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Warranty Provisions

It Broke! Are You Covered?


A critical component of your facility how the elements comprising a

just broke. Of the many issues you component are arranged. Suppliers
now face, a key one is: “Is this covered sometimes resist design warranties
by my warranty?” altogether, citing concerns that they
may be required continually to update
Despite the question’s seeming their product design. However, this
simplicity, the answer, which will concern may be addressed by clarifying
likely be found deep within the fine that defects are to be measured against
print of some contract or purchase design standards existing on the date
order, can be very complex. What’s the warranty became effective. Other
Mercer Thompson LLC more, whether the answer will be the qualitative factors may also be covered
191 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 4410
affirmative one you are hoping for will by a warranty, depending on the
Atlanta, GA. 30303-1756 no doubt depend on how well your component involved, including, for
procurement team negotiated the example, that the component must be
Ph: 404-577-4200
warranty terms all those months ago. It new when first provided or that the is with this hypothetical in mind that component must comply with
this article lays out a few pointers on applicable laws or permits. In any
protecting an owner’s interests within event, an owner’s guiding thought
the context of warranty provisions. should be “the broader the better.”

Warranties on physical equipment or Many contracts involve the supply of

components often address three services in addition to physical
different categories of defects: defects components. As a result, owners will
in materials, defects in workmanship often also look for warranty coverage
and defects in design. on service. By their very nature,
services cannot be the subject of
“Defects in materials” typically refer material-workmanship-design defects
to imperfections in the raw materials as described above, since these refer to
that go into the component. “Defects in physical flaws. Instead, services
workmanship” generally denotes faulty warranties typically require that
component manufacture or production. services be provided in accordance
A “design defect” typically refers to with a stated standard, such as
flaws in how a component is shaped or prudently, safely, professionally,
W a r r a n t y P r o v i s i o n s

diligently, in a workmanlike manner or in should keep in mind a few key points. First, be
compliance with applicable laws and permits. alert to the ramifications of any warranty period
Owners would be well advised to think about that expires within a given time after delivery of
how they can specifically describe the required the component. If a component is purchased as a
standards for the particular services provided. reserve spare, such a limitation may cause the
warranty to expire before the part is even put into
A Warranty “Breach” operation. Second, be just as alert to a warranty
period that expires within a given calendar time
On paper, a warranty is considered to be (for example, days or years) after a component’s
“breached” when a component (or service) fails “first use”. The warranty life may be more
to comply with the warranted qualities. So, when appropriately measured by operating hours than
a component (despite proper operation) suddenly by mere “clock” hours (which would include
breaks, the question is whether the failure was hours when the component is not in use). Finally,
caused by a defect in workmanship, materials or a warranty period should never be stated in
design (assuming these are the warranted “months.” Because our Gregorian forefathers
qualities). In a case like this, it may not be too chose calendar months to have 28, 30 or 31 days,
hard for a forensic analysis to reveal that a defect a warranty period stated merely in months can
did indeed cause the failure. lead to disputes over when coverage actually
ends. This kind of discrepancy is unnecessary
Of course, the facts are not always that simple. and can be avoided by using “calendar days” as
For example, a component may not suddenly the warranty period measuring basis.
break. Instead, it may suffer from excessive
deterioration or premature wear and tear. The Whew, It’s Covered; Now What?
question then becomes: if a component is
supposed to be able to operate non-stop for a Assuming that a component’s failure falls under
given duration, but wears out much sooner, is a warranty’s defect coverage and within the
that a defect? Or perhaps a component begins to applicable warranty period, the critical issue then
malfunction, so that it still operates but not “as becomes how the supplier must respond. It is
advertised.” Is that a defect? Issues like these can here that warranties often come up short in
quickly surface if a warranty is unclear on the protecting owner interests. For example, some
twin subjects of long-term performance and warranties fail to provide details as to:
functionality requirements.
 How quickly the supplier must respond
Time Flies  Owner control over the schedule for
performing warranty work
Time is a key part of every warranty. After all, a  Supplier’s obligations for transporting
practical limit always exists to a supplier’s parts to or from repair facilities
willingness to take the risk of covering its  Supplier’s obligations for transporting
products. The length of a given warranty is new replacement parts to the site
usually a matter of commercial negotiation that  Supplier’s obligations for “in and out
may be guided by the maxim “there is a price for costs” and related labor
Further, many warranties often describe the
Whether coverage lasts for days or years, owners supplier’s obligations in vague terms of Page 2
W a r r a n t y P r o v i s i o n s

“correcting” the failure by “repairing or must consider what remedies would be

replacing” the defective item. While these appropriate in light of the various scenarios that
concepts are not harmful to an owner’s interests might comprise a breach of a services warranty.
on their face, their lack of detail can be. For
example, what is meant by “repair?” Depending Other Warranty Issues
on the item, repair standards may vary. Although
facetious, the question “Are we talking about Another component is re-warranty. This is the
duct-tape, superglue or welding?” illustrates this concept where, if a warranty correction is made
point quite well. Thus, an owner should give (for example, if a component is repaired or
considerable thought to defining the standard of replaced), then the corrected component is made
repair required for the given item. Ideally, this subject to the original warranty coverage. This
standard would create some level of certainty type of provision ends any confusion as to the
that a component’s initial failure will not recur. warranty status of a repaired or replaced
For example, the standard may include post- component. It may even act to extend warranty
repair testing to demonstrate that the repair has coverage past the original warranty period. The
(at least initially) achieved the desired result. duration of such an extension is always a matter
of commercial negotiation, just as the duration of
Similarly, the remedy of “replacing” a the original warranty period. In this regard, all of
component can also be vague. Should a the earlier points about warranty periods also
replacement component be brand new or may it apply.
be refurbished? Must it be a “likekind”
component or can it be of a different model? Warranties are rarely open-ended promises from
Further, if a component fails due to defective a supplier that a component will, no matter what,
design will the owner merely want a brand new, always function perfectly. Instead, most
yet equally-as-defectively designed component? warranties include provisions that outline the
Or must the supplier provide a redesigned part? supplier’s underlying assumptions. The most
Such issues are better addressed when a common is that the owner will operate the
component is first purchased, rather than after it component (or the machine containing it) in a
has failed. given manner, whether in accordance with
prudent practices, a certain operating manual, or
Services warranties take a completely different both. The idea is that the supplier is unwilling to
approach to how a supplier must respond to a take the risk of an operator error that results in a
warranty breach. If a service warranty is component’s failure.
breached, the supplier typically has performed
work in an imprudent, illegal, negligent or unsafe While this concept has merit, an owner must be
manner. Merely to require the supplier to “re- careful as to how it is presented in the
perform” the defective service may be easier said contractual provisions. First, an owner must
than done. If, for example, the defect was a beware of language that is overly vague in
failure by the supplier to install a moving turbine defining assumed operational standards or
component correctly, then perhaps this can be requirements. Merely stating “prudent operation”
corrected by re-performance if the failure is may not be clear enough to guide the owner’s
noticed before operating the component. actions. Second, an owner must beware of
However, if the failure is not noticed until after provisions that fail to outline the cause and effect
the mis-installed component has destroyed itself of non-compliant operation. For example, if a
and caused collateral damage, then re- provision states that the warranties are predicated
performance may be impossible. Thus, an owner on prudent operation, does this mean that even a Page 3
W a r r a n t y P r o v i s i o n s

moment of imprudent operation voids the Likewise, if a component fails and the stated
warranties in its entirety? One would hope not, remedy is “repair or replacement”, such a clause
but why leave this issue open for argument? A may mean that a clearly necessary redesign is not
better approach would be to specify that a failure an obligation. Finally, if negligent supplier
directly and solely caused by operator error behavior breaches a service warranty and if the
(however that is defined) will not be covered by remedy is “re-performance,” then an exclusive
the warranty. remedies clause might be seen as disallowing
recovery of property damage that result from the
If you have ever read a warranty in its entirety, supplier’s negligence.
you will undoubtedly be familiar with the
legalese that often appears in ALLCAPS. This The legal bottom line of exclusive warranties and
essentially says that the warranties are remedies clauses is that the warranty provisions
“exclusive” and “in lieu of all other warranties, will almost certainly be considered to contain
whether implied or express.” This so-called “all that there is” regarding both the promised
“exclusive warranties” language is driven by quality and functionality of the components, and
state laws that can, in the absence of the the obligations of the supplier if that promise is
language, apply certain implied warranties (for not met. As a result, owners must ensure that
example, warranty of “fitness for purpose”) to their warranty coverage and rights are as broad
the components. The language is also driven by and as clear as possible.
laws that could cause any representations made
prior to the sale to be seen as express warranties
that must hold true after the sale. Essentially, About the author: Richard “Chip” Thompson
exclusive warranties language can mean that, no is the co-founder of Mercer Thompson LLC, a
matter what the owner was told and no matter boutique law firm specializing in representing
how the owner thinks a component should companies in the electric power industry. Since
operate, the coverage stated in the warranty 1995, Mr. Thompson has represented electric
provisions is the only coverage the owner will power companies in their development,
have. Seldom will one find a sophisticated acquisition and sale, and ownership and
supplier who is willing to offer a contract operation of energy projects on a worldwide
without this language. basis (including in Europe, South America,
Asia, Africa and the Middle East). Mr.
In addition to an “exclusive warranties” Thompson’s experience includes projects
provision, many warranties will also include an deriving electric energy from coal, gas, solar,
“exclusive remedies” provision. The idea is wind and biomass energy sources, as well as
subtle but important: This provision would make long-range transmission projects and gas
the obligations of the supplier as written in the pipeline projects.
warranty provisions the only obligations the
supplier faces if a component fails to comply
with the warranty. Ramifications of this
provision can often be alarming. For example, an
exclusive remedies clause may mean that the
repair of collateral damage caused by a failed
(yet warranted) component will not be the
supplier’s responsibility, unless expressly stated. Page 4

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