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CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

Passage-1 society that one gains by reading and engaging with

The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus concept has literature, philosophy, history, or sociology is
become central to sustainable development for invaluable to creating a better and fairer society.
technical assessments to improve resource However, in a society that revolves around the market
management and system efficiency, identifying trade- and is governed and altered according to market
offs and optimizing synergies across nexus sectors for requirements, the knowledge and wisdom of the
the governance of natural resources and the design of Humanities are ignored and discarded. Especially for
efforts to alleviate poverty and food insecurity. its potent function of questioning the market itself and
Interactions among WEF nexus components play a the consequential arrangement of society, it becomes
vital role in the living standard outcomes of rural all the more necessary for the market forces to
households, and can be captured and/or affected reinforce and perpetuate a second-class status to
through changes in household behaviours or Humanities.
activities. For example, changes in residential energy
use substantially influence household income and Q.3. Which of the following statements best reflects
greenhouse gas emissions. what is implied by the passage?

Q.1. Which of the following statements best reflects a) The study of Humanities should be discarded as it
the crux of the passage? voices resentment against market forces
a) Household behaviours have no impact on the
WEF Nexus components b) Humanities students have no job prospects as
b) Changes in household behaviours only affect compared to other educational streams
urban resources
c) WEF is crucial for assessment of system c) For some studying humanities is a privilege but not
management and resource efficiency a necessity
d) Changes in household behaviour affect
greenhouse gas emission
d) Inferior status of Humanities is created because it
questions dominant market forces
Q4. If PQ is a two digit number and the number
Even those who aim at a good life seek the means of obtained by interchanging the digit is QP, then
obtaining bodily pleasures; and, since the enjoyment consider the following statements and a question:
of these appears to depend on property, they are Statement I: The difference between PQ and QP is 63
absorbed in making money: and so there arises the Statement II: The Numbers PQ and QP are exactly
second species of money-making. For, as their divisible by 9
enjoyment is in excess, they seek an art which Question: What is the difference between the sum and
produces the excess of enjoyment; and, if they are not the difference of the digits of the number?
able to supply their pleasures by the art of money- Which one of the following is correct in respect of the
making, they try other arts, using in turn every faculty above Statements and the Question?
in a manner contrary to nature. a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
Q.2. Which of the following statements best reflects b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
the most logical inference as conveyed by the author question.
of the passage? c) Both statement I and statement II together are
a) Greed and materialism are antithesis to socially sufficient to answer the question.
accepted value systems d) Statement I and Statement II together are
b) Property is essential for excessive enjoyment insufficient to answer the question.
c) Religion and charity can subdue the evils of bodily
d) Pleasure is achieved only by doing activities Q5. If P, Q and R are three distinct integers, where P
contrary to nature is even and positive, and Q and R are odd and
positive, then consider the following statements:
Passage-3 Statement I: The value of {(Q - P)2 x R} is
definitely even.
It is no easy task to be a Humanities student in India Statement II: The value of {(Q2 + P2) - R2} is
today. Regardless of how one gets into it, a motivated definitely odd.
Humanities student has to fight tough social and Which among the following statements is/are
personal battles. The understanding of oneself and correct ? 1 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

(a) I only (a) 196

(b) II only (b) 225
(c) Both I and II (c) 256
(d) Neither I nor II (d) 289

Q6. A shopkeeper has to print a book of 10,000 Passage-4

pages. Printing the digit 7 after 1000 pages costs extra
Rs. 0.50/per digit, then what is the extra cost of Men in general desire the good, and not merely what
printing the digit 7? their fathers had. It would be ridiculous to rest
(a) Rs. 1850 contented with their notions. Even when laws have
(b) Rs. 1948 been written down, they ought not always to remain
(c) Rs. 2023 unaltered. As in other sciences, so in politics, it is
(d) Rs. 2772 impossible that all things should be precisely set
down in writing; for enactments must be universal,
Q7. A boat travelling upstream travels a particular but actions are concerned with particulars. Hence,
distance in 6 hours and 45 minutes, while a boat we infer that sometimes and in certain cases laws
travelling downstream travels the same distance in 3 may be changed; but when we look at the matter
hours. What is the ratio between the boat's speed and from another point of view, great caution would
the water current's speed, respectively? seem to be required.
(a) 9 : 7
(b) 11 : 6 Q.11. Based on the above passage which of the
(c) 13 : 5 following statements best describes the underlying
(d) 3 : 2 message?

Q8. In an examination, the paper setter has set the a) Laws are universal and cannot be changed even in
tough paper where 45% of students failed in maths adverse circumstances
and 32% of students failed in science while 24% b) Basic tenets of politics are universal even though it
failed in both the Subjects. If 376 students passed in is temporally dynamic
both the subjects, how many students appeared to c) Great caution is required when laws are being
write the examination? changed
(a) 700 d) The science of politics has been precisely written
(b) 800 down
(c) 900
(d) 1100
Q9. For a Diwali celebration, six distinct chocolate
kinds in the counts of 40, 184, 152, 104, 136, and 216 The world is more and more interconnected but it
were ordered. They have to be packaged so that every does not mean that individuals and societies really
box contains the same amount of chocolate in the live together – as reveal the exclusions suffered by
same variety. If the minimum number of boxes millions of poor, women, youth, migrants and
required to be packed is N, then consider the disenfranchised minorities. In our turbulent
following statements: international globalized landscape, a central message
Statement I: The value of N is definitely an odd must be heralded: peace is more than the absence of
number war, it is living together with our differences – of sex,
Statement II: The value of N is exactly divisible by 11 race, language, religion or culture – while
Statement III: The value of (N - 4) is definitely a furthering universal respect for justice and human
perfect square. rights on which such coexistence depends. Peace is a
choice to be made on each situation, an everyday life
Which among the following statement is/are correct? decision to engage in sincere dialogue with other
(a) I only individuals and communities.
(b) II and III only
(c) III only
Q.12. Based on the above passage, which of the
(d) None of the above
following sentences best describes the ‘peace’?
Q 10. When divided by a three-digit number, the
integers 813251 and 815274 leaves the same a) Peace is the absence of war and conflict
remainder. What is the three digit number? 2 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

b) Global mutual coexistence and respect for Which among the following statements is/are correct
fundamental human rights ?
c) Peace is dynamic and its meaning changes (a) I only
everyday (b) II only
d) Peace is unattainable in our global landscape (c) Both I and II
because of our differences (d) Neither I nor II

Passage-6 Q 16. 10 coins are tossed, find the probability of

getting exactly 3 tails?
Chronic food insecurity leads to micronutrient (a) 3/10
malnutrition in women and their babies which, in (b) 3/512
humanitarian contexts, is further exacerbated as (c) 15/128
antenatal, postnatal, and obstetric care services are (d) None of these
disrupted. The disproportionate impact of
humanitarian crises on women and girls has potential Q17. N is a series in A.P and if the common
consequences for future generations. Monitoring the difference is 1 , then consider the following
nutrition status of women and girls is critical to statements followed by a question:
inform and guide targeted nutrition interventions in Statement I: The 5 times of the 5th term of N is equal
both development and humanitarian contexts. to 9 times the 9th term of N
Agencies working in humanitarian settings need clear, Statement II: The 16th term of the series N is a prime
harmonized policies and guidelines for women and number less than 10
girls regarding micronutrient interventions. Question: What is 14 times 14th term of the series N ?
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the
Q.13. Based on the passage, the following above Statements and the Question?
assumptions have been made:
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
1) Clear and harmonised policy interventions are question.
needed to address micronutrient malnutrition b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
2) Micronutrient malnutrition in women and babies question.
impact their future health and care services c) Both statement I and statement II together are
sufficient to answer the question.
Choose the correct answer: d) Statement I and Statement II together are
insufficient to answer the question.
a) Only 1
b) Only 2
c) Both 1 and 2 Q18. A vegetable vendor has Onions, tomatoes, and
d) Neither 1 nor 2 potatoes in the following ratio: 3 : 7 : 9. There are
more number of tomatoes than onions by a number
that is a multiple of both 8 and 9. What is the
Q14. In how many ways can 4 Boys and 5 girls be
minimum number of vegetables in his shop?
seated in a row so that they are alternate?
(a) 286
(b) 296
a) 576
(c) 332
b) 2880
(d) 342
c) 40320
d) None of these
Q19. Five people P, Q, R, S and T are sitting on a
Q 15. Two taps, P and Q, can fill a tank in 10 hours bench for a lecture. If P is sitting next to Q and R is
and 15 hours, respectively. In 10 hours, Tap R can sitting next to S, then consider the following
empty the tank. All the three taps are turned on at the statements and a question:
same time, 5:00 AM, then consider the following Statement I: S is not sitting with T who is on the left
statements: end of the bench.
Statement I: The tank would be completely filled by 6 Statement II: R is on the second position from the
: 00 PM right and P is to the right of Q and T.
Statement II: If the efficiency of all the Taps is Statement III: P and R are sitting together.
increased by 25%, then tank would be completely Question: What is the position of P?
filled by 5 : 00 PM. 3 +91 8826619699
CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

How many of the given statements is/are required to Q.22. Which one of the following statements most
answer the question? likely reflects as to what the author of the passage
a) Only one intends to say?
b) Only two
c) All three a) The world is effectively addressing existing
d) None of the above slums and reducing absolute numbers of slum
b) Despite a decline in the proportion of slum
Q20. Which number will come in the place of (?) in dwellers the absolute number is increasing indicating
the given number series? a worsening situation
100000, 120000, 96000, 115200, 92160, ? c) Slum dwellers are concentrated in specific
(a) 100572 regions while leaving other areas unaffected
(b) 100920 d) Proportion of slums have declined reflecting a
(c) 110592 positive outcome in numbers
(d) 115120
Under current trends, 575 million people will still be
Every state is a community of some kind, and living in extreme poverty in 2030, and only about one
every community is established with a view to some third of countries will meet the target to halve
good; for mankind always act in order to obtain that national poverty levels. Shockingly, the world is back
which they think good. But, if all communities aim at at hunger levels not seen since 2005, and food prices
some good, the state or political community, which is remain higher in more countries than in the period
the highest of all, and which embraces all the rest, 2015–2019. The way things are going, it will take 286
aims, and in a greater degree than any other, at the years to close gender gaps in legal protection and
highest good. remove discriminatory laws. And in education, the
impacts of years of underinvestment and learning
Q.21. Which of the following statements best losses are such that, by 2030, some 84 million
describes the message implied in the above passage? children will be out of school and 300 million
children or young people attending school will leave
a) Communities are established to serve mutual unable to read and write.
socio-economic goals
b) Political community pursues power and Q.23. Based on the above passage observe the
dominance following statements:
c) Political and social communities have divergent
goals 1) Underinvestment in education affects learning
d) State or political community is most inclusive and outcomes
seeks the highest good 2) Food prices are moderately lower yet hunger
levels are higher than ever
Passage-8 3) Discriminatory laws lead to gender gap in
providing effective legal protection
The world remains far off the mark in reducing the
proportion and absolute numbers of slum dwellers. Choose the correct answer:
While the proportion of people living in slums and
informal settlements continued to decline, the a) 1 and 2
absolute number is on the rise. In effect, the world is b) 2 and 3
producing new slum dwellers faster than it can c) 1 and 3
address existing slums. The rate of decline in slum d) All of the above
proportions also slowed down, against an increasing
rate of change in the absolute number of slum
dwellers, pointing to an overall worsening in
performance on indicator over this period. Roughly
2.8 billion people are estimated to be affected by There are three permissible exceptions to the basic
different forms of housing inadequacy, of which close rule on patentability. One is for inventions contrary
to 1.1 billion reside in slums and informal to public order or morality; this explicitly includes
settlements. inventions dangerous to human, animal or plant life or
health or seriously prejudicial to the environment. The 4 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

use of this exception is subject to the condition that Q 27. The ratio between the length and the breadth of a
the commercial exploitation of the invention must rectangular park is 6 : 5. If a man cycling along the
also be prevented and this prevention must be boundary of the park at the speed of 11 km/hr completes
necessary for the protection of public order or one round in 12 minutes, then consider the following
morality. The second exception is that members may statements:
exclude from patentability diagnostic, therapeutic and
surgical methods for the treatment of humans or Statement I: The perimeter of the rectangular park is
animals. The third is that Members may exclude 2500 meters
plants and animals other than micro-organisms and Statement II: The area of the rectangular park is
essentially biological processes for the production of 375000 m2
plants or animals other than non-biological and Which among the following statement is/are correct?
microbiological processes. (a) I only
(b) II only
Q.24. Which of the following statements best (c) Both I and II
describes the most logical and rational message (d) Neither I nor II
implied in the above passage?
Q 28. If a 2.16 m cube is painted orange on all the
a) Inventions and patentability are subject to sides, and it is subsequently divided into 36 cm-side
acceptable foundational and unbreachable cubes, then consider the following statements:
norms of greater good of all Statement I: The number of cubes at-most one sided
b) The prevention of commercial exploitation of painted is more than 150.
inventions is the ultimate goal of patentability Statement II: The number of cubes only two sides
c) New inventions may be dangerous to animals painted is less than 50.
and plants Which among the following statement is/are correct?
d) All of the above (a) I only
(b) II only
(c) Both I and II
Q25. Consider the following statements and a
(d) Neither I nor II
Question: What is the speed and length of the train ?
Q 29. The examiner has conducted a test. If the
Statement I: The train crosses another train running
probability of P, Q and R passing the test is 65%, 42%
in the same direction in 28 seconds.
and 20% respectively, then consider the following
Statement II: The train crosses a platform of length
324 metres in 36 seconds.
Statement I: The probability of P and Q passing the test
Statement III: The train crosses a pole in 18 seconds.
and R not passing the test is more than 50%
Which one of the following is correct in respect of
Statement II: The probability of P, Q and R together
the above Statements and the Question?
passing the test is more than 20%.
a) Statement I and statement II together are
Which among the following statement is/are correct?
sufficient to answer the question.
(a) I only
b) Statement II and Statement III together are
(b) II only
sufficient to answer the question.
(c) Both I and II
c) Statement I, Statement II and Statement III
(d) Neither I nor II
together are sufficient to answer the question.
d) Statement I , Statement II and Statement III
Q30. In a company the five employee P, Q, R, S, and T
together are insufficient to answer the question.
earns according to their positions. Q earns 50% less than
P does and P earns 50% less than R does. S earns 40%
Q 26. Commodity P experiences an annual price less than P does. P makes 40% less than T does. If the
increase of 80 paise, and commodity Q experiences integer amount of P, Q, R, S, and T individually are more
an annual price increase of 60 paise. Which year will than Rs. 100, then what is the minimum sum of amount
commodity P cost 80 paisa higher than commodity Q earned by P, Q, R, S, and T together?
if the prices of the two commodities P & Q were Rs. (a) Rs. 1038
8.40 and Rs. 10.80 in 2007 respectively? (b) Rs. 1223
(a) 2017 (c) Rs. 1333
(b) 2019 (d) Rs. 1443
(c) 2021
(d) 2023 5 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

Q 31. If P % Q means P is the son of Q, P x Q means Q.33. Which of the following statements best
P is the sister of Q and P - Q means P is the father of describes the crux of the passage?
Q, then consider the following statements:
a) Technical complexity of invention is crucial for
Statement I: The operation T x S % U % V means T is patentability
the granddaughter of V b) Novelty in inventions is based on strict parameters
Statement II: The operation T - S x U means T is father with exception in nanoscale inventions
of U. c) Nanoscale inventions are always novel due to their
Which among the following statement is/are correct? particle sizes
(a) I only d) Overlapping particle sizes in nanoscale inventions
(b) II only can never be considered novel
(c) Both I and II
(d) Neither I nor II Passage-13

Passage-11 It may sometimes seem desirable to make changes.

Such changes in the other arts and sciences have
For friendship we believe to be the greatest good of certainly been beneficial; medicine, for example, and
states and the preservative of them against gymnastic, and every other art and science have
revolutions; neither is there anything which Socrates departed from traditional usage. And, if politics is to
so greatly lauds as the unity of the state which he and be an art, change must be necessary in this as in any
all the world declare to be created by friendship. But other art. The need of improvement is shown by the
the unity which he commends would be like that of fact that old customs are exceedingly simple and
the lovers in the Symposium, who, as Aristophanes barbarous. The remains of ancient laws which have
says, desire to grow together in the excess of their come down to us are quite absurd; for example, at
affection, and from being two to become one, in Cumae there is a law about murder, to the effect that
which case one or both would certainly perish. if the accuser produce a certain number of witnesses
from among his own kinsmen, the accused shall be
Q.32. Based on the above passage, consider the held guilty.
following statements:
1) Friendship among states is the greatest that Q.34. Based on the above passage, which of the
prevents them against revolution following statements best describes the underlying
2) Friendship leading to absolute unity threatens message by the author?
existence of one state or the other
Choose the correct answer: a) Politics is a statecraft based on traditional tenets
a) Only 1 of usage and time-constrained
b) Only 2 b) Change as per the demand of the time is
c) Both 1 and 2 imperative in politics as it is in other arts and
d) Neither 1 nor 2 sciences
c) Ancient statecraft was far simpler and more
Passage-12 barbaric some of which is relevant in
contemporary times
When nanoscale inventions exhibit properties that are, d) Politics is the only field that doesn’t require
in some measure, unanticipated or different from change
those found in larger scale prior art, exceptions have
been made. Orica’s smaller particles exhibited Passage-14
remarkably improved technical properties resulting in
a glossier coat compared to the larger particles The share of children who received three doses of the
protected under the prior patent. The difference in vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis
properties was held to be sufficient to impart novelty. (DTP) – a marker for immunization coverage within
But does an invention lack novelty if it claims to use and across countries – fell 5 percentage points
particles in a range of sizes that overlap with those between 2019 and 2021. This marked the largest
disclosed in the prior art? Generally, even the sustained decline in childhood vaccinations in
slightest overlap is sufficient to destroy novelty but approximately 30 years. As a result, 25 million
exceptions have been liberally applied to nanoscale children missed out on one or more doses of DTP
inventions. through routine immunization services in 2021 alone.
This highlights the growing number of children at risk 6 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

from devastating but preventable diseases. In 2021, c) Both statement I and statement II together are
only 70 per cent of children received two doses of the sufficient to answer the question.
vaccine for measles, a highly contagious disease. This d) Statement I and Statement II together are
was far below the 95 per cent population coverage insufficient to answer the question.
required to prevent outbreaks. Coverage of the first
dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which
has grave consequences for women and girls’ health Q 39. In a large auditorium, the people are made to sit
worldwide, reached only 15 percent in 2021, despite to watch the science conference. If the staff members
the first vaccines being licensed over 15 years ago. make a row of 20 people each, there will be 16 people
left. If they make rows of 24 each, then there will be
Q.35. Based on the above passage, consider the 20 people left, if they make rows of 28 each, there
following assumptions: will be 24 people left and if they make rows of 30
each, there will be 26 people left. What is the
1) Immunization coverage for DTP fell minimum number of people present in the
consistently over half a decade conference?
2) The lack of HPV vaccine during Covid has (a) 1256
adversely affected women and girls (b) 1096
(c) 836
Which of the following statements are not correct? (d) 776

a) Only 1 Q 40. If a five digit number is 220ab such that ab both

b) Only 2 are non zero distinct digits then consider the
c) Both 1 and 2 following statements and a question:
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Statement I: The number is divisible by 3, 4 and 7.
Statement II: The value of two digit number ab is a
multiple of 23
Q 36. Traders R and S buy two goods for Rs. 2000 Question: What is the value of two digit number ab ?
and Rs. 4000 respectively. Trader R marks his goods Which one of the following is correct in respect of the
up by p%, while trader S marks his goods up by 2p% above Statements and the Question?
and offers a discount of p%. If both make the same a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
non-zero profit, then what is p in percentage terms ? question.
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
(a) 25% question.
c) Both statement I and statement II together are
(b) 50% sufficient to answer the question.
(c) 65 % d) Statement I and Statement II together are
insufficient to answer the question.
(d) 80 %

Q 37. In certain language code "FORMATION" is Q 41. If Q is the closest perfect square to 536, then
written as "TKHMYFQKL", then how is "CAMPUS" consider the following statements:
coded ? Statement I: The value of Q is exactly divisible by 11
(a) WYMENF Statement II: The value of (Y + 2) is a perfect square if Y
(b) WYMJEG is a positive square root of Q.
(c) SYMJGE Statement III: The value of (Y + 1) and (Y - 1) are odd
(d) SYMNEF numbers if Y is a positive square root of Q.
Which among the following statement is/are correct ?
Q 38. If P was born in the month of April, 2019, then (a) I and II only
consider the following Statements and a question: (b) II only
Statement I: P was born on an odd numbers date. (c) I and III only
Statement II: P was born on even prime number date. (d) III only
Question: When was P born?
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Q 42. The average of age of 45 persons is 46 in an
above Statements and the Question? Hospital. If 5 new persons were added in the list the
a) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the average age becomes 48, then what is the average age
question. of 5 new persons added later ?
b) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the (a) 58
question. (b) 62 7 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

(c) 66 Passage-17
(d) 70
Culture is a driver of urban economies and
Passage-15 employment. Nearly one third of UNESCO World
Heritage sites and more than 70 percent of cultural
Owning a mobile phone has been shown to be an properties are located in urban areas. Creative and
important tool to empower women by connecting cultural industries, which account for 3.1 percent of
them to other people, and enabling them to access global GDP, are largely based in urban areas and
information and services. Globally, 73 per cent of the comprise about 13 percent of employment in major
population aged 10 and over owned a mobile phone in cities. Cultural tourism is another core component of
2022, up from 67 per cent in 2019. However, women urban economies. In 2019, prior to the global
were 12 per cent less likely to own mobile phones lockdown, tourism injected US$8.9 trillion into the
than men, a gap that has remained relatively global economy, or 10.3 per cent of global GDP,
unchanged since 2019. Significant disparities exist with cultural tourism accounting for an estimated 40
across regions, with gender parity largely reached or per cent of all tourism worldwide – the widest share
almost reached in high- and middle-income regions, of which is also driven by urban settlements.
but far from achieved in lower-income regions.

Q.43. Which of the following best describes the most Q.45. With reference to the passage, which one of the
logical implication of the passage? following statements is not correct?

a) There is gender gap in mobile phone ownership a) Tourism is a major contributor to global GDP
even though more women own mobiles now post lockdown
b) There is regional disparity in gender parity in b) Cultural tourism is one of the major
access to mobile phones even though it empowers components of urban economies
women c) Cultural industries thrive in urban areas and
c) Higher number of populations has access to mobile generate employment
phones as compared to last decade d) None of the above
d) All of the above
Global primary energy intensity, defined as the ratio
Will there not be confusion if the judge thinks that of total energy supply to GDP – in essence, the
damages should be given, but not so much as the amount of energy used per unit of wealth created is
suitor demands? He asks, say, for twenty minae, and well below the 2.6 percent required to meet target 7.3
the judge allows him ten minae, or one judge more of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy
and another less. In this way they will go on efficiency by 2030. In 2020, the improvement rate
apportioning the damages, and some will grant the slowed down to 0.6 per cent, due to the COVID-19
whole and others nothing: how is the final crisis, marking the smallest gains since the global
reckoning to be taken? For the judge who acquits financial crisis. It is expected that energy intensity
does not decide that the defendant owes nothing, but will improve at a higher pace in 2022. However, to
that he does not owe the twenty minae. He only is make up for lost time, energy intensity improvements
guilty of perjury who thinks that the defendant ought will need to average 3.4 per cent per year until 2030.
not to pay twenty minae, and yet condemns him. Prioritizing energy efficiency in policy and increasing
investment can help the world achieve energy and
Q.44. Based on the above passage, when is a judge climate targets.
considered guilty of perjury? Q.46. Based on the above passage, consider the
a) When they award the full amount demanded by 1) Energy efficient policies
the suitor 2) Energy saving machineries
b) When they condemn the defendant yet do not 3) Increased Investment
award penalty as demanded by suitor 4) Intensive energy generation
c) When they passed biased judgement with regard
to the suitor and the defendant Which of the above would help in achieving global
d) None of the above primary energy intensity? 8 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

a) 1 and 2 B) ii & iii correct

b) 1 and 3 C) i & iii correct
c) 3 and 4 D) i, ii & iii correct
d) 2 and 4

Q 47. Select the number that can come at the place of

(P), in the following given series: Q 53. If the number 65892a5 is divisible by 15 then
24, 96, 480, 2880, P what is the value of a?
(a) 17280 A) 2
(b) 20160 B) 4
(c) 23040 C) 6
(d) 25920 D) 8

Q48. In the expression of P23 + PP6 + 26P + PPP = Passage-19

(𝑃∗𝑃)+ 1
6PP. Find the value of 2
A) 1 One advantage gained by the equalization of
B) 4 property is that it prevents the citizens from
C) 9 quarrelling. Not that the gain in this direction is very
D) 16 great. For the nobles will be dissatisfied because they
do not receive the honours which they think their due;
and this is often found to be a cause of sedition and
Q49. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,x,34,55,.... what is the value of x revolution. And the avarice of mankind is insatiable;
? at one time, two obols was pay enough; but now,
A) 21 when this sum has become customary, men always
B) 23 want more and more without end; for it is of the
C) 25 nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live
D) 27 only for the gratification of it.

Q.54. Based on the above passage, which of the

Q50. When the natural number A,B and C is divided following statements best describes the crux of the
by 41 gives a remainder of 21,16 and 32 respectively. passage?
Find the remainder when (3A + 3B – 2C) is divided
by 41? a) Equalization of property results in satisfaction
A) 6 of wants of citizens
B) 9 b) Nobles are dissatisfied with the honours they
C) 12 receive
D) 15 c) Human desire for materialistic want is
insatiable and non-gratifiable
d) Avarice is a desirable quality in nobles but
Q51. ABCD & EFGH is 4-digit natural number &
not in citizens
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are non zero digits, If ABCD +
EFGH = 12321and the value of A+C+E+G = x and B
x+2 Passage-20
+ F > C + G then what is the value of ( 6 )3?
A) 64 National Essential Medicines List (NEML) is a list of
B) 125 medications that are deemed essential for addressing
C) 216 the healthcare needs of a particular population based
D) 343 on the prevalence of specific health conditions,
disease burden, and available resources. The NEML
typically includes medications that are considered
Q52. A, B, C & D are any natural number but either safe, effective and cost-effective, and that meet the
A & C or B & D one of the pair is EVEN number and priority healthcare needs of the population. The
another one is ODD number then consider following NEML aims to help countries prioritize their needs
statement. for essential medicines and allocate resources
i) (A2 + B)(C2 + D) is always even accordingly. It is a valuable resource for
ii) (A + B2)(C2 + D) is always odd governments, health professionals, and patients as it is
iii) (A × C)(B × D) is always even used as a guide for procuring medicines by
A) i & ii correct 9 +91 8826619699
CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

governments and international organizations. The C) Both 1 and 2

NEML helps to ensure that medicines are available to D) Neither 1 nor 2
those who need them, affordable, and of good quality.
Q60. Find the number of trailing zeros in the
Q.55. Which amongst the following is the most expression 101! × 151!
logical and rational inference that can be made from A) 35
the passage given above? B) 152
C) 155
a) Private vendors provide better medications D) 61
than government organizations
b) Safe, qualitative and affordable healthcare Q61. Mathematic operation coded using symbols
should be a priority of all governments like:
c) Medications must be safe and readily A @ B means A + B
available even if expensive A $ B means A - B
d) NEML is a mandatory feature for A # B means A × B
procurement of medications in most countries A & B means (A × B)2
Value of (3 & 5) @ 59 $ 17 # 2 = x consider the
Q.56. Based on the above passage, which of the following statement:
following statements best describe NEML? Statement 1: x is divisible by 2, 5, 10 and 20?
Statement 2: √x =
1) Medications essential to address healthcare Which of the following statement is/are Correct?
needs A) Only 1
2) Includes medications that are safe and cost- B) Only 2
effective C) Both 1 and 2
Choose the correct answer: D) Neither 1 nor 2
a) Only 1
b) Only 2 Q62. If 1a5a34 is divisible by 11 then consider
c) Both 1 and 2 following statement?
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Statement 1: a is an Even digit which is divisible by
2, 4 and 8.
Q57. Consider the following expression A8 + 2A + Statement 2: a2 – 3 and a2 + 3 both are prime number.
31 + A1 = 10A. Find the value of A? Which of the following statement is/are Correct?
A) 2 A) Only 1
B) 3 B) Only 2
C) 5 C) Both 1 and 2
D) 7 D) Neither 1 nor 2

Q63. Unit digit of the

Q58. If A stands for ‘-’, B stands for ‘+’, C stands for {(251)258×(255)1568×(856)254×(7564)877} is Q, consider
‘×’, D stands for ‘÷’ then find the value of following the following statement:
expression which is given ? Statement 1: Q is not Natural number.
525 A 25 B 50 C 100 D 5 A 60
Expression is 125 B 25 D 5 A 50
. Statement 2: If Q + 4 is divided by 4 then remaining
A) 16 remainder is Zero.
B) 18 Statement 3: Q ! is equal to 1.
C) 28 Which of the following statement is/are Correct?
D) 20 A) Only 1 and 2
B) Only 2 and 3
C) Only 1 and 3
Q59. Consider the following statement: D) All of the above
Statement 1: The difference between the squares of
two consecutive odd integers is always divisible by 8. Passage-21
Statement 2: The product of any 4 consecutive even
numbers is always divisible by 384. Reinstating housing as a central focus is pivotal for
Which of the following statements are correct? renewing the social contract between governments
A) Only 1 and their citizens. While housing has been recognized
B) Only 2 as a fundamental right, its actual realization remains 10 +91 8826619699

CSAT iConic Full Length Test 2

inconsistent, pointing to the need for housing to be a) Climate change impacts disproportionately
strategically positioned within national development, exacerbating vulnerability of women because of
economic and ecological transition planning, as it pre-existing disadvantages
influences multidimensional needs like education, b) Climate change impacts are distributed
health and income, and supports overall wellbeing. equivalently based on region, race, class,
Housing policy can’t be viewed as a standalone sector occupations etc
but needs to be linked to priority targets and backed c) Climate change is best reflected through long-
by appropriate policy interventions, with the active term and mid-term changes in average
involvement of impoverished communities and local temperatures
governments in policy definition, implementation, d) All of the above
and review, serving as the cornerstone of progress.
Q.67. Which of the following factors affect the
Q.64. Which of the following statements best reflects vulnerability of women with respect to climate
the central idea of the passage? change?
1) Lack of access to basic resources
a) Better housing helps in and meets needs of 2) Lack of control over basic resources
ecological transition planning 3) Currently induced disadvantages
b) Housing is central to social contract between 4) Pre-existing disadvantages
governments and their citizens Choose the correct answer:
c) Housing is a fundamental obligation and a) 1, 2, 3
affects overall multidimensional social wellbeing b) 1, 2, 4
d) It is the obligation of local governments to c) 2, 3, 4
provide adequate housing to citizens d) 1, 3, 4

Q.65. Based on the above passage, consider the Q 68. In how many ways can the letter of the word
following statements: LAPTOP be arranged such that vowels are always
1) Housing is a fundamental right and influences together?
overall wellbeing (a) 24
2) Housing does not affect other socio-economic (b) 120
Choose the incorrect answer:
(c) 240
a) Only 1 (d) 720
b) Only 2
c) Both 1 and 2 Q 69. Consider the following statements in respect to
d) Neither 1 nor 2 composite number
Statement 1: Sum of 2 distinct positive odd numbers
Passage-22 is always composite number.
Statement 2: Sum of 2 positive even number is always
composite number.
The negative impacts of climate change have become
Which of the statements given is/are correct?
increasingly evident, including long-term changes in
(a) 1 only
average temperature; changes in the intensity, timing
(b) 2 only
and geographical variation of rainfall; and increases
(c) Both 1 and 2
in the frequency and severity of drought episodes and
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
floods. While the impacts are far reaching, not
everyone is affected equally. Climate change impacts
Q 70. Consider the following statements in respect to
are differently distributed among different regions,
perfect cube number N.
generations, age classes, income groups, occupations
1. Number of factors of N can be 4.
and genders. Women are highly vulnerable to these
2. Number of factors of N can be 5.
impacts. Recent studies offer country-specific insights
3. Number of factors of N can be 6.
into how women’s lack of access to and control over
4. Number of factors of N can be 7.
basic resources and other pre-existing disadvantages
Which of the statements given above are correct?
exacerbate how they are impacted by climate change
and undermine their ability to cope.
(a) 1 and 2 only
Q.66. Which of the following statements most (b) 2, 3 and 4 only
appropriately describes the impact of climate (c) 1 and 4 only
change? (d) 1,2 , 3 and 4 11 +91 8826619699

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Q71. How many number plates of 4 digits can be employment, education and access to basic services;
formed with the given digits 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7 and 8 as well as to reveal the interconnections between
such that the number obtained is divisible by 5? deprivations across multiple goals within households.
(a) 70
(b) 1050 Q.76. Which of the following statements best reflects
(c) 2560 the corollary to the passage given above?
(d) None of these a) National multidimensional poverty indicators
are based on international best practices
Q72. How many different value of N is/are Possible? b) Majority of the countries in the world saw an
Statement 1:- N is a 3 digit number. increase in relative poverty rate
Statement 2:- N is a perfect cube number. c) Poverty is still a challenge to the world
Statement 3:- The number of factors of N are odd. d) All of the above
(a) 1
(b) 2 Q.77. Consider the following statements in relation to
(c) 3 ‘poverty line’ in the passage?
(d) 4 1) Based on specific national economic
conditions in relation to the global parameters
Q73. How many different value of N is/are Possible? 2) Includes multidimensional indicators to
Statement 1:- N is a 4 digit number. reveal interconnections between deprivation factors
Statement 2:- N is a perfect cube number.
Choose the correct answer:
Statement 3:- The number of factors of N are odd.
a) Only 1
(a) 1
b) Only 2
(b) 2
c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 3
d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) 4
Q78. If A and B are positive integers, then consider
Q74. How many different value of N is/are Possible? the following statements:
Statement 1:- N is a 2 digit number. 1. A2 –B2 =143
Statement 2:- N is a prime number. 2. A is greater than B
Statement 3:- N+2 is also a Prime number.
(a) 5 How many different value of A is/are possible?
(b) 6 (a) 1
(c) 7 (b) 2
(d) 8 (c) 3
(d) None of these
Q75. In a word jumble, there are 7 consonants and 5
vowels given. Find out in how many ways can we form Q79. Consider the following statements with respect
a 5-letter word having three consonants and 2 vowels? to odd and even numbers such that the given odd and
(a) 350 even numbers are natural numbers:
(b) 1050 1. Odd + odd can be a prime number.
(c) 21000 2. Odd + Even can be a prime number.
3. Even + Even can be a prime number.
(d) 42000
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Passage-23 (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
The national poverty line is a measure that is specific (c) 1 and 3 only
to a country’s economic conditions that can help (d) 1,2 and 3
policymakers design targeted interventions and social
safety nets. In 2020, 22 out of 39 countries with data
saw increases in national poverty rates relative to the Q80. Determine the 3-digit number xyz if it can be
previous year. Given the historical trends of 127 divided into its own individual digits (x, y, and z), by
countries with data, only one third of countries will the sum of all the digits (x+y+z), and by the multiple
have halved their national poverty rates by 2030 from of all the digits (x × y × z).
2015. Poverty is a complex and multidimensional A) 232
challenge. Some countries have also adopted national B) 342
multidimensional poverty indicators to capture other C) 432
aspects of poverty such as those related to health, D) 534 12 +91 8826619699
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