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M. Koru
Energy Systems Engineering, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey

O. Serçe
ORAU R&D Center, Orhan Automotive, Bursa, Turkey

Copyright  2018 American Foundry Society


High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is a near-net shape The experiments were repeated under 64 different condi-
manufacturing method for the non-ferrous materials cast- tions, using different dynamic and thermal parameters and
ing process, and it is widely used in the automotive vacuum application drawn in the mold cavity. The samples
industry. In the HPDC method, mold (TM) and casting obtained from the experiments were subjected to tensile
temperature (TC), first- (V1) and second (V2)-phase injec- tests to identify their mechanical properties. A gas pyc-
tion velocity, injection pressure (P3), mold and casting nometer was used to measure and calculate porosity rates.
material, mold design and vacuum application are all All the tests were simulated using FLOW-3D software
important parameters for producing high-quality products, proper to the experimental conditions. In conclusion, the
as they directly affect the mechanical and metallurgical most useful thermal parameters obtained from the experi-
properties and micro–macroporosity of the product parts. mental study were found to be 1063 K for casting tem-
In this study, the effects of thermal (mold and casting perature and 493 K for mold temperature, while the
temperature) injection parameters and dynamic (pressure, optimum dynamic parameter values were determined to be
velocity and vacuum application) injection parameters on 1.7 m/s injection velocity and 10–20 MPa injection pres-
the mechanical properties and porosity of the samples were sure for vacuum application drawn in the mold cavity.
studied. In the experiments and simulations performed as
part of this study, A383 was selected as the casting mate- Keywords: high-pressure die casting, porosity, thermal and
rial and DIN 1,2344 as the hot work tool steel. The mold dynamic parameters, vacuum application
cavity was shaped according to the tensile test specimen.

Introduction process takes place in three basic stages. First, the molten
metal is pushed at a low speed (0.3–1 m/s) toward the mold
High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) is a widely preferred cavity. It’s here that the second phase starts, where the
casting method in the production of non-ferrous light metal is filled into the mold cavity at a high speed (1–10 m/s).
metals requiring complex shapes and dimensional accu- In the final stage, the molten metal filling of the mold is
racy. HPDC is used to produce many automotive parts, solidified by being held under high pressure. After the
including pistons, gears, valves, gear boxes, suspension solidification is completed, the mold is opened and the
parts, and fasteners. Besides automotive parts, the HPDC ejector pins push the piece away to separate it from the
method can be applied for the manufacturing of lighting mold, bringing an end to the casting process.4 Although the
parts (armature covers) and telecommunication parts.1 HPDC method has a number of advantages, like high
With HPDC, magnesium and aluminum alloys are usually production speeds and suitability to mass production and
cast.2,3 The fundamental process involved in the HPDC production of complex geometric parts, it also has disad-
method is the transferring of molten metal to a mold cavity vantages, like porosity problems (macro and micro), front
at high speeds, where it solidifies under pressure. This meeting, adhesion, stratification, flaking, cave-in issues,

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 797

incomplete filling, and bad surface quality.5–20 These types the need to detect casting faults has led to increased
of problems occur as a consequence of the use of improper research on casting simulation programs. Backer et al. used
HPDC method parameters, including incorrect selection of the WRAFTS simulation program to determine the amount
the dynamic and thermal parameters, inadequate mold of air to be squeezed in the filler part. The same researchers
design and many other incalculable factors. Accurate also carried out studies to improve the algorithm of the
determination of these parameters is important to achieve program to determine the amount of air trapped and the
desired product quality.8–25 There is various scientific amount of porosity to be formed as a result of solidifica-
studies that define these casting parameters effects on the tion.31 Jin and Kang32,33 have worked on casting temper-
casting quality. Dargusch et al. worked how intensification ature, first- and second-phase injection speeds and vacuum
pressure and casting velocities effects porosity percentage application. Verran et al.9 determined the first- and second-
of the casting part, Yüksel and Göloğlu worked on the phase injection velocities and the effect of the injection
effect of runner design on casting quality, Imvinkelried and pressure on the amount of porosity. Furthermore, Li et al.
Homberger tried to optimize mold fill with simulation, and Wang and Xiong34,35 examined the effect of vacuum
Savaş et al. investigated which parameters effect porosity application on degree of porosity.
percentage, Lumley et al. tried to find the effect of HPDC
parameters on casting quality, Yalçın et al. worked on how In this study, the effects of different HPDC parameters,
vacuum application affects mechanical properties of HPDC such as casting temperature TC, mold temperature TM,
parts. Adamane et al. tried to determine the effects of the second-phase injection velocity V2, injection pressure P3
injection parameters on mechanical properties and porosity and vacuum application, on porosity were investigated.
percentage of the casting parts at HPDC. Casting simulations were performed on a FLOW-3D sim-
ulation program in accordance with the experimental pro-
Porosity is one of the most significant problems associated cedure carried out in the study. Microporosity results were
with the HPDC method. In the HPDC method, two types of obtained from the simulations, with the results being sys-
porosity formations can be distinguished, namely macro- tematically presented.
and microporosity. Microporosity refers to microgaps that
are not visible to the naked eye. Macroporosity, on the
other hand, refers to larger gaps that can be seen with the Experimental
naked eye. Porosity formations are due primarily to air
being trapped in the fluid during the filling process and to Preparing the Experimental Setup
the material being drawn during solidification, especially in
hot spots.17,26 Another factor responsible for porosity for- For high-pressure casting, the HTME-200 model cold-press
mation in the HPDC method is injection speed. Dışpınar die casting machine was used; an electric smelting furnace
et al.24 reported that the turbulence on the surface of liquid was used for melting the A383 casting material; the TT-
metal increases with the increase in the injection speed, 388 mold conditioner was used for heating the mold to
whereby turbulence will mix the solid oxide layer on the desired values and for keeping it at a constant temperature;
liquid surface with the liquid, resulting in porosity forma- and the Fondarex Highvac Economy 250 SI 25 vacuum
tion. While macroporosity (gas porosity) has a round and machine was used for vacuuming. A general view of the
smooth surface formation, microporosity (shrink porosity) test setup prepared in accordance with the high-pressure
has an irregular, rough surface formation. But sometimes casting method is given in Figure 1.
when the part design is poorly made, there may also be
significant shrink porosity due to poor part design. Injection thermal parameters were selected as 983 and
1063 K for (TC), and as 373, 433, 493, 553 K for (TM). The
Various scientific and empirical studies have been carried maximum capacity values of the high-pressure casting
out to find solutions to these types of problems associated machine used in the tests were taken into account when
with the HPDC method. Anijdan et al. for example, aimed these pressure and speed values were determined. In
to optimize porosity formation in the gravity casting pro- addition to these thermal and dynamic parameters, exper-
cess by developing a mathematical model based on artifi- iments were repeated for cases where vacuum was applied
cial neural networks.27 Some studies in the literature have to the mold cavity. Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 times
reported that porosity formation is a complex phenomenon were entered in the vacuum device, and a 0.5 kPa vacuum
and that the amount of porosity depends on the size and was applied for all experiments. Experiments were repe-
shape of several parameters.28–30 Dargusch et al. sought in ated at least three times for 64 different combinations.
their study to determine the part-quality effect of process Mechanical tests and percent porosity ratios were calcu-
variables in the HPDC method by placing pressure sensors lated for the three samples, and their average values were
in the mold cavity. They reported that increasing the used. The mold was designed to be suitable for obtaining a
injection pressure reduced the amount of porosity but that tensile test sample and a cylindrical piece after casting.
increasing the injection velocity raised the amount of Vacuum channels, vacuum valve connection point and
porosity.5,8 In the HPDC method, the difficulty involved in filling surface for both tension test part and cylindrical part

798 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Figure 1. General appearance of the experimental setup.

were designed taking into consideration the results of the The mold was designed to be suitable for obtaining a
FLOW-3D simulations and experiments. Figure 2 shows tensile test specimen and a cylindrical piece after the
details about the mold design and casting specimen. casting process. Ventilation channels, runner and vacuum
valve connection were determined for the tensile test

Figure 2. Parts used in experimental studies, gating and vacuum channels and
macrophotograph of the casting specimen.

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 799

specimen and the cylindrical part by taking into account Determination of Porosity and Casting
the analysis performed through the FLOW-3D simulation Simulation
program and experiments (Figure 2).
The HPDC method facilitates the mass production of a
In simulations and experimental works, A383 was used as large number of finished parts. However, the disadvantage
the casting material and DIN 1,2344 hot work tool steel of this method is that it requires a large number of trial
was used as the mold material. The melting temperature of castings to achieve suitable product quality. It is for this
the casting material was 933 K. The chemical composition reason that it is important to carry out a simulation of this
of the casting material used in numerical calculations and method on a computer before initiating the casting process.
experiments is given in Table 1 and XRD results of the In this study, simulations were performed using FLOW-
casting material given at Figure 3. 3D, inputting the same variables as those used in the
experiment. In Figure 4, a filling simulation example
Mechanical Tests obtained from the FLOW-3D program is given.

The tensile test specimens were produced in accordance Filling results from the performed simulation showed that it com-
with TS EN ISO 6892-1 standards, and the tests were plied with the theories proposed by Frommer et al.36 As shown in
performed at room temperature at a pull speed of 0.3 mm/ Figure 4, the liquid metal is filled into the mold by flushing it
min using a universal tensile device. Tests were repeated at through the filling surface. The liquid metal continues to flow
least three times for each parameter. The mechanical tests through the mold cavity by creating severe turbulence. Some of the
were carried out to investigate the effects of mold tem- liquid metal flows upward along the inner surface of the mold, and
perature, casting temperature, injection pressure, second- the mold-filled flow energy continues until it naturally reaches its
phase velocity and vacuum application on the tensile and end, allowing all or nearly all the liquid metal to fill the mold cavity
yield strength. completely. The mold is completely filled in about 0.26 s,
depending on the specified injection parameters (Figure 4).

Table 1. Chemical Composition of A383 Al-Alloy

Chemical composition of A383 determined with spectral analysis (%)

Al Si Cu Fe Mn Zn V Pb Ni Cr Sn Mg

85.3 11.125 2.225 0.66 0.2605 0.233 0.0476 0.059 0.047 0.03 0.011 0.0089

Figure 3. XRD analysis result of A383 material.

800 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Figure 4. Figures taken from mold filling simulation.

The solidification steps carried out in the simulations are regions, followed by the tensile test specimen and the
presented in Figure 5. As can be seen from the simulation cylinder geometry. Lastly, the runner is solidified, marking
stages, solidification occurs immediately in the thin-walled the end of the solidification process.

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 801

Figure 5. Solidification simulation.

802 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Figure 6. Microporosity simulation results.

Microporosity results were obtained as percentages from percentage results are given as the sum of the micro- and
the simulations performed in the experimental procedure macroporosities in the sample.
using FLOW-3D. Figure 6 shows a simulation example of
the microporosity obtained from the simulation program. A
significant amount of microporosity forms at the center of Results
the cylindrical geometry part, whereas the microporosity
formations on the drawing sample are distributed more Mechanical Test Results
heavily in the upper part, where air evacuation is made
(Figure 6). The microporosity results obtained for all test The yield and tensile strength test results of the tensile test
parameters are given in the ‘Findings’ section. specimens produced by the HPDC method under non-
vacuum conditions are presented in Table 2. Table 2 shows
In addition to the mechanical tests and simulations, the that the tensile strength was affected at relatively low
densities of the components were determined by means of a values by increasing the injection velocity from 1.7 to
Micromeritics Accupyc II 1340 gas pycnometer. For this 2.5 m/s under non-vacuum conditions. Increasing the
purpose, the mass values of the samples were at first injection speed shortens the fill time, but in some cases, it
measured using a sensitive scale, followed by the use of the caused the formation of porosity during the filling of the
gas pycnometer to obtain sample density values. After liquid metal into the mold and affected the mechanical
finding the density values, percent porosity values were properties negatively. Doubling the injection pressure can
calculated using Eqn. 1. diminish this effect. In other words, it would be better to
increase the pressure instead of increasing the injection
ðqobservable  qtheoric Þ speed for the less complex parts. In the case of non-vacuum
%P ¼  100 Eqn: 1
qtheoric conditions, the best tensile strength was obtained for
TC = 1063 K, TM = 553 K, P3 = 20 MPa and for both
In this equation, qobservable is the density value measured by injection velocities (1.7 and 2.5 m/s).
gas pycnometer (g/cm3), and qtheoric is the density value
obtained by pulverizing the sample and measuring it in the In looking at Table 3 and all the results it shows when there
gas pycnometer. Porosity percentage was calculated using is an increase in the injection rate of 32% for fixed mold
theoretical and apparent density values to determine the temperature and casting temperature values in the experi-
effects of thermal and dynamic casting parameters on ments performed under vacuum conditions, it can be seen
porosity. The experimentally determined porosity that the tensile strength results improved by around 2-5%,

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 803

Table 2. Tensile Strength and Yield Strength Results Under Non-vacuum Conditions

Injection pressure (MPa) 10 20 10 20

Injection velocity (m/s) 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50
TC (K) TM (K) Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa)

983 373 153.16 155.92 158.61 156.92 126.34 130.58 134.43 132.18
1063 373 166.03 168.98 181.45 174.76 131.16 139.08 150.9 142.4
983 433 166.47 175.54 182.98 180.94 132.09 143.22 154.16 152.04
1063 433 171.02 174.47 176.58 182.57 135.1 139.36 146.65 155.79
983 493 172.69 180.63 182.65 184.97 136.7 145.92 151.09 152.15
1063 493 172.99 182.17 186.33 185.89 136.66 147.83 148.25 147.25
983 553 176.22 179.28 183.27 181.64 141.63 148.78 149.21 148.99
1063 553 179.62 180.7 189.95 190.29 143.4 145.75 150.56 153.59

Table 3. Tensile Strength and Yield Strength Results Under Vacuum Conditions

Injection pressure (MPa) 10 20 10 20

Injection velocity (m/s) 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50
TC (K) TM (K) Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa)

983 373 167.24 171.03 171.08 173.45 140.03 141.07 141.33 147.5
1063 373 166.22 175.77 177.85 190.22 135.52 140.59 143.52 157.59
983 433 169.89 177.26 184.22 187.26 133.54 145.14 149.23 158.26
1063 433 174.14 178.53 183.99 189.43 138.93 140.58 152.63 158.99
983 493 176.51 179.77 185.44 192.16 137.83 142.55 159.12 162.55
1063 493 177.34 184.31 187.34 191.94 138.55 145.78 160.3 164.86
983 553 203.4 190.19 194.24 195.15 167.64 163.03 165.28 167.66
1063 553 186.56 190.22 193.88 199.71 138.55 145.78 160.3 164.86

with the best results acquired at TC = 983 K, TM = 553 K, Figure 9 shows the tensile test results for the casting
V2 = 1.7 m/s and P3 = 10 MPa. Doubling the injection temperature at 983 K, in relation to different values of
pressure for constant values of mold temperature, casting mold temperature, injection pressure and injection velocity.
temperature and injection speed under vacuum conditions In the general evaluation made, a significant increase was
resulted in an increase in around 2–6% in strength and observed in the tensile strength results when the mold
2–4% in yield strength. When both Tables 2 and 3 are temperature was increased. At fixed injection speed and
considered together, the effect of mold temperature, casting pressure values and with an increase in the mold temper-
temperature and vacuum application is seen to have a ature from 373 to 553 K under vacuum conditions, tensile
greater impact on mechanical properties than other strength was observed to improve around 13–15%.
parameters. Taking all injection parameters into consider- Applying the vacuum to the mold cavity affected the ten-
ation, a vacuum application improved the tensile strength sile strength positively in accordance with the increase in
up to 14% and also improved yield strength by about the mold temperature.
Improvements in tensile strength by around 17–18% were
ANOVA results for tensile and yield strength were exam- observed when the mold temperature was increased in
ined and it was found that if P values were under 0.05 that experiments with fixed thermal and dynamic parameters
parameter was considered to be significant. When we under vacuum conditions. Taking into account all the
considered ANOVA results with tensile and yield results parameters for the 1063 K casting temperature, the appli-
together all of the casting parameters are significant for cation of vacuum to mold cavity served to improve tensile
mechanical properties. You can see the ANOVA results for strength by about 2–5% compared to non-vacuum condi-
tensile strength at Table 4 and Figure 7, and yield results in tions. By increasing the mold temperature, the effect of the
Table 5 and Figure 8. vacuum application was even more evident. In vacuum
applications to the mold cavity, lower injection dynamic

804 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Table 4. ANOVA Results for Tensile Strength

Source DF Adj. SS Adj. MS F value p value

Mold T 3 3120.06 1040.02 74.86 0.000

Cast T 1 216.16 216.16 15.56 0.000
Velocity 1 153.96 153.95 11.08 0.002
Pressure 1 1026.72 1026.72 73.91 0.000
Vacuum 1 851.91 851.91 61.32 0.000
Mold T * Cast T 3 349.95 116.65 8.40 0.000
Mold T * Velocity 3 58.32 19.44 1.40 0.258
Mold T * Pressure 3 59.16 19.72 1.42 0.252
Mold T * Vacuum 3 184.54 61.51 4.43 0.009
Cast T * Velocity 1 15.19 15.19 1.09 0.302
Cast T * Pressure 1 50.37 50.37 3.63 0.064
Cast T * Vacuum 1 54.95 54.95 3.96 0.054
Velocity * Pressure 1 9.29 9.29 0.67 0.419
Velocity * Vacuum 1 18.99 18.99 1.37 0.250
Pressure * Vacuum 1 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.957
Error 38 527.90 13.89
Total 63 6697.49
S 3.72723
R2 0.9212
R2 Adj. 0.8693
R Pred. 0.7764

Figure 7. The effect of casting parameters on tensile strength.

parameters should be selected to prevent the problems vacuum experiments improved the tensile strength values
caused by high pressure and velocities during operation of by about 1–7%. Similar results were obtained in vacuum
the system. applied conditions too. With vacuum application, tensile
strength improved by around 8%. In evaluating Figures 9
Figure 10 shows the tensile strength results obtained for the and 10 together, it was found that increasing the casting
tests conducted at the casting temperature of 1063 K. By temperature from 983 to 1063 K had only a minor effect on
increasing the casting temperature from 983 to 1063 K, the the tensile strength.
tensile strength results were less affected than when
changes were made to the mold temperature. Increasing the The changes in the yield strengths of the samples obtained
casting temperature by 373 K at constant dynamical by the HPDC method were also investigated in terms of
parameters and constant mold temperature values in non- different thermal and dynamic parameters. Figure 11 gives

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 805

Table 5. ANOVA Results for Yield Strength

Source DF Adj. SS Adj. MS F value p value

Mold T 3 1586.57 528.86 24.04 0.000

Cast T 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.996
Velocity 1 310.95 310.95 14.14 0.001
Pressure 1 2080.61 2080.61 94.59 0.000
Vacuum 1 727.99 727.99 33.10 0.000
Mold T * Cast T 3 292.70 97.57 4.44 0.009
Mold T * Velocity 3 31.95 10.65 0.48 0.695
Mold T * Pressure 3 164.25 54.75 2.49 0.075
Mold T * Vacuum 3 170.11 56.70 2.58 0.068
Cast T * Velocity 1 4.58 4.58 0.21 0.651
Cast T * Pressure 1 69.58 69.58 3.16 0.083
Cast T * Vacuum 1 73.64 73.64 3.35 0.075
Velocity * Pressure 1 27.13 27.13 1.23 0.274
Velocity * Vacuum 1 12.17 12.17 0.55 0.426
Pressure * Vacuum 1 82.88 82.88 3.77 0.060
Error 38 835.86 22.00
Total 63 6470.97
S 4.69002
R2 0.8708
R2 Adj. 0.7858
R Pred. 0.6336

Figure 8. The effect of casting parameters on yield strength.

the yield strength results obtained from experimental tests performed under the conditions of fixed thermal and
studies conducted on the impact of mold temperature, dynamic parameters with vacuum application. In looking at
injection pressure and injection velocity at 983 K casting the tests performed at all parameters for the 983 K casting
temperature. Yield strength results that were similar to temperature, it was seen that vacuum application improved
tensile strength results were obtained by increasing mold the yield strength by about 3–5% compared to non-vacuum
temperature. Increasing the mold temperature at constant conditions (Figure 11). When vacuum is applied to the
injection velocity and pressure values under non-vacuum mold cavity, there is an increase in the yield strength values
conditions improved yield strength values by around for almost all injection thermal and dynamic parameters.
9–12%. Improvement of the yield strength by 12–17% was At 373 and 553 K mold temperatures, the effect of vacuum
observed when the mold temperature was increased in the application on yield strength was more clearly evident.

806 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Figure 9. Results of tensile test using different thermal Figure 11. At 983 K casting temperature, the yield
and dynamic parameters at 983 K casting temperature. strength according to different thermal and dynamical

Figure 10. At the 1063 K casting temperature, status of

tensile strength according to different thermal and Figure 12. At 1063 K casting temperature, the yield
dynamical parameters. strength according to different thermal and dynamical

Figure 12 gives the yield strength test results obtained for Density and Porosity Percent Values
the tests conducted at 780 K casting temperature. By
increasing the casting temperature from 983 to 1063 K, the Table 6 shows the results of density measurements made
yield strength results were less affected than when changes with gas pycnometer and Table 7 shows percent porosity
were made to the mold temperature. When the constant values based on density results.
dynamic parameters and mold temperature values are taken
into consideration in the experiments conducted under non- At Table 7 porosity calculated using density of the mate-
vacuum conditions, the yield strength improved by 1–9%. rial. Density of the material measured with gas pycnometer
A similar situation was seen in the experiments conducted (2.7312 g/cm3) and it is really close literature data for
under vacuum conditions; that is, a maximum of 10% A380 (2.74 g/cm3).37 When the results presented in
improvement was observed in yield strength values under Table 7 are examined, it can be clearly seen that the
vacuum conditions. amount of porosity decreases with vacuum application. The

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 807

Table 6. The Results of Density (g/cm3) Measured with Gas Pycnometer

Injection pressure (MPa) 10 20 10 20

Injection velocity (m/s) 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50
TC (K) TM (K) Non-vacuum condition Vacuum condition

983 373 2.6609 2.6341 2.6646 2.6513 2.6612 2.6896 2.6502 2.6526
1063 373 2.6351 2.6688 2.6759 2.6948 2.6972 2.6996 2.6953 2.6471
983 433 2.6856 2.6787 2.6741 2.6702 2.7114 2.7008 2.6871 2.6785
1063 433 2.6873 2.6681 2.6318 2.6027 2.7016 2.6597 2.6476 2.6536
983 493 2.6738 2.6203 2.6882 2.6735 2.6751 2.6640 2.6887 2.6813
1063 493 2.6848 2.6300 2.6443 2.6001 2.7125 2.6664 2.6864 2.6329
983 553 2.6761 2.6937 2.7050 2.6801 2.6855 2.6511 2.6627 2.6649
1063 553 2.6679 2.6919 2.6243 2.7031 2.6744 2.6461 2.6824 2.6912

Table 7. Calculated Percent Porosity Rate (qtheorical: 2.7312 g/cm3) Based on Density Results

Injection pressure (MPa) 10 20 10 20

Injection velocity (m/s) 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50
TC (K) TM (K) Non-vacuum condition Vacuum condition

983 373 2.5727 3.5546 2.4373 2.9248 2.5618 1.5219 2.9645 2.8779
1063 373 3.5168 2.2829 2.0248 1.3309 1.2449 1.1546 1.3120 3.0792
983 433 1.6696 1.9192 2.0907 2.2316 0.7225 1.1131 1.6147 1.9296
1063 433 1.6055 2.3103 3.6364 4.7025 1.0838 2.6167 3.0597 2.8400
983 493 2.0986 4.0599 1.5726 2.1108 2.0540 2.4605 1.5549 1.8246
1063 493 1.6964 3.7035 3.1787 4.7970 0.6847 2.3726 1.6391 3.5967
983 553 2.0156 1.3712 0.9581 1.8698 1.6733 2.9328 2.5056 2.4251
1063 553 2.3158 1.4365 3.9110 1.0289 2.0772 3.1134 1.7855 1.4646

decrease in the amount of porosity ranged between 30% the mold and the casting temperature increases, the cooling
and 75%. In examining the porosity in terms of injection becomes unbalanced, causing porosity formation.
velocity change, increasing the injection velocity at low
mold temperatures decreased the amount of porosity, while Table 8 gives the microporosity results obtained from the
the opposite was true when high mold temperatures were FLOW-3D simulation program. The table shows that
used, i.e., porosity increased. In terms of the injection increasing the mold and casting temperature leads to a
pressure, when the vacuum was not applied, the increase in decrease in the amount of porosity. Similarly, the table re-
the injection pressure caused a decrease in porosity per- veals that an increase in the second-phase velocity leads to
centage, whereas when the vacuum was applied, there was a decrease in the amount of porosity. The lowest amount of
a slight increase in porosity percentage. For vacuum porosity was determined when the mold temperature was at
applied conditions, the increase in mold temperature and 433 and 553 K. Moreover, when the mold and casting
pressure caused a decrease in the amount of porosity. temperature were higher, the vacuum application reduced
According to the data presented in Table 7, the best results the amount of porosity, but lower mold and casting tem-
based on a porosity percentage of around 72% were perature values increased porosity, even under vacuum
obtained using the following thermal and dynamic application. According to the simulation, when the best
parameters under vacuum application: TC = 983 K, parameters are selected, the amount of porosity can be
TM = 433 K, V2 = 1.7 m/s, and P3 = 10 Mpa. Again, for decreased by approximately 45%. Considering the casting
the same dynamic parameters and TC = 1063 K, temperature parameter alone (most of the time, this
TM = 553 K, the porosity result was around 0.68%. As can parameter had no effect on simulation results), porosity can
be clearly understood with this information, when the be decreased by around 22, 20% at best, considering the
casting temperature is increased, the mold temperature injection velocity parameter alone, and 15% at best, con-
must also be increased, because as the difference between sidering the injection pressure parameter alone. Therefore,

808 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Table 8. Percent Microporosity Obtained from FLOW-3D Simulation Program

Injection pressure (MPa) 10 20 10 20

Injection velocity (m/s) 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50 1.70 2.50
TC (K) TM (K) Non-vacuum condition Vacuum condition

983 373 1.383 1.406 1.507 1.395 1.414 1.339 1.221 1.306
1063 373 1.368 1.406 1.507 1.395 1.414 1.339 1.221 1.306
983 433 1.333 1.069 1.19 1.028 1.237 1.237 1.313 1.018
1063 433 1.333 1.19 1.069 1.028 1.68 1.27 1.512 1.271
983 493 1.583 1.179 1.578 1.308 1.608 1.27 1.512 1.271
1063 493 1.583 1.179 1.578 1.308 1.237 1.156 1.341 1.018
983 553 1.144 1.065 1.257 1.08 1.266 1.069 1.218 0.978
1063 553 1.144 1.065 1.257 1.08 1.266 1.069 1.218 0.978

Table 9. ANOVA Results for Calculated Porosity Results

Source DF Adj. SS Adj. MS F value p value

Mold T 3 1.4827 0.49423 0.84 0.481

Cast T 1 1.1048 1.10478 1.88 0.179
Velocity 1 2.6891 2.68915 4.57 0.039
Pressure 1 1.4892 1.48922 2.53 0.120
Vacuum 1 2.6706 2.67057 4.54 0.040
Mold T * Cast T 3 6.4346 2.14486 3.65 0.021
Mold T * Velocity 3 5.3841 1.79471 3.05 0.040
Mold T * Pressure 3 3.8071 1.26905 2.16 0.109
Mold T * Vacuum 3 3.6529 1.21764 2.07 0.120
Cast T * Velocity 1 0.0155 0.01553 0.03 0.872
Cast T * Pressure 1 1.7490 1.72904 2.97 0.093
Cast T * Vacuum 1 0.9103 0.91033 1.55 0.221
Velocity * Pressure 1 0.1960 0.19604 0.33 0.567
Velocity * Vacuum 1 0.3096 0.30959 0.53 0.473
Pressure * Vacuum 1 0.3038 0.30375 0.52 0.477
Error 38 22.3605 0.58843
Total 63 54.5600
S 0.767095
R2 0.5902
R Adj. 0.3205
R2 Pred. 0.0000

it can be said that mold temperature is the most influential percentage according to the simulation were obtained using
parameter for lowering porosity percentage. Table 9 and the following parameters with vacuum application:
Figure 13 show ANOVA results for calculated porosity P3 = 10 Mpa, TM = 433 K, TC = 1063 K, V2 = 1.7 m/s.
results and Table 10 and Figure 14 show it for simulated Comparing the simulation results with the experimental
porosity results. results, it was seen that only minor changes occurred in the
microporosity results by changing casting parameters in the
The best results for porosity percentage were obtained simulation. In addition, the porosity percentage for some
using the following parameters with vacuum application: parameters in the simulation results was well below that of
P3 = 20 Mpa, TM = 553 K, TC = 1063 K, and the experimental results. This could be attributed to the fact
V2 = 2.5 m/s. In contrast, the worst results for porosity that in the experimental studies both micro- and

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 809

Figure 13. The effect of casting parameters on calculated porosity results.

Table 10. ANOVA Results for Simulated Porosity Results

Source DF Adj. SS Adj. MS F value p value

Mold T 3 0.59227 0.197424 25.91 0.000

Cast T 1 0.00000 0.000000 0.00 0.995
Velocity 1 0.45833 0.458329 60.15 0.000
Pressure 1 0.01671 0.016706 2.19 0.147
Vacuum 1 0.00278 0.002783 0.37 0.549
Mold T * Cast T 3 0.10548 0.035160 4.61 0.008
Mold T * Velocity 3 0.15393 0.051310 6.73 0.001
Mold T * Pressure 3 0.03989 0.013297 1.75 0.174
Mold T * Vacuum 3 0.19201 0.064003 8.40 0.000
Cast T * Velocity 1 0.00009 0.000090 0.01 0.914
Cast T * Pressure 1 0.00056 0.000564 0.07 0.787
Cast T * Vacuum 1 0.00002 0.000018 0.00 0.961
Velocity * Pressure 1 0.00003 0.000033 0.00 0.948
Velocity * Vacuum 1 0.00035 0.000352 0.05 0.831
Pressure * Vacuum 1 0.02657 0.026569 3.49 0.070
Error 38 0.28955 0.007620
Total 63 1.87857
S 0.0872909
R 0.8459
R2 Adj. 0.7445
R Pred. 0.5628

macroporosity was summed up together. On the other hand, • During the filling of the mold cavity with
however, the simulation program showed better results aluminum alloys, turbulence and air gaps have a
when the injection velocity was higher, whereas the negative impact on the mechanical properties. For
experiments showed the opposite. this reason, mold design directly affects product
quality. In this study, analyses were performed
with the FLOW-3D program to ensure a good
Discussion and Conclusion mold design. Based on these analysis results and
field experience, the most suitable mold design
Aided by the studies found in the literature, the following was determined.
can serve as a general evaluation of the tensile strength, • Another factor that affects product quality is mold
yield strength and porosity results of the samples obtained temperature. When mold temperature increased,
from the high- pressure casting process: tensile strength increased by around 13–15%

810 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018

Figure 14. The effect of casting parameters on simulated porosity results.

under non-vacuum conditions and by around • Vacuum application in pressure casting is

17–18% under vacuum conditions. In other words, expected to give better results compared to non-
the tensile strength of the samples increased by vacuum conditions because it will reduce the
increasing the mold temperature and applying possibility of air mixing into the liquid metal.
vacuum. Regarding yield strength, it increased by However, this was not the case for some injection
around 9–12% under non-vacuum conditions and conditions in this study. This is clearly evident
by 12–17% under vacuum conditions. However, considering that the work of the shell piston in
in the results obtained from the experiments it was pushing the metal into the cavity is increased due
observed that the porosity percentage gradually to ovalization and abrasion when the cast parts are
increased up to a mold temperature of 433 K. In air mixed into the melt. The pressure inside the
the simulation program, porosity was clearly seen bushing drops to 2000 Pa, but the atmospheric
to decrease with increasing mold temperature and pressure (101,325 Pa) at the back of the piston
vacuum application. Increasing the mold temper- brings gas leakage through the bushing piston
ature and applying vacuum to the mold cavity operating space, causing air entrapment in the
positively contributes to strengthening the melt and thereby worse results than normal
mechanical properties. casting.30 On the other hand, vacuum application
• Increasing the casting temperature has a lower allows for lower dynamic and thermal parameter
impact on the mechanical properties than increas- selections, which results in savings on the energy
ing the mold temperature does. By increasing the cost per part, increased competitiveness due to the
casting temperature by 373 K, the tensile strength longer mold life cycle, and better functioning of
values improved by up to 8%. the injection machine. These advantages are
• Increasing injection velocity was found to cause particularly pronounced with the lower mold and
an increase in porosity percentage, while increas- casting temperature required under vacuum
ing pressure decreased porosity percentage. conditions.
Increasing the injection velocity results in turbu- • When we compared the results with similar
lence on the surface of the liquid metal. This studies, we had seen similar effects of the casting
turbulence causes the solid oxide layer on the parameters on mechanical properties and porosity.
surface of the liquid and the air in the environment Obiekea et al. reported similar results at their
to mix into the liquid and thereby form porosity.18 study for A350 casting material. When they
In this study, it was determined that increasing the increased injection pressure both tensile and yield
injection velocity leads to an increase in the strength increased around 3–5%.38 Li et al. Stud-
amount of porosity percentage and a weakening of ied at their work about how vacuum effects on
mechanical properties. The porosity percentage in tensile strength. They reported that with vacuum
this case can be reduced only by increasing the application porosity and pore sizes in the casting
injection pressure. Therefore, the increase in specimens can be decreased and with this vacuum
injection pressure improves the mechanical prop- effect positively tensile strength. They found
erties. The pressure values used in this study tensile strength of the cast specimen increased
(P3 = 10–20 MPa) were planned according to the 196–231 MPa and these results are similar to our
existing infrastructure, since higher pressure val- work.34 Wang and Xiong examined how vacuum
ues could not be analyzed. application and injection velocity to tensile
strength and porosity. They found similar results

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 12, Issue 4, 2018 811

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