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# ELN: SGA Election Speech - Morgan Bodenarain, Sophomore Class Vice President

00:00:00.160 ladies and gentlemen of Elon University

00:00:02.600 and more specifically ladies and
00:00:04.400 gentlemen of Elon University class of
00:00:06.600 2018 my name is Morgan bodian and I hope
00:00:09.920 to be the next vice president of the
00:00:11.320 2018 class there are a couple things
00:00:14.080 that I intend to do in this next few
00:00:15.599 minutes and there are a couple things
00:00:17.160 that I do not intend to do I do not
00:00:19.720 intend to offer you outlandish and empty
00:00:21.560 promises or a list of changes that I
00:00:23.480 want to pursue once in
00:00:25.720 office however what I do intend to offer
00:00:28.000 you is my time my dedication in my
00:00:31.840 effort previous Student Government
00:00:33.800 involv me involvement has taught me that
00:00:36.320 the most important members of student
00:00:38.120 government are actually the me the
00:00:39.640 students in which we represent your
00:00:42.000 voices fuel our
00:00:43.600 actions I can't offer you flat screen
00:00:46.160 televisions in every dorm Chick-fil-A
00:00:48.039 delivery to your rooms or tater tots
00:00:50.280 every day of the
00:00:51.440 week but what I can offer is my time
00:00:54.920 time to listen to all of your concerns
00:00:56.800 and time to do whatever I can to adhere
00:00:58.440 to those concerns I understand that my
00:01:01.280 job as sophomore class VP would be to
00:01:03.079 work for all of you not the other way
00:01:05.760 around as sophomore class vice president
00:01:08.400 the needs of you all are first and
00:01:09.840 foremost before my own agenda
00:01:12.159 essentially your agenda becomes my
00:01:14.400 agenda you tell me what you need and I
00:01:17.040 will do everything in my power to do
00:01:19.040 that upon taking my first steps on
00:01:21.360 elon's campus I instantly fell in love I
00:01:24.400 knew that I was home when my parents
00:01:26.600 dropped me off in August the thought
00:01:28.360 crossed my mind once again
00:01:30.640 as it has many times after that for the
00:01:32.960 next few years this is our home it is
00:01:36.320 our job to make our home the best it can
00:01:38.439 possibly be it is our responsibility to
00:01:41.360 make sure that these next few years are
00:01:43.280 the best of Our Lives if voted into
00:01:45.759 office I will work together with other
00:01:47.399 members of sgaa as well as all of you to
00:01:50.159 make sure that we do just that the
00:01:52.280 experience that I bring to the table as
00:01:54.119 former junior class council member and
00:01:56.039 senior class VP of my high school my
00:01:58.119 love for this school and my desire to
00:02:00.439 make these years as amazing for us as
00:02:02.079 they can possibly be is why I am asking
00:02:04.439 for your vote so please vote Morgan B
00:02:07.119 for
00:02:08.840 VP

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