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1. Firdavs dadasidan necha yoshdaligini so’radi. Dadasi Asliddin aka: “agar yoshimning uchdan biriga 10 ni
qo’shsang, 18 yil oldingi yoshimga teng chiqadi”–dedi. Hozir Firdavs 11 yoshda bo’lsa, u tug’ilganda dadasi
necha yoshda bo’lgan?
A)28 B)26 C)31 D)48
2. Mashina a km yo’lni v km/soat tezlik bilan 1 soatda bosdi. Tezlikni 2 barobar oshirib o’sha yo’lni uchdan
birini qancha vaqtda bosib o’tadi?
a 2a
A)20 daqiqa B)10 daqiqa C) D)
2v 3v
1 1 1 1
3. 1∙ 2 + 2∙ 3 + 3∙ 4 + ……….+ 999 ∙1000 ni hisoblang A)0.75 B)1.125 C)0.998 D)0.999

4. 48 va 60 sonlarining nechta tub bo’lmagan, umumiy bo’luvchilari bor?

A)4 B)6 C)8 D)10

5. Agar qoldiqli bo’linma a=b ∙ 9+4 ko’rinishida bo’lsa a ning eng kichik qiymatini toping(bu yerda b-
bo’luvchi) A)36 B)43 C)45 D)49.

6. Yilning qaysidur oyida uchta shanba oyning juft kunlariga to’g’ri kelgan? Shu oyning 25-sanasi oyning
qaysi kuniga to’g’ri keladi ?
A)seshanba B)chorshanba C)dushanba D)payshanba E)Juma

7. Quidagilardan nechtasi birhad ? x3y; x-a; a9b11c17-1 ; cfh; 12; A)5 B)4 C)3 D)2 E)0
x −5 2 x +1 x+10
8. Tenglamani yeching : 3 + 4 =
A)6 B)4 C)5 D)3

21 31
9. Taqqoslang a = 31 b=
A)a>b B)b>a C)a=b

10. Ketma-ket kelgan oltita natural sonning yig’indisi 417 ga teng. Shu sonning eng kichigini toping.
A)67 B)59 C)70 D)48

11. Olma quritilganda o’zining 84% ini yo’qotadi. 16 kg olma qoqisi olish uchun necha kg olmani quritish
kerak ? A)100 B)110 C)32 D)64

12. 2-1+3-2+4-3+…….100-99=A bo’lsa, A-99 ni toping A)1 B)3 C)0 D)2

13. Bitta xo’roz uch soatda bir marta qichqirsa, 5 ta xo’roz bir sutkada necha marta qichqiradi ? A)96
B)40 C)32 D)80

14. Sonlarni o’sish tartibida joylashtiring a=10/7 b=100/77 c=1000/777

A)a<b<c B)a<c<b C)b<a<c D)c<b<a E)TJY

15. Uydan “Bozorov school”ga 3 xil yo’l, “Bozorov school”dan maktabga 4 xil yo’l va undan tashqari
uydan maktabga ham 2 xil yo’l bor. Dilnura uyidan maktabga necha xil usulda bora oladi? A)12
B)9 C)14 D)24

16. Agar xyzd ushbu to’rt xonalik sonimiz 30 ga bo’linsa, x + y + z+ d ning eng katta qiymatini
toping. ( bu yerda har bir harf turli raqamni ifodalaydi A) 24 B)27 C)26 D)25
17. Ushbu ifodaning oxirgi raqamini toping. ( 3001 ∙3002 ∙ 3003∙ … ∙ 3008∙ 3009 )3010 A)0 B)1
C)5 D)2

18. Son o’qida -22.5 va 177.8 sonlari orasida nechta butun son bor ?
A)199 B)198 C)200 D)201

19. Ikkidan katta bo’lgan barcha tub sonlarni 4 ga bo’lganda qanday qoldiqlar qoladi ?
A)1,2,3 B)0 ,1 ,2 ,3 C)1 ,3 D)2,3

20. Ushbu 1 ∙2 ∙ 3∙ ...∙ 111− 1 ayirma nechta 9 bilan tugaydi?

A)26 B)28 C)30 D)32

21. 2n+2∙3n-3 ko’paytmaning natural bo’luvchilari soni 27 ga teng bo’lsa, n nechaga teng bo’ladi? A)3
B)4 C)5 D)7

22. 100 ni shunday ikkita musbat songa ajratingki , ulardan biri 7 ga, ikkinchisi 11 ga qoldiqsiz bo’lininadi.
Bu sonlarning musbat ayirmasi nmaga teng?
A)8 B)14 C)10 D)12 E)16

23. 5m225dm24sm2=? sm2 A)5254 B)52504 C)79 D)754

24. Tomonlari 11 sm,17 sm, 19 sm bo’lgan paralellelipiped ga tomoni 2 sm bo’lgan kublardan nechta
joylashtirish mumkin ? A)444 B)380 C)424 D)360

25. 111111 ×111 ko’paytmaning raqamlari yig’indisini toping. A)18 B)16 C)20 D)22
26. 100100………100 soni 9 ga qoldiqsiz bo’linsa ushbu son kamida necha xonali son?
A)9 B)90 C)27 D)36

27. Ifodaning qiymatini toping 1101 ׿ ¿ A)-2 B)-3 C)0 D)1

28. 3,5,15,45 va 9 sonlariga bo’linadigan eng kichik butun son qaysi ?

A)90 B)180 C)45 D)15

29. Oilada 6 ta bola bor.Ularning 5 nafari eng kichigidan, mos ravishda , 2,6,8,12 va 14 yosh katta.Har bir
bolaning yoshi tub son bilan ifodalanadi.Oiladagi eng kichik bola necha yoshda ? A)2 B)3 C)5
D)8 E)11

30. 1234567891011……..4950 sonining raqamlari yig’indisini toping

A)335 B)330 C)320 D)325
31 Yesterday it _____________ a lot so we went outside and made a snowman.
a) snows b) snow c) snowed d) snowy
32 The weather in England is often ___________ in the winter.
a) rain b) wet c) snow d) sun
33 You should drive carefully when the roads are _________.
a) icy b) dry c) ice
34 Where I live during the winter, December is cold and January is ___________.
a) different b) the same

I went to Peru for my holiday and visited some amazing places. I travelled from one end of the country
to the other. I started in the 5__________ of the country. It is very dry there and I visited a large
__________. I like trekking so we went on a four-day walk in the 7__________. The views were
wonderful. Then, we went to the 8__________ where the weather is very wet and tropical. We walked to
see a beautiful 9__________ and we went for a swim in the pool at the bottom.
35 a) desert b) mountains c) north d) rainforest e) waterfall
36 a) desert b) mountains c) north d) rainforest e) waterfall
37 a) desert b) mountains c) north d) rainforest e) waterfall
38 a) desert b) mountains c) north d) rainforest e) waterfall
39 a) desert b) mountains c) north d) rainforest e) waterfall

The Beauty of Marmore Falls

Everyone knows that the highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. But there’s another
waterfall that many people don’t know. It’s called Marmore Falls in Italy and it’s the highest manmade*
waterfall. Although Angel Falls is more famous, Marmore Falls is very beautiful and has lots of visitors.
The Romans made the waterfall, so it is over 2,000 years old. The water in Marmore Falls is used to create
electric power. This means the water turns on and off. So before you visit, the most important thing to do is
check what time the water turns on.
August is the worst time to visit Marmore Falls because there are too many tourists. August is the hottest
month and most people in Italy take their holiday then. It’s better to go in July or September. At this time,
you can get a better view and you can take nicer photos. There are many restaurants in the area, but the best
is in the Hotel Cursula. It serves really good local food. It’s more expensive than the others but the pasta is

40. Where is the world’s highest waterfall? A) Angel b) Venezuela c) Italy

41. When is the best time to visit Marmore Falls? A) august b) October c) june d)September
42. Marmore Falls is the most famous waterfall in Italy. A) true b) false c) Not Given
43.The waterfall does not work all of the time. A) true b) false c) Not Given
44.The views of the waterfall are better in early or late summer. A) true b) false c) Not Given
45.Most of the tourists at Marmore Falls are Italian. A) true b) false c) Not Given

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