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Hello my dear.

nice to meet you here, am happy to be a friend to such a beautiful woman like you,
i will like to be your friend if you don't mind.

My name is Lin Yang

I am from Taiwan Taipei
I live in Amarillo Texas with my son Alexander,
His 12 years old.

I am an Engineer
And i work in the sea as a Oil and Gas Engineer.

I am currently working with the Greece government for drilling of oil in the sea.

I have been on this contract for 1 and 8 months now

And the contract is 2 years
i still have 4 months to still work here before i end my contract and go back to
United State.

I was born October 15th 1971, I am 46 years old.

I guess this is the little i can say about myself now

But if you wish to know more about me you can ask me what you want to know and i
will honestly tell you okay.

i lost my wife for the past 5 years who left with one son

My both parents are from Taipei Taiwan,

But i lost my both parents 10 years ago after they Celebrated
My dad celebrated his 67 years birthday.

Such an amazing photo.

You look great with an interesting profile to compliment.
I would like to meet you and probably be friends and share some life experiences...
I think life is such a beautiful place when shared with loved ones.

i hope you understand me ?

Once again nice to meet you Pretty one.

My dear friend, i will like us to being more conversant in our communication and
make it more concrete to indicate the future, who knows we might find interest in
each other since we both have something in common, or what do you think about this?

What do you do for a living to overcome

economical expenses and to sustain your family?

are you married ?

do you have kids ?

Addiction psychiatrist.

How is the situation of things over there in your country?

regards to the economic standard of living and security?

answer: Life is precious and i think nations economy grows as a result of good
government and understanding of the people. What do you think?

Well I will appre

Are you married with kids?overcome economical expenses and to sustain your-self &
your family?

I enjoy going to the beach,love the ocean and mountain view. Enjoy some Travel and
weekend trips. Movies and dinners with a nice glass of wine.Going to concerts or
comedy club and more. Cuddeling at home to a good movie. I like to go to the races
as well.walks in a nice park followed by a picnic.( Romantic thought.) Dont care
for the cold and or snow. Nice to look at but prefer warm weather now..

1: What is ur favorite color?

2. What kind of car do u drive and what color is it?

3. Would u want to get married again or even have another child?

4. When is your birthday? you like to play with the heart of a man?

6. What are ur favorite types of food?

7. Do u attend church?

8. How tall are you?

9. What type of music do u listen to?

10. Are u right handed or left handed?

11. Do u take showers or bath?

12. If you were giving three chances to make a choice in life what would you

13. Are u an affectionate person?YES Do u like to kiss?

14. Do you have any tattoos or body piercing?

15. Are you a handy woman?, for example if I bought a ceiling fan can u put it in?
16. Do you like to cook? YES Can u cook?

17. What would ur ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall

18:would you ever apologise to your husband when ever you at fault or your prefer
him apologise?

19. unresolved and act likIf you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement,
how would u handle it?e nothing happened?

20. When was the last time you had sex? Are u what Americans call a freak in bed?I
enjoy the physical part of a relationship .freaky??

21. what is your favourite -place to go?

22. Is there any male (s), beside myself, that ur trying to get to know or want to

23. Do u wear jewelry?

24. Where were you born?

25. What made u decide to reply to my messages at American bear share?

27. Are u a night or morning person?

28.what is y
30.What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

31.What was your most embarrassing moment?

32.What was the single most significant turning point in your life?

33.What things do you feel passionate about?

34.Do you believe in love at first sight?

35.What's the difference between love, romance and sex?

36.Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public?

37.What is your idea of a dream... ?

38.If you had three wishes, what would they be?.

39.What do you want most from life??

40.What do you do when you feel sad or depressed?

41.What do you do when you feel angry or upset?

42.What three words best describe you?

43.What is your idea of a perfect date?

44.What is your favorite romantic gesture?

45.What are the top ten gifts you love would like to receive?

46.What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift?

47.What is your idea of the perfect romantic vacation?

48:would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner when in need or in
trouble ??

Do you remember I told you that I had worked with the Libyan government before I
signed this project to work in Greece?


When I completed the project in Lebanon.
The government told me they don't have that much money to pay now.
They must sell oil.
When they do these things, they will pay me the balance.
Over a year ago.
I am waiting for them.
After 4 months.
They wrote to me.
tell me
They are going to pay.
Money is cash.
So because here I work.
Because I already have a project here.
Pay before they write.
I can't receive the goods here.
Because he won't be safe for me here.
Because water and forest surround us.
It is a dangerous area.
We cannot accompany money here.
So the Lebanese government
Suggest to help me store the box to the delivery company.
Until I finish the contract here.


Dear Lebanese Government.

Help me put the money in a box and deposit it in the delivery company.
After working here.
I have returned to the United States.
I will write to the delivery company where I store the boxes.
And ask them to send me my package.
That is our plan, my lover.
I received a message from the courier company.
I was told last night that the company would go out of business in 7 days.
For Christmas celebration.
They want to make changes to the company.
All customers should write to the delivery company within 7 working days in order
to pack the parcel.
This way, they won't get lost in the company, and they won't lose their name by
parceling with customers in a secure shipping company.
Darling, you know now.
I'm not in the United States.
I am here now.
I cannot receive the package because he is not safe for me.

Dear Egyptian Government.
Help me put the money in a box and deposit it in the delivery company.
After working here.
I have returned to the United States.
I will write to the delivery company where I store the boxes.
And ask them to send me my package.
That is our plan, my love.

I received a message from the courier company.

I was told last night that the company would go out of business in 7 days.
They want to make changes to the company.
All customers should write to the delivery company within 7 working days in order
to pack the parcel.
This way, they won't get lost in the company, and they won't lose their name by
parceling with customers in a secure shipping company.
My dear, you know now.
I'm not in the United States now.
I am here in Greece right now,
I cannot receive the package because he is not safe for me.

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