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The Key to Improved

Diabetes Control:
Clinically Relevant
Patient Engagement
Engaging Diabetes Patients Through an Accessible
Tool Results in Better Health Outcomes —
Including a 1.15% Drop in A1C Test Results

Success in value-based care requires long-term,
clinically relevant patient engagement. When care
managers can’t sufficiently and proactively engage
patients, they have poorer clinical outcomes. As Healthcare administrators
a result, organizations don’t meet their quality
benchmarks and can’t succeed financially. must adopt a new care
As healthcare organizations grow their value- model that incorporates
based care populations, it’s difficult for care
managers to achieve the engagement needed to
technology to empower
identify worsening patients — there simply isn’t care-management staff
enough staff for the growing number of cases.
This difficulty also results from the fact that care- to better engage patients
management teams lack information technology
tools that can engage patients in a standardized and improve outcomes.
manner and collect real-time data from those
experiencing worsening symptoms. Better data
can help care managers proactively shift focus
toward higher-risk patients (instead of patients
whose conditions are under control).

Automated monitoring from text messaging Diabetes, which affects 30.3 million people
platforms can improve patient engagement and in the United States, perfectly exemplifies this
collect real-time data, which helps reach more pressing need.
patients and standardizes communication.
Additionally, it frees up care managers to support Healthcare administrators must adopt a new care
the patients who need it most. When care model that incorporates technology to empower
managers have the right tools to better monitor care-management staff to better engage patients
patient symptoms and biometrics, they can work and improve outcomes. As case numbers
to the top of their license and care for more continue to increase for diabetes and other
patients with efficiency. chronic conditions, care-management staff will
become overwhelmed if the status quo remains

A large health system in the Midwest

implemented CareSignal’s automated text
Better data can message-based platform to engage patients
with diabetes. This use case demonstrated that
help care managers better patient engagement can transform care
management to accommodate larger patient

proactively shift populations and improve diabetes outcomes.

focus toward
higher-risk patients.

Before and After
Existing diabetes management processes require In our study, CareSignal sent automated phone
patients to test and track their blood glucose calls and text messages to proactively collect
readings in a journal and remember to bring that relevant biometric data from patients. After
information to each provider visit. Patients often patients received the messages, they responded
forget to regularly check readings and tend to by self-reporting their fasting blood glucose
share months of results at their appointments. levels via text or voice. CareSignal then stratified
This makes it difficult for care managers or patient-reported biometrics over time by risk, and
physicians to tie changes in blood sugar to specific patients fell into the red (danger), yellow (urgent),
events. In turn, it’s harder to adjust medications to or green (controlled) categories. This real-time
fit the patient’s needs. patient data automatically created status alerts
about individuals in the red category and sent
Ultimately, this misalignment leads to inaccurate those alerts to the patient’s care manager. The
blood sugar management and an increased care manager could then reach out to provide
chance of hospitalization for patients under a care education or escalate the situation to a healthcare
manager’s supervision. provider to adjust medications, thus lowering the
patient’s blood sugar. For example, if a patient
The existing model isn’t suited to efficiently experienced a hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic
identify at-risk individuals among growing event, the system sent a notification to the care
diabetes patient populations. It also doesn’t allow manager. The manager could then reach out to
care managers to do their jobs effectively. On the that high-risk patient to provide care.
other hand, CareSignal provides care managers
with real-time data that helps them engage with
and prioritize patients who need the most help.

As a whole, CareSignal created a

powerful feedback loop between
patients and care managers.




Partner CareSignal Patients CareSignal Care Managers

Provides a list of Has patient Answer prompts Categorizes at-risk Respond with
eligible patients engagement on the phone to individuals and appropriate
to CareSignal via specialists call send clinically triggers alerts interventions.
secure transfer. patients, gather relevant data. in real time.
consent, and enroll
them in the program.

The five-month study of 396 patients showed a 1.15% drop in A1c at the four-month
mark among those with a baseline A1c of 8% or greater. Given that the study was five
months long, these results suggest that CareSignal can make a significant impact on
diabetes control over a short time period.

0 2 4 6 8
Delta in Blood Sugar



-30 Care team



Furthermore, the average weekly patient engagement rate was around 71%,
indicating that the text messages and phone calls were convenient and accessible.

1.15% Average Drop in A1C

Change in average A1C among
uncontrolled diabetics (A1C>8.0)



8.00% 8.66%

Baseline Month

Care managers received the first reports during the second week of patient
engagement. Patients’ blood sugar dropped significantly around this time. Blood sugar
decreased again around the four-week mark when care managers received another
report. Touchpoints from care managers speed up dosage adjustments, which helps
patients reach lower, more controlled blood sugar levels faster.

CareSignal improved diabetes care by
consistently engaging patients and providing
care managers with prioritized, real-time
biometric data. This empowered care
managers to meaningfully engage patients
with education or escalation to control
worsening symptoms in high- and
rising-risk individuals.

Get in touch
with our team today to see how
CareSignal can empower your
care managers to engage any
patient with chronic disease.

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