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The LMS Test.

Lab GVT Spectral Extension


LMS Test.Lab

Rev 11B

Copyright LMS International 2011

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Data and its management ............................................................................. 9

Section 1.1 Data management and configuration ................................................... 9
Section 1.1.1 The desktop .......................................................................................... 9
Section 1.1.2 Applications ....................................................................................... 10
Section 1.1.3 Projects .............................................................................................. 10
Section 1.1.4 Documentation ................................................................................... 12
Section 1.2 Importing and exporting data ............................................................. 12
Section 1.2.1 Importing data items .......................................................................... 13
Section 1.2.2 Exporting data items .......................................................................... 22
Section 1.2.3 Copying pictures ................................................................................ 26
Section 1.3 My Links ............................................................................................ 27
Section 1.3.1 Elements in the My Links collection folder ....................................... 27
Section 1.4 Project data ........................................................................................ 29
Section 1.4.1 Sections .............................................................................................. 29
Section 1.4.2 Runs ................................................................................................... 29
Section 1.4.3 TDF .................................................................................................... 30
Section 1.4.4 LDSF ................................................................................................. 30
Section 1.4.5 Other folders ...................................................................................... 30
Section 1.5 Units and how to handle them ........................................................... 30
Section 1.5.1 Units................................................................................................... 30
Section 1.5.2 Canonical dimensions ........................................................................ 31
Section 1.5.3 Base unit set ....................................................................................... 31
Section 1.5.4 Unit systems....................................................................................... 32
Section 1.5.5 Interpreting Units ............................................................................... 33
Section 1.6 Searching for Data using the Data Explorer ...................................... 35
Section 1.6.1 [Procedure] To execute a simple data search ..................................... 35
Section 1.6.2 [Procedure] To define additional search criteria ................................ 37

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation .............................................................. 39

Section 2.1 Using cursors in displays ................................................................... 39
Section 2.1.1 [Procedure] To use cursors in the display .......................................... 39
Section 2.2 Documentation User Attributes ......................................................... 42
Section 2.2.1 User Attributes ................................................................................... 43
Section 2.3 Document Memo Templates .............................................................. 44
Section 2.3.1 New Memo Template ........................................................................ 44
Section 2.3.2 Default Memo template ..................................................................... 45
Section 2.4 Creating print formats ........................................................................ 46
Section 2.4.1 [Procedure] To create a single-picture print format in the Data Viewing
worksheet 47
Section 2.4.2 [Procedure] To create a multiple-picture print format in Word or PowerPoint .. 48
Section 2.4.3 [Procedure] To set printing options ................................................... 49
Section 2.4.4 [Procedure] To add Meta Information to a print format .................... 50
Section 2.4.5 [Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to Word or PowerPoint .. 51
Section 2.4.6 [Procedure] To size a picture using absolute scaling ......................... 51
Section 2.4.7 [Procedure] To apply Absolute Scaling for optimised limits ............. 52
Section 2.5 The Layout management dialog......................................................... 52
Section 2.5.1 [Procedure] To create or modify a layout .......................................... 53
Section 2.5.2 The Layout management panel .......................................................... 69
Section 2.5.3 The Layout editing panel ................................................................... 71
Section 2.6 Function display windows ................................................................. 72
Section 2.6.1 To use the displays ............................................................................. 75

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Section 2.6.2 The Axis menus ................................................................................. 87
Section 2.6.3 The Display menus .......................................................................... 103
Section 2.6.4 The Data menus ............................................................................... 111
Section 2.6.5 The Cursor menus ............................................................................ 113
Section 2.6.6 The Curve Legend menus ................................................................ 116
Section 2.6.7 The Single (cursor) menus ............................................................... 120
Section 2.6.8 The Double (cursor) menus ............................................................. 124
Section 2.6.9 The Harmonic (cursor) menus ......................................................... 127
Section 2.6.10 The Automatic (cursor) menus ........................................................ 129
Section 2.6.11 The Processing (cursor) menus ........................................................ 130
Section 2.7 Geometry display windows.............................................................. 133
Section 2.7.1 [Procedure] To use the displays ....................................................... 133
Section 2.7.2 The Geometry display functions ...................................................... 139

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware ............................................................................ 161

Section 3.1 Add-ins ............................................................................................ 161
Section 3.1.1 Specific LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension add-ins ............... 161
Section 3.1.2 General (Desktop) add-ins ............................................................... 163
Section 3.2 SCADAS III..................................................................................... 174
Section 3.2.1 The LMS SCADAS III frontend ...................................................... 175
Section 3.2.2 Main frame and signal processing units ........................................... 175
Section 3.2.3 Signal conditioning modules ............................................................ 176
Section 3.2.4 Offline operation .............................................................................. 180
Section 3.2.5 Master/Slave configuration .............................................................. 182
Section 3.3 SCADAS Mobile ............................................................................. 183
Section 3.3.1 LMS SCADAS Mobile .................................................................... 183
Section 3.3.2 How to use this manual .................................................................... 183
Section 3.3.3 Guidelines for installing and using your SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS
Recorder front-end ....................................................................................................... 184
Section 3.3.4 The LMS SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorder concept......... 188
Section 3.3.5 Practical guidelines for transducer connections ............................... 202
Section 3.3.6 Appendix A: IP ratings .................................................................... 216
Section 3.3.7 Appendix B: Interpreting the front panel channel LED colors ........ 217
Section 3.3.8 Appendix C: Connecting DC accelerometers to VB8(-E) and DB8(-II)219
Section 3.4 Offline operation .............................................................................. 229

Chapter 4 Channels .................................................................................................... 231

Section 4.1 Channels .......................................................................................... 231
Section 4.1.1 Types of channels ............................................................................ 231
Section 4.1.2 Input channels .................................................................................. 231
Section 4.1.3 Other channels ................................................................................. 234
Section 4.1.4 Derived channels.............................................................................. 234
Section 4.1.5 Virtual channels ............................................................................... 235
Section 4.2 Calibration ....................................................................................... 235
Section 4.2.1 AC calibration .................................................................................. 236
Section 4.2.2 DC calibration .................................................................................. 240
Section 4.2.3 Relative calibration .......................................................................... 241
Section 4.2.4 Bridge Calibration............................................................................ 244
Section 4.3 Bridge configurations ...................................................................... 245
Section 4.3.1 Full Bridge ....................................................................................... 246
Section 4.3.2 Half Bridge ...................................................................................... 247
Section 4.3.3 Basic Quarter Bridge ....................................................................... 248
Section 4.3.4 Quarter Bridge ................................................................................. 249
Section 4.3.5 Rotated Half Bridge (only available on VB8).................................. 250
Section 4.3.6 Balanced A and dynamic strain modes ............................................ 250

4 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Section 4.4 Channel identification characteristics .............................................. 251
Section 4.4.1 Channel identification fields ............................................................ 252
Section 4.5 Database sources .............................................................................. 265
Section 4.5.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 265
Section 4.5.2 Channel group field definitions........................................................ 265
Section 4.5.3 ODBC databases as an input source for Channel Setup ................... 268
Section 4.5.4 [Procedure] To create a database source that can be used for import into the
channel setup 268
Section 4.6 Channel amplification ...................................................................... 273

Chapter 5 Acquisition................................................................................................. 275

Section 5.1 Sources ............................................................................................. 275
Section 5.1.1 Random ............................................................................................ 275
Section 5.1.2 Burst Random .................................................................................. 276
Section 5.1.3 Sine .................................................................................................. 276
Section 5.1.4 Burst Sine......................................................................................... 277
Section 5.1.5 Periodic Chirp .................................................................................. 277
Section 5.2 Defining sources .............................................................................. 278
Section 5.2.1 [Procedure] To define sources ......................................................... 278
Section 5.3 Acquisition and spectral processing parameters .............................. 281
Section 5.3.1 Acquisition parameters .................................................................... 281
Section 5.3.2 Averaging methods .......................................................................... 281
Section 5.3.3 Acoustic weighting .......................................................................... 283
Section 5.3.4 Windows .......................................................................................... 285
Section 5.4 Tracking ........................................................................................... 287
Section 5.4.1 Tacho channels ................................................................................ 288
Section 5.4.2 Derived tacho channels .................................................................... 292
Section 5.4.3 Tracking control ............................................................................... 293
Section 5.4.4 Semi stationary ................................................................................ 299
Section 5.4.5 Throughput data ............................................................................... 300

Chapter 6 Functions ................................................................................................... 303

Section 6.1 Online functions ............................................................................... 303
Section 6.1.1 Time ................................................................................................. 303
Section 6.1.2 Octaves ............................................................................................ 303
Section 6.1.3 Spectrum (frequency spectra) .......................................................... 304
Section 6.1.4 Autopowers (Linear and Power) ...................................................... 305
Section 6.1.5 AutoPower Power Spectral Density or PSD .................................... 306
Section 6.1.6 Crosspower ...................................................................................... 306
Section 6.1.7 Crosspower PSD .............................................................................. 308
Section 6.1.8 Frequency Response Function ......................................................... 308
Section 6.1.9 Coherence ........................................................................................ 311
Section 6.1.10 Dynamic Stiffness ............................................................................ 312
Section 6.1.11 PCA ................................................................................................. 312
Section 6.1.12 Sound Intensity ................................................................................ 312
Section 6.1.13 SRA ................................................................................................. 313

Chapter 7 Processing ................................................................................................. 315

Section 7.1 Time Data Editing Functions ........................................................... 315
Section 7.1.1 Channel, segment and position selection ......................................... 316
Section 7.1.2 Editing.............................................................................................. 317
Section 7.1.3 Modify segment ............................................................................... 320
Section 7.1.4 Fading .............................................................................................. 325

Rev 11B 5
Section 7.2 Basic processing .............................................................................. 326
Section 7.2.1 Rms calculation................................................................................ 326
Section 7.2.2 Data Calculator Functions................................................................ 328

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook .......................... 347
Section 8.1 The GVT Spectral Extension menu bar ........................................... 348
Section 8.1.1 File ................................................................................................... 348
Section 8.1.2 Edit................................................................................................... 351
Section 8.1.3 View................................................................................................. 351
Section 8.1.4 Data .................................................................................................. 352
Section 8.1.5 Tools ................................................................................................ 353
Section 8.1.6 Window............................................................................................ 379
Section 8.1.7 Help ................................................................................................. 380
Section 8.2 The GVT Spectral Extension button bar .......................................... 380
Section 8.2.1 Toolbars ........................................................................................... 380
Section 8.3 Conditioning toolbar ........................................................................ 403
Section 8.3.1 To condition displayed data ............................................................. 403
Section 8.3.2 Conditioning functions .................................................................... 405
Section 8.4 The Documentation worksheet ........................................................ 411
Section 8.4.1 [Procedure] Project / Section info .................................................... 411
Section 8.4.2 Extended Project / Section info ........................................................ 414
Section 8.5 The Data Explorer dialog ................................................................. 415
Section 8.5.1 [Procedure] To view and manage data ............................................. 415
Section 8.5.2 The Data Explorer Toolbar .............................................................. 417
Section 8.5.3 The Search panel .............................................................................. 418
Section 8.5.4 The Tree-view browser panel .......................................................... 421
Section 8.5.5 The Detail View panel ..................................................................... 426
Section 8.6 The Navigator - Data Viewing worksheet ....................................... 430
Section 8.6.1 [Procedure] To create pictures of your data ..................................... 430
Section 8.6.2 The Data Explorer ............................................................................ 433
Section 8.6.3 The Picture Display panel ................................................................ 434
Section 8.6.4 The Picture Selection bar ................................................................. 436
Section 8.7 The Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet ................................. 439
Section 8.7.1 [Procedure] To print data using a predefined print format ............... 440
Section 8.7.2 The Data Explorer ............................................................................ 441
Section 8.7.3 The Format display panel................................................................. 442
Section 8.7.4 The Format selection bar ................................................................. 442
Section 8.8 The Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet..................................... 442
Section 8.8.1 The Data Explorer panel .................................................................. 443
Section 8.8.2 The Data Set panel ........................................................................... 443
Section 8.8.3 The Active Formula Set panel ......................................................... 443
Section 8.8.4 The Picture display panel ................................................................. 443
Section 8.8.5 [Procedure] To define a processing function ................................... 443
Section 8.8.6 The Data Explorer ............................................................................ 447
Section 8.8.7 The Data Set panel ........................................................................... 448
Section 8.8.8 The Active Formula Set panel ......................................................... 451
Section 8.8.9 The Picture Display panel ................................................................ 457
Section 8.8.10 The Picture Selection bar ................................................................. 459
Section 8.9 The Data Block Processing worksheet ............................................. 463
Section 8.9.1 [Procedure] To create and calculate user defined metrics ................ 464
Section 8.9.2 The Data List panel .......................................................................... 465
Section 8.9.3 The Data Block Processing Calculator ............................................ 468
Section 8.9.4 The Display panel ............................................................................ 474
Section 8.10 The Channel Setup worksheet ......................................................... 476
Section 8.10.1 To define a channel setup ................................................................ 477
Section 8.10.2 Pane Header options ........................................................................ 482
Section 8.10.3 Channel status .................................................................................. 483

6 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Section 8.10.4 Save as Reference ............................................................................ 484
Section 8.10.5 Load Channel Setup ......................................................................... 485
Section 8.10.6 Channel Setup .................................................................................. 489
Section 8.10.7 Use database .................................................................................... 490
Section 8.10.8 Read Teds ........................................................................................ 491
Section 8.10.9 Use Geometry .................................................................................. 492
Section 8.10.10 CAN Settings ................................................................................... 492
Section 8.10.11 Virtual channels ............................................................................... 496
Section 8.11 The Calibration worksheet ............................................................... 499
Section 8.11.1 [Procedure] To calibrate all types of measurement channels ........... 499
Section 8.11.2 The AC Calibration parameters ....................................................... 506
Section 8.11.3 The DC calibration parameters ........................................................ 516
Section 8.11.4 The Relative Calibration Parameters ............................................... 521
Section 8.11.5 The Bridge Settings Parameters ....................................................... 533
Section 8.12 The Tracking Setup worksheet ........................................................ 542
Section 8.12.1 To define the tacho and tracking control parameters ....................... 542
Section 8.12.2 The Tacho Settings panel ................................................................. 544
Section 8.12.3 The Tracking Settings panel ............................................................ 545
Section 8.12.4 The Autoranging QTV panel ........................................................... 554
Section 8.12.5 The Tacho Displays panel ................................................................ 558
Section 8.12.6 The Action buttons........................................................................... 559
Section 8.13 The Scope worksheet ....................................................................... 559
Section 8.13.1 To set the Scope parameters ............................................................ 559
Section 8.13.2 The Scope Settings panel ................................................................. 561
Section 8.13.3 The Trigger Settings panel ............................................................... 562
Section 8.13.4 The Fan Control panel ..................................................................... 564
Section 8.13.5 The View Settings panel .................................................................. 564
Section 8.13.6 The Action buttons........................................................................... 565
Section 8.13.7 The Overview display panel ............................................................ 566
Section 8.13.8 The Detail display panel .................................................................. 566
Section 8.13.9 The Autoranging and Offset zeroing panel ...................................... 567
Section 8.14 The Test Setup worksheet ................................................................ 571
Section 8.14.1 [Procedure] To define transient capture setup ................................. 571
Section 8.14.2 The Online Data Function panel ...................................................... 572
Section 8.14.3 The Data Function display panel ..................................................... 580
Section 8.14.4 The Scope Settings panel ................................................................. 580
Section 8.14.5 The Acquisition Control panel ......................................................... 582
Section 8.14.6 The Averaging Parameters panel ..................................................... 582
Section 8.14.7 The Conditioning panel ................................................................... 583
Section 8.14.8 The Measurement Status panel ........................................................ 583
Section 8.14.9 The Start Control panel .................................................................... 584
Section 8.15 The Measure worksheet ................................................................... 585
Section 8.15.1 [Procedure] To make a measurement run ........................................ 585
Section 8.15.2 The Pane Header options ................................................................. 587
Section 8.15.3 The Fixed Layout display options .................................................... 588
Section 8.15.4 The User Defined Layout Display Option ....................................... 588
Section 8.15.5 The Current Run panel ..................................................................... 590
Section 8.15.6 The Measurement Settings panel ..................................................... 590
Section 8.15.7 The Measurement Control Panel ..................................................... 590
Section 8.15.8 The Measurement Status panel ........................................................ 592
Section 8.16 The GVT Manager worksheet ......................................................... 594
Section 8.17 The Advanced Parameters dialog .................................................... 595
Section 8.17.1 The Acquisition Parameters panel ................................................... 595
Section 8.17.2 The Acquisition Control panel ......................................................... 597
Section 8.17.3 The Averaging Parameters Panel ..................................................... 600
Section 8.17.4 The Conditioning Panel ................................................................... 601
Section 8.18 The Validate worksheet ................................................................... 602
Section 8.18.1 [Procedure] To validate your data .................................................... 603

Rev 11B 7
Section 8.18.2 The Pane Header options ................................................................. 604
Section 8.18.3 The Overview panel ......................................................................... 604
Section 8.18.4 The Measurement Matrix panel ....................................................... 605
Section 8.18.5 The Display Layout panel ................................................................ 607
Section 8.19 The Post Processing worksheet ........................................................ 608
Section 8.19.1 To post process data ......................................................................... 608
Section 8.19.2 [Procedure] To define a processing set ............................................ 609
Section 8.19.3 The Pane Header options ................................................................. 610
Section 8.19.4 The Post Processing data browser .................................................... 611
Section 8.19.5 The Post Processing Function & Set Definition .............................. 611
Section 8.19.6 The Data display panel .................................................................... 614
Section 8.20 The Compare Runs worksheet ......................................................... 614
Section 8.20.1 [Procedure] To compare measurement runs .................................... 615
Section 8.20.2 The Pane Header options ................................................................. 618
Section 8.20.3 The Data Source Selection panel ..................................................... 619
Section 8.20.4 The Run Selection panel .................................................................. 620
Section 8.20.5 The Function Selection panel ........................................................... 621
Section 8.20.6 The Data Options panel ................................................................... 624
Section 8.20.7 The Data Display panel .................................................................... 626
Section 8.21 The Batch Reporting worksheet ....................................................... 627
Section 8.21.1 [Procedure] To batch report data ..................................................... 627
Section 8.21.2 The Data Selection panel ................................................................. 629
Section 8.21.3 The Template Set panel ................................................................... 630
Section 8.21.4 The Data Set panel ........................................................................... 630
Section 8.21.5 The Print Format panel .................................................................... 633
Section 8.21.6 The Reporting panel ......................................................................... 633
Section 8.22 The Audio replay & filter dialog...................................................... 634
Section 8.22.1 Front/Back ....................................................................................... 634
Section 8.22.2 Colormap and Waterfall ................................................................... 634
Section 8.22.3 Multi-Trace display.......................................................................... 635
Section 8.22.4 [Procedure] To replay data ............................................................... 635
Section 8.22.5 The traces panel ............................................................................... 636
Section 8.22.6 The replay panel............................................................................... 637
Section 8.22.7 The filter panel ................................................................................. 641
Section 8.23 SCADAS Recorder data retrieval .................................................... 645
Section 8.23.1 SCADAS Recorder template files (RDF) ........................................ 645
Section 8.23.2 SCADAS Recorder data files (TRP) ................................................ 645

8 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Chapter 1 Data and its management

In This Chapter
Data management and configuration ..................................9
Importing and exporting data .............................................12
My Links ............................................................................27
Project data .........................................................................29
Units and how to handle them ............................................30
Searching for Data using the Data Explorer .......................35

Section 1.1 Data management and configuration

This document discusses some concepts and terminology concerned with the
Test.Lab software in general and the Desktop software in particular.
 The desktop (on page 9)
 Applications (on page 10)
 Projects (on page 10)
 Documentation (on page 12)

Section 1.1.1 The desktop

The Test.Lab desktop is the basic software module or application that is started
by double clicking the LMS shortcut or icon on your computer. An application
window appears that contains a menubar, a toolbar and a working area.

A new window is opened every time you open a project. These multiple project
windows can be arranged using the Window menu either, as a cascade or, to
make them all visible, as tiles. Each one of these windows is related to a
different project.

Every application window has a menubar and a toolbar (although the toolbar
can be hidden, if required, using the View Toolbars menu). The contents of
the menubar and toolbar depend on the active window and the project /
application that it represents. You can make a particular window active by
clicking on it and the active project / application window is then distinguished
by the color of its title bar turning in a darker blue.

Note: All operations performed using the menubar and toolbar will be
executed on this active project / application window.

Rev 11B 9
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section 1.1.2 Applications

An application is an integrated software module, such as Test.Lab Desktop.

Each application provides all the functionality required to perform a specific
task. Each step required to accomplish this is performed using a specific
worksheet, and by stepping through each worksheet in order, the required task
can be realized. The complete set of worksheets required for an application
comprises a workbook.

You can open any Test.Lab application by using the Start menu on the
Windows taskbar. Click on the application's shortcut available under the
Programs menu. You can then open an existing project (.lms file) within the

application by using the File Open... menu or the Open Project icon on
the toolbar. Or, you can open a new project by using the File New menu or the
New Project icon on the toolbar.

You can open an existing project by right clicking on the project and selecting
Open with....

Then select the Test.Lab application that you want to use.

If you want to open your projects using this application by default just check the
corresponding checkbox Always use the selected program to open this
kind of file.

Section 1.1.3 Projects

A project is a single entity that contains all the data that you require to be kept
together. It is a means of grouping a set of data that logically belong together.
This is typically the data relating to a particular test object. It could thus include
all sorts of data, such as measurement data, test and processing setups, geometry
and modal data.

Note: One project is not necessarily related to just one application.

You can use different applications with the same project and you can use a
single application with a number of different projects, though typically you
would not have the same project open in different applications at the same time.

Projects are automatically assigned a name that contains a sequential number

(ProjectX). The project can be renamed when being saved using the File Save
As... menu or the Save icon on the toolbar.

10 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section Opening a project within an application

First, start the application by clicking on its shortcut.

Using the toolbar icon for New Project (on page 391) will open a new
default project (NewProject.lms on the <install
dir>\LMSTest.Lab11A\central\Install folder.

You can open an existing project (.lms file) within the application by using the
File Open... menu.

A project can be assigned a name and be saved as an .lms file.

Section Opening a project directly

Using Windows Explorer, when you double-click the project file, it is opened
by the default application. This default is set during the Test.Lab installation

You can also use the standard Windows functionality to open an existing project
with a different application.

First select the project in a Windows Explorer and right click the file.

In the popup menu, use the Open With... option to select the application that
you want to open the project.

Section Project templates

Every project is based on a template that determines the initial setup and
settings for a new project. A project template can contain multiple test setups or
sections. Project template files have the extension .tpl

Section [Procedure] To make a new project template

Step 1
Open an existing project. Make any changes to the test setup you require.
Step 2
Save the project settings with the File Save As Template... menu and give it a
name (file_name.tpl).
When you next use File New on the menubar to start a new project, the new
template will be available for selection.

Section [Procedure] To change the default project template

Step 1
First make a new project template as above.
Step 2
When you save the project settings via the File Save As Template... menu,

Rev 11B 11
Chapter 1 Data and its management

select the option to create a template shortcut on the desktop.

You can now open a new file with the created template by double clicking the
desktop shortcut.

Section 1.1.4 Documentation

Documentation in the form of user defined attributes as well as MS Word

documents or pictures, can be attached to projects, sections and runs. You can
use the documentation worksheet to add a document to a project and to a

To add a document to a run, use the browser tree in the Data Data Explorer
menu. In addition, other files including picture files can be added.

Section LMS Document templates

Every project, section and run document is based on a template. This template
determines the basic structure and format for a document. Document template
files normally have the .doc extension. The program provides a default template
for project, section and run documents.

Section 1.2 Importing and exporting data

This document describes the types of files that you can import and export and
those that can be embedded in a report.

The Test.Lab software enables you to view and access data on the network
systems that have been configured for access.

This data is accessed via the network folder in the browser tree of the Navigator
worksheet with the “Network” icon . From this folder you can export the
data items to a text (.txt) and, if suitable, to a sound (.wav) file.

A graphical representation of the data can be displayed in the appropriate

windows. A complete layout, composed of one or more display windows and
the data inside them, is termed a “picture”. Pictures can be copied and pasted
into other applications using a number of different formats.

12 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

 Importing data items (on page 13)

 Exporting data items (on page 22)
 Copying pictures (on page 26)

Section 1.2.1 Importing data items

You can import data using the

 Browser tree
 Bookmarks
 Tec.Manager

Section Data types you can import

This section describes the different types of data that can be accessed and thus
imported in the Desktop software. These are categorized into the following
 Cada-X project databases (see "The Cada-X project database" on page 13)
 Cada-X TDF databases (see "The TDF database" on page 15)
 Cada-X TRDS files (see "TRDS files" on page 16)
 Road Runner data or Pimento data (see "Road Runner files" on page 18)
 Sysnoise data (see "Sysnoise databases" on page 18)
 Universal files (on page 17)
 SDF files (on page 18)
 RPC III files (on page 19)
 Matlab data (on page 19)
 Test.Lab data
 Virtual.Lab data
 STL files (geometry) (see "STL data" on page 21)

Section The Cada-X project database

Note: The project being discussed here is a Cada-X database and not the
Test.Lab storage facility used in the Desktop software context.

The Cada-X project database is used to store a wide variety of data that can be
acquired and created using the Cada-X software. It is a collection of data that
logically belong together; most frequently they all refer to a common object - a
car prototype for example. This includes geometrical data describing a structure,
test data measured on the structure and the results of analyses performed on the
test data. The five types of data that are contained in a project are illustrated

Rev 11B 13
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Contents of the Cada-X project database

Only one geometry definition of a test structure can exist in a project. There can
be any number of test sections and analysis sections that hold the results of
measurements and analyses on the test structure. You will see from the figure
above that the Cada-X database can also hold multiple sets of units.

When browsing, the project icon represents a project database. Clicking on

the sign next to this icon will reveal all the available data types in that

When importing/accessing the Virtual.Lab data, the less common variables are
blocked. If needed, variables can be unblocked in the LoaderExtension.ini file
located in the LMS program folder.”

Section Tests

Tests contain test data that has either been measured or computed. A block of
data values making up the specific function represents such data.

When browsing, the test section icon represents a test section. Clicking on
the sign next to this icon will reveal the contents of the test section.

In all cases a textual memo can be associated with each test. Data functions
Data functions are composed of a series of data values that make up the block.
In addition there is a descriptive header containing information about the type of

When browsing, the function icon indicates data functions. Any data
represented by this icon can be viewed in a display window in the Desktop
software application. A number of selected functions can be loaded into a
FrontBack window where they will overlay each other, or they can be loaded
into a Colormap or Waterfall window where the series of blocks will be
presented along a third axis.

The type of function (FRF, time record, coherence ...) is indicated along side
each record and can be read from the tool tip if the mouse pointer is placed over
the function icon. The primary identification of the function is also displayed. In
most cases this identifies the measurement point or channel on which the data
was acquired.

14 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Data values
The series of data values which make up a block can be displayed as a static
function in a FrontBack window. You can export the complete list of values to a
number of alternative formats (see "Exporting data items" on page 22).

Data record headers

These are an extremely useful set of field values which are used to characterize
a data block and which can be used for searches and to derive information about
the characteristics of the data. Most of these appear in the legend that can be
associated with a display window. They can be read from the “Properties” sheet
associated with the data.

Section Geometry

Only one geometry definition can exist in a Cada-X project database. This is
basically a wire frame model of the test object and consists of nodes (where
measurements are made and at which points mode shape deflections are
determined), connections between the nodes and surfaces between sets of three
nodes. You can see the nodes / connections / triangles in the “Properties” sheet.

The geometry of an object is represented by the icon and can be loaded into
a “Geometry” window, where it will form the “undeformed model”. Mode
shapes can be imposed on it and animated.

Section Analyses

Analyses are a means of grouping results that are the outcome of various modal
analyses on the test data in the current project. Any number of analyses can be
held in a project and each one can hold a number of mode records.

Modes can be viewed in a Geometry window, where the correct model is on

display, and be animated on that model. Actual values can be seen in the
properties. If required, you can also export the values.

Section The TDF database

The TDF database is used for the storage of “streamed data”. This is generally
extensive sets of measurement data that in most cases are unprocessed time

When browsing, the TDF identifies a TDF database. Clicking on the

sign next to this icon will reveal the contents of the TDF database.

There is no hierarchical structure to the TDF database. Bundles of channels are

grouped together in either “recordings”. Recordings can be of various lengths
and with varying numbers of channels.

Rev 11B 15
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Structure of the TDF database

TDF files are generated in the Throughput Acquisition Monitor.

Recordings are bundles of streamed data that are imported, processed and
manipulated in Test monitor. They can come from imported DAT recordings,
measured directly using Binaural recording or be generated by processing from
within the Time data processing or Sound Quality monitors. Each recording can
contain an unlimited number of “channels” that logically belong together.

Recordings are represented in the browser by the 'recording' icon. Dragging

a recording into a display will result in all the channels it contains being
displayed. Clicking on the sign next to this icon will reveal all the channels
that were contained in the recording. The function represents each of these
channels. Any data represented by this function icon can be viewed in a (2D)
Frontback display window in the Desktop software.

Section TRDS files

During a Signature monitor acquisition, a series of basic measurement functions
(time signals or frequency spectra for example) are acquired at specific times
during the complete acquisition. The acquisition of these basic measurement
functions is triggered by the value of a tracking parameter; which can be rpm,
time, temperature or some other variable that the user is interested in. This
results in a series of data blocks (or functions) that are known collectively as a
“map” since it plots the evolution of the measurement function with respect to
the tracking parameter.

Contents of a TRDS file

In addition, various composite functions can be generated. Each time the target
tracking parameter value is met, a single (real or complex) value is calculated

16 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

for each composite block based on the newly acquired data. The maximum
number of acquisitions determines the length of such blocks. The contents of
such blocks can be the tracking parameter values or online analysis functions
such as OA levels, order and frequency sections.

All of this data can be saved in a TRDS file. When browsing, the TRDS
indicates a TRDS file. Clicking on the sign next to this icon will reveal the
contents of the TRDS file.

The contents of this file will either be the “map” of basic measurement
functions or the single block composite functions. These various entities are
grouped together according to measurement channels as indicated by the
'channel' icon.

The function icon represents the single blocks of composite data, and the
type of function is indicated alongside. Data represented by this icon can be
visualized in a FrontBack window.

The waterfall icon represents the “map” of basic measurement functions.

Such data can be dragged into a 3D display window such as a waterfall or a
colormap window. The Z axis will be annotated with the value of the tracking
parameter (time, rpm, or whatever) as stored in the TRDS file. Clicking on the
sign next to the waterfall icon will reveal all the basic measurement
functions, each one being represented by the function icon. You can select a
number of these functions and load them into a 3D display window too, but in
this case the Z axis will be annotated with the number of functions loaded.

Section Universal files

A Universal File is a physical file in ASCII format, containing symbolic data in
physical records with a maximum record length of 80 characters. The term
Universal File is used to denote a complete file which can contain a number of
“file datasets”. There are a number of different file datasets each used to
describe different types of functions.

The 'Header file data set' (151) contains the information for the model's name,
description and the generating program. It also contains information for the time
and date of the file's creation and last access.

The 'Units file data set' (164 or 156) contains the units and the description of the
units for the data set, as well as the factors for converting the file units to SI.

The 'Function at Nodal DOF file data set' (58) documents any time or frequency
domain function with several lines of ID information, response and reference
location, direction and name. The ordinate data type and abscissa spacing along
with the specific data type, axis labels, and units are also included in the file.

The 'Function at Nodal DOF file data set' (58b) contains data in both ASCII and
binary formats. The header (first 11 records) for Dataset 58b is identical to that
of Universal File Dataset 58. It contains function attribute information in ASCII
format. The remainder of the file contains the same data as Universal File
Dataset 58, but it presents that data in binary format.

Rev 11B 17
Chapter 1 Data and its management

The 'Trace Lines' (82) specifies the trace line number, color, identification, and
the entries defining the trace. This file gives the connectivity that is used
together with the grid points to display the configuration of the system under
test or analysis.

The 'Analysis Data at Nodes' (55,2414) describes the specific kind of analysis
performed, as well as, the data model and characteristics, specific data type, and
number of data values.

When browsing Universal files, an icon indicates the complete Universal file.
Clicking on the sign next to this icon will reveal the number of functions
measured at nodal DOFs (type 58 data sets) contained in the file. Each of these
will be represented by the icon and can be displayed in a FrontBack window.

Section SDF files

SDF stands for Standard Data Format, and is a data format that allows data to be
shared between HP analyzers. SDF files can contain the following kinds of
measurement data.
 time history, auto-correlation, cross-correlation, impulse response
 frequency
linear spectrum, autopower spectrum, crosspower spectrum, frequency
response, ordinary coherence, partial coherence, multiple coherence.
 amplitude
histogram, probability density function, cumulative density function
 full octave, third octave
 acoustic
pressure data, intensity data, velocity data, sound power data
 waterfall data
The .sdf file contains a number of data records.

Section Road Runner files

These are data files that are created using the LMS Roadrunner/Pimento Mobile
system. A number of files can be reported.
 Frequency data files (with .fdf extension)
 Order data files (with .odf extension)
 Octave data files (with .zdf extension)
 Time data files (with .tdf extension). These files can contain time data
streams and block data associated with the time streams.
These files contain individual records.

Section Sysnoise databases

Sysnoise databases have the extension .sdb. These contain all the data relating

18 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

to one model. This includes geometrical data describing the model. The model
also has a number of potentials that are the primary acoustic results, arising
from the analysis that you have performed. These potentials are related to a
node or field point associated with the model, and the data available are the 2D
acoustic functions relating to a single direction. In addition there is the global
pressure results for each node. These 2D functions can be seen in a FrontBack

Section RPC III files

RPC III (Remote Parameter Control) files are sequential, fixed length, 512-byte
record files, containing a standard header, followed by data. The header
contains information about the data, stored as keyword-value pairs. For more
information about the RPC III file format, see the MTS website. In the Desktop
software you can view binary time history files - not ASCII or histogram files.

When browsing, the icon represents the rpc file. This file contains a time history
for each channel, which can be displayed in a FrontBack window. Properties of
the file show the header information.

Section Matlab data

Matlab is a technical computing environment that combines numeric
computation, graphics and visualization, and a high-level programming
language for scientific and engineering applications. The name MATLAB
stands for MAtrix LABoratory. It provides easy access to matrix software which
enables the user to solve complex numerical problems without actually writing
a program.

Vectors and other one-dimensional matrices can be viewed in a FrontBack

window. Two-dimensional matrices can be shown in a Waterfall or Colormap

When creating data in matlab, it is possible to make a header, so that the data is
annotated in Test.Lab. Beneath a short description of this structure. For concrete
examples, please use the ‘export to matlab’ functionality.

When exporting in MKS units, the data will be stored in MKS units (so even if
the label says ‘g’, the values are expressed in m/s2). The data structure is the

Function_Record -> [depends on the structure of the data]

XValues -> Values (1xm)

-> quantity -> label ('g')

-> unit transform -> offset (0)

-> factor (0.10192)

-> log_ref (1)

Rev 11B 19
Chapter 1 Data and its management

-> quantity terms (see lower)

YValues-> Values (nxm)

-> quantity -> label ('g')

-> unit transform -> offset (0)

-> factor (0.10192)

-> log_ref (1)

-> quantity terms (see lower)

When exporting in user units, the data will be stored in user units (the label is g,
so also the data is in ‘g’. There is no description of the label given - the data
structure is the following:

Function_Record -> [depends on the structure of the data]

XValues-> Values (1xm)

-> quantity -> label ('g')

YValues-> Values (nxm)

-> quantity -> label ('g')

(link to this place) -> quantity terms-> -> num 1

-> den 1

-> Quantity(LENGTH)

-> -> num 0

-> den 1

-> Quantity ANGLE

-> -> num 0

-> den 1

-> Quantity MASS

-> -> num -2

-> den 1

-> Quantity TIME

-> -> num 0

20 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

-> den 1

-> Quantity CURRENT

-> -> num 0

-> den 1

-> Quantity LIGHT

-> -> num 0

-> den 1


-> -> num 0

-> den 1


Section Polytec add-in

Enabling this add-in will make it possible to read Polytec data in Test.Lab.
When the add-in is loaded, Polytec FileAccess rev 2.3 and 2.7 files that are
encountered while browsing via the "My Computer" entry point in the Data
Explorer, will be recognized and can be opened for browsing and reading
geometry data, FRFs and coherences.

Section STL data

The STL file format is a geometry definition file format that uses a mesh of
triangles to form the shell of a solid object, where each triangle shares common
sides and vertices. Most CAD packages will allow you to export to the .stl file
format. It is the industry standard for exchange of geometry for rapid
prototyping. The file extension stands for STereoLithography. This allows to
import basic geometry info from almost any CAD package. Test.Lab supports
binary and ASCII STL Files. It is recommended to generate the geometry with a
rather coarse faceting. The STL files format does not contain any information
on units. Test.Lab assumes that the units are in mm.

Section [Procedure] How to import data using

Be sure that you that you know your user name and password for Tec.Manager.
Step 1
Go to the Tools Add-ins menu and verify that the “Tec.Manager Hub” add-in
has been activated.
Step 2
Right click on the “Search Results” basket in the Data Explorer and choose

Rev 11B 21
Chapter 1 Data and its management

“Add from Tec.Manager” from the dropdown menu that appears.

Step 3
Enter your user name and password in the “User” dialog that appears and click
OK to open Tec.Manager.
Step 4
The “Select basket” dialog appears, containing the list of all available baskets in
Tec.Manager. Select the desired basket and click OK. The data contained in the
chosen basket appears in the Detail View tree of the Data Explorer.
Step 5
Continue importing all desired baskets, one at a time, as shown above.

Note: If there is only one basket available in Tec.Manager, its data is imported
automatically when you choose Tec.Manager from the Search Results
dropdown menu.

Step 6
You can now view your data and/or insert it into a plot format. If desired, you
can save it, by right clicking on it and choosing Save to input basket in the
dropdown menu that appears.

Note: If you don't save your imported data to you input basket, it will be
replaced the next time that you bring in search results into the Detail View

Section 1.2.2 Exporting data items

You can export links (see "[Procedure] To create and export links
(bookmarks)" on page 27) to your data using bookmarks.

You can also export data files using the popup menu in the Data Explorer.
Step 1
Open up the browser tree in the Navigator worksheet.
Step 2
Browse for the data item you want to export.
Step 3
Right click on the data file to select it.
Step 4
Select Export to from the popup menu in the Navigator worksheet.
Step 5
Choose the file format you want for the data item. Data types and suitable file
formats for their export are given in the following table.
Step 6
Specify the name and location where you want to save the data.

22 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Note: For exporting Test.Lab data items to Cada-X you must specify both the
name of the database and the project.

Step 7
Click Save.
Data items that are in the browser tree can be exported as a text (.txt) file, to a
Cada-X database or projects file and, if suitable, a sound (.wav) file. The table
below correlates the data types with the formats that can be used for their

Data Cada- Univers SD Matla DynaWork Tex Wa AFM

types X al File F b s t v file
Time X X X X X X X
Coherence X X X X X X
Frequency X X X X X X
Geometry X X
Waterfall X X X
Modal X X X
Operation X X
al Modes

Data types and suitable export formats

Note: Modes can be exported to AVI files directly from the Geometry display.

Section Cada-X

This exports data items to a Cada-X database for further analysis. A dialog
appears in which you can specify the project (and the test) in which the data will
be stored.

Section Universal File

This writes data in a file in Universal file format. A dialog appears in which you
can specify the location and the file name.

When mode shapes are exported to universal file, they are always scaled using
Unity Modal Mass.

Section SDF

This exports 2D Data to an SDF file. A dialog appears in which you can specify
the file in which the data will be stored.

Rev 11B 23
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section Matlab

Exports block(s) to a Matlab file. A dialog appears in which you can specify the
file in which the data will be stored.

Save with single precision floating point format

When this option is checked, the exported Matlab file will be written with single
precision (instead of double).

Group similar blocks in a matrix

When multiple blocks are selected during the export, this option will ensure that
blocks with an equal function class will be grouped in one folder. The folder
will be named after the common function class. As the concept of a waterfall
structure is unknown in Matlab, this can be useful to group the similar blocks.

Save in MKS units

If this option is checked, the data of the Matlab file is written in MKS units (e.g.
for accelerations, it will be expressed in m/s2 – even if the displayed unit is g).
In the Matlab file, you will find the complete ‘description’ of the unit including
the dimensions, the factor and offset.

If this option is not checked, the data is expressed in the ‘user units’ (e.g. for
accelerations, it will be expressed in ‘g’). The Matlab file only contains the
label of the unit.

Section DynaWorks

Export data to DynaWorks format.

Use binary format for measurements

You can decide to use the binary format for measurement data. This option is
very useful for long time traces.

Section Text

In this case, the data values (X and Y values) in the function will be written to a
text file with the extension .txt. You can define the location and the name of the
file. This file can be viewed using a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad,
and it can also be imported into other applications such as Word ™ or Excel™.

Section GPS

Section KML (Keyhole Markup Language)

In this case, the GPS data in the throughput file will be exported to a KML file
that can be opened in Google Earth.

Filter options:

24 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

 None: no filtering will be applied. All points that are available in the TDF
will be exported.
 Minimum time between points: you can reduce the number of points
exported by defining how much time there should be between 2 points in
the track. This way, you can reduce the size of the exported file.
 Minimum distance between points: you can reduce the number of points
exported by defining how much distance there should be between 2 points
in the track. This way, you can reduce the size of the exported file.

Section NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)

In this case, the GPS data in the throughput file will be exported to a NMEA.

Filter options:
 None: no filtering will be applied. All points that are available in the TDF
will be exported.
 Minimum time between points: you can reduce the number of points
exported by defining how much time there should be between 2 points in
the track. This way, you can reduce the size of the exported file.
 Minimum distance between points: you can reduce the number of points
exported by defining how much distance there should be between 2 points
in the track. This way, you can reduce the size of the exported file.

Section Open KML

In this case, the GPS data in the throughput file will be exported to a KML file
directly visualized in Google Earth. The default filtering setting, Minimum time
between points = 1s, will be used.

Section Wav

In this case, the data values will be written to a sound or audio file with the
extension .wav. You can define the location and the name of the file. This file
can be played back on your audio hardware or device.

Section Separate Files...

In this case, multiple traces are written into multiple wav files, one wav file for
each data trace.

Section Concatenated Files...

In this case, multiple traces are written into one wav file, one after another.

Exporting to Concatenated Files allows you to append the selected data items
together and write them into a single wav file.

Rev 11B 25
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section AFM file (ASCII format)

In this case, data can be exported in an ASCII format with extension .afm and
these data can be imported afterwards in Test.Lab via Test.Lab Modal Analysis.

Section RPC III

In this case data will be exported to an RPC III file format. This only works for
throughput data.

Section 1.2.3 Copying pictures

A picture is a display layout with data. A complete picture can be copied (and
pasted) to any application that accepts the type of file selected. Left click on the
picture tab to schedule the picture popup menu and access the copy options.
There are four types of copy that can be made here, each of which is described

Section Copy to Metafile

A Metafile is a picture format where the individual elements in the picture are
retained as such and can be edited individually. These files can be pasted into
Word and PowerPoint, and the contents (text strings, fonts, lines and colors,
etc.) of the picture can be edited within these applications.

This option is also available from the display popup menu that appears when
right clicking in a display window.

Section Copy to Bitmap

A bitmap is picture format with a fixed number of pixels and colors. It can be
pasted into Word and PowerPoint, and the picture can be re-sized and formatted
within these applications.

It can also be pasted into a suitable graphic editing application where it can be
edited to a certain extent as a graphic file.

Section Copy as Active Picture (embedded data)

In this case, not only is the picture copied, but the functionality in the display is
available too. It can then be pasted into Word and PowerPoint and changes
made directly to how the data is displayed.

This means that you have access directly to the popup menus that are used to
control both the format of the data function on display as well as the
characteristics of the window in which it appears. Even if no Reporting Seat
Client is installed on your system, you can install a plug-in that allows you to
activate and edit the pictures that are embedded in the document. This can result

26 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

in a very large document however.

Section Copy as Active Picture (linked data)

Documents containing active pictures with embedded data can be large. In order
to reduce the size of the document, active pictures can be copied with links to
the data. These pictures can then be pasted into Word and PowerPoint. Now
when the picture is activated, the link is activated and used to load the data and
the functionality of the display. This means that you can now make changes to
how the data is displayed using the popup menus available in the display

Section 1.3 My Links

My Links (often referred to as bookmarks) are a convenient way to provide

direct access to specific data items that you need to refer to quickly. They can
also be exported so that other users on your network can access your data.

Section 1.3.1 Elements in the My Links collection folder

The My Links folder is found in the Data Explorer with the My Links icon .

Individual links are defined in this folder as “links” to specific data items. They
have a “Link” icon such as or . They can be dragged into the displays in
exactly the same way as any other data files. Bookmarks for data folders need to
be expanded by clicking on the next to the link before individual data files
can be selected and displayed.

Collections of referenced / marked / linked data items can be combined into a

New Folder within the link (bookmark) collection.

Linked items and folders of linked data can be exported to shared files or
directories from which other users can access them. In the same way bookmarks
that other users have exported can be imported into the bookmark collection or
folders within it.

All the operations that can be performed on link elements are described in the
Navigator worksheet.

Section [Procedure] To create and export links (bookmarks)

Step 1
Select the item that you want to link to. This operation can be performed on a
single data function, or on any type of data container such as a test section or a
database. All sub-directories and folders in the selected data container will be
included and will be available in the bookmark.

Rev 11B 27
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Step 2
Right click on the selected item and select Copy from the popup menu.
Step 3
Scroll back up to the top of the browser tree and find the “My Links” icon .
Step 4
To place the link in the My Links folder, right click on the My Links folder to
display the popup menu.
Select Paste as link from the popup menu to place the reference directly in the
My Links folder. Then click on the next to the My Links folder to see the
new reference. A link icon that has the same icon and label as the original data
represents it.
Step 5
To place the link in a new folder select Add folder from the popup menu of the
My Links icon.
Click on the to expand the My Links folder and you will see the New
Folder. Right click on this and select Paste as link from the popup menu.
When you open up the folder, you will see the reference preceded by a link
To change the name of the folder, right click on it and select "Rename" from the
popup menu.
To place the new link in an existing folder, right click on this folder and select
Paste as Link from the popup menu.
Step 6
Continue this process until you have built up the collection of references and
folders that you require.
Data referenced as links (bookmarks) can be manipulated and visualized in
exactly the same way as data that is being accessed over your network.
Step 7
To export links, select the object(s) that you want to export. This can be a single
data function, a data container or a bookmark folder.
Right click on it and select Export from the popup menu.
In the dialog that appears, select the shared directory on which users will search
for links and enter a name for the link file. Link (bookmark) files have the
extension, .bmk. Click on Save to create the file and place it in the specified
Alternatively, select Export to from the popup menu and choose the file type
you want to use to export the data.
Another user can import a link by right clicking on the My Links icon or a link
folder and selecting Import from the popup menu.
To delete a link, right click on it and select Delete from the popup menu.

28 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section 1.4 Project data

This document is concerned with the management of data within a Test.Lab


Section 1.4.1 Sections

Sections are contained within projects. They are a means of organizing sets of
data that have been acquired under the same test conditions, analyzed using the
same parameters or derived using the same processing.

The channel setup and the measurement and processing parameters are part of
the Section. Activating a Section will cause these parameters to come into

When you start an application (or a new project), it creates a single section
within a new project. You can attach memos and other files (see "[Procedure]
To create or edit documentation" on page 411) to a section.

You can also create additional sections using the Data New Section... menu.

There is always an active section (shown in the Active Section

field in the toolbar) and all operations performed using
the menu and tool bar will be executed on this active section.

Note: All generated data is placed and saved in the active section.

Section 1.4.2 Runs

Runs are found within sections. They contain data from all measurement
channels that were acquired during the same measurement sequence. Each time
the Start button is used then a new run will be initiated which will contain the
acquired data.

Data is always saved in a run when the data acquisition is stopped. This data
must be removed if you do not want to keep it.

The setup used to measure a run is kept in its archived settings. You can
Print/View the archived settings, by viewing the content of the run in the Detail
View panel of the data browser and accessing the "Print/View archived
settings" option from the popup menu obtained by right clicking on the
Archived settings item. You can cause the setup to come into effect using the
Load the archived settings option from the popup menu obtained by right
clicking on the Archived settings item.

Rev 11B 29
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Section 1.4.3 TDF

When time recording during acquisition is enabled during measurement a TDF

database is created containing the raw unprocessed time signals. When
browsing, the TDF icon identifies a TDF database. Clicking on the sign
next to this icon will reveal the contents of the TDF database.

Physically the TDF is located in the same directory as the Test.Lab database
(starting with the project directory).

You can change the Bind Strategy (see "Options - Data tab" on page 364)
between the Test.Lab run and the TDF in the Settings tab of the
Tools Options menu.

Section 1.4.4 LDSF

Section 1.4.5 Other folders

Other folders include Post Processing folders, Conditioning folders and


When post processing has been carried on run data, you obtain a Processing
folder for each set of calculations you have carried out, within the relevant
section. Similarly, when you make pictures of your data, you will have a Picture
file for each one. These are placed in the active section.

Section 1.5 Units and how to handle them

This section describes the use of units and discusses how they are handled in the
Test.Lab software.

Section 1.5.1 Units

Measured data comes in all sorts of different units that need to be interpreted by
the software (see "Interpreting Units" on page 33). It is possible that
accelerations could be measured in “g”, m/s2, mm/s2 or feet/min2.

However all these different units are just variations on a theme since

30 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

acceleration has the basic dimensions of length divided by time squared. The
definition of any unit is based on the combination of canonical dimensions (on
page 31) which are used to create it.

The Test.Lab software provides a number of different unit systems (on page 32)
in which you can express your measured data.

Section 1.5.2 Canonical dimensions

There are seven canonical dimensions that are used to describe physical
quantities. One reference unit is defined for each of these dimensions.

Canonical dimension Reference unit Abbreviation

length meter m
angle radian rad
mass kilogram kg
time second s
current Ampère A
temperature Kelvin K
light candela cd

Reference units

All other physical quantities have a dimension that is a combination of the

canonical dimensions.

For example, force = mass x acceleration and so its canonical definition would
be mass x (length /{time squared}).

Every measured quantity will thus be allocated a unit that is a combination of

the corresponding reference units.

For example, acceleration will have a unit that is the reference unit of length
divided by the reference unit of time squared (m/s2).

Section 1.5.3 Base unit set

There are a number of physical quantities that are used in engineering data, such
as, frequency, order, velocity, acceleration, force, and power amongst others.
Each of these is a combination of its canonical dimensions. These quantities
along with the canonical dimensions listed above make up the Base unit set.

The base unit set is supplied with the software and contains one entry for each

Rev 11B 31
Chapter 1 Data and its management

physical quantity.

There are four different unit systems in which these basic quantities can be
expressed in the LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension :
 Technical
 SI
 English
 ISO 1683-1983
It is also possible to define your own units (see "[Procedure] To define your
own unit system" on page 34).

Section 1.5.4 Unit systems

The unit system in which your data will be expressed can be configured with the
menu bar via Tools Options and clicking on the “Units” tab to access the Units
options. From the dropdown menu beside the “Active Units System” field,
select the unit set in which you want your data values displayed.

The table below shows those basic engineering quantities for which different
units are used in the different systems. All other quantities, not listed here, will
be displayed in the equivalent SI unit or that created from the basic reference
units. (see "Canonical dimensions" on page 31)

Quantities SI Technical English

Length m m in
Time s s s
Mass kg kg lb
Current A A A
Angle ° ° °
Temperature K °C °F
Light cd cd cd
Ratio / / /
Number # # #
Frequency Hz Hz Hz
Rotational speed rpm rpm rpm
Order order order order
Velocity m/s m/s in/s
Acceleration m/s2 g g
Voltage V V V

32 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Quantities SI Technical English

Force N N lbf
Pressure Pa Pa psi
Energy J cal cal
Power W hp hp
Charge pC pC pC
Moment of Force Nm Nm Nm
Irradiance W/m2 W/m2 W/m2
Acceleration over m/s2 over N g/N m/s2 over N
Pressure over Force Pa/N Pa/N psi/lbf

LMS Unit systems

Section 1.5.5 Interpreting Units

Section Original units versus Test.Lab units

Via Tools Options Units, you can specify whether to use Test.Lab units or
original units to interpret external data.

Note: External data is all data which is not Test.Lab data (*.lms). Test.Lab
data accessed via a data server is also considered external data.

All units are “translated” into the active Test.Lab unit system. Suppose you
access external data that was originally measured in inches and you display it
using Test.Lab units. The result will be that you see the external data in meters
if the Active Unit System is set to Technical, or inches if it is set to English.
When you use original units, the external data will always be displayed in
inches, no matter what the Active Unit System is set to. When the data was
measured in Test.Lab, the Active Unit System is always applied.

Section Using the original units

When the data is accessed, the units are resolved based on the information that
is available in the original data and - if the original data does not contain
sufficient unit information - based on a unit table. Test.Lab data and Cada-X
project databases contain enough information to solve the unit information. For
all other data formats, the default unit table is used. You can find this table,
“original_user_units.xml” in the <install dir>\Central\Configuration folder.
When your data is in English units and you work with “use original units”, it is
best to rename this “original_user_units.xml” file to

Rev 11B 33
Chapter 1 Data and its management

original_user_units_mks.xml and then rename the

original_user_units_english.xml file to original_user_units.xml. In this way,
English units are resolved better.

When your data contains units that are unknown in the default table, you can
modify the original_user_units.xml. You can do this manually but then you
must respect the xml syntax. For a PC, the Test.Lab installation provides a tool
(in the support directory) that converts a .csv file (produced by printing an
LMSCada-X units table) to a valid XML file. [Procedure] To make a unit xml file
Step 1
In Cada-X, type the command “list units”.
This will bring up a formatter with the currently active unit table.
Step 2
From within this formatter, print the units table to a csv file.
Step 3
Start up the MakeXML tool.
Step 4
In the left hand side, select the csv file.
Step 5
On the right hand side, browse to the <install dir>\Central\Configuration folder.
Step 6
Name the file “original_user_units.xml”.

Note: Before saving this file, it is strongly recommended to rename the original

Section Using Test.Lab Units

After the original units are resolved, the unit information is fitted into the
Test.Lab active unit system based on the information of the quantity. If multiple
cases of this quantity exist, the label is taken into account as well.

If the unit does not exist in the active unit system, the default unit for this
quantity is used. It might be useful to define the same unit as the original data as
a new case of an existing quantity. To change unit cases follow the procedure
below. [Procedure] To define your own unit system
Step 1
Select Tools Options Units.
Step 2
In the Units tab, select the Active Unit System you want to use. By default, this
is set to “Technical”.
Step 3
Put a checkmark in the “User Defined Unit” checkbox located below the
“Active Unit System” field and click on the Edit Units button to open the “Edit

34 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Units” dialog.
Step 4
Add the desired cases.
You can change any or all of the following settings:
 Unit label
 Log reference
 Power
 Unit factor
 Unit offset
When the Use Original Units radio button is activated, Test.Lab will take the
units in their original form.

Section 1.6 Searching for Data using the Data Explorer

This document shows you how to search for data using the Data Explorer
Search Panel embedded in the Navigator worksheet.

All the data in your projects, sections and runs can be manipulated through the
“Data selection” dialog that is available from the Data Data Selection menu
or the toolbar icon . Here, you can move items or delete them.

A toggle at the top of the dialog allows you to select the location of the data you
require. The default location is the Active Project that contains the folders in
which your saved data is stored.

Note: The most recent acquisition data is stored in the Online data folders. To
access these, use the dropdown menu to toggle for the Online data location.

Also through the browser tree that is available in some worksheets, the data
content of the project can be seen.

Section 1.6.1 [Procedure] To execute a simple data search

While in the Navigator worksheet, you need to select the folder in which the
search is to be made. It is good practice to be as specific as possible (identifying
any relevant sub-folders).
Step 1
Select the folder which you want to search.
Step 2

Rev 11B 35
Chapter 1 Data and its management

Click on the Search button to open the Search fields.

These fields are used for specifying your search criteria.
Step 3
Verify that the Address field contains the address of the folder where the
search is to take place.
Normally, you will have selected this folder during the first step of this

Note: Once you start the search process (by clicking the Search now button),
the contents of the Address field changes. It now indicates the Search Results
folder, where your search results have been put.

Step 4
Fill in the Origin field (using the dropdown menu) by selecting the general type
of data that you are looking for (Test.Lab data, LMSCada-X Project Database,
LMS Pimento/RoadRunner, Universal file....).
Step 5
In the Search For field, enter the specific type of data that you are looking for
using the dropdown menu (i.e. block set, waterfall, etc.).
Step 6
If desired, refine your search by changing the contents of the Look in field by
selecting an address from the dropdown list.
By default, the Look in field shows the same address as that shown in the
Address field. The dropdown menu gives you the history of previous searches
and the address of folders from where these searches have been made and
allows you to view their contents. It also allows you to further refine your
search within the Search Results folder.

Note: If you want to change the Address field (at the top of the panel) in order
to search for data found in a different location, you must first click on the
Folders button to go back to the browser and select your new location.

Step 7
Check the “Search by properties” box if you want to search by the properties of
the file.
Using the dropdown menus, fill in the Property and Comparison fields and
specify the value to search for. The * character is a wild card.
To facilitate your search for a required property, type the first letter of the
property in the field. This sets the dropdown menu to display all available
properties starting with the letter that you have typed.

36 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 1 Data and its management

Note: If you are not sure of the exact value of a property, you can search for
*some_characters* (some characters of the value that you are looking for).

Step 8
If this is the only search criterion that you want to use, click on the Search
Now button to start the search. (Clicking on the Stop Search button aborts the
search process.) The resulting file items will appear in the Search folder.

Note: Each time you search for data, any data that your Search Results folder
contains from a previous search is replaced by the data from the new search.
You can save search results data in your input basket.

Section 1.6.2 [Procedure] To define additional search criteria

Step 1
Click on the Adv. Search button to open the Criteria list field. (Clicking on it
again, closes it again.)
Step 2
Fill in the Property, Comparison and Value fields in the same way that
you set your first criteria.
Step 3
Click on the Add criterion button to add your criterion to the criteria list field
below. You can remove a criterion from the list by selecting it and clicking the
Remove Selected Criterion button.
Step 4
Continue until all criteria have been defined and, if desired, save your criteria
file to the project by clicking on the Save Criteria button. It can be loaded into
the Search dialog at any time using the Load Criteria button.
Step 5
Click on the Search Now button to start the search using all the defined

Note: Each time you search for data, any data that your Search Results folder
contains from a previous search is replaced by the data from the new search.
You can save search results data in your input basket.

Rev 11B 37
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

In This Chapter
Using cursors in displays ....................................................39
Documentation User Attributes ..........................................42
Document Memo Templates ..............................................44
Creating print formats ........................................................46
The Layout management dialog .........................................52
Function display windows ..................................................72
Geometry display windows ................................................133

Section 2.1 Using cursors in displays

A range of cursors can be used in Colormap, FrontBack, Geometry display,

Octave, Waterfall and Upper/Lower windows. The basic principles applying to
the use of cursors is the same for all types of windows, but there is more
functionality provided in the FrontBack and Upper/Lower displays, in which
specific curves can be selected and data values examined. The procedure given
below takes as an example the use of a double X cursor in a FrontBack or an
Upper/Lower window as a way of introducing the features of cursors in general.

More details on all the cursor functions are to be found in the documents
relating to the specific display windows.

Section 2.1.1 [Procedure] To use cursors in the display

This procedure assumes that you have a FrontBack or an Upper/Lower window

open with at least one data function on display.
Step 1
Right click inside the display area to obtain the display popup menu. You can
always get this menu by right clicking anywhere in or around the window, while
keeping the Ctrl key depressed.
Step 2
Select Front/Back Options... (in the case of a Front/Back) from this menu, then
click on the Cursors tab.
The Options entry appears in all windows in which cursors can be added and it
allows you to set the default cursor properties for each type of cursor. All
cursors of this type, which are then added, will have these default style and
display characteristics.
Default cursor properties are associated with a display window type or picture.
The defaults for each cursor has thus to be set for every type of display window.

Rev 11B 39
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Note: After setting the defaults you can use Save Current Layout As... from the
View menu to save the layout and associated default cursor properties.

The properties of individual cursors already on the display can be changed.

Click on the cursor and select Cursor properties... from the popup menu
displayed. Any changes made here will only affect the cursor selected and not
any other cursor or the default properties of this cursor type.
First, click on the Cursors tab, define the settings and then click on Apply to
view the results, in order to set the default options.
Step 3
Select the cursor type of Double X from the Cursor dropdown selection
Step 4
The “Style” section of the dialog enables you to set the line style of the cursor
and choose the type and size of font for displaying the numerical values.
Click on Line... and choose the line color, pattern and width of the cursor.
Click on OK to accept the changes and to close the Line Style dialog.
Step 5
Click on Font... and select the font type, style, size and color.
Click on OK to accept the changes and to close the Font dialog.
Step 6
The “Value” section of the dialog enables you to turn the display “on” or “off”
and choose the format for how cursor or data values are displayed.
To display cursor values, check the Display button. To remove them from the
display uncheck it.
Step 7
The number of decimal points for the cursor value can be set using either the up
and down arrows provided or the keyboard.
Step 8
The cursor value can be displayed in engineering notation or not by checking or
unchecking the Engineering notation button.
Step 9
To makes these X axis values stand out check the ToolTip Style button. The
cursor values will then be displayed in a box with a gray background so they
will be much easier to see on a crowded display.
Step 10
The intersections of the cursors with the displayed curves can be shown by
checking on the Always display intersections. The cursor values will be
displayed in a box with a yellow background.
Click on OK to accept the changes and to close the Cursor Properties dialog.
This will return you to the display area.
Step 11
Right click inside the display area to obtain the display popup menu.

40 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Step 12
Select X from the Add Double cursor menu. A pair of vertical lines with the
linestyle that you just selected will appear in the display. The X axis values will
be displayed as you have defined.
Step 13
Place the mouse cursor exactly on the left line and holding the right mouse
button down, drag it in either direction. Both cursors will move. This can also
be done by selecting the left line and using the arrow keys to move the cursor in
either direction.
Step 14
Place the mouse exactly on the line of the right cursor and holding the right
mouse button down, drag it in either direction. Now, only this cursor line will
move, thus changing the distance between the pair of cursor lines. This can also
be done by selecting the left line and using the arrow keys to move the cursor in
either direction.
Step 15
Right click on either of the cursor lines and you will see a popup menu that
allows you to change the cursor properties and how it is displayed.
Step 16
Selecting Cursor properties, schedules a dialog with the same functionality as
the “Cursors tab” in the Options 2D dialog. But any modifications that you
make here will only affect the current cursor and not the default one.

Note: Double cursors act as one. Any changes in properties made to one
cursor line will affect both.

Step 17
To zoom in on the area between the cursor lines select Zoom. The distance
between the cursor lines now becomes the X axis limits. The X axis limits are
now fixed, with the minimum and maximum values defined by the cursor
values. When you want to return to the previous view, right click on or below
the X axis and select Limits from the popup menu. Then reset the X axis limits
to Free or Optimized and this returns you to the full X axis range for the data.
Step 18
Now select any one of the data curves by left clicking on it. The curve will now
have series of markers on it and the Y values that correspond to the cursor
position on the selected curve will be displayed. If the ToolTip Style button is
checked these Y values will be displayed in a box with a yellow background.
The corresponding X values will have a gray background.
Step 19
Right click on the either of the cursor lines and you will now see a number of
additional entries in the popup menu. These enable you to make the cursor jump
to a specified point on the selected curve.
Step 20
Right click on the right cursor line and select Move to next local maximum
from the cursor popup menu. This cursor line will then move forwards (to the
right) to the next peak of the selected curve. The other cursor line does not

Rev 11B 41
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

move and so the distance between the cursor lines increases.

If you perform the same operation on the left line, this will move it forwards to
the next peak. This time, the right cursor line also move forwards a similar
amount, so as to keep the cursor lines the same distance apart.
Step 21
To move the right cursor line to the next minimum data value, right click on the
right cursor line and select Move to next local minimum from the cursor
popup menu. This cursor line will then move forwards to the next dip of the
selected curve.
Performing the same operation on the left line, this will move it forwards to the
next lowest point. This time, the right cursor line will also move forwards a
similar amount, so as to keep the cursor lines the same distance apart.
Step 22
Similarly, using other options from the cursor popup menu, you can move the
cursor backwards (to the left) to the previous peak or dip value. Select Move to
previous local maximum to move the cursor backwards to the previous peak
value. Select Move to previous local minimum to move the cursor backwards
to the previous dip value.
To move to the curve's maximum value select Move to global maximum.

Note: To move only one cursor line you must select the left one before carrying
out a Move to... option. To move both cursor lines you must select only the
right one.

Step 23
Now select a second data curve.
Individual curves can be selected by clicking on them with the mouse. To select
more than one curve at a time, left click on each curve in turn while holding the
Shift key down. To select all the curves on the display, right click inside the
display area to obtain the display popup menu. Then you can select Select All
Step 24
Any Move to... option you now select from the cursor popup menu will
consider both or all your selected curves. For example, select Move to next
local maximum and the cursor line will move to the first peak it finds on either
of the two curves.
Step 25
You can remove the double cursor by right clicking on either cursor line and
selecting Remove Cursor from the menu.

Section 2.2 Documentation User Attributes

This document explains how to define User Attributes. The attributes represent

42 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

a set of key values associated with a project or a section.

Section 2.2.1 User Attributes

User Attributes are displayed in the User Attributes grid on the worksheet. This
grid lists all the attribute values stored in the project or section. Although
editing the values is done directly on the grid, you need to use the following
procedure to define new attributes.

Section [Procedure] To define a set of User Attributes

Step 1
Select whether your attributes are to be associated with the project or with a
section by clicking on the appropriate minor tab at the top of the worksheet.
Step 2
Open the Attributes dialog by selecting Tools Add New Attribute from the
menu bar. The Add Attributes tab appears.
Step 3
In the Add Attributes tab, enter the name of the attribute in the “Name” field.
Step 4
Select what type of format the values must be defined as. Possible choices are:
Text, Number, Date and List.
Step 5
Click on the Add button. Your newly defined attribute is now displayed in the
User Attributes grid. You can edit it after clicking on its corresponding Edit
button in the grid.

In this case the user must fill in the values as a text string. Enter a default value
in the value (text) field.

Only a numeric value can be entered for this type of attribute. Enter a default
value in the value (number) field.

Values for date attributes are chosen from a dropdown menu beside the value

In this case the user must select the values from a pre-defined list. Select the list
from the list field.

Rev 11B 43
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section [Procedure] To define a predefined list of attribute

Step 1
Click on the ”New List” tab in the Attributes dialog.
Step 2
Type the name of the new list in the bottom left text field and click on the Add
button above it in order to add it to the list on the left hand side of the dialog.
Step 3
To define the values in this list, select the new list and enter the first value in the
right hand text field. Then click on the Add button. Repeat this step to add
more values. You can also use the Import From Txt button to import list
attribute values from a text file. Continue until all the required values have been
Step 4
Sort the list values into the required order using the sorting buttons. When the
list is ready, click on the OK button to save it in a documentation template.
Step 5
In the “Add Attributes” tab, select the list from the “List” field and select the
default value to be shown in the “Value (List)” field.
Step 6
Continue defining attributes.

Section 2.3 Document Memo Templates

This document explains how to make a new template for your memo document.
It also shows you how to change the default memo templates, used for projects,
sections, runs and blocks in the Documentation worksheet.

Section 2.3.1 New Memo Template

The following procedure shows you how to make a new documentation

worksheet template that can be imported into your project and used in place of a
default documentation template for the worksheet.

Section [Procedure] To make a new memo template

Step 1
Open the word processing application e.g. Word or Notepad that you want to
use for writing documents.
Step 2
Create the document you require as a template.

44 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Step 3
Use the Tools Options... menu to check the location of the “Memo
Inventory” directory where templates are being stored.
Normally, this is in the directory:
{LMS application}\Local\MemoInventory
Click on the File Locations tab to view the current location of the Document
Inventory directory.
Step 4
Save the document (file_name.doc) you have just created in this directory.
When you next use the Import... button in the Documentation worksheet to
attach a file to a project or section, the new document will be available for

Section 2.3.2 Default Memo template

New memos for projects, sections, runs or blocks are normally created using
their specific default document template. The following procedure explains how
to make changes to these default templates.

Section [Procedure] To change the default memo template

Step 1
Use the Tools Options... menu to check the location of the “Memo
Inventory” directory where templates are being stored.
Normally, this is in the directory:
{LMS application}\Central\MemoInventory
Click on the File Locations tab to view the current location of the Memo
Inventory directory.
Step 2
Locate the file:
It lists the file-names of the default document templates for project, section, run
and block memos.
This file is found in the directory:
<LMS application>\central\MemoInventory

Note: To save the edited file, as MemoInventory.txt, the read-only attributes

assigned to this file must first be removed.

Step 3
Open, edit and save the appropriate file.
Use Windows Explorer to change the properties of the MemoInventory.txt

Rev 11B 45
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Right click the file and using the File menu, select Properties.
Uncheck the “Read-only” Attributes box and click OK
Now changes to the file can be saved.
Replace the current documentation inventory file by saving it using the same
file name.
The new memo template will be used whenever the New from Template...
button is used.

Note: You should return the properties of the Memo Inventory file to read-only.
This means that the file cannot be changed or accidentally deleted.

Section 2.4 Creating print formats

Print formats for your reports can be made from a picture using the Navigator
Data Viewing worksheet. They can also be created directly in Word or
PowerPoint, which is advantageous in the case of reports with multiple pictures
or pages.

The LMS Printing Add-In 11A toolbar should be present in your PowerPoint or
Word application. If not you should add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to
Word or PowerPoint. (see "[Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In
toolbar to Word or PowerPoint" on page 51) Default print formats are usually
made for the most commonly used picture layout.

This document provides you with the following procedures:

46 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

 To create a single-picture print format in the Data Viewing worksheet

 To create a multiple-picture print format in Word or PowerPoint (see
"[Procedure] To create a multiple-picture print format in Word or
PowerPoint" on page 48)
 To set printing options (see "[Procedure] To set printing options" on page
 To add Meta information to a print format (see "[Procedure] To add Meta
Information to a print format" on page 50)
 To add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to Word or PowerPoint (see
"[Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to Word or
PowerPoint" on page 51)

Section 2.4.1 [Procedure] To create a single-picture print

format in the Data Viewing worksheet

Step 1
In the LMS Test.Lab File menu, click on Printing Options (see "[Procedure]
To set printing options" on page 49) and indicate which application you want to
use: Word or PowerPoint.
Step 2
Select the picture you want to use as a basis for your print format, by clicking
its identification tab and then choose Make Plot Format in the dropdown
Step 3
In the “Save New Plot Format As” dialog that appears, the name field indicates,
by default, the type of layout that you have chosen and the type of application
file that the plot format will be saved as (.doc or .ppt). If you keep this name for
your plot format, it will automatically become the default format, activated by
clicking on Plot in the dropdown menu. You can make the name more
significant, if you wish, but it will not be saved as the default format. The name
will appear in the list of available plot formats and click on Plot with in order to
activate it.
Step 4
Click on the OK button to close the dialog and to open the Word or PowerPoint
application. The chosen layout is now displayed in the application.
Step 5
Build your print format using the standard editing features of the chosen
application (creating headings, text fields, importing graphics, etc.).

Note: If your picture is not empty (i.e. if it contains data), remove the data so
that the picture will be empty of unnecessary data (except any desired
reference data) and ready to receive data from whoever will be using the plot
format to produce a report.

Step 6

Rev 11B 47
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

To add Meta information to an existing print format (see "[Procedure] To add

Meta Information to a print format" on page 50), select the picture and then
click on the LMS New Field button to open the “Select Display Dependent
Attribute” dialog.
Meta information lets you specify meta data - additional information about the
data rather than just its data values - in a variety of ways. Meta data can be data
properties, user attributes, LMS Tec.Manager information, etc.

Note: The LMS Printing Add-In 11B toolbar should be present in your
PowerPoint or Word application. If not you should add the LMS toolbar to
your application. (see "[Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to
Word or PowerPoint" on page 51)

Section 2.4.2 [Procedure] To create a multiple-picture print

format in Word or PowerPoint

If you wish to create a format for a report containing multiple pictures, it is best
to do it directly in Word or PowerPoint.
Step 1
In the Test.Lab File menu, click on Printing Options (see "[Procedure] To set
printing options" on page 49) and indicate which application you want to use:
Word or PowerPoint.
Then start your application and open an empty PowerPoint presentation or
Word document.
Step 2
Click on the LMS New Picture button in the application toolbar. This opens a
dialog listing all available display layouts. Choose a layout.

Note: The LMS Printing Add-In 11B toolbar should be present in your
PowerPoint or Word application. If not you should add the LMS toolbar to
your application. (see "[Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In toolbar to
Word or PowerPoint" on page 51)

Step 3
In the same dialog, a name appears in the name field. It can be changed, if
desired. The only restriction in choosing a name is that it must be unique to the
If you wish to have a multi-picture (multi-page) report, enter page 1, page 2,
etc.) instead of “picture 1”, etc. (or something similar, i.e. Page 1 Upper,
Lower, etc.).

Note: When a user loads this print format, the pictures are loaded with the
names that you specify here.

48 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Step 4
Make any number of pictures in the same way. For each picture, you can add
Meta information (see "[Procedure] To add Meta Information to a print
format" on page 50). Build your print format using the standard editing features
of the chosen application (Creating headings, text fields, importing graphics,

Section 2.4.3 [Procedure] To set printing options

Step 1
Go to the File menu and click on Printing Options. (see "[Procedure] To set
printing options" on page 49)
Step 2
Set the Default Microsoft Office application as either “Microsoft Word” or
“Microsoft PowerPoint” in the Output panel.
Step 3
Specify whether the output should be Paper (default printer) to print on your
default printer or Electronic (Microsoft Office document) to save the printout.

Note: When you print a picture, the format associated with the default MS
Office application is used. For example, if you want to print a picture based on
the “FrontBack” layout format, the format FrontBack.doc is used if your
default is set to MS Word and the format FrontBack.ppt is used if it is set to MS

Step 4
Enabling the option “Use OOXML documents (docx, pptx) will ensure making
use of “Open Office XML”. This setting will also determine the output format
(.doc or. docx for example) of your document or print format. Making use of
this option will reduce the time consumed during plotting. Even when using an
Office 2003 version you can download for free a compatibly pack allowing you
to use these functionality (see
Step 5
Set the Use picture settings from option as either “Pictures in the print format”
or “Test.Lab Picture” in the General settings panel.
Choose the “Pictures in the print format” setting to print the picture in
accordance with your predefined format settings. This is useful when you want
similar data to always be printed out in the same way.
Choose the “Test.Lab Picture” setting when you want the paper copy of the
picture to be exactly the same as the original Test.Lab picture shown in the
Display panel. This setting overrules the predefined print format settings.
Step 6
If the Output is set to Electronic, you can specify the Picture format as either
“Test.Lab Active Picture” or “Windows Metafile” in the Settings for electronic
(Microsoft Office document) panel.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

When the option is set as “Test.Lab Active Picture”, not only is the picture
copied to file, but also the functionality of the Test.Lab display is also available.
All the formatting functions, such as adding and deleting cursors, are available
in the document.
When you choose “Windows Metafile”, you will not be able to activate the
picture in the resulting document.
Step 7
If you have multiple pictures to print, you can save them to one electronic
document by switching on the option “Combine multiple documents into a
single document”.

Note: When combining into a single document, the first format will determine
settings such as page format, margins, etc.

Section 2.4.4 [Procedure] To add Meta Information to a print


Step 1
Open the desired picture (print format file) in the appropriate MS Word or
PowerPoint application and select it.
Step 2
Click on the LMS New Field button in the toolbar.
The ”Select Display Dependent Attribute” dialog opens.
Step 3
Select a display.
The left part of the dialog is a graphical representation of the layout. Each
rectangle represents a display.
Step 4
Click on the rectangle that represents the desired display (where the attribute is
to be inserted) to select it.
A thick, black border appears around the selected rectangle.
Step 5
Select a trace number from the dropdown menu beside the Trace Number field
in the dialog.
The trace number indicates which trace of the display is selected. The first data
block that will be dropped into the picture is trace 1, the next data block to be
dropped will be trace 2, and so on. You will need to select the trace number
(datablock) where you want to add an attribute to the print format.
Step 6
Select the attribute that you want to include in your print format.
In the dialog, a tree view is shown listing all possible attributes that can be
added to your print format. To display the names of the attributes in front of

50 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

their values, check "Include attribute name in field".

Step 7
Insert any other desired attributes by the above steps.

Note: Remember to hit the Add button for each attribute that you wish to
insert in the print format.

Step 8
Click on the Done button to close the window. The chosen attributes are
added to the print format and are visible in the form of text boxes at the same
location as the layout. You can drag the text boxes to a different position, if

Section 2.4.5 [Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In

toolbar to Word or PowerPoint

Step 1
Execute Start Programs LMS Test.Lab 11B Configuration Configure
Office for Printing
This activates the LMS Printing Add-In 11B toolbar.
Step 2
If you do not see the LMS toolbar when you start up Word or PowerPoint, go to
the View menu, click Toolbars and then click the LMS Printing Add-In 11B
toolbar to display it in the application.

Section 2.4.6 [Procedure] To size a picture using absolute


For a FrontBack display that has at least one axis with fixed limits, it is possible
to specify the exact length for one entity of the unit. For example, if the X-axis
is set to fixed limits from 0 to 10 seconds, you can define the distance (in cm)
that one second will take when the picture is printed.
Step 1
Open the print format file in the appropriate MS Word or PowerPoint
application and double-click on the desired picture to activate it.
Step 2
In the activated picture, right-click on the axis for which you want to apply
absolute scaling and set the limits to fixed in the popup menu that appears.
Step 3
Deactivate the active picture by clicking outside of its boundaries and click on
the Absolute Scaling button in the toolbar to open the “Absolute Scaling

Rev 11B 51
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Step 4
In the dialog, fill in the X and Y axis fields as required and click on the Apply
button. The picture adjusts its size according to the Absolute Scaling choice. If
the axis settings are invalid, a message appears indicating the problem.

Section 2.4.7 [Procedure] To apply Absolute Scaling for

optimised limits

You can apply Absolute Scaling to a FrontBack display with optimised limits if
you specify a limit range. This is only applicable if the Y axis format is Log or
DB or the X-axis format is Decades or Octaves. The maximum and minimum
limit will change depending on the data that is dropped into the display.
Step 1
Double-click on the picture in the print format to activate it.
Step 2
Right click on the axis for which you wish to apply absolute scaling and set the
limits to optimised. Then specify the Unit and Format of the axis.
Step 3
Right-click on the display background and select Axis Options . Set and apply
the limit range.
Step 4
Click outside the active picture to deactivate it.
Step 5
Click on the LMS Absolute Scaling button to open the “Absolute Scaling
Dialog”. Fill in the X and Y axis fields as required and click on the Apply
button. The picture adjusts its size according to the Absolute Scaling choice. If
the axis settings are invalid a message appears indicating the problem.

Section 2.5 The Layout management dialog

This dialog enables you to create, modify and import display layouts to be used
in the worksheets that display pictures. You can also use this dialog to save
newly-defined layouts, to add them to your list of favorites which means they
will be easily accessible for use, and to export them so that other users can
access them.

The Layout Management dialog is scheduled by selecting View Layout

management from the menu bar.

52 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Layout management dialog

Section 2.5.1 [Procedure] To create or modify a layout

Section [Procedure] To make a display layout

Step 1
Select a starting template
The first thing you need to do is get a starting point template into the Layout
editing panel. This starting point can be an existing defined layout that you will
use as a template, or it can be a template supplied by LMS. This starting point
template must be in the “Layout management” list.
You might have to import one by first clicking on the Import button and
selecting the necessary file. (If the file you have selected contains layouts that
have the same name as a layout already in the list, then a warning will be
Step 2
View the template
To load a layout or a template into the Layout editing panel, simply click on it
in the “Layout management” list. A representation of this layout will appear in
the editing area. You can adjust the window types and other properties of the
windows in this dialog, though it is not possible to either add or subtract
windows to the layout.
You therefore need to start with a layout or template with the required number
of windows. Keep clicking on the different items in the “Layout management”
list until you find one with the right number and arrangement of windows.
Step 3
Set the window type

Rev 11B 53
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

To change the window type, select the required entry from the Switch To
options that appear in any of the popup menus associated with the window.
These popup menus are obtained by right clicking in or around the window.
Different types of window can be used.
The current window will convert to a basic format of the selected window type
that can have its properties edited.
Step 4
Edit the window properties
Characteristics of the windows can be modified and saved as part of the layout.
You should bear in mind that all of their properties can also be adjusted in the
worksheet at run time and that in the case of cursors for example, it makes more
sense to finalize their appearance, once the data is present. The properties that
can sensibly be associated with the layout and the means to set them are
described here.
 Axis properties
By right clicking on an axis, you can adjust all of the properties of that axis:
whether it is displayed at all, the limits (including the way they are calculated
and displayed), the format of the data on that axis and, the presence of ticks and
The following properties are all set from the display popup menu. This menu
can be obtained by right clicking in the display area itself. If you have difficulty
in obtaining the correct menu, then right clicking anywhere with the Ctrl key
depressed will result in the display menu popping up.
 Legend
A legend that will display text annotating the data can be added to the window.
Select Legend from the display popup menu.
 Background color around the window
Select Options XX... (where XX = the window type) from the Display popup
menu. Then specify the 'Display area color' that you would like.

Note: The “Display area color” is an important parameter since when pasting
your final picture into a Word document or PowerPoint presentation, the
background color (the default is grey) is taken too. You should ensure that the
background color blends suitably with that of your slide or paper.

 Background color inside the window

Select Options XX... (where XX = the window type) from the display popup
menu. Then define the Graphic area color.
 Waterfall properties
Select Options Waterfall... from the display popup menu in a waterfall window
to set the color for the traces to be displayed, the presence of hidden lines and
the proportions of the waterfall.
 Size
The relative size of the window in the working area can be adapted by sizing in

54 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

both the horizontal and the vertical directions. To do this place the mouse cursor
on the edge you want to change and drag the mouse in the required direction,
while depressing the Ctrl key.

Note: It is not possible to adjust the ratio of the area assigned to each
window. For example, in a layout with two windows, each window and its
associated axes and legend windows, can only occupy a maximum of half of
the total area.

When you have defined all the window properties to be associated with the
layout, you can proceed to saving your layout .
Step 5
Define an icon for the layout
This is an optional step in which you can use a bitmap that will be used to
represent your layout. If you then add the layout to your list of favorites, this
icon will appear on the worksheet and serve as a quick and easy way of loading
the layout. If no specific bitmap is specified then the layout can still be selected
by name from the drop down menu in the worksheet and a blank icon will be
used if the layout is added to the favorites.
LMS provides a bitmap with some of the templates it supplies with the
software. If you wish to modify the existing bitmap, just double click on it and a
standard bitmap editing tool will be scheduled.
If you have your own source of bitmaps, click on Choose file, select the
required bitmap file and push Open . A copy of the bitmap will appear in the
'Icon' area.
Step 6
Save the layout
When the display layout is set up as required, you can save it.
The name of the starting point layout will be displayed in the 'Save layout' input
field. If you want to create a new layout, then you must enter the name for this
layout in the input field. Other wise you can replace the current layout definition
for this layout with the newly defined one.
Click on Save layout.
If you entered a new name for the layout, this will appear in the 'Layout
management' list.
Step 7
Add to favorites
Adding a layout to the list of favorites means that it is easily accessible from the
worksheet - especially if an icon has been defined to represent it.
Select the layout from the 'Layout management' list and click Add to
favorites. It will appear in the lower list. It can be removed from this list using
the Delete button.
Step 8
Export the layout

Rev 11B 55
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

It is also possible to place layouts on a shared directory from where it can be

accessed by other users. To do this select the ones required from the 'Layout
management' list and click on Export. Select the directory, where you want to
export the layout(s) to, and give it a file name. The .lie (layout import export)
extension will be added.
When you have defined all the layouts you need, leave the 'Layout management'
dialog by using the Close button.

Numerical Display Panel

This panel can contain 1 or more gauge or numerical displays. It can only be
used to display tacho or static channel values online in Signature workbook.


Single Geometry or 3D display for the visualization of the nodes, lines and
surfaces of a geometry model, and the animation of a mode shape.

The Geometry (3D Display) icon

56 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

represents it.

Upper Lower Geometry

The UL Geometry or Upper Lower 3D Display has two Geometry displays, one
above the other, and both displays have their own action buttons. Therefore, the
phase control of the animations in both sides of the display can be different, and
this window can be used for comparing different mode shapes.

The Upper Lower Geometry (3D Display) icon

Rev 11B 57
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

represents it.

Left Right Geometry

The LR Geometry or Left Right 3D Display window has two geometry displays
alongside each other, and both displays have their own action buttons.
Therefore, the phase control of the animations in both sides of the display can
be different, and this window can be used for comparing different mode shapes.

The Left Right Geometry (3D Display) icon

58 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

represents it.

Quad Geometry

This is a geometry or 3D display that shows four views at once. One of them
has exactly the same features as the single geometry display. The three other
views have a fixed orientation and translation, meaning the point of view can
not be changed and the model can not be moved.

To switch the projection of the views from European to American, select “Quad
Projection American” in the Tools Options Displays dialog.

The Quad Geometry (3 Display) icon

Rev 11B 59
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

represents it.


This display represents a function window divided into two parts. It shows you
two aspects of the same data. When you load a single data trace into this
window, the upper part shows the amplitude and the lower part shows the phase
of the same trace. When you switch the format of the upper part from
Amplitude to Real, the format of the lower part switches to Imaginary. An X
cursor operates on both parts of the window.

60 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Bode display icon

represents it.


This display is used to display a series of data functions in relation to a third

parameter such as time or rpm. This parameter is plotted along the Z axis. The
Y (ordinate) value of each block is represented as a color thus providing a two
dimensional map of X against Z.

In LMSTest.Lab, a waterfall icon

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represents this data and it can

be displayed in a Colormap window. In addition a series of blocks represented

by the function icons can be


62 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Colormap display icon

represents it.


This display shows a 2D function window with an X and Y axis used to display
a number of overlaying data functions. Two separate Y axes are provided; one
on the right and one on the left.

Data can be displayed relative to one or the other and the format of these two
axes can be made different so that different aspects (amplitude and phase for
example) of the same data can be overlaid on each other.

In the LMSTest.Lab software you can display any data record that is
represented by the function icon

Rev 11B 63
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in a FrontBack window.

The FrontBack display icon

represents it.

64 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Nyquist window

A Nyquist display contains three axes: X axis
On this axis, the argument of a block will be presented. Y horizontal axis
The result of a block viewed in a certain axis format. Y vertical axis
The result of the same block as on the horizontal axis, but viewed in another

The Nyquist window icon represents it.


This display shows frequency spectra as octave blocks. In an Octave display

window you can see the result of integrating test data values over various types

Rev 11B 65
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

of octave bands and their overall level values. These OA levels are calculated
and displayed for both the weighted and linear overall level.

The octave window icon represents it.


This display represents a pair of 2D windows that are linked together. They
allow you to compare data traces above one another rather than behind one
another, as in a FrontBack display window. This means, for example, that when
adding an X cursor, the same cursor is active in both the upper and the lower

You have to add two curves with compatible X axes. Data can be displayed
relative to one or the other and the format of these two windows can be made
different so that different aspects (amplitude and phase for example) of the same
data can be compared.

You can also adjust the ratio of the area assigned to each window. Drag the
horizontal blue line between the Upper and Lower display windows to the
desired width.

In the LMSTest.Lab software you can display any data record that is
represented by the function icon

66 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

in an Upper/Lower window.

The Upper/Lower (UL) window icon represents it.


This display shows a series of data functions in relation to a third parameter

such as time or rpm. This parameter is plotted along the Z axis and shows the
evolution of a function under particular conditions.

In the LMSTest.Lab software data represented by the waterfall icon can be

displayed in a waterfall window. In addition you can load a number of
individual data functions into a waterfall window too.

Rev 11B 67
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Waterfall window icon represents it.


This display shows the Y-values of one block in function of the Y values of a
second block on the condition that both blocks have the same X-axis. An XY
display contains four axes: X axis
On this axis, the argument of the blocks will be presented. Y horizontal axis
The Y-values of a block. These values are used to compare with other Y-values
of blocks on the other Y axes (front and back). Y front axis
On this axis, an unlimited number of blocks can be added. The result of one
block on this axis will be combined with the result of the Y horizontal axis to
form one display curve. Both blocks must have the same argument, which is the
argument of the X axis. Y back axis
Similar to the Y front axis.

The XY window icon represents it.

Section [Procedure] To make a reference curve layout

Step 1
Click on Select a layout... and choose the layout you want to use from the
Layouts Selection dialog or by clicking on a favorites icon.
Step 2
You may need to make a new layout (see "[Procedure] To create or modify
a layout" on page 53).
Step 3

68 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

To load data into a display, open the data selector by clicking on the Data
Selector icon in the toolbar, or by selecting Data Data Selector in the
Step 4
Drag and drop your reference data onto the display layout. This can be from
previous run(s) in either the current (active) project or other projects.

Note: The window must be either empty or be displaying data of the same type
as you are loading.

Step 5
Repeat this for all the curves that you want to use as a reference, then close the
Data Selector window.
Step 6
Drag and drop onto a display the online data that you are going to measure.
The format and characteristics of the display can be changed via popup menus.
Step 7
Carry out the measurement sequence and view the data online as it is being
Save and name your reference curve layout by using View Save Current
Layout As...

Section 2.5.2 The Layout management panel

Section Layout list

This area lists all the layouts that are defined for the current user.

This listing consists of all the layouts which have been imported, created by the

Rev 11B 69
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

current user and which LMS supplies as standard. These layouts can be edited
as required by simply clicking on them in this list. Items selected from the list
become the subject of the action buttons and the first one appears in the Layout
editing area.

Section Import...

This button schedules a dialog that allows you to import a layout import export
(.lie) file containing one or more layouts.

These layouts are imported from a shared central directory to make them
available for the current user. Such layouts would be the basic ones supplied by
LMS as starting templates, or completely defined layouts generated by other
users and exported for general availability.

Section Export...

This button schedules a dialog in which you can export the layouts selected in
the list in a layout import export (.lie) file.

Other users can access layouts that are exported to a shared central directory.

Section Delete

This button deletes the selected layout(s) from the list. If it has not been
exported then it will be lost. It is also removed from the favorites list.

Section Add to favorites

This button adds the selected layout(s) to the list of favorites. It will appear in
the favorites list. An icon will appear in the worksheet and act as a quick means
of loading the layout.

Section Favorites list

This area lists all the layouts which have been defined as favorites by the
current user. Defined layouts can be added to this list using the Add to
favorites button. An icon will appear in the worksheet and act as a quick means
of loading the layout. A bitmap to identify the icon can be selected using the
Choose File button when the layout is in the Layout editing panel.

Section Delete (favorites)

This button, next to the favorites list, deletes the selected favorite(s) from the
list. The layout remains in the 'Layout management' list.

70 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section 2.5.3 The Layout editing panel

Section Layout editing area

This area displays the layout selected from the Layout management list. You
can use a range of functions to modify the layout (see "[Procedure] To
create or modify a layout" on page 53) as required.

Section Save layout field

This field displays the current name of the display layout that is in the 'Layout
editing' area. It can be used to enter a new name that you want to assign to the
current layout.

Section Save layout button

Click on this button to save the current layout with the name you have defined
in the input field. The properties of an existing layout will be overwritten,
though confirmation to do this is requested first.

Section Icon

This area contains a button that schedules a dialog from which you can select a
bitmap file which will represent the current layout. This bitmap is displayed
alongside. If the layout is added to the list of favorites, then this bitmap will
appear in the worksheet and serve as means of selecting the layout. You can
modify a displayed bitmap by just double clicking on it. This will schedule a
suitable application in which you can edit it.

Section Close

This button closes the layout management dialog.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Help

This provides help on the layout management dialog.

Section 2.6 Function display windows

This document describes all the options in the function display windows:

72 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

 Bode

 Colormap

 FrontBack

Rev 11B 73
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

 Octave

 Upper/Lower

 Waterfall

74 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

 XY

 Nyquist
 Numerical Display Panel (Only for Signature online data (see "Options -
Numerical Display" on page 110))
Not all options apply to every display window.

Geometry windows (see "Geometry display windows" on page 133) are

described separately.

Section 2.6.1 To use the displays

There are a number of parameters that control both the format of the function on
display as well as the characteristics of the window in which it appears. These
options are executed from the popup menus.

Rev 11B 75
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section To view data

Step 1

Open a layout by clicking on the icon that refers to a favorite layout that you
wish to open or by choosing a display from the Create a picture dropdown
Step 2
Load your data into the chosen display by either, dragging the data from the
browse tree and dropping it into the window, or, by doing a copy/paste

A layout contains the following types of window:

The Bode display represents a function window divided into two parts. It shows
you two aspects of the same data. When you load a single data trace into this
window, the upper part shows the amplitude and the lower part shows the phase

76 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

of the same trace. When you switch the format of the upper part from
Amplitude to Real, the format of the lower part switches to Imaginary. An X
cursor operates on both parts of the window.

The Bode display icon

represents it.


The Colormap display is used to display a series of data functions in relation to

a third parameter such as time or rpm (so called waterfall data). This parameter
is plotted along the Z axis. The Y (ordinate) value of each block is represented
as a color thus providing a two dimensional map of X against Z.

In LMSTest.Lab, this data is represented by a waterfall icon

Rev 11B 77
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

and it can be displayed in a

Colormap window. In addition a series of blocks represented by the function

icons can be displayed.

It is possible to add 2D data on top of waterfall data visualized in a colormap.

This can be done by dropping the 2D data in the left corner of the colormap.
The data is shown if the X and Y units of the 2D data correspond to those of the
CM or if it is a compatible order section of this waterfall data.

78 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Colormap display icon

represents it.


The FrontBack display shows a 2D function window with an X and Y axis used
to display a number of overlaying data functions. Two separate Y axes are
provided; one on the right and one on the left.

Data can be displayed relative to one or the other and the format of these two
axes can be made different so that different aspects (amplitude and phase for
example) of the same data can be overlaid on each other.

In the LMSTest.Lab software you can display any data record that is
represented by the function icon

Rev 11B 79
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

in a FrontBack window.

The FrontBack display icon

represents it.

80 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation


A Nyquist display contains three axes: X axis
On this axis, the argument of a block will be presented. Y horizontal axis
The result of a block viewed in a certain axis format. Y vertical axis
The result of the same block as on the horizontal axis, but viewed in another

The Nyquist window icon represents it.


The Octave display shows frequency spectra as octave blocks. In an Octave

display window you can see the result of integrating test data values over

Rev 11B 81
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

various types of octave bands and their overall level values. These OA levels
are calculated and displayed for both the weighted and linear overall level.

The octave window icon represents it.


The Upper/Lower display represents a pair of 2 or more 2D windows that are

linked together. They allow you to compare data traces above one another. This
means, for example, that when adding an X cursor, the same cursor is active in
the upper and all the lower window.

You have to add two curves with compatible X axes upon each other. Data can
be displayed relative to one or the other and the format of these two windows
can be made different so that different aspects (amplitude and phase for
example) of the same data can be compared.

You can also adjust the ratio of the area assigned to each window. Use Ctrl to
drag the horizontal blue line between the Upper and Lower display windows to
the desired width.

When dragging data to the left part of the display in the ‘automatic’ drop zone,
the data will automatically be spread – 1 y 1. Possibly, zones will be added
automatically – up to 20. You cannot drop more curves then available zones.

In the LMSTest.Lab software you can display any data record that is
represented by the function icon

82 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

in an Upper/Lower window.

The Upper/Lower (UL) window icon

represents it.

Rev 11B 83
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation


The Waterfall display shows a series of data functions in relation to a third

parameter such as time or rpm. This parameter is plotted along the Z axis and
shows the evolution of a function under particular conditions.

In the LMSTest.Lab software data represented by the waterfall icon can be

displayed in a waterfall window. In addition you can load a number of
individual data functions into a waterfall window too.

The Waterfall window icon represents it.

84 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation


The XY display shows the Y-values of one block in function of the Y values of
a second block on the condition that both blocks have the same X-axis. An XY
display contains four axes: X axis
On this axis, the argument of the blocks will be presented. Y horizontal axis
The Y-values of a block. These values are used to compare with other Y-values
of blocks on the other Y axes (front and back). Y front axis
On this axis, an unlimited number of blocks can be added. The result of one
block on this axis will be combined with the result of the Y horizontal axis to
form one display curve. Both blocks must have the same argument, which is the
argument of the X axis. Y back axis
Similar to the Y front axis.

The XY window icon represents it.

Section Mouse and keyboard tips in function displays

Shortcut Action
Key For which


Drag horizontally zoom in x-direction all function

Rev 11B 85
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation


Drag vertically zoom in Y-direction all function


Drag diagonally zoom in XY-direction all function


Shift-drag horizontally pan in x-direction all function


Shift-drag vertically pan in Y-direction all function


Shift-drag on overview pan over x-axis upper/lowe

r -

Shift-click on overview pan over x-axis - shifts 1 upper/lowe

range forward or backward r -

Shift-scrollwheel on axis scroll over axis all function


Ctrl-scrollwheel on axis zoom in/out on axis all function


Ctrl-drag on axis move axis position all function


Ctrl-drag on splitter move splitter Bode +

between upper and lower Upper/Low
of a BODE er with 2

Ctrl-double click on Y-axis expand axis upper/lowe

r (with
more than

Right-click on axis/curve/cursor/legend/de all function

axis/curve/cursor/legend/e fault popup menu displays
mpty space

Ctrl-right click (anywhere) default popup menu of the all function

display displays

Double click on axis "set fixed limits" menu all function

comes up displays

Double click on curve "adjust curve properties" all function

86 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

menu comes up displays

Double click on cursor "move to position" menu all function

comes up displays


Backspace UNDO last axis setting (up all

to 20) functions

Cursor keys (no curves move selected cursor all

selected) (normal interval) functions

Shift-cursor keys (no move selected cursor (small all

curves selected) interval) functions

Cursor keys (with one or move selected cursor to all

more curves selected) next/previous sample functions

Ctrl-cursor keys (with one move selected cursor to X axes

or more curves selected) next/previous local only

Section 2.6.2 The Axis menus

Section X-axis

Section Limits

This menu enables you to specify how the limits of the displayed data will be

The limits will correspond to the highest and lowest value actually contained
within the data. They will therefore change whenever new data is loaded into
the window, or when data is removed.

In this case the highest and lowest values encountered in the data are rounded
up to convenient values.

Rev 11B 87
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

In this case you can define the upper (max) and lower (min) value to be
displayed. Use a Double Cursor within the data window itself in order to set
these values.

Note: Note that you can also access this dialog by double clicking on the axis

Section Format X

The options in this cascading menu determine how the X axis values will be

Values between the upper and lower limits will be displayed on a linear scale.
This option is not available for Octave displays.

Values between the upper and lower limits will be displayed in decades, which
means that each division is a multiple of 10 of the previous one. This option is
not available for Octave displays.

In this case the range between the upper and lower values are divided into
whole octave bands. The center frequency of one octave band is twice the center
frequency of the previous one, and the range increases with the center frequency
too. You may find that the limits are adjusted so that complete octave bands can
be encompassed. This option is not available for Octave displays.

Octave bands
This option applies only to Octave displays. It integrates Y-values within a
frequency band. This results in a single Y value, which corresponds with the
center frequency on the x-axis. It is used to draw one bar for each frequency

The number of frequency bands is determined by the format of the x-axis:

Octave 1/1, Octave 1/2, Octave 1/3, Octave 1/12, and Octave 1/24.

For instance with respect to Octave 1/1, Octave 1/2 uses twice the number of
frequency bands to integrate the Y-data. But note that a frequency band of
Octave 1/1 is twice as long - according to the x-axis - as one from Octave 1/2.
The same holds for other Octave formats.

Section Unit

This item shows you the unit currently on the display. If the axis has no data in
it, a list appears showing all available measurement units. It is not available for
Waterfall displays.

88 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The unit can be defined before data is in the display, a list of the complete unit
set is shown. When the data afterwards are shown, this unit is used – if it is
compatible with the unit of the data. When data is already in the display, only
corresponding units of the same quantity are shown.

Section General…

This option shows the ‘General Axis options’. Here is indicated which axis to
be shown (default, the front and the back axis are shown – you can add the
‘back 2’, the ‘back 3’ and the ‘back 4’ axis). Also, the ranges used for the
calculation of optimised limits can be set here.

Section Visible

This option switches on or off, all the annotation (as defined by the other axis
menu options) on this axis. It is not available for Waterfall displays.

Section Options

This schedules a dialog in which the appearance of different features of the axis
is set. Define the settings and then click the Apply button to view the results, in
order to set display options. Grid
A grid is a set of lines that can be overlaid on the displayed data perpendicular
to the selected axis. The lines have a user defined appearance and interval.

Switches the grid on or off.

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and width of the grid lines can be

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base grid lines are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on “automatic”, the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. Ticks
Ticks are short lines used to graduate an axis. Two lengths of lines are displayed
indicating the major and minor divisions of the range of values shown on the

Switches all ticks on or off.

Rev 11B 89
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and thickness of the tick lines can
be set.

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base ticks are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on "Automatic", the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. One (major) tick line is shown for each range.

You can select where the tick lines are to be placed in relation to the axis.

When they are inside the lines will be placed wholly within the display
window, along with the data.

When they are outside, they will be placed outside of the data window in the
border around it next to the annotation.

When they are crossed the lines will straddle the axis with their mid points on
the axis.

Annotation visible
When this option is "on" then the values corresponding to a tick will be
displayed next to it. The characteristics of this annotation are defined using the
Font button.

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the ticks. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the ticks is visible, then this field determines the number of
values behind decimal point that will be displayed. Increasing the number of
decimals displayed on the X axis may mean that fewer tick lines can be

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the tick values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Limits
The options here define how the limit values will be displayed. The actual value
of the limits is determined from the Limits menu.

90 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Switches the display of the limit values "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the limit values. An example of
the current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the limits is visible, then this field determines the number of
figures behind the decimal point that will be displayed.

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the limit values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Unit
The options here define how the unit associated with an axis will be displayed.
The actual units shown depend on the selected unit set.

Switches the display of the unit "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the unit. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside. Format
The options here define how the format of the data associated with an axis will
be displayed. The actual format to be used is selected from the Format menu for
the X, the Y or the Z axis.

Switches the display of the format value "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the format. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

Section Y-axis

Section Limits

This menu enables you to specify how the limits of the displayed data will be

Rev 11B 91
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The limits will correspond to the highest and lowest value actually contained
within the data. They will therefore change whenever new data is loaded into
the window, or when data is removed.

In this case the highest and lowest values encountered in the data are rounded
up to convenient values.

In this case you can define the upper (max) and lower (min) value to be
displayed. Use a Double Cursor within the data window itself in order to set
these values.

Note: Note that you can also access this dialog by double clicking on the axis

Section Format Y

The options in this cascading menu determine which aspect of the ordinate
values in the data will be displayed as well as the type of scaling to be used.

Note: Different values for this parameter can be set for the left (front) and
right (back) Y axes in the FrontBack display window and for the top (upper)
and bottom (lower) Y axis in the UpperLower display window .

Only the real part of a complex function is displayed.

Only the imaginary part of a complex function is displayed. This option is not
available for Octave displays.

Only amplitude values are displayed.

Y formats

92 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Phase values between +180 and -180 are displayed. This option is not available
for Octave displays.

The dB values are displayed. If you want to extend the annotation with the DB
reference, you can do that for the involved unit(s) in the unit editor.

The Y values are displayed on a logarithmic scale.

Section Processing

You can apply a single of double integration or differentiation data by first
selecting the appropriate curves and then selecting an option from the
Processing drop down menu.

Integration/differentiation is possible on data in the front or back of a front-back

display, in the upper or the lower of a upper-lower display, in the amplitude and
phase of a bode display, on a waterfall display and on a colormap display.

Integration/differentiation in the display is only available for ‘frequency related’

data, not on time data. Calculation is done by dividing/multiplying by .

You can apply weighting on data making use of the predefined weighting
factors (A,B,C and D). The pop-up menu also allows showing the original
weighting (in case some front-end weighting or pre-weighting was applied) or
linear weighting (none). By default the data in the display will be shown with
their original weighting. Weighting is possible on data in the front or back of a
front-back display, in the upper or the lower of a upper-lower display, in the
amplitude and phase of a bode display, on a waterfall display and on a colormap

Weighting in the display is only available for ‘frequency related’ data, not on
time data. Calculation is done by multiplying with the weighting curve in
frequency domain.

The pop-up menu allows you to apply linear smoothing on data. The Linear
smoothing uses (except for the first and last sample) following algorithm :
NewX(i) = (X(i-1)+2*X(i)+X(i+1))/4. For complex valued functions, the
smoothing is performed on the amplitudes only.

Applying some exponential smoothing will be the result of two different

smoothing actions. First a smoothing is applied from the beginning until the end
of the data. Then a smoothing will be applied from the end until the beginning
of the considered data. This will make sure that the peak values do no shift from

Rev 11B 93
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

their original position. Smoothing can only be applied on frequency based data.
Smoothing on data is possible in the front or back of a front-back display, in the
upper or the lower of an upper-lower display, in the amplitude and phase of a
bode display.

In the pop-up menu you can choose whether light, medium or heavy smoothing.
They will respectively represent a smoothing factor of 0.1, 0.5 and 0.8. You
have also the possibility to specify a custom smoothing factor between 0 and 1.

Section Scaling
By default, section data (order sections, frequency sections) is always calculated
and shown in RMS values. This function allows a user to view sections with
scaling ‘peak’. Clicking it on will have no effect on other data (e.g. spectra will
not change with this). Section scaling is possible on data in the front or back of
a front-back display, in the upper or the lower of an upper-lower display, in the
amplitude and phase of a bode display.

Reset All
This button will reset the applied weighting to the 'original' weighting, the
smoothing to 'none', the section scaling to RMS and the
integration/differentiation to ‘none’.

Section Unit

This item shows you the unit currently on the display. If the axis has no data in
it, a list appears showing all available measurement units. It is not available for
Waterfall displays.

The unit can be defined before data is in the display, a list of the complete unit
set is shown. When the data afterwards are shown, this unit is used – if it is
compatible with the unit of the data. When data is already in the display, only
corresponding units of the same quantity are shown.

Section Hatching

This option makes it possible to hatch between the first 2 curves – in the front
and/or the back of a front-back.

Hatching is only supported for line segments and markers (not for block
outlines (used for octave data)).

Hatching is only supported for strict monotone signals.

Section General…

This option shows the ‘General Axis options’. Here is indicated which axis to
be shown (default, the front and the back axis are shown – you can add the
‘back 2’, the ‘back 3’ and the ‘back 4’ axis). Also, the ranges used for the
calculation of optimised limits can be set here.

94 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Visible

This option switches on or off, all the annotation (as defined by the other axis
menu options) on this axis. It is not available for Waterfall displays.

Section Options

This schedules a dialog in which the appearance of different features of the axis
is set. Define the settings and then click the Apply button to view the results, in
order to set display options. Grid
A grid is a set of lines that can be overlaid on the displayed data perpendicular
to the selected axis. The lines have a user defined appearance and interval.

Switches the grid on or off.

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and width of the grid lines can be

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base grid lines are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on “automatic”, the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. Ticks
Ticks are short lines used to graduate an axis. Two lengths of lines are displayed
indicating the major and minor divisions of the range of values shown on the

Switches all ticks on or off.

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and thickness of the tick lines can
be set.

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base ticks are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on "Automatic", the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. One (major) tick line is shown for each range.

Rev 11B 95
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

You can select where the tick lines are to be placed in relation to the axis.

When they are inside the lines will be placed wholly within the display
window, along with the data.

When they are outside, they will be placed outside of the data window in the
border around it next to the annotation.

When they are crossed the lines will straddle the axis with their mid points on
the axis.

Annotation visible
When this option is "on" then the values corresponding to a tick will be
displayed next to it. The characteristics of this annotation are defined using the
Font button.

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the ticks. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the ticks is visible, then this field determines the number of
values behind decimal point that will be displayed. Increasing the number of
decimals displayed on the X axis may mean that fewer tick lines can be

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the tick values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Limits
The options here define how the limit values will be displayed. The actual value
of the limits is determined from the Limits menu.

Switches the display of the limit values "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the limit values. An example of
the current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the limits is visible, then this field determines the number of
figures behind the decimal point that will be displayed.

96 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the limit values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Unit
The options here define how the unit associated with an axis will be displayed.
The actual units shown depend on the selected unit set.

Switches the display of the unit "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the unit. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside. Format
The options here define how the format of the data associated with an axis will
be displayed. The actual format to be used is selected from the Format menu for
the X, the Y or the Z axis.

Switches the display of the format value "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the format. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

Section Color Scale

This option enables you to select a color range to be used to display the data
values. It is only available in a Colormap display window.

All the installed colormap scales are listed in the cascading menu.

Section Z-axis

Section Limits

This menu enables you to specify how the limits of the displayed data will be

The limits will correspond to the highest and lowest value actually contained
within the data. They will therefore change whenever new data is loaded into
the window, or when data is removed.

Rev 11B 97
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

In this case the highest and lowest values encountered in the data are rounded
up to convenient values.

In this case you can define the upper (max) and lower (min) value to be
displayed. Use a Double Cursor within the data window itself in order to set
these values.

Note: Note that you can also access this dialog by double clicking on the axis

Section Format Z

This option is only available in Colormap and Waterfall display windows. It
determines in which format the Z-axis values will be displayed. The format of
the Z-axis is always Linear.

Section Unit

This item shows you the unit currently on the display. If the axis has no data in
it, a list appears showing all available measurement units. It is not available for
Waterfall displays.

The unit can be defined before data is in the display, a list of the complete unit
set is shown. When the data afterwards are shown, this unit is used – if it is
compatible with the unit of the data. When data is already in the display, only
corresponding units of the same quantity are shown.

Section General…

This option shows the ‘General Axis options’. Here is indicated which axis to
be shown (default, the front and the back axis are shown – you can add the
‘back 2’, the ‘back 3’ and the ‘back 4’ axis). Also, the ranges used for the
calculation of optimised limits can be set here.

Section Visible

This option switches on or off, all the annotation (as defined by the other axis
menu options) on this axis. It is not available for Waterfall displays.

Section Options

This schedules a dialog in which the appearance of different features of the axis
is set. Define the settings and then click the Apply button to view the results, in
order to set display options. Grid
A grid is a set of lines that can be overlaid on the displayed data perpendicular

98 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

to the selected axis. The lines have a user defined appearance and interval.

Switches the grid on or off.

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and width of the grid lines can be

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base grid lines are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on “automatic”, the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. Ticks
Ticks are short lines used to graduate an axis. Two lengths of lines are displayed
indicating the major and minor divisions of the range of values shown on the

Switches all ticks on or off.

Line Style
Schedules a dialog in which the color, pattern and thickness of the tick lines can
be set.

Base Resolution
This parameter specifies if the base ticks are calculated automatically or
specified by the user (custom). If it is on "Automatic", the range is defined as
the power of 10 that is less than the displayed limits. So if the displayed limits
are 99, then the range will be 10. And if the displayed limits are 101, then the
range will be 100. One (major) tick line is shown for each range.

You can select where the tick lines are to be placed in relation to the axis.

When they are inside the lines will be placed wholly within the display
window, along with the data.

When they are outside, they will be placed outside of the data window in the
border around it next to the annotation.

When they are crossed the lines will straddle the axis with their mid points on
the axis.

Annotation visible
When this option is "on" then the values corresponding to a tick will be

Rev 11B 99
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

displayed next to it. The characteristics of this annotation are defined using the
Font button.

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the ticks. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the ticks is visible, then this field determines the number of
values behind decimal point that will be displayed. Increasing the number of
decimals displayed on the X axis may mean that fewer tick lines can be

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the tick values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Limits
The options here define how the limit values will be displayed. The actual value
of the limits is determined from the Limits menu.

Switches the display of the limit values "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the limit values. An example of
the current style is shown in the box alongside.

If the annotation of the limits is visible, then this field determines the number of
figures behind the decimal point that will be displayed.

Engineering notation
Checking this button "on" means that the limit values will be displayed, when
possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where A is the number defined
by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a multiple of three). Unit
The options here define how the unit associated with an axis will be displayed.
The actual units shown depend on the selected unit set.

Switches the display of the unit "on" or "off".

100 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the unit. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside. Format
The options here define how the format of the data associated with an axis will
be displayed. The actual format to be used is selected from the Format menu for
the X, the Y or the Z axis.

Switches the display of the format value "on" or "off".

This schedules a dialog in which you can define the font type, size, style and
color that you want to use for the annotation of the format. An example of the
current style is shown in the box alongside.

These menus are obtained by right clicking on any X, Y or Z axis. They enable
you to adjust the characteristics of that axis. The contents of some entries in this
menu will depend on the type of axis.

For a FrontBack axis menu, different characteristics can be set for the left
(front) Y and the right (back) Y axes. While in the case of an UpperLower axis
menu, different characteristics can be set for the top (upper) Y and the bottom
(lower) Y axes.

Section X-axes

Use the X-axis popup menu to switch between the X axes that are available.
Depending on displayed data type a number of options are provided.

Section Options Order map, spectrum waterfall, individual spectra of a
Derived Frequency / Order
In Colormap and Waterfall displays you can view an order map with a
frequency X axis and a spectrum waterfall with an order X axis. There is a
frequency (or order) X axis available for each rpm Z axis.

You can also view the individual blocks of waterfalls with a derived
Frequency/Order axis in a 2D function display. This option is not available in an
octave display. Sections, (orders, frequency sections, octave sections,
overall level, ...)
Sections are 2D slices through 3D maps or waterfalls, the X axis of a section

Rev 11B 101

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

corresponds to the Z axis of the waterfall. Sections can contain the following X

Data values will be displayed along the X axis according to the time value they
were measured. The first value is annotated with time 0, the other values are
annotated with the time relative to that of the first value.

Time (Throughput)
Data values will be displayed along the X axis according to the time value they
were measured. The time values correspond to those of the time recording
(Throughput file). This time recording can be superimposed in the same display
for comparison purposes.

Tacho channel (rpm), Derived Tacho channel and Static

Data values will be displayed along the X axis according to the measured value
of the selected Tacho, Derived Tacho or Static channel.

Derived Frequency
You can view orders (and other sections) against frequency. For each Tacho
axis a frequency axis is available. For order sections, the order number of the
order section is taken into account.

For example:
 1st order section, with rpm axis from 2100 to 6100 rpm gives a frequency
axis from 35 to 101.66 Hz
 3rd order section, with rpm axis from 2100 to 6100 rpm gives a frequency
axis from 105 to 305 Hz
Derived number
Data values will be displayed along the X axis according to the sequence
number in which they were measured.

Section Second X-axes

Use the Second X-axis popup menu to display a second X-axis on top of a
display. Only second X-axes with a correlation greater or equal to 98% with the
primary X-axis will be available. If the data in the display contains no second
X-axes, this field will be grayed out.

When the primary X-axis is changed, the second X-axis will be removed. The
pop-up menu allows you then to select again a second X-axis if available.

If cursors are added to a display, they will always be linked to the unit of the
primary X-axis.

102 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Z-axes

Depending on the value of this toggle, another Z axis is annotated. A number of
options are provided. It is only available in Colormap and Waterfall display

Derived number
Records will be displayed along the Z axis according to the sequence number in
which they were measured.

Records will be displayed along the Z axis according to the time value they
were measured. The first record is annotated with time 0, the other records are
annotated with the time value relative to that of the first record.

Time (Throughput)
Records will be displayed along the Z axis according to the time value they
were measured. The time values correspond to those of the time recording
(Throughput file ).

Tacho channel (rpm), Derived Tacho channel and Static

Records will be displayed along the Z axis according to the measured value of
the selected Tacho, Derived Tacho or Static channel.

Section 2.6.3 The Display menus

This menu is obtained by right clicking in the display area of the window and
not on a curve. When there is a lot of data in a window it can be more easily
obtained by right clicking anywhere in the window, while holding the Ctrl key

Section Add Single Cursor

This allows you to add a number of single cursors (see "The Single (cursor)
menus" on page 120) with arrowhead handles.

Section Add Double Cursor

This allows you to add a number of double cursors (see "The Double (cursor)
menus" on page 124) with arrowhead handles. Double cursors can be used to
examine specific ranges of data values.

Section Add Harmonic Cursor

This allows you to add a number of harmonic cursors (see "The Harmonic

Rev 11B 103

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

(cursor) menus" on page 127) with arrowhead handles. Harmonic cursors

change their separation in a way that makes them all harmonics of one

Section Add Automatic Cursor

This allows you to add an automatic peak cursor or an automatic valley cursor.
They cannot be handled and indicate the peak or valley of the selected curve
within the range of the display.

The ‘Automatic Peak/Valley parameters’ can be accessed by clicking on the

popup menu of the cursor.

Section Add Processing Cursor

All different kinds of processing cursors are available on waterfalls and
colormaps. You can insert a Z-, Order-, Frequency and Cross-cursor in a
display. The corresponding processed block can be dragged and dropped into
another display. While moving the processing cursor the view is instantaneously

An X-processing cursor is also available in a Front/Back display. The start

situation is a picture with at least two 2D-displays. In one of the 2D-displays
you can drop at least one function that is a processed function of that waterfall,
e.g. the OA-level or an order section. On this curve you can define a processing
cursor and the application identifies the corresponding spectrum according to
the specific position of that processing cursor. After dropping the corresponding
spectrum in a display, you can move this processing cursor and the view will be
updated instantaneously.

There is also the ability to adjust the processing parameters. For example, the
width unit of an order section can be determined by order, percentage,
frequency or number of lines.

The processing cursors can also be used in semi-embedded active pictures.

Section Remove All Cursors

This option removes all the cursors in the display. Right click on the cursor and
select Remove Cursor from the dropdown menu, in order to remove
individual cursors.

Section Paste

This option can be used to paste an item that has been copied from the list in the
Data Explorer window.

Paste to Front / Back

In a FrontBack display window, you can paste data browser entries from the
Data Explorer to the front or to the back axis, executing this function in either
the left or the right hand side of the window.

104 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Paste to Upper / Lower

In an UpperLower display window, you can paste data browser entries from the
Data Explorer to a specific axis in either the upper or lower window, depending
on where you executed the function (the upper or the lower side).

Section Select All Curves

This option selects all curves on display. Individual curves can be selected by
left clicking on them or by pressing the Shift key while left clicking. It is not
available for Colormap or Waterfall displays.

Section Deselect All Curves

This option deselects all the curves that are currently selected. Individual curves
can be deselected by left clicking on them with the Shift key depressed. It is not
available for Colormap or Waterfall displays.

Section Remove Curve

This option relates to Colormap and Waterfall displays only. It removes “all”
curves in the display.

Section Remove All Curves

This option removes all the curves in the display, from both the front and the
back axes. Right click on the curve and select Remove Curve from the
dropdown menu, in order to remove individual curve. It is not available for
Colormap or Waterfall displays.

Section Legend

This toggles the presence of a floating legend inside the display window in
which information relating to the displayed data can be seen. You can drag it
with the mouse to any desired location in the window. Clicking on the small
box inside the floating legend selects the curve. Right-clicking on a legend
schedules a popup menu (see "The Curve Legend menus" on page 116) which
allows several actions to be made on both the legend itself and on the data in the

Section Title Legend

This toggles the presence of a title legend inside the display window. The title
legend enables you to show a title and the attributes common to all curves. You
can drag the title legend with the mouse to any desired location in the window.

Section Cursor Legend

This toggles the presence of a floating cursor legend inside the display window
in which information regarding the cursor position, crossing values of the cursor

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

with the curve(s) and possibly calculated information can be seen. You can drag
it with the mouse to any desired location in the window. The formatting of the
contents is the same as and determined by the formatting of the legend. In the
cursor legend options you can also define whether the unit labels will be shown
in the cursor legend.

Right-clicking on a cursor legend schedules a dropdown menu with the

possibility to copy the contents of the legend into the Windows clipboard. These
contents can than be saved in e.g. Microsoft Excel.

When switched on, whenever an X, Y or cross cursor is added to the display,
the corresponding cursor legend will automatically be opened. When removing
the last cursor of a certain type, the corresponding cursor legend will disappear
automatically. When switched off, no cursor legend will be shown

When switched on, the cursor legend for X cursors becomes visible.

Y (front)
When switched on, the cursor legend for Y (front) cursors becomes visible.

Y (back)
When switched on, the cursor legend for Y (back) cursors becomes visible.

Cross (front)
When switched on, the cursor legend for Cross (front) cursors becomes visible.

Cross (back)
When switched on, the cursor legend for Cross (back) cursors becomes visible.

Section Copy to Metafile

This function copies the contents of the display window to a metafile in the
windows clipboard. It can then be pasted into another application e.g. Word.

It is also possible to copy the contents of the complete picture (all the windows
in the layout) by executing the same function from the popup menu obtained
from the picture tab.

Section Preview Mode

When this setting is "on", then the contents of the window will automatically be
updated by simply clicking on an item in the Data selector panel.

For the FrontBack Display, the selected item will be added to the back (right)

106 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

For the UpperLower Display, the selected item will be added to the lower
(bottom) axis.

You must select a suitable data type for the window and it must be compatible
with any data that is currently on display on the chosen axis. The magnifying
glass icon at the top right hand corner of the window indicates when this setting
is "on".

Section Undo

This option will undo the latest zoom action. It will have the same effect as
using the backspace.

Section Maximize

This option causes the window in which you are working fill the entire desktop
space. Use the Restore option to return to the layout setting.

Section Restore

This option can be used after the Zoom or the Maximize operations to restore
the active window to its rightful size within the layout/worksheet.

Section Display Size

This option offers the possibility to resize and restore the picture size.

This option causes the window in which you are working to fill the entire
desktop space. Use the Restore option to return to the layout setting.

Maximize to Picture
This option applies when you are working with a layout that contains a number
of windows. Selecting this option makes the active window fill the display area
panel. Use the Restore option to return to the layout setting.

This option can be used after the Maximize or the Maximize to Picture
operations in order to restore the active window to its rightful size within the

Section Display Format

The option Align front/back displays in picture allows you to align the format
of all displays in the picture.

The Copy and Paste options allow you to copy the format of one display and
paste it into another.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Axis options

This opens the “Axis options” dialog which lets you apply chosen limit ranges
to all axes set to “optimized” limits.
 Log range (expressed in decades)
 dB range
 Decade range
 Octave range

Section Overall Level Options...

This option is only available for Octave displays. It schedules the “Overall
Level Options...” in which the display settings for the two types of overall levels
are set. The level marked [A, B, C or D] is the sum of the data values with the
standard acoustic filtering known as [A, B, C or D] weighting applied. The level
marked 'L' is the sum of the linear (unweighted) data values in all octave bands.

To display the actual data values on top of the bar, check the 'Show overall level
values' box “on”.

To calculate both types of overall level, check the 'Calculate both weighted and
linear overall level” box “on”.

To turn “off” either setting, uncheck the relevant box.

Section Options

This schedules the 'Options' dialog in which a number of display settings can be
defined. Each one is set by first clicking on the tab, setting the parameters
values as required, then clicking Apply to see the effect.

Section Layout

3D Effect
When this setting is on, then the border around the display area appears to have
some depth.

Display Area Color

Clicking on this button enables you to select the color which surrounds the
display area within its portion of the overall layout.

Graphic Area Color

Clicking on this button enables you to select the color used as background in the
display area.

Section Cursors

This dialog enables you to set the default cursor properties for a particular type

108 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

of cursor that is available in the display. These properties will be applied to all
cursors of this type when they are scheduled. It does not affect existing cursors.
The properties of existing cursors can be adjusted using the same dialog, by
right clicking on the cursor line.

You can select the type of cursor that you want to apply the settings to from the
drop down list.

Style line
Clicking on this button schedules a dialog in which you can choose the color,
pattern and the width of the cursor line.

Style font
Clicking on this button schedules a dialog in which you can choose the font in
which the cursor value (if displayed) will be shown.

Display Handle
Turning this option “on” displays the cursor handle.

Line Type
You can select from a dropdown menu if the visualized with a line, a short line
or no line.

Value display
When this button is checked on, then the current cursor value will be displayed.

The number in this field determines the number of decimal places behind the
point that will be displayed in the cursor value.

Engineering notation
Checking this button 'on' will mean that the cursor values (if they are visible)
will be displayed, when possible, in the exponential form Ae+b or Ae-b, where
A is the number defined by the number of decimals and b is the power (as a
multiple of three).

ToolTip Style
When this button is checked on, then the cursor annotation value will be
displayed with a colored background, in the style of a tooltip, which makes it
easier to distinguish.

Always display intersections

This button always you to show always the intersections with all the curves in
the display, even when the curves are not selected.

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You can define a label for each cursor which then will be shown in the cursor

Harmonic count
Number of lines for an harmonic cursor.

Snap to data values

When this field is set to "snap to data values on curve", the only possible cursor
positions are on physically measured samples. When it is set to "None", the
cursor can be positioned anywhere. If the cursor is positioned between two
physically measured samples, then the readout value will be a linear
interpolation between the two surrounding samples.

Section Options - Miscellaneous - Online

This option concerns the display of spectra during an online measurement
process. It is only available for Colormap displays.

Number of visible traces

The number of spectra shown during an online measurement can be adjusted.

Section Options - Numerical Display

A numerical display panel can contain 1 or more gauge or numerical displays. It
can only be used to display tacho or static channel values online in Signature

When right-clicking on a display, the following functions are available:

Gauge / Numerical
Select the type of display.

Linear / dB
Select the format of the data. dB is calculated on the absolute values.

Color Scale
Define the limits for the gauge and allows to define 3 different colors
corresponding to 3 range of data.

Define the number of decimals to be displayed.

When there are several displays in 1 numerical display panel, it is possible to

rearrange them by dragging and dropping them.

110 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Options - Curve

These options are only available for Waterfall displays.

Hidden lines
When this option is on, then front blocks will hide the lines of blocks that are
behind them.

Line Style...
Clicking on this button schedules a dialog in which you can choose a color,
pattern and width for the curves to be displayed in the window. The same style
will be applied to all curves.

Section Options - View

These options are only available for Waterfall displays.

This is the percentage of the total height of the current window used for the X-Y
plane. This value can range from 0.01 (1%) to 0.99 (99%).

This is the angle at which the Z axis is set. Values from 0.01° up to 65° are

Section Tool

When selected, zooming can be done by left clicking and dragging a square on a
curve. It modifies the display menu obtained by right clicking in the display
area of the window. Unzooming can be done by double clicking in the display
area or by selecting “Undo” from the modified display menu.

When selected, the standard display menu is obtained by right clicking in the
display area of the window.

Section 2.6.4 The Data menus

These operations relate to the data traces that are on display.

Section Remove

Clicking on this item removes the selected curve from the display.

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Section Move to Front/Back

Only available in a Front/Back display. Clicking on this item moves the selected
curve either to the back or the front of the display.

Section Cut

Clicking on this item cuts the selected curve from the display. You can paste the
curve in any compatible display by clicking on Paste menu item in the Display
popup menu.

Section Copy

Clicking on this item copies the selected curve from the display. You can paste
the curve in any compatible display by clicking on Paste menu item in the
Display popup menu.

Section Copy values

This option is not available for Colormap or Waterfall displays. It allows you to
copy the values of the selected curve for pasting purposes.

Copies all the values of the selected curve.

[Between X limits]
Copies only the values of the selected curve between the X limits of the display.

Section Status Message

Clicking on this item schedules a message box indicating the status of the block.
This item becomes only sensitive when a message is available.

Section Data Properties

This option is not available for Colormap or Waterfall displays. It opens the
“Properties” dialog presenting a table of the identification details for the
selected data. Columns can be hidden from view by right clicking on the header
field and then choosing Hide from the popup menu that appears.

Section Curve Properties

This option schedules the Curve Properties dialog in which you can define the
properties of the curve used to draw the traces. It is not available for Colormap
or Waterfall displays.

You can choose styles for the lines from the Trace style, Color, Pattern and

112 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Width dropdown menus.

This allows you to select the color used for the selected curves from the Fill
Color dropdown menu.

This only becomes sensitive when you have selected markers as the trace style
and pressed the Apply button. You can then select the size of the markers from
the MarkerSize dropdown menu.

An annotation can be added to the legend.

Section Replay

This option allows you to replay audio data when the Replay Add-in is
included. More explanation in the Audio replay & filter dialog (see "The Audio
replay & filter dialog" on page 634) chapter.

Section Select

This option is not available for Colormap or Waterfall displays. Selecting is
performed by left clicking on the data trace or by clicking on the curve
identification box inside the floating legend (see "The Curve Legend menus"
on page 116). The selection is indicated by a series of small square markers
appearing on the curve. Selection is important when you are using cursors. A
displayed cursor value is that of the selected function. As you move the cursor
over the selected function the cursors snaps to a data point and displays the
corresponding X and Y values.

You can add curves to the current selection by left clicking on a curve with the
Shift key depressed.

You can remove a single curve from the selection by left clicking on it with the
Shift key depressed. Simply left clicking on a curve selects that curve and
deselects all others.

Section 2.6.5 The Cursor menus

These operations relate to the cursors that are on display. All of the cursor
options found in the complete set of displays are described or referred to here.
However, all of the options do not apply to all of the displays.

Cursors are added to a display using the Display menu (see "The Display
menus" on page 103).

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Right clicking on a cursor brings up a popup menu.

Section Remove cursor

This removes the cursor from the display.

Section Zoom

This relates to double cursors only and expands the display between the cursor
values. The X axis now has fixed limits, with the minimum and maximum
values defined by the cursor values. To return to the original settings use the
Limits menu (see "Limits" on page 87) to reset the X axis limits.

Note: The following sub-menu entries concern the X-axis in the Bode,
FrontBack and UpperLower windows and are only seen if one or more curves
are linked.

Section Move to…

The user will be asked for the value, where the cursor will be moved to.

Section Move to next Sample

The cursor will move to the next sample.

Section Move to previous Sample

The cursor will move to the previous sample.

Section Move to next local maximum / minimum

This option is not available for Colormap, Octave or Waterfall displays. It
causes the cursor to jump to the next maximum (peak) or minimum (dip) in a
positive X direction found on any of the selected curves.

Section Move to previous local maximum / minimum

This option is not available for Colormap, Octave or Waterfall displays. It
causes the cursor to jump to the previous maximum (peak) or minimum (dip) in
a negative X direction found on any of the selected curves.

Section Move to global maximum / minimum

This option is not available for Colormap, Octave or Waterfall displays. It
causes the cursor to jump to the overall maximum or minimum value of all of
the selected curves.

114 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Snap to Data Values

If on, the cursor can only be placed at a sample of the data (and not in between).

Section Lock position

This option locks the cursor to its current position. It cannot be moved anymore
until the "lock position" option is disabled again via the same menu.

Section Calculations

This option is available for double cursors and single X cursors. It specifies
which calculated values should be shown in the cursor legend, in addition to the
cursor position(s) and crossing values.

Section Modal Cursor calculations in Front/Back and

Bode display
Next to these general calculations, in a Front/Back and a Bode display also the
calculation of the damping factor - damping ratio – loss factor is available for a
single cursor.

The damping factor, damping ratio, and loss factor can be easily calculated from
the two 3dB frequency values: the left and right crossvalues of the line, 3dB
lower than the local peak value:


Q :damping factor

:damping ratio

:loss factor

Section Cursor calculations in Waterfall and Colormap

Possible calculations are: min, max, mean, RMS and range.

Section Processing…

When clicking this, an overview of some derived processing on the current
cursor is shown – e.g. an order section on order cursor of a waterfall.

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Section Properties…

This schedules a dialog in which you can adapt a number of characteristics of
the selected cursor.

These are the same options as previously documented for the Cursor tab in the
Options dialog (see "Options" on page 108) accessed through the Function
Display menu.

Section 2.6.6 The Curve Legend menus

Section Show

This allows you to show the legend of 5, 10, 15 or all the curves that are
selected. You can also choose an other number of curves to be shown by
clicking custom.

You can then scroll through the different curves by clicking the up or down
arrows next to the curve legend

116 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Copy Legend Values

This allows you to copy the complete content of the legend and to paste it in a
MS Word document, MS Excel, … .

Section Size to fit

This automatically sets the optimal size of the legend box in the display.

Section Options...

This opens the “Curve Legend Options” dialog containing five tabs.

Custom Content
This tab lets you choose custom content for your legend from a list of all the
possible information available for the legend box. The available attributes
depend on which Origin and Type you have selected. In the list of attributes you
can navigate to the desired attribute by using the keyboard and typing the first

As the number of all available attributes is quite extended, we provide the

possibility to define a “Favorite list” of the attributes which you plan to use on a
regular base.

When an attribute is highlighted you can press the “Add to Favorites” button.
This will make sure you create a “Favorite List” which can be visualized by
enabling the “Show Favorites” checkbox. Multiple attributes from different
origin and type can be added to this “Favorite List” when this “Show Favorites”
option is disabled. On the other hand you can only remove items by pressing the
“Remove from Favorites” when the “Show Favorites” is enabled.

In the right panel you define the attributes that can be visualized in either the
legend or title legend. This list can receive input from the general list or the

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Favorites. So, when switching the view of the Favorite List on or off, the
selected attributes will remain the same.

There is also the possibility to choose where the attributes common to all curves
are shown. Either the can be shown in the title legend or the legend or even
both. Note that you first need to enable to title legend first in the popup menu if
you would like the attributes to be visible.

Standard Content
This tab lets you choose, from a list of suggested standard content items, what
you wish to display as standard information in your legend box.

Calculated Content
This tab lets you choose from a list of single values which can be reported in the
legend. A single value is a calculated value from the data block. Those values
will be calculated after the visualization processing (i.e. window corrections,

The following single values are available. Some more explanation can be found
in the manual which is referred to.

Sound Metric: (all in the LMS Test.Lab Sound Diagnosis manual > The LMS
Test.Lab Sound Diagnosis workbook > The Sound Diagnosis worksheet > The
Metrics Panel > Metrics table)
 Sound Pressure Level
 Loudness ISO523B Free Field
 Loudness ISO523B Diffuse Field
 Articulation Index
 Open Articulation Index
 Sharpness Free Field
 Sharpness Diffuse Field
 Loudness Stevens 6 (ISO532A)
 Loudness Stevens 7
 Tone-to-noise Ratio
 Prominence Ratio
 Tonality
 ANSI Speech Interference Level
 Preferred Speech Interference Level
 Noise Rating (NR)
 Noise Criterion (NC)
 Balanced Noise Criterion (NCB)

118 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Note: The acoustical metrics will not be supported for time data, they will only
be useful for frequency spectra or 3rd octave spectra. To be able to perform
some sound Metrics calculations the 'sound diagnose license' is also required. If
not available, all previously added values will still be displayed in the legend.

Statistical Value: (all in the LMS Test.Lab Signature Acquisition manual >
Functions > Frame statistics)
 Variance
 Range
 Average
 Maximum
 5% percentile
 10% percentile
 50% percentile
 90% percentile
 95% percentile
 Last Value

Note: All the calculations for statistical single values on complex-valued

spectra are performed on the amplitudes.

The format in which the single values are reported can be adapted.
 Prefix: the name that appears in the Legend (i.e. to enter "AI" for
Articulation Index) Decimal: the number of decimals can be specified
 dB: selecting this option will represent the data in dB in stead of linear
format. If you want to add the log reference of this dB value, you can do so
by adding this for the involved unit(s) in the unit editor.
 Unit Label: you can optionally append the data with the unit label.

This tab lets you change the appearance of your legend box, including the box
itself (border and background colors, size and visibility) and the fonts used to
display its contents (font color, size, effects...).

Title Content
This tab enables you to give the display a title. This will be shown in the title
legend. There is also the possibility to choose where the attributes common to
all curves are shown.

Title Layout
This tab lets you change the appearance of your title legend box, including the

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

box itself (border and background colors, size and visibility) and the fonts used
to display its contents (font color, size, effects...).

Section 2.6.7 The Single (cursor) menus

Section Single X

This schedules a single vertical line, with an arrowhead handle, that can be
dragged with the mouse. The X value corresponding to the cursor position is
annotated just above the lower x-axis. If any of the functions are selected, then
the corresponding values on those traces are also annotated.

In an Octave Display, the cursor is placed on the center frequency of the octave

In an UpperLower Display, the cursor line covers both windows.

In a Waterfall Display, this item schedules a YZ plane that can be dragged
along the X-axis.

Section Single Y

This schedules an Y cursor on the display i.e. a single horizontal line, with an
arrowhead handle, that can be dragged with the mouse).

In a Colormap display, this item schedules a single horizontal line in the color
scale area to the right of the data display area. It can be moved with the mouse
and the Y value corresponding to the cursor position is annotated.

In a FrontBack display, the entry that you obtain from the Y menu item depends
on where you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the
window relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to
the right (back) axis.

These entries schedule a single horizontal line that can be moved with the
mouse. The Y value on the corresponding axis is annotated next to the axis. If
any of the functions on that axis are selected, then up to 20 X values
corresponding to this Y value will be annotated.

In an UpperLower display, The entry that you obtain from the Y menu item

120 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

depends on where you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The upper
window relates to the top display, and the lower window relates to the bottom
display. These entries schedule a single horizontal line that can be moved with
the mouse. The Y value on the corresponding axis is annotated next to the axis.
If any of the functions on that axis are selected, then up to 20 X values
corresponding to this Y value will be annotated.

In a Waterfall display, this item schedules an XZ plane that can be dragged
along the Y axis with the mouse. The Y value corresponding to the cursor
position is annotated.

Section Single Z

These are only available on Colormap and Waterfall displays.

In a Colormap display, this item schedules a single horizontal line in the display
area. It can be moved with the mouse or the arrow keys and the according Z
value to the cursor position is annotated.

The Z-cursor will schedule a XY-plane that can be moved along the Z-axis. The
block at the cursor position will be highlighted. Even when the trace density is
modified (reduced) the block at the Z-position will be shown and highlighted. A
cross-hair cursor indicates the peak value of the spectrum.

Section Order

These are available in Colormap and Waterfall windows.

In a Colormap display, an order cursor is a radial line rotating about the point X
= 0, Z = 0. It can be used for examining “orders” when the Z axis values are

The line can be moved with the cursor or you can use the ‘Move to …’ cursor
menu option.

The ‘order’ value displayed is the ratio of the X (frequency value) and the Z
(frequency value) :

X (frequency value) = Order * Z (frequency value)

Or when the Z axis values are rpm:

X (frequency value) = Order * Z (rpm) / 60

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Order cursor in a Colormap display

You can give the order cursor an ‘offset’ on the X-axis. In this case the radial
line is rotating about the point X = offset, Z = 0.

The offset can be moved with the cursor at the location of the offset point.

The displayed values are the ‘offset’ and the ‘order’ value:

X (frequency value) = Offset + Order * Z (frequency value)

Also the Mirrored order is shown:

X (frequency value) = Offset - Order * Z (frequency value)

Order cursor with offset in a Colormap display

122 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

In a Waterfall Display, an order cursor is a radial plane rotating about the point
X = 0, Z = 0. Dragging can move it and the value X/Z of its current position is

Order cursor in a Waterfall display

The exact value will of course depend on the values that are being displayed
along the Z axis. This cursor can be used for examining orders when the Z axis
values are rpm. The value displayed is the ratio of the X (frequency value) and
the Z rpm *60 (frequency value).

Section Frequency

These are only available on Colormap and Waterfall displays.

This type of cursor will schedule a YZ-plane that can be dragged along the
X-axis when the axis is a frequency axis. Even when switching to another
available X-axis (for example order), the frequency cursor will annotated the
according frequency. As a consequence, the shape of the cursor will change
A regular single X cursor will always schedule a YZ-plane.

Section Single cross

This schedules a vertical and horizontal line in the window. The crossed pair
can be moved with the mouse. The X and Z coordinates corresponding to the
position of the crossing point in the display area are annotated as (X, Z).

In the FrontBack display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the window
relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to the

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

right (back) axis. These entries schedule a vertical and horizontal line in the
window. The crossed pair can be moved with the mouse by dragging the
crossing point. The X and Y coordinates corresponding to the position of the
crossing point in the display area are annotated as (X, Y). The Y value relates to
the selected axis.

In the UpperLower Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the window
relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to the
right (back) axis. These entries schedule a vertical and horizontal line in the
window. The crossed pair can be moved with the mouse by dragging the
crossing point. The X and Y coordinates corresponding to the position of the
crossing point in the display area are annotated as (X, Y). The Y value relates to
the selected axis.

Section 2.6.8 The Double (cursor) menus

Section Double X

This schedules a pair of vertical lines that can be moved with the mouse. The X
values corresponding to the cursor positions are annotated. Drag the left line to
move the cursor pair. Drag the right line to change the distance between the

For an Octave Display, it is the same as two single cursors, except for the
coherence between them.

For a Waterfall Display, this schedules a pair of YZ planes that can be dragged
along the X-axis with the mouse. Dragging the left plane moves the cursor pair.
Dragging the right plane changes the distance between the cursor planes.

Section Double Y

This places a double Y-cursor on the display.

For a Colormap Display, this schedules a pair of horizontal lines in the color
scale area to the right of the data display. They can be moved with the mouse
and the Y values corresponding to the cursor positions are annotated.

For a Waterfall Display, this schedules a pair of XZ planes that can be dragged
along the Y axis with the mouse. The Y values corresponding to the cursor

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

positions are annotated. Drag the bottom plane to move the cursor pair. Drag the
top plane to change the distance between the cursor planes.

In the FrontBack Display, the exact entry that you obtain from this menu
depends on where you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of
the window relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window
relates to the right (back) axis. These entries schedule a pair of horizontal lines
that can be moved with the mouse. Drag the bottom line to move the cursor
pair. Drag the upper line to change the distance between the lines.

The Y values on the corresponding axis are annotated. If any of the functions
associated with the same axis are selected, then up to 20 X values
corresponding to this Y value will be annotated.

In the UpperLower Display, the exact entry that you obtain from this menu
depends on where you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The upper
window relates to the top display, and the lower window relates to the bottom
display. These entries schedule a series of horizontal lines, each of which is
separated by a constant distance. The separating distance corresponds to the
distance between the zero value and first line, which is annotated. Dragging a
cursor line across the zero line moves all the harmonic lines to the opposite side.
The distance between all the lines can be adjusted by dragging any one of the
lines up or down.

Section Double Z

These are only available in colormap and waterfall windows.

For a Colormap Display, this schedules a pair of horizontal lines in the data
display area that can be moved with the mouse along the Z axis. The Z values
corresponding to the cursor positions are annotated. Drag the bottom line to
move the cursor pair. Drag the upper line to change the distance between the

For a Waterfall Display, this schedules a pair of XY planes that can be dragged
along the Z axis with the mouse. The Z values corresponding to the cursor
positions are annotated. Drag the front plane to move the cursor pair. Drag the
back plane to change the distance between the cursor planes.

Section Double Order

These are available in Colormap and Waterfall windows.

In a Colormap Display, a double order cursor is a pair of radial lines rotating

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about the point X = 0, Z = 0. The pair can be moved together by dragging the
left hand line (black in the figure). The angle between them can be adjusted by
dragging the right hand line (red in the figure). In each case, the value X/Z
corresponding to the positions of the two lines is annotated.

Double Order cursor in a Colormap Display

This exact values will of course depend on the values that are being displayed
along the Z axis. This cursor can be used for examining orders when the Z axis
values are rpm. The value displayed is the ratio of the X (frequency value) and
the Z rpm *60 (frequency value).

For a Waterfall Display, a double order cursor is a pair of radial planes rotating
about the point X = 0, Z = 0. The pair can be moved together by dragging the
left plane. The angle between them can be adjusted by dragging the right plane.
In each case, the values X/Z corresponding to the positions of the two planes is

Section Double Cross

This schedules two crossed vertical and horizontal cursor lines. The X and Z
values corresponding to the two crossing points are annotated. Drag the
lower/left cross in order to move the pair. The distance between them can be
adjusted by dragging the upper/right cross.

For a FrontBack Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the window
relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to the
right (back) axis. These entries schedule two crossed vertical and horizontal
cursor lines. The X and Y values corresponding to the two crossing points are
annotated. The pair can be moved by dragging the lower/left cross and the
distance between them can be adjusted by dragging the upper/right cross.

For an UpperLower Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where

126 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The upper window relates to the
top display, and the lower window relates to the bottom display. These schedule
a series of crossed vertical and horizontal cursor lines at fixed intervals. The X
and Y intervals can be adjusted independently. The separating distance
corresponds to the distance between the zero-value and the first line. Dragging
the first horizontal line across the zero line moves all the horizontal lines to the
opposite side. The distance between all the lines can be adjusted by dragging
any one of the crossing points in any direction.

Section 2.6.9 The Harmonic (cursor) menus

Section Harmonic X

This schedules a series of vertical lines, at equal intervals. The distance between
each line is that of the basic frequency range, i.e. the distance between the first
line and the starting frequency.

X Harmonic cursor

Moving any one of the lines will cause the others to adjust and so maintain a
constant distance between them all. The basic frequency range is annotated on
the X axis. When the limits are free or optimized.

Section Harmonic Y

This related to a Waterfall Display and schedules a series of YZ planes, at equal
intervals. The distance between each plane is the basic frequency range, i.e. the
distance between the first line and zero.

Moving any one of the planes will cause the others to adjust and so maintain a
constant distance between them all. The basic frequency (if it lies within the
displayed limits) is annotated on the X axis.

For a FrontBack Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the window
relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to the
right (back) axis. These entries schedule a series of horizontal lines, each of
which is separated by a constant distance. The separating distance corresponds

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to the distance between the zero value and first line, which is annotated.
Dragging a cursor line across the zero line moves all the harmonic lines to the
opposite side. The distance between all the lines can be adjusted by dragging
any one of the lines up or down.

For an UpperLower Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The upper window relates to the
top display, and the lower window relates to the bottom display. These entries
schedule a series of horizontal lines, each of which is separated by a constant
distance. The separating distance corresponds to the distance between the zero
value and first line, which is annotated. Dragging a cursor line across the zero
line moves all the harmonic lines to the opposite side. The distance between all
the lines can be adjusted by dragging any one of the lines up or down.

Section Harmonic Z

This item schedules a series of XY planes, each of which is separated by a
constant distance. The distance between all the planes can be adjusted by
dragging any one of them up or down. The Z value of the lowest plane is
annotated on the left (Z) axis.

Section Harmonic Order

These are available in Colormap and Waterfall windows.

In a Colormap Display, a harmonic order cursor is a set of radial lines rotating
about the point X = 0, Z = 0. The whole set can be moved together by dragging
any of the lines. The ratio X1/Z1 of the first line is annotated. Each of the
following lines is a multiple of this first ratio.

Harmonic Order cursor in Colormap Display

This exact values will of course depend on the values that are being displayed
along the Z axis. This cursor can be used for examining orders when the Z axis
values are rpm. The value displayed is the ratio of the X (frequency value) and

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

the Z rpm *60 (frequency value).

For a Waterfall Display, a harmonic order cursor is a set of radial planes
rotating about the point X = 0, Z = 0. The whole set can be moved together by
dragging any of the planes. The ratio X/Z of the first plane is annotated. Each of
the following planes is a multiple of this first ratio.

This cursor can be used for examining orders when the Z axis is displaying rpm

Section Harmonic Cross

This item schedules a series of crossed vertical and horizontal cursor lines at
fixed intervals. The X and Z intervals can be adjusted independently by
dragging any of the cross points in the required direction. The separating
distance corresponds to the distance between the lowest value and zero and
these values are annotated.

For a FrontBack Display, what you obtain from this menu depends on where
you are bringing up the Display popup menu. The left half of the window
relates to the left (front) axis, and the right half of the window relates to the
right (back) axis. These entries schedule a series of horizontal lines, each of
which is separated by a constant distance. The separating distance corresponds
to the distance between the zero value and first line, which is annotated.
Dragging a cursor line across the zero line moves all the harmonic lines to the
opposite side. The distance between all the lines can be adjusted by dragging
any one of the lines up or down.

What you obtain from this menu depends on where you are bringing up the
Display popup menu. The upper window relates to the top display, and the
lower window relates to the bottom display. These schedule a series of crossed
vertical and horizontal cursor lines at fixed intervals. The X and Y intervals can
be adjusted independently. The separating distance corresponds to the distance
between the zero value and first line. Dragging the first horizontal line across
the zero-line moves all the horizontal lines to the opposite side. The distance
between all the lines can be adjusted by dragging any one of the crossing points
in any direction.

Section 2.6.10 The Automatic (cursor) menus

Section Add Automatic Cursor

This allows you to add an automatic peak cursor or an automatic valley cursor.
They cannot be handled and indicate the peak or valley of the selected curve

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within the range of the display.

The ‘Automatic Peak/Valley parameters’ can be accessed by clicking on the

popup menu of the cursor.

Section 2.6.11 The Processing (cursor) menus

Section Add Processing Cursor

All different kinds of processing cursors are available on waterfalls and
colormaps. You can insert a Z-, Order-, Frequency and Cross-cursor in a
display. The corresponding processed block can be dragged and dropped into
another display. While moving the processing cursor the view is instantaneously

An X-processing cursor is also available in a Front/Back display. The start

situation is a picture with at least two 2D-displays. In one of the 2D-displays
you can drop at least one function that is a processed function of that waterfall,
e.g. the OA-level or an order section. On this curve you can define a processing
cursor and the application identifies the corresponding spectrum according to
the specific position of that processing cursor. After dropping the corresponding
spectrum in a display, you can move this processing cursor and the view will be
updated instantaneously.

There is also the ability to adjust the processing parameters. For example, the
width unit of an order section can be determined by order, percentage,
frequency or number of lines.

The processing cursors can also be used in semi-embedded active pictures.

Section Processing X

A Processing X-cursor is only available in a Front/Back display. The start
situation is a picture with at least two 2D-displays. In one of the 2D-displays
you can drop at least one function that is a processed function of that waterfall,
e.g. the OA-level or an order section. On this curve you can define a processing
cursor and the application identifies the corresponding spectrum according to
the specific position of that processing cursor. After dropping the corresponding
spectrum in a display, you can move this processing cursor and the view will be
updated instantaneously.

Section Processing Z

In a Colormap display, this item schedules a single horizontal line in the display
area. A Cursor Processing dialog will allow you to drag and drop the according

130 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Frequency Spectrum into one or several displays. Moving the cursor with the
mouse or the arrow keys will ensure that the according view is updated
instantaneously. The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by
clicking on [processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor.

In a Waterfall display, this item schedules a XY-plane in the display area. A
Cursor Processing dialog will allow you to drag and drop the according
Frequency Spectrum into one or several displays. Moving the cursor with the
mouse or the arrow keys will ensure that the according view is updated
instantaneously. The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by
clicking on [processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor.

Section Processing Order

In a Colormap display, a Processing Order cursor is a radial line rotating about
the point X = 0, Z = 0 when the X-axis is a frequency axis. (If the X-axis is set
to order the cursor will schedule a vertical line) .

The ‘order’ value displayed is the ratio of the X (frequency value) and the Z
(frequency value) :

X (frequency value) = Order * Z (frequency value)

Or for Z-axis values in rpm:

X (frequency value) = Order * Z (rpm) / 60

The Cursor Processing dialog will allow you to drag and drop the according
Order into one or several displays. Moving the cursor with the mouse or the
arrow keys will ensure that the according view is updated instantaneously.

The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by clicking on

[processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor. Even the parameters which
determine the width of the order can be modified by right clicking on the block
in the Cursor Processing dialog. The width unit can be specified in order, %,
frequency and number of lines.

You can give the order cursor an offset on the X-axis. The radial line is then
rotating about the point X = offset, Z = 0. In this case the Cursor Processing
dialog will allow you to drag and drop the according ‘off-zero order section’
into one or several displays. You can also drag and drop the ‘mirrored off-zero
order section’.

In a Waterfall Display, a Processing Order cursor is a radial plane rotating about
the point X = 0, Z = 0 when the X-axis is a frequency axis. (If the X-axis is set
to order the cursor will schedule a YZ-plane) The value displayed is the ratio of
the X (frequency value) and the Z rpm *60 (frequency value). The Cursor
Processing dialog will allow you to drag and drop the according Order into one

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or several displays. Moving the cursor with the mouse or the arrow keys will
ensure that the according view is updated instantaneously.

The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by clicking on

[processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor. Even the parameters which
determine the width of the order can be modified by right clicking on the block
in the Cursor Processing dialog. The width unit can be specified in order, %,
frequency and number of lines.

Section Processing Frequency

In a Colormap display, a Processing Frequency cursor will schedule a line that
indicates the center of a Frequency or Octave section. The value displayed is the
center frequency value of the section. The Cursor Processing dialog will allow
you to drag and drop the according Frequency or Octave Section into one or
several displays. Moving the cursor with the mouse or the arrow keys will
ensure that the according view is updated instantaneously.

The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by clicking on

[processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor. Even the parameters which
determine the width of the section can be modified by right clicking on the
block in the Cursor Processing dialog. The width unit of a Frequency section
can be specified in frequency, % and number of lines. For an Octave section
you can specify the band type.

In a Waterfall display, a Processing Frequency cursor will schedule a plane that
indicates the center of a Frequency or Octave section. The value displayed is the
center frequency value of the section. The Cursor Processing dialog will allow
you to drag and drop the according Frequency or Octave Section into one or
several displays. Moving the cursor with the mouse or the arrow keys will
ensure that the according view is updated instantaneously.

The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by clicking on

[processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor. Even the parameters which
determine the width of the section can be modified by right clicking on the
block in the Cursor Processing dialog. The width unit of a Frequency section
can be specified in frequency, % and number of lines. For an Octave section
you can specify the band type.

Section Processing Cross

In a Colormap display, a Processing Cross cursor will schedule a cross-cursor
indicating the values of the X and Z-axis. The Cursor Processing dialog will
allow you to drag and drop the according Frequency Section, Frequency
Spectrum, Octave Section and Order Section into one or several displays.
Changing the position of the vertical line of the cross-cursor will update the
Frequency and Octave. The position of the horizontal line of the cross-cursor

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

will determine which Frequency Spectrum can be shown. And the value of the
Order Section is the ratio of the X and Z values of the cross-cursor.

The Cursor Processing dialog can always be accessed by clicking on

[processing…] in the popup menu of the cursor. Even the parameters which
determine the width of the section can be modified by right clicking on the
block in the Cursor Processing dialog. The width unit of a Frequency Section
can be specified in frequency, % and number of lines. In an Order Section you
can define the width unit in order, %, frequency and number of lines. For an
Octave section you can specify the bandtype.

Section 2.7 Geometry display windows

Geometry windows are used to display the geometric representation of a

structure and the modes that operate on that structure. The display window can
be used to manipulate the undeformed and the deformed model of the structure.

Section 2.7.1 [Procedure] To use the displays

Step 1
Open a Geometry display by clicking on one of the three icons that refers to the
Geometry display that you wish to open or by using a Geometry display from
the Select a layout dropdown menu.
Step 2
Load the undeformed model into the display, by dropping a geometry into it
from the browser window.

Note: components can be dropped in the geometry display.

Step 3
Load your modes into the chosen display by either, dragging the modes from
the browse tree and dropping them into the window, or by doing a copy/paste
Step 4
The animation is achieved using a number of frames in which the deformation
steps through a cycle of values defined by a cosine function. The geometry
model and the modes can be manipulated through a set of three icons and a
popup menu in the display.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The following types of Geometry (or 3D) displays are available:

Single Geometry display for the visualization of the nodes, lines and surfaces of
a geometry model, and the animation of one or two mode shapes.

The Geometry (3D Display) icon

represents it.

To use a single mode shape, just drag and drop it from the detail panel on the
left-hand side to the geometry on the right-hand side. The animation will then
automatically start and the mode shape will be visible. Click the right mouse
button to change the settings of the animation and to start or stop it. In the lower
left or the lower right corner of the display window, you can see what mode
shape is active.

It is also possible to use a second mode shape on the same time on top of the
already existing first mode shape. To do this, just drag the second mode shape

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

on the geometry on which the first mode shape is active. However it is

important that you drop the second mode shape on the outer-right side of the
geometry display. When you move the mode shape over the display while
holding the mouse button pressed, the text ‘main’ or ‘overlaid’ will appear on
under the mouse arrow. When the text ‘overlaid’ appears, you are in the right
area of your display. Here you can drop the second mode shape.

You will notice that the ‘main’ area is much larger than the ‘overlaid’ area. This
is because most user only wish to see one mode shape at a time and drop the
mode shape in the middle of the display. If the first mode shape is already active
on the ‘overlaid’ area (on the right side), just drag and drop the second mode
shape on the ‘main’ area (on the left side) to see the two mode shapes at the
same time.

If you wish to see only one mode shape when two different mode shapes are
active, you can drop the mode on each side of the display. On the lower left and
the lower right corner you can see what mode shape is active on what side.

To see another mode shape, just drag and drop the new mode shape and drop it
on the area (overlaid or main), the mode that was already active, will then be
overwritten by the new one.

UL Geometry

The UL Geometry or Upper Lower 3D Display has two Geometry displays, one
above the other, and both displays have their own action buttons. Therefore, the
phase control of the animations in both sides of the display can be different, and
this window can be used for comparing different mode shapes.

The Upper Lower Geometry (3D Display) icon

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represents it.

In order to visualize a mode shape, select the ModeSet of the current geometry
in the navigator panel and drag and drop the mode shape you want to see in the
upper or lower half of the display window. You can visualize a maximum of 2
mode shapes simultaneously, one in the upper half of the display window and
one in the lower half.

To change the mode shape, just drag and drop the new mode shape onto the
existing mode shape to replace it.

Options for the mode shapes are available by clicking the right mouse button.

LR Geometry

The LR Geometry or Left Right 3D Display window has two geometry displays
alongside each other, and both displays have their own action buttons.
Therefore, the phase control of the animations in both sides of the display can
be different, and this window can be used for comparing different mode shapes.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

The Left Right Geometry (3D Display) icon

represents it.

In order to visualize a mode shape, select the ModeSet of the current geometry
in the navigator panel and drag and drop the mode shape you want to see in the
left or right half of the display window. You can visualize a maximum of 2
mode shapes simultaneously, one in the left half of the display window and one
in the right half.

To change the mode shape, just drag and drop the new mode shape onto the
existing mode shape to replace it.

Options for the mode shapes are available by clicking the right mouse button.

Quad Geometry

This is a geometry display that shows four views at once. One of them has
exactly the same features as the single geometry display. The three other views
have a fixed orientation and translation, meaning the point of view cannot be

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changed and the model cannot be moved.

To switch the projection of the views from European to American, select “Quad
Projection American” in the Tools Options Displays dialog.

The Quad Geometry (3 Display) icon

represents it.

To use a single mode shape, just drag and drop it from the detail panel on the
left-hand side to the geometry on the right-hand side. The animation will then
automatically start and the mode shape will be visible. Click the right mouse
button to change the settings of the animation and to start or stop it. In the lower
left or the lower right corner of the display window, you can see what mode
shape is active.

It is also possible to use a second mode shape on the same time on top of the
already existing first mode shape. To do this, just drag the second mode shape
on the geometry on which the first mode shape is active. However it is
important that you drop the second mode shape on the outer-right side of the
geometry display. When you move the mode shape over the display while
holding the mouse button pressed, the text ‘main’ or ‘overlaid’ will appear on
under the mouse arrow. When the text ‘overlaid’ appears, you are in the right
area of your display. Here you can drop the second mode shape.

You will notice that the ‘main’ area is much larger than the ‘overlaid’ area. This
is because most user only wish to see one mode shape at a time and drop the
mode shape in the middle of the display. If the first mode shape is already active
on the ‘overlaid’ area (on the right side), just drag and drop the second mode
shape on the ‘main’ area (on the left side) to see the two mode shapes at the
same time.

If you wish to see only one mode shape when two different mode shapes are
active, you can drop the mode on each side of the display. On the lower left and
the lower right corner you can see what mode shape is active on what side.

To see another mode shape, just drag and drop the new mode shape and drop it
on the area (overlaid or main), the mode that was already active, will then be

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

overwritten by the new one.

Acoustic Geometry

This is a geometry display which is used to show acoustic data: sound intensity,
sound pressure, and sound power data:
 Sound intensity data: interpolated color display in dB format and arrows
 Sound pressure and sound power data: interpolated color display in dB
The color scale in dB is shown at the right side of the display.

Section 2.7.2 The Geometry display functions

The geometry model and the modes can be manipulated using the manipulation
icons, your mouse and a popup menu in the display.

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Section The Geometry model manipulation icons

Section Move

This icon allows you to interactively move the model in the X and Y
dimensions of the screen. Press on the icon and drag the mouse to move the
model to the required position.

You can restore the model to its original position by selecting Views Default
view from the popup display menu available when you right click anywhere in
the display.

Section Zoom in / zoom out

This icon allows you to interactively increase or decrease the size of the model
in the window. Press on the icon and drag the mouse to zoom in or zoom out as

You can restore the model to its original size by selecting Views Default
view from the popup display menu. You can also size the model to fit neatly in
the window by selecting Fit model from the popup display menu.

Note: You can also zoom in and zoom out by turning the mouse wheel.

You can interactively rotate the model on display. The way to do this is by
pressing down the left mouse button in the geometry display, and moving the
mouse. You can then rotate the model to the preferred view whilst keeping the
mouse button depressed. To restore the model to its original rotation, select
Views Default View from the popup display menu available when you right
click anywhere in the display.

Note: You can also use the mouse wheel to rotate the model. To rotate the
model about the horizontal axis of the screen, hold down Shift while turning
the mouse wheel. To rotate the model about the vertical axis of the screen,
hold down Ctrl while turning the mouse wheel. To rotate the model in the
plane of the screen, hold down Shift and Ctrl while turning the mouse

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Section The Geometry display menu

Section Deformed Model

This is the model on which deformations can be performed. Nodes
This toggles the display of markers on the nodes of the model.

This toggles the display of names on the nodes of the model.

Euler Angles
This toggles the display of axis triads depicting the orientation of the Euler
angles of the node of the model. Lines
This toggles the display of line elements. Surfaces
This toggles the display of surface elements. Solids
This toggles the display of solid elements. Edges
This toggles the display of the edges of the model. This amounts to a wire frame
representation, e.g. a triangle has three edges while a line has one. Faces
This toggles the display of the faces of the model, e.g. a cube has six faces
while a triangle has one. Show All
This switches on the visibility of all the items. Show None
This switches off the visibility of all the items.

Section Selection

Selectable elements of the deformed model will be highlighted when the mouse
passes over them. Clicking on these selectable elements will select them. You
can also select more than one element at the same time by left clicking on them
while pressing the Shift key or dragging the mouse over the model with the
middle mouse button depressed. Select All
Selects all the displayed elements.

Rev 11B 141

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation Clear Selection

Clears the selected elements. Select Deform Maximum
This option is available only when a mode (with mode shapes) is used in the

This toggles the display of markers on the nodes with the maximum X direction

This toggles the display of markers on the nodes with the maximum Y direction

This toggles the display of markers on the nodes with the maximum Z direction

This toggles the display of markers on the nodes with the maximum vector
length deformation. Node
This toggles the display of names on the selected nodes of the model.

Euler Angles
This toggles the display of axis triads depicting the orientation of the Euler
angles of the selected node.

Section Undeformed Model

The undeformed model serves as a reference only. No actions like deformation
or selection are possible on it. The deformed model must not be in the display.
Select Show None from the Deformed Model menu entry to remove the
deformed model from the display. Nodes
This toggles the display of markers on the nodes of the model.

This toggles the display of names on the nodes of the model.

Euler Angles
This toggles the display of axis triads depicting the orientation of the Euler

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

angles of the node of the model. Lines
This toggles the display of line elements. Surfaces
This toggles the display of surface elements. Solids
This toggles the display of solid elements. Edges
This toggles the display of the edges of the model. This amounts to a wire frame
representation, e.g. a triangle has three edges while a line has one. Faces
This toggles the display of the faces of the model, e.g. a cube has six faces
while a triangle has one. Show All
This switches on the visibility of all the items. Show None
This switches off the visibility of all the items.

Section Model scale

This entry allows you to select relative or absolute model scale. When you have
several geometry and you want to compare them by using the same geometry
display, then you can use these options. Relative
When this option is “on”, if you drop a geometry into a geometry display, the
model will be resized to fit the geometry display, so that you can see the
complete geometry. Absolute
When this option is “on”, if you drop a geometry in the geometry display, the
model scale is not modified. This is useful when you want to compare 2

Section Show Model Scale

This shows the geometry model scale in the geometry display.

Section Animation

This option switches the animation of a vector on or off. The deformed model is
frozen in the current position.

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Section Animation settings

This option switches on or off the deformation animation.

This option switches on or off the color animation.

This option switches on or off the arrow animation (deformations are shown in

Nodal lines
This option switches on or off the nodal lines (nodal lines are default displayed
in black solid lines).

Section Delay (ms)

The entries in this sub menu set the time in milliseconds between the displays of
consecutive frames. The total time to complete the animation cycle is the
{delay} x {the number of frames per cycle}. The delay is a minimum rather
than a maximum time.

Section Frames per cycle

The entries in this sub menu set the number of frames that are used during the
animation cycle. The more frames used, the smoother the animation appears.
The frames that appear are defined by an even distribution of the selected
number from the complete animation cycle, though this depends on the
deformation format that you are using too. The figure below illustrates the
effect of using four frames in the animation cycle.

Frames per animation cycle

Section Expand

These options allow you to choose whether the mode shapes will be expanded
and how they are expanded.

144 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Note: These expand options are not available if there is no mode used in the
geometry display.

When this option is “On”, the mode shapes will not be expanded.

Slave DOFs
When this option is “On”, the mode shapes will be completed with the
animation of the slave DOFs.

Note: when a component is dropped in the geometry display, in stead of a full

geometry, the slave DOF information will not be used.

Protect Measured
When the “Slave DOFs” option is “on”, the “Protect Measured” option will be
available. If you have defined some slave DOFs which are also measured DOFs,
you can either choose to use the result of slave DOFs (“Protect Measured”
option “off”) or the measured data (“Protect Measured” option “on”) for

Automatic Geometrical
When this option is “On”, the mode shapes will be expanded in a automatic
way. In this case an algorithm is used to automatically search for master nodes
which is bases on the Cartesian distance.

Automatic topological
When this option is “On”, the mode shapes will be expanded in a automatic
way. In this case an algorithm is used to automatically search for master nodes
which is based on the topological distance.

In case of automatic expansion, smoothing of the animation is applied. The
level of smoothing can be low, medium, or high.

Section Animation Control

This dialog enables you to stop, start and adjust the animation of the results.

The animation is based on a cosine function varying from + max to - max

deformation. When the format of the displayed vector is Amplitude/Phase, then

Rev 11B 145

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

the displacement for each point (Dp) for a complex value (Vp) = Rp + iIp is
given by and is illustrated below.

Displacement for each point

The Play button starts the continuous and repetitive animation of the results.
The Stop button halts the continuous animation.

The From Backward and the From Forward buttons are only sensitive when
the continuous animation is “off”. They allow you to step to the next or
previous frame in the cycle. This will be indicated in the “Phase” field. The
increment depends on the number of “Frames per cycle”.

Section Remove animation

When the geometry display is selected, the main or overlaid animation can be

When the upper lower geometry display is selected, the upper or lower
animation can be removed.

When the left/right geometry display is selected, the right or the left animation
can be removed.

Section Edit deformation Scale...

This entry allows you to adjust the scale of the deformation displayed. A dialog
appears in which you can choose to use a relative or an absolute deformation

When you choose a relative deformation scale, you can drag a slider to increase
or decrease the scaling factor applied to the current mode shape. The
deformation scale is always relative to the model and the current mode.

When you choose an absolute deformation scale, you have 2 options:

 Per m model: this is still actually a 'relative' scale. The scale is kept fixed
relative to the model. If you zoom in on the model or resize the workbook,
this value is kept the same. The deformation will always stay the same

146 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

relative to the model.

 Per cm screen: this is an absolute value compared to the screen. The value
you supply here (X), means that a deformation of 1 cm on your screen
corresponds to amplitude of X in the mode shape. The deformation scale
you can display on the screen is related to this. A distance is shown on the
screen and the corresponding amplitude of the mode shape.

Note: The relation between the distance shown on the screen and amplitude
of the mode shape is correct, but the relation between the deformation scale
shown in the display and the absolute value you enter per cm screen, is not
exact. It is impossible to make this absolute exact.

If you use Left/Right or Upper/Lower geometry, this option will be available.
Use the “Absolute” deformation scale, check the “Link” check box, the
deformation scale of the Left or Upper will be the same as the one of the Right
or Lower. When you change the deformation scale for the Left or Upper, the
one of the Right or Lower will be adapted automatically.

Section Show Deformation Scale

This shows the deformation scale in the geometry display.

Section Deformation Format

This sub menu determines the format in which the animated vectors are

The movement of a particular node is proportional to the real part of the
corresponding vector element. Nodes for which the corresponding vector
elements have real parts with identical signs move in phase, whereas other
nodes move 180° out of phase.

Imag (Imaginary)
The movement of a particular node is proportional to the imaginary part of the
corresponding vector element. Nodes for which the corresponding vector
elements have imaginary parts with identical signs move in phase, whereas
other nodes move 180° out of phase.

The movement at a particular node is proportional to the amplitude of the
corresponding vector element. The phase relationship between the movements
of different nodes is determined by the phase difference of the corresponding
vector elements.

This is the same as Amplitude/Phase but the nodes move in phase if the absolute

Rev 11B 147

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

value of the phase difference between the corresponding vector elements is less
than 90°, otherwise they move 180° out of phase.

Same as Amplitude but only the first half of the animation cycle is used. This
does not mean, however, that all points move in phase.

Section Deformation Scalar Transform

If you drop a scalar rather than a vector quantity into the display, then it will be
converted to a vector, in the direction selected from this menu and with its
scalar value as the length. Each of the directions is shown in the top right corner
of the display.

Section Deformation Directions

This entry allows you to choose in which direction the deformation will be
animated. You can either choose one of these directions (X, Y or Z) or one of
their combinations.

The deformation will only be in the X direction. If you have a mode shape of Y
and Z direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

The deformation will only be in the Y direction. If you have a mode shape of X
and Z direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

The deformation will only be Z direction. If you have a mode shape of X and Y
direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

Section Edit Color Scale...

This entry allows you to adjust the color scale of the color displayed. It
schedules a dialog where you can select the spectrum type (Temperature,
Magenta, Gray Scale, Hue, Hue Scale, Abaqus, Ansys, Patran and Rainbow)
and the number of colors.

Note: For some spectra, the number of colors cannot be modified.

Section Show Color Scale

This shows the color map of the defined color scale in the geometry display.

Section Color Format

The entry in this menu determines the format in which the results are displayed.

148 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Remember that a vector quantity must first be transformed to a scalar using the
Vector transform option. A result can be animated through a cycle by
multiplying it with a cosine function.

The real part of the result is displayed as a color value.

The imaginary part of the result is displayed as a color value.

The color animation is often used to visualize acoustic data, like sound
intensities. The format type “Amplitude/Phase” of the color drop area in the
geometry display is used to show the data with phase information. In case of
sound intensities all vectors are in phase, except for the sign (+/- 180 degrees).
So, for showing sound intensities with sign information, the “Amplitude/Phase”
format of the color animation is to be used (together with the “Arrow” type).

The color at a particular node is proportional to the amplitude of the
corresponding result.

Same as Amplitude but all values are shown as positive.

The color at a particular node is proportional to the phase of the corresponding

Amplitude/dB Real/dB Imag/dB

The particular aspect of the result is displayed on a dB scale. Animation is not

Section Color Interpolation

This option is used to interpret the visual color animation with either the
“Banded” or the “Smooth” option.

Colors are interpolated in the discrete domain of the color map, every color
shown will be in the color map and the result is that you see discrete bands of

Colors are smoothly interpolated in the RGB domain.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Colors are interpolated in the discrete domain of the color map as is the case
with the Banded option. However, not the color bands themselves are shown
but the color lines at the borders of these bands.

Section Color Vector Transform

This option is used to transform a vector into a scalar value. It will either have
the value “length” derived from the components in the three directions [ (x2 +
y2 + z2)] or just the value of a single component.

Section Edit Arrows Scale...

This entry allows you to adjust the scale of the arrows displayed. A dialog
appears in which you can choose to use a relative or an absolute deformation

When you choose a relative deformation scale, you can drag a slider to increase
or decrease the scaling factor applied to the current mode shape. The
deformation scale is always relative to the model and the current mode.

When you choose an absolute deformation scale, you have 2 options:

 Per m model: this is still actually a 'relative' scale. The scale is kept fixed
relative to the model. If you zoom in on the model or resize the workbook,
this value is kept the same. The deformation will always stay the same
relative to the model.
 Per cm screen: this is an absolute value compared to the screen. The value
you supply here (X) means that a deformation of 1 cm on your screen
corresponds to amplitude of X in the mode shape. The deformation scale
you can display on the screen is related to this. A distance is shown on the
screen and the corresponding amplitude of the mode shape.

Note: The relation between the distance shown on the screen and amplitude of
the mode shape is correct, but the relation between the arrow scale shown in
the display and the absolute value you enter per cm screen is not exact. It is
impossible to make this absolute exact. Link
If you use Left/Right or Upper/Lower geometry, this option will be available.
Use the “Absolute” arrow scale, check the “Link” check box, the arrow scale of
the Left or Upper will be the same as the one of the Right or Lower. When you
change the deformation scale for the Left or Upper, the one of the Right or
Lower will be adapted automatically.

Section Show Arrows Scale

This shows the arrows scale in the geometry display.

150 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Section Arrows Format

The entry in this menu determines the format in which the results are displayed.
A result can be animated through a cycle by multiplying it with a cosine

The real part of the result is displayed as an arrow with a certain size and

The imaginary part of the result is displayed as a arrow with a certain size and

The arrows animation is often used to visualize acoustic data, like sound
intensities. The format type “Amplitude/Phase” of the arrows drop area in the
geometry display is used to show the data with phase information. In case of
sound intensities all vectors are in phase, except for the sign (+/- 180 degrees).
So, for showing sound intensities with sign information, the “Amplitude/Phase”
format of the arrows animation is to be used (together with the “Arrow” type).

The color at a particular node is proportional to the amplitude of the
corresponding result.

Same as Amplitude but all values are shown as positive.

The color at a particular node is proportional to the phase of the corresponding

Amplitude/dB Real/dB Imag/dB

The particular aspect of the result is displayed on a dB scale. Animation is not

Section Arrows Scalar Transform

If you drop a scalar rather than a vector quantity into the display, then it will be
converted to a vector, in the direction selected from this menu and with its
scalar value as the length. Each of the directions is shown in the top right corner
of the display.

Section Arrows Directions

This entry allows you to choose in which direction the deformation will be
animated. You can either choose one of these directions (X, Y or Z) or one of

Rev 11B 151

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

their combinations.

The deformation will only be in the X direction. If you have a mode shape of Y
and Z direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

The deformation will only be in the Y direction. If you have a mode shape of X
and Z direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

The deformation will only be Z direction. If you have a mode shape of X and Y
direction, you will see that the deformation is 0.

Section Edit Arrow Limits

The arrow limits can be set in free or fixed mode. In case of fixed mode, the
user has to specify the lower and upper limits.

Section Nodal Lines Properties

This entry allows you to adjust the Nodal Line Properties of the deformed main
model and the overlaid model, if available.

Adjustable options are the Line Color, Line Style and Line Thickness.

Press the default button to reset al values to their original ones.

Section Nodal Lines Format

The entry in this menu determines the format in which the nodal lines are
displayed: Real, Imaginary, Amplitude/Phase, or Amplitude (default).

Section Nodal Lines Directions

This entry allows you to choose for which direction the nodal lines will be
displayed. You must choose one of these directions (X, Y, or Z).

Section Fit Model

This resizes the model, so that it fits comfortably into the display window. This
operation has no effect on the particular view of the model or the deformation.

Section Views

The options in this menu allow you to view the model along one of the major
axes. These are illustrated in the figure below.

152 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Model with three axes

This shows the default view of the model as shown in the figure above.

This shows the top view of the model, looking at it from the positive Z
direction, with the positive Y axis horizontal and the positive X axis vertical.

XY view of the model

This shows the end view of the model, looking at it from the positive X
direction, with the positive Y axis horizontal and the positive Z axis vertical.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

YZ view of the model

This shows the side view of the model, looking at it in same direction as the
positive Y direction, with the positive X axis horizontal and the positive Z axis

ZX view of the model

The ZX view shows the other side view of the model.

Sound maps
This view menu is used to tune the animation settings for displaying acoustic
 Sound intensity data: interpolated color display in dB format and arrows

154 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

 Sound pressure and sound power data: interpolated color display.

Mode shape animation

This view menu is used to tune the animation settings for displaying mode
 Deformation display in Amplitude/Phase format.

Section Visual Extensions

The entries in this menu provide a number of facilities to improve the
visualization of the model.

ZX / XY /YZ Plane
These options display the corresponding plane of the global axis system of the
model. Each plane extends symmetrically around the model.

Bounding Box
This option draws a box in which the model fits completely.

Toggles the display of an axis triad depicting the model origin.

Show all
This switches all the visual extensions “on”.

Show none
This switches all the visual extensions “off”.

Section Pre-fix Node - Name with Component

Check this option “on” when you want the node name to be shown in the
component:node format, for example, ROOF:67. If this option is “off”, you will
only see “67”. This option is used only when the toggle of node name of the
model is “on”.

Section Use Component Visualization

Components are shown in distinctive colors to identify them. This option
enables you to use the defined components visualization. If this option is not
checked, all the components are shown in the geometry display. Click on the
“Component Visualization...” option for defining the components that you want
to see in the display.

Section Component Visualization...

Components are shown in distinctive colors to identify them. This option
enables you to remove components from the display completely.

Rev 11B 155

Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Click on the “Component Visualization...”, the “Component Visualization”

dialog will popup and list all the components contained in the model.

To make components visible, check the “visibility” checkbox. This component

will become invisible if the checkbox is unchecked.

To move components along an axis (either X, Y or Z), define the distance that
you want to move the component.

If you want to define different ways of viewing the geometry, you can use
“Preset”. Change the visibility and/or translation of the components, then push
the Add button, and a dialog will popup and you can define the name of the
“Preset”. The available “Preset” will be shown in the Preset list, then select one
of them, push the Use button, and the defined preset will be used.

Note: The preset information is not related to the geometry, the presets are
stored as configuration information.

Pushing the Defaults button returns the selection to the default selection, that is
all the components are visible.

Section Display size

This option causes the geometry window in which you are working to fill the
entire desktop space. Use the Restore option to return to the layout setting.

This option can be used after the Maximize operations to restore the active
geometry window to its rightful size within the worksheet.

Section Copy To Clipboard

Copies the current picture to the clipboard so that it can be pasted elsewhere as
a graphical object.

Section Export To Video...

This enables you to export a moving image of the animation cycle to a video
(.avi) file. A dialog is scheduled in which the name and the location of the file
are to be defined. If the animation is running, then the complete cycle (360°) is
recorded, starting at the beginning (0°). If the animation is not activated, then it
is started for the recording.

Section Options...

This schedules a dialog in which the appearances of different features of the
geometry display are set. 3D Display options can be set by first clicking on the
required tab, defining the settings and then clicking on OK to view the results.

156 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation Background
The options here define the background appearance.

Top color
The color at the top of the geometry display.

Bottom color
The color at the bottom of the geometry display.

Text annotation color

The color of the text of the geometry display.

Enables or disables Lighting in the background.

Alpha Blended Transparency

Enables or disables the Alpha Blended Transparency. Visual Extensions
The options here define the visual extension appearances.

Bounding Box
Bounding box is a box surrounding the model, it can be transparent or outline.
A different color can be used for the bounding box.

The color and the appearance of each plane (XZ, XY and YZ) can be defined
individually. The plane can either be solid, transparent or grid. If you use grid,
then you can define the density of the grid by using the slider. Marker
The options here define the marker appearance. A different marker appearance
can be used for the deformed model and the undeformed model.

Box, sphere, hourglass etc. are the different marker types.

The size of the markers can be defined by moving the slider. Models
The options here define the model appearance. A different model appearance
can be used for the deformed model and the undeformed model.

Shade color
If a surface does not belong to a specific component, the shade color will be
applied to that surface in the model.

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Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Note: A surface created with nodes coming from different components does
not belong to a specific component.

Line color, style, and thickness

If a line does not belong to a specific component, the line color will be applied
to that line in the model. Defining the line style will affect the appearance of all
the lines in the model, also of the lines belonging to a specific component.

Note: A line between 2 nodes coming from 2 different components does not
belong to a specific component. When animating a main and an overlaid
mode, the component coloring is switched off for all the lines and surfaces.

Arrow color and style

The color and the style of the arrows can be specified. Modifications
Modification Tab is only useful when there is modification (see LMS
Modification Prediction).

Scale Factor
The slider defines the size of the modifications.

Relate Size to Magnitude

The modifications can be drawn with respect to the magnitude of mass, stiffness
and damping defined in the dialog. If the modification is defined with more than
one of these values, the order as shown in the dialog will be used.

Section Legend

The first line of the geometry legend is fixed: ‘Mode X: frequency, damping,
mode description’, where X is the number of the mode.

Section Legend Options

The second line of the geometry legend can be customized by the user.

Show Favorites
Show your favorite properties if selected and if you have already defined your
favorite properties.

Here you can select the origin where you wish to select the properties you wish
to add to the legend.

Here you can select the type of properties you wish to use in the legend.

158 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 2 Documentation and Presentation

Available List
This list shows all available properties.

Selected List
This list shows the properties you have selected for the legend.

Add to/Remove from Favorites

Use these buttons to add or remove properties from the list of Favorites.

Selection order buttons

On the right side of the dialog, there are 4 buttons which allow you modify the
order in which the properties will appear.

Rev 11B 159

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

In This Chapter
Add-ins ...............................................................................161
SCADAS III .......................................................................174
SCADAS Mobile................................................................183
Offline operation ................................................................229

Section 3.1 Add-ins

Section 3.1.1 Specific LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension


Section Intensity Probe Remote Control

This allows the application to be controlled with the Intensity Probe Remote
Control device which has four control buttons.

The device connects to the Frontend with a PQMA (Programmable Quad

Microphone Amplifier) module and to your PC via the COM2 port.

The four remote control buttons are numbered from the bottom (1) to the top (4)
of the device.

In the Measure worksheet, the actions linked to these buttons are:

 Button 1: Start/Stop the run (control function cycle is first time = start and
second time = stop).
If you stop the measurement before the end of the run, a warning dialog box
appears on the screen to ask you if you want to save the current run or not. If
you push on button 1, a new measurement starts and the previous one is skipped
without saving.
The warning dialog box can also appear at the end of a run (thus without
stopping the measurement) if you have selected the option “confirm save run”
(checkbox) in the Measurement Control panel.
 Button 2: Save the run (only active when the warning dialog box appears).
If the warning dialog box is on the screen, pushing button 2 will save the current
run. Otherwise this button does nothing.
 Button 3: Reject the run (only active when the warning dialog box appears).
If the warning dialog box is on the screen, pushing button 3 will reject the

Rev 11B 161

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

current run. Otherwise this button does nothing.

 Button 4: Switch to the Scope worksheet.
In the Scope Sheet, the remote control device also allows you to control the
autorange procedure. The actions linked to the four remote control buttons are:
 Button 1: Start Ranging/Stop Ranging/Set Range (control function cycle is
first time = start ranging, second time = stop ranging and the third time = set
 Button 2: Nothing.
 Button 3: Nothing.
 Button 4: Switch to the Measure worksheet.

Section Pimento Remote Control

This allows the application to be controlled with the Pimento Remote Control
device (four buttons).

The actions linked to each of the four remote control buttons in the Measure
sheet are:

Section Yellow button

 In case the measurement has not started yet: start measurement.
 In case the measurement is going on: stop measurement.
 In case the measurement has stopped and the message “Do you want to save
the current run?” pops up, reject the run.

Section Green button

 When the measurement has stopped and the message “Do you want to save
the current run?” is on the screen, the run will be saved when the green
button is pushed.

Red button
 When the measurement has stopped and the message “Do you want to save
the current run?” is on the screen, the run will be rejected when the red
button is pushed.
 In case the measurement is going on and the implicit accept strategy is used,
the last hit will be rejected.

Grey button
 Switch to Scope worksheet.
The remote control also allows you to control the autorange procedure in the
Scope worksheet.

The actions linked to the "active" remote control buttons in the Scope worksheet

162 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Yellow button

 In case the autoranging has not started yet: start autorange.
 In case the autoranging is going on: stop autorange.
 In case autoranging is stopped: set ranges.

Grey button
 Switch to Measure worksheet.

Section Time Recording During Spectral Testing

This add-in enables parallel acquisition of continuous fixed sampled time data
and averaged block data. The option integrates seamlessly in the Measure
worksheet of the Spectral Testing workbook. Parallel acquisition of raw time
data has no influence on the performance of the ongoing spectral block

Section 3.1.2 General (Desktop) add-ins

This document lists the general add-ins for Test.Lab applications.

Note: Not all the listed Add-ins are available in all workbooks.

Rev 11B 163

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 3D Acoustic Camera (on page 165)

 Angle Domain Processing (on page 165)
 ANSI-IEC Octave filtering (on page 165)
 Application Launcher (on page 166)
 ASAM ODS Database Export (on page 166)
 ASAM ODS Driver (on page 166)
 Audio Replay (on page 166)
 Audio Replay & Filtering (on page 166)
 Automated Reporting (on page 167)
 Automatic Modal Parameter Selection (on page 167)
 Batch Reporting (on page 167)
 Yellow button (on page 162)
 Customized Metrics Calculator (on page 167)
 Data Block Editor (on page 167)
 Data Block Processing (on page 168)
 DATX Data Driver (on page 168)
 Excel Data Driver (on page 168)
 Geometry (on page 168)
 Harmonic Removal (on page 168)
 Harmonic Tracking (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera iNAH (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera Order Extension (on page 169)
 Head Data Driver (on page 169)
 Human Body Vibration (on page 169)
 Interactive Time Data (see "Interactive Time Data Editing" on page 169)
 MDM-plug-in (on page 169)
 Mission Synthesis (on page 169)
 Modal Analysis (on page 169)
 Modal Analysis Lite (on page 169)
 Modification Prediction (on page 169)
 Multi Reference Post Processing (on page 170)
 Nastran Data Driver (on page 170)
 nCode Data Driver (on page 170)
 Network Hub (on page 170)
 Offline RPM-Extraction (on page 170)
 Offline Sine Data Reduction (on page 170)
 OPAX (on page 170)
 Operational Deflection Shapes & Time Animation (on page 170)
 Operational Modal Analysis (on page 170)

164 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Operational Modal Analysis Lite (on page 171)

 Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis (on page 171)
 Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite (on page 171)
 Order Tracking (on page 171)
 Parameter Locking (on page 171)
 PolyMAX Modal Analysis (on page 171)
 PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite (on page 171)
 Principal Component Analysis (on page 172)
 Rigid Body Calculator (on page 172)
 Run Data Averaging & Comparison Organizer (on page 172)
 SCADAS Recording (on page 172)
 Signature Data Post-Processing (on page 172)
 Signature Throughput Processing (on page 172)
 Sound Diagnosis (on page 173)
 Sound Intensity Analysis (on page 173)
 Sound Quality Metrics (on page 173)
 Tec.Manager Hub (on page 173)
 Time Data Editor – Advanced (see "Time Data Editor - Advanced" on
page 173)
 Time Data Editor – Standard (see "Time Data Editor - Standard" on page
 Time Data Extraction (on page 173)
 Time Data Selection (on page 173)
 Time Data Processing (on page 174)
 Time Domain TPA (on page 174)
 Time Signal Calculator (on page 174)
 Time-Variant Frequency Analysis (on page 174)
 TPA Component Editing (on page 174)
 Transfer Path Analysis (on page 174)
 User 1 (2, 3, 4 and 5) (on page 174)
 Windows Automation Support (on page 174)

Section 3D Acoustic Camera

This add-in loads the post-processing sheet of 3D Acoustic Camera into a
Desktop environment.

Section Angle Domain Processing

Section ANSI-IEC Octave filtering

This functionality can be used in Signature acquisition and in Signature
Throughput Processing.

Rev 11B 165

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Octave spectra are generated by filtering the time data in octave bands and
averaging the result in the time domain. This functionality corresponds and is
consistent with the functionalities offered in RTO (Real Time Octave filtering).
You can choose to perform RTO in parallel with FS, RTO only, or FS only. A
checkbox is available for each channel group to select what processing has to be

Section Application Launcher

Section ASAM ODS Database Export

Section ASAM ODS Driver

Enabling this add-in will make it possible to read and write ASAM ODS data.

This can be done in two ways:

 Reading and write ATF files (ATF classic and ATF xml)
 Connecting with an ASAM ODS server
When the add-in is loaded, ATF files that are encountered while browsing via
the “My Computer” entry point in the Data Explorer will be recognized and can
be opened for browsing and reading data.

Data blocks can be exported to a classic ATF file or an xml ATF file.

Next to this, an extra entry point will become visible in the Data Explorer:
“ASAM ODS”. Opening this entry point will result in a list of 1 or more entries,
each corresponding to an ASAM ODS server that has been configured. The
connection configuration for these servers can be done during the installation, as
well as by editing the corresponding files in the
central\Configuration\ASAM-ODS directory.

Section Audio Replay

Audio feedback will be offered on data in displays in layouts and on data in the
Multi-trace Display panel in the Time Data Selection worksheet of the
Throughput Validation & Processing Host workbook.

Audio replay is offered on selected data in displays by means of a popup entry

('Audio replay') in the popup menu of the selected data. When this popup is
triggered, a dialog appears having simple audio control buttons and a trace list.
The Throughput Data corresponding to the selected data will be retrieved and
replayed. A double cursor appears in order to select a segment. A scrolling
cursor appears and is synchronized with the playback during replay.

Section Audio Replay & Filtering

Audio feedback will be offered on data in displays in layouts and on data in the
Multi-trace Display panel in the Time Data Selection worksheet of the
Throughput Validation & Processing Host workbook.

166 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Audio replay is offered on selected data in displays by means of a popup entry

('Audio replay') in the popup menu of the selected data. When this popup is
triggered, a dialog appears having simple audio control buttons, a trace list and
a filter area. The Throughput Data corresponding to the selected data will be
retrieved and replayed. A double cursor appears in order to select a segment. A
scrolling cursor appears and is synchronized with the playback during replay.
Following online filters will be offered:
 Lowpass (see "Low Pass filter" on page 642)
 Highpass (see "High Pass filter" on page 642)
 Bandpass (see "Band Pass filter" on page 642)
 Bandstop (see "Band Stop filter" on page 642)
 Notch (see "Notch filter" on page 642)
 Order (see "Order filter" on page 642)

Section Automated Reporting

Automated reporting is about the possibility to start the reporting without user
input immediately after the measurement is finished using predefined templates.
The automated reporting sheet allows you to predefine the plot formats and

Section Automatic Modal Parameter Selection

Section Batch Reporting

This add-in provides a simple environment for printing large amounts of data in
an automatic way.

In this worksheet (see "The Batch Reporting worksheet" on page 627) you can
take in the data from any source, sort them based on any property, load in the
appropriate format and push the Print button. Formats can go from very simple
1 display / 1 page formats to complicated multi-page/multi-picture reports. But
of course, the formats are like all standard Test.Lab formats: based on Microsoft

Section Yellow button

 In case the measurement has not started yet: start measurement.
 In case the measurement is going on: stop measurement.
 In case the measurement has stopped and the message “Do you want to save
the current run?” pops up, reject the run.

Section Customized Metrics Calculator

Section Data Block Editor

With this add-in, it is possible to define new data blocks in a convenient way.
The most important header information can be defined in this worksheet, as
well as all data values. Any format of data can be defined: fixed or variable

Rev 11B 167

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

X-axis, real or complex data, linear or dB values. On line visualization makes

the definition process easy and intuitive. Values can also be entered by simple
copy/paste from e.g. Microsoft Excel.

Section Data Block Processing

Section DATX Data Driver

Section Excel Data Driver

This Driver will allow importing blocks or Waterfalls by using the Excel
format. As this format is commonly used and it is not always desired to see all
.xls-files in the navigator, this driver must be loaded as Add-in.

Within Test.Lab one can copy from within a display the values of blocks or
Waterfalls onto the clipboard. These values can be pasted into an Excel sheet.
Each sheet in the Excel file will be shown as a folder in the Test.Lab Navigator
which has the name of the sheet. Note that each sheet can contain several blocks
or one Waterfall (up to 127 spectra due to limitation of Excel).

Several data formats are supported when using the Excel Data Driver. All
following data types can be used next to each other in one sheet.
 real/imag
 ampl/phase
 dB/phase

Note: Note that only standard Test.Lab properties will be recognized when
using the Excel Data Driver. When some properties cannot be recognized,
they will be mentioned in a separate message-sheet.

Section Geometry

This add-in helps you to define a 3D representation of the structure under test.
You can create and manipulate components, nodes, line, surfaces and slave
nodes of a complicated structure.

Section Harmonic Removal

Section Harmonic Tracking

Section HD Acoustic Camera

This add-in enables the post-processing sheet of HD Acoustic Camera in
Desktop environment.

Section HD Acoustic Camera iNAH

This add-in enables the iNAH processing (irregular Nearfield Acoustic

168 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Holography) in post-processing HD Acoustic Camera. iNAH quantifies sound

power and improves spatial resolution and therefore sound source localization
in the frequency range below 1000Hz. The maximum distance array-source is

Section HD Acoustic Camera Order Extension

This add-in enables to analyze run-up run-down recordings in the
post-processing sheet of HD Acoustic Camera.

Section Head Data Driver

This add-in allows to read/use/process Head data files from HEAD Acoustics
(*.hdf files) as any native LMS Test.Lab file. A specific “HEAD” icon is
displayed for each .hdf file in navigator.

Section Human Body Vibration

Section Interactive Time Data Editing

Section MDM-plug-in

Section Mission Synthesis

Section Modal Analysis

This add-in gives you the possibility to perform a modal analysis immediately
after testing a structure by using the FRFs. In this add-in, dedicated worksheets
are created for a 3-steps estimation method, and different validation tools such
as MAC and synthesis FRFs are available for validation of the modal model.

Section Modal Analysis Lite

Section Modification Prediction

The LMS Test.Lab Modification Prediction implements a dynamics
modification theory to predict the effect of structural modifications on a
mechanical structure's modal parameters. These modifications can take the form
of local changes to mass, damping and stiffness.

The Modification Prediction application allows you to evaluate the effect of

mass, spring-damper and tuned absorber modifications. Two minor worksheets,
List Modifications and Predict Modes, are defined in order to predict the effects
of structural modifications on a structure. The Modification Prediction
worksheet helps you to predict modes and to evaluate the result predicted for
your modifications by synthesizing FRFs and comparing the original FRFs with
the new ones.

Rev 11B 169

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Multi Reference Post Processing

Section Nastran Data Driver

Section nCode Data Driver

Section Network Hub

The Network Hub makes it possible to directly access data on remote machines
(both Unix and Windows based), without knowing the physical names of the
machine. It offers network abstraction for situations where the data that have to
be read, processed or analyzed are stored on multiple computer throughout the

The “Network Hub” add-in loads the Network Hub Client. When this client is
loaded, an extra entry point becomes visible in the Data Explorer, called
“Network”. When opening this entry point, a list of all available startpoints on
Network Hub Servers becomes visible. These startpoints can be defined via the
Startpoint Configuration Wizard that is available on those computers where the
Network Hub Servers are installed.

Section Offline RPM-Extraction

This add-in allows you to extract a RPM signal from measured vibration or
acoustic signals.

The RPM-Extraction worksheet can be used in cases where it is difficult or

impossible to measure the rpm using a tacho-device. An example is the
turbo-rpm in cars that have a turbocharger.

The RPM can be saved in a run (TDF) and can then be used either for signature
throughput processing in the Time Data processing worksheet or for order
filtering in the Sound diagnosis worksheet.

Section Offline Sine Data Reduction

Section OPAX

Section Operational Deflection Shapes & Time Animation

This add-in helps you to investigate the deflection shapes of structures in
operational conditions, using either time or frequency domain data. In
Animation, you can either use order and frequency section or FRFs or
crosspower information for stationary condition. In time animation, you can use
time recordings.

Section Operational Modal Analysis

This add-in gives you the possibility to identify a modal model in operational
conditions. Instead of using FRFs as input data, crosspowers and autopowers

170 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

are used as well.

In this add-in, dedicated worksheets are created for a 3-step estimation method,
and different tools are available for validation of the modal model.

Section Operational Modal Analysis Lite

Section Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis

Section Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite

Section Order Tracking

This functionality can be used in Signature Acquisition and/or in Signature
Throughput Processing. It allows you acquire order tracking data in parallel
with the Fixed sampled data.

The OT acquisition parameters are defined in the Acquisition settings tab of the
Measure worksheet. In the time data processing worksheet you can define the
parameters in the acquisition settings dialog. You can choose to perform an OT
acquisition in parallel with the FS acquisition, an OT acquisition only, or a FS
acquisition only.

You are able to define two sets of processing functions, one for the fixed
sampling acquisition (FS), and a new set of functions for the Order tracking
acquisition (OT).

Section Parameter Locking

To capture company specific procedures, lab supervisors can create Templates
for specific measurement procedures where all critical parameters have been
locked. This includes:
 Giving parameters a specific value
 Changing the font and color of user interface fields
 Making fields insensitive or invisible
 For each Template, a shortcut is created to launch the correct application
with the right workbook configuration. This shortcut can be put on the
desktop or distributed by E-mail to the test bench.

Section PolyMAX Modal Analysis

Section PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite

Section Polytec Data Driver

Enabling this add-in will make it possible to read Polytec data in Test.Lab.
When the add-in is loaded, Polytec FileAccess rev 2.7 files that are encountered
while browsing via the “My Computer” entry point in the Data Explorer will be
recognized and can be opened for browsing and reading geometry data, FRFs

Rev 11B 171

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

and coherences.

Section Principal Component Analysis

Section Rigid Body Calculator

Section Run Data Averaging & Comparison Organizer

This data organizer will automatically organize a set of measurement functions
according to multiple conditions:
 Run id
 Point id
 Measurement direction
 Measurement function
 Runup or rundown
Data from multiple Test.Lab projects can be combined and from then on, data
interpretation becomes very straightforward. You can easily
 Fill up automatically displays
 Scroll through all measurement points or measurement functions
 Calculate the average and envelope over all runs and automatically update
all displays
 Disable a run, add another run and update the average.
When using this add-in during an acquisition in Signature or Spectral Testing,
the 2D results of the current measurement run can easily be compared with the
average and envelope of the corresponding functions in the previous runs. In the
case of wrong measurements, the user can reject the last run.

Section SCADAS Recording

This add-in enhances the Data Explorer with specific SCADAS Recording
functionality (see "SCADAS Recorder data retrieval" on page 645). It allows
to read the properties of SCADAS Recording template files and SCADAS
Recorder data files. The quick overview data in the SCADAS Recording data
files can be directly accessed and SCADAS Recording data can be imported
into the active project/section.

Section Signature Data Post-Processing

In this worksheet you can calculate a whole range of functions from the
measured data.

Section Signature Throughput Processing

This add-in enables access to the Time Data Processing worksheet for
processing time data.

172 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Sound Diagnosis

This add-in allows analyzing sounds via replay, filtering (online and offline),
DSP processing and metric calculation.

Section Sound Intensity Analysis

The LMS Test.Lab Acoustic Intensity Analysis module supports evaluating a
structures acoustic behavior. Visualization is done using 2D color mapping of
sound pressures or sound intensities superposed on the measurement grid.

The 2D color maps are transparent so that pictures of the test object can be
positioned in the background relative to the measurement grid. The basic
acoustic intensity data can be visualized, checked and selected in a dedicated
worksheet. Measurement meshes can be defined freely and independent of
naming conventions for measurement surfaces. Results can be exported to MS
Excel including the ISO 9614-1 field indicators.

Section Sound Quality Metrics

Section Tec.Manager Hub

The Tec.Manager Hub provides a deep integration between Test.Lab and
Tec.Manager. Loading this add-in, adds the following functions to the Test.Lab
Desktop and all other workbooks:
 Possibility to start the Tec.Manager client from the corresponding icon in
the Desktop toolbar Using this client, you can perform searches, and the
results of these search operations can be stored in a Tec.Manager “basket”.
 Direct loading of a Tec.Manager basket in the “Search Results” entry point
of the Data Explorer.
 Automatic registration of Test.Lab projects and their contents, in the
Tec.Manager environment, immediately after saving them from within
 Direct access to Tec.Manager HTML-based meta-info templates, for
advanced documentation of Test.Lab projects.

Section Time Data Editor - Advanced

See Time Data Editing Functions (on page 315).

Section Time Data Editor - Standard

Section Time Data Extraction

Section Time Data Selection

See The Time Data Selection worksheet.

Rev 11B 173

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Time Data Processing

See The Time Data Processing worksheet.

Section Time Domain TPA

Section Time Signal Calculator

This adds the “Active Formula Set panel” in the Time Data Selection
worksheet. The Time Signal Calculator allows you to perform calculations on
time traces. It can be used as a time data pre-processor for the Signature
Throughput Processing Add-In.

Section Time-Variant Frequency Analysis

This add-in enables access to the Time Frequency Analysis worksheet for
examining the spectral contents of a signal when this is varying in time.

Section TPA Component Editing

Section Transfer Path Analysis

Section User 1 (2, 3, 4 and 5)

These add-ins can be configured through the file ExternalUI.ini in the
Central\Configuration directory. In this way, ActiveX programs can be loaded
in worksheets (up to 5) in order to host them in the Test.Lab user interface.
These add-ins provide up to 5 general ActiveX component hosts which may, or
may not, interact with Test.Lab.

Section Windows Automation Support

Section 3.2 SCADAS III

The LMS Test.Lab software runs on a PC using the Windows operating system
in conjunction with the LMS SCADAS III frontend. This document contains
information relating to the frontend.

Information about the system requirements and installing the software can be
found in the Installation manual. This is available in electronic form from the
Start menu and can be accessed using Programs LMS Test.Lab 11A
Manuals Installation manual.

174 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section 3.2.1 The LMS SCADAS III frontend

SCADAS III is a modular and expandable system. The LMS SCADAS III
mainframe is available in a frontend version with 16 input/output slots. System
expansion up to 240 modules (960 channels) is possible by the use of one or
more slave frames, each with 17 input/output slots.

The following hardware is supported

 SC316 main frame with processing units (see "Main frame and signal
processing units" on page 175)
 Signal conditioning units (see "Signal conditioning modules" on page
 Master/Slave configuration (on page 182)

Section 3.2.2 Main frame and signal processing units

The SC316 main frame is supported by the LMS SCADAS III frontend system.
The SCADAS III system-architecture is based on a system controller or
block-processor (B-PROC) and on signal processor cards or stream processors
(S-PROCs). Each mainframe needs a block-processor, except for Master/Slave
configurations where only the master needs one. The B-PROC provides for
block operations and for communications with the host via a SCSI-interface.

Each SCADAS III input module consists of two or more cards: the S-PROC
signal processing card and one or more signal conditioning modules. An
S-PROC stream processor is a high performance circuit board used for real-time
data acquisition and digital signal processing. It includes four, 24-bit,
sigma-delta digital converters. Each S-PROC provides anti-alias filtering with
decimation and several other digital signal processing functions such as
overload detection and online data correction using the calibration factors of
gain and offset.

The characteristics of the S-PROC units supported are listed below.

Signal processing units

V!2 S-PROC S-PROC 90B,/90C/90D/91B/91D/91E

Max 51.2 204.8 kHz 204.8 kHz
sampling kHz
Maximum 23 92 kHz 92 kHz
bandwidth kHz
Blocksize 256-8k 256-32k

Each S-PROC is connected to one or more signal conditioning modules that are

Rev 11B 175

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

described below.

Section 3.2.3 Signal conditioning modules

Each conditioning module includes analog overload detection with front panel
LED indication and built-in calibration to guarantee the specifications over a
long period.

A cable check is foreseen for all modules when working in ICP-mode. This
means that for any channel in ICP-mode which is not terminated by an
ICP-transducer, the red front-panel LED will light up.

The following signal processing modules are supported.

Programmable Dual Tacho

The PDT is a dual channel tachometer input used to synchronize the acquisition
with an external signal. Flexible and programmable signal conditioning supports
a variety of tacho signals. Auto-ranging input amplifiers ensure stable
acquisition of the tacho signal with changing amplitudes. The inputs can be
configured so that one input becomes an external trigger input and the other
remains a tachometer input. Switching of the input configuration is under the
full control of the software. The PDT includes a tachometer signal preview
mode. When this mode is active, two ADCs acquire both input signals for
observing the tacho signals (see "Tacho channels" on page 288). The PDT has
its own DSP-board (D-PROC).

Programmable Dual Tacho extensions

These are only available when upgraded PDT modules are used: They provide
additional tacho parameters for:
 Detecting missing or double pulses (PulseCorrection Factor).
 Replacing exponential smoothing by a linear smoothing
 Defining the number of interpolation points used for triggering acquisitions
(Rpm update).

Programmable Quad Amplifier

The PQA is a voltage amplifier module supporting an input range from +/- 62.5
mV to +/- 10 V and includes an ICP power supply to transducers. The PQA
includes cable check with LED indication for ICP transducers. The module has
grounded BNC connectors and provides DC and AC coupling of the input
signal. Analog A-weighting can be switched on when the module is not stacked.

176 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Programmable Quad Bridge Amplifier

The PQBA is a four channel module that supports strain transducers - and those
based on the same principle, such as piezoresistive or variable capacitor sensors.
You can use full, half, and quarter bridge configurations, with bridge
completion resistors switched under full software control. Automatic bridge
nulling (to compensate for bridge unbalance) uses current injection techniques.

A voltage to current converter with a 100-mA/V conversion factor generates the

bridge calibration current. It can also provide 120 and 350 Ohm resistors as
strain gauges for bridge calibration purposes and a bridge supply voltage from
0.1 to 10 V.

Programmable Quad Charge Amplifier

The PQCA is a charge amplifier module supporting conventional piezoelectric

transducers. It covers, over the full-scale, input ranges from +/- 25 pC to +/-
51,200 pC. Calibration signal insertion on the transducer cable allows complete
check of the measurement chain including the transducer itself. The PQCA has
Microdot input connectors.

Programmable Quad Differential Charge Amplifier

The PQDCA is a four-channel differential charge amplifier with an input range

from +/- 0.1 pC to +/- 13200 pC. It has a calibration check circuit to test the
sensor and sensor cable; and the charge is injected via the sensor to the input of
the amplifier.

The PQDCA is very similar to that of the PQCA module above, except that the
PQDCA has truly differential (i.e. balanced) inputs instead of single-ended

Programmable Quad Floating Amplifier

The PQFA is a four channel voltage amplifier with an input range from +/-100
mV to +/-10 V, and includes an ICP power supply to the transducers. The
PQFA has an ICP cable check circuit to detect an open loop in the sensor cable;
errors are indicated through a front-panel LED for optimum user feedback and
transferred to the host as well.

The overload LED indicates both analog overloads, detected at the input
amplifier as well as digital overloads detected by the signal processor board.
Built-in calibration functions plus cable checks ensure that the specifications are
maintained over an extended period. The PQFA has on-board, high-pass filters
(0-75 Hz). The floating input removes ground loops between sensors and
frontend, thus eliminating the need for isolated sensors or isolation mounting
studs. Unlike differential inputs, floating inputs support ICP sensors.

Rev 11B 177

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Programmable Quad Microphone Amplifier

The PQMA is a microphone amplifier module with an input range from 62.5
mV up to 25 V. Transducer power supply includes 200 V polarization voltage,
symmetrical and asymmetrical pre-amplifier voltage supply, and an ICP supply.
Thus the PQMA supports a variety of transducers including conventional or
pre-polarized microphones with standard or high current output amplifiers or
ICP pre-amplifiers as well as ICP accelerometers and load cells. A calibration
source is available to test the complete measurement chain including the
microphone. The PQMA has on-board, cutoff frequency, high-pass filters
(0-255 Hz). The PQMA has 7-pole, LEMO connectors.

Note: The activation/de-activation of the 200 V polarization voltage cannot be

done from the software. Four dip-switches are available on the side of the
conditioner module to select pre-polarization on a per channel base. The
frontend needs to be turned off and the conditioner removed from the frontend
in order to change the setting of these switches.

Programmable quad thermocouple amplifier

The PQTA is a four-channel thermocouple conditioner, suitable for handling a

wide range of thermocouple types. The PQTA inputs are cold junction
compensated and the linearization of the thermocouple curve is performed
automatically. In combination with a thermocouple, this module can measure
the temperature to an accuracy of 0.1° K.

The measurement of the temperature during a test procedure is useful, not only
to prevent the overheating of the object under test, but also to monitor the
temperature behavior under severe conditions such as a repeated engine run-up /
run-down sequence.

Quad Digital Acoustic

The QDA module is specifically designed to acquire digital audio signals from
binaural artificial heads. It supports two pairs of stereo channel inputs and HMS
data. For each pair of stereo channel inputs, the data format can be either
AES/EBU or SPDIF. The connection for the AES/EBU data format is via a
special 3-pin LEMO or cinch connector, for SPDIF, it is a 1/4" stereo jack.

The QDA accepts 16 or 24 bit digital data. Input audio sample rates are 32, 44.1
and 48 kHz with a maximum output sample rate of 51.2 kHz. Other output rates
are available by means of decimation and resampling.

Quad Digital to Analog Converter

The QDAC is a four channel module using four bit-stream DACs with 20-bit

178 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

resolution. The maximum signal output is +/- 5 V. The QDAC supports a wide
range of applications such as general-purpose FFT analysis and modal analysis.
It also supports a variety of standard functions such as sine, random and burst
random noise, up to 20 kHz.

Quad Torsional Vibration

The QTV is a four channel input module used to measure torsional vibrations. A
stream of encoder-pulses is converted to a fixed sampled stream of time data,
where each time sample is the instantaneous rotational speed at that time

The QTV can be described as a digital F/V convertor. A voltage input

conditioner module (100 kHz analog bandwidth, input range from 62.5mV up to
10 V) ensures accurate acquisition of the original tacho signal. Detection of
zero-crossings and calculation of RPM variations is then performed in the
digital domain by a high performance 24-bit digital signal processor. The
estimation and interpolation algorithm used for the detection of zero-crossings
ensures a very high accuracy. The maximum tacho frequency that can be
measured is 51.2 kHz. For the detection of zero-crossings the level can be
adjusted, an amount of hysteresis and a holdoff time can be specified and the
trigger slope can be set to up, down or both. A QTV channel is described in
terms of QTV parameters.

The measurements are acquired simultaneously and synchronous with the other
analog signals and are processed in the standard way (all processing functions
are supported).

The QTV channels can also be used in time mode which means that they are
used as a regular dynamic channel for measuring e.g. pressure or other

VibCo Digital to Analog Converter
The VDAC-II is a four-channel output module. It contains four 24-bit DAC,
with a maximal signal output of -/+ 10V. It supports continuous and burst
random, sine and swept sine up to a frequency of 20 kHz.
The four channels are:
 Status
The first channel on the VDAC-II is the "Status" channel. At this moment, the
status channel is only supported in Sine Control and Random Control.
In Sine Control the status channel will have a +5V DC output when sweeping
upwards, a -5V DC output when sweeping downwards and a 0V output when
building up, interrupted, or stopped.
In Random Control the status channel will indicate the level of the test (in dB).
The signal will be +1V DC at full level, -3dB (or 0.7079V DC) at a level of
-3dB, ...

Rev 11B 179

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The second channel is the "CLO" - Constant Level Output. It is a sine wave
with the same frequency as the signal on the third connector of the VDAC-II.
This CLO is used when making parallel measurements with a Sine Reduction
The CLO signal only becomes active after having pushed "Start" in the Sine
Control worksheet. Its default amplitude is 1 V. To change this amplitude,
define the environment variable “LMS_SINE_COLALEVEL” (e.g. a value of
“4.0” will change the CLO level to 4.0 V amplitude).
 1
The third connector, labelled "1", is used as output of the drive signal, and will
be connected to the amplifier of the shaker.
 2
The fourth connector, labelled "2", can be used to generate a quadrature CLO
signal (i.e. a copy of the CLO signal, but with a phase shifted over 90 degrees).
To activate this quadrature CLO, define the environment variable
“LMS_SINE_QUADRATURECOLA” and give it the value “ON”. The
amplitude of the quadrature CLO is always the same as the amplitude from the
CLO signal.

Section 3.2.4 Offline operation

When the connection with the Front-End fails during startup the following
dialog will be presented to the user with the following options:

No Front-End connection dialog

Section Retry button

A new attempt will be made to make a connection with the Front-End. If the
user had forgotten to switch on the Front-End, this is a great moment to do so
and then push the Retry button.

Section Work offline button

The user chooses to work offline using an existing hardware configuration.
There are 2 possibilities:

180 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Use embedded configuration

In this case the configuration that is last saved with the project or template will
be used. This will be possible because the contents of the .cfg file will be
automatically saved inside the project or template starting from Rev 5A SL1. In
case there is no embedded configuration present (e.g. templates and projects
made before Rev 5A SL1) it will only be possible to use an external
configuration. In this case the Use external configuration checkbox will be
checked in a read-only way.

Section Use external configuration

In this case a configuration has to be picked up from an external .cfg file. By
default the ScadasIII.cfg file will be selected in the Local\Configuration folder,
if present. A file dialog (see below) will open to be able to pick up a .cfg file,
which will be initially positioned in the Local\Configuration folder.
Configuration file dialog

The OK button will apply the selected choice, but Cancel will cause the
application to exit.
Additional rules are:
 When a hardware connection has been established, it will not be possible to
work offline. The 'Work offline' dialog simply will not pop up in this case.
This is done to avoid confusion about the real setup in use. If there is a need
for offline operations whilst a front-end is connected, the user can always
switch off the Front-End to do so.
 The .cfg file in the Local\Configuration file is overwritten with the
configuration that is used for starting up, either in the online or offline
scenario. The contents of the .cfg file will always be saved in the project or
template; in order to make sure both match.
 It will be possible to create and parameterize a project entirely offline,

Rev 11B 181

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

based on a template containing an embedded hardware configuration or by

picking up an external configuration.

Section Help button

Last but not least there is also a Help button that opens up a help dialog with
some suggestions and that explains the dialog. The reason for this is that it is not
possible to open the Application's help when this dialog has popped up, whilst it
is likely that the user might require some assistance in this case.

Section 3.2.5 Master/Slave configuration

A master slave configuration can be set up using the SC316 frontend system as
the Master and the SC317 as the Slave system.

Note: An SC316 master frame can be used as a slave frame by selecting

position “S” for the M selector on the back of the unit. In that case, the
B-PROC is bypassed

The SC316 is equipped with a master interface for M/S operation. This master
interface is located at the rear of the instrument to preserve the number of
input/output slots. An LMS SCADAS III slave mainframe communicates via
the master/slave interface to the SC316 mainframe. Each slave rack has its own
clock and calibration module. The clocks are synchronized with the master
through a Phase Lock Loop circuit providing clock frequency synchronization
and, compensation for signal delay in the master/slave cable. This arrangement
allows master/slave cables up to 500 metres (total length) without degradation
of the phase match specifications.

182 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section 3.3 SCADAS Mobile

Section 3.3.1 LMS SCADAS Mobile

Copyright 2012 by LMS Instruments

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without
written permission from the publisher

Section 3.3.2 How to use this manual

This manual intends to guide you, the owner and/or user of an LMS SCADAS

Rev 11B 183

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Mobile or SCADAS Recorder front-end, to operate your instrument in a safe

and efficient manner.
 The first section provides the guidelines for safely installing and using the
SCM and SCR front-ends. Please read this section carefully, as it contains a
lot of practical and useful information.
 The second section of this manual contains detailed technical descriptions
of the SCM and SCR mainframes, all available modules, and all available
 The third section goes into supported transducers and how to connect them
to the SCM and SCR input modules.
 As an additional service we added an appendix section, containing more
advanced and more application specific information on the use of the SCM
and SCR front-ends and their input modules.
If you have questions or remarks regarding this user and installation manual,
please inform your local LMS contact person. He or she will forward your
question to the LMS Instruments division.

Section 3.3.3 Guidelines for installing and using your SCADAS

Mobile or SCADAS Recorder front-end

Section Inspection of received goods

Your SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS Recorder system was carefully inspected
both mechanically and electrically before shipment. It was operated for several
hours at an elevated temperature to eliminate the probability of early failure.
The instrument should be free of damages, marks or scratches and should meet
its specifications upon receipt.

The package you received should contain all the items that you ordered,
including accessories and possible add-ons.

Note: If the instrument shows any signs of damage, please take the following

 Save all packing materials

 File a claim with the carrier
 Call your local LMS sales office or representative for further instructions

Note: If your delivery is not complete, please contact your nearest LMS office.

Section Guidelines in case of system or module

Place the system or plug-in module in the original factory packaging or

184 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

packaging of identical construction (available through LMS offices). Mark the

container FRAGILE to ensure careful handling. When packaging a plug-in
module in a container other than the original packaging, please follow these
 Place the module in an anti-static plastic envelope
 Cushion the module to prevent damage
 Use a double-wall carton box of the correct dimensions
Before returning a system or a module to LMS Instruments for repair, always
first contact your local LMS Response Line Center. One of our support
engineers will inform you on the correct procedure and follow-up.

Section Instrument grounding

SCADAS Mobile is a class A instrument, meaning that it is safe to operate
under all conditions, if and when the end-user is able to provide proper
grounding to the instrument, independent of either an AC or DC power source.
Proper grounding is essential, not only from a safety point of view but also to
control and prevent ground loops.
AC operation: When you plug in the mains cable, please be aware of any other
equipment using power from the same mains group. Like any measurement
device, SCADAS Mobile has a finite rejection capability for external
disturbances and 50/60Hz ground loop effects.

DC operation: When operating more than one device from the same DC power
source (like a car battery), the presence of a ground loop in combination with an
aggressive magnetic field can cause erroneous results during a measurement.

Note: If possible, use a separate AC mains group for sensitive measurement

equipment. Always be aware of your grounding arrangements.

Section Connection between front-end and host computer

All communications, commands and data transfer between SCADAS Mobile
and your computer are established through a standard Ethernet connection. For
maximum performance and reliability we recommend a peer-to-peer connection
between front-end and host computer, using the host interface card that has been
delivered with your SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS Recorder front-end.

Note: Appoint and isolate a separate network branch for your SCADAS
Mobile front-end.

The reliability of the communication between front-end and host computer

strongly depends on the quality of the interconnecting cable. The CAT5E UTP
cable that is supplied with your SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS Recorder has
been tested and has proven to meet its specifications.

Note: You are free to use any UTP cable, as long as it is either CAT5E or

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Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

CAT6, and the cable length does not exceed 80 meters.

The connection process itself, which takes place during the hardware
initialization phase of Test.Lab or Test.Xpress, can take some time, but can be
speeded up by manually entering the IP address of your instrument. Please
follow the instructions when starting one of these two application programs.

Note: Installed firewalls, either on your computer on in the network domain

you are logged on to, can block connection to the SCADAS Mobile front-end.
In case of connection problems, you might want to review your firewall

Section Power requirements

SCADAS Mobile has a DC power input that is 9~36V tolerant. For AC mains
operation, the instrument comes standard with an AC/DC adapter that is
90~240VAC and 50~60Hz tolerant.

The five-slot SCM05/SCR05 front-end consumes a maximum power of 40

Watts under full load, not taking possible battery charging into account. The
nine-slot SCM09/SCR09 front-end consumes a maximum power of 85 Watts
under full load, not taking possible battery charging into account. For the
one-slot SCM01/SCR01 front-end, the maximum power consumption is 15

Note: Check your voltage and power sources before plugging in the

Section Cooling requirements

SCADAS Mobile incorporates state of the art heat management, resulting in an
instrument that is able to operate in -20C to +55C ambient temperatures,
without the help of a cooling fan. Most of the internally dissipated energy is
thermally conducted to the case and the cooling ribs at the back of the

Note: To avoid self-heating when operated in hot conditions, there should be

some free space around the instrument to allow convection and radiation of

Section How to make maximum use of the internal battery

Your SCADAS Mobile/Recorder is fitted with either one or two high capacity
Li-Ion-Mn battery backs, guaranteeing 1 hour autonomy for both a fully
populated SCM05/SCR05 and a SCM09/SCR09 front-end, and 2½ hours
autonomy for an eight-channel SCM01/SCR01.

The Li-Ion-Mn type of battery does not require charging and discharging on a

186 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

regular basis. Nonetheless, we recommend that you do not leave the battery
fully discharged, as it might affect the next charging cycle. To prevent battery
degradation, the instrument does not allow battery charging at high internal
temperatures. We therefore advise to charge the internal battery with the
instrument switched off.
The battery specifications are temperature dependent. It can deliver power with
a battery temperature up to 70ºC and it can be charged with a battery
temperature up to 45ºC; when the battery temperature is above 45ºC, charging
of the battery is automatically switched off to avoid damage to the battery.
Usually, the temperature difference between ambient and battery is 15-18ºC;
this means that battery operation is guaranteed up to 55ºC ambient temperature,
while charging is guaranteed to 28ºC.

Note: Always keep the battery charged to some extent.

At high temperatures, the battery can only be charged with the instrument
switched off.

Check battery operation from time to time, in order to avoid surprises. As with
every battery, the SCADAS Mobile internal battery has a finite life time.

Section The power supply and its user interface

The SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorder Power Supply Unit (PSU) comes
with an intelligent battery, meaning that it knows when to charge and when to
deliver power to the instrument. Most of the power and battery related activities
can be read from the LED indicators on the front panel of the SCM Power
Supply Unit:

Section Battery status indication

The top left LED provides information on the state of the PSU and its battery

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Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 When the instrument is switched off, without external power, this LED will
not light up
 When the instrument is switched off and external power is applied, this
LED will blink yellow to indicate that the battery is being charged. When it
stops blinking, the battery is fully charged
 When the instrument is switched on, without external power but enough
battery power, this LED will be yellow
 When the instrument is switched on, with external power and enough
battery power, this LED will be green
 When the instrument is switched on, and an error has been detected, this
LED will be red
The top right three LEDs provide information on battery status:

Section 3.3.4 The LMS SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorder


With SCADAS Mobile, LMS has introduced a reference instrument in the

professional mobile NVH market by combining best-in-class performance with
low power consumption, excellent environmental specifications and small
frame dimensions. SCADAS Recorder is built on the same SCADAS Mobile
hardware platform, but adds a number of functionalities in order to allow true
stand-alone operation.

188 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section LMS SCADAS Mobile system description

The diagram below gives a graphical impression of the SCADAS Mobile

The SCADAS Mobile concept is built around a central communication bus,

designed for maximum data transfer speed and maximum flexibility for all the
system components that it hosts:
 The system controller (XSI)
 The master/slave interface (not depicted in this diagram)
 The power supply
 All input modules
The SCADAS Recorder is based on the same architecture, with the addition of a
CompactFlash card slot, a Bluetooth interface, a GPS receiver and CAN
interface, all of which are located on the XSI system controller front panel.

Section LMS SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorder frames

All the SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorder frames described in this
section come standard with an AC power supply, AC and DC power cable,
internal battery, Ethernet cable and host interface card, and adapter cables for all
standard or optional inputs/outputs on the XSI system controller.

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Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section One slot frames: SCM01 and SCR01

The LMS SCADAS Mobile family comes in a number of frame sizes, the most
compact one being the SCM01. The SCM01 has two module slots, one of which
is occupied by the XSI system controller, leaving one free slot for an
eight-channel of four-channel input module. For the SCR01, the XSI is
equipped with additional functionality enabling true stand-alone operation.
SCM01 and SCR01 communicate to the host computer through a 100Mb/s
Ethernet connection, ensuring real time data acquisition and throughput
performance, as well as fast data storage for all eight input channels.

Section Five slot frames: SCM05 and SCR05

190 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The SCM05 and SCR05 have five free module slots for a total of 40 input
channels. As an option, the SCM05 and SCR05 can be fitted with a master/slave
module enabling fully synchronized channel count expansion through the
connection to one or more slave frames (not available on SCM/R01). SCM05
and SCR05 communicate to the host computer through a 1Gb/s Ethernet
connection, with an effective throughput rate of 8 MSamples/s (24 bit), ensuring
real time data acquisition and throughput performance, as well as fast data
storage for all 40 input channels.

Section Nine slot frames: SCM09 and SCR09

Rev 11B 191

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The SCM09 and SCR09 can accommodate up to 72 input channels, and even
more when the optional master/slave interface module is installed. The SCM09
and SCR09 have two internal batteries to ensure at least one full hour of
autonomous operation. SCM09 and SCR09 communicate to the host computer
through a 1Gb/s Ethernet connection, with an effective throughput rate of 8
MSamples/s (24 bit), ensuring real time data acquisition and throughput
performance, as well as fast data storage for all 72 input channels.

Section Seven slot IP54 certified frame: SCD07

The seven slot SCD07 mainframe is a special and dedicated version of the
SCADAS Recorder product line. The SCD07 has been designed to withstand
high levels of dust and moisture, as well as water penetration. Certified tests
have qualified the SCD07 as an IP54 rated instrument.

In order to ensure the IP54 rating, SCD07 is not fully compatible with the other
members of the SCM and SCR family:
 SCD07 module dimensions are different (not compatible with
 SCD07 only supports voltage, ICP, bridge and CAN conditioning
 SCD07 has a dedicated master/slave module, only allowing channel
expansion with one SCD08S slave frame (maximum channel count is 120)
Further explanation of IP rating requirements is documented in the appendix
section of this manual.

192 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Slave frames: SCM06S, SCM10S and SCD08S

When fitted with a master/slave communication module, any SCADAS Mobile

or SCADAS Recorder mainframe can expand its channel count by simply
connecting to a slave frame:
 With SCM/R05 and SCM/R09, the master/slave connection is established
through a standard high speed LC optical fiber connection. Available slave
frames are SCM06S and SCM10S. Both of these slave frames come
standard with an optical master/slave interface
 A master frame, when fitted with a master/slave interface, can easily be
turned into a slave frame by flipping the M/S switch

Note: SCD07 and SCD08S are fitted with a different type of master/slave

Section System controller: XSI

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Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Basic functionality of the XSI system controller

 100/1000 based Ethernet communication from and to a compliant host
 Data collection from all input modules present
 Internal data traffic control
 Dual tachometer conditioning, processing and distribution
 Dual 24-bit accurate signal generation

Section Optional functionality of the XSI system controller

 GPS reception for clock synchronization and time stamping of measurement
 Single CAN bus interface
 Incremental encoder conditioning, processing and distribution
 A Compact Flash slot, enabling local storage
 A Bluetooth wireless interface

Section Description of XSI basic and optional functionalities

The XSI controller module is built on an extremely flexible design, in the sense
that it can accommodate a wide range of functionalities and options, on top of
its basic job of transmitting data as fast as possible. This section goes into the
several standard and optional functionalities. Ethernet connectivity
The SCM/R01, SCM/R05 and SCM/R09 mainframes are equipped with an XSI
that has a standard RJ45 UTP connector. These frames are delivered with a
CAT5E UTP cable and an Ethernet host interface card. The five and nine slot
frames support an Ethernet communication speed of 1Gbit/s; for the SCM/R01
this is limited to 100Mbit/s.

The SCD07 mainframe is equipped with an XSI that has a dedicated LEMO
connector for the Ethernet connection to host. The frame is delivered with a
CAT5E STP cable (LEMO to RJ45) and an Ethernet host interface card. SCD07
supports an Ethernet communication speed of 100Mbit/s.

Note: Please note that these communication speeds can only be guaranteed
when the Ethernet connection between instrument and host is not shared with
other Ethernet devices. Tacho inputs

The XSI controller always hosts two tacho inputs, marked “RPM1” and
“RPM2” on the front panel.

The tacho inputs can be used in two modes:

 Analog tacho.
The analog tacho mode guarantees very accurate frequency and RPM

194 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

determination when the tachometer is of an analog nature (capacitive, inductive,

etc.) and when the tacho frequency is between 5Hz and 40kHz.
 Digital tacho.
The digital tacho mode is designed to support “clean” digital tacho input signals
in order to acquire tacho information from conditioned tachometers such as
incremental encoders, up to a tacho frequency of 230kHz.

Both tacho/RPM inputs have the following pinning layout (LEMO connector):

Adapter cables: two 4-pin LEMO to BNC adapter cables are included. Generator outputs
The XSI controller always hosts two generator outputs, that are either located
on two separate CAMAC output connectors, or on one 4-pin LEMO connector:

Adapter cable: one 4-pin LEMO to dual BNC adapter cable is included.

Rev 11B 195

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware Incremental encoder input (optional)

When the incremental encoder option is ordered, it comes with a 10-pole mating
LEMO connector.

Note: the IE input is only an option on SCM frames, not on SCR frames. CAN-bus input

The XSI controller module can optionally be equipped with a CAN bus input.
The XSI CAN input only supports the high speed CAN protocol and has the
following pinning layout:

Adapter cable: one 4-pin LEMO to 9-pin SUB-D adapter cable is included.

The XSI CAN-bus interface is principally intended and designed to operate in

“listen only” mode. Meaning that it will read any messages that are transmitted
on an existing CAN bus. However, in situations where there is not a fully
operational CAN bus, but just one CAN device, the XSI Can-bus receiver
interface will initiate a so-called “acknowledge” action after which
communication can take place from that particular CAN device to SCADAS
Mobile (again in “listen only” mode).

Note: the CAN input is standard on SCR frames, and is an option on SCM

196 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware GPS receiver and functionality

The optional GPS receiver input on the XSI controller allows the user to
annotate measurement data with absolute time, position and velocity. As an
additional feature, the front-end time base (system clock) is locked onto the
GPS atomic clock source, meaning that multiple independent front-ends can be
fully synchronized on a short and long term basis. The GPS option comes with
an antenna.

Note: the GPS input is standard on SCR frames, and is an option on SCM
frames. Bluetooth connectivity and Compact Flash slot

LMS SCADAS Recorder frames are fitted with an XSI controller module that
also allows communication with and control by a PDA through Bluetooth, and
high speed local storage of measurement data through a Compact Flash
interface. Details on LMS SCADAS Recorder operation can be found in the
SCADAS Recorder product manual.

Section Master/slave interface module

When an instrument is fitted with a master/slave interface module (not possible

for the SCM01 frame) it can become part of a multi-frame configuration, where
one frame is appointed “master” and all others “slaves”. There is a switch on the
front panel of the master/slave module, defining either master or slave mode.
Please note that only one frame -containing an XSI controller- can be the

In a master/slave configuration, the frames are connected through optical cables

in a ring topology:
 The master connects from its “NXT” to the first slave’s “PRV”
 The first slave connects from its “NXT” to the second slave’s “PRV”
 Etcetera
 The last slave connects from its “NXT” to the master’s “PRV”
The IP54 rated SCD07 and SCD08S frames have a different M/S connector.
The SCD07 only supports one SCD08S slave frame.

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Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Input modules

Section V4, V8, V8-E, VS8 and VS8-E: V/ICP conditioning with
TEDS support

The V4 and V8 are the most basic input modules for the SCADAS Mobile
front-end, but with their capability to accommodate AC and DC voltage
sources, as well as ICP sensors such as accelerometers or microphones, they
cover a wide range of NVH applications. All modules support IEEE1451.4
compliant smart sensors (TEDS).

V8 and VS8 modules are available in three versions:

 First version: SMB connectors, 102.4kHz max sample rate
 Mark II: CAMAC connectors, 102.4kHz max sample rate
 Mark E: CAMAC connectors, 204.8kHz max sample rate, 150dB dynamic
The diagram below depicts V4/V8 functionality:

Signal conditioning
 Transducer supply: 2.8mA @ 28VDC for ICP sensors
 AC or DC coupling
 Digital audio (VS8, VS8-II and VS8-E)
Analog anti alias filtering

198 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Guaranteed alias protection of 120dB

Analog to digital conversion
 24 bit sigma-delta converter per channel
Digital signal processing
 Sample rate reduction (decimation) with 100dB alias suppression
 On line calibration of amplitude and offset errors
 Digital low-pass or high-pass filtering

Section M4, VM8 and VM8-E: V/ICP/microphone conditioning

with TEDS support

The M4 and VM8 offer the same functionality as the V4 and V8 modules, with
the addition of a dedicated microphone preamplifier supply and an accurate
200V DC polarization voltage, commonly required for conventional
microphones. Furthermore, the M4 and VM8 are fitted with 7-pole LEMO
connectors and come standard with either four LEMO-0B to LEMO-1B adapter
cables (VM8), or with LEMO-1B to BNC adapter cables (M4).

VM8 is available in two versions:

 Standard: LEMO 0B connectors, 102.4kHz max sample rate
 Mark E: LEMO 0B connectors, 204.8kHz max sample rate, 150dB dynamic

Signal conditioning

Rev 11B 199

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Transducer supply: 2.8mA @ 28VDC for ICP sensors

 AC or DC coupling
 Stable 200VDC polarization voltage
 28VDC
Analog anti alias filtering
 Guaranteed alias protection of 120dB
Analog to digital conversion
 24 bit sigma-delta converter per channel
Digital signal processing
 Sample rate reduction (decimation) with 100dB alias suppression
 On line calibration of amplitude and offset errors
 Digital low-pass or high-pass filtering

Section VC8 and VC8-E: Charge and V/ICP conditioning with
TEDS support

The VC8 is a multifunctional module, combining a charge amplifier for

classical piezoelectric transducers, and a V/ICP input. Either charge or V/ICP
mode can be selected per channel. In ICP mode the VC8 supports IEEE1451.4
compliant smart sensors. Sensors can be connected through industry
standard10-32 Microdot connectors.

VC8 is available in two versions:

 Standard: 102.4kHz max sample rate
 Mark E: 204.8kHz max sample rate, 150dB dynamic range

200 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section VB8 and VB8-E: Bridge and V/ICP conditioning with
TEDS support

VB8 is the most complete and versatile member of the SCADAS Mobile
module family, supporting a wide variety of transducers:

1. Strain gages in full, half or quarter bridge mode with a maximum bridge
supply of 10V

2. Strain gage based force or pressure sensors

3. Bridge type DC accelerometers

4. Differential or single ended type DC accelerometers (active sensors)

5. Potentiometers

6. ICP sensors

7. Differential and single ended voltage sources

VB8 is available in two versions:

 Standard: 102.4kHz max sample rate
 Mark E: 204.8kHz max sample rate, 150dB dynamic range, different set of
shunt resistors
Detailed diagrams of the VB8 configuration possibilities can be found in the
next section on transducer connections.

Section DB8: Bridge and voltage conditioning

DB8 is a cost effective module for conditioning strain gages and bridge type

1. Strain gages in full, half or quarter bridge mode with a maximum bridge
supply of 10V

2. Strain gage based force or pressure sensors

3. Bridge type DC accelerometers

Rev 11B 201

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

4. Potentiometers

5. Differential and single ended voltage sources

Detailed diagrams of the DB8 configuration possibilities can be found in the

next section on transducer connections.

Section CN2: Dual CAN bus interface module

The CN2 module hosts two CAN inputs that support communication with both
low and high speed CAN buses. The pin assignment of CN2 follows the CiA
DS-102 standard:

The CN2 CAN-bus interface is principally intended and designed to operate in

“listen only” mode. Meaning that it will read any messages that are transmitted
on an existing CAN bus. However, in situations where there is not a fully
operational CAN bus, but just one CAN device, the CN2 Can-bus receiver
interface will initiate a so-called “acknowledge” action after which
communication can take place from that particular CAN device to SCADAS
Mobile (again in “listen only” mode).

Section 3.3.5 Practical guidelines for transducer connections

Section ICP transducers

ICP (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) transducers, also called Piezotron™,
Isotron™ or Deltatron™, are piezoelectric sensors with an integrated amplifier.
This amplifier, powered by a constant current supply, converts the high
impedance charge signal from a piezoelectric crystal or microphone membrane
to a low impedance voltage signal.

202 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

SCADAS Mobile signal conditioning modules V4, M4, V8, VC8, VB8 and
VM8 power the ICP sensor, de-bias the output signal with a blocking capacitor
(AC coupling) and indicate open loop or short circuit faults. Powering the
sensor with a constant current supply allows two-wire operation over coaxial

Section Connection to V4, M4, V8(-II, -E), VC8(-E), VB8(-E)

and VM8(-E)

Note: All these modules have a single ended amplifier with a grounded input
connector to accommodate ICP sensors. In order to avoid ground loops it is
essential to use a case isolated sensor or to isolate the sensor from the test
object with an insulated mounting stud.

Section Conventional microphones (M4, VM8, VM8-II and


Section Microphone supplies

M4 and VM8 are able to provide an accurate 200V DC polarization voltage and
a preamplifier supply voltage of 28V DC. Both supplies can independently be
switched on or off through software control.

Section Microphone connector

The M4 front panel has four 7-pin LEMO connectors, type FGG.1B.307. The
VM8 front panel has eight 0B size LEMO connectors, but it comes with eight
adapter cables. The diagram below depicts the connection scheme for both M4
and VM8:

Rev 11B 203

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Connecting strain gages and other sensors to

VB8(-E) and DB8-II

Section The VB8(-E) and DB8-II connector



Mating connector type is FGB.0B.307. The VB8(-E) and DB8-II come standard
with a 3 meter LEMO to pigtail adapter cable (color codes are described in the
diagram above).

The black wire is used for cable shielding.

Section Full bridge connection: 6 wire or 4 wire

From a pure measurement point of view, the full bridge is always the preferred
configuration, even if you don’t have an active full bridge and the amount of
active gages is less than four. On the other hand, the full bridge is also the least
practical of strain gage configurations, in terms of installation time.

The full bridge configuration offers three important advantages:

204 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Full compensation of voltage loss over power lines through the use of sense
lines. Even with very long cables, the sensing principle ensures that the
bridge voltage is exactly what you want it to be at both ends of the gages
 The full bridge allows for differential signal transmission, offering the best
common mode noise (like 50/60Hz or EMI) rejection possible
 With four active gages, the full bridge configuration adds 12dB to the signal
to noise ratio possible when comparing it to a ¼ bridge arrangement, and
6dB when comparing it to a ½ bridge arrangement

Note: Connection of the sense lines is optional, but is strongly recommended

in this configuration.

Section Half bridge connection: 5 wire or 3 wire

The half bridge configuration works best with two active gages, but is often
used with one active gage and one “passive” gage for compensation purposes.

The half bridge configuration offers two important advantages:

 Full compensation of voltage loss over power lines through the use of sense
lines. Even with very long cables, the sensing principle ensures that the
bridge voltage is exactly what you want it to be at both ends of the gages
 With two active gages, the half bridge configuration adds 6dB to the signal
to noise ratio possible when comparing it to any ¼ bridge arrangement

Rev 11B 205

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Note: Connection of the sense lines is optional, but is strongly recommended

in this configuration.

Section Rotated half bridge connection: 4 wire or 3 wire

The rotated half bridge combines the advantage of having two gages with good
common mode rejection. Connection of the sense line is optional.

Section Quarter bridge connections

The single gage quarter bridge mode is the most common bridge mode.
SCL-VB8 supports two types: “Quarter bridge” and “Quarter bridge B” (basic).
Please note that they require different wiring. For both types, the positive supply
sense line (pin 2) is optional and will generally not be used in practical
scenarios. The VB8(-E) and DB8-II offer two values for the internal completion
resistor: 120Ω or 350Ω (selectable in the application software). Quarter bridge: 3 wire
The 3 wire quarter bridge is the best compromise between a minimum amount
of wires and measurement accuracy.

206 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware Basic quarter bridge: 2 wire

Section Bridge calibration techniques

The VB8 offers two calibration methods for achieving maximum accuracy:
bridge balancing through current injection and shunt calibration. Bridge balancing (VB8 only)
The VB8 incorporates a current injection technique for accurately balancing the
bridge, resulting in a zero DC output of the bridge. The diagram below shows
where the current injection is located:

Using current injection in one of the bridge arms, the current flow distribution
in that arm is changed. The ratio between currents will change, so the voltage
drop across the two resistive elements connected to the injection point will
change, affecting the potential at the current injection point. The programmable
current source in the VB8 uses this effect to balance the bridge. As the bridge
impedance itself is not changed, this balancing technique does not affect the
bridge sensitivity. Furthermore, temperature changes of the cables do not affect
balancing accuracy, because the cable resistance in series with the high output
impedance current source can be neglected.

Rev 11B 207

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The current source in the VB8 is 16 bits programmable, can deliver a current up
to ±500μA and is connected to pin 4 (-Vin). Shunt calibration
The VB8(-E) and DB8-II offer the possibility to perform accurate shunt
calibration with shunt resistors that are built in the module.

Four values are available, but they are different for VB8 and VB-E:
 VB8: 40kΩ, 80kΩ, 160kΩ and 320kΩ.
 VB8-E: 25kΩ, 50kΩ, 100kΩ and 200kΩ.
 DB8-II has two shunt resistors: 50kΩ and 100kΩ
The shunt resistor can be shunted to all of the four branches of the Wheatstone
bridge to simulate either compressive or tensile strain.

The shunt resistor is switched between one of the power sense lines at one end,
and either the plus or minus input at the other end. If no sense lines are used,
one end of the resistor is connected to the power line (not advised for accurate

Section Connecting other sensors to VB8-E and DB8-II

Next to bridge type sensors such as strain gages, the VB8(-E) and DB8-II allow
connection of potentiometers, active sensors, ICP sensors and voltage sources.

Section Potentiometer connections

The potentiometer mode is similar to the previously mentioned half bridge
mode, with one important difference: the negative side of the input amplifier is
connected to -Vsense or -Vsupply instead of ground. As with the bridge
configurations, you can work without sense lines.

208 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Active sensor connections


Single ended:

Note: Note that in active sensor mode (both differential and single ended) the
positive power supply is a fixed +15VDC.

Rev 11B 209

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Differential voltage mode connections

Section Single ended voltage / ICP / TEDS mode connections

Note: Note that for single ended V/ICP/TEDS mode a different input signal
pin is used (pin 7).

210 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Connecting strain gages and bridge sensors to DB8

Section The DB8 connector

Mating connector type is FGB.0B.307. The DB8 comes standard with a 3 meter
LEMO to pigtail adapter cable (color codes are described in the diagram above).

Section Full bridge connection: 6 wire or 4 wire

From a pure measurement point of view, the full bridge is always the preferred
configuration, even if you don’t have an active full bridge and the amount of
active gages is less than four. On the other hand, the full bridge is also the least
practical of strain gage configurations, in terms of installation time.

The full bridge configuration offers three important advantages:

Rev 11B 211

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Full compensation of voltage loss over power lines through the use of sense
lines. Even with very long cables, the sensing principle ensures that the
bridge voltage is exactly what you want it to be at both ends of the gages
 The full bridge allows for differential signal transmission, offering the best
common mode noise (like 50/60Hz or EMI) rejection possible
 With four active gages, the full bridge configuration adds 12dB to the signal
to noise ratio possible when comparing it to a ¼ bridge arrangement, and
6dB when comparing it to a ½ bridge arrangement

Note: Connection of the sense lines is optional, but is strongly recommended

in this configuration.

Section Half bridge connection: 5 wire or 3 wire

The half bridge configuration works best with two active gages, but is often
used with one active gage and one “passive” gage for compensation purposes.

The half bridge configuration offers two important advantages:

212 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Full compensation of voltage loss over power lines through the use of sense
lines. Even with very long cables, the sensing principle ensures that the
bridge voltage is exactly what you want it to be at both ends of the gages
 With two active gages, the half bridge configuration adds 6dB to the signal
to noise ratio possible when comparing it to any ¼ bridge arrangement

Note: Connection of the sense lines is optional, but is strongly recommended

in this configuration.

Section Quarter bridge connections

The single gage quarter bridge mode is the most common bridge mode. DB8
supports one type: the three wire quarter bridge mode. The DB8 offers two
values for the internal completion resistor: 120Ω or 350Ω (selectable in the
application software).

Rev 11B 213

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware Quarter bridge: 3 wire

The 3 wire quarter bridge is the best compromise between a minimum amount
of wires and measurement accuracy.

Section Bridge calibration techniques

The DB8 offers two calibration methods for achieving maximum accuracy:
bridge nulling through offset compensation and shunt calibration. Bridge nulling
The DB8 incorporates an offset compensation technique, resulting in a zero DC
reading of sensor data when the sensor is in rest. The offset compensation is
performed on the digital output data of the ADC. Shunt calibration
The DB8 offers the possibility to perform accurate shunt calibration with shunt
resistors that are built in the module. Two values are available: 50kΩ and
100kΩ. The shunt resistor can be shunted to all of the four branches of the
Wheatstone bridge to simulate either compressive or tensile strain.

The shunt resistor is switched between one of the power sense lines at one end,
and either the plus or minus input at the other end. If no sense lines are used,
one end of the resistor is connected to the power line (not advised for accurate

Section Connecting other sensors to the DB8

Next to bridge type sensors such as strain gages, the DB8 allows connection of
potentiometers, active sensors and voltage sources.

214 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Active sensor connections

Differential (full bridge mode):

Single ended (half bridge mode):

Rev 11B 215

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Differential voltage mode connections

Section 3.3.6 Appendix A: IP ratings

An IP rating tells something about the dust and moisture resistance of an

instrument. The table below explains how the two-figure IP number is


Protection against solid objects Protection against liquids

IP Tests IP Tests
0 No protection 0 No protection
1 Protected against solid objects 1 Protected against vertically falling
over 50 mm, e.g. accidental drops of water
touch by hands
2 Protected against solid objects 2 Protected against direct sprays of
over 12 mm, e.g. fingers water up to 15° from the vertical
3 Protected against solid objects 3 Protected against sprays up to 60°
over 2.5 mm (tools and wires) from the vertical
4 Protected against solid objects 4 Protected against water sprayed
over 1 mm (tools, wires and from all directions - limited
small wires) ingress permitted
5 Protected against dust - 5 Protected against low pressure
limited ingress (no harmful jets of water from all directions -
deposit) limited ingress permitted

216 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

6 Totally protected against dust 6 Protected against strong jets of

water, e.g. for use on ship decks -
limited ingress permitted
7 Protected against the effects of
temporary immersion between 15
cm and 1 m. Duration of test 30
8 Protected against long periods of
immersion under pressure.

SCM/R01, SCM/R05 and SCM/R09 are IP30 rated instruments.

SCD07 and SCD08S are IP54 certified instruments, which has been verified
through actual dust and spray tests performed by an officially qualified test

Section 3.3.7 Appendix B: Interpreting the front panel channel

LED colors

LED indication for standard type modules

Module(s) Input mode Status Color

All V/ICP OK Green
All V/ICP Overload/ICP error Red
VC8 Charge OK Blue
VC8 Charge Overload Red
VB8 Bridge/active sensor/pot OK Blue
VB8 Bridge/active sensor/pot Overload/supply Red
VB8 Bridge Balancing active Blinking blue

LED indication for E type modules

Module(s) Input mode Status Color

All V/ICP OK Green
All V/ICP Overload Red
All ICP ICP error Alternating

Rev 11B 217

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

VC8-E Charge OK Blue

VC8-E Charge Overload Red
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge/active OK Blue
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge/active Overload Red
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge/active Sensor supply error Alternating
sensor/pot yellow/red
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge Balancing active Cyan
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge Balancing error Alternating
VB8-E/DB8-II Bridge Shunting active Magenta
All TEDS Reading Yellow

LED indication for CAN (CN2/CN4 module or CAN-XSI)

Color Status

Green :the can bus is enabled (active listener or passive/normal


Red :an error warning condition is met

Alternating :When a bus error occurs the led will be set red for a
red/green duration of 200ms. When the led blinks alternating
red/green, the module is detecting repeatedly bus errors.

(*) Most common errors for this situation are:

 High speed CAN is not properly terminated, causing bus errors.
 Bit rate is not set correctly.
 Setting the module to high speed and connecting to a low speed bus.
 Setting the module in low speed and connecting to a high speed bus.

218 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section 3.3.8 Appendix C: Connecting DC accelerometers to

VB8(-E) and DB8(-II)

Section Introduction

In the traditional world of noise and vibration acquisition and analysis, we see a
relatively limited range of sensor types:
 Mostly ICP type accelerometers
 Charge (piezoelectric) type accelerometers
 Tacho sensors
 Microphones and digital audio sources
We have now also encountered different types of sensors that require a different
approach and different types of signal conditioning.

This application note intends to give a comprehensive overview of these “new

and different” sensors, and to explain to which extent these new sensors are
compatible with the current LMS SCADAS signal conditioning offering.

Section A short overview of non-traditional sensors

Examples of these non-traditional markets can be found in industrial
environments, durability testing scenarios (RLDA), and the energy sector. We
see one common focus within these application areas: they are all interested in
measuring basic mechanical properties like static strain, force, pressure,
displacement etc. These customers generally do not require ICP or charge
access, microphones or high frequency capable tacho sensors.

Instead, we predominantly see the following sensors in these applications:

 Strain gages in either ¼, ½ or 1/1 bridge modes
 Strain gage based force and pressure sensors
 DC accelerometers (either MEMS, capacitive or piezoresistive based)
 Displacement sensors (either based on a potentiometer or a linear encoder)
 Temperature sensors (either thermocouples or Pt100 / RTD)
 Digital status indicators (on / off, counters)

Section Strain gage conditioning with LMS SCADAS

SCM VB8 (-E)

Rev 11B 219

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 Programmable symmetrical bridge supply up to 10V (@20mA)

 Dual sense line mechanism to compensate for lead wire resistance
 Bridge balancing through current injection algorithm
 Bridge sensitivity calibration through shunt calibration (four shunt resistor
 Selectable input ranges from ±3mV to ±10V
 DC and AC coupling
 Supported bridge modes: full, half, rotated half, and quarter (either 2 or 3
 Quarter bridge and rotated half bridge completion resistors: 120Ω and 350Ω
 Support of single ended V/ICP sensors, with TEDS
 Support of differential and single ended active sensors (+15V @ 10mA
sensor supply)
 Selectable symmetrical bridge supply: 2V, 5V or 10V (@20mA)
 Dual sense line mechanism to compensate for lead wire resistance
 Bridge balancing through digital offset compensation
 Bridge sensitivity calibration through shunt calibration (two shunt values)
 Selectable input ranges from ±3mV to ±10V
 DC coupling
 Supported bridge modes: full, half, and quarter (either 2 or 3 wire)
 Quarter bridge completion resistors: 120Ω and 350Ω
 Selectable symmetrical bridge supply: 2V, 5V or 10V (@20mA)
 Dual sense line mechanism to compensate for lead wire resistance
 Bridge balancing through digital offset compensation
 Bridge sensitivity calibration through shunt calibration (two shunt values)
 Selectable input ranges from ±3mV to ±10V
 DC coupling
 Supported bridge modes: full, half, and quarter (either 2 or 3 wire)
 Support of single ended ICP sensors, with TEDS
 Support of differential and single ended active sensors (+15V @ 10mA
sensor supply)

Section Strain gage based sensor conditioning with LMS

In principle, all true strain gage based transducers such as force sensors and
pressure sensors can be seen as a collection of strain gages (usually arranged in
a full Wheatstone bridge configuration) and can therefore be conditioned by any
of the above mentioned LMS SCADAS bridge conditioners. Load cells, usually
built up with 350Ω strain gages, are a typical example of this type of sensor.

220 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

With the DB8-II and the VB8-II modules, you can also use a transmitter sensor.
You have to choose the Input Mode: Sensor with 15V excitation. This input
mode will supply the necessary supply voltage. The system will measure the
voltage over the 80 Ohm resistor in the cable. This way you can calculate the
measured current.

Section DC accelerometers

There are three different underlying technologies for DC accelerometers:
 Capacitive (mechanical)
 Capacitive (MEMS*)
 Piezoresistive (MEMS)
*The term “MEMS” stands for Micro Electro Mechanical System.

Section Capacitive DC accelerometers (mechanical)

The principle of the mechanical capacitive DC accelerometer is depicted below:

This is a mechanical structure, basically consisting of two fixed electrodes and

two flexible electrodes. Together they form a matched set of electrical
capacitors, the value of which depends on the distance between the flexible
electrodes and the fixed electrodes. As this distance will vary with acceleration,
we have ourselves a transducer that is able to translate acceleration into an
amount of electrical charge in a capacitor.

Rev 11B 221

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

A typical capacitive DC accelerometer will use that ability in the following


The two variable capacitors are placed in a classical Wheatstone bridge, and an
AC bridge excitation is applied. The AC output (imbalance) of the bridge is
filtered, resulting in a DC output of the sensor, representing the amount of
acceleration. This type of sensor obviously has some on board electronics for
the AC bridge excitation generation, buffering, low pass filtering etc. Hence the
name: active sensor.

Consequently, this type of sensor needs an external voltage supply to power the
internal electronics. In most cases this means that the sensor requires a power
voltage that should be:
 more than a certain amount of Volts (such as >5V) in order to be able to
power the internal electronics;
 less than a certain amount of Volts (such as <30V) in order to avoid damage
to the internal electronics.
Let’s examine a couple of popular examples of mechanical capacitive DC
accels: PCB 3701, Endevco 7290, and Kistler 8310.

Section PCB 3701 series

The PCB 3701 sensor series expects a single ended power supply (between
ground and +5VDC to +30VDC). This is a typical example of a “single ended
active sensor”: both positive and negative power supplies are provided and
regulated by the sensor itself, resulting in a bipolar sensor output (nicely around
0 Volts, with a maximum DC offset of only ±40mV)

222 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The preferred conditioner for this type of sensor is VB8 or DB8-II, as it has a
dedicated single ended active sensor mode:

The VB8 and DB8-II provide an active sensor supply of +15VDC and it can
provide a maximum sensor supply current of 10mA (which are both OK for the
3701). Please always look at these two parameters, as they are crucial in
deciding whether a sensor can be connected to the module in active sensor
mode or not: required supply voltage and required supply current. The PCB
3701 can also be connected in half bridge mode:

In half bridge mode, the single ended active sensor is fed by a symmetrical
bridge supply. The supply voltage is OK (±5VDC equals 10VDC), and the
bridge supply can provide enough current, but the sensor ground is now
connected to the negative side of the bridge supply: usually -5V. This offset has
to be compensated for in software. Two problems can occur:

Rev 11B 223

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

 This arrangement may not work if the sensor is not case isolated, and the
sensor ground is electrically connected to the sensor case.
 As the sensor signal is biased around -5V, the input range of the conditioner
should be set to ±10V. When dealing with very low amplitude signals this
could mean that you have a less than optimal dynamic range. On the other
hand, DC accelerometers usually produce a fairly high output voltage.

Section Endevco 7290 series

Another popular capacitive DC accelerometer is the Endevco 7290. The main

difference between the 3701 and the 7290 is that the 7290 has a differential
output, instead of a single ended one.

VB8(-E) and DB8-II offer a dedicated input mode for this type of sensor:

This is the so-called differential active sensor mode that is able (like the single
ended active sensor mode) to provide a +15VDC sensor supply at 10mA max.

224 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Another way of connecting the 7290 is in full bridge mode:

In this mode, the sensor supply ground is connected to the negative bridge
supply voltage and the signal is picked up differentially.

Section Kistler 8310 series

The Kistler 8310 is again a typical example of a single ended active sensor, and
it can be connected to SCADAS hardware in a similar way as the PCB 3701.
One thing should be taken into account: the “high g” versions of this sensor
require a supply current of 13mA, which could be critical when connecting it in
single ended active sensor mode. The half bridge connection mode (with a
bridge supply of ±5VDC) will always work.

Section Capacitive DC accelerometers (MEMS)

A MEMS capacitive DC accelerometer principally works according to the same
mechanism as a mechanical capacitive DC accelerometer, only now the
mechanical structure is built on an electronic chip (silicon):

Rev 11B 225

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

The advantage of such an architecture is obvious, as both the conditioning

electronics and the sensor itself can be located on the same chip. Consequently,
the cost of MEMS sensors is usually significantly lower than that of traditional
accelerometers. We will look into one example of a capacitive MEMS DC

Section PCB 3711 series

The 3711 can again be connected in both single ended active sensor mode and
half bridge mode, but depending on the type of 3711 there can be different
output offsets at zero g. The one depicted here is the 3711A, which has approx.
2.5V offset, but the 3711D will have no structural offset around its power/signal

226 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

ground potential.

Section Piezoresistive DC accelerometers (MEMS)

Silicon, being a crystal type of material, possesses certain properties that make
it useful as a piezoresistive sensor material. When a force is applied to this
sensor, as a result of acceleration, the resistive properties of the material change.

As a rule, piezoresistive sensors are internally configured as a full bridge, quite

similar to a strain gage full bridge. Some sensors will add some electronics to
buffer or amplify the bridge output signal, others will be passive (purely
resistive) devices.

We will look into two types of piezoresistive MEMS DC accelerometers.

Rev 11B 227

Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section Measurement Specialties 4600 (single axis) and

4630 (triax) series

As the diagram shows, the internal architecture is clearly a full bridge, but the
4600 and 4630 have some output electronics.

The most logical way to connect these sensors is in full bridge mode, but the
differential active sensor mode is also a possibility.

Section Endevco 2262 series

As the 2262 behaves as a passive full bridge, the preferred connection method
for this sensor is full bridge.

228 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 3 Software and Hardware

Section 3.4 Offline operation

Rev 11B 229

Chapter 4 Channels

Chapter 4 Channels

In This Chapter
Channels .............................................................................231
Calibration ..........................................................................235
Bridge configurations .........................................................245
Channel identification characteristics.................................251
Database sources ................................................................265
Channel amplification ........................................................273

Section 4.1 Channels

This document describes the various measurement channels that can be used.

Active channels are those physical channels that you switch “on” and which
will be used during the acquisition.

Section 4.1.1 Types of channels

The total number of channels in use will depend on the frontend configuration
and the modules in use. Channels fall into the following categories:

Tacho channels (on page 288) are used to measure the tracking parameter.
They can however also be user for torsional analysis. In that case, the tacho
channel must be associated with a dynamic input channel group. The tacho
moments will be used to compute the regular tacho data and tracking conditions
while a double precision variant will be computed for torsional analysis. This
double precision variant will be processes like all other input channels
associated with the dynamic channel group.

Input channels are used to measure specific functions on physical input


Derived channels are used to calculate functions derived from (dynamic) input

Section 4.1.2 Input channels

Input channels refers to all the physical input channels on the frontend apart
from the tacho channels. Those channels that are made active in the channel list

Rev 11B 231

Chapter 4 Channels

in the software can be used to acquire a variety of measurement functions.

These channels are of the following types. Each channel type has its own
characteristics. Groups of channels are all processed in the same way during an
acquisition. Channels must be assigned to a particular group in the Channel
setup worksheet.

Section Acoustic channels

Even though this channel group is termed “acoustic” there is no real restraint on
them measuring acoustic pressure through microphones, neither do they need to
be connected to specific conditioning modules in the frontend.

You should bear in mind however that if you are measuring vibrations there is
an advantage in assigning a channel to the “Vibration” group (see "Vibration
channels" on page 233). Vibration channels can be processed, by either
integration or differentiation, to obtain another vibrational quantity.

Specific channels are assigned to the acoustic channel group in the “Channel
Setup” worksheet. Tacho channels cannot be included in this (or any other)

Section Channel identification characteristics

These field values are set using the “Channel Setup” worksheet.

Section Calibration

These channels must be calibrated using an absolute AC calibration procedure
(see "[Procedure] To perform an AC calibration" on page 500).

Section Measurement functions

These channels can measure Time blocks (see "Time" on page 303), Spectra
(see "Spectrum (frequency spectra)" on page 304), Autopowers (see
"Autopowers (Linear and Power)" on page 305) and PSDs (see "AutoPower
Power Spectral Density or PSD" on page 306), Crosspowers (see
"Crosspower" on page 306) and an FRF.

In addition OA levels and various sections can be calculated for the channels in
this group.

All channels in this group are processed in the same way, i.e. measure the same
function and with the same weighting. You can also define a separate group of
“Other” channels that can be processed differently.

Section Range

Range is defined initially as part of the channel identification and must take
specific values. Checking and setting the range is done in the “Acquisition
setup” worksheet.

232 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Section Vibration channels

This group of channels is used for measuring vibrational quantities i.e.
acceleration, displacement or velocity. However you can specify exactly which
of these quantities you are interested in and if necessary this will be calculated
by either integrating or differentiating the actual measured quantity. This same
processing will be applied to any OA levels that are calculated for the channels
in this group.

A channel must be assigned to this group in the Channels Setup worksheet. It is

necessary that the transducer is measuring some form of vibrational quantity, if
integration or differentiation is to be performed. Tacho channels can not be
included in this group.

Section Channel identification characteristics

These field values are set using the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Calibration

These channels must be calibrated using an absolute AC calibration procedure
(see "[Procedure] To perform an AC calibration" on page 500). For more
information on how to calibrate these channels .

Section Measurement functions

These channels can measure Time blocks (see "Time" on page 303), Spectra
(see "Spectrum (frequency spectra)" on page 304), Autopowers (see
"Autopowers (Linear and Power)" on page 305) and PSDs (see "AutoPower
Power Spectral Density or PSD" on page 306), Crosspowers (see
"Crosspower" on page 306) and an FRF.

In addition OA levels and various sections can be calculated for the channels in
this group.

All channels in this group are processed in the same way, i.e. they measure the
same function and with the same format. You can define a separate group of
“Other” channels that can be processed differently.

Section Range

Range is defined initially as part of the channel identification and must take
specific values. Checking and setting the range is done in the Acquisition Setup

Section Static channels

This group of channels is used to measure quantities that are not changing very
rapidly. A channel can be assigned to this group in the "Channel Setup”
worksheet. Static channels must be setup in sets of four (per signal conditioning
module). Tacho channels cannot be included in this group.

Rev 11B 233

Chapter 4 Channels

Section Channel identification characteristics

These are set using the “Channel Setup” worksheet.

Section Calibration

These channels must be calibrated using a DC calibration procedure (see
"[Procedure] To perform a DC calibration" on page 503).

Section Measurement functions

These channels measure the linear average of each acquisition block.

Section Range

Range is defined initially as part of the channel identification and must take
specific values.

Section 4.1.3 Other channels

This group of channels can be defined so that specific processing will be

performed on them.

Section 4.1.4 Derived channels

These are not real physical input channels, but virtual ones that display
calculated functions, defined by the user, based on processed functions acquired
from measurement channels. They behave like channels in that they have an id,
can be viewed, processed and stored in the same way as input channels.

A number of derived input channels can be defined in the Online Processing

worksheet and these will form a group of derived channels. It is also possible to
define a derived tacho channel but that is dealt with separately in the Tracking
Setup worksheet

A typical use of a derived channel would be to compute the weighted average of

a microphone array in order to calculate a global sound pressure level. By
comparing the output of this channel to each of the individual microphone
channels, the relative importance of each of the microphones could be assessed.

The output of a derived channel is specified as an expression based on input

channels, arithmetic operators and mathematical functions. This expression is
defined using a calculator-style interface.

You can specify the type of function that the derived channel calculation will

234 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

use for processing the results (spectrum, autopower or time).

A derived channel results in a waterfall calculated on this selected function.

This means that you have to select the autopower function if you do not want to
include the influence of phase shifts between channels in summing operations
for example.

It is the processed output of the physical input channels that are used as source
for the derived channels. This means that there is less risk of errors arising
during summing operations due to phase shifts between channels for example.

The input for a single derived channel can be taken from measurement channels
that are in different groups. This flexibility allows you, for example, to calculate
transfer functions between vibration and acoustic channels. It also means that
you can operate on channels that have been placed in separate groups purely for
organizational reasons. However it does mean that erroneous results will be
obtained if the source channels have incompatible processing functions or units.

Note: Orders and other sections are calculated starting from the resulting

For example, in case of a division, sections are calculated as Frms (CH1/CH2),

and NOT as Frms (CH1) / Frms(CH2). For performing calculations on sections you
can use the Data Calculator (see "The Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet"
on page 442).

Note: While some checks can be made by the software, it is ultimately the
user's responsibility to check that the sources for the derived channel are
composed of a compatible set of input channels.

Section 4.1.5 Virtual channels

These are not real physical input channels, but virtual ones defined by the user
in the channel setup. The output of a virtual channel is specified as an
expression based on tacho or dynamic input channels, arithmetic operators and
mathematical functions.

Virtual channels are calculated online and gapless in the time domain and
behaves as the input channels. They are stored as a time trace in the throughput
file and are processed online like the other measurement channels.

Section 4.2 Calibration

This document is concerned with the general principles and practice of

Rev 11B 235

Chapter 4 Channels


The main purpose of calibrating a transducer is to determine, accurately, the

relationship between the physical quantity (load) that is applied to the
transducer and its electrical output. As such this relationship is a property of a
transducer and it can be done in a calibration lab independent of the actual
measurement system.

In practice the transducer is connected to a frontend channel, possibly with an

external conditioner, so in fact it is usually necessary to calibrate the complete
measurement chain.

Sometimes a calibration procedure is used to check whether the transducer (or

measurement chain) is working as well as expected. The current results from the
transducer can be compared to the values of a previous calibration or to a
nominal value.

This process is carried out in the Calibration worksheet. (see "The Calibration
worksheet" on page 499)

Section 4.2.1 AC calibration

With this technique (absolute calibration) a sinusoidal load with known

amplitude and frequency is applied to the transducer. The frontend measures the
electrical output signal of the transducer. From the amplitude of this signal, the
sensitivity of the transducer can be calculated.

Engineering unit input and electrical output

Assuming that there is a linear relationship between the load applied to a

transducer and its electrical output, then the following equation applies:

236 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Electrical output = Load * Sensitivity + Offset

AC Calibration

The "Sensitivity" is the increase in electrical output per load. The higher this
value (slope), then the more sensitive is the transducer.

The "Offset" (expressed in electrical units) is the electrical output of a

transducer when no load is applied to it. This AC calibration procedure always
applies a load and, therefore, cannot be used to determine the offset. The value
supplied by the manufacturer must be used.

The term “Calibration value” is sometimes used. This is the inverse of the
sensitivity, i.e. load / electrical output.

Section The calibration process

The process of calibrating an input channel involves the following stages.
Step 1
Selection of the channels to be calibrated.
One or more channels can be selected for calibration. If multiple channels are
selected, then either:
(a) all the channels are calibrated at once (using a multi-sensor calibrator)
(b) the channels are calibrated one after the other, or
(c) the channels are calibrated in several groups.
All selected channels must be measuring the same quantity as the calibrator
The calculated sensitivity will be compared to the nominal sensitivity provided
by the manufacturer. This must be defined as part of the channel list setup.
Step 2
Definition of the reference signal to be used.

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Chapter 4 Channels

The amplitude, unit and frequency of the reference sine signal, generated by the
calibrator, must be known.
These parameters can be entered directly into the worksheet or read from a
database where the calibrator characteristics are defined.
Step 3
Checking the setup.
A check is made on whether external acoustic weighting is being applied. No
acoustic weighting should be used during calibration so that the correct
amplitude can be detected.
Step 4
Detect the reference signal.
The system will start acquiring a signal on the channel(s) to be calibrated and
check to see if it matches the defined reference signal. The following checks are
 The detected signal must have a frequency parameter value (see
"Advanced button" on page 507) that is reasonably close to the specified
reference frequency. The tolerance limit is represented by “Freq. highest
However, you can calibrate even when there is a higher peak in the
signal than the calibration tone (e.g. strong DC component). But, you
will probably need to reduce the SNR ratio, otherwise you will get a
"Failed, SNR NOK" message.
 The amplitude of the measured signal must be reasonably stable and within
the tolerance limit represented by the “Std. deviation sens” parameter value
(see "Advanced button" on page 507) that you set. The signal to noise ratio
must also be higher than the tolerance limit represented by the “SNR” value
you defined.
 There must be no overload on the channel.
If all these conditions are satisfied, then the measurement for calibration can
Step 5
Start the acquisition for calibration.
When a good reference signal has been detected, the calibration of the channel
can begin. The measurement setup used for calibration is as described below. It
is independent of the measurement setup defined for the test.
An autopower function is acquired to determine the amplitude of the signal. The
sampling frequency is set to 8 times the reference frequency or the next highest
frequency supported by the frontend. A flattop window is applied, and a
blocksize of 1,024 is used. A 50% overlap is used and a number of averages
taken. The signal will be acquired for a period defined by the user. The longer
the calibration signal is measured, the more reliable will be the result.
During the measurement phase, the stability of the frequency and the amplitude
of the measured autopower is checked. If the signal to noise ratio is too high,
then the sensitivity will not be calculated. Similarly, if the amplitude varies too
much during the measurement period, as indicated by a high standard deviation
of the results from each block, then the sensitivity value will not be computed.

238 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

If an overload occurs then the calibration cannot be completed.

Step 6
Calculation of the sensitivity.
The sensitivity of the transducer is calculated from the measured autopower
spectrum of the calibration channel. In this spectrum, a peak value is searched
for, using a frequency band (nominal +/- 10%) around the specified calibration
frequency. The following applies :
Sensitivity and Offset formulas

Aref is the peak linear amplitude of the reference signal expressed in engineering
Aelec is the peak linear amplitude of the sinusoidal electrical signal coming out of
the transducer expressed in SI electrical units.
Ameas is the amplitude of the autopower spectrum expressed in SI electrical units.
Pregain is the gain factor between output of the transducer and input of the
Sensitivity is the transducer sensitivity derived from the calibration (expressed
in SI units).
The sensitivity calculated this way is always positive. For transducers that
generate an electrical signal that is 180 degrees out of phase with the load, it is
necessary to multiply the new sensitivity by -1 if the polarity of the transducer is
negative. The polarity of a transducer is defined in the channel list as a property
of the transducer.
Step 7
Compare the measured sensitivity to the nominal value defined in the Channel
Setup worksheet.
If the {|NewSens - NominalSens|}/{NominalSens} lies within a defined
tolerance limit, then the new sensitivity value will be considered good. If the
difference lies outside of the tolerance, then a warning is issued and you can
decide whether to accept the new values, check the given nominal value from

Rev 11B 239

Chapter 4 Channels

the manufacturer or repeat the calibration process.

Section 4.2.2 DC calibration

DC calibration is carried out on channels that are used to measure functions that
change only slowly during the run (e.g. static channels). The purpose of the
calibration procedure is to determine, or to check, the relationship between the
physical quantity being measured and the electrical output being delivered by
the transducer-frontend chain.

This relationship is expressed as

Electrical output = Physical quantity * Sensitivity + Offset.

DC Calibration

The points Xi, Yi are determined through two or more measurements. For each
mesaurement a signal with a known physical quantity (X) is applied and the
resulting electrical output (Y) measured.

240 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

If two points are measured the sensitivity and the slope are computed from

If more than two points are measured linear regression is used to estimate the
sensitivity and slope that best fits the measured points.

This procedure is carried out in the DC Calibration minor of the Calibration


Section 4.2.3 Relative calibration

With this technique the sensitivity of a transducer can be determined relative to

another (well calibrated) transducer. This principle can even be taken further
when we calibrate against another uncalibrated transducer. In this case all
measured values that rely on the absolute sensitivity of the transducers (e.g.
time data, spectra, autopowers, ...) will be wrong but quantities that rely solely
on the relative sensitivity (e.g. FRF) will be correct.

The basic measurement setup of relative calibration is sketched in the following


The measurement procedure consists in performing an impact on the mass

whilst measuring the force signal of the hammer and the acceleration signal of
the accelerometer.

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Chapter 4 Channels

Relative calibration test setup with suspended mass

The FRF between accelerometer and hammer will typically look like the one in
the following figure. The part that is used for calibration is the flat line known
as the mass line where the amplitude of the FRF equals 1/M (with M the mass
of the suspended body).

Typical measured FRF

242 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

From the knowledge of the mass of the suspended body and the calibration
factor of one of the transducers, the calibration factor of the other transducer can
be determined. For instance the calibration factor of the accelerometer can be
calculated as:

 VF: measured voltage from force cell
 αF: calibration factor of force cell (known)
 Va: measured voltage from accelerometer αa: calibration factor of
 αa: calibration factor of accelerometer
 M: mass of the suspended body.
This way you can calibrate an accelerometer against a hammer or against
another accelerometer. Also the hammer can be calibrated against an

Section Test setup with shaker

Another typical setup that is used, is the one shown in the following figure. In
this case a shaker is used and the accelerometers are mounted on the shaker
table. There is one master accelerometer and the other accelerometers can be
calibrated relative to this one.

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Chapter 4 Channels

Relative calibration test setup with shaker

Section 4.2.4 Bridge Calibration

Section Bridge Nulling

To correct for the DC offset, bridge nulling (or bridge balancing) is performed.
This involves 4 steps:
 Measure the offset error on the bridge channel.
 Inject a known current into the bridge.
 Measure the effect on the bridge output voltage.
 Calculate the current needed to zero the bridge output voltage. This current
is the balancing current.
These steps are done internally in the frontend when you start the nulling

This balancing current that is injected into the bridge does not influence the
bridge sensitivity.

Section Bridge Calibration

There are 3 ways for calibrating a bridge sensor:

Section Direct calibration

In this case, you apply a well known mechanical load to the bridge sensor. This
measurement together with a measurement at 0 load, gives you the possibility to
calculate the sensitivity. This is the same principle as for DC calibration. This

244 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

however can be quite difficult in practice.

Section Indirect calibration: shunt calibration.

With this technique, you simulate a mechanical load by placing a well known
shunt resistor parallel to one of the bridge branches. This can be done by
manually putting a shunt resistor parallel to one of the branches of the bridge or
it can be done internally in the frontend.

This shunted measurement together with a measurement without a shunt resistor

gives you the possibility to calculate the sensitivity. This is the same principle
as for DC calibration.

This type of calibration is possible for the PQBA II and the VB8 modules.

Section Calibration by current injection

For this type of calibration, the calculation of the sensitivity is based on a well
known current that is injected into the bridge.

This type of calibration is only possible for the PQBA.

Section 4.3 Bridge configurations

There are several configurations possible for a bridge sensor.

Rev 11B 245

Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.3.1 Full Bridge

Full Bridge diagram

The external sense lines (the green lines in the picture above) are optional. They
do not carry any current and so there is no voltage drop over these wires. They
measure the actual voltage over the bridge. When they are not used, there are 2
less wires to be connected.

Note: This diagram is valid for the VB8. For the PQBA and PQBA II, there's
only the negative sense line.

246 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.3.2 Half Bridge

Half Bridge diagram

The external sense lines (the green lines in the picture above) are optional. They
do not carry any current and so there is no voltage drop over these wires. They
measure the actual voltage over the bridge. When they are not used, there are 2
less wires to be connected.

Note: This diagram is valid for the VB8. For the PQBA and PQBA II, there's
only the negative sense line.

Rev 11B 247

Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.3.3 Basic Quarter Bridge

Basic Quarter Bridge diagram

The external sense lines (the green lines in the picture above) are optional. They
do not carry any current and so there is no voltage drop over these wires. They
measure the actual voltage over the bridge. When they are not used, there are 2
less wires to be connected.

Note: This diagram is valid for the VB8. For the PQBA and PQBA II, there's
only the negative sense line.

248 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.3.4 Quarter Bridge

Quarter Bridge diagram

The external sense lines (the green lines in the picture above) are optional. They
do not carry any current and so there is no voltage drop over these wires. They
measure the actual voltage over the bridge. When they are not used, there are 2
less wires to be connected.

Note: This diagram is valid for the VB8. For the PQBA and PQBA II, there's
only the negative sense line.

Rev 11B 249

Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.3.5 Rotated Half Bridge (only available on VB8)

Rotated Half Bridge diagram

The external sense lines (the green lines in the picture above) are optional. They
do not carry any current and so there is no voltage drop over these wires. They
measure the actual voltage over the bridge. When they are not used, there are 2
less wires to be connected.

Section 4.3.6 Balanced A and dynamic strain modes

Balanced A, 2 wire diagram

250 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Balanced A, 4 wire diagram

The Balanced A modes with 2 and 4 wires are both available in AC and DC
coupled mode.

The Balanced A, 2wire mode is typically used for dynamic strain


Section 4.4 Channel identification characteristics

This document lists and provides information on all the measurement channel
fields and values used to define their identification.

Channel information is defined in the “Channel Setup” worksheet. The fields

that are displayed are specified using the Channel Setup Visibility editor in the
Tools menu. Here, full details on the fields are provided and the possible values
that can be entered.

These are grouped into the following categories:

Rev 11B 251

Chapter 4 Channels

 Channel definition fields

 Transducer fields (on page 255)
 Signal conditioning fields (on page 256)
 Location point definition (on page 257)
 Vibration control fields
 QTV parameters (on page 257)
 Tacho parameters
 Bridge Settings (on page 263)
 Microphone settings (M4 , VM8 module) (on page 264)
 Alarm level settings for Bar/LED displays

Section 4.4.1 Channel identification fields

Section Channel definition fields

Channel identification - Channel definition fields

Identification field Explanation

OnOff A switch to make the channel active. If on, it
will be used in the following acquisition.
ChannelId A sequential number assigned by the
software. Cannot be altered by the user.
UserChannelId A lengthy text string that can be used to
annotate a particular channel
PhysicalChannelId An identification string assigned by the
software according to the physical input
module to which the channel is connected.
E.g. Tacho1: first input on a PDT module.
This cannot be altered by the user.
ChannelGroupId The name of the measured data group to
which the channel belongs. Must be selected
from the groups that have been defined.
Reference A switch that declares this channel as a
reference channel for FRF calculation .
DynamicRange Lists the dynamic range in dB of the input
Range Selected input range for the channel in
electrical units.
Range EU Selected input range for the channel in
engineering units. This is derived from the
Range divided by the Actual Sensitivity.

252 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

Range Format Determines whether Range EU is listed in a
Linear, dB or Log format.
InputMode Sets the type of transducer input. Must be
selected from the available fields which will
depend on the input module. Types are
Voltage, ICP or Charge. Also defines the
AC/DC coupling.
For a PQBA module, 1/1 bridge (AC), 1/2
bridge (AC) and 1/4 bridge (AC) mode are
For a PQBA II or BDS4 module, additionally
to the bridge modes, also balanced current
and dynamic strain modes are possible. The
dynamic strain mode is the same as input
mode “Balanced A, 2 wire AC” with the
difference that for the dynamic strain input
mode, the Sensitivity will be automatically
calculated with formula: sensitivity = R*I*k
with R the gage resistance, I the supply
voltage and k the strain gage factor.
For a VB8 module, all above bridged modes,
voltage AC, voltage DC, ICP, potentiometer,
sensor with excitation, differential sensor
with excitation, single ended and sensor with
15V excitation **
For a DB8 module, Voltage DC,
potentiometer, sen sensor with excitation,
differential sensor with excitation, single
ended and sensor with 15V excitation are
For a DB8-II module, Voltage DC,
potentiometer, ICP, sensor with excitation,
differential sensor with excitation, single
ended, sensor with 15V excitation and sensor
with 15V excitation, inverted, are available.
Coupling* Defines the input coupling which must be
selected from the options that are dependent
on the frontend module.
DCOffset Defines the DC Offset applied by the tacho
module in order to achieve the trigger level
defined in Tracking Setup.
LPFilterOn If ‘On’ a low pass filter is used during
acquisition. Use the LPCutoff field to specify
the cutoff frequency. In signature
workbooks the LPFilterCharacteristics and
LPFilterOrder fields specify the filter

Rev 11B 253

Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

characteristics. In other workbooks always a
6-th order Butterworth filter is used.
LPCutoff Sets the cutoff frequency of the low-pass
filter. It can have values within the range
50Hz - 102400Hz.
LPFilterCharacteristics Specifies the type of the low-pass filter. It
can be a Butterworth or a Bessel IIR filter.
This is only available in signature
workbooks. In other workbooks always a
Butterworth filter is used.
LPFilterOrder Specifies the order of the low-pass filter. It
can have values 2,4,6,8 or 10. This is only
available in signature workbooks. In other
workbooks the order is always 6.
LPMinimumOversamplingFactor It can have the value 0 or a value greater or
equal to 2. If you specify a value different
from 0 the system will warn you when you
have specified a bandwidth in acquisition
setup that is lower than 0.5*
The warning is given when arming. This is
only available in signature workbooks.
HPCutoff Sets the cutoff frequency of the high-pass
filter (if available).


* With a QDA module select coupling SPDIF or AES/EBU.

** note on VB8 input modes:

Sensor with excitation, differential: this input should be used for sensors that
are internally composed of a full bridge and require a power supply. The
sensitivity of this sensor is dependent on the supply voltage.

Sensor with excitation, single ended: this input should be used for sensors
that are internally composed of a half bridge and require a power supply. The
sensitivity of this sensor is dependent on the supply voltage.

Sensor with 15V excitation: this input should be used for sensors that require
a power supply. The sensitivity of this sensor is independent on the supply

254 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

For more information on how to connect these sensors please refer to:

Section Transducer fields

Channel identification - Transducer fields

Identification field Explanation

Transducer The name of the company that manufactured the

Manufacturer transducer.
Transducer Type Defines whether the transducer is an accelerometer, a
microphone, or some other type.
Serial number Serial number of the transducer.
Transducer User-defined description of the transducer.
Actual sensitivity The sensitivity is the electrical output per measured unit
(Electrical unit/EU). The actual value is the value as
determined by a calibration procedure and is the value
that will be used for the measurements.
Actual sensitivity This is the unit used to describe the actual sensitivity
unit value e.g. mV/g or mV/(m/s2).
Calibration factor This is the output in engineering units per measured
electrical unit (EU/Electrical). The value is coupled with
the Actual Sensitivity value.
Calibration factor This is the unit used to describe the Calibration factor
unit e.g. g/mV or (m/s2)/mV.
Nominal sensitivity The manufacturer supplies the nominal value for the
transducer. This value is used to set initial ranges for the
calibration procedure and as a check that the measured
value is good.
Nominal sensitivity This is the unit used to describe the nominal sensitivity
unit value e.g. mV/g.
Offset The value of the offset of the transducer (electrical
output when load = 0) as determined by a calibration
Offset unit The unit for the offset e.g. mV.
Offset zeroing In this field you can define the offset zeroing strategy:
 Never: by default, the offset of this channel will not
be changed during zeroing
 Once: the offset of this channel will be changed

Rev 11B 255

Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

during zeroing in the Acquisition Setup sheet, but

not in the Measure sheet.
 Always: the offset of this channel will be changed
during zeroing in the Acquisition Setup sheet and in
the Measure sheet
Due for calibration Date when the transducer should be calibrated again e.g.
on Wed Jan 02 2005 or 2005-01-08 01:00:00 or 01/20/05
Calibration valid for Number of days that the calibration value is valid for.
Electrical unit The measured electrical unit.
Measured Quantity Specifies the physical quantity measured by the
Polarity Can be either a positive (+) or negative (-) sign.

(*) The fixed list of measured quantities can be extended, if wanted. Add the
extra quantities in the TransducerQuantities.txt file in the local GridFilters

Section Signal conditioning fields

Channel identification - Signal conditioning fields

Identification field Explanation

Pre-weighting* Pre-weighting applied by conditioning unit.
Default weighting is Linear.
FrontEndWeighting** Weighting applied by the frontend.
TimeIntegration Integration of time data applied by the
frontend. Available options are None, Single
or Double integration. Not available in
SignatureRealTime acquisition workbooks
TimeTransformation Only available in the HighSpeedRecording
workbook. When switched on, it allows to
show acceleration data in velocity and/or
displacement format in the
HighSpeedMonitoring workbook.
Pre-gain1 Calibration, Preamplifier gain set by conditioning unit that
Pre-gain2 Calibration is used during calibration.
Gain format Defines whether the pre-gain is expressed as a
multiplication factor (linear) or in dB.

* With PRE-weighting, an external device weights the incoming signals before

being acquired and no weighting is applied by the software.

256 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

In the Pre-weighting field you can describe the weighting filter that was applied.
In this way, this filter will form part of the properties of the acquired data

** In the case of FRONTEND weighting, then analog A weighting is used for

the PQA modules, and digital A weighting can be used on the S-PROC DSP for
the PQMA and PQCA modules. Digital A weighting can only be used if the
ADC bandwidth of the frontend is set to 25,600 kHz. In Signature applications,
the default ADC bandwidth is set to 51,200 kHz. It can be changed in the
Acquisition Setup worksheet > Acquisition parameters > More... dialog

The weighting filter, applied to a datablock forms part of the properties

describing that block.

Section Location point definition

Channel identification - Location point definition

Identification field Explanation

Point A field in which you can describe the point on
the structure under test where the transducer is
located. This can be in a number of formats:
free, geometry, etc. The standard geometry
format is "comp:node", where "comp" is the
name of the component (to which the node
belongs) and "node" is the name of the node
(often a number). Default value is PointX
where X is a sequential number.
Direction Measurement direction for the point. Can be
selected from the options in the dropdown

Section QTV parameters

Channel identification - QTV parameters *

Identification field Explanation

Torsion Mode Sets the mode in which the QTV channel is used.
In Torsion mode a stream of encoder-pulses is
converted to a fixed sampled stream of time data,
where each time sample is the instantaneous
rotational speed at that time moment. Low
frequency torsion mode can be used if the
frequency of the pulse train is low, see table below
(1). In Time mode the QTV channel is used as a
regular dynamic channel. The following
parameters apply to a QTV channel in Torsion

Rev 11B 257

Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

Pulses per revolution Number of pulses generated in one revolution.
TorsionLevel Level which the pulse signal must have in order to
be accepted.
TorsionSlope Slope which the pulse signal must have in order to
be accepted. It can either be up, down or both.
TorsionHysteresis This specifies a minimum range by which the pulse
signal must change before a new crossing is
accepted. This is expressed as a % of the Input
TorsionHoldoff This specifies a time period during which pulses
cannot be accepted. This is expressed as a % of the
period between pulses.
Measured Quantity The physical quantity being measured by a QTV
channel in torsion mode is always Angular
Input Mode Sets the Input Mode for the input voltage. When
measuring in torsion mode, DC coupling should be
used to avoid any deformation of the pulse train.
Range Sets the input range of the channel. This is
expressed in Voltage (it needs to be set higher than
the maximum voltage of the pulse signal to avoid

(1) The minimum and maximum frequency that can be measured with QTV
depends on the ADC sample rate and the torsion mode selected. The standard
torsion mode covers most of the application, but in some cases, it may be useful
to tune the parameters to measure pulse trains with lower frequency. The table
below gives an overview of the input frequency range in function of the
measurement settings.

SP92/QT: torsion mode, sample rate and frequency range


'Standard' torsion mode

ADC Max Freq Min Freq

Sample rate (ADC Fs/4) (ADC Fs/640)

204800 51200 320

102400 25600 160

51200 12800 80

258 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Low frequency torsion mode

ADC Max Freq Min Freq.

Sample rate (ADC Fs/4) (ADC Fs/10240)

204800 51200 20

102400 25600 10

51200 12800 5

The ADC sample rate that you require can be chosen from the three values
available for selection via the 'Bandwidth' parameter of the Level Calculation in
the Online Processing worksheet. The ADC sample rate used corresponds to the
double of this Bandwidth. The low frequency torsion mode allows you to
measure smaller frequencies, but it has a limitation: the max measurement
bandwidth must not be higher than the ADC bandwidth / 4.

For example:
 If the ADC bandwidth is 25600 Hz, the maximum measurement bandwidth
will then be one quarter, i.e. 6400 Hz.
 If the input frequency exceeds the maximum frequency, an overload will be
 If the input frequency falls below the minimum frequency, the values will
be set to 0.

Section Tacho parameters

Channel identification - Tacho parameters

Identification field Explanation

Torsion Mode With a Scadas Mobile including an incremental
encoder interface, you can select between
standard tacho inputs or incremental encoder
inputs. Select ‘Torsion’ to use the standard
analog tachos and ‘Incremental’ to use the
incremental encoder input.
With a SCADAS mobile including XSII with
digital tachos, you can select between the
standard analog tacho inputs or the digital tachos.
Select ‘Torsion’ to use the standard analog tachos
and ‘Pulse’ to use the digital tacho.
TorsionSlope This is the slope required by the pulse signal in
order to be accepted. It can be either up, down or
On a SCADAS mobile or SCADAS lab with
XSII or RV4 module, you can also select the

Rev 11B 259

Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

torsion slope PWM-Up or PWM-Down. With
this slope the tacho channel is used to detect the
duty cycle of a pulse width modulated signal.
PWM - Up uses the rising edge for level cross
detection of the reference transition and falling
edge for the level cross detection of the duty
cycle transition. PWM –Down: uses the falling
edge for level cross detection of the reference
transition and rising edge for the level cross
detection of the duty cycle transition.
Sense of rotation With incremental encoders the sense of rotation
is measured.
You can select one of three values:
Normal: The calculated rpm will be positive when
rotating clockwise and negative when rotating in
the opposite direction.
Absolute: the calculated rpm is always positive
Reverse: The calculated rpm will be negative
when rotating clockwise and positive when
rotating in the opposite direction.
PulseDetectLevel Level to be passed to count a pulse.
PulsesPerRevolution Number of pulses generated in one revolution.
PulsesToSkip Number of pulses to be ignored during one
PulseCorrection Enables or disables the detection of missing and
double pulses.
PulseCorrectionFactor If PulseCorrection is enabled this factor
determines the condition used in the detection of
missing and double pulses. It can have the value
1, 2, 3 or 4.
LinearSmoothingFactor Number of 'half revolutions' which have to be
smoothed linearly.
Reference Pulse When using a tacho with missing pulses, enable
to detect and acquire a reference pulse. When
using an incremental encoder the reference pulse
is always acquired.

Note: Please see the information below.

RpmUpdate In the order tracking workbook, acquisitions can

only be taken at discrete position. The interval
between 2 tacho pulses is divided into smaller
intervals, defined by this parameter. Acquisitions

260 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Identification field Explanation

can be taken at each of these points.

Section Detection and correction of missing and double

If PulseCorrection is enabled, the PulseCorrectionFactor (PCF) determines the
limits used in the detection of missing and double pulses. It can have the value
1, 2, 3 or 4.

A missing pulse is detected when the difference in time between two succeeding
pulses ( ) is bigger than


When a missing pulse is detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will add
the missing pulse to the raw tacho time moments.

A double pulse is detected when the difference in time between two succeeding
pulses ( ) is smaller than


When a double pulse is detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will remove
the double pulse from the raw tacho time moments.

Double missing pulses will be detected when . When a

double missing pulse is detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will add the
two missing pulses to the raw tacho time moments.

The following table shows the ranges for detecting double and missing pulses
( is the time between the two preceding pulses)

Rev 11B 261

Chapter 4 Channels

Pulse Double pulse Missing pulse Double missing

Correction pulse
< 66.7% > 200.0% > 250.0%

< 80.0% > 133.3% > 250.0%

< 88.9% > 114.3% > 250.0%

< 94.1% > 106.7% > 250.0%

Note: Use PCF > 1 for measurement setups where missing pulses are
deliberately generated. Use PCF = 1 only for measurement setups with
regular spaced tacho pulses but where, from time to time a pulse is missed
due to measurement conditions.

Section Reference pulse

Tacho supports reference pulse in 2 cases: when an incremental encoder is used
with the Scadas Mobile incremental encoder interface, or when the tacho signal
has 1 or 2 missing pulses per revolution.

With the incremental encoder, the reference pulse is sent to the frontend on a
specific channel. With tacho signals with missing pulse(s), the frontend detects
and corrects the missing pulse(s), and uses the first physical pulse after the
missing pulse(s) as a reference pulse.

In the application, it results in 2 streams of tacho moments for the tacho

channel: one contains all the pulses; the other one contains only the reference
pulse. The reference pulse can be used for triggering. For angle domain
computations, the rpm-time curve is calculated based on all pulses.

The PulseCorrectionFactor will be used to detect the missing pulses. If

PulseCorrection is not switched on, double pulses will not be corrected.

Note: When ReferencePulse is switched on for a non-incremental encoder

tacho, the applied tacho signal must effectively hold missing pulses. If this is
not the case, the system may look as if it hangs during a measurement.

262 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Section Bridge Settings

Channel identification - Bridge Settings

Identification field Explanation

BridgeSupply Defines the bridge supply voltage.
Defines the excitation type for a bridge channel:
AC or DC. Default is DC, AC will only be
available if the module and software supports this
(DB8-II, VB8-II)
Relates the relative resistance change of the strain
StrainGaugeFactor (*)
gauge to the strain produced in the strain gauge.
This field determines whether the supply sense
ExternalSense lines are used or not or whether an external shunt
resistance is used for the shunt calibration.
This field determines whether the shunt sense line
ShuntWire is used or not. Check the checkbox on if you want
to use the shunt sense line.
This field determines which resistance is used for
InternalShuntResistance shunt calibration, when using internal shunt
This field determines which resistance is used for
ExternalShuntResistance shunt calibration, when using external shunt
In this field you can determine which branch of the
bridge sensor the shunt resistor is placed on during
ShuntBranch shunt calibration. An illustration of which number
corresponds to each branch is shown in the Bridge
Type Illustration panel.
This field determines the current that is injected
into the bridge to make it balanced. This is
Bridge Balancing
determined by the bridge nulling process and can
be edited by the user.
This field determines the lead resistance of the
bridge sensor and it is determined by Calibration
by current-injection process.
Bridge Lead Resistance For shunt calibration, you can add the lead wire
resistance of 1 lead wire. The actual number of
lead wires will be taken into account and the total
lead wire resistance of the bridge will be
compensated for.

Rev 11B 263

Chapter 4 Channels

This field determines the resistance of the strain

For a PQBA or PQBA-II module, this is only
Bridge Gage Resistance
sensitive in case ¼ bridge is used. In this case, you
can select 120 Ω or 350 Ω.
For the VB8, you can type any value.
This field determines the sign of the sensitivity.
Polarity This field is only sensitive for a module that
supports shunt calibration (PQBA II, VB8).
Bridge Factor This factor is a scale factor that is calculated when
calibration by current injection is done for a PQBA
or PQBAII module. This scale factor is
proportional to the sensitivity.

This field determines the sign of the sensitivity. This field is only sensitive for a
module that supports shunt calibration (PQBA II, VB8).(*)


 = resistance change of strain gauge
 R = nominal gauge resistance
 G = strain gauge factor

Section Microphone settings (M4 , VM8 module)

Channel identification - microphone parameters

Identification field Explanation

Polarization The polarization voltage is either 0V

or 200V. A 200V DC polarization
voltage is commonly required for high
precision microphones.

Power Supply The preamplifier supply voltage is 28V

or 0V when not applicable .

264 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Section 4.5 Database sources

Section 4.5.1 Introduction

This document describes the types of database that can be used to store channel
information. In addition, it details the information such databases require to
have, to act as a source of input for the channel identification fields in the
Channel Setup worksheet.

It contains the following:

 A description of the channel identification fields that are grouped together
as channel group field definitions (on page 265).
 A list of the database types for making ODBC databases (see "ODBC
databases as an input source for Channel Setup" on page 268) that can be
used as a source of input for the channel fields.
 A procedure to create a database source (see "[Procedure] To create a
database source that can be used for import into the channel setup" on
page 268) and to make it available for use in the Channel Setup worksheet.
There are three types of databases that can be used as a source for the
identification of a particular channel group. These database types and channel
groups are termed transducer, measurement point and signal conditioner. Each
one contains a different set of fields for the complete channel identification.

Section 4.5.2 Channel group field definitions

There are three groups of channel identification fields. These are

 Transducer (see "Transducer identification fields" on page 265)
 Measurement point (see "Measurement point identification fields" on
page 267)
 Signal Conditioner (see "Signal conditioner identification fields" on page
Each group of channel identification fields is included in a separate database.

Section Transducer identification fields

The following fields could be included in a “transducer” database.

Rev 11B 265

Chapter 4 Channels

Transducer - Channel identification fields

Identification Field Meaning Required

Manufacturer The name of the company
that manufactured the
Type of transducer Defines whether the
transducer is an
accelerometer, a microphone,
or some other type.
Serial number Serial number of the
Description User-defined description of
the transducer.
Measured Quantity The physical quantity that Yes
the transducer measures, e.g.
acceleration, pressure.
Nominal Sensitivity Sensitivity is the electrical
output/measured unit.
Nominal value for the
transducer is supplied by the
Actual Sensitivity The actual sensitivity as Yes
determined by a calibration
Sensitivity Unit Unit for the sensitivity (e.g. Yes
mV/g, g/V, mV/Pa and
Actual Offset Offset (output at zero load)
of the transducer, as
determined by a calibration
Electrical Unit Electrical unit for the offset.
Offset zeroing Offset zeroing strategy
Polarity The polarity of the
transducer, which can be a
positive (+) or negative (-)
Due for calibration on The date when the transducer
should be calibrated next.
Calibration valid for Number of weeks that the
current calibration value is
valid for.
Simulated Value Value in engineering units

266 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Identification Field Meaning Required

that is simulated by the
internal shunt.
Offset zeroing Offset zeroing strategy:
Never, Once, Always
Reference Offset Reference offset value
Electrical Value Electrical value that the
sensor should read out for a
given engineering value
Engineering Value Engineering value that the
sensor should read out for a
given Electrical value
Bridge Supply Supply voltage or current for
the bridge type sensor
Input Mode Input Mode that should be
used to measure with this
Gage Resistance Resistance of 1 strain gage of
the bridge

Section Measurement point identification fields

The following fields could be included in a “measurement point” database.

Measurement point - Channel identification fields

Identification field Explanation Required

Point id A description of the point Yes
in the structure where the
transducer is located.
Direction Measurement direction for
the point. It can be selected
from the options in the
dropdown menu. This
takes the format: sign then
axis e.g. +Z.

Section Signal conditioner identification fields

The following fields could be included in a “signal conditioner” database.

Rev 11B 267

Chapter 4 Channels

Signal conditioner - Channel identification fields

Identification field Explanation Required

Weighting Pre-weighting applied Yes
by conditioning unit.
Default weighting is
GainX GainY Preamp gain set by Yes
conditioning unit
Gain format_X Defines whether the Yes
gain is expressed as a
multiplication factor
(linear) or in dB

Section 4.5.3 ODBC databases as an input source for Channel


The database or source file that contains the channel identification information
that you want to make available has to be defined as an ODBC Data Source.
The most commonly used sources of data are Microsoft AccessTM databases,
Microsoft ExcelTM workbooks and text files.

Section 4.5.4 [Procedure] To create a database source that can

be used for import into the channel setup

This procedure describes how to make the information in a database file

available for import into the Channel Setup worksheet.
Step 1
Choose the database type.
There are three types of databases that can be used as a source for the channel
identification. These are termed “Transducer”, “Measurement point” and
“Signal Conditioner”. Each type contains different sets of fields (see "Channel
group field definitions" on page 265) for the complete channel identification.
Step 2
Create the required file.
Typical formats in which channel information is held are: Text files, Access
databases and Excel workbooks.
 A text file is a simple means to make data available and it is the obvious
choice for making a “measurements point” data source since this only

268 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

requires two fields per channel. This can be created in Notepad or Wordpad.
 For an Access database you need to have a table that contains at least the
number of required fields for the database type that you are going to create.
 An Excel worksheet or workbook can also be accessed directly.
You need to make a list of your channel information that can be used, for
example, as a transducer database. In the list, worksheet rows are the channel
data values or records and the worksheet columns are the channel id fields.
It is important that you enter your channel data so that your list is suitably
organized and formatted. You should have:
 only one list per worksheet
 all your rows with similar items in the same column
 your channel id fields (column labels or names) in the first row of the list
and formatted as text.
 no empty rows and columns if possible
 no spaces in your cells. You should indent the data within cells to format
 a name for all your cells containing information, for example: 'Transducers'.
You can use numbers and capital letters in the name but you must have no
spaces. Separate words with an underscore (_).
To name your data cells, after entering all your data into the Excel worksheet,
select them all. Click the Name box at the left end of the formula bar. Type the
name for your cells (e.g. “Transducers”) and then press Enter.
You must use this name for your data as the ODBC data source name to access
your data when you use the Excel worksheet as a database (see "[Procedure]
To create a data source from an Excel file" on page 271).
Make sure that you include all the required fields for the database type.
Step 1
From the Start menu select Settings then Control panel, then double click on
'Administrative Tools'.
Step 2
In the Administrative Tools Panel, select 'Data Sources (ODBC)' and double
click on it to open the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog.
Step 3
Select the “System DSN” tab and click on Add to open the 'Create New Data
Source' dialog.
Step 4
Select the driver in the list corresponding to the data source you want to use. .
Use the 'Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)' for an Access file and the 'Microsoft
Text Driver (*.txt)' for a text file. Click on Finish. You may wish to use the
Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) to define the ODBC source (see "[Procedure]
To create a data source from an Excel file" on page 271) on the system.
Step 5
Select the procedure that relates to the database source type you are using.

Rev 11B 269

Chapter 4 Channels

Note: The procedure now continues from the Channel Setup worksheet in the
Test.Lab application

Step 6
In the “Channel Setup” worksheet, click on the “Use Database” tab in the pane
header. In the Database panel, select the database type from the left drop down
menu on the top right corner of the worksheet. Select the name you just
assigned from the right drop down menu. Click Open. The information in the
database source will appear in the panel and can be inserted (see "[Procedure]
To read channel characteristics from a file" on page 479) into the channel

Section [Procedure] To create a data source from a text file

Step 1
Enter the name that you want to assign to the Data Source.
Step 2
In the Administrative Tools Panel, select 'Data Sources (ODBC)' and double
click on it to start the dialog. Check the “Use Current Directory” button “off”
and then click on Select Directory.
Step 3
In the dialog that appears, find the directory where the file is saved, then click
OK. Then click on OK to return to the “ODBC Data Source Administrator”
Step 4
Click on Configure.
Step 5
In the next dialog click on Options. In the panel that opens up, click on define
Format. (You can also click the “Default” button “off” and select the type of
file extension required)
Step 6
Select the file from the left hand list, then select the format (Tab Delimited)
from the format menu.
Step 7
Click on Guess.
The right hand list will then show a series of entries F1 - FX where X is the
number of fields that are in the file.
Step 8
Click on F1. In the Data Type field, first check that the value has been correctly
guessed and then, only if necessary, adjust it. Enter the name of the field in the
Name field (e.g. Transducer Manufacturer)
Step 9
Click on Modify. Then continue until all the fields have been defined.
Step 10
Click on OK to close the “Define Text Format” dialog. Then click OK to close
ODBC Text Setup dialog. Then click OK to close the “ODBC Data Source

270 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Administrator” dialog.
Step 11
If you have used CHAR as data-type for one of your columns, you have to open
the "schema.ini" file that has been created in the directory in which the .txt file
is located. In this file, there are rows with the text Col1="column name"
"column type", for example Col1=WEIGHTING FLOAT. When a column is
CHAR, this is missing in the schema.ini file and you have to type it yourself
and save the schema.ini file.
Also, if your text file contains only integer values for a field where the field
type is indicated as 'Real' in the Data Source Editor you will have to edit
schema.ini file and replace the 'INTEGER' type indications to 'FLOAT'.
Step 12
You are now ready to continue.

Section [Procedure] To create a data source from an Access

Step 1
Enter the name that you wish to assign to the data source in the top field.
Step 2
Click on Select.
Step 3
In the “Select database” dialog, select the drive, the folder and the database
table, then click on OK.
Step 4
Click on OK to close the “ODBC Microsoft Access Setup” dialog, then click
OK to close the “ODBC Data Source Administrator” dialog.
Step 5
You are now ready to continue.

Section [Procedure] To create a data source from an Excel

Step 1
If you have selected the Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) as the ODBC source that
you wish to define on the system, clicking on Finish opens the 'ODBC
Microsoft Excel Setup' dialog. Fill in the following fields as shown:
 Data Source Name: Enter exactly the name that you used when creating
the Excel data source (see "[Procedure] To create a database source that
can be used for import into the channel setup" on page 268) for all your
data cells, for example 'Transducers' .
 Description: If required, enter a brief description.
 Version: If required, using the dropdown menu, select the Excel version
that you used to make the file.
Step 2
Once you have filled in the fields, click on Select Workbook...

Rev 11B 271

Chapter 4 Channels

Step 3
In the “Select Workbook” dialog, select the drive, the folder and the Excel file
that you want to use.
Step 4
Click OK to close the “Select Workbook” dialog, then click OK to close the
“ODBC Microsoft Excel Setup” dialog and finally, click OK to close Data
Source Administrator” dialog.
Step 5
Select Data Source Editor from the LMS Test.Lab Tools menu.
Step 6
In the 'Data Source Editor' dialog, fill in the following fields as shown:
 Object type: Select from the dropdown menu which type of database you
want to use.
 Data Source name (ODBC): Enter exactly the name that you used
above when creating the ODBC data source (see "[Procedure] To create a
data source from an Excel file" on page 271) and creating the Excel data
source (see "[Procedure] To create a database source that can be used for
import into the channel setup" on page 268) for all your data cells, for
example 'Transducers'.
Alternatively just enter the first letter and hit Enter. Click on the
“Machine Data Source” tab and then select the name from the list and
click OK.
 SQL Request: Enter SELECT * FROM <name of the data source>;.
Enter exactly the name that you used above when creating the ODBC data
source (see "[Procedure] To create a data source from an Excel file" on
page 271) and creating the Excel data source (see "[Procedure] To create
a database source that can be used for import into the channel setup" on
page 268) for all your data cells.
For example with 'Transducers' as your data source name, enter

Note: When the data source is created from an Access database the <name of
the data source> in the SQL Request statement should be the name of the
table in the Microsoft Access database where the information can be found.

Excel Names and SQL requests are not case sensitive and both upper
and lower case letters can be used.
Step 7
Hit the Enter key. In the “field names mapping” panel, you will see displayed
the FieldNames that belong to the database type (transducer, measurement point
or signal conditioner) that you created.
Step 8
The FieldNameLocation column will be full of question marks and the Field
Required column alongside contains either the value of 0 or 1. Fields with a 1
must be assigned a value.

272 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 4 Channels

Step 9
Select the item in the FieldNameLocation column that you wish to define and
this activates a dropdown list
Step 10
Open the dropdown list and select the item from those (column labels or names)
in the data source file which correspond to the FieldName item that you are
Step 11
Define all the remaining FieldName items in the same manner. This does not
have to include all the rows in this list. If you cannot find a corresponding item
in the FieldNameLocation list, leave the question marks ('???') in that cell.

Note: You must specify a FieldNameLocation for all the required fields
(where FieldRequired = 1).

Step 12
Enter a name for this database in the lower “Data source name” field. This is the
name that will be available for selection in the “Channel Setup” worksheet.
Click Save.
Step 13
Click OK to close the Data Source Editor.

Section [Procedure] To remove a data source

Step 1
Go to Control panel Administrative tools and remove the database.

Section 4.6 Channel amplification

In order to make optimal use of the Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs), i.e.

to improve their accuracy, it might be necessary to amplify the incoming signals
before digitizing them. The gain should be such that the optimum (maximum)
number of ADC bits are being used. Doubling the amplifier gain should result
in an additional bit being used. Range values are stored as part of the channel
identification characteristics. (see "Channel identification characteristics" on
page 251)

Checking the channel ranges can be done in the Acquisition setup worksheet.

This can be done for each channel individually (see "[Procedure] To set the
channel input range for one channel" on page 560) or you can adjust the
settings for all channels (see "[Procedure] To set the input ranges for all
channels" on page 560) using the Autoranging panel. (see "The Autoranging
and Offset zeroing panel" on page 567)

Rev 11B 273

Chapter 5 Acquisition

Chapter 5 Acquisition

In This Chapter
Sources ...............................................................................275
Defining sources .................................................................278
Acquisition and spectral processing parameters.................281
Tracking .............................................................................287

Section 5.1 Sources

A variety of types of signals can be used to excite a structure. The response of

the structure depends on the source type and so it should be chosen to suit the
particular conditions you are interested in.

You need to have at least one signal generation module in the frontend, namely
the 4 channel QDAC module.

Section 5.1.1 Random

A random signal is generated which excites the structure over a frequency

range. Purely white noise can be generated or pink noise. Only for white noise
is the frequency range defined by the Min. frequency and Max. Frequency
values. If the minimum frequency is not 0 Hz then a narrow band random signal
is generated.

It is recommended that this frequency range lies within the range being
analyzed, as defined by the signal processing parameters. The frequency range
for random, burst random and periodic chirp sources in the Sources Parameter
dialog will be automatically adjusted if the frequency range defined by the
signal processing parameters is altered in the main window. It is however still
possible, for specific applications, to change the frequency range in the Source
dialog box to a range outside that specified in the main window.

The signal is defined by its Level. The level of the random signal is specified as
a peak voltage. This level is an absolute peak value. The actual peak value will
typically be lower than this value and might even be reduce if the frequency
range is limited.

Rev 11B 275

Chapter 5 Acquisition

Random source signal

Section 5.1.2 Burst Random

In this case a random signal as defined above is generated for just a portion of
the acquisition time required for a block. This portion is defined as a percentage
of the blocksize by the Length parameter.

Burst random source signal

Section 5.1.3 Sine

The structure will be excited by a sine wave at one specified frequency. This
frequency is set by the Frequency value. The other parameters are shown below.

276 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Sine source signal

Section 5.1.4 Burst Sine

In this case a sine signal as defined above is generated for just a portion of the
acquisition time required for a block. This portion is defined as a percentage of
the blocksize by the Length parameter.

Section 5.1.5 Periodic Chirp

A very rapid sine sweep is generated over a frequency range. This frequency
range is defined by the Min. frequency and Max. frequency values.

The signal is defined by its Level. The level of the chirp signal is specified as an

The sweep is defined by its direction, type and duration. The sweep can go up,
meaning that the frequency will sweep upwards from the minimum to the
maximum value. The sweep can also go downwards from the maximum to the
minimum value. The sweep can be linear or logarithmic. The other parameters
are shown in the picture below.

Rev 11B 277

Chapter 5 Acquisition

Periodic chirp source signal

Section 5.2 Defining sources

Section 5.2.1 [Procedure] To define sources

Step 1
Check the output channel ”on” for which you want to define a source signal.
Step 2
Select the desired signal type in the Signal Type input field using the dropdown
menu in the table of the Sources Control panel.
Step 3
Enter the signal level (in Volts) in the Level input field for this channel.
This is the peak level of the source signal and it has a maximum of 10 volts.
Step 4
Click on the More button for this channel.
Step 5
Enter a value for Settling Time (in seconds), if required, in the Start sources
input field.
This value determines the delay between the starting of the sources signal and
the beginning of the measurement.
Step 6
Push OK or Apply.

Section [Procedure] To define a Random source signal

You should have selected Random as the signal type for the output channel in
the Sources Control table. When you select the More button for this channel, it
schedules the Source Parameters dialog for defining a random source signal on
the channel.

278 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Note: The source type that is checked “on” in this dialog is the same as that
you set in the Sources Control table. Any changes made here updates the
signal type of the output channel in the table in the worksheet.

Step 1
With the radio button, select the signal type: white noise or pink noise.
Step 2
For white noise, select the Frequency Definition method you want to use to
specify the frequency range of the random signal.
Step 3
For white noise, select the Frequency Definition method you want to use to
specify the frequency range of the random signal.
Two choices are available either Relative (%) or Absolute (Hz) values in terms
of the Acquisition Bandwidth.
Relative values means that the frequency range will be updated whenever the
Question Bandwidth is changed either in this or any other worksheet.
Absolute values means that they will always remain fixed.
Step 4
For white noise, specify the frequency range of the signal by entering values for
the minimum and maximum frequency values.

Section [Procedure] To define a Burst Random source signal

Step 1
Repeat the procedure for the random source signal.
Step 2
Check the Burst Random box ”on" in the Source Parameters dialog for the
selected output channel.
Step 3
Enter a Burst time (in %) in the first input field.
This value is the time (as a percentage of the acquisition time) for which the
signal is to be applied.
Step 4
Enter a Burst Ramp time (in seconds) in the second input field.
This value determines the rate at which the desired signal level is attained by the
source module.

Section [Procedure] To define a Sine source signal

You should have selected Sine as the signal type for the output channel in the
Sources Control table. When you select the More button for this channel, it
schedules the Source Parameters dialog for defining a random source signal on
the channel.
Step 1
Enter the required frequency (in Hz) of the signal in the Frequency input field.

Rev 11B 279

Chapter 5 Acquisition

Step 2
Enter the phase, if required, of the signal in the Phase input field.

Section [Procedure] To define a Burst Sine source signal

Step 1
Repeat the procedure for the sine source signal.
Check the Burst Sine box ”on" in the Source Parameters dialog for the selected
output channel.
Step 2
Enter a Burst time (in %) in the first input field.
This value is the percentage of the sample period for which the signal is to be
Step 3
Enter a Burst Ramp time (in seconds) in the second input field.
This value determines the rate at which the desired signal level is attained by the
source module.

Section [Procedure] To define a Periodic Chirp source signal

You should have selected Random as the signal type for the output channel in
the Sources Control table. When you select the More button for this channel, it
schedules the Source Parameters dialog for defining a random source signal on
the channel.
Step 1
Select the Frequency Definition method you want to use to specify the
frequency range of the Chirp signal.
Two choices are available either Relative (%) or Absolute (Hz) values in terms
of the Acquisition Bandwidth.
Relative values means that the frequency range will be updated whenever the
Question Bandwidth is changed either in this or any other worksheet.
Absolute values means that they will always remain fixed.
Step 2
Define the Sweep parameter value you want in the Sweep direction and type
input fields.
Step 3
Enter a time (in %) in the Sweep Time input field.
This value is the percentage of the sample period for which the signal is to be
Step 4
Enter a time (in seconds) in the Sweep Ramp Time input field.
This value determines the rate at which the desired signal level is attained by the
source module.

280 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Section 5.3 Acquisition and spectral processing


This document gives a very brief description of acquisition and spectral

processing parameters as they relate to the application. A more detailed
explanation is given in the Theory document that can be scheduled from the
Help menu.

The topics discussed in this document are:

 Acquisition parameters (on page 281)
 Averaging methods (on page 281)
 Acoustic weighting (on page 283)
 Windows

Section 5.3.1 Acquisition parameters

The acquisition parameters bandwidth, resolution and number of frequency

lines are defined in the Acquisition parameters panel of the Acquisition setup
worksheet. You can also define these parameters in the ‘F9 FS’ tab that is
available in the ‘Acq’ tab of the measure worksheet.

The Order Tracking (OT) acquisition parameters maximum order, order

resolution and number of order lines are defined in the ‘F11 OT’ tab that is
available in the ‘Acq’ tab of the measure worksheet. You need to have included
the Order Tracking (OT) Add-in.

The Real-Time octaves (RTO) acquisition parameters are defined in the ‘F10
RTO’ tab that is available in the ‘Acq’ tab of the measure worksheet. You need
to have included the ANSI-IEC Octave filtering Add-in.

Section 5.3.2 Averaging methods

Averaging is used in the Test.Lab acquisition workbooks in the following cases:

 Averaging in the time domain (see "Time Averaging" on page 282) to
create octave spectra in Real-Time Octave Testing, and when using Offline
Octave filtering in the Signature Throughput Processing Add-in.
 When using the stationary tracking method; (see "Averaging when
stationary tracking" on page 282) or when averaging per acquisition target
with tracking on RPM or Manual tracking; a global average is calculated
based on a the individual measurements.
 When using static channels; (see "Averaging of static channels" on page
282) the average value of each block acquired on a static channel is

Rev 11B 281

Chapter 5 Acquisition


Section Time Averaging

Real-time octave spectra are generated on the frontend by filtering time data in
octave bands and averaging the result in the time domain.

There are two main averaging types available for time samples:linear averaging
and time-weighted exponential.

Section Linear time averaging

The signal data is linearly averaged over time. In this case all the individual
samples have the same influence on the final averaged value. A moving average
process is used and the time period over which the average is computed is
defined by the user.

Exponential time averaging

The signal data is averaged over time according to its characteristics.
Exponential averaging yields an averaging result to which the newest
measurement has the largest influence while the older ones are gradually
forgotten. An exponential weighting factor is used where is the
time elapsed between the period of the first and the actual (last) sample, and is
the time constant.

Section Averaging of static channels

A linear average is the only online function for a channel that is part of the static
group. The average value of each block acquired on these channels is processed
in the frontend. As a result a block containing the average values of the quantity
being measured on these channels for each acquisition in the run will be

Section Averaging when stationary tracking

When using the stationary tracking method, a global average is calculated for
each requested function based on the individual measurements. With stationary
tracking there are five averaging types available: Linear averaging, Energy
averaging, Maximum value, Minimum value and Exponential averaging.

Linear averaging
The values of the global average are the linear averages of the values of each of
the N measurements.

You obtain a linear average of values, using the formula:

282 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Energy averaging
The values of the global average are the rms averages of the values of each of
the N measurements. It calculates the average of the squared values of all values
(N) available using the formula:

Note: If the function to be averaged is a power function (e.g. autopower power,

crosspower and soundpower) the amplitude values are not squared for
calculating the average. This is in order to obtain a correct energy average.

Exponential averaging
Exponential averaging yields an averaging result to which the newest
measurement has the largest influence while the older ones are gradually
forgotten. In this case:

where is the time constant

The relationship between the time constant and the exponential weighting factor
in percent as defined by the user is described through the following formula:

= 1/ (1-exponental weighting factor/100)

The exponential weighting factor can have values between the limits 0% and
100%: when using 0% averaging the average is equal to the last measured data
block , when using 100% averaging the average is equal to the first measured
data block.

Section Minimum value

The values of the global average are the minimum of the values of each of the N

Section Maximum value

The values of the global average are the maximum of the values of each of the
N measurements.

Section 5.3.3 Acoustic weighting

The human ear has nonlinear, frequency dependent characteristics, which means
that the sensation of loudness cannot be perfectly described by the sound

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

pressure level or its spectrum. To derive the loudness level that would be
experienced from a sound pressure signal, its frequency spectrum is multiplied
by a frequency weighting function. These weighting functions are based on
experimentally determined equal loudness contours which express the loudness
sensation as a function of sound pressure level and frequency.

Several standard weighting functions ( A, B, C, D, AB and BC) modify the

frequency response such that it follows specific equal loudness curves. The
A-weighted sound level has been shown to correlate extremely well with
subjective responses.

With Pre-weighting an external device weights the incoming signals before

being acquired.

With Frontend Weighting the frontend modules apply the weighting.

The Pre-weighting and Frontend Weighting applied is defined by the

corresponding fields in the "Channel Setup" worksheet (see "The Channel
Setup worksheet" on page 476).

The final acoustic weighting of the measured spectra is selected in the Channel
processing tab of the Online processing sheet (per Channel group).

So if the signal is pre-weighted by a signal conditioner, this initial weighting

will be first removed before the specified (final) weighting is applied.

If you do not want to change the specified pre-weighting and/or frontend

weighting, you set the Final acoustic weighting parameter to "No change".

Section Note on the annotation when weighting is used

The annotation of the weighting is defined by the weighting of all the channels.
This gives the following combinations:

Saved data

Reference channels Response channels Annotation

All the same weighting - All the same Weighting of the response
linear weighting channels
Different weighting Other

All the same weighting - All the same Linear

not linear weighting - same as
reference channels

All the same Other

weighting -
different from
reference channels

284 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Reference channels Response channels Annotation

Different weighting Other

Different weighting All situations Other
Example: Linear All A All A
Linear Some channels A, Other
some channels B
All A All A Linear
All A All B Other
All A Some channels A, Other
some channels B
Some channels A, some All Linear Other
channels B

When the online data is displayed (for example in the measure sheet), the
annotation is defined by all the channels that are displayed in that sheet. This
means that the above table is also applied, but instead of all the channels that are
switched on in the Channel Setup worksheet, the channels that are displayed in
the displayed sheet are regarded.

Section 5.3.4 Windows

Because signals are measured over a sample period T, the DFT assumes that
this is representative for all time. When the signal is not periodic in the sample
time window, this assumption is false and the result is a consequent leakage of
energy from the true spectrum due to the discontinuities at the edges. Applying
a window function ensures that the signal is synchronous with the sampling
period and reduces the leakage due to discontinuities.

You should be aware though that windows do not remove altogether the
problem of leakage. The use of windows gives rise to errors itself of which the
user should be aware. The various types of windowing functions distribute the
energy in different ways and corrections need to be made to either the energy or
the amplitude of the measured function.

You can select the window to be applied in the Channel processing tab of the
Online processing sheet (per Channel group).

The windows provided by the software are normalized weighted functions i.e.
the maximum amplitude equals 1. There are, in effect, filters that vary in the
amount of energy squeezed in to the central lobe as compared to that in the side
lobes. The choice of window depends on both the aim of the analysis and the
type of signal you are measuring.

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

Time windows

Section Uniform

This window is used when leakage is not a problem since it does not affect the
energy distribution. It is used when the function is naturally zero at the start and
end of the sampling period, such as a transient signal.

Section Hanning

This window is most commonly applied for general purpose analysis of random
signals with discrete frequency components. It has the effect of applying a
round topped filter. The ability to distinguish between adjacent frequencies of
similar amplitude is low so it is not suitable for accurate measurements of small

Section Hamming

This window is very similar to the Hanning window but has a higher side lobe
and a lower fall off rate and is best used when the dynamic range is about 50

Section Flat top

This window's name derives from its low ripple characteristics in the filter pass
band. This window should be used for accurate amplitude measurements of
single tone frequencies and is best suited for calibration purposes.

Section Exponential

An exponential window is used for transient signals which are longer than the
sample period or which do not decay sufficiently within this period.

286 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Section Force

This window is used for short impulses (impacts) and transient signals to
improve the signal to noise ratio.

Section Force-Exponential

This window is created by multiplying a Force window with an Exponential
window used for impact testing applications. It provides a one-to-one
relationship between the windowed reference and the response channel.

Section Blackman

This window is useful for detecting a weak component in the presence of a
strong one.

Section Kaiser-Bessel

The filter characteristics of this window provide good selectivity, and thus make
it suitable for distinguishing multiple tone signals with widely different levels.

Section 5.4 Tracking

Tracking is the term used to describe the parameter against which each function
acquired during a measurement session is mapped.

Tracking parameter

Most commonly, during rotating machinery, the rotational speed or another

function derived from the rotational speed will be a tracking parameter. But also
time, temperature or any other parameter associated with the test environment
can be a tracking parameter. Multiple tracking parameters can be obtained.

During the test, the value of one of these tracking parameters is used to control
when the basic measurement functions will be acquired. Typically, during
engine testing a tacho channel determines the rpm whose values are used to
control the acquisition.

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

Measured and post-processed functions can be displayed against each tracking

parameter. The required tracking parameter can be selected from the pop-up
axis menu in the display (from the Z-axis in a 3D display and the X-axis in a 2D
display). Order sections can be calculated with respect to any of these tracking
parameters as long as the quantity is frequency or rotational speed.

Because tacho channels are very often used as tracking control parameters, the
next section describes in detail the functionality of these channels and the
settings that influence it. In a later section, an overview is given of the possible
tracking control strategies.

Section 5.4.1 Tacho channels

The tacho channels are listed as part of the channel setup and they should be
checked 'on' to make them active during the test. Any number of tacho channels
can be used. Only one of these channels can be used for tracking control.

They are used purely for measuring pulses. The pulse detection mechanism is
controlled entirely by the frontend and the pulses are mainly used to compute
rpm values. These pulses can also be used for triggering purposes (See external

Note: When the ChannelGroupID of a tacho channel is set to Vibration,

Acoustic or Other, the tacho channel can also be used as tracking tacho. Next
to that, also a dynamic RPM-time curve will be generated that will be treated
as any other dynamic channel in the software. This way, it can be used for
torsional vibration analysis.

The parameters used to derive the rpm from the pulse train are set in the
Tracking Setup worksheet and are illustrated in the figure below.

Tacho signal

The point at which the signal passes a particular level is used to identify a pulse.
This level is termed the trigger level since it defines when a pulse is counted. It
is set at a voltage level within the overall input range on the tacho channel. It
can be set graphically using a display of the tacho time signal to optimize pulse
detection and avoid errors due to noise. By counting the number of pulses, the

288 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

time taken to complete a revolution can be derived and consequently the rpm

The next sections describe the advanced settings of tacho channels. They can be
set in the Tracking Setup worksheet (Tacho Settings > More ...) or in the F4 tab
of the Measure worksheet. Most of them can be shown as a column in the
channel list of the Channel Setup worksheet as well.

Section PulsesPerRevolution

The PulsesPerRevolution setting specifies the number of pulses generated
during one revolution and must be set by the user. This parameter is used to
calculate the rpm from the time taken between succeeding pulses. An RPM
value is calculated for every pulse, so the variations of RPM within a revolution
will be available.

Section PulsesToSkip

This parameter can be used to evaluate the RPM over more pulses and so to get
a smoother RPM time curve by eliminating fast variations of RPM.
PulsesToSkip specifies the number of pulses to be ignored. The system will
combine the PulsesToSkip and PulsesPerRevolution settings in such a way that
it supposes the total number of pulses per revolution available in the measured
tacho signal to be

Total pulses per revolution = PulsesPerRevolution (1 + PulsesToSkip)

For example, if the tacho signal contains 8 pulses per revolution and you wish
to skip one pulse after each detected pulse, then you need to set the
PulsesPerRevolution = 4 and PulsesToSkip = 1.

PulsesToSkip also effectively reduces the data stream from tacho module to
host when applied to Incremental Encoders or to tacho channels based on
hardware counters.

Section LinearSmoothingFactor

In some cases it is useful to smooth the rpm values before using them for
tracking control. This may well be the case if the rpm is fluctuating on a
prototype engine for example.

The LinearSmoothingFactor represents the number of half-revolutions which

have to be smoothed linearly. It is only applicable for the Signature Order
Tracking workbook.

Note: The tacho values are smoothed for tracking purpose only, it does not
change the tacho trace (TDF) or the RPM annotation of the measured blocks.

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

Section PulseCorrection and PulseCorrectionFactor

These settings enable the system to correct the signal if it lacks pulses or it
contains extra pulses.

If PulseCorrection is enabled the PulseCorrectionFactor (PCF) determines the

limits used in the detection of missing and double pulses. It can have the value
1, 2, 3 or 4.

A missing pulse is detected when the difference in time between two succeeding

pulses is bigger than with

. When a missing pulse is

detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will add the missing pulse to the
raw tacho time moments.

A double pulse is detected when the difference in time between two succeeding

pulses is smaller than

with . When a double pulse

is detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will remove the double pulse
from the raw tacho time moments.

Double missing pulses will be detected when . When a

double missing pulse is detected, the firmware of the tacho channel will add the
two missing pulses to the raw tacho time moments.

The following figure shows the ranges for detecting double and missing pulses
( is the time between the two preceding pulses).

Pulse Correction Double pulse Missing pulse Double missing

Factor pulse
< 66.7% > 200.0% > 250.0%

< 80.0% > 133.3% > 250.0%

< 88.9% > 114.3% > 250.0%

< 94.1% > 106.7% > 250.0%

Note: Use PCF > 1 for measurement setups where missing pulses are

290 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

deliberately generated

Section ReferencePulse

A tacho channel supports ReferencePulse in 2 cases: when an incremental
encoder is used with the Scadas Mobile incremental encoder interface, or when
the supplied tacho signal has 1 or 2 missing pulses per revolution.

With the incremental encoder, the reference pulse is sent to the frontend on a
separated channel. With tacho signals with missing pulse(s), the frontend
detects and corrects the missing pulse(s), and uses the first physical pulse after
the missing pulse(s) as a reference pulse.

In the application, it results in 2 streams of tacho moments for the tacho

channel: one contains all the pulses; the other one contains only the reference
pulses. The reference pulses can be used for triggering. For tracking purposes,
the rpm-time curve is calculated based on the reference pulses.

The PulseCorrectionFactor will be used to detect the missing pulses. If

ReferencePulse is switched on but PulseCorrection is not switched on, double
pulses will not be corrected.

Note: When ReferencePulse is switched on for a non-incremental encoder

tacho, the applied tacho signal must effectively hold the missing pulses. If this
is not the case, the system may look as if it hangs during a measurement.

Section Sense of rotation

When an incremental encoder is used with the Scadas Mobile the sense of
rotation is measured. It results in 2 additional streams for the tacho channel. The
inc:Tacho stream contains the sense of rotation at every tacho moment. It is
stored as “+1” or “-1”. The incref:Tacho stream contains the sense of rotation at
every reference pulse tacho moment.

The sense of rotation parameter determines the way the sense of rotation
information is used in the calculation of the rpm. You can select one of three

Normal: The calculated rpm will be positive when rotating clockwise and
negative when rotating in the opposite direction.

Absolute: the calculated rpm is always positive

Reverse: The calculated rpm will be negative when rotating clockwise and
positive when rotating in the opposite direction.

Section Torsion Hold Off

For some tacho channels (e.g. QTV channels), it is possible to define a
TorsionHoldOff value (THO). It is expressed in % and is meant to avoid wrong

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

pulse detections due to spiky tacho pulses.

The system will suppress the level cross detection for a time segment equal to
x THO/100 following on a detected pulse. is the time between the
two preceding pulses.

Section Torsion Hysteresis

This specifies a minimum range by which the pulse signal must change before a
new level crossing is accepted. This is expressed as % of the Input Range.

Section Minimum RPM

This setting informs the system on the minimum RPM value for which it should
make an accurate estimate.

At low RPM values, successive pulses will be far away in time from each other.
During this time, the system cannot compute the exact RPM. If an exact RPM is
needed for processing, the system will have to wait for the next pulse and will
have to buffer the data of all the input channels. This leads to increased memory
usage. This leads also to jerky online displays because when a pulse comes in,
the data can suddenly be processed up to this pulse event.

The default value is 600 RPM. Below this value, the system starts to make the
best estimates of the RPM avoiding memory consumption and jerky displays.
These estimates are however not accurate enough for runup or rundown
measurements going below this value. The minimum RPM value should be
modified accordingly.

Section Maximum RPM

This value is used to give a warning when OT computations are switched on
and Maximum Order cannot be computed with the expected sample frequency
and Maximum RPM.

Section 5.4.2 Derived tacho channels

It is possible to specify a user-defined function which will convert the rpm

value of a tacho to a "derived tacho". This derived value could be, for example,
road speed for a particular transmission ratio. The derived tacho can be any
mathematical expression. It is possible to assign a label to this derived tacho
such as 'road speed - gear 2' from which this derived function can be identified
and retrieved.

The output of a derived tacho channel is specified as an expression based on

tacho channels and arithmetic operators. You can define derived tacho channels
[Procedure] To define derived tacho channels in both the Tracking worksheet
and the F4 tab in the measure sheet. For example see Examples of derived tacho

292 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition


Section 5.4.3 Tracking control

The tracking control settings define a strategy to take a frame of data out of the
data stream of each active input channel. This data is then further processed to
obtain the desired functions. These functions can be in a block format or a
scalar one. In the case of block format, these functions will be accumulated into
a waterfall diagram having a z-axis holding the tracking parameter values. In
the case of scalar format, these functions will be accumulated in a 2D-block
having an x-axis holding the tracking parameter values.

Different tracking control strategies are possible. The most common ones are
based on conditions defined on one of the available tracking parameters.
However, tracking can also be based on time conditions, on manual trigger
conditions or on specific signal conditions defined on one input channel.

The frames taken out of the data stream are determined by the tracking control
conditions. They can however still be further fine-tuned with the trigger settings
available in the Acquisition Setup worksheet or the F5 tab of the Measure

Section Tracking on tacho, derived tacho or static channel

When you choose to use a tacho, a derived tacho or a static channel to define
the tracking control conditions, then measurements will be taken at regular
increments/decrements of the selected tracking parameter. This means that the
measurement time interval can be variable, depending on the slope of the
value/time function. Most commonly a tacho channel will be used and the
tracking control conditions are expressed in rotation speed of the engine.

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Chapter 5 Acquisition


Immediate Up

294 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition


Immediate Down

Section Tracking Channel

The tracking channel selects the tacho or static channel to be used for tracking.
Derived tacho channels can be used for tracking as well if they are proportional
with one tacho channel.

Section Slope Method

Frames will be taken at regular values of the tracking parameter. This means
that the measurement time interval can be variable, depending on the slope and
increment/decrement of the value/time function. A number of options are

Rev 11B 295

Chapter 5 Acquisition

available to you.


In this case the first frame will be taken at the minimum defined value. The
value of the tracking parameter must first be below the minimum defined value
before the tracking can start. Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified
increment until the maximum defined value is reached.

Immediate Up

In this case the first frame will be taken at the minimum defined value. When
the value of the tracking parameter is already above the minimum defined value
at the start of the measurement, then the tracking is immediately initiated.
Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified increment until the maximum
defined value is reached.


In this case the first frame will be taken at the maximum defined value. The
value of the tracking parameter must be first above the maximum defined value
before the tracking can start. Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified
decrement until the minimum defined value is reached.

Immediate Down

In this case the first frame will be taken at the maximum defined value. When
the value of the tracking parameter is already below the maximum defined value
at the start of the measurement, then the tracking is immediately initiated.
Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified decrement until the minimum
defined value is reached.

Up / Down

In this case the first frame will be taken at the minimum defined value. The
value of the tracking parameter must be first below the minimum defined value
before the tracking can start. Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified
increment until the maximum defined value is reached. At this point a second
part of the measurement starts. A frame is taken again when the tracking
parameter reaches again the maximum defined value. Subsequent frames will be
taken at each specified decrement until the minimum defined value is reached.

The 2 parts of the measurement will be available in 2 subfolders (Runup and

Rundown) of the run.

Down / Up

This method works similar as the Up/Down method , but here the Acquisitions
will be taken while the rpm is decreasing from the maximum to the minimum
value and then while it is increasing until the maximum value is reached again.

Immediate Up / Down

296 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

In this case the first frame will be taken at the minimum defined value. When
the value of the tracking parameter is already above the minimum defined value
at the start of the measurement, then the tracking is immediately initiated.
Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified increment until the maximum
defined value is reached. At this point a second part of the measurement starts.
A frame is taken again when the tracking parameter reaches again the maximum
defined value. Subsequent frames will be taken at each specified decrement
until the minimum defined value is reached.

The 2 parts of the measurement will be available in 2 subfolders (Runup and

Rundown) of the run.

Down / Up and Immediate Down / Up

Similar to Up / Down but in the reverse order (only Sig RT & TTP).

Immediate Down / Up

This method works similar as the immediate Up/Down method , but here the
Acquisitions will be taken while the rpm is decreasing from the maximum to the
minimum value and then while it is increasing until the maximum value is
reached again.

Section Tracking on Time

This tracking control strategy is based on time, which can be also considered as
a tracking parameter. A frame will be taken at regular time intervals. The total
time required for the acquisition is set and a number of acquisitions will be
taken at an interval specified by the user. The acquisition will start when the
Start button is clicked on and frames will be taken at the specified time
increment until either the defined duration is achieved or the Stop button is used
to manually end the run.

Tracking on time

Section Stationary

This tracking control strategy is very similar to Tracking on Time. A number of
frames are taken according to regular time intervals. It is however supposed

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

that, except for time, all the tracking parameters are constant during the
measurement as well as the testing environment. This allows averaging all the
block-formatted functions as in section Averaging when stationary tracking
(on page 282). The results are 2D-blocks instead of waterfall diagrams.

The number of frames and the time interval between frames are derived from
the selected stationary tracking method


This stationary tracking method defines the number of frames to be taken per
second and the total duration of the tracking control.


This stationary tracking method defines the total number of frames to be taken
and the overlap of subsequent frames.

Section Manual tracking

This tracking control strategy defines that a frame must be taken each time the
user clicks on the Trigger button. This button will be available in the F8 tab of
the Measure. The measurement stops when the specified number of frames has
been taken or when the Stop button is clicked on.

Section Tracking on events

This tracking control strategy defines that a frame must be taken each time a
particular level-crossing is detected on a specific input channel. The
measurement finishes after acquiring a specified number of frames or when
clicking on the Stop button.

Tracking on events

Tracking channel

298 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

This setting specifies the input channel to look for level-crossings.


This setting specifies the level to look for the specified Tracking channel. The
level has to be specified in engineering units.

Slope method

This setting specifies if an up slope or a down slope level-crossing has to be

detected on the tracking channel.


This setting specifies the needed level change of the signal on the tracking
channel before the system starts again to look for the next level-crossings. It is
expressed in engineering units.

Minimum duration

This setting specifies the time segment after the occurrence of a level-crossing
during which the detection of the next level-crossing is disabled.

Events to skip

This setting specifies the number of events that will be skipped after the
occurrence of a valid event. E.g. If this setting is set to 4, only event 1, 6, 11,
16… will be used for tracking control purpose.

Number of events

This setting specifies the number of frames that will be taken before the
measurement will end.

Section 5.4.4 Semi stationary

This option is available with manual tracking, tracking on time and tracking on
tacho, derived tacho or static channel. It adds the possibility to average data of a
frame corresponding to a tracking control value.

The first block of data used for averaging is determined by the tracking control
condition, the subsequent blocks are taken according to the settings available in
the dialog. If triggering is specified, each block of data must satisfy these
conditions as well.

The results of this measurement strategy are correct only if the measurement
conditions do not vary over the blocks used to compute one average. (E.g.
stepwise increment of RPM) This explains the name of this particular tracking
strategy method.

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Chapter 5 Acquisition

Section Number of averages

This setting specifies the number of averages to be taken to obtain one frame in
the waterfall diagrams or to obtain one scalar in the 2D-block data.

Section Overlap

This setting specifies the overlap of the subsequent data blocks to be averaged.
Overlap is useful to shorten the total time duration covered by all blocks used to
compute one average. This allows to soften a bit the requirement of having
constant measurement conditions over all blocks of one average. Overlap is
however only meaningful when windowing is applied.

Section Method and Parameter

This setting specifies the averaging method that must be used. The Parameter
setting must be entered when Exponential Averaging is selected. A high
percentage gives a low weighing to the most recent data.

Section Delay first average

This setting specifies an extra time delay to be observed between the occurrence
of the tracking control condition and the moment at which the first data block is
taken. This can be required to allow the signal to settle around the new tracking
control value before averaging starts.

Section Range unabled and RPM range

This functionality is only available when tracking on a tacho channel or derived
tacho channel with rotation speed as quantity. A data block obtained according
to previous Semi Stationary settings is used in the averaging only if the
averaged RPM during the time segment covered by the data block falls in the
RPM range around the tracking control RPM value.

The system will look for ‘NumberOfAverages’ blocks before proceeding with
the next tracking control RPM value.

Section 5.4.5 Throughput data

The data in a throughput data file that will be available after a measurement will
hold the data seen from first tracking control condition until last tracking control
condition. It is possible to save some additional data before the start and after
the end of tracking control.

It is also possible to suppress the tracking control strategy before a specified

condition occurs. In that case the throughput data file will hold data starting
from this condition while the first tracking control condition can happen at a
later time moment.

300 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 5 Acquisition

Section Triggered start

When this option is selected then a first trigger condition must be met before the
measurement will proceed with the standard tracking control. When selected,
the More button opens a popup dialog box where you can define the conditions
that will be used to trigger the measurement.

Section External

Triggering is done when a tacho level crossing occurs. The trigger level used is
the one defined for the tacho channel in tracking setup.


You can select the required tacho from the list available.

Section Level-Time Channel

Triggering is done on an input channel.


This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set. You can select the
required Level-Time channel from the available list.

Trigger level

This parameter defines the signal level to be achieved for the trigger condition
to be met. When the signal passes this level in the defined direction, acquisition
of the data will start. Any numerical value within the input range of the trigger
channel can be entered as the level.

Trigger slope

When the slope is set to “up” then the trigger condition will be satisfied when
the signal passes the specified level in an upward direction, i.e. increasing.
When the slope is “down”, the level must be passed while the signal is

Section Throughput prestart

When measuring throughput data, it is possible to store an amount of data
before the occurrence of the first tracking condition. The prestart defined this
amount of data.

Note: The system needs to be armed long enough before the measurement
starts in order to measure all the prestart data.

Note: Prestart does not affect the processed data: the processing (measurement
of acquisitions) will not start sooner because a prestart is specified. The

Rev 11B 301

Chapter 5 Acquisition

prestart affects only the amount of data written to the throughput file.

Note: In most of the cases, the acquisitions are centered around the
Tracking/Triggering event. To be able to reprocess the data starting from the
throughput file, a minimum prestart of 50% of the duration of an acquisition
(= 1 / frequency resolution) is always used by the software, even when no
prestart is specified.

If you want to reprocess the data from the throughput file later on with a higher
resolution than the one used during the measurement, it can be useful to use a
bigger prestart duration than the default one.

Section Throughput poststop

When measuring throughput data, it is possible to store an amount of data after
the occurrence of the last tracking condition. The poststop defined this amount
of data.

Note: Poststop does not affect the processed data: the processing
(measurement of acquisitions) will not stop later because a poststop is
specified. The poststop affects only the amount of data written to the
throughput file.

Note: In most of the cases, the acquisitions are centered around the
Tracking/Triggering event. To be able to reprocess the data starting from the
throughput file, a minimum poststop of 50% of the duration of an acquisition
(= 1 / frequency resolution) is always used by the software, even when no
poststop is specified.

302 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions

Chapter 6 Functions

In This Chapter
Online functions .................................................................303

Section 6.1 Online functions

This chapter lists all the functions that can be processed online using the MIMO
FRF Testing software.
 Time (on page 303)
 Spectrum (see "Spectrum (frequency spectra)" on page 304)
 Octaves (on page 303)
 Autopowers (Linear and Power) (on page 305)
 AutoPowers Power Spectral Density (see "AutoPower Power Spectral
Density or PSD" on page 306) or PSD
 Crosspower (Power) (see "Crosspower" on page 306)
 Crosspower PSD (on page 308)
 Frequency Response Function (on page 308)
 Coherence (on page 311)
 Dynamic Stiffness (on page 312)
 PCA (on page 312)

Section 6.1.1 Time

A time function (one frame or one block) is measured by taking N instantaneous

time samples, where N is the blocksize. The sample frequency and the blocksize
are defined by the acquisition settings.

Incoming ‘Time blocks’ are not averaged except for specific cases of controlled
‘trigger’ conditions.

Section 6.1.2 Octaves

An octave section represents the summation of values over octave bands. The
center frequencies of the bands and bandwidth are defined in the ISO norm 150
266. Possible octave bands are 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12 and 1/24 octaves.

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Chapter 6 Functions

Section 6.1.3 Spectrum (frequency spectra)

The transformation of a time signal to a frequency spectrum is achieved through

the use of the Fourier Transform.

In practice since the time signal is sampled at discrete intervals, a finite set of
spectral data are obtained through the use of the Discrete Fourier Transform.

Frequency spectrum

This is a complex function, but when h(t) is real, the resulting spectrum is
symmetrical about the frequency axis. Only the positive frequency values are
considered by the software. Two formats can be used to restore the spectral
values to corrected, single-sided, spectral quantities. The peak format multiplies
the result (= double-sided format) by 2, and thus, in the case of a sine wave,
returns the original amplitude values. The rms format multiplies the
double-sided format by .

These formats for a spectrum of a sine wave with an amplitude A are illustrated

Format of the frequency spectrum

304 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions

The sampling frequency and the blocksize of the resulting spectrum are defined
by the acquisition settings. In addition an acoustic weighting (on page 283)
can be applied to the spectrum and windows (on page 285) can be used to
reduce the losses due to non-periodic sampling.

If the physical quantity that the channel is measuring contains some form of the
dimension of length, then it is possible, for example, to integrate or differentiate
this quantity and convert displacement to velocity.

For non-periodic signals, the time blocks or typically ‘windowed’ (i.e.

multiplied with the window function) before the FFT is applied, to reduce the

Section 6.1.4 Autopowers (Linear and Power)

The autopower spectrum is the squared magnitude of the frequency spectrum

described above.

where H* (f) is the complex conjugate of the frequency spectrum. Thus if the
frequency spectrum is complex the spectrum will give you phase information,
while the autopower spectrum will be real and contain no phase information.
Since only real valued time records are considered, the autopower spectrum is
symmetric with respect to zero-frequency.

Dropping the negative frequency axis however means that half of the power is
lost too. To compensate for this, a single-sided correction is made by summing
the positive and negative frequency values.

When the peak format is selected, the spectrum values are multiplied by 2 .
When the rms format is used, the spectrum values are multiplied by .

These formats for the autopower of a sine wave of amplitude A are illustrated

Autopower functions and formats

Autopower Format Function

peak rms
Linear Power

Where = amplitude of the sine wave and

= frequency resolution

All the autopower functions are amplitude

corrected with the exception of PSD's where
energy correction is applied to restore the energy

Rev 11B 305

Chapter 6 Functions

level of the windowed (see "Windows" on

page 285) signal to that of the original signal.

The sampling frequency and the blocksize of the

resulting spectrum are defined by the acquisition

In addition an acoustic weighting (on page

283) can be applied to the spectrum and
windows (on page 285) can be used to reduce
the losses due to non-periodic sampling.

If the physical quantity that the channel is

measuring contains some form of the dimension
of length, then it is possible to integrate or
differentiate this quantity. You will thus be able
to obtain acceleration from velocity for example.

Section 6.1.5 AutoPower Power Spectral Density or PSD

The Power Spectral Density is a power function in which the amplitude level is
normalized with respect to the frequency resolution. This overcomes differences
that may arise from using a specific Bandwidth. This is the standard way of
measuring stationary broadband signals.

The relationship between PSD and other autopower formats was given above.

The sampling frequency and the blocksize of the resulting spectrum are defined
by the acquisition settings.

In addition an acoustic weighting (on page 283) can be applied to the

spectrum and windows can be used to reduce the losses due to non-periodic

If the physical quantity that the channel is measuring contains some form of the
dimension of length, then it is possible to integrate or differentiate this quantity.
You will thus be able to obtain acceleration from velocity for example.

Energy correction is applied to restore the energy level of the windowed signal
to that of the original signal.

Section 6.1.6 Crosspower

The cross power spectrum S xy is a measure of the mutual power between two
signals at each frequency in the analysis band. It is defined as the following

306 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions


X*M (K) is the complex conjugate of the instantaneous frequency spectrum of

the one time signal X(n),


Y m (K) is the instantaneous frequency spectrum of a related time signal Y(n).

The crosspower spectrum contains information about both the magnitude and
phase of the signals. Its phase at any frequency is the relative phase between the
two signals and as such it is useful in analyzing phase relationships.

Crosspower spectra are calculated between a pair of channels. In signature

testing only one of the active channels can be selected as reference channel.

Note: The crosspower function cannot be measured when using multiple

sample rates.

For the channels on which a crosspower function is measured, the section

functions, such as order and frequency sections, are calculated on the phase
referenced spectra.

When the peak format is selected, the spectrum values are multiplied by 2 .
When the rms format is used, the spectrum values are multiplied by .

These formats for the crosspower of a sine wave of amplitude A are illustrated

Crosspower functions and formats

Crosspower Format Function

peak rms
Where = amplitude of the sine wave and
= frequency resolution

All the crosspower functions are amplitude

corrected with the exception of PSDs where
energy correction is applied to restore the
energy level of the windowed signal to that of
the original signal.

The sampling frequency and the blocksize of the

resulting spectrum are defined by the acquisition

Rev 11B 307

Chapter 6 Functions

In addition an acoustic weighting (on page

289) can be applied to the spectrum and
windows can be used to reduce the losses due to
non-periodic sampling.

If the physical quantity that the channel is

measuring contains some form of the dimension
of length, then it is possible to integrate or
differentiate this quantity. You will thus be able
to obtain acceleration from velocity for

Section 6.1.7 Crosspower PSD

The Power Spectral Density is a power function in which the amplitude level is
normalized with respect to the frequency resolution. This overcomes differences
that may arise from using a specific Bandwidth. This is the standard way of
measuring stationary broadband signals.

The relationship between PSD and other crosspower autopower formats was
given above.

The sampling frequency and the blocksize of the resulting spectrum are defined
by the acquisition settings.

In addition an acoustic weighting (on page 283) can be applied to the

spectrum and windows (on page 285) can be used to reduce the losses due to
non-periodic sampling.

If the physical quantity that the channel is measuring contains some form of the
dimension of length, then it is possible to integrate or differentiate this quantity.
You will thus be able to obtain acceleration from velocity for example.

Energy correction is applied to restore the energy level of the windowed signal
to that of the original signal.

Section 6.1.8 Frequency Response Function

The frequency response function (FRF) matrix [H(k)] expresses the frequency
domain relationship between the inputs and outputs of a linear time-invariant

308 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions

Frequency Response Function

If Ni be the number of system inputs and No the number of system outputs, let
{X(N)} be a Ni-vector with the system input signals and {Y(N)} a No-vector with
the system output signals. A frequency response function matrix [H(k)] of size
(No, Ni) can then be defined such that,

Note: In Test.Lab Signature Processing we have only single reference FRF:

Frequency Response Functions of the fixed sampling input channels relative
to a selected reference channel.

The system described above is an ideal one where the output is related directly
to the input and there is no contamination by noise. This is not the case in
reality and various estimators are used to estimate [H(k)] from the measured
input and output signals.

Section The H(1) Estimator

The most commonly used one is the H1-estimator, which assumes that there is
no noise on the input and consequently that all the X measurements are

H(1) estimator

It minimizes the noise on the output in a least squares sense. In this case the
transfer function is given by:

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Chapter 6 Functions

This estimator tends to give an underestimate of the FRF if there is noise on the
input. H1 estimates the anti-resonances better than the resonances. Best results
are obtained with this estimator when the inputs are uncorrelated.

Section The H(2) Estimator

Alternatively, the H2 estimator can be used. This assumes that there is no noise
on the output and consequently that all the Y measurements are accurate.

H(2) estimator

It minimizes the noise on the input in a least squares sense and in this case the
transfer function is given by:

This estimator tends to give an overestimate of the FRF if there is noise on the
output. this estimator estimates the resonances better than the anti-resonances.

Note: This estimator can only be implemented in the case of a single output

Section The H(v) Estimator

Finally with the Hv estimator, [H(k)] is calculated from the eigenvector
corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of a matrix [Sxxy]:

310 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions

H(v) estimator

This estimator provides the best overall estimate of the frequency function. It
approximates to the H2 estimator at the resonances and the H1 estimator at the
anti-resonances. It does however require more computational time than the
other two.

Frequency response functions depend on there being at least one reference

channel and one response channel.

Section 6.1.9 Coherence

The (squared) ordinary coherence between a signal Xi(N) and Xj(N) is defined


is the averaged crosspower

and are the averaged autopowers.

It is a ratio of the maximum energy in a combined output signal due to its

various components, and the total amount of energy in the output signal.
Coherence is used as a measure of the power in the output channel that is
caused by the power in the input or reference channel. As such it is useful in
assessing the accuracy of the frequency response function measurements.

The coherence function can take values that range between 0 and 1. A high
value (near 1) indicates that the output is due almost entirely to the input and
you can feel confident in the frequency response function measurements. A low
value (near 0) indicates problems such as extraneous input signals not being
measured, noise, nonlinearities or time delays in the system.n tracking on rpm

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Chapter 6 Functions

Section 6.1.10 Dynamic Stiffness

Dynamic Stiffness is available as an online function in the Test Setup


The dynamic stiffness is the inverse of FRF. It is always converted into

Force/Displacement format if it is possible.

The dynamic stiffness is only available for vibration channels and you need to
define both responses and references vibration channels.

Section 6.1.11 PCA

Principal component analysis or PCA is based on a singular value

decomposition of the crosspower matrix. This crosspower matrix consists of
auto- and crosspowers of all signals included in the analysis. The singular value
decomposition is done for every frequency line. These singular values,
displayed in function of frequency, are the principal components.

One of the properties of the singular value decomposition is that the number of
non-zero singular values determines the rank of the crosspower matrix and as
such the number of independent rows or columns in the matrix, while the other
rows and columns are linear combinations. In physical terms this means that the
number of non-zero singular values determines how many independent signals
are present in the crosspower matrix, while the rest of these signals is caused by
(since they are a linear combination of) these independent signals.

The principal component calculation is calculated for each selected response

channel using all reference channels.

Section 6.1.12 Sound Intensity

Sound Intensity is available as an online function in the Test Setup worksheet.

The sound intensity in a specified direction at a point is the average rate of

sound energy transmitted in the specified direction through a unit area normal to
this direction at the point considered.

For this function, channels are processed in pairs, each pair consists of a
Reference channel X and a Response channel Y.

The sound intensity between two channels X and Y is calculated as:

312 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 6 Functions


= the crosspower between Channel X and Y

= the imaginary part of this crosspower

= signal frequency

= air density

= microphone distance

Air density [kg/m³] is calculated based on temperature T [K] and air pressure
[Pa] using following equation:

= P / T*286

Section 6.1.13 SRA

Shock response analysis (SRA) serves to characterize the damaging effect of a

particular acceleration shock time pulse on an object. Such damage could arise
due to the object being dropped for example.The results of such an analysis is a
shock response spectrum (SRS) which provides a model for the induced
structural damage over a range of frequencies.

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Chapter 7 Processing

Chapter 7 Processing

In This Chapter
Time Data Editing Functions .............................................315
Basic processing .................................................................326

Section 7.1 Time Data Editing Functions

These functions can be evaluated in the Time data selection worksheet. They
make it possible to edit and modify segments of a channel. You need to have
included the Time Data Editing or the Time signal calculator Add-in.

You can apply the time data editing functions interactively by clicking the
corresponding icons in the Interactive editing toolbar or use them as formula in
the time signal calculator.

For each of the functions you need to specify the channel, segment or position
on which the calculation will be performed.

The signal concatenation when cutting and modifying segments of signals is

done according to the specified fade settings.

This section provides information about each of the functions that can be
 Editing (on page 317)
 Cut segment (on page 317)
 Segment (keep segment) (see "Segment" on page 318)
 Insert at position (on page 318)
 Overwrite at position (on page 319)
 Append (on page 319)
 Insert delay (on page 320)
 Modify segment (on page 320)
 Smooth segment (see "Smooth_segment" on page 320)
 Replace by curve (on page 321)
 Replace by constant (on page 321)
 Offset segment (on page 322)
 Set mean of segment (on page 322)
 Scale segment (on page 323)
 Filter segment (on page 323)

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Chapter 7 Processing

 Drift correction (on page 324)

Section 7.1.1 Channel, segment and position selection

 When applying the functions interactively from the toolbar:

Select the channel in the dataset. Click therefore on the channel name in the
channel list view or on a cell in the channel pivot view. In the multi-trace
display you can select the channel by clicking on the corresponding trace.
Specify the segment on which the calculation should be performed in the cursor
and segment panel of the multi-trace display. You can enter the start and end
values in the 'Segment From' and 'Segment to' input fields or select them
graphically by dragging the cursor in the display.
Clicking on a function icon in the interactive toolbar applies the function to the
selected channel(s). As a result the selected channel(s) will be replaced by the
modified one(s).
The 'Copy' or 'Cut' function allows you to place data on the clipboard. The
clipboard is where data that has been cut or copied from a channel is held. Each
time a new cut or copy operation is performed the clipboard data is overwritten.
You can use the 'Insert at position', 'Overwrite at position' or 'Append' function
to place the data on the clipboard into a channel.
Specify the position where the data will be inserted in the cursor and segment
panel of the multi-trace display. You can enter the value in the ‘Cursor at' input
field or select it graphically by dragging the cursor in the display.
 When defining the function in the time signal calculator:
For each of the functions you need to use the "function" input parameter to
specify the source trace on which the calculation will be performed. Enter the
Channel id of the source trace (e.g. CH1) as is listed in the Data set table or use
the DOF id (Point Id: Direction). In the function selection dialog you can also
select the channel by clicking on the channel in the dataset.
The “segment” can be specified by any of the functions in the segment
indication group:
 SI(segment start; segment end) where <segment start> and < segment end>
are the limits of the segment specified in the units of the X-axis.
 SII(segment start; segment end) where <segment start> and < segment end>
are the limits of the segment expressed in sample numbers
 SI_SMALLER(function;value) returns all segments for which the Y-values in
the specified function are smaller than the specified value.
 SI_GREATER(function;value) returns all segments for which the Y-values in
the specified function are greater than the specified value.
 SI_SMALLER_EQUAL(function;value) returns all segments for which the
Y-values in the specified function are smaller or equal than the specified
 SI_GREATER_EQUAL (function;value) returns all segments for which the

316 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Y-values in the specified function are greater or equal than the specified
These operations can be combined with the logical operators AND, OR and
XOR operators.
SI_AND returns all segments that meet the segment indication specified by
<segment1> AND <segment2>.
SI_OR returns all segments that meet the segment indication specified by
<segment1> OR <segment2>.
SI_XOR returns all segments that meet the segment indication specified by
<segment1> XOR <segment2>.
 CUT_SEGMENT(CH1;SI(5;6)) cuts the segment from 5 to 6 seconds.
H1;400)) cuts all segment for which the Y-value is smaller than 200 or
greater than 200.
For the 'Append', 'Insert at position' and 'Overwrite at position' functions the
function1 input parameter specifies the source trace on which the calculation
will be performed. The function2 input parameter specifies the data that will be
appended or inserted. Use the SEGMENT function to define a segment of data.
 APPEND(CH1;CH2;1;0)
 APPEND(SEGMENT(CH1;SI(0;4.5);1;1;0.2);SEGMENT(CH1;SI(5;5.5);1
Specify the Position where the data will be inserted by:
 PI(position) where the position is specified in the units of the X-axis
 PII(position) where the position is expressed in sample numbers.
 INSERT_AT_POSITION(CH1;SEGMENT(CH2;SI(4;4.5);2;1);PI(4);1;0)

Section 7.1.2 Editing

These functions make it possible to copy or cut a segment of data and to insert,
overwrite or append it into a channel. The segment function allows you to keep
a segment of a channel.

Section Cut segment

Cuts the specified segment from the selected channel and fades the data there
where the channel is joined together. The channel becomes shorter.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

Rev 11B 317

Chapter 7 Processing

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.


CUT_SEGMENT(CH1;SI(5;6);1;0) cuts the segment from 5 to 6 seconds.

CUT_SEGMENT(CH1; SI_GREATER(CH1;400);1;0) cuts all segment for

which the Y-value is greater than 400.

Section Segment

This keeps the selected segment of the selected channel. The data outside the
selected segment is removed. The channel becomes shorter. The X axis values
of the selected segment are maintained in the new channel.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

If multiple segments are selected, the SEGMENT function keeps all segments
appended to each other and fades the data there where the segments are joined

Input parameters

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.




Section Insert at position

This inserts the selected data into the selected channel at the specified position.
It fades the data there where the data is joined together. The length of the
channel increases.

It is essential that the data to be inserted is compatible with that in the channel
(same sample frequency and same unit).

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

318 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.


INSERT_AT_POSITION(CH1;SEGMENT(CH2;SI(4;4.5);2;1;0);PI(4); 1; 0)

Section Overwrite at position

Inserts the selected data into the selected channel at the specified position. The
subsequent channel values are overwritten by the values of the inserted data. It
fades the data there where the data is joined together.

It is essential that the data to be inserted is compatible with that in the channel
(same sample frequency and same unit).

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Append

This appends the specified data to the selected channel. The length of the
channel increases. It fades the data there where the data is joined together.

It is essential that the data to be appended is compatible with that in the channel
(same sample frequency and same unit).

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.


Rev 11B 319

Chapter 7 Processing

 APPEND(CH1;CH2;1; 0)
 APPEND(SEGMENT(CH1;SI(0;4.5);1;1;0.2);SEGMENT(CH1;SI(5;5.5);1
;1;0.2); 1; 0)

Section Insert delay

Inserts a segment with a specified <length> and <value> into the selected
channel at a specified position. It fades the data there where the data is joined

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Length and the constant Value of the delay. The length is expressed in
the same unit as the X-axis of the channel.

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading.

The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section 7.1.3 Modify segment

These functions modify the data values of the given segment according the
specific function and fade the borders of the segment.

Section Smooth_segment

Applies a smoothing to the data values within the specified segment and fades
the borders of the segment.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

Type is the smoothing method.

Step 1
Linear (lines): a linear moving average is applied. The Value is the
number of preceding samples over which the average is computed expressed in
Step 2
Linear (time): a linear moving average is applied. The Value is the width
over which the moving average is computed (preceding samples) expressed in

320 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Step 3
Linear (centered): the moving average is calculated according to the
formula Sx = (Yx-1+ 2Yx +Yx+1)/4
Step 4
Exponential: an exponential averaging is applied. The Value is the
exponential ‘weighting factor’ applied to the averaging process. The weighting
factor can take values between 0 and 1. 0 implies no smoothing.
The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Replace by curve

Replaces the data values within a segment with a straight line, a half sine curve
or a cubic spline curve. The curve starts at the first data value in the segment
and ends at the last value in the segment.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Method specifies the contour used for replacing the data values:

Step 1
Straight Line
Step 2
Half sine
Step 3
Cubic Spline

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Replace by constant

Replaces the data values within the specified segment with a constant value.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Rev 11B 321

Chapter 7 Processing

Input parameters

The Type defines how the constant value is defined:

Step 1
User defined: The specified <Value>.
Step 2
Left value: The value of the first sample in the segment.
Step 3
Right value: The value of the last sample in the segment.
Step 4
Mean: The mean value of the segment.
Step 5
Rms: The RMS value of the segment
Step 6
Minimum: The minimum value of the segment
Step 7
Maximum: The maximum value of the segment

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Offset segment

This shifts the data values within the specified segment with the specified offset

Input parameters

The Value is the offset added to the data (positive or negative).

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of contour used
for fading. The Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade
is applied.

Section Set mean of segment

This shifts the data values within the specified segment such that they rely on
the specified mean value.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Value is the mean value on which the data in the result will rely.

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The

322 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Scale segment

Scales the data values within the specified segment by a specified amount.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

The Type defines the scaling value to be used

Step 1
Linear scale : Value is a linear scaling factor.
Step 2
dB scale : Value is a scaling factor in dB.
Step 3
Scale to RMS : Value is the RMS value of the data values within the segment
after scaling.
The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Filter segment

Applies a zero-phase filter to the data values within the specified segment.

Note: Please refer to Channel and segment selection (see "Channel,

segment and position selection" on page 316) for more details.

Input parameters

Type is the filter type to be used

Step 1
Low pass (LP)
Step 2
High pass (HP)

Value is the cutoff frequency of the high and low pass filter in Hertz

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Rev 11B 323

Chapter 7 Processing

This applies a linear correction to the values within the specified segment. The
anchor point remains fixed. The drift point is corrected.

Input parameters

The anchor point is specified by Method:

Step 1
Anchor left, the first value of the segment
Step 2
Anchor right, the last value of the segment

The amplitude of the drift point is specified by Type and value:

Type 1: Value is the offset added to the drift point

Type 2: Value is the amplitude of the drift point after modification

The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

Section Drift correction

This applies a linear correction to the values within the specified segment. The
anchor point remains fixed. The drift point is corrected.

Input parameters

The anchor point is specified by Method:

Step 1
Anchor left, the first value of the segment
Step 2
Anchor right, the last value of the segment

The amplitude of the drift point is specified by Type and value:

 Type 1: Value is the offset added to the drift point
 Type 2: Value is the amplitude of the drift point after modification
The Fading type (see "Fading" on page 325) specifies the type of fading. The
Fade duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is applied.

324 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Section 7.1.4 Fading

The signal concatenation when cutting and modifying segments of signals is

done according to the specified fade settings. You can use fading to obtain a
smooth transition at the borders of the segment. Fading modifies data points
over a specified time period that is centred on the borders of the segment.

The Fading type specifies the type of fading used:

Step 1
No fading
Step 2
Half-sine cross-fading: the data on either side of the discontinuity is weighted
by a cosine function. The used technique is described below.

The Fading duration specifies the (time) period over which the fade is
applied, expressed in the same unit as the X-axis of the trace. The greater the
duration, the smoother the curve becomes. If no cross-fading is applied, the
segments are joined by a vertical line.

Half-sine cross fading

Half-sine cross-fading uses the following technique

 From both signals to be concatenated at either side of the discontinuity a
piece of data with the size of half the fading duration is used.
 The data from both signals is weighted by a cosine function (over a duration

 The data is added up to yield the final connecting curve.

If possible, data at either side of the discontinuity is used. This way the length
of the result remains the same. For example the cut operation reuses a piece of

Rev 11B 325

Chapter 7 Processing

data from the 'to be removed' segment between the two valid segments.
If this is not possible (e.g. for the Append function) the data is 'crossed'. The
length of the result will then become shorter with duration equal to the cross
fade duration.
The following figure shows a cross faded cut: two different fading durations are
shown with their resulting curves, one in green and the other in yellow. The red
dashed time axis also indicates the mid-point amplitude of the selected segment.

Section 7.2 Basic processing

Section 7.2.1 Rms calculation

This section describes the ways in which rms calculations are performed for
different measurement functions. RMS stands for Root Mean Square and is a
measure of the energy in a signal.

Section Time signals

When dealing with time samples, then a certain number of samples must be
analyzed in order to obtain a measure of the nature and the energy in the signal.
This is done by squaring values, summing them and then taking an average
(mean) to remove the influence of the number of samples. Then the square root
of the mean is taken to arrive at the rms value. So for a range of samples starting
at sample 0 and ending at sample k

326 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Taking the example of a sine wave, of amplitude A, then the rms value is A/√2

Section Frequency data (spectrum, autopower and

When dealing with frequency data the rms value is computed over a frequency
range defined by the upper and lower frequency values f1 and f2.

All lines completely within the frequency range will be included in the
calculations (Ai). When f1 and f2 coincide with spectral lines, for the lines at the
beginning and the end (A0 and Ak), half of each value is taken. The rms value is
then computed by using the following formula:

When A0 is the spectral line at 0 Hz (DC), it is not halved.

When f1 and f2 do not coincide with the spectral lines as illustrated below, then a
correction factor is applied to accommodate for this. The correction factor is
proportional with the distance between the lines and f1 or f2. When f1 and f2 are
lying exactly in the middle between two spectral lines the whole values are
taken for A0 and Ak.

In addition the rms calculation makes the following corrections:

Rev 11B 327

Chapter 7 Processing

 Spectra with a peak scaling are automatically scaled to rms for the
calculations. If the data is amplitude corrected, then it is automatically
converted to energy correction using the amplitude and energy correction
factors of the time windows.
 For a spectrum that has a spectrum format that is power (an autopower
function in power format or a crosspower) the values are not squared. The
rms value is then computed using the following formula (assuming f1 and f2
coincide with the spectral lines):

 For functions that have a quantity that is already a measure of energy

(Sound power, Sound intensity), the values of the lines are simply added.

Section FRF, Impedance, Transmissibility and Transmittance

Rms values for these types of functions are not well defined. The Lms
interpretation for an FRF is to find the rms response when a force of amplitude
1 is applied. A force of amplitude 1 has an rms value Frms equal to

where k is the number of samples in the range.

If the rms of the response spectrum is Xrms, the rms of the FRF therefore is

Section 7.2.2 Data Calculator Functions

This section provides information about each of the functions that can be
evaluated in the Active Formula Set panel (see "The Active Formula Set
panel" on page 451) of the Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet.

Many of the conditioning functions are also available in the Conditioning

328 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

toolbar. (see "Conditioning toolbar" on page 403)

 Conditioning
 Differentiation and Integration (see "Differentiation" on page 330)
 Fit (on page 331)
 Octave (on page 331)
 Reciprocal Switch (on page 331)
 SetXstart (on page 332)
 Smooth (on page 332)
 Smooth_Linear (on page 333)
 Smooth_FRF (on page 333)
 Acoustic weighting (on page 334)
 X_axis_alignment (on page 335)
 x_axis_conversion (on page 335)
 Math
 Trigonometric functions (on page 335)
 Individual functions (on page 335)
 Combined functions (see "Subtracts the specified offset from the dB of the
values of the specified function. Combined functions" on page 336)
 Metrics
 Min and Max (on page 338)
 Mean and RMS (on page 338)
 Signal
 Autopower (on page 338)
 Cepstrum (on page 338)
 Cepstrum_inverse (on page 340)
 FFT (on page 340)
 FFT_inverse (on page 340)
 Spectrum (on page 340)
 Histogram (on page 340)
 Merge spectra (on page 343)
 Merge functions (on page 344)
 Smooth FRF (on page 344)
 Examples of data calculator formulas
 General (on page 345)
 Repeat for... (on page 345)

Rev 11B 329

Chapter 7 Processing

Section Conditioning

Section Differentiation Source data

Time data or frequency data. Differentiation and integration in time-domain on
time data and in frequency domain on frequency-data. Single/Doubledifferentiate
Performs a single/double domain differentiation of the specified function, thus
converting displacement to velocity/acceleration. In time domain is the
following calculation done: a polynomial of N order is used to fit to the first N
data points such that the point at which the derivative is required is at the center.
Second, the analytic derivatives of the fitted polynomial are then determined. Single/Doubleintegrate
Performs a single/double domain integration of the specified function, thus
converting velocity/acceleration to displacement. Input parameters
Type is the integration method.
 Type = 1: Simpson
 3-point rule: Integration is correct for low frequency components, but
increasingly overestimates at higher frequencies. In the limit, the presence
of the Nyquist frequency in the signal makes the method unstable.
 Type = 2: Trapezium
 2-point rule: Integration is correct for low frequency components, but
increasingly underestimates at higher frequencies.
 Type = 3: FourPoint
 4-point rule: Integration is correct for low frequency components (although
worse than Simpson's rule). It overestimates medium high frequencies, and
seriously underestimates the highest frequencies. It does not become
 Type = 4: Bode
 5-point rule: Integration is correct for low frequency components (even
better than Simpson's rule). It underestimates medium low frequencies,
overestimates high frequencies, and seriously distorts the frequencies
around half the Nyquist frequency (i.e. around a quarter of the sample

Note: Because of numerical problems, the source data should be properly

conditioned prior to integration.

This means that: DC and very low frequencies should have been removed, as
they would otherwise cause drifts. Use the DETREND_AC function to remove
trends of up to degree 6 for example. Frequencies above 1/4 of the sample

330 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

frequency should not be present to avoid over- or under-estimation by one of

the integration methods described above. Use the RESAMPLING function to
double the sample frequency for example

Section Fit

Returns the curve fit of a function based on degree. Source data
Any. Input parameters
Degree is the degree of the polynomial being fitted to the data.

A degree of 0 will yield the DC level. A degree of 1 will yield a linear function.
Higher degrees will yield polynomial functions with the corresponding shape,
using following approximation:

. Resulting function
Complex block.

Section Octave

Conversion of spectra (and autopowers) to octave. Source data
Spectra (and autopowers) Input parameters
Type is the octave band.

 1 = 1/1 octave
 2 = 1/2 octave
 3 = 1/3 octave
 6 = 1/6 octave
 12 = 1/12 octave

Section Reciprocal Switch

Returns a function in which all the properties related to the point and reference
attributes will be replaced by each other.

Note: When this formula is applied on Cada-X data, the attributes beginning
with 'primary' and 'secondary' will not be switched.

Rev 11B 331

Chapter 7 Processing Input Parameters

You can define whether you want to keep or change the sign of the phase.

Type 1:

The sign of the phase is not modified.

Type 2:

The sign of the phase in the function is inverted. So the result will be the
complex conjugate of the function. This can especially be useful when making
use of this formula on FRF functions.

Type 3:

The phase is shifted with 180 degrees. So the function is actually multiplied
with -1.

Section SetXstart

Sets the X-starting position to a specified value. Input parameters
Start is the specified X-start value.

Section Smooth

Returns the smoothing of a function.

This uses the Exponential Averaging expressed by the following formula:

The smoothing is once applied in the forward direction starting from the first
value in the data block and once in the backward direction starting from the last
value in the data block.

The final result is then the average of the data smoothed in the forward and in
the backward direction. Input parameters
Expfactor is the exponential factor. Weighting function between 0 and 1.0
implies no smoothing. Note that this parameter will not exist for the Linear
method. Source data

332 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Section Smooth_Linear

Returns the smoothing of a function. This uses a linear smoothing algorithm. Input parameters
Type =1 linear smoothing. It uses the following algorithm (except for the
first and last sample):

NewX(i) = (X(i-1)+2*X(i)+X(i+1))/4

The width is always 3.

Type = 2 linear moving averaging. It replaces each value by the average of the
specified number of preceding samples. The width is the number of samples
over which the average is computed. Resulting function
Block with the smoothed data.

Section Smooth_FRF

Returns the smoothing of a function. It uses a linear smoothing algorithm. Two
averaging types are available. Input parameters
Type =1 linear moving average. It uses the following algorithm:

NewX(i) = (X(i-1)+2*X(i)+X(i+1))/4

The width is the number of samples over which the average is computed. The
default value is 3. All positive odd numbers are supported.

Type = 2 The basic linear smoothing (linear moving average using 3 samples
in the average ) is applied repeatedly on the data, each time starting at a higher
sample and going till the end.

The width is the step in number of spectral lines

Example: block with 30 spectral lines, width = 5

- Pass 1: smooth from 0 to 29
- Pass 2: smooth from 5 to 29
- .............................................
- Pass 6: smooth from 25 to 29
This way, the values are replaced by progressively increasing smoothed values:
the low frequencies are hardly smoothed while the high frequencies are more
smoothed. The use of the linear smoothing keeps the average value OK.
Phase = 0: set phase to zero
Phase = 1: do not change phase while smoothing

Rev 11B 333

Chapter 7 Processing

Phase = 2: smooth phase too. Source data
Type 1 can be applied on time and frequency data.

Type 2 can be used on frequency spectra only. Resulting function
The smoothed data.

Section Acoustic weighting

Applies a specified acoustic weighting to a selected function. The existing
weighting will be removed.
 Weight_A (A weighting)
Applies an acoustic A weighting to the specified function.
 Weight_B (B weighting)
Applies an acoustic B weighting to the specified function.
 Weight_C (C weighting)
Applies an acoustic C weighting to the specified function.
 Weight_linear (linear weighting)
Applies a linear weighting to the specified function.
 Weight_user (user defined weighting)
Applies an acoustic user defined weighting to the specified function.
The human ear has nonlinear, frequency dependent characteristics, which means
that the sensation of loudness cannot be perfectly described by the sound
pressure level or its spectrum. To derive the loudness level that would be
experienced from a sound pressure signal, its frequency spectrum is multiplied
by a frequency weighting function. These weighting functions are based on
experimentally determined equal loudness contours which express the loudness
sensation as a function of sound pressure level and frequency.

For a PSD or autopower function in power format, the weighting is applied

twice. Input parameters
The function Weight_user requires that you specify the frequency weighting
block. Click the ‘Browse …’ button to specify this block. The weighting block
is supposed to be unit less. If it has a unit this will be disregarded by the
software. Source data
Any. Resulting function
The new-weighted version of the original data.

334 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Section X_axis_alignment

Interpolates non-equidistant X-axis values such that they become equidistant
with specified increment values.

Section X_axis_conversion

The section tracking axis will be converted to Hz or RPM, based on the section
value (relationship between order and frequency).
 X_axis_To_HZ
 X_axis_To_RPM

Section Math

Section Trigonometric functions ACos/ASin/ATan
Computes the angles where the cosines/sines/tangents are the values of the
specified function. Cos/Sin/Tan
Returns the cosine/sine/tangent values of the function.

Note: You can also calculate the sin/cos/tan of a scalar value in a formula e.g.
to multiply a function F(t) with * sin ( ) where is the scalar (angle) in deg.

Section Individual functions Abs
Converts to the absolute values for the specified function. Conj
Returns the conjugate of the function. Inverse
Returns the inverse of the function. Ln
Calculates the logarithm of the specified function using the specified base value. Log10
Calculates the logarithm of the specified function using the base value of 10. Power
Calculates the power of the specified function with the specified power factor. Scale
Multiplies the function by the given factor.

Rev 11B 335

Chapter 7 Processing Sqrt
Calculates the square root value of the specified function. Add_offset_amplitude
Adds the specified offset to the amplitude of the values of the specified
function. Add_offset_db
Adds the specified offset to the dB values of the specified function. Subtract_offset_amplitude
Subtracts the specified offset from the amplitude of the values of the specified
function. Subtract_offset_db

Section Subtracts the specified offset from the dB of the

values of the specified function. Combined functions Average
Returns the average of the specified functions.

Enumerating them can specify the functions:

 Average(F1;F2;...;type)
Or by entering one or more ranges:
 Average(F_start:F_end;...;type)
Where type is the averaging method. Conj_multiply
Multiplies the first function by the conjugate of the second function. Divide
Divides the first specified function (function1) by the second (function2). Envelope
Returns the envelope of a given range of functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:

 Envelope(F1;F2;...)
Or by entering one or more ranges:
 Envelope(F_start:F_end;...) Envelope_min
Returns the minimum envelope of a given range of functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:


336 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Or by entering one or more ranges:

 ENVELOPE_MIN(F_start:F_end;…) Product
Calculates the product of the specified functions. You can multiply a order by a
transfer function, to get an order vs rpm with the transfer function applied. The
required conversion of the X-axis (from rpm to Hz) before multiplication is
done automatically. Add_blocks_amplitude
Calculates the sum of the amplitudes of the specified functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:

Or by entering one or more ranges:
 ADD_BLOCKS_AMPLITUDE(F_start:F_end;...) Add_blocks_db
Calculates the sum of the dB of the specified functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:

 ADD_BLOCKS_DB(F1;F2;...)
Or by entering one or more ranges:
 ADD_BLOCKS_DB(F_start:F_end;...) Subtract_blocks_amplitude
Calculates the difference of the amplitudes of the specified functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:

Or by entering one or more ranges:
 SUBTRACT_BLOCKS_AMPLITUDE(F_start:F_end;...) Subtract_blocks_db
Calculates the difference of the dB of the specified functions.

The functions can be given by enumerating them:

Or by entering one or more ranges:
 SUBTRACT_BLOCKS_DB(F_start:F_end;...) Sum
Calculates the sum of the specified functions. The functions can be given by
enumerating them:

Rev 11B 337

Chapter 7 Processing

 Sum(F1;F2;...)
Or by entering one or more ranges:
 Sum(F_start:F_end;...)

Section Metrics

Section Min and Max

Returns the minimum/maximum of the function.

Section Mean and RMS

Results in the mean/RMS value of the specified function. This can for example
be used to remove the DC value from a time function.

Example: F1-MEAN(F1)

Section Signal

Section Autopower

This computes the autopower spectrum of the selected time data in the specified
format. If the input data is an autopower function it applies a format conversion. Source data
Time or Frequency domain data. Input parameters
Type is the autopower format.

 1 = Lin. (Linear)
 2 = Pow (Power)
 3 = PSD (Power Spectral Density) Resulting function
Frequency spectrum with the specified format.

Section Cepstrum

Cepstrum analysis is a nonlinear signal processing technique that can be used
for detecting the periodicity in a spectrum. It converts a spectrum back into a
time domain signature, which has peaks corresponding to the period of the
frequency spacings common in the spectrum.

Spectra from a rotating machine may be quite complex, containing several sets
of harmonics from rotating parts and maybe several sets of sidebands from
various modulations. The cepstrum analysis allows the detection of some kind
of a harmonic series (common frequency spacing separating the peaks or the
spacing of the harmonics and sidebands) not directly synchronized with the
shaft speed.

338 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Note: Only works on real data.

The complex cepstrum of a signal x is calculated by finding the complex

natural logarithm of the Fourier transform of x, then the inverse Fourier
transform of the resulting sequence.

The real cepstrum of a signal x is calculated by determining the natural

logarithm of magnitude of the Fourier transform of x, then obtaining the inverse
Fourier transform of the resulting sequence. Source data

Time block Input parameters
Type =1: a real cepstrum is calculated (natural logarithm of 'magnitude' of the
Fourier transform of x)

Rev 11B 339

Chapter 7 Processing

Type = 2: a complex cepstrum is calculated (complex natural logarithm of the

Fourier transform of x) Resulting function
cepstrum, time block with the same size as the source data

Section Cepstrum_inverse

Section FFT

Returns the frequency/order spectrum of a time/angle function. Source data
Any (time data) Input parameters
This is a simple FFT without user defined parameters. Resulting function
Complex block in amplitude plus phase format.

Section FFT_inverse

Returns the time function of a spectrum or FRF.

Section Spectrum

This computes the spectrum of the selected time data.

Section Histogram

The histogram is the result of a counting of the occurrence of specific signal
levels in a function. Therefore the function Y-range is divided into a number of

Let the range of a function y(n) be divided in J classes. Each class j ,j = 0...J-1,
can be characterized by an average value yj and a class increment

340 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Rev 11B 341

Chapter 7 Processing

The histogram of a function y(n) can then be defined as,

Source data

Any. Input parameters
Number of classes

The function Y-range is divided into a number of classes.

Limit definition

1 = the range is calculated from the function minimum and maximum.

2 = the range is defined by the specified lower limit and upper limit.

342 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Type is the histogram format.

1 = Histogram: the number in each class is the count of the data points falling in
that class.

2 = Probability: the number in each class is divided by the total number of

samples and the result is expressed in %.

3 = Density: the number in each class is divided by the class width. This
provides you with results which are independent of the class width. The
probability density expresses the probability histogram normalized with
respect to the class width

This result is expressed in %.

4= Normalize: before the histogram is computed the signal mean is subtracted

from the original signal which is then divided by the standard deviation

5= Cumulative: it gives the probability (in percent) that the signal level is below
a given value.

Section Merge spectra

This merges the specified spectra to one broadband spectrum.

The functions can be specified by enumerating them:

 MERGE_SPECTRA(F1;F2; ...;type)
Or by entering one or more ranges:
 MERGE_SPECTRA(F_start:F_end;...;type)
If the two frequency ranges are overlapping the data in that frequency range that
is overlapping is averaged according to the specified averaging type:

Type = 1: Linear average

Type = 2: Power average

Type = 3: Logarithmic average

If there is a gap between the two frequency ranges the data in that frequency
range is set to 0.

Rev 11B 343

Chapter 7 Processing

Section Merge functions

Returns functions with data of the low-frequency functions below the start
merging frequency and the data of the high-frequency functions above the end
merging frequency. In the merging range the data of low- and high frequency
functions are combined using a linear transition.

Section Smooth FRF

Section Examples of data calculator formulas

You can define a processing function (see "[Procedure] To define a
processing function" on page 443) in the Active Formula Set panel of the
Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet using either individual data items or
combinations of data items.

The output of a derived processing function is specified as an expression based

on data items, arithmetic operators and mathematical functions.

A new function can be defined in the Active Formula Set panel (see "The
Active Formula Set panel" on page 451) by:

Section Selecting an empty line in the table

The new formula can be typed into the edit line above the table.

Section Selecting an empty cell

The new formula can be typed into the cell, or into the edit line above the table.

Section Pressing the "Create New Function" icon

This will add a new formula to the table.

344 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 7 Processing

Note: A data item is referred to as "Fn" (function number), where n is the

index number of the data item. For example, F3 indicates the third data item
(with the index number 3) in the Data List.

Section General

A data item is referred to as "Fn" (function number), where n is the index
number of the data item. For example, F3 indicates the third data item (with the
index number 3) in the Data List of the Data Set panel (see "The Data Set
panel" on page 448).

You can either select the required function from the list in the Select Function
dialog or you can type the formula directly in an empty formula cell or in the
formula editor above the table. To indicate a specific item in the Data List, use
the notation "Fn" (function number) , where n is the index of the specific item in
the list. ADD
To add the second item (F2) to the fifth data item (F5) of a data list, you would
enter: F2+F5. SUM
If you want to calculate the sum of the data items with index number 2 and 7,
you would edit the function "SUM(function ; function)" to become "SUM(F2 ;

Note: The “;” means AND, like sum (F2 AND F7), while “:” means from...
to..., like sum (from F2 to F7).

Section Repeat for...

If you want to calculate the formula on a range of data items, you can indicate
the range in the “Repeat for...” column of the Formula Set table in the of the
Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet.

The format for this cell is "a:b", where a is the lowest index and b the highest
index number.

Note: The notation Fx should be used in the formula to indicate that a range
of data items is used.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 16

You would define the formula Fx/2 in the Formula column and the range 10:16
in the Repeat for... column.

Rev 11B 345

Chapter 7 Processing

Formula definition

When you now calculate the results, 7 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F11/2, F12/2, F13/2, F14/2, F15/2 and F16/2).

346 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension


In This Chapter
The GVT Spectral Extension menu bar..............................348
The GVT Spectral Extension button bar ............................380
Conditioning toolbar...........................................................403
The Documentation worksheet ...........................................411
The Data Explorer dialog ...................................................415
The Navigator - Data Viewing worksheet ..........................430
The Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet ....................439
The Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet .......................442
The Data Block Processing worksheet ...............................463
The Channel Setup worksheet ............................................476
The Calibration worksheet .................................................499
The Tracking Setup worksheet ...........................................542
The Scope worksheet..........................................................559
The Test Setup worksheet ..................................................571
The Measure worksheet......................................................585
The GVT Manager worksheet ............................................594
The Advanced Parameters dialog .......................................595
The Validate worksheet ......................................................602
The Post Processing worksheet ..........................................608
The Compare Runs worksheet ...........................................614
The Batch Reporting worksheet .........................................627
The Audio replay & filter dialog ........................................634
SCADAS Recorder data retrieval.......................................645
The GVT Spectral Extension workbook and the GVT Manager add-in in the
Spectral Testing workbook are used for GVT Spectral Testing. The purpose of
GVT Spectral Testing is to measure spectral functions in a distributed way to be
able to deal with a large numbers of channels.

Case of two systems

The server computer system is connected with the first frontend. The Spectral
Testing workbook needs to run on this server with the GVT Manager add-in
loaded. The extension computer system is connected with the second frontend.
The GVT Spectral Extension workbook needs to run on this extension system.
The reference channels of the first frontend are also connected with the second
frontend. The measurement of the extension system will be synchronized with
the server via the network. The extension system always needs to work in
trigger mode, even when source control is used in the server system. When the
server system works in burst random mode, a dedicated Burst-On-Request
(BOR) mode is used: only when the extension system has finished the
measurement, the new burst will be sent.

Rev 11B 347

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.1 The GVT Spectral Extension menu bar

Section 8.1.1 File

Section New...

This opens a new project (see "Projects" on page 10). A dialog appears in
which you can select the template to be used for the new project. The template
defines the initial settings for the new project.

Select the template that you want to use and click Open. A new project with
the default name is opened. To make a new project template based on an
existing setup, save the project using the Save As Template... menu entry. The
next time the File New menu entry is selected, the new project template will
be available for selection. It is possible to change the default template (see
"[Procedure] To change the default project template" on page 11).

Section Open...

This option enables you to open an existing project (see "Projects" on page 10).
It schedules the “Project dialog” in which you can specify the location and the
name of the project you want to open.

Section Activate section

In the selected project, you can choose the section that you want to activate. {Default}
This activates the last opened section in the selected project. {Create a new section...}
This creates and activates a new section in the selected project. <Section_name> list
Use the dropdown list of available sections in the selected project in order to
activate a specific section.

Section Close the current project and activate section

Check this option "on" to close the current (active) project and activate the
selected section.

Section Close

This closes the active project. The application and any other projects will
remain open. You will be asked if you wish to save the current state of the

348 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

project before it is closed.

Section Save

This saves the current state of the active project. Thus settings and acquired data
will be saved to the database.

Section Save As...

This saves the current state of the active project under another name. A dialog
appears in which you can specify the name you wish to assign to the project.

At the bottom of the dialog you can choose to save your project using the pre
7A storage technology. This technology makes use of Microsoft compound
files. All 7B and newer releases will use an LMS implementation of the storage
layer. This new technology increases save and load performance of large
projects, and enhances the project stability.

When the file format will be changed, during saving, a warning message is
shown asking whether you want to convert the project or not. This is for
example the case when you want to save a 6A project in 7B using the LMS
storage technology.

When doing a ‘Save as’, a check is done for the remaining disc space. If the free
space is less than the size of the database (without data in memory) + a minimal
free space of 100MB, an error message will be given. You are expected to free
some space and retry to do the save as.The 100 MB can be changed in the
LoaderExtensions.ini file.

Section Save As Template...

This saves the current settings of the active project as a template. A dialog
appears in which you can specify the name you wish to assign to the new

Section Save As Task Shortcut

This is only available when you have the “Parameter Locking Add-in”. It opens
the “Save As” dialog which allows you to save locked parameter settings as a
task shortcut file (.tsk).

Section LMS Tec.Manager Project Management

In order to active the available entries in this menu, the LMS Tec.Manager
Project Management should be defined in Tools>Options>LMS Tec.Manager.
When doing so, the basic functionalities of registering a new project, checking
out and checking in will be possible.

Section Printer Setup...

This entry schedules the “Print Setup” dialog, in which you can define the

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

parameters required for printing. These parameters will be used for all printing

Note: Landscape is the paper orientation setting that is advised when printing
a worksheet.

Section Print Preview

This operation provides a preview of the current data as it will appear when
printed with the defined page setup. It can also be executed by clicking on the

Print Preview icon from the toolbar.

The working area of the desktop is filled with the print preview.

And, depending on the worksheet you are working in, a number of buttons
enable you to manipulate this view.

The following action buttons can be used:

 Print...
This schedules the “Print” dialog from which the print job can be initiated and
closes the Print Preview function.
 Zoom in / Zoom out
Clicking on Zoom in magnifies the current view of the previewed page. This
can be continued as required. The Zoom out button decreases the
magnification to the original value.
 Close
This closes the Print Preview function and returns you to the Test.Lab desktop.

Section Print

This operation can also be executed by clicking on the “Print” icon in the
toolbar. The print job depends on the worksheet you are working in and can be
seen using the Print preview function from this menu.

Section Printing Options

Clicking on this opens a “Printing Options” dialog where you can set the
parameters for format based printing of your data.

Section Most recent files...

This list shows the most recently opened project files. Click on a file to open it

350 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Exit

This option closes the Test.Lab desktop and all applications that are running in
it. Confirmation will be requested if unsaved data or setups exist. The active
workbook / project can be closed using the Close entry from the File menu.

Section 8.1.2 Edit

Section Undo

This operation undoes the last action.

Section Cut

This option deletes a selected item from the workspace and places it on the
clipboard. This item is then available for use in other applications which will
check whether they are able to manage this type of data.

Section Copy

This option makes a copy of a selected item and places it on the clipboard. This
item is then available for use in other applications which will check whether
they are able to manage this type of data.

Section Paste

This operation pastes the item currently on the clipboard.

Section Delete

This action deletes a selected item.

Section Select all

This action selects all items in the workspace.

Section 8.1.3 View

Section Layout Management...

This schedules the “Layout management” dialog (see "The Layout
management dialog" on page 52) in which you can create, select or import the
display layout that you want to use for viewing data. Layouts can only be used
in those worksheets where pictures can be used.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Save Picture as Layout

This saves changes you have made to the current layout in whatever worksheet
you are working. These changes will be maintained when ever that layout is
selected in the same worksheet. The dialog is only applicable for those
worksheets that use pictures based on layouts you have created as the other ones
have predefined layouts that cannot be altered.

Section Save Picture as New Layout...

This enables you to save the current layout in a worksheet with a specific name.

Section License Usage...

This enables you to list all the licenses that the Test.Lab application is using at
that specific moment.

Section Toolbars

This enables you to toggle the presence of the available toolbars (standard,
conditioning and averaging). When the mouse cursor is placed over an item in
the toolbar, it displays the function associated with that tool.

Section Status Bar

This toggles the presence of the Status bar. The Status bar is found on the lower
edge of the application window.

Section 8.1.4 Data

Section Data Explorer

This schedules the Data Explorer dialog that provides you with two views on
your data - a hierarchical tree view and a detail view (as in Windows Explorer)
of the data in your projects. You can drag specific data from the Explorer into a
display window and also perform certain operations on it.

A toggle at the top of the dialog allows you to select the location of your data
from a dropdown menu. You can choose between Active Project (saved data),
Online data (to be acquired) and all other directories on your computer.

There is a Parent folder button as well as Back and Forward buttons for easy
navigation and a Refresh button to refresh the browser tree when operations
are being carried out when the Data Selection dialog is open. There is also a
List All Blocks button to bring up a list of all the data blocks for a selected item
in the Tree-view panel.

352 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Right clicking on any data entry in this dialog brings up a menu. The entries
available (see "The Data Explorer dialog" on page 415) from the popup menu
depend on the type of data selected.

Section New Section...

This enables you to create a new section (see "Sections" on page 29) in which
data will be saved. In the dialog that appears you can enter the required name.
The new section is based on the current section setup.

Section Rename Section...

This enables you to change the name of a section (see "Sections" on page 29).
In the dialog that appears you can select the section you want to rename.

Note: You cannot rename the currently active section, which is indicated in
the field in the toolbar.

Enter the name that you wish to assign to the selected section and press OK.

Section Delete Section...

This allows you to delete a section from the current project. All the data
contained in the section is deleted too. Individual runs can be deleted using the
popup menu when in the “Data Selection” dialog available from this (the Data)

The active section cannot be deleted. In the dialog that appears, select the
section to be deleted and click OK

Section View Setup Parameters

This allows you to view the setup parameters.

Section Print Setup Parameters

This allows you to make a printout of the setup parameters.

Section 8.1.5 Tools

Section Add-ins...

Section Add-ins dialog

This dialog allows you to download add-ins into LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral
Extension . Loaded add-ins appear in the workbook.

Rev 11B 353

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

General add-ins are Desktop “Add-ins”. (see "Add-ins" on page 356)

These are:

354 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 3D Acoustic Camera (on page 165)

 Angle Domain Processing (on page 165)
 ANSI-IEC Octave filtering (on page 165)
 Application Launcher
 ASAM ODS Database Export (on page 166)
 ASAM ODS Driver (on page 166)
 Audio Replay (on page 166)
 Audio Replay & Filtering (on page 166)
 Automated Reporting (on page 167)
 Automatic Modal Parameter Selection (on page 167)
 Batch Reporting (on page 167)
 Customized Metrics Calculator (on page 167)
 Data Block Editor (see "Yellow button" on page 162)
 Data Block Processing (on page 168)
 DATX Data Driver (on page 168)
 Excel Data Driver (on page 168)
 Geometry (on page 168)
 Harmonic Removal (on page 168)
 Harmonic Tracking (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera iNAH (on page 168)
 HD Acoustic Camera Order Extension (on page 169)
 Head Data Driver (on page 169)
 Human Body Vibration (on page 169)
 Interactive Time Data Editing (on page 169)
 MDM-plug-in (on page 169)
 Mission Synthesis (on page 169)
 Modal Analysis (on page 169)
 Modal Analysis Lite (on page 169)
 Modification Prediction (on page 169)
 Multi Reference Post Processing (on page 170)
 Nastran Data Driver (on page 170)
 nCode Data Driver (on page 170)
 Network Hub (on page 170)
 Offline RPM-Extraction (on page 170)
 Offline Sine Data Reduction (on page 170)
 OPAX (on page 170)
 Operational Deflection Shapes & Time Animation (on page 170)
 Operational Modal Analysis (on page 170)
 Operational Modal Analysis Lite (on page 171)

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Order Tracking (on page 171)

 Parameter Locking (on page 171)
 PolyMAX Modal Analysis (on page 171)
 PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite (on page 171)
 Principal Component Analysis (on page 172)
 Rigid Body Calculator (on page 172)
 Run Data Averaging & Comparison Organizer (on page 172)
 SCADAS Recording (on page 172)
 Signature Data Post-Processing (on page 172)
 Signature Throughput Processing (on page 172)
 Sound Diagnosis (on page 173)
 Sound Intensity Analysis (on page 173)
 Sound Quality Metrics (on page 173)
 Tec.Manager Hub (on page 173)
 Time Data Editor – Advanced (see "Time Data Editor - Advanced" on
page 173)
 Time Data Editor – Standard (see "Time Data Editor - Standard" on page
 Time Data Extraction (on page 173)
 Time Data Selection (on page 173)
 Time Domain TPA (on page 174)
 Time Signal Calculator (on page 174)
 Time-Variant Frequency Analysis (on page 174)
 TPA Component Editing (on page 174)
 Transfer Path Analysis (on page 174)
 User 1 (2, 3, 4 and 5) (on page 174)
 Windows Automation Support (on page 174)

Section Add-ins

This section describes the specific add-ins:
 CAN Bus (on page 357)
 Customized Metrics Calculator (on page 358)
 Remote Control (on page 358)
 Source Control (on page 358)
 Time recording during Signature Testing (on page 358) Angle Domain Processing
It adds the Angle Domain Validation worksheet to the workbook. This
worksheet allows you to convert time data into the angle domain. You can
visualize the angle domain data in a multi-trace display or you also save the data
into a LDSF/TDF file.

356 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

In Signature Acquisition and/or Time Data Processing it allows you to acquire

angle data in parallel with the Fixed sampled data. You can choose to perform
an AD acquisition in parallel with the FS acquisition, an AD acquisition only, or
a FS acquisition only.

The AD acquisition parameters are defined in the Acquisition settings tab of the
Measure worksheet. In the time data processing worksheet these parameters are
defined in the acquisition settings dialog.

You are able to define two sets of processing functions, one for the fixed
sampling acquisition (FS), and a new set of functions for the Angle domain
acquisition (AD). In addition to the map of angle data, Order sections,
OA-levels, Averaged and peak hold angle data can be calculated. Frame
statistics can be calculated in a cycle or in defined gate(s).

It also adds the SYNC_RESAMPLING commands to the time signal calculator. ANSI-IEC Octave filtering
This functionality can be used in Signature acquisition and in Signature
Throughput Processing.

Octave spectra are generated by filtering the time data in octave bands and
averaging the result in the time domain. This functionality corresponds and is
consistent with the functionalities offered in RTO (Real Time Octave filtering).
You can choose to perform RTO in parallel with FS, RTO only, or FS only. A
checkbox is available for each channel group to select what processing has to be
performed. Automated Reporting
Automated reporting is about the possibility to start the reporting without user
input immediately after the measurement is finished using predefined templates.
The automated reporting sheet allows you to predefine the plot formats and
mappings. CAN Bus
The CAN (Controller Area Network) bus add-in is a data communications bus
for the real-time Test.Lab Signature applications:
 Signature Acquisition
 Signature Testing
It enables you to record CAN signals into a throughput file.

The recording of the CAN channels is available when parallel throughput is

active and when a CAN database with the name CAN.dbc is placed in the root
of the C drive. That database is automatically used when the add-in is loaded.
To change the database, the add-in must be unloaded.

Note: The new database must be placed in the root of the C drive with the
name CAN.dbc and the add-in must be loaded to make it active.

The CAN add-in will start and stop the CAN measurement together with the

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

start and stop (respectively) of the Test.Lab measurement.

The raw CAN messages are converted into physical values and units. The
conversion from a CAN- defined unit into a Test.Lab unit is possible when the
unit is defined in Test.Lab.

The CAN and the Test.Lab data are synchronized, and. the recording frequency
for the CAN messages is 100 Hz.

The CAN add-in works with CAN acquisition devices from Vector Informatik.
The CAN driver library from Vector must be installed and the CAN parameters
must be set up in the Vector hardware configuration (available in the Windows
Control Panel) to match the network in use. Customized Metrics Calculator
The add-in gives the possibility to define extra user defined sections in
Signature Throughput Processing. It also give the possibility to define
conditions that can be used to accept or reject blocks from a waterfall. Remote Control
In the Signature Testing workbook, the ‘Remote Control’ add-in can be used
with either the separate 4 button USB-remote control unit ‘SCx-RC01’ or with
the USB connection of the GRAS Intensity Proobe 50AI-L (which has built-in
the same 4 buttons and USB connection).

The actions linked to each of the four buttons or the following: Source Control

This add-in allows to use the sources of the frontend and to define the signal
that will be sent out by the sources. Time recording during Signature Testing
This add-in combines the advantages of real-time measurements with the safety
and flexibility of throughput measurements. During the real-time measurement,
a TDF file is written to disc without any loss in performance.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Options...

This schedules the "Options" dialog where you can set configuration settings
and see where particular file types are located.
 General tab (see "Options - General tab" on page 359)
 Add-ins tab (see "Options - Add-ins tab" on page 363)
 Data tab (see "Options - Data tab" on page 364)
 File Locations tab (see "Options - File Locations tab" on page 366)
 Sorting tab (see "Options - Sorting tab" on page 369)
 Filtering tab (see "Options - Filtering tab" on page 370)
 Units tab (see "Options - Units tab" on page 371)
 Displays tab (see "Options - Displays tab" on page 372)
 License Server tab (see "Options - License Server tab" on page 373)
 Tec.Manager tab (see "Options - Tec.Manager tab" on page 373)
 Sound Settings tab (see "Options - Sound Settings tab" on page 374)
 Network Hub tab (see "Options - Network Hub tab" on page 374)
 Attributes Tab (see "Options - Attributes Tab" on page 376)

Section Options - General tab

In the Options dialog, use this tab to change the general options. General Options Frequency
It is possible to switch between Sample Frequency, Bandwidth and Span. The
bandwidth defines the maximum frequency that can be measured during an
acquisition. The span, which is set at 80% of the bandwidth, is the frequency
band that is unaffected by the cutoff filters. The sample frequency is twice the
bandwidth. 2D Correction mode
The 2D Correction type is applied when showing data in displays.

Note: This option is not used for measurement.

Functions measured in Test.Lab automatically get the 'correct' window

correction factor. This is annotated in the data properties and it is independent
of what is specified in the Options dialog.

Once a function is measured, you can view it in the display with the correction
factor specified by the 2D correction type (default is automatic). This changes
the way the data is displayed but does not change the data and its annotation.

The default method of correcting for the effect of adding a window function
when showing data in displays can be selected.

Automatic means the software selects the best method. If the spectrum format is

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

PSD for example, the spectrum data will be energy corrected. If not, it will be
amplitude corrected.

Note: The default setting for the correction method is automatic.

Fixed Amplitude means that the data will always be amplitude corrected. Fixed
Energy means that the data will always be energy corrected. Not Corrected
means that no correction method or factor will be applied to the data. Original
means that any new data (based on previous acquisitions) will be corrected
using the same correction method that was applied to the original data. Sampling Bit Size
The data word length used in the communication between the Frontend and
your computer can be specified. For optimized data quality, 24 bit data transfer
is advised. For higher throughput bandwidths, 16 bit data transfer is advised. Calibration Validity Period
The is the period in days that the calibration of a transducer remains valid. The
TEDS standard defines a calibration date to be stored in the transducers, not a
due date. In the case of TEDS import, the system will add the value set here to
the date and perform the check on the result. Octave Filtering
Octave filtering can be done according to different methods. The options here
allow you to define these settings globally. If needed, you can even enforce it
within a group and/or company using the 'Options Locking' mechanism' (see
Desktop options in Desktop manual). Typically different methods will give only
small differences. Differences will be noticeable if high level narrowband
components are present around the edge frequencies.

Globally, one can distinguish between octave filtering done in the time domain
(with digital bandpass filter banks) and octave filtering done in the frequency
domain (conversion from FFT block by integration over frequency bands). Each
domain can use midband (or center) and edge frequencies according to two
different methods (base-2 and base-10) and can have attenuation filter shapes
that depend on the implemented filter. Octave filter midband and edge frequencies
There are two accepted methods to determine the midband frequencies of the
octave bands:
 the base-2 method: subsequent center frequencies have a ratio of 21/b with 1/b
the bandwidth designator (e.g. b=3 for 1/3 octave band).
Edge frequencies are derived from the center frequency by multiplying or
dividing with 21/(2b).
The reference frequency is fr=1000 Hz. Center frequencies are given by:
 fcn=fr*2n/b for b odd
 fcn=fr*2 (2n+1)/(2b)
for b even

360 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 the base-10 method: subsequent center frequencies have a ratio of (103/10)1/b

with 1/b the bandwidth designator (e.g. b=3 for 1/3 octave band).
Edge frequencies are derived from the center frequency by multiplying or
dividing with (103/10)1/(2b).
The reference frequency is 1000 Hz.
 fcn=fr*(103/10)n/b for b odd
 fcn=fr*(103/10)(2n+1)/(2b) for b even

Note: Current IEC 61260:1995 and ANSI S1.11-2004 standards accept both
base-10 and base-2, but recommend base-10. Some standards (e.g. ISO
266-1997) are based on base-10 but mention that base-2 may be used as an
acceptable approximation because the differences are small (103/10 =

Note: Apart from the exact midband frequencies as mentioned above, the
designation of the band will be expressed in ‘nominal’ midband frequencies
(typically rounded numbers, also specified in the standards for full and 1/3
octaves) and not with the ‘exact’ midband frequencies (according to e.g. ISO
266-1997 and ANSI S1.6-1984(R2006)). For a list of normalized frequencies,
see the table above.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: With base-10 system, midband frequencies of 1/3 octave band will
include e.g. 10, 100, 1000, 10000 (ratio of 10). Other midband frequencies
digits will also repeat themselves apart from the location of the decimal
points. For the base-2 system, the 100 Hz (nominal) third octave band will
have a midband frequency of 99.2126 Hz while the 10000 Hz (nominal) third
octave band will have a midband frequency of 10079.37 Hz. Octave filter shapes

When implemented in the time domain as digital band-pass filter banks on
sampled data, the relative attenuation of the filters is never ‘perfect’ (no
attenuation between the edges and full attenuation outside the edges). The
current IEC 61260:1995 and ANSI S1.11-2004 standards give an upper and a
lower limit for the relative attenuation, depending on the ‘Class’ of analyzer.
These limits allow a shape of the filter response which attenuates before the
edge frequencies and with a finite slope beyond the edge frequencies. When
converting data to octave band in the frequency domain, it is much easier (and
common practise) to implement a (nearly) ideal filter (i.e. a ‘square’ filter
shape): only energy on the frequency lines within the octave band will be
summed. However, in order to match as closely as possible data processed with
time-domain filters with data processed with FFT, it is also possible to use filter
shapes with a ‘smoother’ shape (ANSI Emulation). This requires more
processing, as for each octave band, (weighted) integration over more frequency
lines will be done. Octave Filtering Options Time-based
For time-based octave filtering, it is possible to select 3 methods:
 ANSI-IEC – Class1 – base 10: the recommended setting as it complies with
the latest IEC and ANSI standard and uses base 10 as recommended by the
 ANSI – base 2: for compatibility with previous (before 8A) releases (ANSI
method used in Signature throughput processing)
 IEC – base 2: for compatibility with previous releases (before 8A) (IEC
method used in Signature throughput processing)
This choice influences host-based octave calculations performed with the
ANSI-IEC Octave Filtering add-in (e.g. Signature throughput processing or
RTO in parallel with Fixed sampling acquisition). Front-end based octave
filtering (available in the RTO workbook) will always use an ANSI-IEC
–Class1 – base 2 filter implementation. FFT-based
For FFT-based octave filtering (e.g. done in Octave display of narrowband data,
in Signature Fixed sampling, by the ‘Octave’ function in the Data calculator,
etc…) it is possible to select between:

362 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Ideal – base 10: the recommended setting (only method before 8A)
 Ideal – base 2: for compatibility with e.g. CADA-X data
 ANSI Emulation – base 10: if similarity with time-domain filters is
important (before 8A, only possible in Signature Processing with the ‘ANSI
Emulation’ option set in the setup).
 ANSI Emulation – base 2: for compatibility with e.g. CADA-X data

Note: Whatever the option chosen, the data (from 8A on) will always be
annotated with appropriate ‘Octave ratio’, ‘Octave filter type’ and ‘Octave
domain’ properties. Minimum spectral lines for octave band

You can specify the minimum number of spectral lines (from 1 - 5) for an
octave band. Offline Octave filtering optimization
A checkbox enables the optimization of the real-time octave filtering when used
in Offline mode.

This optimization generates synthetic data in negative time, with physical

content, such that the octave filters have enough extra time to stabilize in order
to give reliable results from t=0.00s.

This optimization is transparent and no extra action is required for its use. GPS Options
It is possible to extract the GPS data from a throughput file and to export it to
NMEA or KML file by means of the popup menu in the navigator. Each GPS
point can be exported or just a reduced set of points can be exported. The type
of reduction can be defined in this pane. The reduction can be based on
equidistant distance intervals or on equidistant time intervals. Filter Setting Minimum time between points Minimum distance between points

Section Options - Add-ins tab

In the Options dialog, use this tab to set the default “Save list of active add-ins
when the application is closed” option.

If this option is “on” your active add-ins will be saved in the application
configuration files so that they will remain active when you restart the

If this option is “off” your active add-ins will not be saved. All Test.Lab add-ins
are given in the Chapter on “Add-ins”. (see "Add-ins" on page 356) You can
load add-ins using the Tools Add-ins menu entry. Save list of active add-ins when the application is closed
Uncheck the checkbox if you do not want to save the list of active add-ins when
the application is closed. By default, this option is checked "on" and all your

Rev 11B 363

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

active add-ins will be saved so that they will remain active when you restart the

Section Options - Data tab External Data Options Throughput File Format
Here you can choose if you want to use TDF or LDSF file format for
throughput files. Throughput Bind Strategy
Here you can set the coupling strategy between the Test.Lab run and and its
associated TDF(s).
 Semi-Embedded
With this coupling strategy, the TDF is located and stored outside of the LMS
project file (*.lms) but in the same directory.
The Test.Lab database and the TDF will behave as they are one and the
association (naming and placement) between the run and the TDF will always
be consistent.
The "Semi-Embedded" option is the default strategy.
This option means that:
 the name of the TDF (and its directories) and the name of the run (and its
project/section) will always be the same.
 the TDF (starting with the project directory) will always be placed in the
same directory as the Test.Lab database.
 when you use Rename Section, the corresponding directory will also be
 when you do a Save As of an existing project, all throughput data that was
semi-embedded in the original project, will be duplicated in separate TDF
 Linked
With this coupling strategy, the TDF is located and stored outside of the LMS
project file (*.lms) but in a location that you can specify.
Select this option, if you want to share your data files with other people. You
can then use the Browse... button to search for and find the location you
The coupling between the Test.Lab run and the TDF will be set when the run
was created. From then on, this link may or may not be consistent.
This option means:
 when originally created, there is a relationship between the naming of the
TDF (and the directories) and the naming of the run (and project/section).
But when a Save As or Rename is executed, the naming is not consistent
 when doing a Save As, the linked throughput data will not be duplicated.

364 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The new Test.Lab project will still refer to the original TDF's.

Note: The corresponding TDF of a specific run can be found by displaying the
link (path) that is stored in the throughput folder of that run. When you lose the
link by, for example, copying the TDF, you can always restore the link
manually. Waterfall Bind Strategy

Here you can set the coupling strategy between the Test.Lab run and its
associated waterfall data file(s).
 Embedded
With this coupling strategy, the waterfalls are stored inside the LMS project
(.lms) file.
The "Embedded" option is the default strategy.
 Semi-Embedded
With this coupling strategy, the waterfalls are stored in a waterfall database
(.wfs) file outside of the LMS project file (*.lms) but in the same directory.
The external storage of waterfalls applies to fixed and synchronous sampled
waterfall data, in both acquisition and throughput processing applications.
The Test.Lab database and the Waterfall data file will behave as they are one
and the association (naming and placement) between the run and the Waterfall
data will always be consistent.
This location is the {project_name\section_name\run_name} folder.
This means that:
 the name of the Waterfall data file (and its directories) and the name of the
run (and its project/section) will always be the same.
 the Waterfall data file (starting with the project directory) will always be
placed in the same directory as the Test.Lab database.
 when you use Rename Section, the corresponding directory will also be
 when you do a Save As of an existing project, all waterfall data that was
semi-embedded in the original project, will be duplicated in separate
Waterfall data files.
 Linked
With this coupling strategy, the waterfalls are stored in a waterfall data (.wfs)
file outside of the LMS project file (*.lms) but in a directory that you can
Select this option, if you want to share your data files with other people. You
can then use the Browse... button to search for and find the location you
The external storage of waterfalls applies to fixed and synchronous sampled
waterfall data, in both acquisition and throughput processing applications.
The coupling between the Test.Lab run and the Waterfall data file will be set

Rev 11B 365

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

when the run was created. From then on, this link may or may not be consistent.
This means:
 when originally created, there is a relationship between the naming of the
waterfall data file (and the directories) and the naming of the run (and
But when a Save As or Rename is executed, the naming is not consistent
 when doing a Save As, the linked waterfall data will not be duplicated.
The new Test.Lab project will still refer to the original waterfall data files.

Note: The corresponding Waterfall data of a specific run can be found by

displaying the link (path) that is stored in the waterfall folder of that run.
When you lose the link by, for example, copying the waterfall data file, you
can always restore the link manually. File Location

This defines the directory where the TDF (and Waterfall data) files are placed
when the TDF (and Waterfall) bind strategy is set to Linked. It can be
anywhere on your system and network. Universal File Options Write Cada-X compatible component info
This option should be used if you want to export data to universal file that can
be readable by CADA-X. Otherwise the universal file will contain data that
does not meet the need of the CADA-X comp:node:direction format with only 4
characters for comp and node. Time Data Options Max. number samples for calculations
This shows the network limit for processing data as the maximum number of
samples. This number must be at least 10,000 and no more than 999,999,999.
The default number is 1,000,000 samples. Max. number samples for reporting LDSF Saving Mode
Secured saving during acquisition: when this option is checked on, every 5s
during the acquisition, the throughput data will be saved to disc. If the
application would crash during the measurement, the LDSF file should be
intact, containing all the data except for max last 5s.

Elaborated overview for quick viewing: when this option is checked on, extra
statistics about the LDSF file will be saved that then will be used for quick
overview of the complete trace. Secured saving during acquisition Elaborated overview for quick viewing

Section Options - File Locations tab

In the Options dialog, this shows the list of directories where particular folders
and file types are located by default. These default locations were set during the

366 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Software installation. Test.Lab has 3 types of folders for storing configuration

files, layout files, templates and other files.

Central folder

Upon installation, all default files are placed in the <installation dir>\central
folder. All files in this folder were placed there during the installation. You can
not change the location of this folder. Files in this folder should never be

Local Folder

On the local folder, all configuration and layout files are stored for the user. The
default location of configuration files is by default on ‘one local folder’ (e.g.
D:/LMSLocalXXX/user). You can choose to have this default location different
per file type – with the radio button in Local Folder.

Group Folder

On the local folder, all configuration and layout files are stored for the user. Group Folder
This folder is hierarchically placed between the central and local directory. It
allows a group of users to make use of an extra (write protected) folder without
modifying the central directory. A group folder can contain configuration files,
as well as project templates, documentation templates, picture layouts, print
formats, search criteria, data sets and processing sets.

When Test.Lab needs to open a configuration file, it will search for it in the
local folder. If the file is not locally available, Test.Lab will look for it in the
group folder, and then in the central folder. A modified configuration is always
saved locally. When Test.Lab needs any other file (print formats, picture
layouts, etc.), it makes a combination of all the files available, starting with the
local one, then the group one and then the central one. In this way, the result is a
union of all the items in the 3 files.

Example: A user wants to select a print format. Test.Lab makes a list of the print
formats available on the local folder, adds the print formats of the group folder
and then adds the ones of the central directory. In the case a print format with
the same name exists, both on the local and on group folder, only the one on the
local folder is available in the list. A modified print format is always saved in
the local folder.

Note: Test.Lab never copies files to the group folder. This has to be done by a
system administrator.

Upon installation, all default files are placed in the <installation

dir>\central folder. All files in this folder were placed there during the
installation. You can not change the location of this folder. Files in this folder
should never be modified. Use Group Folder

Rev 11B 367

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Check this box, if you want to share files with other people. You can then use
the Browse... button to search for and find the location you require. Local Folder
This displays the directory where your data projects are stored. This location
was set during the Software installation. You can define one location for all
your files or a location for each file type. Define one Local Folder
Click this radiobutton if you want to have all your files in the same place i.e. in
just one local folder. You can then use the Browse... button to search for and
find the location you require. Define Local Folders per File Type
Click this radio button if you want to be able to define a different location for
each file type i.e. a local folder for each file type. You can then select a File
Type and use the Browse... button to search for and find the project location
you require. Project
A project file is a file with the extension lms that contains all the data that
belong to the project. The location defined alongside represents the directory
where projects will be saved by default. Click the project entry, then enter a new
location in the input field or browse for one in order to change the location. Project Template
A Project Template file is a file with the extension tpl that contains a starting
setup that will be used whenever a new project is created. The location defined
alongside represents the directory where this template will be searched for by
default. When a new project is created using the File menu, then you can select
which template to use. When clicking on the icon, then the default
template on this directory will be used. Click the Project Template entry, then
enter a new location in the input field or browse for one in order to change the
directory. Memo Inventory
The Memo Inventory contains the document templates for projects, sections and
runs as well as the text file that defines which template is which. The location
defined alongside represents the directory where the templates and the text file
are located, and from where they will be accessed when a new document is
created from a template.

You can change the directory from which the templates will be retrieved by
clicking on the Memo Inventory entry, then entering a new location in the input
field or browsing for one. Other local files and folders
The location of all the other files and folders can be defined.

You can change the location by clicking on the Other local files and folders
entry, then entering a new location in the input field or browsing for one.

368 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: Any changes will be lost if another tab is selected before the Apply
button is pressed. File access priority

For reading configuration files, the default priority rule is:

Local folder -> group folder -> central folder

Configuration files will first be read from local folder; if not found there, it
looks at the group folder (if defined); if not found there, it looks at the central
configuration folder.

When having selected ““When accessing files, prioritize group folder”): the
priority rule is:

Group folder -> local folder -> central folder.

To make sure that the correct (group) settings are also used in case of a network
failure, the group folder is copied to the local folder.

Section Options - Sorting tab

In the Options dialog, this allows items in the Test.Lab browser tree to be

Click the next to an item in the browser tree to view its contents. By
continuing to open up the tree, you can display all the items it contains, such as
folders, subfolders and files.

Different types of items will have different icons.

All other file types e.g. Word or Excel will have the unknown file icon.

Three groups of items can be sorted:

 Files and Databases
Files are those items that the application does not recognize. Databases
(known link) are those items that can be accessed by Test.Lab. Databases
contain folders for storing data.
 Folders
Folders (usually yellow folder icon) are those objects that can contain
subfolders and files for storing data.
 Data
Data items are files containing data.
Check the box alongside the sorting method you want to use.

Grouped means that items will be sorted and grouped together by file type (e.g.
LMS CADA-X project databases) but not into alphabetical (file_name) order.

Rev 11B 369

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Grouped sorting method

Alphabetical sorting means that they will be sorted and placed in alphabetical
order regardless of their file type.

Alphabetical sorting method

Sorting items by both methods together means that file types are grouped
together and, within each type, files are put in alphabetical order.

Both (grouped and alphabetical) sorting methods together

Note: Unchecking the sorting method boxes will unsort the items to their
original order.

Section Options - Filtering tab

In the Options dialog, this allows items in the browser tree to be filtered or
hidden. This reduces the information displayed and makes finding your desired
data files much easier and faster.

By default all supported file types are enabled in the dialog meaning that all file
types will be shown in the navigator. You can filter out some file types by
disabling the checkbox before each file type. You can disable or enable all file
types by clicking on the buttons “Show All” or “Hide All”. However it is never
possible to disable our own file type format “Test.Lab.”

370 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Options - Units tab

In the Options dialog, this allows the active unit system (see "Units and how to
handle them" on page 30) in which your data will be expressed to be selected.

Note: Any changes you make to the Active Unit System will only become valid
after you restart the application. Unit System Active Unit System
Use the dropdown menu to change the unit system if required. You can select
either Technical (default), English, the International System of Units (SI) or
ISO 1683-1983. User Defined Unit
Check the box if you want to define your own unit system (see "[Procedure]
To define your own unit system" on page 34).

You can define a user defined system for each of the four base unit systems
(Technical, English, SI or ISO 1683-1983). Edit Units.. button
Check the "User Defined Unit" box to activate this button.

Push the button to schedule the Edit Units dialog where you can edit the units. List Units button
Push the button to schedule the List Units dialog where you can view the list of

This lists the units of the current unit system that is shown in the Active Unit
System field above. Units of External Data Use Original Units
Click this radio button if you want to use the original units when you import
data. Use Test.Lab Units
Click this radio button if you want to use the corresponding Test.Lab units when
you import data. Units of External Data Use Original Units
Click this radio button if you want to use the original units when you import
data. Use Test.Lab Units
Click this radio button if you want to use the corresponding Test.Lab units when
you import data.

Rev 11B 371

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Options - Displays tab

In the Options dialog, use this tab to make changes to the default display

Note: Any changes you make here will only become valid after you restart the
application. 3D Geometry Display Disable Overlay Optimization
Check the box to disable the overlay optimization.

Note: Changes to the Disable Overlay Optimization will only become valid
after the application is restarted. Use Quad Projection American

Check the box to use American projection in place of European projection as
the type of quad projection.

Note: Changes to the type of projection will only become valid after the
application is restarted. Use Cada-X Triad Colors

Check the box to use Cada-X colors in place of Test.Lab colors. This changes
the color that is assigned to the X, Y and Z axis.

Test.Lab Cada-X X-axis
Green Red Y-axis
Blue Green Z-axis
Red Blue

Display colors 2D Function Displays Overall level of octave display based on
You can choose to use the Total Range or the Visible Range of your data to
calculate the Overall level of the octave display. Default Octave Trace Type (Front/Back display)
The checkbox: "Always use trace type 'Block Outlines' for octave data" is
checked by default. By unchecking this option you can use the display setting
'Curve Property Schema' to display other trace types per curve. Default Trace Style Scheme
You can make changes to the default trace style scheme.

372 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Use the Defaults button to undo all your changes and return to the original
default values.

Use the Change.. button to schedule the Default Trace Properties dialog in
which you can define the default properties of the curve used to draw the traces. Line
You can choose styles for the lines from the Trace style, Color, Pattern and
Width dropdown menus. Fill
This allows you to select the color used for the selected curves from the Fill
Color dropdown menu. Marker
This only becomes sensitive when you have selected markers as the trace style
and pressed the Apply button. You can then select the size of the markers from
the MarkerSize dropdown menu. Annotation
This allows you to add a legend to the selected curve. Optimised & Free Y limits based on:
You can change the range for displaying both the Optimised and Free limits for
the Y axis.

You can select either visible range or total range from the dropdown menu.

Section Options - License Server tab License Server Options
This displays the name of the current license server. Timer Options
This allows you to set a license curfew that returns all licenses at the specified
moment if licenses from a network license server are in use. At the curfew time,
a warning is issued which allows the user to keep the licenses. If five minutes
expire without any reaction on the warning, all applications are shut down and
the licenses are returned to the network license server. An administrator can
force the curfew by using the group folder mechanism to set the timer options,
and the ToolsOptions locking mechanism to make this Timer Options
insensitive for the user.

Note: The Timer Options has no effect when no remote license server is used
or when a control loop is active at the specified time. Changes to the license
server will only become valid after the local license server has been stopped
and restarted.

Section Options - Tec.Manager tab

In the Options dialog, this tab displays the Tec.Manager settings.

Rev 11B 373

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

All the options are described in the Tec.Manager tab document.

Section Options - Sound Settings tab Sound Player Use internal sound player
Select this option, if you want to use an internal sound player. Use external sound player
Select this option, if you want to use an external sound player. You can then use
the Browse... button to search for and find the player you require. WAV Settings Fade In / Out
Check this box, if you want a smoother start (and end) when you playback your
sound files. Fading Time
You can specify the time (in milliseconds) for fading in and out when you
playback your sound files.

The default time is 100 msec. Bits / Sample
You can specify the number of bits per sample for determining the output
precision when you playback your sound files.

The default number is 16 Bits.

Section Options - Network Hub tab

In the Options dialog, this tab allows you to change the StartPoint Server that
Test.Lab connects to, for the Network Hub Add-In. StartPoint Server StartPoint server computer name
This displays the name of the system that you defined during the Software
installation. StartPoint server port number
The displays the port number that is used by the system.

Note: StartPoint Server changes will only become valid after you restart the
application. Network Timeout
This shows the time in seconds that the network will wait, when a command
cannot be successfully completed, before canceling the command.

374 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Options - Frontend

In the Options dialog, this displays the current Frontend settings.

After you connect a Frontend to your computer, and power them up, you should
restart your computer.

Test.Lab will automatically detect the parameters relating to the Frontend

settings (Host ID and Target ID) when you start Test.Lab for the first time.

These parameter settings will be suitable for using Test.Lab in most cases.
However, you may have to change them in some cases (e.g. when using 2
frontends or installing a new device). Frontend Connection Options Use SPTI
SPTI is a Small computer system interface (SCSI) Pass Through Interface card
used for connecting your PC to the Frontend. Host Adapter ID
This is the SPTI port number. Target ID
This is the SPTI ID number. Scan button
The [Scan] button starts the Frontend Scan Tool for helping you to detect and
configure the SPTI settings. Use ASPI
ASPI is an Advanced small computer system interface (SCSI) Programming
Interface card used for connecting your PC to the Frontend. Host Adapter ID
This is the ASPI port number. Target ID
This is the ASPI ID number. Scan button
The [Scan] button starts the Frontend Scan Tool for helping you to detect and
configure the ASPI settings. Use UTP
UTP is an Unshielded Twisted Pair cable for connecting your PC to the
Frontend. IP Address
This is the UTP IP address. Scan button
The [Scan] button starts the Frontend Scan Tool for helping you to detect and
configure the UTP settings.

Rev 11B 375

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook FIFO Settings

This is the FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer size on your computer for handling
data processing requests so that the oldest request is handled next.

Note: Changes you make to the SCI and FIFO settings will only become valid
after you restart the application. Fifo Size

The default is 20,000,000 bytes. You can increase this up to 40,000,000 bytes
for working with high throughput rates or with large numbers of channels. Optical Cable Length Cable Length
Here you can specify the length of 1 optical cable when you are using a
master/slave frontend setup. The length of this cable will be used to calculate
the delay of the signals between 2 frames to synchronize them.

Section Options - Font Size

Note: You will need to restart the application before any changes you make to
the font size will become active. Measure Sheet Font Size

Changes the font size in the right hand pane in the Measure sheet.

Note: The Font Size you select here will only affect the text in the right hand
pane in the Measure worksheet. It will not affect the text in any other pane or

Section Options - Attributes Tab Extended Info Always include extended project / section information
Including extended project / section information will make an extra minor tab
available. This Extended Documentation worksheet will allow you to select and
edit a htm- or html-template. The attributes will then become available in the
Documentation worksheet. HTML template folder
This field specifies the path of the folder that can contain different Tec.Manager
templates (an .htm or .html file containing meta-information). [Browse...] button
This schedules the Select template folder dialog for specifying the location and
name of the template folder. Section User Attributes
When creating a new section, copy the User Attribute values from the active

376 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


Enabling this option will make sure that when a new section is created, the
attribute values from the active section will be copied.

Note: Please make sure the application is restarted to ensure that the changes
will become valid. Run User Attributes

When this option is enabled, we will archive the existing user attributes at run
level during the creating of a new run. User attributes that exist at project and
section level will be copied into the run. All these attributes at run level will
have a prefix “Project:” or “Section:”.

Only when this option is selected the attributes at run level are editable by
right-clicking on a run and choosing the entry “Edit User Attributes”. This
command can be found either in the data explorer or in the navigator.

The same functionalities are supported when a run is copied and pasted, we will
also copy the user attributes at run level.

Section Tec. Manager Search

Section Relabel...

This lets you define how the labels (for blocks, texts and projects) will appear in
the browser tree

Section Add New Attribute...

This opens a dialog that allows you to set new documentation attributes.

Section Load Attributes List...

This allows you to load an attributes list into your project.

Section Save Attributes List...

This allows you to save your current attributes list.

Section Channel Setup Visibility

This schedules the Channel Setup Visibility dialog. Here you can define the
fields that will be displayed in the Channel Setup worksheet and the names that
will describe these fields. This entry is only available in those applications that
use the Channel id worksheet. Source field names
This list contains all possible fields that are used in channel descriptions.

Rev 11B 377

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Selected fields

This list contains all fields that will appear in the Channel Setup worksheet. It
contains two columns. The left hand one shows the source field name, which
can not be altered. The right hand column contains the name that will appear in
worksheet and which can be defined by the user.

To change the name, right mouse click in the field to display a popup menu.
Select Clear and then enter the new name, either using the keyboard or by
using Copy and Paste. Finally click on OK to close the dialog and update the
channel list. Add
This places a field selected from the left list at the bottom of the “Selected
fields” list on the right. Remove
This removes a field selected from the “Selected fields” list on the right. This
field will no longer appear in the worksheet.

To remove a field, you must select the entire row (by clicking the number in
front of the row). Replace
This replaces the selected field in the right hand list with the selected field in the
left hand list.

It also replaces the former decorated name in the right hand column of the
Selected fields list with the newly entered name.

To replace a field, you must select the entire row (by clicking the number in
front of the row). Insert after
This inserts the selected field from the left hand list after the selected field in the
right hand list.

To insert a field, you must select the entire row (by clicking the number in front
of the row). Insert before
This inserts the selected field from the left hand list before the selected field in
the right hand list.

To insert a field, you must select the entire row (by clicking the number in front
of the row). OK
When the right hand list is complete with the number of fields, their order and
names as required, this button closes the dialog and updates the table in the

378 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Cancel
This closes the dialog without making any changes to the channel table.

Section Reference Channel Setup Options...

This schedules the Reference Channel Setup Options dialog that enables you to
automatically save and load a reference channel setup when activating a section.
Following options are available:

Section Data Source Editor

This schedules the Data Source Editor in which ODBC data sources can be
selected for use in the Channel Setup Worksheet. This option is only available
in those applications using the Channel setup sheet.

Section Workbook Configuration...

This schedules a dialog with two lists, one showing all the worksheets contained
in the Workbook and the other showing all visible worksheets. It allows you to
indicate which worksheets you want to make visible.

Section User Applications

This allows you to start any external application from within the Test.Lab user
interface. This concerns all files of type .exe, .com or shortcut that have been
put on the following directory: <installation

Section 8.1.6 Window

Section Cascade

This arranges all project windows on the desktop in a cascading fashion.

Section Tile

This re-sizes all project windows on the desktop so that they are all visible and
arranged as tiles.

Section Open applications

The remaining entries in this menu list the windows (workbooks / projects) that
you have open on the desktop. A check mark indicates the active project.

Rev 11B 379

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.1.7 Help

Section Contents and Index

This schedules the Help window on the “Home” page from which help on all
aspects of the software can be accessed.

Section Application

This provides the online help for the LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension

Section Worksheet

This provides help on the currently active worksheet.

Section PDF Manual

This provides the printable version of the online help for the LMS Test.Lab
GVT Spectral Extension software.

Section Theory

This schedules the Theory documents.

Section LMS on the Web

This entry provides a menu from where you can link directly either to the Home
Page of the web site or Test.Lab support page.

Section About Test.Lab

This schedules a dialog with the current version and build number.

Section 8.2 The GVT Spectral Extension button bar

Section 8.2.1 Toolbars

You can toggle the presence of available toolbars using the View Toolbars

There are three toolbars:

380 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Standard

Standard toolbar

Standard toolbar options are:

Rev 11B 381

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 New Project (on page 391)

 Open Project (on page 391)

 Save Project (on page 391)

 Active Section (on page 392)

 Create New Section (on page 392)

 Delete Section (on page 392)

 Rename Section (on page 392)

 Copy (on page 392)

 Paste (on page 392)

 Print Preview (on page 392)

 Print (on page 393)

 Open Data Explorer (on page 393)

 Help (on page 393)

Section Conditioning

Conditioning toolbar

Conditioning (see "Conditioning toolbar" on page 403) refers to the functions

382 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

that can be performed on the data that you have on display in the Navigator
display windows.

Conditioning toolbar options are:

Rev 11B 383

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 FFT (on page 394)

 FFT Format Conversion

(on page 394)

384 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Averaged Autopower
Spectrum (on page 395)

 Curve fitting (on page


Rev 11B 385

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Smoothing (on page 396)

 Differentiation (on page


386 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Integration (on page 397)

 Acoustic weighting (on

page 397)

Rev 11B 387

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Add (on page 398)

 Subtract (on page 398)

 Multiply (on page 399)

388 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Divide (on page 399)

 SRS calculation (on page


Rev 11B 389

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Settings dialog (on page


 Overwrite source data (on

page 401)

390 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Tec.Manager (on page


New Project

This enables you to open a new default project (NewProject.lms in the

<installation directory>\central\Install folder).

If you want to start from a user-defined default project, change the default
project and store it in the Local or Group folder. (see "Options - File Locations
tab" on page 366)

In the desktop a new window will open containing the new project. This new
project will be assigned the name “ProjectX” where X is the number of projects
that have been opened and it becomes the active project. All previously-opened
projects remain open.

Note: To open a project with a specific project template you have to use File
New on the menubar.

Open Project

This opens an existing project. It schedules the “Project dialog” in which you
can specify the location and the name of the project you want to open.

Save Project

This saves the current state of the active project. By default, projects are saved

Rev 11B 391

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

on the directory specified in the dialog obtained by selecting the “File

Locations” tab in Options from the Tools menu.

Active Section

This displays the active section and allows you to select and open an existing
section using the dropdown menu.

Create New Section

This creates a new section based on the current section setup.

Delete Section

This deletes a complete section and also all the data it contains is deleted too.

Rename Section

This renames a section


This copies an item and places it on the clipboard.


This pastes an item currently on the clipboard.

Print Preview

This provides you with a preview of the current worksheet as it will be printed
according to the current print setup. The functions are as described for the
Print Preview (on page 350) function from the File menu.

392 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This schedules a print job of the current worksheet. The first page of the
worksheet, as it appears on your monitor, will be printed.

Open Data Explorer

This schedules the Data Explorer (see "The Data Explorer dialog" on page
415) dialog that provides you with two views on your data - a hierarchical tree
view and a detail view (as in Windows Explorer) of the data in your projects.
You can drag specific data from the Explorer into a display window and also
perform certain operations on it.

The online data root folder provides the user with data that is updated while
doing the acquisition. Data is available for each activated domain: Fixed
Sampling, Real Time Octaves and Order Tracked. For each of them 3 kinds of
data will be available:
 Monitoring data: This data will update when the system is armed. Updates
happen on a regular base and are independent from the selected tracking
settings. Time history data shows a time overview of the channel over a
longer period. This period can be defined in the More… dialog of the F8 tab
in measure sheet.
 Instantaneous data: This data will update whenever a new tracking point is
detected. It shows the data that is related with that tracking point.
 Time/Runup/Rundown/Event/Stationary data: the name of this node will
depend on the selected tracking settings. The data shows in this node is the
result of all tracking points found since the start of the measurement up to
now. The data is updated whenever a new tracking point was found. At the
end of the measurement, this data will be equal to the processed data that
will be saved in the project.
Online data also contains the results of compare runs when this add-in is loaded.
It allows to the results of an averaging immediately at the end of each
measurement. It also allows to compare the averaged result of previous
measurements with the currently acquired data.


This schedules the Online help on the “Home” page, from which all the
documentation can be accessed.

Rev 11B 393

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This computes the frequency spectrum (see "FFT" on page 405) of selected
time data curves. The results are to be found in the conditioning folder. A
frequency section will replace the time data.

FFT Format Conversion

This format conversion process (see "FFT Format Conversion" on page 406)
changes the frequency spectrum of selected time data curves to a particular

394 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Averaged Autopower Spectrum

This averaging process (see "Averaged Autopower Spectrum" on page 407)

computes the mean spectrum of selected time data curves.

Curve fitting

This performs a curve fitting procedure (see "Curve fitting" on page 408) of
the required degree. The degree is specified in the dialog, if the interactive icon
is set on. Otherwise the last used setting is used.

Rev 11B 395

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This smoothing process (see "Smoothing" on page 408) smoothes the

selected curves with the specified exponential smoothing factor. This is
specified in the dialog, if the interactive icon is set on. Otherwise the last used
setting is used.


This process differentiates the data (see "Differentiation" on page 330) in

the selected curves either once or twice. This number of differentiations is
specified in the dialog, if the interactive setting icon is on. Otherwise the last
used setting is used.

396 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This integrates the data (see "Differentiation" on page 330) in the selected
curves either once or twice. This number of integrations is specified in the
dialog, if the interactive icon is set on. Otherwise the last used setting is used.

Acoustic weighting

This applies acoustic weighting (see "Acoustic weighting" on page 409) to

the data in the selected curves.

Rev 11B 397

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This adds a specified scalar value (see "Scalar math functions" on page
410) to the data in the selected curves.


This subtracts a specified scalar value (see "Scalar math functions" on page
410) from the data in the selected curves.

398 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


This multiplies the values (see "Scalar math functions" on page 410) of the
data in the selected curves by a specified scalar quantity.


This divides the values (see "Scalar math functions" on page 410) of the
data in the selected curves by a specified scalar amount.

Rev 11B 399

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

SRS calculation

This calculates the SRS (see "SRS Calculation" on page 410) or Shock
Response Spectrum from an acceleration/time signal.

Settings dialog

When this setting is on, then a Settings dialog will appear in which any
parameters that are required for the function can be set. If this option is off then
the previous or the default value will be taken when you open this for the first

400 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Overwrite source data

When this setting is on, then the computed curve will replace the source curve
in the display. This will be necessary if the function is of a different format to
the source, for example the FFT of a time curve. In this case it is recommended
to work with two display windows, one of which has a copy of the source curve
in it. If this option is off then the computed curve will be added to the display,
with the source curve still visible. In both cases the resulting function can be
retrieved from the "Conditioning" folder.


This icon only becomes sensitive and so accessible after you load the
Tec.Manager Hub add-in.

Select Tools Options... Add-ins... and check the Tec.Manager Hub

checkbox to load this add-in.

Rev 11B 401

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The Tec.Manager icon schedules the LMS Tec.Manager application. You can
use LMS Tec.Manager to search for data and to insert the results into the
LMSTest.Lab Desktop browser tree.


This option is only available with the Run Data Averaging & Comparison
Organizer Add-in.

The average function averages the values of a particular type of section over a
number of runs.

You can specify the averaging method in the Data options panel (see "The
Data Options panel" on page 624) of the Compare runs worksheet.

Envelope Max

This option is only available with the Run Data Averaging & Comparison
Organizer Add-in.

The envelope max function provides you with an envelope function that
indicates which section is making the most significant contribution at different
stages in the run.

Envelope Min

This option is only available with the Run Data Averaging & Comparison
Organizer Add-in.

The envelope min function provides you with an envelope function that
indicates which section is making the least significant contribution at different
stages in the run.

Standard Deviation

This option is only available with the Run Data Averaging & Comparison
Organizer Add-in.

The Standard Deviation option calculates two curves; the standard deviation
added to the average values and the standard deviation subtracted from the
average values. This indicates how much the values of the sections of the
different runs vary from the mean value.

402 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

3 Sigma (3 times standard deviation)

This option is only available with the Run Data Averaging & Comparison
Organizer Add-in.

The 3 Sigma or 3 times standard deviation option calculates two curves; 3

times the standard deviation added to the average values and 3 times the
standard deviation subtracted from the average values. This indicates how much
the values of the sections of the different runs vary from the mean value.

Click the icons in the averaging toolbar (Average, Envelope Min or Envelope
Max) for those operations you wish to carry out on the runs for comparison.

Section 8.3 Conditioning toolbar

Conditioning refers to the functions that can be performed on the data that you
have on display in the Navigator display windows. It enables you to view
various aspects of the data and to adapt it to a suitable form required for your
report. The results of conditioning can be viewed immediately in a display, but
are also retained in the active section in the current project. These results will
then be saved in the active section of the project, unless specifically deleted.

To delete the results of conditioning:

First, select the file in the browser tree of the worksheet (or in data selection
using the Data Data Explorer menu).

Then right click the file and select Delete.

Detailed Information on the conditioning functions (on page 405) is provided

in this document.

Section 8.3.1 To condition displayed data

Step 1
Select the layout that you want to use, either from the favorites buttons or the
drop down menu.
If you are going to generate new functions that are not compatible with the
source data (time source and frequency result for example), then it may be
useful to select a layout that contains two windows; one in which the source
data will be retained and the other in which the corresponding conditioning

Rev 11B 403

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

function will be displayed.

Step 2
Load the data into (both) windows, by dragging it from the browser tree.
Step 3
Check that the Settings dialog icon is depressed, i.e. set to “on”.
This means that a dialog will appear in which any parameters that are required
for the function can be set. These settings will be retained as the default for
further operations.
Step 4
Select the data curves in the display to which you want to apply the same
processing parameters. Left click to select a curve and use the Ctrl key to add to
the selection. Not all curves need to be selected.
Step 5
If you are going to perform an FFT, or Shock Response Analysis, then the result
will be incompatible with the source curves. You can choose therefore whether
to replace the source with the result or to retain the result in the processing
folder from where you can view it separately. To replace the source, click the
“Overwrite source data” icon “on”. Bear in mind that all curves in this
display will be removed in this case. In this situation it is recommended to use a
pair of windows, with the source data being retained in one and the processing
being performed in the other.
If you are performing a function where the Y axis of the result is compatible
with that of the source, then it is not necessary to replace the source. It can be
added to the display, overlaying the source, so you can have the “Overwrite
source data” icon set to “off”.
Step 6
Click on the conditioning function (see "Conditioning functions" on page 405)
icon that you want to use.
Step 7
Enter the required parameter value in the dialog if one is scheduled, and then
click on Apply to view the results. Conditioning will then be performed. Press
on OK to close the dialog and return you to the display.
The function(s) will be computed and displayed if the “overwrite source data”
setting is on.
Step 8
Go to the browser tree and open the “Processing X” folder in the current
project. In there you will see a number of data blocks that correspond to the
number of functions you have generated. These can be dragged into the display
in the normal way.
Step 9
Right clicking on the data block in the browser tree and you will obtain a popup
menu. Select Properties to obtain the Properties dialog box. Click on the
Details tab in which information relating to the displayed data can be seen.
Step 10
If you want to always use the function parameter than you just entered, then you
can switch "off" the interactive settings icon. This ensures that the same value

404 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

will be used as default until specifically changed - even if you quit the software
and then return.
Step 11
If you do not wish to retain or save conditioned functions, Select them in the
browser tree (or Data Explorer), right click and then select Delete.

Section 8.3.2 Conditioning functions

This section provides information about each of the functions that can be

 FFT (on page 405)

 FFT Format Conversion (on page 406)

 Averaged Autopower Spectrum (on page 407)

 Curve fitting (on page 408)

 Smoothing

 Don page 408ifferentiation and Integration

 Acsee "Differentiation" on page 330oustic weighting

 Ssee "Acoustic weighting" on page 409calar math functions

 SRsee "Scalar math functions" on page 410S Calculation (see "SRS

Calculation" on page 410)

Section FFT

This computes the linear spectrum of a selected time data curve.

Section Source data

Any (time data)

Section Input parameters

None. This is a simple FFT without user defined parameters.

Section Resulting function

Complex block in amplitude plus phase format.

Rev 11B 405

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section FFT Format Conversion

This computes (or converts) the frequency spectra to a particular format. It is

particularly useful for comparing spectra from different sources by converting
them to the same format.

Section Source data

Time or Frequency domain data.

Section Input parameters

Amplitude scaling: peak / RMS / double sided.

These scaling modes, for a spectrum of a sine wave with an amplitude A, are
illustrated below.

Scaling modes of the frequency spectrum

Spectrum format: linear / power / PSD.

These formats for the autopower spectrum of a sine wave of amplitude A are
illustrated below.

Autopower spectrum formats

Autopower Format peak rms double sided


Where = amplitude of the sine wave and = frequency resolution

Section Resulting function

Frequency spectrum with the specified scaling and format.

406 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Averaged Autopower Spectrum

This computes the mean spectrum of selected time data curves.

Section Source data

Time / angle domain data.

Section Input parameters

Amplitude scaling: peak / RMS / double sided.

Spectrum format: linear / power / PSD.

Windowing method: Types of time windows available to reduce leakage

problems are Uniform / Hanning / Exponential / Force / Force-Exponential /
Blackman / Kaiser-Bessel / Flattop

BlockSize: Time signal data can contain a very large number of samples and the
resolution of the frequency spectrum can be very small. To improve the
resolution, the data is divided up into smaller blocks. These blocks are defined
by a blocksize that has a number of time samples.

Note: To achieve a high calculation performance the FFT algorithm requires

that the blocksize be a power of 2 (such as 2, 4, 8, ...., 512, 1024, 2048).

Overlap: Data blocks are overlapped to compensate for the effects of using time
windows. Applying a window means that the data at the window's edges is of
little use.

Number of averages
Specifying zero or no overlap means that each block will be processed
consecutively. Specifying a number of samples that overlap (as shown in the
diagram above), means that each new block will start where it overlaps the

Rev 11B 407

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

previous one by the number of samples, f.e. specified by 50% of the total
number of samples in a block. The total number of blocks processed is the
number of averages. The overlap can be defined as number of samples.

The averaging type used is energy averaging.

The theory document provided on the software CD entitled “signal processing”

has more information on this topic.

Section Resulting function

Averaged frequency spectrum.

Section Curve fitting

Section Source data


Section Input parameters

The degree of the polynomial being fitted to the data.

A degree of 0 will yield the DC level. A degree of 1 will yield a linear function.
Higher degrees will yield polynomial functions with the corresponding shape.

Section Resulting function

Complex block.

Section Smoothing

(see "Smoothing" on page 408)

Returns the linear or exponential smoothing of a function.

The Exponential Averaging is expressed by the following formula:

The smoothing is once applied in the forward direction starting from the first
value in the data block and once in the backward direction starting from the last
value in the data block.

The final result is then the average of the data smoothed in the forward and in
the backward direction.

408 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The Linear smoothing uses (except for the first and last sample) following

NewX(i) = (X(i-1)+2*X(i)+X(i+1))/4.

Section Source data


Section Input parameters

Method : Linear or Exponential

Factor : Factor is the exponential factor. Weighting function between 0 and 1.0
implies no smoothing.
This parameter will be insensitive when the Linear method is selected.

Section Resulting function

Block with the smoothed data.

Section Differentiation

Section Source data

Time data or frequency data. Differentiation and integration in time-domain on
time data and in frequency domain on frequency-data.

Section Input parameters

Single or double integration or differentiation once or twice.

Section Resulting function

Block with same X axis, different Y axis.

Section Acoustic weighting

(see "Acoustic weighting" on page 409)

Applies a specified acoustic weighting to a selected function. Existing

weighting will be removed.

Section Source data


Rev 11B 409

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Input parameters

No change, Linear, A, B, C, D, AB, BC or User Defined.

Section Resulting function

The new-weighted version of the original data.

You can apply a user-defined weighting when you specify a reference

weighting block.

Section Scalar math functions

These functions enable you to add, subtract, divide or multiply selected data by
a specified scalar amount.

Section Source data


Section Input parameters

Scalar amount.

Section Resulting function

Block with same X axis, different Y axis.

Section SRS Calculation

The conditioning toolbar also allows to perform a Shock Response Spectrum

Calculation, i.e. a Shock Response Analysis.

Section Source data

Time signal data.

Section Input parameters

The parameters used in the SRS calculation dialog define a shock response

Parameter Default setting

Minimum frequency 10 Hz

410 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Parameter Default setting

Maximum frequency 2000 Hz
Points per octave 6
SRS Q factor 10
Correction No correction
Instance Maximum
Amplitude Absolute
Dimension Abs. acceleration

SRA defaults

Section Resulting function

The SRS (shock response spectrum) of the original data.

Section 8.4 The Documentation worksheet

This worksheet allows you to create a set of documentation for both the project
and the sections within it. You can also select and edit a Tec.Manager template.
The attributes can be used in the Documentation worksheet.

Section 8.4.1 [Procedure] Project / Section info

 To create or edit documentation (see "[Procedure] To create or edit

documentation" on page 411)
 The User Attributes Grid (on page 412)
 The Notepad panel (on page 413)
 The Documentation List panel (see "The Attachments panel" on page 413)
 The Attachment panel (see "The Attachment Preview panel" on page 414)

Section [Procedure] To create or edit documentation

Step 1
Choose whether you want to work with the documentation on the project level
or on the section level. If appropriate, select the required section.
Step 2
There are a number of ways in which you can create documentation to
accompany either the project or the section:
You can simply fill in the text in the notepad field.

Rev 11B 411

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

You can attach documents or other files.

Choose which procedure you wish to follow.

Section [Procedure] To fill in User Attribute values

All the User Attribute values that are stored in the project appear in the grid in
the User Attributes panel.

To edit an attribute value, double click on its corresponding Edit button to

open its “Edit Attribute” dialog where you can then enter the required value.

Note: When the extended project / section info is included you cannot modify
the attributes. All the edited fields in the template will respectively be copied to
the project and section info and can be used in the project.

Section [Procedure] To create memo documents

Step 1
Click on the New from Template... button in the Documentation List panel.
The default template for a project or section document will appear in the
working area of the Attachment panel and the default name will appear in the
project or section list in the Documentation List panel.
Step 2
Double click on the document that is displayed in the Attachment panel work
area to open the appropriate application.
Step 3
Edit this document in the application. Close the application and save the
document directly to the project. The newly completed document appears in the
Attachment panel work area.

Section [Procedure] To attach files

Step 1
Click on the Import button in the Documentation List panel to access the
“Open” dialog and then browse for the file that you wish to import. Then click
on the Open button.
Step 2
The file name will then appear in the Documentation List panel and a preview
of the file itself will appear in the Attachment panel work area. Double clicking
in the Attachment panel opens the file for editing. Closing it saves your

Section The User Attributes Grid

This grid contains a list of key value pairs that are associated with either the
project or section. It consists of a “name”, “value” and “edit” columns. Right
clicking in this area opens a popup menu that allows you to add a new attribute.

412 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Name

This column contains the names of the user attributes.

Section Value

This column contains the values assigned to the attributes. Values can be edited
by clicking on their corresponding Edit buttons to access the appropriate “Edit
Attribute Value” dialog.

You may need to define User Attributes (see "[Procedure] To define a set of
User Attributes" on page 43).

Section Edit

This column allows you to edit the values assigned to the attributes. These can
be edited by clicking on their corresponding Edit buttons to access the
appropriate “Edit Attribute Value ” dialog.

Section The Notepad panel

Section Notepad

This word processing field lets you add relevant project or section information
directly into the project or section. Entries can also be copied and pasted into
the Notepad panel.

Section The Attachments panel

Section The list of documents

All the files you have attached to or created for your documentation set are
listed here. Click on the file that you want to view or edit. Its contents will
appear in the Attachment panel. Double click on the displayed file to schedule
the appropriate application to edit it.

Section The Import button

Clicking on this button, schedules a dialog from which you can select a file to
be attached to the documentation set. A whole variety of files can be attached:
documents, texts, graphics and spreadsheets. The selected file will appear in the
list and be displayed in the attachment panel. Double click on the displayed file
to schedule the corresponding application to edit the file.

When a file is attached to a documentation set, a copy is made that is saved with
the project, and all modifications will be made to this copy only. The original
file remains, unchanged, in its original location.

Rev 11B 413

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section The New from Template button

Clicking on this button will create a new memo document using the default
template for the project/section. The new item will appear in the list with the
default name (and possibly a number, if the same name already exists).

Click on the new entry in the list. It is automatically selected and the document
it contains is shown in the Attachment panel. Double click on it to schedule the
application used for editing the document.

It is possible to change the default memo template (see "[Procedure] To

change the default memo template" on page 45).

If you wish to use a different existing template than the default one, go to Tools
Load Documentation Template to browse for the desired template. You may
need to make a new documentation template (see "[Procedure] To make a
new memo template" on page 44) (and add it to the list of the existing ones).

Section The Delete button

Clicking on this button will delete the item selected in the Documentation List.
This only deletes it from the list. The original file remains in the LMS project.

Section The Attachment Preview panel

Section Attachment display area

This area shows a preview of the item that is selected in the Documentation List
(when possible). Double clicking in this panel schedules the application
associated with that item (if one exists) and allows you to edit the file.

Section 8.4.2 Extended Project / Section info

 To select and edit an htm- or html-template (on page 414)

In Tools Options you have to include the extended project / section
information to make the extra minor tab(s) available.

Section To select and edit an htm- or html-template

This Extended Documentation Info will allow you to select and edit a htm- or
html-template. The attributes will then be listed in the Documentation
worksheet. They can only be edited in the Extended Documentation Info

Section Select

This button allows you to select an htm- or html-template in the HTML

414 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

template folder that was selected in the Tools>Option>Attributes Tab. The path
of the selected template will be shown in the dialog next to the button. Also a
copy of the template will be placed in directory LMSLocal\MemoInventory.
This will allow you to continue working with the template when your
connection to Tec.Manager is broken for example.

When saving a project only the path referring to the template will be saved, the
actual template will not be included in the project.

Section Edit

This option allows you to edit the selected template.

Section Accept Changes

Accepting the changes to the template will copy all the edited attributes and
their values to the Project / Section Info worksheet. They can be used in any
other worksheet, but only be edited in the Extended Project / Section Info.

Section Discard Changes

Discarding the changes will reset all the values of the attributes to the last saved

Section Remove

Clicking this button will remove the selected template and allow you to select
another template.

Section 8.5 The Data Explorer dialog

This document describes all the “Data Explorer” functionalities. These are
available in the “Data Explorer” dialog and are embedded in some worksheets
e.g. the Navigator worksheet. All the functions provided are described here.

Section 8.5.1 [Procedure] To view and manage data

The Data Explorer provides you with two views on the data - a tree view and a
detail view ( like a Windows Explorer window).
Step 1
In the Navigator worksheet, click on the Folders toggle button to see both the
tree and the detail view or to see just the detail view.
Step 2

Rev 11B 415

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Click on the “Vertical/Horizontal Views” icon to see the detail view either
next to the display area or above it.
Step 3
There are a number of operations that you can use the Data Explorer for:

Section [Procedure] To view the details of data in a folder

Step 1
Click on the Folders button to display the two data views.
Step 2
Browse through the tree view on the left hand side.
Step 3
Click on an item to see its contents in the detail view on the right.
Step 4
Click on the “List all blocks” icon to filter out all data items apart from blocks.
Step 5
You can select data blocks for viewing or other operations - or you can right
click on a data block to add it to the input basket.

Section [Procedure] To fill an input basket

The Data Explorer provides you with an input basket to store data (blocks and
waterfalls) required for specific operations in Test.Lab.
Step 1
Browse for the required data in the Tree-view window.
Step 2
Select the item (block or waterfall) in the Detail View window,right click on it
and click on Add to Input Basket from the popup menu to add it to the input
Step 3
Browse and add as much data as required in the same way.
Step 4
Click on the input basket in the tree to see its contents in the Detail view

Section [Procedure] To search for data

Step 1
Click on the Search button.
Step 2
Fill in the fields (see "[Procedure] To execute a simple data search" on page
Step 3
Click the Search Now button and the results are put into the “Search Results”
folder in the tree. Clicking on the folder displays the data in the Detail view
window where you can right click on it to save the data to the input basket if

416 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: Each time you search for data, any data from a previous search is
replaced by the data from the new search.

Section 8.5.2 The Data Explorer Toolbar

This panel contains action buttons for easy use of the browser. It also contains a
field that gives the complete computer directory path to the selected data.

Section Back

Clicking (repeatedly) on this button takes you back through the previously
opened items of the Tree-view and the Detail view lists.

Section Forward

Clicking on this button brings you forward through the displays of the various
items of both the Tree-view and the Detail view lists that were opened (one
click per item) prior to clicking on the Back button.

Section Parent Folder

Clicking this button opens the parent folder of the selected item currently being
displayed in the Detail View panel.

Section Folders

Clicking on this button works as a toggle that allows you either to hide the
Detail view panel from view or to view both the Tree-view panel and the Detail
view panel at the same time.

Rev 11B 417

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Search

Section Vertical / Horizontal Views

Clicking on this icon lets you choose between viewing the Detail View panel
and the Display panel side by side (Vertical Detail View) or one above the other
(Horizontal Detail View).

Section Refresh

Clicking on this button enables the browser tree to be updated to reflect changes
that have been made to the database on the server. This operation can be
executed on any data folder as well as the database containers, e.g. a TDF or
Project database.

Section List All Blocks

Clicking this icon brings up a list of all the data blocks for a selected item in the
Tree-view panel.

Section Path field

This field shows you the complete address (computer directory path) of the
selected data.

Section 8.5.3 The Search panel

This panel is used for locating Projects, Sections (or tests, traces, etc.) and data
blocks. Simple procedures exist to help you execute your data search (see
"[Procedure] To execute a simple data search" on page 35).

The Search panel is described in detail below.

418 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Search button

Clicking on this button opens the data search panel which contains several fields
used for specifying search criteria.

Section Address

When the Search panel first appears, it shows the location of the data on view in
the Detail View panel (see "The Detail View panel" on page 426). If you have
already selected the folder that has to be searched, you do not have to change
this address.

Note: Once you start the search process (by clicking on the Start search
button), the contents of the Address field changes, now it specifies the
“Search Results” folder, where the data resulting from your search will have
been put.

Section Origin

This field lets you specify, from a dropdown menu, the general type of data that
you are searching for (LMSTest.Lab data, Cada-X Project Database, Universal
file, etc.).

Section Search For

This field provides you with a dropdown menu from which you can choose the
specific data type that you are looking for (block, waterfall, run etc.)

Section Look in

This field indicates the address (location/directory) where the search will be
executed. It provides you with a dropdown list that shows the history of
previous searches. It gives the addresses of the folders from where previous
searches have been made and allows you to view their contents. The “Look in”
field also allows you to further refine your search within the “Search Results”

However, if you want to change the “Address” field (at the top of the panel) in
order to search for data found in a different location, you must click on the
Folders button to go back to the browser and select your new location.

Section Search Windows subfolders

Section Search by properties

This function allows you to search by file properties.

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Section Property

This loads field values to be searched for (label, average type, Point id, ...) that
you choose from the dropdown menu.

To facilitate your search for the required properties, type the first letter of the
property in the field. This sets the dropdown menu to display all available fields
starting with that letter.

Section Comparison

Here you choose the operator that will define the search criteria.

Section Value

This field indicates the value to be searched for.

If you are not sure of the exact value of the property you can use a wild card.
The * character will search for everything.

Section Adv. Search

Section Add Criterion

Section Remove Selected

Section Replace Selected

Section Save Criteria

Section Load Criteria

Section Adv. Sieve

Section Search now

This starts the search using the defined criteria.

Section Stop search

This stops the search process.

Section More...

This opens up new fields of search criteria. It allows you to build a list of
additional criteria to be used during the search process.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Add Criterion

This takes a selected criterion from the list of available criteria and adds it to
your list.

Section Remove Selected Criterion

This removes a selected criterion from your list.

Section Save criteria

This allows you to save the criteria to the project. You are first asked to give the
criteria file a name.

Section Load criteria

This loads your list of criteria into the search program, where it will now be
taken into account during the next search process.

Section 8.5.4 The Tree-view browser panel

The Test.Lab directory in the Tree-view contains a number of top level entries,
each of which is described here along with the actions that can be performed on
these items.

Section ASAM ODS

This is the entry point for connections to ASAM ODS servers. Clicking on the
sign next to this icon opens the list of all ASAM ODS servers that have been
configured to be visible for the Test.Lab software.

Section My Links

This icon indicates the collection of bookmarks (or links) made to specific data
items. You may wish to create links (see "[Procedure] To create and export
links (bookmarks)" on page 27).

Clicking on the sign next to the “My Links” icon will reveal the link folders
or specific links that are currently defined.

The links icon can be a link to either one specific data entry or to a
collection of items. This will be indicated both from the 'link to (item)' entry and
whether there is a sign in front of it.

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Data that is referenced by a link can be identified by the different data icons
described below and can be viewed directly in the appropriate type of display

Section Current Project

This folder contains all the sections and the results of the conditioning in
the current project. You'll find these results in the “Processing” folders.

Section Network

The “Network Hub” add-in must be loaded for the Network to be available in
the Tree-view browser panel.

Clicking on the sign next to this icon will reveal the list of StartPoints on the
network from which you can access resources. All the StartPoints appearing in
this list have been defined as part of the installation and configuration
procedures of all the Data Servers in the network. Therefore, they have all been
registered with the StartPoint Server.

If there is a problem connecting to a StartPoint, then this will be indicated by

the presence of the “Not OK” icon . This can be for a number of reasons; for
example that the server is not running, or the folder has been removed from the
server. Try to correct the problem at source and then right click on the item that
is not OK and select Reconnect.

When searching for data that can be viewed in display windows in the
Navigator worksheet then there are several types of databases that can be
searched for. The icons described below represent these.

Section Search Results

Here you find the results of your latest search for comparative data.

Note: Data from a new search replaces existing data in the Search Results

If you wish to keep search results permanently, they must be saved to the Input
Basket folder. This is made possible by displaying the Search Results data in the
Detail view window and right clicking on them.

Section Input Basket

You fill this basket (see "[Procedure] To fill an input basket" on page 416) (or

422 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

folder) with a set of data that you require for a specific operation. There is only
one Input Basket for an active session, but data from other baskets can be
imported into it.

You can also include data in the Input Basket that has been imported from
baskets created in LMS Tec.Manager. If you have this option, you access it by
clicking on the Tec.Manager icon in the Test.Lab toolbar.

Section Online Data

This folder lets you view the online data that has been defined for an

Section Workspace

This folder can hold any temporary data. This data can result from copy/paste
actions or from calculations by the software (intermediate results).

The content of the workspace is lost when leaving the workbook. Data blocks in
workspace can be moved to the active project using the Move to active project
option from the pop-up menu obtained by right clicking on the data block.

Section My Computer

This folder gives you access to all the drives on your computer, as well as all
mapped network drives. Via this way, you can browse to any data type - LMS
and non-LMS formats.

Section Actions

A number of operations can be performed on the items in the Test.Lab directory
browser list. All of the actions described here are accessed from the popup
menu obtained by right clicking on the name of the item. The actions described
here are not necessarily applicable in their entirety to all of the items.

Section Add Attachment

This operation adds an attachment to the selected folder.

Section Add Memo Document

This operation adds a selected memo document to the item.

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Section Add Folder

This operation adds a folder to the selected folder.

Section Add to Input Basket

This operation adds the selected item to the Input basket.

Section Replace in Input Basket

This operation replaces the items in the Input Basket with the selected items.

Section Empty Input Basket

This operation empties the Input basket.

Section Activate This Section

This operation activates the selected section.

Section View Setup Parameters

Section Print Setup Parameters

Section Copy

This operation copies the selected data function, and you can then paste it
directly into a display window.

Section Edit Properties

This operation opens a dialog that lets you correct data properties.

This operation can only be performed on data in the active project. When
selected on throughput data a dialog is opened that allows you to correct the
Sensitivity factor in addition to the Point id, Point dir and User channel ID. A
new run is created containing the corrected throughput data. The original
throughput data will not be changed.

Section Delete

This allows you to delete the selected data item.

Section Empty Input Basket

This operation empties the Input basket.

424 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Import

This operation can be performed on folders in the bookmark collection or
on the collection itself It enables you to access bookmark references created
by other users and placed on a shared file for general access. A dialog is
scheduled in which you can select the directory from where the bookmark
reference is to be imported. Select the required file with the suffix .bmk. Click
on Open to import the bookmark. It will be placed within the book or in the
selected folder.

Section Import into Active Project

This operation allows to import data stored in a SCADAS Recorder data file. A
new run will be created with a TDF file holding the imported data. This
operation is only available when the 'SCADAS Recording' add-in is loaded.

Section Export To

This operation allows you to export a data item from the Data Explorer to any
one of the following types of file formats: LMSCada-X, Universal File, SDF,
Matlab, DynaWorks, Text, Wav and Single Wav.

Exporting to Single Wav allows you to append the selected data items together
and write into a single wav file.

It is also possible to export GPS data from a throughput file to NMEA of KML
files or it is even possible to open Google Earth with this GPS data. These
actions are available in the popup menu van a throughput file. Data reduction is
done as specified in the Tools Options - General tab.

Section List Settings

This opens up a dialog with a list of the settings for the selected section. The
items in the list will depend on the application in which the section was created.

Section Edit User Attributes

Section New Folder

This operation creates a new (empty) folder.

Section Paste

This operation pastes an item into the selected folder.

Section Paste as Link

This operation pastes an item as a link into the selected folder.

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Section Edit Properties

This operation opens a dialog that lets you correct data properties.

This operation can only be performed on data in the active project. When
selected on throughput data a dialog is opened that allows you to correct the
Sensitivity factor in addition to the Point id, Point dir and User channel ID. A
new run is created containing the corrected throughput data. The original
throughput data will not be changed.

Section Properties

This is available on all items. It brings up the properties dialog in which
attributes relating to the item can be read. Fields can be copied into the report if
required using the popup menu in the dialog.

Section Rename

This operation renames the selected item.

Section Refresh

Section View/Change TDF (full) name...

On a Throughput file in the active project, you have the popup option
"View/Change TDFname". For a measured TDF, only the name is shown in the
pop-up. The TDF is located on the same directory as the Test.Lab database (in
the folder /project/section/run ). When the throughput data was processed, you
see also a throughput file in the processing run, which is a link to the measured
throughput file. In this case, "View/Change TDF full name" shows the complete
path to the TDF file. (e.g. :\LMS_Local_Dir\Data\my_project\section 1\run
1\run 1)

Section View Settings

This displays the current test setup for a section as a Word document.

Note: Changes made here will not apply unless you save the changes when you
exit the application.

Section 8.5.5 The Detail View panel

Selecting an item in the Tree-view browser replaces the Detail View Panel with
the contents of the selected item.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Detail view list

Items can be either dragged from the detailed list and dropped into a chosen
layout in the display area or selected for other processes.

Section Actions

The same operations that can be performed on items (see "Actions" on page
423) in the Tree-view browser can also be performed on items in the Detail
view list. They are accessed from the popup menu obtained by right clicking on
the name of the item. These actions are not all necessarily applicable to all of
the items.

Additional actions are obtained by right clicking on data blocks. This is only
possible in the Detail view panel. The Tree-view panel does not show block

Section Add Memo Document

This operation adds a selected memo document to the item.

Section Add to Input Basket

This operation adds the selected item to the Input basket.

Section Replace in Input Basket

This operation replaces the items in the Input Basket with the selected items.

Section Empty Input Basket

This operation empties the Input basket.

Section Activate This Section

This operation activates the selected section.

Section View Setup Parameters

Section Print Setup Parameters

Section Copy

This operation copies the selected data function, and you can then paste it
directly into a display window.

Section Edit Properties

This operation opens a dialog that lets you correct data properties.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This operation can only be performed on data in the active project. When
selected on throughput data a dialog is opened that allows you to correct the
Sensitivity factor in addition to the Point id, Point dir and User channel ID. A
new run is created containing the corrected throughput data. The original
throughput data will not be changed.

Section Delete

This allows you to delete the selected data item.

Section Export to

This operation allows you to export a data item from the Data Explorer to any
one of the following types of file formats: LMSCada-X, Universal File, SDF,
Matlab, DynaWorks, Text, Wav and Single Wav.

Exporting to Single Wav allows you to append the selected data items together
and write into a single wav file.

It is also possible to export GPS data from a throughput file to NMEA of KML
files or it is even possible to open Google Earth with this GPS data. These
actions are available in the popup menu van a throughput file. Data reduction is
done as specified in the Tools Options - General tab.

Section Play Sound

This operation plays the selected sound data.

Section Move to active project

This operation moves a data block in workspace to a folder in the active project.
A dialog is scheduled in which you can select the folder to move to.

Section View/Change TDF (full) name...

On a Throughput file in the active project, you have the popup option
"View/Change TDFname". For a measured TDF, only the name is shown in the
pop-up. The TDF is located on the same directory as the Test.Lab database (in
the folder /project/section/run ). When the throughput data was processed, you
see also a throughput file in the processing run, which is a link to the measured
throughput file. In this case, "View/Change TDF full name" shows the complete
path to the TDF file. (e.g. :\LMS_Local_Dir\Data\my_project\section 1\run
1\run 1)

Section Filter

This provides a quick filtering of data in the Navigator worksheet. It offers the
possibility to show or hide certain items in a column. The functionality and
usability is similar to an auto-filter in an Excel-sheet. The Filter entry is
available by right clicking on the background in the Detail View panel.

428 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Auto Filter

When checking “on” the Auto Filter, every column is provided with a
dropdown menu in the header. This menu contains a list with all the different
items in that specific column. By checking or unchecking an item, a filtering
can be applied.

The Auto filter can be disabled by unchecking the Auto Filter in the dropdown
menu. Show All
When a filtering is already applied on the data, you can choose Show All to
show all available data in the Detail View panel.

Section Select Columns...

Right clicking on the background in the Detail View panel opens a dropdown
menu in which you can choose the entry Select Columns... In this dialog you
can first select the origin and then the type for which you want to specify a
column. Select the columns you wish to display from the list of “available”
columns and put them in the list of “selected” columns. You can sort the display
order of the columns by clicking on the arrow icons. Apply your column list
choices by clicking on the Apply button.

Section Sort

Now you can use the different columns in the Detail View panel to sort the
available data. You can define the sorting order by selecting the Sort... entry in
the dropdown menu that can be opened by right clicking on a column header or
on the background of the Data View panel. Doing this schedules a dialog box in
which a sort order can be defined by selecting the corresponding columns in the
specified order, and selecting whether data should be sorted in ascending or
descending order. Click on Apply to apply the sorting on the data.

Section Edit User Attributes

Section Rename

This operation renames the selected item.

Section Auto Sort

The Auto Sort function can also be applied by right clicking on a column
header. This will apply a sorting on the Data Set using the settings in the
Tools>Options>Sorting Tab.

Section Load View

By right clicking on the background of the Detail View panel, a previous saved
view can be loaded. All the settings regarding columns and sorting will be

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applied on the available data.

Section Save View

The selecting/ordering of the columns and the sorting of data within the Detail
View panel can be saved. Save View is available by right clicking on the
background of the Detail View panel. The file will be saved on the location
specified in the Tools>Options>File Location Tab.

Section Double Clicking

By double clicking on a picture tab or name, the selected picture pops up and
becomes active. You can also change the name of the picture.

Section 8.6 The Navigator - Data Viewing worksheet

This part of the Navigator worksheet enables you to create pictures of your data.

Section 8.6.1 [Procedure] To create pictures of your data

This procedure describes how to access data, place it into various pictures and
adapt the appearance of the displays.
Step 1
In the Tree-browser panel of the Data Explorer, browse for the folder containing
the data that you wish to view. Click to see the details in the Detail View on the

Note: Click on the List All Blocks button (on the basket icon) if you want to
see all available blocks in the selected section or folder.

Step 2
Select an appropriate layout, either by clicking on a layout icon or from the
“Create a Picture” dialog (both found in the Picture Selection bar).
Step 3
A representation of the selected layout will appear in the display area and a
“New Picture” tab will appear with an identifying number.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: A layout must have the number and type of displays that you want for
your final presentation. While you can adjust the attributes of a display in the
worksheet, you can not change either the display type or the number of displays
in the layout.

Step 4
If the layout is not suitable, click on the picture tab and then click on Delete.
If you cannot find a suitable layout, select View Layout management. This
schedules the “Layout management” dialog (see "The Layout management
dialog" on page 52) in which you can create a new layout.
Step 5
Once both the required data and a suitable layout are available, and before
actually loading any data into a display, you can preview various data to choose
what to put into your picture.
Step 6
Load specific data items by dragging them into the display.
To load a data function record into a FrontBack display, position the mouse
over the required item, and drag it into the required display, dropping it onto
either the left (front) or the right (back) axis. In fact dropping it anywhere in the
left hand side of the display will add it to the front axis. Similarly, dropping it
anywhere on the right hand side will add it to the back axis.

Note: The display must be either empty or be displaying data of the same type
as you are loading.

To view waterfall data in a display, drag and drop the data into either a
Colormap or Waterfall display and it will become visualized.
An alternative method of loading data is to right click on the data in the Data
Explorer and select Copy from the menu. You can then go to the display
window required and position the cursor in the left half of the display if you
want to place the curve on the front axis or the right half of the display if you
want to place the curve on the back axis. Right click and select “Paste” (“to
front” or “to back”) depending on which half of the display that you are in.
Further data records can be dropped into the same display. Right click the line
or curve and select Remove Curve in order to remove a single record. All
curves can be removed with a Ctrl + right click in the display area and selecting
Remove All Curves from the popup menu.

Note: It is not possible to remove individual curves from a waterfall display.

Step 7
When the data is in the required display, adjust its appearance as required using
all the functions available in the display windows. Save the picture if required.
You can now copy the picture into another application, if desired.

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Section To preview data

Step 1
Choose the window in the layout that you want to use for viewing the data.

Note: It is recommended that you remove existing curves from this window -
particularly those that are on the back (right hand) axis in a FrontBack

Step 2
Right click inside that window and select Preview mode from the menu.

The preview mode icon will appear above that window.

Step 3
In the Detail view panel, select the data that you want to preview. The data will
immediately appear in the window.
If an item in the Detail view is already highlighted, it will appear automatically
in the window when you click on Preview mode.

Note: When the Preview mode is used in a FrontBack window, the data is
added to the right (back) axis.

A number of data functions can be previewed at a time. Clicking on a second

function with the Ctrl key depressed will add that function to the window.
Step 4
Click on a different data entry and the display will be refreshed.
Step 5
When you have scanned through the data and you are ready to prepare the
picture for presentation, then you can switch the Preview mode off.

Section [Procedure] To copy pictures to another application

Step 1
Start up the receiving application (such as Word® or PowerPoint®) and then
Copy and Paste the item into it.
Step 2
To transfer the contents of one single display or one window in a layout to an
application. Right click near the required window while keeping the Ctrl key
depressed. Select Copy Metafile from the Display menu. The copied image will
appear in the application.
Step 3
To transfer the contents of a complete display or a whole picture, click on the
picture tab to display the popup menu. This provides you with number of
options (see "Picture tabs" on page 436) to copy your picture.
You can also print your pictures based on a predefined format.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section [Procedure] To print your picture

You can print unformatted active pictures by simply clicking on the print

icon in the Desktop toolbar.

The following procedure shows you how to print your pictures using a
predefined format.
Step 1
Click on the picture tab that identifies the picture that you wish to print and
then click on the appropriate entry in the dialog:

Section Print

This prints your picture with your project's default format, if one exists.

Section Print with

This opens the “Formats” window containing a list of all available print
formats. Click on the desired format to print your picture using the chosen

You may wish to create a print format (see "[Procedure] To create a

single-picture print format in the Data Viewing worksheet" on page 47).

Note: If you wish to print to an electronic file, you must select Electronic as the
Output option in the Printing Options dialog.

Section 8.6.2 The Data Explorer

The Data Explorer has been embedded in the Navigator worksheet to simplify
data selection and storage. There is a Tree-view browser panel (see "The

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Tree-view browser panel" on page 421) and a Detail View browser panel (see
"The Detail View panel" on page 426), as well as the Data Explorer toolbar
(on page 417) containing action buttons. The Data Explorer can be accessed
from other worksheets by simply clicking on the Data Explorer icon

in the LMSTest.Lab toolbar.

Section The Data Explorer browsers and toolbar

The Data Explorer consists of browsers and a toolbar. (see "The Data
Explorer dialog" on page 415)

Section 8.6.3 The Picture Display panel

This panel is where pictures are made. A picture consists of a display window
contained in a layout. The data is visualized graphically in the window.

Section The Picture display area

The picture is created and adapted in this area, based on a chosen layout.

Section Layout

A layout is an arrangement of display windows of a particular type and with a
defined set of attributes. A layout is selected from the pane header above the
display windows.

Section Number of displays

This is determined by the original layout selected. It is not possible to add or
remove displays from an existing layout. To change the number of displays, you
need to select a different layout or to create a new one.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Size of displays

Pressing the Ctrl key and dragging one side of the display to make it bigger or
smaller can adjust the relative size of a display in a layout. You cannot however
make it bigger than its proportion of the original overall layout.

Section Display type

This is defined when the layout is created. It cannot be adapted at another time,
and so to obtain different types of displays you must either select a different
layout or edit the layout in the 'Layout management dialog'.

Section Display attributes

The characteristics of the display axes and display area can be set using entries
from the popup menus obtained in and around each window in the layout. The
entries in these menus depend on the type of window.

Section Data

The data forms the contents of the display and the other component of the
picture. Data can be dragged into the picture either from the browser panel or
from the data selector dialog. The data has a number of attributes:

Section Curve Properties

Right click the data curve itself and select Curve Properties in order to adjust
the color and appearance of a data curve.

Section Remove

You can remove a data curve from a display by right clicking on the curve and
selecting Remove Curve.

Section Selection status

In a FrontBack display, you can 'select' data by left clicking on that curve. This
will generate markers on the curve and cursor values will be displayed for these
points when a cursor is dragged over the curves.

You can deselect the same curve by left clicking on it while keeping the Ctrl
key down.

Left clicking on another curve will toggle the selection status.

Curves can be added to or removed from the selection status by clicking on

them while holding down the Ctrl or Shift keys or via the legend.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.6.4 The Picture Selection bar

This pane header above the display area is where you can select layouts in
which to view your data, and activate the picture you want to work with. It
consists of the following items.

Section Create a picture

The names of all layouts that are available for use (favorites and others) can be
selected from the Layouts dialog that appears. Once selected, the layout will
appear in the data display panel as a new, empty picture.

Section Layout icons

Each layout that has been added to the list of favorites in the “Layout
management” dialog (see "The Layout management dialog" on page 52) will
have an icon displayed here. If you have not specified a particular bitmap to be
associated with the layout then a “plain” icon will be displayed. Simply click on
the icon to load the layout.

Section Picture tabs

A new, empty picture is created each time a layout is selected and a tab appears
to identify and access this picture. Simply clicking on the picture tab activates
and shows the picture. Clicking on the picture tab of an activated picture opens
a dropdown menu that allows you to perform a number of operations on the
active picture:

Section Move First

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout
completely to the left in the list.

Section Move Last

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout

436 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

completely to the right in the list.

Section Move Left

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the left in the list.

Section Move Right

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the right in the list.

Section Copy to Metafile

A Metafile is a picture format where the individual elements in the picture are
retained as such and can be edited individually. These files can be pasted into
Word and PowerPoint and the contents (the text strings, fonts, lines and colors,
etc.) can be edited within the document.

Section Copy to Bitmap

A bitmap is a picture format with a fixed number of pixels and colors. It can be
pasted into an application such as Word or PowerPoint and the picture can be
sized within the document. It can be opened in a suitable graphic editing
application, saved as a specific file and edited to a certain extent.

Section Copy as Active picture (embedded data)

In this case, not only is the picture copied, but the functionality in the
LMSTest.Lab display is available too. All the formatting functions, e.g. adding
and removing cursors, is accessible in the document. File sizes of such pictures
can become quite large.

Section Copy as Active picture (linked data)

Similar to above except now links are made to the data making the file sizes
smaller. For the links to be valid, the original data must be accessible from the
computer where the document is opened.

Section Make Printformat

This is the easy way to create a default format (see "[Procedure] To create a
single-picture print format in the Data Viewing worksheet" on page 47) for the

Section Print

The contents of the picture will be printed using the default print format
connected to the layout from which the picture was made.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Print with...

This allows you to print the picture with a different format to the default print
format. The Formats dialog appears and you can choose a format from the list
of available formats.

Section Rename

This schedules the Rename Active Tab dialog that allows you to change the
name of the active picture.

Section Duplicate

This allows you to duplicate a layout within the active section. All settings and
data will also be copied. The new layout will be renamed as 'Copy of' the
original layout.

Section Delete

Click the active tab and select Delete from the dropdown menu in order to
remove the active picture.

Section Delete All Pictures

Click the active tab and select Delete All Pictures from the dropdown menu in
order to remove the active picture and all your other pictures in the active

Section Replace Data Origin

Clicking on this gives you an the possibility to replace the data origin of the
functions, currently shown in the picture or in all pictures. This can be done
for broken links as well. The replace will only work if the path to the new data
is identical to the path of the existing data in the displays.

The data origin can be ‘Project’ , ‘Section’ or ‘Run/Analysis/…’ or a

measurement cycle (3th level folder). When selecting ‘project’, a list of the
projects, originating the data in the picture(s), is shown. This list contains
regular Test.Lab projects, ldsf files, tdf files, and non-lms databases. The origin
of unsaved data is not shown. When pushing Browse, a different project can be

When selecting ‘section’, a list of all sections is shown, originating the data in
the picture(s) – only for LMS projects. When pushing Browse, a different
section can be selected.

When selecting ‘run/Analysis/…’, a list of all ‘2d level’ items of a project

(being all runs, analysis, folders on sections) is shown, originating the data in
the picture(s) – only for LMS projects. When pushing Browse, a different
‘folder’ can be selected – please be careful to select the corresponding

438 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

run/analysis/folder in case of broken links.

When selecting ‘measurement cycle/3th level folder’, a list of all ‘3th level’
items of a project are shown, originating the data in the picture(s) – only for
LMS projects. When clicking on Browse, a different ‘folder’ can be selected.

In case an origin (Project/Section/Run/measurement cycle) does not exist, it is

colored red.

When clicking Apply, the link to the data in the picture(s) is replaced to the
new selected origin.

Section Replace Data

Clicking on this gives you an the possibility to replace the data individually of
the functions, currently shown in the picture or in all pictures. This can be
done for broken links as well.

For each individual function in the picture(s), you can see which picture, display
and target it belongs, its ‘data origin’ (e.g. being the project containing the data)
and its ‘Data location’ (the structure inside the project). The ‘Data origin’ and
the ‘Data location’ can be changed with the browse button, or –only for test.lab
data - with typing in its new name.

You also see the Dof ID, the Ref DOF Id and the section value for each data
block. When altering these, the data location and data origin will be adapted
immediately. The new data is searched for on the folder itself or 1 folder up (in
case of waterfalls or referenced spectra). The result data will have the same
function classes as the original data. If it is not found, the cell is red and you
cannot click on OK.

You can duplicate data and remove data, move data up and down in the same
target of a display.

When clicking Apply, the links to the data in the picture(s) is replaced to the
new list.

Section Save as Layout

With this functionality, the current picture (including its settings and data) is
saved as a layout (for the current user) – a name for the layout is asked. When
creating a new picture, this layout can be selected.

Section 8.7 The Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet

The Data Presentation worksheet is used for format based printing of your data
to either a printing device or to an electronic document.

Format based printing allows you to print your picture based on a predefined

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

format where both its appearance settings (picture size, etc.) and data settings
(format, scaling, etc.) have already been predefined. Other properties that need
to be visualized can be defined as well.

Section 8.7.1 [Procedure] To print data using a predefined print


Step 1
Click on the down arrow of the picture and select Print with....
You may need to create a print format (see "[Procedure] To create a
single-picture print format in the Data Viewing worksheet" on page 47).
Step 2
Select the desired predefined format from the list in the popup menu that

Note: The selected format must be compatible with the picture that you want to

For example, you cannot print a Waterfall picture with a print format based on a
FrontBack picture.
If you choose an incompatible format for your picture, a warning message
appears. If the list of available print formats is empty, you will need to create a
print format.
Step 3
In the File menu, click on Printing Options... to open the Printing Options
dialog. Click on the appropriate radio buttons depending on the type of
operation you wish to perform.

Note: If you wish to print to an electronic file, you must select Electronic as the
Output option in the Printing Options dialog.

Step 4
Print the data in the chosen format by clicking on Print in the File menu or by
simply clicking on the icon in the LMSTest.Lab toolbar.
A quicker way to print a picture using a predefined format is to click on the
down arrow of the picture and select Print. The print format with the same
name as the layout will be automatically used. If this print format does not exist,
a simple print of the picture will be produced.
Step 5
The following procedure is very useful when you need to print a report based on
a print format containing more than one picture (which is the case for most

440 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section [Procedure] To print a multi-picture report

Step 1
In the Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet, click on Load a format... to
open the list of predefined formats. (If the list is empty, you need to create a
predefined format.)
Step 2
Select the desired format. All the layouts of the chosen format are loaded into
the Navigator worksheet as separate pictures.
Step 3
Drag and drop your data into the relevant pictures and print the report by
clicking on Print in the File menu.

Section 8.7.2 The Data Explorer

The Data Explorer has been embedded in the Navigator worksheet to simplify
data selection and storage. There is a Tree-view browser panel (see "The
Tree-view browser panel" on page 421) and a Detail View browser panel (see
"The Detail View panel" on page 426), as well as the Data Explorer toolbar
(on page 417) containing action buttons. The Data Explorer can be accessed
from other worksheets by simply clicking on the Data Explorer icon

in the LMSTest.Lab toolbar.

Section Data Explorer

The Data Explorer (see "The Data Explorer dialog" on page 415) is found
on several worksheets.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.7.3 The Format display panel

This panel is where data is formatted using print formats.

Section The Format display area

This area displays the data for formatting purposes.

Section 8.7.4 The Format selection bar

This pane header above the display area is where you can select the formats in
which to publish your data.

Section Load a format

Clicking on this opens a dialog that lets you choose a format from a list of all
available print formats. You may need to create a print format (see
"[Procedure] To create a single-picture print format in the Data Viewing
worksheet" on page 47).

Section Picture tabs

When using a format, the same “picture” tabs that appear in the Navigator -
Data Viewing worksheet (each time that a layout is selected) also appear at the
top of the Format Display panel in the Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet.
Simply clicking on the picture tab (with its corresponding identification
number) activates the picture.

Section 8.8 The Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet

This worksheet allows you to calculate your own processing functions (see
"Data Calculator Functions" on page 328) using either individual data items or
combinations of data items.

The output of a derived processing function is specified as an expression based

on data items, arithmetic operators and mathematical functions.

This minor worksheet in the Navigator worksheet is composed of:

442 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.8.1 The Data Explorer panel

An area for data navigation and data folder selection.

Section 8.8.2 The Data Set panel

This shows the data you want to use for calculations in a list.

Section 8.8.3 The Active Formula Set panel

Here you can define your formulas.

Section 8.8.4 The Picture display panel

An area where you can view the result of the calculations using the formulas
that you defined.

Section 8.8.5 [Procedure] To define a processing function

Section [Procedure] To select the input data

Step 1
In the Tree-browser panel of the Data Explorer, browse for the folder containing
the data that you wish to use.
This can be any folder with data that can be opened in the Navigator worksheet.
Step 2
Select the data folder that you want to use.
When a folder with data is selected, its contents are immediately displayed in
the Detail View panel alongside. Select the data and click on the Add or

Replace button to add the data to the Data Set.

Each item in the Data Set is annotated in a separate column by an index, starting
from 1. These indices are used for the definition of the calculation.

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Section [Procedure] To add the input data to the data set
Step 1
Select the data you want to use for calculations in the detail view list of the
browse tree.
Step 2

Click the Add button in the Data Set Toolbar.

The Data is now listed in the Data Set.
Step 3
Alternatively, you can replace data from the Data Set with data you have
selected in the detail view list by clicking the Replace button .

The number of data items you want to replace must be the same as the number
of data items you have selected in the detail view list.

Section [Procedure] To define a function

Step 1
Select your input data by following the procedure above.
The "Active Formula Set" panel contains a table that allows you to define a list
of functions.
Step 2
Alternatively, collect all your input data using the Input Basket.
Step 3
Select the edit field or an empty cell in the "Formula" column of the "Active
Formula Set" panel to define a new function.
Step 4
Click the Insert Function icon to insert a function into the Formula Editor
at the current position of the cursor, if required.
This schedules the Select Function dialog.
Step 5
Select the function that you want to use from the list in the Select Function
Step 6
Specify the needed functions and parameters in the pop up window and click
OK. The function is added in the Active Formula list.
Alternatively, you can type the formula and its parameters directly in an empty
formula cell or in the formula editor above the table.
To indicate a specific item in the Data List, use the notation "Fn" (function
number) , where n is the index of the specific item in the list.
For example, if you wanted to add the second item (F2) to the fifth data item
(F5) of a data list, you would enter:
Most of the functions use one or more data items, and use the word "function"

444 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

to indicate a data item.

For instance, the function "SUM(function;function)" calculates the SUM of all
the data items between two specified data items.
So, after selection of the function, you should fill in the functions for which you
want to calculate the sum in the pop-up window.
If you want to calculate the sum of the data items with index number 2 and 7,
you would edit the function "SUM(function ; function)" to become "SUM(F2 ;

Note: The “;” means AND, like sum (F2 AND F7), while “:” means from...
to..., like sum (from F2 to F7).

Step 7
Press OK to close the Select Function dialog.
Step 8
Indicate the range in the “Repeat for...” column of the Formula Set table, if you
want to calculate the formula on a range of data items.
In the “Repeat for... ” column, cells have the format "a:b", where a is the lowest
index and b the highest index number.

Note: The notation Fx should be used in the formula to indicate that a range of
data items is used.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 16
You would define the formula Fx/2 in the Formula column and the range 10:16
in the Repeat for... column.
Formula definition

When you now calculate the results, 7 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F11/2, F12/2, F13/2, F14/2, F15/2 and F16/2).
Step 9
When you have finished entering the formula, press the Enter key of your
keyboard to check the validity of the formula.
If the checkbox of the "Ok" column is green then the formula is valid. If it is not
ok, it turns red and some information is displayed in the logging window.
Step 10
Continue to add formulas following the steps above until the table is complete.
Step 11
Use the icons in the formula set panel to modify the number and order of the
rows in the table, if required.
Step 12
Follow the procedure below to save your results.

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Section [Procedure] To edit a function

Step 1
Load, if required, using the "Load FormulaSet from DFS file" icon , the
table that contains the formula that you want to edit.
Step 2
Select the row or the cell in the "Function" column of the table to edit an
existing formula.
The formula will be displayed on top of the table in the formula editor.
Step 3
Edit the formula as required and press Enter.

Alternatively, when you hit the Edit button, the function selection dialog will
pop up, offering you some help on how you can edit the formula.

Section [Procedure] To execute the formulas and view the

Step 1
Define a new formula or edit an existing formula if required following the
procedure above.
Step 2
Click on “Calculate” to calculate all formulas, or click on “Calculate selected”
to calculate only the selected formulas.
The results are added to the workspace and visible in the data set list.

Note: The result will be a number of data items if you specified a range in the
“Repeat For...” column.

Step 3
Select an appropriate layout by clicking on a layout icon.
Step 4
Select a row in the data set or select just the “Name” cell and drag and drop it
into the display to visualize it.
For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 20
(F20). And, you only want to use every other data item.

You would define the formula ("Fx/2") in the Formula column, the range
("10:20") in the Repeat for... column, and the increment (2) in the Increment

When you now calculate the results, 6 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F12/2, F14/2, F16/2, F18/2 and F20/2). To display the results, drag and
drop them in a display.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section [Procedure] To save the results

When you hit the “calculate” button, results are temporarily stored in the
Workspace. To save your results in the active project:
Step 1
Select the results you want to save in the Data Set.
Step 2
Press the Save Selected as... button.
This schedules the Save In Active Project dialog.
Step 3
Browse and select the location in the active project where you want to save the
Step 4
Press OK to save the results and to close the Save In Active Project dialog.

To save all the results you have calculated, hit the Save Results As button
and follow the directions as described above.

Section 8.8.6 The Data Explorer

The Data Explorer has been embedded in the Navigator worksheet to simplify
data selection and storage. There is a Tree-view browser panel (see "The
Tree-view browser panel" on page 421) and a Detail View browser panel (see
"The Detail View panel" on page 426), as well as the Data Explorer toolbar
(on page 417) containing action buttons. The Data Explorer can be accessed
from other worksheets by simply clicking on the Data Explorer icon

in the LMSTest.Lab toolbar.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section The Data Explorer browsers and toolbar

The Data Explorer consists of browsers and a toolbar. (see "The Data
Explorer dialog" on page 415)

Section 8.8.7 The Data Set panel

The Data Set contains input data for which you want to do calculations, as well
as the calculated results. Information on the data set is shown in a table with
rows and columns.

The data in this table can be sorted. The sorting can be defined in the same way
as for the details part of the Data Explorer (see "The Data Explorer dialog" on
page 415): double clicking a column header sorts the data following that

Section The data set toolbar icons

Section Add

Data selected in the detail view list of the browse tree is added to the data set.

Section Replace

Data selected in the data set is replaced with data selected in the detail view list.

Section Add from Input basket

Data from the input basket is added to the data set.

Section Replace from Input basket

Data selected in the data set is replaced with data from the input basket.

Section Delete

448 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The data items selected in the data set are removed from the data set.

Section The Data Set Table

The Data Set table displays a list of the input data with some of their properties.
Some of the properties that are displayed are the following:




Point Id

Point Dir

Y Unit



Section Data Set buttons

Section Save results as...

Hit this button to save all the calculated results in the active project.

Section Save selected as...

Hit this button to save the selected data items in the active project. To be able to
save data with the Save Selected As button, you must first select an entire
row. This can be done by clicking on the number of the row, in the first column.

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Section Clear Results

Removes all the calculated results from the Data Set. Data that was imported
into the Data Set using the Data Set toolbar icons cannot be removed.

Section Edit Properties...

This allows you to edit some properties of the selected data items, in case these
are calculated results. The properties of Data that was imported into the Data
Set using the Data Set toolbar icons cannot be edited. Label
This is where the name of the Data is displayed.

If the Keep label checkbox is active, this name (label) will not change due to
other changes. Change
Activate the appropriate checkbox to change certain properties. Activate the
checkbox next to Change to activate all the underlying checkboxes. You can
change up to six properties at once. Property

From the dropdown menu, you can choose the property of the date you wish to
edit. Up to six different properties can be edited at once.

450 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Value
This dropdown menu will adapt accordingly to the property that was selected in
the Property dropdown menu (see above).

You can change the value by selecting the desired value from the Value
dropdown menu. Edit Properties dialog buttons

Previous / Next
These buttons allow you to switch from one data block to another.

Apply to Current
Press this button to apply the changes to the current data.

Apply to All
This restores the changed properties to their original values.

This closes the Edit Properties Dialog.

Section 8.8.8 The Active Formula Set panel

In this panel, the calculation functions can be defined.

A new function can be defined by:

Section Selecting an empty line in the table

The new formula can be typed into the edit line above the table.

Section Selecting an empty cell

The new formula can be typed into the cell, or into the edit line above the table.

Section Pressing the "Create New Function" icon

This will add a new formula to the table.

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Note: A data item is referred to as "Fn" (function number), where n is the

index number of the data item. For example, F3 indicates the third data item
(with the index number 3) in the Data List.

Section Formula Set icons

You can use these icons for a number of actions, among which: add a new
formula row to the table, delete a formula row, move a formula one row up, or
to move it one row down...

Section New FormulaSet

This starts a new formula definition table by clearing the table of the current

Section Save FormulaSet to DFS file

This saves the active Formula set by scheduling the Save DataCalculator
FormulaSet dialog.

Specify the location and name of the FormulaSet file (the DFS extension is
automatically added) and then click Save.

Note: It is possible to read and write this file (with window applications such
as Excel or Notepad).

Section Load FormulaSet from DFS file

This loads an existing formula set by scheduling the "Select DataCalculator

FormulaSet" dialog.

Specify the location and name of an existing FormulaSet file with a DFS
extension and then click Open.

Section Create new formula

This will create a new formula with the current Formula Editor entry.

Section Delete the selected Formula

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This will remove the selected formula(s) from the Formula Set.

Section Move up

This will move the selected formula one position up.

To do so, first select the entire row by clicking the number in front of the row.

Section Move down

This will move the selected formula one position down.

To do so, first select the entire row by clicking the number in front of the row.

Section Insert a function

This inserts a function into the Formula Editor at the current position of the

It schedules the Select Function dialog (see "Data Calculator Functions" on

page 328) where you can select the function to use.

Section Renumber FormulaSet

When there is a conflict in the Ids of the Data Set and the Ids of the formulas,
"Renumber FormulaSet" will set the Ids of the formulas in the Active formula
set such that the numbering is increasing and starting from the highest Id of the
data items in the Data Set.

Section Formula Editor

Below the formula set icons is the input field of the Formula Editor where you
can define and edit a formula.

Select the row you want to edit in the Active Formula Set table and edit the
formula in the Formula Editor field.

Section Formula Editor

In defining a formula, mathematical symbols +, -, * and / can be used.

Additional functions can be accessed through pressing the Insert function icon

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. This opens up a dialog with an extensive set of functions that can be used.

When the exact format of a function is known, it can be typed in directly in the
formula edit field, instead of using this dialog.

Most of the functions use one or more data items in their argument, and so use
the word "function" to indicate that.

For instance the function "SUM(function ; function)" calculates the SUM of

two functions.

So, after selection of the function, you should replace the words "function" with
the data items that you want to use. A data item is referred to as "Fn", where n is
the index number of the data item. For example, F2 indicates the second data
item in the Data List with index number 2.

To calculate the SUM of all functions between the first and the second function,
use a : sign. This means that if you want to calculate the sum of all data items
from index 2 to index 7, you would edit the function "SUM(function ;
function)" to become "SUM(F2:F7)".

The validity of the formula is automatically checked upon pressing the

keyboard Enter key. If it is correct, the box in the "Ok" column is green. If the
function is not valid, this box is red and the presumed cause of the invalidity is
indicated in the logging box.

Section Formula Set table

In the Active Formula Set table all the Formulas that are currently active are
listed in a table.

The columns in the table define the properties associated with each Active

Section OK
This box is green when the formula format is correct. It turns red if the formula
is not valid.

After entering or editing a formula the formula is checked when you press the
Enter key of your keyboard.

Section Id
You can assign a unique Id to each formula, which can then be used in other
formulas to refer to. The format of the Id should be "Fn" with n a unique

The Id should be different from these already used in the Data set table. You

454 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

can use the Renumber Formula Set icon above the table to set the Ids of the
formulas such that the numbering is increasing and starting from the highest
number currently available in the Data Set.

Section Formula

This is the formula that will be calculated when you press the Calculate button.

Section Point Id

Here you can specify the Point id of the result. If you do not fill in this column,
the result will have the same Point id as the original data.

Point id’s can only be used in a formula when the DOF id has direction “None”
which means that the DOF id is the same as Point id. Otherwise Point ids can’t
be used in a formula, even not when there is a single trace with a direction (no

Section Point Dir

Here you can specify the Point Direction of the result. If you do not fill in this
column, the result will have the same Point id as the original data.

Section Repeat for...

If you want to calculate the formula on a range of data items, here you can
indicate the range. The format for this cell is "a:b", where a is the lowest index
and b the highest index number. The notation Fx should be used in the formula
to indicate that a range of data items is used.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 16

You would define the formula Fx/2 in the Formula column and the range 10:16
in the Repeat for... column.

Formula definition

When you now calculate the results, 7 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F11/2, F12/2, F13/2, F14/2, F15/2 and F16/2).

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For formulas that require more than one function as input you can use the
notations Fx and Fxn, with xn corresponding to the index x+n. A formula Fx
+Fx10 for example

with a range 1:5 in the Repeat for... column and an increment 1 in the Increment
column, corresponds to the following formulas:

Section Increment

The value in this column indicates the increment that will be used with the
defined range.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 15
(F15). And, you only want to use every other data item.

You would define the formula fx/2 in the Formula column, the range 10:16 in
the Repeat for... column and the increment (2) in the Increment column.

When you now calculate the results, 4 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F12/2, F14/2 and F16/2).

If you do not define a value, the default of 1 will be used.

Section Status

If the Ok column in the active formula table is red this field gives an indication
of what is wrong with the formula.

Section Calculate buttons

Section Calculate

This calculates the formulas in the Active Formula Set Table. The results of the
calculation are added to the Data Set table.

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The results are saved when you push the Save Results As... button.

Section Calculate Selected

This calculates the selected formula(s) using the Active Formula Set table.

Section 8.8.9 The Picture Display panel

This panel is where pictures are made. A picture consists of a display window
contained in a layout. The data is visualized graphically in the window.

Section The Picture display area

The picture is created and adapted in this area, based on a chosen layout.

Section Layout

A layout is an arrangement of display windows of a particular type and with a
defined set of attributes. A layout is selected from the pane header above the
display windows.

Section Number of displays

This is determined by the original layout selected. It is not possible to add or
remove displays from an existing layout. To change the number of displays, you
need to select a different layout or to create a new one.

Section Size of displays

Pressing the Ctrl key and dragging one side of the display to make it bigger or
smaller can adjust the relative size of a display in a layout. You cannot however
make it bigger than its proportion of the original overall layout.

Section Display type

This is defined when the layout is created. It cannot be adapted at another time,
and so to obtain different types of displays you must either select a different
layout or edit the layout in the 'Layout management dialog'.

Section Display attributes

The characteristics of the display axes and display area can be set using entries
from the popup menus obtained in and around each window in the layout. The
entries in these menus depend on the type of window.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Data

The data forms the contents of the display and the other component of the
picture. Data can be dragged into the picture either from the browser panel or
from the data selector dialog. The data has a number of attributes:

Section Remove

You can remove a data curve from a display by right clicking on the curve and
selecting Remove Curve.

Section Move to lower

Section Cut

Section Copy

Section Copy Values

Section Status Message

Section Data Properties

Section Curve Properties

Right click the data curve itself and select Curve Properties in order to adjust
the color and appearance of a data curve.

Section Replay

Section (De-)selecting of curves

In a FrontBack display, you can 'select' data by left clicking on that curve. This
will generate markers on the curve and cursor values will be displayed for these
points when a cursor is dragged over the curves.

You can deselect the same curve by left clicking on it while keeping the Ctrl
key down.

Left clicking on another curve will toggle the selection status.

Curves can be added to or removed from the selection status by clicking on

them while holding down the Ctrl or Shift keys or via the legend.

458 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.8.10 The Picture Selection bar

This pane header above the display area is where you can select layouts in
which to view your data, and activate the picture you want to work with. It
consists of the following items.

Section Create a picture

The names of all layouts that are available for use (favorites and others) can be
selected from the Layouts dialog that appears. Once selected, the layout will
appear in the data display panel as a new, empty picture.

Section Layout icons

Each layout that has been added to the list of favorites in the “Layout
management” dialog (see "The Layout management dialog" on page 52) will
have an icon displayed here. If you have not specified a particular bitmap to be
associated with the layout then a “plain” icon will be displayed. Simply click on
the icon to load the layout.

Section Add a detached picture window

Clicking this icon will create a detached window with all the same functionality
and layout as the Picture Selection Bar and the Picture Display Panel. You can
create and view data pictures just as in the non-detached picture panel.

Section Picture tabs

A new, empty picture is created each time a layout is selected and a tab appears
to identify and access this picture. Simply clicking on the picture tab activates
and shows the picture. Clicking on the picture tab of an activated picture opens
a dropdown menu that allows you to perform a number of operations on the
active picture:

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Section Move First

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout
completely to the left in the list.

Section Move Last

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout
completely to the right in the list.

Section Move Left

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the left in the list.

Section Move Right

Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the right in the list.

Section Copy to Metafile

A Metafile is a picture format where the individual elements in the picture are
retained as such and can be edited individually. These files can be pasted into
Word and PowerPoint and the contents (the text strings, fonts, lines and colors,
etc.) can be edited within the document.

Section Copy to Bitmap

A bitmap is a picture format with a fixed number of pixels and colors. It can be
pasted into an application such as Word or PowerPoint and the picture can be
sized within the document. It can be opened in a suitable graphic editing
application, saved as a specific file and edited to a certain extent.

Section Copy as Active picture (embedded data)

In this case, not only is the picture copied, but the functionality in the
LMSTest.Lab display is available too. All the formatting functions, e.g. adding
and removing cursors, is accessible in the document. File sizes of such pictures
can become quite large.

Section Copy as Active picture (linked data)

Similar to above except now links are made to the data making the file sizes
smaller. For the links to be valid, the original data must be accessible from the
computer where the document is opened.

Section Make Printformat

This is the easy way to create a default format (see "[Procedure] To create a

460 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

single-picture print format in the Data Viewing worksheet" on page 47) for the

Section Print

The contents of the picture will be printed using the default print format
connected to the layout from which the picture was made.

Section Print with...

This allows you to print the picture with a different format to the default print
format. The Formats dialog appears and you can choose a format from the list
of available formats.

Section Rename

This schedules the Rename Active Tab dialog that allows you to change the
name of the active picture.

Section Duplicate

This allows you to duplicate a layout within the active section. All settings and
data will also be copied. The new layout will be renamed as 'Copy of' the
original layout.

Section Delete

Click the active tab and select Delete from the dropdown menu in order to
remove the active picture.

Section Delete All Pictures

Click the active tab and select Delete All Pictures from the dropdown menu in
order to remove the active picture and all your other pictures in the active

Section Replace Data Origin

Clicking on this gives you an the possibility to replace the data origin of the
functions, currently shown in the picture or in all pictures. This can be done
for broken links as well. The replace will only work if the path to the new data
is identical to the path of the existing data in the displays.

The data origin can be ‘Project’ , ‘Section’ or ‘Run/Analysis/…’ or a

measurement cycle (3th level folder). When selecting ‘project’, a list of the
projects, originating the data in the picture(s), is shown. This list contains
regular Test.Lab projects, ldsf files, tdf files, and non-lms databases. The origin
of unsaved data is not shown. When pushing Browse, a different project can be

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When selecting ‘section’, a list of all sections is shown, originating the data in
the picture(s) – only for LMS projects. When pushing Browse, a different
section can be selected.

When selecting ‘run/Analysis/…’, a list of all ‘2d level’ items of a project

(being all runs, analysis, folders on sections) is shown, originating the data in
the picture(s) – only for LMS projects. When pushing Browse, a different
‘folder’ can be selected – please be careful to select the corresponding
run/analysis/folder in case of broken links.

When selecting ‘measurement cycle/3th level folder’, a list of all ‘3th level’
items of a project are shown, originating the data in the picture(s) – only for
LMS projects. When clicking on Browse, a different ‘folder’ can be selected.

In case an origin (Project/Section/Run/measurement cycle) does not exist, it is

colored red.

When clicking Apply, the link to the data in the picture(s) is replaced to the
new selected origin.

Section Replace Data

Clicking on this gives you an the possibility to replace the data individually of
the functions, currently shown in the picture or in all pictures. This can be
done for broken links as well.

For each individual function in the picture(s), you can see which picture, display
and target it belongs, its ‘data origin’ (e.g. being the project containing the data)
and its ‘Data location’ (the structure inside the project). The ‘Data origin’ and
the ‘Data location’ can be changed with the browse button, or –only for test.lab
data - with typing in its new name.

You also see the Dof ID, the Ref DOF Id and the section value for each data
block. When altering these, the data location and data origin will be adapted
immediately. The new data is searched for on the folder itself or 1 folder up (in
case of waterfalls or referenced spectra). The result data will have the same
function classes as the original data. If it is not found, the cell is red and you
cannot click on OK.

You can duplicate data and remove data, move data up and down in the same
target of a display.

When clicking Apply, the links to the data in the picture(s) is replaced to the
new list.

Section Save as Layout

With this functionality, the current picture (including its settings and data) is
saved as a layout (for the current user) – a name for the layout is asked. When
creating a new picture, this layout can be selected.

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Section 8.9 The Data Block Processing worksheet

In this worksheet, you can combine data blocks from a selected source (Most
Recent Run, Active Section, Input Basket) in order to create new "metrics",
called "User Metrics". The combination of data blocks is possible through an
advanced calculator.

In this calculator, you can combine data blocks of different nature, assign to the
result any unit you want, including "User Defined Units" one can create in
Tools Options... Units Edit units User Defined Units.

In this calculator, you can create new kind of data blocks. The function class of
such new data blocks is called "User metrics". Since this class is too general, a
specific attribute, the "function description", allows you to create a specific
name for the new metrics resulting from your calculations. The "function
description" together with the point Id and the point direction will appear as the
resulting data block name.

An advantage of the Data Block Processing is to allow post-processing

calculations after each measurement, using the "Most Recent Run" mode
together with automatic calculations.

Here is given a screenshot of the Data Block Processing worksheet:

The Data Block Processing worksheet is divided into three main panels:
Step 1
The Data Lists: On top left, the data list gives a view on all the data available
from the chosen data source, with a function Id (F1, F2 …) appended to every

data block. Below this list lays the Reference blocks list, fed by the
button. Their Ids are different (B1, B2 …) and these ones cannot be overwritten
run after run in the Most Recent Run mode.
Each column of the list can be sorted and a filter can be applied to facilitate the

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search of specific data blocks.

Step 2
The Calculator, on the top right is identical to the Data Block Calculator but
allows to combine any data blocks, with the minimal requirement that the x-axis
are of the same type (time, frequency, octave). Combining data blocks may lead
to unknown units and unknown functions. Two columns are added to the
calculator to allow the use of User Defined units and to define the resulting
block name by using the Function Description.
Step 3
The display panel is identical to the one from navigator.

Section 8.9.1 [Procedure] To create and calculate user defined


Step 1
Take any time trace, for instance a sound file (acoustic group)
Step 2
Replace this time trace into the Input Basket (right click on the data file)
Step 3
Replace in the Time Data Selection worksheet (Data Source: Input Basket; and
click on the Replace button)
Step 4
In Time Data Processing, select the time data in the list
Step 5
In Time Data Processing, select some calculations in "Section" (Overall level,
Psychoacoustic metrics, Frequency/order/octave sections, Level calculations,
Modulation metrics, Frame statistics...)
Step 6
The calculation results in data blocks, which are all copied in the Data List of
the Data Block Processing (Data Source: Most Recent Run; and push the
Replace List button)
Step 7
In the Data Block Processing calculator, enter any formula that mixes data with
identical X-axis but different Y-axis units. The status is red then.
Step 8
Enter any unit, usually a User Defined Unit, created in Tools > Options... >
Units > Edit Units (with User Defined Units selected) > User Defined Units tab.
The status may become green.
Step 9
The data calculated in this calculator, mixing different data blocks and units, has
a general function class called "User metrics".
Step 10
To give a unique block name to the newly calculated data block, you can enter
any name in the "Function Description: cell of the calculator.

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Step 11
The resulting name of the calculated "User Metric" block is: Function
Description + Point ID + Point Dir.
Step 12
Press calculate: The data from the formula is added to the Data List.
Step 13
The results are saved in the folder entered in the Results Destination, at the
bottom of the Data List.

Section 8.9.2 The Data List panel

The Data List panel contains a Data Source header and a data list body and a
results destination bottom. These three parts are distinct and described
respectively below.

Section Data Source Selection panel

The data from measurements/channels can be loaded into the Data Set using the
current (active) project, an existing Data Set, the Input Basket, the Most Recent
Run or any combination of these data sources.

Clicking on the […] button brings up the 'Data source selection' dialog in which
the data source can be selected. The selected Data Source is shown in a message
 Most Recent Run (on page 465)
 Active project (see "Most Recent Run" on page 465)
 Data Set (see "Most Recent Run" on page 465)
 Input Basket (on page 466)
Once you have specified where to find the data, click on the [Add] or [Replace]

The [Add] button adds the selected data to the current data set in the Data Set

The [Replace] button empties the Data Set and its content is replaced by the
newly-selected data.

Section Most Recent Run

Most Recent Run
This is only sensitive when the Throughput Validation & Processing host (Time
Data Selection worksheet) is used as an Add-in in Acquisition workbooks.
Select this radio button to use the most recent run.
After each measurement, the selected run is automatically updated to

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correspond to the last measured run.

Active project
When you select to find data in the current (active) project, you can specify a
section and a run (or all runs) from this section.
All the throughput data that have been measured in this section and run(s) are
selected. If your selection does not contain any throughput data, a popup
message will warn you of this fact when you push the Add/Replace button.

Section Section selection

Select from the dropdown list the section in the current project that you want to

Section Run selection

Select from the dropdown list the run (or All runs) in the selected section that
you want to use.

Section Data Set

Select this radio button to use a previously defined Data Set.

Enter the name of an existing data set in the field alongside or you can use the
Browse... button to select it.

A Data Set is a collection of pointers to time data. You can make a Data Set and
save it for later reuse in this worksheet using the Save Data Set icon in the Data
Set toolbar.

Name field
This specifies the name and location of the DataSet file.
... button
This schedules the Select DataSet dialog for specifying the location and name of
the DataSet file with a XDS extension. Data Sets have a .XDS extension and are
as default saved in the DataSet folder on your local directory.

Section Input Basket

This basket can be filled with any data blocks item or object: 2D data,
waterfalls, folders and projects, etc.

Please remind than only Test.Lab data blocks can be loaded to the Data Block

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Section Add to List and Replace List buttons

Add to List button
This adds the selected data to the current Data list.
Replace List button
This empties the Data List and its contents are replaced by the newly-selected
data blocks.

Section Data List panel

In this panel, you have a view on all the available data blocks for calculations.

The "Data List" panel is identical to the one of the Navigator. However, the
columns are sorted in a bit different way by default. This sorting is dedicated to
show the most important information at a glance. Here is the available columns:

ID | Name | Folder / Name | Y-axis unit | Function Class | Octave domain

Section Function ID column

A specific column is added at the left, the "ID" column, this is a very important
information, attributing a function ID to every data block in the list. This
function ID is the one that will be used to build equations in the Data Block
Processing calculator.

Section Autofilter

It may be possible that the data list is huge. therefore, an "Autofilter" function
on each column of the Data List is helpful to visualize a restricted amount of
data blocks.

Right-click on any Data List column, then choose Filter > Autofilter.

Section Reference Blocks data list

The lower data list is identical to the upper data list, described in Data List
panel (on page 467).

The difference is that the data blocks in this second list are so-called “reference
blocks”. Their function Ids is annotated as B1, B2 … to avoid confusion with
the data from the upper data list.

These reference blocks are loaded using the button from the calculator
panel (see Formula set icons (on page 469)).

The main advantage of reference blocks is its use in the Most Recent Run mode,
when “Calculate Automatically” is selected. In Most Recent Run mode, the

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upper data list is replaced after each run but the reference blocks from the lower
data list remain the same whatever happens.

Section Results destination panel

By default, the data is classified in alphabetical order of the data bocks Names.
The sorting can be modified in each column.
In this panel is given the location where to store the results from the Data Block
By default, the results are stored in the current section, current run and
To modify the results destination you can select first the Section, then the Run
and finally you can enter a folder name. You can even create a new folder by
entering a new name.

Section 8.9.3 The Data Block Processing Calculator

The Data Block Processing calculator is identical to the Data Block Calculator
from navigator.

However, two specific columns are added to the formula list: the Function
Description and the Unit columns.

These two extra columns allow defining new metrics by combining data blocks
with not compatible units or function class in the Formula column.

In this panel, the calculation functions can be defined. A new function can be
defined by:

Selecting an empty line in the table

The new formula can be typed into the edit line above the table.
Selecting an empty cell
The new formula can be typed into the cell, or into the edit line above the table.

Pressing the "Create New Function" icon

This will add a new formula to the table.

Note: A data item is referred to as "fn" (function number), where n is the

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

index number of the data item. For example, f3 indicates the third data item
(with the index number 3) in the Data List.

Section Formula Set icons

You can use these icons for a number of actions, among which: add a new
formula row to the table, delete a formula row, move a formula one row up, or
to move it one row down...

Section New FormulaSet

This starts a new formula definition table by clearing the table of the current

Section Save FormulaSet to DFS file

This saves the active Formula set by scheduling the Save DataCalculator
FormulaSet dialog.

Specify the location and name of the FormulaSet file (the DFS extension is
automatically added) and then click Save.

Note: It is possible to read and write this file (with window applications such as
Excel or Notepad).

Section Load FormulaSet from DFS file

This loads an existing formula set by scheduling the "Select DataCalculator

FormulaSet" dialog.

Specify the location and name of an existing FormulaSet file with a DFS
extension and then click Open.

Section Create new formula

This will create a new formula with the current Formula Editor entry.

Section Delete the selected Formula

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This will remove the selected formula(s) from the Formula Set.

Section Move up

This will move the selected formula one position up.

Section Down

This will move the selected formula one position down.

Section Insert a function

This inserts a function into the Formula Editor at the current position of the

It schedules the Select Function dialog where you can select the function to use.

Section Renumber FormulaSet

When there is a conflict in the IDs of the Data Set and the IDs of the formulas,
"Renumber FormulaSet" will set the Ids of the formulas in the Active formula
set such that the numbering is increasing and starting from the highest ID of the
data items in the Data Set.

Section Browse for Reference Blocks...

This button opens a panel with a list of data blocks with Ids B1, B2 … . Add block...

The panel is at first empty, but clicking on “Add block…” opens a browser. It is
then possible to load blocks that are stored outside the current project. Delete
Deletes the highlighted reference blocks from this list.

470 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Close
Closes the Block Set Editor Selection dialog.

Section Formula Editor

Below the formula set icons is the input field of the Formula Editor where you
can define and edit a formula.

Select the row you want to edit in the Active Formula Set table.

Section Formula Editor

In defining a formula, mathematical symbols +, -, * and / can be used.

Additional functions can be accessed through pressing the Insert function icon
. This opens up a dialog with an extensive set of functions that can be used.

When the exact format of a function is known, it can be typed in directly in the
formula edit field, instead of using this dialog.

Most of the functions use one or more data items in their argument, and so use
the word "function" to indicate that.

For instance the function "SUM(function ; function)" calculates the SUM of

two functions.

So, after selection of the function, you should replace the words "function" with
the data items that you want to use. A data item is referred to as "fn", where n is
the index number of the data item. For example, f2 indicates the second data
item in the Data List with index number 2.

To calculate the SUM of all functions between the first and the second function,
use a : sign. This means that if you want to calculate the sum of all data items
from index 2 to index 7, you would edit the function "SUM(function ;
function)" to become "SUM(f2:f7)".

The validity of the formula is automatically checked upon pressing the

keyboard Enter key. If it is correct, the box in the "Ok" column is green. If the
function is not valid, this box is red and the presumed cause of the invalidity is
indicated in the logging box.

Section Formula Set table

In the Active Formula set table all the Formulas that are currently active are
listed in a table.

The columns in the table define the properties associated with each Active

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Section OK
This box is green the formula format is correct. It turns red if the formula is not

After entering or editing a formula the formula is checked when you press the
Enter key of your keyboard.

Section On/Off

When this box is checked, the corresponding formula on this line will be
calculated. When this box is unchecked, the corresponding formula on this line
will not be calculated.

Section Id
You can assign a unique Id to each formula, which can then be used in other
formulas to refer to. The format of the Id should be "fn" with n a unique

The Id should be different from these already used in the Data set table. You
can use the Renumber Formula Set icon above the table to set the Ids of the
formulas such that the numbering is increasing and starting from the highest
number currently available in the Data Set.

Section Formula

This is the formula that will be calculated when you press the Calculate button.

Section Point Id

Here you can specify the Point id of the result. If you do not fill in this column,
the result will have the same Point id as the original data.

Section Point Dir

Here you can specify the Point Direction of the result. If you do not fill in this
column, the result will have the same Point id as the original data.

Section Function Description

The function description is a user-defined attribute that appears in the calculated
block name.

In the case the resulting data block has a function class "User Metric", then the
block name (appearing in the Data List and in the display Legend) is defined as:
Function Description + Point Id + Point dir.

Since the Point Id and Point Dir are also editable in the Active Formula Set

472 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

panel, the resulting data block name can be completely defined.

Section Unit

The unit column is by default blank. It assumes that if the data blocks entered in
Formula are assembled in an equation such that an existing unit can be easily
derived, then the unit is automatically selected by the calculation itself.

In case the equation does not lead to an existing unit or to a unit easily derived
from an existing one, then the Status bar shows a red light and the calculation
seems not allowed.

Then, one can click on the cell of the Unit column to select an existing unit or a
new unit, created and saved in the Test.Lab unit system (Tools > Options... >
Units > Edit units > User Defined Units).

Section Repeat for...

If you want to calculate the formula on a range of data items, here you can
indicate the range. The format for this cell is "a:b", where a is the lowest index
and b the highest index number. The notation fx should be used in the formula
to indicate that a range of data items is used.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 16

You would define the formula fx/2 in the Formula column and the range 10:16
in the Repeat for... column.

Formula definition

When you now calculate the results, 7 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F11/2, F12/2, F13/2, F14/2, F15/2 and F16/2).

Section Increment

The value in this column indicates the increment that will be used with the
defined range.

For example, if you want to calculate half the value of your data items starting
with the data item number 10 (F10) and ending with the data item number 15
(F15). And, you only want to use every other data item.

You would define the formula fx/2 in the Formula column, the range 10:16 in
the Repeat for... column and the increment (2) in the Increment column.

When you now calculate the results, 4 new data items are added to the data list
(F10/2, F12/2, F14/2 and F16/2).

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If you do not define a value, the default of 1 will be used.

Section Status

If the Ok column in the active formula table is red this field gives an indication
of what is wrong with the formula.

Section Calculate buttons

Section Calculate button

This calculates the formulas in the Active Formula. The results of the
calculation are added to the Data Set table.

The results are saved when you push the Save Results button.

Section Calculate automatically

The Calculate automatically is an option going along with the "Most Recent
Run" mode (Data Source set to "Most Recent Run).

After a measurement (time data acquisition), inline processing is possible via

the chain of Time Data Selection, Time Data Processing and finally Data Block

The measured data is automatically loaded into the Time Data Selection and
then into the Time Data Processing when the Most Recent Run mode is selected
for Data Source. From the calculations and processing done in the Time Data
Processing, new data blocks are generated (frequency/order/octave sections,
levels, psychoacoustic metrics...).

The calculated data blocks are automatically loaded in the Data Block
Processing Data List and the saved formulas in the calculator are applied

The results are saved in the pre-defined location (Results destination (on page

Section 8.9.4 The Display panel

This pane header above the display area is where you can select layouts in
which to view your data, and activate the picture you want to work with. It
consists of the following items.

Section Create a picture

The names of all layouts that are available for use (favorites and others) can be
selected from the Layouts dialog that appears. Once selected, the layout will

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

appear in the data display panel as a new, empty picture.

Section Layout icons

Each layout that has been added to the list of favorites in the "Layout
management" dialog (see "The Layout management dialog" on page 52) will
have an icon displayed here. If you have not specified a particular bitmap to be
associated with the layout then a "plain" icon will be displayed. Simply click on
the icon to load the layout.

Section Picture tabs

A new, empty picture is created each time a layout is selected and a tab appears
to identify and access this picture. Simply clicking on the picture tab activates
the picture. Clicking on the picture tab opens a dropdown menu that allows you
to perform a number of operations on the active picture:

Move First
Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout
completely to the left in the list.
Move Last
Allows you to change the order of the layouts. It will move the current layout
completely to the right in the list.
Move Left
Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the left in the list.
Move Right
Allows you to change the order of the layouts. The current layout will move one
place to the right in the list.
Copy to Metafile
A Metafile is a picture format where the individual elements in the picture are
retained as such and can be edited individually. These files can be pasted into
Word and PowerPoint and the contents (the text strings, fonts, lines and colors,
etc.) can be edited within the document.
Copy to Bitmap
A bitmap is a picture format with a fixed number of pixels and colors. It can be
pasted into an application such as Word or PowerPoint and the picture can be
sized within the document. It can be opened in a suitable graphic editing
application, saved as a specific file and edited to a certain extent.
Copy as Active picture (embed data)
In this case, not only is the picture copied, but the functionality in the
LMSTest.Lab display is available too. All the formatting functions, e.g. adding
and removing cursors, is accessible in the document. File sizes of such pictures

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can become quite large.

Copy as Active picture (link data)
Similar to above except now links are made to the data making the file sizes
smaller. For the links to be valid, the original data must be accessible from the
computer where the document is opened.
Make print Format
This is the easy way to create a default format for the layout.
The contents of the picture will be printed using the default print format
connected to the layout from which the picture was made.
Print with...
This allows you to print the picture with a different format to the default print
format. The Formats dialog appears and you can choose a format from the list
of available formats.
This schedules the Rename Active Tab dialog that allows you to change the
name of the active picture.
This allows you to duplicate a layout within the active section. All settings and
data will also be copied. The new layout will be renamed as 'Copy of' the
original layout.
Click the active tab and select Delete from the dropdown menu in order to
remove the active picture.
Delete All Pictures
Click the active tab and select Delete All Pictures from the dropdown
menu in order to remove the active picture and all your other pictures in the
active section.
A small button on the top right of each column appear. By clicking on it, you
can select which type of data block to show or not.

Section 8.10 The Channel Setup worksheet

The Channel Setup worksheet enables you to specify the channel and transducer
characteristics that will be used for the current test setup. These channel
characteristics can be either entered manually or read from a file.

The fields and values used to define and identify a channel are the channel

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identification characteristics (on page 251).

The status is given at the top of worksheet. If the Status flag is red, carry out the
instructions given until it turns green and it displays “Verification OK”.

Section 8.10.1 To define a channel setup

Step 1
Select the “Channel Setup” option from the Channel Setup dropdown menu
in the pane header of the worksheet to view the current fields (columns) on
display. This is also the default view.
For the LMS Test.Lab MIMO Stepped Sine Testing software, you need (as a
minimum) to see:
 The OnOff column that determines whether an input channel is active or
 The ChannelGroupId column
 The Point and the Direction columns
 The Sensitivity value and unit columns
Step 2
If these columns are not visible or you wish to change the fields that are visible,
follow the procedure below.
Step 3
Check “on” the channels that you want to use in the forthcoming test.
You must have at least one active input channel to carry out a test.
Step 4
Assign a unique point id (describing where the transducer is located) to each
Transducers are usually defined by two factors: their location name (point id)
and their measurement direction (direction). This must be a unique combination.
Step 5
Fill in the other fields as required. Fields “grayed” out cannot be edited.
In combination with manually defining a channel setup, you can insert channel
information that has been saved in a file.
Step 6
When all the channels required for the measurement have been identified you
can move to the next worksheet.

Section To edit the visible channel fields

Step 1
Select Tools Channel Setup Visibility... from the menu bar.
The “Channel Setup Visibility” dialog appears with a list of Source field names
on the left and a list of Selected fields on the right. The Source field names lists

Rev 11B 477

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

all the possible fields that can be displayed and the Selected fields lists those
currently visible on the display.
Step 2
To add a field, select it from the Source list and click on the Add button. The
field is then added to the end of the Selected field list. Only one field can be
added at any one time.
Step 3
To replace a field, select it from the right hand list, select the new field in the
left hand list and click on the Replace button.
Step 4
To remove a field, select it by its row number from the Selected fields list and
click on the Remove button. Multiple fields can be selected and removed at
any one time.
Step 5
You can specify where you want the new field to be added. Select a field that is
to be displayed (see the list above) from the left hand list.
Step 6
Select a field in the right hand list that is to be next to the new one.
Step 7
Click on Insert After or Insert Before to add the new field where you want it.
Step 8
You can also change the display name of a field in the worksheet. First select it
in the right hand column and scroll along to view its display name in the
ColumnLabel column. Then right click it with the mouse to display a popup
menu. Select Clear and then enter the new name, by using either the keyboard
or the menu options of Copy and Paste. You can also change the display
name by double clicking on it and then it can be edited.
To hide a column, select it and right click to display the popup menu. Select
Hide and the column will be hidden from view. When the popup menu is now
displayed (without a selection being made) it will have a further option,
Unhide all columns. Select this option to display all the columns.
The row height and the column width can both be changed, if required. Move
the mouse pointer over the line you want to change until a double-headed arrow
appears. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the line to the desired width
or height.

Note: The same options to change the appearance of the rows and columns on
display are available in the worksheet.

Step 9
When the list is as required, click on OK to close the dialog and update the
channel list.

Section To set QDA settings

You should have a QDA module attached to the frontend. (The QDA module

478 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

supports pairs of stereo channel inputs, however you are allowed to activate
only one of both channels.)
Step 1
The following columns (in addition to those specified above) should be
displayed in the right pane:
 Coupling
 Range
Step 2
If these columns are not visible, select Tools Channel Setup Visibility... from
the menu bar and follow the procedure (see "To edit the visible channel fields"
on page 477) for editing the visible channel fields.
Step 3
Select coupling SPDIF or AES/EBU from the dropdown menu.
The data format (coupling) selected for each channel of the channel pair should
be equal.
Step 4
Enter the range for scaling the numerical data.
To get the correct values with QDA when measuring with a Head, the range
should be 6dB more than the range selected on a Head.

For example, when you choose a 94 dB range on a Head, you should enter a
range of 100 dB.

Section [Procedure] To read channel characteristics from a

It is assumed that the setting up of your database sources (see "Introduction"
on page 265) has already accomplished.
Step 1
Select the “Use Database” option from the Channel Setup dropdown menu in
the pane header.
The worksheet will be split so that a new window on the right hand side can
display the contents of a database file. The size of this new window can be
changed as required by selecting and moving the blue line on its left hand side.
Step 2
Select the type of channel information that you want to insert from the drop
down list on the left in the Database Panel.
Step 3
Select the actual file required from those available in the right hand dropdown
list in the Database Panel.
Step 4
Click on Open.
The contents of the database area will be filled with the channel information in
that file.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Step 5
Select the channel id that you want to use from the list in the database file.
Step 6
Select the channel in the active channel list to which this information is to be
assigned. Be sure to select the entire row by clicking the number in front of the
Step 7
Click on the <<< Insert button at the bottom of the database list.
The channel information will be transferred from the database file to the current
channel id.
Step 8
Continue until all the channel information has been transferred.
It is also possible to transfer settings for multiple channels at once by selecting
multiple rows. To select rows that are separated, right mouse click while
depressing the Ctrl key. To select the whole range of rows, click with the Shift
key pressed down.
Select the same number of rows in the lefthand window.
Press on the Insert bar to insert the selected channel information into the
Channel setup worksheet.
Step 9
Return to the Channel Setup view by selecting the “Channel Setup” option from
the Channel Setup dropdown menu in the pane header.

Section [Procedure] To read transducer characteristics from

TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) are “smart” transducers enabling
automatic detection and identification. They are programmable with transducer
information fields.
Step 1
Make sure the column ‘Read TEDS’ is vis ible in the Channel Setup

This field has 3 options:

 ICP only: when this is selected, TEDS can only be read when the Input
mode is set to ICP. This should be used for TEDS class I.
 On: when this is selected, TEDS class II can be read from this channel. For
class II TEDS, template ID’s 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 and 118 are supported.
 Off: when this is selected, no TEDS information can be read from this
Step 2
Click on the Refresh button on the right hand side
Step 3
Select the transducers/channels whose information you want to insert into the

480 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Channel Setup worksheet.

Step 4
Click the <<<INSERT button at the bottom of the TEDS.
The transducer information will be transferred from TEDS to the current
channel list.
Step 5
Return to the Channel Setup view by selecting the “Channel Setup” option from
the Channel Setup dropdown menu in the pane header.

Section To define bridge settings

You should have a module that supports bridge sensors in the frontend: a
Step 1
Following columns are needed to supply all bridge settings that are necessary to
do a measurement:
 Bridge Supply
 Strain Gauge Factor
 Bridge Gauge Resistance
 Actual Sensitivity
 Actual Sensitivity Unit
Step 2
If these columns are not visible, select Tools Channel Setup Visibility... from
the menu bar and follow the procedure (see "To edit the visible channel fields"
on page 477) for editing the visible channel fields.
Step 3
Enter the value for Bridge Supply in the input field.
Possible values are between 0.1 and 10 volts.
For a quarter bridge 120 ohm, the possible value is limited to 7.1 V (PQBA) or
4.8 V (VB8).
For both a half bridge and a full bridge, to allow you to work with all possible
configurations, the software allows you to set a maximum of 10 V. But since the
maximum current is limited to 30 mA for a PQBA, and to 20 mA for a VB8,
you have to be careful: for a half bridge of 120 ohm you are only allowed to use
7.1 V (PQBA) or 4.8 V (VB8), for a full bridge of 120 ohm you are only
allowed to use 3.6 V (PQBA) or 2.4 V (VB8).
Step 4
Enter the value for StrainGuageFactor.
Step 5
Select the bridge configuration (full, half, basic quarter (*), quarter or rotated
half (*)).
(*) only available on a VB8 module.
Step 6

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Enter a value for the Bridge Gauge Resistance or choose a value using the up -
down arrows in case of a quarter bridge or a PQBA II.
Step 7
Switch to the Calibration worksheet, where you can select the Bridge Settings
sheet from the selector in the top right. There you can perform bridge nulling
and calibration.

Section 8.10.2 Pane Header options

Section Save as Reference

This saves the actual channel setup as the reference. For more details, see also
Reference Channel Setup (see "Reference Channel Setup Options dialog" on
page 484).

Section Load Channel Setup...

This schedules the "Load Channel setup" dialog for loading the channel setup
from another section / project into the active section.

For more details, see Load Channel Setup (on page 485).

Section Show All

This shows all channels, active and non-active.

The current channel list shows one row for each channel configured on the
frontend. This represents the maximum number of channels that can be used.
Channels that are actually used must be activated by checking the box “on” in
the OnOff field.

Section Show Active

This shows only the active channels.

The current channel list shows one row for each active channel. Channels that
are actually used must be activated by checking the button “on” in the OnOff

Section Channel Setup

A dropdown list of all the options that are available for specifying the channel
and transducer characteristics that will be used for the current test setup. These
channel characteristics can be either entered manually or read from a file.

482 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Channel Setup

This option enables you to view the current fields (columns) on display.

This is also the default view.

Section Use Database

This option enables you to use a database to import channel data into the
channel identification fields in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Read Teds

This option enables you to import the channel data stored in your Teds
transducers into the channel identification fields in the Channel Setup

Section Use Geometry

This option enables you to import the geometry of your active project into the
Point Id fields in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section CAN Settings

This option enables you to set all settings that are needed to define CAN

Section Virtual Channels

This option allows you to define virtual channels.

Section Print Screen

This schedules a print of the active window in the current worksheet.

The print will depend on your default settings. Paper orientation should be set at

Section ?
This provides help on the current worksheet.

Section 8.10.3 Channel status

Located at the top left corner of the Channel Setup worksheet, the channel status
panel indicates the current status of the Channel Setup worksheet.

Rev 11B 483

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section The Status indicator

Until this indicator changes color from red to green, the Measurement
worksheet will not become sensitive and so cannot be accessed.

A ChannelGroupId and a unique Point identification for each active channel are
the minimum requirements.

Section 8.10.4 Save as Reference

This action allows to use the current channel setup as reference for other
sections. For more details on loading the reference channel, see Load Channel
Setup (on page 485) functionality.

It is possible to automatically use the reference channel setup when activating a

section. For more details on automatically loading the reference channel, see
Reference Channel Setup Options (see "Reference Channel Setup Options
dialog" on page 484).

Section Reference Channel Setup Options dialog

Section Load Reference Channel Setup when activating

a section
When enabled, each time a section becomes active, the reference channel setup
(or only the groups of parameters selected) will be loaded (merged), replacing
the original channel setup of that section (or part of it). This parameter is
common for all applications: Once enabled, it will be used for all the
acquisitions workbooks.

Section Give warning

When “Load Reference Channel setup when activating a section” is enabled, a
dialog box will ask confirmation to the user before loading the Reference
Channel Setup when a section is activated. The dialog indicates the creation
time of the Reference Channel Setup, allowing the user to crosscheck if it is a
valid one before continuing.

It is advised to keep the warning on, as otherwise the user may forgot that the
load reference channel setup option is enabled.

Section Include settings

Allows to choose if the complete channel setup has to be loaded, or only a part
of it. For more information on the groups of parameters and on the restrictions
when loading group of parameters, please refer to the Load Channel Setup
functionality (see "Load Channel Setup" on page 485).

484 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.10.5 Load Channel Setup

The load channel setup functionality allows loading all or part of the channel
setup of another section into the active section. The source section can come
from the active project, from another project or template.

It is possible to load the complete channel setup or to load only 1 or more

groups of parameters. Loading a complete channel setup will always work, even
if the hardware or channel count of the original configuration is different than
the actual one. In this case, the parameters that does not match the actual
hardware configuration will be adapted automatically by the software. Loading
a part (group) of parameters will only be allowed if some others parameters,
which are related to hardware conditioning, are exactly the same for both
channel setups. This restriction is necessary to avoid having inconsistencies in
the channel setup. For the same reasons, it is not possible to load some
parameters that are linked to the hardware conditioning separately. Examples of
such parameters are the Input Mode, Coupling and ChannelGroupId. When
loading part of a channel setup, the software performs a check on these
parameters. If they are different, the load operation will not be done and a
warning will be given, indicating what parameters do not match.

The load operation is done for all the channels: it is not possible to select a
subset of channels or the parameters of the input X on the input Y: the
parameters of the input X are always loaded on the input X.

Section Load Channel Setup dialog

Channel Setup parameter groups

Group Parameter Name

Channel Identification ChannelId

Channel Selection OnOff


Sensitivity and Transducers Transducer Manufacturer

Transducer Type
Serial number

Rev 11B 485

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Group Parameter Name

Signal QTS
Electrical Unit
Measured Quantity
Nominal Sensitivity
Nominal Sensitivity Unit
Actual Sensitivity
Actual Sensitivity Unit
Calibration Factor
Offset Unit
Due for calibration on
Calibration valid for

Ranges Range
Range EU
Range Format

Tacho and QTV DCOffset


486 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Group Parameter Name


Characterization & ChannelGroupId

Conditioning: critical
Conditioning module type (hidden)

Characterization & m_BridgeType

Conditioning: non - critical
Bridge Balancing
Bridge Lead Resistance
Bridge Gage Resistance
Bridge Factor

Rev 11B 487

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Group Parameter Name

No. Active Gages
Gain format

Application Specific Underload level

Alarm level
Alarm level format

488 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Group Parameter Name


Section From Active Project / From Other Project

Allows to select the project from which the channel setup has to be loaded. The
channel setup can be loaded from the active project, from another project (.lms
file) or from an existing template (.tpl file).

Once the source project has been selected, the Section field will list all the
sections of this project. You have to select the section from which the channel
setup has to be loaded.

Section The View Channel Setup button

Opens a window displaying in a table all the channel setup parameters of the
selected section, to validate that selection.

Section Include Settings

Allows to choose if the complete channel setup has to be loaded, or only a part
of it. In the latter case, the groups of parameters that have to be loaded have to
be selected; 5 groups of parameters are available. The parameters inside each
group are listed above.

Note: Not all the parameters are on these 5 groups: some parameters cannot be
loaded separately; they are only loaded when loading the complete channel

Section 8.10.6 Channel Setup

This panel enables you to specify the channel and transducer characteristics that
will be used for the current test setup. The current channel list shows one row
for each channel configured on the frontend. This represents the maximum
number of channels that can be used. Channels that are actually used must be
activated by checking the button “on” in the OnOff field.

Specific recommendations for the connection of the channels for Pass-by Noise
testing can be found in this section, General test parameters for an Exterior PBN

Rev 11B 489

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section The current channel list

The current channel list shows one row for each channel configured on the
frontend. This represents the maximum number of channels that can be used.
Channels that are actually used must be activated by checking the button “on”
in the OnOff field.

All other relevant fields must be filled in. Those that are critical affect the
status indicator (see "The Status indicator" on page 484).

A series of fields are provided to identify each channel. These include fields for
the transducer, the point location and the input characteristics. To edit the fields
that are displayed, select Tools Channel Setup Visibility.... Fields with a
white background can be edited, either by filling in field values or reading
them from a file.

Section 8.10.7 Use database

Click on the “Use Database” tab in the banner bar.

The worksheet splits and a new window on the right-hand side appears. This
can display the contents of a database file. The size of this new window can be
changed as required by selecting and moving the thin blue line on its left-hand

This channel database panel uses a database source to input the channel
identification fields required in the Channel Setup worksheet. There are three
types of databases (see "Channel group field definitions" on page 265) that can
be used.

You may first need to create a database source (see "[Procedure] To create a
database source that can be used for import into the channel setup" on page

The channel database panel has an:

Section Open button

This opens the database selected, based on the other two fields.

Section Database object types

This allows you to select the type of database from a dropdown menu.

Section ODBC databases

Based on the database type you have selected, this dropdown menu lists all the
file formats (ODBC databases) that are available for selection.

490 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Database panel

This panel displays the information in the selected database source file.

Section INSERT bar

This bar inserts the selected channel information from the database panel into
the selected channels in the “Channel Setup” worksheet.

Note: The same number of channels must be selected in both the database
panel and the “Channel Setup” worksheet.

Section 8.10.8 Read Teds

TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) are “smart” transducers enabling

automatic detection and identification. They are programmable with transducer
information fields.

Click on the “Read Teds” tab in the banner bar.

The worksheet splits and a new window on the right-hand side appears. This
will display the information from your Teds transducers. The size of this new
window can be changed as required by selecting and moving the thin blue line
on its left-hand side.

This Read Teds panel uses the information from your Teds transducers to input
the channel identification fields required in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Refresh button

This updates the displayed information fields of the Transducer Electronic Data
Sheet table with your current data.

Section Teds formats

The recognized Teds formats are:

Section LMS defined formats

These include geometry information but are only available for accelerometers.

Section IEEE 1451.4 formats

Obviously only the formats that result in parameters corresponding to the
existing “transducer information fields” are supported.

The decoding of the IEEE 1451.4 templates is done through libraries Copyright

Rev 11B 491

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

© The Modal Shop Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Section <<< INSERT button

This bar inserts the selected channel information from the right hand panel of
the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet table into the corresponding channels in
the left hand panel.

Section 8.10.9 Use Geometry

Click on the “Use Geometry” tab in the banner bar.

The worksheet splits and a new window on the right-hand side appears. This
will display the information from your Geometry. The size of this new window
can be changed as required by selecting and moving the thin blue line on its
left-hand side.

This Use Geometry panel uses the geometry of your active project to input the
Point Id fields in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Component selection

This allows you to select a component of the geometry from a dropdown menu.

Section Refresh button

This updates the Components and Node Names in the Use Geometry panel with
the current geometry of your active project.

Section Node Name panel

This panel displays the node names of the selected component of your

Section <<< INSERT button

This bar inserts the selected node names from the geometry table in the right
hand panel into the Point Id field of the selected channels in the left hand panel.

Section 8.10.10 CAN Settings

First of all make sure that the “Vehicle Bus” add-in is loaded.

Then follow the next steps:

492 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

load add-ins using the [Tools]>[Add-ins] menu entry.

select the “CAN Settings” option from the [Channel Setup] dropdown menu in
the banner bar.

A new window appears. Follow the procedure on How to set up measurement of

CAN data.

This CAN Settings panel can read the information from your CAN databases
and allows you to select and configure the CAN signals to be measured. Once
this is done, the CAN configuration can be saved in a project template or a new

Using the new template or opening the project, the selected CAN channels,
which they contain, will appear in the channel setup panel of the Channel Setup

You can use these CAN channels the same way you would use them for any
other channel of the Static group.

Note: Changing the database selection or importing a CAN configuration will

only be transmitted to the hardware and reflected in the Channel Setup
worksheet when closing and reopening the project.

For more information on CAN bus in Test.Lab, see Vehicle Bus add-in.

Section Database Selection and Bus Overview

Section Bus Number

Enter here the number of the application CAN channel to be measured
(Typically 1). The application CAN channels are mapped to a physical CAN
device channel via the Vector Hardware Config Tool. For more information, see
Configuring the Vector CAN hardware for Test.Lab.

Section Database

Enter the path to the CAN database file corresponding to the respective CAN
bus controller. You can use the Select... button to search for and find the
CAN database you require.

Note: The CAN database file must be in Vector format (.dbc). For J1939, the
CAN database must be in the Vector J1939 format.

Section Baud rate

Enter the baud rate that corresponds to the respective CAN bus controller. The
baud rate is expressed in bps, so enter 500000 for 500kbps.

Rev 11B 493

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: You must make sure that this parameter is correct or you will be unable to
measure the CAN data.

Section Vendor

Select the hardware type you are using to measure the CAN signals: Vector,
LMS CN2-module, LMS XSI connector.

Section CAN ACK

Here you can select if you want Test.Lab to behave as a passive or an active
node on the CAN bus. When 'Active' is selected, an ACK will be sent when
receiving a message. When 'Passive' is selected, Test.Lab will only listen to
the bus.

Section View in CAN Overview

Check this checkbox on if you want to view the messages of the selected CAN
bus in the Message Overview pane. This checkbox has influence only on the
messages display, not on the channels to be switched on.

Section Saving / loading a specific CAN configuration

Section Import CAN configuration

Use this button to import an existing CAN configuration.

Section Export CAN configuration

Use this button to save the current CAN configuration.

Section Reset CAN configuration

Use this button to reset the current CAN configuration.

Note: Due to several changes to extend the support of CAN busses in 8B, the
CAN configurations created with Test.Lab version earlier than 11B cannot be
reused in Test.Lab 11B or more recent revisions. The CAN configurations must
be recreated using the latest revisions.

Section Filter Mode

Here you can choose to use the Filter Mode or the Overview Mode. In Filter
Mode you can define filters to search for certain CAN signals. In Overview
mode, you only see a flat list of CAN signals.

494 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Message Overview

In this pane, all the messages from the CAN busses that were selected to show
in the CAN Overview, are listed here. The signals of the messages that are
selected here, will be shown in the CAN Overview pane. A selection doesn't
have any influence on the CAN signals that are switched on during the
measurement, only on which they are displayed.

Section Show All

When you click on this button, all the messages will be selected and displayed
in the CAN Overview pane.

Section Show None

When you click on this button, no messages will be selected and none will be
displayed anymore in the CAN Overview pane.

Section CAN Overview

In this pane, all the signals of the messages that are selected in the Message
Overview pane, will be displayed. If you select a channel here, it will be
transferred to the Channel Setup once you open the project again or use it as a

Section Signal Filter

In this filed, you can type 2 filters to search in the signals that are displayed in
the CAN Overview pane. Only signals that are available in the CAN Overview,
will be checked on. All columns will be searched.

The filter is case sensitive. Example: Eng will look for all signals having the
Eng as part in it. E.g. all signals with Engine will show up. You can then use the
second filter to type in ‘rpm’ and narrow down the number of results.

Section Signal Table

In the above table, each row represents a CAN signal that can be selected to be
measured as static channel in Test.Lab. The following columns are available in
the table:
Step 1
Bus Name: name of the CAN application channel selected in the upper table.
Step 2
Message Name: Name of the message as defined in the CAN database.
Step 3
Message ID: CAN identifier (in hexadecimal) of the message as defined in the
CAN database.
Step 4
SourceAddress (DB): For J1939 network, it is the source address of the message

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

as defined in the CAN databases.

Step 5
SourceAddress (Actual): For J1939 network, it is possible to define a new
source address for the message. Only the messages with the corresponding
source address will be measured. If source address 25510 (FF16) is selected,
then the message will be measured regardless of the source address (messages
coming from all the source addresses will be measured and combined together
in a single channel).
Step 6
Signal name: name of the Signal as defined in the CAN database.
Step 7
Selected: When checked off this signal will be available in the channel setup for
further selection and measurement.
Step 8
Unit Label (DB): The unit of the signal as defined in the CAN database.
Step 9
Test.Lab unit: the matching Test.Lab unit.
Step 10
Start bit, Bits, Scale, Offset: Used to convert the message data into signal
values. These parameters are defined in the CAN database.

Section 8.10.11 Virtual channels

You can define virtual input channels (see "Virtual Channels" (see "Virtual
channels" on page 235)) by using active input (e.g. CH1), tacho (e.g. T1) or
other virtual (e.g. V1) channels.

Section Formula Set Icons

Section New FormulaSet

This clears the table of the current FormulaSet.

Section Save FormulaSet to VRT file

This schedules the Save Virtual Channel FormulaSet dialog to save the current
Formula Set.

Specify the location and name of the virtual channel FormulaSet file (the
extension VRT is automatically added) and then click ‘Save’.

496 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: This file is readable and writable with window applications such as Excel
or Notepad.

Section Load FormulaSet from VRT file

This schedules the "Select Virtual Channel FormulaSet" dialog for specifying
the location and name of an existing Virtual Channel FormulaSet file with a
VRT extension.

Section Create new Formula

This will add a new formula line to the Formula Set table.

Section Delete the selected Formula

This will remove the selected formula(s) from the Formula Set.

Section Move up

This will move the selected formula one position up.

Section Move down

This will move the selected formula one position down.

Section Insert a function

This inserts a function into the Formula Editor at the current position of the
cursor. It schedules the Select Function dialog where you can select the function
to use.

Section Formula editor

Here you can define and edit a formula. Select the row in the Active Formula
set table that you want to edit.

Rev 11B 497

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Edit...

Once a formula is defined, pushing this button opens the Edit formula
arguments dialog that gives you a description of the parameters in the formula
and allows you to edit them. You can define a function using the Insert
Function icon.

Formula Editor
It allows you to build up the Active Formula of the formula selected in the table
by manually typing the operations (+, -, etc.), or by inserting functions selected
from the function dialog opened by pushing the [Insert Function] button.

You can use point ids or channel ids to refer to the data on which the operations
must be executed [e.g. T1 for tacho channel 1]. Previously defined virtual
channels can be used in the formula of following defined derived channels (e.g.
V1 for the first virtual channels).

Algebraic expressions can be defined using *,/,+,-. Round brackets can be used
to impose the calculation order or to define the arguments of a function.
Multiple arguments of a function must be separated by ‘;’. Some functions
allow you to define a variable number of while others need a well defined
number of arguments. Each argument can again be an algebraic expression.
Square brackets allow modifying the unit of the data. Only round brackets have
precedence on square brackets (e.g.:(CH1+CH2[g])[m/s^2] ).

Note: Hook functions can be used in these formulas.

Section Formula Set table

In the Active Formula Set table all the Formulas that are currently active are
listed in a table.

The columns in the table define the properties associated with each Active

Section Ok
This box indicates that the formula format is correct when it is edited in green.
After entering or editing a formula, the formula is checked on when you press
the Enter key of your keyboard. If the box is red the status field below the table
gives an indication of what is wrong.

Section On/Off

Enable or disable the calculation of the derived channel.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Id
This Id uniquely identifies the formula. It can be used in other formulas to refer
to. The Ids are automatically generated and can be regenerated with the
Renumber Formula Set icon.

Section Formula

This is the formula that defined the derived channel.

Section Unit

It shows the final resulting unit of the formula.

Section Point Id

Here you can specify the Point Id of the result. If you don't fill in this column,
then you will receive a default point Id. This point Id can be used in the next
definitions of derived channels.

Section Point Dir

Here you can specify the Point Direction of the result. The default is ‘None’.

Section Channelgroup

This allows specifying to with channel group the virtual channel must belong.

Section 8.11 The Calibration worksheet

This worksheet enables you to calibrate all the active channels.

For more information on the general principles and practice of calibration, see
the chapter on Calibration (on page 235).

Section 8.11.1 [Procedure] To calibrate all types of

measurement channels

Step 1
Select the type of calibration you want to carry out.
For dynamic channels, you can choose either AC calibration or Relative
calibration, while for static channels DC calibration is available.

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Section [Procedure] To perform an AC calibration

This procedure is an absolute calibration method. It enables you to calibrate or
check the sensitivity values of dynamic input channels only. The properties of
the calibrator must be known.

For more information on the general principles of calibration, see the section on
AC Calibration (on page 236).
Step 1
Select the calibrator that you are going to use in the procedure and connect it to
the channel(s) that are to be calibrated.
Step 2
Enter the known frequency of the signal generated by the calibrator in the
Frequency field of the Settings panel.
Step 3
Enter the known amplitude of the signal generated by the calibrator in the Level
Step 4
Select the amplitude format from the dropdown list. Only channel(s) which
measure this unit can be calibrated.
Step 5
Enter the time that will be used for detecting and measuring calibration signal in
If no signal matching the specified criteria has been found at the end of this
period, a timeout will occur. During the calibration process, data blocks are
acquired from the channel(s), and checks on the quality of the signal are made
using average values. The more averages taken, the more reliable the sensitivity
value will be, but you need to balance this against the total amount of time that
will be required for the calibration procedure.
You can set separate times for detection and calibration by clicking on the
Advanced button. These values override the total time set here.
Step 6
In the Channels panel, check that the channels that are to be calibrated are
switched “on”. Only channels that are measuring the specified unit can be
Step 7
Check that the range is suitable for the signal level expected.
If the calibration signal is out of the frequency range defined, you will get a
Failed, SNR NOK message in the calibration status settings.
Step 8
Enter the Nominal Sensitivity for the transducer as supplied by the
manufacturer, if this is the first time that it is being calibrated.
Step 9
Click on the Check button in the Status Panel. The message in the Calibration
status area will change from “NOT ACTIVE” to “CHECKED”. If you have
pre-gain or pre-weighting set on a channel, then a warning will be issued listing

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the channels concerned.

Step 10
Scroll through the channel information list to see the “ChannelStatus” column.
At this point all channels that are due to be calibrated should have the status
“Not active”.
Step 11
Click on Start to start the calibration process. The color in the status area will
turn white and the status will be set to “Detecting”.
At this point, a signal whose frequency lies within 10% of the specified
frequency will be searched for. The displays will show the time and frequency
domain signals on all input channels. (on page 231)
Step 12
If a suitable signal is not detected on one or more channels, then the channel
status will remain as “detecting” until either you push the Break button, or the
Timeout period has elapsed.
If a signal cannot be detected on a particular channel then you need to check the
signal display on that channel.
 If there appears to be no signal, first check the operation of the calibrator
and then the connections to that channel.
 If a signal is visible, place a single X cursor on the frequency domain
display and read the frequency value. If this is not within 10% of the
specified frequency for the calibrator, then you need to check the calibrator
characteristics, or correct the specified value.

Note: If you have set a preweighting on a channel, then this level will be
indicated on its display in brackets.

Click on Check then Start again to re-calibrate the channel(s).

Step 13
If an overload was detected on a channel, then the global status area will turn
red and the channel status will read “Overload” until either you push the Break
button, or the Timeout period has elapsed.
Increase the range of this channel, if possible.
Click on Check then Start again to re-calibrate the channel(s).
Step 14
If a suitable signal was detected, then the measuring process to determine the
new sensitivity value will begin. This is indicated by the global status color
turning orange and the channel status reading “Calibrating”.
The final result of the calibration process will be displayed in the calibration
status field for the channel. For a listing of all the status values that can be
displayed here see the Calibration status table.
If new sensitivity values were calculated for all the channels, then the global
status turns green and the message “FINISHED” appears. If there was a
problem on at least one of the channels, then the global status will read
“TIMEOUT” or “BREAK” and this status will be transferred to the channel

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with the problem (overload or no signal).

Step 15
The newly-calculated sensitivity value is compared to the nominal value. If this
is close enough, then the calibration status is given as “OK”. If the difference
between the sensitivities is greater than the specified tolerance (set using the
Advanced button), then the status will be “OK, Sensitivity difference”. If you
are prepared to accept the new sensitivity values, then click on Accept. This
will copy these new values to the Channel Setup worksheet and replace the
current actual sensitivity values.
Step 16
If the status was given as “Failed” then this means that the amplitude or the
frequency of the calibration signal was unstable during the measurement time. If
this is the case, you should check on the performance of the calibrator, or try
increasing the tolerances on the amplitude and frequency slightly to see if an
acceptable result can be obtained. These tolerances are set by clicking on the
Advanced button.
Step 17
If the status was given as “Failed SNR NOK” then you need to reduce the SNR
ratio set by clicking on the Advanced button. But the minimum value for SNR
ratio is 0dB, negative values are not accepted.

Section [Procedure] To perform a Relative calibration

This procedure is a relative calibration method. It enables you to calibrate or
check the sensitivity values of dynamic input channels only.

One or more dynamic channels are calibrated relative to a measurement channel

with known sensitivity value (reference channel).

The most used scenario will be the calibration of a hammer using a known mass
and an accelerometer with known sensitivity.
Step 1
Go to the Channel Setup worksheet, and select a trigger channel for the relative
If a hammer is used as reference or has to be calibrated, it is convenient to select
the hammer channel as reference.
Step 2
Next go to the Impact Setup worksheet and define appropriate settings for the
Step 3
Go to the Calibration worksheet, and select the Relative Calibration tab.
Step 4
Select the channel with the known sensitivity as reference channel.
In our example this would be the accelerometer.
Step 5
Set the calibration ratio and calibration unit.

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In our example this would be the mass we use for the calibration, and the unit
accordingly to the used unit system.
Step 6
In the Calibration channel list, select the reference channel (accelerometer) and
the channel(s) you want to calibrate (hammer).
Step 7
Perform a channel ranging on the selected channels.
Push Start Ranging; make some impacts with the hammer on the mass.
Next push Set Ranges.
Step 8
After the ranging, start the calibration by pushing the Check button.
Make some impacts and in the lower display select a good frequency range for
valid calibration results.
Step 9
Push the Interrupt button.
If you are satisfied with the calibration result, push the Accept button, if not,
push the Reject button.
Step 10
Now the new sensitivity value is copied to the channel list and calibration of the
hammer is successfully finished.

Note: None of the parameters set in the relative calibration worksheet (e.g.:
range, channel on/off, reference channel...) have influence outside the
Relative Calibration worksheet, except for the new actual sensitivity.

Select a frequency range for relative calibration: In order to have a good

calibration result, it is imperative the FRF between the calibrated channel
and the reference channel is almost flat over the used frequency range.

Another requirement is to have a good coherence between the signals on both

channels. This means you have to make sure the coherence is almost one over
the entire used frequency range.

Section [Procedure] To perform a DC calibration

This procedure can be used to determine the sensitivity and the offset of a DC
channel or to check the known values. For more information on the general
principles of calibration, see the section on DC Calibration (on page 240).
Step 1
Select the channel that you want to check or calibrate from the list of channels
Step 2
Adjust the input range if necessary.

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You may want to perform a calibration check of known values.

Step 3
Apply the first calibration signal to the channel and in the first row of the
Calibration table enter the known physical quantity it represents (expressed in
engineering units) in the “Expected value” column.
Push Start in the Start column. The signal will be acquired and the average
value of the acquired block calculated. The measured value will display the
average value of the previous 5 measurements, expressed in electrical units.
Push Stop when a stable average value has been obtained. The measured
quantity (in electrical units) will be displayed in the “Measured value” field.
Enable the Use checkbox if you want to use the measured calibration value in
the computation of the new sensitivity and offset.
Step 4
Apply the second calibration signal to the channel and in the second row of the
table repeat the procedure done for the first calibration signal. As soon as two
valid calibration values are availab le in the table a new sensitivity and offs et is
calculated and displayed in the Sensitivity and offset panel. The lower
calibration display shows the estimated curve together with the measured
calibration values.
Step 5
Repeat the procedure until all the calibration values you need are measured
Step 6
The computed Sensitivity and Offset values are displayed in the new Sensitivity
and offset fields in the Sensitivity and offset panel (see "The Sensitivity and
offset panel" on page 517). Push the Accept button to make them the “Actual”
values. The sensitivity and offset values are transferred to the channel list.
Step 7
A Calibration Check can be used to check the new values of the Sensitivity and
the Offset. It requires that values are entered, either as a result of the calibration
procedure or by using the manufacturers supplied values that form part of the
channel list.
Enter the expected sensitivity and offset values of the transducer, if they have
not been entered already by the DC calibration procedure.
Push Start to start the calibration check using the signal that is applied to the
channel. The measured value as calculated using the given sensitivity and offset
values will be displayed.
Click on Stop to stop the measurement.
Push the Accept button to make the new sensitivity and offset the “Actual”
values. The sensitivity and offset values are transferred to the channel list.
Step 8
Select a different channel. Apply the calibration signal to this channel and
repeat the procedure until all channels have been calibrated.

Section [Procedure] To perform a bridge calibration

This procedure is an absolute calibration method. It enables you to calibrate or

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check the sensitivity values of bridge input channels only.

For more information on the general principles of bridge calibration, see the
section on Bridge calibration (on page 244).
Step 1
Switch on the bridge channels that you want to calibrate.
Step 2
Check that the Input mode, Bridge strain gauge factor, Bridge gauge resistance
and Bridge supply are correctly taken over from the channel setup. If they are
not correct, you can still change them here.
Step 3
Push the Perform Bridge Nulling button. A procedure to perform Bridge
Nulling will be performed. The new Bridge Balancing Current will be displayed
in the BridgeBalancing Field.
For a PQBA, bridge calibration is done by current injection.
Step 4
Push the calibrating button: An automatic calibration procedure is started using
a current injection technique.
Step 5
When complete status reads “Calibration done” and the New Actual
Sensitivities of all active bridge channels are displayed.
Step 6
Push the Accept button if you want to make these values the Actual
For a PQBA II or a VB8, bridge calibration is done by shunt calibration.
Step 7
Select whether you want to use sense lines, external sense lines or no sense
Step 8
Set the number of active gauges.
Step 9
Push the Start button for the first measurement.
Step 10
When the Status field of the first measurement displays OK, you can push the
Break button.
Step 11
Select a shunt resistance, using the up - down arrow.
Step 12
Select a branch to which the shunt resistance should be applied.
Step 13
Push the Start button for the second measurement.
Step 14
When the Status field of the second measurement displays OK, you can push
the Break button.

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Step 15
When both Status fields show OK, you can push the Accept button and the
New Actual Sensitivity values, the New Offset and the New Polarity will
become the actual values.

Note: The order of these to calibration measurements is not fixed. You can do
the second measurement first and then the first measurement.

Section 8.11.2 The AC Calibration parameters

These fields enable you to perform an AC calibration. To select AC Calibration,

click on the arrow selector in the panel header.

Section The Settings panel

Section Unit

Select the unit of the amplitude from the dropdown list. Only channel(s) which
measure this unit can be calibrated.

Section Frequency

This is the frequency of the reference signal generated by the calibrator.

The known value in Hz must be entered in the input field.

Section Level

This is the amplitude of the reference signal generated by the calibrator. It
represents the known load on the transducer. It is defined in terms of the
specified unit and the specified format.

The known value that corresponds to the specified unit and the format must be
entered in the input field.

Only channels measuring this unit can be calibrated.

Section Amplitude format

This allows you to select the amplitude format from the dropdown list.

Section Max. calibration time

This is the total length of time that the calibrator signal will be acquired. This
time includes the detection time to check that a suitable signal is available and
the measurement time during which the sensitivity value is calculated. At the

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end of this period a timeout will occur if there is a problem (no signal or
overload) and, in the Advanced dialog, the timeout function is enabled. Separate
times for detection and calibration can be set in the Advanced parameters. The
longer the signal can be acquired, the more averages can be taken and the more
accurate the final sensitivity value will be.

Enter the time in seconds in the input field.

Section Advanced button

This schedules a dialog in which some further parameters relating to the
calibration process can be defined. Limits
This is the signal to noise ratio of the highest amplitude detected to the overall
level. It is determined from the frequency blocks acquired during the
measurement. The highest amplitude in the frequency band (+/- 10% of the
reference or calibrator frequency), is compared to the overall level. This
parameter checks if the level of the calibration signal is sufficiently higher than
the noise level. If not and the value obtained is lower than that specified here,
then the calibration will have failed and the status for the channel will be set to
“Failed, SNR NOK”.

High-pass cutoff
This value is the cutoff value for the high-pass filter that is used during
calibration. This value needs to be between 0 Hz and 95% of the selected
frequency of the reference signal. For the calculation of this upper limit, also the
number of spectral lines is taken into account, so it will not be at exactly 95%.
When you change the frequency of the reference signal, this high-pass cutoff
value will be automatically set to the maximum value when this is necessary.

Freq. highest peak

This is the proportion of the reference frequency that defines the band around
the reference frequency in which the measured peak frequency must lie. So if
your Freq. highest peak factor is 0.05 and your reference frequency is 100 Hz,
then the measured peak frequencies measured during the calibration process
must lie in the range (100-5) Hz to (100+5) Hz.

Sens. difference
This is the difference between the calculated new sensitivity and the nominal
sensitivity as a proportion of the nominal sensitivity. It thus represents the
tolerance on the sensitivity values. The difference ratio {|NewSens -
NominalSens|}/{NominalSens} you find must lie within this limit, in order to
have confidence in the result. If it lies outside of this limit, then the new
sensitivity value will be presented, but the status will be set to “OK, Sensitivity

Std. deviation sens.

This parameter defines the acceptable limit on the standard deviation of the

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sensitivity values calculated from each block during the calibration

measurement. This thus provides a measure of the stability of the amplitude of
the signal over the calibration time. If this standard deviation lies outside of the
limit specified here, then the calibration status will be set to “Failed, Amplitude
Unstable”. Ranges
Overhead applied if you are autoranging the channels before calibrating them
(Autorange before Calibration enabled in Channels panel).

The Overhead allows you to define just how much (in dB) of your input range
you are prepared to lose when setting your channel ranges. The default value is
6.00 dB. This implies that the input range will be set such that the encountered
peak level is 6.00 dB (or 50%) lower. Time Settings
Detection time
This is the length of time during which a calibration signal will be searched for
on the selected channel(s). A valid calibration signal must have a frequency that
is within 10% of the specified reference frequency. If a valid signal is found in
this period, then the calibration measurement will start. If no valid signal is
found then the Detecting phase will continue until either a Timeout occurs or
the Break button is used.

Calibration time
This is the time during which the calibration signal will be acquired and the
sensitivity value calculated. The amplitude of the autopower function is
averaged over all the blocks to arrive at the final value, so taking a higher
number of averages will result in a more reliable calibration.

When this setting is checked “on”, then the acquisition will stop if either no
signal is detected or an overload is detected. The timeout period is the detection
time plus the calibration time. Calibration Sounds
When you activate this checkbox, confirmative sounds will be played at the
different stages of the AC calibration. Oversampling
Minimum oversampling factor
Define this parameter if you want to see a more detailed time signal in the time
signal display.

The default oversampling factor is 4. This means that for the calibration
measurement, the sampling rate is set to 8 times the reference frequency (or the
next highest frequency supported by the frontend). A blocksize of 1,024 is

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If you want to see the time signal sampled with a higher sampling rate you can
increase the oversampling factor:

Oversampling factor Sampling rate Blocksize

4 fref * 8 1024

8 fref * 16 2048

16 fref * 32 4096

32 fref * 64 8192

The time signal display will zoom to the first 1024 samples of the block. Accept/Reject
Accept only selected channels
If this checkbox is enabled, when pushing the accept button, only the new
sensitivities of the selected channels are accepted, the sensitivity of the other
channels which have been calibrated are not.

If disabled, all valid sensitivities are accepted.

Section Measurement info...

This button displays the bandwidth, block size and windowing parameters of the
calibration measurement.

Section The Channels panel

This panel contains a table of properties relating to the channels to be calibrated
as well as two function buttons.

Section The pane header options Show All
This shows all channels, active and non-active.

The current channel list shows one row for each channel configured on the
frontend. This represents the maximum number of channels that can be used.
Channels that are actually used must be activated by checking the box “on” in
the OnOff field. Show Active
This shows only the active channels.

The current channel list shows one row for each active channel. Channels that
are actually used must be activated by checking the button “on” in the OnOff

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Section The channel list

The columns in the table define the properties associated with each channel.

Fields Meaning
On/Off These switches determine whether the channel will
be calibrated in the current process. Only those
channels that are measuring the same unit as
generated by the calibrator can be calibrated.

Physical ChannelId, These fields are used to identify the channels, points
Point, Direction and and transducers.
Transducer Description
Channel Status This field is updated during the calibration process.
See below an explanation of all the values that can be
displayed in this field.
Actual Sensitivity This is the current sensitivity value for the transducer
as determined by a previous calibration procedure.
The units in which it is expressed is shown alongside.
If the new sensitivity value is considered acceptable,
then clicking on the Accept button will convert the
new value to the actual value.
New Sensitivity This is the new sensitivity value that is calculated as
a result of the calibration procedure. If the new
sensitivity is sufficiently close to the nominal
sensitivity (tolerance range) (see "Advanced button"
on page 507), then the calibration will be considered
acceptable and the status set to "OK".
Sensitivity Unit Unit for the actual sensitivity.
Range This is the input range of the channel.
ADC Usage(%) This field displays the % of the (ADC) range used
during the measurement of the calibration signal.
Nominal Sensitivity This is the nominal sensitivity value for the
transducer as supplied by the manufacturer.
Quantity The physical quantity that the transducer measures,
e.g. acceleration, pressure etc.
Pre-weighting The weighting applied to the channel signal. This is
checked before calibration and a warning is issued.
Pre-gain1 Calibration These fields allow you to specify the gains applied to
and Pre-gain2 the channel signal during calibration.
Gain format This field shows the gain format (linear or dB).
HPCutOff This field shows the cutoff frequency of the HP filter.

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Channel status values

Status Meaning
Not active The channel is not switched on OR the channel has
been checked for calibration but the process has not
been started.
Detecting A signal is being searched for on the channel. This
phase will continue for the Detection time set as an
Advanced parameter. If a signal with a frequency that
is within 10% of the reference frequency is not found
then this status will continue until either the Break
button is used, or a Timeout occurs. You need to
check the operation of the calibrator, or the frequency
of the incoming signal.
Overload A signal that is higher than the specified range for
this channel has been detected. You need to increase
the range or reduce the output generated by the
Calibrating This status occurs while the calibration measurement
is in process. The global status is orange. It will
continue for the defined calibration time during
which period the calibration signal is acquired,
autopowers calculated and amplitude values
averaged. At the end of the calibration time this
status is replaced with the result of the calibration
Break This status is shown when the process had to be
stopped if either no signal was detected, or an
overload was detected.
OK A new sensitivity value has been calculated that
corresponds to the nominal sensitivity, within the
defined tolerance. The value used for this tolerance is
set using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button.
OK, Sensitivity A new sensitivity value has been calculated but the
difference difference between it and the nominal sensitivity, is
greater than the defined tolerance. The value used for
this tolerance is the "Sens. difference" set using the
Advanced (see "Advanced button" on page 507)
button. You should check the manufacturer's
information, the specified level for the calibrator and
the actual measured amplitude on that channel which
can be read from the display window. You can accept
this value if you consider it valid.
Failed, Amplitude A new sensitivity value could not be calculated
Unstable because the variation in sensitivity values calculated

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Status Meaning
and averaged during the measurement was higher
than the defined limit, "Std. deviation sens". The
values used to define the amplitude tolerances are set
using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button.
Failed, SNR NOK A new sensitivity value could not be calculated
because the SNR of the calibration signal was too
low. This means that the peak amplitude detected in a
block was too low in comparison to the overall level.
The value used to define the SNR limits is set using
the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on page
507) button.
Timeout Timeout will only occur if this option is checked 'on'
using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button. This status will be set when the
acquisition has been terminated unsuccessfully
because either no valid signal was detected or an
overload was detected.

Section Calculate channel ranges

This button calculates the channel ranges to be used during the calibration,
based on both the Nominal Sensitivity of the transducer and the calibration
signal level that you have defined.

Section Use channel list ranges

This button copies the channel ranges, as defined in the Channel Setup sheet,
for use during the calibration.

Section Autorange before Calibration

Check this button “on” if you want to autorange the channels before calibrating

Section Calibration status and action buttons

There are several possible values of the calibration status field.

Calibration status settings

Status Meaning
Not active The channel is not switched on OR the channel has
been checked for calibration but the process has not
been started.

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Status Meaning
Detecting A signal is being searched for on the channel. This
phase will continue for the Detection time set as an
Advanced parameter. If a signal with a frequency that
is within 10% of the reference frequency is not found
then this status will continue until either the Break
button is used, or a Timeout occurs. You need to
check the operation of the calibrator, or the frequency
of the incoming signal.
Overload A signal that is higher than the specified range for
this channel has been detected. You need to increase
the range or reduce the output generated by the
Calibrating This status occurs while the calibration measurement
is in process. The global status is orange. It will
continue for the defined calibration time during
which period the calibration signal is acquired,
autopowers calculated and amplitude values
averaged. At the end of the calibration time this
status is replaced with the result of the calibration
Break This status is shown when the process had to be
stopped if either no signal was detected, or an
overload was detected.
OK A new sensitivity value has been calculated that
corresponds to the nominal sensitivity, within the
defined tolerance. The value used for this tolerance is
set using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button.
OK, Sensitivity A new sensitivity value has been calculated but the
difference difference between it and the nominal sensitivity, is
greater than the defined tolerance. The value used for
this tolerance is the "Sens. difference" set using the
Advanced (see "Advanced button" on page 507)
button. You should check the manufacturer's
information, the specified level for the calibrator and
the actual measured amplitude on that channel which
can be read from the display window. You can accept
this value if you consider it valid.
Failed, Amplitude A new sensitivity value could not be calculated
Unstable because the variation in sensitivity values calculated
and averaged during the measurement was higher
than the defined limit, "Std. deviation sens". The
values used to define the amplitude tolerances are set
using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button.
Failed, SNR NOK A new sensitivity value could not be calculated

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Status Meaning
because the SNR of the calibration signal was too
low. This means that the peak amplitude detected in a
block was too low in comparison to the overall level.
The value used to define the SNR limits is set using
the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on page
507) button.
Timeout Timeout will only occur if this option is checked 'on'
using the Advanced (see "Advanced button" on
page 507) button. This status will be set when the
acquisition has been terminated unsuccessfully
because either no valid signal was detected or an
overload was detected.

Section Check

This button prepares the system for a calibration measurement. It checks
whether any pre-gain or pre-weighting is set for any of the channels being
calibrated, and issues a warning if this is so. After the check the global status
changes from NOT ACTIVE to CHECKED. The calibration is not actually
performed until the Start button is used.

Section Start

This starts the actual calibration procedure of the selected channel(s). The initial
operation is to detect a signal on the calibration channel. This must be within
10% of the reference frequency. If such a signal is found, then the calibration
measurement will begin. An autopower will be acquired to determine the
amplitude of the reference signal. This phase will continue for the calibration
time. At the end the global status is indicated, but it is important to look at the
calibration status for each channel where the result of the calibration
measurement can be seen. For a list of status values .

Section Break

This stops the calibration. You can use this button at any point to end the
calibration process. The status for the channel will be “Break”. This button must
be used if no signal or an overload is detected, unless the timeout option is

Section Accept

This accepts the newly computed sensitivity values for the selected channels
and makes them the “Actual” values. The frequency display of the calibration
signal is updated immediately.

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Section Reject

This rejects the newly computed sensitivity values for the selected channels.
The former “Actual” values are kept.

Section Calibration signal display

Section Time signal display

This window shows the time signals on each of the channels to be calibrated.
Several features can be accessed through its popup menus (see "The Axis
menus" on page 87). Useful functions that can be executed here are:
 Resetting the limits of the X axis to give you a more detailed view of the
time signal.
Right click on the X axis and select Limits Fixed.
 Setting the Y axis limits to fixed. This is helpful if there is a problem with
the amplitude being unstable.
Right click on the Y axis and select Limits Fixed.
 Using a Y cursor to read the amplitude of the signal.
Right click inside the display area with the CTRL depressed and select Add
single cursor Y.

Section Frequency display

The frequency display window (see "Function display windows" on page 72)
shows the autopower on each of the channels to be calibrated. Useful functions
that can be executed here are:
 To use a single cursor function to see the exact measured frequency of the
signal on the calibrator.
Right click inside the display area with the CTRL depressed and select Add
single cursor X.
 To move the single cursor to the calibration frequency. Select the trace.
Right click on the cursor and select move to global maximum.
 To zoom in around the reference frequency value.
Right click inside the display area with the CTRL depressed and select Add
double cursor X. Position the cursor around the reference frequency. Right
click on a cursor line and select Zoom.

Rev 11B 515

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.11.3 The DC calibration parameters

Section The Select Channel panel

Section Channel

With this field you can select the channel that you want to calibrate. The
calibration signal must be applied to the selected channel.

Section Input range

With this field you can adjust the input range of the selected channel.

Any value can be entered in the input field, though it will be adjusted to a value
supported by the frontend. Alternatively adjust the level by using the arrows to
move to a supported value.

Section The Calibration panel

This allows you to build up a table with calibration values; i.e. measured
electrical values for given expected physical values.

From these measurements a new sensitivity and offset value is computed. The
new sensitivity and offset value ar estimated by linear regression according to
the relation ship

Electrical value = Physical value * Sensitivity + Offset

The newly calculated sensitivity and offset values are shown in the Sensitivity
and offset panel.

You can see the estimated calibration curve in the lower calibration display.

Section The calibration panel icons

New MeasurementSet

This clears the table.

Save Measurement set to file

This schedules the “Save Multi Point calibrations” dialog to save the current
Measurement Set. Specify the location and name of the file (the dcc extension is
automatically added) and then click Save.

Load Measurement set from file

This schedules the "Load Multi Point calibrations" dialog for specifying the
location and name of an existing Measurement set with a dcc extension.

516 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Delete the selected measurement(s)

This will remove the selected measurement from the table. Select a row in the
table and push the Delete button.

New Row

This will add a new row to the table.

Section The calibration measurement table

It allows you to build up a table with measured calibration values from which
the new sensitivity and offset values are computed.
 Apply the calibration signal to the channel and in the first row of the table
perform the following steps:
Expected value column: enter the known physical quantity the signal represents.
It is expressed in engineering units associated with the channel.

Start column: Push start. The signal will be acquired and the average value of
the acquired block calculated. The upper calibration display shows the
measurements. The measured value field in the table will display the average
value of the previous 5 measurements, expressed in electrical units.

Stop column: This button stops the acquisition of the calibration signal. Push
stop when a stable average value has been obtained.

Measured value column: this shows the measured quantity (in electrical units)

Use check box: enable this checkbox if you want to use the measured calibration
value in the computation of the new sensitivity and offset.
 Apply a second calibration signal to the channel and in the second row of
the table repeat the procedure done for the first calibration signal. As soon
as two valid calibration values are available in the table a new sensitivity
and offset is calculated and displayed in the Sensitivity and offset panel.
The lower calibration display shows the estimated curve together with the
measured calibration values.
 Repeat the procedure until all the calibration values you need are measured.

Section The Sensitivity and offset panel

This panel shows the new sensitivity and offset values that are calculated from
the calibration measurements available in the table.

A Calibration Check can be used to check the new values of the Sensitivity and
the Offset. It requires that values are entered, either as a result of the calibration
procedure or by using the manufacturers supplied values.

Pushing the Accept button accepts the new sensitivity and offset values and
makes them the “Actual” values.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Sensitivity

Actual sensitivity: this is the current sensitivity, as specified in the channel list.

New sensitivity: this is the value calculated as result of the calibration


You can also enter the manufacturers supplied values of the transducer for
performing a calibration check. This can only be done if no calibration
measurements are performed and the calibration table is empty. Push the ‘New
measurement set’ icon above the calibration table to clear the table if this is not
the case.

Section Polarity

The polarity determines the sign of the sensitivity.

Actual polarity: this is the current polarity, as specified in the channel list.

New polarity: this is the value calculated as result of the calibration


Section Offset

Actual offset: this is the current offset, as specified in the channel list.

New offset: this is the value calculated as result of the calibration measurement.

Section Check

You can check whether the new Sensitivity and Offset are correct by
performing a check measurement.

Section Start

This button starts the measurement of the “check” signal.

Section Stop

This button stops the acquisition of the “check” signal and calculates the
physical quantity in engineering units (based on values of new sensitivity and
offset) that the value field then displays.

Section Value

This field displays the calculated level of the physical quantity that corresponds
to the new Sensitivity and Offset values above, and the signal level being
measured during the calibration check.

518 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Accept button

This accepts the new sensitivity and offset values and makes them the “Actual”

Section Status

This panel detects the load on the transducer and displays either “no overload”
or “overload” to warn when the channel being calibrated is overloaded.

Section Calibration signal display

Section Electrical signal display

The electrical signal display window (see "Function display windows" on page
72) shows the electrical output signal as a function of time on the channel to be

Section Calibration values display

The calibration values display shows the estimated curve together with the
measured calibration values.

First curve (red dots): the measured electrical values for the given expected
physical values. It shows the points that are checked on for Use in the
calibration table.

Second curve (black dots): the measured electrical values for the given expected
physical values. It shows the points that are not checked for Use in the
calibration table

Third curve (blue straight line): the calibration curve calculated from the
measured calibration values. It is estimated by linear regression according to the

Electrical value = Physical value * New Sensitivity + New Offset

Section The First and Second Measurement panels

These two panels contain the same fields, though they are used to determine the
two separate points on the calibrations curve from which the sensitivity and the
offset can be derived.

Section Expected value

This field is used to specify the expected (known) value of the calibration signal
to be used. It is expressed in the engineering units associated with the channel.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Measured value

This field displays the average value of the signal measured on the calibrated
channel during the calibration, expressed in electrical units (volts). This same
value can be seen on the electrical signal display.

Section Start

This button starts the measurement of the calibration signal. The average of
each block is calculated and the average of the last 5 blocks is shown in the
measured value field. No other operations can be performed while a
measurement is in process.

Section Stop

This button stops the acquisition of the calibration signal and starts the
computation of the sensitivity and offset values based on the latest acquisition.
All other fields become sensitive again.

Section The Calibration Check panel

This serves to verify if the Sensitivity and Offset, calculated during the DC
calibration are correct.

Section Sensitivity

This field displays the value calculated as result of the calibration measurement
or you can enter the value.

Section Offset

This field displays the value calculated as result of the calibration measurement
or you can enter the value.

Section Measured value

This field displays the calculated level of the physical quantity (in electrical
units) that corresponds to the Sensitivity and Offset values above, and the signal
level being measured during the calibration check.

The displayed values are transferred to the channel list.

Section Start

This button starts the measurement of the “check” signal.

Section Stop

This button stops the acquisition of the “check” signal and calculates the
physical quantity in engineering units (based on values of sensitivity and offset)

520 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

that the measured value field then displays.

Section Calibration overload indicator

This panel detects the load on the transducer and displays either “no overload”
on black or “overload” on a red panel to warn when the channel being calibrated
is overloaded.

Section 8.11.4 The Relative Calibration Parameters

These fields enable you to perform a Relative calibration. Click on the arrow
selector in the panel header to select Rel (Relative) Calibration, if necessary.

Section The Settings panel

Section Status indicator

Gives an indication on the calibration status:

Section Reference Channel

This is the channel to which the Reference Transducer (transducer with known
sensitivity value) is connected.

Section Calibration ratio

The calibration ratio is the ratio between the channel(s) to be calibrated and the
reference channel.

Section Minimum and maximum frequency

These values represent the frequency range used for the calibration.

In order to have good calibration values, the FRF between the calibrated
channel and the reference channel has to be almost flat over the used frequency
range. Another requirement is that the coherence between both signals has to be
almost one over the entire frequency range used for the calibration. The user can
check these factors in the Averaged FRF + Coherence display.

To change the frequency limits, you can enter values in the Minimum and
Maximum frequency fields, or drag the minimum and maximum cursors in the
Averaged FRF + Coherence display.

Section Advanced button

This schedules a dialog in which some further parameters relating to the
calibration process can be defined. It contains the following tabs:

Rev 11B 521

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Trigger
This combines all the trigger and source parameters. With the radio button, you
can choose between 'Use Trigger Channel' and 'Use Source'. When a source is
used, a burst random, white noise signal is sent out. Use Trigger Channel
This contains the following fields. Trigger Channel
Defines which channel is used as trigger channel for the triggered
measurements in the Calibration worksheet. Input Range
Sets the channel range used for the trigger channel. Trigger level
The acquisition is triggered when the signal on the trigger channel exceeds the
trigger level.

The level can be positive or negative and can be expressed in Engineering or

Electrical Units. Pretrigger
The pretrigger is the time prior to the trigger condition that will be included in
the acquisition. Use Source
This contains the following fields.

Here you can choose which source you want to use. It is only possible to choose
1 source.

522 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This field defines the output level in V of the source.

Frequency Definition
This defines the minimum and maximum frequency of the burst signal. This can
be specified relatively to the acquisition bandwidth or absolutely.

Burst Definition
Burst time
This defines the percentage of the acquisition time for which the burst will be
sent out.

Burst ramp time

This value determines the rate at which the desired signal level is attained and
fades back to zero again. This value will automatically be limited to less than
half of the burst time.

Number of averages
This defines the number of averages that will be taken during the calibration. Measure
The measure tab contains all fields with relation to the measurement settings. Bandwidth
Here you can enter the frequency band of interest for the relative calibration you
are about to perform.

In case of a hammer - accelerometer calibration, the hammer tip has got an

important influence on useful bandwidth.

Spectral lines
This field shows the number of frequency lines contained in the processed

You can change the value by typing or by using the arrows provided. Invalid
numbers are corrected to the nearest value accepted by the front end. Windowing
In this field you can select the type of windowing you want to use for the input
from the dropdown menu.

The choices are:

No windowing is applied.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

An exponential decay function is used. You can define the cutoff.

Cutoff is defined as the % of signal level passing at the end of the block (e.g.
10% means that the amplitude of the signal will be reduced by a factor of 10 at
the end of the block). Force
This function allows the data of the first x% of the block to pass, while the rest
of the block is set to zero. You can define the level of x.

This combines force and exponential windowing.

In this window you enter the cutoff % for the reference channel. You can also
use the X-cursor provided in the display to change the cutoff value of your
selected time window.

This parameter defines the amount retained at the end of the time window and
depends on the type of window selected. This field will also define the
exponential decay of the Exponential and Force/Exponential window.

This value is adjusted in the display or taken from suggested value.

In this drop down menu you can select the type of time window you want to

The choices are:

No windowing is applied.

An exponential decaying function is used. You can define the decay.

In this window you enter the exponential decay % for the response channels.
You can also use the Y-cursor provided in the display to change the decay value
of the selected time window.

This parameter defines the amount retained at the end of the time window.

This value is entered, adjusted in the display or taken from suggested value. Limits
Under the Limits tab, limit settings for a valid calibration are grouped. SNR

524 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The minimum required Signal to Noise Ratio for a useful impact.

The acquisition to define the background noise level is done when the user
pushes the Check button to start the calibration.

The signal level is checked after each impact. Then also the SNR is calculated
for all the active channels. This can give different status results:
 The SNR for the reference channel is NOK. The last measurement is
rejected. This impact is not taken into account for the calculation of any of
the averaged FRF + coherences.
 The SNR is OK for all channels. The last measurement is used for
calculating the averaged FRF + coherence on all channels.
 The SNR is OK for the reference channel, but not for one (or more) of the
channels you are calibrating. This impact is used for calculating the
averaged FRF + coherence of all channels but the one(s) where the SNR is
NOK. Sensitivity difference
This is the difference between the calculated new sensitivity and the nominal
sensitivity as a proportion of the nominal sensitivity. It thus represents the
tolerance on the sensitivity values. The difference ratio {|NewSens -
NominalSens|}/{NominalSens} you find must lie within this limit, in order to
have confidence in the result. If it lies outside of this limit, then the new
sensitivity value will be presented, but the status will be set to "OK, Sensitivity
difference". Maximum Background noise to full range ratio
This parameter determines the allowable background DC level (in %) on all
activated channels. The actual background noise measurement will not start till
the DC level is beneath the indicated value. If the DC level is not below the set
percentage, a warning is issued and the measurement is not started.

A typical DC source is the transient DC voltage when switching on ICP


Section The Channels panel

This panel contains a table of properties relating to the channels to be calibrated
as well as the reference channel.

Channel calibration information

Fields Meaning
On/Off These switches determine whether the channel
will be calibrated in the current process. Only
those channels that are measuring the same unit
as generated by the calibrator can be calibrated.
Physical ChannelId, Point, These fields are used to identify the channels,
Direction and TransducerId points and transducers.
The ChannelStatus This field is updated during the calibration

Rev 11B 525

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

process. For an explanation of all the values that

can be displayed in this field.
ActualSens This is the current sensitivity value for the
transducer as determined by a previous
calibration procedure. The unit in which it is
expressed is shown alongside. If the new
sensitivity value is considered acceptable, then
clicking on the Accept button will convert the
new value to the actual value.
NewSens This is the new sensitivity value that is
calculated as a result of the calibration
procedure. If the new sensitivity is sufficiently
close to the nominal sensitivity (tolerance
range) (see "Advanced button" on page 521),
then the calibration will be considered acceptable
and the status set to "OK".
ActualSens Unit Unit for the actual sensitivity.
Range This is the input range of the channel.

Calibration status settings

Status Meaning
Not active The channel is not switched on OR the channel
has been checked for calibration but the process
has not been started.
Checking After pushing the start button, the system
performs several checks on the active channels.
These checks start with an overload check, and
are then followed by a DC level check.
Checked If the check is finished successfully for a
channel, it receives the status checked.
Overload After pushing the start button, the system
performs several checks on the active channels.
These checks start with an overload check and
are then followed by a DC level check. If during
the check an overload is detected on one or more
channels, the check is aborted and the status for
the overloaded channel is set to Overload.
Not Checked If during the check an overload is detected on
one of the channels, the check is aborted. The
overloaded channel then gets an Overload as
status, while the status for the other channels
becomes Not Checked.
DC NOK After pushing the start button, the system
performs several checks on the active channels.
These checks start with an overload check, and
are then followed by a DC level check. During

526 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Status Meaning
the Check, the channels where a to high DC level
is detected get a status DC NOK. If after 30
seconds the DC level for one or more channels is
still not below the set acceptable value, the
measurement is aborted. The channels without an
excess DC get the status Checked, while the
status for the other channel(s) stays on DC NOK.
Calibrating This status occurs while the calibration
measurement is in process. The global status is
orange. It will continue for the defined
calibration time during which period the
calibration signal is acquired, autopowers
calculated and amplitude values averaged. At the
end of the calibration time this status is replaced
with the result of the calibration procedure.
Calibration OK A new sensitivity value has been calculated that
corresponds to the nominal sensitivity, within the
defined tolerance. The value used for this
tolerance is set using the Advanced (see
"Advanced button" on page 521) button.
Calibration OK, Sensitivity A new sensitivity value has been calculated but
difference the difference between it and the nominal
sensitivity is greater than the defined tolerance.
The value used for this tolerance is the "Sens.
difference" set using the Advanced (see
"Advanced button" on page 521) button. You
should check the manufacturer's information, the
specified level for the calibrator and the actual
measured amplitude on that channel which can
be read from the display window. You can
accept this value if you consider it valid.
Not Calibrated If at the end of the calibration sequence the user
does not accept the new sensitivity values for an
active channel, this channels' status is Not
Calibrated. If the user rejects all calibration
values all channels get the status Not Calibrated.
Ranging When the user starts the ranging sequence, all
active channels get the status Ranging.
Ranging Overload If during the ranging sequence an overload is
detected on an active channel, this channels
status is set to Ranging Overload.
Failed, SNR NOK A new sensitivity value could not be calculated
because the SNR of the calibration signal was
too low. This means that the peak amplitude
detected in a block was too low in comparison to
the overall level. The value used to define the
SNR limits is set using the Advanced (see

Rev 11B 527

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Status Meaning
"Advanced button" on page 521) button.

Section The Status panel

This panel contains the measurement status bar, the bar displays indicating the
ratio between the signal level and channel range on the active channels and the
action buttons for autoranging and calibration.

Section Status indicator

Gives an indication on the acquisition status:

Status List:
 Not Active
 Waiting for trigger (when Trigger Channel is used) / Waiting for source
(when source is used)
 Measuring

Section Bar displays

This area contains a set of bar displays that show the input level of each channel
as a percentage of the input range and gives an indication of the suitability of
this level. While this worksheet is active the input from each channel is
monitored and as each block is acquired, an absolute maximum level for that
block is registered by the frontend. If this maximum level detected is greater
than the current input range then an overload will be indicated by the bar
display level being in the red zone. You should aim to have a level that is in the
green zone, which means that the signal level is within the current input range
and below the overhead level allowed for safety. Normally this is 50% (6 dB) of
the input range. Orange indicates that the level is below the highest possible
input range, but within the allowed headroom for safety. When the level is
white it is too low, and could be due to poor connections somewhere in the
input measurement chain.

Colors and levels in the bar displays

There is a popup menu available in and around each display window containing

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

display format options. Display type
For each active input channel you can choose between a bar or LED display. Align
This changes the entire bar, LED or gauge displays to the same display type and
format as the one you have selected. Options...
Depending on the display type chosen, different display format options will
become available. The color and the appearance of the display can be changed. Container options...
This provides the options to add gridlines enclosing the displays and to resize
both the title headings and the column width of the display.

Note: Selections made here will affect the entire bar, LED and gauge displays.

Section The Autoranging panel

Autoranging allows you to determine the optimal channel ranges. While in most
other worksheets autoranging works in free-run mode, it works in triggered
mode in the relative calibration worksheet.

Section Start Ranging

This button starts the acquisition of datablocks and detection of levels. The
maximum level registered by the frontend will be reset to zero for all channels.
New blocks will be acquired and new levels detected.

Section Set Ranges

This button will cause the input ranges of each of the active channels to be
adapted (increased or decreased) according to the peak signal levels detected on
those channels and the Overhead factor defined in the Range Checking dialog
(scheduled using the More... button).

Rev 11B 529

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 If an overload was detected, then the input range will be set to the
maximum range. This is the case for channel 3 in the example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety Overhead is greater than the highest possible range, the input range
will be set to the maximum range. This is the case for channel 2 in the
example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety overhead is less than the highest possible range, the input range will
be set to the maximum detected level multiplied by the overhead factor, or
the nearest higher value accepted by the frontend. This is the case for
channel 1 in the table given below.
Examples of input range adjustments (Overhead = 6 dB)

Current range Peak level New range

Channel 1 10 2.2 5
Channel 2 10 6.2 10
Channel 3 2 2 10

Section Stop Ranging button

Aborts the autoranging sequence. The channel ranges are not modified.

Section More...

This button opens a panel with two tabs, “Analog channels” and “Digital
channels”. The first tab refers to details on the ranges of the analog channels
and the second one gives details about the digital attributes of HMS data like
Range, Equalized state and Sound field. Overhead
In this field you can enter the overhead you will allow on all channels. This
must be defined in dB.

The Overhead allows you to define just how much (in dB) of your input range
you are prepared to lose when setting your channel ranges. The default value is
6.00 dB. This implies that the New Range will be set such that the
encountered peak level is 6.00 dB (or 50%) lower. This is the case for channel 1
in the table given above. Select
Check this field on to apply modifications such as setting the channel range
when pushing Set Range to a particular channel. All non-selected channels
will be unaffected by modifications made here. Channel
This field displays the physical identification of a channel.

530 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Point
This field displays the point identification associated with a channel. Level
This field indicates the current signal level on a channel with respect to the
selected format. Current range
This field indicates the current input range. You can enter a different value here
using the up-and-down arrows. Only values supported by the frontend are

This value is read from and written to the Input range as defined in the Detail
display panel (see "Input range" on page 567).

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit. Peak level
This field indicates the maximum input level that has been encountered on a
channel with respect to the selected format. This matches the level indicated by
the horizontal line. New range
This field displays the new input range calculated. This range will be used when
Set Ranges is pushed.

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit. Format
You can select the format of Level and Peak Level. They can be percentage,
Decibel or Absolute format.

Section The Calibration panel

The calibration panel contains the buttons to control the relative calibration

Section Check button

When you push the check button, the calibration procedure is started. First some
checks are performed to make sure calibration conditions are OK.

The first check is an overload check on the active channels while the second
check verifies that the background DC level stays below the limits in the
advanced settings.

After these checks the background noise level is determined and as soon as the
status turns to waiting for trigger the actual calibration process is started.

Rev 11B 531

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Reject Last Measurement button

This button is only sensitive when a trigger channel is used.

This button allows you to reject the measurement from the last impact. To
determine whether an impact is good, you can use the instantaneous display
(top) in FRF or Time mode.

Section Break button

Once you have reached accurate calibration values, or in case you want to abort
the relative calibration, push the break button.

When pushing this button, a window appears showing you a list of the active
channels, with the new sensitivity values. You have the possibility to accept
these new values for all or some of the channels, or to reject the values on all

When a source is used, the relative calibration automatically stops when the
defined number of averages is reached. The same window, showing a list of the
active channels, with the new sensitivity values, pops up. Again you now have
the possibility to accept these new values for al or some of the channels or to
reject the values on all channels.

Section The Displays panel

In the displays panels you see an instantaneous display (top) and a display with
averaged curves (bottom).

It is possible to switch the Y-axis between electrical and engineering units for
both displays, using the checkboxes at the bottom of the Averaged display.

Section Instantaneous display

The instantaneous display shows the curves from the last acquisition. This
allows you to validate this last measurement using the FRF curves and the Time
signal for response channels and the reference channel.

You can switch between the different displayed functions using the function
selector above the display.

Section Averaged display

The averaged display shows averaged FRFs in the front and Coherences in the
back of the display. This allows you to determine a usable frequency range for
the calibration. In order to obtain good calibration results, you have to make
sure that the FRF is as flat as possible, while the Coherence should be almost 1
over the entire selected frequency range.

The selected frequency range can be changed by moving the cursors in the
bottom display, or by entering values in the Minimum and Maximum frequency

532 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

fields of the Settings panel.

Section 8.11.5 The Bridge Settings Parameters

This minor worksheet enables you to perform bridge nulling and bridge
calibration. This is only possible when you have a module in your frontend that
supports bridge sensors (PQBA, PQBA-E, PQBA II, VB8).

Click on the arrow selector in the panel header to select Bridge Settings minor,
if necessary.

You may also click here to check the pin assignment of the VB8 (see "The
VB8(-E) and DB8-II connector" on page 204) connector. The PQBA and
PQBA II connectors are referred to below.

PQBA Figure

Rev 11B 533

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

PQBA II Figure

Section The Channels panel

This panel contains a table of properties relating to the channels to be calibrated
as well as two function buttons.

Section Show All

This shows the active and non-active channels.

The current channel list shows one row for each channel configured on the
frontend. This represents the maximum number of channels that can be used.
Only channels that support a bridge input mode, are listed here.

Channels that are actually used must be activated by checking the button “on”
in the OnOff field.

Section Show Active

This shows the active channels only.

The current channel list shows one row for each active channel. Channels that
are actually used must be activated by checking the button “on” in the OnOff

Channel Calibration information

Fields Meaning
PhysicalChannelId, Point These fields are used to identify the channels and
and Direction points.

534 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Fields Meaning
On/Off These switches determine whether the channel
will be calibrated in the current process. Only
those channels that are in some Bridge mode can
be calibrated here.
ShuntCalibrationStatus This field shows what is going on on this channel
during the shunt calibration procedure.
Not Active: This channel is not switched on for
nulling or calibration.
Shunt Setup Not OK: One or more parameters that
are needed for shunt calibration are not valid.
You can proceed with nulling however.
Shunt Setup OK: All parameters that are needed
for shunt calibration are valid.
Unstable Offset: During the first measurement of
shunt calibration, the residual offset is defined.
When the calculated value does not fulfill the
stability requirement, this will be shown.
Unstable Sensitivity: During he second
measurement of shunt calibration, the sensitivity
is calculated. When the calculated value does not
fulfill the stability requirement, this will be
Calibration done: Calibration has ended
InputMode This field shows what input mode is used for the
corresponding channel. All input modes that are
available on the module are listed here. You can
change the input mode. The Channel Setup (see
"The Channel Setup worksheet" on page 476)
worksheet will be updated accordingly.
Bridge Gage Resistance This field determines the resistance of the strain
For quarter bridges and rotated half bridge, this
value can only be 120 or 350 Ohm.
ExternalSense This field determines whether supply sense lines
are used or not or whether an external or internal
shunt resistance is used for the shunt calibration.
ShuntWire This field determines whether the shunt sense
line is used or not.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Fields Meaning
ShuntBranch In this field you can determine which branch of
the bridge sensor the shunt resistor is placed on
during shunt calibration. An illustration of which
number corresponds to each branch is shown in
the Bridge Type Illustration panel.
InternalShuntResistance This field determines which resistance is used for
shunt calibration, when using internal shunt
ExternalShuntResistance This field determines which resistance is used for
shunt calibration, when using external shunt
ShuntResistance This field determines which resistance is used for
shunt calibration.
Bridge Strain Gauge Factor Relates the relative resistance change of the strain
gauge to the strain produced in the strain gauge.
Simulated Strain This field shows the strain value that is simulated
by the shunt resistor. This field is only sensitive
for a module that supports shunt calibration
(PQBA II, VB8, DB8).
Simulated Value This field shows the simulated value that is
simulated by the shunt resistor, expressed in the
unit that is different than muE. This value must
by supplied by the user.
Bridge Supply Defines the bridge supply voltage.
Balancing Strategy In this input field, you can select what type of
bridge nulling you want to use. The possible
selections depend on the hardware.
The following options exist: No balancing,
Offset, Current injection, Current injection and
hardware compensation.
Bridge Balancing - Current This field determines the current that is injected
injection into the bridge to make it balanced. This is
determined by the bridge nulling process and can
be edited by the user.
This is only available for PQBA (II), PQBA-E
and VB8.
Bridge Balancing - Current This field determines the current that is injected
injection EU into the bridge to make it balanced, expressed in
engineering units. This is determined by the
bridge nulling process and can be edited by the
This is only available for PQBA (II), PQBA-E
and VB8.

536 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Fields Meaning
Bridge Balancing - Offset This field determines the offset in electrical units
Compensation that is compensated by the bridge nulling action.
This field will only be updated for VB8 and DB8.
Bridge Balancing - Offset This field determines the offset in engineering
Compensation EU units that is compensated by the bridge nulling
action. This field will only be updated for VB8
and DB8.
Bridge Lead Resistance This field determines the lead resistance of the
bridge sensor. For PQBA (II) modules, it is
determined by the Calibration by
current-injection process. For shunt calibration,
you can add the lead wire resistance of 1 lead
wire. The actual number of lead wires that
depends on the bridge configuration will be taken
into account and the total lead wire resistance of
the bridge will be compensated for.
No. Active gages This field determines how many strain gauges are
active in the bridge during the calibration. When
there are, for example, 4 active gages, the actual
sensitivity will be 4 times bigger than when there
is only 1 active gage. This field is only sensitive
for a module that supports shunt calibration
CurrentInjection This field shows what is going on on this channel
during the calibration by current injection
Not Active: This channel is not switched on for
nulling or calibration.
Valid Quantiy: The quantity of the bridge channel
is valid to do calibration by current injection.
Only muE can be used.
Invalid Quantity: The quantity of the bridge
channel is not valid to do calibration by current
injection. You can perform nulling.
TimeOut This field shows the message “Error during
calibration” when shunt calibration has failed. In
the ShuntCalibrationStatusfield, you can see the
reason why the shunt calibration has failed.
When shunt calibration succeeds, this field is
Stability This field shows the stability of the newly
calculated value (offset or sensitivity) during
shunt calibration.
This value is calculated as: new value / average
value over the defined stability time (%).

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Fields Meaning
ActualSensitivity This is the current sensitivity value for the bridge
sensor as determined by a previous calibration
procedure. The units in which it is expressed are
shown alongside. If the new sensitivity value is
considered acceptable, then clicking on the
Accept button will convert the new value to the
actual value.
NewActualSensitivity This is the new sensitivity value that is calculated
as a result of the calibration procedure.
Offset This field shows the residual offset that is
calculated during shunt calibration, expressed in
electrical units.
NewOffset This field determines the new DC offset of the
bridge sensor, determined by the shunt
calibration process. This field is only sensitive
for a module that supports shunt calibration
Offset EU This field shows the residual offset that is
calculated during shunt calibration, expressed in
engineering units.
Zero Compensation This field shows the total offset that has been
removed. This is the sum of Bridge Balancing –
current injection, Bridge Balancing – Hardware
Compensation and Offset.
Polarity This field determines the sign of the sensitivity.
This field is only sensitive for a module that
supports shunt calibration (PQBA II, VB8).
New Polarity This field determines the new polarity. This is
determined by the shunt calibration process. This
field is only sensitive for a module that supports
shunt calibration (PQBA II, VB8).
Range This field shows the inputrange of this channel.
Pay attention: if you change the input range, the
bridge nulling should be done again because the
calculated injection current will no longer be

Section The Bridge Type Illustration panel

This panel shows an illustration of which shunt branch is indicated by which
number. The illustration should be interpreted like shown in following picture:

538 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Shunt branch numbering scheme

Section The Nulling and Calibration panel

This panel contains all the control buttons for bridge nulling and calibration.

Section Bridge Nulling Perform Bridge Nulling
When you push this button, bridge nulling is performed on all the active bridge
channels. While the nulling process is going on, the status bar is colored grey
and displays the text “Nulling”. After the nulling process has succeeded, the
field Bridge Balancing is updated with the new current injection value. The
status bar is colored orange and displays “Ready for calibration”.

Section Calibration by Current Injection

This type of calibration can only be done for PQBA and a PQBA II module. Perform Calibration
When you push this button, calibration by current injection will be performed.
The status bar will be orange and displays “Calibrating”. The calibration
procedure has succeeded, a new value for the NewActualSensitivity will be
calculated. The Accept button is now sensitive.

The status bar is green and displays 'Done'.

Rev 11B 539

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Accept
This accepts the newly calculated sensitivity values for the selected channels
and makes them the Actual values.

Section Shunt Calibration

This type of calibration can only be done for a PQBA II and a VB8 module. Perform Calibration
When you click on this button, shunt calibration will be performed. First a
measurement without shunt resistor will be done to define the residual offset,
when the newly calculated offset is stable enough according to the defined
stability criterion in the Advanced settings. During the measurements, the
Perform Calibration-button is called Break-button. You can use this to interrupt
the procedure and change the advanced settings. The status bar will be orange
and displays "No shunt". When this doesn't succeed within the defined time, a
time out will be given. If it does succeed, the internal shunt is switched on
automatically and the second measurement is started. When an external shunt is
used, the procedure is paused to give you the time to apply the shunt. You can
push the Continue button when ready. The status bar will display "Shunted".
When the newly calculated sensitivity is stable, the measurement will stop and
the internal shunt will be switched off. When the sensitivity does not become
stable, a time out is given. Also a new polarity will be calculated. When shunt
calibration succeeds, the Accept button is sensitive.

The status bar is green and displays 'Done'. After shunt calibration has been
done, you will be able to redo the shunted measurement by clicking on the Redo
Shunt Calibration-button. The offset of the first measurement will be used again
and also the shunted measurement. Advanced
In the advanced settings, you can define some parameters for the automatic
shunt calibration procedure.

Stability Threshold:

These parameters specify the stability criterion that needs to be reached for the
shunt calibration to succeed.
 Absolute: this value (specified in mV) only applies to the non-shunted
 Relative: this value (specified in %) applies both to the non-shunted and
shunted measurement.
The measured value (offset or sensitivity) needs to be stable within these limits
during the specified stability time.

Non-shunted Measurement:
 Stability time: this time specifies the period for which the measured offset
needs to be stable.
 Measurement time: this time specifies the period for which the calibration

540 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

measurement can last before a time out is given.

Shunted Measurement:
 Stability time: this time specifies the period for which the calculated
sensitivity needs to be stable.
 Measurement time: this time specifies the period for which the calibration
measurement can last before a time out is given. Accept
This accepts the newly calculated sensitivity values for the selected channels
and makes them the Actual values.

Section Redo Shunt Calibration

You can redo the shunted measurement to recalculate the sensitivity.

Section The Status panel

This panel shows the status of the nulling or calibration procedure.

The different statuses are:

Nulling / Calibration status settings

Text Color Meaning

Nulling Grey Bridge nulling is being
Ready for calibration Orange Bridge nulling has been
performed – shunt
calibration or calibration
by current injection can
be done.
Ready for current Orange Bridge nulling has been
injection performed – calibration
by current injection can
be done.
Ready for shunt Orange Bridge nulling has been
calibration performed – shunt
calibration can be done
Invalid Quantity / Shunt Red No calibration is allowed
Setup NOK because the calibration
parameters are not
Calibrating Orange Calibration by current
injection is being

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Text Color Meaning

Done Green Calibration by current
injection is completed.

Calibrating – no shunt Orange First measurement of

shunt calibration -
without shunt resistance,
is being performed.
Calibrating - shunted Orange Second measurement of
shunt calibration - with
shunt resistance, is being
Shunt calibration done Green Second measurement of
shunt calibration - with
shunt resistance, is

Section 8.12 The Tracking Setup worksheet

This worksheet enables you to examine the tacho signals on active tacho
channels, to set the parameters relating to their operation and to set the tracking
control parameters (see "Tracking" on page 287) that will be used to define
how acquisitions will be made during the run.

Section 8.12.1 To define the tacho and tracking control


This worksheet operates on active tacho channels.

Step 1
Check in the Channels Setup worksheet that the required channels are switched
`on'. The tacho channels must be assigned the group id “Tacho”. They are also
identified by their point id, TachoX where X is a sequential number. If they are
not enter unique values for these and then return to the Tracking setup
There are a number of processes that can be carried out in the Tracking Setup
worksheet. Not all of them needs to be performed every time. The settings that
are defined for the tracking control parameters will be used for the next
Step 2

542 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Choose which operation you want to do.

Step 3
When all the tracking parameters have been defined, you can proceed to the
next worksheet.

Section To adjust the tacho displays

Step 1
Select the tacho display layout that you want to use. You can choose whether to
view one or more tacho channels, by selecting the required layout from the drop
down menu in the banner bar.
Viewing more channels is only sensible if they are active. If you choose to use
the single channel layout and have two channels active, then the signal on the
channel annotated in the “Tacho” field is displayed.
The display area shows the time signal on a channel, and a digital readout of the
corresponding rpm value and derived tacho value.
Step 2
Freeze the display of the time signal to allow a closer examination by clicking
on the Pause button
Step 3
Adjust the display settings as required.
Step 4
The Y axis is defined by the range of the tacho channels. You can adjust the
limits by right clicking on the Y axis.
Step 5
The X axis is defined by the processing parameters used by the frontend for the
visualization of the tacho signal. You can adjust the scale of this axis by
clicking on the zoom in and zoom out buttons beneath it.

Section To define the tacho settings

This procedure describes how to set the parameters to ensure that the correct
rpm and derived values are obtained from the pulse train.
Step 1
Select the tacho channel whose parameters you wish to examine or modify by
selecting it from the list next to the 'Tacho' channel field in the Tacho setting
Only active channels can be selected.
Once a channel is selected, its related parameter values will be shown in the
Tacho settings panel and the rpm being currently measured on that channel will
be displayed.
Step 2
Check that the number of pulses per rev is correct.
You can enter a new value either by using the up and down arrows next to the
input field, or by typing in a value. The displayed value of the rpm will be
updated immediately.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

If needed, some pulses can be skipped. Define the PulsesToSkip parameter in

the Channel Setup worksheet.
Step 3
Set the trigger level to the optimum value.
The current trigger level is shown as a horizontal cursor line in the time display
of the signal and as a voltage level in the input field.
You can adjust the level either by entering a value directly in the input field or
by clicking on the arrow next to the field. The cursor will follow the value.
Alternatively you can drag the cursor in the display up or down to a suitable
Step 4
Press the Pause and Continue buttons to get a better
view of the signal.
It is best to sweep through the rpm range that you intend to use in the test to
check that the trigger level is suitable for the whole range.
Additional tacho parameters, which can be defined in the Channel Setup
worksheet, are available for:
 Detecting missing or double pulses (PulseCorrection).
 Replacing exponential smoothing by a linear smoothing
 Defining the number of interpolation points used for triggering acquisitions
(Rpm update).

Section 8.12.2 The Tacho Settings panel

In this panel, the parameters relating to the tacho channels (on page 288) and
QTV channels and calculation of the actual rpm value are defined. In addition,
derived tacho channels can be defined. The values displayed refer to the
selected tacho or QTV channel.

Section Tacho Settings

This field enables you to select the tacho or QTV channel whose settings you
wish to examine or modify. The parameters relating to that channel will be
displayed in the input fields below and in the tacho display.

Select the required channel from the list of active channels. The identification of
a channel is made up from - physical channel id: point id.

Section Trigger level

The value of this parameter determines the level the signal must pass for a pulse
to be counted. The current signal levels on the selected tacho channel can be
seen in the display window. The current trigger level is indicated by the position

544 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

of the horizontal cursor line.

The range of the tacho channels is 10 volts, and the trigger level for a pulse
count can be set to any value between +10 V and -10 V in increments of 0.01 V.
Enter the required value directly into the input field or use the up-and-down
arrows to change the trigger level in steps of one volt. You can also adjust the
value directly by moving the horizontal cursor up or down. The new value will
be displayed in the input field.

Section Pulses per rev

This parameter refers to the number of pulses that must be counted for one
revolution in the calculation of the rpm value.

You can enter the required number in the input field, including fractional values
though this may be adapted to a value that is supported on the frontend. The
arrows allow you to increase or decrease the value by 1.

Section 8.12.3 The Tracking Settings panel

The parameters in this panel determine how the measurements will be made
during the control run.

Depending on the Measurement mode selected the parameters in this panel will

Section Trigger parameters

 Use Triggered start (on page 545)
 Use Throughput prestart (on page 546)
 Use Throughput poststop (on page 547)

Section Use triggered start

If this option is selected a trigger condition must be met before the measurement
will start. The LDSF/TDF file will contain data starting from the trigger event.
Define a throughput prestart time if you want to add an amount of data before
the trigger event occurs.

If not selected, the system will start measuring when the first tracking point is

The More... button opens a dialog in which you can define the trigger conditions. Type External
Triggering is done when a tacho zero crossing occurs. The trigger level used is
the one defined for the tacho channel in tracking setup.

Rev 11B 545

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set. You can select the
required channel from the list available. Level-Time Channel
Triggering is done on an input channel.

This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set. You can select the
required channel from the list available.

If your trigger is the Level-Time Channel option, this channel can be any of the
active input channels.

If your trigger is the External option, this channel can be any of the active tacho

This parameter defines the signal level to be achieved for the trigger condition
to be met. When the signal passes this level in the defined direction, acquisition
of the data will start.

When the slope is set to “up” then the trigger condition will be satisfied when
the signal passes the specified level in an upward direction, i.e. increasing as
shown in the figure above. When the slope is “down”, the level must be passed
while the signal is decreasing.

Any numerical value within the input range of the trigger channel can be
entered as the level. A suitable level can be determined from the display
window showing the signal on the trigger channel.

Section Use throughput prestart

The throughput prestart parameter allows you to store in the throughput file an
amount of data before the measurement starts (i.e. before the first trigger is
reached). Pushing Start will only be possible after the specified throughput
prestart time after arming in order to allow the system to measure all the
throughput prestart data.

If the Throughput prestart parameter is disabled the value is defined by the


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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 If FS acquisition is enabled and the triggering mode is free run this is

“framesize/2”, since this is the minimum throughput prestart value required
to be able to reprocess the data starting from the throughput file
(acquisitions are centered on the Tracking/Triggering event).
 If only RTO is enabled this is not required and the throughput prestart value
will be 0. Except when tracking on time is used then a prestart value equal
to the time increment is used.
If the checkbox is enabled you can specify any value. If a value is specified
lower than the value calculated in the automatic case, arming is not allowed. A
message will appear when you push the arm button.

Note: If Real-time octaves are measured, a correct calculation of the first RTO
value requires a prestart value that is equal to the averaging frame when
using linear averaging and at least equal to three times the averaging frame
(or time constant) when using exponential averaging. You have to specify this
value yourself by enabling the checkbox.

Section Use throughput poststop

The throughput prestart parameter allows you to store in the throughput file an
amount of data after the measurement ended. This allows throughput processing
of this data with slightly different settings (such as frame size) compared with
the ones used during acquisition.

If the Throughput prestart parameter is disabled the value is defined by the

system. If FS acquisition is enabled and the triggering mode is free run this is
“framesize/2”, since this is the minimum throughput poststop value required to
be able to reprocess the data starting from the throughput file (acquisitions are
centered on the Tracking/Triggering event).

If the checkbox is enabled you can specify any value. If a value is specified
lower than the value calculated in the automatic case, arming is not allowed. A
message will appear when you push the arm button.

Section Measurement mode

The parameters in this panel determine how the measurements will be made
during the control run.

Depending on the Measurement mode selected the parameters below will adapt.

Section Tracked Tracking method
Depending on the method selected the parameters in this panel will adapt.

Tracking method can be:

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Tacho
 Time
 Static
 Event Tracking on tacho or static channel
When you select tacho or static as the tracking method, the acquisitions will be
taken according to specified rpm (or other unit) values. Tacho / Tracking channel
This field enables you to select the tacho or static channel whose values will be
used to control the acquisitions. Only active tacho channels can be selected.

Only active tacho channels can be selected.

Note: It is also possible to track on a derived tacho channel (see "Derived tacho
channels" on page 292) in case they are defined in a proportional way, e.g.
e.g. 0.08*T1 [km/h]. This functionality can for example be used for tracking
on vehicle speed. Method
You can select from this list the way in which the tracking parameter will
control the acquisition.

Acquisitions start when the initial tracking condition is met. Subsequent
acquisitions will be taken at the specified increments while the tracking value is
increasing from the minimum to the maximum value. The starting value must
be less than the minimum.

In this case the acquisition will start when the Maximum value is passed in a
downward direction. Subsequent acquisitions will be taken at the specified
increments while the tracking value is decreasing from the maximum to the
minimum value. The starting value must be more than the maximum.

Up / Down
Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
increasing from the minimum to the maximum value and also while it is
decreasing until the minimum value is reached again.

Data from the run up and down sequences will be processed separately and
saved in different folders.

Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
decreasing from the maximum the minimum value and also while it is
increasing until the maximum value is reached again. Data from the run down
and up sequences will be processed separately and saved in different folders.

548 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Immediate Up
Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
increasing from the minimum to the maximum value. The acquisition will begin
even if the starting value is higher than the minimum.

Immediate Down
Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
decreasing from the maximum to the minimum value. The acquisition will
begin even if the starting value is lower than the maximum.

Immediate Up / Down
Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
increasing from the minimum to the maximum value and also while it is
decreasing until the minimum value is reached again. The starting value may be
higher than minimum.

Data from the immediate up and down sequences will be processed separately
and saved in different folders.

Immediate down/up
Acquisitions will be taken at the specified increment while the value is
decreasing from the maximum to the minimum value and also while it is
increasing until the maximum value is reached again. The starting value may be
lower than maximum.

Data from the immediate down and up sequences will be processed separately
and saved in different folders. Minimum
This specifies the lowest rpm value that will be used during the test run. It is the
start value for a run up and the stop value for a run down.

Any positive numeric value can be entered in the input field. It must be less than
the maximum. Maximum
This specifies the highest rpm value that will be used during the test run. It is
the start value for a run down and the stop value for a run up.

Any positive numeric value can be entered in the input field. It must be greater
than the minimum value and less than the maximum supported by the frontend. Increment
This specifies the amount by which the rpm tracking value will change between
acquisitions. Any positive numeric value can be entered in the input field. Tracking on Time
When you select Time as the tracking method, the acquisitions will be taken
according to specified time intervals defined below.

Rev 11B 549

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This parameter specifies the total time allowed for the test (all the acquisitions).

The value is specified in seconds.

This specifies the time interval between acquisition measurements.

Any positive numeric value in seconds can be entered. Tracking on Event
This tracking control strategy defines that a frame must be taken each time a
particular level-crossing is detected on a specific input channel. The
measurement finishes after acquiring a specified number of frames or when
pushing the Stop button.

Tracking channel
This setting specifies the input channel on which the level-crossings could be
looked for. The specific channel must be active. The on/off checkbox in the
Channel Setup must be checked.

This setting specifies the level to look for on the specified Tracking channel.
The level has to be specified in engineering units.

Slope method
This setting specifies if an up slope or a down slope level-crossing has to be
detected on the tracking channel.

This setting specifies the needed level change of the signal on the tracking
channel before the systems starts again to look for the next level-crossings. It is
expressed in engineering units.

Minimum duration
This setting specifies the time segment after the occurrence of a level-crossing
during which the detection for the next level-crossing is disabled.

Events to skip
This setting specifies the number of events that will be skipped after the
occurrence of a valid event. E.g. If this settings is set to 4, only event 1, 6, 11,
16… will be used for tracking control purpose.

Number of events
This setting specifies the number of frames that will be taken before the
measurement will end.

550 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Stationary tracking Tracking method
Depending on the method selected the parameters in this panel will adapt. Free Run
Number of Averages
This parameter sets the number of averages that will be taken.

Averaging type
The method of averaging (see "Averaging when stationary tracking" on page
282) defines how blocks of data will be averaged in order to arrive at a single
block of the required measurement function.

Select the averaging method you want to use from the dropdown list alongside.

Parameter (exponential)
This parameter is only used with the exponential averaging (%) method. This
determines the way in which the previous averages are taken into account in the

The parameter defines the exponential weighting factor ‘a’ in percentage. It can
have values between 0% and 100%. A low percentage gives a high weighting
to the most recent averages. When using 0% averaging the average is equal to
the last measured data block.

This parameter sets the overlap. In case of multiple sample rates, the overlap for
acoustic and vibration channels can only be the same if the frequency resolution
(time frames) are the same. This will be checked at calculation time. Calculation
will fail when the frequency resolution is different. Time
This parameter specifies the total time allowed for the test (all the acquisitions).

The value is specified in seconds.

Acquisition Rate
This parameter specifies the rate at which acquisitions (as determined by the
number of averages set) are taken.

The value is specified in number of averages per second.

Number of Averages
This parameter sets the number of averages that will be taken.

Rev 11B 551

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Duration, Acquisition Rate and Number of Averages are linked by:

Number of Averages = Duration x Acquisition Rate.

Averaging type
The method of averaging (see "Averaging when stationary tracking" on page
282) defines how blocks of data will be averaged in order to arrive at a single
block of the required measurement function.

Select the averaging method you want to use from the dropdown list alongside.

Parameter (exponential)
This parameter is only used with the exponential averaging (%) method. This
determines the way in which the previous averages are taken into account in the

The parameter defines the exponential weighting factor ‘a’ in percentage. It can
have values between 0% and 100%. A low percentage gives a high weighting
to the most recent averages. When using 0% averaging the average is equal to
the last measured data block.

Section Manual

When you select Manual as the tracking method, the acquisitions will be taken

An extra button (the Trigger button) will be available in the Measure

worksheet with this option allowing you to trigger the acquisitions yourself. Count
This specifies the total number of manual acquisitions that will be triggered.

Section Use Semi-Stationary Averaging

You can define averaging (per acquisition target) if required. Averaging can be
applied with tracking on RPM or Time. The parameters used for averaging are
specified by clicking the More... button alongside.

Section More...

In this dialog you can define the averaging parameters.

Section Number of averages

This is the number of averages that will be used in the acquisition process.

552 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Data blocks can overlap the preceding one to compensate for the effects of
applying a time window.

The first data block is acquired which is centered around the matching value.
The next blocks are acquired according to the specified overlap.

Overlap mode
You need to have included the Order tracking Add-in.

If Order Tracking is loaded as add-in, frames are also taken out of the angle
domain streamed data.

The OT data blocks are always centered at the same location as the FS blocks.

With overlap mode ‘Fixed sampling’, the way the data blocks are taken is
defined by the fixed sampling frame length (or block size) and the overlap. The
FS blocks are acquired according to the specified overlap. The OT blocks are
centered at the same location as the FS blocks.

With overlap mode ‘Order tracking’, the way the data blocks are taken is
defined by the order tracking frame length (dependent on rotational speed) and
the overlap. The OT blocks are acquired according to the specified overlap. The
FS blocks are centered at the same location as the OT blocks.

The averaging method can be either Energy average, Linear average,
Exponential average (%), Exponential average (T), Minimum value or
Maximum value.

Parameter (exponential)
This parameter is only used with the exponential averaging (%) method. This
determines the way in which the previous averages are taken into account in the

The parameter defines the exponential weighting factor ‘a’ in percentage. It can
have values between 0% and 100%. A low percentage gives a high weighting
to the most recent averages. When using 0% averaging the average is equal to
the last measured data block.

Time constant
This parameter is only used with the exponential averaging (T) method. The
time constant defines the exponential weighting factor as a time constant ‘T’ in
seconds. In the expression:

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

the weighting factor a is calculated according to:

with the time between two data blocks.

Note: Use this method if you are using order tracking and if you have set the
overlap mode to OT. In this case the time between two data blocks ( ) is
different at each tracking point. A new weighting factor will be calculated at
each tracking point.

Delay (first average)

When the RPM target is reached (RPM trigger point) the specified number of
averages will be taken, with the first block to be averaged centered around the
RPM trigger point. You can specify a delay for taking the first block to be
averaged by specifying a time (in seconds) after the RPM trigger point. This can
be required to allow your signals to settle between two rpm steps.

Range enabled
Applicable when tracking on RPM.

If enabled only those blocks with an average rpm that is situated in the specified
RPM range around the RPM target will be averaged.

RPM range
This specifies an RPM range around the RPM target. Only those blocks with an
average rpm that is situated in this range will be averaged. The default value is
the RPM increment divided by four.

Section 8.12.4 The Autoranging QTV panel

This panel appears when using a channel of a QTV conditioning module (see
"Signal conditioning modules" on page 176) in torsion mode. This panel
contains bar displays which show the input voltage level of each QTV channel
as a percentage of maximum input range for that channel. Each individual bar
display can be switched to a LED or gauge display with the right mouse button.
In addition the Autoranging panel contains a series of actions buttons that
enables you to adjust the input ranges.

Section Bar displays

This area contains a set of bar displays that show the input level of each channel
as a percentage of the input range and gives an indication of the suitability of
this level. While this worksheet is active the input from each channel is
monitored and as each block is acquired, an absolute maximum level for that

554 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

block is registered by the frontend. If this maximum level detected is greater

than the current input range then an overload will be indicated by the bar
display level being in the red zone. You should aim to have a level that is in the
green zone, which means that the signal level is within the current input range
and below the overhead level allowed for safety. Normally this is 50% (6 dB) of
the input range. Orange indicates that the level is below the highest possible
input range, but within the allowed headroom for safety. When the level is
white it is too low, and could be due to poor connections somewhere in the
input measurement chain.

Colors and levels in the bar displays

There is a popup menu available in and around each display window containing
display format options.

Section Display type

For each active input channel you can choose between a bar or LED display.

Section Align

This changes the entire bar, LED or gauge displays to the same display type and
format as the one you have selected.

Section Options...

Depending on the display type chosen, different display format options will
become available. The color and the appearance of the display can be changed.

Section Container options...

This provides the options to add gridlines enclosing the displays and to resize
both the title headings and the column width of the display.

Note: Selections made here will affect the entire bar, LED and gauge displays.

Section Start Ranging

This button starts the acquisition of datablocks and detection of levels. The
maximum level registered by the frontend will be reset to zero for all channels.
New blocks will be acquired and new levels detected.

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Section Stop Ranging button

When this button is used, the maximum level encountered, indicated by the
horizontal line in case of a bar display, is fixed. It is used to indicate when the
maximum level you want to allow has occurred.

Section Set Ranges

This button will cause the input ranges of each of the active channels to be
adapted (increased or decreased) according to the peak signal levels detected on
those channels and the Overhead factor defined in the Range Checking dialog
(scheduled using the More... button).
 If an overload was detected, then the input range will be set to the
maximum range. This is the case for channel 3 in the example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety Overhead is greater than the highest possible range, the input range
will be set to the maximum range. This is the case for channel 2 in the
example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety overhead is less than the highest possible range, the input range will
be set to the maximum detected level multiplied by the overhead factor, or
the nearest higher value accepted by the frontend. This is the case for
channel 1 in the table given below.
Examples of input range adjustments (Overhead = 6 dB)

Current range Peak level New range

Channel 1 10 2.2 5
Channel 2 10 6.2 10
Channel 3 2 2 10

Section More...

This button opens a panel with two tabs, “Analog channels” and “Digital
channels”. The first tab refers to details on the ranges of the analog channels
and the second one gives details about the digital attributes of HMS data like
Range, Equalized state and Sound field.

Section Overhead

In this field you can enter the overhead you will allow on all channels. This
must be defined in dB.

The Overhead allows you to define just how much (in dB) of your input range
you are prepared to lose when setting your channel ranges. The default value is
6.00 dB. This implies that the New Range will be set such that the

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

encountered peak level is 6.00 dB (or 50%) lower. This is the case for channel 1
in the table given above.

Section Select

Check this field on to apply modifications such as setting the channel range
when pushing Set Range to a particular channel. All non-selected channels
will be unaffected by modifications made here.

Section Channel

This field displays the physical identification of a channel.

Section Point

This field displays the point identification associated with a channel.

Section Level

This field indicates the current signal level on a channel with respect to the
selected format.

Section Current range

This field indicates the current input range. You can enter a different value here
using the up-and-down arrows. Only values supported by the frontend are

This value is read from and written to the Input range as defined in the Detail
display panel (see "Input range" on page 567).

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit.

Section Peak level

This field indicates the maximum input level that has been encountered on a
channel with respect to the selected format. This matches the level indicated by
the horizontal line.

Section New range

This field displays the new input range calculated. This range will be used when
Set Ranges is pushed.

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit.

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Section Format

You can select the format of Level and Peak Level. They can be percentage,
Decibel or Absolute format.

Section 8.12.5 The Tacho Displays panel

This area displays the current real time signal on a tacho channel as well as a
digital readout of the current rpm and derived tacho function values. Two
display layouts can be used; showing either a single channel or two tacho
channels. The layout is selected from the drop down list in the banner bar.

Section Display of the real time tacho signal

A 2D display window shows the real time signal coming from the tacho
channels. This display enables you to examine the quality of the tacho signal, to
see the current trigger level for counting the pulses and interactively set it to the
optimum value. The display of the tacho signal is directly related to the tacho
channel parameters that are set in the Tacho setting panel. The following
describes some characteristics that relate explicitly to the display of the tacho

Section X axis

This is adjusted using the zoom in and zoom out buttons below the tacho

Section Y axis

By default this is set to the range of tacho channels (+/- 10 V). You can adjust
the limits to zoom in on a specific range by right clicking on the Y axis and
selecting Limits, Fixed.. and entering the Axis Limit values you require.

Section Y cursor

A single Y cursor is linked to the trigger level. The position of this cursor adapts
to the trigger level defined in the input field. It can also be dragged to a new
level in the display itself which will define the trigger level and update the value
in the “Trigger level” input field.

Section Tacho value

This field displays the current rpm value of the tacho channel whose
identification is shown to the right of the display. The rpm value is calculated
according to the tacho channel parameters set for that channel. It will be
continuously updated as the parameters or the signal change.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.12.6 The Action buttons

Section Pause

This button halts the continuous real time display of the tacho signals. The
current images will be frozen enabling you to make more detailed examinations
of the signal. The rpm and derived values are updated as the signal and
conditions change.

Section Continue

This restarts the continuous real time display of the tacho signals.

Section 8.13 The Scope worksheet

This worksheet enables you to set all the parameters relating to an

acquisition for each active input channel. This includes channel
parameters as well as trigger settings, if required. Because the Source
Control add-in is not available in the GVT Spectral Extension workbook,
only the signals on the input channels of the server system (which need
to be also connected with the frontends of the extension systems) can
be viewed.

Section 8.13.1 To set the Scope parameters

Step 1
Check that you have a signal on all your active input channels.
Look at the Overview display of all the channels. Select the number of channels
you want to view at one time from the dropdown menu in the panel header.
The overview window will adapt to show the first “X” channels. Clicking on the
right arrow will display the next “X” channels. The id of the channel is shown
in the bottom left hand corner of each display.
Step 2
Set the Scope Parameters that you want to use for the next autoranging
These can be set using the dropdown list alongside each parameter to select the
required value.

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Step 3
Select the acquisition mode in the Trigger Settings panel from the dropdown
Step 4
Set your Trigger Settings if you have chosen the Trigger mode using the More..
Step 5
Set the parameters to define how your signals will be displayed during the
acquisition using the View Settings panel.
Step 6
Check the channel ranges.
In the Bar Display panel, the levels on all your input channels are shown.
Right-mouse click on a display and you get a menu to switch between a bar,
LED or gauge display.
Step 7
When you are sure all the channel ranges and other acquisition parameters are
set to suitable values, go to the next worksheet.

Section [Procedure] To set the channel input range for one
Step 1
Select the channel whose input range you want to adjust and it appears in the
Detail display panel.
The channel on display here can be selected in several ways: clicking on the left
and right arrows in the panel bar to scroll through the list of channels available
or, making a double click on the channel in the Overview display.
The channel will appear in the Detail window and its current input range will be
displayed. The level can also be seen in the bar, LED or gauge display in the
Autoranging panel.
Step 2
Increase the channel input range if possible when the level is too high, showing
red in the bar, LED or gauge display.
Step 3
Enter a value in the Input range field or use the up and down arrows to select
the required value.
Step 4
Decrease the input range if possible when the level is too low.
You should aim to use about half the input range.

Section [Procedure] To set the input ranges for all channels
Step 1
Look at the bar, LED or gauge displays for all of the channels.
Step 2
First click on Start Ranging in the Autoranging panel.

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From this moment on, the software will keep the peak level on all channels.
Step 3
Sweep through the range of conditions that will be encountered in the test.
In case of a bar display, a horizontal line will follow the peak level. By clicking
on Stop Ranging, the software holds the maximum peak level and the
corresponding line in the bar display will remain at that level. Push the Stop
Ranging button once you have run through all possible test conditions, and you
do not want the software to detect for the peak level anymore.
If the peak level encountered during the sweep is too high the bar, LED or
gauge turns red.
Step 4
Click on Set Ranges to set a suitable range (see "Set Ranges" on page 529)
for the level encountered on all channels.
Step 5
Click on the More... button to see the detailed information for each channel.
Step 6
If necessary, select particular channels and edit the values manually.

Section 8.13.2 The Scope Settings panel

In this panel you can set the acquisition parameter values that determine the
properties of the data blocks that are to be acquired. The functions that are to be
acquired on the different channels are defined using the Test Setup worksheet.

Section Bandwidth

The Bandwidth field is only available if Bandwidth is selected from the
“Frequency” field of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

The Bandwidth is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will
be taken. The sampling frequency is 2 times the bandwidth defined here and
will remain so throughout the whole acquisition. If current signals are being
displayed in the frequency domain the displays will reflect the current

The required frequency can be entered directly in the input field, but will be
adapted if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively
the required value can be selected with the up and down arrows next to the input

Section Span

The Span field is only available if Span is selected from the “Frequency” field
of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

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The Span is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will be
taken and which is unaffected by the cutoff filters. It is 80% of the bandwidth.
The sampling frequency is 2 times the maximum frequency (bandwidth) and
remains that during the run. If current signals are being displayed in the
frequency domain the displays will be updated to reflect the current span.

The required span can be entered directly in the input field, but will be adapted
if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively the
required value can be selected with the up-and-down arrows next to the input

Section Spectral lines

The number of frequency lines in the data block to be acquired.

Any numerical value can be entered in the input field, or you can use the values
from the dropdown list.

When changed, the Resolution and Frame Size will be adapted accordingly.

Spectral lines = Bandwidth / Resolution


Spectral lines = Span / Resolution

Section Resolution

This is the frequency resolution of the data block to be acquired. A value can be
selected by clicking the down arrow next to the field. A dropdown menu with
all the possible values will appear. It is related to the frequency range and the
number of lines in the block and will be adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Resolution = Bandwidth / Frequency lines


Resolution = Span / Frequency lines

Section 8.13.3 The Trigger Settings panel

Section Mode

This sets the trigger condition that will be used to start the acquisition of a data

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Trigger settings

Free Run
In this case, the acquisition is not dependant on a triggering condition at all and
no further parameters are required.

The acquisition will be triggered when specific conditions (both level and slope)
are met on the selected channel.

Section More..

In this dialog you can define the conditions that will be used to trigger the
acquisition if required.

Trigger channel
This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set.

You can select the required channel from the list available. Any of the active
input channels can be used.

This parameter defines the signal level to be achieved for the trigger condition
to be met. When the signal passes this level in the defined direction, acquisition
of the data will start.

When the slope is set to “up” then the trigger condition will be satisfied when
the signal passes the specified level in an upward direction, i.e. increasing as
shown in the figure above. When the slope is “down”, the level must be passed
while the signal is decreasing.

Any numerical value within the input range of the trigger channel can be
entered as the level. A suitable level can be determined from the display
window showing the signal on the trigger channel.

The pretrigger is the time prior to the trigger condition you have defined above
that will be included in the acquisition.

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Section 8.13.4 The Fan Control panel

With fan control, the fans of the frontend can be turned off during autoranging,
when they produce too much noise during an acoustic measurement.

Fan control check-box

Fan control will be enabled when you switch on the check-box for fan control.

Note: To be able to use fan control, the hardware must support it:

 the BPROC module must support fan control

 the frontend must have at least one module with a temperature sensor on it
When the temperature of the frontend is not too high, the fans will be turned off
during the autoranging procedure. When the temperature is too high, they will
be switched on anyway to prevent damaging the frontend. After the
autoranging, the fans will be switched on to cool down the frontend. Also when
making a sheet switch to another worksheet, the fans will be switched on to cool
the frontend preventive before the next measurement.

The fans have 3 modes:

 off: green led on the frontend
 whisper: orange led on the frontend
 turbo: red led on the frontend

Section 8.13.5 The View Settings panel

These radio buttons let you choose whether the display windows will display
the spectrum of the input signal on the channels as real-time, frequency or 1/3
octave data.

When “Time” is selected, the time span T of the acquired block will form the X
axis range of the display windows. T = Frequency lines / Bandwidth or T =
frequency lines / Span according to values set in the Acquisition Parameters

No window will be applied.

When “Frequency” is selected, the Bandwidth or Span (depending on the
settings) of the acquired block will form the X axis range of the display

The Hanning window will be applied automatically.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

In this case the frequency range is divided into one-third octave bands. The
center frequency of one octave band is twice the center frequency of the
previous one, and the range increases with the center frequency too. You may
find that the limits are adjusted so that complete octave bands can be

The Hanning window will be applied automatically.

Section Display unit

You can use this button to select the unit in which the signal level will be

Section Elec Unit

When Elec Unit is selected, then the signal level will be displayed in the
electrical unit defined in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Eng Unit

When Eng Unit is selected then the signal level will be displayed in the
engineering unit associated with that channel. This is derived from the signal
level (in electrical units) increased with the offset (defined in the channel setup
in electrical units) and multiplied by the Actual sensitivity (also defined in the
channel setup).

Section Format

This button determines whether all functions will be displayed in a linear, dB or
Log format. If the format is "Linear" and the data is "Time", the display will be
set to "Real".

Section Display Limit

You can use this button to select the limit of Y-Axis of the displays. You can
choose between Free, Optimized or Range. If Range is use, the Y-Axis will be
set as fixed with max equal to the range of the channel and min equal to -range
of the channel. This can only be done when “Time” functions are displayed.

Section 8.13.6 The Action buttons

Section Continue

When you hit the Continue button the software starts acquiring datablocks.

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Section Pause

This Pause button freezes the displays while data acquisition continues.

Section 8.13.7 The Overview display panel

This panel provides a view on several input channels at a time. A number of

layouts are provided in which different number of channels can be viewed. It
consists of the layout selection option, a channel selection mechanism and the
display windows themselves.

All the displays are labeled in the bottom lefthand corner with the type of data
being shown (either time or spectrum) and the channel's point id.

Section Layout selection

This allows you to adjust the number of windows to be displayed. Each window
displays a single active channel.

Section Channel selection

A set of arrows is provided to step through the groups of channels available.
The number of channels on view depends on the selected layout. For example,
when a layout showing 4 channels is selected, the first four active channels will
be displayed. The right arrow will switch the display to the next four active
channels. The first channel in the bunch is annotated in the text field.

Section Display windows

A number of display windows are provided according to the selected layout. All
these windows will display a time, frequency of octave function as defined by
the parameters set in the View Settings panel. You can adapt any of the
properties of these display windows.

Section 8.13.8 The Detail display panel

This panel provides a detailed view of the signal on one input channel. The
channel on display here can be selected in several ways: either by using the
“Label” list in panel bar, clicking on the left and right arrows in the panel bar to
scroll through the list of channels available or, making a double click on the
channel in the Overview display. The function on display and the manner in
which it is displayed is determined by the parameters set in the View Settings

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 2D display

This window shows the time or frequency domain representation of the
incoming signal of the selected channel. The display will be adapted whenever
any of the parameters available in this worksheet are modified. Clicking on the
Pause button will freeze the current image in the window. You can use cursors
to examine details of the signal and you can adapt the display properties too.

Section Input mode

This field enables you to set the input mode to be used on the channel. The
input mode is read from the channel id as defined in the Channel Setup
worksheet. Likewise, any changes made here, are written to the Channel Setup

Values that are available for the frontend conditioning module can be selected
from the dropdown list.

Section Input range

With this field you can adapt the input range of the channel. A procedure for
checking and adapting the ranges of all channels can be executed from the
Autoranging (see "The Autoranging and Offset zeroing panel" on page 567)

You can enter a value in the input field, but this will be adapted to a value
supported by the frontend if necessary. Alternatively you can select a suitable
value by using the arrows to increase or decrease the current value by the lowest
increment allowed on the frontend. The signal in the display will immediately
be updated.

This value of input range is read from the Channel Setup worksheet. Likewise,
any changes made here, are written to the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section 8.13.9 The Autoranging and Offset zeroing panel

This panel contains bar displays which show the input level or the actual offset
of each channel, depending on which tab is selected in the upper right corner of
this pane. The input level is shown as a percentage of maximum input range for
that channel. The offset is shown as actual value. Each individual bar display
can be switched to an LED or gauge display with the right mouse button. In
addition the Autoranging panel contains a series of actions buttons that enables
you to adjust the input ranges or the Offset.

Section Bar displays

This area contains a set of bar displays that show the input level of each channel
as a percentage of the input range and gives an indication of the suitability of

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

this level. While this worksheet is active the input from each channel is
monitored and as each block is acquired, an absolute maximum level for that
block is registered by the frontend. If this maximum level detected is greater
than the current input range then an overload will be indicated by the bar
display level being in the red zone. You should aim to have a level that is in the
green zone, which means that the signal level is within the current input range
and below the overhead level allowed for safety. Normally this is 50% (6 dB) of
the input range. Orange indicates that the level is below the highest possible
input range, but within the allowed headroom for safety. When the level is
white it is too low, and could be due to poor connections somewhere in the
input measurement chain.

Colors and levels in the bar displays

There is a popup menu available in and around each display window containing
display format options.

Section Display type

For each active input channel you can choose between a bar or LED display.

Section Align

This changes the entire bar, LED or gauge displays to the same display type and
format as the one you have selected.

Section Options...

Depending on the display type chosen, different display format options will
become available. The color and the appearance of the display can be changed.

Section Container options...

This provides the options to add gridlines enclosing the displays and to resize
both the title headings and the column width of the display.

Note: Selections made here will affect the entire bar, LED and gauge displays.

Section Start Ranging

This button starts the acquisition of datablocks and detection of levels. The

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maximum level registered by the frontend will be reset to zero for all channels.
New blocks will be acquired and new levels detected.

Section Set Ranges

This button will cause the input ranges of each of the active channels to be
adapted (increased or decreased) according to the peak signal levels detected on
those channels and the Overhead factor defined in the Range Checking dialog
(scheduled using the More... button).
 If an overload was detected, then the input range will be set to the
maximum range. This is the case for channel 3 in the example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety Overhead is greater than the highest possible range, the input range
will be set to the maximum range. This is the case for channel 2 in the
example given below.
 If the maximum detected level when multiplied by the factor allowed as the
safety overhead is less than the highest possible range, the input range will
be set to the maximum detected level multiplied by the overhead factor, or
the nearest higher value accepted by the frontend. This is the case for
channel 1 in the table given below.
Examples of input range adjustments (Overhead = 6 dB)

Current range Peak level New range

Channel 1 10 2.2 5
Channel 2 10 6.2 10
Channel 3 2 2 10

Section Stop Ranging button

When this button is used, the maximum level encountered, indicated by the
horizontal line in case of a bar display, is fixed. It is used to indicate when the
maximum level you want to allow has occurred.

Section More...

This button opens a panel with two tabs, “Analog channels” and “Digital
channels”. The first tab refers to details on the ranges of the analog channels
and the second one gives details about the digital attributes of HMS data like
Range, Equalized state and Sound field.

Section Overhead

In this field you can enter the overhead you will allow on all channels. This
must be defined in dB.

The Overhead allows you to define just how much (in dB) of your input range

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you are prepared to lose when setting your channel ranges. The default value is
6.00 dB. This implies that the New Range will be set such that the
encountered peak level is 6.00 dB (or 50%) lower. This is the case for channel 1
in the table given above.

Section Select

Check this field on to apply modifications such as setting the channel range
when pushing Set Range to a particular channel. All non-selected channels
will be unaffected by modifications made here.

Section Channel

This field displays the physical identification of a channel.

Section Point

This field displays the point identification associated with a channel.

Section Level

This field indicates the current signal level on a channel with respect to the
selected format.

Section Current range

This field indicates the current input range. You can enter a different value here
using the up-and-down arrows. Only values supported by the frontend are

This value is read from and written to the Input range as defined in the Detail
display panel (see "Input range" on page 567).

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit.

Section Peak level

This field indicates the maximum input level that has been encountered on a
channel with respect to the selected format. This matches the level indicated by
the horizontal line.

Section New range

This field displays the new input range calculated. This range will be used when
Set Ranges is pushed.

If the Eng. Unit is select in the Display unit of the View settings pane is
selected, this value will be shown in Engineer Unit.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Format

You can select the format of Level and Peak Level. They can be percentage,
Decibel or Absolute format.

Section 8.14 The Test Setup worksheet

In this worksheet, you can define your online data functions. You can also view
and check the acquisition parameters that you have set and the measurement
functions that you have defined.

Section 8.14.1 [Procedure] To define transient capture setup

Step 1
Choose the function type from the tabs in the header of the Online Data
Function panel.
Step 2
Check the Measure button “on” if you want to calculate and view the function
online during the measurement acquisition.
Step 3
Set the function parameters, if required.
Step 4
Choose the function type from the dropdown list to view it in the display.
The display layout will adapt to the selected function and show the last
Step 5
Use the popup menu in the display to add a legend and change your display
parameters, if required.
Step 6
Choose the Output and Input channels from the dropdown lists.
Step 7
Press the Start Check button and view the measurement that results.
Step 8
Change the acquisition setup and control parameters, if required, and repeat the
check procedure.
Step 9
Check the Save button when you are satisfied with the results and you want to
save the function when you save the project.
Of course, if you do not measure a function then you cannot save it.
Step 10
Repeat the above procedure for each online data function that you want to view

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

during the acquisition or to save.

Section 8.14.2 The Online Data Function panel

This allows you to select and define the functions you want to measure and to
display them.

Section Function type selector

In the pane header there are tabs for selecting the functions that you wish to
measure during the coming acquisition. You can select as many types as are
required, in turn. Online functions can be viewed during the acquisition. Once
the type of function has been defined then the fields in the panel will adapt

Section Time

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition. The unwindowed time function is displayed.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Note: Averaging Time in free run can result in a average value of zero.

Section Measure Windowed Time

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition. The windowed time function is displayed.

Section Save Windowed Time

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Measure Tacho

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the measured rpm values
on the Tacho channels in function of time online during the acquisition.

572 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Save Tacho

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Measure Static

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the measured quantity on
the static channels in function of time online during the acquisition. A channel
can be assigned to the Static group in the Channel Setup worksheet.

Section Save Static

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Octave

Section Measure octave type

Check the band type(s) you want to measure.

Section ANSI emulation

Check this button “on” if you want to use frequency domain filtering -
corresponding to the ANSI filters - of the spectra to obtain the nth octave bands
instead of a simple summation of spectral lines.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Spectrum

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Note: Averaging Spectrum in free run can result in a average value of zero.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Amplitude scaling

This allows you to select the amplitude scaling mode for the amplitude of your
measured spectra.

Section Phase Referenced Spectra

When this button is “on” then the phase of all channels will be expressed
relative to the phase of the LAST Reference channel.

Reference channels can be defined in the Channel Setup worksheet, or by using

the Define References... button available here.

Section Define References...

This schedules the Start condition dialog for defining your reference channels.

This lists the location, direction and measured quantity of your active channels.

This lists the channels you defined as reference channels in the Channel Setup

You can change your reference channels here, if required.

This lists the channel identification assigned by the software in the Channel
Setup worksheet.

Section Crosspower

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Spectrum format

This allows you to select the format for your measured spectra.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Define References...

This schedules the Start condition dialog for defining your reference channels.

This lists the location, direction and measured quantity of your active channels.

This lists the channels you defined as reference channels in the Channel Setup

You can change your reference channels here, if required.

This lists the channel identification assigned by the software in the Channel
Setup worksheet.

Section Measure Refererence Crosspower

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the crosspower function
between the reference functions online during the acquisition.

Section Save Reference Crosspower

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Autopower

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Amplitude scaling

This allows you to select the amplitude scaling mode for your measured spectra.

Section Spectrum format

This allows you to select the format for your measured spectra.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section FRF

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Estimation method

You can select the method from the dropdown list for estimating the frequency
response function.

Most commonly-used method. It assumes no signal noise on the input signals
and so no input errors. This provides a better estimate of the anti-resonances
than of the resonances.

This is the best method overall but takes the longest processing time. The signal
noise can be divided between input and output signals. It provides a good
estimate of both the anti-resonances and the resonances.

This estimation method assumes no noise on the output signals so no output
errors. It provides a better estimate of the resonances than of the

Section Define References...

This schedules the Start condition dialog for defining your reference channels.

This lists the location, direction and measured quantity of your active channels.

This lists the channels you defined as reference channels in the Channel Setup

You can change your reference channels here, if required.

This lists the channel identification assigned by the software in the Channel
Setup worksheet.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Measure coherence

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view your coherence
function(s) online during the acquisition.

Section Save coherence

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for your coherence
function(s) when you save the project.

Section Measure Dynamic Stiffness

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view your dynamic stiffness
function(s) online during the acquisition.

Section Save Dynamic Stiffness

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for your dynamic stiffness
function(s) when you save the project.

Section Sound Intensity

To calculate Sound Intensity you must first define pairs of input channels in the
Channel Setup worksheet.

These channels will be used as Intensity Probes. They should be assigned to the
Acoustic group and measure Pressure.

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for this function when you
save the project.

Section Air temperature

This displays the air temperature.

Section Air pressure

This displays the air pressure.

Section Probe Definition

Intensity Probes are acoustic channel pairs, each pair consisting of a reference

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

channel and a response channel. For each probe definition, a spacer distance can
be defined.

Probe (number)
New probes are automatically given a sequential number.

New probe definitions can be added and existing probe definitions can be

New Probe button

This is used to create a new probe.

Delete Probe button

This is used to delete a probe.

Channel 1
This lists the channels you defined as reference channels in the Channel Setup

Channel 2
This lists the channels you defined as response channels in the Channel Setup

This is the distance from the microphone.

Accept button
This saves the probe you have defined.

Section PCA

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save PCA

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for the function when you
save the project.

Section Define Responses

This lists the channels you defined as response channels in the Channel Setup

You can change your response channels here, if required.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section SRA

Section Measure

Check this box “on” if you want to calculate and view the SRA function online
during the acquisition.

Section Save

Check this box “on” if you want to save the results for the SRA function when
you save the project.

Section Minimum frequency

This displays the minimum frequency.

Section Maximum frequency

This displays the maximum frequency.

Section Point per octave

This displays the number of points per Octave.

Section SRS Q factor

This displays the SRS Q factor.

Section Correction

Select the correction that you want to use.

Section Instance

Select the instance that you want to use.

Section Amplitude

Select the amplitude that you want to use.

Section Dimension

Select the dimension that you want to use.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.14.3 The Data Function display panel

Section Function type

Select the function type that you want to view.

Section Output

You can select the output channel from the dropdown list of available active

Section Input

You can select the input channel from the dropdown list of available reference
channels, if required.

Section List Online Functions... button

An Online Functions dialog will popup. This gives you an overview about
saved and measured online functions and their parameters.

Section Use Scope Settings button

When you push this button, parameters that you have defined in the Scope
worksheet will be used in the Test Setup worksheet.

Note: The parameters defined in the Scope worksheet might be different from
those of the Test Setup worksheet and the Measure worksheet. But the
parameters of the Test Setup worksheet are always the same as those of the
Measure worksheet.

Section 8.14.4 The Scope Settings panel

In this panel you can set the acquisition parameter values that determine the
properties of the data blocks that are to be acquired. The functions that are to be
acquired on the different channels are defined using the Test Setup worksheet.

Section Bandwidth

The Bandwidth field is only available if Bandwidth is selected from the
“Frequency” field of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

The Bandwidth is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will
be taken. The sampling frequency is 2 times the bandwidth defined here and
will remain so throughout the whole acquisition. If current signals are being

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

displayed in the frequency domain the displays will reflect the current

The required frequency can be entered directly in the input field, but will be
adapted if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively
the required value can be selected with the up and down arrows next to the input

Section Span

The Span field is only available if Span is selected from the “Frequency” field
of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

The Span is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will be
taken and which is unaffected by the cutoff filters. It is 80% of the bandwidth.
The sampling frequency is 2 times the maximum frequency (bandwidth) and
remains that during the run. If current signals are being displayed in the
frequency domain the displays will be updated to reflect the current span.

The required span can be entered directly in the input field, but will be adapted
if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively the
required value can be selected with the up-and-down arrows next to the input

Section Spectral lines

The number of frequency lines in the data block to be acquired.

Any numerical value can be entered in the input field, or you can use the values
from the dropdown list.

When changed, the Resolution and Frame Size will be adapted accordingly.

Spectral lines = Bandwidth / Resolution


Spectral lines = Span / Resolution

Section Resolution

This is the frequency resolution of the data block to be acquired. A value can be
selected by clicking the down arrow next to the field. A dropdown menu with
all the possible values will appear. It is related to the frequency range and the
number of lines in the block and will be adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Resolution = Bandwidth / Frequency lines


Resolution = Span / Frequency lines

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.14.5 The Acquisition Control panel

Section Mode

You can choose the mode of acquisition. Depending on the mode (and average
type) you choose the other parameter fields in the Acquisition Control panel
will adapt accordingly.

Free Run
This means that the acquisition will not be dependant on a triggering condition.

This means that a trigger condition will be used to acquire and process a

This means that you can define the duration of the acquisition.

The acquisition is synchronized to the source output (Burst Sine, Burst Random
and Periodic Chirp).

This mode is selected automatically when the Sources Control is loaded as an

Add-in (using the Tools Add-ins menu) and a Burst Sine, Burst Random or
Periodic Chirp output is activated.

Section More... button

This button schedules the Advanced Parameters dialog (see "The Advanced
Parameters dialog" on page 595) that displays the values of the current
acquisition parameters and where you can also adjust them.

Section 8.14.6 The Averaging Parameters panel

Section Number of averages

This is the number of averages that will be used in the acquisition process.

Section More... button

This button schedules the Advanced Parameters dialog (see "The Advanced
Parameters dialog" on page 595) that displays the values of the current
acquisition parameters and where you can also adjust them.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.14.7 The Conditioning panel

In this panel you can set the conditioning parameter values that determine the
window properties of the input signal.

Section Reference Window

In this field you can select a time window (see "Windows" on page 285) that
will be applied to the input signal to reduce leakage and improve the
computation of the frequency spectrum. The required window can be selected
from the dropdown list on the right.

Different windows can be applied to reference and response channels.

Section Response Window

In this field you can select a time window (see "Windows" on page 285) that
will be applied to the input signal to reduce leakage and improve the
computation of the frequency spectrum. The required window can be selected
from the dropdown list on the right.

Different windows can be applied to reference and response channels.

Section More... button

This button schedules the Advanced Parameters dialog (see "The Advanced
Parameters dialog" on page 595) that displays the values of the current
acquisition parameters and where you can also adjust them.

Section 8.14.8 The Measurement Status panel

Contains a number of messages that indicate the global status of the system.

There are 2 forms of status, one for overload information and the other for
general information.

Section Global Status

Contains a number of messages that indicate the global status of the system.

Section Overload Status

Overload status shows the number of overloaded channels. It indicates the
number of channels that have experienced an overload.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Details

When you push this button, a dialog will popup and show you the details
information about the overloads. Each time when you start a measurement, the
overload information will be reset to 0.

Section General Status

Section Ready

Indicates that the system is ready and waiting for the Start Check button to be

Section Measuring in Free Run

Indicates that the system is acquiring data and using datablocks to calculate a

Section Waiting for trigger

Indicates that the system is waiting for the trigger condition to be met.

Section Waiting for Start Trigger

Indicates that the system is waiting for a start trigger to start the measurement.

Section Real Time Lost

Indicates that the system was not able to measure data continuously during
parallel throughput.

Section Progress

Section Average bar

For each acquisition, the number of measurements that have been made in the
averaging process is indicated by the progression of a blue bar. When “Time"
mode is selected, this bar indicates elapsed time and remaining time.

Section 8.14.9 The Start Control panel

This allows you to check your settings. A measurement will be performed and
the resulting function will be shown in the Data Function display. The resulting
function will not be saved to disk.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section The Start Check button

When you press this button the Software will start the acquisition as you have

Section The Stop Check button

When you press this button the measurement will be stopped.

Section 8.15 The Measure worksheet

In the Measure worksheet of the GVT Spectral Extension workbook, you

can not start the measurement. The measurement is started in the
server system. The extension systems are in Trigger mode and start
measuring when the specified trigger level is exceeded. In the Measure
worksheet of the GVT Spectral Extension workbook you can view data
online as it is being acquired. You can also see if a channel reaches its
overload level during the measurement sequence.

Section 8.15.1 [Procedure] To make a measurement run

You should have selected the functions that you want to view (and save) during
the acquisition in the Test Setup worksheet.
1. Choose the layout from the two options (Fixed or User Defined)
available in the Layout Selector in the header of the worksheet.
2. Enter the name of the run in the Run name field, if required.
3. By default the run_name is Run X where X is a sequential number.
4. Click on the Start button in the Network Information dialog of the
Server System. The measurement status in the Extension systems
become "Waiting for Trigger".
5. Click on the Start button in Measure worksheet of the Server System.
6. The application will start acquiring data functions as defined in the Test
Setup worksheet. For each measurement, the system temporarily saves
the data and updates the functions/averages on display.
7. Push the Stop button in Measure worksheet of the Server System to
interrupt a run if you are not satisfied with it.
8. The data from an interrupted run will not be saved
9. Press the Start button in Measure worksheet of the Server System again
to do another run.
10. Go to the Validate worksheet when all your runs have successfully been

Rev 11B 585

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Willem Leurs: help topic about the Action buttons panel should be removed.

Section [Procedure] To view functions online using a fixed

Step 1
Select Fixed Layout using the Layout selector in the worksheet's header.
Step 2
Select the number of displays from the dropdown layout list in the panel header.
Step 3
Choose the function type from the dropdown list above each display window
that you want to view online.
The display will adapt to suit the selected function type.
Step 4
Choose, if required, the Output and Input channels from the dropdown lists or
use the selection buttons on either side of the both channel fields.
Each display window can have a different combination of function type, output
channel and input channel.
Step 5
Browse through your channels, if required, by using the channel selection
buttons at the top right hand corner of the layout to step through all your
Step 6
Use the Increment button to schedule the Implement Control dialog if you
want to change the increment values.
Step 7
Define the increment for the output and input channels, if required, for each
display in your layout.
Step 8
Use the popup menu in each display window to add a legend and change your
display parameters, if required.

Section [Procedure] To view functions online using a User

Defined Layout
Step 1
Select User Defined Layout... from the Layout selector in the worksheet's
Step 2
Use the Select a layout... button that appears, which schedules the Layouts
Selection dialog, or by clicking on a favorites icon alongside, to choose an
existing layout.
You may want to make a new layout (see "[Procedure] To create or modify a
layout" on page 53).
Step 3
Load data into a display using the Display Definition panel, which appears

586 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

above the Status panel on the right hand side of the worksheet, to define all the
Step 4
Click on the Add to Display button and immediately the selected Display
adapts and shows the last run.
Step 5
Define display definition parameters for all the display windows in your layout.
Each display window can have a different combination of processing, output
channel and input channel, if required.
Step 6
Use the popup menu in each display window to add a legend and change your
display parameters, if required.

Section 8.15.2 The Pane Header options

Contains a number of options that allow you to choose a display layout . You
can also print or view help on the current worksheet.

Section Layout Selector

This allows you to select your layout type.

Section Fixed layout

Selecting this layout option means that the layout provided by the software
depends on the function type you choose.

Section User defined layout

Selecting this layout option means that you can select your own layout.

Use the Select a layout... button that appears, which schedules the Layouts
Selection dialog, or click on a favorites icon alongside.

You may want to make a new layout (see "[Procedure] To create or modify a
layout" on page 53).

Section Print Screen

This schedules a print job of the current worksheet.

Section ?
This provides help on this worksheet.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.15.3 The Fixed Layout display options

You can choose the type of function that you want to display. A suitable 2D
display will be used for each function type.

Section Display panel

Section Function type

Select the function type that you want to view.

Section Output

You can select the output channel from the dropdown list of available active

Section Input

You can select the input channel from the dropdown list of available input
channels, if required.

Section Number of displays

The number of windows on display can be selected using the dropdown menu.

Section Channel Selection

Section Arrows

These buttons allow you move forwards and backwards through the channels.

Section Increment

This schedules the Increment Control dialog where for each display, both the
output and input (channel) increment can be set individually.

The increment is the number of channels in the step which is applied when the
channel selection buttons in the banner are used.

Section 8.15.4 The User Defined Layout Display Option

When you use this panel, you can define the type of layout that you want to use
to view you data. Creating or selecting a layout is the same as the Navigator
worksheet. Pushing the “Define Displays” button can drop data in the display.
User Defined layout will be updated automatically during measurement.

588 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Define Displays... button

This button will schedules the “Display Definition” dialog. This button is only
available when you use “User Defined Layout”.

Section Display Definition Dialog

You can define the functions which you want to view in the display without
using drag and drop and will be updated automatically during measurement,
more than one function type can be shown in the same display.

This lists all the displays in the current Picture. If a display is selected in the list,
it becomes light yellow.

This lists all the available processing that you can view in the display.

This lists all the available output points of the selected processing.

his lists all the available input points of the selected processing. This list is only
available if you select a processing such as FRF, coherence, crosspower and
dynamic stiffness. Input will be the reference and the output will be responses.

Add to Display button

Push this button, a curve will be added due to your selection.

List panel
Show all the available curves in the current Picture.

Delete Selected Definition

Select one of the element in the list panel, the display which contain the curve
will become light Push “Delete Selected Definition” button, the curve will be
removed from the display.

Close button
Push this button to close the dialog.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.15.5 The Current Run panel

Section Run name

This field displays the name of the run which will be used for the next

You can edit the run name directly in the name field before the run starts. A
numbering sequence will be started, based on the name defined.

Section 8.15.6 The Measurement Settings panel

Section Throughput files

Check the box "on" if you want to measure throughput data.

The "Throughput" acquisition option is only sensitive, if the Time Recording

During Spectral Acquisition Add-in is included and you selected "Time",
"Trigger" or "Free Run" mode as the Acquisition Control in the Test Setup

Note: It is impossible to do a Triggered measurement with Explicit Accept

strategy when you have the Throughput acquisition option checked on. In this
case, the accept strategy will automatically be switched to Implicit Accept.

Throughput data are stored with respect to the TDF settings that you've defined
in the Tools Option menu.

Available Add-ins are shown in the Tools Add-in menu.

Section More... button

This button schedules the Advanced Parameters dialog (see "The Advanced
Parameters dialog" on page 595) that displays the values of the current
acquisition parameters and where you can also adjust them.

Section 8.15.7 The Measurement Control Panel

Section Preview

Check the box “on” if you want to preview data, free run mode will be used.

590 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Confirm Save Run

Check the box “on” if you want to be notified before saving data.

Section More ... button

This button schedules the “Measurement Control Dialog”.

In this dialog, you can have control of excitation signal and have the possibility
to accept or reject current data.

Section Source Control

The number of output channels and the type and level of the sources to be used
are specified in the Sources Control table. Channel
This identifies the output channel. On/Off
This switches the output channel "on" or "off". Signal
The type of source signal, which is currently selected. Level (V)
This defines the signal level. For Sine, Burst Sine and Chirp signal, this
corresponds with the amplitude of the signal. For Random and Burst Random,
this corresponds with the maximum range of the output (actual peak value will
always be lower than this value). Frequency (Hz)
This defines the frequency of a sine signal. This input field is active only when
the sine signal is used. Start Phase (°)
This defines the start phase of a sine signal. This input field is active only when
the sine signal is used. Synchronized measurement
When this option is 'on', the acquisition will be started as soon as the excitation
signal is sent from the hardware. Start Source button
When the “synchronized measurement” option is 'off', you can start the source
signal whenever you want. Stop Source button
When the “synchronized measurement” option is 'off', you can stop the source
signal whenever you want.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Accept Strategy

There are two methods of accepting your measurements:

Implicit Accept
Each measurement is directly accepted, and the system is waiting for the next
trigger. A Reject button is provided. If this is used, it will "reject" the last
average. Explicit Accept
The instantaneous average is shown, but the measurement is not yet added to
the averages. An Accept button is provided. It is only when this is used that the
measurement is added to the averages.

Section The Accept button

The Acceptbutton is only visible if the accept mode is set to "Explicit Accept".
It will add the last measurement to the averages.

Section The Reject button

The Reject button is only visible if the accept mode is set to "Implicit Accept".
It will remove the last measurement from the averages and update the average

Section 8.15.8 The Measurement Status panel

Contains a number of messages that indicate the global status of the system.

There are 2 forms of status, one for overload information and the other for
general information.

Section Tacho and Static Channels

Section Tacho Channel

This field display the current tacho channel.

If you have more than one tacho channel you can select another tacho channel
from the dropdown list.

If there are no tacho's activated in the channel list, this field is not displayed.

Section Current value

This field displays the real time current rpm value on the tacho channel that is
being used to control the acquisition.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Static Channel

This field display the current static channel.

If you have more than one static channel you can select another static channel
from the dropdown list.

If there are no static's activated in the channel list, this field is not displayed.

Section Current value

This field displays thereal time current value on the static channel that is being
used to control the acquisition.

Section Input Levels

Section Bar displays

This area contains a set of bar displays that show the input level of each channel
as a percentage of the input range and gives an indication of the suitability of
this level. While this worksheet is active the input from each channel is
monitored and as each block is acquired, an absolute maximum level for that
block is registered by the frontend. If this maximum level detected is greater
than the current input range then an overload will be indicated by the bar
display level being in the red zone. You should aim to have a level that is in the
green zone, which means that the signal level is within the current input range
and below the overhead level allowed for safety. Normally this is 50% (6 dB) of
the input range. Orange indicates that the level is below the highest possible
input range, but within the allowed head room for safety. When the level is
white it is too low, and could be due to poor connections somewhere in the
input measurement chain. For more details, see Acquisition setup worksheet.

Section Global Status

Contains a number of messages that indicate the global status of the system.

Section Overload Status

Overload status shows the number of overloaded channels. It indicates the
number of channels that have experienced an overload.

Section Details

When you push this button, a dialog will popup and show you the details
information about the overloads. Each time when you start a measurement, the
overload information will be reset to 0.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section General Status

Section Ready

Indicates that the system is ready and waiting for the Start Check button to be

Section Measuring in Free Run

Indicates that the system is acquiring data and using datablocks to calculate a

Section Waiting for trigger

Indicates that the system is waiting for the trigger condition to be met.

Section Waiting for Start Trigger

Indicates that the system is waiting for a start trigger to start the measurement.

Section Real Time Lost

Indicates that the system was not able to measure data continuously during
parallel throughput.

Section Progress

Section Average bar

For each acquisition, the number of measurements that have been made in the
averaging process is indicated by the progression of a blue bar. When “Time"
mode is selected, this bar indicates elapsed time and remaining time.

Section 8.16 The GVT Manager worksheet

In the GVT Manager worksheet of the extension system the server system (in
which the control unit is started) can be connected (after specifying the address
of the control unit) and disconnected.

The GVT Spectral Testing scenario

 Start-up
Start the Spectral Testing workbook in the server system, open a project,
and load the GVT Manager add-in. Start the GVT Spectral Extension
workbook in the extension system and open a project.
 Make connection
In the GVT Manager worksheet of the server system: start the control unit.

594 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

In the GVT Manager sheet of the extension system: fill in the control unit
address, being the computer name or the ip address of the server system.
Start the connection.
 Check connections and settings
In the GVT Manager of the server system the connection can be verified.
In the GVT Manager there is list of all settings of all connected systems:
server system plus all connected extension systems (1 extension system in
this case). Notice that the measurement mode of the extension system is
Trigger while the measurement mode of the server system can be for
instance Source. Notice also the consolidate option. When on: the
measured run will be copied from the extension system to the server system,
after the measurement is finished. In the Network information dialog
(available in all sheets) the measurement status of the extension system can
be verified and also the status of the settings. By default, the extension
system takes over the settings of the server system: the settings are
propagated from the server system to the extension system (from the start
and also each time a setting is changed in the server). If wanted the user can
change a setting in the extension system afterwards, but this will be
indicated as an orange status color.
 Check the source settings in the server system
Check the trigger settings in the Scope of the extension system
Only when the trigger values are OK, the Scope in the extension system will
display the signals in a stable way when starting source in the server system.
 Check the trigger settings in the Measure sheet of the Extension system
 Arming of the extension system
The extension system is armed by using the Start button in the Network
dialog of the server system. The measurement mode of the extension
system becomes: Waiting for Trigger.
 Perform the measurement
After the measurement, a run is saved in the server system and in the
extension system. If the propagate option was on, the latest run is copied to
the server system.

Section 8.17 The Advanced Parameters dialog

This dialog allows you to set all your measurement parameters.

There are four sections in this dialog.

Section 8.17.1 The Acquisition Parameters panel

In this panel you can set the acquisition parameter values that determine the
properties of the data blocks that are to be acquired. The functions that are to be
acquired on the different channels are defined using the Test Setup worksheet.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Bandwidth

The Bandwidth field is only available if Bandwidth is selected from the
“Frequency” field of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

The Bandwidth is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will
be taken. The sampling frequency is 2 times the bandwidth defined here and
will remain so throughout the whole acquisition. If current signals are being
displayed in the frequency domain the displays will reflect the current

The required frequency can be entered directly in the input field, but will be
adapted if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively
the required value can be selected with the up and down arrows next to the input

Section Span

The Span field is only available if Span is selected from the “Frequency” field
of the Settings tab under the Tools Options menu.

The Span is the frequency range in Hz over which the measurements will be
taken and which is unaffected by the cutoff filters. It is 80% of the bandwidth.
The sampling frequency is 2 times the maximum frequency (bandwidth) and
remains that during the run. If current signals are being displayed in the
frequency domain the displays will be updated to reflect the current span.

The required span can be entered directly in the input field, but will be adapted
if necessary to a value that is supported by the frontend. Alternatively the
required value can be selected with the up-and-down arrows next to the input

Section Spectral lines

The number of frequency lines in the data block to be acquired.

Any numerical value can be entered in the input field, or you can use the values
from the dropdown list.

When changed, the Resolution and Frame Size will be adapted accordingly.

Spectral lines = Bandwidth / Resolution


Spectral lines = Span / Resolution

Section Resolution

This is the frequency resolution of the data block to be acquired. A value can be
selected by clicking the down arrow next to the field. A dropdown menu with
all the possible values will appear. It is related to the frequency range and the

596 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

number of lines in the block and will be adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Resolution = Bandwidth / Frequency lines


Resolution = Span / Frequency lines

Section 8.17.2 The Acquisition Control panel

Section Parameters

Here you can view the current values of the acquisition control parameters and
where you can also adjust them.

Section Measurement Parameters Mode
You can choose the mode of acquisition. Depending on the mode (and average
type) you choose the other parameter fields in the Acquisition Control panel
will adapt accordingly.

Free Run
This means that the acquisition will not be dependant on a triggering condition.

This means that a trigger condition will be used to acquire and process a

This means that you can define the duration of the acquisition.

The acquisition is synchronized to the source output (Burst Sine, Burst Random
and Periodic Chirp).

This mode is selected automatically when the Sources Control is loaded as an

Add-in (using the Tools Add-ins menu) and a Burst Sine, Burst Random or
Periodic Chirp output is activated.

Section Free Run Parameters

Data blocks can overlap the preceding one to compensate for the effects of
applying a time window.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The first data block is acquired which is centered around the matching value.
The next blocks are acquired according to the specified overlap.

Section Trigger Parameters

Trigger channel
This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set.

You can select the required channel from the list available. Any of the active
input channels can be used. Trigger level
This parameter defines the signal level to be achieved for the trigger condition
to be met. When the signal passes this level in the defined direction, a datablock
is acquired and processed.

When the slope is set to “up” then the trigger condition will be satisfied when
the signal passes the specified level in an upward direction, i.e. increasing as
shown in the figure above. When the slope is “down”, the level must be passed
while the signal is decreasing.

Any numerical value within the input range of the trigger channel can be
entered as the level. A suitable level can be determined from the display
window showing the signal on the trigger channel. Pretrigger
The pretrigger is the time prior to the trigger condition that will be included in
the acquisition.

Section Time Parameters Duration of acquisition
This is the total time length of the data acquisition. Time increment
This is the length of time between consecutive datablock acquisitions.

Section Start condition Parameters Start condition
You can choose whether or not to have a trigger to start the acquisition.

This means there will be no trigger and the measurement will start immediately
upon pressing the Start button in the Measure worksheet

This means there will be a trigger.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Upon pressing the Start button in the Measure worksheet, the acquisition is
only started when the defined trigger event has occurred.

Tacho Channel
This means there will be a trigger of a tacho channel.

Upon pressing the Start button in the Measure worksheet, the acquisition is
only started when the defined trigger event has occurred.

Input Channel
This is the channel on which the trigger condition will be set.

You can select the required channel from the list available in the dropdown
menu on the right. Any of your active channels can be used. This field is active
only when you select Channel in the Start Condition.

Start trigger level

This parameter defines the signal level to be achieved for the trigger condition
to be met. When the signal passes this level, data acquisition will start. This
field is active only when you select Channel in the Start Condition.

Start Pretrigger
The pretrigger is the time prior to the trigger condition that will be included in
the acquisition. This field is active only when you select Channel in the Start

Tacho Input Channel

This is the tacho channel on which the trigger condition will be set.

You can select the required channel from the list available in the dropdown
menu on the right. Any of your active channels can be used. This field is active
only when you select Channel in the Tacho Start Condition.

Tacho trigger RPM

This parameter defines the RPM level of the tacho channel to be achieved for
the trigger condition to be met. When the signal passes this level, data
acquisition will start. This field is active only when you select Tacho Channel in
the Start Condition.

Tacho Trigger slope

When the slope is set to “up” then the trigger condition will be satisfied when
the signal passes the specified RPM in an upward direction, i.e. increasing.
When the slope is “down”, the level must be passed while the signal is
decreasing. This field is active only when you select Tacho Channel in the Start

Section Fan Control

With fan control, the fans of the frontend can be turned off during the

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measurement, when they produce too much noise during an acoustic


Fan control check-box

Fan control will be enabled when you switch on the check-box for fan control.

Note: To be able to use fan control, the hardware must support it:

 the BPROC module must support fan control

 the frontend must have at least one module with a temperature sensor on it
When the temperature of the frontend is not too high, the fans will be turned off
during the autoranging procedure. When the temperature is too high, they will
be switched on anyway to prevent damaging the frontend. After the
autoranging, the fans will be switched on to cool down the frontend. Also when
making a sheet switch to another worksheet, the fans will be switched on to cool
the frontend preventive before the next measurement.

The fans have 3 modes:

 off: green led on the frontend
 whisper: orange led on the frontend
 turbo: red led on the frontend

Section Bridge Nulling Bridge Nulling check-box
This enables an extra button in the Action buttons panel in the Measure sheet.
This button, the Birdge Nulling button, allows you to perform bridge nulling
before you start the measurement.

Section 8.17.3 The Averaging Parameters Panel

Section Averaging and Overload handling

Here you can view the current settings of how the averaging will be done and
how an overload will be handled. You can also adjust the settings.

Section Averaging Number of averages
This is the number of averages that will be used in the acquisition process. Average type
Five types of averaging methods (on page 281) are available.

600 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Exponential parameter

Exponential averaging yields an average where the most recent measurements
have the largest influence on the result and the older ones are gradually
removed from the calculation. The exponential parameter is a weighting factor
between 0 and 1. Peak hold ref. channel
This allows you to select which point (or which channel) will be used as a
reference for the ‘Reference Peak Hold’ averaging method.

Section Overload Handing No Action
When this option is selected and an overload is occurred, the acquisition will
continue. Auto reject with overload
When this option is selected and an overload is occurred, the current datablcok
will be rejected automatically and will not be count in the average data. Stop with overload
When this option is selected and an overload is occurred, the acquisition will
stop immediately.

Section 8.17.4 The Conditioning Panel

Section Conditioning parameters

Here you can view the current settings of how the input signal will be
conditioned. You can also adjust the settings.

Section Windowing Reference Window
In this field you can select a time window (see "Windows" on page 285) that
will be applied to the input signal to reduce leakage and improve the
computation of the frequency spectrum. The required window can be selected
from the dropdown list on the right.

Different windows can be applied to reference and response channels. Cutoff
In this window you enter the cutoff % for a Force or Force-Exponential

This parameter defines the amount retained at the end of the time window and
depends on the type of window selected. This field will also define the
exponential decay of the Exponential and Force/Exponential window.

Rev 11B 601

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook Response Window

In this field you can select a time window (see "Windows" on page 285) that
will be applied to the input signal to reduce leakage and improve the
computation of the frequency spectrum. The required window can be selected
from the dropdown list on the right.

Different windows can be applied to reference and response channels. Decay
In this window you enter the exponential decay % for an Exponential or
Force-Exponential window.

This parameter defines the amount retained at the end of the time window.

Section Weighting Acoustic weighting
Select the Acoustic weighting (on page 283) that you want to apply to the

Then choose whether you want this weighting to apply to all your channels or
only to your acoustic channels and check the corresponding box.

The weighting will also apply to all other frequency domain functions.

Section Conversion Output format
Select the output format from the dropdown menu.

Depending on your selection (Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement) and on

the Measured Quantity (Acceleration, Velocity or Length) you set in the
Channel Setup worksheet, the result will be integrated or differentiated once or

Note: This setting only applies to your vibration channels.

Section 8.18 The Validate worksheet

This worksheet enables you to view selected data that you have measured and
thus validate that it can be used in an analysis. You can choose the format and
how the measurements will appear on the screen.

602 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.18.1 [Procedure] To validate your data

Step 1
Select the function type to be displayed for your data.
Only those functions measured in the active section are available for selection.
Step 2
Select the presentation method for the data in your measurement matrix.
The two options are Responses/Inputs or Inputs/Responses. Selecting the former
means the Responses will be the matrix rows and the Inputs will be the matrix
columns. With the latter, the data functions remains the same but the order is
reversed, Inputs are now the rows and Responses are the columns.
Step 3
Type the direction filter or edit the default (X, Y, Z, NONE) that you want to
This allows you to remove unrequired data from the measurement matrix table.
Step 4
Adjust the size of the panel if necessary.
Drag the blue line to the right of the table to the required width.
Step 5
If the project contains a geometry, it is displayed in the Geometry display
window (see "Geometry display windows" on page 133).
Step 6
Select the data that you want to be displayed in the 2D (Upper/Lower) display
window from the measurement matrix.
You can display more than one data curve at a time.
Click on a single cell to see it displayed. Click on a row or a column to see all
its data.
Click on multiple cells with the Control or Shift key to select a number of
Data selected is highlighted in the table and immediately appears in the 2D
(Upper/Lower) display.
Step 7
Select the format for the upper and lower windows using the Pane Header
You can choose between the Amplitude and Phase or the Real and Imaginary
You can change the appearance of the curves on display using the popup menus
available in and around the display.
You can also resize all the panels and the display windows.
Step 8
View all your data to see if there is any data which is missing or not looking

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Step 9
If there is a problem, delete a run using the Data Selector (see "Data Explorer"
on page 352) before you repeat it. Or, repeat the run and then using the
Properties button, choose to see the Youngest.
Step 10
Return to the Measure worksheet to make further measurements.
Step 11
Continue the above procedure until you are satisfied that you have all the data
necessary and that it looks acceptable.

Section 8.18.2 The Pane Header options

Contains a number of dialogues including selection of the window layout for

your displays. You can also print the current displays or view help on the
current worksheet.

Section Window layout

You can select the type of layout for your 2D and Geometry display windows.

The 2D display is shown above the Geometry display.

The 2D display is placed to the left of the Geometry display.

Section Print Screen

This schedules a print job of the current display windows.

Section ?
This provides help on this worksheet.

Section 8.18.3 The Overview panel

Section Function type

You can select the type of function to be displayed for your data.

The function matrix is built up from the FRF or Coherence functions, saved in
the active section.

604 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Matrix presentation

You can select the presentation method for your measurement matrix.

This results in a table where the rows are the response points and the columns
are inputs.

This results in a table where the rows are the input points and the columns are
the responses.

Section Direction filter

This input field allows you to remove data from the Measurement Matrix.

Enter the directions (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ, S or None) of interest and then only
data functions with those directions are displayed. The measurement matrix will
be immediately updated.

Section Displayed Runs

This input field allows you to selected the RUN as input data for the
Measurement Matrix. By default “All” is selected. That means all the data in the
active Section are used as input of the Measurement Matrix.

Section Number of rows

The number of rows in the data table (responses or inputs) is given for
information purposes only.

Section Number of columns

The number of columns in the data table (inputs or responses) is given for
information purposes only.

Section Refresh button

When changing the data selection with the controls above, the matrix panel is
automatically refreshed. In cases where the project database changes (e.g.
manually deleting a run), one can use this refresh button to force an update of
the matrix panel.

Section 8.18.4 The Measurement Matrix panel

This contains all functions, measured and saved according to your selections.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

For all measurement runs where the points are the same the function depends on
whether the Youngest or Oldest values are selected using the Properties...

The arrangement and contents of the rows/columns depends on the selected

function type, presentation method and direction filter being used.

Section Table elements

Each cell represents the function if available between the corresponding column
DOF and the row DOF.

The function is shown as the direction combination of row direction / column

direction. Direction options are positive (+), negative (-), no direction (empty)
or when both row and column have no direction (*)

Section The Properties... button

This scheduled a dialog where some selections can be set.

Selection from multiple Runs

When the section contains multiple runs containing measurements with the
same point id's - you can select whether to show the measurements of the First
or Last measured run.

Selection from multiple Time

When the section contains measurements with the same point id's - you can
select whether to show the Youngest or Oldest measurement.

Section Show Measurements in 2D Display

When checked on selected measurement functions will be shown in the 2D

Section Show Selected Points on Geometry

When checked on selected points will be highlighted in the geometry display.

Section Display on Geometry

When checked on specific points (overload points, all measured points, missing
points or reference points) will be highlighted in the geometry display. Select
the points to be highlighted from the option list.

If the ‘Function type’ of the measurement matrix is set to ‘Coherence’ or ‘FRF

+ Coherence’, the ‘Coherence values’ can then be selected to be displayed on
the Geometry. The values are shown as Color codes in the geometry display.
The scales is set default between 0.75 and 1. You can show or choose the
‘Cologing’ menu.

606 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

If the ‘Display on Geometry’ is set to ‘Coherence values’, following additional

fields become sensitive:
 Coherence band: frequency band in which the coherence will be averaged to
calculate the value to be displayed.
 Coherence direction: allows you to select between the coherence functions
from the translational directions (X,Y or Z), rotational directions (RX, RY
or RZ) or acoustic ‘directions’ (measurement point labeled with ‘S’ or
scalar as direction). If ‘Length’ is chosen, the square root of the average of
the square values of each direction is shown in the display.

Section 8.18.5 The Display Layout panel

This consists of a 2D upper/lower display and a geometry display.

Select the arrangement for the two displays using the Pane Header options.

To enlarge a display drag the blue line between the two displays to the desired
width. Or, use the popup display menus and Zoom or Maximize a display.

Section 2D Display

Three choices for the 2D Display pane are offered and the default arrangement
used is steered by the selection of function type in the Overview panel but can
be overruled by the user.

Bode (default for FRF, CrossPower and AutoPower)

The selected functions of the Measurement Matrix will be shown together in the
display provided they are compatible. In case this display is chosen for
“FRF+Coherence”, the coherence will not be shown.

FrontBack (default for Coherence)

The selected functions other than coherence are shown in the front and the
coherences are shown in the back of the FrontBack display.

Bode/FrontBack (default for FRF+Coherence)

The selected functions other than coherence are shown in the Bode display and
the coherences are shown in the back of the FrontBack display.

Section Geometry Display

This shows the selected Geometry.

You can load the geometry of the component under test into the Geometry
display window (see "Geometry display windows" on page 133), by dropping a
geometry into it using the Data Data Selector.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.19 The Post Processing worksheet

This worksheet requires the ‘Signature Data Post-Processing’ add-in.

It allows you to calculate a whole range of functions from the measured data.

You can process the functions one by one or you can define a processing set
(see "[Procedure] To define a processing set" on page 609) and calculate all
the functions in one step.

Using the data source browser tree, you can carry out a number of operations
such as renaming folders, adding memos, correcting properties and exporting
data. They are accessed from the popup menu by right clicking on the name of
the item.

For a description of actions on items (see "Actions" on page 423).

For a description of actions on data blocks (see "Actions" on page 427).

Section 8.19.1 To post process data

Step 1
Click on the Post Processing tab in the workflow bar.
Step 2
Search for the project, section and run folders containing the data that you wish
to process in the browser.
Step 3
Select the data you want to post process.
The display will adapt to accommodate the type of data. For waterfall data, you
can use the radio buttons at the top of the display to choose how to view your
data using either a waterfall or a colormap window. Once selected, the data will
immediately be displayed.
Step 4
Select the section where you want the processed data to be saved using the
dropdown menu of the section selector in the toolbar.
Create a new section, if necessary, using the Data New Section menu.
Step 5
Select the function you want to calculate from the dropdown menu of the
function selector below the browser.
The parameter definition fields will adapt depending on the function you select.
The software then checks that this is the correct function for the data you have
The Calculate button remains insensitive when they are not suitable. It will
only become sensitive and allow you to continue and process those functions
that are valid for this data type. For a section, for example, you need to select

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

and display waterfall data (= map of measured functions).

Note: Each spectra of a waterfall can be selected and displayed separately.

Step 6
If you want to make the same sections on several waterfalls or maps, then you
can select as many maps as you require.
Only one map (the highest one in the browser tree) of those selected will be
Step 7
When making a section, you can use a cursor to define the section value.
The correct type of cursor for the selected section is automatically provided.
Step 8
Move the cursor over the map data. The cursor value in the input field will
follow it.

Note: This relationship between cursor position and input value is only valid
for the supplied cursor.

A window will appear displaying the section that you would obtain at the
current cursor value. This is also updated as you move the cursor position.
Step 9
Click on Add To List when you have chosen the cursor value.
Step 10
Select further cursor values and add them to the list.
Step 11
Click on the Calculate button. All the functions for all the source data will be

Note: A popup dialog will appear if the data selected was measured on an
overloaded channel. This will give a warning that the data is in overload. It
will ask whether you want to continue.

Step 12
The post processed data will be put in the “ProcessingX (<function-name>)”
folder (where X = no. of times the Calculate button has been used) in the
active project/section.
To view your post processed data, select the post processed data, once selected
the data will immediately be displayed.

Section 8.19.2 [Procedure] To define a processing set

Instead of processing the functions one by one or you can define a processing

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

set and calculate all the functions in one step. The processing set can be saved
for later reuse.
Step 1
Define the first function in the Processing Function & Set Definition panel:
 Ensure that [] is selected in the processing set function drop-down menu in
the toolbar.
 Select the function you want to define from the function selection
dropdown menu and specify its parameters.
 Click the ‘Add processing function to processing set’ icon in the toolbar.
Enter a name for the function in the dialog and click OK. This adds the
function to the processing set.
Step 2
Continue to add functions following the steps above until the processing set is
 Click the Overview processing set icon ‘...’ to see an overview of all the
functions you have defined in the processing set.
 Click the "Save processing set " icon if you want to save the processing set
to a .PFS file for later reuse.
 You can also Load a previously defined processing set if required using the
"Load Processing set from PFS file" icon.
 You can modify a function in the processing set. Select the function in the
processing set function drop-down menu. The parameter definition fields
will adapt according to the selected function. Modify the parameters.
 You can remove a function from the processing set. Use the ‘Delete
processing function’ to do this.
Step 3
Select the data to be processed in the data browser and push the ‘Calculate all’
button to process all the functions in the processing set.

Section 8.19.3 The Pane Header options

Section Print Screen

This schedules a print job of the current worksheet.

Section ?
This provides help on this worksheet.

610 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.19.4 The Post Processing data browser

In the tree-view browser (see "The Tree-view browser panel" on page

421)you can browse through the data to find your project, section and the data
that you want to process.

Click on the data and, immediately, it will appear in the display panel. The
display will adapt if necessary to accommodate 2D or 3D data.

If you want to select multiple data at once press the Ctrl key and then select the

Section 8.19.5 The Post Processing Function & Set Definition

You can use this panel to define and calculate functions on the selected data.

You can calculate the functions one by one using the [Calculate] button or you
can define a processing set (see "[Procedure] To define a processing set" on
page 609) and process all the functions in one step using the [Calculate All]

Section Processing Set Definition icons

Section New processing set

This removes all functions from the processing set.

Section Save processing set to PFS file

This schedules the ‘Save As’ dialog to save the current processing set.

Specify the location and name of the processing set file (the PFS extension is
automatically added) and then click Save.

Section Load processing set from PFS file

This schedules a dialog for specifying the location and name of an existing
processing set file with a PFS extension.

Section Processing set function list

This dropdown menu contains all functions in the processing set in addition to
the default option [].

Select the default option [] if you want to specify a new function. Use the
[Calculate] button to process the specified function immediately or add it to the
processing set. Click the ‘Add processing function to processing set’ icon.

Rev 11B 611

Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Selecting a function from the processing set drop-down menu allows you to
 modify its parameters in the function parameters panel
 delete it from the processing set. Click the ‘delete’ icon.
 give it another name. Click the ‘rename’ icon.

Section Add processing function to processing set

This opens the ‘Add processing function’ dialog. Give the function a name and
click OK to add the function to the processing set

Section Delete processing function from processing set

This button allows you to remove a function from the processing set. Select the
processing function to be removed from the Processing set function list.

Section Rename selected processing function

This opens the ‘Rename processing’ dialog that allows you to specify a new
processing name for the selected function. Select first the processing function to
be renamed from the Processing set function list.

Section Overview processing set

This opens the ‘Overview processing set’ dialog showing a table with all
processing functions in the processing set. The columns in the table show the
processing function name, the kind of function and the parameters associated
with the function. N.A means that a parameter is not available for that function.
The Valid column contains boxes that color green when the function is correct
and can be calculated on the selected data.

Section The function selector

Use this dropdown menu to select the function that you want to calculate on the
source data. The parameter definition fields below will adapt to the function

You can add the function to the processing set using the ‘Add processing
function to processing set’ icon in the toolbar.

Section The function parameters

The parameters that appear in this area depend on the selected function.

For section functions (order sections, frequency sections, ...) the option X-axis
alignment is available to generate Sections with equidistant X-axis. The
alignment occurs for the selected Tacho axis. The specified tracking values
(minimum, maximum and step) determine the values of the interpolated X-axis.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Calculate

This button calculates the selected function for the selected data in the data

Section Calculate All

Section Results destination

Use the [...] button for specifying the result destination. You can select the
Active section or the Workspace.

Section Active project

The post processed data will be put in the “ProcessingX (<function-name>)”
folder (where X = no. of times the Calculate button has been used) in the
active project/section.

Section Workspace

The post processed data will be put in the workspace. This option is useful
when you want to try the processing. When you are satisfied with the results
you can copy or move the results to the active project.

Section Name

This determines the name of the folder in which the post processed data will be
put in case the [Calculate All] button is clicked to calculate a set of processing

The name of the folder will be “Processing X (<name>)” where X = no. of

times the Calculate button has been used) and <name> is the name you entered
in this field.

Section [...]

This button opens a dialog that allows you to select the Save destination. You
can also specify to add the processed data to the input basket.

Save destination
Here you can specify where the processing results will be saved. You can select
the Active section or the Workspace.

Input basket
Select ‘Add to input basket’ if you want the processing results being
available in the Input basket .

Select ‘Replace in input basket’ if you want the data in input basket being
replaced after each processing.

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Select ‘None’ If you do not want to load the data into Input basket.

Section 8.19.6 The Data display panel

The parameters, fields and buttons in this panel depend on the data and function
types selected.

Section Switch display types

With Waterfall data, you can select either to display the data with a colormap or
a waterfall window.

With 2D data, you can select either to display the data with a Front/back
display, a Bode diagram or an Octave display .

Section Display window

This display window shows the data that is highlighted in the data browser. If
more than one of the same item is selected, the first is displayed. The window
will adapt according to whether 2D or 3D data is selected. The window
properties also adapt according to the post-processing function that has been
selected. The appropriate cursor for defining a section is automatically
provided. This window can be used to graphically define post processing

Section Cursor value

With this field you can change the cursor value. This value can be changed
either by using the keyboard or selecting the cursor provided and moving it to a
new position. The cursor value changes to reflect the new cursor location.

Section Add to List

This button adds the current cursor value to the function parameters field.

Section 8.20 The Compare Runs worksheet

This worksheet allows you to compare and average data functions from
different runs. It is available as an Add-in, the Run Data Averaging &
Comparison Organizer Add-in. The run data is either from the current or
another project. You can select both the runs and function for comparison.
Those selected are shown in your selected display layout and the resulting
averages can be saved.

Click the icons in the averaging toolbar (see "Toolbars" on page 380) for those

614 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

operations you wish to carry out on the runs for comparison.

Section 8.20.1 [Procedure] To compare measurement runs

Step 1
Select the Compare Runs worksheet tab.
Step 2
If you want to compare runs directly after an acquisition select the Most Recent
Runs mode or Find data in the Active project and Active section in the Data
Source Selection panel.
If you want to compare runs from other projects, you need to first select the data
for comparison.
In this case, your current active project/section will have the runs you measured.
When you enter the worksheet (or import data using the Input Basket) both the
Run Selection and Function Selection tables will contain your acquired (or
imported) data.
Step 3
Select the Tracking mode from the dropdown list in the Run Selection pane.
Step 4
Select the Run display mode from the dropdown list in the Run Selection pane.
You can choose to show in the displays the data of ‘All runs’, the ‘Last run
only’ or of ‘No runs’.
Step 5
Scroll through the Run Selection table.
Step 6
Check the box for Display and Averaging for each run that you want to be
displayed and used to compute the average. The display option means that the
corresponding functions from that run will be shown in the display window.
For example, if you have just measured (or imported) six runs.
Run selection table

Step 7
Set the filters you want to use.

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Step 8
In the Function Selection panel, select the Direction and Function type from the
dropdown lists. This will affect the contents of the function table below.
To show the functions in the Display panel: Create a picture in the Display
panel and click then a view mode button (P or F button) in the Function
Selection panel to display your selection. Click the icons in the averaging
toolbar (Average, Envelope Min or Envelope Max) for those operations you
wish to carry out on the runs for comparison.
If for example, you selected all points, but only orders, then the width of the
table would be reduced to show only orders, and column headers would show
the different order functions. The number in each cell is the number of
corresponding runs (5 in this example).
Function selection table

Step 9
Select your layout.
Click Select a layout... and choose one.
For example, with three functions choose a layout with three windows (1x3).
To make a new layout use the View Layout Management... dialog.
Step 10
Click the icons in the averaging toolbar for those operations you wish to carry
out on the runs for comparison.
Step 11
Click a view mode button (P of F) button in the Function Selection panel to
display your selection.
Select P to view a single point id per display and F to view a single function per
For example, Press P to display three measurement points for one single
function in your display layout, one window for each point.

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Several Points and one Function (Single Function view)

For example, Press F to display three functions measured at one single point
in your display layout, one window for each function.
Several Functions and one Point (Single Point view)

Step 12
Click the User-defined button, U in the Function Selection panel to view
multiple point/function combinations per display.
The U button allows you to define several points and several functions per
display but you must first select an activated display number. Each display
window in your layout will be associated with a display number. Assign then
the point(s) / function(s) to that display by selecting them in the Function
Selection table.
Step 13
Use the display popup menu to add legend(s) and change your display
Step 14
Click the Options... button and set your averaging, browsing and display
Set your browsing step for stepping through your point ids/functions in relation
to the number of displays in the layout or a specific number. Browsing can only
be done consecutively in relation to the layout.
If you want to view more than one function in the single Point view, set the
Functions per display accordingly.
If you want to view more than one point id in the single Function view, set the
Points per display accordingly.
Step 15
Browse your data to compare runs using the Point browser and Function
browser buttons to scroll through your run data.

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Step 16
Press the Save button if you want to save the results.

Note: By default all your data that is all the runs for each function/point id are

Section [Procedure] To select runs from other projects

Whether you open up the project directly in Signature or access it remotely via
your system, the run data will need to be imported into the Compare
measurement worksheet using the Input Basket.
Step 1
Make a new section to store your compare run data in.
Step 2
Put runs in Input Basket.
Step 3
Click the Open Data Selector icon in the toolbar (or Data Data Explorer).
Step 4
Browse for the LMS project with the run data you want to compare.
Step 5
Open up the required section and select the runs you want to use.
Step 6
Right click and select Add to Input Basket.
If you need to remove runs from input basket, open up the input basket and right
click the runs and Remove from Input Basket.
If you need to empty the input basket, right click and select Empty Basket.
Step 7
Close “Data Explorer”.
Step 8
Import runs into the Compare Measurement worksheet.
Step 9
Continue with the next procedure.

Section 8.20.2 The Pane Header options

Section Print Screen

This schedules a print of the display layout in the current worksheet.

Section ?
This provides help on the currently active worksheet.

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Section 8.20.3 The Data Source Selection panel

The data from runs can be loaded into the Data Set using the current (active)
project, the Input Basket, the Most Recent Run or any combination of these data

Once you have specified where to find the data, hit the Add or Replace

You can hide or show this panel using the "Show/hide Data Source Selection"
icon in the blue banner bar.

Section Show/hide Data Source Selection icon

In the blue banner of the Data Source Selection panel there is a button
"Show/hide Data source selection". If pushed the panel is hidden.

Section Most Recent Runs

This is only sensitive when the Run Data Averaging & Comparison Organizer
(Compare Runs worksheet) is used as an Add-in in Acquisition workbooks.

Select this radiobutton to use the most recent runs.

After each measurement, the selected runs are automatically updated to

correspond to the last measured runs.

Section Find Data in

Section Input Basket

This basket can be filled (see "[Procedure] To fill an input basket" on page

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416) with any runs.

Section Active project

When you select to find data in the current (active) project, you can specify a

All the runs that have been measured in this section are selected.

Section Section selection

Select from the dropdown list the section in the current project that you want to

Section Add button

This adds the selected data to the current Data Set.
New measurements are always created in any event, even if the data has already
been added to the Data Set.

Section Replace button

This empties the Data Set and its contents are replaced by the newly-selected
A popup message warns you that this will happen and asks you if you are really
sure that you want to do this.

Section 8.20.4 The Run Selection panel

This panel allows the selection of the runs you want to average and to display.

Section The Tracking mode selector

This selector allows you to select the tracking mode. You will only view those
runs/functions with the selected tracking mode.

Section The Run display mode selector

This selector allows you to select whether you want to show in the displays the
data of ‘All runs’, the ‘Last run only’ or of ‘No runs’.

It switches ‘on’ the corresponding ‘Display’ checkboxes in the run selection


Section The Run table

This lists the location and name of the Runs that were measured with the
selected tracking mode.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

This field shows the directory of where the run is located.

This field gives the project name of the project to which the run belongs.

This field shows the Section to which the run belongs.

This field shows the runname.

This field shows the Slope direction of the tracking method that was used for
the run.

Checking this display “on” for a particular Run means that its data will be
shown in the displays.

Checking this averaging “on” for a particular Run means that its data will be
included when calculating the average.

Section 8.20.5 The Function Selection panel

This panel allows you to select the functions to be displayed and to browse
through your data.

Section Direction

This input field allows you to remove data from the Function Matrix.

Select the Point Direction(s) of interest from the dropdown list and then only
functions with those directions are displayed. The measurement matrix will be
immediately updated. Select 'All' if you do not wish any data to be hidden.

Section Function type

This selector allows to select the Function(s) to be shown in the matrix.

Section Averaging toolbar

Click the icons for those operations you wish to carry out on the runs.

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You can select the runs to be included in the operation (average, envelope,
standard deviation) by checking “on” the Averaging checkboxes in the
Run selection table.
 Average
The average function provides you with the average values of the functions over
a number of runs.

You can specify the averaging method in the Data options panel
 Envelope Max
The envelope max function provides you with an envelope function that
indicates which section is making the most significant contribution at different
stages in the run.
 Envelope Min
The envelope min function provides you with an envelope function that
indicates which section is making the least significant contribution at different
stages in the run.
 Standard Deviation
The Standard Deviation option calculates two curves; the standard deviation
added to the average values and the standard deviation subtracted from the
average values. This indicates how much the values of the sections of the
different runs vary from the mean value.
 3 Sigma
The 3 sigma option calculates two curves; three times the standard deviation
added to the average values and three times the standard deviation subtracted
from the average values. This indicates how much the values of the sections of
the different runs vary from the mean value.

Section The Measurement Matrix

This matrix contains all the Functions that are present in the Runs.

The contents of the rows/columns depends on the selected tracking mode and
direction filter.

Table elements
The row headers list all the Point/Direction combinations and the column
headers list all the functions in the selected runs. The cells contain the numbers
of runs that correspond to these parameters and that you selected for averaging.
Cells shows a dash ('-') if there is no runs available.

Section Point browser

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

These up and down buttons allows you to browse through your data point ids.
The size of the browsing step depends on the display layout chosen, which
button (U, H or F) has just been pressed, and the value you set using the
Options... button.

Section Function browser

These left and right buttons allow you to scroll through your functions. The size
of the browsing step depends on the display layout chosen, which button (U, H
or F) has just been pressed, and the value you set using the Options... button.

Section Display Number buttons

The displays in a layout can be given a specific point/function combination. A
layout with nine displays can be associated with the buttons from one to nine,
respectively. Each layout you select is given a new picture number (PictureX
where X is a sequential number).

The number of displays in your chosen layout activates the corresponding

number of buttons. Select U and then you select a number button. The Preview
mode icon appears in the top right hand corner of the associated display. Select
the points/functions you want to view. Repeat this for all displays in your layout
and press then the U button again to activate the point browser and function
browser buttons.

Section P

The Point button allows you to view the functions of a single point id per
display (one window for each point). You can define the number of functions to
be shown in each display in the Options... dialog.

Section F

The Function button allows you to view the points of a single function per
display (one window for each function). You can define the number of points to
be shown in each display in the Options... dialog.

Section U

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

The User-defined button allows you to view multiple point/function

combinations per display.

First push the U button. Each display window in your layout will be associated
with a display number. Select an activated display number. Assign then the
point(s) / function(s) to that display by selecting them in the Function Selection
table. When finished, press again the U button to activate the Point browser and
Function browser buttons.

Section 8.20.6 The Data Options panel

This panel allows you to set some advanced options and save your results.

Section Options...

This button schedules a dialog where you can set some averaging, browsing and
display parameters.

Averaging type
You can select from the dropdown list the averaging method you want to use.

Result X-axis values

You can select from the dropdown list whether the X-axis of the averaged data
is this of the first run or contains the X-axis values of all runs. The All run
option has the advantage that the peak values in the different runs are all
included in the average.

Result X-axis range

You can select from the dropdown list whether the X-axis of the averaged data
is the intersection of the X-axis values of all runs or whether it is the union.
 Intersection
Averaging is done over the X-axis that is common to all available functions.
Consider the X-axes of the functions to be averaged. The X-axis of the result
is ranging from the highest available minimum X-value to lowest available
maximum X-value.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

 Union
Averaging is done over the complete X-axis of all available functions. Consider
the X-axes of the functions to be averaged. The X-axis of the result ranges from
the lowest available X-value to highest available X-value.

Disregard Point direction sign

This allows you to average and compare points with opposite direction
measured in different runs. E.g. points such as “Mount Right Engine +X" and
"Mount Right Engine -X" are considered as being the same point.

Browsing step
You can select from the dropdown list the size of the step you want to use when
browsing. The size chosen can be related to the number of displays (Ndisplays)
or a whole number. This step also depends on the display layout chosen and
which button (P or F) has been activated.

Functions per display

You can select the number of functions to be shown in each Point display using
the up and down arrows provided. This is only valid for single point displays
using the P button.

Points per display

You can select the number of point ids to be shown in each Function display
using the up and down arrows provided. This is only valid for single function
displays using the F button.

Sort by
This options sorts the Function Matrix either by Channel Name or Number. The
Channel Number, though not visible in the Function Matrix, is the
recommended sorting method because it ensures the channels are sorted in the
same way as in Channel Setup at the moment the Functions were measured. The
default sorting is by Number.

Section Save

Clicking on the Save button means that all the averaged data will be saved.
The Save dialog opens.

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Note: this is only sensitive if an average function (average, envelope or

standard deviation) is selected in the averaging toolbar.

You can choose the following options:

 Save to: the location where the averaged functions will be saved can be
either the Active section, the Workspace or the Original Section where the
data is originating in.
 Save: You can select to save all the data that is loaded in the worksheet or
only this data that is selected in the Run and Function selection panel by
specifying a specific tracking mode, direction and function type.
 Folder name: this is the name of the folder where the averaged data will be
 Input basket action: You can add or replace the processed data into the input
 Average waterfalls: Enable this checkbox if you want to average the
waterfall data too. The average of the waterfall data is available after saving.
Go to the navigator worksheet to visualize the result. The averaging of
waterfall data can only be done if the options 'Result X-axis values' and
'Result X-axis range' are set to 'From first run' and 'Intersection'.

Section 8.20.7 The Data Display panel

Section Create a picture...

This button allows you to select the layout you want to use from the Layouts
Selection dialog.

Then follow the procedure to create pictures of your data (see "[Procedure] To
create pictures of your data" on page 430).

If you alter the layout you may save it under a new name using View Save
Current Layout As... .

Section Favorites icons

These are all the layouts which you have defined as favorites. Defined layouts
can be added to this list using the Add to favorites button in the Layout
Management dialog (see "The Layout management dialog" on page 52). An
icon will then appear in the worksheet and act as a quick means of loading the
layout. A bitmap to identify the icon can be selected using the Choose File...
button when the layout is just as you want it in the Layout editing panel.

Section Picture tabs

Each layout you select is given a new picture (see "Picture tabs" on page
436) number (PictureX where X is a sequential number).

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Note: Pay attention when you display data, you can choose a second X-axis,
for example RPM for Time measurements. When the relation between time
and RPM is not unique over the measurements, this second X-axis can be

Section 8.21 The Batch Reporting worksheet

The Batch Reporting worksheet allows you to gather and sort 2D and waterfall
data, and batch print it based on a selected print format.

Section 8.21.1 [Procedure] To batch report data

Step 1
Create the data set.
Clicking on the ... button brings up a dialog in which the data source can be
selected. The data can be loaded into the data set using the Input Basket, the
Active Project, Search Results or the Workspace.
Select the source in the "Data source selection" panel that contains the data.
Check the Input Basket box “on” if you want to import data from the input
basket. The input basket can be filled using the Data Explorer option of the Data
menu or by using the Navigator worksheet. Check the Active project box “on”
if you want to import data from the active project. In this case you need to select
also the Section and Run from which you want to import the data. Data can also
be imported from the Search Results. Therefore you can perform a search in the
Navigator worksheet and import this data into batch reporting. In a similar way,
data can be imported from the Workspace.
Click on the Add to List button to add the selected data to the current data set
in the Data Set panel. When all data is added to the data set, hit the Close
button to close the dialog.
Step 2
Adjust the data set.
The data in the data set is shown in the Data Set panel.
You can add/remove columns showing particular data properties using the
“Select Columns” dialog. This dialog is available by right clicking on a column
header of the Data Set panel. By using this dialog all sort of attributes of
different origin and type can be added or removed.
Click on Select Columns... to open the dialog. First select the Origin and
Type for which you want to specify a column. Select the columns you wish to
display from the list of “available” columns and put them in the list of
“selected” columns. You can sort the display order of the columns by using the
arrow icons. Apply your column list choices by clicking on the Apply button.

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Step 3
Sort the data set.
Now you can use the different columns in the Data Set panel to sort the
available data. You can define the sorting order by selecting the Sort... entry in
the drop-down menu that can be opened by right clicking on a column header or
on the background of the Data Set panel. Doing this schedules a dialog box in
which a sort order can be defined by selecting the corresponding columns in the
specified order, and selecting whether data should be sorted in ascending or
descending order. Click on Apply to apply the sorting on the data.
The Auto sort function can also be applied by left-clicking on a column header.
This will apply a sorting on the Data Set using the settings in the
Tools>Options>Sorting Tab.
Step 4
Load the print format in which you want to report the data.
Click on Load a format to open the list of predefined formats and select the
desired format. If the list of available print formats is empty, you will need to
create a print format. (see "Creating print formats" on page 46)
Step 5
Group and display the data.
The Group size can be adjusted to the desired amount of data of the Data Set
panel that you want to use in each print format. The data of each group will be
printed on a different print format. You can choose the Group size in the Data
Set panel by entering a specified number or using the arrow keys.
Displaying data is done by dragging and dropping a block or waterfall of the
current group into the desired display of the print format. Each block or
waterfall can be used and displayed multiple times in the print format if
Notice that only the data of the current group is displayed and the corresponding
data is highlighted in the Data Set panel. You can change the current group to
check whether the data of the different groups is similar. This is also indicated
in the status bar on the bottom of the Reporting panel.
If necessary you can use the Delete, Move Up, Move Down, Duplicate ,
Insert Block and Insert WF (Waterfall) buttons in order to make the data of
different groups similar.
Step 6
Use Templates (Optional step)
Previous actions (Step 2 to Step 5) can be saved into a template to improve the
overall reporting efficiency. So, all settings regarding the column visibility,
sorting criteria, group size, teaching of the data to the print format can all be
saved in a template by using the Load Template… and Save Template…
buttons. If you would like to reset all automatic changes (loading a print format,
data teaching, sorting…) you can use the Reset Template button.
Step 7
Report the data.
In the Reporting panel you can choose whether the Current group or All groups

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will be printed. Press the Print button to report the data in the selected print
format. If a preview is desired, hit the Preview button.
The progress indicator in the Status Bar shows the progress of the operation.
Use the Cancel button to cancel the printing operation.

Section 8.21.2 The Data Selection panel

Clicking on the ... button brings up a dialog in which the data source can be
selected. The data can be loaded into the data set using the Input Basket, the
Active Project, Search Results and the Workspace or a combination of those.
The selected Data Source is shown in a message box in the Data Selection

The Add to List button adds the selected data to the current data set in the Data
Set panel.

The 'Data source selection' dialog gives an overview of the different possible
data sources:

Section Input Basket

The input basket can be filled using the Data Explorer option of the Data menu
or by using the Navigator worksheet. It can contain any data item or object: 2D
data, Waterfalls, folders, projects, etc. All 2D and waterfall data that is in any of
the objects of the input basket will be added to the Data Set when clicking Add
to List.

Section Active Project

Check the Active project radio button if you want to import data from the active
project. In this case you also need to select the Section and Run from which you
want to import the data.

Section Selection
Select from the dropdown list the section (or All sections) in the current project
that you want to use.

Run selection
Select from the dropdown list the run (or All runs) in the selected section that
you want to use.

Section Search Results

Checking the “Search Result” radio button allows you to import Search Results
in the batch reporting. All 2D and waterfall data present in the Search Results
will be added to the Data Set when clicking Add to List. Search results can be

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

attained by performing a search in the navigator worksheet.

Section Workspace

After checking the “Workspace” radio button, all 2D and waterfall data present
in the Workspace will be added to the Data Set when clicking Add to List.

When all data is added to the data set, hit the Close button to close the Data
Source Selection dialog.

Section 8.21.3 The Template Set panel

In the Template Set Panel you can choose to load a template which contains all
kind of predefined settings. This can improve the overall reporting efficiency.

Making use of a template ensures that the correct columns are automatically
shown, sorting is applied, the group size is set, the correct printformat is loaded
and data teaching is automatically done.

Section Load Template...

A dialog will list all available templates in the the local and/or group folder
(especially PrintFormats folder). Selecting a template will automatically apply
all settings.

Section Save Template...

At any time you can click on the “Save Template” button allowing you to define
a name for the template and saving it in the local folder. This template will then
contain all column settings, sorting, group size and data teaching.

Section Reset Template...

Clicking on the “Reset Template…” button will ensure that no additional
columns are visible and no sorting is applied to the data in the data panel, also
the group size will be reset to 1 and no print format will be loaded. However the
data in the data set panel will not be removed.

Section 8.21.4 The Data Set panel

This panel contains a view of the contents of the Data Set. The information on
the Data Set is shown in a table. You can add/remove columns and apply
sorting on the data. This view can be saved and loaded. All those options are
available in a popup menu that can be shown by right-clicking on one of the
column headers or in the background of the Data Set.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Columns

You can add/remove columns showing particular data properties using the
“Select Columns” dialog. This dialog is available by right clicking on a column
header of the Data Set panel. By using this dialog all sort of attributes of
different origin and type can be added or removed.

Select Columns...
Click on Select Columns... to open the dialog. First select the Origin and
Type for which you want to specify a column. Select the columns you wish to
display from the list of “available” columns and put them in the list of
“selected” columns. You can sort the display order of the columns by using the
arrow icons. Apply your column list choices by clicking on the Apply button.

You can use the different columns in the Data Set panel to sort the available
data. Define the sorting order by selecting the Sort... entry in the popup menu
that can be opened by right clicking on a column header or on the background
of the Data Set panel. This action will schedule a dialog box in which a sort
order can be defined by selecting the corresponding columns in the specified
order and selecting whether data should be sorted in ascending or descending

A maximal number of 7 columns can be used in the sorting criteria. Click on

Apply to apply the sorting to the data. The columns which are taken into
consideration for sorting, together with the sorting order will be indicated by a
letter in the column headers (from A to G corresponding to a maximum of 7 sort

There are two additional options to extend the sorting possibilities:

 Limit Data Sorting to this Sort Panel
This option will ensure that sorting can be defined only in this dialog. If this
option is disabled you can always overrule the sorting by clicking on the
column header which will consecutively sort the column ascending or
descending. Clicking on a column header will ensure that this column will be
the first sorting criterion (indicated by letter A) followed by possible already
defined sorting criteria.
 Order Columns according to Sort Sequence
When sorting is applied, each column on which a sorting is defined will be
annotated with a prefix (letter A to G). If this option is enabled we will sort the
order of the columns in such a manner that the first column is shown to the left
while the last sorting options are presented to the right.

Auto Sort
The Auto Sort function can also be applied by left clicking on a column
header. This will apply a sorting on the Data Set using the settings in the
Tools>Options>Sorting Tab.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Load/Save View
All the setting of the columns and sorting in the Data Set Panel can be saved
and loaded. This can be done right-clicking on a column header and then
clicking on the Load View... or Save View... button. By default the view is
saved in a DataListView Folder on the Local Folder.

Section Groups

In the Data Set panel there is also the possibility to group data and create similar
groups. This can be done by browsing through the different groups and where
necessary deleting, moving, duplicating ... blocks or waterfalls. All the options
are described below.

Group size
The Group size can be adjusted to the desired amount of data of the Data Set
panel that you want to use in each print format. The data of each group will be
printed on a different print format. You can choose the Group size in the Data
Set panel by entering a specified number or using the arrow buttons.

Current group
Only the data of the current group is highlighted in the Data Set Panel and can
be displayed in the Print Format panel. This can be done by dragging and
dropping the desired block or Waterfall from the Data Set panel into a display in
the Print Format panel. Each block or waterfall can be displayed multiple times
in the print format if necessary. You can change the current group to check
whether the data of different groups are similar. If not, this is also indicated in
the status bar on the bottom of the Reporting panel.

The current group can be changed by specifying a number or by using the arrow
buttons. There is also the possibility to move directly to the last or first group.

Show data
If desired, you can hide the curves added to the displays by unchecking the
'Show data'. This provides you a better overview of the print format.

When a Block or Waterfall is selected and you click on the Delete button, the
selection is removed from the Data Set list. If the whole list must be deleted,
you can select one item and press Ctrl+A (select all) and then click the Delete

Move Up
This moves the selected item one position upwards in the Data Set list.

Move Down
This moves the selected item one position lower in the Data Set list.

632 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

By using the Duplicate button you can duplicate a block or Waterfall of the
Data Set list.

Insert Block
The Insert Block button will insert an empty block one position before the
selection. It can be used to make groups similar.

Insert WF
The Insert WF button will insert an empty Waterfall one position before the
selection. It can be used to make groups similar.

Order of the input data can change when using the buttons “Delete” “Move Up”
“Move Down”, “Duplicate”, “Insert Block”, “Insert WF” or when replacing the
data set. Such action can also disturbe the sorting that was applied when loading
a template. Therefore we have this “Sort” button available to apply the sorting
defined in the template again on the available dataset in the left panel.

Section 8.21.5 The Print Format panel

Click on Load a format to open the list of predefined formats and select the
desired format. If the list of available print formats is empty, you will need to
create a print format.

Section Display

The display can also be copied to a Metafile, Bitmap and Active Picture
(embedded or linked data), those options are available in the dropdown-menu of
the picture tab.

Section 8.21.6 The Reporting panel

In the Reporting Panel you can choose whether the Current Group or All
Groups will be printed. Press the Print button to report the data in the selected
print format. If a preview is desired, hit the Preview button.

Section Progress

The progress indicator in the Status Bar shows the progress of the operation.
Use the Cancel button to cancel the printing operation.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.22 The Audio replay & filter dialog

You can replay audio data.

You need to have included the Replay Add-in.

Tick the Replay box in the Tools Add-ins... menu entry.

This activates the Replay option available in the popup menu of the selected
data traces that are on display in a picture.

The replay dialog appears having simple audio control buttons, a trace list and a
filter area. The Throughput Data corresponding to the selected data will be
retrieved and replayed.

A double cursor appears in order to select a segment. A scrolling cursor also

appears and is synchronized with the playback during replay. Online filters are
available to prefilter the data in the time domain

Suitable displays and data types are:

Section 8.22.1 Front/Back

 Throughput time data

You can replay the time data selected in the display.
 Sections
The corresponding TDF (throughput file) is searched for and you can
replay the trace with the corresponding point id.
Suitable X-axes include rpm, static channels and time. If the rpm trace is
available in the TDF, you will be able to synchronize the scrolling

Section 8.22.2 Colormap and Waterfall

You can use all data types such as time data, spectra and so forth. The
corresponding trace in the TDF is searched for and replayed

Suitable Z-axes include rpm, static channels and time.

634 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.22.3 Multi-Trace display

In the Time Data Selection worksheet, you can replay the time data in the

Section 8.22.4 [Procedure] To replay data

Step 1
Drop the data that you want to replay into the display.
Step 2
Select the traces that you want to replay.
You can replay more than one trace at a time.
Step 3
Right click with the mouse anywhere in the display.
This schedules the Data popup menu.
Step 4
Select Replay from the available options.
This schedules the Replay dialog.
If the Replay option is not visible, you need to activate it by including the
Replay Add-in.
Tick the Replay box in the Tools Add-ins... menu entry.
Step 5
Set the Play track menu options
Click on the Show traces box to see the traces panel.
Select one of the options for replaying the selected traces.
Play track will play the current trace just once.
Repeat track will play it repeatedly.
Play all will play all the traces just once.
Repeat all will play all the traces repeatedly.
Step 6
Set the Stereo menu options, if required and available.
If the data is recorded in stereo you can select to hear the replay in mono or
which stereo speaker to replay it.
You can switch speakers during the replay.
Step 7
Set the segment of the trace that you want to replay.
You can either define the range by editing the values in the "Segment from:"
and "to:" input fields or by moving the double cursor in the display to a new

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Step 8
Set the advanced replay options if required
Click on the Options button to schedule the Options dialog.
Here, you can change the values of the output level and the cursor update rate.
 the equalization of the replay according to the output device (equalized or
not headphones, playback hardware such as Head Acoustics HPS or PEQ);
 the values of the output level;
 the cursor update rate.
Step 1
Define the filters to apply to the data in the time domain
Click on the Show filters box to see the filter panel.
Step 2
Add the desired filters using the filter definition buttons and define their cutoff
Step 3
Switch the filters on to hear the sound with the filter applied.
Switching the filters on and off can be done during the replay. If desired you
can save the defined filtered set to be reused during another replay
Step 4
Select the trace in the list that you want to play first.
Step 5
Set the jump mode, if required.
This determines, when you select another trace during the replay, the point
where this trace will start to play from.
Reset jump, the replay of the next trace will start from the beginning.
No jump, the replay of the next trace will start from the time where the previous
trace ended.
Track jump, the replay of the next trace will start from the same RPM value
where the previous trace ended.
Step 6
Push the Play button.

During the replay it is possible to switch to another trace in the list which will
then be played.

Section 8.22.5 The traces panel

In the traces panel the selected data is listed.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Channel list

Selected traces in the display are listed by their:

Point id: direction (tacho channel:direction)

The trace that is selected in the list will be played. During playing it is possible
to select another trace which will then be played. Channels with different
sample rates can be replayed in a same play list. An output sample rate can be
chosen in the option dialog. When different sample rates are present in the
channel list a common output sample rate will be used.

Section Jump mode

This determines when another trace is selected from which this trace will start
playing from.

Reset jump
Each time another trace is selected, this trace will start playing from the begin.

No jump
Each time another trace is selected, this trace will start playing from the time
where the previous trace ended playing.

Track jump
Each time another trace is selected, this trace will start playing from the same
RPM value where the previous trace ended.

Section Stereo

Two separate channels can be combined into a stereo signal for playback.
Sample frequency and duration need to be equal for the two channels. Hitting
the Stereo button in the traces panel brings up a dialog in which all available
traces become selectable for the left and right channel. Select from the 'Left', the
channel to be replayed as left channel, and select on the 'Right', the channel to
be replayed as right channel. By clicking on the OK button, the two channels
appear now as a stereo trace in the channel list. The combination of channels as
stereo channels will not be saved when quitting the Replay & Filter dialog

Section 8.22.6 The replay panel

You can define the replay options and playback parameters.

Section Playback options

According to the current state (idle, playing, paused) the buttons will be

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook


Section Play track

The current trace will be played once.

Section Repeat track

The current trace will be played repeatedly.

Section Play all

All the traces will be played once.

Section Repeat all

All the traces will be played repeatedly.

Section Replay buttons

According to the current state (idle, playing, paused) the buttons will be

Section Play

Starts playing the selected trace(s).

Section Pause

Pauses the replay.

Section Stop

Stops playing the selected trace(s).

Section Rewind

The current trace will be played again from the begin/start value.

Section Green/Red overload LED

This LED is green as long as no overload (no clipping) occurs when replaying.

638 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

As soon as the replayed signal exceeds the maximum possible range of the
sound card (clipping), it will turn red. It will then remain red, until the replay is
restarted with the start button. If clipping occurs, go to the 'Options' dialog and
increase the 'Replay range', use the 'Calculate' or 'automatic replay range'.

Section Stereo options

When the throughput data belongs to a binaural recording, both channels will be
played and a number of options are provided for the replay of these channels.

When the throughput data does not belong to a binaural recording the left and
right sound signals are equal to the original signal (Mono).

Section Stereo

Two- dimensional replay.

Section Left

One dimensional replay

The left and right sound signals are equal to the original left sound signal.

Section Right

One dimensional replay.

The left and right sound signals are equal to the original right sound signal.

Section Mono

One dimensional replay.

The left and right sound signals are equal to the average of the two original

Section Switch

Two dimensional replay with the left and right sound signals being swapped.

Section Segment range

With segment selection it is possible to disregard part of the measurement. The
default segment is the whole length of the data. You can change the segment to
be played using the double cursor in the display or by editing the "from" and
"to" segment fields.

Section Segment from:

The time (in seconds) where the replay will begin.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Segment to:

The time (in seconds) where the replay will end.

Section Show panels

Section Show traces

You can toggle showing/hiding the Traces panel.

Section Show filters

You can toggle showing/hiding the Filters panel.

Section Options button

This opens the Options dialog that allows you to define the audio replay range,
sample rate and the cursor update rate.

Section Output Device

You can choose the output device to replay the time data in the playlist. This
option sets different kind of equalization:
 "Replay as recorded": The selected time data in the playlist is played back
as recorded. No headphone equalization is applied to the time data;
 "Equalized and Headphone corrected replay": The selected time data in the
playlist is played back with online equalization. The equalization to be done
depends on the 'Equalized state' property of the data and on the selected
headphone. See section 1.5.2 (Equalized and headphone corrected replay)
for more info.
 "HPS Replay": This option may be used if a Head Playback System (HPS)
or a Playback Equalizer (PEQ) device is available. With the help of a
suitable sound card with digital interface, the replay options of the HPS
device can be monitored from the Options… dialog. The equalized "Sound
Field" is then automatically read by the replay device. The sound field "As
defined in data" means that the type of sound field is read from the property
attributes of the selected time data. The "HMS range is calculated
automatically if the 'Replay range' is set to automatic (see section

Section Replay Range

You can change the digital audio level by changing the replay range. The replay
range is the level (in dB values of the original audio measurements) that will
make full use of the full (digital) range of your audio device. For example, if
you have a recorded signal of 70 dB, setting the replay range to 80 dB means
that at any time you will remain 10 dB below the maximum output level of your
sound card. Setting the replay range to 60 dB means that you will introduce
clipping (all signal components higher than 60 dB exceed the maximum output

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

range of your card).

If clipping occurs it will be highlighted with a red color next to the replay

The analog audio level can be set using the 'Volume control' tool of your PC

Three modes are available for defining the output level:

The sound replay level will automatically be adjusted to make use of the full
range of the audio card for all channels in the play list.

Note: When the Output device is set to "HPS replay" and the replay range is
set to Auto, the optimal replay range is calculated, based on the peak level of
the signal and rounded to the next possible 'HMS range'. The "HMS range"
can be values between 94 dB and 154 dB in steps of 10 dB. The HMS system
expresses the Range as an RMS level of a sine minus 6 dB (for overhead),
while Test.Lab expresses the 'Replay range' as a maximum peak level. This
results in a difference of approximately 9 dB between the 'HMS Range' and
the 'Replay range'.

Push the Calculate button to determine the maximum replay range based on
the level of the traces in the playlist. An overhead of 5 dB (rounded to the next
integer dB level) will be applied on the result. This is the same value as the one
that would be used by the Auto Replay Range. All channels from the list will be
used to determine a common single replay range.

You can edit the value in the Output level field.

Section Sample Rate

The output sample rate used during replay can be selected in a dropdown menu.
It can either be the original sample frequency or one of the common audio
frequencies 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz and 51.2 kHz.

Section Cursor update rate

You can set the refresh rate in times/second of the scrolling cursor.

Section 8.22.7 The filter panel

The filter panel allows you to define and apply a number of filters to the traces

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

being replayed. When playing, filters can be turned on and off.

Several filters of each type can be defined and activated at the same time. This
collection of filter types and their definition is called a filter set.

Filters can be added to and deleted from the filter set.

Section Filter toolbar icons

On top of the filter panel, a toolbar has icons to perform the following actions:

Section Low Pass filter

This adds a low pass filter option to the filter set below.

Section High Pass filter

This adds a high pass filter option to the filter set below.

Section Band Pass filter

This adds a band pass filter option to the filter set below.

Section Band Stop filter

This adds a band stop filter option to the filter set below.

Section Notch filter

This adds a notch filter option to the filter set below.

Section Order filter

This adds an order filter option to the filter set below.

This needs a reference to an RPM curve. The reference is the Tacho trace
selected in the Tachos column of the playlist table.

An order filter can have a fixed attenuation or can follow a user defined gain

642 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

profile. (see "Browse..." on page 644)

Section Delete filter

This deletes the selected rows and so the selected filter(s) from the filter set.

Section Toggle on/off

This allows you to toggle on/off the selected filters (real time, during replay).
Therefore select the rows you want to toggle on/off in the Filter table and push
the button to reverse the on/off selection.

Section Load Filter Set

This opens the Select Filter Set dialog where you can browse for a previously
saved Filter Set file (*.FLS) that you want to load.

Section Save Filter Set

This opens the Save Filter Set dialog where you can define the file name and the
location for saving the current Filter Set (*.FLS).

Section Filter Set table

Section On/Off

When this setting is on, then this filter (row) will be activated and applied to the

If this option is off then this filter is inactive and will not be applied to the

Section Type

This shows the type of filter.

Section Freq 1 / Order (Hz/order)

The lower cutoff frequency value in Hertz. For notch and order filters it
represents the center frequency or order.

Section Freq 2 (Hz)

The upper cutoff frequency in Hertz.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section Width (Hz/order)

The width of the notch or order filter in Hertz or order.

Section Attenuation (dB)

The loss or gain in decibels.

Section Edit (only available in Sound Diagnosis add-in)

If this option is on, an interactive cursor will come up on displays in the Display
panel. When the cursor is moved, the cutoff frequency will be updated in the
filter setup table. For bandpass and bandstop, a double cursor will come up. For
fixed frequency filters (low and high pass, band pass, band stop and notch) the
effect of the filter can be seen on the instantaneous spectra of the 'filtered' online
data, on the waterfall (this requires an 'update results'), and on the FRF or FRF
map of the filter. For notch filters, an order cursor will be shown on Waterfalls
and FRF maps.

Section User

This option is only valid for order filters. If it is on, the gain of the order filter
will be a profile with gain versus rpm. When switched on, the Browse... button
becomes sensitive, allowing you to select an existing function as the gain
profile. The gain at any rpm will be limited to between +12 dB (amplification)
and -40 dB (attenuation).

Section Browse...

Pushing this button brings up a data-browser and allows you to select an
existing function inside or outside the current project. The selected data should
have an rpm axis. In the case of multiple rpm axes, the first one will be used.
Once selected, the profile will be limited to +12 and -40 dB and stored (with
these limits) within the filter table. One way to define a profile is to use the
'Data block editor' add-in. The filtered level is interpreted as the original level
multiplied by the amplitude of the gain profile. When using the data block
editor it is possible to enter and display the values in dB using the appropriate
options, but the profile itself is linear. The value of the 'Attenuation' parameter
of the notch filter will be subtracted (in dB) from the user defined gain (in dB)
to determine the total gain.

Section Path

Gives the original location of the user defined gain profile.

Note: This path is shown for reference only. Updating the original block will
not automatically update the profile.

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

Section 8.23 SCADAS Recorder data retrieval

The data explorer in the Navigator sheet is enhanced with SCADAS Recorder
functionality when the add-in ‘SCADAS Recording’ is loaded. It will recognize
and use specific icons for SCADAS Recorder template files (RDF) and
SCADAS Recorder data files (TRP).

Section 8.23.1 SCADAS Recorder template files (RDF)

A SCADAS Recorder template file has an extension RDF and is identified with
the icon .

The popup menu (right mouse click the file) allows to review the properties of
the SCADAS Recorder template file. It summarizes the acquisition settings and
the start and stop recording conditions. Channels used for start or stop recording
conditions are annotated with Module number and Channel number. Module 1
is always the XSI system controller. The index numbers of the other modules
continue from up to down and from left to right.

Eg In this example the module numbers are as follows

M2 M1

M3 M5

M4 M6

The detailed pane lists all active channels. Properties of these channels reflect
their acquisition settings.

Section 8.23.2 SCADAS Recorder data files (TRP)

A SCADAS Recorder data file has an extension TRP and is identified with the

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Chapter 8 The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension workbook

icon . The file name is the same as the SCADAS Recorder template file
which was used to initialize the SCADAS Recorder. Subsequent measurements
can be recognized by the sequence number in the SCADAS Recorder data file.

The popup menu (right mouse click the file) allows to review the properties of
the SCADAS Recorder template file. It summarizes the acquisition settings and
the start and stop recording conditions. Also the date and time of the
measurement can be seen as well as the duration of the measurement.

The detailed pane lists all active channels. Properties of these channels reflect
their acquisition settings. It is possible to drag and drop these items into a
display. This shows the quick overview data of the dropped channels and gives
a rough idea of what was measured. Zooming in for more details does not make
sense. Quick overview data has therefore its own icon .

The popup menu also allows to import the data into the active project. When
doing this, all the data available in the SCADAS Recorder data file will be
transferred to a regular throughput data file. This throughput data file will
become available under a new run created in the active project/section having
the name of the selected SCADAS Recorder data file. A progress indication is
given during the import and the import can be aborted at any time.

It is possible to import multiple SCADAS Recorder data files in one batch by

selecting multiple data files in the detailed pane of the navigator.

646 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
defined metrics • 474
Index [Procedure] To create and export links
(bookmarks) • 22, 28, 431
( [Procedure] To create memo documents • 422
[Procedure] To create or edit documentation •
(De-)selecting of curves • 468 29, 421
[Procedure] To create or modify a layout • 52,
67, 69, 598, 599
? • 493, 599, 616, 622, 630 [Procedure] To create pictures of your data •
440, 638
[Procedure] To define a Burst Random source
[...] • 625 signal • 287
[All] • 110 [Procedure] To define a Burst Sine source
[Between X limits] • 110 signal • 287
[Browse...] button • 387 [Procedure] To define a function • 454
[Procedure] How to import data using [Procedure] To define a Periodic Chirp source
Tec.Manager • 22 signal • 288
[Procedure] Project / Section info • 421 [Procedure] To define a predefined list of
[Procedure] To add Meta Information to a print attribute values • 43
format • 46, 47, 49 [Procedure] To define a processing function •
[Procedure] To add the input data to the data 353, 453
set • 453 [Procedure] To define a processing set • 620,
[Procedure] To add the LMS Printing Add-In 621, 623
toolbar to Word or PowerPoint • 46, 47, 50 [Procedure] To define a Random source signal
[Procedure] To apply Absolute Scaling for • 286
optimised limits • 50 [Procedure] To define a set of User Attributes •
[Procedure] To attach files • 422 42, 423
[Procedure] To batch report data • 638 [Procedure] To define a Sine source signal •
[Procedure] To calibrate all types of 287
measurement channels • 509 [Procedure] To define additional search criteria
[Procedure] To change the default memo • 37
template • 45, 424 [Procedure] To define sources • 286
[Procedure] To change the default project [Procedure] To define transient capture setup •
template • 11, 358 583
[Procedure] To compare measurement runs • [Procedure] To define your own unit system •
626 32, 35, 381
[Procedure] To copy pictures to another [Procedure] To edit a function • 455
application • 442 [Procedure] To execute a simple data search •
[Procedure] To create a data source from a text 36, 426, 428
file • 279 [Procedure] To execute the formulas and view
[Procedure] To create a data source from an the results • 455
Access file • 280 [Procedure] To fill an input basket • 426, 432,
[Procedure] To create a data source from an 631
Excel file • 278, 279, 280, 281 [Procedure] To fill in User Attribute values •
[Procedure] To create a database source that 422
can be used for import into the channel setup [Procedure] To make a display layout • 52
• 274, 278, 280, 281, 500 [Procedure] To make a measurement run • 597
[Procedure] To create a multiple-picture print [Procedure] To make a new memo template •
format in Word or PowerPoint • 46, 47 44, 424
[Procedure] To create a single-picture print [Procedure] To make a new project template •
format in the Data Viewing worksheet • 46, 11
443, 447, 450, 452, 470 [Procedure] To make a reference curve layout •
[Procedure] To create and calculate user 67

Rev 11B 647

[Procedure] To make a unit xml file • 34 3
[Procedure] To perform a bridge calibration •
513 3D Acoustic Camera • 162, 163, 365
[Procedure] To perform a DC calibration • 3D Effect • 106
242, 512 3D Geometry Display • 382
[Procedure] To perform a Relative calibration • A
[Procedure] To perform an AC calibration • A short overview of non-traditional sensors •
240, 241, 509 227
[Procedure] To print a multi-picture report • About Test.Lab • 391
451 Abs • 344
[Procedure] To print data using a predefined Absolute • 142, 147, 148, 151
print format • 450 AC calibration • 244, 509
[Procedure] To print your picture • 443 Accept • 524, 552, 553
[Procedure] To read channel characteristics Accept button • 528, 590
from a file • 279, 489 Accept Changes • 425
[Procedure] To read transducer characteristics Accept only selected channels • 518
from TEDS • 490 Accept Strategy • 604
[Procedure] To remove a data source • 282 Accept/Reject • 518
[Procedure] To replay data • 646 ACos/ASin/ATan • 344
[Procedure] To save the results • 456 Acoustic channels • 240
[Procedure] To search for data • 426 Acoustic Geometry • 138
[Procedure] To select runs from other projects Acoustic weighting • 288, 291, 313, 314, 316,
• 629 338, 343, 407, 415, 419, 614
[Procedure] To select the input data • 453 Acquisition • 283
[Procedure] To set printing options • 46, 47, 48 Acquisition and spectral processing parameters
[Procedure] To set the channel input range for • 288
one channel • 282, 572 Acquisition parameters • 288, 289
[Procedure] To set the input ranges for all Acquisition Rate • 563
channels • 282, 572 Actions • 433, 436, 620
[Procedure] To size a picture using absolute Activate section • 358
scaling • 50 Activate This Section • 433, 437
[Procedure] To use cursors in the display • 39 Active • 517
[Procedure] To use the displays • 132 Active project • 625, 631
[Procedure] To validate your data • 615 Active Project • 641
[Procedure] To view and manage data • 425 Active sensor connections • 217, 223
[Procedure] To view functions online using a Active Unit System • 381
fixed layout • 598 Add • 389, 457
[Procedure] To view functions online using a ADD • 354
User Defined Layout • 598 Add a detached picture window • 469
[Procedure] To view the details of data in a Add Attachment • 433
folder • 425 Add Automatic Cursor • 101, 128
Add block... • 480
< Add button • 631
<<< INSERT button • 501, 502 Add Criterion • 430
Add Double Cursor • 101
<Section_name> list • 358
Add Folder • 433
2 Add from Input basket • 458
Add Harmonic Cursor • 101
2D Correction mode • 369
Add Memo Document • 433, 436
2D display • 579
Add New Attribute... • 388
2D Display • 619
Add Processing Cursor • 102, 128
2D Function Displays • 382
Add processing function to processing set •

648 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
623 Connecting DC accelerometers to VB8(-E)
Add Single Cursor • 101 and DB8(-II) • 226
Add to Display button • 601 Application • 391
Add to favorites • 68 Application Launcher • 162, 164
Add to Input Basket • 433, 437 Applications • 9, 10
Add to List • 626 Apply to All • 460
Add to List and Replace List buttons • 476 Apply to Current • 460
Add to/Remove from Favorites • 158 Arrow • 143
Add_blocks_amplitude • 346 Arrow color and style • 157
Add_blocks_db • 346 Arrows • 600
Add_offset_amplitude • 345 Arrows Directions • 151
Add_offset_db • 345 Arrows Format • 150
Add-ins • 159, 364, 366, 373 Arrows Scalar Transform • 151
Add-ins dialog • 364 ASAM ODS • 431
Add-ins... • 364 ASAM ODS Database Export • 162, 164, 365
Address • 428 ASAM ODS Driver • 162, 164, 365
Adv. Search • 430 Attachment display area • 424
Adv. Sieve • 430 Attenuation (dB) • 655
Advanced • 552 Audio Replay • 162, 164, 365
Advanced button • 246, 515, 519, 520, 521, Audio Replay & Filtering • 162, 164, 365
522, 523, 530, 535, 537 Auto • 104, 652
AFM file (ASCII format) • 26 Auto Filter • 438
Air pressure • 589 Auto reject with overload • 613
Air temperature • 589 Auto Sort • 439, 643
Align • 539, 567, 580 Autofilter • 477
Alpha Blended Transparency • 156 Automated Reporting • 162, 165, 365, 367
Always display intersections • 107 Automatic Geometrical • 144
Always include extended project / section Automatic Modal Parameter Selection • 162,
information • 387 165, 365
Ampl/Phase • 148 Automatic topological • 144
Amplitude • 90, 147, 148, 151, 591 Autopower • 338, 347, 587
Amplitude format • 515 AutoPower Power Spectral Density or PSD •
Amplitude scaling • 586, 587 240, 241, 311, 314
Amplitude/dB Real/dB Imag/dB • 149, 151 Autopowers (Linear and Power) • 240, 241,
Amplitude/Phase • 147, 150 311, 313
Analyses • 15 Autorange before Calibration • 521
Angle • 109 Available List • 158
Angle Domain Processing • 162, 163, 365, 366 Average • 345
Animation • 142 Average bar • 596, 606
Animation Control • 145 Average type • 613
Animation settings • 143 Averaged Autopower Spectrum • 405, 415,
Annotation • 111, 383 416
Annotation visible • 88, 93, 97 Averaged display • 542
ANSI emulation • 585 Averaging • 613, 632
ANSI-IEC Octave filtering • 162, 163, 365, Averaging and Overload handling • 612
367 Averaging methods • 288, 289, 613
Append • 323, 327 Averaging of static channels • 289, 290
Appendix A Averaging toolbar • 633
IP ratings • 224 Averaging type • 563, 564, 635
Appendix B Averaging when stationary tracking • 289, 290,
Interpreting the front panel channel LED 305, 563, 564
colors • 225 Axis options • 105
Appendix C

Rev 11B 649

Back • 426 Cable Length • 386
Background • 156 Cada-X • 23
Balanced A and dynamic strain modes • 259 Calculate • 466, 624, 652
Band Pass filter • 165, 653 Calculate All • 624
Band Stop filter • 165, 653 Calculate automatically • 484
Banded • 149 Calculate button • 484
Bandwidth • 532, 573, 592, 608 Calculate buttons • 466, 484
Bar displays • 538, 567, 579, 605 Calculate channel ranges • 521
Base Resolution • 87, 93, 97 Calculate Selected • 466
Base unit set • 32 Calculated Content • 116
Basic functionality of the XSI system Calculations • 113
controller • 197 Calibration • 240, 241, 242, 244, 509
Basic processing • 335 Calibration by current injection • 253
Basic quarter bridge Calibration by Current Injection • 551
2 wire • 215 Calibration overload indicator • 530
Basic Quarter Bridge • 256 Calibration ratio • 530
Batch Reporting • 162, 165, 365 Calibration signal display • 524, 528
Battery status indication • 188 Calibration Sounds • 517
Baud rate • 503 Calibration status and action buttons • 521
Bits / Sample • 384 Calibration time • 517
Blackman • 295 Calibration Validity Period • 370
Bluetooth connectivity and Compact Flash slot Calibration values display • 528
• 200 CAN ACK • 503
Bode • 59, 74 CAN Bus • 366, 367
Bode (default for FRF, CrossPower and CAN Overview • 505
AutoPower) • 619 CAN Settings • 492, 502
Bode/FrontBack (default for FRF+Coherence) CAN-bus input • 200
• 619 Cancel • 389
Bottom color • 156 Canonical dimensions • 31, 32
Bounding Box • 154, 157 Capacitive DC accelerometers (mechanical) •
Break • 523 229
Break button • 542 Capacitive DC accelerometers (MEMS) • 233
Bridge balancing (VB8 only) • 215 Cascade • 390
Bridge Calibration • 252, 514 Cepstrum • 338, 347
Bridge calibration techniques • 215, 222 Cepstrum_inverse • 338, 349
Bridge configurations • 253 Change • 460
Bridge nulling • 222 Channel • 525, 541, 558, 569, 582, 603, 611
Bridge Nulling • 252, 551, 612 Channel 1 • 590
Bridge Nulling check-box • 612 Channel 2 • 590
Bridge Settings • 261, 272 Channel amplification • 282
Browse for Reference Blocks... • 480 Channel definition fields • 261
Browse... • 654, 655 Channel group field definitions • 274, 275,
Browsing step • 636 278, 500
Burst Definition • 532 Channel identification characteristics • 240,
Burst ramp time • 532 241, 242, 260, 282, 487
Burst Random • 284 Channel identification fields • 261
Burst Sine • 285 Channel list • 648
Burst time • 532 Channel selection • 578
Bus Number • 503 Channel Selection • 600
Channel Setup • 492, 499
Channel Setup Visibility • 388

650 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Channel status • 493 Cooling requirements • 186
Channel, segment and position selection • 324, Copy • 110, 361, 434, 437, 468
326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331 Copy as Active picture (embedded data) • 447,
Channelgroup • 509 470
Channels • 239 Copy as Active Picture (embedded data) • 27
Check • 523, 527 Copy as Active picture (linked data) • 447, 470
Check button • 541 Copy as Active Picture (linked data) • 27
Clear Results • 459 Copy Legend Values • 115
Clear Selection • 141 Copy to Bitmap • 26, 447, 470
Close • 70, 358, 461, 481 Copy To Clipboard • 156
Close button • 601 Copy to Metafile • 26, 104, 447, 470
Close the current project and activate section • Copy values • 110
358 Copy Values • 468
CN2 Copying pictures • 12, 26
Dual CAN bus interface module • 208 Correction • 591
Coherence • 311, 319 Cos/Sin/Tan • 344
Color • 143 Count • 564
Color Format • 148 Create a new section... • 358
Color Interpolation • 149 Create a picture • 446, 469, 485
Color Scale • 95, 108 Create a picture... • 638
Color Vector Transform • 149 Create new formula • 462, 479
Colormap • 60, 75, 118, 119, 123, 124, 127, Create new Formula • 506
129, 130, 131 Creating print formats • 45, 639
Colormap and Waterfall • 646 Cross (back) • 104
Columns • 642 Cross (front) • 104
Comparison • 429 Crosspower • 240, 241, 311, 315, 586
Component selection • 502 Crosspower PSD • 311, 316
Component Visualization... • 155 Current group • 643
Concatenated Files... • 26 Current Project • 431
Conditioning • 339, 393 Current range • 541, 569, 582
Conditioning functions • 413, 414, 415 Current value • 604, 605
Conditioning parameters • 613 Cursor • 107
Conditioning toolbar • 338, 393, 413 Cursor calculations in Waterfall and Colormap
Confirm Save Run • 603 display • 113
Conj • 344 Cursor Legend • 103
Conj_multiply • 345 Cursor update rate • 653
Connecting other sensors to the DB8 • 222 Cursor value • 626
Connecting other sensors to VB8-E and Cursors • 106
DB8-II • 216 Curve fitting • 405, 415, 418
Connecting strain gages and bridge sensors to Curve Properties • 110, 445, 468
DB8 • 219 Custom Content • 115
Connecting strain gages and other sensors to Customized Metrics Calculator • 162, 165,
VB8(-E) and DB8-II • 211 365, 366, 368
Connection between front-end and host Cut • 110, 361, 468
computer • 185 Cut segment • 323, 326
Connection to V4, M4, V8(-II, -E), VC8(-E), Cutoff • 533, 614
VB8(-E) and VM8(-E) • 209
Container options... • 539, 567, 580 D
Contents and Index • 391 Data • 362, 445, 467
Continue • 571, 577 Data and its management • 9
Conventional microphones (M4, VM8, Data Block Editor • 162, 165
VM8-II and VM8-E) • 210 Data Block Processing • 162, 166, 365
Conversion • 614 Data Calculator Functions • 337, 452, 463

Rev 11B 651

Data Explorer • 362, 451, 616 Delete processing function from processing set
Data functions • 14 • 624
Data List panel • 477 Delete Section... • 363
Data management and configuration • 9 Delete Selected Definition • 601
Data Properties • 110, 468 Delete the selected Formula • 462, 479, 506
Data record headers • 15 Derived channels • 242
Data Set • 476 Derived Frequency • 100
Data Set buttons • 458 Derived Frequency / Order • 99
Data Source Editor • 390 Derived number • 100
Data Source Selection panel • 475 Derived tacho channels • 300, 560
Data types you can import • 13 Description of XSI basic and optional
Data values • 15 functionalities • 197
Database • 503 Deselect All Curves • 103
Database object types • 500 Detail view list • 436
Database panel • 500 Details • 596, 605
Database Selection and Bus Overview • 503 Detection and correction of missing and
Database sources • 274 double pulses • 270
Date • 43 Detection time • 517
DATX Data Driver • 162, 166, 365 Differential voltage mode connections • 218,
dB • 90 224
DB8 Differentiation • 338, 339, 406, 407, 415, 419
Bridge and voltage conditioning • 208 Dimension • 591
DC accelerometers • 229 Dir • 632
DC calibration • 248, 512 Direct calibration • 252
Decades • 85 Direction • 633
Decay • 533, 614 Direction filter • 617
Decimals • 88, 94, 98, 107 Disable Overlay Optimization • 382
Default • 358 Discard Changes • 425
Default • 152 Display • 601, 632, 645
Default Memo template • 44 Display Area Color • 106
Default Octave Trace Type (Front/Back Display attributes • 445, 467
display) • 382 Display Definition Dialog • 601
Default Trace Style Scheme • 383 Display Format • 105
Define Displays... button • 601 Display Handle • 107
Define Local Folders per File Type • 378 Display Limit • 577
Define one Local Folder • 378 Display Number buttons • 634
Define References... • 586, 587, 588 Display of the real time tacho signal • 570
Define Responses • 590 Display on Geometry • 618
Defining sources • 286 Display panel • 600
Deform • 143 Display size • 156
Deformation Directions • 147 Display Size • 105
Deformation Format • 146 Display type • 445, 467, 539, 567, 580
Deformation Scalar Transform • 147 Display unit • 577
Deformed Model • 140 Display window • 626
Delay (first average) • 566 Display windows • 578
Delay (ms) • 143 Displayed Runs • 617
Delay first average • 308 Disregard Point direction sign • 636
Delete • 68, 361, 434, 437, 448, 458, 471, 480, Divide • 345
644 Document Memo Templates • 44
Delete (favorites) • 68 Documentation • 9, 12
Delete All Pictures • 448, 471 Documentation and Presentation • 39
Delete filter • 654 Documentation User Attributes • 42
Delete Probe button • 590 Double Clicking • 439

652 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Double Cross • 125 Exponential • 294, 533
Double Order • 124 Exponential averaging • 290
Double X • 122 Exponential parameter • 613
Double Y • 123 Exponential time averaging • 290
Double Z • 124 Export CAN configuration • 504
Down • 480, 560 Export to • 437
Down/up • 560 Export To • 434
Drift correction • 324, 332 Export To Video... • 156
Duplicate • 448, 471, 644 Export... • 68
Duration • 562, 563 Exporting data items • 12, 15, 22
Duration of acquisition • 610 Extended Info • 387
Dynamic Stiffness • 311, 320 Extended Project / Section info • 424
DynaWorks • 24 External • 309, 558
External Data Options • 374
Edges • 140, 142
Edit • 361, 423, 425 F • 635
Edit (only available in Sound Diagnosis Faces • 140, 142
add-in) • 655 Fade In / Out • 384
Edit Arrow Limits • 151 Fading • 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332,
Edit Arrows Scale... • 149 333
Edit Color Scale... • 148 Fading Time • 384
Edit deformation Scale... • 146 Fan Control • 612
Edit Properties • 434, 435, 437 Fan control check-box • 576, 612
Edit Properties dialog buttons • 460 Favorites icons • 638
Edit Properties... • 459 Favorites list • 68
Edit Units.. button • 381 FFT • 338, 349, 404, 415
Edit User Attributes • 435, 439 FFT Format Conversion • 404, 415
Edit... • 507 FFT_inverse • 338, 350
Editing • 323, 325 FFT-based • 372
Elaborated overview for quick viewing • 376 FIFO Settings • 386
Elec Unit • 577 Fifo Size • 386
Electrical signal display • 528 File • 358
Elements in the My Links collection folder • File access priority • 379
27 File Location • 376
Empty Input Basket • 433, 434, 437 Fill • 111, 383
Endevco 2262 series • 238 Filter • 438
Endevco 7290 series • 231 Filter Mode • 504
Energy averaging • 290 Filter segment • 323, 331
Eng Unit • 577 Filter Set table • 654
Engineering notation • 88, 94, 98, 107 Filter Setting • 373
Envelope • 345 Filter toolbar icons • 653
Envelope_min • 346 Find Data in • 631
Estimation method • 588 Fit • 338, 340
Ethernet connectivity • 198 Fit Model • 152
Euler Angles • 140, 141, 142 Five slot frames
Events to skip • 562 SCM05 and SCR05 • 192
Examples of data calculator formulas • 353 Fixed layout • 599
Excel Data Driver • 162, 166, 365 Fixed... • 85, 89, 95
Exit • 361 Flat top • 294
Expand • 144 Folders • 427
Expected value • 528 Font • 88, 89, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99
Explicit Accept • 604 Force • 295, 533

Rev 11B 653

Force/Exponential • 533 General Options • 369
Force-Exponential • 295 General Status • 596, 606
Format • 89, 95, 98, 541, 570, 577, 583 General… • 86, 92, 96
Format X • 85 Generator outputs • 199
Format Y • 90 Geometry • 15, 55, 132, 162, 166, 365
Format Z • 96 Geometry Display • 619
Formula • 464, 482, 508 Geometry display windows • 73, 131, 615, 619
Formula editor • 507 Give warning • 494
Formula Editor • 463, 481, 507 Global Status • 595, 605
Formula Set icons • 461, 477, 479 GPS • 25
Formula Set Icons • 506 GPS Options • 373
Formula Set table • 464, 481, 508 GPS receiver and functionality • 200
Forward • 427 Graphic Area Color • 106
Frames per cycle • 143 Green button • 160
Free • 85, 89, 95 Green/Red overload LED • 650
Free Run • 563, 575, 594, 609 Grey button • 161
Free Run Parameters • 610 Grid • 87, 92, 96
Freq 1 / Order (Hz/order) • 655 Group Folder • 377
Freq 2 (Hz) • 655 Group size • 643
Freq. highest peak • 516 Groups • 643
Frequency • 122, 369, 515, 576 Guidelines for installing and using your
Frequency (Hz) • 603 SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS Recorder
Frequency data (spectrum, autopower and front-end • 184
crosspower) • 336 Guidelines in case of system or module
Frequency Definition • 532 transportation • 185
Frequency display • 524
Frequency Response Function • 311, 317
FRF • 588 H1 • 588
FRF, Impedance, Transmissibility and H2 • 588
Transmittance • 337 Half Bridge • 255
From Active Project / From Other Project • Half bridge connection
498 5 wire or 3 wire • 212, 220
Front/Back • 129, 646 Hamming • 294
FrontBack • 62, 77, 118, 122, 123, 125, 126, Hanning • 294
128 Harmonic count • 108
FrontBack (default for Coherence) • 619 Harmonic Cross • 127
Frontend Connection Options • 385 Harmonic Order • 127
Full Bridge • 254 Harmonic Removal • 162, 166, 365
Full bridge connection Harmonic Tracking • 162, 166, 365
6 wire or 4 wire • 211, 219 Harmonic X • 125
Function browser • 634 Harmonic Y • 126
Function Description • 482 Harmonic Z • 126
Function display windows • 70, 524, 528 Hatching • 92
Function ID column • 477 HD Acoustic Camera • 162, 166, 365
Function type • 592, 600, 616, 633 HD Acoustic Camera iNAH • 162, 167, 365
Function type selector • 584 HD Acoustic Camera Order Extension • 162,
Functions • 311 167, 365
Functions per display • 637 Head Data Driver • 162, 167, 365
Help • 70, 391
G Help button • 180
Gauge / Numerical • 108 Hidden lines • 109
General • 109, 338, 354 High Pass filter • 165, 653
General (Desktop) add-ins • 161 High-pass cutoff • 516

654 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Histogram • 338, 350 INSERT bar • 500
Host Adapter ID • 385, 386 Insert before • 389
How to make maximum use of the internal Insert Block • 644
battery • 187 Insert delay • 323, 328
How to use this manual • 184 Insert WF • 644
HTML template folder • 387 Inspection of received goods • 184
Human Body Vibration • 162, 167, 365 Instance • 591
Hv • 588 Instantaneous display • 542
Hysteresis • 562 Instrument grounding • 185
Integrate/Differentiate • 90
I Intensity Probe Remote Control • 159
Icon • 69 Interactive Time Data Editing • 162, 167, 365
ICP transducers • 209 Interpreting Units • 31, 33
Id • 464, 482, 508 Introduction • 226, 274, 489
IEEE 1451.4 formats • 501 Inverse • 344
Imag • 90 IP Address • 386
Imag (Imaginary) • 147 Isolines • 149
Imaginary • 148, 150
Immediate Down • 561
Immediate down/up • 561 Jump mode • 648
Immediate Up • 561
Immediate Up / Down • 561 K
Implicit Accept • 604 Kaiser-Bessel • 295
Import • 434 Kistler 8310 series • 233
Import CAN configuration • 504 KML (Keyhole Markup Language) • 25
Import into Active Project • 434
Import... • 68 L
Importing and exporting data • 12 Label • 107, 460
Importing data items • 12 Layout • 106, 117, 444, 467
Include settings • 494 Layout editing area • 69
Include Settings • 499 Layout icons • 446, 469, 485
Increment • 466, 483, 561, 562, 600 Layout list • 68
Incremental encoder input (optional) • 199 Layout Management... • 361
Indirect calibration Layout selection • 578
shunt calibration. • 253 Layout Selector • 599
Individual functions • 338, 344 LDSF • 30
Input • 532, 592, 600, 601 LDSF Saving Mode • 376
Input basket • 625 Left • 650
Input Basket • 432, 475, 476, 631, 640 Left Right Geometry • 57
Input Channel • 611 Left/Right • 145, 616
Input channels • 239, 510 Legend • 103, 158
Input Levels • 605 Legend Options • 158
Input mode • 579 Length • 141
Input modules • 202 Level • 515, 532, 541, 558, 562, 569, 575, 582
Input parameters • 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, Level (V) • 603
347, 349, 351, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420 Level-Time Channel • 309, 558
Input Parameters • 341 License Server Options • 383
Input range • 525, 541, 569, 579, 582 License Usage... • 362
Input Range • 531 Lighting • 156
Inputs/Responses • 617 Limits • 85, 88, 89, 94, 95, 98, 112, 515, 534
Insert a function • 462, 480, 507 Line • 110, 383
Insert after • 389 Line color, style, and thickness • 157
Insert at position • 323, 327

Rev 11B 655

Line Style • 87, 93, 96, 97 V/ICP/microphone conditioning with
Line Style... • 109 TEDS support • 204
Line Type • 107 Main frame and signal processing units • 173
Linear • 85 Main/Overlaid • 145
Linear / dB • 108 Make Printformat • 447, 470
Linear averaging • 290 Manual • 564, 652
Linear time averaging • 289 Manual tracking • 306
LinearSmoothingFactor • 297 Marker • 111, 140, 141, 157, 383
Lines • 140, 142 Master/Slave configuration • 173, 180
Link • 146, 150 Master/slave interface module • 201
List • 43 Math • 344
List All Blocks • 428 Matlab • 24
List Online Functions... button • 592 Matlab data • 13, 19
List panel • 601 Matrix presentation • 617
List Settings • 435 Max. calibration time • 515
List Units button • 381 Max. number samples for calculations • 376
LMS Document templates • 12 Max. number samples for reporting • 376
LMS defined formats • 501 Maximize • 105, 156
LMS on the Web • 391 Maximize to Picture • 105
LMS SCADAS Mobile • 182 Maximum • 561
LMS SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Maximum Background noise to full range ratio
Recorder frames • 190 • 534
LMS SCADAS Mobile system description • Maximum frequency • 591
189 Maximum RPM • 300
LMS Tec.Manager Project Management • 359 Maximum value • 291
Ln • 344 MDM-plug-in • 162, 167, 365
Load a format • 452 Mean and RMS • 338, 347
Load Attributes List... • 388 Measure • 532, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589,
Load Channel Setup • 491, 493, 494 590, 591
Load Channel Setup dialog • 495 Measure coherence • 589
Load Channel Setup... • 491 Measure Dynamic Stiffness • 589
Load criteria • 430 Measure octave type • 585
Load Criteria • 430 Measure Refererence Crosspower • 587
Load Filter Set • 654 Measure Sheet Font Size • 387
Load FormulaSet from DFS file • 462, 479 Measure Static • 585
Load FormulaSet from VRT file • 506 Measure Tacho • 584
Load processing set from PFS file • 623 Measure Windowed Time • 584
Load Reference Channel Setup when Measured value • 529
activating a section • 493 Measurement functions • 240, 241, 242
Load Template... • 641 Measurement info... • 518
Load View • 439 Measurement mode • 559
Load/Save View • 643 Measurement Parameters • 609
Local Folder • 378 Measurement point identification fields • 275,
Location point definition • 261, 266 276
Lock position • 113 Measurement Specialties 4600 (single axis)
Log • 90 and 4630 (triax) series • 237
Log10 • 344 Measuring in Free Run • 596, 606
Look in • 429 Memo Inventory • 378
Low Pass filter • 165, 653 Merge functions • 338, 353
LR Geometry • 135 Merge spectra • 338, 352
Message Overview • 504
M Method • 560, 565
M4, VM8 and VM8-E Method and Parameter • 308

656 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Metrics • 347 Move to previous Sample • 112
Microphone connector • 210 Move to… • 112
Microphone settings (M4 , VM8 module) • Move up • 462, 480, 507
261, 274 Move Up • 644
Microphone supplies • 210 Multi Reference Post Processing • 162, 168,
Min and Max • 338, 347 365
Minimum • 561 Multi-Trace display • 646
Minimum and maximum frequency • 530 My Computer • 433
Minimum distance between points • 373 My Links • 27, 431
Minimum duration • 562
Minimum frequency • 591
Minimum oversampling factor • 517 Name • 422, 625
Minimum RPM • 300 Names • 140, 141
Minimum spectral lines for octave band • 373 Nastran Data Driver • 162, 168, 365
Minimum time between points • 373 nCode Data Driver • 162, 168, 365
Minimum value • 291 Network • 385, 431
Mission Synthesis • 162, 167, 365 Network Hub • 162, 168, 365
Modal Analysis • 162, 167, 365 New Folder • 435
Modal Analysis Lite • 162, 167, 365 New FormulaSet • 461, 479, 506
Modal Cursor calculations in Front/Back and New Memo Template • 44
Bode display • 113 New Probe button • 590
Mode • 574, 594, 609 New processing set • 623
Mode shape animation • 154 New range • 541, 570, 583
Model scale • 142 New Section... • 363
Models • 157 New... • 358
Modification Prediction • 162, 167, 365 Nine slot frames
Modifications • 158 SCM09 and SCR09 • 194
Modify segment • 323, 328 NMEA (National Marine Electronics
Mono • 650 Association) • 25
More ... button • 603 No Action • 613
More.. • 575 No jump • 648
More... • 430, 540, 564, 568, 581 Nodal lines • 143
More... button • 594, 595, 602 Nodal Lines Directions • 152
Most recent files... • 360 Nodal Lines Format • 152
Most Recent Run • 475 Nodal Lines Properties • 152
Most Recent Runs • 631 Node • 141
Mouse and keyboard tips in function displays • Node Name panel • 502
83 Nodes • 140, 141
Move • 139 None • 144, 533, 611
Move down • 462, 507 Notch filter • 165, 653
Move Down • 644 Note on the annotation when weighting is used
Move First • 446, 469 • 292
Move Last • 447, 469 Notepad • 423
Move Left • 447, 470 Number • 43
Move Right • 447, 470 Number of averages • 307, 532, 565, 594, 613
Move to active project • 438 Number of Averages • 563, 564
Move to Front/Back • 109 Number of columns • 617
Move to global maximum / minimum • 112 Number of displays • 444, 467, 600
Move to lower • 468 Number of events • 562
Move to next local maximum / minimum • 112 Number of rows • 617
Move to next Sample • 112 Number of visible traces • 108
Move to previous local maximum / minimum • Numerical Display Panel • 54
112 Nyquist • 79

Rev 11B 657

Nyquist window • 63 Options - Displays tab • 369, 382
Options - File Locations tab • 369, 376, 401
O Options - Filtering tab • 369, 380
Octave • 64, 79, 118, 123, 338, 340, 577, 585 Options - Font Size • 387
Octave bands • 86 Options - Frontend • 385
Octave filter midband and edge frequencies • Options - General tab • 369
370 Options - License Server tab • 369, 383
Octave filter shapes • 372 Options - Miscellaneous - Online • 108
Octave Filtering • 370 Options - Network Hub tab • 369, 384
Octave Filtering Options • 372 Options - Numerical Display • 73, 108
Octaves • 86, 311 Options - Sorting tab • 369, 379
ODBC databases • 500 Options - Sound Settings tab • 369, 384
ODBC databases as an input source for Options - Tec.Manager tab • 369, 384
Channel Setup • 274, 277 Options - Units tab • 369, 381
Offline Octave filtering optimization • 373 Options - View • 109
Offline operation • 178, 238 Options button • 651
Offline RPM-Extraction • 162, 168, 365 Options... • 115, 156, 369, 539, 567, 580, 635
Offline Sine Data Reduction • 162, 168, 365 Order • 119
Offset • 527, 529 Order filter • 165, 654
Offset segment • 323, 330 Order map, spectrum waterfall, individual
Ok • 508 spectra of a waterfall • 99
OK • 389, 464, 482 Order Tracking • 163, 169, 366
On/Off • 482, 508, 603, 654 Origin • 154, 158, 428
One slot frames Original units versus Test.Lab units • 33
SCM01 and SCR01 • 191 Other channels • 242
Online Data • 432 Other folders • 30
Online functions • 311 Other local files and folders • 378
OPAX • 162, 168, 365 Output • 592, 600, 601
Open applications • 390 Output Device • 651
Open button • 500 Output format • 614
Open KML • 25 Overall level of octave display based on • 382
Open... • 358 Overall Level Options... • 106
Opening a project directly • 11 Overhead • 516, 540, 569, 582
Opening a project within an application • 11 Overlap • 308, 563, 565, 610
Operational Deflection Shapes & Time Overlap mode • 565
Animation • 162, 168, 365 Overload Handing • 613
Operational Modal Analysis • 162, 169, 365 Overload Status • 596, 605
Operational Modal Analysis Lite • 163, 169, Oversampling • 517
365 Overview processing set • 624
Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis • 163, Overwrite at position • 323, 327
Operational PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite •
163, 169 P • 635
Optical Cable Length • 386 Pane Header options • 491
Optimised & Free Y limits based on: • 383 Parameter (exponential) • 563, 564, 565
Optimized • 85, 89, 95 Parameter Locking • 163, 169, 366
Optional functionality of the XSI system Parameters • 609
controller • 197 Parent Folder • 427
Options • 86, 92, 96, 99, 106, 114 Paste • 102, 361, 435
Options - Add-ins tab • 369, 373 Paste as Link • 435
Options - Attributes Tab • 369, 387 Paste to Front / Back • 102
Options - Curve • 108 Paste to Upper / Lower • 102
Options - Data tab • 30, 369, 374 Path • 656

658 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Path field • 428 Preview • 602
Pause • 571, 578, 649 Preview Mode • 104
PCA • 311, 320, 590 Previous / Next • 460
PCB 3701 series • 230 Principal Component Analysis • 163, 170, 366
PCB 3711 series • 235 Print • 360, 443, 448, 470
PDF Manual • 391 Print Preview • 360, 402
PDT • 174 Print Screen • 493, 599, 616, 622, 630
Peak hold ref. channel • 613 Print Setup Parameters • 363, 434, 437
Peak level • 541, 569, 582 Print with • 443
Perform Bridge Nulling • 551 Print with... • 448, 471
Perform Calibration • 551, 552 Printer Setup... • 360
Periodic Chirp • 285 Printing Options • 360
Phase • 90, 148, 151 Probe (number) • 590
Phase Referenced Spectra • 586 Probe Definition • 590
PhysicalChannelId • 586, 587, 588 Processing • 90, 323, 601
Picture tabs • 442, 446, 452, 469, 485, 638 Processing Cross • 131
Piezoresistive DC accelerometers (MEMS) • Processing Frequency • 130
236 Processing Order • 129
Pimento Remote Control • 160 Processing Set Definition icons • 623
Planes • 157 Processing set function list • 623
Play • 649 Processing X • 129
Play all • 649 Processing Z • 129
Play Sound • 438 Processing… • 113
Play track • 649 Product • 346
Playback options • 649 Progress • 596, 606, 645
Point • 541, 569, 582, 586, 587, 588 Project • 378, 632
Point browser • 634 Project data • 29
Point Dir • 465, 482, 509 Project Template • 378
Point Id • 464, 482, 508 Project templates • 11
Point per octave • 591 Projects • 9, 10, 358
Points per display • 637 Properties • 435
Polarity • 527 Properties… • 114
PolyMAX Modal Analysis • 163, 170, 366 Property • 429, 460
PolyMAX Modal Analysis Lite • 163, 170, Protect Measured • 144
366 PulseCorrection and PulseCorrectionFactor •
Polytec add-in • 21 298
Polytec Data Driver • 170 Pulses per rev • 557
Potentiometer connections • 216 PulsesPerRevolution • 297
Power • 345 PulsesToSkip • 297
Power requirements • 186
PQA • 175
PQBA • 175 QDA • 176
PQCA • 175 QDAC • 177
PQDCA • 175 QTV • 177
PQFA • 175 QTV parameters • 261, 267
PQMA • 176 Quad Geometry • 58, 136
PQTA • 176 Quarter bridge
Practical guidelines for transducer connections 3 wire • 214, 222
• 209 Quarter Bridge • 257
Precision • 108 Quarter bridge connections • 214, 221
Pre-fix Node - Name with Component • 155
Pressing the • 353, 461 R
Pretrigger • 531, 575, 610 Random • 283

Rev 11B 659

Range • 240, 241, 242 Replay • 111, 468
Range enabled • 566 Replay buttons • 649
Range unabled and RPM range • 308 Replay Range • 652
Ranges • 516 Reset All • 92
Read Teds • 492, 501 Reset CAN configuration • 504
Ready • 596, 606 Reset jump • 648
Real • 90, 146, 148, 150 Reset Template... • 642
Real Time Lost • 596, 606 Resolution • 574, 593, 609
Reciprocal Switch • 338, 340 Response • 533
Red button • 160 Response Window • 595, 614
Redo Shunt Calibration • 553 Responses/Inputs • 617
Reference • 586, 587, 588 Restore • 105, 156, 460
Reference Blocks data list • 477 Result X-axis range • 636
Reference Channel • 530 Result X-axis values • 636
Reference Channel Setup Options dialog • 491, Resulting function • 340, 342, 343, 344, 347,
493 349, 415, 416, 418, 419, 420, 421
Reference Channel Setup Options... • 389 Results destination • 484, 624
Reference pulse • 272 Results destination panel • 478
Reference Window • 595, 613 Retry button • 179
ReferencePulse • 298 Rewind • 650
Refresh • 427, 436 Right • 650
Refresh button • 501, 502, 617 Rigid Body Calculator • 163, 170, 366
Reject • 524 Rms calculation • 335
Reject Last Measurement button • 542 Road Runner files • 13, 18
Relabel... • 388 Rotated Half Bridge (only available on VB8) •
Relate Size to Magnitude • 158 258
Relative • 142 Rotated half bridge connection
Relative calibration • 249 4 wire or 3 wire • 214
Remote Control • 366, 368 RPC III • 26
Remove • 109, 389, 425, 445, 467 RPC III files • 13, 19
Remove All Cursors • 102 RPM range • 566
Remove All Curves • 103 Run • 632
Remove animation • 145 Run Data Averaging & Comparison Organizer
Remove cursor • 112 • 163, 170, 366
Remove Curve • 103 Run name • 602
Remove Selected • 430 Run selection • 476, 641
Remove Selected Criterion • 430 Run User Attributes • 387
Rename • 435, 439, 448, 471 Runs • 29
Rename Section... • 363
Rename selected processing function • 624 S
Renumber FormulaSet • 463, 480 Sample Rate • 652
Repeat all • 649 Sampling Bit Size • 370
Repeat for... • 338, 354, 465, 483 Save • 359, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 591,
Repeat track • 649 637
Replace • 389, 457 Save as Layout • 449, 472
Replace button • 631 Save as Reference • 491, 493
Replace by constant • 323, 330 Save As Task Shortcut • 359
Replace by curve • 323, 329 Save As Template... • 359
Replace Data • 449, 472 Save As... • 359
Replace Data Origin • 448, 471 Save Attributes List... • 388
Replace from Input basket • 458 Save coherence • 589
Replace in Input Basket • 433, 437 Save criteria • 430
Replace Selected • 430 Save Criteria • 430

660 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Save destination • 625 sections, overall level, ...) • 99
Save Dynamic Stiffness • 589 Secured saving during acquisition • 376
Save Filter Set • 654 Segment • 323, 326
Save FormulaSet to DFS file • 461, 479 Segment from: • 651
Save FormulaSet to VRT file • 506 Segment range • 651
Save layout button • 69 Segment to: • 651
Save layout field • 69 Select • 111, 424, 540, 569, 582
Save list of active add-ins when the application Select all • 361
is closed • 373 Select All • 141
Save PCA • 590 Select All Curves • 102
Save Picture as Layout • 362 Select Columns... • 438, 642
Save Picture as New Layout... • 362 Select Deform Maximum • 141
Save processing set to PFS file • 623 Selected fields • 388
Save Reference Crosspower • 587 Selected List • 158
Save results as... • 458 Selecting an empty cell • 353, 461
Save selected as... • 459 Selecting an empty line in the table • 353, 461
Save Static • 585 Selection • 140
Save Tacho • 585 Selection from multiple Runs • 618
Save Template... • 642 Selection from multiple Time • 618
Save View • 439 Selection order buttons • 158
Save Windowed Time • 584 Selection status • 445
Saving / loading a specific CAN configuration Semi stationary • 307
• 504 Sens. difference • 516
SCADAS III • 172 Sense of rotation • 299
SCADAS Mobile • 182 Sensitivity • 527, 529
SCADAS Recorder data files (TRP) • 657 Sensitivity difference • 534
SCADAS Recorder data retrieval • 170, 656 Separate Files... • 26
SCADAS Recorder template files (RDF) • 656 Set mean of segment • 323, 331
SCADAS Recording • 163, 170, 366 Set Ranges • 539, 568, 573, 581
Scalar math functions • 408, 409, 415, 420 SetXstart • 338, 341
Scale • 109, 345 Seven slot IP54 certified frame
Scale Factor • 158 SCD07 • 195
Scale segment • 323, 331 Shade color • 157
Scan button • 385, 386 Show • 114
SDF • 24 Show Active • 492, 518, 546
SDF files • 13, 18 Show all • 155
Search • 427 Show All • 140, 142, 438, 491, 504, 518, 546
Search button • 428 Show Arrows Scale • 150
Search by properties • 429 Show Color Scale • 148
Search For • 429 Show data • 644
Search now • 430 Show Deformation Scale • 146
Search Results • 432, 641 Show Favorites • 158
Search Windows subfolders • 429 Show filters • 651
Searching for Data using the Data Explorer • Show Measurements in 2D Display • 618
35 Show Model Scale • 142
Second X-axes • 100 Show none • 155
Section • 632 Show None • 140, 142, 505
Section Scaling • 91 Show panels • 651
Section selection • 476, 631 Show Selected Points on Geometry • 618
Section Selection • 641 Show traces • 651
Section User Attributes • 387 Show/hide Data Source Selection icon • 630
Sections • 29, 363 Shunt calibration • 216, 222
Sections, (orders, frequency sections, octave Shunt Calibration • 552

Rev 11B 661

Signal • 347, 603 Spacer • 590
Signal conditioner identification fields • 275, Span • 573, 593, 608
277 Specific LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral
Signal conditioning fields • 261, 265 Extension add-ins • 159
Signal conditioning modules • 173, 174, 566 Spectral lines • 532, 574, 593, 608
Signal Filter • 505 Spectrum • 338, 350, 585
Signal Table • 505 Spectrum (frequency spectra) • 240, 241, 311,
Signature Data Post-Processing • 163, 171, 366 312
Signature Throughput Processing • 163, 171, Spectrum format • 586, 587
366 Sqrt • 345
Sine • 284 SRA • 321, 591
Single cross • 122 SRS Calculation • 410, 415, 420
Single ended voltage / ICP / TEDS mode SRS Q factor • 591
connections • 218 Standard • 392
Single X • 118 Standard Content • 116
Single Y • 118 Start • 523, 527, 529
Single Z • 119 Start condition • 610
Single/Doubledifferentiate • 339 Start condition Parameters • 610
Single/Doubleintegrate • 339 Start Phase (°) • 603
Size • 157 Start Pretrigger • 611
Size of displays • 445, 467 Start Ranging • 539, 568, 581
Size to fit • 115 Start Source button • 603
Slave DOFs • 144 Start trigger level • 611
Slave frames StartPoint Server • 384
SCM06S, SCM10S and SCD08S • 196 StartPoint server computer name • 384
Slope • 558, 575, 610, 632 StartPoint server port number • 384
Slope method • 562 Static Channel • 605
Slope Method • 303 Static channels • 241
Smooth • 149, 338, 341 Stationary • 305
Smooth FRF • 338, 353 Stationary tracking • 563
Smooth_FRF • 338, 342 Status • 466, 484, 528
Smooth_Linear • 338, 342 Status Bar • 362
Smooth_segment • 323, 329 Status indicator • 530, 538
Smoothing • 91, 144, 406, 415, 418 Status List: • 538
Snap to data values • 108 Status Message • 110, 468
Snap to Data Values • 113 Std. deviation sens. • 516
SNR • 515, 534 Stereo • 648, 650
Software and Hardware • 159 Stereo options • 650
Solids • 140, 142 STL data • 13, 21
Sort • 439, 642, 644 Stop • 527, 529, 649
Sort by • 637 Stop Ranging button • 540, 568, 581
Sound Diagnosis • 163, 171, 366 Stop search • 430
Sound Intensity • 321, 589 Stop Source button • 603
Sound Intensity Analysis • 163, 171, 366 Stop with overload • 613
Sound maps • 154 Strain gage based sensor conditioning with
Sound Player • 384 LMS SCADAS • 228
Sound Quality Metrics • 163, 171, 366 Strain gage conditioning with LMS SCADAS •
Source • 531, 594, 609 227
Source Control • 366, 368, 603 Style font • 107
Source data • 339, 340, 341, 343, 344, 347, Style line • 107
349, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420 Subtract_blocks_amplitude • 346
Source field names • 388 Subtract_blocks_db • 346
Sources • 283 Subtract_offset_amplitude • 345

662 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Subtract_offset_db • 345 The Autoranging panel • 539
Subtracts the specified offset from the dB of The Autoranging QTV panel • 566
the values of the specified function. The Averaging Parameters panel • 594
Combined functions • 338, 345 The Averaging Parameters Panel • 612
Sum • 347 The Axis menus • 85, 524
SUM • 354 The Batch Reporting worksheet • 165, 638
Surfaces • 140, 142 The Bridge Settings Parameters • 543
Switch • 650 The Bridge Type Illustration panel • 551
Switch display types • 626 The Cada-X project database • 13
Synchronized measurement • 603 The Calibration Check panel • 529
Sysnoise databases • 13, 19 The calibration measurement table • 526
System controller The Calibration panel • 525, 541
XSI • 197 The calibration panel icons • 525
The calibration process • 246
T The Calibration worksheet • 244, 509
Table elements • 618, 634 The channel list • 518
Tacho / Tracking channel • 560 The Channel Setup worksheet • 292, 487, 547
Tacho and Static Channels • 604 The Channels panel • 518, 534, 546
Tacho Channel • 604, 611 The Compare Runs worksheet • 626
Tacho channel (rpm), Derived Tacho channel The Conditioning panel • 595
and Static channel • 100, 101 The Conditioning Panel • 613
Tacho channels • 174, 239, 296, 556 The current channel list • 499
Tacho Input Channel • 611 The Current Run panel • 602
Tacho inputs • 198 The Cursor menus • 111
Tacho parameters • 269 The Curve Legend menus • 103, 111, 114
Tacho Settings • 556 The Data Block Processing Calculator • 478
Tacho trigger RPM • 611 The Data Block Processing worksheet • 472
Tacho Trigger slope • 612 The Data display panel • 625
Tacho value • 571 The Data Display panel • 638
Target ID • 385, 386 The Data Explorer • 443, 451, 456
TDF • 30 The Data Explorer browsers and toolbar • 444,
Tec. Manager Search • 388 457
Tec.Manager Hub • 163, 171, 366 The Data Explorer dialog • 363, 403, 425, 444,
Teds formats • 501 451, 457
Test setup with shaker • 251 The Data Explorer panel • 452
Tests • 14 The Data Explorer Toolbar • 426, 444, 451,
Text • 25, 43 456
Text annotation color • 156 The Data Function display panel • 592
The AC Calibration parameters • 514 The Data List panel • 475
The Accept button • 604 The Data menus • 109
The Acquisition Control panel • 594, 609 The Data Options panel • 412, 635
The Acquisition Parameters panel • 608 The Data Selection panel • 640
The Action buttons • 571, 577 The Data Set panel • 354, 453, 457, 642
The Active Formula Set panel • 337, 353, 453, The Data Set Table • 458
461 The data set toolbar icons • 457
The Advanced Parameters dialog • 594, 595, The Data Source Selection panel • 630
602, 607 The DB8 connector • 219
The Attachment Preview panel • 421, 424 The DC calibration parameters • 525
The Attachments panel • 421, 423 The Delete button • 424
The Audio replay & filter dialog • 111, 645 The desktop • 9
The Automatic (cursor) menus • 128 The Detail display panel • 578
The Autoranging and Offset zeroing panel • The Detail View panel • 428, 436, 443, 451,
282, 579 456

Rev 11B 663

The Display Layout panel • 619 The Overview display panel • 578
The Display menus • 101, 111 The Overview panel • 616
The Display panel • 484 The pane header options • 518
The Displays panel • 542 The Pane Header options • 599, 616, 622, 630
The Documentation worksheet • 421 The Picture display area • 444, 466
The Double (cursor) menus • 101, 122 The Picture display panel • 453
The Fan Control panel • 576 The Picture Display panel • 444, 466
The filter panel • 653 The Picture Selection bar • 446, 468
The First and Second Measurement panels • The Post Processing data browser • 622
528 The Post Processing Function & Set Definition
The Fixed Layout display options • 600 • 623
The Format display area • 452 The Post Processing worksheet • 620
The Format display panel • 451 The power supply and its user interface • 188
The Format selection bar • 452 The Print Format panel • 644
The function parameters • 624 The Processing (cursor) menus • 128
The Function Selection panel • 633 The Properties... button • 618
The function selector • 624 The Reject button • 604
The Geometry display functions • 138 The Relative Calibration Parameters • 530
The Geometry display menu • 140 The replay panel • 649
The Geometry model manipulation icons • 139 The Reporting panel • 645
The GVT Manager worksheet • 606 The Run display mode selector • 632
The GVT Spectral Extension button bar • 391 The Run Selection panel • 631
The GVT Spectral Extension menu bar • 358 The Run table • 632
The H(1) Estimator • 317 The Scope Settings panel • 573, 592
The H(2) Estimator • 318 The Scope worksheet • 571
The H(v) Estimator • 319 The Search panel • 428
The Harmonic (cursor) menus • 101, 125 The Select Channel panel • 525
The Import button • 423 The Sensitivity and offset panel • 513, 526
The Layout editing panel • 69 The Settings panel • 515, 530
The Layout management dialog • 51, 361, 440, The Single (cursor) menus • 101, 118
446, 469, 485, 638 The Start Check button • 597
The Layout management panel • 67 The Start Control panel • 597
The list of documents • 423 The Status indicator • 493, 499
The LMS SCADAS III frontend • 173 The Status panel • 538, 553
The LMS SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS The Stop Check button • 597
Recorder concept • 189 The Tacho Displays panel • 570
The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension The Tacho Settings panel • 556
workbook • 357 The TDF database • 13, 15
The Measure worksheet • 597 The Template Set panel • 641
The Measurement Control Panel • 602 The Test Setup worksheet • 583
The Measurement Matrix • 634 The traces panel • 648
The Measurement Matrix panel • 617 The Tracking mode selector • 632
The Measurement Settings panel • 602 The Tracking Settings panel • 557
The Measurement Status panel • 595, 604 The Tracking Setup worksheet • 554
The Navigator - Data Calculator worksheet • The Tree-view browser panel • 431, 443, 451,
243, 452 456, 622
The Navigator - Data Presentation worksheet • The Trigger Settings panel • 574
450 The User Attributes Grid • 421, 422
The Navigator - Data Viewing worksheet • 440 The User Defined Layout Display Option •
The New from Template button • 423 600
The Notepad panel • 421, 423 The Validate worksheet • 615
The Nulling and Calibration panel • 551 The VB8(-E) and DB8-II connector • 211, 543
The Online Data Function panel • 584 The View Channel Setup button • 499

664 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
The View Settings panel • 576 To set QDA settings • 488
Theory • 391 To set the Scope parameters • 571
Throughput Bind Strategy • 374 To use the displays • 73
Throughput data • 308 To view data • 74
Throughput File Format • 374 Toggle on/off • 654
Throughput files • 602 Tool • 109
Throughput poststop • 310 Toolbars • 362, 391, 626
Throughput prestart • 309 Tools • 364
Ticks • 87, 93, 97 ToolTip Style • 107
Tile • 390 Top color • 156
Time • 99, 101, 240, 241, 311, 563, 576, 584, Torsion Hold Off • 299
594, 609 Torsion Hysteresis • 300
Time (Throughput) • 100, 101 TPA Component Editing • 163, 172, 366
Time Averaging • 289 Track jump • 648
Time constant • 565 Tracked • 559
Time Data Editing Functions • 171, 323 Tracking • 295, 554
Time Data Editor - Advanced • 163, 171, 366 Tracking channel • 562
Time Data Editor - Standard • 163, 172, 366 Tracking Channel • 303
Time Data Extraction • 163, 172, 366 Tracking control • 301
Time Data Options • 376 Tracking method • 559, 563
Time Data Processing • 163, 172 Tracking on Event • 562
Time Data Selection • 163, 172, 366 Tracking on events • 306
Time Domain TPA • 163, 172, 366 Tracking on tacho or static channel • 560
Time increment • 610 Tracking on tacho, derived tacho or static
Time Parameters • 610 channel • 301
Time recording during Signature Testing • Tracking on Time • 305, 561
366, 369 Transducer fields • 261, 264
Time Recording During Spectral Testing • 161 Transducer identification fields • 275
Time Settings • 517 Transfer Path Analysis • 163, 172, 366
Time Signal Calculator • 163, 172, 366 TRDS files • 13, 16
Time signal display • 524 Trigger • 531, 575, 594, 609
Time signals • 335 Trigger channel • 575, 610
Time-based • 372 Trigger Channel • 531
Timeout • 385, 517 Trigger level • 531, 557, 610
Timer Options • 383 Trigger parameters • 557
Time-Variant Frequency Analysis • 163, 172, Trigger Parameters • 610
366 Triggered start • 309
Title Content • 117 Trigonometric functions • 338, 344
Title Layout • 118 Type • 87, 93, 97, 157, 158, 558, 655
Title Legend • 103 Types of channels • 239
To adjust the tacho displays • 555
To condition displayed data • 413
To define a channel setup • 487 U • 635
To define bridge settings • 490 UL • 80
To define the tacho and tracking control UL Geometry • 134
parameters • 555 Undeformed Model • 141
To define the tacho settings • 555 Undo • 105, 361
To edit the visible channel fields • 487, 489, Uniform • 294
491 Unit • 86, 88, 92, 94, 96, 98, 483, 508, 515
To post process data • 620 Unit System • 381
To preview data • 441 Unit systems • 31, 32
To select and edit an htm- or html-template • Units • 31
424 Units and how to handle them • 31, 381

Rev 11B 665

Units of External Data • 381 VC8 and VC8-E
Universal File • 23 Charge and V/ICP conditioning with TEDS
Universal File Options • 376 support • 206
Universal files • 13, 17 VDAC • 177
Up • 560 Vendor • 503
Up / Down • 560 Vertical / Horizontal Views • 427
Upper Lower Geometry • 56 Vibration channels • 240, 241
Upper/Lower • 64, 145, 616 View • 361
UpperLower • 118, 119, 122, 123, 125, 126, View in CAN Overview • 504
128 View Settings • 436
Use ASPI • 385 View Setup Parameters • 363, 434, 437
Use Cada-X Triad Colors • 382 View/Change TDF (full) name... • 436, 438
Use channel list ranges • 521 Views • 152
Use Component Visualization • 155 Virtual channels • 243, 506
Use database • 500 Virtual Channels • 492
Use Database • 492 Visible • 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
Use embedded configuration • 179 98, 99
Use external configuration • 179 Visual Extensions • 154, 157
Use external sound player • 384
Use Geometry • 492, 501 W
Use Group Folder • 378 Waiting for Start Trigger • 596, 606
Use internal sound player • 384 Waiting for trigger • 596, 606
Use Original Units • 381 Waterfall • 65, 82, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124,
Use Quad Projection American • 382 125, 127, 129, 130, 131
Use Scope Settings button • 592 Waterfall Bind Strategy • 375
Use Semi-Stationary Averaging • 564 Wav • 25
Use Source • 531 WAV Settings • 384
Use SPTI • 385 Weighting • 91, 614
Use Test.Lab Units • 381, 382 Width (Hz/order) • 655
Use throughput poststop • 557, 559 Window • 390
Use throughput prestart • 557, 558 Window layout • 616
Use Trigger Channel • 531 Windowing • 532, 613
Use triggered start • 557 Windows • 293, 313, 316, 595, 613, 614
Use UTP • 386 Windows Automation Support • 163, 172, 366
User • 655 Work offline button • 179
User 1 (2, 3, 4 and 5) • 163, 172, 366 Workbook Configuration... • 390
User Applications • 390 Worksheet • 391
User Attributes • 42 Workspace • 432, 625, 641
User defined layout • 599 Write Cada-X compatible component info •
User Defined Unit • 381 376
Using cursors in displays • 39
Using Test.Lab Units • 34 X
Using the original units • 34 X • 104, 141, 147, 151
X axis • 63, 66, 79, 83, 570
X_axis_alignment • 338, 344
V4, V8, V8-E, VS8 and VS8-E X_axis_conversion • 338, 344
V/ICP conditioning with TEDS support • X-axes • 99
202 X-axis • 85
Value • 422, 429, 460, 527 XY • 66, 83, 152
Value display • 107
VB8 and VB8-E Y
Bridge and V/ICP conditioning with TEDS Y • 141, 147, 151
support • 207

666 LMS Test.Lab The LMS Test.Lab GVT Spectral Extension manual
Y (back) • 104
Y (front) • 104
Y axis • 570
Y back axis • 66, 83
Y cursor • 570
Y front axis • 66, 83
Y horizontal axis • 63, 66, 79, 83
Y vertical axis • 63, 79
Y-axis • 89
Yellow button • 160, 161, 162, 165, 365
YZ • 153
Z • 141, 147, 151
Z-axes • 100
Z-axis • 95
Zoom • 109, 112
Zoom in / zoom out • 139
ZX • 153
ZX / XY /YZ Plane • 154

Rev 11B 667

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