HRs Guide Book

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I would like to congratulate you of being one of the HR ranks on EK

(Emperor kingdom)
Being HR(High Rank) is the most high rank role in EK(Emperor kingdom)
And your job is to help and supervise some staff and workers!

1.Give Duties
You have permission to give a Manager+ a duty only (Don't giveduty on
other's roles EXCEPT Manager +) Don't abuse your perms.

2. Afk sender
You have permission to send some afk players on AFKING room (Don't
just send players in afk room if they're not afk) Don't abuse your perms.

3. Pms
Pms is more like announcing, you only do this if a worker needed an
assistance. Example: A recruit need an R. Trainer you should announced
and ask for R. Trainer + (Don't spam or use wrongly Pms) Don't abuse
your perms.

4. Assistance
You also have to answer calls, if a player asking for help, please do go on
them and ask them if they have a problem. (Don't avoid/ignore player if
they needed help).

5.Hrs FD(Front Desk)

You also have to work on your work station, because lots some players
needed an assistance. If you see a Hrs refuse to work, please kindly report
tand screenshot the proof that the Hr is refusing to bakc to work on
(Management +).

6. Tools
Here some tools you will be needed inside of EK(Emperor kingdom):
Sword 1
Sword 2
Award A
Spawn block
Don't abuse your tools

7. Commands
Here some commands you will be needed inside of EK(Emperor kingdom):
/To (Player)
/Bring (Player)
/Spawn/Respawn (Player)
/Jail (Player)
/Warned (Player)
/Giveduty (Player)
👇Management only perms
/SetExp (Player)
/DeductExp (Player)
/Ban (Player)
/Pban (Player)
/RankDeduct (Player)

8. Buttons
There will be button on OR(Operator Rook) inside of EK(Emperor kingdom)
Button 1
Game locked-down
Button 2
Host A/G (Award/Games Events)
Button 3
Call a management
👇 Emperor only
Button 4
Gives player 1,000 Exp for 2 weeks
Button 5
Promotion announcement

Hosting is very very important to Hoster A.G+ above, you shoud known
how to host an A and G.
1st: Announced advanced
2nd: Announced starting snd being hosted by (Who?)
3rd: Call 1-3 toclose the door
4th: Welcomed players and greet
5th: Ask players if they know the rules
6th: Begin
7th: Announced is over

10. Rank Deduction

Rank deduction is to let the player low their rank if they did their job wrong.
Example: Cashier Barista-Deduct-R.Trainer.

10. Striking List

This is the striking list you shall follow!
4 striking list if worker and non-worker is 3

Troller-(A player that only do troll some staff and workers) (1 strike-Warn)
(2 strike-arrest 30 mins) (3 strike-arrest 50) (4 strike-Rank deduct)

Disrespect-(A player that had a bad attitude) (1 strike-Warn) (2 strike-arrest

30 mins) (3 strike-arrest 50 mins) (4 strike-Rank deduct)

Spamming-(A player who keep spamming on chat repeatly) (1 strike-Warn)

(2 strike-arrest 30 mins) (3 strike-arrest 50 mins) (4 strike-Rank deduct)

Exploit-(A player using a command exploitation) (1 strike-Sban(Server

Ban) (2 strike-Pban(Permanent Ban)

Inappropriate/Suspicious-(A player who did disgusting and chatting

inappropriate) (1 strike-Warn) (2 strike-arrest 30) (3 strike-arrest 50) (4

Raiding-(The alts player) (1 strike-Pban alts) (2 strike-Warn) (3 strike-Pban

raider leader)
That's will be all coming soon part 2.

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