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eniodutc Nois tnwantid. Aignalsthat: inter fene with

the sowee. imaqe or avandom.freguan
Jericdic. n oise. iu AInUsoidal -at multiplts bf 0sptu
equny and peviodic. un malune
Jhe Occurence. of-unufom. bau over an Lmaqe L a

7manufestation. of- peuodi NOLse

t tpLially. anisus rom electrital or electro mechaniLal

tntentenence duuin4 umage atquisttion and i spatial

The paramtend operiodiu mons an upicall esimaba

by napsuon or touren spectrum. Jhareen_

SpLR can. oflin. be detectecl by visual analyaui

lerwdic Noican be removed. by-

Band-paS, Band-Teect and Notzh fltr

v Band-ass ftte)s »

Band-pass Hlters allour fiequnies withun a puticular

ange to pass through and cdtenuatc Lall othu

Tha filten allows the yequencies i theu faL
inthe ama D,
Thia Jlamge L known. as band
LD TransfeY
tunchOn u qiven by
H(T)= fo 4D4D

D for T> D.
Ln dimensin
D Cutoff
Punstion fov 2D band-pass Hlten
The transfer
qiven as followsS

tDu vDo- 2
Huv 1
Do- Duv) - Dot
Dlu v) > Dot N

Huv) DLv):distance o
point (uv) from thecerter
wicth oband

ldeal band-pass Alten.

A bultznworth. band pau lteno ovdun n is given by
Buteuvorbth Duv) w 2n
(L, LpuvD
1+Dv) N 12,n
A aussLan band pass Alter ts qiven
as Jollous

qaussian D,v)D
tp (u,v) = e Dluv) w

Band Neiet iteys-

Hilter tu to attenuat
Band- reject
he objective. of
while lcanng the othe
iL t h u tomplement o

Hu,v)= 1-Hpuv)
the Fucauncieu.
itThey a l l i n t h e
hii flter nejeh
ange -Dh
1D Tnamuter 1untiwn
H(D)= forD-Da
1 for D>D
is qiven as follays
bandl Teject Flter
Am. Ldetal
iD[u v)< D»- 2
H4V i D - 4 D{uv).4D, +}
DlV) > Dot
Ovdunn iu qienas
bulteworth. band 1ejet Fitteno.
H ( uv -

1tDu,) w 22n
Du, v)D
AGaussian. band- eject filter is qiven. as
Notch Hlteys

Notth 4iltna a mOst useful for selecive tiltein

A moth i t e r nejezt on passes Pueguencies in a

PLe-delinmed meighbovhood o the frecquenay uctangle ,

Zeno phase Ahut ilts must be sy mmetriL about
07uigen (center of the irequene table)

So a motth filten transfe Junchin with Center at (uo,Vo

must have a COYYespondin, noth af totation (-uo, -Vo

Notch nej ect Alb truansfer_functions ane tonstructtd as

produe of high pass fl tvansfer funetion whase

have been translated to the centens ofthenotrhes

HNRU,V) =HK( v) H(u v)


Here Hgu,v) and H,v) ae high pass Filter

tranfer tun.ctions whase .centers at (g, VK) and fuk-Vk

Jhese centens a Apecrted. nith nespectto the centELO
theequene nectang le, (M/2, N/2).
M and N Me mumber of nows anal coumns in
the input image
D stance computatons fov tath filto truan4 ter furcun.
a e qiven by


toY eLample- the buttervor th notth.nejecttlt tranar

unction o orderr n contaninq thue notth paiE

Whene D, (u,V) and Dylu,v) avemenüion ed aboVe

mothes bit
Constant DoK is the same tom each pair of

it can be dilteunt Jen different pains.

ts. obtained fom
Amoch pass filter tnansferfuncduon.
motch eject filter tnanstpr funclon eforden
USung t h unctim.

Hyp 1 -

HNR v),
motch. Altetn g
One of the pureiple applicatuni of

for selective ly modifyng Locat eguons ofthe.DFT

Th notch fiterun9, the untert enunc. patteuns weie simplu.
to Ldentify and chaaacteize inthe iequeny donain
The tnteterenee tomponent.s ana.
qenerally not Aingl
Frequns bwati., Instecd. they tënd. to have broad
skyts whch- anu motawuys easily detectable

Optimum ozh Alterunq, minimize loal Vauandes o

the restirud ntimat f(14).

The protedure tonaisiotist isolating the principle.

Conbribubions o the interteruneci patterun andthen

Subtadting, a v.auable Weightid. portion oThe pattern

tDm thu coupted. imaqe

Etract the príneipal requnu componwti ofthe

LntevferunLe patteun
Fov thu plase a noth pam. t e r tans fen functi on.

Np(u,v a t the loalion of each spike . Tthe

FHite passes onlu componenla associated with thu

intenteente pattern then tha Bowuer tnufonn of

the inteteunta TOLAe patfeun s
qiven bu
NL,v) ue (4. ) G(ur)|

Gluv) DFT of tho coptzd image

noue patleun. n hu spallal domain.u
Ih Coeap ondinq J
o btained ung t h familia

NDNCDnptia image u addiion Dr untonuppz a Lid

F) and-the.untenfouue 9
o Estim.ate of Fuy) ie fosy)- gly)-w/g
Weghtidporton of n4) used to nedule the
untompleli Cmponents not prusent in
stimat b "7).
be detvumined
WZ s the wetghting, functuon to
Suh that the vwiane of the oulpub u minimized

Oven aSpeciju neighborhord oF eveny poirt ) .

Usuallythe notSs tmaqe. 4 parlih oned.
se venal non-Dverlapped neighborhord.0f Size.
(24t1) x(2b+1 about ponts (1y and townesponcung

NZ in each meiqhbonhodd ii conaidenud

Fon each Neighborhodel the conatant_ weighting

unctuon wy) ts obtained. which mininize

the Local vaiane. of the nestored tmage. ove

CoYTeapondung nelghborho0d.

w w (24) =
W w =

whene q and m) ae the LotalLmean

CorYuptid imaqe and the moise pattern nmspechivel
%4 tthe Loral mean o squwu of thu noepattem.

Jyn) Local meanof th Covmuptiel inae

multiplub the mose Patteun

nOYelr to apply o puimum. notch fAlter

Fustytha moise pattrun.
ebactzd by Eq,
) - H p luv) Gtuv
the constant vetghung
then toY each. meighbor hevrd ,

functon w(u u obtained bu

Thyesto red Lmageis obtained by

fy g)-way)qa})
vese iltring
ii cdireet bnveue
Jhe simplat appro ach. of uitováluon

and.noue Rnoun as
The procevs of temoving bluuys
deconyoulum o inveraeilteun4
tion Lh at
deconvouttion Atau with. .an assump
ablur ú charactized by the impulse 7e4ponae of
tha Alystem
are un e a and. outputt
L t a sum e that most buys

dLtha Convolution of impulse vspon4e

ot imaging Austem
And nput mage.

model '
Kecall the cleqTadntion

) - fuy) * hlay) t 7(4)

FT >
By Pphying
Glu,v)= F(1,v) H(u,v)
+ N(u,V)

1 moisa. 17 Zeo
GluvF(u,v) H{u,v)
1 u,v
Thexesore. F(uv) H (u, v)

Tnver se Hlten culs au>

and nCYeaLng Noise
HP allusi nq blumunq

H(u v may be. Zeno on closer tö Zelo

Neney iltens
proposec tha concept: v Wiener Hltin. 1342
d& also
Knoun as Minimum Mean Squane Erorilt or

Least bquarc rw
cuPproich ineopoates boththu deqyadatonfunction
na statitital chanactevutics oi-nois uo the nesto nation

bbective iuto -ind estimatr otthe unco1ruptreimagt

Sueh that- mean squarL evDIL between themiu minimzcedL
t semovethe etndditive.
moise and_inve+ti-the bluring noue

Tt muiMiZes_the ovenal mean squwre VooU UtnpDCEB O

invese tvun4 andmou smoothung
Jhe Wieneu filtoring 4 a Luineart etimationoftheoviqunal image

Jhe minumizedL roY iLgiven cs

E)Epectid value
T estinatr evuon,the Covelation mabui es oftf and n
a e Jequired. Let us.asiume that kKt and Kn a

the Lovelaion nabuues of f andn uupeetive:luy.

tntwns o
Thes covLlauon. matucei avu denöWel
xpectati on bP erati
p - Ef fT RnB {nn'f
he aa bunconstvaned fonm qive the.
AAtimati on

f (n A
t Rp Rn ) N2
Degadeel tunction
Degnaded. umag

o Laqnange Multiplie
Thu ilte in. the. ncguency dom.ain
Fuv) Hluv) ituv)|+Y
F(uv)= Guv)

v)| + vSnu
Snluv) spectyal pouet denailof nou e
Spluv) SpetnolL powel elensily of tmage
Raubeon nlu,v) tonslant K
S(u) H(a,v) uv)
Ffuv H(4V) (u)+ YK
KsLow reqenaaspect of t o
T K=o, tt wor Ks n verse. filten
The yaue o an be. Choen such thal
Y=O, then itwork assÚnptei
/n'F#- Hf11 I I t h e n it wor RI alLWeinen filtov

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