Health & Wellness (Summer 2024)

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3D Tomosynthesis

available at Noyes
Tips for staying
hydrated July 2024
Recognizing vision Special Supplement to:
problems in
& More!
T2 July 2024 Health and Wellness

3D Tomosynthesis mammograms available at Noyes Health in Geneseo

GENESEO — UR Medicine Noyes ages produced by the scan, the unit Ambulatory care refers to med-
Health has begun offering 3D To- makes use of a 3-D breast imaging ical services, including mammog-
mosynthesis mammograms at Noy- technology called tomosynthesis, raphy, performed on an outpatient
es Health Services in Geneseo. which takes a cross section of breast basis, without admission to a hospi-
“The new 3D mammogram ma- tissue by capturing consecutive im- tal or other facility.
chine is the newest technology in ages, or “slices.” The new mammogram machine
breast imaging,” said Jill Lawton, Unlike a 3-D ultrasound such as in Geneseo is one of the many re-
lead mammography technologist at Automated Breast Volume Scan- cent additions, including robotic
UR Medicine Noyes Health. “It is es- ning, tomosynthesis can detect cal- assisted joint replacement surgery,
pecially beneficial for women with cifications in breast tissue, increas- to Noyes Health as the facility seeks
dense breast tissue.” ing the chance that cancers will be to become a regional hub for pa-
Tomosynthesis or “3D” mam- found. tients in the Southern Tier and Fin-
mography is a new type of digital Funding for the Noyes proj- ger Lakes.
x-ray mammogram which creates ect was made possible thanks to a Noyes is developing expansion
2D and 3D-like pictures of the $1.5M bipartisan omnibus-spend- projects that could approach $20
breasts. This tool improves the abil- ing package for Fiscal Year 2023. million that include a new ambula-
ity of mammography to detect early The spending package, initially sub- tory clinical services building and
breast cancers, and decreases the mitted to then-Rep. Chris Jacobs, a new CT scanner. The ambulatory
number of women “called back” for was secured by U.S. Senate Majority building comes with a price tag of
additional tests for findings that are Leader Charles E. Schumer and U.S. about $15 or $16 million. Reno-
not cancers. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, provid- vations to accommodate the CT
“Patients won’t notice a differ- ed more than $250M of support for Scanner — itself a $2.5 million in- UR MEDICINE NOYES HEALTH
ence in the exam – the compression community-based projects in the vestment by the hospital — will run “The new 3D mammogram machine is the newest technology in breast
and exposure time are about the Rochester-Finger Lakes Region. about $3.5 million, Noyes President imaging,” said Jill Lawton, lead mammography technologist at UR Med-
same as with a 2D mammogram,” The funds were used by Noyes to and CEO J. Chad Teeters told The icine Noyes Health. This tool improves the ability of mammography to
said Lawton. provide new ambulatory services to Livingston County News earlier this detect early breast cancers, and decreases the number of women “called
To increase the resolution of im- the area. year. back” for additional tests for findings that are not cancers.
Health and Wellness July 2024 T3

6 tips for staying hydrated during summer’s heat

METRO CREATIVE tribute to dehydration for in the heat or sweating dium, calcium and potassi-
CONNECTION healthy adults, so having profusely can unbalance um. An electrolyte-infused
Summer is marked by a cup or two should be fine. electrolytes in the body. beverage can help replen-
hot and humid conditions. 3. Certain foods are The Cleveland Clinic says ish these lost substances.
After all, the band The hydrating as well. Hydrat- electrolytes are substances Staying hydrated is es-
Lovin’ Spoonful didn’t ing foods include cucum- that help the body regulate sential at all times, but it’s
sing, “Hot town, summer bers, celery, tomatoes, chemical reactions and especially important when
in the city. Back of my neck watermelon, strawberries,
getting dirty and gritty” be- maintain balance between summer temperatures can
grapefruit, and peppers.
cause the summer weather fluids inside and outside of make loss of body fluid
The Mayo Clinic says the
is crisp and cool. Although average person gets 20 your cells. They include so- more significant.
summer temperatures can percent of his fluid intake
make a day at the beach from food.
or in the pool ideal, that 4. Make water more
rising mercury also can fun. Add unsweetened fla-
contribute to dehydration. voring to water if you find , LLC
The Mayo Clinic advis- plain water too bland. You
es that water is critical to can squeeze in lemon or
every cell, tissue and organ Mark Doerr, MD Matthew Sheldon, M.D.
lime juice, or float cucum- Warsaw Location: Corfu Location:
in the human body. The ber or apple slices in the 408 North Main St. 24 East Main St. (Route 33)
body relies on water to water for some flavor.
function properly. Water 5. Reach for calo- Please contact us at: 716-677-2273
helps to regulate body rie-free beverages before
temperature, flush waste food. It’s easy to mistake
from the body, lubricate METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
the signs of dehydration
and cushion joints, and Staying hydrated is essential at all times, but it’s espe-
for hunger. By drinking a
promote healthy digestion. cially important when summer temperatures can make
glass of water or another
And that’s just the start. So loss of body fluid more significant.
unsweetened beverage pri-
when temperatures climb fever, or is vomiting. toward fluid intake. or to every meal, you can
and the body begins sweat- The following are six Drinking your favorite tea stay hydrated and reduce
ing to cool off, it is vital to ways to stay properly or coffee is an another way the amount of food you
replenish lost fluids at a hydrated to avoid adverse to take in fluids. A 2016 eat. This can be part of a
faster rate.
reactions during hot sum- meta-analysis published in healthy weight loss plan.
The U.S. National Acade- the Journal of Science and 6. Occasionally con-
mies of Science, Engineer- mer days.
1. Consume a glass of Medicine in Sport found sume electrolyte powders
ing and Medicine says and drinks. Working out
women should consume water when you wake up. that caffeine doesn’t con-
2.7 liters of fluid per day, Start the day off with some
while men need 3.7 liters. water to give you an energy
These amounts increase if boost and get your metab-
one is exercising, sweating, olism moving.
has an illness such as a 2. Coffee and tea count



653 E. Main St.,

Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 3 pm Or by appt. after 3 pm
T4 July 2024 Health and Wellness

The importance of keeping dogs leashed for dogs, cats, and ferrets every
year in Livingston County. Up-
coming clinics, scheduled from
5 to 7 p.m., are:
The Genesee and Orleans of off-leash dogs biting chil- mental health director for GO home and in public areas. Street Rd., Batavia:
■ Aug. 8, 4 to 7 p.m. ■ July 23: Groveland/Mount
County Health Departments dren, pedestrians, and cyclists, Health, said in a news release. ■ Avoid allowing your dog to Morris, Livingston County Highway
are reminding pet owners of according to the health depart- In 2023, Genesee County approach unfamiliar dogs, peo- ■ Oct. 10, 4 to 6 p.m.
Orleans County Rabies Clinics Department, Hampton Corners,
the importance of keeping their ment. investigated 191 animal bite ple, or wildlife. 4389 Gypsy Lane, Groveland.
dogs leashed and under control “Leashing your dogs is an es- ■ Stay on top of your pets are at the Orleans County Fair-
and rabies incidents, and Or- grounds, 12690 State Route 31, ■ Aug. 21: Livonia, Livonia
at all times. sential step to prevent dog bites leans County investigated 137. yearly vaccinations. Town Highway Garage, 50 Com-
This year, there have been and protect the safety of all res- Albion,.
In 2023, a total of 45 individuals ■ Aug. 10, 9 to 11:30 a.m. mercial St., Livonia, across from
numerous reported incidents idents,” Darren Brodie, environ- Residents are encouraged to the town hall.
were treated for rabies post ex- take note of upcoming rabies ■ Oct. 19, 9 to 11:30 a.m.
posure. Many incidents could For more information, contact ■ Oct. 9: Dansville, Babcock
vaccination clinics for dogs, Park, pavilion, off Morey Avenue,
have been avoided by pet own- the Genesee County Health De-
cats, and ferrets that are offered Dansville.
ers keeping their dog on a leash. partment at (585) 344-2580, ext.
at no charge. 5555 or the Orleans County Health For more information, contact
Pet owners should: Genesee County clinics are the health department at (585)
Department at (585) 589-3278..
■ Keep your dog fenced in or scheduled at the Genesee Coun- 243-7290 or go online to www.liv-
on a leash when outside of your ty Fairgrounds, 5056 East Main Free rabies clinics are offered .

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Dr. Joseph Canzoneri • Dr. Ben Heddy
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Health and Wellness July 2024 T5

How to recognize vision problems in kids

METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION in games or other lengthy or rims, or red, inflamed eyes be measured when an au- Vision issues can present
Although vision loss is activities, it may be that poor can be symptomatic of a vi- torefractor shines light into themselves in children and
typically associated with vision is making it more diffi- sion problem. the eye and measures the not be as readily apparent to
aging, people of all ages can cult to fully participate. ■ Eye exam results: Eye eye’s response. It’s common-
experience issues that con- ■ Losing place: Someone the adults in their lives. Fa-
doctors conduct a series of ly used with children who
tribute to diminished vision. with vision issues may ex- tests during an eye exam. cannot communicate what miliarizing oneself with cer-
Sometimes parents may perience difficulty keeping tain symptoms is a way to di-
During an automatic refrac- they’re seeing and can help
be unaware that their chil- track of words while reading.
There are symptoms tion test, visual acuity can diagnose vision trouble. agnose vision trouble earlier.
dren have low vision or other ■ Eye rubbing: Prevent
issues compromising their to help discover vision Blindness says rubbing tired
If you are looking for one
sight, particularly when chil- problems in children at a eyes can be an indicator of a
dren are too young to verbal- young age. vision problem, as can tilting
ize their impairments.
The Mayo Clinic notes
■ Blurriness: A child may
complain of things being
one’s head or thrusting the
head forward.
place to meet all of your eye
additional symptoms, such
as squinting while reading
blurry, whether that means
words in a book or on a smart
■ Feeling dizzy: Some
people with vision problems care needs, look to our
or holding reading material
closely may be more appar-
screen in the classroom.
■ Headaches: Straining
feel dizzy or out of sorts at
times. professional & friendly staff!
ent. to see better can cause head- ■ Physical symptoms: Dr. Kurt Schmitt, Dr. Alyssa Fortuna, Theodore Fortuna
Parents, caregivers and aches. If a child starts com- Sometimes vision problems
even teachers can keep an plaining of frequent head- may be apparent because We accept most insurance including
eye out for following symp- aches, an eye exam may be in you can see there is some- EYEMED, NYS Vision Plan, Univera, Community Blue,
toms may help determine if order. thing amiss. Eyes that don’t  Spectera, Aetha, Cigna, Excellus, MVP, Fidelis,
kids are having vision prob- ■ Attention span: If your line up, eyes that appear    Davis and Independent Health
lems. child quickly loses interest crossed, redness in the eyes
T6 July 2024 Health and Wellness

Wellness Initiative educates seniors about aging

By KORI SCIANDRA tions, maintaining mobility, over-the-counter medications ing, including additional topics and strategies for emotional affect older adults different- on nutrition, physical activity,
The WISE program (Well- well-being. The program en- ly and how people can avoid and emotional well-being. We
ness Initiative for Senior Ed- courages social interaction, problems. have set up meetings all over
ucation) is an educational reducing isolation and foster- ■ Learn how to use simple Livingston County,” said Klugh.
program being presented by ing a sense of community,” she tools to help feel more empow- Anyone who wants to be-
Livingston County CASA- Trin- said. “With ongoing education ered about your health and the come involved in the WISE
ity Inc. that is geared toward and support, WISE empowers healthcare you receive. program should reach out to
individuals who are 60 or older. participants to make informed Individuals who participate CASA-Trinity directly or con-
The variety of lessons in- choices that support their long- in the program can learn essen- tact Klugh for more details.
clude changes associated with term health and well-being.” tial strategies for vibrant aging, CASA-Trinity can provide
aging, medication manage- Thefree program offers six gaining insights into nutrition, more details on upcoming ses-
ment, and learning about bio- lessons and topics such as: optimal physical activities, and sions or set up virtual meetings
logical changes. It also covers ■ Learn about the aging techniques to enhance emo- through Zoom. This ensures
generational diversity, lifestyle process and how to make tional well-being, Klug said. anyone who wants to partici-
strategies, addresses depres- The Wellness Initiative for Senior Education features
healthy lifestyle choices. The program fosters mean-
sion risks, stress awareness, ■ Celebrate this stage of life ingful social connections with “WISE offers a fantastic
lessons aimed to empower seniors with essential knowl- opportunity for seniors to
substance misuse prevention, edge and skills for a healthy and fulfilling lives. and the benefits that come with other seniors while providing
and effective communication it. a supportive environment to enhance their quality of life
with healthcare providers. nizers. cialist for Livingston County ■ Discuss risk factors and learn and share. through interactive and en-
Each lesson aims to empow- “The lessons in the WISE CASA-Trinity Inc. behaviors people should avoid “Yes, participants can expect gaging weekly sessions. Each
er seniors with essential knowl- program offer practical ben- “Participants gain skills and to staying healthy. ongoing lessons in the WISE session is filled with multiple
edge and skills for a healthy and efits in various ways,” said knowledge for healthy aging, ■ Examine how alcohol, program that delve deeper into activities where participants
fulfilling life, according to orga- Maegan Klug, prevention spe- including managing prescrip- prescription medications and various aspects of healthy ag- can learn valuable information
on medication management,
maintaining an active lifestyle,
and emotional well-being,”

said Klug.
“By joining WISE, seniors
can connect with their peers,
participate in interactive dis-
Your Hometown, Independent Full Service Pharmacy cussions, enjoy social interac-
tions, and engage in various

5975 Big Tree Road • Lakeville 346-5615

activities — all in a supportive
environment,” said Klug.
Facilitators travel to various
locations in Livingston County,
making it convenient for every-
Medical Supplies Full Ser vice Pharmacy one to participate.
“Whether you’re looking to
• Diabetic • Flu, Shingles, Pheumonia improve your health or sim-
Vaccines ply enjoy learning in a social
• Over-the-counter self care products setting, WISE offers practical
knowledge and preventa-
• Easy online refill ordering
• Bandages/Wraps tive measures for long-term
well-being,” she said.
• Splints • Personalized care and attention Upcoming sessions in Liv-
your family deserves ingston County include:
■ July 8, 10:30 a.m. at The
• Braces Center, 134 Main St., Dansville;
■ July 11, 10:30 a.m. at Wad-
• Crutches, Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes Unique Gifts, Gift Wraps, and Cards sworth Library, 24 Center St.,
Geneseo; and
Rentals are available and if we don’t have what ■ July 12, 12:30 p.m. at Cale-
donia-Muford High School, 99
you need in stock, we offer next day ordering North St., Caledonia.
For more information, con-

Check Out our Website:

tact Maegan at Mklugh@ca-, or by phone at
(585) 991-3256.
Health and Wellness July 2024 T7

Quickly whip up a nutritious breakfast

METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION at all that are healthy and load- boiled egg, you’ll get a breakfast
Breakfast long has been ed with the essentials the body that includes lots of nutritional
touted as the most important needs. According to WebMD, ingredients.
meal of the day. Breakfast helps the basic formula for a healthy • Cheese and berry crêpes:
to jump-start the body and get breakfast involves pairing car- When you have time, whip up
it ready for action, serving as bohydrates with protein. The a batch of crêpe shells from
fuel as individuals go about carbs give the body energy and whole wheat flour, then freeze
their daily lives. the brain fuel, while protein or store them in the refrigerator.
According to the Academy provides a feeling of fullness Fill as desired throughout the
of Nutrition and Dietetics, re- and staying power to make it to
week. Ricotta and tart berries
search shows that breakfast the next meal.
• Homemade energy bars: provides a punch of protein
helps people maintain healthy
weights and control blood sug- Some people reach for pre- and a dose of healthy antioxi-
ar and keep it steady through- packaged cereal bars or grano- dants.
out the day. Breakfast also la bars when they’re on the go. • Smoothies: Smoothies are
could be linked to heart health. Homemade bars allow people a quick and nutritious break-
A 2017 study in the Journal of to customize the ingredients fast. With some prep work that
the American College of Car- so they eat what they like. Cus- involves chopping and freezing
diology reported people who tomization also allows people pre-measured ingredients into
skip breakfast are more likely to to include superfoods, like individual bags, all it takes is
have arteriosclerosis, a condi- blueberries, protein-rich nuts, dumping the ingredients into
tion that occurs when the arter- quinoa, or dried cherries. a blender and combining with METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
ies narrow and harden due to a • Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a milk, yogurt or leafy greens. Put Breakfast helps to jump-start the body and get it ready for action, serving as fuel as
buildup of plaque. People who breakfast staple that is full of in a to-go cup or sip before leav- individuals go about their daily lives.
do not eat breakfast also are healthy fiber. Oatmeal can help ing the house.
more likely to weigh more and reduce cholesterol levels natu- • Quick bread: Create your
have higher blood pressure rally. Turning regular oatmeal own tasty quick bread that can
and cholesterol levels. into “overnight oats” means make a fast and healthy break-
Too often people skip break- you can pack these parfaits
fast. Include fruit, nuts or whole
fast. Some are following the with Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts,
trend of intermittent fasting and other ingredients you en- grains. Banana nut bread is
that has become popular in joy. one option. Toast up the bread
recent years and is believed to • Avocado toast: Avocados or even eat it cold. For an extra
help with weight loss. Others are full of heart-healthy essen- punch, top a slice with yogurt
may feel they are too busy to eat tial fatty acids. By mashing av- and honey.
breakfast. ocados into a paste, spreading Breakfast can be quick and
In regard to time, there are on top of a whole-grain slice nutritious, ensuring people
plenty of nutritional breakfasts of toast, and then topping ev- start their day off on healthy
people can whip up in no time erything with a fried or hard- footing.

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Taking care of you

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T8 July 2024 Health and Wellness

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