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Expanded Worlds is a companion tome to the Cypher System

Rulebook. In this book, you’ll find additional descriptors, foci,
USING EXPANDED WORLDS creatures, and genre chapters for you to create and play in even
Expanded Worlds is a companion
more Cypher System games.
to the Cypher System Rulebook that
To that end, I’ve got a few questions for you. Your answers might
presents several robust sub-genres of
inspire some fun encounters in your next RPG game, or maybe
the broader genres introduced in the
even kick off a whole new campaign. Alternatively, you can think of
original. This means you won’t find
these as book club-style questions. Feel free to answer them in your
introductions to the Cypher System,
favorite social media. I’ll start.
how to create characters, rules of the
game, or other concepts here. Expanded
What’s your favorite genre? Is it your favorite RPG genre, too?
Worlds assumes you’ve got all that in
Fantasy, science fiction, or horror? Maybe it’s a subgenre, like
the Cypher System Rulebook, and that
childhood adventure, fairy tales, or post-apocalyptic?
you’re ready to turn the page and dive
My favorite subgenre to read is hard science fiction (or to watch,
right into some new content. Enjoy!
like SyFy’s The Expanse). There’s just something more gritty and
real about hard science fiction that’s lost when PCs are warping
through multiple star systems, at least for me.

How were you introduced to post-apocalyptic fiction? Was it a

movie about a disease ravaging the population, or a piece of fiction
Throughout this book, you’ll see page about life in the aftermath of a nuclear war? Or maybe it was a
references to various items accompanied video game where survivors hid in vaults to avoid atomic holocaust
by this symbol. These are page references
before emerging to find a world changed beyond recognition.
to the Cypher System Rulebook, where you
can find additional details about that rule,
For me, it was a story I found in one of the Reader’s Digest
ability, creature, or concept. Often, it will Condensed Books that littered my house growing up. My
be necessary to look up the referenced grandmother gave them to my mom as gifts. One of the stories was
item in the rulebook, especially if the item about a world ravaged by fire, and how the protagonist survived by
is a descriptor or focus ability that isn’t never giving up. Rebuilding a demolished world is the theme that
replicated here. Other times, it might not sticks with me. I guess that’s hope in the face of despair. Thus, in
be necessary to reference the item, but any post-apocalyptic-themed RPG I run or write, no matter how
doing so will provide useful information for dark, it also must include some path forward for hope.
character creation and gameplay.
Do you like to mash-up genres? You know, like horror and science
fiction, or horror and childhood adventure, or horror and… anything.
Me? Yes. Hell yes. I love mixing genres to create new scenarios.
For years, fantasy and science fiction was my favorite mash-up. Yes,
you guessed it, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is one of my all-
time favorite D&D adventures. Are you telling me the dungeon is a
crashed alien spaceship? Sign me up!

Part 1


Chapter 1


DESCRIPTORS with the new genres described in Part 2:

Descriptors, page 64 The Cypher System Rulebook details fifty Fantastical Genres and Part 3: Gritty Genres.
descriptors. You can choose from any of For instance, the Relentless descriptor
the descriptors there, regardless of type, or was created for the post-apocalyptic genre
Part 2: Fantastical from one of the new descriptors presented (though it is useful in many genres). Game
Genres, page 71 in this chapter. masters (GMs) can mine these genre
The Cypher System Rulebook selection of sections for ideas on settings, adventures,
Part 3: Gritty Genres,
page 103 descriptors is robust and in most cases, characters, and more.
covers all the bases for creating most player
Post-apocalyptic, page 72 characters (PCs). That said, descriptors NEW DESCRIPTORS
like Chaotic, Meddlesome and Young, Adroit
Chaotic, page 8 provided in this book, give the players an
Meddlesome, page 11
opportunity to create a character with traits
they might not be able to replicate using Chaotic
Young, page 13 the Cypher System Rulebook alone. Some Earnest
of the descriptors described here pair well Heroic
The Cypher System Rulebook details fifty descriptors. Meddlesome
You can choose from any of the descriptors there, Obsessive
regardless of your type, or from one of the new descriptors Relentless
presented in this chapter.

Character Descriptor

ADROIT Quick Learner: The first time you attempt

Thanks to your background and perhaps and fail a roll, you can try again without Retrying a Task After
some natural talent, you’re adept at lots of having to use Effort (if you don’t want to). Failure, page 195
things. Although you might have a specialty, Additional retries require applying Effort as
you’re also quite good at picking up new normal. Enabler.
skills on the fly, regardless of whether Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From
they are physical or mental tasks. Need the following list of options, choose how you Some people in hard
to repair the exterior of a large vessel in became involved in the first adventure. science fiction scenarios
are adroit.
less-than-inviting circumstances or a toxic 1. You were asked to join because you’re
environment? You can probably pull it off competent.
because you’re just that adroit. 2. You need money to get out of a bad Near future, page 118
You have the following characteristics: situation.
Competence Pool: You have an additional 3. In a stunning coincidence, a
Pool called Competence that begins with mechanical failure put the PCs in danger
3 points (and with a maximum value of 3 until you saved them.
points). When spending points from any 4. Another PC asked you to join them.
other Pool, you can take 1, some, or all
the points from your Competence Pool BENEFICENT
first. When you make a recovery roll, your Helping others is your calling. It’s why
Competence Pool is one additional Pool in you’re here. Others delight in your outgoing
which you can place recovered points. When and charitable nature, and you delight in
your Competence Pool is at 0 points, it their happiness. You’re at your best when
does not count against your damage track. you’re aiding people, either by explaining
Enabler. how they can best overcome a challenge or
by demonstrating how to do so yourself.

Tier 2: Resilient. In your explorations of NPC is next to you, they serve as an asset for
uncivilized regions, you’ve been exposed one attack you make on your turn.
to all sorts of terrible things and have If your fellow explorer dies, you gain a
developed a general resistance. You gain +1 new one after at least two weeks and proper
to Armor and are trained in Might defense recruitment. Enabler.
tasks. Enabler.
Tier 4: Explorer’s Intuition (4 Intellect
Tier 3: Apprentice Explorer. You gain a points). Your competence in the skills of
level 2 NPC apprentice explorer who is exploration gives you an uncanny intuition
completely devoted to you. You and the when it comes to finding things. While in
GM must work out the details of the fellow the wilderness, you can extend your senses
explorer who demurs to you. up to a mile in any direction and ask the
You’ll probably make rolls for your GM a very simple, general question about
apprentice when they take actions. In combat, that area, such as “Where is the native
they usually don’t make separate attacks, but camp?” or “Is my friend Dr. Livingstone still
helps you with yours. On your action, if the alive?” If the answer you seek is not in the
area, you receive no information. Action.

Tier 5: Survive Nature’s Wrath (3 Speed

points). When low rations, disease, and bad
morale threaten to wreck an expedition, you
always double down and try harder. You can
reroll any of your Might, Speed, or Intellect
defense rolls and take the better of the two
results. Enabler.

Tier 6: Survival In Extremity (4 Intellect

points). If you have the time and the
freedom to scrounge for everyday materials
in your environment, you can fashion a
temporary asset that will aid you once to
accomplish a specific task. For example, if
you need to climb a wall, you could create
a climbing device; if you need to break
out of a cell, you can fashion a lockpick; if
you need to create a small distraction, you
could put together something to make a
loud noise; and so on. The asset lasts for
a maximum of one minute, or until used.
Alternatively, you find or create a significant
shortcut, secret entrance, or emergency
escape route where it looked like none
existed. You and the GM should work out
the details. Action.


You weren’t always this way, but something
happened to you when you fell through
a “rabbit hole” (either metaphorically, or
literally) into a surreal realm of magic,
faeries, nonsense entities, or something
so otherworldly that you can’t quite explain
it. You’ve returned, but the connection
remains, and you’re no longer the same.
Not only do you think about things
differently—possibly even in ways that

Character Focus

confuse your friends—but you also can do Additional Equipment: You have a ring of Fell Through a Rabbit
things that defy reality. At least reality on this keys, which sometimes work on locks when Hole GM Intrusions:
side of the rabbit hole. you least expect it. Sometimes silly strangers
are dangerously insane.
Connection: Choose one of the following. Minor Effect Suggestion: A small Nonsense influence from
1. Pick one other PC. It was while following animal—a cat, a raccoon, or a rabbit—trips a surreal realm can cut
that character you first learned of the surreal up your foe, and your foe falls. both ways, creating
realm to which you are now connected. Major Effect Suggestion: A stranger impediments and calling
2. Pick two other PCs. You know about an appears and helps you for a few rounds. attention. Sometimes the
surreal realm calls those
important connection between them that
who’ve previously visited
they don’t know. Tier 1: Legerdemain (1 Speed point). You can back, whether they want
3. Pick one other PC. You accidentally perform small but seemingly impossible tricks. to return or not.
draw that character to the attention of a For example, you can make a small object
dangerous creature that lives within the in your hands disappear and move into a
surreal realm to which you are connected. desired spot within reach (like your pocket).
4. Pick one other PC. Whenever this You can make someone believe that they have
character is near, your abilities seem to take something in their possession that they do
twice as long to activate. not have or vice versa. You can switch similar
objects right in front of someone’s eyes. Action.

1 Escape (2 Intellect points). You gain a notion on how to escape, wriggle free from bindings, or squeeze
through a tight spot, gaining an asset to any escape task. Alternatively, you can gain an asset to any
defense task to throw off an ongoing negative effect like poison or a curse. Action.
2 Pierce to the Heart (1 Intellect point). You are inspired by trickery. If you succeed on a Speed-based task
against one creature within immediate range, the difficulty of your next attack against that creature before
the end of the next round is reduced by one step. Action.
3 Unexpected Trapdoor (3 Intellect points). A surface is not as solid as it first appeared, and you find a trap
door. You can use the door to access the basement, the attic, or go through a wall up to 10 feet (3 m) thick
if you succeed on an Intellect task equal to the level of the impediment. Alternatively, a foe within short
range drops through said trapdoor to whatever lies beneath (which might just be a ten-foot deep pit). The
trapdoor persists for about a minute. Action to initiate.
4 What’s This In My Pocket? (3 intellect points). You’re sure it wasn’t there before, but it is now. You pull a
cypher from your pocket. The GM determines what kind. If you are already at your cypher limit, one cypher
you already have goes missing. Action.
5 Premonition (2 Intellect points). You learn one random fact about a creature or location that is pertinent
to a topic you designate. Alternatively, you can choose to learn a creature’s level; however, if you do so, you
cannot learn anything else about it later with this same ability. Action.
6 Fetch (3 Intellect points). You cause an object to disappear and reappear in your hands or somewhere else
nearby. Choose one object that can fit inside a 5-foot (2 m) cube and that you can see within long range.
The object vanishes and appears in your hands or an open space anywhere you choose within immediate
range. Action.
7 You’re Not So Hurt As All That (3 Intellect points). When you touch an impaired or debilitated character,
you can move them up one step on the damage track (a debilitated PC becomes impaired, and an
impaired PC becomes hale). Alternatively, if you use this ability on a PC during a rest, you grant them a +2
bonus to their recovery roll. Action.
8 What Kind of Beast is That? (3 Intellect points). A creature from the surreal realm to which you have a
connection appears of up to level 3. The creature aids you for up to one minute before leaving. Action to
9 Because I Said So (3 Intellect points). You’re inspired by a crazy impulse. For one minute, you gain an
asset to tasks related to deceiving, persuading, and intimidating. Action to initiate.
10 Begin at the Beginning (2 Intellect points). For one hour, you can see in complete darkness within short
range as if it were dim light. Also, you gain an asset to all tasks related to finding your way and tracking
other creatures. Action to initiate.

Chapter 3


ost-apocalyptic literature, movies,
and games are a subgenre of science APOCALYPTIC SETTING
fiction that focuses on the dystopia For a post-apocalyptic story to have long-
that follows the fall of civilization. Strictly term interest, the world can’t be completely
speaking, post-apocalyptic stories take dead. Other people are necessary to interact
Science Fiction, place after the end of the world. At least, with, help, and compete against for limited
page 250 the end of the world for most people. resources. A wealth of food, parts, and
Players take the role of the survivors (or other supplies should be available so that
Fantasy, page 236
their descendants) trying to persevere in survivors can live long enough to establish
the face of immense hardship. Popular something more long-term. Other threats
post-apocalyptic scenarios include those should also manifest—rival survivors,
set after nuclear war, in the aftermath of a mutant abominations, wild creatures,
zombie plague, in the months and years aliens, disease, poisons, and yes possibly
following an alien invasion, or after the even zombies—depending on the post-
environment collapses in the face of human apocalyptic world you want to create.
overpopulation. Other ways the world could Creating a post-apocalyptic setting is
end include a massive meteorite strike, the almost cheating because you can start
long-awaited robot-uprising, a powerful with the world as it is now, with its current
solar flare that burns out the world’s technology, its history, and all the rest,
power grids and communications, or even before ruining it with an apocalypse of your
something as prosaic as a global disease choosing.
pandemic. Alternatively, you could decide that the
apocalypse comes much earlier in the
history of the real world, or much later. You


might even decide that the apocalypse that Your players might start a game a little Gods of the Fall—a
defines your setting occurs in another world more invested in the setting if they’re Cypher System game
entirely, perhaps in a fantasy world where already familiar with a few of the locations setting—describes a
post-apocalyptic fantasy
the gods all suddenly and inexplicably go and history, even if those locations are world where all the gods
extinct. ruined, and the history is forgotten by died out.
However, if you stick with the real world most of the characters. To the players,
as your baseline, consider these additional it’s “home.” Setting a shootout in a
advantages that you gain. Maps are the fictional version of a now-ruined nearby
biggest benefit. All the maps of the real supermarket, library, or coffee-house will
world are useful as maps of your fictional be all the more visceral because the players In some post-apocalyptic
post-apocalyptic world with just a few will be able to imagine it as clearly as if settings, GMs may
modifications. Add a crater here, a shanty- they’d been there themselves. Because they wish to offer players the
chance to play as robots
town there, and maybe a crashed jet-airliner probably have.
or androids. This can be
or another oddity, and voila, you’ve created Even if your baseline is the real world, accomplished by using
a high-fidelity map in just minutes. you’ve chosen to run your game after some the Artificially Intelligent
Another advantage of starting with the kind of apocalypse. That means that many descriptor.
real world is that it sets a baseline for encounters and situations faced by the PCs
designing the post-apocalyptic cultures, should be colored by that event. Thus, the
wildlife, plant-life, architecture, and so on. aforementioned shootout in the grocery Artificially Intelligent,
It’s easy to make a major and memorable store should contain a post-apocalyptic page 256
encounter using something like a bear, even twist. Maybe there’s a berserk android in
if it’s a zombie bear or radioactive bear, or aisle seven, a wounded mutant in the stock-
just a huge freaking bear facing off against room, or a radiation hazard associated with
characters armed with their fists and sticks. a particular food item.

Chapter 10


The creatures presented in this section are designated as being part of particular genres
Creatures, page 274 in Part 2, but of course, GMs are free to use a creature however and wherever they want.
The number of genres possible in roleplaying games, including genre mashups, may be
almost limitless. That means that this chapter only begins to explore the types of creatures
that characters might encounter. Of course, the new creatures here are designed to expand
those presented in the Cypher System Rulebook.
The most important element of each creature is its level. You use the level to determine
the target number a PC must reach to attack or defend against the opponent. In each entry,
the difficulty number for the creature is listed in parentheses after its level. The target
number is three times the level.
A creature’s target number is usually also its health, which is the amount of damage
it can sustain before it is dead or incapacitated. For easy reference, the entries always
list a creature’s health, even when it’s the normal amount for a creature of its level. For
Understanding the more detailed information on level, health,
Listings, page 274 combat, and other elements, refer to
Understanding the Listings. CREATURES BY LEVEL
Glowing roach 2
Bogeyman 3
Faerie 3
Fusion hound 3
Nightgaunt 3
Shoe thief 3
Devolved 4
Robot mimic 4
Mad creation 4
Midnight scrabbler 4
Abomination 5
Cambion 5
Crucible 5
Cryptic moth 5
Killer clown 5
Prince(ss) of Summer 5
Satyr 5
Erlking 6
Gamma worm 6
Reanimated 6
Demon, chain 7
Hydra 7
The Minotaur 7
Cerberus 8
Typhon 10



In a post-apocalyptic setting, abominations were bred in the toxic aftermath

of the fall of society, and are sometimes called mutants.

An abomination is a hideous bestial humanoid covered with thickened plates of scarlet

flesh. Their eyes glow with the stagnant glow of toxic waste dumps. Standing at least 7 feet
(2 m) tall, abominations are drawn to movement. Always famished, abominations consume
living prey in great, tearing bites.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Almost anywhere hunting alone in or in pairs
Health: 22 GM Intrusion: The
Damage Inflicted: 6 points abomination isn’t dead;
Armor: 2 it stands up on the
Movement: Short following round at full
Modifications: Might defense as level 6; sees
through deception as level 3.
Combat: Abominations use scavenged
weapons to attack prey at range, but
probably switch to biting against targets
within immediate range. Targets damaged by
a bite must also succeed on a Might defense
task or descend one step on the damage track
as the abomination tears off a big piece of flesh
and gulps it down.
Abominations regain 2 points of health per round and
have +5 Armor against damage inflicted by energy
(radiation, x-rays, gamma rays, and so on).
Those who survive an abomination attack must
succeed on a Might defense task a day later
when they come down with flu-like symptoms.
Those who fail begin to the process of
transforming into a fresh abomination.
Interaction: Most abominations can speak, and
have vague memories of the people they were
before transforming; however, those memories,
motivations, and hopes are usually submerged in
a hunger that can never be sated.
Use: Abominations hunt ravaged wastelands and
bombed-out spacecraft hulks, lurk in basements where
mad scientists have conducted illicit experiments, and
haunt the dreams of children who’ve gotten in over their

Asgard. Oz. Gotham. The Dreamlands or the Victorian London of Sherlock Holmes or Jack the Ripper. The setting of your favorite
movie. Worlds even more exotic or bizarre, driven by laws of magic, psionics, or mad science.
You call them recursions. They’re like pocket dimensions with their own laws of reality, connected to Earth via a dark energy
network beneath the normal matter of the universe. A dangerous, chaotic network known as the Strange.
Recursions spawn from myths, legends, and fiction. Human imagination. They’re rarely larger than a continent and sometimes not
much bigger than a city block. Often the denizens are little more than automatons going through the motions of their fictional world.
But sometimes, in the larger or more mature recursions, they have the spark: self-awareness. Sentience. The ability to form their
own motivations and agendas.
And some of those beings understand that they aren’t alone in the Strange. Some of them know about Earth and the limitless
universe beyond it. And some of them are very, very dangerous.
When you visit these worlds, you adapt to them, taking on some of the physical aspects and knowledge of the natives. You
become, in part at least, a different version of yourself.
What will you find when you venture into Earth’s shoals? And what will find you, as you travel into…

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