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nC CONTE + Acontract is a potential agreement, oral or written, enforceable by using the law. * A quasi-contract is a retroactive association between two event no previous obligations to one another. + It is a contract created by means of a court’s order in the absence of any agreement between the parties. * Sections 68 — 72 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 detail five circumstances under which a Quasi contract comes to exist. y Quasi Contracts * Doctrine of quasi-contracts: Unjust enrichment means that an individual shall not be allowed to enrich himself at the expense of unknown parties. Quantum meruit or “the actual value of services operate” determines the amount to be paid for services when no contract exists or when there is doubt as to the amount due for the work carried out but achieved under instances when charges ought to be expected. Quasi Contracts supply of Necessities to I ble Persons (Section 68): If a person supplies 1. Supply of Necess the condition in life of such a person, then he can get reimbursement from the property of the incapable person. Way of a Fascinated Character (Section 69): If a person the aaa oy eeate else's behalf which the other person is bound by Ew to pay, then he is entitled to reimbursement by the other person. 3. Obligation to Pay Gratuitous Non-Acts (section 70): A person lawfully doing Something or delivering something to someone without the intention of doing so uitously and the other person enjoying the benefits of the act done or goods a peat, the cthespet is liable to pay companies to the former for the act, or goods received. This compensation can be in mot the other person can, if possible, restore the thing done or delivered. oe — Quasi Contracts Pr “scoot lection 7p 2 person eis saat sates them into his custody then BE 4. that belong to someone else ar the following + Take care of the goods as a pe! * No right to appropriate the goods + Restore the goods to the owner (if found) rson of regular prudence i or Coercion (section 72): fa person, 5, payment of Delivery vi Mist oe {2 Eeliable to repay or return it. indian Contract Act, of 1872, that contract between a concept under the \ i ere is no express OF implied ligation on one party to pay the other party. ct” or “implied-in-law contract.” hment of one party at + Quasi-contracts are ‘overns situations where thi forties but still imposes an © * Itis also known as a “constructive contra « This type of contract arises to prevent unjust enricl the expense of the other party. * Quasi-contracts are based on the princi i an than a mutual agreement the ae and justice, rather i> = Govt. as a contracting party it eich one ofthe parties s the Goversment: TBE ‘contract. | As the same suggests a Government ss Aste pia he Central Government mayb the Paty 8 vie onernent oars ae made ine mame of President Of followed therefore a person could not file 2 claim against the Crown for a contract. A person is if it was accepted then 2 royal fiat was Se Ge ac ence io mt is at wa on 2 ig and ee SY person had no recourse for his claim. rarer ier, te cown Precedings Act ws intodzed and this act removed he baron tbe HSE sa a Crorntd ane the Crown can be sed ina ordinary cour for enforcement of = contrat abject to some exceptions which have been provided in contracts. In India, the Contracts can be entered by express. as wel as an implied agreement but i ‘cases of Government Ln i ply cmt ce 29s we llowed a formalities which are required have to be fulfilled for the formation of such contracts. Govt. as a contracting party + Aut 299 cuts he amnion made im he exercise of he easetve poms of We + I aims to establish a specific procedure to safeguard public funds and prevent unauthorized or illegitimate contracts. . ert rel 2), conn mt pening and ane by «pan Sly ei held liable for contracts, it + While Article 299(2) states that the President or the Governor cannot be Goes not grant immunity to the government from the legal provisions of the contract. + The government (Union or states) in India can be sued for torts (civil wrongs) committed by its officials. Standard form contracts « gumiad form of contrat in ay-man term means "ke | ofeontract the other party is not in sti vo negotiate with the terms and condition, con ay jst have the option of either enter into the ‘about the contract. «the fundamental ight to negotiate i fected by this OPS OF type of contract are known as adhesion or 2 + Most common typeof standard form of contracts ar insurance Cooper? aie sce machine signing up for your e-mail social networking sites, ct ee. —— ~~ Breach of contract “mt cnc enc oe ps as pf he EUG fe terms and conditions of the contract. money in such cases. «The other party can sue the party that caused the breach foe The a PY Tan approche cout and ak the court to force the oer POSS -s to perform as : Breach of contract is of the following types: 1 Anticipatory breach of contract. 2.Actual breach of contract. Breach of contract «+ Actual Breach of Contract i ‘When one of the incon resin prio th promise 00 Se s is ‘contract by refusing their ‘on the due date, have breach. fhe com pany n their Promest of action against nave commas breached the contract. + Material Breach rial breach of hen a party's failure their aco that et ae ua ee obligations, is 9 This f breac! ype of fs + usually justifies the nos-breaching party's termination of the contract and the Breach of contract ‘Act, 1872 deals with - _ eee Gaseqaences of breach of he

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