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a lOve, . Swale | VUles i he | Slanak wel, Spec, ( > Me ; Concepts _ TAAL, . of > Qe oe Praciple > “ener dy ha Press L Tree ee Gl Mtrbed xX yoler j a Plenshion , , Meas a EY i. Vv “9 OHends ae EMnater from Sondends sete Prnccple * eirnen Sources ae pewter “tr “2 precedent, So . _ phe oe en i — Sere ee i but mora) | | | 1 | 2) tous ho, free Sonse ou trori by & LEGTiMacy - Cakes) Tis Negiineseay dha changes wilh ¢ ease. an —_|_socielal “red Qse — Fa! TPC SP [decriminalgahon of homo S — Sols Prolibiktcs Ae - — Dow, Probibibon Ack <3) Leap hes &undyve _ayuatily = Teulon MoT Dates OO © oven ts LT , wyporen!s errshera) mS. cee of law Compr se of enforce eran i+ Te vrideval oY Jer i tov aGihy of law: 4. Executve 1s tHe head of lave: Dubhrh .. the authority cto dry Ppl Ca Vag i there 1s Wo law ot the lau idce(t will let uk that ah is_ eal oO _opplicelle in ks tour hey ' ml! Mods an be “ied As mesrs of Soual ¢ @ lan) 0 cor Jwilh « be A cpernen (uel dar an impect or souehy S hal el reeds te Le tor & conte! by ar externel ner vy Cont I! Qeahd to ereresed ) : & “CAdernel agen roost be Pelern nal ey appoicted Jre co nied. t deleimmate peven/ Jautheors hy is in @ posiken bo deprive you ML you tlon't Yomply with. (yal, copkal punishment etc) Orgpoizahen xe, mrorabiy % & veligion are abl means of social conhel bed not ints Sore anit Hela ys an. eflech ve oa of | Somes tor bro - — Wey ah Haart commune; DE applies only for Hain s Hain specihic Trembera _ Whoryeas, lato is universal which applica fr evens chaeng of Wack County _& Ooby Legal _iaatihboss sn rake lows fen Crs ann) Ppl. cxrmcicted wills Lovgensjahi ”. ee | Huaiv membersbaip Cone con One Rays oy ute eee yon)_Net Hie some cone € hh | The Th dechoiawe of ovapaaten is expulsion 6 ing ppl.) bot In core of Law , one —~ Cee be put to sail — depriving Ube vty ede elas bey te tomply itn Some 4 procedural _, — Forareloter, Gn cove of religion, deve no prec edwre ore laws operates againad 4 Have 's cor bain precedes he be lowest but ted doern'd heppen ilk te oly ovapaigahow ioe | Co tw @ B4Mb uh, \ . yo chery Vo heave: a la fie \\ \es ob. Ae ( Low fonchors 9 tas, & ublic ondey Lest medlod { by ) A SOU Selse A) Mains i), Law is He sispatee \c ) on OU ve A 7 4 cy Meek oF Supt deg _ Vig, 8) feciUtates to opexe Wig a ur lau Yecaqniqen Cex bec i ry a to Fevests, Flaw mole, 5 de le, : . —_ Meew inheveshe we . sin oS | pe BR eapleten —~_ Ortpes—ol_ power 2 SP bagisleive > Frecais a COMPASS Determoacte ust Yennac Jndeleamnote Ouldence 4 a wo ual _fyochon Ol Low YP i ceers Dueck feachen wm ~— Lite conden, Trdivecd Gooches Funckony Direct frets ©) Proan Gunckvo = | Preveok S, bohowouy Ka Go encouraans >| Providing Smilies fav eavate ouraraproscts. 2, Providing” sewices veda babubag goods Setting of Aiton @Cprwcler enedrenssen for 2} Setting OL hapubes epee Second fucken) SO low shell provicte medwanion Gi) procedine FS Predvre fox entre oo (ockivest Bachoo" : ces "Ey. Rrervahoa . a oO \echve of a law je the means foxy o _ | anctwr end(sedal bene St) ex De al = E) | | Gnhereot Maxalchy ~ (Wve a choice) Gses' : oO Rv. _ Igr4 vy Queens Bench (p93) > OC . ee tel} _besd is ais net “whet ought to Le > ond We cannot matte lau, On of iashumend “oO > Should pel mis lou woe, Caw is legitimate if Morel; = covcereal Anttnortdy POrsec) “. th confents so COMPASS Voller s Vou dl View / Thre ore © cberactereatic faster of ‘ 4, dlonen = A Agri he CF nod moaned : We DiThe Law Het is declned sheild come A @ geoeelly: Copply Tor everyone J 2) Law nwst be Pomlgated ( publshed 6) @rnoumed officially - everyone shold te Aweve of He fan Ay whem thet leno de sulye ra) qian shold be prespec eed svbject ts + esceptons — Coe rehsagpchive 6v) Yehsaks ~ Ppl. need ty be Qweved’ of . the Lape Lo tte tavo. aI ; Z d= Ywar'ou Oxpects WD lain Smet be 1 | ors: 4+ with ea Hew ia) laws mede shad be —porsible +o be obeyed. - 2) baw ey must ke tonstank & veladively ; J long. lashag. | z 3) Law written shold tb iomplemanted g _ Bee Admini hered Abn Wary ih way written, Cees \ 7 Deed St A laws which te not (vss, fay eS Yearonable it vo'l\ be lan be Strcl4 Sopn., ' L tohch ban ica (Ly Mean. 2) io to be moral] |, Souek, LO erent Ne hevedd belel valces due ¢ teach Poor Ceti ee \ male) ol wea) oe VAL Mee Seceity her} wnwive, Mrane maerel ideas needs ty be priected tRacten} ees ol law is nod Only oo Polect eck WT Bem heya bul alto. to Prevent ih re eM VARY on AP Whet seve Munks \_slwold be laws & protected Heon4 Sates se Ne ened teed eee 2) There is no evidence Hrd’ if Morel idea, ave nol fMoved) Alu_socely a8 CAlapicdl Sarie __ sheved ideas ore _abhibuted bo ‘mara &\ _imnacsel ideas (low to Know if the Sovehy Boos eee oe topic leok Ayo _wrscl V1) inmmovel a ral Soueky | door 3 Que avy. faloo eon J Sy 3 Seuehy COnrider ws Reins ny S Mawr’ Tet oak? ‘pl fave ta aan ha & MB te \ | masos by gol. t every PeO%on coll ve | Mee oun opinion. T [ep Heed sags Mast Yoo Souely iB Campnsed ‘bolt. jah & Paws must interfere ony when (if) i} Was ho prevent a _oqveeber hari ot anybody elvt.. og oe t s ’ \\ : . . Meg i a SA Va Nog Penie, Wiss Wey SSM Bag Gi, lode _ OSV Vienen) ‘Ag @) Yey. Mediicct 5 be Prey 7 idence ewe g Ay Mae uy lie a “ad rhe yond KS | S -Itmhn, is og re : hyeceps ) Facks oh he a aI Lsgal_Retion ) Least, Presumphions ~~) J Date My om" y were are ~ mayer y Concho? ib) Keb. jdable (a) \ child bot) Aue 0 wed locl< dos alien O wedlocls, \he Child *, Ly is Qasvonedt / prea ed to be Wie he - ber the beat yaterest of He vag Qnen ww uid ence As 4. (L) dn Qn, Cxicniac| Conk, & Hag Beery pr eruoed ee ns 4 Quilhy by Showing evidence tut yy Accused i% eitsay inno . Hee - a Lewes athibuden Couto; £ ha o “a eae, ty ea Lncdiing at Neth oe oe Lae apres will ) me cldegahen Whi ay, Conhechal not 7. Sve Ne Miolohen in Nahe Neal. yet) — fort vie 1), Law ESyuiby +_law Meeny - - Pnacyley Covance, d 2 (ORs SAR tar Ravsihy) 1 Paemat of Vole, Loi. Closes af : OV set of Anslenuy $i fy past iad, ida 4 Peso = “Sometg evelved Cain (a Eqethy haned ee et Goad in lewd Segoe _assiseneh te he ico Yerothy } - hand corse | Fay will “Shee a Ay tenaper Peesle = Apslieion Vetes saless Yeavlty io peed 00 oe ones ences = Sauh Ye veel | fener = =a Cerscence + dn olden dows Fae ae oF Cor men lous Cour kk ood \ he eople Were het Wsepy woul, Has ~ Verdc then Ved +o i" of cnet aa ay — ch eqiley oy Court nd Pr nu Be) out Wor more oe, “Gannbyfalee become mere righ a Tn (v75, single cour sushbeno wo. ohedwced, Where both eqithlble wad proauples § Cores os law Prin coll be oppied. Sg) el + Common lau is @ lato thot worl & < oppled g ert +o Sver4sm e_ gts SNe hy Torercchscal Lacs a “Trndio tw a ESee AQO couch and “do exeh is aot bound _to_oniy ofiex avdhoxi by — 320) OF Stakue WL Bdeynahore\ Code | Wrat ove ate lau Mey wilt apply isaxces of Toy :- } _@) Tntewebanal Convention 1 S2e yebbs bing - : Cstarns ol co General Rreachkce vaccepted om Lok ic a law. G \ __ 4 4 2 Coagniz eal bY Gay civ\Uxed nahoon. ()| Todd deaclring, nese Lad ag ayueliGed e Mra . S-_P&\Suenive . ae Tak. Naws | does not Lee Hoe aspects of law seas alat of grey Vena me Int baw 09 (Conflict of lay. Lew Mast veawebe blu Mas wdivid ff a sone Aa = Contech > Adaphion _ Aivorce Tord , May Mage i ee implemented boy MWe Shale BT lexgals law af Curt. Powe COMPASS tN Cerncer Aepoost ‘ paniag oh AN Cencers Aap: si \orepent \ mh Ool\lences Caeparsad Ve putea = t Somelhhmen, QO M —A™e€ ach cam wee Neu HL leo prece : ee Wie Bee ed civil & carcneel lan, efemabon <= 4 SuUbrsltanbrve baw & ecedural laws Srtstenkve _ Lowy’ auke vig ks ory Hite! Heat Create , eo bligabions, sule, ~ or Naws — for_ Pemple. e a Simieee OC —Racedoro| law" Veur tod aves Gi) cools: sas ears aner sa wich = cee) a> Crpe cec , duclion file Eviclence Ret Pexsone | lows Gy) Teri bovieal, ‘la Se G ‘ \ oe ee ee ier Saree You al Source, _ of lara ss 2) HieFovica f Sources _ of Law | : a , Le Sb Sono, | i nacho y lay, a4 x Mash laws & ey POM ng St aE a ¢ \ x ‘op cay a . checlag, Hay ‘Se is4 sah VP remy OMNIS of BSShes ing lay ns lake SSR Sr TR Com, SF gy So Lor, Ectens Akt ky Ne @y ON “ Ne ishady ve Pale: . Ag ye Saye male QA, oviche _ ‘igh oF Maa ase a to people tolre Lanne to | Wcidental tok main Rancher ih nite ibe pete, —— wel We ele, ei lo, weblion —Srctente col ston mol = “ Vn mend law ). \\ ial vep 4 , palora belly . " e “al 8 taper . Leailahan 1 le oni slat « QA we preme \ea slate ; enslave Hel bd proceeds Trey RKipreme Gi) Sev Ev En powes 1 Ordinate Ven slate Wet doer nek proeed SNEVEWOM power ) \eayslonre oy Sup, eme e) ~ Porliment & Stat] \eq's lature ox uy Power by Mske laws . “ eae Aiohh seu aver An oxk a ot cond! Kon” Woden @) Oat can stile ovo eee - avo. Ia His dey, Hae Cont che cles on He Parlimenbe = legslohre Heat comes fron sovereign — —-'> called excreme\sqislabise - # Compevision ble Ol, ¢ If _ Liv dicve xe ‘Sede teyslabue = 8 Kiedy a i) Colonial islatboa - — 2) Beuwe Malling lass ; Sxecutive leaislaben =e : BeotesaSah Lesislahen - Pcie L Leas laben = Soh eck tonomeoys tens lotion = pvi_enblios_ox We Power ao qrolle Whur § Commanthy ga. Univesiby We fee wan oo0 Caen OA ees al a Lecyslokne cover prcceden) (a4 Tras abrugahve Bower by “eh Corn 074 Wy 8 \ea \ aku e Death ealcara Vecles for rat . oF : “ tokure Hure ic dh oe ee Oe ; leeyatatvre Mure. formes ine a Larny On (leat | wut Wo law) Gd} Leqslarre onbupates tty of m & melce lacs h [ts Legslehre is considered S¥Pever | precedent wrlern it sh vaca RNR |lemslehre ig vigih S cast lew ie precedien ks ove legcletrre » Prece dewk is Alee 2 geld ian @ some I_¢ less ahve is Whe veedu. Coxe O04 Ker put \noudds, __—_—_—— — Ack of (933 Hy, 4s} law Comms | 7 cd : has lien Ne inal Las) 7. és unde, 2d law tomer civil laws fone) LIBS Mifed | Chves be wie Ves 2) foros 5 cal A laws ihe os enack codtiieks a J} CodsVicatoo mst Uv, law $o igpl Hot es Olbinnetebs shee Haw lau evelvise—

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