ICSE 10 -Chapter 3A- Acids, Bases and Salts

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1. Which of the following methods A, B, C, D or E is generally used for preparing the chloride listed
below from (i) to (v). Answer by writing down the chloride and the letter pertaining to the
corresponding method. Each letter is to be used only once. [ICSE 2002]
(A) Action of an acid on a metal
(B) Action of an acid on an oxide or carbonate
(C) Direct combination
(D) Neutralization of an alkali by an acid
(E) Precipitation (double decomposition)
(i) Copper (II) chloride
(ii) Iron (II) chloride
(iii) Iron (III) chloride
(iv) Lead (II) chloride
(v) Sodium chloride

2. Two solutions X and Y have pH values of 3 and 9 respectively. Which one of these two will give a
pink colour with phenolphthalein indicator?

3. What is observed when, neutral litmus solution is added to sodium hydrogen carbonate

4. State how would you obtain:

(i) Sulphuric acid from an acidic oxide
(ii) KOH from a basic oxide.

5. Give balanced equations for the preparation of the following salts:

(a) Copper (II) oxide → Copper (II) sulphate Copper (II) hydroxide
(b) Calcium oxide → Calcium chloride → Calcium carbonate
(c) Zinc sulphate  Zn → Zinc sulphide
(d) Lead (II) oxide → Lead nitrate → Lead sulphate
(e) Iron (II) chloride  Fe → Iron (III) chloride

6. Name the ion other than ammonium ion formed when ammonia dissolves in water.

7. Acids dissolve in water to produce positively charged ion. Draw the structure of this ion.

8. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

An acid is a compound which when dissolved in water forms hydronium ions as the only
(1)_________ ions. A base is a compound which if soluble in water contains (2) _______ ions. A
base reacts with an acid to form a (D) _______ and water only. This type of reaction is known as
(4) ________. [ICSE 2003]

9. Give two examples of hygroscopic substances.

10. Name the following:

(a) A basic solution which does not contain a metallic element.
(b) An alkali which on dissociation produces a high concentration of hydroxyl ions.
(c) A complex salt solution used for testing a basic gas lighter than air.
(d) A base which reacts with hydrochloric acid to give a salt which on hydrolysis gives a slightly
acidic solution.
(e) An ion which combines with a polar covalent molecule to form ammonium ion.

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ICSE 10-Acids Bases Salts Aparna’s Classes
11. Write balanced equations to satisfy each statement:
(a) Acid + Sulphide → Salt + Hydrogen sulphide
(b) Acid + Active metal → Salt + Hydrogen
(c) Acid + Base → Salt + Water
(d) Acid + Chloride → Salt + Hydrochloric acid gas
(e) Acid + Carbonate → Salt + Water + Carbon dioxide
(f) Acid + Sulphite → Salt + Water + Sulphur dioxide

12. What do you understand by an alkali? Give two examples of (a) Stong alkalies (b) Weak alkalies.

13. Give one example in each case:

(i) Oxy acid
(ii) Hydracid
(iii) Monobasic acid
(iv) Dibasic acid
(v) Tribasic acid
(vi) Triacid base

14. Write the ionisation of sulphuric acid showing the formation of hydronium ion.

15. The preparation of lead sulphate from lead carbonate is a two-step process. (Lead sulphate
cannot be prepared by adding dilute sulphuric acid to lead carbonate).
(i) What is the first step that is required to prepare lead sulphate from lead carbonate?
(ii) Write the equation for the reaction that will take place when this first step is carried out.
(iii) Why is the direct addition of dilute sulphuric acid to lead carbonate is impractical
method of preparing lead sulphate? [ICSE 2005]

16. Write the equations for the lab preparation of the following salts using sulphuric acid.
(i) Iron (II) sulphate from iron
(ii) Sodium sulphate from sodium carbonate

17. State your observation with an equation on mixing a solution of CaCl2 with a solution of Na2CO3.

18. A solution of iron (III) chloride has pH less than 7. Is the solution acidic or alkaline?

19. Write chemical equations for the conversions as shown below with the help of diagram:

Reaction A: ZnSO4 → ZnCO3

Reaction B: ZnCO3 → Zn (NO3)2
Reaction C: Zn (NO3)2 → Zn (OH) 2
Reaction D: Zn (OH)2 → ZnO
Reaction E: ZnCO3 → ZnO
Reaction F: ZnO → ZnSO4

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20. From the following formulae AgCl, CuCO3, CuSO4.5H2O, KNO3, NaCl, NaHSO4, Pb(NO3)2, ZnCO3,
Choose one in each case having the following descriptions:
(i) An acid salt
(ii) An insoluble chloride
(iii) Changes from blue to white on treating with conc.H2SO4.
(iv) Changes from green to black on heating
(v) Gives nitrogen dioxide on heating.

21. (a). What is the pH of pure water?

(b). What is the purpose of pH scale?
(c). ‘A’ is a soluble acidic oxide, ‘B’ is a soluble base. On comparing to pH of water what will
be the pH of
(i) solution A,
(ii) a solution of B?

22. Suggest a suitable method for the preparation of salts A, B, C and D related to the descriptions
given below:
(a) A is a sodium salt
(b) B is an insoluble salt
(c) C is a soluble salt of magnesium
(d) D is a soluble salt of copper
Do not give details of the procedure employed, but write an appropriate equation for each salt.

23. Answer the questions below, relating your answers only to salts in the following list: Sodium
chloride, anhydrous calcium chloride, copper sulphate-5-water
(a) What name is given to the water in the compound, copper sulphate-5-water?
(b) If copper sulphate-5-water is heated, anhydrous copper sulphate is formed. What is the
(c) By what means other than heating, could you dehydrate copper sulphate-5-water and obtain
anhydrous copper sulphate?
(d) Which one of the salts in the given list is deliquescent?

24. M is an element in the form of powder. M burns in oxygen and the product is soluble in water.
The solution is tested with litmus. Write down only the word which will correctly complete each
of the following sentences.
(i) If M is a metal, then the litmus will turn ________.
(ii) If M is a non-metal, then the litmus will turn ________.
(iii) If M is a reactive metal, then _____ will be evolved when M reacts with dilute sulphuric
(iv) If M is a metal, it will form ______ oxide, which will form _______ solution with water.
(v) If M is a non-metal, it will not conduct electricity in form _______.

25. How are the following conversions brought about, write briefly in words and give chemical
equations involved.

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Reaction A: CuSO4 → CuCO3
Reaction B: CuSO4 → Cu(OH)2
Reaction C: Cu(OH)2 → CuO
Reaction D: CuCO3 → CuO
Reaction E: CuO → CuSO4

26. Write equations for the preparation of following salts in the laboratory:
(i) Iron (III) chloride
(ii) Zinc sulphate
(iii) Sodium sulphate
(iv) Lead (II) chloride
(v) Copper sulphate
(vi) Calcium carbonate [ICSE 2001]

27. For each of the salt: A, B, C and D suggest a suitable method of its preparation:
(a) A is a soluble salt
(b) B is an insoluble salt
(c) C is a soluble salt of copper
(d) D is a soluble salt of zinc

28. Name the following:

(a) Two bases which are not alkalies
(b) A normal salt and an acid salt of the same acid.
(c) A salt insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water

29. The pH value of pure water is 7. Compare The pH values of sulphur dioxide solution and
ammonia solution with that of pure water.

a) A solution has a pH of 7. Explain how you would
(i) increase its pH,
(ii) decrease its pH.
b) If a solution changes the colour of litmus from red to blue, what can you say about its pH?
c) What can you say about the pH of a solution that liberates CO2 from sodium carbonate?

31. How are the following conversions carried out? Give balanced equations only.

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a) Reaction A: Fe → FeS
Reaction B: FeS → FeCl2
Reaction C: FeCl2 → Fe(OH)2
Reaction D: Fe(OH)2 → FeO
Reaction E : FeS → H2S
Reaction F: FeCl2 → FeCO3
Reaction G: FeCO3 → FeO
b) Reaction A: Zn → ZnS
Reaction B: ZnS → ZnSO4
Reaction C: ZnSO4 → Zn(OH)2
Reaction D: Zn(OH)2 → ZnO
Reaction E: ZnS → H2S
Reaction F: ZnSO4 → ZnCO3
Reaction G: ZnCO3 → ZnO

32. Select from the list given below (A to F), the one substance in each case which matches the
descriptions given in parts (ii) to (vi). Copy and complete the given grid with your answers as
shown for part (i):
A- Ammonia B- Copper Oxide C-Copper Sulphate D-Hydrogen Chloride
E- Hydrogen Sulphide F-Lead Bromide
(i) Although this compound is not a metal hydroxide, its solution is alkaline in nature.
(ii) A solution of this compound is used as the electrolyte when copper is purified.
(iii) When this compound is electrolysed in the molten state, lead is obtained at the cathode.
(iv) This compound can be oxidised to chlorine.
(v) This compound smells of rotten eggs.
(vi) This compound can be reduced to copper when heated with coke.

[ICSE 2006]
33. The apparatus shown on page 60, is a set-up to obtain crystals of anhydrous FeCl3.

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a) A and C are concentrated acids. A is a source of chlorine and C is a drying agent identify
A and C.
b) What is the use of water in the above set up?
c) B is a black compound. Identify it.
d) What is the role of B in the set-up?
e) Write equation for reaction between A and B.
f) Write equation for the reaction between iron and chlorine.
g) What is the purpose of anhydrous calcium chloride?

34. Give one example of double salt used for purification of water.

35. Outline the steps required to convert hydrogen chloride to anhydrous iron (III) chloride. Write
the equations for the reactions which take place.

36. Name a substance which changes the blue colour of copper sulphate crystals to white.

37. Name two crystalline substances which don’t contain water of crystallisation.

38. Solution A has a pH of 12, solution B has a pH of 5 and solution C has a pH of 3.

Which solution:
a) Will liberate ammonia from ammonium sulphate on heating?
b) Is a strong acid?
c) Contains molecules as well as ions?
39. Give the name and formula of the acid salt which gives sodium ions and sulphate ions in solution.
40. Choosing only substances from the list given in the box below, write equations for the reactions
which you would used in the laboratory to obtain:
a) Sodium sulphate
b) Copper sulphate
c) Iron (II) sulphate
d) Zinc carbonate
Dilute sulphuric acid, Copper, Iron, Copper carbonate, Sodium, Zinc, Sodium Carbonate

a) Outline the steps necessary to convert insoluble lead (II) oxide into soluble lead (II)
b) If iron reacts with dilute sulphuric acid, what will be the products?
c) A solution of iron (III) chloride has a pH less than 7. Is the solution acidic or alkaline?

42. Some methods used for the laboratory preparation of salts are:
A: metal + acid;
B: carbonate + acid;
C: precipitation (double decomposition)

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D: direct combination
E: titration
State the methods of preparation i.e A, B, C, D or E for each of the following salts.
(i) Ammonium sulphate
(ii) Calcium carbonate
(iii) Iron (III) chloride
(iv) Zinc sulphate
(v) Lead nitrate

43. What is hydronium ion? Write the ionisation of hydrochloric acid showing the formation of
hydronium ion.

44. Define basicity of an acid. Give the basiciity of

(i) nitric acid
(ii) acetic acid
(iii) phosphoric acid

45. Give one example in each case:

i. A basic oxide which is soluble in water
ii. A hydroxide which is highly soluble in water
iii. A basic oxide which is insoluble in water
iv. A hydroxide which is insoluble in water
v. A weak mineral acid
vi. A base which is not an alkali
vii. An oxide which is a base
viii. A hydrogen containing compound which is not an acid

46. Anhydrous hydrogen chloride is not an acid, but its aqueous solution is a strong acid. Explain.

47. Name the ions furnished by an acid.

48. Carbonic acid gives an acid salt but hydrochloric acid does not. Explain.

49. Name a salt whose solubility first increases and then decreases with rise in temperature.

a) Classify the solutions of the following as acids, bases or salts: Ammonium hydroxide,
barium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, H2SO4 and HNO3.
b) Explain how a reagent chosen from those above enables you to distinguish between the
two acids mentioned therein. [ICSE 2001]

a) What do you understand by dibasic acid? Give an example.
b) How many type of salts does dibasic acid produce when it reacts with caustic soda
solution? Give equations.

52. Identify which of the following terms match with the appropriate descriptions 1 to 5.
A: Hydracid B: Monobasic acid C: Less volatile acid D: Weak acid E: Dibasic
acid F: More volatile acid
i. An acid having basicity 1 and having only one replaceable hydrogen ion per molecule of
the acid.
ii. An acid which dissociates to give a low concentration of H+ ions.
iii. An acid containing hydrogen and a non-metallic element other than oxygen.
iv. The type of acid which generally displaces another acid when heated with salt.

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v. The type of acid which reacts with a base to give an acid salt and a normal salt.

53. Name three classes of substances that can react with an acid to form a salt. Give an example of
each class, writing the equation that describes its reaction with suitable acid.

54. Name the following:

i. Strong acid containing chlorine.
ii. Two dibasic acids containing sulphur.
iii. Acid anhydride of sulphuric acid.
iv. Two monobasic acids containing nitrogen.

55. Give the name and formula of acid salt which gives sodium ions and sulphate ions.

56. A metal, whose alloy finds use in the construction of aircrafts, in the powdered form was added
to sodium hydroxide solution. A colourless gas was evolved and after the reaction was over, the
solution was colourless.
i. Name the powdered metal added to sodium hydroxide solution.
ii. Name the gas evolved.
iii. Name the salt present in colourless solution.

57. From the list given below, select the word (s) required to correctly complete blanks (i) to (v) in
the following passage:
Ammonia, ammonium carbonate, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydronium, hydroxide, precipitate,
salt, water.
A solution X turns blue litmus red, so it must contain_________ ions. Another solution Y turns
red litmus blue and therefore, must contain. (ii) ___________ ions. When solutions X and Y are
mixed together, the products will be a (iii) _________ and (iv) _________. If a piece of
magnesium was put into solution X, (v) _________ gas would be evolved.
[ICSE 2007]
58. Match the following:
Column A Column B
1. Acid Salt A. Sodium Potassium Carbonate
2. Mixed Salt B. Alum
3. Complex Salt C. Sodium Carbonate
4. Double Salt D. Sodium hydrogen carbonate
5. Normal Salt

59. Write balanced equations for the following reactions:

i. Lead sulphate from lead nitrate solution and dilute sulphuric acid.
ii. Copper sulphate from copper and concentrated sulphuric acid.
iii. Lead chloride from lead nitrate solution and sodium chloride solution.
iv. Ammonium sulphate from ammonia and dilute sulphuric acid.
v. Sodium chloride from sodium carbonate solution and dilute hydrochloric acid.
[ICSE 2007]
60. Give reasons for the following:
i. Zinc chloride is stored in air tight bottles.
ii. An aqueous solution of the salt ammonium chloride is acidic in nature while an aqueous
solution of sodium chloride is neutral.

61. The questions (i) to (v) refer to the following solutions listed (a) to (f).
a) Sodium carbonate solution
b) Concentrated sulphuric acid
c) Potassium iodide solution

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d) Sodium nitrate solution
e) Iron (III) chloride
f) Zinc sulphate solution
i. Which solution will liberate carbon dioxide gas on treatment with dilute nitric
ii. Which solution will form brown ring when treated with FeSO4 and conc. H2SO4?
iii. Which solution will liberate iodine on treating with chlorine?
iv. Which solution will form reddish brown precipitate with ammonium hydroxide
v. Which solution will char sugar crystals?

62. A. Ammonium dichromate B. Lead Carbonate C. Zinc nitrate

Choose the salt for the following observations from A, B and C.
1. A salt which swells up on heating to form greyish green residue.
2. A salt which on strong gives a ion residue which is yellow when hot and white when cold.
3. A salt which on strong heating gives a residue which is reddish brown when hot and yellow
when cold.

63. An element X is in the powdered state. It burns in oxygen and the product of combustion is
soluble in water. The solution of the product in water is tested with litmus solution. Write down
one word only to correctly complete the sentences below:
i. If X is a metal, then litmus solution will turn _________.
ii. If X is a non-metal, then litmus solution will turn _____________.
iii. If X is an active metal, then _________ will be evolved, when X reacts with dilute
sulphuric acid.
iv. If X is an active metal, then it will form basic oxide, which on dissolving in water will form
v. If X is a non-metal, it will not conduct electricity, unless it is carbon in the form of

64. The questions (i) to (v) refer to the following salt solutions listed A to F:
A. Copper Nitrate B. Iron (II) Sulphate C. Iron (III) Chloride D. Lead Nitrate
E. Magnesium Sulphate F. Zinc Chloride
i. Which two solutions will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute hydrochloric
acid followed by barium chloride solution?
ii. Which two solutions will give a white precipitate when treated with dilute nitric acid
followed by silver nitrate solution?
iii. Which solution will give a white precipitate when either dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute
sulphuric acid is added to it?
iv. Which solution becomes a deep/inky blue colour when excess of ammonium hydroxide
is added to it?
v. Which solution gives a white precipitate with excess ammonium hydroxide solution?

65. The salt which in solution gives a pale green precipitate with sodium hydroxide solution and a
white precipitate with barium chloride solution is: [ICSE 2008]
A. Iron (III) Sulphate
B. Iron (II) Sulphate
C. Iron (II) Chloride
D. Iron (III) Chloride

66. What are the terms defined below? [ICSE 2008]

i. A salt containing a metal ion surrounded by other ions or molecules.
ii. A base which is soluble in water.

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67. Making use only of substances chosen from those given below:
Dilute sulphuric acid; Sodium carbonate ; Zinc; Sodium Sulphite; Lead; Calcium Carbonate
Give the equations for the reactions by which you could obtain:
i. Hydrogen
ii. Sulphur Dioxide
iii. Carbon Dioxide
iv. Zinc Carbonate (two steps required)
[ICSE 2008]
68. Select the correct answer from the choices A, B, C and D which are given. Write only the letter
corresponding to the correct answer.
i. Select the acid which contains four hydrogen atoms in it.
A. Formic acid B. Sulphuric acid C. Nitric acid D. Acetic acid
ii. The aqueous solution of the following compounds which contain both ions and
molecules is:
A. Sulphuric acid B. Hydrochloric acid C. Nitric acid D. Acetic acid
iii. The metal oxide which can react with acid as well as alkali is:
A. Silver oxide B. Copper (II) oxide C. Aluminium oxide D. Calcium oxide

69. Find the odd one out and explain your choice (note: valency is not a criterion)
i. Al(OH)3, Pb(OH)2, Mg(OH)2, Zn(OH)2
ii. Formic acid, Nitric acid, Acetic acid, Propanoic acid.

70. Solution A is a strong acid

Solution B is a weak alkali
Solution C is a strong alkali
i. Which solution contains solute molecules in addition to water molecules?
ii. Which solution will give a gelatinous white precipitate with zinc sulphate solution?
The precipitate disappears when an excess of the solution is added.
iii. Which solution could be a solution of glacial acetic acid?
iv. Give an example of a solution which is a weak alkali.

71. The diagram given below is to prepare Iron (III) chloride in the laboratory:

i. What is the substance B?

ii. What is the purpose of B?
iii. Why is iron (III) chloride to be stored in a closed container?
iv. Write the equation for the reaction between iron and chlorine.

72. Equation(s) for the reaction(s) to prepare lead sulphate from lead carbonate. [ICSE 2009]

73. Define the term neutralisation.

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74. Select from the list given (A to E) one substance in each case which matches the description
given in parts (i) to (v). (Note: Each substance is used only once in the answer)
A. Nitroso Iron (II) sulphate
B. Iron (III) chloride
C. Lead (II) chloride
D. Sodium chloride
i. A compound which is deliquescent.
ii. A compound which is insoluble in cold water, but soluble in hot water.
iii. A compound whose aqueous solution is neutral in nature
[ICSE 2010]

75. Select the correct answer from the choices A, B, C and D which are given.
Write only the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
i. A particular solution contains molecules and ions of the solute so it is a:
A. Weak Acid B. Strong acid C. Strong Base D. Salt solution
ii. An organic weak acid is:
A. Formic acid B. Sulphuric acid C. Nitric Acid D. Hydrochloric acid
iii. An example of a complex salt is:
A. Zinc sulphate B. Sodium hydrogensulphate C. Iron (II) ammonium
sulphate D. Tetra amine copper (II) sulphate
[ICSE 2010]
76. Give the equations for the following conversions A to E: [ICSE 2010]

77. Solution A is a sodium hydroxide solution. Solution B is a weak acid. Solution C is dilute sulphuric
acid. Which solution will? [ICSE 2010]
i. Liberate sulphur dioxide from sodium sulphite
ii. Give a white precipitate with zinc sulphate
iii. Contain solute molecules and ions.

78. Give the equations for the preparation of each of the following salts from the starting material
given: [ICSE 2010]
i. Copper sulphate from copper (II) oxide
ii. Iron (III) chloride from iron
iii. Potassium sulphate from potassium hydroxide solution
iv. Lead chloride from lead carbonate (two equations)
79. Write the balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions:
a. Sodium thiosulphate is reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid
b. Calcium bicarbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid
c. Dilute sulphuric acid is poured over sodium sulphite
d. Lead nitrate solution is added to sodium chloride solution
e. Zinc is heated with sodium hydroxide solution

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80. Name the methods used for the preparation of the following salts from the list given below:
i. Sodium nitrate
ii. Iron (III) chloride
iii. Lead chloride
iv. Zinc sulphate
v. Sodium hydrogen sulphate
(A) Simple displacement
(B) Neutralisation
(C) Decomposition by acid
(D) Double decomposition
(E) Direct synthesis

81. What happens to the crystals of washing soda when exposed to air? Name the phenomenon
exhibited. [ICSE 2011]

82. Write balanced chemical equations for the following: [ICSE 2011]
i. Chlorine reacts with excess of ammonia
ii. Ferric hydroxide reacts with nitric acid
iii. Zinc oxide dissolves in sodium hydroxide

83. Name the gas in the following: [ICSE 2012]

The gas evolved on reaction of aluminium with boiling concentrated caustic alkali solution.
84. Match the following: [ICSE 2012]

85. Refer to the flow chart diagram below and give balanced equations with conditions, if any, for
the following conversions A to D. [ICSE 2012]

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86. From the list given below, select the word(s) required to correctly complete blanks (i) to (v) in the
following passage. The words from the list are to be used only once. Write the answers as a(i) (ii),
(iii) and so on. Do not copy the passage. [ICSE 2013]
[ammonia, ammonium, carbonate, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydronium, hydroxide, precipitate,
salt, water]
i. A solution M turns blue litmus red, so it must be contain (i) ________ ions; another
solution O turns red litmus blue and hence, must contain (ii) _______ ions.
ii. When solutions M and O are mixed together, the products will be (iii) _______ and
(iv) ______.
iii. If a piece of magnesium was put into a solution M, (v) _______ gas would be
87. Give suitable chemical terms for the following: [ICSE 2013]
i. A salt formed by incomplete neutralisation of an acid by a base.
ii. A definite number of water molecules bound to some salts.
iii. The process in which a substance absorbs moisture from the atmospheric air to
become moist, and ultimately dissolves in the absorbed water.
88. Which one of the following will not produce an acid when made to react with water?
[ICSE 2013]
A. Carbon monoxide B. Carbon dioxide C. Nitrogen dioxide D. Sulphur trioxide

89. Choosing the substances from the list given below, write balanced chemical equations for the
reactions which would be used in the laboratory to obtain the following salts: [ICSE 2013]

i. Sodium sulphate
ii. Zinc carbonate
iii. Copper (II) sulphate
iv. Iron (II) sulphate
90. An acid which is present in vinegar. [ICSE 2013]

91. Fill in the blanks from the choices given within brackets: [ICSE 2014]
The basicity of Acetic Acid is ______ (3, 1, 4),

92. State the inference drawn from the following observations: pH of liquid R is 10. What kind of
substance is R? [ICSE 2014]

93. Give balanced chemical equations to prepare the following salts: [ICSE 2014]
i. Lead sulphate from lead carbonate
ii. Sodium sulphate using dilute sulphuric acid
iii. Copper chloride using copper carbonate
94. Name the kind of particles present in: [ICSE 2014]
i. Sodium hydroxide solution
ii. Carbonic acid
iii. Sugar solution
95. Give appropriate scientific reasons for the following statement: [ICSE 2015]
The electrical conductivity of acetic acid is less in comparison to the electrical conductivity of
dilute sulphuric acid at a given concentration.

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i. Give balanced chemical equations for the following conversions A, B and C:

ii. Differentiate between the terms:

Strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte (stating any two differences)
97. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following list of oxides which fit the description.
Each answer may be used only once: [ICSE 2015]

i. A basic oxide
ii. An oxide which dissolves in water forming an acid
iii. An amphoteric oxide
iv. A covalent oxide of a metalloid

98. From the list of the following salts choose the salt, that most appropriately fits the description
given in the following: [ICSE 2015]

i. A deliquescent salt
ii. An insoluble chloride
iii. On heating, this salt gives a yellow residue when hot and white when cold.
iv. On heating this salt, a brown coloured gas is evolved.

99. Fill in the blank with the choices given in bracket.

Higher the pH value of a solution, the more _______ (acidic/alkaline) it is. [ICSE 2016]
100. State your observation when:
Barium chloride solution is mixed with sodium sulphate solution.

101. Match the salts given in Column I with their method of preparation given in Column II:

[ICSE 2016]

102. State what would you observe when: [ICSE 2016]

i. Washing Soda crystals are exposed to the atmosphere.
ii. The salt ferric chloride is exposed to the atmosphere.

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a. Fill in the blanks from the choices given in the brackets: [ICSE 2017]
i. When a metallic oxide is dissolved in water, the solution formed has a high
concentration of _______ ions. (H+, H3O+, OH-)
ii. Potassium sulphite on reacting with hydrochloric acid releases _______ gas. (Cl2,
SO2, H2S)
i. To increase the pH value of a neutral solution, we should add:
1. an acid
2. an acid salt
3. an alkali
4. a salt
ii. Anhydrous iron (III) chloride is prepared by:
1. direct combination
2. simple displacement
3. decomposition
4. neutralisation

104. Answer the following questions: [ICSE 2017]

How will you distinguish between dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid using
lead nitrate solution?

105. Write a balanced chemical equation for the preparation of each of the following salts:
i. Copper carbonate
ii. Ammonium sulphate crystals [ICSE 2017]

106. Give one word or phrase for the following statement: [ICSE 2018]
The property by which certain hydrated salts, when left exposed to atmosphere, lose
their water of crystallisation and crumble into powder.

107. State one relevant observation for each of the following: [ICSE 2018]
Anhydrous calcium chloride is exposed to air for sometime.

108. Give a reason for each of the following: [ICSE 2018]

Conductivity of dilute hydrochloric acid is greater than that of acetic acid.
109. Fill up the blank with the correct choice given in bracket. [ICSE 2018]
The salt prepared by the method of direct combination is ________. (iron (II) chloride,
iron (III) chloride)

110. Three solutions P, Q and R have pH value of 3.5, 5.2 and 12.2 respectively. [ICSE 2018]
Which one of these is a:
i. Weak acid?
ii. Strong alkali?

111. Write a balanced equation for the preparation of each of the following salts: [ICSE 2018]
i. Copper sulphate from copper carbonate
ii. Zinc carbonate from zinc sulphate.

112. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [ICSE 2019]
An electrolyte which completely dissociates into ions is:
A. Alcohol B. Carbonic acid C. Sucrose D. Sodium hydroxide

113. Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reaction: [ICSE 2019]
Reduction of copper (II) oxide by hydrogen.

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114. Give the appropriate term defined by the statement given below: [ICSE 2019]
The substance that releases hydronium ion as the only positive ion when dissolved in

115. The pH values of three solutions A, B and C are given in the table. Answer the following
questions. [ICSE 2019]

i. Which solution will have no effect on litmus solution?

ii. Which solution will liberate CO2 when reacted with sodium carbonate?
iii. Which solution will turn red litmus solution blue?

116. Name the particles present in: [ICSE 2019]

i. Strong electrolyte
ii. Non-electrolyte
iii. Weak electrolyte

117. Distinguish between the following pair of compounds using the reagent given in the
Dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid. (using lead nitrate solution)

118. Choose the method of preparation of the following salts, from the methods given in the
list: [ICSE 2019]
[List: A. Neutralisation
B. Precipitation
C. Direct combination
D. Substitution]
i. Lead chloride
ii. Iron (II) sulphate
iii. Sodium nitrate
iv. Iron (III) chloride

I. Complete the following equations:
1. Ca(NO3)2 → ________ + __________ + ______
2. Al(OH)2 + NaOH(aq) → ________ + _________
3. Pb(NO3)2 + HCl → ________ + ___________
4. ZnCO3 + HNO3 → _________ + ___________ + _____________
5. Al(OH)3 → _________ + ___________
II. State what would you observe when:
1. Lead nitrate is heated.
2. Ferric chloride is exposed to atmosphere.
3. Copper carbonate is heated.
4. Washing soda crystals are exposed to atmosphere.
5. Barium chloride solution is slowly added to sodium sulphate solution.
6. Sodium carbonate solution is mixed with calcium chloride solution.

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I. Select the correct word from the options given and complete the following statements:
1. A base which is not an alkali _________. [Caustic potash, copper hydroxide, ammonium
2. Sodium argento cyanide is a _______ salt. [acidic, basic, complex, double]
3. An acid which furnish three hydronium ions per molecule is ________. [Sulphuric acid,
sulphurous acid, phosphoric acid, nitric acid]
4. A salt which absorbs moisture from air and changes into liquid state is known as ______
salt. [efflorescent, deliquescent, hygroscopic]
5. A hydrated salt which loses its water of crystallisation on exposure to air is known as
_______ salt. [efflorescent, deliquescent, hygroscopic]
6. Disodium potassium phosphate (Na2KPO4) is a ______ salt. [complex, double, mixed,
7. An oxide of a metal which is amphoteric in nature is _______. [PbO, Pb3O4, PbO2]
8. An example of a deliquescent salt is _______. [CaCl2, CaSO4, CuSO4, NaCl]
9. An insoluble salt prepared by synthesis is ______. [FeCl3, FeS, NaCl, CaCl2]
10. An example of an anhydrous salt is __________. [Ble vitriol, green vitriol, sal ammoniac]
11. An example of monobasic organic acid is ________. [acetic acid, oxalic acid, carbonic
12. An example of soluble carbonate is _______. [Calcium carbonate, Zinc carbonate,
Copper carbonate, Potassium carbonate]
II. Name the following:
1. Any one organic acid __________.
2. Any one hydracids ____________.
3. Any one oxyacid ______________.
4. Any one monobasic acid ________.
5. Any one normal salt _______________.
6. Any one acidic salt ______________.
7. Any one basic salt _______________.
8. Any one anhydrous salt __________.
9. Any oxide which is black in colour _________.
10. Iron salt formed by synthesis reaction ________.
11. A liquid hygroscopic substance ___________.
12. The property of spontaneously giving up water of crystallisation ______.
13. A strong but non-volatile mineral acid ___________.
14. An acid which has strong oxidising power ___________.
15. Alum is a ___________.
III. From the list of formulae given below, choose one, in each case, corresponding to the salt
having the given description:
1. AgCl 2. CuCO3 3. CuSO4.5H2O 4. ZnCO3 5. PbCl2
6. Pb(NO3)2 7. NaHSO4 8. NaCl 9. KNO3 10. FeCl2
1. On treating with concentrated sulphuric acid this salt changes from blue to white.
2. This salt gives nitrogen dioxide on heating.
3. An acid salt.
4. A white insoluble salt.
5. On heating this salt changes from green to black.
6. A white salt obtained by mixing two colourless solutions.
7. A salt insoluble in cold water but soluble in hot water.
8. A nitrate which does not decompose on heating.
9. A salt prepared by neutralisation of an acid with an alkali.
10. A salt prepared by the action of an acid on metal.


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1. The acid present in the sting of bees is : Lactic acid, Formic acid, Malic acid, Uric acid
2. Which of the following is not a hydracids: HCL, H2S, H2SO3, HBr
3. Weak acid undergo partial decomposition having value of α of about: less than 30%, less than
40%, less than 20%, less than 25%
4. Which of the following is a monobasic acid? H2SO3, (COOH)2, HCOOH, H2SO4
5. Category of compound which liberate ammonia from ammonium salts are: Acids, Alkalis, Acidic
gases, Salt solutions
6. Which of the following is used as a foaming agent in extinguishers: Ammonium hydroxide,
Magnesium hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide
7. Acids used as an eye wash: Boric acid, Acetic acid, Formic acid, Oxalic acid
8. “Negative LOGARITHM to the base 10 of the hydrogen ion concentration” is known as: pH, PH,
ph, P-H
9. Indicator which is a mixture of organic dyes that gives definite colour changes over a wide range
of pH is: acid base indicator, universal indicator, neutral indicator, litmus indicators
10. Lead chloride is prepared by: synthesis reaction, neutralisation reaction, displacement reaction,
precipitation reaction.


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