Mitigation strategies against supply disruption risk a case study at the Ford Motor Company

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Mitigation strategies against supply disruption

risk: a case study at the Ford Motor Company

Ece Sanci, Mark S. Daskin, Young-Chae Hong, Steve Roesch & Don Zhang

To cite this article: Ece Sanci, Mark S. Daskin, Young-Chae Hong, Steve Roesch & Don
Zhang (2022) Mitigation strategies against supply disruption risk: a case study at the Ford
Motor Company, International Journal of Production Research, 60:19, 5956-5976, DOI:

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2022, VOL. 60, NO. 19, 5956–5976

Mitigation strategies against supply disruption risk: a case study at the Ford
Motor Company
Ece Sanci a,b , Mark S. Daskin a , Young-Chae Hong c , Steve Roeschc and Don Zhangc
a Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; b School of Management, University of Bath, Bath, UK;
c Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, USA


Supply chains are exposed to different risks, which can be mitigated by various strategies based on Received 16 February 2021
the characteristics and needs of companies. In collaboration with Ford, we develop a decision sup- Accepted 22 August 2021
port framework to choose the best mitigation strategy against supply disruption risk, especially for KEYWORDS
companies operating with a small supplier base and low inventory levels. Our framework is based Supply chain risk
on a multistage stochastic programming model which incorporates a variety of plausible strategies, management; disruption risk
including reserving backup capacity from the primary supplier, reserving capacity from a secondary mitigation; sourcing
supplier, and holding backup inventory. We reflect disruption risk into the framework through deci- mitigation; contingency
sion makers’ input on the time to recover and the disruption probability. Our results demonstrate planning; multistage
that relying on the strategy which is optimal when there is no disruption risk can increase the stochastic programming
expected total cost substantially in the presence of disruption risk. However, this increase can be
reduced significantly by investing in the mitigation strategy recommended by our framework. Our
results also show that this framework removes the burden of estimating the time to recover and
the disruption probability precisely since there is often a small loss associated with using another
strategy that is optimal in the neighbourhood of the estimated values.

1. Introduction
Supply chain risk can be divided into operational
Over the last four decades, just-in-time (JIT) has become risk and disruption risk (Tang 2006). Operational risk is
the prevailing management philosophy in manufactur- inherent in the business, mainly stemming from the fluc-
ing systems, especially in the automotive industry. The tuations in demand, supply, and cost. On the other hand,
fundamental idea behind the JIT philosophy is to reduce disruption risk refers to the extreme events causing a
the inventory levels to a bare minimum (Sugimori et al. component of the supply chain to stop functioning com-
1977). This allows a company to reduce inventory costs, pletely or partially. These extreme events can occur due
improve production efficiency, and identify quality prob- to natural and man-made disasters (earthquakes, hurri-
lems quickly. The implementation of JIT is only possible canes, floods, fires, terrorist attacks, etc.). In this paper,
through flexible suppliers who can promptly respond to our focus is on supply-side disruption risk.
the company’s needs. Therefore, the company should There are many examples in recent history where sup-
develop a close relationship with its suppliers to bene- ply disruptions have led to severe consequences. For
fit from the advantages offered by JIT. Mehra and Inman example, Toyota announced the shutdown of twenty of its
(1992) identify single sourcing as an element of the JIT thirty assembly lines in 1997 due to a fire at one of its most
vendor strategy, which plays a major role in the suc- trusted suppliers. This supplier was the sole source for P-
cessful implementation of this manufacturing philoso- valves, which is a small but critical part used in all Toyota
phy. Single sourcing enables the company to coordinate vehicles (Nishiguchi and Beaudet 1998). In 2000, a small
deliveries from the suppliers with the production sched- fire at a semiconductor plant in New Mexico stopped
ule. Moreover, single sourcing offers other benefits such the production of radio-frequency chips for an extended
as lower transaction costs, easier quality assurance, and period of time. Ericsson suffered major losses due to the
higher specialisation (Blome and Henke 2009). However, chip shortage as this plant was Ericsson’s only source for
coupled with low inventory levels, it also increases the chips. This incident eventually had a significant impact
company’s exposure to supply chain risk. on pushing Ericsson out of the mobile phone terminal

CONTACT Ece Sanci University of Bath, BA2 7AY, Bath, UK

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
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business (Norrman and Jansson 2004). The earthquake to the primary supplier. If capacity is reserved from
and tsunami catastrophe in 2011 forced firms in Japan two suppliers, the company commits itself to pur-
to halt production, affecting a wide range of global sup- chase parts from both suppliers regularly. To avoid
ply chains. High-tech industries, in particular, were faced commitment to an expensive secondary supplier, the
with severe disruptions since approximately one-fifth of company can complete the qualification process of the
all global technology products were produced in Japan secondary supplier and use this supplier only during
(Kim and Jim 2011). Baxter International, the pharma- the disruption periods.
ceutical company accounting for 43% of the U.S. IV • Inventory levels are preferred to be very low. However,
solutions market, had to shut down its manufacturing the time available before the launch of a new prod-
plants in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria in 2017. uct (usually a few weeks) can be used to build up the
The IV saline bag shortage in the U.S. lasted for months backup inventory, which is to be used only during the
after the hurricane (Konrad 2018). At the time of writ- disruption periods.
ing this paper, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated
the global economy. Medical supply chains are among In light of the characteristics stated above, we develop
the first group hit by the disruptions due to the out- a decision support framework in collaboration with Ford
break. Following the weeks-long closure of manufactur- to choose the best mitigation strategy against the risk that
ing plants in China, which is the largest manufacturer of a primary supplier cannot supply parts due to an extreme
active pharmaceutical ingredients in the world, the FDA event. Our contribution to the literature is twofold. First,
announced the first COVID-19-related drug shortage in our framework comprehensively considers mitigation
the U.S. in late February in 2020 (Tucker and Daskin strategies against supply disruption risk, which are par-
2020). ticularly favourable for companies operating with a small
As the above examples suggest, single sourcing exac- supplier base and low inventory levels. Our framework
erbates the consequences of supply disruptions. Having explicitly accounts for the upfront investments enabling
redundant suppliers is one of the main recommenda- the contingency sources, as well as the additional cost and
tions to mitigate supply disruption risk in addition to response time needed to install them after a disruption
increasing inventory levels (Chopra and Sodhi 2004); occurs. The building block of our framework is a multi-
however, JIT companies might be reluctant to give up stage stochastic programming model, which determines
on the advantages obtained by single sourcing and low the regular and backup capacity at the primary supplier,
inventory levels. As suggested by Kleindorfer and Saad the capacity at the secondary supplier, and the backup
(2005), mitigation strategies should be properly identi- inventory level before the production starts. Then, the
fied to fit the characteristics and needs of the company. model determines the number of parts supplied by the
In this paper, we consider mitigation strategies which are primary and secondary suppliers in every time period
more plausible in the JIT automotive industry or similar after observing whether a disruption has occurred or not.
manufacturing environments: This allows us to reflect temporal decisions based on the
timing of disruption. Second, we apply this framework to
• A car company typically has its own tooling used by a case study motivated from a business example at Ford.
a supplier. Tooling is specially designed equipment To aid decision makers in understanding the implications
for manufacturing the part sourced from suppliers. of disruption risk, we use strategy graphs visualising the
For example, tooling at a stamping plant includes optimal strategies. We generate these strategy graphs by
the complex dies needed to fabricate auto parts (e.g. solving the multistage stochastic programming model for
door panels) from steel blanks. As tooling is designed the possible combinations of time to recover and disrup-
for a specific part, the supplier cannot use it in any tion probability specified through the decision makers’
other manufacturing process. This is why unlike the input. The results obtained from this case study show that
machines owned by the supplier, tooling is owned relying solely on the regular capacity of the primary sup-
by the car company. Therefore, the tooling level (e.g. plier can increase the expected total cost substantially in
one die, two dies, etc.) usually determines the capac- the presence of supply disruption risk. However, invest-
ity reserved from the supplier. The company can also ing in an appropriate mitigation strategy proposed by
invest in acquiring backup tooling to use during dis- our framework can significantly reduce the expected total
ruption periods, which creates backup capacity at the cost. Moreover, our results reveal that strategy graphs
same supplier (or at a different location of the same eliminate the need to estimate the time to recover and
supplier). the disruption probability with high precision since the
• Single sourcing is the dominant practice, but it is still optimal strategy is not overly sensitive to the estimated
an option to have a secondary supplier in addition values.
5958 E. SANCI ET AL.

The organisation of the rest of the paper is as follows: determining which facilities to use for sourcing by also
in Section 2, we review the literature on mitigating sup- determining how to respond to facility failures using the
ply disruption risk. We present our multistage stochastic non-disrupted facilities. These studies fail to incorpo-
programming model in Section 3, and we explain our rate differences in the requirements for utilising regular
decision support framework in Section 4. We introduce sources and contingency sources. For example, when a
the Ford case study and discuss our findings in Section 5. supplier commits capacity to a company, in general, the
Finally, we present our concluding remarks and future company is required to utilise this capacity regularly dur-
research directions in Section 6. ing business as usual periods. If the company reserves
additional capacity only as a backup source, then this
capacity would not be readily available at any time. Also,
2. Literature review
there are usually additional costs incurred due to using
The effect of disruptions on the performance of a sup- these contingency sources as well as upfront investments
ply chain can be enormous especially when the design needed to facilitate them, but this is scarcely considered
of the supply chain is tightly optimised to perform well from the supply-side perspective in the supply chain net-
under normal circumstances. There are several ways to work design literature (Aldrighetti et al. 2021). These
add redundancy to supply chains to protect them against issues are taken into account in several papers proposing
disruptions. Snyder et al. (2016) classify the literature sourcing mitigation models with contingency planning.
on mitigation strategies for supply disruptions based on Next, we review these papers in more detail.
the form of redundancy used: mitigation through inven-
tories, mitigation through sourcing and demand flexi-
2.1. Sourcing mitigation models with contingency
bility, mitigation through facility location, and mitiga-
tion through interaction with external partners. In this
section, we review the papers using mitigation strategies Ivanov et al. (2017) and Ivanov and Dolgui (2019) draw
solely based on sourcing or in combination with other attention to the need for considering the impact of con-
forms of redundancy. To better position our paper within tingency planning on the optimal mitigation strategies.
this literature, we first briefly review supplier selection When incorporating recovery, it is important to distin-
and order allocation studies as well as reliable facility guish ordering policies between regular and contingency
location and network design studies. Then, we examine sources. Next, we review studies proposing sourcing mit-
sourcing mitigation models with contingency planning, igation models with contingency planning.
which is the research stream that our paper follows most Tomlin (2006) provides insights into a company’s
closely. optimal disruption management strategies when the
Supplier selection and order allocation studies con- company can use contingency sourcing in addition to
sidering disruption risk (Berger, Gerstenfeld, and Zeng dual sourcing from an unreliable supplier and a reli-
2004; Berger and Zeng 2006; Ruiz-Torres and Mah- able but more expensive supplier. The author models a
moodi 2007; Dada, Petruzzi, and Schwarz 2007; Sarkar company that has the option to reroute orders to the
and Mohapatra 2009; Federgruen and Yang 2009; Meena, reliable supplier offering volume flexibility if the unre-
Sarmah, and Sarkar 2011; Masih-Tehrani et al. 2011; liable supplier is disrupted. Tomlin (2006) assumes that
Sawik 2011; Hu and Kostamis 2015; Tsai 2016; Yoon et al. the volume-flexible capacity cannot be available instan-
2018) focus on determining how many suppliers and taneously; however, the reliable supplier can provide this
which suppliers to have in a company’s supplier base as capacity after a response time with an increase in the unit
well as how much to order from each selected supplier. cost. Chopra, Reinhardt, and Mohan (2007) develop a
The models proposed in this literature aim to mitigate model for a single-period inventory problem in which
disruption risk by simultaneously ordering from two or a company places orders to a supplier subject to yield
more suppliers, but orders are placed before the disrup- uncertainty and disruptions. Meanwhile, the company
tion uncertainty is resolved. Therefore, these studies do can also buy capacity from an expensive reliable supplier
not consider contingency operations to undertake in case for a fixed cost. After the uncertainties are resolved, if the
of a disruption. unreliable supplier cannot deliver the order, the company
Reliable facility location and network design stud- can satisfy demand from the reliable supplier up to the
ies (Snyder and Daskin 2005; Qi and Shen 2007; Qi, level permitted by the reserved capacity. Schmitt and Sny-
Shen, and Snyder 2010; Peng et al. 2011; Mak and Shen der (2012) extend this model for multiple periods to take
2012; Baghalian, Rezapour, and Farahani 2013; Salehi proactive measures for future disruptions. The authors
Sadghiani, Torabi, and Sahebjamnia 2015; Paul, Sarker, argue that single-period approximations can lead to
and Essam 2017; Mohammaddust et al. 2017) focus on wrong mitigation strategies, especially when disruption

frequencies are high or disruption durations are long. (2018). The authors consider increasing suppliers’ recov-
Chen, Zhao, and Zhou (2012) and Qi (2013) also develop ery capabilities and the company’s warning capability
replenishment policies for multi-period inventory sys- through investments in collaboration and visibility. They
tems with an unreliable regular supplier and a reliable assume that a higher level of investment enhances a
supplier that can be used during a disruption. In a simi- supplier’s recovery capability to increase the amount of
lar setting, Gupta, He, and Sethi (2015) study the impact recovered quantity in case of a disruption. Moreover, they
of supply disruptions on competing companies’ sourc- assume that an increase in the investment for the warn-
ing strategies for a single period. Yin and Wang (2018) ing capability reduces the recovery time of a disrupted
also study the optimal single-period sourcing strategy of supplier. The authors propose a two-stage stochastic pro-
a company in the presence of an unreliable regular sup- gramming model to determine the level of these invest-
plier and a reliable supplier offering advance purchase, ments in the first-stage problem, along with the order
reservation, and contingency purchase options. amount from the primary suppliers and the capacity
Under the multiple supplier setting, Tomlin and Wang reserved at the backup suppliers. One limitation in Nam-
(2005) propose a two-stage stochastic programming dar et al. (2018) is that the second-stage problem focuses
model which determines the initial capacity reserved on a single period only. For a similar problem environ-
from suppliers in the first stage before the realisation of ment, Hosseini et al. (2019) propose a two-stage stochas-
uncertain demand and disrupted suppliers. The second- tic programming model by using a multi-period planning
stage problem allocates the orders for multiple products horizon in the second stage. This multi-period analy-
to the non-disrupted suppliers while ensuring that they sis allows them to reflect the evolution of the disrupted
have enough capacity and technology to produce these suppliers’ capacity over time. Snoeck, Udenio, and Fran-
products. Xu and Nozick (2009) also use the two-stage soo (2019) also propose a two-stage stochastic program-
stochastic programming framework for modelling the ming model to evaluate the disruption mitigation invest-
supplier selection problem in which additional capac- ments enabling mechanisms for adjusting the capacity
ity can be reserved through option contracts to hedge and inventory levels, decreasing supplier lead time, and
against disruptions. In the first-stage problem, the pro- shortening disruption duration.
posed model determines the supplier base consisting In this study, we develop a decision support frame-
of primary suppliers and option suppliers, the planned work to choose the best mitigation strategy against supply
amounts to be ordered from the primary suppliers, and disruption risk based on a multistage stochastic program-
the additional amounts that can be obtained from the ming model. Similar to the aforementioned sourcing mit-
option suppliers. The model determines the actual order igation models with contingency planning, our model
amounts after observing the remaining capacity of the determines strategic sourcing decisions before the dis-
suppliers in the second-stage problem. Sawik (2017) and ruption uncertainty is resolved. We refer to this stage as
Sawik (2019) propose a portfolio approach for selecting the pre-production stage or pre-launch stage since these
primary suppliers prior to any disruptions and selecting strategic decisions are typically made before the launch
backup suppliers in case of a disruption. In addition to of a new product. Investing in increasing the respon-
backup suppliers, the author considers the option to sup- siveness of the primary supplier is among these strategic
port the recovery of disrupted suppliers by sharing their decisions, in addition to reserving capacity from a sec-
recovery cost so that these suppliers can reinstall their ondary supplier and holding backup inventory. After the
pre-disruption capacity after a certain recovery time. launch, our model takes recourse actions when necessary,
Incorporating backup inventory in addition to different by explicitly considering the additional cost and response
forms of backup capacity in multi-echelon supply chains, time needed to put contingency sources into use. More-
Schmitt (2011) proposes a model to select disruption over, our multistage programming framework allows us
mitigation strategies minimising investment costs while to reflect temporal decisions based on the timing of
ensuring a certain service level. More recently, Lücker, disruption.
Chopra, and Seifert (2021) study the interplay between
the backup inventory and backup capacity when manag-
3. Model
ing disruption risk in serial multi-stage supply chains.
The studies presented above consider the additional Before introducing our model, we present a research
costs and limitations associated with using contingency project in collaboration with Ford conducted by Simchi-
sources; however, none of these studies explicitly account Levi et al. (2015). The objective of this research is to
for the upfront investments enabling more responsive develop a decision support tool to identify critical nodes
contingency actions. One of the few studies taking into (i.e. a part or a manufacturing process) in the com-
consideration such investments is due to Namdar et al. pany’s supply chain network. The criticality of a node
5960 E. SANCI ET AL.

is measured by evaluating the impact of its disruption In this case, the secondary supplier may need time to
on the company’s performance through two optimisation start production but this preparation time is shortened
models. The first model takes the time to recover value by pre-qualifying the supplier beforehand.
as an input and determines the optimal response plan The company can order parts only from the primary
minimising the performance impact. The second model supplier but still reduce its risk exposure by increasing
determines the maximum amount of time the supply the reliability of the supplier through backup capacity. For
chain can survive without any performance loss. These example, the company can invest in acquiring additional
models save the company from the burden of estimat- tooling and save it in a safe site. If the primary supplier’s
ing the disruption probability while detecting the greatest operations are disrupted at the current site, production
sources of exposure in its supply chain. Note that deter- can continue using the backup tooling after it is installed
mining optimal mitigation strategies against disruption at another site.
risk is not within the scope of Simchi-Levi et al. (2015). The company can also mitigate the supply disruption
In this study, we consider a company operating in a JIT risk by simply holding backup inventory regardless of
environment with a small supplier base and low inven- the choice of single sourcing or dual sourcing. However,
tory levels. The company is launching a new product (or this inventory level is limited by the capacity available in
a new programme), and the critical parts of the prod- the pre-production stage. Typically, there are only a few
uct have already been identified. For each critical part, weeks between the time when the production line is ready
the company determines potential suppliers and narrows and the time when the production starts.
down its options to two suppliers offering the most com- In this section, we propose a multistage stochastic
petitive unit costs and tooling costs. Most of the time, one programming model to determine the optimal mitiga-
supplier stands out among all suppliers with appealing tion strategy for sourcing a critical part throughout the
pricing and quality. The company can choose to source life of the programme. Before we present the model, we
parts only from this single supplier. However, this will summarise our notation in Table 1.
leave the company exposed to the risk that the supplier In the pre-launch stage, the company determines the
cannot provide parts in case of a disruption. To hedge capacity reserved from the primary supplier and sec-
against this risk, the company can use certain mitigation ondary supplier as well as the backup inventory level.
strategies. The plausible strategies fitting the company’s Note that the production line is ready for production
characteristics and needs are as follows: shortly before the launch; therefore, the backup inven-
tory can be built during this time. After the launch, the
• Reserve capacity from both suppliers (i.e. the primary company determines the amount of shipment from the
supplier and the secondary supplier), suppliers in every time period, the amount of backo-
• Pre-qualify the secondary supplier and reserve addi- rdered demand in every time period, and the amount of
tional capacity from this supplier in case of a disrup- inventory at the end of every time period during the life
tion, of the programme. If the regular capacity of the primary
• Acquire backup tooling to reserve backup capacity supplier is disrupted, the company can still place orders
from the primary supplier, to the primary supplier if backup capacity is reserved.
• Build up backup inventory during the time available Similarly, the company can place orders to the secondary
before the launch. supplier if capacity is reserved from this supplier. Instead,
if the company pre-qualifies the secondary supplier, it can
Let us explain these strategies in more detail. The com- determine the capacity level to reserve from this supplier
pany can choose to order parts from both suppliers so after the launch. Finally, the company can increase the
that even if the ‘primary’ supplier fails to deliver parts, order size after the regular capacity of the primary sup-
the ‘secondary’ supplier can still satisfy the demand to plier is recovered. Next, we explain the important aspects
the extent its capacity permits it to do so. Ordering parts of these decisions in more detail.
regularly from both suppliers can be a major cost bur-
den, especially when there is a significant difference in the
3.1. Reserving capacity from the suppliers
unit cost of parts offered by the primary and secondary
suppliers. On the other hand, the secondary supplier can The demand for the critical part is stationary and deter-
immediately pick up the production of orders from the ministic, and it is d units in every time period during
primary supplier when the primary supplier is disrupted. the life of the programme. To supply the critical part,
A compromise is to pre-qualify the secondary supplier the company reserves capacity from suppliers before the
in the pre-launch stage and order from the secondary launch of the programme. This reserved capacity deter-
supplier only when the primary supplier is disrupted. mines the amount of shipment that can be received from

suppliers in each time period after the launch. The com- Table 1. Continued.
pany chooses a capacity level from set LR for the primary I0P : initial inventory level built up by parts supplied from the primary
I0S : initial inventory level built up by parts supplied from the secondary
Table 1. Notation. YtωP : amount of shipment from the primary supplier in time period t ∈ T in
scenario ω ∈ 
Sets YtωS : amount of shipment from the secondary supplier in time period t ∈ T
LR : set of regular capacity levels reserved from the primary supplier in scenario ω ∈ 
LB : set of backup capacity levels reserved from the primary supplier Ltω : amount of backordered demand in time period t ∈ T in scenario
LS : set of capacity levels reserved from the secondary supplier ω∈
T: set of time periods during the life of the programme Itω : amount⎧ of inventory at the end of time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ 
: set of disruption scenarios ⎨ if level l ∈ LS \{0} capacity is reserved from the pre
XPlω S = 1, −qualified supplier in ω ∈ 
Parameters ⎩0, otherwise
flR : fixed cost of reserving regular capacity from the primary supplier at S : amount of shipment from the pre-qualified supplier in time period
level l ∈ LR YPtω
flB : fixed cost of reserving backup capacity from the primary supplier at t ∈ T in ω ∈ 
level l ∈ LB
flS : fixed cost of reserving capacity from the secondary supplier at level
l ∈ LS
klR : regular capacity reserved from the primary supplier at level l ∈ LR supplier, which determines the maximum quantity that
klB : backup capacity reserved from the primary supplier at level l ∈ LB can be shipped in every time period from the supplier
klS : capacity reserved from the secondary supplier at level l ∈ LS
m: number of time periods available before the launch whenever it is not disrupted. This is the regular capacity
cP : unit cost of parts supplied from the primary supplier reserved from the primary supplier. Also, the company
cS : unit cost of parts supplied from the secondary supplier
d: demand for parts per time period
can choose to reserve backup capacity from set LB for
b: backordering cost per unit per time period the primary supplier which is available in case the regular
h: inventory holding cost per unit per time period operations of the primary supplier is disrupted. Similarly,
pω : probability that scenario ω ∈  occurs
dsω : time
⎧ period in which the disruption starts the company can choose to reserve a capacity level from
⎨ if the primary supplier is disrupted in time period set LS for the secondary supplier. Note that we define
ρtω = t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ 
⎩0, otherwise level 0 in LS to represent the option of pre-qualifying the
v: number of time periods needed to install the backup capacity secondary supplier.
eP : percentage increase in the unit cost of parts supplied from the primary There is a fixed cost of installing capacity levels at the
supplier when backup capacity is used
⎧ suppliers, and each capacity level has a corresponding
⎨ if v periods passed for backup capacity
δtω =
to be in place in t ∈ T in ω ∈  capacity of producing parts in every time period. flR , flB ,
⎩0, otherwise
flS denote the fixed cost of reserving regular capacity from
w: number of time periods needed to prepare the pre-qualified supplier
for production
the primary supplier at level l ∈ LR , backup capacity from
eS : percentage increase in the unit cost of parts supplied from the the primary supplier at level l ∈ LB , and capacity from the
pre-qualified supplier
⎧ secondary supplier at level l ∈ LS , respectively. Similarly,
⎨ if w periods passed for pre − qualified supplier to kRl , kBl , kSl denote the parameters corresponding to the
γtω = be available in t ∈ T in ω ∈ 
⎩0, otherwise regular capacity level reserved from the primary supplier
uP : minimum utilisation rate of the primary supplier at level l ∈ LR , backup capacity from the primary supplier
uS : minimum utilisation rate of the secondary supplier
a: allowance in the capacity of the primary supplier that can be used after
at level l ∈ LB , and capacity from the secondary supplier
⎧ from the disruption
the recovery at level l ∈ LS , respectively.
⎨ if time period t ∈ T is after the disruption starts Note that, in this problem environment, the capac-
ϕtω = in scenario ω ∈ 
⎩0, otherwise ity reserved from a supplier is determined based on the
i: discounting factor tooling level. For example, suppose that the company
q: probability of having a disruption in a time period given that no
disruption has occurred before
considers investing in a tooling level at the primary sup-
TTR : number of time periods needed to recover the disrupted primary plier sufficient to satisfy 50% of the demand when there is
supplier no disruption (i.e. kR50% = 0.5d). It also considers invest-
⎧ Variables ing in a tooling level at the secondary supplier sufficient
⎨ if level l ∈ LR regular capacity is reserved
XlR =
from the primary supplier to satisfy 50% of the demand (i.e. kS50% = 0.5d). If the
⎩0, otherwise company moves forward with this decision, it reserves

⎨ if level l ∈ LB backup capacity is reserved the total required capacity split between the two sup-
XlB = from the primary supplier
pliers by investing f50% R + fS
⎩0, otherwise 50% for tooling. In fact, this
⎧ is one of the dual sourcing strategies investigated in the
⎨ if level l ∈ LS capacity is reserved
1, Ford case study. In Section 5, we provide a more detailed
XlS = from the secondary supplier
⎩0, otherwise presentation of the feasible strategies under discussion at
(continued) Ford.
5962 E. SANCI ET AL.

We define binary decision variables XlR , XlB , and XlS 3.4. Installing backup capacity at the primary
to indicate which capacity options are chosen before the supplier
production starts. When the regular capacity cannot be used to satisfy
orders, the backup capacity can be put in place if reserved
in the pre-production stage. When backup capacity is
3.2. Building up initial (backup) inventory
used to produce parts, there is an eP × 100% increase in
There are m time periods available before the launch to the unit cost of parts supplied from the primary supplier.
build up initial inventory. We define decision variables Also, it takes v time periods to install the backup capacity.
I0P and I0S to denote the initial inventory level built up We define δtω to indicate whether v time periods passed
by parts supplied from the primary supplier and from after the primary supplier is disrupted at time period
the secondary supplier, respectively. Therefore, I0P + I0S is t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ . If the company reserves backup
the backup inventory level available before the launch. capacity before the launch, it can utilise this capacity
We define cP and cS to denote the unit cost of parts when δtω = 1.
supplied from the primary supplier and secondary sup-
plier, respectively. Note that we use the same unit costs
for the parts supplied to create the backup inventory 3.5. Installing capacity at the pre-qualified
before the launch and for the other shipments after the secondary supplier
launch. Even though a secondary supplier is not preferred for
sourcing parts regularly, the company can complete the
qualification process of a secondary supplier beforehand
3.3. Placing orders to the suppliers and order parts from this supplier during the disruption
Once production starts, the company determines how periods. In this case, there is an eS × 100% increase in
much to order from both suppliers in every time period unit cost of parts supplied from the secondary supplier
in set T. The primary supplier may be unable to pro- and w time periods are needed to prepare this supplier
cess orders due to random disruptions. This source of for production. We define γtω to indicate whether w time
uncertainty is represented by the disruption scenarios in periods passed after the primary supplier is disrupted
set . at time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ . If the company
The probability that scenario ω ∈  occurs is pPω pre-qualifies the secondary supplier before the launch, it
and ω∈ pω = 1. We define the decision variable Ytω
to denote the amount of shipment from the primary sup- can reserve capacity from this supplier when γtω = 1. We
also define a binary decision variable, XPlω S , to indicate
plier in time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ . Similarly,
we define Ytω S to denote the amount of shipment from whether capacity level l ∈ Ls \{0} is reserved from the pre-
the secondary supplier in time period t ∈ T in scenario qualified supplier in scenario ω ∈ , and YPtω S to denote

ω ∈ . the shipment quantity from the pre-qualified supplier in

Note that shipments from the suppliers are received in time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ .
the same time period as the orders are placed. The total The main reason for distinguishing between pre-
amount of shipment is used to satisfy demand occurring qualifying a secondary supplier and reserving capacity
in the current time period and backordered demand from from this supplier is the difference in the type of com-
the previous time period. Any demand that cannot be mitment made through contract agreements (Jahani et al.
satisfied in this time period is backordered with a unit 2020). When the company reserves capacity from its sup-
penalty of b. Also, unused parts are carried over to the pliers, the company is expected to utilise this capacity. uP
next time period with a holding cost of h per unit per time and uS denote the minimum utilisation rate of the pri-
period. We define decision variables Ltω and Itω to denote mary supplier and the secondary supplier, respectively.
the amount of backordered demand in time period t ∈ T Note that we define the utilisation rate of a supplier as
in scenario ω ∈  and the amount of inventory at the end the ratio of the amount of shipment from that supplier to
of time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈ , respectively. the reserved capacity.
In every scenario ω ∈ , at most one disruption
occurs during the life of the programme (see Section 3.7
3.6. Recovering the regular capacity of the primary
for more details). The disruption starts at time period dsω
in scenario ω ∈ , and it continues for time to recover
(TTR) periods. ρtω indicates whether the primary sup- When the disruption ends, the primary supplier can take
plier is disrupted at time period t ∈ T in scenario action to increase the regular capacity such as using over-
ω ∈ . time and extra shifts. a denotes the allowance in the

capacity of the primary supplier. That is, the primary sup- 4. Once a disruption occurs, it takes TTR time periods
plier increases its capacity by a (defined as the percentage to recover the primary supplier’s regular capacity.
of the capacity) so that the company can increase the
order size to catch up with the backordered demand. Note Figure 1 represents the generation of a scenario tree
that this allowance represents the efforts of the primary based on these assumptions. Note that the node with ‘1’
supplier to compensate for the losses occurred during the indicates that the disruption starts at t = 1, . . . , |T| and
disruption; therefore, it is only viable after the recovery the node with ‘0’ indicates that the disruption has not
following a disruption. We define ϕtω to indicate whether started yet.
time period t ∈ T is after the disruption starts in scenario There are |T| + 1 different scenarios. The disruption
ω ∈  so that the capacity allowance can be utilised. starts at time period t in scenario t except for the final
Finally, we define i as the effective interest rate in a time scenario. To illustrate, the disruption starts at the 1st time
period to account for the discounting factor during the period in the 1st scenario, it starts at the 2nd time period
life of the programme. in the 2nd scenario, and so on. Note that there is no dis-
ruption in the final scenario. We can generate a matrix
indicating whether there is a disruption in a given time
3.7. Scenario generation
period and scenario by combining this scenario tree and
We model random disruptions using a scenario tree. We TTR information. Figure 2 shows an example of this
generate the scenario tree using the following assump- matrix (with TTR = 3 time periods) as well as the cor-
tions: responding scenario probabilities. Note that ‘1’ entries in
the matrix indicate that the primary supplier is disrupted,
1. There is at most one disruption during the life of the whereas ‘0’ entries indicate that there is no disruption.
programme as the focus is on the disruptions due Note that TTR and q are deterministic inputs to our
to extreme events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, multistage stochastic programming model; however, we
floods, fires, and terrorist attacks. incorporate the ambiguity in these inputs by a decision
In even more extreme circumstances, such as a support framework based on solving the proposed model
pandemic with influential second and third waves for combinations of TTR and the disruption probabil-
or an earthquake with strong aftershocks, multi- ity during the life of the programme (derived from q as
ple disruptions need to be considered during the shown in Figure 2). Our results in the next sections show
life of the programme. Note that our model can that the optimal strategy is not overly sensitive to TTR
easily accommodate multiple disruption scenarios and the disruption probability.
through a small adjustment in parameters affected
by the timing of disruption (please see Section A.1 of 3.8. Multistage stochastic programming model
the online appendix); however, we leave the analysis
of these scenarios as future work. Now that we have defined the decision variables and
2. Only the primary supplier is subject to disruptions. parameters, and described our scenario generation
This assumption is in line with the assumptions scheme, we can present our model:
made in the literature on sourcing mitigation models   
min flR XlR + flB XlB + flS XlS
with contingency planning (i.e. cheaper unreliable
l∈LR l∈LB l∈LS
supplier versus more expensive reliable supplier).  
Similar to our remark above, global or regional + pω flS XPlω
+ cP I0P + cS I0S (1.1)
crises may necessitate the consideration of simul- ω∈ l∈LS \{0}
taneous disruptions at multiple suppliers. Under  
these scenarios, it is important to take into account −t P
+ pω (1 + i) (cP (1 + eP δtω )Ytω ) (1.2)
certain interdependencies, such as the spatial cor- ω∈ t∈T
relations between supplier disruptions. We also  
leave the investigation of these scenarios as future + pω (1 + i)−t (cS (Ytω
+ eS YPtω )) (1.3)
work. ω∈ t∈T
3. The number of time periods until a disruption fol-  
lows a geometric distribution with parameter q given −t
+ pω (1 + i) hItω (1.4)
that no disruption has occurred before. In other ω∈ t∈T
words, the probability of having a disruption in a  
time period is q if there has been no disruption until −t
+ pω (1 + i) bLtω )
this time period. ω∈ t∈T
5964 E. SANCI ET AL.

Figure 1. Scenario tree generation.

Figure 2. An example of the disruption matrix.

⎡ ⎤ 
  YPtω ≤ kSl XPlω
, ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (7)
− pω ⎣ (1 + i) bLt−1,ω )⎦
(1.5) l∈LS \{0}
ω∈ t∈T\{1} 
XPlω ≤ X0S , ∀ω ∈  (8)
l∈LS \{0}
s.t. P
Ytω S
+ Ytω + I0P + I0S − d = Itω − Ltω ,
t = 1, ∀ω ∈  (9)

XlR =1 (2) P
Ytω S
+ Ytω + It−1,ω − Lt−1,ω − d = Itω − Ltω ,
 ∀t ∈ T\{1}, ω ∈  (10)
XlB ≤1 (3) 
Ytω ≥ uP (1 − ρtω ) kRl XlR , ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (11)
XlS ≤ 1 (4) 
Ytω ≥ uS kSl XlS , ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (12)
Ytω ≤ (1 − ρtω )(1 + aϕtω ) kRl XlR + δtω kBl XlB , 
l∈LR l∈LB
I0P ≤ m kRl XlR (13)
∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (5) 
 I0S ≤ m kSl XlS (14)
Ytω ≤ kSl XlS + γtω YPtω
, ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (6) l∈LS

Itω ≤ I0P + I0S , ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (15) 2. If there has been a disruption but the regular capacity
Ytω P
= Ytω , ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈ , ω > t, ω = |T| + 1  (ρtω = 0 and ϕtω = 1), the capacity is
is recovered
(1 + a) l∈LR kRl XlR .
(16) 3. If there is an ongoing disruption and v time periods
Ytω S
= Ytω , ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈ , ω > t, ω = |T| + 1 have passed after the disruption started to put the
(17)  in place (ρtω = 1 and δtω = 1), the
backup capacity
capacity is l∈LB kBl XlB .
XlR ∈ {0, 1}, ∀l ∈ LR (18) 4. If there is an ongoing disruption and v time periods
XlB ∈ {0, 1}, ∀l ∈ LB (19) have not passed after the disruption started to put
the backup capacity in place (ρtω = 1 and δtω = 0),
XlS ∈ {0, 1}, ∀l ∈ LS (20) the capacity is 0.
XPlω ∈ {0, 1}, ∀l ∈ LS \{0}, ω ∈  (21)
Likewise, the capacity of the secondary supplier at
I0P ≥ 0 (22) time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈  can be represented
I0S ≥ 0 (23) by two different cases:
Ytω ≥0 ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (24) 1. If there is no disruption at the primary supplier or
Ytω ≥0 ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (25) there is an ongoing disruption but w time periods
have not passed after the disruption started to place
YPtω ≥ 0 ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (26) order from the pre-qualified supplier (γtω = 0), the
Itω ≥ 0 ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (27) capacity is l∈LS kSl XlS .
2. If there is an ongoing disruption and w time periods
Ltω ≥ 0 ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (28)
have passed after the disruption started so that the
The objective function minimises the expected total pre-qualified supplier
 is ready for production (γtω =
discounted cost including the fixed cost of reserving 1), the capacity is l∈LS kSl XlS + YPtω
S .

capacity from the suppliers, expected fixed cost of reserv-

ing capacity from the pre-qualified supplier, and cost Constraints (7) ensure that the amount of shipment
of initial inventory (1.1), expected discounted primary from the pre-qualified supplier does not exceed the
supplier production cost (1.2), expected discounted sec- capacity reserved from this supplier after the disruption.
ondary supplier production cost (1.3), expected dis- Constraints (8) does not allow the model to reserve any
counted inventory holding cost (1.4), and expected dis- capacity after the disruption if the secondary supplier is
counted backordering cost (1.5). Note that the last not pre-qualified. Note that X0S denotes the decision indi-
term in the objective function ensures that the penalty cating whether the supplier is pre-qualified since level 0
incurred due to a backordered demand is recovered if the is defined for the pre-qualification.
demand is satisfied subsequently. In this case, the cost of Constraints (9) and (10) are the inventory balance
unmet demand is the interest lost on the backordering constraints. These constraints state that the sum of the
penalty. total production at the current time period and the inven-
Constraints (2), (3) and (4) are the capacity reserva- tory at hand is used to satisfy the demand at the cur-
tion constraints. Constraint (2) guarantees that a regular rent time period (also any backordered demand from
capacity level is reserved from the primary supplier. Con- the previous time period). Excess parts after satisfying
straint (3) ensures that at most one backup capacity level the demand are transferred to the next time period as
is chosen for this supplier. Similarly, constraint (4) makes inventory. Similarly, any demand not satisfied in this
sure that at most one capacity level is chosen for the time period is transferred to the next time period as
secondary supplier. backordered demand.
Constraints (5) and (6) limit the amount of shipment Constraints (11) and (12) are utilisation constraints.
by the capacity of the primary supplier and the secondary Constraints (11) ensure that the capacity of the pri-
supplier, which depend on the functionality of the pri- mary supplier is utilised above a determined threshold
mary supplier’s regular capacity. The capacity of the pri- whenever the regular operations are not disrupted. Sim-
mary supplier in time period t ∈ T in scenario ω ∈  can ilarly, constraints (12) force the company to order from
be represented by four different cases: the secondary supplier to utilise a certain percentage
of the reserved capacity. Note that when the company
1. If there has not been adisruption (ρtω = 0 and chooses level 0 (i.e. just pre-qualifying the secondary sup-
ϕtω = 0), the capacity is l∈LR kRl XlR . plier instead of reserving any capacity beforehand), these
5966 E. SANCI ET AL.

constraints are reduced to

Ytω ≥ 0, ∀t ∈ T, ω ∈  (29)
saving the company to make any commitment to the
secondary supplier.
Constraints (13) and (14) define the maximum inven-
tory that can be built up before the launch using the
capacity available at the primary supplier and secondary
supplier, respectively. It is worth mentioning that this
inventory is designated to be used mainly during the
disruption periods. Therefore, constraints (15) avoid
increasing the inventory level above the initial inventory
Constraints (16) and (17) are nonanticipativity con-
straints. In the multistage stochastic programming
framework, nonanticipativity reflects the concept that the
decision maker who cannot distinguish between scenar- Figure 3. An example strategy graph.
ios progressing identically until time period t makes the
same decisions up to time period t. In our scenario tree,
all scenarios are alike until the disruption starts. There-
fore, ordering decisions should be the same across scenar- the range of TTR that they are interested in is between
ios up to this point. Constraints (16) ensure that the order 2 and 20 weeks, and the range of the disruption proba-
quantities placed to the primary supplier in scenario ω bility is between 0% and 10%. Utilising this information,
and in scenario |T| + 1 are the same at time period t if we generate the strategy graph which depicts the optimal
a disruption has not occurred (ω > t). Once again note strategies within the given range of TTR and the dis-
that no disruption happens in scenario |T| + 1 during the ruption probability. A strategy graph for a hypothetical
life of the programme. This is why this scenario can be example is given in Figure 3. To create this graph, the
used as a reference scenario. model is solved for 100 different combinations of TTR
Lastly, constraints (18) – (28) enforce binary and non- (2, 4 weeks, . . . , 20 weeks) and the disruption probabil-
negativity restrictions of the decision variables. ity (1%, 2%, . . . , 10%). The optimal strategy is identi-
fied for each combination and depicted on the strategy
graph. Note that this strategy graph is generated based
4. Decision support framework
on the range of TTR and the disruption probability on
The values of TTR and q should be identified to generate Ford’s radar; however, it is quite straightforward to use
scenarios as presented in Section 3. Decision makers usu- this framework for different ranges that other companies
ally have a rough idea of the range of TTR, since they can might be interested in.
pinpoint critical production processes and estimate the Figure 3 shows that there are three strategies which
time needed for recovery if these processes are disrupted are optimal in different parts of the graph. The advantage
(Simchi-Levi et al. 2015; Kinra et al. 2020). (For a discus- of using this strategy graph is that decision makers do
sion on the uncertainty in TTR, please refer to Section A.4 not need to estimate TTR and the disruption probability
of the online appendix.) However, it is very difficult to precisely. For example, Figure 3 suggests that regardless
provide a point estimation of TTR. Furthermore, it is of the estimated disruption probability, Strategy A is the
almost impossible to estimate the exact value of q, the optimal strategy if TTR is less than or equal to eight
probability that a disruption occurs in a time period, as weeks. Moreover, strategy B is the optimal strategy if TTR
it is typically a very small probability. Nevertheless, deci- is more than 8 weeks and the disruption probability is
sion makers can provide their intuition on the probability between 3% and 6%. If decision makers agree that TTR
that a disruption occurs anytime during the life of the is 20 weeks but they cannot agree on whether the dis-
programme; i.e. 1 − p|T|+1 or 1 − (1 − q)|T| . We call this ruption probability is more than 6%, they can compare
probability as the disruption probability in the rest of the the expected total cost when Strategy B or Strategy C is
paper. From this, we can compute q. implemented. Our results from the case study at Ford
Our decision support framework is based on solving in the next section indicate that the difference between
the proposed model for combinations of TTR and the dis- the expected cost of implementing these neighbouring
ruption probability. Our discussions with Ford reveal that strategies can be insignificant. Therefore, the regret in

Table 2. Feasible strategies under discussion.

Regular Capacity at Backup Capacity at the Capacity at the Backup
Mitigation Strategy Strategy Name the Primary Supplier Primary Supplier Secondary Supplier Inventory
No mitigation No Mitigation: 100% 0% 0% No
(100%,0%,0%) no inventory
Backup inventory Backup Inventory: 100% 0% 0% Yes
(100%,0%,0%) with inventory
Dual sourcing Dual Sourcing I: 50% 0% 50% No
(50%,0%,50%) no inventory
Dual Sourcing II: 100% 0% 100% No
(100%,0%,100%) no inventory
Dual Sourcing III: 100% 0% Pre-qualified No
(100%,0%,pq) no inventory
Backup capacity Backup Capacity I: 100% 50% 0% No
(100%,50%,0%) no inventory
Backup Capacity II: 100% 100% 0% No
(100%,100%,0%) no inventory

using the non-optimal strategy when the probability is Table 3. Values of the uncensored parameters used in the case
not estimated precisely tends to be small. study.
h : inventory holding cost per unit per time period h = $0.02
m: number of time periods available to build up the m = 8 weeks
initial inventory
5. Case study v: number of time periods needed for the backup v = 2 weeks
capacity to be in place
Following a major supply disruption during 2018, Ford w: number of time periods needed for the pre-qualified w = 6 weeks
supplier’s capacity to be in place
began considering the use of mitigation strategies to pro- eP : increase in unit cost of parts supplied from the eP = 0.50
tect against supply disruption risks for critical parts. The primary supplier when backup capacity is used
feasible strategies under discussion are given in Table 2. eS : increase in unit cost of parts supplied from the eS = 1.00
pre-qualified supplier
Each strategy is described by a triplet giving the regular uP : minimum utilisation rate of the primary supplier uP = 50%
capacity at the primary supplier, backup capacity at the uS : minimum utilisation rate of the secondary supplier uS = 50%
a: allowance in the capacity of the primary supplier a = 15%
primary supplier, and capacity at the secondary supplier. i : effective interest rate for time period i = 0.0425%
Note that x% capacity represents the capacity sufficient
to satisfy x% of the demand. Along with this triplet, the
strategy name also indicates whether backup inventory is the vehicle and the profit margin per vehicle (corre-
allowed or not. sponding to the backordering penalty). We present the
Note that there are more strategies available other than values of other parameters used in this case study in
the ones listed in Table 2. For example, the company can Table 3.
integrate backup inventory with the dual sourcing strat- Note that we use weeks to represent time periods in
egy in which the capacity is reserved from the primary the planning horizon, and we consider that the planning
supplier to satisfy 50% of the demand and the capacity horizon consists of 3 years × 46 weeks
year = 138 weeks.
is reserved from the secondary supplier to satisfy 50% To generate the strategy graph for this case study, we
of the demand; i.e. integrate Backup Inventory with Dual solved the MIP equivalent of the multistage stochastic
Sourcing I. In this way, the company can satisfy half of programming models corresponding to each combina-
the demand from the secondary supplier and the other tion of TTR and the disruption probability. We used IBM
half from the backup inventory whenever the primary ILOG Cplex 12.9 operating on an Intel(R) Core(TM)
supplier is disrupted. However, before allowing hybrid i7-8565U CPU 1.80 GHz, 16 GB RAM machine with
strategies, we consider only these core strategies to per- Windows 10. Note that each MIP model has 285 binary
form a comparative analysis to gain insights into their decision variables and 95,912 nonnegative decision vari-
upsides and downsides. ables. Cplex solved each one of these models to optimality
In this section, we conduct our analyses for the vehicle with an average CPU time of 302.4 s.
part whose production was disrupted due to an extreme Before presenting the strategy graph for this case
event at the supplier’s plant. We obtained the unit cost study, we investigate the effect of implementing the
per part and the tooling cost information from the mar- strategies given in Table 2 on the expected total cost. We
ket test performed by the purchasing experts. Unfor- compare the expected total cost of these strategies with
tunately, we can share neither the cost figures nor the the optimal expected total cost if there is no disruption
names of the potential suppliers due to confidential- risk. Note that No Mitigation is the optimal strategy when
ity concerns. We also cannot provide the demand of there is no disruption risk.
5968 E. SANCI ET AL.

Similar to the strategy graph, we generate heat maps 4% of the expected total cost when there is no disrup-
to visualise the relative expected total cost of a strategy tion risk. Figure 5a shows that the level of the capacity
as a function of TTR and the disruption probability. We cost does not change for No Mitigation as TTR increases;
define the relative expected total cost of a strategy as the however, Figure 5b indicates a slight increase in this cost
ratio of the expected total cost of this strategy to the opti- component as we allow for the creation of the backup
mal expected total cost if there is no disruption risk. Note inventory. Note that this increase is limited as the level of
that we add the leftmost column in our heat maps to inventory cannot exceed eight weeks of inventory. When
show the relative expected total cost when the disruption the inventory level is at its maximum allowed level, the
probability is 0%. capacity and initial inventory cost is approximately 10%
Next, we discuss the effect of implementing mitiga- of the reference cost, which is still a small portion of the
tion strategies using these heat maps. We also support overall cost. In addition to the cost of building up initial
our claims with the plots illustrating the change in the inventory, there is also the expected inventory holding
cost components with respect to TTR (fixing the disrup- cost associated with carrying inventory from one week
tion probability to 10%). We group the cost components to the next week. However, we observe from Figure 5b
into five: capacity cost and initial inventory cost, expected that this cost component is not significant compared to
production cost (primary supplier), expected production the other cost components.
cost (secondary supplier), expected inventory holding A significant cost component entering the picture
cost, and expected backordering cost. These cost compo- as we increase TTR is the expected backordering cost.
nents correspond to the objective function components Figure 5a suggests that the expected backordering
presented in Section 3. Due to confidentiality concerns, cost increases dramatically for No Mitigation as TTR
we cannot provide the cost values on the plots. Similar to increases. According to Figure 5b, Backup Inventory
the heat maps, the cost values on these plots are scaled keeps the expected backordering cost under control for
based on the optimal expected total cost if there is no smaller TTR values. However, we observe the steep
disruption risk. increase in the expected backordering cost for Backup
Inventory as well if the initial inventory is not sufficient
to satisfy the demand during the disruption.
5.1. Mitigation through backup inventory
The heat map depicted in Figure 4a shows the relative
5.2. Mitigation through dual sourcing
expected total cost for No Mitigation in Table 2 with
respect to TTR and the disruption probability. The heat Figure 6 presents the relative expected total costs for the
map indicates that the expected total cost of relying on three dual sourcing strategies in Table 2. We observe from
this strategy goes up significantly as TTR and the disrup- Figure 6a that Dual Sourcing I is not an effective miti-
tion probability increase. On the other hand, Figure 4b, gation strategy. This strategy offers improvement in the
which represents the heat map of the relative expected expected total cost over No Mitigation only for high val-
total cost for Backup Inventory in Table 2, reveals that ues of TTR and the disruption probability. Although half
solely using inventory helps to reduce the expected total of the demand can be satisfied from the secondary sup-
cost to a great extent. We observe that inventory mitiga- plier, Dual Sourcing I does not provide an alternative to
tion is especially effective when TTR is less than or equal source parts ordered from the primary supplier when this
to eight weeks available in the pre-production stage to supplier is disrupted. On the other hand, Dual Sourcing II
build up inventory. allows the secondary supplier to pick up the orders from
As we mention above, we also generate the plots of cost the primary supplier during the disruption periods. As
components with respect to TTR when we fix the disrup- we can see from Figure 6b, this strategy is quite robust
tion probability to 10%. Figure 5a and Figure 5b show for all combinations of TTR and the disruption probabil-
the change in the cost components with respect to TTR ity. Note that when the disruption probability is 0%, the
for the No Mitigation and Backup Inventory strategies, expected total costs of Dual Sourcing I and Dual Sourcing
respectively. We add the leftmost bars to represent the rel- II increase by 23% and 29% compared to the expected
ative costs in case there is no disruption risk (TTR = 0). total cost of No Mitigation, respectively. The main reason
Note that these leftmost bars in both figures are identi- for the increase in the expected total cost is the expected
cal since the Backup Inventory strategy also holds zero cost of production at the secondary supplier. Both Dual
inventory when there is no disruption risk. These bars Sourcing I and Dual Sourcing II commit to the expen-
indicate that the expected production cost constitutes a sive secondary supplier to order parts during the life of
large portion of the expected total cost compared to the the programme; however, Dual Sourcing III uses this sup-
capacity cost. In fact, the capacity cost is approximately plier only during the disruption periods. Figure 6c shows

Figure 4. Relative expected total cost for No Mitigation and Backup Inventory.

Figure 5. Relative cost components w.r.t. TTR for No Mitigation and Backup Inventory (Disruption Probability = 10%).

that Dual Sourcing III is a more advantageous strategy in the disruption probability to 10% for this analysis. Note
a broader range among the three dual sourcing strategies. that the vertical scales of Figure 7 differ from those of
Next, we examine the plots of cost components with Figure 5. We observe from Figure 7b that Dual Sourcing
respect to TTR generated for Dual Sourcing I, Dual Sourc- II requires a higher level of initial investment as it installs
ing II, and Dual Sourcing III. Like Figure 5 above, we fix sufficient capacity to produce 200% of the demand when

Figure 6. Relative expected total cost for Dual Sourcing I, Dual Sourcing II, and Dual Sourcing III.
5970 E. SANCI ET AL.

there is no disruption. Figure 7a and Figure 7c suggest Figure 9a shows that Backup Capacity I cannot handle
that Dual Sourcing I and Dual Sourcing III have similar the increase in the backordered demand as the backup
capacity costs. There is only a small increase in the capac- capacity is only able to produce 50% of the demand dur-
ity cost for Dual Sourcing III due to the initial investment ing the disruption periods. Backup Capacity II has suf-
to pre-qualify the secondary supplier. Furthermore, the ficient capacity to produce 100% of the demand during
increase in the expected cost due to the capacity installed the disruption periods; however, we still observe a slight
after the disruption is insignificant compared to this ini- increase in the expected backordering cost in Figure 9b
tial investment needed for the pre-qualification. since it takes two weeks to restore the backup capacity
Figure 7a and Figure 7b show that the expected pro- at the primary supplier. Note that the demand backo-
duction costs at the primary supplier in Dual Sourcing I rdered during these weeks cannot be met until the regular
and Dual Sourcing II are almost half of the costs in No capacity is back with an increase in the production rate.
Mitigation and Dual Sourcing III. Note that Dual Sourcing
I and Dual Sourcing II require ordering from the sec-
5.4. Strategy graph
ondary supplier regularly. Therefore, these strategies split
the orders between both suppliers. As discussed earlier, the feasible strategies are not lim-
Dual Sourcing II is the most effective strategy in ited to these seven strategies analysed above. In fact,
dealing with the unmet demand. As we observe from building up backup inventory can be complementary for
Figure 7b, the expected backordering cost is almost zero strategies like Dual Sourcing I and Backup Capacity I. In
under this strategy since demand can be completely sat- Figure 10, we present the strategy graph generated by
isfied from the secondary supplier when the disruption allowing hybrid strategies. We also provide the inventory
occurs. Figure 7a shows that Dual Sourcing I cannot cope graph showing the initial inventory levels corresponding
with the increasing number of backordered demands as to the optimal mitigation strategy.
the secondary supplier can produce at most 50% of the Figure 10 suggests that there are five optimal strategies
demand when the primary supplier is disrupted. Finally, within the range determined for TTR and the disruption
we can observe from Figure 7c that Dual Sourcing III probability. The strategy of solely reserving 100% capac-
results in backordering costs during six weeks needed for ity from the primary supplier is only optimal when the
the pre-qualified supplier to start production. disruption probability is 0%. We observe that the strat-
egy of reserving 100% capacity from the primary supplier
and building up backup inventory is the optimal strat-
egy when there is disruption risk and TTR is less than
5.3. Mitigating through backup capacity at the
or equal to eight weeks. This means that when TTR is
primary supplier
expected to be smaller than the time available before the
Figure 8 shows the relative expected total costs for Backup launch, it is still optimal to use single sourcing without
Capacity I and Backup Capacity II in Table 2. These fig- any additional backup capacity. Inventory mitigation is
ures illustrate that having an adequate level of the backup an effective strategy in this case. When we examine the
capacity at the primary supplier is effective in reducing inventory graph, we see that the inventory level is exactly
the expected total cost. When the disruption probabil- the level required to satisfy the demand during the dis-
ity is 0%, the expected total costs of Backup Capacity ruption (up to a maximum of eight weeks of inventory)
I and Backup Capacity II increase by only 2% and 4% if the disruption probability is more than 3%. When the
respectively compared to the expected total cost of No disruption probability is low, the inventory level can be
Mitigation. In return, the savings in the expected total slightly less than the exact amount required during the
cost are very significant when the disruption probability disruption.
is greater than 0%. If TTR is more than eight weeks but less than or equal
Next, we also present the plots of cost components to sixteen weeks, the dominant strategy is reserving 50%
generated for Backup Capacity I and Backup Capacity backup capacity from the primary supplier in addition to
II when the disruption probability is 10%. Compared to 100% regular capacity. In this case, half of the demand is
No Mitigation, the capacity cost increases by 50% and satisfied through the backup capacity and the other half
by 100% under Backup Capacity I and Backup Capacity is satisfied through the initial inventory during the dis-
II, respectively. However, Figure 9a and Figure 9b indi- ruption. Therefore, the inventory level under this strategy
cate that the increase in the capacity cost when reserving tends to be approximately half of the level needed to sat-
backup capacity is insignificant since the capacity cost isfy the demand during TTR weeks. The reason that the
itself has a small share in the expected total cost, as inventory level is slightly more than this level is the two
discussed above. weeks of preparation time for the backup capacity.

Figure 7. Relative cost components w.r.t. TTR for Dual Sourcing I, Dual Sourcing II, and Dual Sourcing III (Disruption Probability = 10%).

Figure 8. Relative expected total cost for Backup Capacity I and Backup Capacity II.

When TTR is more than sixteen weeks, it is opti- install the backup capacity at the primary supplier. If the
mal to reserve 100% regular and 100% backup capacity disruption probability is less than or equal to 3% (but
from the primary supplier if the disruption probability is more than 0%), the optimal strategy is to reserve 100%
more than 3%. In this case, the optimal inventory level capacity from the primary supplier and pre-qualify the
is only for two weeks. These two weeks of inventory are secondary supplier. Under this strategy, it is optimal to
held to satisfy the demand during the time needed to have six weeks of inventory to satisfy the demand during

Figure 9. Relative cost components w.r.t. TTR for Backup Capacity I and Backup Capacity II (Disruption Probability = 10%).
5972 E. SANCI ET AL.

Figure 10. Strategy graph and inventory graph.

the time needed to prepare the secondary supplier for

Figure 11 shows the relative expected total cost of the
strategies given in the strategy graph. Recall that the rela-
tive expected total cost is computed based on the optimal
expected total cost when there is no disruption. In other
words, the reference point is the expected total cost of
No Mitigation when the disruption probability is 0%. We
observe from Figure 11 that even when TTR is 20 weeks
and the disruption probability is 10%, the expected total
cost increases by 5% compared to the optimal expected
total cost if there was no disruption risk. When we check
Figure 4 again, we see that the expected total cost of No
Mitigation under this most extreme case is 3.55 times
the expected total cost of No Mitigation under no dis-
ruption risk. This means that the expected total cost Figure 11. Relative expected total cost for the strategy grap.
can increase drastically if the sourcing strategy is chosen
without accounting for the disruption risk. However, it is
possible to mitigate the increase in the expected total cost significant differences between the expected total costs
by using an adequate strategy based on the risk profile of neighbouring strategies on the borders defining opti-
defined by TTR and the disruption probability. mal strategies. For example, it is optimal to pre-qualify
We also analyse the relative expected total cost of all the secondary supplier or reserve 100% backup capac-
five strategies shown on the strategy graph. We have ity from the primary supplier when TTR is more than
already presented the heat maps for the (100%, 0%, 0%) 16 weeks. The disruption probability determines which
strategy without inventory (No Mitigation in Table 2) of these two mitigation strategies is optimal. However,
and the (100%, 0%, 0%) strategy with inventory (Backup even if the disruption probability could not be estimated
Inventory in Table 2) in Figure 4. Figure 12 illustrates the precisely, the regret of using the non-optimal strategy
heat maps of the relative expected total cost for the (100%, would be small. To illustrate, suppose that the true dis-
50%, 0%) strategy with inventory, the (100%, 100%, 0%) ruption probability is 3%, but the decision makers over-
strategy with inventory, and the (100%, 0%, pq) strategy estimate this probability as 6%. Therefore, the optimal
with inventory. strategy is identified as reserving 100% backup capac-
As we can observe from Figure 12, these hybrid strate- ity from the primary supplier instead of pre-qualifying
gies are quite robust over all values of TTR and the disrup- the secondary supplier. In this case, the expected total
tion probability. Moreover, we observe that there are no cost would only increase by 0.2% when TTR is 20 weeks.

Figure 12. Relative expected total cost for the optimal strategies on the strategy graph.

In the opposite case, where the true disruption proba- We present our sensitivity analyses results in the online
bility is 6% but is underestimated as 3%, the expected appendix (Sections A.2 – A.5).
total cost would increase by 0.7%. All in all, the regret of
using the non-optimal strategy due to an imprecise esti-
mation is at most 1.3% of the optimal expected total cost, 6. Conclusions
when the probability estimations are within the range In this study, we develop a decision support framework
of 1% to 10%. However, the increase in the expected with Ford to choose the best mitigation strategy against
total cost can be drastic when the disruption risk is com- supply disruptions when sourcing a critical part. The
pletely ignored (i.e. the disruption probability is assumed building block of the framework is a multistage stochastic
to be 0%, but the disruption risk does exist). For exam- programming model. This model determines the miti-
ple, when TTR is 20 weeks, the expected total cost would gation strategy to use before the launch of a new pro-
increase to 1.7 and 2.4 times the optimal expected total gramme when the disruption uncertainty has not been
cost when the true disruption probability is 3% and 6%, resolved. By solving this model for possible TTR and dis-
respectively. ruption probability combinations, we generate the strat-
This section points out important results for the case egy graph to illustrate the optimal strategies. The strategy
study in question. In this case study, the optimal mitiga- graph aids decision makers to choose the best mitigation
tion strategy is to use inventory mitigation when TTR strategy based on their intuition on the values of TTR and
is less than the time available to build up the backup the disruption probability.
inventory. When TTR is longer, it is optimal to use the We discuss our results using a case study based on a
backup capacity at the primary supplier or to pre-qualify business example at Ford. This case study demonstrates
the secondary supplier depending on the estimated value that relying solely on the regular capacity of the primary
of TTR and the disruption probability. Note that our find- supplier, which is optimal when there is no disruption
ings are in line with Tomlin (2006). In this seminal paper, risk, can increase the expected total cost substantially
Tomlin (2006) also points out that in an environment of when the disruption probability is not 0%. The impact
rare but long disruptions, sourcing mitigation becomes of ignoring the disruption risk on the expected total cost
more attractive over inventory mitigation since the lat- can be large especially for higher values of TTR. However,
ter requires carrying an excessive level of inventory for a proper mitigation strategy can alleviate the increase in
extended periods without any disruption. the expected total cost even for the extreme values of
A noteworthy observation in this case study is that TTR and the disruption probability. Our results show
the inventory holding costs and the capacity costs are that holding backup inventory is an effective strategy
relatively low compared to the production costs and the for smaller values of TTR when the backup inventory
backordering costs. For sensitivity analyses, we investi- level is sufficient to satisfy demand during the disruption.
gated how our results would change for problem environ- For larger values of TTR, it is more appealing to inte-
ments in which the cost of holding inventory and the cost grate inventory mitigation with reserving backup capac-
of adding more capacity are higher. We also investigated ity from the primary supplier or with pre-qualifying the
the case in which decision makers’ TTR estimation is not secondary supplier. Our results point out the robustness
exact; i.e. TTR uncertainty exists. Finally, we analysed the of these hybrid strategies over all possible combinations
sensitivity of the strategy graph to certain parameters. of TTR and the disruption probability.
5974 E. SANCI ET AL.

There are several interesting future directions emerg- Mark S. Daskin is the Clyde W. Johnson
ing from this research. Our attention in this paper is Collegiate Professor in the Industrial and
on the supply disruption risk; however, it is neces- Operations Engineering Department of
the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
sary to incorporate other supply chain risks and their He served as the chair of the department
interdependencies when making strategic sourcing deci- for almost nine years beginning in 2010.
sions (Aqlan and Lam 2015). Analysing such correla- Prior to joining the Michigan faculty, he
tions within the problem environment presented in this was on the faculty at Northwestern Uni-
study is a notable research direction. Another prominent versity, where he also served as the chair of the Industrial Engi-
neering and Management Sciences Department for six years.
extension is to account for multiple suppliers subject to
He is a former editor-in-chief of both Transportation Science
multiple disruptions in the supply chain network design and IIE Transactions. He is the author of two books: Service Sci-
context, by also considering the disruption propagation ence, and Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms,
and the so-called ripple effect (Liberatore, Scaparra, and and Applications.
Daskin 2012; Dolgui, Ivanov, and Sokolov 2018). This has Young-Chae Hong is a research scien-
become an urgent topic in the COVID-19 era as the sup- tist at Ford Motor Company. He received
ply chains have been experiencing unprecedented supply his Ph.D. degree in Industrial and Oper-
disruptions since the beginning of the outbreak. Finally, ations Engineering from the University
it is worthy of considering different objective functions of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 2017. His
research interests are in large-scale opti-
such as maximising profit and minimising conditional mization problems and machine learn-
value-at-risk of cost or multiple objectives addressing the ing algorithms to improve computational
tradeoff between cost and reliability. time. He worked as a research assistant at the Center for Health-
care Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS) for healthcare
scheduling problems. He is currently working on three major
Acknowledgments research topics: supply chain analytics, routing with bin pack-
ing problem, and quantum algorithm.
This work is supported by a grant from the Ford Motor Com-
pany, project grant number N025042. We are thankful to Steve Roesch is a data scientist at Chewy.
Colleen Montgomery, Scott Moore, Christopher Recktenwald, He worked as an analytics scientist at Ford
Paul Prestel from Ford Purchasing and Varsha Venkatesh from Motor Company between 2017 and 2021.
Ford Global Data, Insight and Analytics for their valuable con- He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial
tribution. Also, we would like to extend our thanks to the and Systems Engineering in 2017 from
associate editor and anonymous reviewers for their insight- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
ful comments and constructive suggestions to improve the University.
Don (Xiaodong) Zhang received his Ph.D.
and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and
Disclosure statement Engineering from Carnegie Mellon Uni-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). versity, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Currently, he
is a Technical Expert and data scientist
supervisor in the Global Data Insight and
Funding Analytics at Ford Motor Company.

This work was supported by Ford Motor Company: [Grant

Number N025042].
Ece Sanci
Notes on contributors Mark S. Daskin
Young-Chae Hong
Ece Sanci is a Lecturer (Assistant Pro-
fessor) in the Information, Decisions &
Operations division of the School of Man-
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received her Ph.D. in Industrial and Oper- Aldrighetti, R., D. Battini, D. Ivanov, and I. Zennaro. 2021.
ations Engineering in 2019 from the “Costs of Resilience and Disruptions in Supply Chain Net-
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She work Design Models: A Review and Future Research Direc-
received her B.S. and M.S. in Industrial tions.” International Journal of Production Economics 235:
Engineering in 2013 and 2015 from the Middle East Technical 108103.
University (METU) in Ankara. Her research focuses on deci- Aqlan, F., and S. S. Lam. 2015. “Supply Chain Risk Mod-
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