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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Kyiv Mechanical and Technological Vocational College


From the discipline: "Foreign language for professional direction"

Topic: “Electronic correspondence”

Performer: Berestiana Maria

Group: Ov 21-1

Teacher: Kanivets O.V.

Kyiv 2024

Introduction to E-Correspondence
What is E-Correspondence?
Features of E-Correspondence
Benefits of E-Correspondence
Main Components of an Effective e-Correspondence
The Importance of E-Business Correspondence
Types of Business Letters
Introduction to E-Correspondence

Communication is the backbone of business and official communication. It is

the crucial channel through which information is passed between two parties
in either written or digital format. The many forms of communication can be
letters, memos, e-mail messages, text messages, voice mails, fax messages,
and notes. With the advancement in technology, the tools and means of
communication in business have also seen tremendous changes. From letter
exchange to e-correspondence, the face of correspondence has evolved
tremendously in the business world.

What is E-Correspondence?

Business executives write a large number of letters daily. These letters

comprise of business enquiries, complaints, purchase orders, money orders,
etc. They also need to correspond with other businesses to maintain good
relations. e-Correspondence is an effective and hassle-free mode of sending
and receiving all these kinds of communications using e-mails. The full form of
e-correspondence is electronic correspondence since the flow of
communication happens through electronic exchange.

Features of E-Correspondence

e-Correspondence has many useful features which businesses can utilize for
a less time-consuming and cost-effective method of correspondence:

● One can send copies of a message to more than one person at a time
● There is a facility for auto-reply in case the receiver cannot reply to
messages within the stipulated time
● Messages can be re-directed and auto-forwarded to others
● One can store multiple addresses in an address book which can be
instantly retrieved
● One gets to know if a message was delivered or not through
● One can attach signatures to their emails
● One can also send files, sound, graphics in a compressed format via e-
● Automatic date and time stamp on each email are available
● If you are on the move, mobile email or web email can still be accessed
and one can respond promptly
● One can integrate calendars and appointments with e-correspondence
● It has searching capabilities to look for an email using its subject, body
text, etc.
● Conversations can be arranged in different folders for ease of access
● One can set automatic rules for sending emails to different folders or
Benefits of E-Correspondence

The e-correspondence medium has become the soul of today’s business

world owing to its gamut of advantages over other communication modes.
Despite so many methods of information sharing like phones or postal mails,
emails stand out as the most popular means. e-Correspondence started as a
simple means of communication but is now something no business can do

Listed Below are Some of its Most Useful Features:

● It is a cost-effective way to contact all over the world

● One can reach out to more than one person at a time with emails
● With e-correspondence, all interactions are documented and can be
used as an evidence
● You can leave messages for people at any time of the day without
having to bother them
Main Components of an Effective e-Correspondence

Business professionals open their emails daily to decide and take action on
something, answer a question, set up a face-to-face meeting, review a draft,
etc. The emails tell them what needs to be done. Hence the format of an email
is essential in making it an effective mode of communication. Important parts
of an email include:

● Subject Lines - Just like newspaper headlines, the email subject line
tells the reader the main point of the email. It should be as specific as
possible. One-word subjects are not informative and do not convey the
importance of your message to the recipient. For time-sensitive
messages, one must include the date in the subject line like “Meeting on
2nd December at 5 PM”.
● Greetings and Sign-Offs - An email must begin by greeting an
individual or group of people it addresses. One must not begin with the
body of the message right away. It also should have a proper and polite
sign-off. In case, you're not familiar with the person, the best practice is
to address them formally, for example, “Dear Professor Sharma, “Hello
Ms Mathur, etc.
● If you're not familiar with the name of the person, some of the ways to
address them could be “To whomsoever it may concern”, “Hello
everyone”, etc.
● A good closing is very necessary since it allows the reader to know who
is contacting them. Ensure to sign off with your name at the end and if
your reader does not know you well then you should include your
designation and organization name you belong to. Closing must begin
with any of the following words: “Thank you”, “Best wishes”, Regards” or
something on similar lines.
● CC and BCC: CC is for “Carbon Copy” and Bcc is for “Blind Carbon
Copy”. CC is useful when you want to convey the same message for
more than one individual. BCC is beneficial when you want to send the
message to a group of individuals but do not want them to know to
whom all the message is being sent to.
The Importance of E-Business Correspondence

E-Business Correspondence has a lot of importance. Its most important

feature is the ease of access and communication with various organizations.
People cannot be met face-to-face.

Business books help meet specific organizational goals. One can achieve
goals with e-correspondence. Let's read some of them in detail.

● Building and Maintaining Proper Relationships- It is not always

possible for any business or organization to reach out to just anyone.
This will cost any business. Here, business books will be useful in any
business. It helps to maintain proper relationships between the clients.
Business communication strengthens business operations by helping in
internal communication. It makes communication within the organization
clearer and clearer.
● It Works As Evidence- Any form of written communication serves as
proof. Business books help the person in the business to keep a record
of all the facts. These written records will serve as proof.
● Formal Approach in Communication- Business communication
serves as the official communication between two people. It can be a
seller or a buyer. It can be between an employee and an employer. The
language used is formal and logical. It helps to dispel the ambiguity and
skepticism of a business participant. Official business communications
are tracked and accepted.
● Helps to Increase Business- Business communication helps the
business achieve the goal. It also ensures business expansion. Without
wasting time and efficient use of staff and resources, a business can
Types of Business Letters

Correspondence is varied so let's get acquainted with some of them.

● Internal Correspondence- Means communication between individuals,

departments, or branches of the same organization.
● External Correspondence- Means communication between two
people. These are not members of the same organization. Any letters
sent outside the organization are foreign letters. Customers and
suppliers, banks, educational institutions, government departments fall
under this category.
● General Correspondence- Refers to books on common practices.
Letters for questions, orders, answers, thanksgiving, invitations, and
letters of appointment are common letters.
● Sales Correspondence- Mention sales-related communications. Sales
letters, sales reports, invoices, and order confirmation are sales letters.
Delivery letters, statements of account, etc. here are some of its
● Personal Correspondence- Refers to books based on emotion.
Request letters, recommendations, and congratulations are personal
letters. An introductory book, offer, and rejection of terms are some of
its examples.
● Circular- Refers to the communication of a common issue to many
people or firms. Circulars, tender notices, address changes, and new
branch openings fall under this category. The introduction of new
products is also an example.

Electronic Correspondence (EC) allows employers to access unemployment

benefit documents in a secure email inbox. To obtain Electronic
Correspondence, employers must register with an Employer Benefits Services
(EBS) account. Employers who wish to receive paperless mail can access the
documents in a secure email inbox by logging in to their EBS account.
When new letters are sent, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) also
sends a notification email to the employer's email address linked to the EBS
account. Documents can be viewed, printed, and stored. Documents included:

● Statements and decisions

● Withdrawal billing notices and decisions
● Most benefit forms and notices
Used literature

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