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Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development

Vol.11, Issue 2, 2011

ISSN 1844-5640

Toma DINU1, Ioan ALECU1, Silviu BECIU1, Maria BOBEICĂ1

1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, 59 Marasti, sector 1,

011464, Bucharest, Romania, Phone: +40 213182564, Fax: + 40 21318 28 88, E-mail: ,,,

Corresponding author:


After the entrance on the romanian market of the first hypermarket in 1996, large store-networks progresively
replaced small stores, wich didn’t handled the competition, and caused large mutations on the pathway between
producers and consumers. It is obvious the change in consuming behaviour but the purpose of this article is to
identify and prioritize the reasons consumers choose a form of trade. The present study is the result of a controlled
poll conducted in order to identify consumer behavior of food products. The investigation was conducted on a
sample of 450 people, based on a questionnaire containing 13 questions and highlights the consumer orientation
toward food markets or supermarkets, which determine the choice of the quantities of products purchased on a
shopping session and the factors determining the choice of a product There are also pursued the consequences for
producers of agricultural products. It also presents the results of what happened with the food market near the

Keywords : consumers’behaviour, agroalimentary product, income, choosing criteria.

INTRODUCTION Today, large retail chains dominate the retail

market of food products, and caused
The period before 1990 was characterized by considerable changes throughout the routes of
an absolute domination of the government products between producers and consumers.
monopoly on food trade. This required the This influence is particularly evident in urban
organization of producers in the form of centers, where is clearly notified the
consumer cooperatives and thus to allow a emphasized preference for super and
very small extent the presence of individual hypermarkets at the expense of food markets.
producer on dedicated markets. The transition The current study aimed to answer a question
to market economy allowed the appearance of that bothers Romanian producers: what has
other forms of commercial organization changed in the mentality of today's consumers
thereby emerging the wholesale markets and and what drives them to buy a certain
small boutiques, which, by diversifying their product? It's also interesting to observe how
offer, gave consumers a choice. the food markets close to the subjects have
The moment when on the Romanian market changed in structure or size over time. The
appeared large retailers such as Metro, most important is to figure out how will
Selgros, represented a turning point in the sale changing consumers’ behaviour affect farmers
of food products. They have introduced the and food market, and if it can be developed
concept of Cash & Carry market, which the concept of local consumption /
quickly gained popularity among consumers. consumption of Romanian products.
Popularity increased primarily because it
offered the opportunity to purchase large MATERIAL AND METHODS
amounts they could pay with cash, but also
because under one roof it was situated a According to Philip Kotler, the questionnaire
variety of fresh products with a high quality. and specialized equipment are the two ways
you can collect the necessary data for
Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol.11, Issue 2, 2011
ISSN 1844-5640
marketing research. [1] This paper is based on Buyer’s age is one of the main elements that
interviewing a sample of 450 people with ages affect the consumption decision. In general,
between 18 and 60, students of USAMV older people are more conservative, while the
Bucharest. This survey was conducted in young people tend more likely to try new
order to identify the subjects’ behaviour products, non-traditional. In our situation, we
regarding the purchase of agricultural noticed for example that from the 27%
products. The usefulness of the study is representing people with older ages, most of
primarily based on the need to identify them prefer buying products from the food
consumption trends and what elements markets, while the young people prefer
provoke the purchase decision. Producers hypermarkets.
need to realize how useful it is targeting Income, as part of the buying decision may
production. The questionnaires we used to influence the buyer in choosing a certain
achieve the objectives contained a total of 13 product, with a higher quality. The more
different types of questions: open questions, income raises, the more we tend to buy better
closed dichotomous questions, closed products at higher prices. The answers to
questions with multiple choice, questions of questionnaires recorded revenues of the age
classification of respondent. category 18-25 years on average 20509
However, although the questionnaire was RONi/year, for the 25-40 years category
applied to 450 subjects, it is recommended to 23644 RON/year and those over 40 years
apply it to a much larger scale, in order to have average incomes of about 31,927 RON /
obtain a more accurate picture of what affects year. We can observe a positive trend in the
the consumer in their purchasing decisions. level of revenues with increasing age. The
average income overall is 25359.95 RON per
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS year and the percentage of revenues allocated
to the purchase of food varies for all the age
Our study has identified certain preferences of categories between 34% and 35%.
the respondents both in terms of products to Generally, shopping sessions for food
be consumed, but also in choosing the place products are made by one family member, but
where they shop and the factors underlying the products are consumed by all members.
these decisions. For food products, Among our respondents, the highest
consumption is influenced by several features percentage (81.7%) said they are actively
[2]: involved in buying food products, either alone
-Purchase decision is spontaneous and not a or accompanied by their spouse. We also
result of long periods of reflection; noticed that young people up to 25 years
-Purchased products meet family needs more rather do shopping either alone or to entrust
than personal taste; this task to a trustworthy person, most often
-Consumer habits are influenced by family parents. It is notified the individual’s distrust
size, living environment, whether or not they in random people for doing the food
have children, religion, lifestyle, and are often shopping, and the preference for entrusting
sent the next generation; this task to family members only.
-Shopping sessions are scheduled in order to The purchase / sale of certain products is
purchase agricultural products; considered appropriate only in certain places.
-There can be no fidelity to the brand, very Asking them where they deem appropriate the
rare appearing the preference of a certain food purchase / sale of food products, our subjects
market or a certain producer ; identified the purchase / sale in agro-food
-Revenue has a major role in purchasing markets as a very adequate 52%, while less
decisions; suitable is only perceived by 14.4% from all
-Traditions in the consumers’ area, although the three age categories. In the case of
young people are open to try new food hypermarkets however there is a difference
products (fast food, exotic fruits). according to age: most of those aged 18 and
25 years and those over 40 years consider it

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Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol.11, Issue 2, 2011
ISSN 1844-5640
very adequate and only a small part of them between 18 and 25 years. Global brand ranks
consider it inappropriate. Overall, however, 6th in the top criteria (9.51%) having the
most consider it very adequate (47.6%) greatest importance among those between 18
adequate - 42.3% and less adequate - 10.1%. and 25 years and lowest in importance among
Another question in the questionnaire referred the over 40 years. If the product is in the
to the correlation between the location where promotional offer, then 10.21% of those
they shop and how often they buy there. Thus, surveyed say they would choose it. And in
we meet daily in the food markets around this case, young people are most receptive,
7.64% of the respondents, 31.21% twice due to having the patience and time required
weekly, weekly - 52.2% and 8.9% at other for seeking such deals.
time. Preference order is maintained in all 3 Agricultural producers must focus on the
age categories. Regarding the hypermarket, better promotion of products so thatthe
the most frequently is visited weekly turnover increses, and consumers buy in
(58.22%), daily passes the threshold only larger quantitie. [3] According to the
5.06%, 15.82% biweekly, and at other questionnaire responses, most individuals
intervals 20.88%. According to all the (42.5%) react moderate to promotional offers,
responses, we conclude that respondents and only a very small percentage react very
prefer to go daily to the corner store and make strongly (7.18%). Other people react only
their weekly supply from the market, slightly or not at all to these means. In the
supermarket and hypermarket. attention of respondents, the first place is
In order to choose the place where they do the occupied by TV campaigns (23.64%) so that a
shopping, the consumers notice some features national awareness campaign for consumers
regarding the location. The most important could have the greatest impact. In second
criterion in choosing the location for all three place, with a percentage of 17.09% is the “3
age categories is the quality of products sold the price of 2” offer. Gift items offer ends
there. The least important criterion is the fame podium at a rate of 15.95% in the choices.
of the store (for those between 18 and 25 The last place ranks online campaigns, though
years and for those aged between 25 and 40) they got increasingly more public in recent
but for those older than 40 years on the last years, still do not have the desired effect
place is the transport facilities criterion. among buyers.
Overall, the ranking of the nine criteria listed The average shopping cart by shopping
in the questionnaire is the following: product session resulted from the questionnaire,
quality (35.6%), price of products (24.21%), identified as the most popular products fruits,
parking (9.68%), universality (8.47%), soft drinks, vegetables, bread and bakery
proximity (8.23%), store size (6.53%), products in which respondents buy at least 2
transportation facilities (5.08%), fame of the units per session. Popular are also products
store (2.17%). None of the respondents such as milk and cheese or meat. The most
indicate another criteria in the open question. popular assortment of meat is poultry, chosen
Once identified the characteristics by which for reasons of price or quality.
we choose the location, we must identify the If there is a need for choice between the food
characteristics that products must have. In the market and hypermarket question is whether
questionnaire, the respondent had to choose between the products of the two forms of
between eight features, or if none marketing there is a qualitative difference. If
corresponded to personal belief, he the the answer is yes, the question arises: Who
opportunity to appoint another important sells the best products?
feature for him. Processing the answers, we Of respondents, 44.04% said between the two
found that the most important criterion of forms of trade they notice huge differences in
choice is quality, being chosen more often. terms of product superiority, while only 2.9%
Ratio between quality and price is for 18.62% believe that there is no such differentiation
of the people a fair reason for buying. Most between the two types of marketing. Among
interested in this aspect are young people those who believe that there are differences

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Scientific Papers Series Management , Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol.11, Issue 2, 2011
ISSN 1844-5640
between products, 57.48% think that the producer - who will sell more, and for the
products’ quality is higher in markets versus buyer - who will return.
42.52% who believe the supermarket products The population still has a positive image
are superior. Market gains a majority in terms about the market and farmers, and this image
of percentage of product superiority in all should be maintained. Appropriate promoting
three age categories. Although there are will exert effects on the number of buyers you
differences between products, sharing will attract. It is essential to increase the
opinions is balanced, creating a ratio of about number of buyers, as increasing the quantity
50% -50% among those who prefer the agro- per buyer is almost impossible given the
food market and those who prefer super / inelasticity of demand.
hypermarket. Last but not least, we must take all necessary
The appearance of various business units measures for the size and number of food
where before there were only neibourghood markets not to fall. First affected are
markets, “sliced” the pie of consumers. producers who can not cope with the demands
Competition has led to restriction and of hypermarkets. In the long run, it will even
disappearence for some or the emergence and lead to a shortage of producers with
expansion of others. It was the same thing for immediate effect on land abandonment. Food
food markets. When asked what happened to markets are essential to remind consumers
the agro-food market in their proximity, what the true value of food. It reminds them
recorded responses were ranked as follows: in how much human labour is involved in the
40% of cases it has increased its capacity, in process of growing food, and the fact that the
29% of cases the market near subjects it consumption prove care for the community
remained at it’s original dimensions. and land cultivation. [4]
Disadvantageous cases are those where food A general conclusion may be that it is
market size decreased or it was even replaced. necessary for the Romanian producers to
17% have reduced capacity, 11% were adapt their offer in order to meet markets’
converted into shops, boutiques - 2% and 1% demands including consumer desires in terms
in homes. Decrease in size of the markets of packaging and products conditioning.
needs to worry the authorities because food Related to this, a question naturally arises: Do
manufacturers who sell in these locations Romanian producers want to answer these
have been forced to relocate or give up food challenges and especially do they have the
trade. For many, selling to stores is impossible ability to adapt quickly to consumer
because of the taxes levied by the shop demands?
[1]Kotler,P., 2008, Principiile marketingului, editia a 4-
The changes food markets have gone through a, Editura Teora, Bucuresti
[2] Norwood,B.,Lusk J., 2007, Agricultural Marketing
in recent years has been mostly beneficial. As and Price Analysis, Editura Prentice Hall
society evolved, consumer behavior has [3] Ishee J.W,Dynamic Farmers' Marketing: A Guide to
evolved and he now manifests and a greater Successfully Selling Your Farmers' Market Products
pleasure in taking part in shopping. Also, the [4]Robinson, J.M., Hartenfeld, J.A., 2007, The
criteria underlying the purchase of products Farmers' Market Book: Growing Food, Cultivating
Community, Editura Quarry Books, Minneapolis
have changed, making way for new habits.
Today, producers must take into account the
fact that the population has a higher degree of
sophistication and the emphasis is not only on
price but also on quantity. Increasing product
quality will become an asset both for the


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