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2, JUNE 2020 963

A Comparative Study of Two Widely Used

Grid-Forming Droop Controls on Microgrid
Small-Signal Stability
Wei Du , Member, IEEE, Zhe Chen, Student Member, IEEE, Kevin P. Schneider , Senior Member, IEEE,
Robert H. Lasseter, Life Fellow, IEEE, Sai Pushpak Nandanoori, Member, IEEE,
Francis K. Tuffner , Member, IEEE, and Soumya Kundu, Member, IEEE

Abstract— Historically, two similar grid-forming droop con- islanded system [1], [2]. Droop control is a well-established
trols are widely reported in literature—the single-loop and multi- method that enables multiple grid-forming inverters to
loop droop controls. Although being very similar, the authors operate in a stable manner [3]. Historically, one of the
find that the dynamic performance and stability characteristics of
each control method are very different in a microgrid. Compared two droop controls is typically used for grid-forming
with the single-loop droop control, the multi-loop droop control inverters—single-loop droop control [3] or multi-loop droop
is prone to be less damped and loses stability more easily control [4]–[6]. The single-loop droop control was developed
under some circumstances. This article provides a novel insight by the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology
into the different dynamic responses of the two basic controls. Solutions (CERTS) Microgrid program [2] and has been
It points out that the two similar controls adjust the angular
frequency and voltage magnitude at different locations within the applied in several MW-level microgrid projects [7]–[10].
inverter, resulting in different coupling reactances that impact The multi-loop droop control is also widely reported in both
the dynamic response and stability of microgrids differently. academia and industry [5], [6], [11]–[15]. In recent years,
The use of the single-loop droop control results in a larger numerous new control strategies have been developed based
coupling reactance, which helps improve the dynamic response on these two basic controls [16]–[21], but few references
and stability. This novel insight is verified through full-order
small-signal analysis, offline electromagnetic transient simulation, study the fundamental differences between them.
and real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation experiments. The Despite being very similar, the authors find that the dynamic
results show that the microgrid has a larger small-signal stability response and stability characteristics of these two controls are
boundary when using single-loop droop control, and this differ- very different in a microgrid. The multi-loop droop control
ence increases as the value of an inverter’s inner filter inductance is prone to be less damped and loses stability more easily
under some circumstances. The work in [22] notices the
Index Terms— Droop control, grid-forming, inverter, difference in the dynamic responses between the two controls,
microgrid, stability.
but it does not discuss the mechanism that causes this dif-
I. I NTRODUCTION ference. In [10] and [5], the full-order small-signal models
of the inverter-based microgrids with single-loop and multi-
G RID-FORMING inverters are crucial to the operation
of an inverter-based microgrid because of their ability
to independently generate the voltage and frequency of an
loop droop controls are established, respectively. However,
there is a lack of comparative study of the dynamic response
and stability between them. The work in [23] proposes a
Manuscript received June 11, 2019; revised August 6, 2019 and reduced-order model of grid-forming inverters to assess the
September 13, 2019; accepted September 15, 2019. Date of publication
September 19, 2019; date of current version May 6, 2020. The Pacific North- stability of microgrids, but only the multi-loop droop control
west National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Department of is considered. As shown in later sections of this article, the use
Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. Recommended for publication of the single-loop droop control results in a different stability
by Associate Editor Mario Paolone. (Corresponding author: Wei Du.)
W. Du, S. Pushpak Nandanoori, and S. Kundu are with the boundary of microgrids.
Electricity Infrastructure Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, To better understand the fundamental differences between
Richland, WA 99354 USA (e-mail: wei.du@pnnl.gov; saipushpak.n@ the two basic controls, and their impacts on microgrid stability,
pnnl.gov; soumya.kundu@pnnl.gov).
Z. Chen and R. H. Lasseter are with the Department of Electrical and a comprehensive comparative study is conducted in this article.
Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, More importantly, this article provides a novel insight into
WI 53706-1691 USA (e-mail: zchen275@wisc.edu; lasseter@engr.wisc.edu). the different dynamic response and stability characteristics of
K. P. Schneider and F. K. Tuffner are with the Electricity Infrastruc-
ture Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle Research Cen- the two controls. It points out that these two controls adjust the
ter, Seattle, WA 98109 USA (e-mail: kevin.schneider@pnnl.gov; francis. angular frequency and voltage magnitude at different locations
tuffner@pnnl.gov). within the inverter. Specifically, the single-loop droop control
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. controls the angular frequency and the magnitude at the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2942491 inverter’s internal voltage, while the multi-loop droop control

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.

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respectively. However, in this article, the grid-forming inverter

refers to an inverter that has the capability to work in the stand-
alone mode and supply the load by itself. Although the P– f
droop and Q–V droop are used, they still allow the inverters
to work in the stand-alone mode. As a result, in this article,
Fig. 1. Basic model of a grid-forming inverter. the term “grid-forming droop control” is used to represent the
two controls.
controls the angular frequency and the magnitude at the
inverter’s filter capacitor voltage. This results in a different A. Single-Loop Droop Control
coupling reactance X L of the grid-forming inverter, resulting
in a different overall X/R ratio of the microgrid. Therefore, Fig. 2(a) shows the single-loop droop control of a grid-
the dynamic response and stability characteristics are different. forming inverter. This control strategy was developed by the
This novel insight is verified through extensive full-order CERTS Microgrid program [2]. Extensive tests of this control
small-signal analysis, offline electromagnetic transient sim- strategy have been conducted at the CERTS/American Electric
ulation, and real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) simulation Power microgrid test bed over the past 15 years [2], [10],
experiments. The study results show that the microgrid has a [15], [24]. The controller includes two droop controls: the
larger small-signal stability boundary when using the single- P– f droop control and the Q–V droop control. In addition,
loop droop control, and this difference in the stability bound- an overload mitigation control was developed by the CERTS
ary increases as the value of an inverter’s inner inductance Microgrid program [25], but it is not studied here because it
increases. The novel insight provided in this article, along is out of the scope of this article.
with the rigorous small-signal analysis, electromagnetic tran- As shown in Fig. 2(a), the controller measures the grid-
sient simulation, and HiL simulation experiment, advances the side voltage v g and output current i o and calculates the
understanding of how to design grid-forming droop controls instantaneous active power P, reactive power Q, and voltage
to improve the dynamic response and stability of microgrids. magnitude Vmag in αβ stationary reference frame, as shown
P = v gα i oα + v gβ i oβ (4)
Q = v gβ i oα − v gα i oβ (5)
A grid-forming inverter fundamentally behaves as a voltage 
source behind a coupling reactance X L , which controls Vmag = v gα
2 + v2 .
gβ (6)
both the voltage magnitude E and the angular frequency ω,
The instantaneous values P, Q, and Vmag are passed through
as shown in Fig. 1. The coupling reactance, X L , plays a
the low-pass filters to obtain the values Pf , Q f , and Vmagf that
critical role in controller design. By properly sizing X L
correspond to the fundamental component, as shown in (7).
(e.g., between 0.05 and 0.15 pu on an inverter rating base),
The value of the time constant T in the low-pass filter is
the active power P and the reactive power Q are decoupled.
usually selected as 0.01 s. The calculation of Pf , Q f , and
As shown in (1)–(3), P is approximately linear with the phase
Vmagf allows the use of the P– f and Q–V droop controls
angle difference δ P , and Q is approximately linear with the
internal voltage magnitude E. This decoupling reduces the 1 1 1
Pf = P, Qf = Q, Vmagf = Vmag .
controller design complexity [3] 1 + Ts 1 + Ts 1 + Ts
δ p = δ E − δV (1)
EV EV When two grid-forming inverters operate in parallel under
P = sin δ p ≈ δp (2)
XL XL the P– f droop control, any disturbance causes an increase in
E 2 − E V cos δ p E(E − V ) the output power of one inverter. This causes its P– f droop
Q= ≈ . (3) control to reduce the angular frequency ω of the internal volt-
age E inv  δinv so that the phase angle of the internal voltage,
III. C OMPARISON OF T WO BASIC G RID -F ORMING δinv , is reduced, preventing the inverter from further increasing
D ROOP C ONTROLS its output power. This negative-feedback control mechanism
Fig. 2(a) and (b) shows the inverter main circuits and guarantees the stability when multiple grid-forming inverters
the control blocks of the single-loop and multi-loop droop work in parallel. As shown in Fig. 2(a), m p is the P– f droop
controls. Grid-forming inverters are typically connected to the coefficient, Pset is the active power set point, ω0 is the rated
microgrid through an inductor–capacitor–inductor (LCL) filter, angular frequency, and θinv is the instantaneous angle obtained
with example versions of the two grid-forming droop controls from the integration of ω.
configured as shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b). This section provides The Q–V droop control prevents circulating the reactive
a detailed explanation of the primary differences between the power between grid-forming inverters. As shown in Fig. 2(a),
two controls. the Q–V droop control guarantees that the magnitude
Note that according to the definition in [11], the two droop of the grid-side voltage has a predefined Q–V droop
controls studied in this article should be “grid-supporting,” not characteristic by regulating the magnitude of the inverter
“grid-forming,” because they adjust the frequency and voltage internal voltage, E inv , through an integral controller. m q is
magnitude according to the P– f droop and Q–V droop, the Q–V droop coefficient, Vset is the voltage set point, and

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Fig. 2. Inverters with two basic grid-forming droop controls and their equivalent circuits in the fundamental frequency. (a) Single-loop droop control.
(b) Multi-loop droop control. (c) Equivalent circuit of an inverter with the single-loop droop control. (d) Equivalent circuit of an inverter with the multi-loop
droop control.

kiv is the integral gain of the integral controller. Note that the
function of the Q–V droop control is to avoid circulating the
reactive power between inverters in steady state. Therefore,
the response of the integral controller does not need to be
very fast. A time constant between 0.1 and 0.3 s would be
enough. During load transients, the inverter internal voltage
magnitude E inv can be assumed to be approximately constant,
and X L limits the circulating reactive power between grid-
forming inverters. As shown in Fig. 2(a), once the magnitude
∗ and the instantaneous angle θ
reference E inv inv are obtained, Fig. 3. Inner control loops. (a) Voltage loop. (b) Current loop.
the modulation waveform mcan be generated to allow the
pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control.
According to the above analysis, although the single-loop dq rotational reference frame, as shown
droop control measures the grid-side voltage and current,
it treats the internal voltage E inv  δinv as a controllable volt- P = v od i od + v oq i oq (8)
age source and controls its angular frequency ω and mag- Q = v od i oq − v oq i od . (9)
nitude E inv according to the P– f droop and Q–V droop,
respectively. Although the instantaneous value of the internal Being similar to the single-loop droop control, the instan-
voltage einv has a significant amount of harmonics due to taneous values P and Q are passed through the low-pass
the high-frequency switching, they can be filtered by the filters to obtain the values of Pf and Q f according to (7). The
LCL filter. calculation of the voltage magnitude of the filter capacitor is
not needed for the multi-loop droop control. The value of time
constant T in the low-pass filter is selected as 0.01 s. The
calculation of Pf and Q f allows the use of P– f and Q–V
B. Multi-Loop Droop Control
droop controls, as shown in Fig. 2(b).
Fig. 2(b) shows the multi-loop droop control of a grid- Fig. 3(a) and (b) shows the typical control blocks of the
forming inverter. This control strategy is widely reported in inner voltage and current control loops, respectively. The
the literature [4]–[6], [11]–[14]. The controller has a cascaded ∗ and i ∗ , are the current
outputs of the voltage control loop, i ld lq
structure, including the P– f and Q–V droop control loops, references in the dq-frame for the current control loop. The
inner voltage control loop, and inner current control loop. outputs of the current control loop, einvd∗ ∗
and einvq , are the
As shown in Fig. 2(b), the controller measures the filter internal voltage reference in the dq-frame for PWM control.
capacitor voltage v o and output current i o , as well as calculates The purpose of adding the additional inner voltage and cur-
the instantaneous active power P and reactive power Q in the rent loops is to guarantee fast control of the inverter filter

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capacitor voltage, Vo  δo . If the parameters of the voltage and

current loops are well-designed, the filter capacitor voltage
Vo  δo behaves approximately as a controllable voltage source.
Therefore, the design principle of this control strategy is
that it first makes the inverter filter capacitor voltage Vo  δo
approximately a controllable voltage source through well-
tuned voltage and current control loops; then, it regulates the
angular frequency and the magnitude of the voltage Vo  δo
according to the P– f droop and Q–V droop, respectively. Fig. 4. Studied microgrid.
∗ and v ∗ are the input references of the voltage loop, and
v od oq
v od and v oq are the dq-frame components of the filter capacitor TABLE I
voltage v o . kvp and kvi are the proportional and integral gains I NVERTER LCL F ILTER AND N ETWORK PARAMETERS
of the voltage control loop, respectively. i ld and i lq are the
dq-frame components of the inner current i l . kip and kii are
the proportional and integral gains of the current control loop,
respectively. θo is the instantaneous angle obtained from the
integration of ω.
when using multi-loop droop control. The fast inner voltage
and current loops compensate for the dynamics of L 1 and C1 .
C. Fundamental Difference in Controller Design Note that the derivation of Fig. 2(d) is based on the assumption
Although the multi-loop droop control is very similar to that the inner voltage and current loops achieve fast control of
the single-loop droop control, a fundamental difference is the filter capacitor voltage, so it can behave approximately as
that the former controls the angular frequency and magnitude a controllable voltage source.
of an inverter’s filter capacitor voltage Vo  δo , while the The difference in coupling reactance X L of these two
latter controls the angular frequency and magnitude of an controls causes variations in the overall X/R ratio of micro-
inverter’s internal voltage E inv  δinv . For example, when the grids, resulting in different dynamic response and stability
loads increase, the P– f droop control of the multi-loop droop characteristics, as will be shown in later sections.
control reduces the angular frequency ω of the filter capacitor
voltage Vo  δo so that it reduces the phase angle δo , while the E. Current Limiting
P– f droop control of the single-loop droop control reduces It was once thought that one advantage of the multi-
the angular frequency ω of the internal voltage E inv  δinv so loop droop control was that it could limit the over-current
that it reduces the phase angle δinv . The work in [26] points during faults due to the existence of an inner current loop.
out that due to the delay effect in the voltage and current However, the work in [8] points out that the use of current
loops, the capacitor voltage Vo  δo may not behave as an reference saturation limiting results in microgrid instability.
ideal voltage source, so the closed-loop output impedance To limit over-current, extra controls need to be added on
needs to be considered. However, the multi-loop droop control both the single-loop and multi-loop droop controls, such as
physically regulates the angular frequency ω and magnitude virtual impedance [17], [21], [27]. This article focuses only
of the filter capacitor voltage Vo  δo whether it behaves as an on studying the two basic grid-forming droop controls, with
ideal voltage source or not. future work examining the current-limiting control strategy for
both controls.
D. Equivalent Circuits in Fundamental Frequency
Based on the above discussion, the equivalent circuits of
inverters with the two basic controls can be derived as shown A two-source inverter-based microgrid is used to demon-
in Fig. 2(c) and (d). Because the single-loop droop control strate how these two different inverter control strategies
controls the angular frequency and magnitude of the inverter impact the dynamic performance and stability of microgrids.
internal voltage, the equivalent circuit in the fundamental Fig. 4 shows the one-line diagram of the studied three-
frequency is a controllable voltage source behind inductance phase microgrid. In the microgrid, two identical 100-kW grid-
L 1 and L 2 . Both L 1 and L 2 must be counted for the coupling forming inverters supply the load. The rated capacity and the
reactance X L . The filter capacitor C1 can be ignored due to its rated voltage are 100 kW and 480 V, respectively, and the rated
small value in the fundamental frequency. In addition, it should frequency is 60 Hz. The P– f droop and Q–V droop for each
be noted that the derivation of Fig. 2(c) is also based on the fact inverter are 1% and 5% on an inverter rating base, respectively.
that the response of the voltage loop in the single-loop droop The values of the line impedances are shown in Fig. 4 and
control is usually slow, as introduced in the description of the are also listed in Table I. The other parameters of the two
Q–V droop control in Section III-A. In contrast, because the controllers are listed in Tables II–IV.
multi-loop droop control controls the angular frequency and
magnitude of the filter capacitor voltage, the equivalent circuit A. Line Impedance Selection
in the fundamental frequency is a controllable voltage source In a microgrid environment, the value of the line impedance
behind inductance L 2 . Only L 2 should be counted for X L is usually small because the sources are closer to the loads.

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Fig. 5. Quasi-static reduced-order small-signal model of a droop-controlled

grid-forming inverter connected to an infinite bus.
line impedance. As a result, the filter reactance is typically
more important than the line impedance for microgrid stability.
The resistances of the LCL filter are ignored in this article due
to their small values.


To verify and further explain the insight provided in
Section III, Cases I and II are specifically designed based
on the microgrid described in Fig. 4 to demonstrate how
the difference in X L caused by the two controls affects the
dynamic response and stability of microgrids. Rigorous small-
signal analysis, offline electromagnetic transient simulation,
In addition, the X/R ratio of a low-voltage distribution line is and real-time HiL simulation experiments are conducted in
usually significantly lower than the high-voltage transmission the following sections.
line [28]. In the studied microgrid, the line resistance RLine A quasi-static reduced-order small-signal model of the
is selected as 0.02 pu on an inverter rating base, indicating simple system described in Fig. 1 was first established.
that there is a 2% power loss on the lines at full load. The As shown in Fig. 5, this simple model shows that increasing
X/R ratio for the distribution lines is selected as 0.5, which X L decreases the gain in the system. A larger X L indicates
is a typical value for low-voltage distribution lines. As seen a higher P– f droop gain to maintain the stability. Therefore,
in Fig. 4, the microgrid line impedance is mainly resistive and Fig. 5 implies that the two controls might impact the dynamic
the impedance value is small. response differently, even with the same LCL filter and P– f
droop gain, due to the difference in X L caused by the two
controls, as discussed in Section III.
B. Inverter LCL Filter Selection However, although this quasi-static model helps understand
The inverters usually need the LCL filters to mitigate the how X L affects the dynamic response of the system, one
harmonic voltages produced by the PWM process. The work major issue is that it cannot predict the stability of the
in [29] provides a step-by-step procedure for designing the system due to the fact that the dynamics of X L and network
LCL filter for traditional current-controlled, grid-connected are ignored [23]. Therefore, to further investigate how the
inverters (known as grid-following inverters) to reduce the difference in X L caused by the two controls affects the stability
switching frequency ripple at a reasonable cost, while at the of microgrids, two rigorous full-order small-signal models of
same time achieving a good dynamic performance. However, the microgrid described in Fig. 4 are derived. In the first
due to the change in the control objective and operation model, both inverters use the single-loop droop control, and
environment, the procedure provided in [29] may not apply to in the second model, both inverters use the multi-loop droop
grid-forming inverters. For example, this article shows that the control. The small-signal models are derived based on the
coupling reactance X L plays a critical role in maintaining the work in [5] and [31]. The models consider the dynamics
microgrid stability when using grid-forming droop controls. of the network, LCL filters, and controllers; only the high-
For most inverters above 10 kW, the value of inner filter L 1 frequency switching is ignored. The first model has 22 state
is usually between 0.05 and 0.15 pu and is larger than the variables, and the second model has 26 state variables. Note
value of the outer filter L 2 [5], [17], [30]. Some inverters that due to the high orders of the developed models, there are
even exclude the outer filter L 2 [4], [26]. In contrast, the multiple pairs of eigenvalues in the system. For the readers’
CERTS microgrid prefers an outer filter L 2 that is larger than convenience, this article only presents the eigenvalues that
the inner filter L 1 [2]. To achieve a better comparison, both affect stability. The other eigenvalues that are far away from
situations are considered in the following sections. In Case I, the imaginary axis are not presented in this article.
L 1 is larger than L 2 for both inverters, and in Case II, L 1 is Being different from the small-signal models, detailed
smaller than L 2 for both inverters. When compared with the inverter switching models are modeled in both offline elec-
line impedance, although the values of L 1 and L 2 might be tromagnetic simulation and real-time HiL simulation. The
different for different inverter configurations, the total value offline electromagnetic transient simulation is conducted in
of the filter reactance is typically larger than the value of the the PSCAD simulation environment [32]. Sinusoidal PWM

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Fig. 7. Traces of eigenvalues as the P– f droop gain increases, Case I.

(a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control.

Fig. 6. Circuits for Case I. (a) Studied microgrid. (b) Equivalent circuit of
the inverter with the single-loop droop control. (c) Equivalent circuit of the using the multi-loop droop control, the gains for the voltage
inverter with the multi-loop droop control. loop were selected as kvp = 20 pu/s and kvi = 400 pu/s; the
gains for the current loop were selected as kip = 2 pu and
kii = 100 pu/s. Fig. 6(b) and (c) shows the equivalent circuits
is used for inverters in PSCAD with a switching frequency
of the inverters with the two controls. The following small-
of 12 kHz. The real-time HiL simulation is conducted at the
signal analysis and simulations show that the difference in the
OPAL-RT OP5600 platform [33], and a TI 28335 DSP [34]
value of X L results in significantly diverse dynamic response
is used as the digital controller to implement the two control
and stability characteristics.
strategies and generate gate signals for one inverter. In the real-
time HiL simulation, space vector PWM is used for inverters
with the same switching frequency as that used in PSCAD. The A. Small-Signal Analysis
simulation scenario is that two 100-kW inverters equally share Extensive eigenvalue analysis was conducted to study how
100 kW of load initially, and the power set point of inverter 1 the variation in the controller parameters impacts the small-
is dispatched from 0.5 to 1 pu at t = 0.1 s. In Case I, the value signal stability. Fig. 7(a) and (b) shows the traces of eigenval-
of L 1 is larger than L 2 , and in Case II, the values of L 1 and L 2 ues as the P– f droop gain increases under the two controls.
are switched. For each case, the two basic grid-forming droop As seen in Fig. 7(a), when the single-loop droop control is
controls are compared under different P– f droop gains. used, the system does not lose stability until the P– f droop
It should be noted that the oscillation mode studied in is larger than 9.2%. In contrast, when the multi-loop
this article is caused by the interactions between grid-forming droop control is used, the system loses stability once the
inverters, which is mainly affected by the coupling reactance P– f droop is larger than 2.3%, as shown in Fig. 7(b). This
X L and P– f droop gains. Therefore, Cases I and II only comparison shows that the single-loop droop control can
present the results of how L 1 , L 2 , and P– f droop gain allow a much larger P– f droop gain without losing stability.
affect the stability. In addition, inappropriate parameters of This difference can be attributed to the different values of
the inner controllers can also cause poor dynamic performance X L caused by the two controls. Specifically, the value of
and instability. However, those results should be attributed to X L is too small when using the multi-loop droop control,
inappropriate selection of parameters for the inner controllers, deteriorating the control effect of droop control.
and hence should not be used for comparison. The comparative As introduced in Section II, a properly designed X L is crit-
studies in Cases I and II are based on well-designed parameters ical for droop control to be effective. Therefore, a P– f droop
of the inner controllers for both controls. A detailed discussion gain versus filter inductance 2-D eigenvalue scan is performed,
of how the parameters of the inner controllers are chosen and and approximate linear stability boundaries are obtained.
how they influence the stability is provided in Section VIII. Fig. 8(a) and (b) shows the P– f droop versus L 1 boundaries
for both controls. As shown in Fig. 8(a), when using the
VI. C ASE I: L 1 > L 2 single-loop droop control for both inverters, the increase in
In Case I, L 1 is selected as 0.06 pu and L 2 is selected as L 1 allows a larger P– f droop gain to maintain stability. This
0.01 pu for both inverters, as shown in Fig. 6(a). With this filter is because L 1 is counted for X L when using the single-loop
configuration, according to Fig. 2(c), the value of X L should droop control, as shown in Fig. 6(b). In contrast, when using
be 0.07 pu (L 1 + L 2 = 0.07) when using a single-loop droop the multi-loop droop control, the variation in L 1 does not
control, resulting in an overall X/R ratio of 4 for the microgrid. affect the stability boundary, as shown in Fig. 8(b). This is
In contrast, according to Fig. 2(d), the value of X L should be because the fast inner voltage and current loops of the multi-
0.01 pu (L 2 = 0.01) when a using multi-loop droop control, loop droop control compensate for the function of L 1 as a
resulting in an overall X/R ratio of 1 for the microgrid. Again, coupling reactance, so its variation does not have an impact
only L 2 should be counted for X L when using the multi-loop on X L .
droop control, and the fast inner voltage and current control Fig. 9(a) and (b) shows the P– f droop versus L 2 boundaries
loops compensate for the coupling reactance function of L 1 . for both controls. The increase in L 2 results in a larger P– f
To guarantee fast control of the filter capacitor voltage when droop to maintain stability for both controls. In conclusion,

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Fig. 8. P– f droop versus L 1 small-signal stability boundary, Case I.

(a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control.

Fig. 11. Case I, 3% P– f droop. Pset1 increases from 0.5 to 1 pu at

t = 0.1 s. (a) and (b) P and Q when using the single-loop droop control.
(c) and (d) P and Q when using the multi-loop droop control.

B. Simulation
Fig. 9. P– f droop versus L 2 small-signal stability boundary, Case I.
(a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control. Fig. 10(a)–(d) shows both the PSCAD and HiL simulation
results when the 1% P– f droop is used for both controls.
It can be seen that the PSCAD simulation results match well
with the HiL simulation results, verifying the correctness of
both models. As shown in Fig. 10(a) and (b), when using
the single-loop droop control for both inverters, the output
active power and reactive power of each inverter quickly reach
steady state within 0.1 s, showing a good dynamic response.
In contrast, when using the multi-loop droop control for
both inverters, although remaining stable, there are significant
oscillations during transient, as shown in Fig. 10(c) and (d).
As discussed in Section III, this is because even with the same
LCL filter, the inverter has a much smaller X L when using the
multi-loop droop control, resulting in a less-damped dynamic
response of the system.
Fig. 11(a)–(d) shows both the PSCAD and HiL simula-
tion results when the P– f droop is increased to 3% for
both controls. Fig. 11(a) and (b) shows that the microgrid
remains stable when using the single-loop droop control, while
Fig. 10. Case I, 1% P– f droop. Pset1 increases from 0.5 to 1 pu at Fig. 11(c) and (d) shows that the microgrid loses stability
t = 0.1 s. (a) and (b) P and Q when using the single-loop droop control. when using the multi-loop droop control. It is important to
(c) and (d) P and Q when using the multi-loop droop control. note that many small-size off-the-shelf synchronous generators
have a fixed 4%–5% governor droop [35]. This indicates that
the inverters should have a 4%–5% P– f droop if they are
the results in Figs. 8 and 9 verify the insight provided in required to share loads with synchronous generators in the
Section III that both L 1 and L 2 must be counted for X L when microgrids. Therefore, the value of L 2 needs to be increased
using the single-loop droop control, while only L 2 is counted to allow a higher droop gain without losing stability when
for X L when using the multi-loop droop control. The “×” and using the multi-loop droop control.
“♦” symbols in Figs. 8 and 9 are tied to the simulation results Fig. 12 shows the currents of Inverter 2 of the HiL test
presented Section VI-B in Figs. 10 and 11. Note that the gains results when using the multi-loop droop control with a 3%
of the inner voltage and current loops of the multi-loop droop P– f droop. After the disturbance, the currents are distorted
control are kept the same during the eigenvalue scan, as they and cannot maintain stability.
are designed large enough to guarantee fast control of the filter By comparing the small-signal analysis and simulation,
capacitor voltage when L 1 changes from 0.01 to 0.12 pu. The it can be seen that the small-signal analysis has accurately
parameter of the inner voltage loop of the single-loop droop predicted the simulation results. As indicated by the green
control kiv is also kept the same during the scan. “×” symbols in Figs. 8(a) and 9(a), the microgrid is stable

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Fig. 12. Three-phase currents of Inverter 2 when using the multi-loop droop Fig. 14. Traces of eigenvalues as the P– f droop gain increases, Case II.
control with 3% P– f droop. (a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control.

Fig. 15. P– f droop versus L 1 small-signal stability boundary, Case II.

(a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control.

Fig. 13. Circuits for Case II. (a) Studied microgrid. (b) Equivalent circuit of decrease in the value of L 1 results in a significant increase in
the inverter with the single-loop droop control. (c) Equivalent circuit of the
inverter with the multi-loop droop control.
the bandwidth of the inner control loops, which is close to the
PWM switching frequency, and hence causes high-frequency
instability. Therefore, the gains of the inner voltage and current
when both inverters use the single-loop droop control with loops are reduced to half of the gains used in Case I to avoid
a 1% P– f droop, which agrees with the simulation results high-frequency instability. However, the gains are still large
in Fig. 10(a) and (b). Similarly, the green “×” sym- enough to guarantee fast control of the filter capacitor voltage
bols in Figs. 8(b) and 9(b) predict the stable simula- when using the multi-loop droop control. On the other hand,
tion results in Fig. 10(c) and (d). The green “♦” sym- for the single-loop droop control, the parameter of the inner
bols in Figs. 8(a) and 9(a) predict the stable simulation voltage loop, kiv , is kept the same with Case I, as it does not
results in Fig. 11(a) and (b), and the red “♦” symbols cause any high-frequency instability.
in Figs. 8(b) and 9(b) predict the unstable simulation results
in Fig. 11(c) and (d). Both small-signal analysis and simulation A. Small-Signal Analysis
show that the single-loop droop control has a larger stability Fig. 14(a) and (b) shows the traces of eigenvalues as the
boundary and a better dynamic performance in this case. P– f droop gain increases when the two controls are used.
With the values of L 1 and L 2 switched, the two droop
VII. C ASE II: L 1 < L 2 controls exhibit similar small-signal stability characteristics.
In Case II, the values of L 1 and L 2 are switched, with By comparing Figs. 7(a) and 14(a), it can be seen that when
L 1 equal to 0.01 pu and L 2 equal to 0.06 pu, as shown in using the single-loop droop control, the switch of L 1 and L 2
Fig. 13(a). The filter configuration results in a similar coupling does not change the small-signal stability. This is because the
reactance X L for both droop controls, as shown in Fig. 13(b) value of X L is not changed when using the single-loop droop
and (c). When using the single-loop droop control, X L is control. In contrast, by comparing Figs. 7(b) and 14(b), it can
still 0.07 pu (L 1 + L 2 = 0.07), while X L is increased to be seen that the switch of L 1 and L 2 results in a much larger
0.06 pu (L 2 = 0.06) when using the multi-loop droop control, P– f droop gain to maintain stability when using the multi-
much larger than the value in Case I. The following small- loop droop control. The maximum P– f droop gain to maintain
signal analysis and simulations show that the similar value stability is increased from 2.3% to 8.4%. This is because the
of X L results in a similar dynamic response and stability switch of L 1 and L 2 results in a much larger X L for the multi-
characteristics for both controls. loop droop control.
It should be noted that for the multi-loop droop control, Fig. 15(a) and (b) shows the P– f droop versus L 1 bound-
instability with a high-frequency oscillation is observed in the aries for both controls. Being similar to Fig. 8(a) and (b),
HiL experiment when using the same gains of the inner voltage when the single-loop droop control is used, the increase in
and current loops as those in Case I. This is because the L 1 results in a larger P– f droop gain to maintain stability,

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Fig. 16. P– f droop versus L 2 small-signal stability boundary, Case II.

(a) Single-loop droop control. (b) Multi-loop droop control.

Fig. 18. Case II, 3% P– f droop. Pset1 increases from 0.5 to 1 pu at

t = 0.1 s. (a) and (b) P and Q when using the single-loop droop control.
(c) and (d) P and Q when using the multi-loop droop control.

and after switching the values of L 1 and L 2 when using the

single-loop droop control. In contrast, by comparing the results
shown in Fig. 17(c) and (d) in Case II and the results shown
in Fig. 10(c) and (d) in Case I, it can be seen that the damping
is significantly improved in Case II. This is because the value
of X L is significantly improved after switching the values of
L 1 and L 2 when using the multi-loop droop control. Further-
more, by comparing the results shown in Fig. 17(a) and (b)
Fig. 17. Case II, 1% P– f droop. Pset1 increases from 0.5 to 1 pu at and the results shown in Fig. 17(c) and (d), it can be seen
t = 0.1 s. (a) and (b) P and Q when using the single-loop droop control. that the use of the single-loop droop control and multi-loop
(c) and (d) P and Q when using the multi-loop droop control. droop control results in a similar dynamic performance due
to a similar X L value. The results in Fig. 17(c) and (d) are
slightly less damped than the results in Fig. 17(a) and (b). This
and when the multi-loop droop control is used, the variation
is because the value of X L is 0.06 pu when using the multi-
in L 1 does not affect the stability boundary. The boundaries
loop droop control, which is slightly smaller than the value
shown in Fig. 15(a) and (b) are higher than the boundaries
of X L when using the single-loop droop control (0.07 pu).
shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b). This is because in Case II,
In addition, the different reactive power distributions in steady
L 2 is fixed at 0.06 pu when L 1 changes, while in Case I,
state can be attributed to the slight difference in the Q–V
L 2 is fixed at 0.01 pu when L 1 changes. Fig. 16(a) and (b)
droop controls between the single-loop and multi-loop droop
shows the P– f droop versus L 2 boundaries for both controls.
No matter which control is used, the increase in L 2 can
Fig. 18(a) and (b) shows both the PSCAD and HiL simula-
increase the stability boundaries. Again, these small-signal
tion results when the P– f droop is increased to 3% for both
stability boundaries verify the insight provided in Section III.
controls. Both controls have a similar dynamic performance
The three symbols “×,” “♦,” and “+” in Figs. 15 and 16 are
due to a similar value of X L . In addition, by comparing the
tied to the simulation results in Figs. 17–19. Note that the
results shown in Fig. 18(a) and (b) in Case II, and the results
parameters of the inner controllers are kept the same for both
shown in Fig. 11(a) and (b) in Case I, it can be seen that
controls during the eigenvalue scan.
reversing the values of L 1 and L 2 does not affect the dynamic
performance when using the single-loop droop control. In con-
B. Simulation trast, by comparing the results shown in Fig. 18(c) and (d) in
Fig. 17(a)–(d) shows both the PSCAD and HiL simulation Case II, and the results shown in Fig. 11(c) and (d) in Case I,
results when 1% P– f droop is used for both controls. Again, it can be seen that reversing the values of L 1 and L 2 results in
the PSCAD simulation results match very well with the HiL a change in stability when using the multi-loop droop control
simulation results, and hence verify the accuracy of both due to a different value of X L .
simulation approaches. To achieve a more rigorous validation, the P– f droop is
By comparing the results shown in Fig. 17(a) and (b) in further increased to 9% for both controls. As predicted by the
Case II and the results shown in Fig. 10(a) and (b) in Case I, “+” symbol in Figs. 15 and 16, the single-loop droop control
it can be seen that the dynamic performances are basically the should still maintain stability, while the multi-loop droop con-
same. This is because the value of X L remains the same before trol should cause instability. The simulation results in Fig. 19

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Fig. 20. Case I, 1% P– f droop. Traces of eigenvalues as kiv increases from

1 to 10 pu/s when using the single-loop droop control. (a) Low-frequency
oscillation mode. (b) High-frequency oscillation mode.

that the damping of the high-frequency oscillation modes that

are relevant to the LCL filters is sufficient, even with the
resistances of the LCL filters ignored. The change in kiv within
Fig. 19. Case II, 9% P– f droop. Pset1 increases from 0.5 to 1 pu at
t = 0.1 s. (a) and (b) P and Q when using the single-loop droop control. this range does not affect the high-frequency oscillation modes
(c) and (d) P and Q when using the multi-loop droop control. either.
In contrast, the parameter design of the inner controllers
for the multi-loop droop control is more challenging, as it
have verified the prediction. As shown in Fig. 19(a) and (b), has a cascaded voltage and current loop, and hence more
the single-loop droop control maintains stability, but the damp- parameters. According to the introduction in Section III-B,
ing is very weak as it is close to the stability boundary. the inner voltage and current loops should guarantee fast
In contrast, as shown in Fig. 19(c) and (d), the micro- control of the filter capacitor voltage because they treat the
grid loses stability when using the multi-loop droop control, filter capacitor voltage as a controllable voltage source. In this
which agrees with the small-signal stability boundaries shown article, the selection of the parameters of the inner voltage
in Figs. 15(b) and 16(b). Finally, by comparing the small- and current loops comprehensively uses bandwidth calculation,
signal boundaries in Figs. 15 and 16 and the simulation results time-domain simulation, and eigenvalue analysis. In Case I,
in Figs. 17–19, it can be seen that the small-signal analysis the parameters of the current loop are selected as kip = 2 pu
has accurately predicted the stability of the simulation results. and kii = 100 pu/s to yield a bandwidth of 2 kHz, which allows
a fast current tracking. Similarly, the bandwidth calculation
VIII. D ISCUSSION : T HE I MPACT OF THE PARAMETERS can also be used to design the parameters of the voltage loop.
OF I NNER C ONTROLLERS ON S YSTEM S TABILITY However, it is found that the bandwidth calculation is not
The comparative studies in Cases I and II are based on well- sufficient to design the parameters for voltage loop because the
designed parameters of the inner controllers for both single- voltage loop is directly affected by the outer droop controls.
loop and multi-loop droop controls. However, inappropriate The parameters were originally selected as kvp = 2 pu/s and
parameters of the inner controllers can also cause instability. kvi = 40 pu/s to yield a bandwidth of 725 Hz, which was
This section introduces how the parameters of the inner thought to be good enough for voltage tracking. However, the
controllers are selected for both controls and discusses how simulation results show poor dynamic performance with the
they influence the dynamic performance and stability. selected gains, as presented in Fig. 21(a) and (b). Therefore,
For the single-loop droop control, as shown in Fig. 2(a), the eigenvalue analysis of the whole microgrid is performed
there is only one voltage loop and one parameter kiv that to study how the parameters kvp and kvi impact the dynamic
needs to be considered. As introduced in Section III-A, the performance and stability.
control objective of the voltage loop is to regulate the grid- Fig. 22(a) and (b) shows the traces of eigenvalues as kvp
side voltage magnitude to guarantee that it has a prede- increases from 2 to 40 pu with a step of 2 pu, where kvi /kvp
fined Q–V droop characteristic in steady state. As a result, is fixed at 20. When kvp and kvi are selected as 2 pu and
the response of the voltage loop does not need to be very 40 pu/s, as shown in Fig. 22(a), although the bandwidth of the
fast, and a time constant between 0.1 and 0.3 s would be voltage loop is 725 Hz, the system damping and oscillation fre-
enough. During load transients, the inverter internal voltage quency are very low, which agrees with the simulation results
magnitude E inv is approximately constant, and X L limits the in Fig. 21. The poor dynamic performance in Fig. 21 should
circulating reactive power between inverters. In this article, kiv be attributed to inappropriate parameter design, and hence is
is selected as 5.86 pu/s, indicating a time constant of 0.17 s. not used for the comparison in Case I. By increasing the gains
Fig. 20(a) and (b) shows the eigenvalue traces as kiv increases of kvp and kvi , it can be seen in Fig. 22(a) that the damping
from 1 to 10 pu/s. It can be seen in Fig. 20(a) that the pair and oscillation frequency increase rapidly at first, but then
of eigenvalues that dominates the system oscillation mode is gradually slow down. When kvp increases from 20 to 40 pu/s,
hardly moved, indicating that the variation in kiv within this the damping is only slightly improved. On the other side,
range hardly affects the stability. In addition, Fig. 20(b) shows as shown in Fig. 22(b), as the gains of kvp and kvi increase,

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Fig. 23. Case I, 1% P– f droop. Three-phase output voltages of Inverter 1

Fig. 21. The same simulation results with those in Fig. 10(c) and (d) when the gains of kvp and kvi increase from 20 pu and 400 pu/s to 40 pu
but with the gains of kvp and kvi reduced to 1/10, where kvp = 2 pu, and 800 pu/s as 0.05 s.
kvi = 40 pu/s. (a) Active power P. (b) Reactive power Q.
gains of kvp and kvi . However, the dynamic performance
in Fig. 10(c) and (d) is still not as good as in Fig. 10(a) and (b).
This is mainly caused by the difference in the control struc-
tures between the single-loop and multi-loop droop controls,
rather than the design of the inner controller parameters.
Specifically, it is because of the difference in X L that is caused
by the two controls, as discussed in previous sections.

This article has presented a comparative study of the impact
of two widely used grid-forming droop controls on the small-
Fig. 22. Case I, 1% P– f droop. Traces of eigenvalues as kvp increases from
signal stability of inverter-based microgrids. More importantly,
2 to 40 pu when using the multi-loop droop control, where kvi /kvp is fixed a novel insight is provided into the different dynamic responses
at 20. (a) Low-frequency oscillation mode. (b) High-frequency oscillation of these two controls. This article points out that the two
similar controls adjust the angular frequency and voltage
magnitude at different locations within the inverter, resulting in
the oscillation frequencies of the four pairs of eigenvalues a different X L that impacts the dynamic response and stability
that are far away from the imaginary axis increase from of microgrids differently. The results of the full-order small-
around 750 Hz to around 6 kHz. Although the four pairs signal analysis, offline electromagnetic transient simulation,
of eigenvalues are far away from the imaginary axis, they and real-time HiL simulation experiments have verified the
might interact with the PWM high-frequency switching and insight and demonstrated that the microgrid has a larger small-
cause high-frequency instability if their oscillation frequencies signal stability boundary when using a single-loop droop
are too high. The small-signal model developed in this article control, and the difference in the stability boundary increases
can reflect the high-frequency oscillation modes, but it cannot as the value of an inverter’s inner inductance increases.
predict the high-frequency instability for the multi-loop droop Compared with the multi-loop droop control, the single-
control because it ignores the PWM high-frequency switching. loop droop control has a simpler control structure and also
As shown in Fig. 23, the high-frequency instability appears in provides a better dynamic performance in microgrids. The
the HiL simulation when the gains of kvp and kvi are increased study results advance the understanding of how to design
to 40 pu and 800 pu/s, respectively. grid-forming droop controls to improve the dynamic response
According to the work in [36], the high-frequency instability and stability of microgrids. Specifically, when designing grid-
shown in Fig. 23 can be considered as harmonic instability, forming droop controls, close attention should be paid to the
which is out of the scope of this article. Based on the location where the controller regulates the voltage magnitude
eigenvalue analysis and the HiL simulation results, the gains and angular frequency within the inverter, as it will directly
of kvp and kvi are finally selected as 20 pu and 400 pu/s, result in a different X L that impacts the stability of microgrids
respectively, for Case I to guarantee good damping of the in a different way.
oscillation mode shown in Fig. 22(a), while at the same time Future work should include the following: 1) develop
avoiding the high-frequency instability when implementing the reduced-order models for both types of controls that can accu-
control in a digital controller, as shown in Fig. 23. A similar rately predict the stability of microgrids and 2) investigate new
process is conducted for Case II to select the parameters. grid-forming controls that can further improve the stability of
By comparing the results in Fig. 10(c) and (d) to the microgrids in both normal operations and fault scenarios based
results in Fig. 21(a) and (b), it can be seen that the dynamic on the in-depth understanding of the two basic grid-forming
performance is significantly improved after increasing the droop controls studied in this article.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [21] X. Lu, J. Wang, J. Guerrero, and D. Zhao, “Virtual-impedance-based

fault current limiters for inverter dominated AC microgrids,” IEEE
The authors would like to thank the Wisconsin Electric Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1599–1612, May 2018.
Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC) [22] A. Paquette, “Power quality and inverter-generator interactions in micro-
grids,” Ph.D. dissertation, School Elect. Comput. Eng., Georgia Inst.
and the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI) for use of their Technol., Atlanta, GA, USA, 2014.
laboratory facilities including OPAL-RT for the HiL testing [23] P. Vorobev, P.-H. Huang, M. A. Hosani, J. L. Kirtley, and K. Turitsyn,
work. The authors wish to thank Mr. Dan Ton with the U.S. “High-fidelity model order reduction for microgrids stability assess-
ment,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 874–887, Jan. 2018.
Department of Energy, Office of Electricity, for funding this [24] J. Choi, A. Khalsa, D. A. Klapp, M. S. Illindala, and K. Subramaniam,
research. “Survivability of synchronous generator-based distributed energy
resources for transient overload conditions in a microgrid,” IEEE Trans.
Ind. Appl., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 5717–5726, Nov./Dec. 2018.
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for inverters in microgrids with synchronous generators,” IEEE Trans. B.S. degree in electrical engineering and automation
Ind. Appl., vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 1630–1638, Mar./Apr. 2015. from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
[18] M. C. Pulcherio et al., “Evaluation of control methods to prevent Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 2012, and the M.S.
collapse of a mixed-source microgrid,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 52, degree in electrical engineering from the University
no. 6, pp. 4566–4576, Nov./Dec. 2016. of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA, in 2016,
[19] W. Du, Q. Jiang, M. J. Erickson, and R. H. Lasseter, “Voltage-source where she is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
control of PV inverter in a CERTS microgrid,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., in electrical engineering under the supervision of
vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1726–1734, Aug. 2014. Prof. T. M. Jahns and Prof. R. H. Lasseter.
[20] H. Mahmood and J. Jiang, “Autonomous coordination of multiple Her current research interests include modeling,
PV/battery hybrid units in islanded microgrids,” IEEE Trans. Smart analysis, and control of renewable energy sources,
Grid, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 6359–6368, Nov. 2018. microgrids, power electronics, and electric machines drives.

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Kevin P. Schneider (Senior Member, IEEE) Sai Pushpak Nandanoori (Member, IEEE) received
received the B.S. degree in physics and the M.S. the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. India, in 2009, the M.S. degree in electrical
He is currently with the Seattle Research Center, engineering from the IIT Madras, Chennai,
Seattle. He is also a Chief Engineer with the India, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, engineering from Iowa State University, Ames, IA,
WA, USA. He is also an Adjunct Faculty Member USA, in 2018.
with Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Since March 2018, he has been an Electrical
USA; also an Affiliate Associate Professor with Engineer with the Pacific Northwest National
the University of Washington; and also a Licensed Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA. His
Professional Engineer with Washington State. His current research interests current research interests include the stability of inverter-based microgrids,
include distribution system analysis and power system operations. effective utilization of distributed energy resources (DERs) to provide grid
Dr. Schneider is the Past Chair of the Power and Energy Society (PES) services, system theoretic-based analysis of cyber-physical systems, and
Distribution System Analysis (DSA) Sub-Committee and the Current Chair phase space analysis of nonlinear systems based on Koopman operator theory.
of the Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Committee.

Francis K. Tuffner (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical

engineering from the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA.
He is currently a Power System Engineer with the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA. His current research interests
include distribution system modeling, microgrids, resilience on the power
system, oscillatory behavior in power systems, and signal processing applied
to power systems.

Robert H. Lasseter (Life Fellow, IEEE) received

the Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, in 1971. Soumya Kundu (Member, IEEE) received the bach-
He was a Consulting Engineer with General elor’s degree in electrical engineering and the mas-
Electric Co., Boston, MA, USA. In 1980, he joined ter’s degree in control systems engineering from
the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, in 2009, and the
USA. He is internationally recognized as one of Ph.D. degree in control systems from the University
the earliest and most influential pioneers in the of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,
microgrid field. His professional career during the in 2013.
past 40 years has been dedicated to applying power He was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with
electronics to utility systems. He is the Technical the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos,
Lead for the Consortium for Electrical Reliability Technology Solutions’ NM, USA. In 2016, he joined the Pacific Northwest
(CERTS) Microgrid Project. CERTS’s microgrid architecture is widely imple- National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA, as a Staff
mented and recognized for its plug-and-play flexibility. Research Engineer. His current research interests include developing systems
Prof. Lasseter is the Past Chair of the IEEE Working Group on Distributed theoretic tools to facilitate dynamic security and operational optimality of
Resources and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in distributed resources. future electrical grids.

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