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unit 3

maqe KAto nahon/ Deqnadaton Model

tosy)> Degnadaluon 0 Restoraton

huy) Degaded hm
gy) Depadked maje Reducinq the moueis ÚMayA
y)nouL denouny
The. obiectivt o estonation is to utihati )
the ougina. image. We vant to Lstimar lo be as
close cas posaibl

i ineax o posuion-in variant operatör then the

A a

n the Apanal cdomain iu givenby

degraded. tmagc

unaar blurng|}-)= hl) *

f(s4) + qo4)
a n d additi ve

moul tufts)is the Apatial nepresntalin

deqrrded turction

K convoluttonal openatb
thu requeny domain, thL deqraded image Lgivon

As Glu,vJ- n{uyv) F(u,v) +N(u,v)

tan be rerieved a s
The Oviginal unagu
Fluy)= Guv)/H[4y)- N (Lv) /Hlu
Inbrodueion to deqradation->
mage qel corrupted by, dtterent yHpe odada ui
n-ave degyaded by moise. blucys oT.dustovtion
bY antefaits

mg degradauon may ocur at mentione.d Stages

mae Acquisition
Image. Processin4
Tmage Storage.
amsmis SLon
hopur Pose o(mag yeloraluon. to erieve an

OYiina umage. rom degnadedldustorted. image

Dhietive o mphiain an imaqe clase to tha.

Oiginal image

T p8sible b4 LmOvg
or munimizing degraclatimi

ype o Lmage. de yaditiin-

Degiadalions au. o 3pel

Nose Bur Ate fails
CYeales disturb
ance in
PLXeL values ucualio o
Bu mab an imaa le
makeL lha pvO Cen o clea.
imaqe ananu
Axtetaitk ae chem utenily onanalu

Whh maRla can imagc ctuatiops

meaninak. 7iL may be
medical. AmcLqna who these aitefa~L
ea o any orqans. It incudes translatin
otation o
change n stal

Dtterence betuween Image Enhancement

Lmage JeitöYaluon

Imaqe Enhancement Tmage Retoy ation

Suhjective Kocess Ohjective. hroces

(depends on indivtdual's COhi ective l o
elnunati o1 veA
Itincudes Cosm ei T
egures modlel lin q
changu nn the brughtness othe cleqyadattonm
And ontiast
Vves. The appeananue
Ltuation oY thung butt do
not hange l i baste
These alqovtth mu Qe
->These algonthms ase. heuralle
n alulYe,
vell defmed
i dimple Thi DYOCeduYe iA Com oley
Noue Modelllna
Some o
the types eunt occured. mouL thab
encounterud n magu
oessing. can be
tateg.oruzed into fow catego nits

Type of noise

basel on based on basecl om

Dutubution Lorelation basedonn
Natnye Sowce
LGaussLan, LWhutënoye LAddibive
Poiss 0n LRuanti~alon
ColovecMoUL and
Ybse aNd
Gamma Multipuiahu
dishibuhom No Photor

ype ooise basud.on. distiibuton

Noue s
atuuclualuon in pixel Values and
it characteüzed hy Yandlom yauable

Anandom V.auable pobahilils dutubution u

an eguation that unks the yalues of the atntiical
eult i h ul+ probahilily of Occuence

Categorizaf+on o}-noue besed on pwbabilits

ctribution ds Yey popul
1 Gaus sian NouL
Kandm ode that enters a system can be. modelled
aaussian. 0Y noimal distnibution

qaussian n0se a}hels both udark and Jight aveas

Jhe PDF of a Gjaussian landom vauable Z

guven by (z-uf/2.6

: YepreLens 9rey level

2 :Z
mean of vUage Yaluesof

standard deviation
c co

JoY a
a Gaussian nandom yaiable ,
the probabiliy

3 aYe in ange z t o L
that values of
app roxumately. 068

The prohahiluls that values o 3ara in nanqe

Zt 20 is ahout 0 95,
Impulse Noue
It u also
known as Shot noise., Salt and. Hppert
moise and Binay. noise

ocus mostl hecau of AensD and momo"
problen because. owhuh pixels ase Aslgned
incoeet mazimum. Values

T & Tep7esents the mumbor of bila uusd to napraunt

the ntensity v.alues n d

digul imaqt, th
the sange of posaible intenuilg alues or hat maa
à D, 2 1 . Foy eample. [o,255] oran 8hit unag

The PDE o salt and pepper nos i qen bu

for = 2-1
P= fo 7 o
-(Btp) fon z =V
inteae valuu in the ang
where V i l any,

oV 2K-.
und sudd en
This noise can be caused. by Shasp
in the tmage signal. t presenlt ilbel
dishus bances
whte and
black pizels
AS Aparsely vccuing.

An effetivc neise uduilion method for thus ype o

median tlter OY mo pho loqleal hi
ePoy) is an nput ima
) denote a snltand
oa) and n(14) peppenmoiseLmag
can u. Aame ot size
Coupt an input inage
OSLgn a d to all locations
tnf wherea O
assign. a 1 valu to ouuwsinn
al locations in -f
whe hat Value
oppeans in
Leave all locations
uehanged tn-f whern V otws n
Tnithe Ks nor Pp u zea and
Loual then i t will
spectally i they an
Yeiemblu salt vand
wlstribuuted randomy oveL Umag e
T Po =0 then U alled wnipolarv noil,
Other nameL AL bipolar Norse dala- drop-out nose
and apiRe noise,

3 Poisson Noise

The type D nOsL mani feats d a nandom stuuctire

Tt vey Common U X"ay umages.


PDF Pz)= (P) np

t o t a l numbun pirelu
P atio o nolsy pizels to the totl mumb
4 Ezpon.entinl Noue
Jtpe o nois ouurs mostly due. o the
poblems t a ilwninatucon
prusnt lase unaguna

o othenwLse .

Mean- Yiance>

5 Gamma Notse-/lang
type onou aso occuss mostly dus to he
ilnminahion pro blms,

P Z 20

wher asb, b u posutive Lnteqer and

I indicatz factovial
The mean 7- b


6 Rayleigh Noue

Thui type ofnouL il mostly piesett l Yange Üma«s

Range nages aL MDstus UAed un nemole Aeningapptliiats

Pz)- -a)7 b Za atTb4
7 b(4-7T)
LUnlovm Nos >
Pz- a 4 z 4 b

Mean andd v.a Lance oL Z ar¬

Z tb_
nd b-)2
Type c hased, om Conelation
Statistical dependente
oYYe lati on
amona piels L Rnoun O

pixcl Ls ndependent ot t
Rnounas wrwelated. ptxel
neighboving piselu
s Rown a s coYYelated. .

lncovelatid. Nbue iu known a whle NoLse when


touriey Apectium ot noise iu cnst ant, t s tallid

s whik nolse

T power Apectrum Ú mot Constant, vathey it u

propovtional to reiprocal o equemy then it u

Lallud aA Pink NouL. Tt also Rknown as i|P

0 PlicKer Noise

Noi5e based on. Natu

y p e of

(1) Aadibive. NouL

case n inag tan be percelved as the Imaqe
I thu

plu NDLSe Thu iu a únew problem .

Pevueved image, gy)=f9)+ 7 )

p inag NOAL
2 Multi plicative NouL

It can he modellec as
multipucativc protes
Speckle noise ii most -enLounteud.
nose in
poe siinq
Tt is mosty pesent n medicaltmaqeA
Tcan he modelled as pixel yalue TABd multiplied

by the andom vaue

ftuy)t Lft») xNg
Kanddom MouL havtng, a zero meangaussiann PDE,

Noue basedon Sowe

pes o-
Quantizatwn Nou Ioccwrs due t the.diference
between the acual and allocaled values,
inhey ent inn the quanti Zation process

2 Photon Nose Photon nouse oncus due to stalistical

alwu of electuDmLLgnuc naves

Geneaim o-photon is not Conalaymt bocaue o

Atrauiuoal vauante . Thu cause Variati m in photun
Count nwhuuh u Rno wn al photon no se

It is preserit in many medital umaqes .

Unut 3 )
Image Kestov aton. an presence. of N\ose onu

patialiltening. which is used. tor image Smoothi'n

and shampening Can also be ued TD vemovVe noise

Spalial Flteys for

Image Kesloration

Mean Alteys Onder Statialic filters

Mean Hilte

1 Arcthmetic_mean filte->

emovs Local
yari uons within the ima4e
This ltey

I i Aimilaor to low pass filteu

noise and unifom No tse
Tt is useful in vemovin qaussian

(st) ES
-> masK Lapplted over bloret imaq.e
where g(St)
Ex: foa3 X3 image the m asK

9 1
3 qrom ebu m ean ilte
This filt er elminates Gaussian

Tt ineffectiuc tor peppere tpe onoe

Tb h L
Thiu lterr achieves Amocthing.
ut tind to loose
aithm etic meahftlter but

es image de tails tn the proces


(E) Tmage 1 2
78 9
m=3,n=3 /9
(1x2x3X4X5X6 X¥X8x9

Harmonc mean filten>

Salt nois e but auls fo pepPe
Tt works well or
well -for qaussian
AuO wo1ks

. )
(Ez)-Tnperttmage 152 36 fg)
8 99
4 Conbua -

harmonit. mean
t well auited. tor reducing the ech of Anlt
And peppet noise

eliminauon of Peppeu noue and. Bo o

the eumnation of Satt mots Tt Cannot do both slmultanensly

& is the ovder of filten


atthmetic meanfilter
when. 6=0 ,
it becomes
hamonic mean filter
,-1, i t becomes

Mean filters >Auited for

and qometLC

Gausgian. o1 unuform. no1 Se.


Autrd for umpule

Yalue of eachpoxelL
the color
. mean fikor,
nilth color values oth
mean o

in a Sumounding Yequom_
01dey Statuáti. iltens->

Median Hlter >>

T dan
amp le o non-lineay filter,
y Aovting, the lut and finding. tha
JheCenhe pircd then
Teplaed bs median valuu
effective in thepreseneof both. bipolar and
wnipolar Umpulse Noul
ftug)- medion 1g(6t) 7

Ez:) Jor -an input image

1234 +89 2 37
5 5 6
+9 8 +9
Maximum iltei>
It seleits the la1gest valuIn The sovted
Tt ued dor emaý ing pepper noise

fluy)- max gt]

(st) eS
3. inimum filter
I t seleiu the minimum value inthe Soted ul-.
I t is used Yemoving Aalt o u

4) Mtdpo int itteu>

selecti the. midpoit which tho.averaae

Thu fi lten
and. maximum Valuue
t a vey ettective in nemoving aussian
Umifovm Noude

+ min 1gt)}
m f ft) 2 mAx 1g(s,t)
(S,t) ES (St) ESu

m e a n filte
5) Alpha tilmmed.
It i baseed on the Concept o Computalion othe
that fall within t h u windour
AVeraa othe pixels
lo westandthe el2
Tt workL by cdeleting thu dh
lwel Vaues
tighest 2re
I iA useful in situations involuing Tmultipli type
Auch ClA the Combination of- Aatt a n d
Peppe and qausian Moise
d 2 , ?r(6,.t)
mn d

(s,t)E Szy
d-o auithmetic m eanfilte
Td-mn-1-> medianiltet
6 ummed, mean filter -
Lt woyRA by removing the may Qnd mun values and
caleulating the ayerage. of. Jemainunq Value

3 4 5 6 8
uestun L-Assume that the image qiven belour i attakd

by qaussian and impulse nbiu,Tdentity tha tpa. t

texs and apply on th imaqe which emoyes

both noises

4D 49 Ovder 5 X4
4 1 8 8 m 5
1 166
mn=5X4 = 20
1 15 6

npur mae d=o->awth meli

Assum e d= mn-2
20-2-18 meanitu
d-mn nadas

0,0.L,1,1,1,1,1, 4, 4,4, 5,5,6,6,6,6,
t Apha tvimmed
fty)= S, mean lterc

s.t)E Sy
1 444 2
Adaptiye , local Noise Reduchon. Hte

ean nd V.auance an: the.

yeasonable parameteu tol
adaptive ite because. these are close u TelatndIo

ppeananze oan umaqe

The mean gvea. a mea.svu oaveage intensily n tha

eguor overt which he mean i domputed

tontiagtUn t a l ,
Jhe v a u n e quves a measwu dt Lmage

Notati on

Sy meighbotuhood centvu on corrdinaler (z,4)

) : Value othe nou imag at (
Dn the vauae dthe nOwe
the loalaverage Itensy otFthe pirela in Sxy

the Lotnl v.ariane ofthe intensittes opixelu in

the filber to be as follouy->

We want t h behavow of follos
1 T n2 zew, tha ilter t shoula. vetnun. the valu

It t uvral, zeo noae cse in which 9(x

2Tthe local vaviance. Osu hugh. on

thefilter Ahduld e l n a yalue close o g at ( )
A huqh Local. Va.iance typicaly a S s o ciated wdh
tdges and. hese Ahuld be pyeser Vtd

3 Tthe two V.aniam.ces ue cqual, We nad ha

iter to rélion the aithmaut mean value o
the pixela in
Thiu cDndition otCuYS when
tha lvtal ea has Aamu
popecties as the overalL na4e , and loual no lssLis
tbe educed. bu auvedaginq
Ar adaplye expresion o obtaining f(4) busd
on these assumptions may he Wilten as

f)= )
BackaroundMatha natus fo this
e t n denote a discrete nandom vayable.

Yepresarting intenalty values n tha nange [o, L-i


POut) Lstimat the pobabilty that

nt ensily i OccuYS in the image vom whuch

the hstbqvam vas obtaineel

- Assumption: On s 4 , Tatio is Set to1 if the
for f ) conditio ono S
fov an
imaae with ntenaily
levels m hdh
m Tan
,LIj, the th moment of Yang
L defmed. a
abo urt ui nean, n

n m plar)
wheve m-) i plui)
The mean il a measwuL o yeaqe. mtensily an
the vaLance a measw
o mage contrast
Hy (a-m plat)
We conAider luwo use o tha mean andl v.auancet
enhantemen puY poses

Jhaqlobal mean and va ianc are computed. overt

a n entre image and AYe Useulor oss adnuitm e

un overall intenaity, and iconbastt

n local enhanc ement, t h lotal mean and Vavianeu

Le ed as the basis o akLnq chanqes

that dupenc bn imaqe chaY acterisut i

Merghbor hood about edath puXe L in An ma4e

et (y) denole he. cvov.dinatu o an piiel d

9iven Lmaqe

S denot a. meighb.Dv hodd tentzrud on ( )

The mean. value. oh the pireh in h i i neighbor hoodL

given by. the ezpressLOn


whene pbs is the hustsgiam o h pitels.


The vianca ot t h piuek ún the neighbo1hovd s

similany ven hy
(-msu) s
Adaptive Median flte
meclian tilter pen foims well it dhe.
4pataal. denauly
heAalt .and. pepper mose is low. (B and.lp less than "2)
adaptive median filtenin c a n handle. moise ith

pobabiltes Laqer than these.

Tt preseYVes. cletaula while stmultaneously amoothing
Ton-Impulse noise that the traditional medin-ter
dDes mot dd

Jhe adaptive median ltet also WoRL n a rectangular

meighborhood Sxs
The median filtte shange-(inceasea) the siZ
lterun4 dependhg on certaincondition
S ing
single value usedto
The output of the i l t is. aa

Lplace the valuwo the piuel at (x,y), the pott

oL whiuh. negion Sy A tentewd. et a.qiv ntime

We use the follouwing, otation->

ZminE minimum inten s i Sxy

Kma maximum ntensils value tn Su.
med median o tntensis valuUs in Su

Zu= ntensuly ot0ordinates (1,)

Smay = mazimum allowec. Aize o
Thaadaptive median iltoung algorthm useu.

2 processing levels at tath. point (y):

LeveL A:> ZminZmedL <Zmax

to level B
Else, increase the Aize otS

TS ma YepeatlevelA
Else outpub 3med

Level B TH Z min K Zyy Zmax output


Else oukpub Zmed

wh ene Su and. Smaz aue odd positive. inteq

qveater than 1.

This algo has 3 poncplu objectjives

To emove salt-and-pepper (impulaa)
otheu nois e that may.not
To provide Amoothing of

be impulaLye.

To ueduce. distbrtion Auch a s eILessive

thickening. o object
thinning ov

Values are considered o

min and
ponena in Yequon.
be impulse- Like" mou
Jnpose of
Jurpose level A to detenmine i the nedian filte
ouiou Zm ed. iA ean
impuls e oY not
th ondition Zmin < Zmed. KZma holds. then Zmed
Can nt e an
h hia case We go To evel B and.
tut to Ale ittha
point m tha center of- meighborhodd i tselt an impulae

fthe Con.dition Z,
min Zy <Zmax dtusth@n the
Pixel a t Zy cannotba ha intensily oan mpulse ars

tha algortthm o ulpuls the

unchanged pixel valua, Zyy
By not hanging theu "intvrmadiali-level"'poina
distoriom o the ilterud magz is edund

Tthe conditlon Zmin Z< Zmaz 4false then

dthe y Z m i n 0 7 = Zmay n either casethe

Valu o he pitel iL an exieme value and. t h

algorthm outputa the meclian Valuue Zmel whch

we knouw fiom level A is not a nOLse impulse
The last step what the standard median filter does
Jhe problm is that the stancdand meianfilter eplaces

Avey point m the imaqe b median.of tha. mauhborhro

Thi caus es unnecers a t Loss oh delail

Suppoie that level A does -findan impula e

thon tha algoith m increane the neigh borbood oj

and epeats level A.

ontinuea until the algovithm eithe

The Looping
inds a median value. that iu n ot a n impulse

Or the maLmum- neighb or hovd. Aize ii yeachad

the maximun sze LA Teached, the algovithm

Tetuyns the valu. o Zmed

not impulle
qawanteL that tHese Values
Jhere L mo

value, t h
the alqovithm outpuk
tvery ctame
tenter nghhov hood Sy mo Ved to the naxt

Locati on in tha mage

The algovithm iL then reinitialt zoc and. applird

tha piels in the new Teqivn enompaSsed by-

tho neighbo1hood

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