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Lightraiders Press
Houston · Orlando
Copyright © 2024 by XPC Media, LLC

Published by Lightraiders Press,

a division of XPC Media, LLC
Winter Garden, FL, USA

Lightraiders Adventure Bible System new boxed set purchasers may scan or photocopy
this material for single group use only. For additional permissions, contact Lightraiders via

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, photocopy, recording,
e-mail—without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as noted in “Included
Permissions” above. Lightraiders, Starlots, and DragonRaid are trademarks registered in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office by XPC Media LLC.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by
Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are
federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Divine pronouns are capitalized
for context.

The fantasy story portions of this book are works of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are the product of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resem-
blance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, aside from clearly stated Biblical
allegory is coincidental.

Story creation by James R. Brown and James R. Hannibal
Written by David N. Brooks, Joshua Bixler, James R. Brown, and James R. Hannibal
Edited by Cindy Huckabay
Graphic design and layout by James R. Hannibal and James R. Brown
Illustrated by Dean Zachary, Rota Davide; stock illustrations via
Cover Design by Kirk DouPonce,
Cartography by Graham Snow, Gavin C. Huckabay
Additional Cartography by James R. Hannibal
DragonRaid® 1984 created by Dick Wulf

Symbol Key.................................................................................................................iv

Start Here and Episode Summaries.................................................................. v

Things To Know........................................................................................................ iii

Location 1: Jagged Rock........................................................................................1

Location 2A: Fire Pass - Western Pass................................................. 15

Location 2B: Fire Pass - Eastern Pass.................................................. 31

Location 3A: Setis - Gates and Barracks............................................ 41

Location 3B: Setis - Inner Setis.............................................................. 51

Location 3C: Setis - The Baron’s Tower................................................. 59

Location 4A: Wyrm Dunes - Sacri ficial Post..................................... 67

Location 4B: Wyrm Dunes - Hermit’s Den............................................. 81

Location 5: Great Pit o f Spores............................................................... 93

Location 6A: The Temple: Outer Chambers.......................................... 107

Location 6B: The Temple: Hall o f the Giant..................................... 115

Symbol Key battle
Battles occur in a location or encounter.

Read to Players. Story sections you’ll read A red info box within the shaded section battle

to the players. All italicized text is “Read to includes creature stats and a damage tracker.
Players,” even without the icon.
trial el
Info for the AM. Instructions for you, the Trials are challenges that occur within a rt
Adventure Master, such as how to present the location or encounter. A blue info box
scene, act as a non-player character, or share within the shaded section includes all the t ri

additional information with your players. stats needed for the trial.

Cue(s). Question(s) you can use to prompt the parley

players to take action. Read them to the players. Parleys occur within an location or
This text is always italicized. encounter. They are conversations with parley

non-player characters your party meets

during the quest. They are usually designed for gaining
Actions. A list of actions the players might take information. A green info box within the shaded section
and the results of each action. has all the stats you’ll need for the parley.

Onward. Places the characters may go or rescue

actions they may take once the scene is over. Rescues occur within a location or
encounter. During a rescue, your party
shares The Great Rescue (the Gospel) with the
a non-player character and invites them to ist
Tips, Hints, and Strategies. These boxes offer hem
accept the Rescuer. A gold information box alc
extra info to help you learn and run Lightraiders. cue
within the shaded section has all the stats res

you need for the rescue.

location heading
1 Location number within 1 The Outpost
the episode. sa fe haven

Location type.
sa fe haven

Locations may start in the middle of a column.

start point
Where you begin the episode’s action after sp
reading “The Story So Far” will depend on where
your PCs were at the end of the previous episode.
Locations that serve as a possible Start Points include this
label in the location heading.

encounter heading
1 The Bears
1 Encounter number
within the episode.
Encounters happen along your journey, often between
locations. They may start in the middle of a column.

places/events and
mini encounters
These are places or scenes found 1 1
within a location or location map.

Start Here loc 2a: fire pass - western pass
The cadets begin (or continue) their trek through Fire
Welcome, Adventure Master Pass, facing multiple trials that test their Self-control,

Y ou’re about to take your players and their player Goodness, and Patience. They find clues to help them in
characters (PCs) into the desert for their second their quest.
Lightraider quest. Before starting this adventure, you and
your players should have already completed the Practice loc 2b: fire pass - eastern pass
Episode, found in the Rules and Introduction book, and The cadets begin (or continue) their trek through Fire
The Initiate’s Quest. That first quest acted as a tutorial, Pass. They may contend with thieves or parley with
gradually teaching you the system. The training is over, a bound man the thieves left behind. Their Joy and
and you’re diving into this adventure with a little more Kindness will be tested.
freedom and less direct guidance. Here are few extra bits
we’d like you to know about before you begin. loc 3a: setis - gates and barracks
The cadets must struggle with Self-control as guards take
them into custody. Their reaction may lead them to a
WARNING: If you’re a player, STOP parley that earns respect or a chase through the city that
reading here. This guidebook is for may cause them great damage. In an arena battle they
Adventure Masters only. face lion to save two young nobles from the region.
Don’t spoil the fun!
loc 3b: setis - inner setis
Keywords The cadets have a large map of the city to explore,
In this quest and others, the cadets may discover secrets gathering clues and items which will help their quest and
that unlock future actions or advantages. When they possibly stop a war.
make these discoveries, you’ll give them a KEYWORD to
write down in their Adventure Journal. That will serve as loc 3c: setis - the baron’s tower
a reminder when they need it later. The cadets race to the top of a noble’s tower to stop an
assassination and avert a war. At the top, they find a
The Cadet Cabinet hatchling dragon and experience a mid-quest test of the
The Adventure Journal includes a cadet cabinet. This verses they’ve learned. At the end, the cadets gain rank.
cabinet had ten slots for items or weapons. At the start of
this quest, allow your players to choose items or weapons loc 4a: wyrm dunes - sacri ficial post
they wish to leave behind at the academy and store in The cadets strike out into the scrublands in search of
the cabinet. This will free up more slots for the quest, but Morellius and the sacrificial post. They face a navigation
they don’t have to leave anything behind. IMPORTANT: challenge and are hunted by wild dogs before finally
for this desert quest, all PCs must add 1 common water finding the priest and rendering vital aid.
flask to the items on their Character Sheets. A flask has
five drinks that remove 1 each. loc 4b: wyrm dunes - hermit’s den
The cadets carry their patient to the den of a hermit
The Armor Verses physician who may be more than he seems.
In this quest, we’ll occasionally ask your players to
temper their armor by reciting specific armor verses from
Ephesians 6. When they successfully recite one of those
loc 5: great pit o f spores
This may be the ninth or second episode, depending on
verses, they get one extra use the of the piece or pieces of
the choices the party made. The cadets must traverse a
armor mentioned in the verse. Even if the text doesn’t ask
putrid pit filled with danger and lost items.
for it, they may still temper their armor this way.
loc 6a: temple - outer chambers
Episode Summaries Upon approaching the temple, the cadets intervene in
a battle and save Aladoth temple guards from a pack

R ead the following summaries for a quick

understanding of the general flow of the quest.
of orcs. After a parley with the captain, they search the
outer chambers for the keys to the giant’s hall.
loc 1: arrival in the desert loc 6b: temple - hall o f the giant
The cadets step from a hollow tree into the desert. After Either a secret passage or a key puzzle gives the cadets
exploring the area, possibly helping a wounded animal, access to the giant’s hall. They face combat trials, giant
and fighting some goblins, they most choose south or battle, and dragon lies in this quest’s final exam. In the
east, determining their path for the rest of the quest. end they return home as cadet scouts, first rank.

Things To Know option 1 flow
About This Adventure


An ancient temple lies buried in the Desert of Sin. For
generations, the priests of Tahnkahn have worshiped a
terrifying dark creature gifted by the dragons to protect 6
the villages of Tahn and the desert cities of Badu and
Seits. Recently, the creature began demanding more
than grain or even water. It hungers for the lives of its
5 4
worshipers. The priest Morellius has set out to seek an
answer to the problem, but his deluded solution will only
lead to destruction.
Can the cadets find the priest in time to intervene and EP1. SP Jagged Rock
share the Great Rescue? Will they discover how to defeat EP2. 2A Fire Pas: Western Pass
the sand giant and save many Aladoth lives? EP3. 2B Fire Pass: Eastern Pass

exploring the map

EP4. 3A Setis: Gates and Barracks
During each episode, the players will explore one EP5. 3B Setis: Inner Setis
location on the map. Some locations are large enough to EP6. 3C Setis: The Baron’s Tower
require more than one episode to explore. For example, EP7. 4A Wyrm Dunes: Sacrificial Post
Setis and the Temple of Tahnkahn each contain three
EP8. 4B Wyrm Dunes: Hermit’s Den
areas of exploration and are therefore broken up into
three episodes apiece, while Fire Pass and The Wyrm EP9. 5 Great Pit of Spores
Dunes require two episodes to explore. The remaining EP10. 6A Temple: Outer Chambers
two locations—Jagged Rock and The Great Pit of EP11. Temple: Hall of the Giant
Spores—only require one episode to explore.
A map of the region is on page 45 of the MDB. It includes
the following locations:
option 2 flow
1. Jagged Rock 4. The Wyrm Dunes
2. Fire Pass 5. The Great Pit of Spores
3. The Desert City of Setis 6. The Temple of Tahnkahn

episode flow
The first episode takes place at the Start Point SP Jagged
Rock. From there, player choices determine the locations
and flow of each episode, shown in the next column. 5
Each flow experiences the locations in a different order.
Either way, though, they complete the adventure at 6
The Temple of Tahnkahn for the final three episodes. EP1. SP Jagged Rock
EP2. 5 Great Pit of Spores
1. Jagged Rock 4. The Wyrm Dunes
EP3. 4A Wyrm Dunes: Sacrificial Post
2. Fire Pass 5. The Great Pit of Spores
EP4. 4B Wyrm Dunes: Hermit’s Den
3. The Desert City of Setis 6. The Temple of Tahnkahn
EP5. 3A Setis: Gates and Barracks
the lesson o f the giant EP6. 3B Setis: Inner Setis
Concerning sin, the sand giant has grown so large that EP7. 3C Setis: The Baron’s Tower
it has become a terror to the priests that have loyally EP8. 2B Fire Pass: Eastern Pass
worshiped it and fed it. James 1:15 says, “Then after
EP9. 2A Fire Pas: Western Pass
desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is
fully grown, it gives birth to death.” Like sin, the giant is EP10. 6A Temple: Outer Chambers
fully grown and death now follows in its wake. EP11. 6B Temple: Hall of the Giant

tooth. What a terrible thought—that such evil creatures
rule this land. You make a mental note of the jagged rock.
1. Find a hidden map You’ll most likely need to return to this place and look for
Randar Vorn and the portal at the appointed time.
2. Choose your direction
Your mission is to search for a priest named Morellius who
Before you begin, be sure to allow players to needs your help. He has worshiped the sand giant for many
adjust the items and weapons they carry based years, and now the dark creature is enormous in size and
on The Cadet Cabinet on the facing page. has become too difficult to manage. Morellius fears for his
life and the survival of the Tahn region. You must share the
Start Point Great Rescue with him. You must also locate the advantage
Master Talin mentioned—the one the Rescuer promised—

SP Jagged before destroying the creature at the Temple of Tahnkahn

and freeing the people from its terror.
You have a quick look around the area. That large jagged
ordinary ground rock is rising from the sand to your left, but something has
disturbed a section of ground about thirty yards ahead,
leaving the sand in messy piles. What will you do?
The Story So Far...
“There are many portals in our world—
purposeful wrinkles in the fabric of the Maker’s Do you . . .
creation. Some are stable and predictable, and
others are neither. But the hollow tree portals are special. 1. Investigate the jagged rock?
They are the appointed way to enter Keledev and leave
2. Inspect the ground ahead?
Tanelethar, according to the will of the High One. The tree
is a symbol of the community that all Keledan share
At each encounter, encourage players to try the
because of the Rescuer. It is the symbol for home and a new
actions sub-actions as time permits before you
life in the Liberated Land.”
go to the Destiny Scene. The Destiny Scene is a
These are the words Headmaster Talin III gave you as battle and will take about 20 minutes.
he sent you off on this adventure. It’s true, you have just
become cadets, but urgency has required your services
so soon, and you came highly recommended by Master If the characters . . .
Ardmoor. Also, Master Talin promised he’d send a seasoned
knight—Randar Vorn—to escort you back to Ras Telesar. 1. Investigate the jagged rock.
Before you departed, the headmaster added a warning.
Go to Onward A .
“Remember that you’re cadets, not knights. The giant of the
temple is a formidable foe. In my prayer for you, I felt the 2. Investigate the disturbed ground.
Rescuer promising to grant you an advantage. Take heed
and hear my words. Study the sacred verses and do not Go to Onward B .
engage the creature until you’ve found that advantage.”
So, after a couple of intense days of training at Lightraider
Use one of the following based on
Academy, you made the trip beyond the barrier, through the PCs’ choice.
one of the Passage Lakes and into a hollow tree.
You step out into a hot desert and turn back for a moment A Turn to 1 Dragon’s Tooth, next page.
to admire the beauty of your portal. The mighty green
Ash with its full canopy of vigorous leaves stands in stark B Go to 2 Lion’s Lament, p. 3.
contrast to the dry yellow sand. A wall of dust blows past
on the wind, and when it settles, the hollow tree is gone. 5 minutes
All you see for miles is a landscape of shifting dunes and
swirling dust clouds. The only landmark is a jagged rock
rising from the sand like a broken and petrified dragon

If the PCs want to try the lock, go to Action 3, below
and choose one of the following.
1 Dragon’s Tooth ■ Break the lock with an axe or hammer, use 3A .
■ Break the lock by stomping, use 3B .
■ Pick or break the lock using a toolkit, use 3C .
The rock formation’s tooth shape doesn’t look
natural. This was chiseled, perhaps by human
hands, or perhaps by some other creatures. Upon 3. Defeat the lock (only if the PCs found the square
closer examination, you spot footholds on one side that door in Action 2).
could be used to climb to the top or climb downward below
the sand. You wonder what the view from the top would Use one of the following based on the PCs’ choice in
reveal, and you wonder how much of the rock’s base is Action 2. A group Solve test is allowed.
buried beneath the sand.
3A Test Exert 3B Test Exert +1 3C Test Solve
▶ Success. The lock yields to your efforts, and the
Do you . . . compartment opens up. You discover that it contains
a small cache of spears, enough for each of you to take
1. Climb the footholds to the top? one if you wish. The hidden compartment is filled
2. Dig at the rock’s base and see what you uncover? with dust and cobwebs, it appears long abandoned.

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value

If the characters . . . Spear Common 1 3 Pt
A short spear of black wood and animal bone
1. Climb the footholds.
Test Move at -2 ▶ Failure. *Sigh* That didn’t work at all. Perhaps try a
different method. You can try each method once.
▶ Success. You make it to the top and get a survey of the
desert. To the east, you see the shimmer of heat hovering
over a long canyon. Beyond the canyon, you see colored Choose one of the following based
pillars of smoke rising—likely the fireclocks of Setis, the on the PCs’ experiences thus far.
main settlement in this region. Perhaps that is where the
priest has gone? Or perhaps your advantage to defeat the Encourage the PCs to try both encounters before
giant may be discovered there. moving on.
■ Open the MDB to In the Desert of Sin, p. 45. A If the PCs haven’t inspected the disturbed sand
▶ Failure. Watch out! You slip and fall onto sharp stones. mentioned at the Start Point, go now to 2 Lion’s
Suffer 3 . You may retry, but you risk each time. Lament, next page.

2. Dig at the rock’s base (use Digging Trial below). 8 to 14 minutes

Tarrying to dig in this foreboding B If the PCs have experienced both encounters,
gin desert is unsettling. This will be a trial continue to 1A Western Dunes, p. 4.
dig of Exert that risks your Peace. Gain 7
successes to find out where the steps at
al 18 to 25 minutes
t ri the base of the jagged rock lead. A
failure will cause you damage from the
sharp rocks in the sand. Be careful!

PE 5 • Exert -1 • 7 • 1

After the Trial...

Your fingers run across a rusted iron lock
attached to a square door under the sand. It may
take brute force to break the lock off, or it may
take smart work with a toolkit.

2. Investigate the gurgling moan.
As you come around the dune, a sad sight comes into view.
2 Lion’s Lament A lion lies in the sand, wounded in the side. He sees you
approaching and growls. He tries to roar, but the sound is
weak and mournful. The animal has been in the sun too
You walk toward the disturbed area of sand to long. His moans are raspy and dry. That wound looks bad,
take a closer look, and you find tracks from both but not fatal. Water and a healing kit may help. The lion
humans and animals. The human tracks are wears a collar with a leather tube attached, similar to the
strange. For some, the sand between the footprints has been tubes travelers use to carry journeywrits. What do you do?
smoothed. These lead in a straight line from the south, with If the PCs leave the lion alone, choose another action.
other footprints to their left and right. Not far from where
you stand, all the footprints become scattered and chaotic. If the PCs try to help the lion, continue with A .

Amid the sand piles, you also notice the end of a rope, tied A Test Command or Talk with Animals at -2 to get the
in a knot, sticking up from the ground. The rest of the rope lion to allow you to approach. FA 4 or better is required.
must be buried. Speak the Stand Firm verse to increase your FA by one for
this test.
From behind a nearby dune, you hear a gurgling moan.
▶ Success (Command). The lion lays his head in the
sand. His claws retract behind the fur of his paws.
Do you . . . ▶ Success (Talk with Animals). Wise choice. Gain 1 Wp
each. The lion breathes easier and lays its head in the
1. Examine the chaotic footprints more closely? sand. His claws retract, vanishing into the fur of his
paws. You sense bewilderment at your Kindness. Clearly,
2. Investigate the gurgling moan? this animal has been doing work that runs counter to
3. Pull on the rope? the Maker’s design for him.
▶ Failure. Your efforts cause the animal great fear. He
Note that there are two primary options for finds the strength to stand, lets out a menacing growl,
Action 3. Do not reveal this to the players right and hobbles away. You hope he will be all right, but you
now, but savvy PCs may find a way to pull the sense abuse has taught him to despise humans.
rope without standing too close.
B Give the lion water, then Test Heal at -2 using a
healing kit. A group test is allowed.
If the characters . . . Option A above must be completed first.
The lion allows you to pour some of your water ration into
1. Examine the chaotic footprints. its mouth. The water soaks into its dry tongue. His gray lips
Test Solve + Observe in a combined test. A group test regain some pink.
is allowed (see QRP 2, COMBINED TEST). ▶ Success (Heal). The lion breathes easier. The wound
▶ Success. Wise choice. Gain 1 Wp each. Amid the tracks, looks better already. You sense he wants to stand. Before
you find flecks of blood and chips of bone, perhaps he does, he lifts his great chin, exposing the tube at his
broken from bone blades. A violent struggle took place collar, as if trained to do so. Gently, you remove the
here. In this area of chaos, the strange tracks with collar, tube and all, and the lion stands and walks off
smooth sand between the footprints reveal more. Hand into the desert. Opening the tube you find a map of what
prints imply some of these people fell down. Others looks like a temple chamber, with an alter and pillars.
seemed to freeze in place, and the impressions between Strange symbols are shown by the walls. Write down the
the footprints have the distinct shape of chains. This KEYWORD Lion. See Symbol Map, MDB, p. 59.
looks like a prisoner march gone wrong. There is one
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
other strange thing to note. Some of the footprints are
feline. Large cats. One set leads with heavy steps toward Leather Tube Common 1 for 2 5 Cp
the dune from which you heard the gurgling moan. A map of a temple chamber with strange symbols
You’ve earned the KEYWORD Prisoners. Remember it.
▶ Failure. Too much chaos. Way too much sand. You can’t ▶ Failure. The lion lets out a whining yelp at your efforts.
figure out what happened. In his scramble to get away, he lashes out with sharp
claws. All participating in the healing effort suffer 3 .
The lion hobbles off into the desert.
(next page)

3. Pull on the rope. A If the PCs haven’t investigated the jagged rock as
If the PCs simply pull on the rope, use A . No test mentioned at the Start Point, go now to 1
is required. Ask how many help in pulling before Dragon’s Tooth, p. 2.
If the PCs tie their own rope to the knot and move a 10 to 15 minutes
short distance away before pulling (or some similar
technique) use B . B If the PCs have experienced both encounters,
A Foolish choice. Lose 1 Wp each. continue to 1A Western Dunes, below.
You tug on the rope and the long line pulls up out of the
sand, leading all the way back to the base of the jagged 15 to 25 minutes
rock. You hear a sharp click, and then . . .
All who pulled must roll one starlot. Read the following
to the lowest rolling PC (or PCs if multiple tied for the
lowest roll).
A trap door falls away under your feet. Your hands fly 1A Western
up and you drop into a pit, clearly a trap for the curious. Dunes †
Test Move to see if you can grab the edge before falling
further. ordinary ground
▶ Success. You grab the door and hang on with your legs
dangling. You’ve gained the KEYWORD Pit. This is a destiny scene that will complete the
▶ Failure. You fall into a deep pit. Suffer 5 . episode. It concludes with a short battle that
■ Go to C below. forces the PCs east or south. That choice will
determine their flow for the remainder of the quest, as
B Test Exert at -1. A group test is allowed. described on p. vi.
▶ Success. Wise choice. Gain 1 Wp each. You tug on the
rope with your extra technique and the long line pulls up You hear shrieking war cries in a high-pitched
out of the sand, leading all the way back to the base of and sharp tongue. Short warriors in red linen
the jagged rock. You hear a sharp click. Next to the place hoods and robes charge your way from the east.
you found the rope, the sand seems to fall away. Rushing Catching a glimpse of a face, you realize these are not men,
over, you see a pit has opened—a trap for the curious. but monsters—wicked and foul, like they crawled out of a
Good work avoiding it! You’ve gained the KEYWORD forgotten hole deep underground. Their eyes are black,
Pit. Perhaps this pit will come in useful. testing your courage, and yellow wisps of gas pour from
their nostrils.
▶ Failure. Well, that didn’t work. Perhaps you need the
leverage of pulling the rope directly. Goblins! These are desert goblins in human garb. Prepare
■ If the PCs want to pull the rope, go to A above. for battle. Don’t forget to temper your Keledan armor!

C Pull a fallen friend (or friends) out of the pit.

Ask how the PCs will accomplish this. Will they use a Open the MDB to Desert Goblin Battle,
rope they carry? Will they cut the rope they pulled and p. 40, or Desert Goblin Battle Pit, p. 39 if
goblin the PCs found the pit. Place your PC
use it to help the fallen? Once they make a plan, continue.
tokens on the torch symbols. Place 6 dark
Test Exert. A group test is allowed. battle
creature tokens on the creature symbols.
▶ Success. Well done. You pull your friend(s) out of the
If the PCs found the KEYWORD
pit. You’ve gained the KEYWORD Pit. Remember it.
Prisoners, they were ready for hostiles to
▶ Failure. You struggle and slip. The friend(s) in the pit return. They may make a round of movements without
suffer another 2 . any threat from ranged weapons. Otherwise, use normal
battle procedures.
Once the PCs have tried all desired If the PCs have the KEYWORD Pit, they can use it to
actions, choose an option below their advantage during the fight. A PC standing near the
open pit may lure a goblin to fall in by testing Command.
based on their experiences thus far. Luring the Alpha causes one additional goblin to fall in
Encourage the PCs to try the both encounters before with it. The creatures fall to their deaths.
moving on.

If the PCs knock (pray), asking the rescuer for
help deciding which way to go, ask which verse
they will use. The Clear Direction verse is their
SPD 4 • KI 6 • KNIFE 4 /CLAWS 2 most likely choice, but the Hope in Him verse may be
used if they can explain how it applies. Award normal
GOBLINS (2 TO 6) -3 Wp for reading or reciting plus 1 extra. If the knock is
SPD 3 • KI 5 • KNIFE 3/CROSSBOW 1 successful, they get the sense they should head south.
If the PCs do not knock, ask them the reason for their
chosen course. Give nothing away. This question is just
damage tracker meant to promote discussion and story-building.


and the end of Episode One.
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
2 3 4 5 6 Objective Awards
■ Find a hidden map. 2 Wp ea.
■ Choose a direction. 1 Wp ea.
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
After the Battle... When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
The study will also tell you which Adventure Journal
You vanquished the goblins for the glory of the pages they should look over next.
High One. You must now decide which way to
go. Will you go south or east to find Morellius or
35 to 45 minutes
the advantage you’ll need to defeat the giant. Drink now
from your flasks, at least one drink each.

The Lions of Sin


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Clear Direction Psalm 32:8 PA

I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with my eye on you, I will give counsel.
When you’re uncertain about a decision, especially if it’s important, the wisest plan is to look to God’s Word. Be
patient as you read the Bible and pray. Listen for the Lord’s counsel. He always knows what’s best for you, and
He’s eager to show you and lead you.

Look At The Heart Proverbs 27:19 KI

As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.

Your beliefs and motivations determine what kind of person you are. Everyone around you can see. Examine
your own heart and test it. Think of others the way God does, so that you reflect the kindness of Jesus.

Stand Firm 1 Corinthians 16:13 FA

Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.

You live in a world filled with people who oppose your faith. Many will criticize or mock you for believing the
Bible, but you must stand your ground. It won’t be easy, but remain faithful to God no matter what.

Hope In Him Psalm 130:5 PE

I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my hope in His Word.
There are times in your life that you will have to wait on God. As much as you pray and push, the patience and
peace God wants to produce in you is just as important as the action you are waiting for. In these times, you can
bolster your hope by studying His Word.

Secure Bond Ephesians 4:3 KI

. . . making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Among the most precious gifts to us are brothers and sisters in the faith—those who believe in Christ as you do.
They may be different than you in many ways, but don’t you compare or compete. Instead, show kindness, and
do your best to walk in peace together.


God doesn’t want to control you like an animal. He wants

you to have understanding so He can lead you closely.
MAIN IDEA: Learning to make good
decisions starts by listening to God.
Look At The Heart Prov. 27:19 KI
At the start of the episode, you were transported through The point of the verse is that a reflection on the surface of
a hollow tree and dropped into unfamiliar territory in the water directly corresponds to the original object. In the
Desert of Sin (pronounced SEEN). Sure, you were given same way, there is a direct correlation between a person’s
orders for the mission to find Morellius and warned not heart (their inner self, thoughts, and character) and
to confront the giant until you found an advantage. But, who they are in public, even if they try to put on a show.
other than that, you had no clue which way to go or what Having integrity means being a person of good character
challenges you would face. in both private and public. People of integrity don’t need
to put on a show. Because they think about good things,
What your characters experienced is much like real
it ends up showing on the outside in the decisions they
life. In so many moments, you won’t know what comes
make. Their heart is right.
next or where to go. No map. No step-by-step guide.
No YouTube video. Instead, you have to rely on good
decision making and prayer to lead you forward. You Stand Firm 1 Cor. 16:13 FA
have to listen to what you know to be true in God’s Word
and what the voice of the Spirit is leading you to do. And The apostle Paul gives very direct instructions to the
those things never contradict. Corinthian church at the close of his first letter. In this
Along the way, there will be other voices trying to verse alone he gives four important directives. When
influence you, including your own. You’ll be tempted to he says, ‘be alert’, he is talking about being awake (and
take matters into your own hands, rather than waiting staying awake) and being watchful concerning spiritual
a little while longer for direction. Sometimes you won’t things. This same phrase is used in other Bible passages
even like the counsel of Christian friends, your parents, in regards to staying awake while praying, watching for
or your spiritual leaders, and you’ll find yourself arguing the coming of the Lord, or keeping a sharp eye out for the
with them. Likely, you’ve experienced this already. devil who roams around seeking anyone he can devour.

Let’s explore the verses prepared for this episode in the What we get from the context is that Paul is concerned
Know section below to see what they say and how they about those things that can push us away from Christ
relate to good decision making. and cause us to falter in our faith. Standing firm requires
you to plant yourself on the Rock and remain standing.
Don’t let anyone or anything knock down your faith.
KNOW—MIND: What can I know The last two instructions, ‘be courageous, be strong’
about these verses? are also what the Lord commanded Joshua, the leader
of Israel after Moses. Joshua 1:6 says to “be strong and
courageous…” Paul was instructing the Corinthians to
Let’s have a volunteer read the first verse from the Giant
act courageously and become strong spiritually. Some
Problem Jagged Rock Adventure Journal pages. Right
translations even say “be men.” This is because physical
now, we’re just trying to extract truth in context.
strength is often associated with manliness. Why
shouldn’t spiritual strength be regarded as manly too?
Clear Direction Psalm 32:8 PA
The Lord has his ‘eye’ on you. This means He gives you
Hope In Him Psalm 130:5 PE
customized advice for your life, based on His knowledge
of you. God has a perfect plan for you, but He expects This verse deals with the subject of waiting on the Lord.
you to decide what you will do based on what He shows There is a sense of expectancy coming from the writer,
you. For this to work, you must be humble and teachable. who started the psalm in despair. “Out of the depths,
I call to you, Lord!” But, just four verses later he is
The next verse in Psalm 32 says, “Do not be like a horse speaking about “hope.”
or mule, without understanding, that must be controlled
with bit and bridle or else it will not come near you.” (next page)


In the last two verses, the psalmist encourages the One of the best ways to examine your own heart, is to
entire nation of Israel by talking about the abundant pay attention to the way you affect others around you. A
redemption of the Lord. tree cannot taste its own fruit to know whether it is good
or not. Neither can you taste the fruit of your own heart.
The word ‘wait’ here means to endure, to stretch beyond
Only other people can do that. But, you can examine
your normal level of peace (calm) and patience, because
your fruit. Therefore, look at the impression you make on
you know your Redeemer will come. He promised in His
others. It is a reflection of what’s inside of you.
Word and that’s where you put your hope. Blessed are the
flexible, for they shall not be broken! Based on your reflection, what is your fruit like?
Describe a teachable person. How teachable are you?
Secure Bond Ephesians 4:3 KI
By the time we get to this verse, the apostle Paul has GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What
already described in chapters 1-3 the unity that exists do I do about what I’ve learned today?
among people who have accepted the truth and believed
in Christ. This is not a unity that humans can organize or
create on their own. It is a gift from God made possible Through these verses, we can see clearly that God desires
by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Our job, the verse to lead us in the way we should go. We also see that we
explains, is to keep it. This requires an eagerness and have a very special bond with our fellow Christians. But,
zealous effort to guard the unity of the Spirit from the our faith and unity are threatened from within and from
forces that threaten to take it away from all sides. The way without. If we are not patient or willing to calmly wait on
to do this, Paul says, is through the bond of peace. God, if we’re not alert or eager to guard our faith, and if
we are not willing to examine ourselves to make changes,
A parallel passage exists in Colossians 3:14, which says, then our faith is vulnerable. It is time to strengthen,
“Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of stand, and keep our faith courageously.
unity.” When Christians love each other, are loyal to the
truth, and move in obedience to the Holy Spirit, they What will you change going forward because of these
bind themselves together in peace. verses?
When will you make those changes?
GROW—HEART: How can my Who will you tell about your commitment to change?
relationship with Christ grow through PRAYER
these verses?
Take a moment to pray for your players. Thank the Spirit
for the unity you have in the cross of Christ. Ask the Lord
Now, think about the way you make decisions in your to teach them how to patiently wait on Him for direction.
life. What part does God play? When and how does God Finally, ask for strength and courage to zealously guard
speak to you the most? their faith and stand firm.
What have others said about you as a person? Not your
enemies, but fellow Christians or your family.

Next time . . .
If the PCs chose to head east from the Jagged Rock, your next episode is 2A Fire Pass: Western Pass on the next
page. They should study the “Giant Problem: Western Pass” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs chose to head south from the Jagged Rock, your next episode is 5 Great Pit of Spores on p. 77. They
should study the “Giant Problem: The Pit of Spores” pages in their Adventure Journals.

Do you . . .
1. Survive without becoming wounded (½VT)
2. Find a useful item. 1. Climb the natural staircase?
3. Refill your water flasks. 2. Descend the left side of the canyon?

Start Point EASTWARD

SP The Western
1. Climb the natural staircase.
Go to Onward A (Eastward).
ordinary ground
2. Descend the left side of the canyon.
Depending on their chosen direction at the end Go to Onward B (Eastward).
of Episode One, your party may have arrived
here traveling EASTWARD from the Jagged
Rock or WESTWARD from the Eastern Pass. Use the Westward—The Story So Far...
following rules to guide your PCs through this episode.
You never expected bandits in the pass, but the
• If the party arrived traveling east from the Jagged
Rescuer helped you deal with the situation and
Rock, read the EASTWARD sections, starting with
the Aladoth in ways that showed his grace and
compassion. The guardians at the academy would be proud
• If the party is traveling west through the pass, read the of how you represented the Keledan and the Rescuer’s light.
WESTWARD sections, starting with WESTWARD— Of course, that business with the pyrcat under the
THE STORY SO FAR . . . in the next column. bridge . . . now that, you expected.
When you reach a destiny scene, grant the appropriate Go to Onward C (Westward).
awards based on the objectives the PCs completed.
Remind players that PCs with KEYWORD Sting must Use one of the following based on
carry 3 that cannot be removed until they find
the cure. the PCs’ choice.

Eastward—The Story So Far... A Turn to 1 The Natural Stairs, next page.

After surviving the battle with the desert goblins, B Go to 3 The Northern Trail, p. 13.
you decided to travel eastward into a long
canyon toward a settlement. You reach the ledge C Go to 5 The Rock Wall, p. 15.
and look down, and you immediately doubt your decision.
You can’t see an easy route down. On your left, there’s a
sloping, sandy trail filled with chiseled boulders you could 3 minutes
easily crack your head on if you were to slip and fall. Then,
there’s a sheer drop that looks impossible to climb down.
The other option is a natural staircase to your right that
disappears about a half tick down into a tunnel of rocks.
Who knows where that leads exactly, but the steam that’s
rising into the air from below the stairs indicates
somewhere very hot.
Speaking of hot, the sun is already climbing, and it feels like
you’re standing next to a camp fire.
Better decide what to do.

For instance, you stop to help a suffering companion only
to take a blast of steam in your face. Ouch!
1 The Natural Stairs When your team has accumulated 6 successes, you have
completed the trial.

Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’

PA 6 • Encourage • 6 • 3
direction of travel through the pass.

After the Trial...

If the party is traveling EASTWARD.
You reach the natural stairs and begin climbing downward,
taking care with every step. Loose rocks and stones fill Go to Onward.
the spaces between boulders, making it hard to keep your
footing. You might easily wedge a foot in a crack and twist
an ankle. You press your hands against the boulders for Use one of the following based on
support and quickly pull away. The boulders are hot, and the PCs’ direction of travel.
their ridges are sharp enough to slice through flesh.
If the party is traveling EASTWARD . . .
Spires line the canyon rim high above, giving you the sense
you’re walking into a dragon’s jaws. Will fire come belching Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement to get you
from its rocky throat to roast you? through hard challenges. You are finally out of the steam
vents. As you pause to catch your breath, you thank the
Soon, periodic blasts of steam begin rising from cracks to
Rescuer for each other.
hit you. To avoid terrible scalds, you must shield your faces
with your cloaks and arms. How can you travel when you Ask the players to role-play this scene of thankfulness
must hide your eyes every few steps? for each other. They may also perform Restore actions.
When they’re ready, continue.
Continue with the Steam Vent Trial below.
Once you’ve found your wind, you continue down the
If the party is traveling WESTWARD. staircase. The lower you descend, the more you can see licks
The chamber releases you up and out into the light. It has of flame in the fissures of rock. So, this is why it’s called
been a grueling climb in the dark and you’re grateful you’ve Fire Pass. Drops of sweat fall from your chins, sizzling and
made it this far. The canyon rim and its many spires are vaporize the moment they hit the ground.
perhaps a half tick away. Will you finally escape Fire Pass? Go to 2 The Whispering Walls, next page.
When—if—you make it home to Ras Telesar, your party is
considering making a special petition to the guardians. No 10 to 15 minutes
more desert quests. Ever.
If the party is traveling WESTWARD . . .
This moment of relief ends quickly as pillars of steam
explode skyward from giant vents on either side of the You arrive at the top of the stairs to stand on the rim of
stairs, bathing you in heat and sweat. This last stretch of the canyon. As you look back at the pass and beyond to
canyon doesn’t look promising. the fireclock smoke rising from Setis, far in the distance,
you’re grateful that you’ve made it this far. Night is coming,
Continue with the Steam Vent Trial below.
but you have everything you need to confront the giant
problem at Tahnkahn.
This trial requires you to encourage This is a WESTWARD Destiny Scene †.
ven your companions. The encouragements
stea will give you the strength to make it
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
through the steam quickly. Don’t take Objective Awards
a l
t ri too long on this stairway, lest the steam ■ Survive without becoming wounded. 2 Wp each.
melt the very skin from your bones.
■ Find a useful item. 1 Wp each.
With each roll, you should role-play your encouragements ■ Refill your flask. 1 Wp each.
to one another. For each failure, suffer 3 . If your PA is
less than 6 and you fail, you lose your cool (get it? because The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
the steam is hot!), and you’ll need counsel before moving When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, p. 16.
on. Have fun describing your successes and failures.
30 to 45 minutes

2 Whispering Walls
Choose a representative to roll one starlot each
round. Each number results in a different
Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’ discovery. Disregard duplicate rolls and roll
direction of travel through the pass. again, EXCEPT FOR 1 or 2. Once you find the exit from
the tunnel, you may take it at any time, but you may keep
If the party is traveling EASTWARD. exploring if you wish.
The stairs take you into a tunnel. A hot darkness closes Read one of the following each round, based on
in, until you’ve left the light far behind. And still the the number rolled by the PCs’ representative.
tunnel goes on, down, down into the dark, for what seems
like leagues. The scent of smoke fills your nostrils. Dust 1. Sand Blast. A sudden blast of hot sand rushes over your
assaults your eyes. One moment, an unsteady breeze brings group. Each of you Test Move to dodge the blast. If you
whispers from the rocks. In the next, it becomes a gust that have a cloak, use -1.
sets booming echoes against you. Both the whispers and the ▶ Success. Quick feet! You avoid injury.
echoes speak the same warning—”Leave or die.”
▶ Failure. Too slow! Suffer 2 .
Fear grips your heart, and you cover your ears to shut out
the voices. You breath deep, desperate for air, but wretch on 2. Fire Beetles. A chorus of clicking approaches fast. Each
burning smoke. You must find a way out of this tunnel and of you must roll a starlot.
off the staircase, but all you can do is grope around in the Read the following to the two PCs with the lowest result.
dark for a side passage or an opening. What will you do? Insects swarm your party, latching onto your clothes.
All candles, lanterns, or torches blow out. One bites through. It stings! Suffer 3 . Carry at least
3 until you find the special cure for the sting or until
Continue to the Actions below. you return to the academy.
If the party is traveling WESTWARD. If your SC is less than 6, mark it as infected by the
poison. You’ll need counseling before you can contribute
You decide to take the natural stairs up and realize this is to any trials or battles.
your first upward climb since entering the canyon. For the
Write down the KEYWORD Sting as a reminder.
first few steps, everything is fine, but after two dozen, you
begin to feel the burning in your legs and lungs. 3. Gnats. A swarm of gnats follows your group. PCs with
PA 4 or less must increase all s by 1 until you exit the
A wall of smoke and sand blows in on a hot wind and
tunnel. If you roll another 3, disregard it and roll again.
envelopes you from behind. You choke and wretch, covering
your faces to keep from breathing in any more of the 4. Abandoned Hideout. You draw back a moth-eaten
burning cloud. All sight is gone. Stretching out your hands, curtain to reveal an old hideout. The bandits left little
you find a tunnel, and take it—anything to get out of this behind, except four cloaks and four sets of trekking poles.
cloud. But the sand and smoke seem to follow you in. They appear to be of superior quality, but damaged.
Test Craft with a toolkit to repair and take one item if
Continue to the Actions below.
desired. If you roll another 4, disregard it and roll again.
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
Traveling Cloak Superior 1 1 Hf

Test Solve at +4 in a group test. Recite and explain the Set of Trek Poles Superior 1 1Hf
Sound Judgment verse to lower the by 2.
With these poles, use Move -1 outside of battle.
▶ Success. Gain 1 Wp each. Together, you can do this.
By describing what you feel and see, you gain a sense of
your surroundings. Explore to find a way out.
■ Go to 2A The Tunnel, next column.
▶ Failure. The smoke and dust stings your eyes and throat.
Suffer 5 and try again. Keep trying until you succeed.
■ Go to 2A The Tunnel, next column.
(next page)

5. A Tight Squeeze. You find a depression in the tunnel they’ve collected a pile of rocks. These animals screech at
wall. But, as you explore deeper, you realize it leads to a your intrusion and cast their rocks at you.
narrow side tunnel. Do you enter this side tunnel?
Test Fight and Command in a combined test to stop
If the PCs refuse to enter the side tunnel, move on. the creatures (see QRP 2, COMBINED TEST).
Otherwise, continue below.
▶ Success. While blocking and dodging the rocks, you
You press yourselves into the tight space, feeling the rocks command the marmosets to settle. The creatures
close about you. They’re rough and sharp. Suffer 2 bow and hop down from their shelf, making room
each. The side tunnel only loops back to the main tunnel. for you to approach. They quietly go about gathering
On the way, find a pouch secured to a frayed rope up the rocks they threw, hugging and petting each
belt. Perhaps a traveler lost this. Inside you find three one. On the shelf, you also find small fruit similar to
halfins, a double claw, and a small parchment. That’s a nectarines, which the primates likely confused with
goodly amount. You don’t recognize the language on the their precious rocks. You remember learning about
parchment. It must be a local tongue or code. sun fruit in your academy studies. It is a healthy part
of the Maker’s creation, still growing in this region
EASTWARD. Embroidered yellow thread reads “Saral.”
despite the dragons’ decay. There are enough sun fruit
WESTWARD. Embroidered yellow thread reads “Zort.” for each of you to take one.
What do you do? ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
If the PCs leave the pouch behind, move on. Sun Fruit Superior 1 3 Cp
If they divide the coins among them, read A . Eating one sun fruit removes 3 .
If they decide to find the owner, read B .
▶ Failure. Ouch! Suffer 2 each. These pesky primates
A The weight of the coins becomes too heavy. You have deadly aim. Fall back into the tunnel!
must leave them behind. You’ve made a foolish choice. 8. Water Well. A quiet splashing joins the echoes and
Lose 1 Wp each. Your Self-control is infected. One of you whispers of the wind and dust. You feel a spray of
should offer counsel for the group. moisture. A spring well! Water pours over the stone rim.
B Gain 1 Wp each. Write down the name This is an unexpected sight. The water is crystal clear,
embroidered on the pouch as a KEYWORD. cool to the touch, and has no odor. Do you drink?
A PC who drinks from the well, may remove 3
6. Sand and Glass. Ask the players to each roll a starlot. (only 1 drink allowed). PCs may also refill their
Address the following to the one who rolls the lowest. water flasks. The next two drinks from the flask
You bang your shin on a chest. Suffer 1 . The hinges remove 2 each.
are rusty from years of no use. The lock is broken. 9 or 10. Escape! You find a narrow opening in the tunnel
Opening the chest, you find it is full of sand. Do you dig wall. Squeezing through brings you to a broad chamber.
in the sand? The wind, dust, and smoke are gone. A carving in the wall
If the PC digs, read below. Otherwise, move on. shows a flaming hand forming a globe. That is the art
of the Aropha. Scratches, burns, and scars mar the rock
Test Observe. Only one test allowed.
around the carving, but the art itself is untouched. There is
▶ Success. Within the sand you find a strap of fabric set peace here. Yes. You’re sure of it. This small place feels like a
with two glass circles. You sense this strange item is sanctuary. When you shift your gaze from the carving, you
long forgotten. Take it with you if you like. see an archway. You’ve found the way out.

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value

Glass circles set in a
Use one of the following based on
Common 1 5 Cp the PCs’ direction of travel.
fabric strap
You tie the strap around your head and find you can
see through the glass circles. The smoke and dust stops EASTWARD. Go to 5 The Rock Wall, p. 15
burning your eyes. Use -1 for all tests in the tunnel.
▶ Failure. It seems there’s nothing here. 20 to 30 minutes
7. Mad Marmosets. You find a chamber that shelters you
from the dust and sand. There is no exit here, but there WESTWARD. Go to 1 The Natural Stairs, p. 10.
is a pair of pygmy marmosets, little denizens of the
desert. They seem to be guarding a natural shelf where 25 to 35 minutes

The Northern Trail
GO 6 • Move -2 • • 3

After the Trial...

Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’
Address the following to the PC who failed
direction of travel through the pass.
the most rolls in the trial. If no one failed, or
If the party is traveling EASTWARD. to break a tie, have the PCs roll one starlot
and address the one with the lowest roll.
With hopeful hearts, you navigate your way along the
northern ridge to seek a safe path downward. You’ve been A huge rock comes bouncing your way.
hunting for a tick or more. Everything is going well, but Test Move, or you may quickly temper your shield by
then, far behind you, on the top of the rim where you came reciting the Shield of Faith verse.
from, you spot a band of desert warriors on horseback,
▶ Success (Test). Such reflexes! You roll on the slide to
carrying spears.
dodge the boulder.
One warrior aims an arrow on a longbow in your
▶ Success (Verse). Gain 2 Wp for reciting. Your shield
direction, while another shouts angry words you can’t
flashes to life on your arm and the sandstone boulder
understand. The bowman lets the arrow fly. It catches fire
breaks over it into pebbles and dust.
in flight.
▶ Failure. The boulder glances off you. That hurts! But
Ask the players to each roll a starlot. Address the
Praise the Maker that it’s sandstone and not granite.
following to the one who rolls the lowest.
Suffer 4 .
Test Move to dodge the arrow, or you may quickly
temper your shield by reciting the Shield of Faith verse.
▶ Success (Test). What agility! You duck and roll to Use one of the following based on
dodge the flaming arrow. the PCs’ direction of travel.
▶ Success (Verse). Gain 2 Wp for reciting. Your shield
flashes to life on your arm and disintegrates the arrow. EASTWARD. Go to Hunted By Birds, next page.
▶ Failure. Oh no! Suffer 5 .
A huge rock flies toward your party. On the far rim you see 10 to 15 minutes
a catapult cart with a snake emblem. Are you caught in a
battle? You have no time to run. The rock hits the canyon WESTWARD. This is a WESTWARD Destiny Scene †.
wall below you. You caught only glimpses of those shooting arrows at you.
If the party is traveling WESTWARD. They were Aladoth, not dark creatures. Were they bandits, or
have you stumbled into a war? Either way, all you can do is
You round one more corner and now see your way out
follow the Rescuer’s will and shine his light in this dark place.
of the pass. The trail ahead leads upwards through sharp
rocks and boulders. The giant spires on the rim remind you Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
of the jaws of a dragon and you shudder. Is this pass alive? Objective Awards
Will it let you leave? As if in answer, the ground shakes.
■ Survive without becoming wounded. 2 Wp each.
Continue below.
■ Find a useful item. 1 Wp each.
■ Refill your flask. 1 Wp each.
A loud crack echoes through the The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
d sli canyon. An entire section of rock wall When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, p. 16.
breaks away and topples into the gorge.
Pebbles and stones quiver and bounce. 30 to 45 minutes
t ri In the next instant, you’re sliding on
your backs. Arrows fly at you. Local
Aladoth are shooting at you. Why?
This endurance trial tests Move to see if you can ride out
the slide and dodge arrows. In an endurance trial, you
don’t count successes. Simply roll for the listed number of
rounds (in this case, 5). Save all counseling to the end.

2. Test Command in a group test to scare the birds.

Hunted By Birds
A Birds Attack (AM rolled 1 to 4)
4 ▶ Success. Your voices are a shield! The birds back off.
▶ Failure. Terrible screeches overcome your shouting.
The desert has gone quiet. You may use any The birds claw at you. Suffer 3 each.
Restore actions you need, and you must pause to B Birds Search (AM rolled 5 to 7)
drink water. Use at least one drink.
▶ Success. The canyon walls reflect your voices,
Once the PCs are ready, continue. doubling their power to scare the birds. Frightened,
The sand grows thick and deep. You slog through this the birds back off. Reduce your next by 1.
twisting canyon under the boiling sun. Even in the shade ▶ Failure. Your shouting slows you down and draws
of the high walls, the heat is oppressive. Distant screeches the birds in. Add 1 to your next .
reach your ears. Looking up and back, you see enormous
carrion birds on the wing. Are they stalking you—waiting
C Birds Soar (AM rolled 8 to 10)
for you to fall over and expire? You’d better hurry, lest they ▶ Success. Your voices rise to reach the birds, forcing
grow impatient and try to speed your demise. them higher in fright. The respite lets you gain
ground. Reduce your rounds remaining by 1 extra.
You must travel ten rounds through the canyon to escape.
Each round, choose Move to run, Command to scare the ▶ Failure (Birds Soar). Are you commanding them
birds, or Sneak to hide. Success may reduce your rounds or calling them? The birds dive at you.
remaining, so be sure to keep track. All tests are -1. ■ Use Birds Attack next round (no AM roll).

Before each round, you (the AM) must roll a 3. Test Sneak in a group test to hide from the birds.
starlot to decide whether the birds are A Birds Attack (AM rolled 1 to 4)
attacking, searching, or soaring (use the list ▶ Success. The shadows of the canyon hide you.
below). Let the PCs chose their action and roll. Then read Confused, the birds fly high.
the appropriate test result from the action the PCs chose.
Sometimes, the result will tell you what the birds do next. ■ Use Birds Search next round (no AM roll).

• 1 to 4. A Birds Attack ▶ Failure. The birds’ sharp eyes make you easy prey
for their sharp beaks. Suffer 3 each.
• 5 to 7. B Birds Search
B Birds Search (AM rolled 5 to 7)
• 8 to 10. C Birds Soar.
▶ Success. They’ve lost you! But for how long?
■ Use Birds Soar next round (no AM roll).
Escape The Birds
▶ Failure. Spotted! Add 2 to your next .
1. Test Move in a group test to run from the birds. C Birds Soar (AM rolled 8 to 10)
A Birds Attack (AM rolled 1 to 4) ▶ Success (Birds Soar). They’re flying high, giving
you time to pick your hiding place. You duck into
▶ Success. You dodge birds. Great work!
a crevice only to find it cuts through the canyon.
▶ Failure. A flurry of talons and beaks overwhelms Reduce your rounds remaining by 2 extra.
you! Suffer 2 each.
▶ Failure (Birds Soar). You can’t find a hiding place!
B Birds Search (AM rolled 5 to 7) Add 2 to your next .
▶ Success. Quick feet! The birds fall behind. Subtract
1 extra round from your rounds remaining. Use one of the following based on
▶ Failure. Too slow! The birds are closing in. Add 1 the PCs’ direction of travel.
to your next .
EASTWARD. Go to 5 The Rock Wall, next page.
C Birds Soar (AM rolled 8 to 10)
▶ Success. The birds are climbing higher, and you
take full advantage, increasing your pace. Reduce 20 to 35 minutes
your rounds remaining by 2 extra. WESTWARD. Go to 3 The Northern Trail, p. 13.
▶ Failure. You stumble in the thick sand. The birds
attack! 10 to 15 minutes
■ Use Birds Attack next round (no AM roll).

5 The Rock Wall n
Use Exert plus Solve combined to find
b dow your way down the rocks (see QRP 2
COMBINED TEST). caused by a
failure depends on how high you are,
Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’ t ri meaning how much steep slope lies
direction of travel through the pass. below you. The more successes you gain,
the lower you get. And the higher you
If the party is traveling EASTWARD. are, the worse the fall.
You never want to see another bird in your life. You pull So, equals six minus the number of successes your party
yourselves together and continue on in the evening desert has achieved.
heat. Take a drink of water. You round a canyon corner
to find a steep hill of rocks. To keep moving forward, you
SC 6 • Exert + Solve • 6 • =6-
must climb it. You can see no other way. You see a well of
water at the base. It looks man-made, but out of use. The
water is not crystal clear, but it looks clean enough. You
may fill your flasks.
After the Trial...
You reach the bottom of the rocks and take a
Continue to the Climb Up Trial below. breather. Take a moment to perform Restore
actions if you wish. There’s a well of water here.
If the party is traveling WESTWARD. It looks man-made, but out of use. The water is not crystal
It is mid-morning, and the sun is already burning down. clear, but it looks clean enough. Do you fill your flasks?
You’ve come to a steep rocky hill that looks impossible to When you’re feeling ready, you head west along the canyon
climb down. But, you’ve got no other options. Looking at floor. It’s not the best of paths—rocky, with patches of deep
all the boulders, you wonder how you’ll tackle the climb sand. Up ahead, the path forks. To your right, smoother
down without falling and killing yourselves. sand hugs the northern wall of the canyon. To your left
Continue to the Climb Down Trial, next column. is a natural rock staircase leading up to caves with steam
pouring from their openings. Which path will you take?
If the PCs take the right fork, go to Onward B , below.
Use Exert plus Solve combined to find
bu your way up the rocks (see QRP 2 If the PCs take the left fork, go to Onward C , below.
clim COMBINED TEST). caused by a
failure depends on how high you’ve
t ri climbed, The higher you are, the worse
the fall. Use one of the following based on
So, equals the number of successes your party has
the PCs’ direction of travel.
achieved minus one.
A This is the EASTWARD Destiny Scene †.
SC 6 • Exert + Solve • 6 • = -1 Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
Objective Awards
After the Trial... ■ Survive without becoming wounded. 2 Wp each.
You reach the summit and look beyond to what ■ Find a useful item. 1 Wp each.
lies ahead. You wonder what this day would have ■ Refill your flask. 1 Wp each.
been like if you’d taken a different path. It doesn’t
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
matter. You’re following the Rescuer’s will, and that means
When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
you’re right where he wants you. Continue to seek his
guidance for the next half of the journey through Fire Pass.
For now, you’ll need rest. You make camp for the night.
30 to 40 minutes
This is ordinary ground, so you remove 2 per watch, B Go to 4 Hunted By Birds, p. 14.
but you only get three watches of rest. Remove 6 each.
Go to Onward, next column, and use A . C Go to 2 Whispering Walls, p. 11.

10 to 15 minutes


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Hopeful Patience Romans 12:12 PA

Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; be persistent in prayer.

There are many people in this world that live without hope, but not you. Rejoice in the confident hope you have
in Christ. Even though you face many trials, never give up on prayer. Don’t lose your cool when the going gets
tough. Be patient and persistent!

Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.

When others harm us, retaliation and revenge are not the answer. Vengeance belongs to God, according to His
righteous anger. Instead, God expects us to treat our enemies better than they deserve by being good to them.

Sound Judgment 2 Timothy 1:7 SC

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.
When we’re afraid or under stress, the confidence of the Lord can help us to make good decisions under the
Spirit’s control. There is no reason to fear what God calls us to do because He always equips us to do it. This
reminder might help an injured friend find a sure footing and keep going.

Kingdom Strength 1 Corinthians 4:20 GO

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

Members of God’s kingdom must have more than a good message and the ability to talk. They must be living
witnesses of God’s power. Voices of opposition are no match for the light of His Kingdom. A friend suffering
injury at the hands of Aladoth might be tempted to lash out, hurting your witness. This verse might help.

Right On Psalm 119:160 SC

The entirety of Your Word is truth, each of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
There is nothing more authoritative and true than God’s Word—all of it, from Genesis to Revelation. It will last
throughout eternity. When we know that His Word is true, we can make it our foundation and sure footing. This
reminder might help an injured friend to trust the Maker’s truth and keep going despite treacherous terrain.


though that would be nice. Instead, it is a statement of

truth. If we respond to evil with goodness, then it stops
MAIN IDEA: Make good decisions.
evil in its tracks so that it cannot spread any further,
starting with us.
Discerning the will of God is the beginning of making
good decisions.
Sound Judgment 2 Timothy 1:7 SC
Even in our teens, we’re faced with important choices
that affect the rest of your life. What we choose today The Greek word for ‘fear’ in this verse has also been
shapes our destiny. If you truly want to live in the will of translated as ‘timidity’ or ‘cowardice.’ In the verse prior,
God, then you must listen to the Holy Spirit and look to Paul reminds the young pastor Timothy to “rekindle the
the Word to help you make your daily decisions. Don’t gift of God” that is inside of him. He wants Timothy to
listen to a world that urges you to follow your human get back the spark. This message is just as relevant in our
desires, no matter how loud that world shouts. day as it was back then. Many Christians (even pastors)
Remember, God sees the whole picture and He has need some stirring. We need power and boldness
promised to counsel you with His eye on you (Psalm to stand firm in the truth, while at the same time
32:8). demonstrate the love of Christ and the ability to bring
others into a sound mind.

KNOW—MIND: What can I know Kingdom Strength 1 Cor. 4:20 GO

about these verses?
This verse comes as part of Paul’s address to some of
Let’s look at these verses in context so that we can gain the Corinthians who were arrogant and had a puffed
more understanding. up spirit. He saw them as good talkers, but as a spiritual
father, he wanted to let them know that he was coming
to check on them and investigate them. He wouldn’t be
Hopeful Patience Romans 12:12 PA looking at their talk, but their power in the Spirit. Did
they just have a love for the power of discourse, like
When Paul says, “Rejoice in hope,” he is saying to be
many Grecians in their day? Or, did they have a love for
glad and delighted for the things that you confidently
godliness, as evidenced by their light and goodness?
expect concerning the promises of Christ. What are you
confidently expecting heaven to be like? The Greek word translated ‘goodness’ in Galatians 5:22
is agathōsynē. It means “uprightness of heart and life” or
We could arrange the verse in its original order like this:
“moral excellence.” It is associated with kindness toward
“In hope, rejoicing; in affliction, patience; in prayer,
others. We can be sure that the kind of power Paul was
persistence.” One feeds into the other. If our state of mind
looking for was the power of goodness and its affect on
is truly to rejoice in the hope of glory, then it will make
others. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus said that when others see
it all the easier to be patient in affliction. And because of
the good works of His followers, they will give glory to
persistent prayers, it is easier to rejoice in hope.
the Father in heaven. That’s real kingdom power.

Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

Right On Psalm 119:160 SC
In this passage, Paul speaks about the way we should
Psalm 119 consists of 22 strophes based on the letters of
treat our enemies. In verses 19-20, he tells us not to
the Hebrew alphabet. There are 8 lines in each strophe,
avenge ourselves but to “leave room for God’s wrath,”
and this verse is the last line for the letter Resh. Each
which is not evil, but based on His righteous judgment.
line starts with the same letter. The poem is written as
If we do evil things because of evil, then we are the ones
an alphabetic acrostic to celebrate the Lord’s torah—His
who are conquered. But, if we do good to those who are
instruction and teaching. The writer is clearly honoring
evil toward us, then we are the conquerors.
the perfection and completeness of the Lord’s instruction.
This is not a promise that our enemies will miraculously
(next page)
change their ways because we treat them nicely, even


In this strophe of the Psalm, the writer is calling on the

Lord to be his rescuer. He calls for help by pointing out
how he remembers the Lord’s instruction and has not
turned from it, yet the wicked do not do the same. The do I do about what I’ve learned today?
Psalmist isn’t bragging. He’s pleading and reminding God
how much he loves His precepts and asking to be given If you take what we’ve studied and apply it to the way you
compassion and life. live, you’ll become a great decision maker, making
decisions with the right motive. The next time you are
faced with a choice of significance, remember these
GROW—HEART: How can my verses and ask the Spirit to lead you.
relationship with Christ grow through Your love for God’s Word and for people makes a huge
these verses? difference in the way you think, but more importantly
it determines your impact on the lives of others. Not
Now is the time to ask yourself some important everyone will change because you do good. They might
questions. These sacred verses speak about the heart and even persecute you. But, doing good gives you the
what drives your thinking and decision making. greatest chance to turn their hearts toward God.

What verses in the Bible give you hope? PRAYER

What do you need to persist in prayer about? Pray with your players. Consider their comments and
the answers they gave to the questions posed. Have the
What are you afraid of as a Christian?
mindset of a coach toward them when you pray, with no
What can you do to be more kind and good to others? other agenda other than to be there for them and to help
them become all God has called them to be.
How will you grow your love for the Lord’s instructions?
Next time . . .
If the PCs are on the EASTWARD path, your next episode is 2B Fire Pass: Eastern Pass on the next page. They
should study the “Giant Problem: The Eastern Pass” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs are on the WESTWARD path, your next episode is 6A The Temple: Outer Chambers on p. 87. They
should study the “Giant Problem: Outer Chambers” pages in their Adventure Journals.


EPISODE OBJECTIVES Westward—The Story So Far...
1. Survive without becoming wounded (½VT) The baron offered you anything you want from
2. Save a local from certain death. the Guilds. Which item did you choose? A glass
sword? Leather armor? Perhaps a weapon the
3. Refill your water flasks. blacksmith would not sell to you?

Start Point If the PCs choose anything other than the spear called
the Flame, grant them the item (refer to The Guilds
p.46) and skip to the paragraph below the item box. If
SP The Eastern they choose the spear, continue below.
Pass The blacksmith was reluctant to part with the spear, but
ordinary ground the baron’s gold was persuasive. When you first took hold
of it, the shadow filling the black tip gave way to brilliant
translucent purple. It is like a great starlot, even now.
Depending on their chosen direction at the end When the blacksmith saw this, he called you the prophesied
of Episode One, your party may have arrived warriors. You shared the Great Rescue with him, and he
here traveling EASTWARD from the Western immediately believed.
Pass or WESTWARD from Setis. Use the following rules
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
to guide your PCs through this episode.
The Flame Mastercraft 1 Priceless
• If the party arrived traveling east through the
pass, read the EASTWARD sections, starting with +2 plus quality bonus. Will likely stop a giant.
• If the party is traveling west from Setis, read the You spent the night in the baron’s tower in safety, but you
WESTWARD sections, starting with WESTWARD— commit yourselves to rising early to head for the temple. It’s
THE STORY SO FAR . . . next column. time to take on the giant. Remove 3 per watch for three
watches of rest. You rise in the fourth watch to get ahead of
When you reach a destiny scene, grant the appropriate the sun.
awards based on the objectives the PCs completed.
After a short search of the rim, you find a natural bridge
Remind players that PCs who suffered a fire beetle sting that arcs down into the canyon over a stone forest that
must carry 3 that cannot be removed until they find burns with blue flame. Talania’s bright moons provide
the cure. enough light to see the full canyon—Fire Pass, as the baron
called it—is expansive and deep. Tall, twisting rocks in the
Eastward—The Story So Far... stone forest glow like embers far below the bridge. Better
not be scared of heights.
After traveling half the canyon, you ascended a
steep rock slope. Rising before the sun, you look Go to Onward below.
out at what lies ahead. The trail narrows between
the canyon walls. There’s no way to find out where it leads Use one of the following based on
except to press on into the gap. The path is winding, and
tight. You must march in twos, and most of the time, you the PCs’ direction of travel.
can’t see more than ten paces ahead.
EASTWARD. Go to 1 The Narrow Way, next page.
Go to Onward, next column.
3 minutes

WESTWARD. Go to 2C The Bridge, p. 24.

4 minutes

Do you . . .
1 The Narrow Way
1. Investigate the hideout?
Go to Action 1, below.
Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’
direction of travel through the pass. 2. Follow the bandits?
Go to Action 3, next page.
If the party is traveling EASTWARD.

Continue with the next blue Read to Players icon below. 2
If the party is traveling WESTWARD.
You round the next bend only to be greeted
The bridge descends into the canyon, where the path by two large men holding daggers. In an
narrows into a winding corridor. Most of the time, you instant, the blades are at the throats of the
can’t see more than ten paces ahead, and you must march two of you in front. Beyond the men, you see three
in twos. As the sun comes up, the temperature rises. You
others. All wear hoods that cast shadows over their
wonder what it will be like by midday. Hopefully, you’ll be
bearded faces, and all carrying daggers and short
closer to the western rim by then.
swords. The smallest wears a spear and shield at his
Continue below.
back and holds a large sack. You catch a glimpse of
The path winds maddeningly back and forth, gold before he cinches the top.
with only a few short stretches where it “You are an interesting lot,” the man with the
straightens. You are in one of these stretches sack says. “Not from the desert, I gather. Well, it’s
when a whispering sound reaches your ears from ahead. unfortunate for you that you met with us today. This
Test Observe at -1. Only one test allowed. will be the end of you unless, of course, you’re carrying
enough coin to satisfy us. In that case, we may let you
▶ Success. You hear the sound of human speech coming pass. Open your pouches and purses.”
from around the next bend. Better take care.
■ Go to 1 Overheard, below.
▶ Failure. It’s probably just the wind.
Do you . . .
■ Go to 2 Pressing On, next column.
1. Allow the bandits to rob you?
Go to Action 2, next page.
1 OVERHEARD 2. Battle the bandits?
You creep forward making as little sound as Go to Bandit Battle, p. 22.
possible. Peering around the bend, you see a
group of men talking and laughing. They
wear dark cloaks with their hoods hanging down to If the characters . . .
cast their faces in shadow. You see a couple of short
swords. The smallest wears a spear and shield at his 1. Investigate the hideout.
back and is digging through a large sack of goods. You take a closer look at the hideout under the ledge, and
As you strain to hear their conversation, you notice you find a shallow cavern, high enough to stand in. At the
one of them disappears under a ledge. A few seconds back is a cave mouth on the right, and a low, hand-hewn
later, he returns and says, “He’s still alive, but we can’t tunnel on the left, hardly big enough to crawl through.
A battered man lies on the ground, bound in rope. The
wait much longer for his friends.”
man stirs and opens one eye. The other is swollen shut.
The man who was digging in the sack replies, “It’s a “Leave me alone!” he says in a weak voice. “I’ve nothing
shame not many came after him, but we’ve stolen a else to give you. Let me die in peace.” His voice is weak,
fair amount.” He pulls a golden statue and a handful but you can see strength in his arms and the breadth of his
of jewelry from the bag, then drops them back in. shoulders. He may yet be very strong. His clothes, now torn
“Time to find us another greedy fool. Let’s move out.” and soiled, were once rich. This humiliation has brought a
proud man low. Do you cut his bonds or leave him bound?
The men gather up their tunics and belongings. They
head away from you, in the direction you were going. Go to Bound Man Parley, next page.

2. Allow the bandits to rob them.
Fearing a deadly battle with these Aladoth, you surrender. If the PCs chose to cut the man’s
bound man bonds, use the WISE . If they
“Come now,” the smallest says, “let’s see what you’ve got.”
The bandits rummage through your manykits. parley chose to leave him bound, use the
As the bandits search, you catch hints of nervousness—a FOOLISH .
quick head movement here, or a slight tremble there. These
men are showing fear. Clearly, they think that if you decide
to fight, one or more of them may die. Do you let them KI 4 • WISE = - 3 • FOOLISH = -1
continue? Or do you reach for your weapons to stop this?
If the PCs let the bandits continue. Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.
The bandits take the most valuable item (only one) from ▶ Success. The man calms down. “I believe you when you
each PC and half the PC’s coins, rounded down. They say that you mean me no harm. I ask only for your aid.”
take no common weapons, only superior or better. Have ■ If the PCs have not cut his bonds, tell them he asks
the players adjust their items accordingly. If a PC has them to do this now. If they refuse to cut them,
common items only, choose one. If a PC is carrying the jump to the Abrupt End.
coin pouch with Saral embroidered on it, the thieves take
this in addition to the PC’s most valuable item. ▶ Failure. Jump to the Abrupt End.
“We have taken little and left you your water as a sign of questions
respect,” the small thief says. “This is the way of the desert
among those with fire in their blood. I sense that fire in 1. Who are you and where are you from?
you. Do not prove me wrong by seeking revenge.” 2. Do you know what’s is in this hideout?
EASTWARD. The bandit lifts his chin and says, “As a 3. Can you tell us anything about this region/desert/
boon, I offer this as well. In Setis, ask for Geldan, in the Setis?
merchant’s district. Tell him the Dagger sent you.” 4. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?
The players should write down the KEYWORD Geldan.
WESTWARD. The bandit lifts his chin and says, “As a
boon, I offer this as well. If you visit the priest Morellius at 1. “My name is Jag Kasheen. I am a catchpole from the
the temple, tell him the Dagger wishes him well.” city of Setis. I am hated by many. The nobles provide me
protection, but a threat of war has caused them to raise
The players should write down the KEYWORD Dagger. troops and cost me my personal guard.
If the PCs attempt to stop the robbery. “Those men kidnapped me several days ago. They
Go to Bandit Battle, next page. robbed me, beat me, and brought me to Fire Pass. They
used me as a lure to draw my friends to find me so they
3. Follow the bandits. could rob them too. But only one of my friends came—
poor Ishmad. They took his gold and jewelry and threw
Keeping low and quiet, you follow the bandits, trying to
him over the bridge into the canyon. I think he’s dead.”
catch pieces of their conversation. On the move, with the
Jag starts to shake and cry. How might you encourage
crunching of their boots on the desert gravel, it’s hard to
hear, but you think one of them is complaining about him? Group-test Encourage at +2. Or try the Healing
leaving his whetting stone behind. The man pats his pockets Heart sacred verse.
for a time, then all the thieves stop. ■ If the Encourage test succeeds, or a PCs reads or
They turn. They’re coming your way at a quick pace. You recites the verse (normal Wp reward), the parley
don’t have time to get far enough back, past their hideout, may continue. Otherwise, go to the Abrupt End.
to avoid them—not without making too much noise. A 2. “I have only seen this room, but the bandits go into that
confrontation is imminent. You will be robbed or face cave to sleep at night. I think it’s where they keep all
battle with these Aladoth. Quickly, which do you choose? their stolen goods. As far as the low tunnel, I’ve never
If the PCs choose to be robbed. seen them enter, but once they threatened to put me in
there if I didn’t shut up.”
Go to Action 2 above.
If the PCs choose battle.
Go to Bandit Battle, next page.
(next page)

3. “This place is called Fire Pass. Many try to cross it an
die—killed by the sun, thirst, fire beetles, or any of the Open the MDB to Bandit Battle, p. 42.
other dangers that feed the carrion birds. The fire in Place your PC tokens on the torch
the belly of the land rises close to the soil here. Sending bandit symbols. Place 5 Aladoth tokens on the
bursts of flame and steam into the sky. Pyrcats crawl hand symbols. Remind your players to
up from the depths, called by the dragons, even though temper their armor if desired.
they hate the sun. There is a city on the east end of the Do not reveal the Boss Bandit’s low
pass. Setis. My home since I was a boy. My wife and I Command . His Fight is normal.
live there in the noble ward, well protected. But Badu, a
rival city, has threatened Setis with invasion. Spies are When a bandit runs out of damage boxes, he flees.
everywhere. Mahku, a servant in the baron’s tower, drew Lightraiders are forbidden from killing Aladoth. The PCs
me out of the city to be taken by these thieves.” should consider knocking to seek the Rescuer’s guidance.
■ Have EASTWARD players write down the If the PCs knock by reciting and explaining a sacred
KEYWORD Mahku. verse to your satisfaction.
4. “The Rescuer? I don’t believe in gods my friends—only The Rescuer impresses on you that the leader of the bandits
gold.” He won’t speak more on this topic. is a coward and can be easily frightened into surrendering.
If the PCs followed the bandits.
abrupt end The PCs are ready and take no damage in the first round.
The man shakes his head, and you can’t get him to speak
any more.

After the Parley...

SPD 2 • JO 5 • SPEAR 3

Read the appropriate paragraph based on the BANDITS (2 TO 5) -2

PCs’ actions. SPD 2 • JO 3 • DAGGER 2/SWORD 3

If the party refused to unbind the man.

damage tracker
With a great heave, the big man breaks the rope binding
his ankles. He fights his way to his feet, shoulders past you, 1
and runs out into the desert.
Go to the Cues below.
If the party cut the man’s bonds.
2 3 4 5
The man uncovers a small hole, pulling out a bag of rations
and a flask the bandits had hidden. “Do not follow me,” he
says. “There is only so much trust I’m willing to give.” Then
he heads out into the desert.
Go to the Cues below.

After the Battle...

Do you . . .
The bandits run for it, taking their bag of stolen
goods with them. The path is quiet for the
1. Explore the cave at the back?
moment, you may take Restore actions.
Go to Action 1, next page. Afterward, will you continue on your way or return to the
2. Crawl into the low tunnel? bandits’ hideout?
Go to Action 2, next page. If the PCs return to the hideout.
3. Leave and continue your journey? Return to Action 1, Investigate the hideout, on p. 20.
Go to Onward, next page. If the PCs continue on their way.
Go to Onward, next page.

Use one of the following based on
If the characters . . . the PCs’ direction of travel.
1. Explore the cave. EASTWARD. Go to 2C The Bridge, next page.
A short passage leads to a series of inter-connected
chambers much like the cave-cottages in the vales south of 15 to 25 minutes
Dayspring in Keledan. Rough-hewn shelves hold raggedy
blankets and pillows, tin cups, and crude utensils. WESTWARD. This is the WESTWARD Destiny Scene †.
Test Observe at -1. A group test is allowed. The morning ticks are fleeting, and the temperature is
▶ Success. Cracks in the lowest shelf of the main chamber rising. You march through seemingly endless switchbacks,
draw your eye. Is that piece of rock loose? Pulling it free, pondering all that has transpired. At least half this terrible
you find a well. The water is clear. You may drink if you canyon lies before you. What other dangers will arise?
wish or refill your flasks. Drinking your fill removes 1 . It doesn’t matter. You’re more determined than ever to
destroy the menacing sand giant and to meet your escort
There’s more. One of the shelves holds many vials, jars,
home—Randar Vorn, the famous lightraider knight.
and bandages. This is medicine. Anyone with a healing
Headmaster Talin promised he’d be waiting back at the
kit may refresh it here. One vial is ruby-colored glass
jagged rock. Or did he promise Randar Vorn would be
carved with the image of a beetle and inscribed with
waiting at the hollow tree? But the hollow tree disappeared.
the letters “SZ.” You assume they must be initials from
the glass blower. You remove the cork and hold it under Oh dear.
your nose. The liquid smells of cinnamon. What could it You finally emerge to a high clearing. Far ahead, you see
be? This might be something you should take with you. massive columns of steam rising into the sky. And once in
■ If the PCs have the KEYWORD Sting, they may awhile, you catch a glimpse of red flames, flicking up from
realize this is the cure for the fire beetle poison. One the cracks in the canyon.
swallow removes 3 from the sting. Ten swallows
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
are available.
Objective Awards
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
■ Survive without becoming wounded. 2 Wp each.
Ruby colored vial Superior N/A Unk.
■ Save a local. 1 Wp each.
This liquid smells of cinnamon. Add to healing kit. ■ Refill your flask. 1 Wp each.
Five drinks. One drink removes 3 . The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, p. 28.
▶ Failure. It seems there’s nothing useful here.

2. Crawl into the low tunnel. 40 to 50 minutes

Only one PC may enter at a time. They must choose who
will go. Address the following to the chosen PC.
You inch your way inside but soon stop. It’s too dark to
see. Your elbow crushes something small—crunchy at first,
and they squishy. A cinnamon odor assaults your senses.
Red flickering lights suddenly illuminate the tunnel, and
a chorus of clicking drowns out all other sound. Beetles.
Before you can react, they attack.
Test Move + Exert in a combined test to back out.
▶ Success. You only suffered one bite. Suffer 3 . Carry
this damage with you. It cannot be removed by any
means until you find the cure or return to the academy.
Write down the KEYWORD Sting as a reminder.
▶ Failure. Ouch! Ouch again! Suffer 6 from beetle bites.
Carry this damage with you. It cannot be removed by any
means until you find the cure or return to the academy.
Write down the KEYWORD Sting as a reminder.

For each event, roll a starlot and go to the hexagon with a
number range that matches your result.
B1 The Bridge The Shooting Flames and Wind Blast may be played
multiple times. When you’re finished, go to After the
Events, on the next page.
perilous place

1-2 shooting flames

Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’
direction of travel through the pass. Blue fire erupts from fissures in the canyon floor, shooting
high enough to scorch the bridge. Flames wrap the
If the party is traveling EASTWARD. sandstone from underneath and force you to leap to avoid
You make a long trek over open ground before coming to a burn. Test Move.
a trailhead between giant boulders. The footpath leads ▶ Success. Impressive! You dance over the flames and
upward onto an arcing sandstone bridge that extends escape unsinged.
toward the canyon’s eastern rim. The bridge appears to be
▶ Failure. Your garments catch fire, and the flames burn
the only way out. A forest of twisting rock spires stretches
you before you can pat them out. Suffer 3 .
underneath from the start of the bridge to the rim. What
could be lurking among those spires? Flames for sure. You
see licks of blue fire flashing in the stone forest. Smoke rises
to caress the bridge. One giant pillar supporting the natural
3-4 wind blast
bridge may offer a way down if you really want to venture A powerful wind blast blows across the bridge, hurling
there, or perhaps the Rescuer has other plans. rocks and sand. Test Exert at +2 to withstand it.
You step onto the bridge to begin the crossing ▶ Success. You set your feet and raise your arm against
Continue with the blue Read To Players icon below. the blast. When it’s over, you are unharmed and grateful
to the Rescuer to still be standing on the bridge.
If the party is traveling WESTWARD. ▶ Failure. Your feet slip. In the next instant you’re sliding
The bridge is wider than expected. It looked so narrow across the ground. Suffer 2 from cuts and scrapes. By
from the canyon rim. This gives you comfort. Nevertheless, the Rescuer’s grace, you don’t fall into the spire forest.
the sheer height of it makes your legs a little weak. Below, a
forest of twisting spires, rising smoke, and flickers of flame
extends all the way to the natural ramp leading down from 5-6 armored lizard
the bridge. You couldn’t survive a fall in that unless the
Rescuer intervened. A giant lizard charges your party at top speed. Orange
plates spotted with red ripple as it lumbers your way. You
Continue below. can’t escape it. Stand your ground and fight!
The bridge walk is terrifying, but you make it a Show the PCs the lizard on MDB p. 47.
quarter of the way across without incident.
There, you stop for a breather. Drink from your
flasks. You scan the expanse below. To your shock, you spot ARMORED LIZARD -1
what looks like a man caught in webbing stretched between SPD 4 • JO 3 • BITE 3 / CLAWS 2
two rock spires. He’s lying very still. There’s no way down Every third injury from the lizard is a bite. The
from here, but if you can reach the massive pillar near the venomous bite causes 3 each round until the PC is
center of the bridge, you might find a way to climb down. renewed or the battle ends.

The journey to the bridge’s center is

treacherous. Use the events # starting in the
damage tracker
next column to determine what happens to the
party along the way. Use one or all events, depending on 1
how much time you have. Keep in mind, if your group is
headed west, you may have a rescue, two or three
possible battles, and a parley still ahead.
After the Battle. The lizard wails and lumbers off. It
scrambles down the central pillar and disappears into the
stone forest.

7-8 sand storm Do you . . .
A wall of sand rushes in to envelope you. Quickly, you 1. Confront the skeletons?
grasp each others arms and shoulders. Group-test Solve
■ Continue to Skeleton Battle, below.
at +1 to keep from staggering off the edge in your
blindness. 2. Climb down to help the man?

▶ Success. Good work. Together, you kept your footing ■ Go to 3 Twisted Spires, next page and start
and stayed on the bridge. You brush the sand from your with If the party is climbing down the pillar.
faces and garments and continue on.
▶ Failure. Your eyes sting. In moments, your boots lose Open the MDB to Desert Skeleton Battle,
purchase, and the bridge seems to vanish. Your whole p. 43. Place your PC tokens on the torch
party has gone over the edge. You fall for what feels like skeleton symbols. Place 5 dark creature tokens on
a league, crying out in silent prayer to the Rescuer for the claw mark symbols. Note that certain
aid. You have his answer when you crash through soft precarious spaces on the edge of the
and sticky webbing. It slows your fall, but you still hit the bridge increase the difficulty of actions.
canyon floor hard. Suffer 3 each. When a skeleton runs out of boxes, it
■ Go now to 3 Twisted Spires, next page, and collapses into a pile of bones.
start with If the party crashed through the webs.


9 - 10 death vipers SPD 1 • JO 5 • BONE CLUBS 1
A skeletal snake as big as a man slithers toward you,
followed by three others. The leader rears up and hisses damage tracker
through bone fangs. “Ssssstop where you are, Keledan. Turn
about or suffer our wrath.”
1 2 3 4 5
This is a combat trial. You must fight your way through the
snakes in 8 quick rounds. Save counseling to the end. You
may temper your armor and use its advantages.
Make sure all counseling is completed before going to
After the Trial.
After the Battle...
JO 5 • Fight • 8 • 2
You defeated those piles of bones and returned
them to . . . well . . . piles of bones. The piles lie on
After the Trial. Good work! Three of the creatures fell the bridge, dusted with sand. You may take a
from the bridge. The last lies dead before you, already moment for Restore actions if you wish.
disintegrating. It’s bulbous abdomen dissolves, and a
hundred tiny versions of the spider come rushing out. They Once the PCs have finished any Restore actions, continue.
go scurrying away, vanishing against the sand. A swirling wind rises. The bones begin to quiver and quake.
Before you can make a run for it, the wind whips the bones
After the Events... into a whirlwind and casts you off the bridge. You fall
for what feels like a league, crying out in silent prayer to
The peak of the bridge’s arch and the central the Rescuer for aid. You have his answer when you crash
pillar that supports it loom ahead. Beyond through soft and sticky webbing. It slows your fall, but you
the peak, you spot the slow, jerking still hit the canyon floor hard. Suffer 3 each.
movement of an army of bony creatures. Skeletons! If Go now to 3 Twisted Spires, next page, and start
you reach the pillar, you can escape down a cut with If the party crashed through the webs.
staircase into the stone forest and perhaps help the
man you saw caught in the webbing—if he’s still alive.

3 TWISTED SPIRES Open the MDB to Pyrcat Battle, p. 44.
Place your PC tokens on the torch
symbols. Place 1 medium dark creature
Read the appropriate paragraph based on
token on the claw mark symbol.
how the party arrived.
A PC that recites the Puffed Up Poof verse
If the party crashed through the webs. dims the creature’s fire, causing 2 .
You drag yourselves to your feet and pull thick webs from If the PCs have the KEYWORD Pyrcat.
your hair and clothes. That fall might easily have sent you Use -2 anytime they lure the pyrcat out of the bridge
all to Elamhavar, the Eternal Home, but the Rescuer chose shadow (to the left side of the yellow line).
to keep you on this globe a little longer. He must want you
to find that man you saw from above. If the PCs succeed in the Observe test.
They are ready and suffer no in the first round.
Continue with the blue Read To Players icon below.

If the party is climbing down the pillar. PYRCAT

The steps cut into this sandstone are not for Aladoth or SPD 5 • LO 5 • CLAWS/BITE/FIRE 4
Keledan. They are far too big. You wonder for a moment
if they were cut by the Elder Folk, but they seem too
misshapen. That could be the work of the desert winds. Or damage tracker
these steps might have been cut to bring something big and
terrifying up out of the desert. The sand gives under each 1
tenuous step on the way down. Each of you test Move and
Solve combined to see if you can safely make it down.
▶ Success. You are sure footed, no doubt. You safely reach
the canyon floor.
▶ Failure. The edge of a step gives under your boot and
you fall, bouncing down the final steps. Suffer 3 . After the Battle...
Continue below. The pyrcat crumbles to the canyon floor, its fire
extinguished. As the flames flicker out, you hear
A wasteland of twisted rock spires shrouded in the cries of the man stuck in the webs. “Help me!
smoke surrounds you. Long cracks and fissures I beg you. I’m up here!” You’ve no time to waste. Whatever
scar the canyon floor. An underground fire, spiders created those webs could come at any moment.
flickering blue and orange, burns beneath. Test Solve+Exert in a combined group test to get him
If your sense of direction is right, you should locate the down.
man in the webbing to the west a few hundred paces from ▶ Success. Good work! You ease the man down and begin
here, but the spires, some as wide as two horse carts, make to tend to him.
straight paths impossible. You use the bridge, high above, ▶ Failure. Oops! You manage to cut the webs, but the poor
as a guide and move as fast as the terrain allows. Only a man falls, adding to his injuries.
few paces into the trek, you realize you’re not alone.
Continue below.
Make only one Observe test. A group test is allowed.
▶ Success. A low growl draws your gazes. A ragged cat
with hide like the cracked and flaming canyon floor The man clearly hasn’t eaten or tasted water for
stalks you from the right. It’s eyes are like embers. The days. In a hoarse whisper, he tells you his name is
creature crouches, ready to pounce. “Fear me, Keledan, Ishmad. He was captured by the very bandits
for I know the secrets of this flaming forest. You cannot who kidnapped a friend of his from Setis—Jag he calls him.
defeat me! Bow, and I will teach you.” When he came looking for Jag, they robbed him and threw
him over the bridge. He believes that his friend is likely
▶ Failure. Look out! A cat-like creature with fire under its dead. What do you say to him?
cracked and brittle hide attacks!
Allow the players to role-play what they might say to
Continue to Pyrcat Battle, next column. this man. Take note if they think of giving him water or
treating his injuries. It will affect their rescue .
Continue to The Rescue of Ishmad, next page.

Use one of the following based on
Ishmad frowns at your words. “I the PCs’ direction of travel.
appreciate your kindness, but my life is
one thing. You have no idea who I am. My EASTWARD. This is the EASTWARD Destiny Scene †.
soul may not be worth saving at all.”
From its peak, the bridge makes a shallow descent to the
If the party passed the Solve/Exert test
the eastern rim of the canyon. You praise the High One and
AND offered Ishmad water or treated his son, the Rescuer. You survived Fire Pass. Night is fast
reso f him, use the WISE . If they passed approaching. Time to make camp.
mad but did not offer water or treat him,
ish Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
use a normal . If they failed, use the
FOOLISH . Objective Awards
■ Survive without becoming wounded. 2 Wp each.
LO 4 • WISE = - 3 • FOOLISH = +1 ■ Save a local (multiple possible). 1 Wp each.
■ Refill your flask. 1 Wp each.
Resolve =3
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, p. 28.
After the Rescue...
40 to 50 minutes
Read the appropriate paragraph below, based
on the PCs’ success or failure.
WESTWARD. Go to 1 The Narrow Way, p. 20
If the rescue was successful . . .
Ishmad sobs. Never has he heard such words of love and 15 to 25 minutes
truth before. “The priests and the tribes were all wrong!
Praise the Rescuer!” he exclaims. You get the sense the
Rescuer will lead him to a hollow tree.
Go to the blue Read to Players icon, below.
If the rescue failed . . .
The man thanks you for everything you have done and
offers you a rich reward for your good deeds if you come
and visit him in Setis.
Continue below.
The Giant Lizard

”Our paths are different, but let us travel on as

friends until we part ways.” With that, you hurry
to the great pillar supporting the bridge, where
rough stairs let your climb out of the darkness.
Go to Onward, next column.


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Mending Hearts Psalm 34:18 LO

The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Those who are hurt by the things of life should always remember that the Lord is near and promises to save
them from being crushed. He will mend their hearts. Speaking and explaining this verse before a rescue will
increase your LO score by 1 for one encounter. It may also encourage a friend crushed by fear and despair,
restoring your friend’s Joy.

He Cares 1 Peter 5:7 JO

. . . casting all your cares on Him, because He cares about you.

Every concern and worry should be given to the Lord. There is literally no one who cares as much for us as
Jesus, and He makes all our burdens lighter. When faced with despair, this verse help an injured friend find
hope and joy in the Rescuer.

Healing Heart Proverbs 17:22 KI

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
The joy of the Lord is a healer for both the one who lives it out and for those who witness it. But those who stay
in brokenness continue to get worse. Speaking and explaining this verse may help an Aladoth continue to listen
or may increase your KI score by 1 for one encounter.

Puffed Up Poof 1 Corinthians 8:1b LO

We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Great knowledge is less important than sharing the love of Christ with others. Through that love, we build them
up as a person. Speak and explain this verse to help a friend who is caught up in the desire of knowledge, or
recite and explain the verse to knock the fire out of a dark creature.

Joy In Him John 15:11 JO

I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.
When we obey the commandments of Christ, our joy overflows because of the grace we experience and the
promises He fulfills to those who love Him. Speak and explain this verse to help a friend who has lost his or her
Rescuer-gifted Joy in battle.


MAIN IDEA: Christ wants to shine Healing Heart Proverbs 17:22 KI

through us. This verse is straightforward. It speaks of how a joyful
heart brings healing, just as a broken spirit causes decay.
In our lives, God presents many opportunities for us to The ‘heart’ refers to a person’s inner self, thoughts,
come alongside broken and hurting people. In this way, emotions, and will. As Christians, we can foster a
we show them the love and joy of Christ living in us. It joyful heart by spending time in God’s Word—in His
all begins when we trust Jesus enough to tell Him about presence—by remembering how He saved us and
our own cares and experience His love for ourselves. everything that He’s done.
When our hearts have been mended and we overflow
with joy, it’s so much more compelling than any kind of
Puffed Up Poof 1 Cor. 8:1b LO
head knowledge or memory verse that we can throw at
people. If all they see is our puffed up knowledge, we will Snippets and verses from the apostle Paul’s letters are
never be able to build them up in love. That’s why it is so often taken out of context. To understand this verse in
important to not only put these verses in our minds, but context, we need to see the whole picture. In a three
to put them in our hearts, and then live out their truths. chapter discourse, Paul addresses questions about
whether Christians should eat food sacrificed to idols. In
that day, there was a controversy between the Jerusalem
KNOW—MIND: What can I know Council, who forbid it, and some in the church who
about these verses? wanted to exercise Christian liberty. Paul wanted them
to work toward unity, so he reminds the church that
Let’s look at these verses in context so that we can gain they shouldn’t become proud because they have an
more understanding. understanding that the council does not. Pride will not
build up the church, but love will, he explains. In the
next two chapters, he goes on to explain why those who
Mending Hearts Psalm 34:18 LO
had pridefully presumed their knowledge had erased the
David writes about how the Lord helps the righteous dangers of idolatry had instead opened the door to sin.
in Psalm 34:17-20. We read that He hears their prayers
when they call on Him, and that He rescues them. If they Joy In Him John 15:11 JO
have psychological and emotional wounds, He is close to
them and answers their prayers for help. The righteous In John 15:1-11, Jesus taught his disciples that He was
have problems too, but God comes to their rescue to the true vine and they were the branches. As long as they
preserve them. remained connected to Him, they would produce much
fruit—fruit that would last. This included an abundance
of joy as mentioned in the verse. The prophet Isaiah
He Cares 1 Peter 5:7 JO
spoke in chapter 35 about the “unending joy” of the
ransomed and how joy and gladness would “overtake
In the verse preceding this one, Peter writes that we
them.” In John 15, Christ, by referencing Isaiah, was
should humble ourselves, and subject ourselves to God’s
claiming the place of the Redeemer.
mighty hand, allowing Him to discipline us and teach
us. He speaks about how God will raise us up in His (next page)
perfect timing. We should not raise ourselves up. Instead,
whatever cares we have, we should put them on God,
because we can know for sure that He cares for us.



relationship with Christ grow through do I do about what I’ve learned today?
these verses?
The next time you have a problem, how will you
Your relationship with Christ can grow deeper as you approach God to ask Him for help?
humble yourself and trust Him with the concerns and What could you do to foster a more joyful heart and
cares of your daily life by giving them to Him in prayer. healthier life?
These verses remind you about the love and joy that God
wants you to have and how he desires to heal you by You can make a difference in the life of someone with a
filling you with overflowing and complete joy. He knows broken spirit.
you are going to have problems, but He promises that PRAYER
your problems won’t crush you because He will save you Take a moment to pray with your players, and focus on
and preserve you. praying for the health of their heart. Remind them that
How is your heart? God cares and wants to protect them.
What cares do you need to give to Jesus? Lord, we bring all of our needs to you today and cast
them all before you. We thank you for your love and care
for us and your desire for us to have a healthy heart and
body. Help us to be humble and to love one another and
build each other up. May each of us overflow with your
joy as we remain in you. Amen.
Next time . . .
If the PCs are on the EASTWARD path, your next episode is 3A Gates and Barracks on the next page. They
should study the “Giant Problem: Gates and Barracks” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs are on the WESTWARD path, your next episode is 2A Western Pass on p. 9. They should study the
“Giant Problem: Western Pass” pages in their Adventure Journals.


desire to help these people and destroy the bloodthirsty
giant as soon as you can. But your studies thus far have
1. Make a new friend taught you to wait on the Rescuer. “Wait on him” is easy
to say. But can you do it while out here on the quest? It’s so
2. Save two locals from certain death. hot here. Drink from your flasks.

Start Point If any PCs have an untreated fire beetle sting,

remind the players that they can’t remove the
those 3 until the party finds the cure.
SP The Gates Open the MDB to The Gates of Setis, p. 46, and show the
group. Then continue.
ordinary ground The morning trickle of local villagers and
merchants enters by the gate. You slip into the
The Story So Far...
sparse crowd, hoping the guards are not
concerned about taxes or journeywrits today.
You passed the night on ordinary ground, Quickly, you see that they are. A guard, perhaps a
gaining four watches of rest while guarding the lieutenant, stops you several paces from the gate. “I don’t
camp in shifts. Remove 8 each. know your faces, strangers. What’s your business here?”
The walls of Setis rise from the sands ahead, far larger than There’s a break in the line of locals. The gate stands wide
you expected. You know the Rescuer wants you to find an open. The two guards near it look bored and distracted.
advantage that will help you destroy the giant here, but
how will you find it among the many streets and alleys that What do you do?
must lie within those walls? Impatience gnaws at you—the
(next page)

The Gates of Setis

Do you . . .
1. “There have been raids on the city. Invaders rob our
1. Talk to the guard who challenged you? merchants. Two of our beautiful monuments were
■ Requires SC 4 or better. burned. This reeks of Badu, a rival city, those snakes. We
have answered them with raids of our own. There have
2. Shove him down and run for it? been skirmishes in the desert. A full attack is imminent.”
2. “A writ will cost one claw and three petas for a party
If the characters . . . your size.”
3. “Are you trying to bribe me?”
1. Chat with the guard. ■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
Continue to Guard Parley, below.
4. “Setis is a jewel of the desert and the birthplace of the
2. Shove him down and run for it. sorcerer Peshar Sin, after whom this desert is named. We
Go to 3A1 Fleet Footed, next page. are honored to have a noble, the baron, as our mayor.
Few from the lordly bloodlines take an interest in the
cities. But Setis is exceptional and prosperous. Our oasis
provides all we need, and our sun fruit—zaykala—are
Evaluate your PCs’ response to the most delectable in all Tanelethar.
guard the guard’s question “What is your
business here?”. Decide whether 5. “I’ve heard of him. Not sure if he’s here.”
their answer deserves the Wise , a 6. “You mean the Southern Overlord? I have no interest in
normal , or the FOOLISH . foreign oppressors.” He gives you a suspicious glance and
will not say more on the topic.
If the PCs attempt to give the guard the journeywrit
found in the Tarlan mine-palace. abrupt end
The guard examines the writ and frowns. “This writ is for “Silence, spies! You are servants of Badu, I can smell it on
Tarlor. We’re in Zayor. Do you take me for a fool?” you.” He signals the other guards. “Take them to holding to
Jump to the Abrupt End. await interrogation! And the tax must still be paid.”

SC 2 • WISE = - 2 • FOOLISH = After the Parley...

Two other guards flank you as you pass through
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed. the city gate. All of the guards wear helmets with
copper plumes shaped like curving scorpion tails.
▶ Success. The guard starts toward the gate. “Walk with You see more scorpion imagery inside the city. About one
me. War is brewing. Our baron has declared that even hundred paces ahead, you see a low building with small,
citizens must carry a writ, and to aid our defenses, barred windows. That looks more like a jail than a
foreigners must pay an extra writ tax. You must pay guardhouse. Can you trust this man?
your tax and wait at the guardhouse until your writ is
signed. It should not be a problem.” If the PCs want to run for it or they have no coins to
pay the tax.
■ Ask the PCs if they still want to walk with him. If
Go to 1 Fleet Footed, next page.
they do, continue the parley. If they make a run for
it, go to 1 Fleet Footed, next page. If the PCs want to trust the guard and pay the tax.
▶ Failure. Jump to the Abrupt End. Go to Don’t Run Trial, next page.

1. What do you mean, “war is brewing?”
2. How much is the writ tax?
3. For a few coins, can you forget the writ and just let us
into the city?
4. Can you tell us anything about this city?
5. Do you know a priest named Morellius?
6. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?

This is a trial of Encourage that puts 1 FLEET FOOTED
run your Goodness at risk. Can you keep it
don together, wait on the Rescuer, and A quick shove, some quick feet, and you’re on
willingly let these guards escort you to your way. Those guards never saw it coming. Or
t ri a building that looks a lot like a jail? did they? Spears fly at you.
If you fail, you drift, and a guard Test Move at -2. All must test.
will block you with a sphere and shove you in the right ▶ Success. You feel the whoosh as the spear flies by.
direction causing 1 damage. If your Goodness becomes
▶ Failure. You feel a little more than a whoosh. The spear
infected, you must counsel yourself by speaking and
tip slices into you as the weapon passes. Suffer 2
explaining a verse as if you were saying it in your head.
Keep track of your rounds. You must earn six successes in Pure chaos slams your senses—the clamor of
ten rounds or less. Otherwise, you can’t control the urge to merchants, the cheers of a crowd in a circular
run. IMPORTANT: You cannot spend more than 1Wp per arena set below the street’s level, the scent of
round to change a result in this trial. spiced smoke rising from the city fireclocks. Amid the other
sounds, you hear the shouting of the guards heading your
If at any time, the PCs decide to run for it or if they do
way, all in armor, with scorpion-tail helmets and carrying
not have two halfins to pay the writ tax.
spears. Can you outrun them? You race into an alley. To
Go to 1 Fleet Footed, next column. your, left barrels are stacked up to the rooftop. You might
climb them. Straight ahead, the alley lets out into crowded
streets. Which way?
GO 5 • Encourage -1 • 6 in 10 • 1

Do you . . .
After the Trial...
1. Do you climb the barrels?
Read the appropriate entry based on the
party’s performance in the trial. 2. Run straight?

If the party earned 6 success within 10 rounds.

If the characters . . .
You reach the low building, and the guards escort you into
a long passage. The doors on either side are wooden. One is
open. Guards inside lounge at a table, playing a game with 1. Climb the barrels.
stone tiles. Nearing the far end of the passage, the doors Test Move in a group test.
on either side are no longer wooden. They’re made of iron ▶ Success. You help each other up the barrels, making
bars. Those are cells! quick work of it. Start the chase on the roof.
The guards open one of these cells, take your weapons (with ▶ Failure. A barrel breaks. You all come tumbling down.
apologies) and lock you inside. You hand one of them the Suffer 1 each. Start the chase on the ground.
tax, half expecting him to pocket the coins, but he dutifully
2. Run straight down the alley into the crowd.
places them into a small wooden box, which he hands to a
messenger. The guard lifts his chin at you as the messenger Start the chase on the ground.
hurries off. “I am Tefal, lieutenant of this city’s guard. Be
patient, and I will bring you the writ as soon as I can.” Choose a representative to roll one starlot each
round, and I will tell you what happens. If you
Go to Onward, next page, and use A . roll the same number twice, roll again.

If the party did not earn 7 successes in 10 rounds. Begin the chase on the next page. In each
round, read from the event that matches the
Go to 3A1 Fleet Footed, next column.
number rolled. In each event, use A if the
party is on the ground or B if the party is on a roof.
They may not spend Wp to change any test result. Once
the party fails three rounds or experiences every event,
go to Onward B .

(next page)

1 -2 herd the flock 7-8 the stable
A A big pack of stray cats trips you up. So many! A You see a horse hitched to a cart of sun fruit. The
Test Command at -1 to shoo them out of the way. guards are coming close on your heels.
▶ Success. The cats run away from, straight into the guards. Test Talk with Animals to get the horse to block the road.
▶ Failure. Trip and fall into hisses and claws. Suffer 1 ▶ Success. What skill! The horse gives you a nodding
each. The guards are gaining! neigh as you pass and clip-clops into the road behind
your party, blocking the guards.
B A huge flock of pigeons takes wing as you set foot on
the roof. A whirlwind of feathers threatens to knock you off. ▶ Failure. The horse moves too soon, before you can get
past. You have to squeeze between the cart and a wall.
Test Command to clear the air.
▶ Success. The birds flutter away. You leap to the next roof.
B This roof is thatch and peaked. You hear and smell
horses. Is this a stable?
▶ Failure. You fall to the street below. Suffer 2 each. Group-test Solve to cross the roof without falling through.
You pick yourselves up, but the guards are coming!
▶ Success. You saw every weak spot in the thatch and
dodged every danger. The guards shake their spears at
3 -4 you from the street below. Keep going!
hoists and bridges
▶ Failure. You fall through the thatch into the stable.
A The crowd forces you into a closed alley. A hoist and Suffer 2 each. The horses neigh and whinny, drawing
platform for lifting crates to the rooftop is the only way out. the guards’ attention. You run into the street.

Group-test Exert at -1 to make it to the rooftops.

▶ Success. Good work. You’re on the roof. The guards are 9 -10 trapped
coming. Run for it!
▶ Failure. The platform comes zipping down. Suffer 1 A Turn down an alley and see no way out.
each. A local peaks through a door to see what’s Group-test Observe to find an exit.
happening, and you rush past him, through his shop and ▶ Success. Stairs in the wall! Your race up and take to the
out into daylight. rooftops.
B The gap to the next building is too wide to jump, but ▶ Failure. Trapped! You race out of the alley again. The
two long, narrow planks lie on this roof. guards close the distance.
Group-test Craft to build a solid bridge to the next roof. B You reach the end of the rooftops. Uh oh.
▶ Success. Like tight-rope walkers, you run across, and Group-test Observe to find a way down.
continue on your way. ▶ Success. Stairs! You descend to the street and keep going.
▶ Failure. You fall to the street with your planks crashing ▶ Failure. The guards surround the building. It’s over.
down on top of you. Suffer 2 each. You pick
yourselves up, but the guards are coming! Run!
Use one of the following based on
the PCs’ choices or performance.
5 -6 squeaks and beetles
A Go to A1 The Guardhouse, next page, and start
A A cart of paper lamps crosses your path. Strange red with If the party willingly entered their cell.
lights flash inside the lamps.
Test Move at -1. Each must test. B The guards close in. You tried your best, but there’s
▶ Success. What was that? Doesn’t matter. Keep going! nowhere else to run. This is their city. They know it
far better than you. You’re captured.
▶ Failure. You crash into the cart. Fire beetles swarm from
the lamps and bite you. Suffer 3 each. Write down The guards march you back to the guardhouse and
the KEYWORD Sting. Those 3 cannot be removed shove you in a cell.
until you find the cure for the fire beetle’s bite.
Go to A1 The Guardhouse, next page, and start
B The roof planks squeak and groan. Guards are near. with If the party made a run for it.
Group-test Sneak to sneak across to the next roof.
▶ Success. You did it! The guards never turned their heads. 15 to 25 minutes
▶ Failure. They heard you. Run!

1. “Me? The guards locked me up because of my

A1 The birthplace—because I am from Badu, a rival city. I am

Buhdi Zayal, son of the city’s royal patron, Baron Zayal.
I came here as an emissary for my father, seeking peace.
ordinary ground Now I will be tossed into the arena.”
2. “Didn’t you see the large pit near the gate? The arena sits
below the street level. The throng cheers from it’s stone
Read the appropriate paragraph based on the benches while unfortunate souls battle cats and creatures
PCs’ previous experience. for their lives—this is what passes for entertainment in
Setis. I will go there soon to meet my fate. I hope to die
If the party made a run for it.
with honor.”
The guard takes your weapons and slams the barred door
3. “Never heard of him.”
shut and shakes his head. “If only you’d paid the tax.” He
sighs and walks away. As he does, you feel eyes watching 4. “I know of whom you speak. Perhaps you can pray to
you. A young man sits in the cell across from you with his him on my behalf—and on your own behalf.”
chin in his hands. ■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
Continue with Emissary Parley below.
abrupt end
If the party willingly entered their cell. Go to After the Parley, directly below.
Whoever is signing your writ for Lieutenant Tefal is
certainly taking his time. You plop down on the cell floor to After the Parley...
wait. A young man sits in the cell across from you. His chin
is in his hands. Before the young man can say another word, a
pair of guards arrive. One bangs his spear
Continue below.
against the bars of the young man’s cell. “It’s time,
Badu snake. On your feet.”

This young man is glad to have This man offers no resistance. He lets the guards lead him
emissary someone to talk to. If the PCs away.
willingly entered the cell, use the Continue to Onward, below.
WISE . If the PCs ran for it and
were captured, use FOOLISH.
Use one of the following based on
SC 3 • WISE = - 4 • FOOLISH = -2 the PCs’ choices or performance.
If the party willingly entered their cell.
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.
Go to 1 Freedom, next page.
▶ Success. The young man says, “What brings you lot to
this fine establishment? If the party ran for it and was captured.
▶ Failure. The young man says, “You look like nice folk. I Go to 2 Hauled away, next page.
hope you survive.”
■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
20 to 30 minutes
1. We ran for it, and it went poorly. What about you? OR
We’re just waiting for our writ. What about you?
2. The arena? What arena?
3. Do you know a priest named Morellius?
4. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?

Go to Onward, next column.
You feel no hesitation. This is part of the Rescuer’s
1 Freedom plan for you in Setis. You draw your weapons and
leap into the pit to land near Buhdi.

Lieutenant Tefal approaches your cell and presses Go now to 3 Arena Battle, next page.
a small roll of leather through the bars. Unrolling
it, you find a parchment with the words “Writ of 25 to 35 minutes
Passage for the Desert of Sin,” a set of marks equal to the
number in your party, and, over those marks, the seal of
Baron Setal of Setis.
“Keep your journeywrit with you at all times,” Tefal says,
2 Hauled Away
unlocking the cell. “And keep your party together.” He nods
at your weapons. “If you use those in our city, you will pay
with your lives.”
The guard who first greeted you outside the city
Your weapons are returned. Tefal walks you out to the busy stops the men who marched Buhdi out of his cell.
street. “You’re free to go.” He gestures at your party. “Them too. They can
all fight together, and perhaps earn some honor in death.”
You ask him about the young man who was in the cell
across from you. The guards size you up, and then call for three more to help
in escorting you. Two of them have spears leveled at your
“Him? That Badu snake is headed for the arena. I’m
backs at all times as they march you out of the guardhouse.
heading there now. Follow me if you’d like to watch him
and his traitorous friend become lion food.” Merchants move carts filled with orange fruit out of your
way as you pass. Children holding parchment lamps
Lion food? You feel the Rescuer’s urging. You’ve waited and
flickering with strange red lights stare at you, mouths open.
earned this guard’s respect, but now is the time for action.
Women in colorful robes laugh and point.
You follow Tefal’s quick steps, dodging horse carts full of
You descend stairs in a long spiral until you come to a gate
orange fruit and children carrying parchment lamps filled
of iron bars. The sand beyond is deep red. Is that its natural
with strange red lights. He clears a way through the crowd
color, or has it long been stained for the entertainment of
to the arena rail. You look down on a small field of red
this city?
sand and a half circle of stone risers filled with cheering
and jeering people. The emissary, Buhdi, stands on the field The guards open the gate and force you onto the sand at
with his sword drawn. A young woman is near him. He the tips of their spears. You hear deep laughter, and the
shouts to her, “Stay behind me, Saral!” gate slams closed behind you.
Three gates beneath the risers open. Great black lions Buhdi seems resigned to his fate. His sword is not even
emerge, growling and snarling at each other and their prey. drawn. He trudges forward through a short passage. You
The lions’ lower their bodies. The stalking begins. follow him and walk out into daylight on a field of the
same red sand. On the opposite side, a half circle of stone
benches rises to the street level. The crowd cheers and boos
Do you . . . at the sight of you.
Buhdi gasps. Terror washes over his face. Is it the crowd?
1. Plead with the lieutenant for the emissary’s life? No. Another prisoner was already out here. Buhdi runs to
2. Leap into the pit? her. “Saral? No! It cannot be!” He presses her behind him
and draws his sword, turning to face three iron gates under
the stands. They open, and great black lions emerge. They
If the characters . . . growl at each other, then catch your scent.
The stalking begins.
1. Plead with the guard.
Tefal laughs. “Stop this? The lions are loosed. There is no Go now to 3 Arena Battle,
stopping them now. Leap in and stop them yourselves if
you love him so. I will be most impressed.”
next page.
Go to Onward, next column.
25 to 35 minutes
2. Leap into the pit.

“What’s wrong, Setal?” Buhdi shouts. “Are you not
The young emissary glances over at you overjoyed to see your niece spared?”
with pleading eyes. “My friends, I was The man, Baron Setal, narrows his eyes at Buhdi, then
arena ready to die—resigned to the fate the waves his scepter toward the passage behind you. Moments
dragon spirits had chosen for me. But this later, the guards emerge and escort you all out.
woman is Saral, niece of the Baron of Setis
and the song of my heart. Help me save You climb a stair to the street level, where the guard who
her, and in so doing, save yourselves.” first greeted you when you entered the city waits. You see
the baron walking away behind him. He raises an eyebrow.
Open the MDB to Arena Battle, p. 56. Place PC “No one has ever survived the arena. There is more to
tokens and three animal tokens as shown. Place you travelers than I thought—either for good or for ill.
two Aladoth tokens on the Buhdi and Saral The baron will decide your fate. Until then, remain in the
spaces. Buhdi and Saral do not move. Buhdi attacks any city. Move about as you will. If you try to leave or raise a
adjacent lion each round, doing 1 . PCs may pick up weapon against anyone, you’ll be struck down.”
the weapons shown on the map. All are common. They
may need to coax a lion to move to access a weapon. (If the PCs had their weapons confiscated, they are
returned now. They may keep weapons found in the arena.)
The lions will attempt to bite every other round,
potentially causing higher . PCs may pick up and keep Tefal leaves, and Buhdi and Saral turn to you. “We are
the common weapons found in the arena. grateful,” the woman says. “But we must hasten away from
you now. My uncle thinks me a Badu spy. I must find out
IMPORTANT: There is no Alpha. Each lion requires two why, and I must find a way to keep him from sending me
successful Command or Talk with Animals tests before it and Buhdi back into the arena. If they send us in tonight,
will lie down and stop fighting. we are lost. In daylight, we faced lions. At night, it will be
pyrcats, terrible beasts that no man can kill or command.
BLACK LIONS -2 Their only weakness is their hatred of the light.”

SPD 5 • PE 5 • BITE 4 / CLAWS 2 If the PCs have not been to Fire Pass.
Have them write down the KEYWORD Pyrcat as a
reminder that pyrcats hate the light.
damage tracker
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Saral.
1 Command or Talk with Animals If the PCs offer Saral her items, read the following. Saral
clasps her hands. “My valuables! They were stolen by
bandits. This parchment is of great importance. It’s a note
from a relative at Tahn that proves I was there four days
ago, not in Badu, acting as a spy. This will help me win
2 Command or Talk with Animals back my uncle’s favor!” The grateful noble signals a young
woman, who rushes over with a wooden box. From inside,
she draws a handful of halfins, two for each of you. “Save
these, or spend them in our markets if you wish.
3 Command or Talk with Animals
Continue below.

This is a Destiny Scene † and the

end of this episode.
After the Battle... Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
”Ha ha!” Buhdi shouts, whirling in a circle. We
Objective Awards
are spared! You speak to the beasts, and they fear
you. Perhaps your Rescuer is to be feared as well.” ■ Make a new friend (Saral, Buhdi, Tefal). 1 Wp for
each PC for each friend they made.
You walk among the quiet lions. A hush falls over the
■ Save two locals. 2 Wp each.
crowd. All eyes turn to the center of the stone risers, where
a large man in silk robes sits on a pillow, sweating. His eyes The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
are wide with bewilderment. When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.

Seeing the expectant faces of the crowd, the man stands 35 to 45 minutes
and raises a short scepter, but words seem to fail him.


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Orderly Peace 1 Corinthians 14:33a GO

. . . since God is not a god of disorder, but of peace.

When we shout over one another, no one is heard. When our actions promote disorder, we work contrary to
God’s will. God is not a God of confusion or chaos. In today’s episode, when you’re tempted to take rash action,
this verse may help you remember to do what’s right.

Weak Monster Psalm 56:3 PE

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Fear can drive us to foolish actions and responses. Lean on the peace of knowing God is all sovereign and will
take care of us. Trust in Him. When faced with adversity or injury, this verse may help a panicking friend to
stop, think, and trust.

Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.

Answer evil from others by reflecting God’s goodness—His beneficence. Do what is best for your enemy in
God’s eyes, not your own. In today’s episode, when you want to answer wrong with wrong, hurting your party’s
witness, this verse may help you remember that’s not what the Rescuer desires.

Right On Psalm 119:160 SC

The entirety of Your Word is truth, each of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
Man’s rules and declarations are shifting and untrustworthy. So are our own desires and motivations. God’s truth
and authority are constant and dependable. His truth is our foundation. In today’s episode, if your Self-control
needs a boost, speak and explain this verse to raise your SC by 1 for one encounter.

Perfect Peace Isaiah 26:3 PE

You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.
By trusting in God and relying on the truth of His promises of salvation and life eternal, we can remain in peace
and not fear, no matter what the world throws at us–even if it’s lions charging our way in an arena.


MAIN IDEA: Remember to wait on God. Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

In this beautiful chapter of Romans, Paul instructs how
It can be hard to wait on God. We tend to be impatient we as Christians must act and be examples to a broken
and want answers immediately. If we give in to the and sinful world. He ends the chapter by saying that we
temptation of trying to rush God’s perfect plan, it can should “not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with
cause us frustrations and negative complications that we good.” Acting as Christ desires takes great patience and
would have avoided if we had chosen to wait on Him. trust. It’s easy to give in to our sinful desires, such as
God directs the steps of those who seek Him. So, as anger, and not show the love that Christ has shown to us.
Christian warriors, we trust our Heavenly Commander When we trust God and His plan and choose love over
and patiently seek His plan and not our own desires. our sinful emotions, then we not only fulfill God’s plan,
but we bring more light into our broken world.

KNOW—MIND: What can I know

about these verses? Right On Psalm 119:160 SC
One way that can help you wait on God is to realize that
Let’s dive into these verses to see how God can use them His plans and His ways are perfect. No matter how much
to help us better wait on Him. we try, we will never be able to achieve something better
than what God has planned for us. We need to accept
Orderly Peace 1 Cor. 14:33a GO that God’s words are true and that His way is the best.
This is exciting. We have a God who is perfect, who loves
In this chapter, Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, a us, and who wants what is best for us. So, let us wait
city in Ancient Greece about spiritual gifts. While God’s patiently for His perfect plan.
power is limitless and He gifts each of us uniquely, we
are to use our spiritual gifts to build each other and the
church up, not show off or for personal gain.
Perfect Peace Isaiah 26:3 PE
When we are not using our gifts as intended, or selfishly, What is the best way to wait patiently for God? It is to
it causes disorder and confusion. God blesses us with trust Him. When we choose to trust God and place our
spiritual gifts to further His plan and His kingdom. complete faith in Him, it becomes easier to wait, because
He fills us with His perfect peace.
Weak Monster Psalm 56:3 PE
GROW—HEART: How can my
King David, a man after God’s own heart, accomplished
great acts of courage. Fighting Goliath would have been relationship with Christ grow through
terrifying for any person, but David’s courage came these verses?
from trusting in God, which gave him the strength to
overcome his fear. When we trust in God, it helps us to All great relationships are built on trust and God gives us
wait on Him and His plan. It gives us the courage to not every reason to trust Him completely.
give into fear and to try and complete God’s plan for our
God loves us. He has already died on the cross for our
lives our way. Waiting on God is a great act of courage,
sins and offered us the way to Heaven even though we
and we find this courage by trusting in Him.
do not deserve it. We just need to trust Him and His
perfect plan. Being selfless, using our gifts for the good of
the kingdom, loving when it is hard, knowing that God’s
ways are perfect, and ultimately, trusting in Him, will
give us the strength to wait patiently on Him.

(next page)


Learning to wait on God and placing your faith and How will you be an example to others of God’s love?
trust in Him, will allow you to see even more of how
How can you share the wisdom of waiting on God with
God deeply loves you, and it will strengthen your
your friends and family?
relationship with Him. Isaiah 26:3 says that trusting God
and depending on Him will fill us with perfect peace. PRAYER
When we have God’s perfect peace, it will not only make Take a moment to pray with your players. Remind them
it easier to wait patiently for Him, but it will allow us to that God’s plan is perfect and that they need to put their
show the truth of God’s love to a hurting world. faith in Him and patiently wait for His plan.
Lord, thank You once again for allowing us to spend time
GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What together having fun, and learning Your Word. I pray that
You give us the courage to wait on You and know that
do I do about what I’ve learned today? You have a perfect plan for our lives. Help us to use our
gifts for Your kingdom and to share Your love and perfect
Think of something you do every day to help build your peace with others. Amen.
faith in Christ.
How will you use the lessons in this study/adventure to
become more patient and wait on Christ?

Next time . . .
All groups will go from here to 3B Inner Setis, next page. They should study the “Giant Problem: The
Merchants’ Ward” pages in their Adventure Journals.



Geldan’s Smithy

You’re not the only ones watching the two young nobles.
Three men in cloaks the color of the desert seem to stare
1. Find out what’s going on in Setis. after them as they hurry away. The men watch for a few
beats, then start for the same gate.
2. Find an advantage that will help you destroy
the giant.
Do you . . .
Start Point
The 1. Follow Saral and Buhdi?
SP 2. Explore Inner Setis?
Inner Gate 3. Follow the three men?
ordinary ground
Open the MDB to Inner Setis, p. 48. Place a PC
token on the SP to represent the party. Each
The Story So Far... ward contains one or more clues they might use
in the future. The blacksmith workshop in the Guilds
Ask your players what they remember about contains the “advantage” they’re looking for, but it is not
the previous episode. Do they think they are essential. For groups that came from Fire Pass, the Oasis
close to finding the advantage that will help has critical information about Morellius. When visiting all
them destroy the giant? places, the episode may take longer than normal. The next
episode can be shorter, if you want to split this one, but be
You saved Buhdi and Saral from the black lions sure to do today’s Bible study. If, at some point, you feel
in the arena. Now, the two sweethearts must find time is running short, inform the players that they see
out why Saral was branded a traitor. Saral and Saral and Buhdi and follow them to the Baron’s tower,
Buhdi are nobles from opposite sides of a growing conflict. then go directly to 1 Saving Sweethearts, p. 49.
Could it be that their care for one another has been Otherwise, let the players explore. The text will guide you.
exposed? Or could it be something more? The two hurry
off, heading for a gate in the inner city wall. (next page)

Read the following if the party succeeded in
If the characters . . .
keeping the three strange men in sight.

1. Follow Saral and Buhdi. You stay as close as you dare, following the strange men
through the gate. On the other side, the crowd disperses,
Saral seems to speak in a low tone to an attendant
onto three main roads into the inner city. Well ahead, you
traveling with them, and the girl splits from their path
catch site of Saral and Buhdi, easy to spot by the way they
before they reach the gate in the city’s inner wall. The two
carry themselves, so different from the masses who don’t
young nobles hug their cloaks about them and join the
eat quite so well.
crowd moving up the gate steps. They look as if they’re
trying to walk unnoticed. They’re not very good at it. To your surprise, the three men do not follow the young
nobles. Instead, they turn aside into a small gatehouse just
Group-test Observe at -2 to see if you can keep them in
to the side of the gate. Can you get close enough to see or
sight as they pass through the gate.
hear what they’re up to?
▶ Success. You try not to laugh as you merge with the
locals walking up the gate steps. Saral and Buhdi bear Test Sneak. A group test is allowed.
the healthy forms and upright posture of those who live A PC that speaks and explains the Quiet Confidence
on plenty and drink from the cleanest wells—so different sacred verse may reduce the by 2.
from most of those around them. You have no trouble ▶ Success. You sneak up to a window on the gatehouse.
keeping them in sight. Inside, the men are talking to a frail man in worn but
■ Go to Onward A . rich pale blue clothing. They sound unhappy, and you
▶ Failure. Whoops! Looks like you’ll need more training think you hear the name Mahku. One of the men shakes
to improve your tracking skills. You lose sight of your his fist.“How did you let this happen?”
quarry, and when you glance around, you can’t find the “What was I to do?” the frail man replies. “Those
strange three men, either. foreigners interfered.”
■ Go to Onward C . The one who shook his fist goes to a nearby cabinet,
2. Explore Setis. rummages around for a moment, then yanks out a bag
jingling with the sound of coins. “You didn’t earn this.
There’s no reason to harass the sweethearts right now.
And now we’ll have to clean up your mess.” He storms
They have enough to worry about, and you have much
out, and his companions follow.
to do. You need to find that advantage Headmaster Talin
mentioned—the one the Rescuer wants you to find. ■ Add the KEYWORD Mahku.
Go to Onward C . ■ Go to Onward B .
3. Follow the three men. ▶ Failure. They’re on to you! The men look in your
Saral speaks to an attendant who seems to be traveling direction. Quick, head the other way!
with her, and the girl splits from the two nobles and ■ Go to Onward C .
vanishes into the crowd. As she disappears, Saral and
Buhdi join the crowd flowing up the steps to the inner city Have the PCs drink from their
gate. The three men you saw watching them are not far flasks. Use one of the following as
behind. Most folks who were at the arena are traveling
through the same gate, so it could be a coincidence that directed by the Actions.
these men are going the same way as Saral and Buhdi. A Go to A Nobles’ Ward, next page, and start with
Staying behind them, puts you too far from the nobles If the party followed Saral and Buhdi.
to watch them. You’ll have to keep the men in sight, and B Go to A Nobles’ Ward, next page, and start with
that’s no easy task. Their cloaks are the color of the sandy
If the party followed the three men.
streets and the dried mud on every building. That seems
intentional. These men are making it their business to walk C Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards.
unseen. Can you follow them? Start with, If the party is just exploring.
Group-test Observe to see if you can keep them in sight as A Nobles’ Ward, p 43. D Workers’ Ward, p. 48.
they pass through the gate. B The Oasis, p. 44 E The Market, p. 48.
▶ Success. Excellent! You follow the men through the gate. C The Guilds, p. 46. F Baron’s Tower, p. 49.
■ Go to the blue Read To Players icon, next column.
▶ Failure. Lost them!
10 minutes
■ Go to Onward C .

The street dims around you, all except for one
A NOBLES’ WARD street merchant’s stall. He’s selling candied sun
fruit. Perhaps you should talk to him.

Read the appropriate entry based on how the

party arrived. “Sweets!” the merchant shouts.
candy fruit “Candied sun fruit your friend Goshy.
If the party followed Saral and Buhdi. Best in Setis!”
Saral and Buhdi follow the city paths east into a district One fruit wedge costs a copper. Four
of clean streets and opulent houses. This is likely home cost three coppers. Will you buy any?
for Saral, the Nobles’ Ward of Setis. This is where the
There is no right answer here, but purchasing a little
wealthiest merchants and those of royal blood live.
from Goshy will bless him and loosen his tongue. If
A woman in servant’s garb greets them at the threshold of the PCs purchase three or more wedges, use WISE. If
a home with many domes and throws her arms around they purchase one wedge, use -2. If they make no
Saral. They all go inside. They might be a while. Perhaps purchase, use FOOLISH. The candy has no effect on .
you should explore a bit while you wait to see what the
young nobles do. Glancing around, you see the three
strange men you noticed before. Did they follow the young GO 3 • WISE = - 3 • FOOLISH =
nobles here? There are so many houses. What will you do?
Continue with the blue Read To Players icon below. Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.
▶ Success. “It’s a slow day,” the man says. “I suppose I
If the party followed the three men. have time for a chat.
The men move swiftly east through the city paths, entering ▶ Failure. “Please move along,” the merchant says. “I have
a district of opulent houses with billowing silks. The most many customers, and you’re scaring them away.”
beautiful house, in the southeast corner of the inner city, ■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
has many blue domes that sparkle in the desert sun.
The men head toward that one. One of the men points. questions
Looking beyond them, you see Saral and Buhdi. They’re 1. Have you ever met a priest named Morellius?
approaching that same house. How did the men know 2. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?
they’d come here?
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Geldan.
A woman in servant’s garb greets Saral and Buhdi at the 3. Do you know a merchant named Geldan?
threshold and throws her arms around Saral. They all go
If the party followed Saral and Buhdi or the three men,
inside. The three men walk to a set of covered carts where
the PCs may also ask these questions.
street merchants are selling sweets and wait there, keeping
an eye on the house. 4. Who are those three men over there?
5. Who lives in the house with the blue domes?
The captain of the guard warned you that if you draw
your weapons here, you may end up back in the pit. A answers
confrontation is not an option. What will you do?
1. “Morellius? Why yes, he visits one of my regular
Continue with the blue Read To Players icon below. customers occasionally. He never partakes of my fruit.
I suppose that’s part of the whole temple priest thing. I
If the party is just exploring. haven’t seen him lately, but my regular is Zaydol. You
You head east through the city paths, entering a district can usually find him lounging about in the Oasis. Big
of opulent houses with billowing silks. The most beautiful man. Loves the color scarlet. You can’t miss him.”
house, in the southeast corner of the inner city, has many
2. “You mean the Southern Overlord? I’m not interested in
blue domes that sparkle in the desert sun. There are many
talking about him right now.”
houses, street merchants, and people.
3. “Oh yes. Good man. Blacksmith. You can find his shop
Continue below.
in the Guilds, a ward in the west-center of the inner city.
How will you know where to go? Is there a sacred 4. “I’ve seen them hanging about these carts. They never
verse in your Adventure Journal you might use buy a thing. They’re not residents of the Nobles’ Ward.”
as a prayer to express your trust in the Rescuer? 5. “That is the home of the baron’s closest relatives. Is it not
Encourage the PCs to knock using the Love a beautiful sight? I post my cart here just to look at it.”
Trust verse. When you’re satisfied, award Wp
for reading or recitation, and continue. (next page)

abrupt end
Go to After the Parley, directly below. B THE OASIS
After the Parley... Read the appropriate entry based on how the
party arrived. Also, they may refill their flasks
Read the appropriate entry based on how the
here for 1 Cp each.
party arrived.
If the party followed Saral and Buhdi or the three men. If the party followed the NPCs.
Saral and Buhdi leave the house and head north. They Saral and Buhdi work their way north, and the men who
walk past, but don’t seem to notice you. Nor do they notice are following them stay close. They come to an alabaster
the men keeping an eye on them. You wait a beat and, sure building on the shore of an oasis. Trees surrounding the
enough, the men follow the young nobles. water are filled with sun fruit, protected by guards in
shining copper armor. A skiff with a black silk sail drifts on
Test Sneak if you want to follow the men. A group test is
the water. There’s also a fireclock—a pillar sending green
smoke skyward. A dragon with a scorpion tail is carved in
A PC that speaks and explains the Quiet Confidence a spiral around it. Locals throw coins into the flames.
sacred verse may reduce the by 2.
The three men keep their distance, staying near the street.
▶ Success. Good work. You keep the men in sight and let You sneak past them and follow Saral and Buhdi inside.
them do the work of keeping Saral and Buhdi in sight.
A servant all in white offers Saral and Buhdi cups from a
■ Go to Onward A .
tray, but neither partake. Instead they walk straight to a
▶ Failure. They’re on to you! The men glance back, locking man who is both broad and tall. He wears scarlet silk from
eyes with you. Quick, head the other way! head to toe. They catch up to him just as he drops heavily
■ Go to Onward B . into a woven chair.

If the party was just exploring. Saral asks him a question you can’t hear. His answer makes
her jaw drop. Buhdi’s fists clench so tight his knuckles turn
The merchant has nothing else to say. But perhaps he’s said
white. Whatever answer they were seeking, they have
all you need.
found it, and they’re not happy about it.
Go to Onward B . Buhdi tries to storm out, but Saral catches his arm. He may
be an emissary, but she has the cooler head. She motions
toward the water, and the two pay a fair to ride out on the
Have the PCs drink from their flasks. Use one skiff, where they put their heads together, whispering.
of the following as directed by the parley, or use
Continue with the cues, below.
C if the PCs have visited all main locations

on the Inner Setis map. If the party is just exploring.

A Go to B The Oasis, next column, and start with If You come to an alabaster building on the shore of a
the party followed the NPCs. large oasis. This is likely the reason Setis is here. Trees
surrounding the water are filled with sun fruit, protected
B Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards. by guards in shining copper armor. A skiff with a black
Start with, If the party is just exploring. silk sail drifts on the water. There’s also a fireclock—a
B The Oasis, next column E The Market, p. 48. pillar that tracks the time sending green smoke skyward. A
The Guilds, p. 46. Baron’s Tower, p. 49. dragon with a scorpion tail is carved in a spiral around it.
The local elite throw coins into the flames.
D Workers’ Ward, p. 48.
You notice a man who is both broad and tall drop a coin
C If this is the last available location. on a servant’s tray with a loud clink and pick up a cup. The
man is dressed head to toe in scarlet silk. He takes his cup
You catch sight of Saral and Buhdi heading for the baron’s
and drops heavily into a woven chair.
tower. You feel the Rescuer’s urging that these two need to
hear the message of his gift. You hurry to intercept them.
Go to 1 Saving Sweethearts, p. 49. Do you . . .

1. Take a look around?

2. Speak to the man in scarlet silk?
(next page)

If the characters . . . 1. “Ah, Morellius. He puts in a good word for me with the
giant whenever he can. Or so he should, because I pay
1. Take a look around. him well for it. I don’t intend to ever become a sacrifice.
Test Observe. Alas, the giant’s hunger has driven the priest south into
▶ Success. You notice movement in the shadows of the the Wyrm Dunes to seek the blessing of a dragon. A
fruit trees. Servants all in black shuffle from tree to tree, hatchling is coming near the sacrificial post. He took
picking fruit. They must be broiling in those black linen a prisoner with him. I shudder to think what for.” He
clothes. Are the guards protecting the trees or keeping reaches under his chair. “If you’re headed that way, will
those servants in? you carry something for me? There’s a skilled physician
who lives in a hut at the edge of the dunes. He made the
▶ Failure. You see nothing special here. Just a bunch of journey here to treat my gout, but he left this Cresian
wealthy Aladoth. automaton behind.” He offers you a small wind up lion
Test Observe again if you wish. This time, use +1. made by the skilled hands of a tinker. “It has been a
delightful distraction, but I’ve no use for it now.”
▶ Success. Not everyone here is Ledaneth (mankind). A
tall creature with horned wings and scaly skin speaks ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
in a gravely tone with the owner. It holds open a small
wooden chest. Clearly frightened, the man fills the chest Automaton Lion Mastercraft 1 2 DCl
with gold. You hear him say the name Narvol. The This lion would bring quite a price. But is it yours to sell?
creature snaps the chest shut and walks out.
■ Add the KEYWORD Narvol. 2. “I’m not interested in such conversations.”
▶ Failure. It’s so hot here. Are your eyeballs actually 3. “Everyone knows the blacksmith. Look in the Guilds.”
sweating? You see nothing special. 4. “I know Saral. I worry about her keeping company with
2. Speak to the man in scarlet silk. a Badu noble. It is a poor look, and I told them so. No
wonder her uncle thinks her traitor. He isn’t the only
Go to Zaydol Parley, below.
one. I first heard the rumor from Mahku, who works
most days in the baron’s tower, but prefers to live in the
You wait another beat, then walk over Workers’ Ward. You didn’t hear any of this from me.”
zaydol to speak with the man in scarlet. ■ Add the KEYWORD Mahku.
parley Ask the PCs what they say to the 5. “The baron isn’t the only one who thinks Saral is a
man. If they employ an over-direct traitor. I first heard the rumor from Mahku, who works
approach, like “Hey, what were you most days in the baron’s tower, but prefers to live in
talking about with Saral and Buhdi?” use FOOLISH. If the Workers’ Ward. Let’s be clear. Neither they nor you
they’re more subtle, use WISE. Use your discretion. heard any of this from me. I know better than to cross a
servant in a noble house.”
LO 2 • WISE = - 2 • FOOLISH = abrupt end
Go to After the Parley, directly below.
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.
▶ Success. “I’m Zaydol. You’re blocking the sun nicely. As After the Parley...
long as you stand there, I’m happy to chat.”
▶ Failure. “Move along and annoy someone else.” Read the appropriate entry based on how the
party arrived.
■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
If the party followed Saral and Buhdi or the three men.
questions The skiff lands, and Saral and Buhdi head west with new
1. Have you ever met a priest named Morellius? resolve. The three men follow them.
2. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer? Go to Onward A , next page, if the PCs want to keep
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Geldan. following. Otherwise, Go to Onward B .
3. Do you know a merchant named Geldan?
If the party was just exploring.
If the party followed the NPCs here, the PCs may also
The man in scarlet waves you away. It’s time to go.
ask these questions.
4. We’re friends of Saral and Buhdi. Do you know them? Go to Onward B , next page.
5. If you don’t mind us asking, what did you say to them?

Use one of the following as directed by the
parley, or use C if the PCs have visited all If the characters visit . . .
main locations on the Inner Setis map.
A Go to C The Guilds, below, and start with If the 1. The tannery.
party followed the NPCs. Whew! What a smell! This place stinks of vitriols and raw
B Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards. animal hide. Near the front of the tannery, a few items are
Start with, If the party is just exploring. for sale. There is plenty of armor. Is man-made Aladoth
armor what the Rescuer wanted you to find?
A Nobles’ Ward, p. 43 E The Market, p. 48.
If any PC wishes to purchase leather armor, they may
C The Guilds, below. F Baron’s Tower, p. 49.
buy a full suit.
D Workers’ Ward, p. 48.
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
C If this is the last available location. Leather Armor Superior 3 1 Cl
You catch sight of Saral and Buhdi heading for the baron’s Heavy leather. Reduce suffered in by 2. Reduce Speed
tower. You feel the Rescuer’s urging that these two need to
by 1. Increase Move by 1 until dropped.
hear the message of his gift. You hurry to intercept them.
2. The weavers.
Go to 1 Saving Sweethearts, p. 49.
Look at all the silk! So many colors! There’s not much to find
here besides fabric. They do have a very fine silk rope.

C THE GUILDS If any PC wishes to purchase the rope.

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value

Read the appropriate entry based on how the 50’ of Silk Rope Superior 1 1 Hf
party arrived. A twelve-goblin rope. It’s light, but very strong.
If the party followed the NPCs. 3. The glassblowers.
Saral and Buhdi move west along the southern road of the Watching these men and women spin sand into beautiful
inner city. To your surprise, they stop in at the gatehouse, glass is mesmerizing. But the heat is intense. Mostly, they
but they don’t stay long. When they come out, Saral’s face sell goblets, vases, and mirrors, but there’s one glass sword.
is in her hands. Whoever they were looking for is not
there. The two look around, as if unsure of themselves, and If any PC wishes to purchase the sword.
then walk north into the ward known as the Guilds. This ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
is the city’s center of industry, the home of the craftsmen
and tinkers. The two nobles walk among the workshops. Glass Sword Superior 1 1 Cl
The men following them keep their distance. If they have Good for one attack. +3 on fungal creatures.
sinister intent, there are clearly too many people about for
them to execute their plan. 4. The smithy.
This small building is less opulent than the rest. Only one
There is much to see here. Could this be the place you
man works here, pounding away at his anvil, working on
might find the advantage that Headmaster Talin spoke of?
what appears to be a scimitar. He pauses as you enter.
Continue with the cues, below. Go to Blacksmith Parley, below.
If the party is just exploring.
You arrive in a district of workshops, the home of
The smith sets his hammer and steel
craftsmen and tinkers. There is much to see here. blacksmith
down and brushes hands on his apron.
There is much to see here. Could this be the place you parley “Ho there. I’m Geldan. Are you looking
might find the advantage Headmaster Talin spoke of? for something in particular?”
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Geldan and they
Which workshop do you visit? remember to tell him “The Dagger sent us.”
The smith replies, “The Dagger. Thief and liar. I want
1. The tannery? nothing to do with him.”
2. The weavers?
Use the FOOLISH .
3. The glassblowers?
4. The smithy? (next page)

After the Parley...
SC 3 • WISE = - 2 • FOOLISH =
That spear may be just what you were meant to
Unless otherwise directed, use WISE. find, but Geldan won’t give it up or even let you
touch it. You may need some help convincing
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed. him. For now, you’ll have to leave it behind.
▶ Success. The smith starts pounding again. “If you can
The PCs may purchase one of the items listed
stand the noise, you can stay and talk.”
below, or they may leave and try another
▶ Failure. The smith starts pounding again. “I’m busy.” workshop. Otherwise, continue below.
■ Jump to the Abrupt End.
FOR SALE quality slots value
questions Curved Sword Superior 1 9 Pt
1. Have you ever met a priest named Morellius? Light Axe Superior 1 7 Pt
2. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?
Talanium Spear Superior 1 2 Hf
3. What granog?
The smith has plenty of wares available for everyone.
4. Which of these is your favorite weapon? He will also purchase any chunks of silver ore you
5. Is the spear for sale? carry for 5 Cp each.
6. Can we hold the spear?

answers Once the PCs are done visiting the different

1. “The priest? I know of him, but we’re not the same guild workshops listed in the Actions on the
kind of folk, if you know what I mean. You’ll never see facing page, continue below.
him with soot or sores on his hands. I know his guard
captain, though. Sindon. Powerful fighter. Often begs me Read the appropriate entry based on how the
for my favorite weapon.” party arrived.

2. “Keep your voice down. You want the granog to hear? If the party followed Saral and Buhdi or the three men.
He doesn’t like that kind of talk, and neither do I.” Saral and Buhdi didn’t seem to find what they were looking
for here. They head southwest into the Workers’ Ward with
3. “Narvol, the dragon administrator. He’s been hanging
the three men following at a distance.
about a lot since our catchpole, Jag Kasheen vanished.
Steer clear of him unless you’ve got gold to spare.” Go to Onward A .
■ Add the KEYWORD Narvol. If the party is just exploring.
4. “Ah. The Flame, of course—my pride and joy. I didn’t Go to Onward B .
forge it. I found it in the desert after a long search.”
He pulls down a spear that was hanging on the wall. Use one of the following as directed above, or
The blue talanium shaft is half a length longer than use C if the PCs have visited all main
any of the spears you’ve seen here. The head is a long locations on the Inner Setis map.
gray-black stone with four sides narrowing to sharp A Go to D The Workers’ Ward, next page, and start
point. “Don’t let the stone fool you,” the smith says.
with If the party followed the NPCs.
“According to legend, that spearhead was once glistening,
translucent purple—and indestructible. It was formed B Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards.
of crystallized dragon flame. One day, when a worthy Start with, If the party is just exploring.
warrior takes it up for battle, the spear will return to its A Nobles’ Ward, p. 43 E The Market, p. 48.
ancient state.”
B The Oasis, p. 44. F Baron’s Tower, p. 49.
5. “Are you jesting? The Flame is near priceless. It would
D Workers’ Ward, p. 48.
take a baron’s ransom for me to part with it. Unless
you’re of royal blood, you likely don’t have enough.” C If this is the last available location.
6. “Not on your life. Perhaps you should go.”
You catch sight of Saral and Buhdi heading for the baron’s
abrupt end tower. You feel the Rescuer’s urging that these two need to
The smith shoos you out of his workshop. hear the message of his gift. You hurry to intercept them.
Go to another building, or jump to the burgundy Info for Go to 1 Saving Sweethearts, p. 49.
the AM icon below the parley, next column.

Use one of the following as directed, or use C
D THE WORKERS’ WARD if the PCs have visited all main locations on the
Inner Setis map.
A As you follow, a local signals you and opens his cloak.
Read the appropriate entry based on how the
Small leather pouches hang from the inside. “Lock-
party arrived.
picks,” he says. “A good price, I’ll make, yes?”
If the party followed the NPCs.
FOR SALE quality slots value
Saral and Buhdi enter a section of the inner city that
Lock-pick Set Common 1 2 Pt
is dingier than the rest. The two are clearly looking for
someone. Buhdi shouts and points. A frail man in pale They may buy sets if they wish. Then go to E The
blue cringes and turns to face them. They speak with him Market, below. Start with If the party followed the NPCs.
angrily and urgently, but the frail man shrugs. The signal
B Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards.
is clear. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Buhdi
Start with, If the party is just exploring.
looks like he might strangle their quarry, but Saral leads
him away, leaving the frail man alone. Those who’d been A Nobles’ Ward, p. 43 E The Market, below.
following them converge on the one the nobles spoke too. B The Oasis, p. 44. F Baron’s Tower, p. 49.
Go to Cues, below. C The Guilds, p. 48.
If the party is just exploring.
C If this is the last available location.
You arrive in a section of the inner city that is dingier than
the rest. Many of the people here wear white, dusted by the You catch sight of Saral and Buhdi heading for the baron’s
sand. There’s not much else to see here. However, one man tower. You feel the Rescuer’s urging that these two need to
catches your eye, glances left and right, then hurries over hear the message of his gift. You hurry to intercept them.
and opens his cloak. Small leather pouches hang from the Go to 1 Saving Sweethearts, p. 49.
inside. “Lock-picks,” he says. “A good price, I’ll make, yes?”
FOR SALE quality slots value
Lock-pick Set Common 1 2 Pt
Go now to Onward B , next column. Read the appropriate entry based on how the
party arrived.

Do you . . . If the party followed the NPCs.

Saral and Buhdi walk through the market slowly. Saral
1. Follow Saral and Buhdi? looks at the spices and silks as if she may never see them
2. Try to get close enough to hear what the men are saying? again. The men following them duck into the crowd and
are gone. As long as you keep the two nobles in sight and
protected, perhaps you have time to shop in the market.
If the characters . . . Continue with the burgundy Info for the AM icon, below.
If the party is just exploring.
1. Follow Saral and Buhdi.
Tents, carts, and covered stalls make up a busy market.
The two head toward the market. You stay close behind. As
You smell spices and sizzling meat. Perhaps you have time
you go, you see the frail man running past them, staying
to visit the shops.
close to the buildings and doing his best to avoid their eyes.
Continue below.
Go to Onward A , top, next column.
Open the MDB to Setis Market, p. 51. Allow
2. Try to get close enough to hear the men.
the PCs to shop if they wish. The vendors can
Test Sneak in a group test. all make change. The chart on p. 39 of the
▶ Success. “Get back to the tower, Mahku. Find us a way Cadet Handbook shows what each coin is worth. When
in. Either this ends in her death or yours.” the PCs are finished shopping continue below.
The frail man runs off. You follow the strangers. If the party followed the NPCs.
■ Go to Onward A , next column. Go to Onward A , next page.
▶ Failure. They spot you. Turn and leave. Quickly! If the party is just exploring.
■ Go to Onward B , next column. Go to Onward B , next page.

Use one of the following as directed, or use A
if the PCs have visited all main locations on the LO 3 • WISE = - 4 • FOOLISH = -1
Inner Setis map. Resolve =4
A If this is the last available location OR the PCs Use one roll for both listeners. It’s okay if they don’t
accept, but, for timing, they both must choose the same.
were following the NPCs.
You catch sight of Saral and Buhdi heading for the baron’s

After the Rescue...

tower. You feel the Rescuer’s urging that these two need to
hear the message of his gift. You hurry to intercept them.
Go now to 1 Saving Sweethearts, below. Read the appropriate entry below, based on
the PCs’ success or failure.
B Allow the PCs to choose one of the city’s wards.
Start with, If the party is just exploring. If the rescue was successful . . .
A Nobles’ Ward, p. 43 D The Workers’ Saral and Buhdi throw their arms around you. They are
B The Oasis, p. 44. Ward, p. 48. so grateful for the freedom you’ve shown them and the gift
C The Guilds, p. 48. F Baron’s Tower, below. the Rescuer has given. Saral is eager to help her uncle—to
show him the Rescuer’s gift and to proclaim her innocence.
She and Buhdi ask you to accompany them into the tower.
Go to the blue Read to Players icon below.
If the rescue failed . . .
Saral and Buhdi thank you for your kindness. They’re not
Read the appropriate entry based on how the
ready to believe yet. Even so, you’ve done much for them,
party arrived.
and they ask you to accompany them into the tower.
If the party has not completed all other locations in Continue below.
Inner Setis (if they did not follow the NPCs here).
Guards in armor decorated with scorpion designs stop you
before you can approach the tower. “Strangers, we know You join the two young nobles on their way to
your faces from the arena. You are not welcome in this the tower, but when you reach the gate to the
tower at this time. Return here when you are summoned.” lower courtyard, the guards refuse to let you
Return to the PCs previous location and let them choose pass. Their leader is Tefal, the lieutenant you met at the
a different place to visit. city gates. “I’m sorry,” he says. “The baron was clear. You
travelers may not enter the tower until summoned.”
If the party has completed all other locations in Inner
Setis OR if they followed the PCs here. Saral and Buhdi go up alone. As they enter the tower, you
notice the men who were following them. A frail man in
Continue to 1 Saving Sweethearts, below. pale blue opens a servants’ door, and the men slip inside.
When you try to tell Tefal, he shakes his head. “I don’t see
anything, friends. You’ll have to wait.”

1 Saving Sweethearts This is a Destiny Scene † and the

end of this episode.
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
Before you begin, do you have any urgent
Objective Awards
news for Saral and Buhdi.
■ Find out what’s going on in Setis (AM’s discretion).
If the PCs tell Saral that the three men 1 Wp each.
are trying to kill her. Use WISE.
■ Find the advantage (“Find” completes the objective,
al “I see no strangers now, other than you,”
sar even if the PCs did not acquire the item). 1 Wp each.
and di
Saral says. “But thank you for the warning.”
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
Bu When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
If the PCs tell Saral that Mahku is the
res one who betrayed her. Use WISE.
“I suspected as much. But can we convince 35 to 45 minutes
my uncle that he’s a liar?”
If the PCs have not learned any news. Use FOOLISH.


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Puffed Up Poof 1 Corinthians. 8:1b LO

We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Great knowledge and impressing friends or new acquaintances is less important than sharing and showing
the love of Christ. Through that love, we build others up. Speaking and explaining this verse as a reminder to
yourself may reduce the difficulty in sharing the Rescuer’s love with others.

Love Trust Psalm 13:5 LO

But I have trusted in Your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in your deliverance.
God’s love is always there for us–limitless. When you’re tempted to put our trust or hope in the world,
remember what He’s done for you and how He is utterly faithful, and rely on Him instead. This episode, when
friends run into trouble, this verse might help them rely on the Rescuer’s faithfulness rather than the world or
their own strengths.

One Mind Psalm 119:113 SC

I hate those who are double-minded, but I love Your instruction.

God’s Word tells us to avoid those who say they love His instruction but whose actions betray their true hearts.
This verse may help friends infected in a trial focus on the Rescuer’s teaching and get back to the mission.

Quiet Confidence Isaiah 32:17 SC

The result of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be a quiet confidence forever.
Knowing and understanding God’s Word and His promises means we can know when we’re doing the right
thing, no matter what the world says. Trusting in Him leads to peace, and peace leads to quiet confidence. When
you’re following strangers in Setis, this reminder may help you walk with silent and sure steps.

Know It Do It James 4:17 GO

So it is sin to know good and yet not to do it.

Inaction can be sin. The Goodness Core Strength is aggressive goodness. It’s active. It’s proactive. We work at
doing right, especially for others. Put away selfishness and don’t miss a chance to meet another’s needs. When a
sting infection turns a friend toward his or her own wants and away from the mission, this verse might help.


MAIN IDEA: Trust God in all One Mind Psalm 119:113 SC

circumstances. Just as we should not be puffed up with our knowledge,
we should not allow ourselves to become fickle and
In our previous Bible study, we talked about the confused in our thoughts about what’s right. God’s Word
importance of waiting on God. To do this well we have guides and instructs us. Taking comfort from God’s
to trust God. Life can be tough and sometimes it feels Word, believing it and not becoming wishy-washy and
harder to trust God’s plan than it is at other times. Yet, conforming to the ideas of this world, will allow us to
as discussed, God’s plan is perfect, so we need to learn to trust God in every circumstance.
trust God in all circumstances. We can’t only trust God
when life is easy. We also need to trust Him when life is Quiet Confidence Isaiah 32:17 SC
hard. God loves us and His Word gives us the tools we
need to rely on Him. When we trust God’s Word and strive to do what it says,
this will fill us with peace that makes us confident in
God’s Word and promises. This is essential to trusting
KNOW—MIND: What can I know God. When we study His Word every day and constantly
about these verses? go to Him in prayer, we strengthen our relationship
with Him. This constant exposure to God’s Word and
Let’s look at the following verses and see what each tells consistent communion with Him makes it more difficult
us about trusting God in every circumstance. for Satan to deceive us. This combination of peace and
confidence gives us the strength to deal with difficult
circumstances and not lose our trust in the Lord.
Puffed Up Poof 1 Corinthians. 8:1b LO
When we trust in only our knowledge and abilities to Know It Do It James 4:17 GO
get us through our circumstances and don’t place our
faith in God, we set ourselves up for disappointment and Christianity is not passive. It’s active. When we know
failure. When we puff ourselves up and feel special and something is wrong, we don’t wait to fix it. When we see
self-satisfied because of our knowledge and abilities, we people in need, we don’t wait for someone else to take
need to take a step back and realize God is the one who care of them. We act. This constant action and dedication
blessed us with our knowledge and abilities. Place your to doing what’s right allows it to become muscle memory.
trust in Him. By doing what’s good constantly, we put our faith in God
into action. Trusting God becomes instinct.

Love Trust Psalm 13:5 LO

GROW—HEART: How can my
This verse should give you immense comfort and remind
you why you need to trust God. His love is faithful and
relationship with Christ grow through
unfailing. He delivered us from sin and Hell. No matter these verses?
what happens in this life, if you receive God’s gift of
salvation, then you will be in Heaven when you die. As we’ve learned, trusting God takes work and courage,
He’s already shown the greatest love for us by paying the but following the advice in these verses, makes trusting
ultimate price for our sins, so we should always place our God much easier. God loves us and wants us to trust Him
trust in Him. in every circumstance. He knows we’ll face tough times
in life. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane,
He knew He would soon be crucified and die. Yet even
though He knew the painful death that awaited Him, He
trusted His Father, saying in Luke 22:42, “not my will, but
yours be done.”
(next page)


Christ’s faith in His Father in the most difficult of Is there something good that I know I should be doing
circumstances led to the conquering of sin and the grave that I am not?
for our salvation.
How can we encourage our friends and family to trust
By trusting God in every circumstance, we gain a God in all circumstances?
stronger faith, love Him even more, and strengthen our
relationship with Him. By studying God’s Word intensely, PRAYER
and memorizing verses like you are for Lightraiders, Take a moment to pray with your players. Remind them
you’re allowing God’s Word to take root deeply in your that they need to study God’s Word and start trusting
heart. When life gets tough and throws a curve ball at Him. The more deeply they allow God’s Word to take
you, you’ll have the tools to quickly remember God’s root in their hearts, the more easily it will be for them to
Word and trust Him in difficult circumstances. trust God.
Lord, thank You once again for allowing us to come
GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What together and have fun. Thank You for loving us
unconditionally. I pray that we all learn to trust You more
do I do about what I’ve learned today? in every circumstance. Help us to do good whenever
an opportunity arises and to spread your Word to our
How can I start putting my faith in God right now? friends and families. Amen.
What actions can I take every day to build trust in God?

Next time . . .
All groups will go from here to 3C The Baron’s Tower, next page. They should study the “Giant Problem: The
Baron’s Tower” pages in their Adventure Journals.


If the characters . . .
1. Save Saral and avert a war.
2. Destroy a terrible creature. 1. Try to convince Tefal to let you in.
You return to Tefal and plead with him to let you in,
Start Point repeating your story about the strange men and adding that
a dragon may be up there.

SP The Lower Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.

Gate If the party waited patiently in the cell when they first
ordinary ground entered the city, use -1. If they ran for it when they
entered the city, use +2.
▶ Success. “Alright,” Tefal says. “I have seen that there is
Ask the players what they remember from the
something special about you. I will allow you in, but I
previous episode. What did they learn about
can’t escort you upstairs. And I will not offend a dragon
Saral? What did they learn about Morellius?
for any man. If there is one up there, you are likely
The Story So Far... running to your deaths. You’re on your own. Others may
try to stop you.”
You’ve explored Setis and hopefully learned
much. It’s so dry here. Pause and drink from ■ Go to Onward A .
your flasks as you reflect. Setis and Badu are on ▶ Failure. “How many times must I tell you no?” Tefal
the brink of war. The Baron of Setis believes spies are in the asks. “Wait until you’re summoned!”
city and believes his own niece is one of them. It must
■ Continue to Action 2.
certainly have to do with her sweetheart romance with the
son of the Baron of Badu, but is that enough to call her a 2. Scale the fence and find a way in.
traitor and send her to the lions? Those men must have scaled the fence to sneak past the
Thanks to you, Saral and Buhdi were free to roam the guards before the servant let them in. Perhaps you can too.
inner city and look into the accusations against her. Group-test Move. Multiple attempts allowed.
Perhaps you learned a few things too. You have now shared ▶ Success. Your climbing skills are amazing, as if you have
the Great Rescue with the two of them, and they have gone sticky hands.
up into the baron’s tower to confront him and proclaim
Saral’s innocence. You, however, were not allowed to enter. ■ Go to Onward B .

Just as Saral and Buhdi went in through the main door, ▶ Failure. You fall into a heap. Each of you must roll
you saw the strange men who had been watching them go one starlot. The one with the lowest roll landed on the
in through the servants’ entrance, aided by someone inside bottom of the pile and suffers 2 . Roll again to break
wearing pale blue. Do you know that person’s name? any ties. Keep trying until you make it, or, if you haven’t
tried it yet, go to Action 1 and attempt to convince Tefal.
You wait outside the tower, refused entry by Tefal, a
lieutenant of the city guard. As you pace along the high Use one of the following as
copper fence, looking up at the high tower and its golden directed by the Actions.
roof, you discover the situation is even worse than you
thought. From high on the baron’s balcony, you see a A Go to 1 The Stairway, next page.
quick burst of flame and get a fleeting glimpse of a flicking
reptilian tail—a big one. There’s a dragon up there. B Go to 2 Breaking In, p. 55.
You have no choice. You need to get inside. But how?
3 to 8 minutes
Do you . . .

1. Try to convince Tefal to let you in?

2. Scale the fence and find a way in on your own.

Test Persuade at +1 or Command at +2. A group

The Stairway
test is allowed.
1 ▶ Success. “You’re right, of course.” The woman steps out of
the way. “Saral and Buhdi went up to Narvol’s chamber.
If you hurry, you can catch them.”
You race in through the high copper doors of the
tower’s front entrance. Before you is a grand foyer ■ Go to Stairway Trial, below.
with alabaster columns and a marble floor. A ▶ Failure. She shakes her head. “I warned you. Guards!”
woman in a black linen dress with red silk trimmings walks The guards haul you out and cast you into the street.
your way. “Hello lion tamers. I recognize you from the Suffer 1 each. You’ll have to find another way in.
arena. Have you been summoned by the Baron or Narvol?”
■ Go to Onward B .
You saw your friends enter here. You also saw the strange
3. Ask who Narvol is.
men sneak in elsewhere. What do you say to this person?
“He’s our city granog, of course. Always growling, that one.”
Return to the Cues to the left.
Do you . . . 4. Tell her Mahku is a traitor and the nobles here are in
danger from the strange men.
1. Tell her that men are here to attack the baron’s niece?
“I knew it! Mahku has always been greedy.” She steps out of
2. Ask her if you can follow Saral and Buhdi? the way. Quickly now. Up the stairs. Go and help them!”
3. Ask her who Narvol is? Continue to Stairway Trial, below.
■ If the PCs have the KEYWORD Narvol, they should
already know the answer.
This trial tests Sneak + Move in
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Mahku ay combined tests. A failure means you
4. Tell her Mahku is a traitor and the nobles here are in s move too quickly, slip and fall. You’ll
danger from the strange men? need counsel from a friend to keep it
al together and keep moving. Choose
t ri
your sacred verses from those you’ve
If the characters . . . used thus far in the quest.
You must gain 9 successes in 12 rounds or less. If you
1. Tell her that men are here to attack the baron’s niece. don’t, then you’ve been too slow, which may have dire
“Travelers, you do not know our ways. I am certain you are consequences for Saral.
mistaken. Unless you’ve been summoned, you must leave.” The players must choose verses on their own,
Ask the PCs how they respond. If they lie at any point, go without help from the Adventure Journal. Use
straight to Failure. Once you’re satisfied, continue. your discretion in which verses you allow.
Test Persuade at +1 or Command at +3. A group
test is allowed. SC 6 • Sneak + Move • 9 in 12 • 1
▶ Success. “You’re right, of course.” The woman steps out of
the way. “Saral and Buhdi went up to Narvol’s chamber.
If you hurry, you can catch them.” After the Trial...
■ Go to Stairway Trial, next column. Go to Onward A .
▶ Failure. The woman shouts, “Guards!”
The guards haul you out and cast you into the street.
Suffer 1 each. You’ll have to find another way in. Use one of the following as
■ Go to Onward B . directed by the Actions.
2. Ask her if they can follow Saral and Buhdi. Go to Narvol’s Chamber, p. 56.
A 3
“Your friends went up to Narvol’s chamber. I’m sure they’re
grateful that you saved them in the arena, but you are not B Go to 2 Breaking In, next page.
Zayor nobles. You cannot go up without being summoned.”
Ask the PCs how they respond. If they lie at any point, go 10 to 20 minutes
straight to Failure. Once you’re satisfied, continue at the
top of the next column.

The players must choose verses on their own,
Breaking In
without help from the Adventure Journal. Use
2 your discretion in which verses you allow.

You land on the other side of the copper fence, SC 6 • Sneak + Move • 8 in 12 • 1
poised like nectarcats and ready for action. You
see the servant’s door where the men snuck in.
You also see a window ledge, high up, that may give you After the Trial...
access to the upper tower. Far below the ledge, there is some Go to Onward.
scaffolding that might get you close, but the scaffolding is
incomplete. How will you get in?

Do you . . . This trial tests Sneak + Craft in

it combined tests. A failure means the
1. Try to sneak in through the servant’s door? bui scaffolding breaks, and you fall. You’ll
■ A toolkit or lock-pick set is required. need counsel from a friend to keep it
a l together and keep climbing. Choose
2. Use the scaffolding and scale the tower? t ri
your sacred verses from those you’ve
used thus far in the quest.
If the characters . . . You must gain eight successes in 12 rounds or less. If you
don’t, then you’ve been too slow, which may have dire
consequences for Saral.
1. Try to sneak in through the servant’s door.
You reach the door without being spotted by the guards, but The players must choose verses on their own,
it’s locked from the inside. You might be able to pick the lock without help from the Adventure Journal. Use
with a toolkit or lock-pick set. your discretion in which verses you allow.
Test Solve + Sneak. Two attempts allowed.
If the PC has a lock-pick set available, use -2 SC 6 • Sneak + Craft • 8 in 12 • 1
▶ Success. The door swings quietly open. You’re in! You
hurry through the servant’s hall and see a spiral stair.
That must be the direction they went. Hurry! After the Trial...
■ Go to Stairway Trial, below. Well done! You reach the ledge and find an empty landing.
From here the central tower rises above you, with its
▶ Failure. It won’t open. You’ll have to try the scaffolding. balconies and golden dome. A short passage leads to a
■ Continue to Action 2, below. wooden spiral stair. You race upward.
2. Use the scaffolding and scale the tower.
“You find the scaffolding half finished pots of dried
whitewash sit by the wall, along with a pile of extra poles
Go now to 3 Narvol’s Chamber,
and twine. If you work quickly, you might reach the ledge. next page.
Go to Build It Trial, next column.
15 to 20 minutes
This trial tests Sneak + Move in
ay combined tests. A failure means you
sta move too quickly, slip and fall. You’ll
need counsel from a friend to keep it
a l together and keep moving. Choose
tr i
your sacred verses from those you’ve
used thus far in the quest.
You must gain eight successes in 12 rounds or less. If you
don’t, then you’ve been too slow, which may have dire
consequences for Saral.

If the characters . . .
3 Narvol’s Chamber
1. Hit the spy in the hand with a ranged weapon.
You’ll need the Rescuer’s peace to steady your hand. Is there
You rush up the central wooden stair of the
a verse you can recite to knock as you let the missile fly?
tower’s final two floors. At the first floor you
enter a marble chamber that seems much like an If the PC correctly recites the Weak Monster, Scare A
administrator’s office. Shelves filled with chests, scrolls, and Dragon, or Perfect Peace, award 2 Wp and reduce the
tomes line the walls. Next to an oversized desk and chair Fight by 2.
stands a granog. He sniffs the air and mutters, “Keledan. I Test Fight.
thought I caught your stench.” ▶ Success. Your aim and the Rescuer’s faithfulness are
The granog is not alone. true. The spy yelps in pain and drops the knife. Saral flees
his grasp. Buhdi shakes free of his attacker. Hurry now.
“Help us!” Saral cries . . . Destroy the granog and subdue the spies!
Read the appropriate entry based on the party’s ▶ Failure. Your aim is terrible, but the Rescuer is true.
performance in the trial that brought them here. Your missile flies wide. The spy laughs, easing his grip
on the knife. But the Rescuer is not done. Your missile
If the PCs took 12 rounds or less to finish the trial.
glances off a copper shield hanging on the wall and
Thank the High One! You arrived on time. From the looks smacks the spy in the head. He yelps and drops the knife.
of things, the granog has been enjoying the sport of watching Saral elbows him in the gut and runs. Battle is upon
the three strange men chase Saral and Buhdi around the you. Fight! Destroy the granog. Subdue the spies!
room. The young nobles hide on one side of a long table,
Go to Spy Battle, next page.
while the spies are on the other side, about to flank them.
The frail servant who let them in cowers in the corner. 2. Shout for Saral and Buhdi to fight.
Seeing you, the granog moves to join the fun, drawing Test Command.
his huge sword. “Continue, friends. I will deal with the ▶ Success. The two nobles struggle against their attackers.
Keledan. You take care of the sweethearts. Be sure to make Surprised by Saral’s sudden strength, the spy holding her
it look like the Badu snake killed her and that cowering fumbles the knife. Now’s your chance. Destroy the granog
imbecile ran him through too late to save her.” and subdue the spies. Fight!
Go to Spy Battle, next page. ▶ Failure. Saral and Buhdi only sigh, resigned to their
If the PCs took more than 12 rounds to finish the trial. fate. The spies laugh at your meager effort. The one
You arrived a bit late. From the looks of things, the granog holding Saral laughs so hard that he fumbles the knife.
has been enjoying the sport of watching the three strange The Rescuer is with you. Now’s your chance. Destroy the
men chase Saral and Buhdi around the room. But the granog. Subdue the spies. Fight!
chase is over. You arrived too late. One spy has Buhdi by Go to Spy Battle, next page.
the arms, holding him fast. Another has a knife to Saral’s
throat. The frail servant who let the spies in cowers in the 3. Shout for the young nobles to fight while trying to
corner. A long table stands between you and the Aladoth. hit the spy in the hand with a ranged weapon.
Seeing you, the granog moves to join the fun, drawing An attack like this takes focus. One of you will have aim for
his huge sword. “Continue, friends. I will deal with the the spy while the others shout for the young nobles to fight.
Keledan. You take care of the sweethearts. Be sure to make Group-test Encourage to silently communicate this plan.
it look like the Badu snake killed her and that cowering ▶ Success. Your eyes speak volumes to each other.
imbecile ran him through too late to save her.” ■ Continue to Action 4, Combined Test, below.
You must act quickly, before battle commences, or the spy’s ▶ Failure. Why are you all blinking and rolling your eyes
knife will sink into Saral’s throat. You are forbidden from around like that? This isn’t working. Try another option.
killing the spies. How will you save her?
4. Combined Test
The one aiming for the spy will need the Rescuer’s peace
Do you . . . for a steady hand. Is there a sacred verse you can recite to
knock as you let the missile fly?
1. Hit the spy in the hand with a ranged weapon? If the PC correctly recites the Weak Monster, Scare A
2. Shout for Saral and Buhdi to fight? Dragon, or Perfect Peace, award 2 Wp and reduce the
Fight by 2.
3. Do both? But is there time?
(next page)

After the Battle...
The PC attacking must test Fight while the rest of you
group-test Command.
▶ Success in both. Saral and Buhdi shout with sudden The granog dissolves into a stinking, sizzling
ferocity. Buhdi breaks free. Saral elbows her attacker. puddle of green ooze that smells oddly of fish.
Meanwhile, your aim and the Rescuer’s faithfulness are Only its rich clothes and jewelry are left behind.
true. The spy yelps in pain and drops the knife. Saral flees The spies and Mahku back away from you with their hands
his grasp. Now’s your chance. Destroy the granog and raised. Their weapons, curving daggers, lie on the floor. As
subdue the spies! you approach them, you hear a rasping roar and a terrible
▶ Failure in either. The spies mock your efforts. The one cry from above.
holding Saral tosses his head back in laughter, and “Uncle!” Saral exclaims, and heads for the stairs. Buhdi
your missile sails past his nose. The Rescuer is faithful. grabs Mahku by his collar and is right behind her, dragging
The spy’s loosened grip gives Saral renewed vigor. She the traitor along with him.
struggles against him, and the man trips and falls. Now
Holding these spies is less important than stopping another
is your chance. Destroy the granog and subdue the spies!
death. There’s a dragon up there! Snatching up their
Go to Spy Battle, below. daggers, you leave them and run after the young nobles.

Open the MDB to Spy Battle, p. 50. Place ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
the PC tokens and 1 dark creature token Dagger Excellent 1 1 DCl
as shown by the torch and claw symbols.
3 vardallium daggers with emeralds in their hilts.
battle If the PCs arrived on time, place the spies
on the green Aladoth symbols. If they Continue below.
arrived late, use the red Aladoth symbols.
Place two additional Aladoth tokens (numbers 4 and 5)
A terrifying scene greets you at the top of the
on the spaces marked as “Saral” and “Buhdi.”
stairs. The Baron’s chambers are open to wood
The granog will fight to the death. Each spy individually balconies. One of these is burning. The baron is
will lay down his dagger if successfully commanded or on his knees before a small dragon, shouting, “I don’t know
after 5 . Only the necessary damage boxes are shown. what he wants,” the baron cries. “He said he was drawn by
If Saral and Buhdi accepted the Rescuer in the previous our coming war, but then he spoke in riddles. He spoke of
episode, they may also fight. Use torch tokens. Play them symbols, of a black portal under a hill, of a priest and a
in the battle. No need to roll. Both have SPD 2, Saral does giant. Moments ago he went mad and spoke of raiders
1 to an adjacent enemy. Buhdi does 2 . from the south who’ve come to kill him, breathing liquid
fire everywhere. What does he mean? What raiders? Badu
is to the east, not south!”
Goup-test Solve to unscramble the hatchling’s ramblings.
SPD 3 • GO 4 • SWORD 4
▶ Success. Yes! You are the raiders from the south, and the
dragon is scared. Hatchlings are vulnerable. But there’s
more. A black portal under a hill seems to be tied to the
SPD 2 • SC 3 • DAGGER 2 giant and the priest. Write down the KEYWORD Portal.
▶ Failure. Who knows? Hatchlings are crazy.
damage tracker The creature turns its attention away from the baron
and focuses on your party, allowing the baron to flee into
1 his chamber. “Fear me, Keledan,” the dragon says. “I am
Goltox. You will die!”

1 2 3 Open the MDB to Hatchling Battle, p 52.

Place the tokens as shown. Place Aladoth
hatchling or torch tokens as appropriate for Saral
and Buhdi. The baron is hiding deeper
under the dome.

(next page)

SPD 2 • and are variable (see chart)
Round 1. Direct Mindspeech 1 and 2 at individual PCs (your choice). They must refute the mindspeech with
a verse and how it applies or be infected. Each successful refutation deals 4 to the hatchling. Remaining
PCs make weapon attacks. If a PC says, “Aren’t you a little short for a dragon,” it’s PF takes one damage.
Subsequent Rounds. Direct the next mindspeech (in order) at one PC for refutation. The other PCs make
weapon attacks. Any PC that fails a roll or refutation suffers from dragon’s weapons if within range of
the dragon’s SPD and/or weapon. Roll a starlot using the chart below to see what weapon the dragon uses on
each PC and its effects.
After Mindspeech 6 is refuted or all damage boxes are checked, proceed to After the Battle, next page.


1-2 SMOKE LO 3 1 RNG 5’ 6-7 SCORPION TAIL SC 6 4
3-4 FLAMING VENOM GO 5 4 RNG 10’ 8-10 CLAWS PE 4 3

Hatchling Mindspeech (simple and unfocused)

1. “I am terrifying. I feel your fear. The Rescuer cannot save you.” (PE)
Counters. Weak Monster, Scare a Dragon, Perfect Peace, Sound Judgment, Quiet Confidence, Love Trust.
2. “You can’t trust the Maker or his words. Think again. They are ancient. Today, they mean nothing.” (SC/LO)
Counters. Right On, One Mind, Love Trust.
3. “I have the knowledge of ages. Hand over the Aladoth and, for your sacrifice, I will give you wisdom.
Think nothing of him. He would have let the lions eat you.” (LO/GO)
Counters. Puffed Up Poof, Orderly Peace, Know It Do It
4. “Serve me and I will give you this whole city. Did those guards offend you by locking you up? I will burn
their guardhouse to the ground in your honor. Did the people cheer for the lions? I will roast them for the
lions’ meal.”
Counters. Goodness Conquers, Calm Down.
5. “Don’t waste your time with me or these desert dwellers. Are you not here to help a priest and to stop a
giant? Are you not worried that you will be too late? Setis is no concern of yours. Leave now and hurry on
your way.” (GO)
Counters. Don’t Panic, Know It Do It, Hope In Him.

6. “No! Leave me alone! Trust me and not the Maker. All that he says is shifting lies! I will make you
powerful! You will never know fear again!” (LO)
Counters. Love Trust, Hope In Him, Perfect Peace, Weak Monster, Goodness Conquers, Right On.

p f damage tracker

After the Battle... If the PCs passed the previous test, or if Saral
and Buhdi were rescued last episode, use WISE.
The dragon falls from the balcony and lands on Otherwise, use FOOLISH.
the sandy streets below, smoldering.
If Saral and Buhdi were not rescued before, they listen
Guards race up the stairwell. Some bring pails now. So does Tefal. Use a separate Resolve roll for each.
of sand and begin smothering the flames. Others surround
you with spears lowered. KI 3 • WISE = - 4 • FOOLISH = -1
“Hold!” The baron shouts. “These travelers saved me when Resolve =2
the dragon went mad. We may all suffer if the dragons
hear of this, but for now it is only thanks to them that I still
breathe. Lower your spears.”
After the Rescue...
The guards do as he asks, and Saral runs to her uncle
and hugs him. “Oh, Uncle,” she says. “How could you Read the appropriate entry below, based on
think me a traitor?” She gestures to Buhdi, who hauls the the PCs’ success or failure.
servant Mahku forward. “It was this servant Mahku who
poisoned your ear. He was in league with assassins, trying If any rescue was successful, including the previous
to provoke a war.” rescue of Saral and Buhdi.
“But if you are not for Badu,” the baron says, “then why do Those who accepted the Rescuer pray and weep, knowing
I now see love in your eyes for their emissary?” gratefulness like none they’ve ever felt. Others—including
many of the guards who had rushed up the steps—walk
“Love is indeed what you see,” Buhdi says. “Not treachery. away in sadness, shaking their heads. Those who were
Your niece wants peace for our families, as I do. In that saved begin making their plans to find a hollow tree and go
common ground we found each other. There is no betrayal to the Liberated Land. You tell them all about a jagged rock
in that. Your only enemy here is Mahku.” in the desert where one may be found.
Go to the blue Read to Players icon below.

If the PCs have the KEYWORD Saral and If no Aladoth accepted the gift.
returned her things to her earlier, tell them Even though they did not accept the Rescuer, the people of
Saral shows the parchment to him now and that Setis are amazed at your heroism in fighting and defeating
it proves her innocence. the hatchling. A few mutter that you will be hunted for
The baron turns to Mahku with clenched fists. murder because you killed the granog, but that is simply
You. I should have known. You will pay for this. part of the life you’ve chosen with the Order.
He picks up a knife from his scorched table. Continue below.
Perhaps you should speak up, or blood will be spilled.
Group-test Persuade to stop the baron. The baron continues to express his thanks. You’ve
▶ Success. He lets the knife fall from his hand and asks, helped avert a war between Setis and Badu.
“What else have you dragonslayers to say?” Many lives will be saved. As a reward, he offers
▶ Failure. You’ve distracted him from killing the servant, you anything you want from the Guilds. He’ll pay any price.
but now he turns on you. “Don’t question me in my own
chambers. Are you of noble blood? On what authority
This is a Destiny Scene † and the
do you speak?” end of this episode.
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
At the baron’s question you feel the
Objective Awards
Rescuer’s prompting. Share with him. You
coax him into his chambers, find an ■ Save Saral and avert a war. 2 Wp each.
unburnt couch to sit on, and begin to tell ■ Destroy a terrible creature. 2 Wp each.
him the story of the Great Rescue. Rank Award: Cadet Sentinel. Advance one Untrained
the ability to Apprentice (AP) and one AP ability to
He listens with great intent to the tale
bar of the Rescuer leading his people to Ras Journeyman (JR).
cue Telesar and becoming a fountain of water The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
to quench the dragon’s fire. In particular, When they’re finished, turn to the summary, next page.
he seems to like the part about the flames
becoming starlots when the Peaks rose.
35 to 55 minutes


The dragon battle served as the Bible study for this lesson. If you have additional time, take a moment and
review what the players have learned throughout the quest thus far. What verses can they recite by heart? Do
they understand what each verse means? Here are two more verses that were in their adventure journals for
this lesson. Hopefully they came in handy while fighting the hatchling’s lies. Be sure to end your meeting with a
prayer of thanks for your group’s fellowship and growth and their achievements in ranking up.

Puffed Up Poof 1 Corinthians. 8:1b LO

We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Great knowledge puffs us up. We often lord it over others and use it to build ourselves up while putting them
down. Instead, we are called to build others up by showing them the love of Christ. Reciting and explaining this
verse in battle might damage your foe.

Scare A Dragon Psalm 34:7 PE

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them.
Most biblical scholars agree that “the angel of the Lord” refers to Christ. Long before He came to earth as
God’s Son, David praised Him for protecting those who love Him. When a terrible creature shatters a friend’s
peace, this reminder of the Rescuer’s presence may help. Or reciting and explaining this verse might strike
fear in the heart of a foe and cause it damage.

Next time . . .
If the PCs came to Setis from Fire Pass: The Eastern Pass (2B), your next episode is 4A Sacrificial Post on the next
page. They should study the “Giant Problem: Sacrificial Post” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs came to Setis from the Hermit’s Den (4B) after saving Morellius, your next episode is 2B Eastern Pass on
p. 19. They should study the “Giant Problem: The Eastern Pass” pages in their Adventure Journals.


EPISODE OBJECTIVES coming from the pit o f spores
1. Find Morellius and keep him alive. The Story So Far...
2. Uncover new clues about the giant. While traversing the Great Pit of Spores, you
fought both death vipers and spore goblins.
Choose the correct The Story So Far. There are You also encountered items left by less
two different paths your group may be on. fortunate travelers who passed through the area. The
Before you begin, ask your players what they
pit tested your Faithfulness, your Kindness, and your
remember from the last episode. What do they think the
Rescuer is up to in a land with such a dark shadow?
ability to work together. You’re grateful to have survived.
You found an important clue. Morellius took a prisoner out
Start Point
into the desert toward a place called the sacrificial post to
beg for the help of a dragon.

The Now you head into the desert praying you can make your
SP way to the sacrificial post mentioned in the parchment you
Scrublands found. By the Rescuer’s grace, Morellius will be there, and
perilous place both he and the prisoner will still be alive.
You travel into the desert for several ticks, eating up the
daylight and becoming dry and parched. The sun is already
coming from setis low when you reach a ridge bordering an expanse of
The Story So Far... scrublands.

The baron offered you anything you want from Continue below.
the Guilds. Which item did you choose? A glass It’s late in the day, and the path that brought you
sword? Leather armor? Perhaps a weapon the here was winding. You’re unsure where the
blacksmith would not sell to you? sacrificial post lies. The remains of a dust storm
If the PCs choose anything other than the spear called linger in the air, but the wind is calm now. You think this
the Flame, grant them the item (refer to The Guilds ridge may serve as a crossing point for locals, and there are
p.46) and skip to the paragraph below the item box. If footprints and cart tracks in the soil and sand pointing
they choose the spear, continue below. north and south.
The blacksmith hated to part with the spear, but the Pause and drink water. Perhaps it would also be wise to
baron’s gold was persuasive. When you first took hold of knock before stepping out.
it, the shadow filling the black tip gave way to brilliant
Wandering this way and that in the desert is chaotic.
translucent purple. It shines like a starlot, even now. When
Chaos is not the way of the Rescuer. When asking for his
the blacksmith saw this, he fell to his knees. You shared the
help, what verse might you speak as a prayer?
Great Rescue with him, and he immediately believed.

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value The PCs should choose the Orderly Peace
sacred verse. Allow them to justify whichever
The Flame Mastercraft 1 Priceless verse they choose, and offer guidance as
+2 + quality bonus + skill. necessary. When you’re satisfied, award normal Wp for
speaking a verse and tell them a sudden wind blows
You spent the night in the baron’s tower in safety, but you north. They get the sense they should try that direction.
commit yourselves to rising early to head south into the
desert in search of Morellius and his prisoner. Remove 3
per watch for three watches of rest (9 ). You rise in the
fourth watch to refill your flasks and get ahead of the sun.
The trail is not difficult, but it is long taking you most of
the day. You are hot and parched when you reach a ridge
at the border of an expanse of scrublands.
Go to the second blue Read to Players icon, next column. (next page)

Do you . . . Navigation
1. Head north?
2. Head south? At your feet, you see a piece of cut stone. You’re
not sure how long it’s been there, but you’re
confident that it’s hand-carved. The sand has
If the characters . . . piled up around it from the recent storms. A similar
piece juts out not far down the hill. They’re marked with
1. Head north. runes you can’t read. This place gives you an uneasy
Large gray-brown rabbit mice scamper through the sparse feeling—a biting urge to leave and find another way to go
brush as you survey the scrublands ahead of you. You’re after the giant.
thankful that there’s less deep sand here, but you also know
the scrub hides other dangers. You’re still greatly at risk of Ask the PCs for their Goodness scores. Any
running out of water, and now you have to confront the who have less than 4 will attempt to leave. They
uncertainty of your path to the sacrificial post. must be counseled by a friend. The appropriate
verse from this episode is the Orderly Peace verse. If they
Go to Onward A .
knocked using this verse, be sure a different player uses it
2. Head South. for counseling now. Once you’re satisfied, continue.
You walk south for a time, taking in this scrubland. Rock In the actions below, the PCs must navigate the desert
formations and small thorny bushes dot the landscape as if to find the sacrificial post using the cut stones to mark
the Maker had cast them from his hand across the desolate the way. At each stone, they’ll test Observe. They must
sand. You see many places of shelter for smaller creatures, complete the actions in order. A failure may send them
but the small creatures don’t concern you. For the last half backward. Keep track of how many rounds it takes them
tick, you’ve been hearing howls, and they’re growing closer. to find all the stones.
You may be mistaken, and you pray that you are, but you
The stones seem to mark a path. Can you find
think a pack of wild dogs has taken notice of you.
the rest? At each stone, you’ll test an ability. One
Go to Onward B . test is a round. A failure may cost extra rounds.
Be sure to keep track of how many rounds it takes you to
Use one of the following as find all of them. Find all six stones in ten rounds or less.
directed by the Actions.
A Go to 1 Navigation, next column. Find the stones
B Go to 2 Wild Dogs, next page. Stone 1.
You’re struggling to tell if the rock ahead is a buried carved
5 to 10 minutes stone, or just a rock with a sharp edge.
Test Observe at -3. A group test is allowed.
▶ Success. That was easy! But the winds are picking up.
Sand is already obscuring the stones.
▶ Failure. The winds are picking up. You couldn’t find the
next one. Test again. Don’t forget to count your rounds.
Stone 2.
The sands are flowing over the desert now. It’s hard to see.
Test Solve at -2. A group test is allowed.
▶ Success. Well done. Your eyes are sharp. Keep it up and
you’ll figure out where this leads in no time.
▶ Failure. You dig at the current stone’s base to find more
runes. A red beetle crawls out and bites you! Roll one
starlot each. The one with the lowest roll suffers a fire
beetle bite. You must carry 3 until you find the cure.
Write down KEYWORD Sting and try this stone again.

Stone 3.

Wild Dogs
You can see the next stone, but a long crevice lies between
you and it. To get to the other side, you’ll need to jump. 2
Test Move at -1 as individuals. The full party counts
as 1 round in total.
The air here is quiet except when the wind picks
▶ Success. You’re moving now, following the stones like up and cuts through the scrub. You hear a
desert goats! different howl, and while you haven’t dealt with
▶ Failure. The sand gives way beneath you, and you fall them before, there’s no mistaking the sound of wild dogs on
into the crevice. Suffer 2 . Crawl out and try again the trail of their prey. Thankfully, from the sound of it,
while your friends wait, costing an additional round. they’re still a ways off. But they’re closing the distance.
Stone 4. The landscape is full of hidden dangers, and you know
The blowing sand forces you to cover your eyes and nose. from the small amount of training you’ve had that wild
Finding the next stone will be a real challenge. dogs in the Desert of Sin chase their prey to exhaustion.
Test Observe. A group test is allowed. Their grim reputation fills you with dread.
▶ Success. Impressive. These stones are getting harder to Ask the PCs for their Peace scores. Any who
find, but that hasn’t stopped you. have less than 5 will attempt to leave. They must
▶ Failure. You tarry too long at the current stone, unable be counseled by a friend.
to see the next. A swarm of scorpions moves in with the Use the events # starting below and on the next page
dust. Suffer 2 each and try this stone again. to determine what happens based on the party’s roll of
Stone 5. a starlot. Use one or all events at your discretion. The
This next stone looks like two arrows, but they point in group may still have the Navigation encounter (5 to 10
different directions. That’s not helpful at all. minutes) and will also have a parley with Morellius and a
Heal trial to keep him alive (10 to 20 minutes).
Test Solve at +1. A group test is allowed.
When ready, continue below. When you’ve completed all
▶ Success. Good job working together! Gain 1 Wp each. the events desired, go to After the Events, p. 64.
You have no trouble finding the right way. Keep going!
▶ Failure. You wander too far in your efforts. You’ve lost Your flight from the wild dogs is fraught with
the marker. Go back to Stone 4. Be sure to keep track of danger. Choose a representative to roll one starlot
how many rounds this is taking you. each round, and I’ll tell you what happens.
Stone 6. Duplicate rolls are possible.
A whole colony of rabbit mice hop out of the scrub. They
the den
looked so harmless before, but now you see their teeth.
Look out! They’re attacking! 1
Group-test Fight at +2 to defend yourselves. Is that the dogs’ den? Group-test Observe to find out.
▶ Success. Those little scrub-beasts are no match for your ▶ Success. Fantastic! Your sharp observation lets you
party. Cheeping and chirping, they beat a hoppity retreat avoid the den or alerting more dogs.
into the brush and sand. ▶ Failure. While trying to see, you stumble into each other
■ Go to Onward. Be sure to note how many total and fall onto sharp rocks. Suffer 2 each.
rounds the PCs took to finish this challenge.
▶ Failure. Suffer 2 each. Retreat to Stone 5.
2 leaping hounds
Use one of the following based on
Three wild dogs lunge at you from a rock formation. All
the PCs’ previous experience. must test Move to dodge them.
If the party already encountered the wild dogs. ▶ Success. With grace, you side-step the attack. The dogs
Go to Go to A1 Sacrificial Post, p 64. collide. Hurry away before they collect themselves.

Otherwise . . . ▶ Failure. You beat them away, but suffer 2 in the

effort. They’ll come at you again soon. Get out of there!
Go to 2 Wild Dogs, next column.

15 to 30 minutes

3 giant spider 7-8 a hint o f silver
A massive spider comes scrambling out from a hole in the The party may experience this up to three times.
side of a hill. You can’t outrun it. Watch out, its venom
A glint catches your eye. What’s that in the sand? You’re
may cause you to panic.
not out here to find treasure, but you can take a glance as
you run past. One of you Test Observe at -2 .
GIANT SAND SPIDER -2 ▶ Success. Silver! You know this region holds silver ore.
SPD 3 • GO 3 • BITE 3 These chunks might fetch a price to help feed your party.
This spider’s bite will slow a PC down for the ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
remainder of this Wild Dog encounter (Move +1)
2 Chunks Silver Ore Common 1 for 2 5 Cp ea.

damage tracker ▶ Failure. There’s nothing here. Keep going

1 9-1 0 more than scrub

The party may experience this twice.
After the Battle. The spider crumbles into sand and blows You descend a short hill and find a patch of green and
away on the wind. Keep moving! orange. This is a sun fruit tree. You’ve heard of the fruit’s

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value

4 rock slide
12 Dune Sun Fruit Superior 1 for 3 1 Pt for 3
You run through a small gorge. Look out. Rock slide! Can Each fruit removes 3 .
you dodge it? All must test Move.
▶ Success. Did the rock slide even happen? You sure made
it look like it didn’t. After the Events...
▶ Failure. The rocks bash you. Suffer 2 . The howling has ceased. It sounds like the
dogs have given up. Now you can get back to
the task of finding Morellius.
5 ghost in the dunes
Wait, is that someone in need? “Hello!” you shout, but
Use one of the following based on
there’s no answer. You want to get away from the dogs, but the PCs’ previous experience.
you can’t leave someone to perish out here. Test Observe. If the party already faced the navigation challenge
A group test is allowed. on p. 62.
▶ Success. It’s only a mirage—a trick of the dust and the Go to Go to A1 Sacrificial Post, below.
lowering sun. But your observation shows you a path
ahead. The dogs howl behind you. Keep going! Otherwise . . .

▶ Failure. Your mind is playing tricks on you. Worse, the Go to 1 Navigation, p. 62.
fastest dogs have caught up.
■ No roll. Go straight to 2 on the previous page. 15 to 30 minutes

6 healing waters
You’ve found an Aropha fountain monument to the High
One, untouched by the dust and vermin. The water is clear.
Fill your flasks with 3 drinks each. Each drink removes 2 .

5 or 6. “This is a map of the temple. See the altar and the
wall behind? We call that the Obsidian Gate. Long ago,
when the dragon Goltox brought the giant to Tahn, it
A1 Sacri ficial carved the symbols with a black talon. The symbols are
Post carved around the hall Goltox called them a gift of sorcery
that tames the giant. But they don’t seem to be working
perilous place

The scrubland gives way to ribbons of dunes,

growing in height. The last of the sunlight gives
After the Parley...
them a rose hue. Among them, you see a flash of Morellius ceases to speak. His eyes roll back.
gold. The altar. It must be. Hurry! When you crest the final You’re losing him! He told you there’s a physician
dune, you see the sacrificial post—three white spires nearby. You’ve got to renew Morellius enough to
decorated in lapis and gold rising from a stepped platform. make it safe to carry him to the hermit’s den.
Nearby is a huge black egg open and smoldering. A burned
Continue with the Renewing Trial, below.
and bloodied man lies at the bottom of the steps. Are you
too late? You run to him. He’s alive but fading fast.

This is a challenge of Heal that put’s

Morellius is wounded and willing to
morellius ing your Peace at risk. There is no damage
talk, but he’s not terribly coherent. ew
ren for a failure, but your Peace may be
There is no Persuade test. If the PCs
parley infected. Gain seven successes, testing
finished the navigation challenge 10 l
a as individuals in team rounds. Try to
rounds or less, allow them to ask five t ri
do it in eleven rounds or less. By the
questions. If not, they may only ask three questions. Two
Rescuer’s grace, your healing kit does
are critical.
not run out. Only one use is required.
1. What happened to the prisoner? PE 5 • Heal • 7 in 11 • N/A
2. Can you travel?

After the Trial...

3. Where is the dragon?
4. Tell us about the giant.
Darkness falls over the dunes. Morellius is breathing, but
If the PCs found the map with symbols in Episode 1. he’ll need more than your healing kit if he’s going to live.
5. Tell us about the symbols on this map. The desert air grows cold. You wrap Morellius in as much
If the PCs didn’t find the map with symbols. warmth as you have to spare and prepare to move him.
6. What is that in your hand? There’s an unsettled feeling in the pit of your stomach. Yet,
you know the Rescuer is with you, and able to save your
answers patient, no matter how dire the circumstances appear.
1. “The egg burst open in a spout of liquid flame. It
weakened the altar chains, and the prisoner broke free.
He ran away and left me.” This is a Destiny Scene † and
2. “Not far. There’s an old hermit physician who lives by the the end of this episode.
small oasis east of here. Will you carry me to him?”
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
3. “I don’t know. The hatchling went berserk, black with a
stinger for a tail. It clawed me. Flames were everywhere. Objective Awards
I blacked out, and when I came to, I saw it flying north ■ Find and save Morellius. 2 Wp each.
toward Setis.” ■ Find new clues about the giant. 1 Wp each.
4. “The giant is out of control. For generations, it wanted The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
only gifts of grain in exchange for protecting the villages When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
of Tahn. But in my years, it has grown strong and bold,
demanding our life-giving water, and now demanding 35 to 45 minutes
blood. Every day, it waits by the obsidian wall behind
the altar for a sacrifice. If we fail to appease it, the giant
emerges and claims many lives in its rage.”


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Mending Hearts Psalm 34:18 LO

The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit.

Those who are hurt by the things of life should always remember that the Lord is near and promises to save
them from being crushed. He will mend their hearts. Speaking and explaining this verse may lift a downtrodden
Aladoth’s spirits.

Scare A Dragon Psalm 34:7 PE

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them.
Most biblical scholars agree that “the angel of the Lord” refers to Christ. Long before He came to earth as
God’s Son, David praised Him for protecting those who love Him. When trials shatter a friend’s peace, this
reminder of the Rescuer’s presence may help.

Don’t Panic Luke 12:25 PE

Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?
The logic is unassailable. It ought to be. These words were spoken by Jesus Himself. And today’s doctors have
proven this to be true. When trials shatter a friend’s peace, this reminder may help.

Weak Monster Psalm 56:3 PE

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Fear can drive us to foolish actions and responses. Lean on the peace of knowing God is all sovereign and will
take care of us. Trust in Him. When faced with adversity or injury, this verse may help a panicking friend to
stop, think, and trust.

Orderly Peace 1 Cor. 14:33a GO

. . . since God is not a god of disorder, but of peace.

When we shout over one another, no one is heard. When our actions promote disorder, we work contrary to
God’s will. God is not a God of confusion or chaos. Panicking does no good. In fact, doing good, or what is
beneficial to others, requires us to stay calm. When things go awry, this reminder might help calm the situation.


MAIN IDEA: Don’t panic. Don’t Panic Luke 12:25 PE

Worrying and anxiety make a difficult situation worse.
We know it’s important to wait on God and trust Him in As Jesus says in this verse, worrying does not accomplish
every circumstance. One of the ways Satan tries to make anything. All it does is cause you to panic and focus even
both difficult for Christians is by tempting them to be more on the bad instead of trusting God and knowing He
afraid and panic during tough times. When things go has your back. When we worry too much, it can send us
poorly, it’s easy to get scared and panic. When you panic, into a spiral and tempt us into a fear that God will fail to
you’re not focusing on God and waiting patiently for take care of us. It also doesn’t send a good message of our
Him. When you lose your focus on God, it’s easy for sin faith in Christ to nonbelievers watching us spiral.
to sneak past your defenses. When the going gets tough,
take a pause and remember God is faithful.
Weak Monster Psalm 56:3 PE

KNOW—MIND: What can I know David was a mighty man of God. He was one of the
most courageous people in all of history. He knew the
about these verses? true secret to courage is drawing it from your faith in
God. When you’re scared, don’t panic. Lean on God and
Let’s see how the following verses can encourage us in pray He will grant you courage like David to get through
our Christian walk and help keep us from panicking. your situation.

Mending Hearts Psalm 34:18 LO Orderly Peace 1 Cor. 14:33a GO

Life is not a walk in the park. While we have joyful times, Panic leads to disorder. It causes us to stress, jumbles our
we also have periods of hurt, sadness, temptation, and thoughts, and causes us to imagine unrealistic scenarios
despair. King David wrote this Psalm in one of his lowest of doom and sorrow. God is a god of peace and does not
times, when he was fleeing from Saul. He even pretended want us to fret and give over to fear. Stay calm, trust the
to be mad in the presence of his enemies. The great Lord, and don’t panic.
warrior who slew Goliath was on the run in a lowly state,
yet he remembered the goodness and faithfulness of God.
When times are tough, don’t panic, because God is near GROW—HEART: How can my
to the brokenhearted.
relationship with Christ grow through
these verses?
Scare A Dragon Psalm 34:7 PE
Trusting God and not giving over to fear in tough
This is another powerful verse from David during the times will strengthen your relationship with Him like
same dark period in his life. Even though he was being never before.
pursued by his enemies, he knew God’s presence was
surrounding him, and he had faith that the angel of the A Soldier doesn’t know how well he can fight until he’s
Lord would rescue him. One of the prominent themes in at war. A quarterback doesn’t know how well he can
Lightraiders is the Rescuer, who represents Christ, and handle the defense blitzing until he’s in a real game.
how we spread the love of Jesus to help rescue the lost Likewise, Christians don’t know the full extent of their
who are dying from sin. Even though we’re saved, we will faith in God until they experience temptations and trials.
still experience tough times. Like David, we need to trust Experience builds endurance. This is why James says in
that God will rescue us from the trials and temptations the New Testament “Consider it a great joy, my brothers
of life. David is a model of faith and resilience in tough and sisters, whenever you experience various trials,
times, and we should study his example so we can apply because you know that the testing of your faith produces
the same principles to our lives. endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, so that
you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.”
(next page)


Tough times allow our faith to grow stronger and bring PRAYER
us closer to Christ. If we go through a trial and feel we
Take a moment to pray with your players. Remind them
didn’t perform well, that’s okay. That trial has revealed
that God does not want them to panic when the going
what you need to work on in your faith. By assessing
gets tough and that no matter how hard it gets, He is still
yourself and praying, you’ll know your shortcomings and
with them through it all.
be ready when the next trial comes along.
Thank you, God, for once again allowing us to have
a wonderful time playing a game and learning about
You. Allow us to understand that life can be hard and
GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What that it’s okay. Fill us with your peace, so that when hard
do I do about what I’ve learned today? times come, we won’t give into panic, and we can be a
wonderful example of the joy that you bring. Amen.
How should I honor God during tough times?
Why shouldn’t I panic when things get tough?
How do tough times make me a stronger Christian?
How can I prepare myself spiritually for tough times?

Next time . . .
For all groups, your next episode is 4B Hermit’s Den on the next page. The players should study the “Giant
Problem: Hermit’s Den” pages in their Adventure Journals.


EPISODE OBJECTIVES challenge that may leap you ahead or force you to try
one or more stages again. Keep track of how many
1. Get Morellius to safety. rounds it takes you to get through all six stages. You
2. Discover how to defeat the giant. must reach the hermit’s den in ten rounds, or you may
not be able to save Morellius.
Start Point
Carry challenge.
SP Sacri ficial
Post Stage 1. Sharp Rocks
perilous place You see a shortcut, but those sharp rocks look dangerous.
Will you run through the rocks or take the long way?
Throughout this episode, you’ll need to take A Run through the rocks.
notes when players make decisions that impact Group-test Move.
the redemption of Morellius. You also need to ▶ Success. Great shortcut! Skip to Round 3.
remember whether they completed the final trial in the ▶ Failure. Suffer 3 each on the way, but skip to
previous episode in eleven rounds or less. You’ll need Stage 3.
that information later in this episode. The singular goal
of this episode will make it one continuous scene. B Take the long way.
Group-test Move at -1.
Ask the players what lasting impressions they have from
the last leg of their journey? Do they think someone like ▶ Success. Slower is faster, as the swordmaster
Morellius can change? After all, he did try to sacrifice a always says. Advance to the next stage.
prisoner to the dragon. Can he be redeemed? ▶ Failure. Rock formations block your path. Go back
and look for another long way, or take the shortcut.
The Story So Far... Remember to count the extra round.

You’ve faced wild dogs and navigated treacherous Stage 2. Hidden Danger
scrubland. You saved Morellius’ life and learned The sand was covering an old wooden cache that just
that, long ago, the dragon Goltox brought the waited for you to walk across it. The weight of your party
giant to the village priests to protect Tahn. But, lately, the carrying Morellius is too much. It’s giving way!
giant has grown more demanding and required more Group-test Move at +1.
sacrifices of the priesthood, demanding water and blood.
▶ Success. You leap from the breaking hatch just in time.
Morellius was gravely wounded but said a hermit who Keep going!
lives not far away might be able to save his life. After he fell ▶ Failure. The hatch breaks. Suffer 3 each protecting
unconscious, you set a course for the hermit’s den. your patient in the fall. Go to A below.
You’re exhausted, but time is running out for Morellius. A Group-test Solve to haul your patient and
With the night wearing on, you catch a glimmer of starlight yourselves out of the cache.
off the oasis water. There’s the hermit’s hut! ▶ Success. You’ve done it. Keep going, but
At the sight of it, you feel a wave of relief. But you rein in remember to count the extra round.
your elation with a reminder that you haven’t arrived yet. ▶ Failure. Keep trying. It’ll cost one round for each
The desert starlight often magnifies objects. You may have attempt until you get out and on your way.
a good distance yet to travel.
Stage 3. The Old Stone Path
In this carry challenge, players must carry Sand blows away at your feet, revealing an old stone path.
Morellius to the hermit’s hut. At each stage, Group-test Observe at +2 to follow the path.
they’ll face another choice or challenge that ▶ Success. Sharp eyes! Skip to Stage 5.
may increase or decrease the rounds still before them.
▶ Failure. Was it a trick of the starlight? There’s nothing
Keep track of your rounds in the following here. Go to Stage 4.
event. Each stage will present a choice or (next page)

Stage 4. The Dry Riverbed From the corner of your eye, you see a skinny man in
The place you’re standing looks like a dry riverbed, but loose-fitting robes emerge from the hut. He rushes out
the water has gone underground. Perhaps it leads to the and begins dragging Morellius away. You hope that’s
hermit’s oasis. You start to follow the bed, and begin to the hermit dragging him to the hut, but the troll now
sink. Quick sand! has your full attention.
Each of you test Exert + Solve to escape.
▶ Success. You’re out. Help your friends who are Open the MDB to Sand Troll Battle, p.
struggling. 57. Place the torch tokens as shown.
▶ Failure. You didn’t make it out. Group-test Exert + sand troll Place 1 medium dark creature tokens as
Solve again with friends until you escape. Each test must shown. During this fight, the sand troll
include a person who has already escaped. Every extra uses song sorcery that urges PCs that
test costs one additional round. suffer to leave their rescue attempts in
Stage 5. Red Light pursuit of the desert’s hidden treasures of
silver ore, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. PCs that
Tiny red stars twinkle ahead. No. Those aren’t stars. They’re temper their armor with the Boots of Readiness verse may
fire beetles, hovering over a rocky slope that you must use their boots twice during the battle.
climb. Get your patient up the slope before they bite.
Help each other up the slope. If one of you can recite and The creature stomps across the sand on short legs,
explain the Carry Me sacred verse, you may reduce the test shaking the ground, but it’s long body and tall
target by 2. head make it twice the height of a man. Long
arms reach for you, and five uneven orange eyes hit you
Group-test Move at +3. with a blazing glare. You hear a grinding rumble from
▶ Success. Well done. You’re up the hill and nearing within its belly. Words form in the rhythm. “Silver and
the goal. diamonds. Rubies and emeralds, catching the light of the
▶ Failure. Too slow! Roll one starlot each. The one with the moon. Think what they’ll buy you—the advantage they’ll
lowest roll suffers a fire beetle bite. You must carry 3 bring you. Cease fighting and dig in my dunes.”
until you find the cure. Write down KEYWORD Sting.
Stage 6. Scorching Stones
Big stones glow in the sand. These rocks seem to gather
SPD 3 • FA 6 • FIST 4
the desert heat so well that it feels like an oven when you
approach. They form a scorching maze. Can you find the
quickest way through? damage tracker
Group-test Solve at +2.
▶ Success. There’s the hut! You’ve done it! Write down the 1
number of rounds it took.
▶ Failure. You couldn’t find the way. Use one extra round
searching for a way around. But there’s the hut. You’ve
done it. Write down the number of rounds it took.

But have you really done it? There’s the oasis, After the Battle...
with its cool water and sun fruit trees. You
see the hut on the near shore. With a grinding rattle, the troll returns to sand
and clumps of fungal growth. You feel a twinge of
Smoke billows from the chimney, and you hope that nausea at the sight and smell of it.
means the hermit is tending the fire inside. You
Your attention turns to Morellius—or the absence of him.
imagine the bliss of the warmth of the fire and a tasty The last you saw, the hermit pulled him off the battlefield.
cup of sun fruit juice. Your body is aching and needs Did he take him to the hut? You hope so, but while the
to rest, and your patient needs treatment. battle distracted you, anything could have happened. You
But you’re not there yet. The ground shakes. wonder what kind of person the hermit is. Morellius is a
Tahnkahn priest, which may afford him some respect from
In your exhaustion, you were slow to see the shape the people who live nearby. But you’re not sure the same
emerging from a dune not far from the hut. A surge respect will be extended to you, a group of outsiders.
courses through you. Sand troll! You can’t let it have Continue to Hermit Parley, next page.
Morellius. Carefully, you set your patient down and
advance to stop this threat.

If the PCs met Zaydol in Setis and took the lion.
The door of the hut cracks open, and 3. [Offer the automaton] We brought this for you from
hermit the hermit pokes his head out. Zaydol in Setis. He said it belongs to you.
“Are you coming in?” he says. “Or are hermit replies
you waiting for a new troll to grow
from that fungus?” 1. “It’s good that he told you about me. The town is so far
His smile eases your concern a bit. But, with so few words away that he would have succumbed to his wounds
spoken, you can’t tell if he’s friendly or simply mad. before you reached it. Your renewing work may have
saved his life.”.
This parley has multiple stages. The PCs don’t
2. “Curious that a Tahnkahn Priest would be friends with
know that Morellius is semi-conscious and
Keledan strangers like you.”
hearing parts of the conversation. As a result,
their actions and words have an impact on further ■ Take note of the small deception in the PCs’ answer.
conversations with both characters. 3. “I don’t seem to remember ever owning an automaton.
If the PCs completed the Renewing Trial last episode in But thank you for bringing it to me.” He winds the
eleven rounds or less and completed the carry challenge automaton as if he’s done it a thousand times, sets it
in this episode in ten rounds or less, they have reduced on a shelf and watches it prance around and let out a
the danger for Morellius and earned the respect of this clackety roar. “How fortunate that Zaydol thought it was
physician. Use WISE. If they failed to meet the rounds mine, since it helped you find me tonight.”
goal for one of those challenges, use +3. If they failed Award the PCs 2 Wp each.
to reach the rounds goal for both, use FOOLISH.
stage two
PE 3 • WISE = +2 • FOOLISH = +4 The hermit, once again, glances at Morellius.
“Whether a friend or not, this man is fighting for
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed. You may not spend his life. I applied a poultice to his wound, and
Wp to change this result. I’ve offered him all the skill I have, but it would still take a
miraculous intervention to see him through to the morrow.
▶ Success. “I’ve done what I can for now. Sit with me and In fact, I happen to have a pair of prayers taught to young
tell me about him.” renewers in your very own Order of the Lightraiders. They
▶ Failure. “You’re not very good at this yet, are you, might help when spoken as prayers by Keledan like you.”
cadets?” He grins. “Yes, I can sense what you are. Sit He pulls a framed scroll from his wall that looks like it was
down. Let’s talk.” inked by skilled and loving hands. On it you see two verses
from the Sacred Scrolls.
stage one
Open the MDB to Renewer’s Prayers, p. 58.
The inside of the house is much tidier than you These are two additional verses for the PCs.
expected from the word “hermit.” Everything Each is a partial verse. They will learn the full
seems to be in a particular space and labeled verses as their rank and abilities increase. Encourage the
with precision. A fire is cracking away on the far side of the players to recite each Renewer’s Prayer together as a
room. The sight and warmth of it bring you comfort and a group. They should consider them the PCs’ prayers for
wave of peace. Remove 1 each. Morellius, who needs the Rescuer’s healing.
Morellius is asleep on a cot beside the fire. The hermit As you lift your eyes, you notice that the Hermit
seems to notice your observation. “Your friend is resting. I had bowed his head with you. You aren’t sure
thought he might have woken when I brought him inside, whether it was out of respect, or something else.
but if he did it was short.”
Morellius heaves a great breath where he lays, then settles
Morellius is not a friend. You’d never met him before again. Color returns to his lips. The Hermit nods. “Perhaps
tonight. But you also don’t know what will happen if you your Rescuer will come through. I‘ve found him to be far
correct the hermit. How do you respond? more faithful than the dragons. In the meantime, tell me,
what brings you so far from the Liberated Land of Keledev.”
cadet response options (choose the closest)
How do you respond?
1. We only just met Morellius and saw he needed help.
(next page)
He told us you might be able to provide aid.
2. Yes, our friend needs aid. Can you help him?

cadet response options (choose the closest) hermit replies
1. We go where the Rescuer sends us, and he brought us 1. “That is what we must determine together.”
here to deal with the giant and help Morellius.
2. “I’m grateful for your honesty. In my humble opinion,
2. We’re just passing through and wanted to help. you’ll need to find a weapon that can slow the giant
down. I also think you’ll need to break the secret of the
hermit replies symbols the dragon etched in the hall of the Obsidian
Gate. Since you have a map showing those symbols, we
1. “The giant is indeed a problem, and it’s clear Morellius
can work on those together.”
needs help. So do the people here. You saw the troll.
Those things are often drawn to giants of similar fashion. 3. Before you can stop him, the hermit takes hold of the
Each time the giant leaves its temple, which is happening spear. You expect the translucent starlot head to blacken
more and more, it kills Aladoth. This region grows into shadow, but it doesn’t. The hermit hefts the spear
darker by the day.” like a man who’s thrown many and nods. “This will slow
the giant down, I’m sure of it.” He hands the spear back
2. “Really?” The hermit’s smile flattens. By his tone, you
to you. “But it won’t kill the creature. For that, I think
can tell he’s unhappy with your answer. “No one happens
you’ll need to break the secret of the symbols on the map
through this Tahn region. There’s nothing to the North or
of the temple. I can help you with that.”
South—nothing for you to be passing to or from. And so
it seems foolish to wander the desert. No. I think you’ve
come to kill the giant.” After the Parley...
■ Take note of the PCs’ attempt to deceive the hermit.
“A wise person asks for help when they don’t have
the answers they need. But, who you ask is
stage three always of the utmost importance. Asking
The hermit leans forward in his seat and speaks someone who lacks good motives, or who doesn’t
low, as if others might be listening. The light from understand the situation can be a catastrophe. But, I am
the fire seems to dim. “The people of Tahn, Setis, honored you thought to ask me. Then again, you’ve
and Badu all know the story of how the giant came here. A probably already guessed that I am a saltwarrior of the
priest saw blue-black smoke, purple lightning, and the Lightraider Order, living here as the Rescuer’s witness in
glitter of silver rising from an Aropha ruin half-buried in a the Tanelethar. My name is Joshiel, and the Rescuer sent
dune and built a temple there. The dragon Goltox came you to me for help in this quest.”
and praised the priest for his handiwork. As a reward, he As Joshiel finishes speaking, Morellius sits up. He rubs
offered the region protection. The priest gladly accepted, his eyes and looks over at you. “Did one of you mention
and the giant appeared in the temple along with the black the symbols in the temple hall? Could those be the key to
wall behind the altar, called the Obsidian Gate. The dragon ending Tahnkahn’s rage?”
named the giant Tahnkahn and gifted the temple with
runes of sorcery to tame the giant for the people. For Continue to Symbol Trial, below.
generations, the giant protected them, asking only offerings
of grain. But then the dragon Goltox vanished. And not
long after, the giant began demanding more and more. It Put your heads together with Joshiel
hungers for—”
and Morellius to unlock the secret of the
sym symbols on the temple map. You likely
The hermit sits back, and it seems the firelight grows
brighter again. “Perhaps you don’t need all those terrible found this map in the collar of a lion or
al gripped in Morellius’s hand. Joshiel
details. And we must soon tend to our patient. Is there any t ri
other information I can provide you to help with your goal?” believes that solving the riddle of these
symbols will help you kill the giant.
cadet response options (choose the closest) The hour is late, and you’re exhausted. You’ll need to battle
1. We found a map of the temple with symbols by the your desire to sleep if you want to solve this and continue
walls. What do they mean? the quest. If you fail a round, you nod off and bang your
head on the table or fall out of your chair, suffering 1
2. We have no idea what we’re doing.
. This trial puts your Love, Joy, or Goodness at risk,
If the PCs earned the spear called the Flame in Setis. whichever is lowest. If two of your Character Strengths tie
3. We have this starlot spear. Will it kill the giant? for the low score, I’ll use my discretion and tell you which
one is infected.

If the PCs have the KEYWORD Portal, use After the Rescue...
-1. Open the MDB to Symbols Map, p. 59.
Show the players the map they found. Remind Read the appropriate entry below, based on
them of the clues they’ve found, listed below. the PCs’ success or failure.
1. Before the temple was built, blue-black smoke, purple
If the rescue was successful.
flashes, and silver dust were seen over an Aropha ruin at
that dune. Morellius is heartbroken by the things he has done of the
dragons and the giant, but he is overjoyed that the Rescuer
2. There is a black rock wall behind the temple altar called would forgive him. He insists on setting out at once for
the Obsidian Gate. the villages of Tahn to tell them that he and they had been
3. The dragon Goltox carved the symbols in the temple hall deceived, to beg their forgiveness, and to share the Great
to “tame the giant.” Rescue. Joshiel agrees to go with him.
Go to the blue Read to Players icon below.
LO/JO/GO 6 • Solve -1 • 6 • 1 If Morellius did not accept the gift.
Morellius thanks you for saving him but is not convinced
that the Rescuer can save him. Instead, he plans to journey
After the Trial... to the villages of Tahn and throw himself at their feet to beg
“I’ve got it!” Joshiel says. “That Obsidian Gate is the key. It’s for mercy for his failure to control the giant. He asks that
a hollow hill portal—perhaps an unstable one. The dragon you do what you can. Joshiel agrees to go with him, for he
didn’t call the giant into being as it claimed. It brought the is not fully healed. The saltwarrior will keep reminding the
giant in through the portal and sealed it. The symbols are priest of the truth and good news of the Rescuer.
dragon deceptions. It is not what they mean but whatever Continue below.
the symbols are made of that keeps the portal sealed. If you
destroy the symbols and sweep them into the temple fires,
you may be able to destabilize the portal and destroy or As Joshiel and Morellius pack, the saltwarrior
banish the giant.” He glances around the table at you all, shows you his store of sun fruit juice and way
then sighs. “Cadets, you might want to write that down.” rations. “Stay here tonight,” he says. “My hut is a
Continue to The Priest Rescue, below. safe haven, and my sun fruit are good and healthy. Rest and
renewal will prepare you for the challenges ahead.”
You pass four watches in the safe haven. Remove 12
each. Before leaving you have a breakfast of sun fruit juice
and Joshiel’s way rations. Remove another 5 each. This
Morellius is amazed by the solution you brehna in the Rescuer is a blessing you could not have done
and Joshiel have found. “The symbols are without. The Rescuer is with you. Refill your flasks.
lies,” he says. “They’re not sorcery. They’re
only a trick wrought by the dragon’s This is a Destiny Scene † and the
knowledge of portals.”
end of this episode.
You and Joshiel have saved his life. You’ve
pri changed his view of the dragons and his Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
cue giant. Now is the time to share the Great
res Objective Awards
Rescue. He is ready to listen.
■ Get Morellius to safety. 2 Wp each.
If the PCs attempted to deceive Joshiel in Stage ■ Discover how to defeat the giant. 1 Wp each.
One or Stage Two of the parley, Morellius
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
noticed. Use FOOLISH. Otherwise, use WISE.
When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.

LO 3 • WISE = - 3 • FOOLISH = -1 35 to 45 minutes

Resolve =3


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Know It Do It James 4:17 GO

So it is sin to know good and yet not to do it.

Inaction can be sin. The Goodness Core Strength is aggressive goodness. It’s active. It’s proactive. We work at
doing right, especially for others. Put away selfishness and don’t miss a chance to meet another’s needs. Don’t
give up on doing good. When a friend is ready to quit the mission, this verse may help.

No Compromise Psalm 119:128 FA

I carefully follow all Your precepts and hate every false way.
“Hate” is a strong word. “Despise” is another way of saying it. That’s harsh, but God’s Word is specific, and the
message is clear. Don’t compromise. When a creature’s infection causes a friend to get sidetracked, this verse
might help.

Wrong Way Proverbs 14:12 FA

There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death.
Worldly dreams and pursuits are ultimately dead ends. The world’s message of “follow your heart” is just a
distraction–a dangerous one. Our calling is to pursue God and His will for our lives. That pursuit leads to joy
everlasting. To help a friend suffering from a troll’s infection, try this verse.

Carry Me Galatians 6:2 LO

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
When a brother or sister is suffering trials or temptations, gather around him or her with compassion. Support
and encourage each other. In today’s episode, use this Love verse to help friends suffering from infected
Goodness or Joy. When friends struggle to go on, come alongside them and remind them with this verse that
none of us are carrying our burdens alone.

Night Light Psalm 119:105 JO

Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.

Oh how the Lightraiders love this verse! When we need wisdom, God’s Word is the light that illuminates our
path. We dive into His Word and let the light of it bring us joy! In today’s episode, when the darkness drives a
friend to exhaustion, this verse might help.


MAIN IDEA: No compromise. Wrong Way Proverbs 14:12 FA

When we’re tempted to go off on our own path and
compromise what the Bible says, we need to remember
As Lightraiders, we have learned to wait on God, trust we’re not perfect and that only God is perfect. Satan
Him in all circumstances, and not panic. The deceiver is throws all kinds of temptations in our way so we’ll
full of tricks, however, and he has other lies with which abandon God’s path. What if I cheat on this exam? What
he tries to turn us from the one true path. One of his if I lie to get out of trouble with my parents? What if I
nastier deceptions is trying to get us to compromise what tease and act mean towards this person so the popular
God’s Word says and appease the sinful beliefs of our students will like me? Once we start on our own path and
fallen world. When we compromise by twisting God’s ignore what God desires, it leads to nothing but sin and
Word to suit our comforts or the beliefs of this world, it trouble.
makes us less effective in both our walk with Christ and
our efforts to spread the message and love of the Rescuer. Carry Me Galatians 6:2 LO
Another way you compromise is by abandoning your
KNOW—MIND: What can I know Christian brothers and sisters in need. Just as you’re
about these verses? learning by playing Lightraiders, Christianity is not a solo
quest. We’re all part of the body of Christ. We all need
Let’s see how the following verses can help us to not each other’s support, prayer, and help when we encounter
compromise and be effective soldiers for Christ. trials and temptations. When you scoff or ignore your
brothers and sisters in need because of selfishness, then
you compromise.
Know It Do It James 4:17 GO
When you know what’s right and you don’t do it, you’re Night Light Psalm 119:105 JO
compromising. Following Christ does not mean that we
do what’s right only when others are watching, but that This beautiful verse in Psalms perfectly captures how
we do what’s right when no one is watching. If you’re the Bible aids us in our walk. “Your Word is a lamp for
constantly compromising in private, then the good you my feet and a light on my path.” The Bible lights up our
do in public is for show and is not a true reflection of way. It shows us exactly how to live, what to do, and
your heart. If you compromise when you’re alone, you’ll what to say. When you allow the light of God’s Word to
find it difficult to stand up for what’s right when the constantly illuminate your path, you’ll find it easier to
world challenges your beliefs. remain faithful to Him and not compromise.

No Compromise Psalm 119:128 FA GROW—HEART: How can my

A great way to avoid compromise is to realize that God’s
relationship with Christ grow through
precepts, or commands, are perfect and that we must these verses?
carefully follow them. When we start with the foundation
that God’s Word, and only His Word, is our guidebook As Christians, we mustn’t compromise. By not
for living life, then it’s easier to remain faithful to that compromising, we’re telling God that we trust His ways
Word. Carefully following God’s commands is essential, and that His commands for our lives are perfect. The
and the best way to carefully remain faithful to those enemy desperately wants us to compromise on God’s
commands is to read the Bible daily to reinforce what commands. If he can successfully do that, then he sows
God desires of you. a seed of doubt in our hearts. Once we allow ourselves
to compromise, then it becomes easier to compromise
(next page)


When a fallen world sees us compromising on our PRAYER

beliefs, then it makes it more difficult for God to use
Take a moment to pray with your players. Remind
us to share His perfect message of love and salvation.
them that Jesus loves them. If they make a mistake and
Constantly evaluate your heart and your walk with God
compromise, God will forgive them if they repent. Let
to ensure that you are not compromising.
them know it is important that as soon as they discover
compromise in their Christian walk to pray for God’s
GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What help in overcoming it.
do I do about what I’ve learned today? Thank You, Lord, for Your love and Your constant mercy
and forgiveness. Thank You that You can use a fun
Christian game to teach us the truth and help us grow
What can I do today to not compromise?
closer to You. I pray that as of today we will commit to
Are there things in my life that Satan is trying to use to not compromise on Your Word. I pray that if we find
get me to compromise? ourselves compromising, we will ask forgiveness and
change our ways. Amen.
Am I constantly in God’s Word?
Am I building up others around me?

Next time . . .
If the PCs went to the Sacrificial Post (4A) from Setis your next episode is 5 Great Pit of Spores, on the next
page. They should study the “Giant Problem: Pit of Spores” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs went to the Sacrificial Post (4A) from the Great Pit of Spores, your next episode is 3A Setis: Gates and
Barracks, p. 31. They should study the “Giant Problem: Gates and Barracks” pages in their Adventure Journals.


You crest a dry and cracked hill and look south to see a
massive barrier—a massive pit, round and deep. To go
1. Cross the pit without becoming “wounded.” around it would take an extra day or more, and your
mission is urgent. Your only path is through.
2. Find an item you can return to its owner.
Continue directly below.
Choose the correct The Story So Far, based on
your group’s path through the quest. Before you Two paths wind down from the ridge where you
begin ask the players what they remember from stand into the Great Pit of Spores. Neither looks
the last episode. In real life, would they rather wander safe, but you have no other choices.
through a dry desert or venture into a place called the One path becomes steep steps descending the near wall of
Great Pit of Spores? In the story, how do they think the the pit to the deep, putrid-yellow sand. The other path joins
Rescuer is making himself known to their characters as a ledge below the rim that follows the pit wall for a short
they wander through such dangerous places? distance before becoming a switchback ramp to the bottom.

Start Point The switchbacks are the longer route, and they may be the
only option for a horse cart. But you’re on foot. You could
take the steep steps. Then again, the switchbacks appear
SP The Pit to be littered with items left behind by those who’ve passed
this way before and likely did not survive. Many small
perilous place
objects glint in the sun. They might be coins or valuables.

coming from the hermit’s den Do you . . .

The Story So Far... 1. Take the steep steps?
Thanks to your quick work, the renewer’s 2. Take the ledge and ramp?
knowledge of a saltwarrior living here as a 3. Seek the Rescuer’s will before choosing?
hermit, and the healing power of the High One,
Morellius was healed. He and the saltwarrior Joshiel helped
you unlock the secret of the map symbols and decide how If the characters . . .
to stop the giant. You must destroy the symbols in the
temple. But can it be as easy as smashing decorations and 1. Take the steep steps.
sweeping them into the fire?
The steps are steep and dangerous. The sandstone is brittle
You felt renewed when you left Joshiel’s hut this morning, and cracks under your boots.
but the day has worn on. Each step in hot sand drains Test Move at -1. Each of you must test.
your strength. You crest a ridge and see the Great Pit of
Spores—a deep, round, and massive scar on the landscape. ▶ Success. Your steps are as light and sure as a mountain
According to Joshiel, you must cross it to reach the temple. goat’s. You reach the bottom unharmed.
▶ Failure. Careful! Suffer 2 in your fall. If any other
Go to the blue Read to Players icon, top, next column. PCs have not tested yet, add 1 to their s. This is
cumulative for every PC that fails.
coming from the jagged rock Continue to 1 Pit Challenge, next page.
The Story So Far...
2. Take the ledge and ramp.
This quest isn’t so bad. Sure, there were goblins, This descent is long, but it seems easy—at first. You have
at the start, but you handled them. The Desert traversed a third of the ledge along the rim wall, when you
of Sin is only sand, sun, and bluster. Really. realize that none of the items you saw are valuables. Most
What else could it throw at you? are scraps of leather or half-destroyed boots and belts.
Heat, for one. The day wears on as you make your way The glinting you saw came from shiny rocks that might be
south on your chosen course. Each step in hot sand drains mistaken for gold and silver, but only from afar. Too late
you, until you feel dry and parched. It’s a good thing you now. You press onward.
brought water flasks. (next page)

Is the sand moving at your feet? It looks as if the very Use the events # starting below and on the
grains have come to life and begun running up your boots. next page to determine what happens based on
Ants! Swarms of tiny yellow desert ants cover the ramp the party’s roll of a starlot. Use one or all events
where you walk. There are too many to sweep away. Run! at your discretion. We recommend six events.
Test Move at +3. Each of you must test. Because Start by reading the italics below. When you’ve completed
you’ve made a poor choice, you may not spend Wp to all the events desired, go to After the Events, next page.
change your result.
You begin the slow trek toward the lowest point
▶ Success. Amazing. You’ve dodged a serious danger. You
at the center of the pit. Each round, choose a
run to the bottom of the winding sand ramp, escaping
representative to roll one starlot, and I’ll tell you
the ants with only a few dozen bites. Suffer 2 .
what happens. If you roll the same number twice, ignore it
▶ Failure. Oh! That’s itchy! The ants are all over you. No and roll again. Unless I say otherwise, all of you must test
amount of running can stop them. These ravenous bugs in each event.
must have bitten you a hundred times. Suffer 4 .
Continue to Pit Challenge, below.
spore cloud
3. Seek the Rescuer’s will.
The guardians at the academy have taught you two ways An updraft carries a cloud of spores your way. Whatever
to seek the Rescuer’s will. One is by knocking. The other causes that stench, it can’t be good for you. Test Exert to
is simply by going to his Sacred Scrolls. A combination of hold your breath until the cloud passes.
the two is always best. For now, is there a verse in your ▶ Success. You turn a little blue, but you control your
Adventure Journal that might give you guidance? What do breath.
the Sacred Scrolls say about our view of things compared to
▶ Failure or SC ≤ 5. You can’t do it. You draw in a breath
the High One’s?
and cough on terrible spores. Suffer 1 now and each
The players should bring up the Wrong Way sacred verse. event until these events are over.
With that guidance, they should realize that choosing the
ledge and ramp because they might find valuables is not
in the will of the Rescuer. Guide them in their choice of 2 scorpions
verse and reasoning, and then let them choose a path. Go
to Action 1 or 2, depending on their choice. A swarm attacks. While they’re not big enough for full
battle, these tiny scorpions have a painful sting. Test Move
to dodge them or Fight to kick them away. -1.

1 Pit Challenge ▶ Success. Well done. Those little crawling nightmares

were no match for you.
▶ Failure. Those stingers are half the weight of the full
creature. That’s a lot of venom. Suffer 3 .
The moment your feet sink into the deep sand on
the bottom of the pit, the smell hits you. It’s as if
each step releases stinking fungus. The remains
and belongings of those who have attempted to pass this 3 giant rats
way are everywhere. Boxes, barrels, and one whole horse
cart lay sunken and buried in the sand. Worse, there are These rats usually feed on dead and rotting meat. But since
bones—not just animal bones. there is no rotting meat around, you’ll have to do.

How many of those who fell here came not because they
needed to cross this pit, but called by the temptation to GIANT RATS -3
profit from the demise of other travelers? That thought SPD 5 • KI 4 • BITE 2
alone, not to mention what you’ve experienced so far, keeps
you uninterested in searching through the crates, barrels,
damage tracker
and bags strewn about.
The pit is vast. Straight across seems the shortest and safest 1 2 3 4 5 6
route. But is it? There are rock formations and hills down
here. You can’t see the full path. The sand and stench alone
can’t be what ended these other travelers’ journeys. A
sinister presence hides in the sand. Watch your step. After the Battle. The remaining rats scamper away across
the sand. Keep moving before they return with friends.

4 mud 7 hidden goodness
There must be water deep under this pit. Here, it wells A crate lies partially broken open. You see glass bottles of
close enough to the surface to turn this spore-filled sun fruit juice inside. From your studies of the region, you
dust into stinking, bubbling mud. Test Move + Exert to know this juice to be a gift from the Rescuer. Group-test
get through it. Exert to pull the crate open.
▶ Success. You made it through, but your boots will need ▶ Success. You did it. This juice will rejuvenate you!
a good cleaning. ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
▶ Failure. You strain your muscles trying to slog through. 10 Sun Fruit Bottles Common 1 for 2 N/A
Suffer 2 . The juice is hot, but still good. 1 bottle has 3 drinks.
Each drink removes 2 .

teetering rocks
▶ Failure. You couldn’t break in to the crate. Too bad.

a dangerous tome
You come to a wide crevice in the pit. Narrow rock pillars
offer a precarious stepping-stone path across. Will you try
to leap from pillar to pillar or look for another way?
You come upon an old leather-bound text attached to a
If the PCs try the pillars. broken chain. Twisted vipers adorn the cover, and a scrap
Test Move + Solve. of snake skin is half buried in the sand beside it. The skin
came from a snake of unnatural size. What could it mean?
▶ Success. You’ve done it! Keep going!
If the PCs guess death vipers are near, grant 1 Wp each
▶ Failure. The rocks are unstable. You dive for the safety of
and tell them to write down the KEYWORD Viper.
the other side and scrape your knee. Suffer 1 .
If the PCs look for another way.
The only other path leads into a wide swath of mud. 9 a single flower
Instead of rolling for the next event, go now to 4 on A single flower grows from the dust. The colors of its petals
the previous page, even if they’ve already tried it. flow from yellow to gold to rose, making each seem like a
small sunset. Such beauty amid all this corruption. You are

jeweled hand
reminded of the Master of All sacred verse. The Maker is
6 sovereign over all his creation, whether in Dayspring Forest
or here in the Dragon Lands. Gain 2 Wp each.
A white bone hand sticks up from the sand. Every finger
wears a jeweled gold ring—emeralds, rubies, and diamonds.
Do any of you have Self-control less than 5?
10 hidden healing
If any PC(s) have SC < 5.
You grab the hand. It grabs you back! A skeleton lurches You stumble over a small pack, flipping it over in the sand.
out of the sand! Your Goodness is infected. You’ll need A healing kit! What a blessing!
counseling, and you’ll need help fighting the creature off.
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
All uninfected PCs must test Fight until the party gains
Healing Kit Common 1 1 Pt 5 Cp
3 successes to fight off the creature.
Replenish a kit or add this one to your items.
You beat the creature away, and it vanishes into the deep
dust with its rings.
If no PCs have SC < 5. After the Events...
You know a trap when you see one. A skeleton lurches You’ve come to the lowest point of the pit.
out of the sand. Defend yourselves! Test Fight until your Perhaps you should have skirted this place,
party gains 3 successes. Do not spend Wp to change but it’s too late. Something’s coming!
results. Failures incur 1 , but no infection.
You beat the creature away, and it vanishes into the deep Go to 2 Not Good!, next page.
dust with its rings.

15 to 20 minutes

Find the pattern.
2 Not Good
1. Find the pattern in the goblin trails.
Test Solve + Observe. A group test is allowed.
The air grows heavy with the smell of mold. From
each side of you, masses of lichen that covered ▶ Success. Several trails trace back to a rock formation.
the rocks shift, release their hold on the stones, ■ If the PCs check out the formation, go to Action 2,
and are drawn into the sand. below, otherwise, skip to Onward.
Creatures move under the surface, causing trails. The ▶ Failure. You were just seeing things. Probably.
trails are headed your way at great speed. Humps covered ■ Skip to Onward.
in boils and flapping fungus rise to the surface. You hear
2. Check out the formation.
snarling and tittering laughter all around you. Then you
see the eyes and gnashing teeth. A rude cache has been bored out of the rock. Most of
the goblin “treasures” within are chewed boots and
The creatures run at you from all sides on crab-like legs,
shiny, worthless objects. But tucked away in the back
moving at great speed. Spore goblins. They’re everywhere.
Put your backs together. Temper your armor! Fight! is a small box with an intricate carving.
If the PCs came here from the Jagged Rock.
Take time out to practice the Righteous Truth A carved name reads “Saral.” Inside, you find gems,
sacred verse. The players have it in their jeweled rings, and a parchment in a strange script.
Adventure Journals. Ask them to recite it now.
1. If the PCs leave the box, skip to Onward.
PCs who can RECITE the verse get one use each of the
normal armor advantages of the Belt of Truth and 2. If the PCs divide the valuables among them, read A .
Breastplate of Righteousness during the trial. 3. If the PCs take the box to find the owner, read B .
A What if bandits stole this from a local? You might
This is a combat trial that risks your
have returned it. These valuables become too heavy. You
ob kindness. Fight the goblins the number
eg drop them. Your party’s Faithfulness is infected. One of
spor of rounds I tell you. Suffer as little
you should offer counsel for the group.
as possible. Take note of infections. Save
r i al all counseling until the end. If you B Gain 1 Wp each. One of you add the box to your
tempered your armor with the items. Write down the KEYWORD Saral.
righteous truth verse, you may use the normal effects of the If the PCs came here from the Hermit’s Den.
Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness during
the trial, once each. A carved name reads “Sindon.” Inside, you find gems, five
halfins, and a parchment. What will you do?
Remember, in a combat trial (a type of
endurance trial), the PCs should keep fighting Open the MDB to Sindon’s Letter, p. 60. Show the
and save counseling to the end. Use a number of players, and then go to the numbered choices below.
rounds equal to your number of players multiplied by 4. 1. If the PCs leave the box, skip to the Onward.
2. If the PCs divide the valuables among them, read A .
KI 5 • Fight • = PC x 4 • 2
3. If the PCs take the box to find the owner, read B .
A What if bandits stole this from a local? You might

After the Trial... have returned it. These valuables become too heavy to
carry. You drop them. Your party’s Faithfulness is
The goblins dissolve into the sand, adding to its infected. One of you should offer counsel for the group.
yellow color. These creatures were an
embodiment of chaos and malice, yet you sense a B Gain 1 Wp each. One of you add the box to your
pattern in the trails they caused when they attacked. items. Write down KEYWORD Sindon.
Go to the Actions, next column. Continue to Onward, below.

Go to 3 Rattlers, next page.

20 to 30 minutes

3 Rattlers ALPHA VIPER (1) A

You realize that “straight across” was never an VIPERS (2 & 3) -2

option. The putrid sand becomes too deep to pass SPD 3 • FA 5 • BITE 2
except for a wide path of hard ground that drifts
toward the western wall of the pit.
Others have taken this path before you. Broken wagons damage tracker
and scattered crates litter the deeper sands on either side of
the solid ground. Were the owners as parched as you when 1 2 3
they passed this way? You want to keep moving, but you
also learned at the academy that you need to take care of
the body the Maker gave you.

Do you . . . After the Battle...

1. Pause for a rest and drink? The last of the death vipers collapses into a pile of
old bones. The clacking sound of the bones falling
2. Hurry on your way?
is a satisfying sound of victory, but you’d be
happy to never hear it again.
If the characters . . . Among the bones is an old black tome. Embossed into the
leather cover are vipers twisting around a kingly crown.
1. Pause for a rest and water. Any PC that attempts to pick up a viper’s book
Wise choice. Gain 1 Wp each. Remove 2 each. of false wisdom suffers 2 and receives an FA
■ Go to the blue Read to Players icon, below. infection. The PC must be counseled.
2. Hurry on your way. If the PCs came to the pit from 4B, the Hermit’s Den,
continue with the blue Read to Players icon, below.
You can’t stop to rest. Too much is at stake. You hurry on
Otherwise, go to Onward.
despite your thirst and exhaustion.
■ Take note of their choice and continue below.
Among the bones and books, you spot a scroll
The path leads you closer to the rim, and a with a broken seal. You can tell from its shape,
rattling reaches your ears. Oh great. What now? and the lack of tattering, that is not one of the
Three creatures slither out from holes in the pit vipers’ ancient tomes. It hasn’t been here for long. Perhaps
wall—huge snake skeletons with blazing eyes. Dry skin it belonged to a recent victim. What does it say?
hangs from their bones. Black leather books are chained to
their ribs. “Sssilly Keledan. Ssseek our wisssdom. Ssseek the Open the MDB to The Poor Acolyte, p. 61, and
deep sssecrets of the pit to claim itsss richesss.” show the players. It is a letter from Morellius to
a friend in the villages of Tahn. The party
should gather that Morellius has taken a prisoner to the
Open the MDB to Death Viper Battle, p. sacrificial post in the Wyrm Dunes in hopes of pleasing a
53. Place the tokens as shown. PCs who hatchling dragon when it emerges from its egg and
death viper can recite the Righteous Truth verse may gaining help with his giant problem.
take the normal armor advantages plus
battle When they’ve read the letter, go to Onward.
one extra use of the Belt of Truth and
Breastplate of Righteousness.
If the PCs chose to hurry in the Actions above, use +1 Go to 4 The Great Pit Escape,
for all rolls. Breaking the book chains with a weapon next page.
requires an Exert test. Success deals 4 to the viper and
neutralizes its poison.
30 to 40 minutes
If a PC attempts to grab a viper’s book with his or her
hands, the burn causes 2 and the PC is infected.

▶ Success. A wagon has crashed on a cliff jutting out just
below the fissure’s edge. It appears the wagon’s weight
4 The Great Pit Escape is what caused the collapse. You see no people down
there. The wagon is broken to pieces, and its cargo has
been looted. Bandits tied a rope to the base of one of
Leaving the vipers and their false wisdom the iron posts to scavenge the remains, but they left the
behind, you set out for the far rim once more. If rope behind. You see two intact wagon wheels, two iron
travelers came into the pit moving in the same axles with their pins intact, and some broken planks and
direction as you, likely others have entered going the lashings. How might you use what you’ve found?
opposite direction. It follows that there must be a way out ■ Go to 1 Bridge Crossing, below.
of this pit on the other side. You just have to find it.
▶ Failure. There’s not much you find useful here. Perhaps
The solid ground wanders away from the pit wall for a you should try the catapult.
time and climbs a long hill. Reaching the crest, you see the ■ Go to Action 2.
far wall. You’re almost there. The packed and hardened
sand extends from the bottom of the hill and joins a path 2. Head for the catapult.
with ruts from cart wheels. The path leads to switchbacks There’s nothing but sand on your side of the fissure, but it
heading up the wall to the rim. But there’s a problem. feels packed and solid. The catapult looks even bigger, now
Before the path reaches the switchbacks, it runs into a large that you’re closer, and the way it lists puts the arm and
fissure that breaks the pit floor. There once was a chain and bucket far out over the fissure canted up about forty-five
plank bridge across the fissure, but there’s been a collapse. degrees. The fissure is a little narrower here, too, perhaps
twenty feet or so. What will you do?
From your vantage point on the hill, you can see that the
near side of the chain bridge has given way. You’ll have to Go to 2 Catapult Crossing, next page.
get closer to see if any part of it is still usable.
There’s another option for getting across. Or, at least, there 1 BRIDGE CROSSING
might be. A hundred paces from the bridge, on the edge of
the fissure, you also see a catapult. The huge war machine
Let the players discuss their options. There are a
lists in the sand like a ship gone aground. Perhaps one of
number of possible solutions such that result in
the warring cities here attempted to bring the machine
securing a rope between the posts or hauling
across the pit and failed. For a moment, you entertain the
the chain bridge back to the PCs’ side. Use the tests below
jest of ill-fated people flinging themselves across the fissure
as a guide to help your PCs work through their unique
from the catapult. Then you frown. You hope that’s not
solution. If time is short, let them explain their plan and
what they tried to do.
use one Craft + Solve or Craft + Exert group test to
In any case, the catapult is on the opposite side of the complete the whole endeavor. Failures result in 1 damage.
fissure from you, so you’re not tempted. Even so, it may still Multiple attempts are allowed.
be useful. The arm and bucket are hanging far out over ■ Test Move to climb down the rope and retrieve any
and above the fissure. objects from the wreckage.
■ Test Fight to shoot an arrow or bolt, cast a spear, throw
Do you . . . an object across, or lasso a post.
• To use a bow or crossbow, the light silk rope from
1. Head for the fallen bridge? Setis is required. Normal rope is too thick and heavy
2. Head for the catapult? for a bolt or arrow.
• Use -1 when using the light silk rope from Setis.
■ Group-test Exert to haul the bridge back to the part.
If the characters . . . ■ Group-test Craft to secure ropes or chains to the posts
or objects from the wreckage.
1. Head for the fallen bridge. ■ Test Exert to cross on a rope by hand.
You come to the near end where the bridge used to reach
Jump to the blue Read to Players icon, next page.
the solid ground. Two rusted iron posts have been driven
into the soil here, each with an eye on top where the bridge
chains were attached. But those rusted chains have broken
free. The plank bridge dangles from matching iron posts on
the far side—useless. Or is it?
Group-test Observe to see what else you can discover.

What togetherness! The Rescuer calls us to work
2 CATAPULT CROSSING together as brehnan and shessan under him.
Your party certainly had done that. Gain 1 Wp
Let the players discuss their options. There are each. Only the switchbacks lie ahead. You hurry forward
fewer possible solutions for the catapult than with renewed vigor and climb the switchbacks, grateful to
the bridge. The intended solution is to lasso the be climbing into fresher air. The smell fades with each step
catapult bucket and swing to the other side or tie a rope higher, and you take a refreshing drink of water. Through
to a spear and cast it over the bucket so that pulling it this challenge, the Rescuer has been with you. What you’ve
back locks it into place. Use the tests below as a guide to seen makes you grateful for him and sad for those who
help your PCs work through their unique solution. If sank into this putrid pit in the Desert of Sin without him.
time is short, let them explain their plan and use one Continue below.
Craft + Exert group test to complete the whole endeavor.
Failures result in 1 damage. This is a Destiny Scene † and the
No one falls into the fissure. Multiple attempts
are allowed.
end of this episode.
■ Test Fight + Solve to cast a spear or throw an object Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
over the catapult arm or bucket and get it to lock into
Objective Awards
place or to lasso the bucket.
■ Survive the pit without becoming wounded (½VT).
• A bolt or arrow stuck to or wedged on the catapult
1 Wp each.
will not hold a PC’s weight. A spear or thrown
object is required. ■ Find an item you can return to its owner. 2 Wp each.
• Use -1 when PCs use the light silk rope The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
from Setis. When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
■ Test Exert + Move to swing across on the rope.
40 to 50 minutes
Go to the blue Read to Players icon, next column.

Death Viper


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

No Bitter Sleep Ephesians 4:26, 27 KI

Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the devil an opportunity.
Emotions can run high in stressful situations. In those moments, our words and actions can become hurtful. When
we let that anger and hurt fester, the stress gets even worse. Deal with anger immediately. Work at shifting it into
peace and kindness. When a goblin or rat bite drives a friend to harsh words and actions, this verse might help.

Look At The Heart Proverbs 27:19 KI

As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.
Test your motivations and actions against God’s Word. Examine your own heart. Think of others the way God
does, so that you reflect the kindness of Jesus. And when you practice this, you’ll be able to better discern the
motivations of others. When a goblin or rat bite makes a friend unkind, try this reminder.

Righteous Truth Ephesians 6:14 KI

Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest. . .
Do you recognize this armor verse? When we temper the belt of truth to rely on His Word and temper the
breastplate of righteousness to put on His righteousness, we are better prepared to stand against the onslaughts
and temptations of the world. RECITE this verse to temper your armor and be immune from infection for one
extra round.

No Compromise Psalm 119:128 FA

I carefully follow all Your precepts and hate every false way.
“Hate” is a strong word. “Despise” is another way of saying it. That’s harsh, but God’s Word is specific, and the
message is clear. Don’t compromise. Death vipers love to lead humans astray with promises of knowledge and
wisdom. Don’t be fooled! Stop their forked tongues and steer clear of their books of lies. Don’t let them poison
your mind.

Wrong Way Proverbs 14:12 FA

There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death.
Worldly dreams and pursuits are ultimately dead ends. The world’s message of “follow your heart” is just a
distraction–a dangerous one. Our calling is to pursue God and His will for our lives. That pursuit leads to joy
everlasting. Use this verse to stop a friend from listening to a death viper’s lies or as a reminder when you need
to choose the right path.


fits correctly, and that it’s in good working condition. As

Christians, we’re in a spiritual battle. So, every day we
MAIN IDEA: We’re free to be kind and
must be prepared to let Christ’s goodness shine through
faithful. us by not being consumed by anger, not harboring sinful
thoughts, and being kind to others. Putting on the armor
When people watch our lives, our words and actions of God every morning will allow us to combat the sins
should tell them we’re Christians. They should see that and lies that Satan throws our way so we can reflect the
we’re slow to anger, that we don’t make inappropriate truth and love of Christ to others.
comments or gestures, and that we love one another. We
should conduct ourselves not only with the right words No Compromise Psalm 119:128 FA
and actions but also in a joyful manner because God has
done so much for us. The devil doesn’t want us to succeed in reflecting God’s
love, so he’s going to tempt us to compromise. He might
deceive you into thinking it’s okay to be angry towards a
KNOW—MIND: What can I know friend because your friend deserves it. He might deceive
about these verses? you into thinking you’ll feel better if you think nasty
thoughts about a person. Don’t compromise! Read the
Let’s see what the following verses teach us about being Bible, pray, and follow God’s commands.
kind and letting our lives reflect Christ’s goodness.
Wrong Way Prov. 14:12 FA
No Bitter Sleep Eph. 4:26, 27 KI
You must follow God’s path. Many lost people are kind.
Anger itself isn’t a sin. It’s one of our natural emotions. There are even many kind and well-meaning Christians
The Bible is full of examples of righteous anger. However, who’ve compromised some of God’s truth. When people
anger quickly leads us down a dangerous road if we follow their own way, and not God’s way, it fills the
aren’t careful. When we’re angry, we need to deal with Deceiver with joy. He wants to trick you into being just a
that anger quickly. We need to identify what is causing “good” person whose life and beliefs don’t challenge the
our anger and immediately pray for God’s grace and sin of the world. These people may have good intentions,
guidance. When we allow ourselves to become consumed but those good intentions don’t spread the gospel of
by anger, it becomes incredibly difficult to be kind and Christ. When you’re so worried about hurting other
faithful to others. The devil loves anger because he can people’s feelings that you compromise the truth, you
use it to sow seeds of bitterness, jealousy, and other sins aren’t being kind to them. All you’re doing is falling into
that don’t reflect Christ’s light in our lives. Satan’s trap. Follow God’s path not your own.

Look At The Heart Prov. 27:19 KI GROW—HEART: How can my

What do you think about? How do you view others?
relationship with Christ grow through
How do you view yourself? The thoughts we harbor are a these verses?
more accurate reflection of our heart’s condition than the
words we say. If we allow sin and bitterness to take root By intentionally working on the thoughts you allow to
in our hearts, eventually it will come pouring out. The occupy your mind and trying to deal with anger in a
thoughts that you let take shelter in your mind, whether Christlike manner, you shine the light of God’s truth into
good or bad, have profound effects on your relationship the world around us.
with God and others.
By not giving in to bitter thoughts or excessive anger,
even when it’s easy, you’re showing God that you trust
Righteous Truth Eph. 6:14 KI Him, and you believe that His way is best.

Every good Soldier goes to the battlefield prepared.

They ensure that they have all their equipment, that it (next page)


As we learned in this study, what is in your heart is PRAYER

the reflection of who you truly are. If you’re constantly
Take a moment to pray with your players. Remember
putting on the armor of God and fighting to keep your
that any youth at your gaming table are fighting spiritual
thoughts pure and focused on Christ, your relationship
battles just like any adult, and Satan is invested in turning
with Him will grow immensely.
them away from God’s truth. Continue to encourage
them and remind them to let the Lightraiders verses
they’re memorizing take root in their hearts.
GO—HANDS/FEET/MOUTH: What God thank you so much for bringing us together again. I
do I do about what I’ve learned today? pray that we’ll focus on You and not let sinful and angry
thoughts take root in our hearts. I pray that we’ll put
on the armor of God daily and reflect Your kindness,
When I get angry, how can I deal with it in a Christ-like faithfulness, love, and truth to our hurting world. Amen.
How do I fight negative and sinful thoughts?
Is there something I’m compromising that I need to pray
How can I prepare myself every day for spiritual battle?

Next time . . .
If the PCs came to the Pit of Spores from the Hermit’s Den (4B) your next episode is 6A Outer Chambers, on the
next page. They should study the “Giant Problem: The Outer Chambers” pages in their Adventure Journals.
If the PCs came to the Pit of Spores from the Jagged Rock (1), your next episode is 4A The Sacrificial Post, p.61.
They should study the “Giant Problem: The Sacrificial Post” pages in their Adventure Journals.


If the characters . . .
1. Gain access to the temple.
2. Find a way into the giant’s hall. 1. Climb the dune.
Sand is deceptive. This dune is steeper than you thought at
Before you begin ask the players what they its base, and getting even steeper as you climb higher. The
remember from the last episode. Do they feel sand is deep and shifting. You struggle to keep your balance.
their PCs are ready to confront the giant? What Test Move + Exert. Each of you must test.
items are the characters carrying that might help them.
▶ Success. What strength and agility! You reach the top of
Ask the players to think about what giants they face in
the dune, winded but still ready for whatever comes next.
real life.

Start Point
■ If all PCs pass, go to Onward A , below.
▶ Failure. Exhaustion leads to clumsiness, and you slip

SP The Temple and fall, tumbling down the dune. Suffer 1 . Your
friends may group-test Exert at +2. If they can’t, or if
Gate they fail, you must all go around the dune instead.
perilous place ■ Go to Action 2, below.
2. Go around the dune.
The Story So Far... You’d better save your strength for the fight with the giant.
You stay low, working your way around the dune.
It has been a hard road, but you have made it to
your final goal—the beginning of the end. You’ve Go to Onward B , below.
faced the dangers of Fire Pass, saved the life of an 3. Seek the Rescuer’s will.
Aladoth priest out on the Wyrm Dunes, crossed the
As you’ve learned, it’s never wrong to pray for the Rescuer’s
stinking scar known as the Great Pit of Spores, and stopped
guidance. What sacred verse might you speak as a prayer
a war between Setis and Badu. Now you’re ready for the
to thank the Rescuer and tell him you’re relying on him?
final piece of your quest. You must enter the Temple of
Tahnkahn and destroy the giant, liberating the villagers of The PCs may use the Love Trust verse or the Right
Tahn from the creature’s rein of terror. On verse. Once a PC has read or recited the verse and
explained how it applies to your satisfaction, award the
Take a drink from your flasks (use one drink). You’ve normal Wp and read the italics below.
walked for some time now. The terrain has, once again,
After you pray, a brighter path through the sand appears,
become wind-blown dunes. On the advice of Joshiel, the
tracing a switchback path up the dune. Some might call it
saltwarrior you met, you’ve been moving between the
a trick of the sun reflecting of the sand, but not you. That
dunes, not up and over them, to save your strength.
back-and-forth path doesn’t look so bad. Having a look at
You must be nearing the temple by now, and the largest what lies ahead is worth the climb.
dune you’ve yet seen lies before you. Do you risk the Go right to the test in Action 1, above. In the action’s test,
weariness of the climb up this dune to get a better look at reduce the combined Move + Exert by 2.
what lies ahead, or do you continue to save your strength
and go around it?
Use one of the following as
directed by the Actions.
Do you . . .
A Go to 1 We’re Leaving, next page, and start with
1. Climb the dune to get a look? If the party climbed the dune.
2. Stay low and work your way around the dune? B Go to 1 We’re Leaving, next page and start with
3. Pause to seek the Rescuer’s will before choosing? If the party walked around the dune.

5 to 10 minutes

Open the MDB to Temple Steps Battle, p.
1 We’re Leaving 62. Place the tokens as shown. If the PCs
temple steps walked around the dune, place the tokens
on the torch symbols. If the PCs went to
the top of the dune, let them choose
Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’
where they enter the battle (left edge,
previous choices.
right edge, or bottom, but not the steps).
If the party climbed the dune. A guard will attack any adjacent PC. If a guard is
Your party gathers at the top of the dune, catching your commanded or runs out of boxes, he retreats into the
breath. You were closer to the temple than you thought. temple. If a cat runs out of boxes it lies down on the
temple steps, wounded. The guards can’t damage the orcs.
Chaos reigns in the sands below. Men, orcs, and animals
fight in a melee before the temple gates. From what you If the PCs have the KEYWORD Lion.
can see, the temple guards and their trained tigers and You recognize one lion. He’s the one you helped when you
lions are battling orcs. Veins of silver glisten in the dark first arrived in this desert. When he sees you, he goes to the
creatures’ hides. Silver orcs. You haven’t seen those before. temple steps and lays down as if your arrival has put him
The men battle the orcs with spears and shields, doing little at peace. The other cats follow him.
damage. One of the mens’ tigers is huge and black, and Move the animal tokens to the temple steps.
wears leather armor. It stays close to the tallest guard, who
shouts orders at the others. You can’t make out the words.
The dunes soak up all sound, robbing you of a vital sense. SILVER ORCS (6)
You wouldn’t have heard them in time, and might have SPD 2 • SC 5 • 3 SCIMITAR
stumbled into the battle. It’s a good thing you came up
here to use your eyes. BIG CATS -1
SPD 4 • GO 4 • 2 (BITE/CLAWS)
You must move in soon, or the orcs will kill these men. But
thanks to your wise choice, you have a beat or two to plan. GUARD CAPTAIN (1) A
Prepare for battle. Temper your armor by reciting a specific SPD 3 • GO 4 • 3 SPEAR
armor sacred verse like Righteous Truth (Handbook p. 126)
GUARDS (2 TO 5) -1
and gain 1 extra use of the armor mentioned in the verse.
SPD 3 • GO 3 • 2 SPEAR
Go to Temple Steps Battle, next column. The PCs may
temper armor, strategize, and enter the battle from the
side of their choosing (other than from the temple). damage tracker
Failures in the first round result in no .
1 2 3
If the party walked around the dune.
Faint voices reach your ears. Are men shouting far away?
It’s hard to tell. On this journey you’ve learned that dunes
soak sound from the air, robbing you of a vital sense. 4 5 6
When you reach the other side of the dune, chaos greets
you. Men, orcs, and animals fight in a melee before the
temple gates. From what you can see, the temple guards are
battling orcs. Veins of silver glisten in the dark creatures’ 1
hides. Silver orcs. You haven’t seen those before.
The men battle the orcs with spears and shields, doing little
2 3 4 5
damage. Trained cats—tigers and lions—fight beside the
men. One of the tigers is huge and black, and wears leather
armor. It stays close to the tallest of the men, who shouts
orders at the others.
1 2 3 4
You’ve wandered into a battle. The largest orc and the big
black tiger both see you and charge your way. Look out!
Go to Temple Steps Battle, next column. The PCs may
temper armor, defend themselves, move, and recite
sacred verses, but they may not attack in the first round. (next page)

After the Battle...
If the PCs have the KEYWORD Sindon
5. We found this box of coins and gems. Is it yours?
Read the appropriate entry based on the PCs’ If the PCs injured any of the cats.
previous choices. 6. We’re sorry about the cats. OR . . .
If the party damaged a cat or guard. 7. The cats attacked us first. We had to wound them (or
The last of the orcs withers into smoldering gray dust. any flippant or sarcastic response).
Where each orc fell, the creature left behind small chunks
of silver ore. Your attention shifts to the guards and their If the PCs are carrying the Flame (prompt them with
cats. The guards have recovered from the battle. One tends Answer 8 if necessary).
to the cats while the others level their spears at you. 8. Why yes, this is the Flame, gifted to us by Baron Setal
Go to Sindon Parley, below, and use FOOLISH. of Setis.

If the party avoided damaging the cats and guards. answers

The guards watch you with cautious gazes. Thankfully, you
1. “We emerged from the temple with all that we could
don’t see any hostility, and some are even gathering the
carry, ready to leave, and the orcs attacked. I’ve not seen
chunks of silver ore left behind by the orcs.
many orcs around here. I don’t know what drew them.”
Go to Sindon Parley, below, and use WISE.
2. “Tahnkahn went mad, demanding blood, and our priest
is gone, presumed dead. When the giant grabbed one of
my men, the rest of us fled. We’ve taken all the loot we
A tall man in leather and bronze can carry so that we can make a new life elsewhere.”
sindon armor decorated with snakes and 3. “I shut the doors to the giant’s hall to save our lives.
scorpions approaches, but you can’t Those doors have not been shut in generations. An
read his expression through his helmet. ancient lock engaged, but I don’t know how to release
“Speak, strangers, and be quick about it—not that I would want to. I think the former captain
it. My men and I must be on our way as soon as possible.” mentioned something about four keys, but I can’t be
sure. I’ve certainly never seen them. Perhaps they were
GO 3 • WISE = - 2 • FOOLISH = lost somewhere in the outer chambers. In any case, the
giant is locked in his hall, but I’m not sure how long the
old doors will hold him.”
Test Persuade. A group test is allowed.
4. “Ah. You’re Keledan. I’ll ignore that because you helped
▶ Success. “The guard removes his helmet and lifts his us, but I want nothing to do with your mad religion.”
chin. I am Sindon, captain of the temple guard—or at
least, I once was. But I am disbanding the guard.” 5. “I never thought I would see that box again. Thank
you. Poor Zort, my youngest guard, must have perished
If the PCs injured any of the cats. trying to carry this to Geldan for me. You have my
“Those beasts are family to us. Why would you hurt thanks for recovering it.” Gain 2 Wp each.
6. “I understand, I suppose. We train them to terrify our
If the PCs injured any of the guards. enemies in battle. You likely couldn’t help yourselves. I
“Do you simply enjoy battle, that you would rush in and will let it pass.”
attack both orcs and men?”
7. “I should kill you for this.”
If the PCs did not hurt the guards or the cats. ■ Jump to Abrupt End.
“Thank you for your help, strangers. If you’ve come to 8. Sindon narrows his eyes. “Is that the Flame, the famous
worship at the temple, I don’t advise it. The giant is in a spear that went to Geldan, a blacksmith of Setis?
rage, and my men and I are leaving.” That treasure belongs to the people of this desert, not
▶ Failure. Jump to the Abrupt End. strangers.” He signals one of his men, and the guard
takes the spear from you. The moment the guard touches
questions the spear, the tip blackens with shadow. He gasps and
drops it. You pick it up again, and the tip returns to
1. Where did the orcs come from? sparkling purple. Sindon is amazed. “I cannot believe
2. Why are you leaving? my eyes. You are the prophesied warriors. You may yet
have a chance against the giant.”
3. Where is the giant?
(next page)
4. Have you ever heard of the Rescuer?

abrupt end
A guard casts his spear. Look out!
2 Chamber Search
Test Move.
▶ Success. You dodge the spear. Good job.
Open the MDB to Outer Chambers, p. 54. In
▶ Failure. The PC with the lowest failed roll suffers 2 .
this encounter, the PCs must search the outer
“Hold!” The guard captain yells. The man stands down, chambers of the temple to find four keys. If a PC
and the captain glares at him. But then the captain turns becomes obsessed with finding loot instead, at your
his glare on you. “I only command these men to spare you discretion, his or her Self-control becomes infected and
because your interference helped us defeat these orcs. The counseling is required.
coins their ore will fetch will aid us in our journey.”
A pounding and roaring reaches your ears. The
Two of the guards keep their spears leveled at you, while ground shakes. The giant is angry. It’s time that
the rest gather the ore and tend to the cats. When they’re you dealt with him.
finished, the guard captain turns to you once more. “The
The temple steps are deceiving. You walk up them to enter
temple is yours if you want it. We’ve taken all we desire.
the temple, but once inside, after a short entry platform,
He laughs a bitter laugh. “Of course, if you enter, you’ll
they descend deep under the dune. Great pillars carved with
have to deal with the giant. He’s locked in his hall, but
snakes and scorpions support the roof, which remains level,
those ancient doors won’t hold for long.” He waves a hand
so that the farther you descend, the higher the ceiling seems.
in a circle, and guards and cats fall in into traveling order
beside him. They march away. At the bottom of the steps is a short entry passage lit by
Skip to Onward. braziers. The colossal bronze doors at the far end—the
doors to the giant’s hall—flex and shake under the giant’s
After the Parley...
pounding. You can’t sit idle and wait for him to bring the
whole place down. You may lose him, and the last thing
“Thank you for the silver ore left behind by the you want is a roving, bloodthirsty giant terrorizing the
fallen orcs. It will help us in our journey. The locals. You need to get in there.
temple and whatever treasures remain are yours Each side of the door has two large keyholes—four in
if you want them.” The guard captain snorts and laughs a total, that might each take a key the size of a cook’s ladle.
bitter laugh. “Of course, you’ll have to deal with the giant. I Looking around the passage, you see no place to hold keys
doubt the doors to his hall will hold much longer.” so large. They must be in the outer chambers.
Sindon waves a hand in a circle, and guards and cats fall in
into traveling order beside him. They march away. Place one of the torch tokens at the SP to
represent the party. They may explore the
Continue to Onward.
chambers at will. When they enter a chamber,
read the associated entry indicated by the lettered
hexagon ( # ). Once they have all four keys, go to the
Go to 2 Chamber Search, next Onward for E The Barracks, p. 93.

column. IMPORTANT: This challenge has a fast forward that will

shorten this episode and the final episode. There’s a secret
passage to the giant’s hall behind Morellius’s hearth. If
20 to 35 minutes you want to use it, reduce the . If you want the PCs to
have the option, use the as written. If you don’t want
to skip the key puzzle that starts the final episode, don’t
tell them about the hearth in the priest’s chamber.

Go to one of the following based

on the PCs’ choice.
A Priest’s Chamber, p 91. D Sindon’s Room, p. 92.
B The Kitchen p. 92 E The Barracks, p. 93.
C Common Room, p. 92.

25 to 40 minutes

2. Investigate the cabinets.
A PRIEST’S CHAMBER You look through the priest’s drawers, knowing you’ll have
to apologize if you ever see him again, but you need to find
You see a stark difference between luxuries here those keys. Sadly you don’t see any keys, but you find a
and the simple chambers of the guardians back scrap of parchment and two double claws. Looks like the
at the academy. Morellius kept rich chambers, guards missed those coins.
likely paid for by the offerings of the Tahn villagers. The silk Open the MDB to Morellius Cabinet Parchment, p. 64. Be
trappings of the room have been ravaged and the valuables sure to orient the page correctly for the players. The red
have been looted. The guards even stole the silverware. reveal shows nine boxes with a check mark in the lower
Only moldy food was left behind. right box. This indicates the lower right painting is where
the key is hidden.
Taking the coins causes a Self-control infection since the
What do you investigate? PCs know that they belong to Morellius. The PC must put
them back. Counseling is required.
1. Nine paintings of framed linen are aligned in a three-
by-three grid on the wall. They are yellowed with age 3. Investigate the hearth.
and the art isn’t very good. They don’t match the room’s Only use this if you want the PCs to have the option to
luxurious decorations. skip the rest of this search and to skip the key puzzle at
the start of the final episode.
2. Morellius’s cabinets are open and his drawers out. The
guards went through them. But they were in a hurry. You noticed a clean patch among the soot in the hearth at
Perhaps they missed or ignored something. the back of the chamber, as if Morellius had placed a hand
on the wall. But the wall won’t budge when you push.
3. The hearth at the back of the chamber (only for fast Group-test Observe + Solve at combined +5.
▶ Success. What incredible eyes you have! You scrutinize
the stones around the hearth until you find the tiniest
If the characters . . . crack in the mortar around a single stone. You work the
stone free. Behind it is an iron lever. When you turn the
1. Investigate the paintings. lever down, you hear a clunk from the hearth. Pushing
against the clean patch causes the back wall of the
Once the first trap goes off, savvy players might ask
hearth to swing away. There’s a passage here! Perhaps it
to shoot each painting or move them with a pole arm,
leads into the giant’s hall! Do you take it?
setting off the traps, until they find the right one. Allow
this if you wish. ■ If the PCs take the passage, this is the end of the
episode. Skip now to the Onward section of E The
Ask the players to each roll a starlot. Address the
Barracks, p. 93, and use the Destiny Scene portion.
following to the one who rolls the lowest number.
■ If the PCs don’t take the passage, they may keep
You pull the bottom left painting from the wall. A dart
shoots out of a hole behind it. Test Move.
▶ Failure. Perhaps he rested a hand against the back of the
▶ Success. Whew! Close one.
hearth while setting the logs. There’s nothing here.
▶ Failure. Ouch! The dart got you. Suffer 2 .
Perhaps you should look around the room some more Go to one of the following based
before trying anything else with these. on the PCs’ choice.
■ Go to Action 2 or 3 (PCs’ choice) B The Kitchen, p. 92 D Sindon’s Room, p. 92.
Once the PCs find the parchment in Morellius’s C Common Room, p. 92. E The Barracks, p. 93.
Morellius couldn’t help writing down where the key was
hidden. You don’t blame him. Traps are dangerous. You take
the bottom right painting from the wall. At first, it seems you
were wrong. No key hangs on the wall. But then you turn the
painting around. There it is, wedged into the frame.

ITEM FOUND! quality slots value

Giant’s Hall Key 1 Superior 1 for 4 N/A
The head of this large key forms a rune that looks
familiar. Have you seen it before on another quest?


You push open the kitchen door, and a gargoyle- You find sparse furnishings and not much
like creature with a face covered in white powder else—some plates of old and molded food and a
looks up at you in surprise. Silver orc! It’s been shelf of old books. It looks like the guards didn’t
helping itself to the . . . flour? Is that what these things eat? care much for reading. The books are covered in dust.
You’d ask, but the creature doesn’t look like it wants to talk.
It drops the flour and roars. Fire flares in its joints. It
rushes at you with its scimitar held high.
If the characters . . .
1. Investigate the bookshelf.
Place one dark creature token on the Group-test Observe.
Outer Chambers map in the lower right ▶ Success. Well done. Only the largest book—a book of
flour orc corner, on the B hexagon symbol. Let the maps—could hold one of the keys. You open it and, sure
players place PC tokens where they think enough, a hole has been carved into the charts.
the PCs would be.
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
Giant’s Hall Key 2 Superior 1 for 4 N/A
The head of this large key forms a rune that looks
SILVER ORC (1) familiar. Have you seen it before on another quest?
SPD 2 • GO 4 • SCIMITAR 3 ▶ Failure. Ahchoo! The dust makes you sneeze. Your eyes
grow watery. Search again, but increase your Observe
by 1 for all tests in these chambers.
damage tracker

Go to one of the following based
on the PCs’ choice.
A Priest’s Chamber, p. 91 D Sindon’s Room, below.
B The Kitchen, p. 92. E The Barracks, p. 93.

After the Battle...

That was a bit of fright, but you’ve taken care of D SINDON’S ROOM
the orc. Add two chunks of common silver ore to
your items if you wish, worth 5 Cp each. A This room, without a doubt, belonged to Sindon.
search of the kitchen reveals nothing of interest. In their A chest sits by the wall. A simple desk might be of
hurry, the guards left a lot of food. You understand. Even interest, too.
now, the place shakes with the giant’s rage. The door could
fail at any moment. Do you pause to take any food?
If the characters . . .
Allow the PCs to discuss. They may grab a 1. Investigate the chest.
small amount of food if they wish. They may An old tunic that smells of sweat lies in the bottom. Gross.
each take a morsel to eat as they search, There might be a few coins underneath, but definitely not a
removing 2 . However, if they begin to stuff their key large enough to fit the giant’s door.
manykits, their Self-control becomes infected. Counseling PCs who dig in the chest for coins receive a Self-control
is required. They need to focus on the mission at hand. infection. Urgency is needed. This is a search for keys, not
loot. Counseling is required.
Go to one of the following based 2. Investigate the desk.
on the PCs’ choice. Test Observe. Multiple group tests are allowed.
A Priest’s Chamber, p 91. D Sindon’s Room, p. 92. ▶ Success. There’s nothing in the desk, but you notice the
Common Room, p. 92. The Barracks, p. 93. slight movement of the shadows. Looking up, you see a
simple iron chandelier with candles still burning.
(next page)

Where the chain meets the ring, you spot the key. Perhaps
the person who made the chandelier didn’t know what it
was for. Or perhaps this has been the key’s hiding place
all along. The chandelier is too far up to reach, which It occurs to you that the priest’s chamber is larger
also makes you wonder how they lit the candles on the than this whole barracks. Morellius certainly
ring. There must be a way to lower the ring, right? lived well compared to those around him. The
■ Continue with Action 3, below. guards didn’t leave much behind—only disheveled beds
▶ Failure. You don’t notice anything special. and an empty chest. There’s another door here. It’s locked.
If the party tries to pick the lock.
3. Chandelier Challenge It can’t be done. You’ll have to find the key.
Players may A look for the normal way to lower the If the party has the small key from Sindon’s room.
chandelier or B use a pole arm or other weapon to You try the key in the lock, and it turns! But behind, you
knock it down. If they come up with a different solution, only find storage. Or is it just storage? Is that a hearth at
feel free to adapt what you see below to fit. the back of this space? Perhaps this was once the priest’s or
A Test Observe + Solve. A group test is allowed. captain’s chamber before the offerings of the villagers made
the temple rich. There are some crates and barrels and a
▶ Success. You follow the chain to a crank beside the bed.
tall cabinet that doesn’t sit quite flush against the wall.
A bed shirt was hanging on it, making it look like a hook
for clothes. As you pull the cloak free, you knock the
pillow off the bed. A small key falls to the floor with it. If the characters . . .
The key isn’t large enough to fit the giant’s temple doors.
You turn the crank to lower the chandelier and retrieve 1. Try to break into the crates or barrels.
the larger key. But what’s the small key for?
Your Self-control is infected. One of you should speak and
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value explain a verse to counsel the party.
Small Iron Key Common 1 for 10 N/A 2. Look inside the cabinet.
Giant’s Hall Key 3 Superior 1 for 4 N/A Empty. There’s nothing here.
The head of this large key forms a rune that looks 3. Look behind the cabinet.
familiar. Have you seen it before on another quest? Test Exert. Multiple group tests are allowed.
▶ Failure. Can’t figure it out. Better find another way. ▶ Success. You heave the cabinet aside and there, hanging
on the wall and covered in dust, is a great big key.
A Test Fight at +1.
▶ Success. You knock the chandelier down, key and all. ITEM FOUND! quality slots value
Uh oh! One of the candles was still burning. The bed Giant’s Hall Key 4 Superior 1 for 4 N/A
cover catches fire. Quickly, you yank the cover to the The head of this large key forms a
floor and put it out. A small key falls to the floor with rune you’ve never seen before.
the cover. That key isn’t large enough to fit the giant’s ▶ Failure. Really? With the whole party, you can’t move
temple doors, but the larger key in the chandelier is. an empty cabinet? Take a breather and try again.
Huh. What’s the small key for?
ITEM FOUND! quality slots value If the PCs are not finished exploring, choose a
room. Otherwise, if they have all the keys, this
Small Iron Key Common 1 for 10 N/A
is a Destiny Scene † and the end of the episode.
Giant’s Hall Key 3 Superior 1 for 4 N/A
A Priest’s Chamber, p. 91 C Common Room, p. 92.
The head of this large key forms a rune that looks
B The Kitchen, p. 92. D Sindon’s Room, p. 92.
familiar. Have you seen it before on another quest?
▶ Failure. Missed. Try again. Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
Objective Awards
Go to one of the following based ■ Gain access to the temple. 1 Wp each.
on the PCs’ choice. ■ Find a way into the giant’s hall. 2 Wp each.
The PCs may conduct Progress and Restore actions.
A Priest’s Chamber, p. 91 C Common Room, p. 92.
When they’re finished, turn to the Bible Study, next page.
B The Kitchen, p. 92. E The Barracks, p. 93.
45 to 55 minutes


Don’t forget that the player verse summaries are in the Cadet Handbook Adventure Journal. Have at least one of
these out for player reference. The same summary is shown below. The Bible study begins on the next page.

Orderly Peace 1 Corinthians 14:33a GO

. . . since God is not a god of disorder, but of peace.

When we shout over one another, no one is heard. When our actions promote disorder, we work contrary to
God’s will. Orcs love chaos. Don’t fall for the orc’s infection. Seek peace with each other, and seek calm when
tempers flare.

Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.

Answer evil from others by reflecting God’s goodness–His beneficence. Do what is best for your enemy in
God’s eyes, not your own. In today’s episode, when friends fall into rage, this verse may help them to see that
rage is not what the Rescuer desires.

One Mind Psalm 119:113 SC

I hate those who are double-minded, but I love Your instruction.

God’s Word tells us to avoid those who say they love His instruction but whose actions betray their true hearts.
This verse may help a friend who has strayed off the mission to get back on track.

Love Trust Psalm 13:5 LO

But I have trusted in Your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in your deliverance.
God’s love is always there for us–limitless. Relying on His love helps us to share that love with the world. In this
episode, use this verse as a reminder when your own love needs a boost or to express your trust in the Rescuer
and ask for his help.

Right On Psalm 119:160 SC

The entirety of Your Word is truth, each of Your righteous judgments endures forever.
Man’s rules and declarations are shifting and untrustworthy. So are our own desires and motivations. God’s truth
and authority are constant and dependable. His truth is our foundation. In today’s episode, when friends stray from
the mission, remind them to consider what the Rescuer would want them to do in order to best shine his light.


MAIN IDEA: God is the God of order. One Mind Psalm 119:113 SC
Being a hypocrite spreads chaos and confusion. When
The Deceiver enjoys sowing chaos and confusion. Our we say we’re Christians, but our words and actions
awesome God created a beautiful world and gave it order, consistently tell a different story, we turn people away
but since the Garden of Eden, Satan has tried to disrupt from the saving message of Jesus. We need to strive to
God’s creation with disorder. The devil constantly throws ensure that everything we do and say aligns with what
new deceptions into the public discourse concerning Christ desires. We’ll make mistakes daily. When we do,
marriage, the sanctity of life, and other confusing topics we need to repent, and if someone witnessed our sin,
that distract our fallen world and keep it from aligning we need to apologize to them for failing to meet God’s
with God’s design. As Christians, we need to be calm, standard.
shining lights of God’s goodness and peace. When the
world struggles with chaos and disorder, we must ensure
Love Trust Psalm 13:5 LO
our lives and actions are beacons pointing the way
toward Christ. When you’re struggling with the deceptions of the world,
remember the faithfulness and love of our Lord. He
loved us so much that He died for our sins. Sometimes
KNOW—MIND: What can I know being a Christian is difficult, and the Bible acknowledges
about these verses? this in multiple verses. When being a Christian is hard,
remember that God is wiser than we could ever hope
Let’s look at the following verses and see how they can to be, and His commandments are for our benefit.
help us be heralds of God’s goodness and peace. Remember how much He loves you and spread that love
to others.
Orderly Peace 1 Cor. 14:33a
Right On Psalm 119:160 SC
Lightraiders allows your gaming group to simulate
the body of Christ working together as you bring the God’s Word is just as true today as it was 2,000 years ago.
Rescuer’s message to the people of Talania. If an outside God’s Word doesn’t change to meet the fickle and double-
observer were to watch your group, Adventure Master minded ways of the world. Satan wants to isolate us from
included, how well would you reflect God’s love and God. He wants to confuse us about the truth of God’s
peace? Do you argue amongst yourselves? Do you get Word and make us compromise it. If the devil can make
impatient when players take too long with their turns? us doubt the truth of God’s Word, then he can tempt us
Do you build each other up after a bad roll of the starlot? to spread these doubts to non-believers, contributing to
Lightraiders isn’t just about memorizing verses but the confusion and chaos that the devil desires.
preparing you to be a disciple and a positive working
member of the body of Christ. To be most effective, (next page)
you must work in harmony, build each other up, and
complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Goodness Conquers Romans 12:21 GO

One of the best ways to measure how well you spread

God’s love and peace is in how you treat your enemies.
Do you forgive easily? Are you easily angered when
someone provokes you? Do you hold grudges and dream
of revenge? It isn’t easy loving our enemies, but God loves
us despite our sins. Forgiving your enemies and showing
mercy allows us to shine with the love of Jesus.



relationship with Christ grow through do I do about what I’ve learned today?
these verses?
How can I avoid spreading confusion as a Christian?
Understanding the truth of God’s Word and working in
What can I do to build up my Christian brothers and
harmony with your fellow believers strengthens your
relationship with God in two ways. First, as you’ve heard
this theme repeated multiple times and in different ways, How do I explain God’s love to a non-believer?
when you refuse to compromise the truth of God’s Word How should I respond when someone is hurtful towards
and don’t give into Satan’s deceptions, you send a clear me?
message that you trust God no matter the circumstance.
Second, it allows you to work together as the body of PRAYER
Christ. Christianity isn’t meant to be a solo sport. We all
have strengths and weaknesses. We should work together Take a moment to pray with your players. Congratulate
using the gifts God has given us to spread the gospel, them on how far they’ve come playing Lightraiders.
not one-up each other, not cause disorder, and not act as Reinforce the message that even as a Lightraiders group,
lone wolves. As you get ready for the final episode of this they’re part of the body of Christ learning how to work
Lightraiders story arc, look at your fellow players around together, spread the good news, and disciple others.
the table. You’ve had fun, memorized verses together, and Lord God as we prepare for the final episode of this story,
worked as a team to overcome challenges. Continue to thank You for how far we’ve come. Thank You for the
build each other up and spread the love and peace of God fun we’ve had, the verses that we’ve memorized, and the
with your friends, family, and classmates. lessons You’ve taught us. I pray that we continue to stay
in Your Word, to not compromise it, and to spread Your
love to our hurting world. Amen.
Next time . . .
All groups will go from here to 6B Hall of the Giant, next page. They should study the “Giant Problem: Hall of
the Giant” pages in their Adventure Journals. That episode will be the “final exam” for the quest.


If the party found the secret entrance through
1. Destroy the giant. Morellius’s chamber (quick ending).
2. Meet Randar Vorn The captain of the temple guard, Sindon, closed the great
bronze doors to the giant’s hall. They hadn’t been shut
Before you begin ask the players what they in generations, and they locked when he closed them.
remember from the last episode. What stands Once you entered the temple’s outer chambers, you began
out to them from their time in this region? How searching for the four keys. But in your search, you came
do you think the villagers of Tahn will feel once the giant upon a secret passage through Morellius’s hearth. You have
is gone? Will some be angry? If so, is that a reason to let just entered that passage.
the giant keep terrorizing others? How will your As you sneak through the dark and curving tunnel, the
encounter with this giant impact you? giant’s roars grow louder. This passage seems to be leading
to the giant’s hall.
Start Point Finally, you come to what seems like a bronze wall. You
place a hand against it. The roaring of the giant stops. The
SP The Giant’s quaking and pounding has ceased. What’s going on?
Hall This battle will be tough. Your lives are definitely at risk
perilous place when facing such a dangerous creature. But you have the
assurance of the High One through his Rescuer. You carry
the Keledan armor.
The Story So Far... One of the sacred verses about the armor speaks of the
It seems that you entered this desert a lifetime Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. Can any
ago stepping into one of the Passage Lakes in of you tell me what the helmet of salvation means to a
Keledev, and stepping out of a hollow tree into Keledan?
these shifting sands of the Dragon Lands.
Allow the players to answer, and guide them if
You were tasked with saving the life of Morellius the temple necessary. They have seen this question before,
priest and sharing the Great Rescue, and you accomplished during the Initiate’s Quest, and there is a verse
that goal. Along the way, you managed to stop a war, application in their Adventure Journals for this episode.
destroy a hatchling dragon, and increase your rank as When you’re satisfied, go to Onward B .
cadets. You must be very good at this.
Two objectives remain. You must destroy the giant. And, of Use one of the following based on
course, you must find Randar Vorn and return to Keledev.
The first of these seems the harder task. The great bronze
the PCs’ choices.
doors to the giant’s hall quiver and flex with his pounding. A Go to 1 Giant Key Puzzle, next page.
The very air seems to shake with his roars. And you want
to go in there? B Go to 2 The Giant’s Hall, next page, and start with
If the party arrived through the secret passage.
Read the appropriate entry based on the
PCs’ choices. 5 to 10 minutes
If the party found the four keys to the giant’s hall.
The bronze doors to the giant’s hall have four keyholes—
two on either side. Think of them as keyholes one, two,
three, and four from left to right. The doors had not been
closed for generations. When Sindon closed them and
they locked, you were left to find the keys. Now that you’ve
found them, you need to figure out which key goes into
which keyhole.
Go to Onward A , next column.

One, two, three, four. In the end, assuming you
Giant Key Puzzle
can read the ancient Aropha runes, it wasn’t
1 much of a code. You slide the keys into the locks
in order and turn them one by one. When the last key is in
place and twisted, it occurs to you. The pounding stopped.
Giant keys for a giant’s doors. You return to the
temple’s main entry passage and approach the The entry passage no longer quakes. You back away with
quaking doors. weapons raised and armor glowing, and you wait several
beats, expecting Tahnkahn to crash through the door.
This battle will be tough. Your lives are definitely at risk
when facing such a dangerous creature. But you have the Nothing happens. The giant has gone silent.
assurance of the High One through his Rescuer. You carry The silence gets awkward. You exchange wary glances, then
the Keledan armor. advance, take hold of the handles to the great bronze doors,
One of the sacred verses about the armor speaks of the and swing them open.
Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit. Can any
of you tell me what the helmet of salvation means to a Continue to 2 The Giant’s Hall,
Keledan? below.
Allow the players to answer, and guide them if
10 to 15 minutes
necessary. They have seen this question before,
during the Initiate’s Quest, and there is a verse
application in their Adventure Journals for this episode.
When ready, continue below.
2 The Giant’s Hall
Recite this verse now to temper your armor,
thanking the High One for his peace of salvation.
With this peace, you can focus on solving the key Read the appropriate entry based on the
puzzle. Tempering your armor with this verse gives you an PCs’ choices.
extra use of your helmet and sword of the Spirit.
If the party arrived through the secret passage.
There are four keyholes from left to right—one, two, three,
four. In your searching, you found four keys, each the size Recite this Helmet and Sword sacred verse now to temper
of a cook’s ladle. Each key had a head shaped like a rune. your armor and as a prayer of thanks to the High One for
Three of those runes looked familiar. Where have you seen his peace of salvation. Tempering your armor with this
them before? Was it during your Initiate’s Quest? verse gives you an extra use of your helmet and sword of
the Spirit and prepares your heart with peace for battle.
Open the MDB to Giant’s Hall Key Puzzle, p. 65. With renewed spirits you all push against the bronze wall
The page shows the four runes found on the together. It shifts out and rolls to the side. Ahead, you see
keys (just the runes). The players must decide stone steps, an altar, burning braziers, and long pits of
what the runes mean. The Aropha Rubbing shown to flame. The temple is quiet. And hot. The air is so dry and
them on the previous quest is on MDB p. 28. It may help. still it threatens to steal the moisture from your throats.
The giant is not far away, a creature of sand and desert
When the players are ready, let them use the red reveal
scrub, with chunks of sliver ore embedded like scales on
transparent card to see the answer hidden on p. 65.
its back and arms. He stands idle between his altar and
SOLUTION: Way back in The Initiate’s Quest, the PCs the huge black wall called the Obsidian Gate. What is he
found a parchment on which a Tarlan noble had taken a waiting for?
rubbing of Aropha runes and written a translation. The (next page)
illustration on p. 28 shows Aropha language, and the list
If the party arrived through the bronze doors
of items below is a direct translation—except the Aropha
runes read left to right, and the translation reads top to The temple is quiet. And hot. The air is so dry and still it
bottom. The rubbing includes the runes for the numbers threatens to steal the moisture from your throats. Flames
1, 2, and 3, accurately shown in the translation. The rune rise from fire pits on both sides of the floor. Ahead, you see
for 4 is not there. With that information in front of them, stone steps, an altar, burning bronze braziers, and long pits
the players should be able to associate 1, 2, 3, and 4 with of flame. The giant is a creature of sand and desert scrub,
each number. with chunks of sliver ore embedded like scales on its back
and arms. He stands idle between his altar and the huge
Once the PCs have figured out the solution, continue at black wall called the Obsidian Gate. What is he waiting for?
the top of the next column. (next page)

Slowly, you walk into the temple, and still the After the Trial...
giant doesn’t move. Has it turned to a statue? No.
You knock the last of the vermin into the long
The eyes still blaze with yellow-white fire.
flaming pits. The scent of roasting scorpion and
The black wall behind the creature is strikingly different snake meat reminds you of cooked chicken.
from the rest of the hall. Made of uncut obsidian and
roughly shaped like an arch, it catches the firelight and Amid the giant’s roars, you catch silver flashes from the
reflects it as eerie black flame. Along the upper side walls, symbols on the walls. Joshiel called the symbols dragon
you spot the symbols the dragon carved with its claw. deceptions. Could he have intended more than one
Silver. The symbols are black, but they sparkle with flecks meaning? They are deceptions because it is not what they
of silver. You’ve heard about a similar powder, and you’ve symbols say that keeps the Obsidian Gate portal sealed,
experienced it in a Tarlan mine-palace. but what they are made of. However, now that you look at
them. You hear dragon deceptions in your ears. Can you
Those symbols are filled with shairosite. Banishing powder. refute them?
That’s the mineral often found near Tanelethar’s portals.
If you can refute the lies the dragon etched into the
Joshiel, the saltwarrior, told you the symbols are deceptions symbols, perhaps you can destroy them. You’ll have to fend
and must be destroyed to kill the giant. But how? off the angry giant while you try.
You advance with your weapons ready. And still, the giant Go to Giant Battle, below.
doesn’t move. You find the creature’s inaction unnerving.
Suddenly, the giant lifts its sandstone arms and roars. The
temple shakes. A skittering sound reaches your ears. From
holes along the walls on both sides of the temple, snakes The PCs must fight the giant while
and scorpions pour forth, scurrying and slithering down refuting the dragon lies. The giant targets
giant any PC with a failed roll.
the steps. Those scorpions are the size of village cats, and
the snakes are as long as you are tall. Defend yourselves! battle At the start of each round, direct one
lie at one PC for refutation. A PC that
fails to refute a lie becomes infected
This is a combat trial that risks your (use the lowest of the CS listed with the lie) and must be
plev Peace. These creepy crawlies are counseled.
unnerving. It’s a good thing you spoke a The Flame (spear from Setis) does +2 in addition to
reminder of the Helmet of Salvation
r i al its Mastercraft quality bonus (+3). Add this +5 to the
t you wear. Fight the vermin by PC’s skill level and Might. A successful hit against the
continuously rolling for the number of giant stops it for that round. The remaining PCs may roll
rounds I tell you. Suffer as little as possible. Take note of to attack without the fear of suffering . If the spear
infections. Save all counseling until the end. Anyone who was thrown, in the next round, the giant casts the spear
recited the Helmet of Salvation verse earlier may reduce the two spaces away (your choice), and a PC must move to
rounds remaining by 1 and suffer 1 failure without retrieve it.
When a lie is refuted, inform the PCs that the symbol
Remember that in a combat trial, the PCs breaks apart and falls to the floor. Place a dark creature
should keep fighting and save counseling to th token on the symbol on the map to represent it. Someone
end. Use a number of rounds equal to your must move to the symbol and sweep it into the flaming
number of players multiplied by 5. pits. When the pieces of a symbol are swept into the pit,
If the PCs have the Flame (the spear from Setis). silver sparks fly from the fire, black smoke crackling with
A PC with the Flame may want to cast it at the giant. purple flashes rises, and the Obsidian Gate cracks. The
Allow this at Fight +2. If successful, the giant ceases giant takes 2 .
to move, and the vermin become disoriented, and some (go to the giant’s battle box on the next page)
fall into the fire pits. Reduce the number of rounds
remaining by 2. The creature awakes and throws the
spear on the ground between the end of the flame pits
before the altar. During battle, a PC must retrieve it.

PE 5 • Fight • = PC x 5 • 1

SPD 1 • Lowest of GO/FA • FIST 5 / SAND BLAST 2 (RNG 20’)
If all the giant’s damage boxes are checked before the PCs have refuted all the lies, the giant stands idle,
but the portal remains closed and the creature does not fall apart. They must refute all lies and destroy all
symbols to proceed.

1. “Don’t destroy this creature. With your knowledge, you can control it. Think of the riches you may earn
from the offerings of the villagers with this small compromise. You could help so many.” (FA)
Counters. No Compromise, Wrong Way
2. “A giant is not to be feared by those with understanding. Use the creature instead. Make it a powerful ally
as you roam Tanelethar doing good.” (GO/FA)
Counters. Wrong Way, No Compromise, Know It Do It
3. “You need not risk your lives. Allow this creature to roam free. Think of the havoc it will do among your
enemies. Will that not make your missions easier?” (GO)
Counters. Know It Do It, Orderly Peace
4. “Your Rescuer has hidden much from you, and his teachings are full of limits and boundaries. The
dragons offer knowledge and power without chains. Go ahead and destroy the creature. Prove yourself
worthy. Then come to the sacrificial post and await the boundless wisdom the next hatchling will offer.” (SC)
Counters. One Mind, Right On
5. “The love of the High One is an illusion. It is a desert mirage used to control you. Trust not in illusions.
Trust what you can see, the sharpness of your mind, and the strength of your arms.” (LO/FA)
Counters. Love Trust, Wrong Way, No Compromise

6. “You fear chaos, do you not? Destroy this symbol and chaos will reign. Wait and see. Your Maker has bid
you unleash a whirlwind that will destroy this region and kill you all.” (LO/FA)
Counters. Love Trust, Orderly Peace, Know It Do It

damage tracker

After the Battle...
So this is Randar Vorn. You’ve found him. Or did he find
you? It’s hard to say. He has done much while you were
You sweep the last of the symbols into the fire dealing with the giant. Those you rescued on this journey
and watch silver sparks shoot toward the ceiling. are all there with him, gathered like beloved sheep.
Blue-black smoke, flashing with purple, snakes Most of those with Joshiel and Morellius have believed.
toward the Obsidian Gate. A web of fine cracks, glowing A few came only to see the spectacle. Strangely, all are
silver, spread across the whole gate. able to walk with you through the portal. How can that
Perhaps you all should duck. be? Aladoth who don’t accept the Rescuer can’t enter the
Liberated Land.
Boom! Shards of black fly in all directions, but they turn
to dust before they hit you. The giant’s eyes light up with Of course. This beach where Randar waits for you on the
flame. Did it survive? other side of the gate is not the Liberated Land. You’ve
simply gone to some other place in Tanelethar—perhaps
What was once black rock in the gate is now roiling black
the Southern Bight, south of the Tarlan Plains, or the
smoke, bubbling like thick soup in a cauldron. Lightning
southern coast near the Westlings.
flashes out from the gate and strikes the creature. Then
the smoke swirls into a vortex, stretching forth toward the You’ll find out later, you suppose. Randar leaves those who
giant. Sand begins to fall from the creature’s limbs and did not believe in the care of Joshiel, who escorts them back
torso, sucked into the whirlwind. The gate is sucking it in through the portal before it snaps closed. Nothing is left but
grain by grain. a wall of sandstone in a seashore hill. Perhaps what those
villagers saw in passing through the portal and back will
The giant lets out a final fading roar, and in a whoosh of
help in Joshiel’s work.
swirling sands, it’s gone.
The rest of you, including Morellius and the others you
The temple brightens. The air cools, if only a bit. Is that a
rescued, walk the seashore for a time, remembering the
sea breeze you feel? Looking through what was once the
trials you suffered and the lessons you learned on the
Obsidian Gate, you see a stretch of white sandy beach
quest. Randar leads you to a broad everoak tree, so named
and palm trees. A man wearing a manykit over a loose
because its leaves never fall.
tunic and trousers cut off at the knees sits on the trunk
of a drooping palm tree sipping the milk from a coconut. As if in greeting, the everoak shivers and spins, rising up
“Cadets!” he cries, standing up and tossing the coconut to reveal a gateway decorated with intricate scroll work.
aside. “Praise the Maker. I thought you’d never make it.” Golden light shines within, and behind it, just barely in
view, one of the Passage Lakes high in the Celestial Peaks.
Before you can answer, another voice calls from behind
you. “You’ve done it! The Rescuer is with you!” Home.
Looking back, you see Morellius, the former priest, THIS IS A † DESTINY SCENE
advancing your way. Joshiel, the saltwarrior, is with him,
and behind them come droves of locals—the Tahn villagers, and the end of this quest.
you presume. Those two have been busy.
Episode Award: 3 Mu ea.
Continue below.
Objective Awards
■ Destroy the giant. 4 Wp each.
If the rescue of Morellius failed in 4B, inform ■ Meet Randar Vorn. 1 Wp each
the PCs that thanks to the seed they planted,
Rank Award: Cadet Scout 1. Advance one Untrained
Joshiel was able to convince Morellius to accept
ability to Apprentice (AP) and one AP ability to
the Rescuer’s gift.
Journeyman (JR).
”Morellius has shouted the story of the Great Allow the PCs to use Progress and Restore actions. They
Rescue in every Tahn village,” Joshiel exclaims. may remove all damage. After spending Mu and Wp, they
“Thanks to your hard work, many have come to should count the number of unspent points and write
know the truth and freedom of the Rescuer. We brought them in the Wp and Mu boxes on their Character Sheets.
them here to show them the giant’s demise, and thanks to They should note how changing an Exert or Move by
you and the Rescuer, our faith was rewarded.” advancing those abilities may affect Speed or Might.
Joshiel leans to look past you and gives the man by the When they’ve finished, turn to the wrap-up, next page.
palm tree a nod. “Randar.”
“Joshiel,” the man replies. 40 to 50 minutes


The giant battle served as the Bible study for this lesson. If you have additional time, take a moment and review
what the players have learned throughout the quest. What verses can they recite by heart? What did they learn
about doing what’s good or right? What did they learn about God and order or chaos? Here’s one more verse
that they learned at the end of The Initiate’s Quest, which we hope came in handy today. What can the players say
about the helmet of salvation and the peace it brings?
Be sure to end your meeting with a prayer of thanks for your group’s fellowship and growth and the players’
achievements in ranking up. We hope to see you all again in The Five Quests, coming soon. Remind the players
that after those quests, their PCs will join one of the five Lightraider spheres—the Navigators, Rangers, Tinkers,
Comforters, or the Vanguard.


Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word.
Our hope of eternal life in Jesus is a helmet that protects us from doubt and despair. His Word is the sword by
which we combat trials and temptations. In this episode, use this verse to temper your armor before battle and
gain two advantages. Deal 1 extra damage to a creature with every successful attack, and suffer 1 less damage
with any Fight failure.


Tahnkahn the Sand Giant


The Frost Isles


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Fell Ba

King’s Cradle Heights

Northern Bight Fantasia

Viper Shieling

Wi n t e r ’ s B i g h t
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of Sin Gloamwood



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Ras Telesar Southern Bight
The Gulf Shark Bight
Dayspring Highlands of Vows
The Gulf

of Stars


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Southern Hills
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e Isles of Lon any


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