,
long TransSeq,
long LineNumber)

The voidTransactionDiscount method voids a discount applied to an entire

This method returns a posTrans object.
Table 25-67: voidTransactionDiscount Variables

Type Variable Required? Description

serviceContext ServiceContext [OPTIONAL] Information about the location and

organization from which the message

long TransSeq [REQUIRED] Sequence number for the transaction.

long LineNumber [REQUIRED] Line number of the discount.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

25-42 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 25-68: authResponse Elements

Type Element Description

string adjudicationCode Adjudication code.

decimal approvedAmount Amount approved.

tenderMoreInfo[ authInfo Additional tender authorization

] information.

string authMessage Authorization message.

string authNumber Authorization number.

string authStatus Authorization status.

string authorizationToken Authorization token.

string bankReferenceNumber Bank reference number.

string cardLevelIndicator Indicator for card level.

string customerName Name of customer.

string entryMethodCode Method used to enter tender.

string[] failedOptions Array of failed options.

string lineItemToken Token that references the credit card

account number and track data.

string ps2000 PS2000 data.

decimal unspentBalanceAmount Balance remaining.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-69: awardCoupon Elements

Type Element Description

boolean changed Indicates whether the coupon has been


decimal couponAmount Amount of the coupon.

string couponId ID of the coupon.

dateTime expirationDate Date on which the award expires.

Transaction 25-43

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-70: bounceBackCoupon Elements

Type Element Description

decimal amtToNextBounceBackCoupon Amount customer must spend before

receiving another bounceback coupon.

decimal amtToTriggerPromptBefore Amount customer must spend before

ThresholdMet receiving a prompt for how close they are
to another bounceback coupon.

decimal bounceBackCouponAmt Amount of the bounceback coupon.

boolean bounceBackCouponInTransaction Indicates whether the customer received a

bounceback coupon in the transaction.

string bounceBackDescription Description of the bounceback coupon.

decimal bounceBackThresholdAmt Amount customer must spend to receive

the bounceback coupon.

boolean bounceBackThresholdMet Indicates whether the customer has met

the bounceback coupon threshold.

string dealId ID of the deal associated with the

bounceback coupon.

dateTime effectiveDate First date on which the bounceback

coupon is valid.

dateTime endDate Last date on which the bounceback

coupon is valid.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-71: bounceBackCouponResponse Elements

Type Element Description

bounceBackCoupon bounceBackCoupon The bounceback coupon.

boolean valid Indicates whether the bounceback coupon

is valid.

For a description of this class, see “codeValueObject”.

25-44 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-72: commissionedAssociate Elements

Type Element Description

boolean clockInFlag Indicates whether the employee/

associated was clocked in.

string employeeId ID for the employee.

string firstName Employee first name.

string lastName Employee last name.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-73: customerLoyaltyCard Elements

Type Element Description

string cardNumber Card number.

boolean changed Indicates whether the card has been


dateTime effectiveDate Date after which the card is effective.

dateTime expirationDate Date after which the card is inactive.

string partyId ID of the party associated with the card.

decimal pointsToNextAward Number of the points to the next award.

string primaryAwardAcctId ID of primary award account.

decimal primaryAwardBalance Current balance of the award account.

awardCoupon[] primaryAwardCoupons Award coupons issued by the primary

award account.

decimal primaryLoyaltyBalance Current balance of the primary loyalty


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-74: giftReceiptEligibilityResponse Elements

Type Element Description

int[] eligibleLineItems Item IDs for eligible items.

Transaction 25-45

For a description of this class, see “item”.

For a description of this class, see “itemPromptProperty”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-75: orderSaleAccount Elements

Type Element Description

string accountId ID of the account.

string address1 Line 1 of the customer’s address.

string address2 Line 2 of the customer’s address.

string apt Apartment number for customer.

string city Customer city.

string country Customer country.

string email Customer email address.

string firstName Customer first name.

string fulfillmentType Type of order fulfillment.

string lastName Customer last name.

string middleName Customer middle name.

string orderId ID of the order.

string pickupRetailLocation ID of the store for pickup.

string postalCode Postal/ZIP code for customer.

string shippingFeeItemId Item ID for the shipping fee.

sourceStoreInfo sourceStoreInfo Information about the store where the

order originated.

string state Customer state/province.

string telephone1 Customer telephone number.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

25-46 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 25-76: orderSaleTransResponse Elements

Type Element Description

orderSaleAccount orderSaleAccount Account associated with the order sale.

posTrans posTrans Order sale transaction.

This class extends the startupConfiguration class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-77: posConfiguration Elements

Type Element Description

codeValueObject availableContactPreferences Contact preferences available on the

[] system.

codeValueObject availableCustGroups Customer groups available on the system.


codeValueObject availableOrgTypes Organization types available on the

[] system.

tender[] availableTenders Tenders available on the system.

string taxDisplayRule Rules used for displaying tax on the


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-78: posTrans Elements

Type Element Description

decimal amountDue Amount due for the transaction.

bounceBackCoupon bounceBackCoupon Bounceback coupon information for the


dateTime businessDate Business date of the transaction.

string cashierId Employee ID of the cashier who

performed the transaction.

boolean changed Indicates whether the transaction has

been changed since it was performed.

string customerEmailAddress Email address for the customer.

string customerFirstName First name of the customer.

string customerLastName Last name of the customer.

Transaction 25-47

Table 25-78: posTrans Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

posTransDiscountLine discountLines Array of discounts used in the

[] transaction.

customerLoyaltyCard loyaltyCard Loyalty card used in the transaction.

posTransSaleLine[] saleLines Array of sale line items in the transaction.

posTenderLine[] tenderLines Array of tender line items in the


decimal totalDiscountAmt Total amount of all discounts in the


int totalItemSold Number of items sold in the transaction.

decimal totalTaxAmt Total amount of all taxes in the


decimal totalTenderAmt Total amount of all tenders used in the


transPromptProperty[] transProperties Array of transaction prompt properties.

long transSeq Sequence number of the transaction.

decimal transSubTota Transaction subtotal amount.

decimal transTotal Transaction total amount due.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-79: posTransDiscountLine Elements

Type Element Description

boolean changed Indicates whether the discount line was


decimal discountAmount Amount of the discount.

string discountCode Code identifying the discount.

string discountDescription Description of the discount.

decimal discountPercent Percentage of the discount.

string lineItemToken Token that references the credit card

account number and track data.

long lineNumber Line number on which the transaction


string serialNumber Serial number of the coupon through

which the discount was applied.

25-48 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-79: posTransDiscountLine Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the discount was


This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-80: posTransSaleLine Elements

Type Element Description

string authCode Authorization code for the sale


boolean changed Indicates whether the sale line

has been changed.

commissionedAssociate[] commissionedAssociates Array of associates who received

a commission on the sale line.

boolean giftReceiptFlag Indicates whether a gift receipt

was given for the sale line.

item item Item on the sale line.

string itemDescription Description of the item.

string itemId ID of the item.

string itemSerialNumber Serial number of the item.

string lineItemToken Token that references the credit

card account number and track

long lineNumber Line number of the sale line.

posTransSaleLineProperti properties Properties of the sale line.


decimal qty Quantity of the item.

decimal quantityAvailableForReturn Quantity of the item that can be


decimal returnedQuantity Quantity of the item returned.

string saleItemType Type of sale item.

decimal totalLineDiscountAmount Total amount of all discounts

applied to the sale line.

decimal totalLinePrice Total price of the line.

decimal unitPrice Price of one unit of the sale line


Transaction 25-49

Table 25-80: posTransSaleLine Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the sale line

was voided.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-81: posTransSaleLineProperties Elements

Type Element Description

boolean changed Indicates whether the properties have

been changed.

string description Description of the sale line.

long lineNumber Line number within the transaction.

string propertyId ID of the property.

string propertyType Type of property.

string serialNumber Serial number of the sale line item.

decimal totalPropertyAmt Total amount of property on the sale line.

decimal unitAmt Quantity of the item that equates to one

sale unit.

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the sale line was


This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-82: posTenderLine Elements

Type Element Description

string accountNumber Account number for the tender.

string adjudicationCode Adjudication code.

decimal amount Amount applied to the tender.

string authCode Authorization code.

string bankReferenceNumber Bank reference number.

string cardLevelIndicator Indicator for card level.

boolean changed Indicates whether the tender line was


string cid Customer identification information.

string customerName Name of customer.

25-50 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-82: posTenderLine Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string entryMethod Entry method for the tender.

string expDate Expiration date of the tender.

string last4Digits Last 4 digits of a card number.

string lineItemToken Token that references the credit card

account number and track data.

long lineNumber Line number of the tender line.

string maskAccountNumber The masked account number.

string ps2000 PS2000 data.

string tenderDescription Description of the tender.

string tenderId ID of the tender.

string tenderType Type of tender.

string track1 Track 1 data.

string track2 Track 2 data.

string track3 Track 3 data.

boolean voidFlag Indicates whether the tender line was


string zip Zip code.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-83: reasonCodePromptProperties Elements

Type Element Description

string promptDataType Type of data requested by the prompt.

string promptText Text of the prompt.

string promptTitle Title of the prompt.

string promptTypeCode ID code for the type of prompt.

string value Value of the reason code.

boolean valueRequired Indicates whether a value must be


This class extends the serviceResponse class.

Transaction 25-51

This class contains the following elements:

Table 25-84: resumeTransResponse Elements

Type Element Description

customerParty customerParty Customer associated with the transaction.

posTrans resumedTransaction Transaction that was resumed.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-85: sendSaleAccount Elements

Type Element Description

string accountId ID of the account.

string address1 Line 1 of the customer’s address.

string address2 Line 2 of the customer’s address.

string apt Apartment number for customer.

item[] availableShippingFeeItems Array of items that are available for


string bldg Customer building.

string block Customer block.

string city Customer city.

string country Customer country.

string district Customer district.

string firstName Customer first name.

string lastName Customer last name.

int[] lineItems Item IDs assigned to the account.

string middleName Customer middle name.

string postalCode Postal/ZIP code for customer.

boolean promptShippingFeeAmount Indicates whether to prompt the user for

a shipping fee amount.

string shipToStoreName Name of the store where the items are to

be shipped.

string shipToStoreNumber ID of the store where the items are to be


decimal shippingFeeAmount Amount of the shipping fee.

string shippingFeeItemId Item ID for the shipping fee.

string shippingFeeItemIdPrevious Item ID for the original shipping fee.

25-52 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Table 25-85: sendSaleAccount Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string shippingMethod Method used to ship items.

string state Customer state/province.

string telephone1 Customer telephone number.

string trackingCode Tracking code for the send sale.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-86: sendSaleAccountResponse Elements

Type Element Description

posTrans posTrans Updated transaction.

sendSaleAccount sendSaleAccount Updated send sale account information.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-87: sendSaleTransResponse Elements

Type Element Description

sendSaleAccount[] changedSendSaleAccounts Send sale accounts affected by the action.

posTrans posTrans Transaction information.

For a description of this class, see “serviceContext”.

For a description of this class, see “serviceResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-88: sourceStoreInfo Elements

Type Element Description

string address1 First line of the address.

string address2 Second line of the address.

string city Store city.

Transaction 25-53

Table 25-88: sourceStoreInfo Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string country Store country.

string locationId ID of the location.

string locationName Name of the location.

string postalCode Postal/Zip code for the store.

string state Store state.

string systemCode System code for the store.

For a description of this class, see “startupConfiguration”.

For a description of this class, see “statusServiceResponse”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-89: suspendedTrans Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime businessDate Date of the transaction.

string cashierId ID of the cashier performing the transaction.

string customerName Name of the customer associated with the transaction.

long organizationId ID of the organization.

long retailLocationId ID of the store.

dateTime startingTime Time at which the transaction started.

long transSeq Sequence number for the transaction.

long workstationId ID of the workstation where the transaction was being


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-90: suspendedTransResultResponse Elements

Type Element Description

suspendedTrans[] suspendedTrans Array of suspended transactions.

25-54 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


For a description of this class, see “taxExemption”.

For a description of this class, see “tender”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-91: tenderMoreInfo Elements

Type Element Description

tenderMoreInfoField[] moreInfoFields Array of fields containing more


string moreInfoMessage Message for more information.

tenderMoreInputField[] moreInputFields Array of fields containing more input.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-92: tenderMoreInfoField Elements

Type Element Description

string infoData Information data.

string infoLabel Information label.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-93: tenderMoreInputField Elements

Type Element Description

string inputData Data input.

string inputLabel Label for input.

For a description of this class, see “trackSet”.

This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-94: transPromptProperty Elements

Type Element Description

string[] possibleValues Array of possible values for the prompt


Transaction 25-55

Table 25-94: transPromptProperty Elements (continued)

Type Element Description

string promptMethod Method of prompting for the property.

string promptText Text of the prompt.

string promptTitle Title of the prompt.

string propertyCode Code for the property.

string propertyValue Value set for the property.

boolean valueRequired Indicates whether a value must be

entered in the prompt.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-95: transPromptPropertyResponse Elements

Type Element Description

transPromptPropert transPromptProperties Array of prompt properties.


This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-96: transactionHistoryResult Elements

Type Element Description

dateTime businessDate Business date of the transaction.

string customerId ID of customer associated with the


string customerName Name of the customer associated with the


decimal grandTotal Total amount of transaction.

long organizationId Organization ID.

long retailLocationId ID of retail location.

long transactionSequence Sequence number of transaction.

long workstationId ID of workstation where the transaction

was performed.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.

25-56 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


This class contains the following elements:

Table 25-97: transactionListResponse Elements

Type Element Description

transactionHistoryResul transactions Array of transactions.


This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-98: validateSaleVoucherResponse Elements

Type Element Description

item[] items Array of items being sold.

string lineItemToken Token referencing the voucher’s account

number and track data.

tender voucherAsscTender Voucher used in the sale.

This class extends the serviceResponse class.
This class contains the following elements:
Table 25-99: validationResponse Elements

Type Element Description

boolean valid Indicates whether the element is valid.

Transaction 25-57

25-58 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

ReSTful Web Services

This chapter gives an overview about the ReSTful web service implementation for Xstore
Point of Service.

The xservices.war file contains the following resources:
• GetByQueryResource
• GetByIdResource

The GetByQueryResource allows the service to retrieve DTX elements by a keyed

Method GET

Execute a query specified by the given key. The key matches the name of the query.
Call this method through the ReSTful Web Service:
GET Example:

Input Parameters
• argUriInfo - the URI information
• argQueryKey - the query key

ReSTful Web Services 26-1


Method POST

Execute a query to update the system's definition of the query, as cached by the "name"
of the query.

Note: The query must not contain a raw SQL string. It can only
contain DTXQL. For more information on queries through DTXQL, see
the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Frameworks & Technologies Guide.

Call this method through the ReSTful Web Service:

1. POST:
2. Accept: application/json
3. Authorization
4. Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<query xmlns:ns2=""
<ns3:Select from="Employee"/>
<ns3:Required field="organizationId"/>
<ns3:Required field="employeeId"/>

• argUriInfo - the URI information
• argQuery - the query configuration

Construct URL - GetByIdResource

This section describes how to construct a URL by using the GetByIdResource.

26-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


To retrieve the records from the crm_party table for the party_id 100, follow the
steps listed below.
1. Search the Appendix: DTX Names and Database Tables section for the crm_party
2. The Party entry is displayed.

3. To construct the URL the DTX name is Party and the keys are OrganizationId
and PartyId (in that order).
4. To query the party 100 in the organization 1000, construct the URL as following:
[server/port/and so on]/dtx/Party/1000::100

The GetByIDResource allows the service to retrieve DTX elements by their ID.

GET /rest/{merchantCode}/v1/dtx/{object}/{name}/{id}
GET example:

"model": [
{ "v": "1", "type": "Party", "cmd": "CLEAN", "recordtype": "dao",
"originDS": "Xcenter" } ,

ReSTful Web Services 26-3


"OrganizationId": 1000,
"PartyId": 100,
"CreateDate": 1539184312927,
"CreateUserId": "BASEDATA",
"UpdateDate": 1539184312927,
"UpdateUserId": "BASEDATA",
"AllegianceRetailLocationId": 0,
"EmployeeId": "[emplyee id]",
"FirstName": "xxxx",
"LastName": "xxxxx",
"PreferredLocale": "en_US",
"OrganizationName": "Oracle",
"OrganizationTypeCode": "COMPANY",
"PartyTypeCode": "EMPLOYEE",
"SignUpRetailLocationId": 0,
"SocialSecurityNbr": "xxx-xx-xxxx",
"Void": false,
"Active": true,
"EmailRcpts": false,
"Prospect": false,
"Rent": false,
"PrivacyCard": false,
"CommercialCustomer": false

Construct Query XML - GetByQueryResource

This section describes how to construct a query XML by using the
[server/port/and so on]/dtx/query?argStoreNum=101
To create a query XML, for example, to look up a party by store ID, use the information
retrieved from the Appendix: DTX Names and Database Tables and send this URI as a
HTTP body, with the arguments shown above.
Example Query XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<query xmlns:ns2=""
<ns3:Select from="Party"/>
<ns3:Required field="allegianceRetailLocationId"
parameter="argStoreNum" />

26-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


ReST Xservices Lookup

The table below describes how to look up existing services by using the
GetByQueryResource and GetByIdResource.
Table 26-1: ReST Xservices
Existing SOAP
Service Existing Method ReST URI/Examples

CustomerServices GetCustomerBy /rest/default/v1/dtx/Party/ORG_ID::PARTY_ID


GetCustomer /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
History CUSTOMER_TRANS_HISTORY?argOrganizationId=ORG

SearchCustomers /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

DiscountServices GetCoupon /rest/default/v1/dtx/Coupon/


GetDiscountsBy /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
Application DISCOUNT_LIST?argOrganizationId=ORG_ID&@argT
Method ypeCode=DISCOUNT&@argApplicationMethod=METHO

ReSTful Web Services 26-5


Existing SOAP
Service Existing Method ReST URI/Examples

EmployeeServices GetCommissioned /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

Associates COMM_ASSOC_LOOKUP_SQL?argOrganizationId=ORG_

HouseAccount RetrieveById /rest/default/v1/dtx/CustomerAccount/


SearchByAccount /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

SearchByCustomer /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

InventoryServices GetOnHandStock /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

Ledger STOCK_LEDGER_FOR_ITEM?argOrganizationId=ORG_

26-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Existing SOAP
Service Existing Method ReST URI/Examples

GetStockLedger /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

InvAdjustServices GetInventory /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

AdjustmentConfig INVENTORY_TRANSFER_LOCATIONS?argOrganization

Inventory Count GetInventory /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

Services CountDocument INVENTORY_COUNT_SHEETS?argOrganizationId=ORG

GetInventory /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
CountSheetsFor INVENTORY_COUNT_SHEETS?argOrganizationId=ORG
Cycle _ID&argRetailLocationId=ID&argCountId=ID

GetInventory /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
CountSummaryForC STYLES_TO_COUNT_FOR_CYCLE?argOrganizationId=
ycle ORG_ID&argRetailLocationId=ID&argCountId=ID&

ItemServices GetItemById /rest/default/v1/dtx/Item/ORG_ID::ITEM_ID


ReSTful Web Services 26-7


Existing SOAP
Service Existing Method ReST URI/Examples

GetItemDeals /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

GetItemNotOnFile /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
Items ITEM_LOOKUP?argOrganizationId=ORG_ID&argItem

GetItem /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
Variations ITEMS_BY_DIMENSION?argOrganizationId=ORG_ID&

SearchItemsBy /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/
Description XSERVICES.ITEM_LOOKUP_SERVICE?argOrganizatio

ReasonCodeServices GetReasonCodesBy /rest/default/v1/dtx/query/

Type REASON_CODE_LOOKUP?argOrganizationId=ORG_ID&

RetailLocation GetRetail /rest/default/v1/dtx/RetailLocation/

Services Location ORG_ID::RTL_LOC_ID

26-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide


Existing SOAP
Service Existing Method ReST URI/Examples

GetRetail /rest/default/v1/dtx/RetailLocation/
LocationWithId ORG_ID::RTL_LOC_ID

ReSTful Web Services 26-9


26-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xstore Office Services

This chapter describes the Xstore Office 18.0 Services. The Xstore Office Services
interface is accessed through separate services, each with its own application
programming interface (API).

Note: Communication with Xstore Office Services is performed

through REST and various payload types, including JSON. Additional
information about the types accepted and returned from the services
can be found in the Javadoc of the corresponding class.

RTLog Endpoints
This section describes services exposed by RTLog.

Endpoint - RTLog Mapping Config

This section describes the RTLog Mapping Config service.


HTTP Protocol

Creates or, if one exists, replaces the active uploaded RTLogMappingConfig.xml file.
Example call:

argInputStream - RTLogConfigMapping.xml file content

Xstore Office Services 27-1

RTLog Endpoints

Response Code 200 when successful (including the number of bytes written), otherwise
an Error Response code.

Gets and returns the active RTLogMappingConfig.xml file.
Example call:

The active RTLogMappingConfig.xml file content. A HTTP response header property
named Uploaded-Configuration indicates if the source of the configuration was
uploaded or if it is from the root RTLogMappingConfig.xml.

Deletes the uploaded RTLogMappingConfig.xml file, if one exists.
Example call:

Response object with status indicator. 200 indicates a file was removed, 204 indicates
there was no uploaded file to remove, and 500 indicates a system error.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)

On Prem: N/A
Cloud Services: OAuth2

SI to implement

RTLog Web Application

Endpoint - Published RTLogs

This section describes the Published RTLogs service.


27-2 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

RTLog Endpoints

HTTP Protocol

Call this service to download any available RtLog ZIP file. Clients may poll this service.
If a ZIP file is available, this service retrieves the oldest available ZIP file and streams it
by resuming the asyncResponse object. When the response is completed, this service
checks for any errors. For example, IOExceptions because of client aborting mid-
transfer. If there are no errors, the ZIP file is renamed as delivered to client and ready for
archival. This service registers a completion callback to know when the response is
closed. If there are no ZIP files available on the ReSA file drop folder, server responds
with HTTP 204 and closes the connection.
Example call:


The suspended asynchronous response object.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)

On Prem: N/A
Cloud Services: OAuth2

SI to implement

RTLog Web Application

Endpoint - Generate RTLog from PosLog

This section describes the Generate RTLog from PosLog service.


HTTP Protocol

Xstore Office Services 27-3

Xcenter Endpoints

@PayloadRoot(localPart="postTransaction", namespace="http://")
Post transaction.

argTransaction- the transactionReturns: the JAXB
elementThrows:PoslogObjReceiverException_Exception - the poslog obj
receiver exception exception.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)

On Prem: BASIC Authentication
Cloud Services: OAuth2


RTLog Web Application

Xcenter Endpoints
This section describes services exposed by Xcenter.

Endpoint - Broadcaster REST Service

This section describes the Braodcaster REST service.


HTTP Protocol

Entry method of REST service to get the latest broadcasted POSLog data for a particular
orgId and serviceId.
This service returns new POSLogs to the client. New POSLogs refer to POSLogs, which
have not yet been sent to the client. As with all Xcenter Broadcasters, Xcenter keeps track
of what it has (and has not yet) given to a client.
Unlike all other kinds of Broadcasters, this Broadcaster does not actually broadcast, since
clients must come to Xcenter and pro actively request data.

27-4 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

Another way this service differs from other Broadcasters is that in a single call to this
service, multiple POSLogs may be returned in a "batch". The maximum size of a batch is
adjustable as a parameter (see details below). Other Broadcasters only transmit 1 single
POSLog at a time.
This service also behaves in a long polling fashion; this helps to ensure that new data is
immediately sent to the client when it is available. Clients run in a constant loop of
successive requests; requests will block (up to a timeout) when there is no data available,
but return immediately upon data availability.
Example Call:
Call this method via rest like GET

argOrgId - the organization id of the retailerargServiceId broadcaster service
idargMaxBatchRecords - (optional, via null) max records to return in this one
callargLongPollTimeoutSeconds - (optional, via null) seconds to wait before
timing out with HTTP 204
argTestOnly - (optional, via null, false is the default) use true only for development/
testing purposes; all logic in the service runs identically, except that nothing in the
database is committed so, the POSLog data in the response will not be marked sent.

JSON data containing list of somewhere between 1 and maxBatchRecords of escaped
Xstore POSLog XML strings.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


External Integration

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - Updates
This section describes the Updates service.


HTTP Protocol

Xstore Office Services 27-5

Xcenter Endpoints

Service to retrieve configuration and data updates. This service returns a ZIP file
containing manifests and deployment config XML if available, null otherwise.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like GET

argOrgId - the organization ID of the retailer
argRetailLocationId - the location ID where the request originatesargDate
business date in ISO-8601 format.

Response octet stream in form of byte array

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - EventLog
This section describes the EventLog service.


HTTP Protocol

Service to post event logs. This service is intended to be used by Xenvironment. It
provides a means to report EventLogEntry objects, so it can send useful warning/
error information that can be viewed by administrators in Xadmin.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like POST

27-6 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

http://localhost:8081/xcenter/rest/MyMerchCode/v1/eventlog with
request media type as application/json

argEventLog - POJO to define JSON inputThrows:Exception - the exception

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - File
This section describes the File service.

"/xcenter/rest/{}/v1/file/{container} where
{container} is "pospolls", "deployments", "poslog", "autodeploy/
{organization ID}", or "autodeploy/{organization ID}/archive"

HTTP Protocol

@Path(value="/{params: .*}")
Service to get the requested file or directory listing. Accepts a relative URL to file.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like GET
http://localhost:9999/ xcenter/rest/testMerchCode/v1/file/
To download part of the file, set the header as Range bytes=0-1433600/8080384.
See the HTTP/1.1 documentation.

argAcceptTypes - the content type header, applicable for directory listing, if a value of
"application/json" is provided then the directory listing is presented in json format
otherwise HTML listing is presented
argRange - the range header, parameter indicating which portion of a file a client is
trying to download

Xstore Office Services 27-7

Xcenter Endpoints

Range bytes=0-1433599. See the HTTP/1.1 documentation.
argParams - the rest of the path

Response with list of FileInfo objects((JSON fomat)) if it is a directory listing or
"application/octet-stream" as file download.

@Path(value="/{params: .*}")
Service to save a file sent as {@InputStream}.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like PUT
pospolls/ or PUT http://
To upload part of the file, set the header as Content-Range bytes 0-1433600/8080384. See
the HTTP/1.1 documentation.
After all the parts of the file are uploaded, call the GET request on the same file to close
the file. This service will send the SHA-512 hash as response.
GET http://localhost:9999/xcenter/rest/{merchantCode}/v1/file/
GET http://localhost:9999/xcenter/rest/testMerchCode/v1/file/

argContentRange - the content range header parameter indicating portion of a file a
client is trying to upload
argParams - the name of the file to be saved
argInput - the InputStream of the file

Response with status as accepted (if partial file is uploaded) or conflict (if file with same
name is already present) or accepted (complete file upload) with SHA-512 hash of file

@Path(value="/{params: .*}")
Service to delete previously uploaded file.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like DELETE

27-8 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

where "1000_2_!!_config.cip" is the file to delete from "pospoll" container.

argParameters - the parameters extracted from the URI path

Response with 204Throws:IOException - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment, Xadmin (logged in user)

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - ConfigPath
This section describes the ConfigPath service.


HTTP Protocol

Service for providing config path information to an Xstore POS register, based on the
personality and landscape configurations defined in Xadmin.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like GET

argOrgId - the organization ID of the retailer
argRetailLocationId - the location ID where the request originates
argWorkstationId - the device performing the request

Xstore Office Services 27-9

Xcenter Endpoints

argWorkstationIdStart - the starting workstation ID in the range of workstation

IDs for which config paths should be returned
argWorkstationIdEnd - the ending workstation ID in the range of workstation IDs
for which config paths should be returned

A properties object converted to JSON with the config path entries needed by Xstore
Point of Service.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - Dtx
This section describes the Dtx service.


HTTP Protocol

Service to save a DTX List<IPersistable> immediately.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like
1 > POST http://localhost:8081/xcenter/rest/MyMerchCode/v1/dtx
1 > Accept: application/json
1 > Authorization:
1 > Content-Type: application/xml
"Timeout": 1000,
"persistables": [

27-10 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

"v": "1",
"type": "Item",
"cmd": "INSERT",
"recordtype": "dao"
"OrganizationId": 1,
"ItemId": "1622",
"CreateDate": 1526463366239,
"OrgCode": "*",
"OrgValue": "*",
"Description": "FOOBARSTOOL",
"SerializedItem": false,

argPayload - the data

The response:
Throws:IOException - if an IO-related exception
occursClassNotFoundException - if a class to be persisted cannot be loaded

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - Replicate
This section describes the Replicate service.

Xstore Office Services 27-11

Xcenter Endpoints


HTTP Protocol

Service call to replicate a payload of DTX persistables.
Example call:

argPayload - the data
argOrganizationId - the organization ID
argRetailLocationId - the retail location ID
argWorkstationId - the workstation ID
argTimestamp - the time stamp

The response

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - DeployStatus
This section describes the Deploy Status service.


HTTP Protocol

27-12 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

Service to post deploy status to report on the status of various phases of deploying files
that are part of an Xadmin deployment. This service is intended to be used by
Example call:
Call this method via REST like POST
with request media type as application/json.

argDeployStatus - the status of the current client which is processing the

The status of the overall deployment

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - SystemDateTime
This section describes the SystemDateTime service.


HTTP Protocol


Xstore Office Services 27-13

Xcenter Endpoints

The entry method for this REST service resource. This method returns a data time string
formatted by
This service provides a centralized date/time service. When a request comes in, it returns
the system date/time of the server where Xcenter runs on at the time of the request. The
response is a plain text containing date/time in ISO-8601 format, yyyy-MM-
dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ, for example, 2016-04-06T14:45:03-04:00.
HTTP requests have information about originating system, such as org, storeNum,
registerNum, local system date/time, acceptable range and so on. If the requesting
system date/time is out of sync, it creates and saves an event log entry about this incident
into the database; at later stage, the event log entries will be reviewed by administrators
in Xadmin.
Example call:
Call this method via REST like GET

argOrgId - the organization ID of the retailer
argRetailLocationId - the location ID where the request originates
argWorkstationId - the device performing the request
argFormattedClientDateTime - Client's current dateTime in the same ISO-8601
argAcceptableDelta - the delta of time between the client and server that is
acceptable. Defaults to 0.
argAcceptableDeltaUnit - the unit of the delta. Defaults to second.

The formatted date time of the server.

Type of Web Service


Security Protocol/Grant Type (if OAuth)


Xstore Point of Service, Xenvironment

Xcenter Web Application

27-14 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xcenter Endpoints

Endpoint - ShowStatus (On-Premise ONLY)

This section describes the ShowStatus service.

Note: This endpoint is only available for on-premise applications. It is

not available for Xstore Office Cloud Service.


HTTP Protocol

Gets the status for a particular module. Any module name appended to URI must be a
key name in the map of status reporters as configured in the Spring context like:
<bean id="showStatusReporters"
<property name="map">
<map value-
<entry key="dtx" value-ref="dtxStatusReporter"/>
<entry key="cluster" value-ref="clusterStatusReporter"/>
<entry key="replication" value-
<entry key="broadcaster" value-
Example call:

argModule - the module

The response

Xstore Office Services 27-15

Xcenter Endpoints

Type of Web Service



Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - EnrollStore (Cloud ONLY)

This section describes the EnrollStore service.

Note: This endpoint is only available for Cloud applications. It is not

available for Xstore Office on-premise.


HTTP Protocol

Rest service for enrolling an Xstore Client as an OAuth Client in the Identity Provider
(IDP). The typical response of this request contains the OAuth Client ID, OAuth Client
Secret, the IDP Connection URL and a flag indicating whether this client already existed.
Call this method via REST like GET:

argOrgId - organization ID
argRetailLocationId - retail location ID

Json data containing information about the OAuth Client

Type of Web Service


Xenvironment, Xstore Office On-Premises

27-16 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Data Privacy Endpoints

Xcenter Web Application

Endpoint - EnrollClient (Cloud ONLY)

This section describes the EnrollClient service.

Note: The EnrollClient service is only available for Xstore Office

Cloud Service Release 18.1.


HTTP Protocol

Rest service for enrolling a client system as an OAuth Client in the Identity Provider
(IDP). The typical response of this request contains the OAuth Client ID, OAuth Client
Secret, the IDP Connection URL and a flag indicating whether this client already existed.
Call this method via REST like GET:

type - the type of app

Json data containing information about the OAuth Client

Type of Web Service


External System

Xcenter Web Application

Data Privacy Endpoints

This section describes the data privacy services.

Xstore Office Services 27-17

Xadmin Endpoints

Endpoint - privatedata
This section privatedata service.


Customer/ Employee Lookup Service

The Customer/Employee Lookup Service uses the GET request method type and takes
the argument customer ID, which is a combination of organization ID and party ID
({organization_id}::{party_id}) and returns customer information via a JSON object.
Example call:
{service host}:{port}/xcenter/rest/privatedata/

Customer/Employee Validate Service

The Customer/Employee Validate service uses the GET request method type and takes
the argument customer ID, which is a combination of organization ID and party ID
({organization_id}::{party_id}). If the customer information can be safely anonymize
then the service returns a response with the status code '200', otherwise it will return a
response with the status code '412'.
Example call:
{service host}:{port}/xcenter/rest/privatedata/validateForget/

Customer/Employee Anonymization Service

The Customer/Employee anonymization service uses the DELETE request method type
and takes the argument customer ID, which is a combination of organization ID and
party ID ({organization_id}::{party_id}). This service calls the validate service before
proceeding to anonymize customer/employee information. If the validation fails it will
return a response with the status code '412'. If the validation is successful, it will retrieve
the location of the AutoFileTransferDirectory from Xadmin and create a download file
which contains one of more of the record types of CUSTOMER_ANONYMIZE and
EMPLOYEE_ANONYMIZE and save it to the above mentioned location.
Example Call:
{service port}:{port}/xcenter/rest/privatedata/

Xadmin Endpoints
This section describes the Xadmin services.

Endpoint - Receipt Viewer

This section describes the Receipt Viewer service.

27-18 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Xadmin Endpoints


HTTP Protocol

Returns the response containing the receipt view of a transaction
Example call:

argTransId - the transaction ID
argRegId - the workstation ID
argTransDate - the transaction business date
argRtlLoc - the retail location ID
argOrgId - the organization ID

The receipt view response.
Throws: ServletException - servlet exceptionIOException - IO exception

Type of Web Service



Xadmin Web Application

Xstore Office Services 27-19

Xadmin Endpoints

27-20 Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide

Appendix: DTX Names and Database

This chapter lists the DTX names and database tables needed to construct a URL or
Query XML by using the GetByQueryResource and the GetByIdResource. See

Table: sec_acl


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SecuredObjectId (secured_object_id) - STRING
AuthenticationRequired (authentication_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


AclEntries - AclAccessType
Properties - AccessControlListProperty

Table: sec_acl_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SecuredObjectId (secured_object_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_acct_credit_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: trl_ar_sale_lineitm

Extends: SaleReturnLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
AccountNumber (acct_nbr) - STRING
BankReferenceNumber (reference_nbr) - STRING
AccountUserId (acct_user_id) - STRING
AccountUserName (acct_user_name) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: ttr_ar_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AccountNumber (acct_nbr) - STRING
ApprovalCode (approval_code) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AccountUserName (acct_user_name) - STRING
PoNumber (po_number) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_code) - STRING
AccountUserId (acct_user_id) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: sec_access_types

AccessTypeCode (access_typcode) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SecuredObjectId (secured_object_id) - STRING
GroupMembershipRaw (group_membership) - CLOB
NoAccessSettings (no_access_settings) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AclAccessTypeProperty

Table: sec_access_types_p


AccessTypeCode (access_typcode) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SecuredObjectId (secured_object_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_address


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

AddressId (address_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
State (territory) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update user id) - STRING

Properties - AddressProperty

Table: com_address_country


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
CountryName (country_name) - STRING
PostalCodeMaxLength (max_postal_length) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AddressCountryProperty

Table: com_address_country_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_address_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (address_seq) - LONG
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AddressModifierProperty

Table: xom_address_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (address_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_address_postalcode


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
PostalCodeId (postal_code_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
StateId (state_id) - STRING
CityName (city_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AddressPostalCodeProperty

Table: com_address_postalcode_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
PostalCodeId (postal_code_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_address_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

AddressId (address_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_address_state


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
StateId (state_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
StateName (state_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AddressStateProperty

Table: com_address_state_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CountryId (country_id) - STRING
StateId (state_id) - STRING
AddressMode (address_mode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_airport


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

AirportCode (airport_code) - STRING
ZoneId (zone_id) - STRING
AirportName (airport_name) - STRING
CountryCode (country_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AirportProperty

Table: com_airport_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

AirportCode (airport_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_airport_zone


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ZoneId (zone_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AirportZoneProperty

Table: com_airport_zone_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ZoneId (zone_id) - STRING
DestinationZoneId (destination_zone_id) - STRING
TaxCalculationMode (tax_calculation_mode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AirportZoneDetailProperty

Table: com_airport_zone_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ZoneId (zone_id) - STRING
DestinationZoneId (destination_zone_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_airport_zone_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ZoneId (zone_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_attached_items


AttachedItemId (attached_item_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SoldItemId (sold_item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
BeginDatetime (begin_datetime) - DATE
EndDatetime (end_datetime) - DATE
PromptToAdd (prompt_to_add_flag) - BOOLEAN
PromptToAddMsgKey (prompt_to_add_msg_key) - STRING
QuantityToAdd (quantity_to_add) - DECIMAL
LineItemAssociationTypeCode (lineitm_assoc_typcode) - STRING
PromptForReturn (prompt_for_return_flag) - BOOLEAN
PromptForReturnMsgKey (prompt_for_return_msg_key) - STRING
ExternalId (external_id) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


AttachedItem - Item
SoldItem - Item
AssociationType - LineItemAssociationTypeCode
Properties - AttachedItemsProperty

Table: itm_attached_items_p


AttachedItemId (attached_item_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SoldItemId (sold_item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_award_acct


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (acct_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


AwardCoupons - AwardAccountCoupon
Properties - AwardAccountProperty

Table: cat_award_acct_coupon

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (acct_id) - STRING
CouponId (coupon_id) - STRING
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - AwardAccountCouponProperty

Table: cat_award_acct_coupon_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (acct_id) - STRING
CouponId (coupon_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_award_acct_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (acct_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_balance_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - BalanceModifierProperty

Table: xom_balance_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_broadcaster_options


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OptionId (option_id) - LONG
TranslationKey (translation_key) - STRING
DefaultTranslation (default_translation) - STRING
Xpath (xpath) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - BroadcasterOptionProperty

Table: com_broadcaster_options_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OptionId (option_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_button_grid


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
GridId (grid_id) - STRING
RowId (row_id) - INTEGER
ColumnId (column_id) - INTEGER
ComponentId (component_id) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
ChildId (child_id) - STRING
KeyName (key_name) - STRING
Data (data) - STRING
Text (text) - STRING
TextX (text_x) - INTEGER
TextY (text_y) - INTEGER
ImageFilename (image_filename) - STRING
ImageX (image_x) - INTEGER
ImageY (image_y) - INTEGER
VisibilityRule (visibility_rule) - STRING
HeightSpan (height_span) - INTEGER
WidthSpan (width_span) - INTEGER
BackgroundRgb (background_rgb) - STRING
ForegroundRgb (foreground_rgb) - STRING
ButtonStyle (button_style) - STRING
ActionIdx (action_idx) - INTEGER
AnimationIdx (animation_idx) - INTEGER
RecordState (record_state) - STRING
create date
CreateDate ( ) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ButtonGridProperty

Table: com_button_grid_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
GridId (grid_id) - STRING
RowId (row_id) - INTEGER
ColumnId (column_id) - INTEGER
ComponentId (component_id) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_carton


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
CartonId (carton_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CartonStatusCode (carton_statcode) - STRING
ControlNumber (control_number) - STRING
RecordCreationType (record_creation_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CartonProperty

Table: inv_carton_p


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
CartonId (carton_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_category_service_loc


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
LeadTimeQuantity (lead_time_qty) - DECIMAL
LeadTimeUnit (lead_time_unit_enum) - STRING
CreateShipment (create_shipment_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CategoryServiceLocation - ServiceLocation
Properties - CategoryServiceLocationProperty

Table: cwo_category_service_loc_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_charge_acct_history


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
HistorySeq (history_seq) - LONG
ActivityDate (activity_date) - DATE
ActivityEnum (activity_enum) - STRING
Amt (amt) - DECIMAL
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AccountBalance (acct_balance) - DECIMAL
AccountUserName (acct_user_name) - STRING
AccountUserId (acct_user_id) - STRING
ReversedFlag (reversed_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ChargeAccountHistoryProperty

Table: cat_charge_acct_history_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
HistorySeq (history_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_charge_acct_invoice


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
OriginalInvoiceBalance (original_invoice_balance) - DECIMAL
InvoiceBalance (invoice_balance) - DECIMAL
LastActivityDate (last_activity_date) - DATE
InvoiceDate (invoice_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ChargeAccountInvoiceProperty

Table: cat_charge_acct_invoice_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_charge_acct_users


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
AccountUserId (acct_user_id) - STRING
AccountUserName (acct_user_name) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
PrimaryContact (primary_contact_flag) - BOOLEAN
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AccountUserFirstName (acct_user_first_name) - STRING
AccountUserLastName (acct_user_last_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ChargeAccountUserProperty

Table: cat_charge_acct_users_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
AccountUserId (acct_user_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_check_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_nbr) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
BankId (bank_id) - STRING
CheckAccountNumber (check_acct_nbr) - STRING
CheckSequenceNumber (check_seq_nbr) - STRING
CustomerBirthDate (cust_birth_date) - DATE
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
MicrData (micr) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: ctl_cheetah_device_access


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
Token (token) - STRING
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Status (status) - STRING
SecretHash (secret_hash) - STRING
SecretExpirationDate (secret_exp_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CheetahClientDeviceAccessProperty

Table: ctl_cheetah_device_access_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
Token (token) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_close_dates


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CloseDate (close_date) - DATE
ReasonCode (reason_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CloseDatesProperty

Table: loc_close_dates_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CloseDate (close_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_closing_message


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
ClosingMessage (closing_message) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ClosingMessageProperty

Table: loc_closing_message_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_code_value


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Category (category) - STRING
Code (code) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Hidden (hidden_flag) - BOOLEAN
Rank (rank) - INTEGER
ImageUrl (image_url) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CodeValueProperty

Table: com_code_value_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Category (category) - STRING
Code (code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_commission_mod


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

CommissionModifierSequenceNbr (commission_mod_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
Percentage (percentage) - DECIMAL
PercentageOfItem (percentage_of_item) - DECIMAL
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
UnverifiableEmployeeId (unverifiable_emp_id) - STRING
EmployeePartyId (employee_party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


EmployeeParty - Party
Properties - CommissionModifierProperty

Table: trl_commission_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

CommissionModifierSequenceNbr (commission_mod_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_correction_mod

BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
OriginalRetailLocationId (original_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
OriginalWorkstationId (original_wkstn_id) - LONG
OriginalBusinessDate (original_business_date) - DATE
OriginalTransactionSequence (original_trans_seq) - LONG
OriginalRetailTransactionLineItemSequence (original_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ReasonCode (reascode) - STRING
Notes (notes) - STRING
OriginalTaxAmt (original_tax_amt) - DECIMAL
OriginalExtendedPrice (original_extended_amt) - DECIMAL
OriginalUnitPrice (original_unit_amt) - DECIMAL
OriginalBaseExtendedPrice (original_base_extended_amt) - DECIMAL
OriginalBaseUnitPrice (original_base_unit_amt) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CorrectionModifierProperty

Table: trl_correction_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_country_return_map


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PurchasedFrom (purchased_from) - STRING
ReturnTo (return_to) - STRING
DisallowCrossBorderFlag (disallow_cross_border_flag) - BOOLEAN
create date
CreateDate ( ) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CountryReturnMapProperty

Table: com_country_return_map_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PurchasedFrom (purchased_from) - STRING
ReturnTo (return_to) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_coupon_xref


CouponSerialNumber (coupon_serial_nbr) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING
CouponType (coupon_type) - STRING
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
Serialized (serialized_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CouponDiscount - Discount
Tender - Tender
Properties - CouponProperty

Table: trl_coupon_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CouponId (coupon_id) - STRING
CouponTypeCode (typcode) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
ManufacturerId (manufacturer_id) - STRING
ValueCode (value_code) - STRING
AmountEntered (amt_entered) - DECIMAL
ManufacturerFamilyCode (manufacturer_family_code) - STRING
Serialized (serialized_flag) - BOOLEAN
Authorized (authorized_flag) - BOOLEAN
RedemptionTransId (redemption_trans_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: dsc_coupon_xref_p


CouponSerialNumber (coupon_serial_nbr) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_coupon_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CouponTypeCode (typcode) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
KeyEntered (key_entered_flag) - BOOLEAN
ManufacturerFamilyCode (manufacturer_family_code) - STRING
ManufacturerId (manufacturer_id) - STRING
PromotionCode (promotion_code) - STRING
ScanCode (scan_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: ttr_credit_debit_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AccountNumber (acct_nbr) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_nbr) - STRING
BankReferenceNumber (bank_reference_number) - STRING
CustomerName (customer_name) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
Ps2000 (ps2000) - STRING
MediaIssuerId (mediaissuer_id) - STRING
PersonalIdReferenceNumber (personal_id_ref_nbr) - STRING
PersonalIdRequiredTypeCode (personal_id_req_typcode) - STRING
ExpirationDateString (expr_date) - STRING
CashbackAmount (cashback_amt) - DECIMAL
CardLevelIndicator (card_level_indicator) - STRING
AccountNumberHash (acct_nbr_hash) - STRING
AuthorizationToken (authorization_token) - STRING
TransactionReferenceData (transaction_reference_data) - STRING
TraceNumber (trace_number) - STRING
TaxAmount (tax_amt) - DECIMAL
DiscountAmount (discount_amt) - DECIMAL
FreightAmount (freight_amt) - DECIMAL
DutyAmount (duty_amt) - DECIMAL
OriginalLocalDateTime (orig_local_date_time) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
TransactionIdentifier (transaction_identifier) - STRING
CcvErrorCode (CCV_error_code) - STRING
PosEntryModeChange (POS_entry_mode_change) - STRING
ProcessingCode (processing_code) - STRING
PosEntryMode (POS_entry_mode) - STRING
PosAdditionalData (POS_addl_data ) - STRING
NetworkResultIndicator (network_result_indicator ) - STRING
MerchantCategoryCode (merchant_cat_code ) - STRING
UsageReasonCode (usage_reason_code) - STRING
DccCurrencyId (dcc_currency_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: cat_cust_acct


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
AccountBalance (acct_balance) - DECIMAL
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CustIdentityReq (cust_identity_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
CustIdentityTypeCode (cust_identity_typcode) - STRING
CustAccountStateCode (cust_acct_statcode) - STRING
AccountSetupDate (acct_setup_date) - DATE
LastActivityDate (last_activity_date) - DATE
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AccountPurchaseOrderNumber (acct_po_nbr) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Journals - CustomerAccountJournal
PaymentSchedule - PaymentSchedule
RetailLocation - RetailLocation
CustAccountNotes - CustomerAccountNote
Properties - CustomerAccountProperty

Table: cat_authorizations


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
StatusDatetime (status_datetime) - DATE
AuthorizationType (authorization_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerAccountAuthorizationProperty

Table: cat_authorizations_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type ( ) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_acct_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
AccountBalance (acct_balance) - DECIMAL
CustIdentityTypeCode (cust_identity_typcode) - STRING
TransRetailLocationId (trans_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransWorkstationId (trans_wkstn_id) - LONG
TransBusinessDate (trans_business_date) - DATE
TransSequence (trans_trans_seq) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerAccountJournalProperty

Table: cat_cust_acct_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_acct_note


NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
EntryTimestamp (entry_timestamp) - DATE
EntryPartyId (entry_party_id) - LONG
Note (note) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerAccountNoteProperty

Table: cat_acct_note_p


NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_acct_plan


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PlanId (plan_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
PlanDescription (plan_description) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerAccountPlanProperty

Table: cat_cust_acct_plan_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PlanId (plan_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_acct_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_customer_affiliation


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerAffiliationProperty

Table: crm_customer_affiliation_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_consent_info


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
TermsAndConditions (terms_and_conditions) - STRING
Consent1Text (consent1_text) - STRING
Consent2Text (consent2_text) - STRING
Consent3Text (consent3_text) - STRING
Consent4Text (consent4_text) - STRING
Consent5Text (consent5_text) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - CustomerConsentInfoProperty

Table: crm_consent_info_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_consumer_charge_acct

Extends: CustomerAccount


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CreditLimit (credit_limit) - DECIMAL
PoRequired (po_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
OnHold (on_hold_flag) - BOOLEAN
IsCorporateAccount (corporate_account_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ChargeAccountUsers - ChargeAccountUser
ChargeAccountHistories - ChargeAccountHistory

Table: cat_cust_item_acct

Extends: CustomerAccount


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
AccountTotal (acct_total) - DECIMAL
AccountPayments (total_payment_amt) - DECIMAL
ActiveAccountPayments (active_payment_amt) - DECIMAL
ActiveAccountTotal (active_acct_total) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DeliveryModifier - DeliveryModifier
CustItemAccountDetails - CustomerItemAccountDetail

Table: cat_cust_item_acct_activity


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CustAccountDetailNum (cust_item_acct_detail_item_nbr) - LONG
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
ExtendedAmount (extended_amt) - DECIMAL
ActivityDateTime (activity_datetime) - DATE
ActivityCode (item_acct_activity_code) - STRING
AccountLineItemStateCode (item_acct_lineitm_statcode) - STRING
TypeCode (line_typcode) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransLineItemSeq (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
NetAmount (net_amt) - DECIMAL
UnitPrice (unit_price) - DECIMAL
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
ScheduledPickupDate (scheduled_pickup_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerItemAccountActivityProperty

Table: cat_cust_item_acct_activity_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CustAccountDetailNum (cust_item_acct_detail_item_nbr) - LONG
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_item_acct_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CustAccountDetailNum (cust_item_acct_detail_item_nbr) - LONG
ExtendedAmount (extended_amt) - DECIMAL
StateCode (item_acct_lineitm_statcode) - STRING
TypeCode (line_typcode) - STRING
OrigItemAddDate (original_item_add_date) - DATE
ScheduledPickupDate (scheduled_pickup_date) - DATE
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SourceLocationId (source_loc_id) - LONG
DeliveryType (delivery_type_id) - STRING
FullfillmentLocationId (fullfillment_loc_id) - LONG
ReceivedByCustDate (received_by_cust_date) - DATE
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
NetAmount (net_amt) - DECIMAL
UnitPrice (unit_price) - DECIMAL
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RetailLineItem - RetailTransactionLineItem
CustItemAccountActivities - CustomerItemAccountActivity
SourceLocation - RetailLocation
FullfillmentLocation - RetailLocation
Properties - CustomerItemAccountDetailProperty

Table: cat_cust_item_acct_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CustAccountDetailNum (cust_item_acct_detail_item_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_item_acct_journal

Extends: CustomerAccountJournal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
CustAccountStateCode (cust_acct_statcode) - STRING
AccountSetupDate (acct_setup_date) - DATE
LastActivityDate (last_activity_date) - DATE
AccountTotal (acct_total) - DECIMAL
AccountPayments (total_payment_amt) - DECIMAL
ActiveAccountPayments (active_payment_amt) - DECIMAL
ActiveAccountTotal (active_acct_total) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: trl_cust_item_acct_mod


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
ItemAccountExtendedPrice (item_acct_extended_price) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerItemAccountModifierProperty

Table: trl_cust_item_acct_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_loyalty_acct


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
LoyaltyProgramId (loyalty_program_id) - STRING
LoyaltyProgramName (loyalty_program_name) - STRING
LoyaltyProgramLevelId (loyalty_program_level_id) - STRING
LoyaltyProgramLevelName (loyalty_program_level_name) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
AccountBalance (acct_balance) - DECIMAL
EscrowBalance (escrow_balance) - DECIMAL
BonusBalance (bonus_balance) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerLoyaltyAccountProperty

Table: cat_cust_loyalty_acct_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_card_nbr) - STRING
AccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_cust_acct_card


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_acct_card_nbr) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


LoyaltyAccounts - CustomerLoyaltyAccount
AwardAccounts - AwardAccount
Properties - CustomerLoyaltyCardProperty

Table: cat_cust_acct_card_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CardNumber (cust_acct_card_nbr) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_customer_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
CustomerId (customer_id) - STRING
OrganizationName (organization_name) - STRING
Salutation (salutation) - STRING
FirstName (first_name) - STRING
MiddleName (middle_name) - STRING
LastName (last_name) - STRING
Suffix (suffix) - STRING
Telephone1 (telephone1) - STRING
Telephone2 (telephone2) - STRING
EmailAddress (email_address) - STRING
AddressSequence (address_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Address - AddressModifier
Properties - CustomerModifierProperty

Table: xom_customer_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_customer_notes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
CreatorId (creator_id) - STRING
Note (note) - CLOB
NoteTimeStamp (note_timestamp) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomerNoteProperty

Table: crm_customer_notes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_customization_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
CustomizationCode (customization_code) - STRING
CustomizationMessage (customization_message) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CustomizationModifierProperty

Table: xom_customization_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_cycle_questions


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_datetime) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_datetime) - DATE
QuestionTextKey (question_text_key) - STRING
QuestionTypeCode (question_typcode) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CorporateMessage (corporate_message_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


QuestionChoices - CycleQuestionChoice
Properties - CycleQuestionProperty

Table: loc_cycle_question_answers


AnswerId (answer_id) - STRING

AnswerTimestamp (answer_timestamp) - DATE
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CycleQuestionAnswerProperty

Table: loc_cycle_question_answers_p


AnswerId (answer_id) - STRING

AnswerTimestamp (answer_timestamp) - DATE
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_cycle_question_choices


AnswerId (answer_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
AnswerTextKey (answer_text_key) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - CycleQuestionChoiceProperty

Table: loc_cycle_question_choices_p


AnswerId (answer_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_cycle_questions_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

QuestionId (question_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_dataloader_failure


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FileName (file_name) - STRING
RunTime (run_timestamp) - LONG
FailureSequence (failure_seq) - INTEGER
FailureMessage (failure_message) - STRING
FailedData (failed_data) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DataLoaderFailureProperty

Table: ctl_dataloader_failure_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FileName (file_name) - STRING
RunTime (run_timestamp) - LONG
FailureSequence (failure_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_dataloader_summary


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FileName (file_name) - STRING
RunTime (run_timestamp) - LONG
Success (success_flag) - BOOLEAN
SuccessfulRows (successful_rows) - INTEGER
FailedRows (failed_rows) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DataLoaderSummaryProperty

Table: ctl_dataloader_summary_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FileName (file_name) - STRING
RunTime (run_timestamp) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_translations


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Locale (locale) - STRING
TranslationKey (translation_key) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Translation (translation) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DatabaseTranslationProperty

Table: com_translations_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Locale (locale) - STRING
TranslationKey (translation_key) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Description for a deal -- in some cases, this will be used as the line item description in the transaction on line items to which the deal applies.
Consumable (consumable) - BOOLEAN
The field defines whether this transaction-level deal is defined as being exclusive. If it is and this deal applies then no other transaction-level
deal can be applied. Has no effect on item-level deals. This field will be treated as 'false' unless otherwise set.
Deferred (act_deferred) - BOOLEAN
Typically used for document-related (rebate, bounceback, etc) rulesets, this will cause the deal to be evaluated as though it were applying its
results to a future transaction.
The importance of these deals is reduced by comparison to all other deals and if a small extra reduction of the total of the current transaction
can be obtained at the expense of deferred deals, the better dealset for the current transaction will always take precedence.
This field will be treated as 'false' unless otherwise set.
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
This field represents the date on which the deal becomes effective. This may be combined with the begin and end times to produce a 'happy
hour' style of deal.
A null value here will result in an immediately effective deal. @see #getEndDate()
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
Counterpoint to {@link #getEffectiveDate()}, this allows for the end date of a promotional deal to be encoded into the deal.
A null value here will result in a deal which has no expiration date.
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
The time of day at which this deal becomes effective.
A null value here will result in a deal which is active from the beginning of the day.
EndTime (end_time) - DATE
The time of day at which this deal becomes no longer applicable.
A null value here will result in a deal which has no expiration during the day(s) which it is applicable.
GenerosityCap (generosity_cap) - DECIMAL
A deal with a generosity cap will never result in a discount of more than the cap set here.
IterationCap (iteration_cap) - INTEGER
A deal with an iteration cap will be allowed to apply to a transaction that many times. This is only applicable for deals which have a set of
items for which they are matching.
PriorityNudge (priority_nudge) - INTEGER
Given two deals which have an equal effect on the transaction, where one may be preferred over the other (such as two deals with the same
result on the current transaction where one is triggered by the redemption of a bounce-back coupon, and the other is not) this allows the deal
definer to specify which of the deals should be more likely to apply to the transaction.
MinimumSubtotal (subtotal_min) - DECIMAL
This is the minimum subtotal to which the transaction must come for this deal to apply.
MaximumSubtotal (subtotal_max) - DECIMAL
This is the maximum subtotal the transaction may have before this deal is no longer applicable.
TransActionType (trwide_action) - STRING
This is the type of action to take on the entire transaction; this should only be used by transaction-wide deals, and deals with a transaction-
wide action set should not have actions set for any item rules.
TransActionAmount (trwide_amount) - DECIMAL
This is the amount, or argument, to apply with the transaction-wide action. e.g. If the transActionType is "PercentOff" this is the percentage
discount which this deal will apply.
TaxabilityCode (taxability_code) - STRING
This indicates whether tax is calculated before this deal is applied, or after.
HigherNonactionAmt (higher_nonaction_amt_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExcludePriceOverride (exclude_price_override_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExcludeDiscounted (exclude_discounted_flag) - BOOLEAN
UseWeekSchedule (week_sched_flag) - BOOLEAN
Targeted (targeted_flag) - BOOLEAN
When "true", only customers whose records explicitly declare their eligibility for this deal will be eligible for it. When "false", all customers will
be eligible for this deal, including those not associated with a given transaction. All other deal eligibility restrictions will apply regardless of
this setting.
PromotionId (promotion_id) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Type (type) - STRING
GroupId (group_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Items - DealItemAction
CustomerGroups - DealCustomerGroups
Triggers - DealTrigger
Properties - DealProperty

Table: prc_deal_cust_groups


DealId (deal_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DealCustomerGroupsProperty

Table: prc_deal_cust_groups_p


DealId (deal_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_document_xref


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Deals - Deal
DocDefinitions - DocumentDefinition
Properties - DealDocumentXrefProperty

Table: prc_deal_document_xref_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_field_test


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Ordinal (item_ordinal) - INTEGER
ItemConditionGroup (item_condition_group) - INTEGER
ItemConditionSeq (item_condition_seq) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Field (item_field) - STRING
MatchRule (match_rule) - STRING
Value1 (value1) - STRING
Value2 (value2) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DealFieldTestProperty

Table: prc_deal_field_test_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Ordinal (item_ordinal) - INTEGER
ItemConditionGroup (item_condition_group) - INTEGER
ItemConditionSeq (item_condition_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_item


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Ordinal (item_ordinal) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Consumable (consumable) - BOOLEAN
MinQty (qty_min) - DECIMAL
MaxQty (qty_max) - DECIMAL
MinItemTotal (min_item_total) - DECIMAL
ActionType (deal_action) - STRING
ActionArg (action_arg) - DECIMAL
ActionArgQty (action_arg_qty) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


FieldTests - DealFieldTest
Properties - DealItemActionProperty

Table: prc_deal_item_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Ordinal (item_ordinal) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_trig


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Trigger (deal_trigger) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DealTriggerProperty

Table: prc_deal_trig_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
Trigger (deal_trigger) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: prc_deal_week


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
DayCode (day_code) - STRING
the day of the week that this deal is active, represented by a three letter day code
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
the earliest time for a given day/range that a deal is effective
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
EndTime (end_time) - DATE
the latest time for a given day/range that a deal is effective
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DealWeekProperty

Table: prc_deal_week_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DealId (deal_id) - STRING
DayCode (day_code) - STRING
the day of the week that this deal is active, represented by a three letter day code
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
the earliest time for a given day/range that a deal is effective
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_delivery_modifier

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
DeliveryType (delivery_enum) - STRING
FirstName (first_name) - STRING
MiddleName (middle_name) - STRING
LastName (last_name) - STRING
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Telephone1 (telephone1) - STRING
Telephone2 (telephone2) - STRING
Telephone3 (telephone3) - STRING
Telephone4 (telephone4) - STRING
ShippingMethod (shipping_method) - STRING
TrackingNumber (tracking_number) - STRING
Instructions (instructions) - STRING
Extension (extension) - STRING
DeliveryDate (delivery_date) - DATE
StartTime (delivery_start_time) - DATE
EndTime (delivery_end_time) - DATE
GeoCode (geo_code) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DeliveryModifierProperty

Table: cat_delivery_modifier_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_device_config

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
HardwareFamilyType (hardware_family_type) - STRING
HardwareUse (hardware_use) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DeviceConfigProperty

Table: ctl_device_config_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
HardwareFamilyType (hardware_family_type) - STRING
HardwareUse (hardware_use) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_device_fiscal_info


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
HardwareFamilyType (hardware_family_type) - STRING
HardwareUse (hardware_use) - STRING
DeviceId (device_id) - STRING
Status (status) - STRING
FiscalSessionNumber (fiscal_session_number) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - DeviceFiscalInfoProperty

Table: ctl_device_fiscal_info_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
HardwareFamilyType (hardware_family_type) - STRING
HardwareUse (hardware_use) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_device_registration


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
IpAddress (ip_address) - STRING
DateTimestamp (date_timestamp) - DATE
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
XtoreVersion (xstore_version) - STRING
EnvVersion (env_version) - STRING
ActiveFlag (active_flag) - BOOLEAN
ConfigVersion (config_version) - STRING
PrimaryRegister (primary_register_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DeviceRegistrationProperty

Table: ctl_device_registration_p


OrganizationId (organization id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_dimension_mod


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

DimensionCode (dimension_code) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Value (value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DimensionModifierProperty

Table: trl_dimension_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

DimensionCode (dimension_code) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_discount


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
Amount (discount) - DECIMAL
ApplicationMethodCode (app_mthd_code) - STRING
CalculationMethodCode (calculation_mthd_code) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
EffectiveDatetime (effective_datetime) - DATE
ExclusiveDiscount (exclusive_discount_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExpirationDatetime (expr_datetime) - DATE
MaximumTransactionCount (max_trans_count) - LONG
MinimumEligiblePrice (min_eligible_price) - DECIMAL
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
Prompt (prompt) - STRING
Sound (sound) - STRING
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
SerializedDiscount (serialized_discount_flag) - BOOLEAN
PrivilegeType (privilege_type) - STRING
TaxabilityCode (taxability_code) - STRING
This indicates whether tax is calculated before this discount is applied, or after.
MaxDiscount (max_discount) - DECIMAL
MaxAmount (max_amount) - DECIMAL
MaxPercentage (max_percentage) - DECIMAL
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
DisallowChange (disallow_change_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CompatibleDiscounts - DiscountCompatability
ValidSaleLineItemTypeCodes - DiscountTypeEligibility
CustomerGroups - DiscountGroupMapping
ExcludedItems - Item
IncludedItems - Item
Privilege - Privilege
Properties - DiscountProperty

Table: dsc_discount_compatibility


CompatibleDiscountCode (compatible_discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PrimaryDiscountCode (primary_discount_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - DiscountCompatabilityProperty

Table: dsc_discount_compatibility_p


CompatibleDiscountCode (compatible_discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PrimaryDiscountCode (primary_discount_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_discount_group_mapping


CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING

DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DiscountGroupMappingProperty

Table: dsc_discount_group_mapping_p


CustomerGroupId (cust_group_id) - STRING

DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
date value
DateValue ( ) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_discount_item_exclusions


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DiscountItemExclusionsProperty

Table: dsc_discount_item_exclusions_p


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_discount_item_inclusions


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DiscountItemInclusionsProperty

Table: dsc_discount_item_inclusions_p


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_discount_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
NewPrice (new_price) - DECIMAL
NewPriceQuantity (new_price_quantity) - DECIMAL
SerialNumber (serial_number) - STRING
DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING
TaxabilityCode (taxability_code) - STRING
AwardTransactionId (award_trans_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

LineItemDiscount - Discount

Table: dsc_discount_p


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: dsc_disc_type_eligibility


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SaleLineItemTypeCode (sale_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DiscountTypeEligibilityProperty

Table: dsc_disc_type_eligibility_p


DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
SaleLineItemTypeCode (sale_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: doc_document


DocumentId (document_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
DocumentStatus (document_status) - STRING
IssueDate (issue_date) - DATE
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
MaxAmount (max_amount) - DECIMAL
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DocumentDefinition - DocumentDefinition
Properties - DocumentProperty

Table: doc_document_definition


SeriesId (series_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
StartIssueDate (start_issue_date) - DATE
EndIssueDate (end_issue_date) - DATE
StartRedeemDate (start_redeem_date) - DATE
EndRedeemDate (end_redeem_date) - DATE
VendorId (vendor_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ReceiptType (receipt_type) - STRING
SegmentType (segment_type) - STRING
TextCodeValue (text_code_value) - STRING
FileName (file_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DocDefProperties - DocumentDefinitionProperties
Properties - DocumentDefinitionProperty

Table: doc_document_def_properties


SeriesId (series_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
Sequence (doc_seq_nbr) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
Type (type) - STRING
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DocumentDefinitionPropertiesProperty

Table: doc_document_def_properties_p


SeriesId (series_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
Sequence (doc_seq_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: doc_document_definition_p


SeriesId (series_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_inventory_loc_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
DocumentLineNumber (document_line_nbr) - LONG
ModifierSequence (mod_seq) - LONG
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
SourceLocationId (source_location_id) - STRING
SourceBucketId (source_bucket_id) - STRING
DestinationLocationId (dest_location_id) - STRING
DestinationBucketId (dest_bucket_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
Cost (cost) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - DocumentInventoryLocationModifierProperty

Table: inv_inventory_loc_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
DocumentLineNumber (document_line_nbr) - LONG
ModifierSequence (mod_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: doc_document_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
DocumentId (document_id) - STRING
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Document - Document

Table: inv_document_lineitm_note


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
NoteId (note_id) - LONG
NoteDatetimestamp (note_timestamp) - DATE
Note (note_text) - CLOB
CreatorPartyId (creator_party_id ) - LONG
NoteType (note_type) - STRING
RecordCreationType (record_creation_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CreatorParty - Party
Properties - DocumentLineItemNoteProperty

Table: inv_document_lineitm_note_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
NoteId (note_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_document_notes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
NoteId (note_id) - LONG
NoteDatetimestamp (note_timestamp) - DATE
Note (note_text) - CLOB
CreatorPartyId (creator_party_id ) - LONG
NoteType (note_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CreatorParty - Party
Properties - DocumentNoteProperty

Table: inv_document_notes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
NoteId (note_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: doc_document_p


DocumentId (document_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
LoginId (login_id) - STRING
ActiveDate (active_date) - DATE
AddDate (add_date) - DATE
AdditionalWithholdings (additional_withholdings) - DECIMAL
BasePay (base_pay) - DECIMAL
ClockInNotRequired (clock_in_not_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
ClockedIn (clocked_in_flag) - BOOLEAN
EmergencyContactName (emergency_contact_name) - STRING
EmergencyContactPhone (emergency_contact_phone) - STRING
EmployeeGroup (employee_group_id) - STRING
EmployeePayStatus (employee_pay_status) - STRING
EmployeeRoleCode (employee_role_code) - STRING
EmployeeStatusCode (employee_statcode) - STRING
EmployeeTypeCode (employee_typcode) - STRING
EmployeeWorkStatus (employee_work_status) - STRING
GroupMembershipRaw (group_membership) - CLOB
HireDate (hire_date) - DATE
JobTitle (job_title) - STRING
LastReviewDate (last_review_date) - DATE
MaritalStatus (marital_status) - STRING
NextReviewDate (next_review_date) - DATE
PersonalDays (personal_days) - DECIMAL
PersonalDaysUsed (personal_days_used) - DECIMAL
SickDays (sick_days) - DECIMAL
SickDaysUsed (sick_days_used) - DECIMAL
SpouseName (spouse_name) - STRING
TerminatedDate (terminated_date) - DATE
VacationDays (vacation_days) - DECIMAL
VacationDaysUsed (vacation_days_used) - DECIMAL
TrainingStatusEnum (training_status_enum) - STRING
LockedOut (locked_out_flag) - BOOLEAN
LockedOutTimestamp (locked_out_timestamp) - DATE
OvertimeEligible (overtime_eligible_flag) - BOOLEAN
PrimaryGroupId (primary_group) - STRING
DepartmentId (department_id) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
WorkCodeString (work_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Party - Party
PrimaryGroup - Group
WorkCode - WorkCodes
EmployeeStores - EmployeeStore
EmployeePasswords - EmployeePassword
EmployeeNotes - EmployeeNote
EmployeeAnswers - EmployeeAnswers
Properties - EmployeeProperty

Table: hrs_employee_answers


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
ChallengeCode (challenge_code) - STRING
ChallengeAnswer (challenge_answer) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeeAnswersProperty

Table: hrs_employee_answers_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
ChallengeCode (challenge_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_fingerprint


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
Sequence (fingerprint_seq) - INTEGER
BiometricStorage (fingerprint_storage) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeeFingerprintProperty

Table: hrs_employee_fingerprint_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
Sequence (fingerprint_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_message


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

MessageId (message_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
StartDate (start_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
Priority (priority) - STRING
StoreCreated (store_created_flag) - BOOLEAN
WorkstationSpecific (wkstn_specific_flag) - BOOLEAN
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - INTEGER
Description (content) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
MessageURL (message_url ) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeeMessageProperty

Table: hrs_employee_message_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

MessageId (message_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_notes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
Note (note) - CLOB
NoteTimeStamp (note_timestamp) - DATE
CreatorPartyId (creator_party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CreatorParty - Party
Properties - EmployeeNoteProperty

Table: hrs_employee_notes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_password


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
Sequence (password_seq) - INTEGER
Password (password) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
Temporary (temp_password_flag) - BOOLEAN
Current (current_password_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeePasswordProperty

Table: hrs_employee_password_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
Sequence (password_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_store


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
EmployeeStoreSequence (employee_store_seq) - INTEGER
BeginDate (begin_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
TemporaryAssignment (temp_assignment_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeeStoreProperty

Table: hrs_employee_store_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
EmployeeStoreSequence (employee_store_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_task


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TaskId (task_id) - LONG
StartDate (start_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
CompleteDate (complete_date) - DATE
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
Visibility (visibility) - STRING
AssignmentId (assignment_id) - STRING
StoreCreated (store_created_flag) - BOOLEAN
Title (title) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Priority (priority) - STRING
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CustomerParty - Party
EmployeeTaskNotes - EmployeeTaskNote
Properties - EmployeeTaskProperty

Table: hrs_employee_task_notes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TaskId (task_id) - LONG
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
Note (note) - CLOB
NoteTimeStamp (note_timestamp) - DATE
CreatorPartyId (creator_party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CreatorParty - Party
Properties - EmployeeTaskNoteProperty

Table: hrs_employee_task_notes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TaskId (task_id) - LONG
NoteSequence (note_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_employee_task_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TaskId (task_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sch_emp_time_off


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
TimeOffSeq (time_off_seq) - LONG
StartTime (start_datetime) - DATE
EndTime (end_datetime) - DATE
ReasonCode (reason_code) - STRING
TypeCode (time_off_typcode) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EmployeeTimeOffProperty

Table: sch_emp_time_off_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
TimeOffSeq (time_off_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_escrow_acct


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
AccountBalance (acct_balance) - DECIMAL
CustAccountStateCode (cust_acct_statcode) - STRING
AccountSetupDate (acct_setup_date) - DATE
LastActivityDate (last_activity_date) - DATE
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


EscrowAccountActivities - EscrowAccountActivity
Properties - EscrowAccountProperty

Table: cat_escrow_acct_activity


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
SeqNbr (seq_nbr) - LONG
ActivityDate (activity_date) - DATE
ActivityEnum (activity_enum) - STRING
Amt (amt) - DECIMAL
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SourceCustAccountId (source_cust_acct_id) - STRING
SourceCustAccountCode (source_cust_acct_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - EscrowAccountActivityProperty

Table: cat_escrow_acct_activity_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
SeqNbr (seq_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_escrow_acct_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_escrow_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
ActivitySequenceNumber (activity_seq_nbr) - LONG
EscrowAmount (escrow_amt) - DECIMAL
CustomerPartyId (cust_party_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CustomerParty - Party
EscrowAccountActivity - EscrowAccountActivity

Table: ctl_event_log


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
OperatorPartyId (operator_party_id) - LONG
LogLevel (log_level) - STRING
LogTimestamp (log_timestamp) - DATE
Source (source) - STRING
ThreadName (thread_name) - STRING
CriticalToDeliver (critical_to_deliver) - BOOLEAN
LoggerCategory (logger_category) - STRING
LogMessage (log_message) - STRING
ArrivalTimestamp (arrival_timestamp) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: tsn_xrtrans_lineitm


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (line_seq) - INTEGER
BaseCurrency (base_currency) - STRING
TargetCurrency (target_currency) - STRING
OldExchangeRate (old_rate) - DECIMAL
NewExchangeRate (new_rate) - DECIMAL
Notes (notes) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ExchangeRateTransLineItemProperty

Table: tsn_xrtrans_lineitm_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (line_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_rtrans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ExchangeRateTransLineItems - ExchangeRateTransLineItem

Table: xom_fee_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (tax_amount) - DECIMAL
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - FeeModifierProperty

Table: xom_fee_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ModSequence (mod_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_stock_fiscal_year


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FiscalYear (fiscal_year) - INTEGER
StartDate (start_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - FiscalYearProperty

Table: inv_stock_fiscal_year_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FiscalYear (fiscal_year) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_flight_info


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ScheduledDateTime (scheduled_date_time) - DATE
FlightNumber (flight_number) - STRING
OriginAirport (origin_airport) - STRING
DestinationAirport (destination_airport) - STRING
Via1Airport (via_1_airport) - STRING
Via2Airport (via_2_airport) - STRING
Via3Airport (via_3_airport) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - FlightInformationProperty

Table: com_flight_info_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ScheduledDateTime (scheduled_date_time) - DATE
FlightNumber (flight_number) - STRING
OriginAirport (origin_airport) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_fulfillment_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
LocationId (loc_id) - STRING
OrganizationName (organization_name) - STRING
Salutation (salutation) - STRING
LocationName1 (loc_name1) - STRING
LocationName2 (loc_name2) - STRING
MiddleName (middle_name) - STRING
Suffix (suffix) - STRING
AddressSequence (address_seq) - LONG
Telephone1 (telephone) - STRING
EmailAddress (email_address) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Address - AddressModifier
Properties - FulfillmentModifierProperty

Table: xom_fulfillment_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_gift_registry_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
RegistryId (registry_id) - LONG
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
RegistryStatus (registry_status) - STRING
TransRetailLocationId (trans_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransWorkstationId (trans_wkstn_id) - LONG
TransBusinessDate (trans_business_date) - DATE
TransSequence (trans_trans_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - GiftRegistryJournalProperty

Table: crm_gift_registry_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_gift_registry_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RegistryId (registry_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: sec_groups


GroupId (group_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
BitmapPosition (bitmap_position) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
GroupRank (group_rank) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - GroupProperty

Table: sec_groups_p

GroupId (group_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_identity_verification


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

IdentityVerificationSequence (identity_verification_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
IdNumber (id_nbr) - STRING
IdTypeCode (id_typcode) - STRING
IssuingAuthority (issuing_authority) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - IdentityVerificationProperty

Table: ttr_identity_verification_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

IdentityVerificationSequence (identity_verification_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_bucket


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
FunctionCode (function_code) - STRING
AdjustmentAction (adjustment_action) - STRING
DefaultLocationId (default_location_id) - STRING
SystemBucket (system_bucket_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryBucketProperty

Table: inv_bucket_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_cst_item_yearend


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
FiscalYear (fiscal_year) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
WacQuantityReceived (wac_qty_rcvd) - DECIMAL
WacValueReceived (wac_value_rcvd) - DECIMAL
PwacQuantityOnhandEndofyear (pwac_qty_onhand_endofyear) - DECIMAL
PwacValueOnhandEndofyear (pwac_value_onhand_endofyear) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryCostItemYearEndProperty

Table: inv_cst_item_yearend_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

FiscalYear (fiscal_year) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
TypeCode (inv_count_typcode) - STRING
BeginDate (begin_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
CountStatus (count_status) - STRING
StoreCreated (store_created_flag) - BOOLEAN
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

InventoryCountBuckets - InventoryCountBucket
Properties - InventoryCountProperty

Table: inv_count_bucket


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
CountCycle (count_cycle) - INTEGER
BucketStatus (bucket_status) - STRING
InventoryBucketName (inv_bucket_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryCountBucketProperty

Table: inv_count_bucket_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count_section


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
SectionId (section_id) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
InventoryBucketName (inv_bucket_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


SectionDetails - InventoryCountSectionDetail
Properties - InventoryCountSectionProperty

Table: inv_count_section_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
SectionId (section_id) - STRING
SectionDetailNumber (section_detail_nbr) - INTEGER
MerchandiseHierarchyLevel (merch_hierarchy_level) - STRING
MerchandiseHierarchyId (merch_hierarchy_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryCountSectionDetailProperty

Table: inv_count_section_detail_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
SectionId (section_id) - STRING
SectionDetailNumber (section_detail_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count_section_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
SectionId (section_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count_sheet


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
CountSheetNumber (count_sheet_nbr) - INTEGER
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
SectionNumber (section_nbr) - INTEGER
SectionId (section_id) - STRING
CountCycle (count_cycle) - INTEGER
SheetStatus (sheet_status) - STRING
CheckedOut (checked_out_flag) - BOOLEAN
InventoryBucketName (inv_bucket_name) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CountSheetLineItems - InventoryCountSheetLineItem
Properties - InventoryCountSheetProperty

Table: inv_count_sheet_lineitm


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
CountSheetNumber (count_sheet_nbr) - INTEGER
LineItemNumber (lineitm_nbr) - INTEGER
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
CountCycle (count_cycle) - INTEGER
PageNumber (page_nbr) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
AlternateId (alternate_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryCountSheetLineItemProperty

Table: inv_count_sheet_lineitm_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
CountSheetNumber (count_sheet_nbr) - INTEGER
LineItemNumber (lineitm_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.
Table: inv_count_sheet_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
CountSheetNumber (count_sheet_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_count_snapshot


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
InventoryLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
SnapshotDate (snapshot_date) - DATE
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryCountSnapshotProperty

Table: inv_count_snapshot_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryCountId (inv_count_id) - STRING
InventoryLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
InventoryBucketId (inv_bucket_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_invctl_document


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CompleteDateTime (complete_date_timestamp) - DATE
CreateDateTime (create_date_timestamp) - DATE
OriginatorId (originator_id) - STRING
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
DocumentSubtypeCode (document_subtypcode) - STRING
OriginatorName (originator_name) - STRING
LastActivityDate (last_activity_date) - DATE
PoReferenceNumber (po_ref_nbr) - STRING
RecordCreationType (record_creation_type) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ControlNumber (control_number) - STRING
OriginatorAddressId (originator_address_id) - STRING
SubmitDate (submit_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryDocumentLineItems - InventoryDocumentLineItem
Shipments - Shipment
Cartons - Carton
Notes - DocumentNote
OriginatorAddress - Address
Properties - InventoryDocumentProperty

Table: inv_invctl_document_xref


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CrossRefOrganizationId (cross_ref_organization_id) - LONG
CrossRefDocumentId (cross_ref_document_id) - STRING
CrossRefLineNumber (cross_ref_line_number) - INTEGER
CrossRefDocumentTypeCode (cross_ref_document_typcode) - STRING
CrossRefRetailLocationId (cross_ref_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryDocumentCrossReferenceProperty

Table: inv_invctl_document_xref_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_invctl_document_lineitm


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InventoryItemId (inventory_item_id) - STRING
LineItemBusinessDate (lineitm_business_date) - DATE
LineItemRetailLocationId (lineitm_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LineItemRetailTransactionLineItemSequence (lineitm_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
LineItemTransactionSequence (lineitm_trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemTypeCode (lineitm_typcode) - STRING
LineItemWorkstationId (lineitm_wkstn_id) - LONG
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_number) - STRING
UnitCount (unit_count) - DECIMAL
UnitCost (unit_cost) - DECIMAL
ExpectedCount (expected_count) - DECIMAL
PostedCount (posted_count) - DECIMAL
PostedCost (posted_cost) - DECIMAL
RecordCreationType (record_creation_type) - STRING
EnteredItemDescription (entered_item_description) - STRING
EnteredItemId (entered_item_id) - STRING
CartonId (carton_id) - STRING
Retail ( ) - DECIMAL
ModelNumber (model_nbr) - STRING
OriginalBucketId (original_bucket_id) - STRING
OriginalLocationId (original_loc_id) - STRING
ControlNumber (control_number) - STRING
ShippingWeight (shipping_weight) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CustomerItemAccountMod - InventoryItemAccountModifier
SerialNumbers - InventoryDocumentLineSerial
DocumentInventoryLocationModifiers - DocumentInventoryLocationModifier
InventoryReplenishmentDocumentLineItem - InventoryReplenishmentDocumentLineItem
Notes - DocumentLineItemNote
InventoryLineCrossReference - InventoryDocumentCrossReference
Properties - InventoryDocumentLineItemProperty

Table: inv_invctl_document_lineitm_p


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_invctl_doc_lineserial


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SerialLineNumber (serial_line_nbr) - INTEGER
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryDocumentLineSerialProperty

Table: inv_invctl_doc_lineserial_p


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SerialLineNumber (serial_line_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_invctl_document_mod


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

DocumentModifierSequence (invctl_document_mod_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryDocument - InventoryDocument
Properties - InventoryDocumentModifierProperty

Table: trl_invctl_document_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
DocumentModifierSequence (invctl_document_mod_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_invctl_document_p


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_item_acct_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - InventoryItemAccountModifierProperty

Table: inv_item_acct_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_inventory_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
InventoryItemId (inventory_item_id) - STRING
ItemSerialNumber (item_serial_nbr) - STRING
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
SourceLocationId (source_location_id) - STRING
SourceBucketId (source_bucket_id) - STRING
DestinationLocationId (dest_location_id) - STRING
DestinationBucketId (dest_bucket_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryJournalProperty

Table: inv_inventory_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_location


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
SystemLocation (system_location_flag) - BOOLEAN
Active (active_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryLocationBuckets - InventoryLocationBucket
AvailabilityCodes - InventoryLocationAvailability
Properties - InventoryLocationProperty

Table: inv_location_availability


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (location_id) - STRING
AvailabilityCode (availability_code) - STRING
PrivilegeType (privilege_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Privilege - Privilege
Properties - InventoryLocationAvailabilityProperty

Table: inv_location_availability_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (location_id) - STRING
AvailabilityCode (availability_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_location_bucket


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (location_id) - STRING
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
TrackingMethod (tracking_method) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryBucket - InventoryBucket
Properties - InventoryLocationBucketProperty

Table: inv_location_bucket_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (location_id) - STRING
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_location_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_movement_pending


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
Reconciled (reconciled_flag) - BOOLEAN
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


MovementPendingDetails - InventoryMovementPendingDetail
Item - Item
SaleLineItem - SaleReturnLineItem
InventoryTransactionDetail - InventoryTransactionDetail
Properties - InventoryMovementPendingProperty

Table: inv_movement_pending_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
PendingSequence (pending_seq) - LONG
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
SourceLocationId (source_location_id) - STRING
SourceBucketId (source_bucket_id) - STRING
DestinationLocationId (dest_location_id) - STRING
DestinationBucketId (dest_bucket_id) - STRING
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryMovementPendingDetailProperty

Table: inv_movement_pending_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
PendingSequence (pending_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_movement_pending_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_rep_document_lineitm


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SuggestedOrderQuantity (suggested_order_qty) - DECIMAL
OrderQuantity (order_quantity) - DECIMAL
ConfirmedQuantity (confirmed_quantity) - DECIMAL
ConfirmationDate (confirmation_date) - DATE
ConfirmationNumber (confirmation_number) - STRING
ShipVia (ship_via) - STRING
ShippedQuantity (shipped_quantity) - DECIMAL
ShippedDate (shipped_date) - DATE
ReceivedQuantity (received_quantity) - DECIMAL
ReceivedDate (received_date) - DATE
SourceType (source_type) - STRING
SourceId (source_id) - STRING
SourceName (source_name) - STRING
ParentDocumentId (parent_document_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryReplenishmentDocumentLineItemProperty
Table: inv_rep_document_lineitm_p


DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING

DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG


InventorySummaryCountTransactionDetails - InventorySummaryCountTransactionDetail

Table: inv_sum_count_trans_dtl


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransLineSequence (trans_line_seq) - INTEGER
LocationId (location_id) - STRING
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
SystemCount (system_count) - DECIMAL
DeclaredCount (declared_count) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventorySummaryCountTransactionDetailProperty

Table: inv_sum_count_trans_dtl_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransLineSequence (trans_line_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_invctl_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
OldStatusCode (old_status_code) - STRING
NewStatusCode (new_status_code) - STRING
ReasonCode (invctl_trans_reascode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentRetailLocationId (invctl_document_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentDate (document_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryDocument - InventoryDocument
InventoryTransactionDetails - InventoryTransactionDetail

Table: inv_invctl_trans_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
InventoryDetailSequence (invctl_trans_seq) - INTEGER
OldStatusCode (old_status_code) - STRING
NewStatusCode (new_status_code) - STRING
PreviousUnitCount (previous_unit_count) - DECIMAL
NewUnitCount (new_unit_count) - DECIMAL
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
NewPostedCount (new_posted_count) - DECIMAL
PreviousPostedCount (previous_posted_count) - DECIMAL
InventoryDocumentRetailLocationId (invctl_document_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
InventoryItemId (item_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryDocumentLineItem - InventoryDocumentLineItem
Properties - InventoryTransactionDetailProperty

Table: inv_invctl_trans_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
InventoryDetailSequence (invctl_trans_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_valid_destinations


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
DocumentSubtypeCode (document_subtypcode) - STRING
DestinationTypeEnum (destination_type_enum) - STRING
DestinationId (destination_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InventoryValidDestinationsProperty

Table: inv_valid_destinations_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
DocumentSubtypeCode (document_subtypcode) - STRING
DestinationTypeEnum (destination_type_enum) - STRING
DestinationId (destination_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_invoice


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
InvoiceDate (invoice_date) - DATE
AmountDue (amount_due) - DECIMAL
Notes (notes) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
update date
UpdateDate ( ) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InvoiceServiceLocation - ServiceLocation
LineItems - InvoiceLineItem
Properties - InvoiceProperty

Table: cwo_invoice_lineitm


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
InvoiceLineItemSequence (invoice_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
LineItemTypeCode (lineitm_typcode) - STRING
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
GlAccount (gl_account) - STRING
CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - InvoiceLineItemProperty

Table: cwo_invoice_lineitm_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
InvoiceLineItemSequence (invoice_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_invoice_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_ip_cashdrawer_device


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CashDrawerId (cash_drawer_id) - STRING
DrawerStatus (drawer_status) - STRING
ProductName (product_name) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_number) - STRING
IpAddress (ip_address) - STRING
TcpPort (tcp_port) - LONG
MacAddress (mac_address) - STRING
SubnetMask (subnet_mask) - STRING
Gateway (gateway) - STRING
DnsHostName (dns_hostname) - STRING
Dhcp (dhcp_flag) - BOOLEAN
FirmwareVersion (firmware_version) - STRING
Kup (kup) - STRING
KupUpdateDate (kup_update_date) - DATE
BeepOnOpen (beep_on_open_flag) - BOOLEAN
BeepLongOpen (beep_long_open_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - IpCashDrawerDeviceProperty

Table: ctl_ip_cashdrawer_device_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CashDrawerId (cash_drawer_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ItemLevelCode (item_lvlcode) - STRING
ItemTypeCode (item_typcode) - STRING
MerchLevel1Id (merch_level_1) - STRING
MerchLevel2Id (merch_level_2) - STRING
MerchLevel3Id (merch_level_3) - STRING
MerchLevel4Id (merch_level_4) - STRING
SerializedItem (serialized_item_flag) - BOOLEAN
ParentItemId (parent_item_id) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
DisallowItemMatrixDisplay (disallow_matrix_display_flag) - BOOLEAN
ItemMatrixColor (item_matrix_color) - STRING
DimensionSystem (dimension_system) - STRING
Dimension1 (dimension1) - STRING
Dimension2 (dimension2) - STRING
Dimension3 (dimension3) - STRING
ListPrice (list_price) - DECIMAL
MeasurementRequired (measure_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
NotInventoried (not_inventoried_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ItemOptions - ItemOptions
ParentItem - Item
ItemDealProperties - ItemDealProperty
ItemPromptProperties - ItemPromptProperty
ItemLabelProperties - ItemLabelProperties
ItemImages - ItemImage
ItemDimensionTypes - ItemDimensionType
ItemDimensionValues - ItemDimensionValue
Properties - ItemProperty

Table: itm_item_cross_reference

ManufacturerUpc (manufacturer_upc) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Manufacturer (manufacturer) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PrimaryFlag (primary_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Item - Item
Properties - ItemCrossReferenceProperty

Table: itm_item_cross_reference_p


ManufacturerUpc (manufacturer_upc) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_deal_prop


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
ItemDealPropertyCode (itm_deal_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
Type (type) - STRING
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - ItemDealPropertyProperty

Table: itm_item_deal_prop_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
ItemDealPropertyCode (itm_deal_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_dimension_type


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DimensionSystem (dimension_system) - STRING
Dimension (dimension) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Sequence (seq) - INTEGER
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
PromptMessage (prompt_msg) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DimensionValues - ItemDimensionValue
Properties - ItemDimensionTypeProperty

Table: itm_item_dimension_type_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DimensionSystem (dimension_system) - STRING
Dimension (dimension) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_dimension_value


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DimensionSystem (dimension_system) - STRING
Dimension (dimension) - STRING
DimensionValue (value) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemDimensionValueProperty

Table: itm_item_dimension_value_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

DimensionSystem (dimension_system) - STRING
Dimension (dimension) - STRING
DimensionValue (value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_images


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
FeatureId (feature_id) - STRING
ImageUrl (image_url) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemImageProperty

Table: itm_item_images_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
FeatureId (feature_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_label_batch


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BatchName (batch_name) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
StockLabel (stock_label) - STRING
Count (count) - LONG
OverridenPrice (overriden_price) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Item - Item
Properties - ItemLabelBatchProperty

Table: itm_item_label_batch_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BatchName (batch_name) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
StockLabel (stock_label) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_label_properties


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
StockLabel (stock_label) - STRING
LogoUrl (logo_url) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemLabelPropertiesProperty

Table: itm_item_label_properties_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_msg


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
EffectiveDate (effective_datetime) - DATE
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ContentType (content_type) - STRING
Contents (contents) - OBJECT
ExpirationDate (expr_datetime) - DATE
MessageKey (msg_key) - STRING
TitleKey (title_key) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


LineItemTypes - ItemMessageTypes
ItemIds - ItemMessageCrossReference
Properties - ItemMessageProperty

Table: itm_item_msg_cross_reference


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemMessageCrossReferenceProperty

Table: itm_item_msg_cross_reference_p


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_msg_p


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
EffectiveDate (effective_datetime) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_msg_types


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
LineItemType (sale_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemMessageTypesProperty

Table: itm_item_msg_types_p


MessageId (msg_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
LineItemType (sale_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_item_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ImageUrl (image_url) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemModifierProperty

Table: xom_item_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_options


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
ApplyRestockingFee (apply_restocking_fee_flag) - BOOLEAN
AttachedItems (attached_items_flag) - BOOLEAN
CompareAtPrice (compare_at_price) - DECIMAL
DisallowDiscounts (disallow_discounts_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowDeals (disallow_deals_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowPriceChange (disallow_price_change_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowSendSale (disallow_send_sale_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowCommission (disallow_commission_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowLayaway (disallow_layaway_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowWorkOrder (disallow_work_order_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowSpecialOrder (disallow_special_order_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowSelfcheckout (disallow_self_checkout_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowOrder (disallow_order_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowRainCheck (disallow_rain_check) - BOOLEAN
ForceQuantityOfOne (force_quantity_of_one_flag) - BOOLEAN
MaximumSaleUnitCount (max_sale_unit_count) - DECIMAL
MinimumSaleUnitCount (min_sale_unit_count) - DECIMAL
NoGiveaways (no_giveaways_flag) - BOOLEAN
NotReturnable (not_returnable_flag) - BOOLEAN
PartNumber (part_number) - STRING
PromptForPrice (prompt_for_price_flag) - BOOLEAN
PromptForQuantity (prompt_for_quantity_flag) - BOOLEAN
PromptForDescription (prompt_for_description_flag) - BOOLEAN
PromptForCustomer (prompt_for_customer) - STRING
RestockingFee (restocking_fee) - DECIMAL
SeasonCode (season_code) - STRING
SubstituteAvailable (substitute_available_flag) - BOOLEAN
UnitCost (unit_cost) - DECIMAL
VendorId (vendor) - STRING
SpecialOrderLeadDays (special_order_lead_days) - INTEGER
QtyScale (qty_scale) - INTEGER
Messages (messages_flag) - BOOLEAN
UnitOfMeasureCode (unit_of_measure_code) - STRING
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
Warranty (warranty_flag) - BOOLEAN
GenericItem (generic_item_flag) - BOOLEAN
CurrentSalePrice (curr_sale_price) - DECIMAL
InitialSaleQuantity (initial_sale_qty) - DECIMAL
DispositionCode (disposition_code) - STRING
ItemAvailabilityCode (item_availability_code) - STRING
StockStatus (stock_status) - STRING
FoodStampEligible (foodstamp_eligible_flag) - BOOLEAN
ShippingWeight (shipping_weight) - DECIMAL
PackSize (pack_size) - DECIMAL
DefaultSourceType (default_source_type) - STRING
DefaultSourceId (default_source_id) - STRING
SellingGroupId (selling_group_id) - STRING
ExcludeFromNetSales (exclude_from_net_sales_flag) - BOOLEAN
FiscalItemId (fiscal_item_id) - STRING
FiscalItemDescription (fiscal_item_description) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
TareValue (tare_value) - DECIMAL
TareUnitOfMeasureCode (tare_unit_of_measure_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ItemVendor - Vendor
Properties - ItemOptionsProperty

Table: itm_item_options_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_prices


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
ItemPricePropertyCode (itm_price_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PricingQuantity (price_qty) - DECIMAL
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
Price (price) - DECIMAL
ExternalId (external_id) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - ItemPricesProperty

Table: itm_item_prices_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
ItemPricePropertyCode (itm_price_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PricingQuantity (price_qty) - DECIMAL
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_prompt_properties


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PromptPropertyCode (itm_prompt_property_code) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
PromptMethodCode (prompt_mthd_code) - STRING
CodeGroup (code_group) - STRING
PromptTitleKey (prompt_title_key) - STRING
PromptMessageKey (prompt_msg_key) - STRING
Required (required_flag) - BOOLEAN
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ItemPromptPropertyProperty

Table: itm_item_prompt_properties_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PromptPropertyCode (itm_prompt_property_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_item_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_restrict_gs1


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
FieldId (field_id) - STRING
StartValue (start_value) - STRING
AiType (ai_type) - STRING
EndValue (end_value) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
RecordState (record_state) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - ItemRestrictGS1Property

Table: itm_restrict_gs1_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
FieldId (field_id) - STRING
StartValue (start_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_kit_component


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

KitItemId (kit_item_id) - STRING
ComponentItemId (component_item_id) - STRING
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
QuantityPerKit (quantity_per_kit) - INTEGER
BeginDatetime (begin_datetime) - DATE
EndDatetime (end_datetime) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - KitComponentProperty

Table: trl_kit_component_mod

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ComponentItemId (component_item_id) - STRING
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
ComponentItemDesc (component_item_desc) - STRING
KitItemId (kit_item_id) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
Quantity (quantity) - INTEGER
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


KitComponent - KitComponent
Properties - KitComponentModifierProperty

Table: trl_kit_component_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ComponentItemId (component_item_id) - STRING
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_kit_component_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

KitItemId (kit_item_id) - STRING
ComponentItemId (component_item_id) - STRING
SequenceNumber (seq_nbr) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_legal_entity


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LegalEntityId (legal_entity_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
District (district) - STRING
Area (area) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
EmailAddr (email_addr) - STRING
TaxId (tax_id) - STRING
FiscalCode (fiscal_code) - STRING
TaxationRegime (taxation_regime) - STRING
LegalEmployerId (legal_employer_id) - STRING
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - LegalEntityProperty

Table: loc_legal_entity_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LegalEntityId (legal_entity_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_lineitm_assoc_mod


BusinessDate (parent_business_date) - DATE

LineItemAssociationModifierSequence (lineitm_assoc_mod_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (parent_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (parent_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (parent_trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (parent_wkstn_id) - LONG
ChildBusinessDate (child_business_date) - DATE
ChildRetailLocationId (child_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
ChildRetailTransactionLineItemSequence (child_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ChildTransactionSequence (child_trans_seq ) - LONG
ChildWorkstationId (child_wkstn_id ) - LONG
LineItemAssociationTypeCodeString (lineitm_assoc_typcode ) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ChildLineItem - SaleReturnLineItem
LineItemAssociationTypeCode - LineItemAssociationTypeCode
Properties - LineItemAssociationModifierProperty

Table: trl_lineitm_assoc_mod_p


BusinessDate (parent_business_date) - DATE

LineItemAssociationModifierSequence (lineitm_assoc_mod_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (parent_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (parent_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (parent_trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (parent_wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_lineitm_assoc_typcode


LineItemAssociationTypeCode (lineitm_assoc_typcode) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CascadeDelete (cascade_delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
CascadeQuantity (cascade_quantity_flag) - BOOLEAN
ChildRestrictDelete (child_restrict_delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
ChildRestrictPrice (child_restrict_price_flag) - BOOLEAN
ChildRestrictQuantity (child_restrict_quantity_flag) - BOOLEAN
Description (description) - STRING
ParentRestrictDelete (parent_restrict_delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
ParentRestrictPrice (parent_restrict_price_flag) - BOOLEAN
ParentRestrictQuantity (parent_restrict_quantity_flag) - BOOLEAN
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - LineItemAssociationTypeCodeProperty

Table: trl_lineitm_assoc_typcode_p


LineItemAssociationTypeCode (lineitm_assoc_typcode) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_generic_lineitm_storage


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
DataStorage (data_storage) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - LineItemGenericStorageProperty

Table: trn_generic_lineitm_storage_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_matrix_sort_order


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

MatrixSortType (matrix_sort_type) - STRING
MatrixSortId (matrix_sort_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - MatrixSortOrderProperty

Table: itm_matrix_sort_order_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

MatrixSortType (matrix_sort_type) - STRING
MatrixSortId (matrix_sort_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_measurement


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Dimension (dimension) - STRING
Code (code) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
Symbol (symbol) - STRING
Factor (factor) - DECIMAL
QtyScale (qty_scale) - INTEGER
RecordState (record_state) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - MeasurementProperty

Table: com_measurement_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Dimension (dimension) - STRING
Code (code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_merch_hierarchy


HierarchyId (hierarchy_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ParentId (parent_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Hidden (hidden_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowItemMatrixDisplay (disallow_matrix_display_flag) - BOOLEAN
ItemMatrixColor (item_matrix_color) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - MerchandiseHierarchyProperty

Table: itm_merch_hierarchy_p


HierarchyId (hierarchy_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG


MovementPendingTransactionLineItems - MovementPendingTransactionLineItem

Table: inv_mptrans_lineitm


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
OriginalRetailLocationId (original_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
OriginalWorkstationId (original_wkstn_id) - LONG
OriginalBusinessDate (original_business_date) - DATE
OriginalTransactionSequence (original_trans_seq) - LONG
OriginalLineItemSequence (original_trans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
QuantityReconciled (quantity_reconciled) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


InventoryMovementPending - InventoryMovementPending
Properties - MovementPendingTransactionLineItemProperty

Table: inv_mptrans_lineitm_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_no_sale_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
NoSaleReasonCode (no_sale_reascode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: itm_non_phys_item

Extends: Item


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
NonPhysicalItemTypeCode (non_phys_item_typcode) - STRING
NonPhysicalItemSubtype (non_phys_item_subtype) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: xom_order


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
OrderType (order_type) - STRING
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
OrderDate (order_date) - DATE
OrderLocationId (order_loc_id) - STRING
Subtotal (subtotal) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (tax_amount) - DECIMAL
Total (total) - DECIMAL
BalanceDue (balance_due) - DECIMAL
Notes (notes) - STRING
ReferenceNumber (ref_nbr) - STRING
AdditionalFreightCharges (additional_freight_charges) - DECIMAL
AdditionalCharges (additional_charges) - DECIMAL
ShipComplete (ship_complete_flag) - BOOLEAN
FreightTax (freight_tax) - DECIMAL
OrderMessage (order_message) - STRING
GiftMessage (gift_message) - STRING
UnderReview (under_review_flag) - BOOLEAN
StatusCodeReason (status_code_reason) - STRING
StatusCodeReasonNote (status_code_reason_note) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Customer - CustomerModifier
Payments - OrderPayment
Fees - OrderFee
OrderLines - OrderLine
Properties - OrderProperty

Table: xom_order_fee


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (tax_amount) - DECIMAL
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - OrderFeeProperty

Table: xom_order_fee_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_order_line


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
FulfillmentType (fulfillment_type) - STRING
ItemUpcCode (item_upc_code) - STRING
ItemEanCode (item_ean_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Item - ItemModifier
OrderLineDetails - OrderLineDetail
Properties - OrderLineProperty

Table: xom_order_line_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
ExternalOrderId (external_order_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
FulfillmentType (fulfillment_type) - STRING
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
UnitPrice (unit_price) - DECIMAL
ExtendedPrice (extended_price) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (tax_amount) - DECIMAL
Notes (notes) - STRING
SelectedShipMethod (selected_ship_method) - STRING
ActualShipMethod (actual_ship_method) - STRING
TrackingNumber (tracking_nbr) - STRING
DropShip (drop_ship_flag) - BOOLEAN
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
StatusCodeReason (status_code_reason) - STRING
StatusCodeReasonNote (status_code_reason_note) - STRING
ExtendedFreight (extended_freight) - DECIMAL
CustomizationCharge (customization_charge) - DECIMAL
GiftWrap (gift_wrap_flag) - BOOLEAN
ShipAlone (ship_alone_flag) - BOOLEAN
ShipWeight (ship_weight) - DECIMAL
LineMessage (line_message) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


SourceModifier - SourceModifier
FulfillmentModifier - FulfillmentModifier
BalanceModifiers - BalanceModifier
CustomizationModifiers - CustomizationModifier
Fees - FeeModifier
Properties - OrderLineDetailProperty

Table: xom_order_line_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_order_line_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_order_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
OrderId (order_id) - STRING
ExternalOrderId (external_order_id) - STRING
OrderType (order_type) - STRING
DetailType (detail_type) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - OrderModifierProperty

Table: xom_order_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_order_payment


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (sequence) - INTEGER
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Amount (amount) - DECIMAL
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - OrderPaymentProperty

Table: xom_order_payment_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (sequence) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_order_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_org_hierarchy


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (org_code) - STRING
LevelValue (org_value) - STRING
ParentCode (parent_code) - STRING
ParentValue (parent_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
LevelManager (level_mgr) - STRING
LevelOrder (level_order) - INTEGER
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Inactive (inactive_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ParentElement - OrgHierarchy
Properties - OrgHierarchyProperty

Table: loc_org_hierarchy_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (org_code) - STRING
LevelValue (org_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: rpt_organizer


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ReportName (report_name) - STRING
ReportGroup (report_group) - STRING
ReportElement (report_element) - STRING
ReportOrder (report_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - OrganizerProperty

Table: rpt_organizer_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ReportName (report_name) - STRING
ReportGroup (report_group) - STRING
ReportElement (report_element) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AllegianceRetailLocationId (allegiance_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BirthDate (birth_date) - DATE
CustomerId (cust_id) - STRING
EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
NationalTaxId (national_tax_id) - STRING
FirstName (first_name) - STRING
FirstName2 (first_name2) - STRING
Gender (gender) - STRING
LastName (last_name) - STRING
LastName2 (last_name2) - STRING
MiddleName (middle_name) - STRING
PreferredLocale (preferred_locale) - STRING
OrganizationName (organization_name) - STRING
OrganizationTypeCode (organization_typcode) - STRING
PartyTypeCode (party_typcode) - STRING
PictureUri (picture_uri) - STRING
Salutation (salutation) - STRING
SignUpRetailLocationId (sign_up_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SocialSecurityNbr (social_security_nbr) - STRING
PersonalTaxId (personal_tax_id) - STRING
Suffix (suffix) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
Active (active_flag) - BOOLEAN
EmailRcpts (email_rcpts_flag) - BOOLEAN
AnniversaryDate (anniversary_date) - DATE
Prospect (prospect_flag) - BOOLEAN
Rent (rent_flag) - BOOLEAN
PrivacyCard (privacy_card_flag) - BOOLEAN
CommercialCustomer (commercial_customer_flag) - BOOLEAN
ContactPref (contact_pref) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


AlternatePartyIds - PartyIdCrossReference
CustomerGroups - CustomerAffiliation
LocaleInformation - PartyLocaleInformation
TelephoneInformation - PartyTelephone
EmailInformation - PartyEmail
LoyaltyCards - CustomerLoyaltyCard
CustomerNotes - CustomerNote
Properties - PartyProperty

Table: crm_party_cross_reference


ChildPartyId (child_party_id) - LONG

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ParentPartyId (parent_party_id) - LONG
PartyRelationshipTypeCode (party_relationship_typcode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PartyCrossReferenceProperty

Table: crm_party_cross_reference_p


ChildPartyId (child_party_id) - LONG

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ParentPartyId (parent_party_id) - LONG
PartyRelationshipTypeCode (party_relationship_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party_email


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
Sequence (email_sequence) - INTEGER
EmailAddress (email_address) - STRING
EmailType (email_type) - STRING
EmailFormat (email_format) - STRING
Contact (contact_flag) - BOOLEAN
Primary (primary_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PartyEmailProperty

Table: crm_party_email_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
Sequence (email_sequence) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party_id_xref


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AlternateIdOwner (alternate_id_owner) - STRING
AlternateId (alternate_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PartyIdCrossReferenceProperty

Table: crm_party_id_xref_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AlternateIdOwner (alternate_id_owner) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party_locale_information


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
Sequence (party_locale_seq) - INTEGER
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
Contact (contact_flag) - BOOLEAN
Primary (primary_flag) - BOOLEAN
AddressType (address_type) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PartyLocaleInformationProperty

Table: crm_party_locale_information_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
Sequence (party_locale_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: crm_party_telephone


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TelephoneType (telephone_type) - STRING
ContactType (contact_type) - STRING
Contact (contact_flag) - BOOLEAN
Primary (primary_flag) - BOOLEAN
TelephoneNumber (telephone_number) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PartyTelephoneProperty

Table: crm_party_telephone_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TelephoneType (telephone_type) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cat_payment_schedule


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
BeginDate (begin_date) - DATE
IntervalTypeEnum (interval_type_enum) - STRING
IntervalCount (interval_count) - INTEGER
TotalPaymentAmount (total_payment_amt) - DECIMAL
PaymentCount (payment_count) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PaymentScheduleProperty

Table: cat_payment_schedule_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_payroll


RetailLocId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
PayrollCategory (payroll_category) - STRING
HoursCount (hours_count) - DECIMAL
Posted (posted_flag) - BOOLEAN
PostedDate (posted_date) - DATE
PayrollStatus (payroll_status) - STRING
ReviewedDate (reviewed_date) - DATE
PayCode (pay_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PayrollProperty

Table: thr_payroll_category


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PayrollCategory (payroll_category) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
IncludeInOverTime (include_in_overtime_flag) - BOOLEAN
PayCode (pay_code) - STRING
WorkingCategory (working_category_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PayrollCategoryProperty

Table: thr_payroll_category_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PayrollCategory (payroll_category) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_payroll_header


RetailLocId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
ReviewedDate (reviewed_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PayrollHeaderProperty

Table: thr_payroll_header_p


RetailLocId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.
Table: thr_payroll_notes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
NoteSeq (note_seq) - LONG
NoteText (note_text) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PayrollNotesProperty

Table: thr_payroll_notes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
NoteSeq (note_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_payroll_p


RetailLocId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG

PartyId (party_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
PayrollCategory (payroll_category) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_poslog_data


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PoslogBytes (poslog_bytes) - OBJECT
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PosLogDataProperty

Table: trn_poslog_data_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_trans

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
BeginDateTimestamp (begin_datetime) - DATE
TransactionDate (trans_date) - DATE
BeginTimeInt (begin_time_int) - INTEGER
EndDateTimestamp (end_datetime) - DATE
KeyedOffline (keyed_offline_flag) - BOOLEAN
Posted (posted_flag) - BOOLEAN
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
Subtotal (subtotal) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (taxtotal) - DECIMAL
RoundedAmount (roundtotal) - DECIMAL
Total (total) - DECIMAL
TransactionStatusCode (trans_statcode) - STRING
TransactionTypeCode (trans_typcode) - STRING
TransactionCancelledReasonCode (trans_cancel_reascode) - STRING
GenericStorage (generic_storage_flag) - BOOLEAN
OperatorPartyId (operator_party_id) - LONG
PostVoid (post_void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CashDrawerId (cash_drawer_id) - STRING
FiscalNumber (fiscal_number) - STRING
DeviceId (device_id) - STRING
FiscalSessionNumber (fiscal_session_number) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


OperatorParty - Party
RetailTransactionLineItems - RetailTransactionLineItem
TransactionLinks - PosTransactionLink
TransactionNotes - TransactionNotes
Properties - PosTransactionProperty

Table: trn_trans_link


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

LinkBusinessDate (link_business_date) - DATE
LinkRetailLocationId (link_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LinkTransactionSequence (link_trans_seq) - LONG
LinkWorkstationId (link_wkstn_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
LinkTypeCode (link_typcode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


LinkedTransaction - PosTransaction
Properties - PosTransactionLinkProperty

Table: trn_trans_link_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

LinkBusinessDate (link_business_date) - DATE
LinkRetailLocationId (link_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
LinkTransactionSequence (link_trans_seq) - LONG
LinkWorkstationId (link_wkstn_id) - LONG
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_trans_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_post_void_trans

Extends: PosTransaction

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
VoidedTransactionEntryCode (voided_trans_entry_code) - STRING
VoidedBusinessDate (voided_business_date) - DATE
VoidedWorkstationId (voided_wkstn_id) - LONG
VoidedTransactionId (voided_trans_id) - LONG
VoidedRetailStoreId (voided_rtl_store_id) - LONG
VoidedOrganizationId (voided_org_id) - LONG
PostVoidReasonCode (post_void_reascode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


VoidedTransaction - PosTransaction

Table: tax_postal_code_mapping


City (city) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


PostalTaxLocation - TaxLocation
Properties - PostalCodeMappingProperty

Table: tax_postal_code_mapping_p


City (city) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_pricing_hierarchy


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
ParentCode (parent_code) - STRING
ParentValue (parent_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
LevelOrder (level_order) - INTEGER
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ParentElement - PricingHierarchy
Properties - PricingHierarchyProperty

Table: loc_pricing_hierarchy_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sec_privilege


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PrivilegeType (privilege_type) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
AuthenticationRequired (authentication_req) - BOOLEAN
GroupMembershipRaw (group_membership) - CLOB
Overridable (overridable_flag) - BOOLEAN
Description (description) - STRING
SecondPromptSettings (second_prompt_settings) - STRING
SecondPromptReqrDiffEmp (second_prompt_req_diff_emp) - BOOLEAN
SecondPromptGroupMembershipRaw (second_prompt_group_membership) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - PrivilegeProperty

Table: sec_privilege_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PrivilegeType (privilege_type) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_quick_items


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ParentId (parent_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ImageUrl (image_url) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Item - Item
Properties - QuickItemProperty

Table: itm_quick_items_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_raincheck


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RainCheckId (rain_check_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
SalePrice (sale_price) - DECIMAL
ExpirationBusinessDate (expiration_business_date) - DATE
RedeemedFlag (redeemed_flag) - BOOLEAN
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Item - Item
Properties - RainCheckProperty

Table: trn_raincheck_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RainCheckId (rain_check_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_raincheck_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RainCheckId (rain_check_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RainCheck - RainCheck

Table: com_reason_code


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ReasonTypeCode (reason_typcode) - STRING
ReasonCode (reason_code) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
CommentRequired (comment_req) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
ParentCode (parent_code) - STRING
GlAccountNumber (gl_acct_nbr) - STRING
MinimumAmt (minimum_amt) - DECIMAL
MaximumAmt (maximum_amt) - DECIMAL
CustomerMessage (cust_msg) - STRING
InventoryActionCode (inv_action_code) - STRING
InventoryLocationId (location_id) - STRING
InventoryBucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
Hidden (hidden_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReasonCodeProperty

Table: com_reason_code_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ReasonTypeCode (reason_typcode) - STRING
ReasonCode (reason_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_receipt_data


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReceiptId (receipt_id) - STRING
ReceiptBytes (receipt_data) - OBJECT
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReceiptDataProperty

Table: trn_receipt_data_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReceiptId (receipt_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_receipt_text


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TextCode (text_code) - STRING
TextSequence (text_seq) - INTEGER
TextSubcode (text_subcode) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
ReceiptText (receipt_text) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
LineFormat (line_format) - STRING
Reformat (reformat_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReceiptTextProperty

Table: com_receipt_text_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TextCode (text_code) - STRING
TextSequence (text_seq) - INTEGER
TextSubcode (text_subcode) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_refund_schedule


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
MaximumFullRefundTime (max_full_refund_time) - INTEGER
MinimumNoRefundTime (min_no_refund_time) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - RefundScheduleProperty

Table: itm_refund_schedule_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_report_data


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OwnerId (owner_id) - STRING
OwnerType (owner_type_enum) - STRING
ReportId (report_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ReportDataBytes (report_data) - OBJECT
Delete (delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReportDataProperty

Table: com_report_data_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OwnerId (owner_id) - STRING
OwnerType (owner_type_enum) - STRING
ReportId (report_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_report_lookup


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OwnerId (owner_id) - STRING
OwnerType (owner_type_enum) - STRING
ReportId (report_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ReportUrl (report_url) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
RecordType (record_type_enum) - STRING
RecordCreationDate (record_creation_date) - DATE
RecordLevel (record_level_enum) - STRING
ParentReportId (parent_report_id) - STRING
Delete (delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReportLookupProperty

Table: com_report_lookup_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OwnerId (owner_id) - STRING
OwnerType (owner_type_enum) - STRING
ReportId (report_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_reprint_receipt

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReceiptType (receipt_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ReprintReceiptTransactionDetails - ReprintReceiptTransactionDetail

Table: trn_reprint_receipt_dtl


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReprintDetailSequence (reprint_detail_seq) - INTEGER
OriginalGiftLineItemSequence (original_gift_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
SeriesId (series_id) - STRING
DocumentType (document_type) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReprintReceiptTransactionDetailProperty

Table: trn_reprint_receipt_dtl_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReprintDetailSequence (reprint_detail_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_restriction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
RestrictionDescription (restriction_description) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RestrictionMapping - RestrictionMapping
RestrictionType - RestrictionType
Properties - RestrictionProperty

Table: itm_restriction_calendar


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
RestrictionTypeCode (restriction_typecode) - STRING
DayCode (day_code) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
EndTime (end_time) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - RestrictionCalendarProperty

Table: itm_restriction_calendar_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
RestrictionTypeCode (restriction_typecode) - STRING
DayCode (day_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_restriction_mapping


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
MerchHierarchyLevel (merch_hierarchy_level) - STRING
MerchHierarchyId (merch_hierarchy_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - RestrictionMappingProperty

Table: itm_restriction_mapping_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
MerchHierarchyLevel (merch_hierarchy_level) - STRING
MerchHierarchyId (merch_hierarchy_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_restriction_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_restriction_type


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
RestrictionTypeCode (restriction_typecode) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
ValueType (value_type) - STRING
BooleanValue (boolean_value) - BOOLEAN
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
ExcludeReturns (exclude_returns_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RestrictionCalendar - RestrictionCalendar
Properties - RestrictionTypeProperty

Table: itm_restriction_type_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RestrictionId (restriction_id) - STRING
RestrictionTypeCode (restriction_typecode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_inventory_loc_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
ModifierSequence (mod_seq) - LONG
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
SourceLocationId (source_location_id) - STRING
SourceBucketId (source_bucket_id) - STRING
DestinationLocationId (dest_location_id) - STRING
DestinationBucketId (dest_bucket_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
ActionCode (action_code) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - RetailInventoryLocationModifierProperty

Table: trl_inventory_loc_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
ModifierSequence (mod_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_rtl_loc


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Locale (locale) - STRING
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
StoreName (store_name) - STRING
StoreNbr (store_nbr) - STRING
AlternateStoreNbr (alternate_store_nbr) - STRING
Telephone1 (telephone1) - STRING
Telephone2 (telephone2) - STRING
Telephone3 (telephone3) - STRING
Telephone4 (telephone4) - STRING
Latitude (latitude) - DECIMAL
Longitude (longitude) - DECIMAL
DefaultTaxPercentage (default_tax_percentage) - DECIMAL
StoreManager (store_manager) - STRING
LocationType (location_type) - STRING
DeliveryAvailable (delivery_available_flag) - BOOLEAN
PickupAvailable (pickup_available_flag) - BOOLEAN
TransferAvailable (transfer_available_flag) - BOOLEAN
EmailAddress (email_addr) - STRING
GeoCode (geo_code) - STRING
UezIndicator (uez_flag) - BOOLEAN
District (district) - STRING
Area (area) - STRING
UseTillAccountability (use_till_accountability_flag) - BOOLEAN
DepositBankName (deposit_bank_name) - STRING
DepositBankAcctNbr (deposit_bank_account_number) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
AirportCode (airport_code) - STRING
LegalEntityId (legal_entity_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


LegalEntity - LegalEntity
Properties - RetailLocationProperty

Table: loc_rtl_loc_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_rtl_loc_tax_mapping


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TaxLocation - TaxLocation
Properties - RetailLocationTaxMappingProperty

Table: tax_rtl_loc_tax_mapping_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_rtl_price_mod


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailPriceModifierSequenceNbr (rtl_price_mod_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
ExtendedAmount (extended_amt) - DECIMAL
Notes (notes) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_number) - STRING
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
PriceChangeAmount (price_change_amt) - DECIMAL
PriceChangeReasonCode (price_change_reascode) - STRING
PromotionId (promotion_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
RetailPriceModifierReasonCode (rtl_price_mod_reascode) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
DiscountGroupId (discount_group_id) - INTEGER
DealId (deal_id) - STRING
DiscountCode (discount_code) - STRING
DiscBusinessDate (disc_business_date) - DATE
DiscRetailLocationId (disc_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DiscRetailTransactionLineItemSequence (disc_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
DiscTransactionSequence (disc_trans_seq) - LONG
DiscWorkstationId (disc_wkstn_id) - LONG
DiscountReasonCode (discount_reascode) - STRING
TaxabilityCode (taxability_code) - STRING
DealAmount (deal_amt) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Discount - Discount
ReasonLineItem - RetailTransactionLineItem
Properties - RetailPriceModifierProperty

Table: trl_rtl_price_mod_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailPriceModifierSequenceNbr (rtl_price_mod_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_rtrans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
LoyaltyCard (loyalty_card_number) - STRING
CustomerPartyId (cust_party_id) - LONG
TaxExemptionId (tax_exemption_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CustomerParty - Party
InventoryDocumentModifiers - InventoryDocumentModifier
TaxExemption - TaxExemption
FlightInformation - RetailTransactionFlightInfo

Table: trl_deal_lineitm
Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
DealId (deal_id) - STRING
ReasonCode (discount_reascode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: trl_rtrans_serial_exchange

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OriginalSerialNumber (orig_serial_nbr) - STRING
NewSerialNumber (new_serial_nbr) - STRING
OriginalRetailLocationId (orig_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
OriginalBusinessDate (orig_business_date) - DATE
OriginalWorkstationId (orig_wkstn_id) - LONG
OriginalTransactionSequence (orig_trans_seq) - LONG
OiginalLineItemSequence (orig_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ExchangeReasonCode (exchange_reason_code) - STRING
ExchangeComment (exchange_comment) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RetailInventoryLocationModifiers - RetailInventoryLocationModifier
Item - Item

Table: trl_rtrans_flight_info


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
FlightNumber (flight_number) - STRING
DestinationAirport (destination_airport) - STRING
DestinationCountry (destination_country) - STRING
DestinationZone (destination_zone) - STRING
DestinationAirportName (destination_airport_name) - STRING
OriginAirport (origin_airport) - STRING
TaxCalculationMode (tax_calculation_mode) - STRING
FirstFlightNumber (first_flight_number) - STRING
FirstDestinationAirport (first_destination_airport) - STRING
FirstOriginAirport (first_origin_airport) - STRING
FirstFlightSeatNumber (first_flight_seat_number) - STRING
FirstFlightScheduledDate (first_flight_scheduled_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DestinationZoneObject - AirportZone
Properties - RetailTransactionFlightInfoProperty

Table: trl_rtrans_flight_info_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_rtrans_lineitm


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ClassName (dtv_class_name) - STRING
BeginDateTimestamp (begin_date_timestamp) - DATE
EndDateTimestamp (end_date_timestamp) - DATE
LineItemStatusCode (rtrans_lineitm_statcode) - STRING
LineItemTypeCode (rtrans_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
Notes (notes) - STRING
VoidLineItemReasonCode (void_lineitm_reascode) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
GenericStorage (generic_storage_flag) - BOOLEAN
TLogSequence (tlog_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


CorrectionModifier - CorrectionModifier
Signature - TenderSignature
Properties - RetailTransactionLineItemProperty

Table: trl_lineitm_notes


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
NoteSeq (note_seq) - LONG
Note (note) - CLOB
NoteDatetimestamp (note_datetime) - DATE
Posted (posted_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - RetailTransactionLineItemNotesProperty

Table: trl_lineitm_notes_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
NoteSeq (note_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_rtrans_lineitm_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_returned_item_count


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ReturnedCount (returned_count) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReturnedItemCountProperty

Table: trl_returned_item_count_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_returned_item_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
ReturnedCount (returned_count) - DECIMAL
ReturnedRetailLocationId (rtn_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
ReturnedWorkstationId (rtn_wkstn_id) - LONG
ReturnedBusinessDate (rtn_business_date) - DATE
ReturnedRetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtn_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ReturnedTransactionSequence (rtn_trans_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ReturnedItemJournalProperty

Table: trl_returned_item_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_tndr_safe_bag


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
SafeBagId (safe_bag_id) - STRING
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
InboundSessionId (inbound_session_id) - LONG
OutboundSessionId (outbound_session_id) - LONG
InboundTenderRepositoryId (inbound_tndr_repository_id) - STRING
OutboundTenderRepositoryId (outbound_tndr_repository_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SafeBagProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_safe_bag_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_sale_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
BaseExtendedPrice (base_extended_price) - DECIMAL
BaseUnitPrice (base_unit_price) - DECIMAL
MerchLevel1Id (merch_level_1) - STRING
ExtendedAmount (extended_amt) - DECIMAL
GiftReceiptCount (rcpt_count) - INTEGER
GrossAmount (gross_amt) - DECIMAL
InventoryActionCode (inventory_action_code) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
ItemIdEntryMethodCode (item_id_entry_mthd_code) - STRING
NetAmount (net_amt) - DECIMAL
RptBaseUnitPrice (rpt_base_unit_price) - DECIMAL
OriginalBusinessDate (original_business_date) - DATE
OriginalLineItemSequence ( original_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
OriginalRetailLocationId (original_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
OriginalTransactionSequence (original_trans_seq) - LONG
OriginalWorkstationId (original_wkstn_id) - LONG
PriceDerivationMethodCode (price_derivtn_mthd_code) - STRING
PriceEntryMethodCode (price_entry_mthd_code) - STRING
Quantity (quantity) - DECIMAL
ReturnComment (return_comment) - STRING
Return (return_flag) - BOOLEAN
ReturnTypeCode (return_typcode) - STRING
SaleReturnLineItemTypeCode (sale_lineitm_typcode) - STRING
ScannedItemId (scanned_item_id) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
EnteredDescription (entered_description) - STRING
UnitPrice (unit_price) - DECIMAL
VatAmount (vat_amt) - DECIMAL
ForceZeroExtendedAmt (force_zero_extended_amt_flag) - BOOLEAN
ReturnReasonCode (return_reascode) - STRING
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
NetQuantity (net_quantity) - DECIMAL
GrossQuantity (gross_quantity) - DECIMAL
FoodStampsAppliedAmount (food_stamps_applied_amount) - DECIMAL
VendorId (vendor_id) - STRING
RegularBasePrice (regular_base_price) - DECIMAL
PricePropertyCode (price_property_code) - STRING
ShippingWeight (shipping_weight) - DECIMAL
UnitCost (unit_cost) - DECIMAL
AttachedItemFlag (attached_item_flag) - BOOLEAN
InitialQuantity (initial_quantity) - DECIMAL
NotReturnable (not_returnable_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExcludeFromNetSales (exclude_from_net_sales_flag) - BOOLEAN
MeasurementRequired (measure_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
WeightEntryMethodCode (weight_entry_mthd_code) - STRING
TareValue (tare_value) - DECIMAL
TareType (tare_type) - STRING
TareUnitOfMeasureCode (tare_unit_of_measure_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


BaseReturnedQuantity - ReturnedItemCount
CommissionModifiers - CommissionModifier
DimensionModifiers - DimensionModifier
InventoryDocumentLineItems - InventoryDocumentLineItem
LineItemAssociationModifiers - LineItemAssociationModifier
RetailPriceModifiers - RetailPriceModifier
TaxGroup - TaxGroup
TaxModifiers - SaleTaxModifier
CustomerAccountModifier - CustomerItemAccountModifier
Item - Item
NoteSeq - RetailTransactionLineItemNotes
RetailInventoryLocationModifiers - RetailInventoryLocationModifier
OrderModifier - OrderModifier
KitComponentModifiers - KitComponentModifier

Table: trl_sale_tax_lineitm


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
SaleTaxModifierSequence (sale_tax_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TaxAmount (tax_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxPercentage (tax_percentage) - DECIMAL
RawTaxAmount (raw_tax_amount) - DECIMAL
RawTaxPercentage (raw_tax_percentage) - DECIMAL
ExemptTaxAmount (exempt_tax_amount) - DECIMAL
TaxExemptAmount (tax_exempt_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxExemptionId (tax_exemption_id) - STRING
TaxOverrideAmount (tax_override_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxOverride (tax_override_flag) - BOOLEAN
TaxOverridePercentage (tax_override_percentage) - DECIMAL
TaxOverrideReasonCode (tax_override_reascode) - STRING
TaxOverrideComment (tax_override_comment) - STRING
TaxableAmount (taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
AuthorityId (authority_id) - STRING
AuthorityName (authority_name) - STRING
AuthorityTypeCode (authority_type_code) - STRING
TaxOverrideBracket (tax_override_bracket_id) - STRING
OrigTaxableAmount (orig_taxable_amount) - DECIMAL
OrigTaxGroupId (orig_tax_group_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


SaleTaxGroupRule - TaxGroupRule
Properties - SaleTaxModifierProperty

Table: trl_sale_tax_lineitm_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
SaleTaxModifierSequence (sale_tax_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sls_sales_goal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SalesGoalId (sales_goal_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
SalesGoalValue (sales_goal_value) - DECIMAL
This is the amount to use when calculating the goal. It can be a percentage, dollar amount, or item count depending on the associated
template criteria.
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
EndDate (end_date) - DATE
Description (description) - STRING
Description for a sales goal
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SalesGoalProperty

Table: sls_sales_goal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SalesGoalId (sales_goal_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sch_schedule


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
ScheduleSeq (schedule_seq) - LONG
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
EndTime (end_time) - DATE
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
WorkCodeString (work_code) - STRING
ScheduleDuration (schedule_duration) - LONG
BreakDuration (break_duration) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WorkCode - WorkCodes
Properties - ScheduleProperty

Table: sch_schedule_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
ScheduleSeq (schedule_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sec_activity_log


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
ActivityType (activity_typcode) - STRING
Success (success_flag) - BOOLEAN
EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
OverridingEmployeeId (overriding_employee_id) - STRING
PrivilegeType (privilege_type) - STRING
SystemDateTime (system_datetime) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: ttr_send_check_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
Address1 (payable_to_address) - STRING
Address2 (payable_to_address2) - STRING
Address3 (payable_to_address3) - STRING
Address4 (payable_to_address4) - STRING
Apartment (payable_to_apt) - STRING
City (payable_to_city) - STRING
Country (payable_to_country) - STRING
PayableToName (payable_to_name) - STRING
PostalCode (payable_to_postal_code) - STRING
State (payable_to_state) - STRING
SendCheckReasonCode (reascode) - STRING
Neighborhood (payable_to_neighborhood) - STRING
County (payable_to_county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: com_sequence


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
SequenceId (sequence_id) - STRING
SequenceMode (sequence_mode) - STRING
SequenceNumber (sequence_nbr) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SequenceProperty

Table: com_sequence_part


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SequenceId (sequence_id) - STRING
Prefix (prefix) - STRING
Suffix (suffix) - STRING
Encode (encode_flag) - BOOLEAN
CheckDigitAlgorithm (check_digit_algo) - STRING
Numeric (numeric_flag) - BOOLEAN
PadLength (pad_length) - LONG
PadCharacter (pad_character) - STRING
InitialValue (initial_value) - LONG
MaxValue (max_value) - LONG
ValueIncrement (value_increment) - LONG
IncludeStoreId (include_store_id) - BOOLEAN
StorePadLength (store_pad_length) - LONG
IncludeWorkstationId (include_wkstn_id) - BOOLEAN
WorkstationPadLength (wkstn_pad_length) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SequencePartProperty

Table: com_sequence_part_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SequenceId (sequence_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_sequence_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
SequenceId (sequence_id) - STRING
SequenceMode (sequence_mode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_serialized_stock_ledger


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InvLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SerializedStockLedgerProperty

Table: inv_serialized_stock_ledger_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
InvLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sec_service_credentials


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceId (service_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
UserName (user_name) - STRING
Password (password) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ServiceCredentialProperty

Table: sec_service_credentials_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceId (service_id) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_service_loc


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ServiceLocDescription (description) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
AddressId (address_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Address - Address
Properties - ServiceLocationProperty

Table: cwo_service_loc_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_service_retry_queue


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
RetryId (retry_id) - STRING
ServiceId (service_id) - STRING
ServiceType (service_type) - STRING
RetryType (retry_type) - STRING
ProcessingWorkstationId (processing_wkstn_id) - LONG
EntryDateTime (entry_date_time) - DATE
LastAttemptTime (last_attempt_time) - LONG
RetryCount (retry_count) - INTEGER
ContextInfo (context_info) - STRING
RequestData (request_data) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ServiceRetryProperty

Table: ctl_service_retry_queue_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
RetryId (retry_id) - STRING
ServiceId (service_id) - STRING
ServiceType (service_type) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_session


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
BeginDatetimestamp (begin_datetime) - DATE
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
EndDatetimestamp (end_datetime) - DATE
StatusCode (statcode) - STRING
EmployeePartyId (employee_party_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
CashDrawerId (cash_drawer_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Party - Party
TenderRepository - TenderRepository
SessionTenders - SessionTender
SessionWorkstations - SessionWorkstation
Properties - SessionProperty

Table: tsn_session_control_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
SessionWorkstationSequence (session_wkstn_seq) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Session - Session
SessionWorkstation - SessionWorkstation

Table: tsn_session_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_session_tndr


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
MediaAmount (actual_media_amt) - DECIMAL
MediaCount (actual_media_count) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SessionTenderProperty

Table: tsn_session_tndr_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_session_wkstn


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
SessionWorkstationSequenceNbr (session_wkstn_seq) - INTEGER
BeginDatetimestamp (begin_datetime) - DATE
CashDrawerId (cash_drawer_id) - STRING
EndDatetimestamp (end_datetime) - DATE
Attached (attached_flag) - BOOLEAN
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SessionWorkstationProperty

Table: tsn_session_wkstn_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SessionId (session_id) - LONG
SessionWorkstationSequenceNbr (session_wkstn_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sch_shift


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShiftId (shift_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
WorkCode (work_code) - STRING
StartTime (start_time) - DATE
EndTime (end_time) - DATE
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
BreakDuration (break_duration) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShiftProperty

Table: sch_shift_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShiftId (shift_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_shipment


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
ExpectedDeliveryDate (expected_delivery_date) - DATE
ActualDeliveryDate (actual_delivery_date) - DATE
ExpectedShipDate (expected_ship_date) - DATE
ActualShipDate (actual_ship_date) - DATE
DestinationName (destination_name) - STRING
ShippingCarrier (shipping_carrier) - STRING
TrackingNumber (tracking_nbr) - STRING
ShipmentStatusCode (shipment_statcode) - STRING
DestinationPartyId (destination_party_id) - LONG
DestinationRetailLocationId (destination_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RecordCreationType (record_creation_type) - STRING
ShippingMethod (shipping_method) - STRING
ShippingLabel (shipping_label) - STRING
DestinationType (destination_type) - STRING
DestinationServiceLocationId (destination_service_loc_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


DestinationParty - Party
DestinationRetailLocation - RetailLocation
Address - ShipmentAddress
ShipmentLineItems - ShipmentLineItem
Properties - ShipmentProperty

Table: inv_shipment_address


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
Address1 (address1) - STRING
Address2 (address2) - STRING
Address3 (address3) - STRING
Address4 (address4) - STRING
Apartment (apartment) - STRING
City (city) - STRING
State (state) - STRING
PostalCode (postal_code) - STRING
Country (country) - STRING
Telephone1 (telephone1) - STRING
Telephone2 (telephone2) - STRING
Telephone3 (telephone3) - STRING
Telephone4 (telephone4) - STRING
Neighborhood (neighborhood) - STRING
County (county) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShipmentAddressProperty

Table: inv_shipment_address_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_shipment_lines


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
LineItemSequence (lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
InventoryDocumentLineNumber (invctl_document_line_nbr) - INTEGER
ShipQuantity (ship_qty) - DECIMAL
CartonId (carton_id) - STRING
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShipmentLineItemProperty

Table: inv_shipment_lines_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
LineItemSequence (lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_shipment_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
DocumentId (invctl_document_id) - STRING
DocumentTypeCode (document_typcode) - STRING
ShipmentSequence (shipment_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_shipper


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShipperId (shipper_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ShipperDesc (shipper_desc) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
TrackingNumberEnabled (tracking_number_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShipperProperty

Table: inv_shipper_method


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShipperMethodId (shipper_method_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ShipperMethodDesc (shipper_method_desc) - STRING
ShipperId (shipper_id) - STRING
DomesticServiceCode (domestic_service_code) - STRING
IntlServiceCode (intl_service_code) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
Priority (priority) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShipperMethodProperty

Table: inv_shipper_method_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShipperMethodId (shipper_method_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_shipper_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ShipperId (shipper_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_shipping_cost


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Category (category) - STRING
BeginRange (begin_range) - DECIMAL
EndRange (end_range) - DECIMAL
Cost (cost) - DECIMAL
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
MinimumCost (minimum_cost) - DECIMAL
MaximumCost (maximum_cost) - DECIMAL
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShippingCostProperty

Table: com_shipping_cost_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Category (category) - STRING
BeginRange (begin_range) - DECIMAL
EndRange (end_range) - DECIMAL
Cost (cost) - DECIMAL
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_shipping_fee


RuleName (rule_name) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Priority (priority) - LONG
ShipItemID (ship_item_id) - STRING
AggregationType (aggregation_type) - STRING
RuleType (rule_type) - STRING
Param1 (param1) - STRING
Param2 (param2) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TieredFees - ShippingFeeTier
Properties - ShippingFeeProperty

Table: com_shipping_fee_p


RuleName (rule_name) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_shipping_fee_tier


RuleName (rule_name) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ParentRuleName (parent_rule_name) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Priority (priority) - LONG
FeeType (fee_type) - STRING
FeeValue (fee_value) - DECIMAL
ShipMethod (ship_method) - STRING
MinPrice (min_price) - DECIMAL
MaxPrice (max_price) - DECIMAL
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
RuleType (rule_type) - STRING
Param1 (param1) - STRING
Param2 (param2) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - ShippingFeeTierProperty

Table: com_shipping_fee_tier_p


RuleName (rule_name) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
ParentRuleName (parent_rule_name) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xom_source_mod


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
LocationId (loc_id) - STRING
LocationType (loc_type) - STRING
LocationName1 (loc_name1) - STRING
LocationName2 (loc_name2) - STRING
Telephone1 (telephone) - STRING
EmailAddress (email_address) - STRING
AddressSequence (address_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Address - AddressModifier
Properties - SourceModifierProperty

Table: xom_source_mod_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

OrderId (order_id) - STRING
Sequence (detail_seq) - INTEGER
DetailLineNumber (detail_line_number) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_state_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
StatusTypcode (status_typcode) - STRING
StateJournalId (state_journal_id) - STRING
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
TimeStamp (time_stamp) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - StateJournalProperty

Table: loc_state_journal_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
StatusTypcode (status_typcode) - STRING
StateJournalId (state_journal_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: inv_stock_ledger_acct


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
InvLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Unitcount (unitcount) - DECIMAL
InventoryValue (inventory_value) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - StockLedgerProperty

Table: inv_stock_ledger_acct_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BucketId (bucket_id) - STRING
InvLocationId (inv_location_id) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_substitute_items


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PrimaryItemId (primary_item_id) - STRING
SubstituteItemId (substitute_item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
BeginDatetime (begin_datetime) - DATE
EndDatetime (end_datetime) - DATE
ExternalId (external_id) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - SubstituteItemsProperty

Table: itm_substitute_items_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PrimaryItemId (primary_item_id) - STRING
SubstituteItemId (substitute_item_id) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_task

Extends: NonPhysicalItem

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
PriceType (price_type_enum) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: tax_tax_authority


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxAuthorityId (tax_authority_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
RoundingCode (rounding_code) - STRING
RoundingDigitsQuantity (rounding_digits_quantity) - INTEGER
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxAuthorityProperty

Table: tax_tax_authority_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxAuthorityId (tax_authority_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_bracket

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TaxBracketId (tax_bracket_id) - STRING
TaxBracketSequence (tax_bracket_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
TaxBreakpoint (tax_breakpoint) - DECIMAL
TaxAmount (tax_amount) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxBracketProperty

Table: tax_tax_bracket_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxBracketId (tax_bracket_id) - STRING
TaxBracketSequence (tax_bracket_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_exemption


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxExemptionId (tax_exemption_id) - STRING
CertificateHolderName (cert_holder_name) - STRING
CertificateNbr (cert_nbr) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
ReasonCode (reascode) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
CertificateCountry (cert_country) - STRING
CertificateState (cert_state) - STRING
Notes (notes) - STRING
PhoneNumber (phone_number) - STRING
Region (region) - STRING
DiplomaticTitle (diplomatic_title) - STRING
CertHolderFirstName (cert_holder_first_name) - STRING
CertHolderLastName (cert_holder_last_name) - STRING
AddressId (address_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Address - Address
Properties - TaxExemptionProperty

Table: tax_tax_exemption_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxExemptionId (tax_exemption_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_group


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxGroupProperty

Table: tax_tax_group_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

tax group id
TaxGroupId ( ) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_group_rule


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Compound (compound_flag) - BOOLEAN
CompoundSequence (compound_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
TaxTypeCode (tax_typcode) - STRING
TaxedAtTransLevel (taxed_at_trans_level_flag) - BOOLEAN
TaxAuthorityId (tax_authority_id) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
FiscalTaxId (fiscal_tax_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TaxAuthority - TaxAuthority
TaxRateRules - TaxRateRule
Properties - TaxGroupRuleProperty

Table: tax_tax_group_rule_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_tax_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TaxAmount (tax_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxPercentage (tax_percentage) - DECIMAL
RawTaxAmount (raw_tax_amount) - DECIMAL
RawTaxPercentage (raw_tax_percentage) - DECIMAL
TaxOverrideAmount (tax_override_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxOverride (tax_override_flag) - BOOLEAN
TaxOverridePercentage (tax_override_percentage) - DECIMAL
TaxOverrideReasonCode (tax_override_reascode) - STRING
TaxableAmount (taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
AuthorityId (authority_id) - STRING
AuthorityName (authority_name) - STRING
AuthorityTypeCode (authority_type_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


SaleTaxGroupRule - TaxGroupRule

Table: tax_tax_loc


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - TaxLocationProperty

Table: tax_tax_loc_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_rate_rule


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRateRuleSequence (tax_rate_rule_seq) - INTEGER
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
BreakPointTypeCode (breakpoint_typcode) - STRING
DailyEndTimeDao (daily_end_time) - DATE
DailyStartTimeDao (daily_start_time) - DATE
EffectiveDatetimestamp (effective_datetime) - DATE
ExpirationDatetimestamp (expr_datetime) - DATE
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
TaxRateMaxTaxableAmount (tax_rate_max_taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxRateMinTaxableAmount (tax_rate_min_taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxBracketId (tax_bracket_id) - STRING
ExternalSystem (external_system) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxRateRuleProperty

Table: tax_tax_rate_rule_override

ExpirationDatetimestamp (expr_datetime) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRateRuleSequence (tax_rate_rule_seq) - INTEGER
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
BreakPointTypeCode (breakpoint_typcode) - STRING
DailyEndTimeDao (daily_end_time) - DATE
DailyStartTimeDao (daily_start_time) - DATE
EffectiveDatetimestamp (effective_datetime) - DATE
Percent (percentage) - DECIMAL
TaxRateMaxTaxableAmount (tax_rate_max_taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxRateMinTaxableAmount (tax_rate_min_taxable_amt) - DECIMAL
TaxBracketId (tax_bracket_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxRateRuleOverrideProperty

Table: tax_tax_rate_rule_override_p


ExpirationDatetimestamp (expr_datetime) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRateRuleSequence (tax_rate_rule_seq) - INTEGER
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_rate_rule_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
TaxLocationId (tax_loc_id) - STRING
TaxRateRuleSequence (tax_rate_rule_seq) - INTEGER
TaxRuleSequence (tax_rule_seq_nbr) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tax_tax_group_mapping


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustomerGroup (customer_group_id) - STRING
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
RtlLocId (rtl_loc_id) - INTEGER
Priority (priority) - INTEGER
NewTaxGroupId (new_tax_group_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TaxTaxGroupMappingProperty

Table: tax_tax_group_mapping_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustomerGroup (customer_group_id) - STRING
TaxGroupId (tax_group_id) - STRING
RtlLocId (rtl_loc_id) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
DisplayOrder (display_order) - INTEGER
FlashSalesDisplayOrder (flash_sales_display_order) - INTEGER
TenderTypecode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
Disabled (disabled_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TenderOptions - TenderOptions
TenderAvailabilityCodes - TenderAvailability
TenderDenominations - TenderDenomination
TenderType - TenderType
Properties - TenderProperty

Table: ttr_tndr_auth_log


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AttemptSequence (attempt_seq) - INTEGER
ResponseCode (response_code) - STRING
ApprovalCode (approval_code) - STRING
AuthType (auth_type) - STRING
CustomerName (customer_name) - STRING
ReferenceNumber (reference_nbr) - STRING
ErrorCode (error_code) - STRING
ErrorText (error_text) - STRING
StartTimestamp (start_timestamp) - DATE
EndTimestamp (end_timestamp) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderAuthLogProperty

Table: ttr_tndr_auth_log_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
AttemptSequence (attempt_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_availability


AvailabilityCode (availability_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderAvailabilityProperty

Table: tnd_tndr_availability_p


AvailabilityCode (availability_code) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_tndr_control_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
DepositDate (deposit_date) - DATE
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
FundsReceiptPartyId (funds_receipt_party_id) - LONG
InboundSessionId (inbound_session_id) - LONG
InboundTenderRepositoryId (inbound_tndr_repository_id) - STRING
OutboundSessionId (outbound_session_id) - LONG
OutboundTenderRepositoryId (outbound_tndr_repository_id) - STRING
ReasonCode (reascode) - STRING
SafeBagId (safe_bag_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


FundsReceiptParty - Party
InboundSession - Session
InboundTenderRepository - TenderRepository
OutboundSession - Session
OutboundTenderRepository - TenderRepository
ReasonCodeObject - ReasonCode
TenderTypeCounts - TenderTypeCount

Table: tsn_tndr_tndr_count


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceAmount (difference_amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceMediaCount (difference_media_count) - INTEGER
MediaCount (media_count) - INTEGER
DepositAmount (deposit_amt) - DECIMAL
LocalCurrencyAmount (local_currency_amt) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

TenderDenominationCounts - TenderDenominationCount
Properties - TenderCountProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_tndr_count_p


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_denomination


DenominationId (denomination_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Value (value) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderDenominationProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_denomination_count


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

DenominationId (denomination_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceAmount (difference_amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceMediaCount (difference_media_count) - INTEGER
MediaCount (media_count) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TenderDenomination - TenderDenomination
Properties - TenderDenominationCountProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_denomination_count_p


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

DenominationId (denomination_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_denomination_p


DenominationId (denomination_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_exchange_rate


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BaseCurrency (base_currency) - STRING
TargetCurrency (target_currency) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
ExchangeRate (rate) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderExchangeRateProperty

Table: tnd_exchange_rate_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BaseCurrency (base_currency) - STRING
TargetCurrency (target_currency) - STRING
LevelCode (level_code) - STRING
LevelValue (level_value) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_tndr_lineitm

Extends: RetailTransactionLineItem

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
Change (change_flag) - BOOLEAN
HostValidation (host_validation_flag) - BOOLEAN
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
TenderStatusCode (tndr_statcode) - STRING
ExchangeRate (exchange_rate) - DECIMAL
ForeignAmount (foreign_amt) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


IdentityVerifications - IdentityVerification

Table: tnd_tndr_options


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
AuthExpirationDateRequired (auth_expr_date_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
AuthMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
AuthRequired (auth_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
CustAssociation (cust_association_flag) - BOOLEAN
CustIdReqCode (cust_id_req_code) - STRING
CustomerSignatureRequired (cust_sig_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
DfltToAmountDue (dflt_to_amt_due_flag) - BOOLEAN
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
EndorsementRequired (endorsement_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
IncludeInTypeCount (include_in_type_count_flag) - BOOLEAN
MagneticSwipeReaderRequired (mag_swipe_reader_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
MaxDaysForReturn (max_days_for_return) - INTEGER
MinDaysForReturn (min_days_for_return) - INTEGER
MinimumDenominationAmount (min_denomination_amt) - DECIMAL
OpenCashDrawerRequired (open_cash_drawer_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
PinRequired (pin_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
PopulateSystemCount (populate_system_count_flag) - BOOLEAN
SerialIdentificationNbrRequired (serial_id_nbr_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
UnitCountCode (unit_count_req_code) - STRING
SuggestDeposit (suggest_deposit_flag) - BOOLEAN
SuggestedDepositThreshold (suggested_deposit_threshold) - DECIMAL
CashChangeLimit (cash_change_limit) - DECIMAL
ChangeTenderId (change_tndr_id) - STRING
OvertenderOverridable (over_tender_overridable_flag) - BOOLEAN
NonVoidable (non_voidable_flag) - BOOLEAN
CloseCountDiscrepancyThreshold (close_count_disc_threshold) - DECIMAL
CidMsrRequired (cid_msr_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
CidKeyedRequired (cid_keyed_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
PostalRequired (postal_code_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
DisallowSplitTender (disallow_split_tndr_flag) - BOOLEAN
PostVoidOpenCashDrawerRequired (post_void_open_drawer_flag) - BOOLEAN
ReportingGroup (reporting_group) - STRING
ChangeAllowedWhenForeign (change_allowed_when_foreign) - BOOLEAN
FiscalTenderId (fiscal_tndr_id) - STRING
RoundingMode (rounding_mode) - STRING
AssignCashDrawerRequired (assign_cash_drawer_req_flag) - BOOLEAN
PostVoidAssignCashDrawerRequired (post_void_assign_drawer_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderOptionsProperty

Table: tnd_tndr_options_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_tndr_repository


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
NotIssuable (not_issuable_flag) - BOOLEAN
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
DefaultWorkstationId (dflt_wkstn_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TenderRepositoryFloat - TenderRepositoryFloat
TenderRepositoryStatus - TenderRepositoryStatus
Properties - TenderRepositoryProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_repository_float


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
DefaultCashFloat (default_cash_float) - DECIMAL
LastClosingCashAmt (last_closing_amount) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderRepositoryFloatProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_repository_float_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_tndr_repository_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_tndr_repository_status


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
Issued (issued_flag) - BOOLEAN
ActiveSessionId (active_session_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderRepositoryStatusProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_repository_status_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderRepositoryId (tndr_repository_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_serialized_tndr_count


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SerializedCountSequence (serialized_tndr_count_seq) - INTEGER
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
SerialNumber (serial_number) - STRING
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Tender - Tender
Properties - TenderSerializedCountProperty

Table: tsn_serialized_tndr_count_p


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
SerializedCountSequence (serialized_tndr_count_seq) - INTEGER
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_signature


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
Signature (signature) - CLOB
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderSignatureProperty

Table: ttr_signature_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_typcode


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderTypecode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
UnitCountCode (unit_count_req_code) - STRING
CloseCountDiscrepancyThreshold (close_count_disc_threshold) - DECIMAL
Hidden (hidden_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderTypeProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_typcode_count


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceAmount (difference_amt) - DECIMAL
DifferenceMediaCount (difference_media_count) - INTEGER
MediaCount (media_count) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TenderCounts - TenderCount
TenderSerializedCounts - TenderSerializedCount
Properties - TenderTypeCountProperty

Table: tsn_tndr_typcode_count_p


BusinessDayDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TenderTypeCode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_typcode_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

TenderTypecode (tndr_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tnd_tndr_user_settings


GroupId (group_id) - STRING

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
UsageCode (usage_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
MaximumAcceptAmount (max_accept_amt) - DECIMAL
MinimumAcceptAmount (min_accept_amt) - DECIMAL
OfflineCeilingApprovalAmount (offline_ceiling_approval_amt) - DECIMAL
OfflineFloorApprovalAmount (offline_floor_approval_amt) - DECIMAL
OnlineCeilingApprovalAmount (online_ceiling_approval_amt) - DECIMAL
OnlineFloorApprovalAmount (online_floor_approval_amt) - DECIMAL
OverTenderLimit (over_tndr_limit) - DECIMAL
MaximumRefundWithReceiptAmount (max_refund_with_receipt) - DECIMAL
MaximumRefundWithoutReceiptAmount (max_refund_wo_receipt) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TenderUserSettingsProperty

Table: tnd_tndr_user_settings_p

GroupId (group_id) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
TenderId (tndr_id) - STRING
UsageCode (usage_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
ConfigElement (config_element) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: tsn_till_control_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
EmployeeId (employee_id) - STRING
ReasonCode (reason_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


TillControlTransactionDetails - TillControlTransactionDetail
ReasonCodeObject - ReasonCode

Table: tsn_till_ctrl_trans_detail


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
AffectedTenderRepositoryId (affected_tndr_repository_id) - STRING
AffectedWorkstationId (affected_wkstn_id) - LONG
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
OldAmount (old_amount) - DECIMAL
NewAmount (new_amount) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


AffectedTenderRepository - TenderRepository
Properties - TillControlTransactionDetailProperty

Table: tsn_till_ctrl_trans_detail_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TransactionLineItemSequence (trans_lineitm_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_timecard_entry


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
ClockInDateTime (clock_in_timestamp) - DATE
ClockOutDateTime (clock_out_timestamp) - DATE
EntryType (entry_type_enum) - STRING
Delete (delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
OpenRecord (open_record_flag) - BOOLEAN
Duration (duration) - LONG
PayrollUpdateRequired (payroll_update_required) - BOOLEAN
WorkCodeString (work_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

WorkCode - WorkCodes
Properties - TimecardEntryProperty

Table: thr_timecard_entry_comment


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CommentSeq (comment_seq) - LONG
CommentDateTime (comment_timestamp) - DATE
CommentText (comment_text) - CLOB
CreatorId (creator_id) - STRING
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TimecardEntryCommentProperty

Table: thr_timecard_entry_comment_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WeekEndingDate (week_ending_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CommentSeq (comment_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_timecard_entry_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_timecard_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TimecardEntrySeq (timecard_entry_seq) - LONG
ClockInDateTime (clock_in_timestamp) - DATE
ClockOutDateTime (clock_out_timestamp) - DATE
EntryType (entry_type_enum) - STRING
Delete (delete_flag) - BOOLEAN
WorkCodeString (work_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WorkCode - WorkCodes
Properties - TimecardJournalProperty

Table: thr_timecard_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TimecardEntrySeq (timecard_entry_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: thr_timeclk_trans

Extends: PosTransaction


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
TimeclockEntryCodes (timeclk_entry_code) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
TimecardEntryId (timecard_entry_id) - LONG
TimecardEntrySeq (timecard_entry_seq) - LONG
TimecardEntryBusinessDate (timecard_entry_business_date) - DATE
TimecardEntryWorkstationId (timecard_entry_wkstn_id) - LONG
WorkCodeString (work_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WorkCode - WorkCodes

Table: trn_trans_notes


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

NoteSequence (note_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
Note (note) - CLOB
NoteDatetimestamp (note_datetime) - DATE
Posted (posted_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Properties - TransactionNotesProperty

Table: trn_trans_notes_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

NoteSequence (note_seq) - INTEGER
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: com_trans_prompt_properties


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PromptPropertyCode (trans_prompt_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
ExpirationDate (expiration_date) - DATE
PromptMethodCode (prompt_mthd_code) - STRING
CodeCategory (code_category) - STRING
PromptTitleKey (prompt_title_key) - STRING
PromptMessageKey (prompt_msg_key) - STRING
Required (required_flag) - BOOLEAN
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
PromptEditPattern (prompt_edit_pattern) - STRING
ValidationRuleKey (validation_rule_key) - STRING
PromptKey (prompt_key) - STRING
ChainKey (chain_key) - STRING
TransactionState (transaction_state) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TransactionPropertyPromptProperty

Table: com_trans_prompt_properties_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PromptPropertyCode (trans_prompt_property_code) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trn_trans_version


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
BaseAppVersion (base_app_version) - STRING
BaseAppDate (base_app_date) - DATE
BaseSchemaVersion (base_schema_version) - STRING
BaseSchemaDate (base_schema_date) - DATE
CustomerAppVersion (customer_app_version) - STRING
CustomerSchemaVersion (customer_schema_version) - STRING
CustomerSchemaDate (customer_schema_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - TransactionVersionProperty

Table: trn_trans_version_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sec_user_password


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

User (username) - STRING
Sequence (password_seq) - LONG
Hash (password) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
FailedAttempts (failed_attempts) - INTEGER
LockedOutTimeStamp (locked_out_timestamp) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


RoleObjects - UserRole
Properties - UserPasswordProperty

Table: sec_user_password_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

User (username) - STRING
Sequence (password_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: sec_user_role


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

UserRoleId (user_role_id) - INTEGER
User (username) - STRING
RoleCode (role_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - UserRoleProperty

Table: sec_user_role_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

UserRoleId (user_role_id) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_vendor


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

VendorId (vendor_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Name (name) - STRING
TypeCode (typcode) - STRING
Telephone (telephone) - STRING
Fax (fax) - STRING
Contact (contact) - STRING
ContactTelephone (contact_telephone) - STRING
Buyer (buyer) - STRING
Status (status) - STRING
AddressId (address_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Address - Address
Properties - VendorProperty

Table: itm_vendor_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

VendorId (vendor_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ctl_version_history


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

BaseSchemaVersion (base_schema_version) - STRING
CustomerSchemaVersion (customer_schema_version) - STRING
Customer (customer) - STRING
BaseSchemaDate (base_schema_date) - DATE
CustomerSchemaDate (customer_schema_date) - DATE
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - VersionProperty

Table: ctl_version_history_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_voucher


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
FaceValueAmount (face_value_amt) - DECIMAL
IssueDatetimestamp (issue_datetime) - DATE
IssueTypeCode (issue_typcode) - STRING
UnspentBalanceAmount (unspent_balance_amt) - DECIMAL
VoucherStatusCode (voucher_status_code) - STRING
CurrencyId (currency_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - VoucherProperty

Table: trl_voucher_discount_lineitm

Extends: DiscountLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
BankReferenceNumber (reference_nbr) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
FaceValueAmount (face_value_amt) - DECIMAL
IssueDatetimestamp (issue_datetime) - DATE
IssueTypeCode (issue_typcode) - STRING
UnspentBalanceAmount (unspent_balance_amt) - DECIMAL
VoucherStatusCode (voucher_status_code) - STRING
TraceNumber (trace_number) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Voucher - Voucher

Table: ttr_voucher_history


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
HistorySequence (history_seq) - LONG
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
Amount (amt) - DECIMAL
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - VoucherHistoryProperty

Table: ttr_voucher_history_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
HistorySequence (history_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: ttr_voucher_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_voucher_sale_lineitm

Extends: SaleReturnLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
SerialNumber (serial_nbr) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
BankReferenceNumber (reference_nbr) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
FaceValueAmount (face_value_amt) - DECIMAL
IssueDatetimestamp (issue_datetime) - DATE
IssueTypeCode (issue_typcode) - STRING
UnspentBalanceAmount (unspent_balance_amt) - DECIMAL
VoucherStatusCode (voucher_status_code) - STRING
TraceNumber (trace_number) - STRING
OriginalLocalDateTime (orig_local_date_time) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
MerchantCategoryCode (merchant_cat_code ) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Voucher - Voucher
Table: ttr_voucher_tndr_lineitm

Extends: TenderLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
ActivityCode (activity_code) - STRING
AdjudicationCode (adjudication_code) - STRING
AuthorizationCode (auth_code) - STRING
AuthorizationMethodCode (auth_mthd_code) - STRING
EntryMethodCode (entry_mthd_code) - STRING
VoucherTypeCode (voucher_typcode) - STRING
BankReferenceNumber (reference_nbr) - STRING
EffectiveDate (effective_date) - DATE
ExpirationDate (expr_date) - DATE
FaceValueAmount (face_value_amt) - DECIMAL
IssueDatetimestamp (issue_datetime) - DATE
IssueTypeCode (issue_typcode) - STRING
UnspentBalanceAmount (unspent_balance_amt) - DECIMAL
VoucherStatusCode (voucher_status_code) - STRING
TraceNumber (trace_number) - STRING
OriginalLocalDateTime (orig_local_date_time) - STRING
OriginalTransmissionDateTime (orig_transmission_date_time) - STRING
OriginalSTAN (orig_STAN) - STRING
MerchantCategoryCode (merchant_cat_code ) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Voucher - Voucher

Table: itm_warranty


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WarrantyNbr (warranty_nbr) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
WarrantyPlanId (warranty_plan_id) - STRING
WarrantyIssueDate (warranty_issue_date) - DATE
WarrantyExpirationDate (warranty_expiration_date) - DATE
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
PurchasePrice (purchase_price) - DECIMAL
CustomerId (cust_id) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CertificateNbr (certificate_nbr) - STRING
CertificateCompanyName (certificate_company_name) - STRING
WarrantyItemId (warranty_item_id) - STRING
WarrantyLineBusinessDate (warranty_line_business_date) - DATE
WarrantyLineRtlLocId (warranty_line_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WarrantyLineWkstnId (warranty_line_wkstn_id) - LONG
WarrantyLineTransSeq (warranty_line_trans_seq) - LONG
WarrantyLineTransLineItemSeq (warranty_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CoveredItemId (covered_item_id) - STRING
CoveredLineBusinessDate (covered_line_business_date) - DATE
CoveredLineRtlLocId (covered_line_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CoveredLineWkstnId (covered_line_wkstn_id) - LONG
CoveredLineTransSeq (covered_line_trans_seq) - LONG
CoveredLineTransLineItemSeq (covered_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CoveredItemPurchaseDate (covered_item_purchase_date) - DATE
CoveredItemPurchasePrice (covered_item_purchase_price) - DECIMAL
CoveredItemPurchaseLocation (covered_item_purchase_location) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WarrantyProperty

Table: itm_warranty_item

Extends: NonPhysicalItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PricingMethodCode (pricing_mthd_code) - STRING
WarrantyPriceAmt (warranty_price_amt) - DECIMAL
WarrantyPricePercentage (warranty_price_percentage) - DECIMAL
WarrantyMinPriceAmt (warranty_min_price_amt) - DECIMAL
ExpirationDays (expiration_days) - LONG
ServiceDays (service_days) - LONG
Renewable (renewable_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WarrantyItemPrices - WarrantyItemPrice

Table: itm_warranty_item_xref


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
WarrantyItemId (warranty_item_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WarrantyItem - WarrantyItem
Properties - WarrantyItemCrossReferenceProperty

Table: itm_warranty_item_xref_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
WarrantyItemId (warranty_item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_warranty_item_price


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
WarrantyPriceSeq (warranty_price_seq) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
MinItemPriceAmt (min_item_price_amt) - DECIMAL
MaxItemPriceAmt (max_item_price_amt) - DECIMAL
PriceAmt (price_amt) - DECIMAL
PricePercentage (price_percentage) - DECIMAL
MinPriceAmt (min_price_amt) - DECIMAL
RefItemId (ref_item_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WarrantyItemPriceProperty

Table: itm_warranty_item_price_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

ItemId (item_id) - STRING
WarrantyPriceSeq (warranty_price_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_warranty_journal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WarrantyNbr (warranty_nbr) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
TransBusinessDate (trans_business_date) - DATE
TransRtlLocId (trans_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
TransWkstnId (trans_wkstn_id) - LONG
TransTransSeq (trans_trans_seq) - LONG
WarrantyPlanId (warranty_plan_id) - STRING
WarrantyIssueDate (warranty_issue_date) - DATE
WarrantyExpirationDate (warranty_expiration_date) - DATE
StatusCode (status_code) - STRING
PurchasePrice (purchase_price) - DECIMAL
CustomerId (cust_id) - STRING
PartyId (party_id) - LONG
CertificateNbr (certificate_nbr) - STRING
CertificateCompanyName (certificate_company_name) - STRING
WarrantyItemId (warranty_item_id) - STRING
WarrantyLineBusinessDate (warranty_line_business_date) - DATE
WarrantyLineRtlLocId (warranty_line_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WarrantyLineWkstnId (warranty_line_wkstn_id) - LONG
WarrantyLineTransSeq (warranty_line_trans_seq) - LONG
WarrantyLineTransLineItemSeq (warranty_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CoveredItemId (covered_item_id) - STRING
CoveredLineBusinessDate (covered_line_business_date) - DATE
CoveredLineRtlLocId (covered_line_rtl_loc_id) - LONG
CoveredLineWkstnId (covered_line_wkstn_id) - LONG
CoveredLineTransSeq (covered_line_trans_seq) - LONG
CoveredLineTransLineItemSeq (covered_rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WarrantyJournalProperty

Table: itm_warranty_journal_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WarrantyNbr (warranty_nbr) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: trl_sale_lineitm

Extends: SaleReturnLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER


WarrantyModifiers - WarrantyModifier

Table: trl_warranty_modifier


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
WarrantyModifierSequence (warranty_modifier_seq) - INTEGER
WarrantyNbr (warranty_nbr) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WarrantyModifierProperty

Table: trl_warranty_modifier_p


BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
WarrantyModifierSequence (warranty_modifier_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: itm_warranty_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WarrantyNbr (warranty_nbr) - STRING
WarrantyTypeCode (warranty_typcode) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: hrs_work_codes


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WorkCode (work_code) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Selling (selling_flag) - BOOLEAN
Privilege (privilege) - STRING
PayrollCategoryString (payroll_category) - STRING
MinimumClockInDuration (min_clock_in_duration) - INTEGER
The minimum number of minutes that a user must be clocked in for this work code before they may either clock out or change to a different
work code. A common business case for specifying a value for this field is "employees must 'clock-in' for lunch for 45 minutes before
changing their work code'. This restriction is unenforced if this value is NULL or a non-positive value.
MinimumClockOutDuration (min_clock_out_duration) - INTEGER
The minimum number of minutes that must have elapsed with a user in a "clocked out" state before that user is permitted to clock back in
with this work code. A common business case for specifying a value for this field is "employees must clock out at least 45 minutes for lunch
before clocking back in". This restriction is unenforced if either this value is NULL or a non-positive value, or in any case where the user has
not yet clocked in for the current business date.
Hidden (hidden_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


PayrollCategory - PayrollCategory
Properties - WorkCodesProperty

Table: hrs_work_codes_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

WorkCode (work_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_work_item


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
WorkItemSequence (work_item_seq) - INTEGER
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
ValueAmount (value_amt) - DECIMAL
WarrantyNumber (warranty_number) - STRING
WorkItemSerialNumber (work_item_serial_nbr) - STRING
Void (void_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkItemProperty

Table: cwo_work_item_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
WorkItemSequence (work_item_seq) - INTEGER
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_work_order_acct

Extends: CustomerItemAccount


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
TotalValueDao (total_value) - DECIMAL
EstimatedCompletionDate (estimated_completion_date) - DATE
ApprovedWorkAmount (approved_work_amt) - DECIMAL
ApprovedWorkDate (approved_work_date) - DATE
LastCustomerNoticeDate (last_cust_notice) - DATE
ContactMethodCode (contact_method_code) - STRING
PriorityCode (priority_code) - STRING
ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
PriceCodeString (price_code) - STRING
Cost (cost) - DECIMAL
InvoiceNumber (invoice_number) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WorkItemsRelationship - WorkItem
WorkOrderAccountServiceLocation - ServiceLocation
WorkOrderAccountCategory - WorkOrderCategory
WorkOrderAccountPriceCode - WorkOrderPriceCode

Table: cwo_work_order_acct_journal

Extends: CustomerItemAccountJournal


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CustAccountId (cust_acct_id) - STRING
CustAccountCode (cust_acct_code) - STRING
JournalSequence (journal_seq) - LONG
TotalValue (total_value) - DECIMAL
EstimatedCompletionDate (estimated_completion_date) - DATE
ApprovedWorkAmount (approved_work_amt) - DECIMAL
ApprovedWorkDate (approved_work_date) - DATE
PriorityCode (priority_code) - STRING
ContactMethod (contact_method) - STRING
LastCustomerNoticeDate (last_cust_notice) - DATE
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
ServiceLocationId (service_loc_id) - STRING
PriceCodeString (price_code) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


WorkOrderAccountJournalPriceCode - WorkOrderPriceCode
WorkOrderAccountJournalCategory - WorkOrderCategory
WorkOrderAccountJournalServiceLocation - ServiceLocation

Table: cwo_work_order_category


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
PromptForPriceCode (prompt_for_price_code_flag) - BOOLEAN
MaxItemCount (max_item_count) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkOrderCategoryProperty

Table: cwo_work_order_category_p

OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CategoryId (category_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_invoice_gl


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

GlAccount (gl_account_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Description (description) - STRING
NoCostWithWarranty (no_cost_with_warranty_flag) - BOOLEAN
NoCostWithoutWarranty (no_cost_without_warranty_flag) - BOOLEAN
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkOrderInvoiceGlAccountProperty

Table: cwo_invoice_gl_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

GlAccount (gl_account_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_work_order_line_item

Extends: SaleReturnLineItem


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
TransactionSequence (trans_seq) - LONG
RetailTransactionLineItemSequence (rtrans_lineitm_seq) - INTEGER
PriceStatus (price_status_enum) - STRING
Instructions (instructions) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: cwo_price_code


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PriceCode (price_code) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
SortOrder (sort_order) - INTEGER
Description (description) - STRING
PromptForWarrantyNumber (prompt_for_warranty_nbr_flag) - BOOLEAN
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkOrderPriceCodeProperty

Table: cwo_price_code_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PriceCode (price_code) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cwo_work_order_pricing


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PriceCode (price_code) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
OrgCode (org_code) - STRING
OrgValue (org_value) - STRING
Price (price) - DECIMAL
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkOrderPricingProperty

Table: cwo_work_order_pricing_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

PriceCode (price_code) - STRING
ItemId (item_id) - STRING
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: loc_wkstn


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - WorkstationProperty

Table: loc_wkstn_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: cfg_user


UserName (user_name) - STRING

FirstName (first_name) - STRING
LastName (last_name) - STRING
RoleId (role_id) - STRING
Locale (locale) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
EmailAddress (email_address) - STRING
DirectoryType (directory_type) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING


OrgScopes - XadminUserNode

Table: cfg_user_node

UserName (user_name) - STRING
OrgScope (org_scope) - STRING
OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING

Table: xunit_result


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Hostname (hostname) - STRING
ResultTimestamp (result_timestamp) - LONG
IpAddress (ip_address) - STRING
RetailLocationId (rtl_loc_id) - LONG
BusinessDate (business_date) - DATE
WorkstationId (wkstn_id) - LONG
XstoreVersion (xstore_version) - STRING
Status (status) - STRING
BeginDatetimestamp (begin_datetime) - DATE
EndDatetimestamp (end_datetime) - DATE
TotalCount (total_count) - LONG
CompletedCount (completed_count) - LONG
FailedCount (failed_count) - LONG
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


ResultItems - XunitResultItem
Properties - XunitResultProperty

Table: xunit_result_item


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Hostname (hostname) - STRING
ResultTimestamp (result_timestamp) - LONG
ResultItemSequence (result_item_seq) - LONG
TestCaseName (test_case_name) - STRING
TestNumber (test_nbr) - LONG
TestIteration (test_iteration) - LONG
ResultItemStatus (result_item_status) - STRING
ResultItemDatetimestamp (result_item_datetime) - DATE
FailureReason (failure_reason) - STRING
LogData (log_data) - STRING
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING


Properties - XunitResultItemProperty

Table: xunit_result_item_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Hostname (hostname) - STRING
ResultTimestamp (result_timestamp) - LONG
ResultItemSequence (result_item_seq) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Table: xunit_result_p


OrganizationId (organization_id) - LONG

Hostname (hostname) - STRING
ResultTimestamp (result_timestamp) - LONG
PropertyCode (property_code) - STRING
The name of the property.
Type (type) - STRING
The type of property. Valid values are 'STRING', 'DATE', 'BIGDECIMAL', and 'BOOLEAN'.
StringValue (string_value) - STRING
The value of the property if 'type' is 'STRING'.
DateValue (date_value) - DATE
The value of the property if 'type' is 'DATE'.
DecimalValue (decimal_value) - DECIMAL
The value of the property if 'type' is 'BIGDECIMAL' or 'BOOLEAN'. For 'BOOLEAN' type, the value should be 0 or 1.
CreateUserId (create_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who created the record.
CreateDate (create_date) - DATE
The date and time the record was created.
UpdateUserId (update_user_id) - STRING
The ID of the user who last updated the record.
UpdateDate (update_date) - DATE
The date and the record was last updated.

Revision History

Version 18.0 Revision 07

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Chapter 27 marked enrollstore and enrollclient

endpoint as Cloud only

Version 18.0 Revision 06

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Chapter 27 marked ShowStatus endpoint as on-

premise only

Version 18.0 Revision 05

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Xstore Office Services added receipt viewer service

Version 18.0 Revision 04

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

all chapters PI and CI cleanup

Version 18.0 Revision 03

Version 18.0 Revision 03

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Xstore Office Services added endpoint enrollstore and

enrollclient (only for 18.1)

Version 18.0 Revision 02

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Xstore Office Services updated endpoint

added broadcaster service

Version 18.0 Revision 01

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Restful WebServices added chapter

Xstore Office Services added chapter

Appendix: Database added chapter


Version 17.0 Revision 03

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Shipping Added a note that Carton ID is not used

in the Shipping functions.

Version 17.0 Revision 02

The following changes have been made:

Chapter Method/Class Description

Item locateOrderItems Corrected name of Locate to Order


Version 17.0
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Configuration checkFirmwareUpdate Added

B-2 Services Guide


Chapter Method/Class Description

checkForFirmwareUpdate Added

checkForEncryptionKey Added

encryptionKeyUpdate Added

Customer taxExemption Added certificateCountry element.

Inventory All New chapter.


Order All New chapter.

Tender All Removed chapter.

Timeclock timeClockResponse Added failureMessage element.

Transaction reprintReceipt Removed

General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Send Us Your N/A Changed name of Xstore Point of Sale for Grocery
Comments User Guide to Oracle Retail Xstore Point‐of‐Service,
Lane Checkout User Interface User Guide.

Version 16.0
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Configuration checkFirmwareUpdate Removed.

checkForAppUpdate Removed.

checkForEncryptionKey Removed.

checkForFirmwareUpdate Removed.

checkForUpdates Removed.

encryptionKeyUpdate Removed.

TimeclockPD All Removed chapter.

Services Guide B-3

Version 15.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

Transaction isBounceBackCouponInR New method.


Version 15.0
Updated document to Oracle format.

Version 7.0
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Clienteling All New chapter, including all methods and classes.

Configuration encryptionKey Added encryptionKeyCert,

UpdateResponse encryptionKeyCertHash,
encryptionUpdateBundleHash elements.

House adaptedHouse Changed name of element from

Account AccountSearch houseAccountSearchResult.

houseAccountSearch Changed type of accounts element to

Response adaptedHouseAccountSearchResult from

Item checkProduct New method.


Shipping getShippingMethods New method.

orderShipping New element.


shippingMethod New element.

Transaction orderSaleAccount Added sourceStoreInfo variable.

sourceStoreInfo New element.

Version 6.5
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Introduction serviceContext Added employeeId element.

codeValueObject Moved codeValueObject element definitions from

different chapters into the “Introduction”.

Address country Changed name of countryDescr to


B-4 Services Guide

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

Customer customerParty Added emailRcpt element.

Added federalTaxId element.

Added gender element.

Item item Added itemClassDesc and itemClassId.

Inventory All New chapter, including all methods and classes.


Receiving createNewDocument Added DocumentId variable.

inventoryDocument Added expectedDate element.

Shipping createNewDocument Added DocumentId variable.

Timeclock employeeClockIn Added ReceiptPrinter variable.

Transaction bounceBackCoupon Removed seriesId element.

posTrans Changed name of totalItemsSold to


suspendRetail Added ReceiptPrinter variable.


Version 6.0
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.
In addition, the following changes were made to the Services Guide manual.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Introduction statusService Added class definition to the “Common Data

Response Types” section.

Address Changed URL for the Address Services WSDL to:


address New element.

addressValidation New element.


country New element.

countryListResponse New element.

getAvailableCountries New method.

validateAddress New method.

Services Guide B-5

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

Configuration Changed URL for the Configuration Services WSDL to:


checkFirmwareUpdate New method.

checkForEncryption New method.


serviceResponse Changed name of operationConfig element to

Changed name of systemConfig element to

operationConfig Change name of operationConfig element to


Customer Changed URL for the Customer Services WSDL to:


customer Added lastContactDate, lastPurchaseDate,

and totalPurchaseAmt elements.

customerParty Added active and stateTaxId elements.

Discount Changed URL for the Discount Services WSDL to:


Employee Changed URL for the Employee Services WSDL to:


authResponse Removed.

authenticate Changed return type to employeeAuthResponse

from authResponse.

changePassword New method.

employeeMessage Added messageURL element.

House Changed URL for the House Account Services WSDL to:

houseAccountSearch Renamed AccountId variable to accountId.


Input Changed URL for the Input Services WSDL to:


Inventory Changed URL for the Inventory Services WSDL to:


B-6 Services Guide

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

Item Changed URL for the Item Services WSDL to:


catalog New element.

catalogListResponse New element.

catalogPage New element.

catalogPageItem New element.

catalogPageResponse New element.

catalogResponse New element.

getCatalog New method.

getCatalogList New method.

getItemPriceHistory New method.

getItemsForCategory New method.

getNonPhysicalItems Added Type and Subtype variables.

getProductCategories New method.

getSimilarItems New method.

Item (Cont’d) item Added departmentId, departmentDesc,

itemSubClassDesc, itemSubClassId,
subdepartmentDesc, and subdepartmentId

itemPriceHistory New element.


itemPriceHistory New element.

locateOrderItems New method.

printItemLabel New method.

productCategories New element.


productCategory New element.

searchCatalogForItem New method.

statusService New element.


Logging Changed URL for the Logging Services WSDL to:


Ping Changed URL for the Ping Services WSDL to:


Services Guide B-7

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

Printing Changed URL for the Printing Services WSDL to:


getAvailablePrinters Added Type variable.

printTestReceipt New method.

Reason Code Changed URL for the Reason Code Services WSDL to:

reasonCodePrompt New element.


reasonCode Added actionCode and promptProperties


Receiving Changed URL for the Receiving Services WSDL to:


addToExpress Added PONumber variable.

Removed SessionId variable.

cancelExpress Removed SessionId variable.

expressReceiving Removed SessionId.


inventoryDocType Removed.

inventoryDocument Added cartonShipping and invoiceNumber


receivingConfiguration Removed ReceivingDocTypes element.

saveDocument Removed EmployeeId variable.

saveExpress Removed EmployeeId and SessionId variables.

updatePONumber Added CartonId variable.

voidFromExpress Removed SessionId.

Register Changed URL for the Register Services WSDL to:


closeRegister Removed EmployeeId variable.

getRegisterStore New method.


openRegister Removed EmployeeId variable.

Retail Location Changed URL for the Retail Location Services WSDL to:

closeStore New method.

B-8 Services Guide

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

getRetailLocationWith New method.


locateSendSaleStores New method.

openStore New method.

validateStoreClosed New method.

Shipping Changed URL for the Receiving Services WSDL to:


addLine Added CartonId variable.

getCarton New method.

saveDocument Removed EmployeeId variable.

shippingBundle New element.


shippingConfiguration Removed ReceivingDocTypes element.

updatePONumber New method.

validateOrAddCarton New method.

Tax Changed URL for the Tax Services WSDL to:


Tender Changed URL for the Tender Services WSDL to:


authResponse Added lineItemToken element.

authorizeCredit Added LineItemToken, Pin, and

DeviceSecurityInfo variables.
Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

authorizeCreditWith Added LineItemToken variable.


authorizeVoidCredit Added LineItemToken variable.

authorizeVoucher Added LineItemToken variable.

Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

authorizeVoucherWith Added LineItemToken variable.

Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

creditCardInputEvent Added debitAllowed, debitOnly, and

secondaryInputType elements.

Services Guide B-9

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

creditCardValidation Added lineItemToken and secondaryTender

Response elements.

generateVoucher New method.


Tender getVoucherBalance Added TrackSet, EncryptedTrackSet, and

(Cont’d) HardwareId variables.
Removed Track1, Track2, and Track3 variables.

validateCreditCard Added AccountNumber, TrackSet,

Number EncryptedTrackSet, and HardwareId
Removed AccountInput variable.

validateVoucherTender Added AccountNumber, TrackSet,

EncryptedTrackSet, and HardwareId
Removed AccountInput variable.

voucherValidation Added lineItemToken element.


Timeclock Changed URL for the Timeclock Services WSDL to:


employeeAuth Name changed from authResponse.


Timeclock PD Changed URL for the Timeclock PD Services WSDL to:


validateEmployee Changed return type from

ClockOutPD validateTimeClockResponse to

Transaction Changed URL for the Transaction Services WSDL to:


addCreditDebitTender Name changed from

LineItem addCreditCardTenderLineItem.
Added LineItemToken, PinBlock, and
PinSerial variables.
Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

addVoucherSaleLine Added LineItemToken variable.

Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

applyLineItemTax New method.


authResponse Added lineItemToken element.

B-10 Services Guide

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

authorizeVoucherSale Added LineItemData variable.

Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

Transaction addVoucherTenderLine Added LineItemToken variable.

(cont’d) Item
Removed AccountNumber, Track1, Track2, and
Track3 variables.

bounceBackCoupon New element.

bounceBackCoupon New element.


cancelRetail Added ReasonCodePromptProperties

Transaction variable.

changeLineItemPrice Added ReasonCodePromptProperties


changeLineItemTax Added ReasonCodePromptProperties


changeLineItemTax Added ReasonCodePromptProperties

Location variable.

changeTransactionTax New method.

changeTransactionTax New method.


codeValueObject Added category element.

commitRetail Added EmailAddress, PrintReceipt, and

Transaction ReceiptPrinter variables.

createNewRetail Removed EmployeeId variable.


createOrderSale New method.

discountGroupLine New method.


discountLineItem Added lineItemToken element.

discountTransaction Added ReasonCodePromptProperties


getBounceBack New method.


getSuspended New method.


issueRedeemBounce New method.


orderSaleAccount New element.

Services Guide B-11

Version 6.0

Chapter Method/Class Description

orderSaleTrans New element.


Transaction posConfiguration Added taxDisplayRule element.


posTenderLine Removed authorizationToken element.

Added lineItemToken element.

posTransSaleLine Added lineItemToken element.

regenerateTransaction New method.


resumeTransaction New method.

searchTrans Added LineItemToken variable.

Removed CreditCardAccountNumber and
CreditCardTrack1Data variables.

sendSaleAccount Added posTrans element.


setTaxExemption New method.


suspendedTrans New element.

suspendedTransResult New element.


validateCreditCard New method.


validateGroupDiscount New method.

validateTransaction New method.


validateVoucherSale Added voucherNumber, TrackSet,

EncryptedTrackSet, HardwareId, and
EntryMethodCode variables.

validateVoucherTender New method.

voidTenderLineItem Added LineItemToken and

ReasonCodePromptProperties variables.

B-12 Services Guide

Version 5.5

Version 5.5
Variable descriptions were added for all procedures throughout the document.
General proofreading and corrections were performed throughout the document.
In addition, the following changes were made to the Services Guide manual.

Chapter Method/Class Description

Customer customerParty Added address3 element.

Added address4 element.
Added apartment element.
Added emails element.
Added telephones element.

customer Added addressType element.

Added employeeId element.

emails New object.

telephones New object.

customerHistory Added ItemUrl element.


House Account All New chapter, including all methods and


Timeclock PD validateEmployee Message removed in Xstore Point of

ClockInWithout Service 5.5.

validateEmployee Message removed in Xstore Point of

IsClockedInPD Service 5.5.

Services Guide B-13

Version 5.5

B-14 Services Guide

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