Sectional Test 05 Questions CSAT ICONIC

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1. A person M from a place P and another and 6 kmph and passes them
person N from a place Q set out at the completely in 12 seconds and 18
same time top walk towards each seconds respectively. The length of the
other. The places are separated by a train (in metres) is
distance of 30 km. M walks with a a) 45m
uniform speed of 3 km/hr and N walks b) 50m
with a uniform speed of 2 km/hr in the c) 30m
first hour, with a uniform speed of 2.5 d) 60m
km/hr in the second hour and with a
uniform speed of 3 km/hr in the third 4. Two trains travel the same distance
hour and so on. starting at 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm,
Which of the following is/are correct? respectively, on the same day. They
I. They take 5 hours to meet. reach their common destination at the
II. They meet midway between P and Q. same point in time. If the first trains
Select the correct answer using the code travelled for at least 8 hours, then the
given below: highest possible value of the
a) I only percentage by which the speed of the
b) II only second train could exceed that of the
c) Both I and II first train is
d) Neither 1 nor 2 a) 20
b) 25
2. In a 4800 m race around a circular c) 33
track of length 600 m, the faster d) 16.66
runner and the slowest runner meet at
the end of the fifth minute, for the first 5. Consider the Question and two
time after the start of the race. All the Statements given below:
runners maintain uniform speed Question: What is the time taken by the
throughout the race. If the faster train to cross the platform A of length
runner runs at four times the speed of 320 m?
the slowest runner, then find the time Statement I: The speed of the train is 72
taken by the faster runner to finish the kmph.
race. Statement II: It takes 10 sec more to cross
a) 24 min the platform B of 480 m length than to
b) 30 min cross the platform A, and it takes 35
c) 40 min sec to cross the bridge C of 360m.
d) 32 min Which one of the following is correct in
respect of the Question and the
3. A train overtakes two persons who are Statements?
walking in the same direction in which a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to
the train is going, at the rate of 3 kmph answer the Question. 1 +91 8826619699

b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to 8. If sum of downstream speed and

answer the Question. upstream speed of a boat is 36 km/hr,
c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are while speed of that boat in still water is
sufficient to answer the Question. thrice than the speed of stream, then
d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are which of the following statements
not sufficient to answer the Question. is/are true?
6. A person X travels from Bhopal to Delhi I. Speed of boat in still water is 18 km/hr
on a regular basis for business and speed of stream is 4 km/hr.
purpose. When he travels by car, he II. Time taken to cover 72 km
can reach there in 10 hours. However, downstream is equal to the time taken
when he travels by bus his speed to cover 36 km upstream.
reduces by 25%, and so he travels 150 Select the correct answer using the code
km less in the same amount of time. given below:
Find the speed of his car in km/hr. a) I only
a) 60 b) II only
b) 65 c) Both I and II
c) 50 d) Neither I nor II
d) 45 9. In a 900 metres race, A starts 45
metres ahead of B, but B wins the race
7. Consider the following statements and while A is still 15 metres behind. If
a question: both start running at the same time,
Statement I: A walks a certain distance then what is the ratio of the speeds of
and ride back, taking a total time of 58 A and B?
minutes. a) 12:13
Statement II: A could walk both ways in 90 b) 15:14
minutes. c) 13:12
Question: How long would it take A to ride d) 14:15
both ways?
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to 10. Two trains A and B are moving towards
answer the question. eachother at the speed of 40km/hr
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to and 50km/hr respectively in opposite
answer the question. direction and length of between A and
c) Statement I and Statement II together B is 450km. After two hours, both A
are sufficient to answer the question, and B start moving at the same speed
but neither Statement I alone nor of 45km/hr.
Statement II alone, is sufficient to Consider the following statements:
answer the question. I. Both A and B take equal amount of
d) Statement I and Statement II together time to meet eachother.
are not sufficient to answer the
question. 2 +91 8826619699

II. Both A and B meet eachother at the b) Both Statement I and Statement II
distance of 225km from their starting together are sufficient to answer the
point. Question.
Which of the above statements is/are c) Either Statement I with Statement III or
correct? Statement II with Statement III is
a) I only sufficient to answer the Question.
b) II only d) Either Statement I or Statement II or
c) Both I and II Statement II alone is sufficient to
d) Neither I nor II answer the Question.
13. Consider the following statements:
11. In a race, P touches the finish line in I. A boat can travel 18 km downstream in
90 seconds and beats Q by 30 seconds. 3 hours. If it can travel 24 km upstream
If P gives Q a head start of 15 seconds, in 6 hours, then speed of stream is 2
then in how much time will P be able km/hr.
to catch up with Q? II. A bus stops for 12 minutes per hours. If
a) 60 seconds excluding stoppages, the speed of a
b) 90 seconds bus is 72 kmph and including
c) 75 seconds stoppages, it is 60 kmph.
d) 45 seconds III. Length of a train is 1250 metres. If it
can cross a 1950 metre long platform
in 160 seconds, then the speed of that
12. Consider the following statements and train is 80 km/hr.
a question: Which of the statements given above
Statement I: In 20 seconds, the 600- is/are not correct?
meter-long train crosses a signal pole. a) Only one statement
Statement II: In 15 seconds, the train b) Only two statements
crosses another train of 450 meter c) All three statements
length and running in opposite d) None of the above
Statement III: The train departs city A at 14. A bike that had been repaired now
10:00 PM for city B, which is 864 travels at a speed of 75 km/h, up from
kilometres away. its previous speed of 60 km/h. After
Question: When will the train arrive in city fixing, it travels a specific distance in
B from city A? six hours. How long would it have
Which one of the following is correct in taken to travel the same distance
respect of the Statements and the before repairs?
Question? a) 7 hours 45 minutes
a) Either Statement I or Statement II b) 7 hours 30 minutes
alone is sufficient to answer the c) 7 hours 15 minutes
Question. d) 7 hours 60 minutes 3 +91 8826619699

15. If the distance between A and B

upstream takes 21 hours to travel. 18. A 12 feet tall tree is situated to the
The distance between A and B east of a 36 feet high electric pole.
downstream takes 3 hours to travel. They are 20 feet apart from one
Then which of the following is/are another. At a particular time in the
true? evening, the length of the shadow of
I. Speed of boat in still water will be the pole becomes equal to the sum of
km/hr. the distance between the pole and the
2𝑥 tree and the length of the shadow of
II. Speed of the stream will be km/hr.
21 the tree. Shadows of pole and tree are
III. Speed of boat in still water will be
collinear. Consider the following
twice of the speed of boat in stream
I. Length of the tree‘s shadow is less
Select the correct answer using the code
than the height of the tree.
given below:
II. Length of the tree‘s shadow ≤ 9.
a) Only one statement
Which of the statements given above
b) Only two statements
is/are true?
c) All three statements
a) I only
d) None of the above
b) II only
16. A pole is standing 45m away from a
c) Both I and II
house. The angle of elevation of the
d) Neither I nor II
top of the house from the top of the
19. The length and width of a rectangle
pole is 30° the angle of elevation of the floor are 800 cm and 440 cm,
top of the same house the bottom of respectively. The installation of tiles
pole is 60°. What must be the sum of measuring 280 cm by 120 cm must
the heights of the house and the pole? prevent tile overlap. As long as a tile's
a) 50√3 m
edges are parallel to the floor's
b) 75√3 m
margins, it can be arranged in any
c) 45√3 m
direction. What is the most tiles that
d) 60√3 m
can be placed on the floor?
a) 6
17. P and Q are the mid-points of sides AB
b) 7
and AC of a triangle ABC. If sum of the
c) 8
lengths of PQ and BC is 63 cm, then
d) 9
what will be the difference between
the lengths of BC and PQ?
20. A football ground is in the form of a
a) 21 rectangle having length X1 meters and
b) 27
breadth X2 meters, where X1 and X2
c) 30 are integers. If the perimeter of the
d) 35 ground is 180 meters, then the area of 4 +91 8826619699

the ground will not exceed which one b) 1200 ft

of the following values? c) 1296 ft
a) 1980 square meters d) 1260 ft
b) 1525 square meters
c) 1500 square meters 23. If the area of the base of a cone is 308
d) 2025 square meters cm2 and its curved surface area is 1100
cm2, then consider the following
21. Consider the Question and two statements:
Statements given below: I. The total surface area of the cone will
Question: What is the height of the be less than 1369 cm2.
Cylinder? II. The ratio of the slant height to the
Statement I: The Curved surface area of radius of the cone will be 7:25.
the cylinder is 880 cm2 and the total Which of the statements given above
surface area of the Cylinder is 3344 is/are true?
cm2. a) I only
Statement II: The radius of the cylinder is b) II only
1 cm less than the 3 times of the c) Both I and II
height of the cylinder. d) Neither I nor II
Which one of the following is correct in
respect of the Question and the 24. Consider the following statements and
Statements? a question:
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to Statements I: Total surface area of sphere
answer the Question. is 676π.
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the Question. Statement II: Diameter of the sphere is 54
c) Either Statement I or Statement II cm.
alone is sufficient to answer the Question: What is the volume of sphere?
d) Neither Statement I nor Statement II Which one of the following is correct in
alone is sufficient to answer the respect of the Statements and the
Question. Question?

a) Statement I alone is sufficient to

22. A cart's front wheels have a
answer the question.
circumference of 36 feet, while the
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to
back wheels have a circumference of
answer the question.
42 feet. When the front wheels have
c) Either statement I or statement II is
made five more revolutions than the
sufficient to answer the question.
back wheels, how far has the cart
d) Neither statement I nor statement II is
sufficient to answer the question.
a) 900 ft 5 +91 8826619699

a) 100
25. A survey of a group of employees at a b) 98
corporation was done. It was c) 96
discovered that 6 persons enjoy d) 102
watching football, 15 enjoy watching
cricket, and 6 enjoy watching hockey. If 28. There are 30 professors in a science
one individual enjoys watching all conference. A professor, who has
three sports—football, cricket, and chosen to do seminar on maths elects
hockey—and two others enjoy to do physics as well. No professor
watching two of each, the group's total does the seminar on maths and
membership must be: chemistry. Eight professors do the
a) 23 seminar on physics and chemistry. All
b) 24 the professors do the seminar on at
c) 22 least one of the three subjects and the
d) 25 number of professors who do exactly
one seminar of the three is more than
26. In a group of 50 students, 31 like the number of people who do more
chemistry and 24 like biology and 4 do than one seminar of the three. What
not like either chemistry or biology. are the maximum and minimum
Consider the following statements: number of professors who could have
I. 9 students like both chemistry and given seminar on Chemistry only?
biology. a) 20, 0
II. 45 students like either chemistry or b) 15, 0
biology. c) 22, 0
Which of the statements given above d) 24, 2
is/are not correct?
a) I only 29. In a group of 150 people there are
b) II only people who like eating different fruits.
c) Both I and II 24 people like to eat only mango, 30
d) Neither I nor II like only apple, 26 like only banana,
and 42 like to eat only grapes. 24 like
27. Everyone in a meeting with foreign both mango and grapes, and 4 love to
participants drinks tea, milk, or coffee eat both banana and apple.
at least occasionally. Tea is consumed Consider the following statements:
by 40 participants, coffee by 56, milk I. Number of people who like only one
by 30, tea and coffee by 16, and milk fruit is less than hundred.
and coffee by 12 participants. But none II. The percentage of people who do not
of them consumes both milk and tea. like mango is 68 %.
What is the total number of Which of the statements given above
participants in the meeting? is/are correct? 6 +91 8826619699

a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

30. A poll of 400 UPSC candidates revealed

that 49% of them enjoyed studying
history, 53% enjoyed polity, and 62%
enjoyed geography. In addition, 27% of
students preferred studying history
and polity, 29% preferred studying
geography and polity, and 28%
preferred studying history and
geography. 5% found none of these
subjects enjoyable to study.
Consider the following statements:
I. Ratio of the number of students who
like only history to those who like only
polity is 3:4.
II. The number of students who like
studying at least two of the given
subjects is less than the number of
students who like studying only one of
the three given subjects.
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II 7 +91 8826619699

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