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CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Passage-1 1) Use of unclean fuel sources result in

deaths from non-communicable diseases
Brain health is an evolving concept, attracting 2) Women and children are at additional risk
increasing attention not only from the health as they spend more time at home
sector but also from wider society, stimulating
rich debate – and for good reasons. The brain and Choose the correct answer:
central nervous system are the command centre
of the human body, controlling both conscious a) Only 1
and unconscious body functions and thereby b) Only 2
influencing every aspect of life. If our brains are c) Both 1 and 2
challenged by disease or other factors, this poses d) Neither 1 nor 2
significant risks not only to an individual’s
overall health and well-being, but also to global Passage-3
development and productivity.
“The late Prof. Maitland was once asked to
Q.1. Which one of the following statements best explain why Parliamentary Institutions flourished
reflects what is implied by the passage? in England but failed to take roots in Europe. His
answer reveals the importance of shelter. He said
a) Brain is the command centre and controls the difference was due to the English Channel.
conscious and subconscious functions in By this answer what he meant to convey was that
humans. by reason of the English Channel, England was
b) Brain health influences every aspect of immune from foreign aggression while she was
life and challenges to it pose risks to repairing her own body politic and therefore it
individual and societal wellbeing. became safe for people to fight against their King
c) Brain health should be saved from for Liberty and also safe for the King to allow it
diseases and bad influence. to his people.”
d) Global development and productivity
depend on sound mental health. Q.3. Which of the following statements best
describes the underlying message of the passage?
a) The evolution of political structures and
Around one third of the global population still institutions of a country are dependent on
relies on polluting fuels to meet their basic daily its geopolitical factors.
energy needs for cooking. The resulting b) The English Channel saved and
household air pollution leads to 3.2 million immunized England from foreign
premature deaths each year from aggressions
noncommunicable disease and pneumonia. c) It was comparatively safer for people of
Unfortunately, lack of access to clean fuels and England to fight against their King for
technologies starts at home. Women and children liberty
are exposed to polluted air when dirty fuels are d) Shelter is quintessential against foreign
used for cooking, as they spend the most time at invasion
home, and suffer additional risk when they have
to travel far from home to gather the wood Q.4. Equation p4 – ap3 + bp2 – cp + 7 = 0, when
needed to cook. Accelerating access to clean divided by p – 1, leaves a remainder of 5, while,
cooking fuel will not only save millions of lives, when divided by p + 1, it leaves a remainder of 2.
it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and What is the value of b?
therefore protect our planet.
a) -5.5
Q.2. Based on the above passage, observe the b) 5.5
following assumptions: c) 4.5
d) -4.5
Q.5. Consider the following statements: 1 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Question: If six consecutive numbers are given, Q.8. If 10th July 1757 was Monday, then what
then what will be the sum of the given day of the week would 20th November 1861
numbers? have been?
Statement I: Smallest number is the only 2 digit
no which is perfect cube as well as perfect a) Thursday
square no. b) Monday
Statement II: The average of the two numbers c) Wednesday
that appear in the middle is 133/2. d) Saturday
Which one of the following is correct in respect
of the Statements and the Question?
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the Q.9. A, B, C, and D, four students met for a
question. project discussion and sat at a circular table
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the facing the centre. Then, consider the following
question. statements and a question:
c) Either statement I or statement II alone is Question: Who sat immediately to the right of
sufficient to answer the question. B?
d) Statement II and Statement III together are Statement I: A sat second to the right of D. C
insufficient to answer the question. was an immediate neighbor of A.
Statement II: A and D sat opposite to each
Q.6. Consider the following statements and a other.
question: Which one of the following is correct in
Statement I: The difference between two respect of the above Statements and the
numbers is 565. Question?
Statement II: On dividing the larger number by a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer
the smaller, we get 5 as quotient and the 13 as the Question.
remainder. b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer
Question: What is the larger number? the Question.
Which one of the following is correct in respect c) Statement I and Statement II together are
of the Statements and the Question? not sufficient to answer the Question.
(a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer d) Both Statement I and Statement II
the Question. together are sufficient to answer the
(b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer Question, but neither Statement I alone
the Question. nor Statement II alone is sufficient to
(c) Both Statement I and Statement II answer the Question.
together are required to answer the
Question. Q.10. Pipe A can fill a tank in 90 minutes, while
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II pipe B can empty the same tank in 120 minutes.
together are not sufficient to answer the Both pipes were opened at 1 PM, when the tank
Question. was three-fourth filled with water. 40 minutes
thereafter, pipe A was replaced by a pipe whose
Q.7. The average weight of the four lightest
efficiency was double than that of A. When will
members of a family of five is 50 kg, while the
the tank get filled completely?
average weight of the four heaviest members is
55 kg. What is the difference between the a) 1: 35 PM
family's maximum and minimum average b) 1: 40 PM
weights if no member can be less than 20 kg in c) 1: 45 PM
weight? d) 1: 50 PM
a) 5
b) 4.5
c) 6
d) 3 2 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Passage-4 Q.12. Which of the following statements best

reflects the most logical and rational
Human genome editing has the potential to implication conveyed by the passage?
advance our ability to treat and cure disease. But a) Panchayati Raj institutions are the best form
the full impact will only be realized if we deploy of local governance for tribal communities
it for the benefit of all people, instead of fuelling b) Modern governance structures have
more health inequity between and within mainstreamed tribal communities while
countries. Potential benefits of human genome altering traditional governance structures
editing include faster and more accurate c) Marginalised groups are joining mainstream
diagnosis, more targeted treatments and political parties to serve their communities
prevention of genetic disorders. Somatic gene better
therapies, which involve modifying a patient’s d) All of the above
DNA to treat a disease, have been successfully
used to address HIV, sickle-cell disease and
transthyretin amyloidosis. The technique could
also vastly improve treatment for a variety of “The secret of freedom is courage, and courage is
cancers. born in combination of individuals into a party. A
party is necessary to run Government. But two
parties are necessary to keep Government from
Q.11. Based in the above passage, consider the
being a despotism. A democratic Government
following statements:
can remain democratic only if it is worked by
1) Human genome editing can help in accurate
two parties- a party in power and a party in
diagnosis and cure HIV and cancer
opposition. As Jennings puts it: “If there is no
2) Somatic gene therapy modifies patient’s
opposition there is no democracy. ‘His Majesty’s
DNA to treat various diseases
Opposition’ is no idle phrase. His Majesty needs
Choose the correct answer: an opposition as well as a Government.”
a) Only 1
b) Only 2 Q. 13. Which one of the following statements
c) Both 1 and 2 best reflects the crux of the passage?
d) Neither 1 nor 2
a) Courageous individuals are required to run a
Passage-5 political party successfully
b) The term ‘His Majesty’s Opposition’ was
The introduction of Panchayati Raj institutions coined in England parliamentary system
itself negatively affected the autonomy of tribal c) Robust opposition is quintessential in a
communities. For example, before the multiparty system for functioning of a healthy
introduction of these institutions, all the issues democracy
were resolved within the community with a d) At least two parties are essential for proper
headman in the village. After the intervention of functioning of a modern democracy
political parties, people in tribal hamlets have
been divided based on their political affiliations
Q.14. Consider the following equation:
and started fighting among themselves. This, in
fact, has affected the tribal structure for resolving 3$025 ÷ 175 = 183
their issues within the community. However, the Which of the following statements is/are true
introduction of grassroots forms of governance with regards to the digit that is represented by
has helped in developing new leaders with the symbol $?
different political party affiliations among the I. $ is a prime number.
marginalised groups to some extent. Such leaders II. Nine to the power $ is completely divisible
have taken up the responsibility of representing by 18.
the interests of political parties not only in III. $ is the smallest odd number.
Panchayati Raj institutions but in the broader Select the correct answer using the codes given
field of political demands and negotiations as below:
well. a) Only I 3 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

b) Both I and II Q.18. Y traveled from City A to City B. On

c) Only III the first day, Y covered 20% of the entire
d) All I, II and III distance, and on the second day, Y traveled
60% of the remaining distance. After the first
two days, the distance left to be covered is 10
Q.15. Consider the following statements and a km less than the distance covered on the first
question: day.
Statement I: A man completes one round along Consider the following statements:
the boundary of a rectangular park in 20 I. The total distance between City A and
minute at the speed of 18km/hr. City B is 120 km.
Statement II: The ratio between the length and II. Distance traveled on the second day is
the breadth of a rectangular park is 5:3. more than that traveled on the first
Question: what is the area of the rectangular day by 40 km.
park? Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which one of the following is correct in respect (a) 1 only
of the Statements and the Question? (b) 2 only
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the (c) Both 1 and 2
Question. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
c) Statement I and Statement II together are Q.19. One day, a street vendor sold 60% of
required to answer the Question. his stock of apples while throwing away 25%
d) Statement I and Statement II together are not of the rotting ones. From the remaining, next
sufficient to answer the Question. day, he bought the same quantity of apples
that he had the day before and combined
them with the leftover apples. He then sold
Q.16. If a larger cube with a side of 1.56 m is 70% of the apples and threw away the rest.
painted with three different colours, with same What percentage of the total amount of
colour being to the opposite side of the cube. apples the vendor had in two days did he
Then the cube is divided into smaller cubes with throw away?
a side of 12 cm.
(a) 20.5%
Consider the following statements: (b) 33%
a. Number of cubes with no surface painted less (c) 24.5%
than 100. (d) 29.66%
b. Number of cubes with two surface painted is
more than 100.
Which of the statements given above is/are Q.20. Nandini's office and home are 40
correct? kilometres apart. She once left for work 30
a) I only minutes later than usual, so she increased her
b) II only speed by 4 km/h and arrived at the office at
c) Both I and II the scheduled time. What is Nandini's new (or
d) Neither I nor II increased) speed?
(a) 25 km/h
Q.17. If p and q are positive integers, such that q (b) 20 km/h
is a multiple of 6 and 4p + 5q = 240, then p must (c) 30 km/h
be a multiple of which of the following? (d) 16 km/h
(a) 2 Passage-7
(b) 3 Since farmers are the developers and
(c) 8 custodians of crop diversity in the field, their
(d) 10 rights in this regard are critical if they are to
continue maintaining their pivotal role in 4 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

providing food security and nutrition- never Q.22. Which of the following statements best
more so than in the current era of climate reflects the logical inference from the passage
change and other major challenges facing given above?
humanity. The International Treaty on Plant a) Global e-waste generation will double in the
Genetic Resources (ITPGR) is the first next 16 years
legally binding international agreement to b) Easy electronic repairing will be helpful in
formally recognize the contribution of local slow down of waste generation
and indigenous communities and farmers to c) E-wastes comprise of valuable and rare
the conservation and development of plant materials and should be recycled for global
genetic resources for food and agriculture. waste mitigation
The promotion and realization of their rights d) E-waste dumping causes massive losses to
will enable farming communities to continue global economy
performing their role as developers and
custodians of plant genetic resources, and to
feed the world for the generations to come. Passage-9
Food demand changes are also expected to be
Q.21. Based on the above passage, consider influenced by evolving demographic
the following statements: structures and spatial locations of
1) ITPGR formally recognizes the populations. For instance, between 2015 and
contribution of indigenous farmers in 2050 the number of people aged 15 to 24
conservation of genetic resources projected to be living in low- and middle-
2) Recognition of traditional farmers rights income countries (LMIC) is expected to rise
is critical to preserve crop diversity and from about 1 billion to 1.2 billion. Meanwhile
food security other regions, particularly those formed by
HIC, will have to adjust to rapidly-ageing
Choose the correct answer: populations. Furthermore, by 2050, two-
a) Both 1 and 2 are correct thirds of the global population could be living
b) Both 1 and 2 are incorrect in urban areas. The different food
c) Both are correct and 1 is the correct requirements of young and old people, as
explanation of 2 well as the different consumption patterns,
d) Both are correct and 2 is the correct jobs and living conditions of urban and rural
explanation of 1 populations, will affect the demand for and
quality of various food items and minimum
dietary energy requirements. Population
Passage-8 dynamics will therefore be a critical
determinant of future food demand.
It is predicted that the global e-waste- discarded
products with a battery or plug- will reach 74 Mt Q.23. Based on the above passage, consider the
by 2030, almost a doubling of e-waste in just 16 following statements:
years. This makes e-waste the world’s fastest- 1) HIC will have a larger share of ageing
growing domestic waste stream, fuelled mainly population as opposed to LMIC
by higher consumption rates of electric and 2) Changes in food demand pattern may not be
electronic equipment, short life cycles, and few reflective of demographic changes
options for repair. Only 17.4 per cent of 2019’s 3) Food requirements differ based on population
e-waste was collected and recycled. This means patterns
that gold, silver, copper, platinum and other high-
value, recoverable materials conservatively Choose the correct answer:
valued at US $57 billion, a sum greater than the a) 1 and 3
gross domestic product of most countries, were b) 2 and 3
mostly dumped or burned rather than being c) 1 and 2
collected for treatment and reuse. d) All of the above 5 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Q.24. With reference to the numbers X, Y and Z, (b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
consider the following statements and question.
conclusions given below: (c) Statement III alone is sufficient to answer the
Statement I: If 45% of a number X is added to question.
another number Y, the sum becomes 125% of (d) Statement II and Statement III together are
the value of Y. sufficient to answer the question.
Statement II: If 20% of a number X is added to
another number Z, the sum becomes 125% of
the value of Z. Q.27. The class size is 30 students. A student
Conclusion I: X has the least value. who had chosen to work on a maths project
Conclusion II: Z is greater than X, but less than also decided to work on physics. Student who
Y. does the project on maths, does not do project
Which of the above conclusions is/are correct? on chemistry. The physics and chemistry
(a) Only conclusion I is correct. projects together are completed by eight
(b) Only conclusion II is correct. students. Every student completes a project
(c) Both conclusions I and II are correct. on at least one of the three subjects. The
(d) Both conclusions are incorrect. number of student who does the project on
exactly one of the three is more than the
number of students who do more than one of
Q.25. Researchers from the computer department the three. What are the maximum and
attended the Stanford University annual minimum number of students who could have
research conference, where they were done project on Chemistry only?
required to sit in rows in a particular way, and (a) 18, 5
each subsequent row contains three more (b) 20, 0
researchers than the preceding row. The first (c) 24, 2
row contains nine researchers and the total (d) 22, 0
number of researchers is twelve times the
number of rows overall. If researchers from
the computer department is one third of the Q.28. There are 7 blue balls, 6 green balls, and 5
total researchers in the conference, then find yellow balls in a basket. A person draws two
the number of researchers from the Computer balls, one by one, without replacement. What
department. is the probability that the balls drawn are of
(a) 18 different colours?
(b) 15 (a) 74/105
(c) 12 (b) 107/153
(d) 24 (c) 59/153
(d) 87/153

Q.26. If M, N, O and P are four pillars, then

consider the following statements and a Q.29. Consider the following sequence:
question: 9, 7, 14, 8, 39, 12, 164, 21, @, @
Statement I: Average height of M and O is 110 Find the missing numbers that should replace
cm and that of N and P is 90 cm. @.
Statement II: Average height of N, O and P is (a) 876, 36
100 cm. (b) 512, 39
Statement III: The sum of the heights of M and P (c) 789, 37
is equal to that of N and O. (d) 672, 25
Question: What is the sum of the heights of all
four pillars? Q.30. At precisely 11 AM a watch that gains 8
Which one of the following is correct in respect seconds in every 2 minutes was set. In the
of the Statements and the Question? evening of the same day, what time the watch
(a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the will indicate at quarter past 9 o'clock?
question. (a) 9:44:15 PM 6 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

(b) 9:40:15 PM greater than what its counterparts in many

(c) 9:50:00 PM democracies have at their disposal.
(d) 9:56:00 PM
Q.32. Which of the following statements best
reflects the Election Commission of
Passage-10 India?
In terms of free will, Freud did not believe
that we were able to control our own
a) ECI is entrusted with the responsibility of
behaviours. Rather, he believed that all
conducting elections at all levels of
behaviours are predetermined by motivations
governance in India
that lie outside our awareness, in the
b) ECI is amongst the most successful public
unconscious. These forces show themselves
institutions in India with significant
in our dreams, in neurotic symptoms such as
power to conduct large scale elections
obsessions, while we are under hypnosis, and
c) ECI has most significant powers at its
in Freudian “slips of the tongue” in which
disposal as compared to its counterparts
people reveal their unconscious desires in
across the world
language. Freud argued that we rarely
d) All of the above
understand why we do what we do, although
we can make up explanations for our
behaviours after the fact.
“Instead of taking a warning from the totalitarian
Q.31. Which of the following statements best
states, we are taking them as models to copy. The
reflects the logical inference from the
case of Germany and Italy furnish the most
passage given above?
cogent evidence on this point. The one-party
a) Human behaviour is under conscious
system is being hailed in this country in the name
control and can be freely chosen
of national solidarity. Those who are doing so are
b) Human behaviour, even though
failing to take note of the possibilities of tyranny
controlled, is predetermined by free will
as well as the possibilities of misdirection of
existing in the unconscious state
public affairs which is inherent in the one-party
c) Human behaviour is influenced solely by
Government. How under one party Government
external motivations and conscious
the tyranny of the majority ceases to be an empty
phrase and becomes a menacing fact has been our
d) None of the above

Election Commission of India is the central Q.33. Based on the above passage, observe the
authority in charge of conducting national following assumptions can be made:
(and state) elections in India. It was 1) One-party system leads to national cohesion
established in 1950. Several scholars have and solidarity
highlighted the exemplary role played by the 2) British colonialism led to absolute tyranny
ECI in ensuring free and fair elections and just as Germany and Italy
consequently, in the consolidation of India’s 3) Multiparty system provides checks and
democracy, in spite of its challenging social, balances against absolute tyranny
cultural and economic environment. In
contrast to the usual inefficiencies of Indian
Which of the following are correct?
public institutions, the well-oiled machinery
a) 1 and 2
of the Election Commission stands out
b) 1 and 3
because of its excellent performance in
c) 3 only
conducting elections on an unimaginably
d) None of the above
large scale. What has emerged over the past
six-and-a-half decades is an Election Q.34. Ranjeet says to his son, “I was as old as
Commission that has significant powers, far you are now when you were born”. If Ranjeet 7 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

is 42 years old, then what was the age of his prefer subject C, and 10 prefer none of these
son six years ago? three subjects. Of these three subjects, exactly
(a) 15 one subject is preferred by 100 people. Then,
(b) 14 consider the following statements:
(c) 13 I. Total number of students who prefer all
(d) 12 three subjects are more than 10% of the
total students.
II. Total number of students who prefer
Q.35. Consider the following statements and a exactly two of these subjects are more
question: than fifty.
Statement I: p and q are odd prime numbers and r
is even prime number. Which of the statements given above is/are
Statement II: The sum of p, q, and r is an even correct?
number. (a) 1 only
Question: Is the product of the three integers p, q, (b) 2 only
and r even? (c) Both 1 and 2
Which one of the following is correct with (d) Neither 1 nor 2
respect to the Question and the Statements?
(a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer
the Question Q.38. Consider the following statements with
(b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer respect to A where A is a natural number and
the Question having 7 factors.
(c) Both statements together are required to Statement 1: A is always perfect square number.
answer the Question Statement 2: A is always perfect cube number.
(d) Either Statement I alone or Statement II Which of the statements given is/are correct?
alone is sufficient to answer the Question (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
Q.36. Consider the following statements and a (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Question: If @, #, and $ are standing in a Passage-13
queue, then what could be the minimum Emerging agrifood chains often require
number of people in the queue? standardized agricultural products in terms of
Statement I: Between @ and #, there are six quality, size, delivery time, and so forth. In
people, and between # and $, there are many instances, standardized products can be
nine people. more efficiently produced by more capital-
Statement II: $ has four people in front of it intensive commercial farms. They require
and 23 people are behind @. less labour per unit of product than the
Which one of the following is correct in traditional ones. Whether the creation of new
respect of the Statements and the jobs in downstream segments of agrifood
Question? chains will exceed the reduction of
(a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer employment associated with the
the question. commercialization of primary agriculture,
(b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer with a net positive employment effect,
the question. depends on market and country-specific
(c) Both Statement I and Statement II circumstances.
together is not sufficient to answer the
question. Q.39. Which of the following statements best
(d) Both Statement I and Statement II reflects the logical inference of the
together is sufficient to answer the passage?
question. a) Capital intensive commercial farms
always efficiently produce standardised
Q.37. Out of a total of 200 students in a class, products
100 prefer subject A, 120 prefer subject B, 80 8 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

b) In commercialization of primary “perverts the way that person reaches decisions,

agriculture, market and country-specific forms preferences, or adopts goals.” This
factors influence job creation distortion, too, is an “invasion of autonomy.”
c) Capital-intensive farms take away
Q.41. Which of the following statements best
traditional agricultural jobs
reflects the primary intent of the passage?
d) Agrifood chains are essential for national
a) Algorithmic choices and business dynamics
development and food security
distort the process of decision-making,
preference formation, goal adoption
Passage-14 infringing on our autonomy
Biodiversity and traditional knowledge b) Algorithmic choices and business dynamics
extend beyond health and are intricately solely influence exposure to opinions and do
linked to natural resource management. not relate to autonomy
Indigenous communities often have a deep c) Algorithmic choices and business dynamics
understanding of their natural surroundings, limits individual’s options and preferences
the medicinal properties of various plants, d) None of the above
and how the variety of plant and animal
life supports food security, livelihoods,
Q.42. Consider the following statements for five
nutrition, and other dimensions of health and
digit number AB0AB where AB stands for
well-being. Biodiversity and traditional
13th Prime number and middle digit is zero.
knowledge are foundational pillars of health
Statement1:- Number of factors of AB0AB is 16.
and well-being and are essential to meeting
Statement 2:- AB0AB is divisible by 143.
the global commitments made under the
Which of the statements given is/are correct?
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the
(a) 1 only
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity
(b) 2 only
Framework (KMGBF), and the Paris Climate
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Q.40. Which of the following best describes
Q.43. Three statements followed by two
the role played by biodiversity and
conclusions numbered I and II are given
traditional knowledge?
below. You have to take the given statements
a) Indigenous communities have greater
to be true even if they seem to be at variance
understanding and are the sole custodians
from commonly known facts. Read all the
of biodiversity and traditional knowledge
conclusions and then decide which of the
b) They are central to the fulfilment of
given conclusions logically follow(s) from
obligations under global international
the given statements, disregarding commonly
known facts.
c) They are interconnected with natural
resource management and contribute to
I. Only a few mangoes are banana.
various dimensions of health and
II. No banana is a dragon fruit.
wellbeing aligning with global
III. All dragon fruits are pineapples.
d) They comprise of animal life support,
I: Some pineapples are not bananas.
nutrition, health and wellbeing
II: All mangoes being bananas is not a
Passage-15 Select the correct answer using the code
“These algorithmic choices and business given below:
dynamics shape our exposure to opinion and fact, (a) Only conclusion I follows
and the range of sources from which we get (b) Only conclusion II follows
them. The manipulation of their preferences may (c) Either conclusion I or II follows
not interfere directly with an individual’s options, (d) Both conclusions I and II follow
but, as legal philosopher Joseph Raz explains, 9 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Q.44. Ramesh set out from his home in the (a) Only Conclusion-1 follows from the
direction of the west. He moved forward 90 Statement.
metres before turning right and moving (b) Only Conclusion-2 follows from the
forward 60 metres. He then made a left turn Statement.
and walked 30 metres before making another (c) Both Conclusion-1 and Conclusion-2
left turn and walking another 120 metres. He follow from the Statement.
then made a left turn and moved 15 metres. (d) Neither Conclusion-1 nor Conclusion-2
He finally made a left turn again. Which way follows from the Statement.
must he be moving right now?
(a) West
(b) South Q.48. Two fruit sellers P and Q buy their stock
(c) North for Rs. 3000 and Rs. 6000 respectively. Fruit
(d) South-east seller P marks his stock up by m%, while
fruit seller Q marks his stock up by 2m% and
Q.45. If m and n are non-negative real numbers offers a discount of m%. If both make the
such that m+4n=12, then the average of the same non-zero profit, find m.
maximum and minimum possible values of (a) 40%
(m+n) is? (b) 30%
(a) 7.5 (c) 18%
(b) 9.5 (d) 25%
(c) 6 Passage-16
(d) 4.5
Commercial determinants of health (CDoH) are
Q.46. Five positive integers, a, b, c, d, and e, are the private sector activities impacting public
such that exactly three of them are even, and health, either positively or negatively, and the
the remaining two are odd (not necessarily in enabling political economic systems and norms.
order). Consider the following statements: CDoH includes all products and services
I. a + b - c + d - e is definitely even. provided by private entities to gain a financial
II. 3a + 2b - c + 2d – 3e is definitely odd. profit, as well as market strategies, working
Which of the above statements is/are conditions, production externalities and political
incorrect? activities, such as misinformation, lobbying and
(a) I only donations. Some parts of the private sector also
(b) II only use instrumental, structural and discursive power
(c) Both I and II to undermine public health policies that threaten
(d) Neither I nor II profits. Commercial activities, especially by
transnational corporations, affect non-
communicable disease, infectious diseases and
Q.47. Consider the following operations: pandemics, injuries and climate change. These
I. A * B means A is greater than B. impacts also worsen inequities between and
II. A - B means A is not smaller than B. within countries.
III. A / B means A is not greater than B.
IV. A + B means A is neither smaller nor greater Q.49. Based on the above passage, observe
than B. the following statements:
V. A % B means A is smaller than B. 1) Commercial activities by private sector
affect diseases and their determinants
Statement: X * Y, Y - Z, Z / W, W % V exacerbating inequalities within and
Conclusion-1: V - X between countries
Conclusion-2: V * Z 2) CDoH provides products and services that
threatens formation of robust public
Which one of the following is correct in respect health policies
of the above Statement and the Conclusions?
Choose the correct answer:
a) Only 1 10 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

b) Only 2 c) A longing for better world and

c) Both 1 and 2 brotherhood
d) Neither 1 nor 2 d) Life is mortal and fragile

Passage-17 Q.52. Read the information given below and

Rogers was positive about human nature, answer the questions that follow:
viewing people as primarily moral and The table below lists the number of bags of
helpful to others, and believed that we can three different cement varieties that a
achieve our full potential for emotional building construction company used over the
fulfilment if the self-concept is characterized course of three different months.
by unconditional positive regard- a set of Cement June July August
behaviours including being genuine, open to Ambuja 136 224 192
experience, transparent, able to listen to UltraTech 168 128 160
others, and self-disclosing and empathic.
When we treat ourselves or others with Dalmia 144 176 236
unconditional positive regard, we express
understanding and support, even while we Consider the following statements:
may acknowledge failings. Unconditional I. The average of the number of different
positive regard allows us to admit our fears bags of cement used by the company in
and failures, to drop our pretences, and yet at the month of August is more than 200.
the same time to feel completely accepted for II. The ratio of the total number of Dalmia
what we are. cement bags used in June to the total
number of UltraTech cement bags used in
Q.50. Based on the above passage, which of June is 5:6.
the following are part of unconditional Which of the statements given above is/are
positive regard? correct?
1) Ability to listen to others a) I only
2) Admission of fears and failures b) II only
3) Genuineness c) Both I and II
4) Empathy d) Neither I nor II
5) Transparency
Choose the correct answer: Directions for the following two (53-54) items:
a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 Read the following information carefully and
b) 1, 3, 4 and 5 answer the questions that follow:
c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 Six students, P, Q, R, S, T, and U, achieve
d) All of the above varying levels of success in a competition exam.
Only two students received grades lower than R.
The number of students with grades above R is
less than the number of students with grades
“There's so many different worlds; So many
different suns; And we have just one world; above Q. The number of students who scored
But we live in different ones; higher than Q equals the number of students who
Now the sun's gone to hell; And the moon's scored lower than T. U receives 700 points, which
riding high; Let me bid you farewell; Every is not higher than S or P. P or S do not get the
man has to die; But it's written in the best grades. An even number of students have
starlight; And every line in your palm; We're grades higher than P.
fools to make war; On our brothers in arms”
Q.53. Consider the following statements:
Q.51. Which of the following best explains I. U has the least grades.
the underlying message of the passage?
a) A reflection on personal loss II. Exactly three students have grades higher
b) Sense of inevitability and futility of war than that of R. 11 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Which of the statements given above is/are Passage-19

correct? Nomadic women are disadvantaged by several
(a) I only layers of oppression ranging from the capitalist
(b) II only state to the patriarchal state, all of whom collude
(c) Both I and II in their oppression. In the present context, there
(d) Neither I nor II is a need to not only defend the right to political
representation for nomadic women, but also to
develop a deeper and more nuanced
Q.54. Consider the following statements: understanding of the specific problems that they
I. Grades of Q can be more than 700. face, and of the possibilities of resolving them.
II. Only four students have grades higher than The question of inequality, in this sense, cannot
700. be read outside of the question of community.
III.T has the highest grade points among the While individual empowerment is undoubtedly
all. an important part of collective and institutional
Which of the statements given above is/are empowerment, it is not enough.
a) I and II only Q.59. Which of the following statements
b) II and III only provides the best course of action for
c) I and III only empowerment of nomadic women?
d) I, II and III a) Understanding their problems and giving
political representation alongwith
institutional and collective empowerment
Q.55. What is the remainder when (541)3001 is b) Individual empowerment through
divided by 9? collaboration with capitalist state
(a) 0 c) Institutional empowerment through political
(b) 1 reservation
(c) 9 d) All of the above
(d) 7

Q.56. The product of two numbers is 2178 and Developmental economists have argued
their HCF is 11. How much such pair of poverty is multi-dimensional. Hence, we
numbers can be formed? transited through physical quality of life
(a) 1 indicators and human development index
(b) 2 (HDI), before zeroing in on the currently
(c) 3 favoured MDPI (multi-dimensional poverty
(d) 4 index). MDPI is more like a development
index, based on three dimensions—health,
Q.57. If a and b are positive integers such that (4a education and living standards. Health
+ 3b) is a multiple of 11, then which of the (nutrition, child and adolescent mortality,
following will also be divisible by 11? maternal health) and education (years of
(a) 9(a + b) schooling, school attendance) are important
(b) 7ab development objectives and influence future
(c) 4 (a + 3b) poverty. However, these should be on a
(d) 7a + 8b somewhat different footing from living
standards (cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking
Q.58. Let b be the largest number with exactly 3 water, electricity, housing, assets, bank
factors that divide 46! Find the value of b? accounts). Living standards do reflect
(a) 529 poverty. Inclusion of health and education
(b) 509 makes the word “poverty” elastic. But when
(c) 429 the poor have cried, many who are not
(d) 389 Caesars have also wept. 12 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Q.60. Based on the above passage, which of Q.62. Observe the following statements:
the following best describes the crux of 1) Majority of CVD deaths are because of high
the passage? blood pressure.
a) Indicators for physical quality of life are 2) Raise blood pressure and blood lipids, obesity
included in both HDI and MDPI and overweight are indicative of behavioural
b) Availability of education, nutrition, risk factors.
drinking water and housing can alleviate
poverty Choose the incorrect statement:
c) Poverty encompasses multiple aspects of a) Only 1
human development and living standard b) Only 2
parameters are important indicators of the c) Both 1 and 2
same d) Neither 1 nor 2
d) When poor people are affected by
poverty, the rich also face the Q.63. Which of the following behavioural
repercussion of it changes can reduce risk of CVDs?
1) Physical activity
Q.61. Why is the term ‘poverty’ considered 2) Occasional drinking
elastic in case of MDPI? 3) Healthy diet
a) MDPI primarily focuses on living 4) No use of tobacco
standards as an indicator of poverty, 5) No drugs
making the term less applicable to health Choose the correct answer:
and education a) 2, 3 and 4
b) MDPI incorporates various dimensions of b) 1, 3 and 4
poverty such as health, education making c) 2, 4 and 5
the concept of poverty adaptable and d) All of the above
c) MDPI excludes several aspects of health
and education from the definition of Q.64. Consider the Question and two Statements
poverty, resulting in specific given below:
understanding of the term Question: consider the following statements with
d) None of the above respect to X where X is a two digit number.
Find the value of X?
Statement I: Last digit in the number X is 1.
Passage-21 Statement II: X/7 is an odd number.
Which one of the following is correct in respect
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading of the Question and the Statements?
cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 (a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
million lives each year. CVDs are a group Question
of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and (b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular Question
disease, rheumatic heart disease and other (c) Both Statement I and Statement II taken
conditions. More than four out of five CVD together are sufficient to answer the Question
deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes, and (d) Both Statement I and Statement II taken
one third of these deaths occur prematurely in together are not sufficient to answer the
people under 70 years of age. The most important Question
behavioural risk factors of heart disease and
stroke are unhealthy diet, physical inactivity,
tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol. The Q.65. In a 60 litre mixture of water and milk,
effects of behavioural risk factors may show up water is only 30%. The milkman gives 12
in individuals as raised blood pressure, raised litres `of this' mixture to a customer and then
blood glucose, raised blood lipids, and he adds up 12 litres of pure water in the
overweight and obesity. 13 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

remaining mixture. The percentage of water Q.70. Assume A and B must repay their loans in
in the final mixture is: three equal annual instalments of ₹40,000
(a) 36% each. A pays 12% simple interest per year,
(b) 44% while B pays 12% compound interest per
(c) 54% year. What is the distinction in their
(d) 42% payments?
Q.66. There are total 80 coins consisting of 20 (c)1797.12
paise, 50 paise and ₹1 in the ratio of 7: 5: 4. (d)1862.14
What is the no. of coins of 50 paise if the
difference between the amount yielded by the Passage-22
coins of ₹1 and 20 paise is ₹13? Tawney denounced self-seeking amoral and
(a) 35 immoral behaviour that he claimed is
(b) 25 supported by capitalism. Tawney opposed
(c) 20 what he called the "acquisitive society" that
(d) 30 causes private property to be used to transfer
surplus profit to "functionless owners",
Q.67. When a ball is dropped, it bounces back to i.e. capitalist rentiers. However, he did not
1/3rd of the height from which it was dropped denounce managers as a whole, believing
from. If the ball is dropped from a height of that management and employees could join in
63 m, find the total vertical distance travelled a political alliance for reform. Tawney
by the ball before it comes to rest. supported the pooling of surplus profit
(Neglecting air resistance.) through means of progressive taxation to
(a) 90m redistribute these funds to provide social
(b) 126m welfare, and the nationalization of strategic
(c) 189m industries and services. He supported worker
(d) 252m participation in the business of management
in the economy as well as consumer,
Q.68. If xy = 24, then which of the following employee, employer and state cooperation in
statements must be true? regulating the economy.
I. If x is positive then y must be
positive. Q.71. Based on the above passage, which
II. If x is negative, y must be negative. statement best describes the most logical
III. if y is negative , x can be positive. inference of the passage?
a) Capitalism fosters selfish and immoral
Select the correct answer using the code given behaviour as well as privatization of
below. property
IV. I and II only b) The redistribution of funds for social
V. I and III only welfare alongwith cooperative
VI. II and III only management through multiple
VII. I, II and III stakeholders is recommended.
c) Capitalist rentiers promote amoral and
Q.69. The cost of 6 pencils, 5 erasers and 2 immoral behaviour with the help of
sharpeners together is Rs. 59, whereas the managers
cost of 1 pencil, 2 erasers and a sharpener d) Management of business in the economy
together is Rs. 18. Find the combined cost of is not possible without participation of
5 pencils, 3 erasers and 1 sharpener. workers
(a) Rs. 54
(b) Rs. 36 Q.72. Observe the following statements:
(c) Rs. 41 1) Capitalism supports amoral and immoral
(d) Cannot be determined behaviour through acquisitive transfers 14 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

2) Employees and management could bring Q.74. Based on the above passage, what are the
reform through political alliance hindrances towards achieving SDG targets?
1) Unequal growth
Choose the incorrect options: 2) Gender inequality
a) Only 1 3) Greenhouse Gas Emissions
b) Only 2 4) Recycling food wastes
c) Both 1 and 2 5) Unsustainable farming technique
d) Neither 1 nor 2

Choose the correct options:

Passage-23 a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
If food and agricultural systems remain on b) 2, 3, 4 and 5
their current path, the evidence points to a c) 1, 2, 3 and 5
future characterized by persistent food d) All of the above
insecurity and unsustainable economic
growth. Many countries and regions are
already committed to increasing the Q.75. If in a certain code ‘FAMILY’ is written as
sustainability of their food and agriculture ‘GZNHMX’ then how would ‘MOTHER’
systems. However, fully meeting Sustainable would be written?
Development Goals (SDGs) targets, as (a) NMVGERS
envisaged by the 2030 Agenda for (b) GWMHNZ
Sustainable Development, will require (c) NNUGFS
additional efforts to address growing (d) NNUGFQ
inequalities and gender imbalances, sustain
peace, reduce GHG emissions, avoid resource
depleting farming systems, manage the Q.76. Four cards are drawn at random and
demand for resource-intensive animal food without replacement from a pack of 52
products, and reduce food loss and waste, playing cards. Find the probability that all
among other challenges. Ensuring a more four cards are Black.
equitable distribution of income within and (a) 25/102
across countries is indispensable in the quest (b) 46/833
for food security, better nutrition and (c) 48/833
environmental sustainability of food systems. (d) 1/4

Q.73. What is the primary concern expressed in Q.77. A bed sheet when washed, was found to
the passage regarding food and agricultural have lost 10% of its length and 12.5% of its
systems? breadth. The percentage decrease in its area
a) The importance of achieving SDGs targets by was:
2030 to ensure food security and economic (a) 21.25%
growth (b) 24.5%
b) The need to manage demand for resource (c) 27%
intensive animal food products to address (d) 30.5%
growing inequalities and gender imbalances
c) The need for countries and regions to
continue their sustainability efforts in food Q.78. If the population of a city doubled every
and agriculture year and the population of the city at the
d) The potential consequences of continuing on starting year was 25000 then what would be
the current path and the necessity for the total population of the city at the start of
equitable income distribution to ensure food the 8th year?
security and sustainability (a) 1600000
(b) 3200000
(c) 6400000
(d) 12800000 15 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 1

Q.79. In a deck of playing cards, there are 4 suits:

Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades, and
each suit has 13 cards. Consider the following
I. The smallest number n such that any n
cards drawn from the deck randomly must
contain at least one card of each suit is 20.
II. The smallest number m such that any m
cards drawn from the deck randomly must
contain one full suit out of Hearts,
Diamonds, Clubs and Spades is 49.
Which of the statements give above is/are
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Q.80. There are 6 people in a group: A, B, C, D,

E, and F. Consider the following statements:
Statement I: A is married to D.
Statement II: B is the father of E.
Statement III: C is E's sister.
Statement IV: D and F are cousins.
Question: What is the relation of F to C?
Which one of the following is correct in
respect of the above Question and
(a) Statement I, Statement II, and Statement
III together are sufficient to answer the
(b) Statement I, Statement III, and Statement
IV together are sufficient to answer the
(c) All four statements together are sufficient
to answer the Question.
(d) All four statements are not sufficient to
answer the Question. 16 +91 8826619699

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