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Michael Stokes Ms.

Caruso English 1101-044 26 September 2011 Rhetorical Analysis


In the photograph of three Marines in the midst of combat in Afghanistan, it displays many characteristics, feelings and emotions one can reflect on. In this image, one Marine is lying motionless on the ground with a Marine in the foreground in front of the wounded talking on a radio, a third Marine is crouched over the man lying on the ground. All of them are in what appears to be a state of panic or stress and are surrounded by a dense cloud of dust that engulfs the background of the photograph. By examining the details and characteristics of this photograph, one can assume that the Marine lying motionless on the ground is seriously wounded. The Marine in the foreground seems to be shielding the wounded Marine from enemy fire and, most likely, requesting the need for urgent medical attention for the wounded. It can be assumed that the third Marine is knelt down by the wounded to provide him with aid. Examining the genre of the photograph can derive these assumptions; by identifying the genre the characteristics of the genre allow one to identify the situation of the text. The general genre that this photograph can be classified as is that of a landscape photograph. Characteristics of this genre would be that the landscape includes scenery in the background and people in the foreground of the photograph. The images of the background include some trees and tall weeds that are barely visible through a thick cloud of dust that blends into the foreground of the photograph. Characteristics in the foreground of the photograph would that it includes three people, they are in motion, and the ground is extremely bare.
Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 8:53 PM Comment: Idividedthisintotwo sentencesbecausethesentencebeforewas toolonganddronedon. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 8:44 PM Comment: Icombinedthesetwo sentencessincetheyinvolvedthesame content,whichinturnmakesthepaperflow better. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 8:39 PM Comment: Imadethepapermoreformal byintroducingthetextratherthan assumingthereaderalreadyknowsthe assignment.

Stokes2 When examining the text more closely, one can conclude that the text can be classified

more specifically in the genre of combat photographs. The characteristics and the actions of the photograph clearly put it in the genre of combat photographs. The characteristics of this photograph include trees in the background, some tall weeds and brush with a thick cloud of dust surrounding the background. The characteristics of the background give the photograph a feeling of uncertainty. The majority of the background view is blocked by a dense cloud of dust, which makes it unclear to what is going on beyond the foreground of the photograph. Since the characteristics of combat includes fear, uncertainty and confusion, the uncertainty created by the background of the photograph works together with the characteristics of the foreground of the photograph to place this text in the genre of combat photographs. When observing and analyzing the foreground of the photograph one can determine many characteristics that classify it in the referred genre. These characteristics are: the three Marines in combat fatigues, they all have body armor on, they have loaded weapons, one is talking on a radio, one is providing medical aid, one Marine is lying motionless on the ground, he is covered in blood, and they are all surrounded by thick cloud of dust. Combining all of theses characteristics one can see that these three Marines are in the midst of combat operations and are tending to one of their wounded. They are providing aid, protecting him, and calling for assistance to receive additional aid. These characteristics and actions work together to strongly classify this text as in the genre of combat photographs. One can study this text, its specific genre, and characteristics of that genre and determine numerous opinions as well as ideas, one of which being that it has a purpose to convey and its purpose can be clearly conveyed as two different purposes. Its first purpose is that it conveys the horrors and agony of war. This purpose of the text is clearly conveyed in the analysis of the
Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 8:59 PM Comment: Replacedthethisbecausethe previoususedwasemptywording. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:17 PM Comment: Tellshowwellitadheres, whereitpreviouslystatedthatitjustdoes. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 8:57 PM Comment: Ibegananewparagraphsince Ibegananewidea. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:14 PM Comment: Tellshowandwhythe foregroundandthebackgroundwork togethertoclassifyitintothegenreof combatphotographs.


characteristics of the texts genre. The second contrasting purpose of this text conveys is that it conveys the compassion within humanity despite what they can be capable of. As with determining the characteristics that classify the genre of the text, the characteristics can be used, as well, to describe how well the purpose of text is conveyed. The purpose being that it conveys the horrors and agony of war. War can described by many, as being one of the most horrific and traumatic experiences that humanity could ever bear. What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world. (Robert E. Lee) The many characteristics of the text that help convey the purpose of the text can be taken from every detail in the photograph. The loaded weapons, body armor, helmets, dirt, and sand covered fatigues show the hardships they are enduring; the blood soaked clothing on the Marine lying motionless on the bare dry sand while his comrade attempts to provide aid to him shows the pain of injuries suffered; the Marine in placing himself in front of the wounded to protect him while calling for assistance on a radio; the agony, state of panic, and frustration conveyed by the facial expressions demonstrate the numerous emotions that can be felt in a split second; the thick cloud of dust creates a sense of uncertainty to add to the already chaotic scene. All of these characteristics contribute to demonstrating how well the horror of war is conveyed in the text. What is very interesting about this text is that another purpose is conveyed within this text just as well but this purpose can be considered somewhat opposite of the first. This purpose is that within the text it reflects the compassion of and within humanity. The characteristics within the text that convey this purpose are: the bandages, and the tourniquets being desperately
Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:29 PM Comment: Deletedthesentencethatwas previouslyheresinceitwasthesameasthe informationthatwasinthefirstsentenceof theparagraph. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:26 PM Comment: IrestatedthepurposehereasI didinthebeginningoftheparagraphto makeitcleartothereaderwhatpurposeIm talkingabout. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:21 PM Comment: Insertedaperiodandtookout thequotations,hencetheruleforusing blockquotes. Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:19 PM Comment: Tookoutthespacesbeforeand aftertheblockquotesincethewerenot necessary.


used to provide much needed aid to the motionless body lying on the ground, the Marine putting himself between danger and his fallen comrade while desperately calling for help on his radio; the Marine frantically moving as fast as possible to provide aid to save the life of another human being. When looking at the facial expressions of those within this photograph it can be considered a characteristic as well; their expressions are that of concern, and eagerness to provide care. Taking these characteristics from this text one see that these compassionate concerned expressions and the heroic actions of the Marines accurately convey the compassion within humanity shown by the text. The text conveys both of these texts accurately, surprising though that these purposes can be considered opposing ideas. This though is what makes this text truly unique and significant compared to other texts within the same genre of combat photographs. Most of the texts within this genre would be able to convey the brutality and frustration of war.
Timothy Stokes 12/4/11 9:40 PM Comment: Irestatedthepurposeand wrappeduptheparagraphbystatinghow thepurposeisfulfilled.

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