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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HK2 – TIẾNG ANH 11 (2023 – 2024)


I. PHONETICS: Tóm tắt 2 cách đọc –S và –ED:

- S/ES - ED

• /s/: p, t, k, th, f (gh) • /id/: d, t

• /iz/: sh, ch, ce, se, ge, s, x, z, • /t/: p, k, th, f, gh, s, ce, sh, ch, se

• /z/: còn lại • /d/: còn lại

1. Từ có 2 vần/âm:
- Hầu hết Danh từ hoặc tính từ có 2 vần: âm nhấn ở vần đầu (âm 1)
- Hầu hết Động từ có 2 vần: nhấn ở vần cuối (âm 2)
2. Các từ tận cùng là:
trọng âm thường đặt ngay trước những âm này
3. Các từ tận cùng là:
- OUS, -ATE, -TUDE, -ITY, -ETY, -AL, -LOGY, -GRAPHY, -METRY, -NOMY, CY trọng âm thường từ
âm thứ 3 từ sau ra trước. (TRƯỚC CÁC HẬU TỐ 2 ÂM)
4. Các từ tận cùng là:
ADE, EE, ESE, EER, OO, OON, ETTE, ESQUE, trọng âm thường nhấn ở vần cuối.

a. "Gerund” được dùng làm chủ ngữ.
Reading books helps you improve your knowledge.
b. "Gerund" được dùng làm tân ngữ.
Many young people love working for the charity.
c. “Gerund” được dùng làm bổ ngữ (sau động từ “Be”).
His favourite hobby is collecting old coins.
d. "Gerund” được dùng sau giới từ.
People have become more interested in travelling abroad.
e. “Gerund” được dùng theo sau một số động từ.
The boss admitted making a mistake.

admit: thừa nhận imagine: tưởng tượng spend (time): dùng thì giờ
avoid: tránh involve: dính líu Waste (time): lãng phí thì giờ
appreciate: ghi nhận; cảm kích keep (on): tiếp tục tolerate: chịu đựng
deny: phủ nhận; chối (Not) mind: không ngại can't help: không nhịn được
detest: rất ghét miss: bỏ lỡ can't stand: không chịu được
delay: trì hoãn postpone: hoãn lại
dislike: không thích practise: luyện tập; thực hành
consider: xem xét; cân nhắc quit: từ bỏ
Enjoy: thích; thưởng thức recall: nhớ lại
finish: hoàn thành recollect: nhớ lại
face: đối diện resent: bực tức
fancy: tưởng tượng, thích risk: liều làm việc gì
give up: từ bỏ suggest: đề nghị

f. The Gerund" được dùng theo sau một số cụm từ có giới từ theo sau
Are you used to getting up early in the morning?

apologize for: xin lỗi prevent from: ngăn cản be worth doing sth: xứng đáng
be used to: quen với accuse sb. of: cáo buộc It's no use/ good doing sth:
get used to: trở nên quen với insist on: nhấn mạnh; khăng không ích gì
Feel like: cảm thấy thích khích be busy doing sth: bận làm việc
look forward to: trông chờ be accustomed to: quen với
succeed in: thành công approve of: tán thành
congratulate sb. on: khen ngợi disapprove of: không tán thành
put off: hoãn lại



a. Subject
Gerund: Winning the match is the best achievement of the the team.
Perfect gerund: Having won the last match is the best achievement of the team.
b. Object
Gerund: She denied going out with him.
Perfect gerund: She denied having stolen the money
c. Prepositions
Gerund: You can improve your English by practising it every day.
Perfect gerund: They have been convicted of having assaulted a police officer.

Active: My parents will build a house next year.
Passive: A house will be built by my parents next year.


S be + V3/ed (by Agent)

- Xác định S, V, O và thì của V trong câu chủ động.

- Lấy O trong câu chủ động làm S của câu bị động.
- Lấy S trong câu chủ động làm O và đặt sau by trong câu bị động.
- Biến đổi V chính trong câu chủ động thành V3/ed (Past Participle) trong câu bị động.
- Thêm to be vào trước V3/ed trong câu bị động (to be phải chia)
Bảng đối chiếu câu chủ động và bị động qua các thì

Tense Active Passive

Simple Present S + V (nguyên)/ V (s/es) S + am/ is/ are + V3/ed
Peter writes the book. Ú The book is written by Peter.
S + V2/ed S + was/ were + V3/ed
Simple Past
Peter wrote the book. Ú The book was written by Peter.
Present Continuous S + am/ is/ are + V-ing S + am/ is/ are + being + V3/ed
Peter is writing the book. Ú The book is being written by Peter.
S + was/ were + V-ing S + was/ were + being + V3/ed
Past Continuous Ú The book was being written by Peter.
Peter was writing the book.
S + have/ has + V3/ed S + have/ has + been + V3/ed
Present Perfect Ú The book has been written by Peter.
Peter has written the book.
S + had + V3/ed S + had + been + V3/ed
Past Perfect
Peter had written the book. Ú The book had been written by Peter.
S + will/ shall + V (nguyên) S + will + be + V3/ed
(Simple future)
Peter will write the book. Ú The book will be written by Peter.
S + am/ is/ are + going to + V(nguyên) S + am/ is/ are + going to + be + V3/ed
(Near Future) Peter is going to write the book. Ú The book is going to be written by Peter.
S + modal verb + V S + modal verb + V
Modal verbs
Someone ought to write the report Ú Someone ought to be writen the report
S + have to + O S + have to + be V3/ed
Have to/had to
Someone has to write the report Ú Someone has to be writen the report




My grandfather had me buit this house in 1960.

My grandfather got me to buid this house in 1960.


My grandfather had this house built in 1960.

My grandfather got this house built in 1960.

3.5. THE THIRD CONDITIONAL (Unreal in the past)


- If I had seen him, I would have warned him.

(But I didn’t see him, so I didn’t warn him)

1 be good at communicating giỏi giao tiếp
2 bring about positive changes mang lại những thay đổi tích cực
3 die of breast cancer chết vì ung thư vú
4 depict the countryside and landscapes miêu ảt miền quê và phong cảnh
5 give one's performance with great devotion biểu diễn hết mình
6 have a good sense of humor có khiếu hài hước
7 have good organizational skills có kỹ năng ổt chức tốt
8 have lots of / no common sense có rất nhiều / không có khả năng suy nghĩ hợp ý
9 have physical courage có sự can đảm về thể chất
10 have lots of energy có nhiều năng lượng

11 lack self-confidence (v) thiều tự tin
12 a lack of confidence thiếu tự tin
13 show lots of initiative /i'nfativ/ thể hiện nhiều sáng kiến
14 adisability support worker nhân viên hỗ trợ người khuyết tật
15 make one's own company thành lập công ty của riêng mình
16 make one's own website tạo trang web của riêng mình
17 make a difference tạo nên sự khác biệt
18 miss the chance to meet a celebrity bỏ lỡ cơ hội gặp người nổi tiếng
19 mention some new design techniques đề cập đến một số kỹ thuật thiết kế mới
20 moving on to the question of chuyển sang câu hỏi về .
21 another thing I wanted to ask is một điều nữa tôi muốn hỏi là
22 could l ask you about ..? speaking of ... (nói về....)
23 that reminds me, ... điều đó nhắc tôi nhớ rằng

1 identify with (phr v) có thể đồng cảm/ thông cảm
2 put off (phr v) làm cho người khác không thích/ không tin
3 twist and turns (idiom) những thay đổi ngạc nhiên và bất ngờ
4 be disappointed with bị thất vọng bởi
5 break into đột nhập
6 take a closer look nhìn kỹ hơn
7 inspire s.o to do s.t truyền cảm hứng cho ai làm gì
8 approve of tán thành, ủng hộ
9 go on the outing đi dã ngoại
10 To be blunt,... Nói thẳng ra,
11 be referred to as something được gọi là ...
12 get a lot of attention for something nhận được chú ý nhiều nhờ vào ...
13 on the ground= among the general public giữa công chúng
14 look like something trông giống như
15 set out the design thiết kế
16 be made into a film được dựng thành phim
17 be optimistic about lạc quan về
18 All in all,... Nhìn chung,..
19 be created to the wish of the children được tạo ra theo mong muốn của trẻ em
20 a hand of bananas 1 nải chuối.

1 bring up (1) rear children
(2) mention or raise a topic (nhắc đến hoặc đưa ra)
2 call off cancel (hủy bỏ)
3 cut down on sth reduce the size, amount or number (giảm bớt)
4 give up stop permanently (từ bö)
5 Hold up delay; stop moving
6 let sb down make sb disappointed
7 come across meet by chance
8 go off (1) Explode or ring (nổ; reo lên)
(2) Become spoilt (bị hư)
9 look after take care of or be responsible for
10 look into investigate (điều tra)
11 look out be careful
12 run into meet by chance
13 take after resemble
14 take off (of aplane) Depart (cất cánh)
15 turn up arrive or appear
1 Catch up with Reach the same position or level (bắt kip)
2 Check out of Pay the bill and leave a hotel
3 Cut down on sth Reduce the size, amount or number (giảm bớt)
4 Get on / along with Have good relationship with (hòa đồng với)
5 Put up with Tolerate (chịu đựng)
6 Run out of Finish the supply of sth (hết; cạn kiệt)


1 Academy academic # unacademic academically
2 Criticism criticize critically: phê bình,
3 determination determine determined determinedly
4 approval approve (of) approving/disapproving approvingly #
disapproval disapprove approved/ disapproved disapprovingly
5 Initiation initiate initiative initially
6 investigate
7 generosity generous generously
8 honesty# dishonesty honest/dishonest honestly # dishonestly
9 investigation investigative
10 relevance relevant# irrelevant relevantly#irrelevantly
irrelevance maturity# mature #immature maturely# immaturely
TT Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
deliberateness: sự cố ý deliberate: cố ý deliberately: một cách cố
origin: nguồn gốc originate: bắt original ≠ unoriginal originally: ban đầu
2 originality: độc đáo nguồn gốc ≠ không nguyên bản
art: nghệ thuật artistic: liên quan đến artistically: một cách
3 artist: nghệ sĩ nghệ thuật nghệ thuật
artistry: tính nghệ thuật
4 distinctiveness: sự khác biệt distinctive: khác biệt distinctively: rõ rệt
optimist ≠ pessimist optimistic ≠ pessimistic
người lạc quan ≠ người bi quan lạc quan ≠ bi quan
music: âm nhạc musical: có liên quan đến musically: về mặt âm
6 musical: nhạc kịch hoặc kết nối với âm nhạc nhạc
musician: nhạc sĩ
performance: thành tích, màn perform: performing: có liên quan
7 trình diễn trình diễn đến trình diễn
performer: người biểu diễn
poem: bài thơ poetic: nên thơ poetically: thơ ca; một
8 poet: nhà thơ cách thơ mộng
poetry: thơ
culture: văn hóa cultural: thuộc văn hóa culturally: về mặt văn
cultured: có văn hóa hóa
organization: tổ chức organize: tổ organizational: có liên
organizer: người tổ chức chức quan đến tổ chức
10 organized ≠ disorganized
được tổ chức ≠ không
được tổ chức

Listen to four people talking about cultural events and choose True or False
Speaker 1
1. The speaker found some of the sculptures at the modern art exhibition boring.
2. The artist had created some sculptures by using everyday objects from around her home.
Speaker 2
3. Despite the disappointing aspects of the music festival, the speaker and their friends have decided to
attend again next year.
4. The speaker had initially planned to attend the music festival last summer.
Speaker 3
5. The speaker found the acting in the play to be excellent.
6. The speaker got to know the play a bit better after seeing a live performance at the theatre.
Speaker 4
7. This is the first time the speaker has seen the ABBA’s perfomance.
8. All of the speaker’s friends were enthusiastic about going to see "Mamma Mia!".
Listen to four people talking about Nellie Bly – a famous journalist and Choose True or False
1. Nellie Bly became a journalist at the age of sixty after writing an anonymous article in response to a
newspaper article.
2. Nellie Bly was primarily interested in writing about fashion and gardening like other female journalists
of her time.
3. When Nellie accused companies of treating workers badly, they refused to buy advertisements in the
4. Nellie Bly's investigations into companies' treatment of workers were stopped due to pressure from
5. In 1897, Nellie moved to the New York World newspaper.
Rachel Carson, an ecologist, a biologist, and a writer, was born in ______(1) in Springdale, Pennsylvania.
As a small girl, she was an avid reader and soon showed a keen interest in the s natural world and writing.
She had her first story about animals published in a magagize when she was in the fourth grade. She
_______ (2) from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham University) in 1929, studied at the
Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, and received her MA in zoology from Johns Hopkins
University in 1932. Initially, Rachel Carson worked for the _______ (3) Bureau of Fisheries as a part-
time science writer. Part of her job was to interst the public in marine and frestwater biology via radio
programmes. She then spent the next few years serving as a marine ________(4) and editor for the US
Fish and Wildlife Service. There, she became famous for her writings on environmental ________ (5)
and the natural history of the sea.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. amazed B. arrived C. received D. hoped
2. A. rubbed B.tugged C. stopped D. filled
3. A. dimmed B. travelled C. passed D. stirred
4. A. agreed B. succeeded C. smiled D. loved
5. A. imagined B. released C. rained D. followed
6. A. considered B. rescued C. pulled D. roughed
7. A. involves B. believes C. suggests D. steals
8. A. remembers B. cooks C. walls D. pyramids
9. A. develops B. takes C. laughs D. volumes
10. A. grasses B. stretches C. comprises D. potatoes
11. A. applaud B. ballet C. classical D. attitude
12. A. priority B. playwright C. optimistic D. mime
13. A. ambition B. sympathy C. enthusiasm D. character
14. A. Stubbornness B. punctuality C. maturity D. funding
15. A. ecology B. editor C. focus D. common
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. sculpture B. graphic C. visual D. tattoo
2. A. pessimistic B. pedestrian C. priority D. reverse
3. A. irritate B. different C. gripping D. applaud
4. A. choreographer B. conductor C. deliberately D. continuously
5. A. determine B. entertain C. inspire D. idealize
6. A. zoology B. loyalty C. parliament D. honest
7. A. generous B. undeniable C. sympathetic D. undercover
8. A. editor B. employment C. approval D. academic
9. A. widespread B. loyal C. cheerful D. ideal
10. A. confident B. ambitious C. sociable D. stubborn
11. A. creativity B. flexibility C. pessimism D. punctuality
12. A. sympathetic B. intelligent C. ambitious D. creative
13. A. maturity B. receptionist C. initiation D. discovery
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Sarah was __________ when she saw the final product of her hard work.
A. disappointed with B. approved of C. inspired to do something D. put down
2. The new amusement park ride had many__________ that kept riders on the edge of their seats.
A. twists and turns B. norms and playwrights
C. graffities and priorities D. originalities and sculptures
3. The book was so popular that it __________ and released it theaters worldwide.
A. inspired people to fight B. was made into a film
C. got a lot of attention for something D. looked like something
4. __________, it was a successful event and we raised a lot of money for the charity.
A. On the ground B. Created to the wish of the children
C. Take a closer look D. All in all
5. The long wait time for customer service was__________ from using the company’s services.
A. breaking into B. going on the outing
C. putting customers off D. optimistic about
6. The politician was _________ when he heard that he was being __________ as the next potential leader
A. put down/ referred to
B. approved of/ made into a film
C. disappointed with/ created to the wish of the children
D. inspired to win/ on the ground
7. The chef__________the new restaurant and said that the food was excellent.
A. put off B. looked like something
C. approved of D. got a lot of attention for something
8. The poet wrote a beautiful __________that captured the essence of the sunset.
A. sculpture B. poem C. genre D. forger
9. She felt so__________about the new job that she worked late every night.
A. apathetic B. distinctive C. deliberate D. excited
10. The audience gave a standing __________ after the amazing performance.
A. norm B. attitude C. applaud D. peer
11. __________, I don’t think the project is going to be successful.
A. To be blunt B. Be referred to as
C. Get a lot of attention for something D. Identify with
12. The new art exhibit __________ its unique and though- provoking pieces.
A. was made into a film B. put down
C. got a lot of attention for D. was created to the wish of the children
13. The CEO decided to__________ at the company’s financial records before making a decision.
A. go on the outing B. take a closer look
C. be optimistic about D. put off
14. As a young girl growing up in a small town, I could __ the struggles of the main character in the novel.
A. put off B. approve of C. identify with D. be referred to as
15. The artist’s new painting __________ a scene of a beach with __________ hanging from the trees.
A. looked like/ a hand of bananas
B. got a lot of attention for something/ twists and turns
C. was made into a film/ a hand of bananas
D. put down/ a hand of bananas
16. The team_____for the new product, carefully considering all aspects of its functionality and aesthetics.
A. set out the design B. put off C. identified with D. went on the outing
17. The artist used a hammer and chisel to__________ the statue out of a block of marble.
A. carve B. bow C. kneel D. strip
18. The__________was responsible for creating the dance moves for the show.
A. conductor B. choreographer C. playwright D. composer
19. After some persuasion, he finally agreed to __________ defeat and accept the other team’s victory.
A. reverse B. concede C. presume D. prioritize
20. I try to be friendly but it's hard to __________ some of my colleagues.
A. get on with B. come up with C. watch out for D. stand in for
21. The plane __________ and was soon flying high over the town.
A. got off B. piled up C. rose up D. took off
22. Suddenly the fire alarm __________ and everyone had to leave the building.
A. set off B. went off C. shot up D. got around

23. She had to __________ because someone else wanted to use the phone.
A. keep up B. hang up C. take back D. ring off
24. Flora applied for the post, but she was ___________.
A. checked out B. called off C. turned down D. named after
25. I have to ___________ at the airport two hours before departure.
A. sign on B. check in C. write down D. check up
26. David was brought _____________ in the country by his grandparents.
A. on B. back C. up D. about
27. The tourists refused to _____________ the poor service.
A. put up with B. get away from C. stand in for D. get on with
28. The passengers noticed how cold it was when they __________ the plane.
A. went off B. took off C. went out of D. got off
29. Clare was surprised when her guests__________ late for the party.
A. put up B. came up C. turned up D. looked up
30. Millions of tons of plastic __________ in the oceans every year.
A. depict B. confide C. end up D. determine
31. __________ to the question of salary, could you tell me how much I would earn?
A. Moving on B. Release C. Call for D. Spark
32. It is a shame that the report's recommendations are unlikely to bring about __________ quickly.
A. good thoughtfulness B. positive changes C. self-confidence D. design technique
33. The average _____________ support worker salary in the USA is $50,076 per year or $24.08 per hour.
A. disabled B. unable C. disability D. ability
34. She ______________ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. missed the chance B. showed lots of initiative C. majored D. is capable
35. I valued his leadership, his honesty and his enormous moral and ___________.
A. design techniques B. scientific study C. long-term effects D. physical courage
36. I went to the University of Pennsylvania, where I ___________in finance.
A. benefited B. majored C. concerned D. resulted
37. The president has sent a message of ___________ to the relatives of the dead soldiers.
A. thankful B. sympathy C. experience D. creativity
38. The college will be expanding in line with the government's __________ to increase student numbers.
A. advertisement B. ambition C. seriousness D. policy
39. John___________ from Stanford in 1998 with a degree in biochemistry.
A. graduated B. suffered C. prevented D. asked
40. Hostels are a temporary solution until the families can be housed in permanent
A. campaign B. accommodation C. employment D. determination
41. ___________ the uniform, would you provide me with one?
A. Taking care of B. Turn into C. Holding up D. Speaking of
42. He received a(n) ________ letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money.
A. anonymous B. honest C. modest D. realistic
43. I don't think he has any idea of the ______________ of the situation.
A. generation B. flexibility C. seriousness D. patience
44. I _______________ my mother in looks, but people say I've got my father character.
A. take care of B. look after C. take after D. care for

45. The _______________ of economic operators is an obstacle to growth and investment.

A. enough confidence B. lack of confidence C. intelligence D. issues
46. He is warning youngsters _______________ the dangers of fireworks.
A. about B. in C. of D. into
47. The fire ___________ in damage to their property last night.
A. led B. majored C. caused D. resulted
48. If you don't know what the word means, ______________ in a dictionary.
A. call it off B. look down on it C. look up to it D. look it up
49. The hospital has now bought a new body scanner, thanks to the_________ of local fund- raisers.
A. generous B. generosity C. generously D. generate
50. She will get the job she wants- she’s a very___________ person.
A. determined B. determining C. determination D. determine
51. The government is being widely_________ in the media for failing to limit air pollution.
A. criticism B. criticizedly C. criticized D. critical
52. They were_________, hard-working people, trying to farm on their own two feet.
A. honestly B. honesty C. honest D. dishonest
53. The insects lay eggs when they approach_________.
A. mature B. maturity C. maturing D. maturely
54. The idea for the new product __ from a deliberate market research analysis conducted by the company.
A. origin B. originality C. originate D. originated
55. The teacher make a_________ effort to give each student individual attention.
A. deliberate B. deliberation C. deliberated D. deliberately
56. Despite his friend’s optimism, he remained a______ and believed that everything would end in failure.
A. pessimistic B. pessimism C. pessimist D. pessimistically
57. The magician was able to_________ a spectacular trick that left the audience in awe.
A. perform B. performance C. performed D. performing
58. Though she was often criticized for her____ approach to work, she surprised everyone with her talent.
A. organized B. organizing C. disorganizing D. disorganized
59. The_________ festival was a melting pot of diverse traditions and art forms.
A. culturally B. culture C. cultured D. cultural
60. _________ speaking, the sunrise is a canvas painted by the divine.
A. poet B. poetic C. poetically D. poem

Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following
1. We were impressed by the originality of the children’s work.
A. Creativity B. fool C. stupidity D. ignorance
2. Meeting the project deadline is our top priority.
A. Importance B. minor thing C. small thing D. insignificance
3. She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
A. Disposition B. opinion C. era D. forger
4. My grandfather used to carve beautiful wooden sculptures with just a pocket knife and a steady hand.
A. Bow B. fool C. sculp D. concede
5. I couldn’t put the book down because it was a real page-turner, with an intriguing plot and well-
developed characters that kept me engaged from beginning to end.
A. bad book C. a real bad newspaper
B. An interesting paper D. a very exciting book
6. You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people.

A. Makes a lot of people dislike.
B. Takes a lot of people’s attention.
C. Tells a lot of people that you cannot see them.
D. Arranges to delay your job.
7. It’s a story that’s so fantastic, so full of twists and turns, that it would be hard to make up.
A. Predictable, gradual development
B. Routine, evolutionary shifts
C. Foreseeable, natural progressions
D. Unexpected, surprising changes
8. Wearing a hat is now regarded as rather old-fashioned.
A. modern B. dated C. fashionable D. new
9. Despite his success, he still seems to lack self- confidence socially.
A. self- assurance B. shyness C. issue D. impact
10. There are going to be some organizational changes within the party.
A. flexible B. spectacular C. investigative D. structural
11. I am leaving you here to look after the business until I get back.
A. go on B. take after C. find out D. be responsible
1. ___________ this movie last week, I still wanted to see it again.
A. Having seen B. Had seen C. Was seen D. Seeing
2. Tom was accused ___________ some top secret document.
A. to steal B. of having stolen C. for stealing D. to have stolen
3. But after ___________ it over, I decided to laugh at myself and just join anyway.
A. having thought B. I have thought C. thought D. to have thought
4. Even when arrested, he denied _________ cut down that tree.
A. has B. having C. have D. have had
5. I remembered having _________ off the lights after learning before leaving home.
A. switched B. switch C. switching D. switches
6. __________ from the horseback, he was taken to hospital and had an operation.
A. When falling B. As he was fallen C. After having fallen D. To fall
7. ________, he went into his office to fill in the daily time sheet.
A. Before leaving B. Before he had left C. Before having left D. When he’s leaving
8. She often thinks carefully ________any questions.
A. before answering B. before having answered
C. by answering D. having answering.
9. I regretted ________ the chance to meet a celebrity.
A. having missed B. to have missed C. to miss D. being missed
10. _________ a marathon requires not only physical endurance but also mental strength.
A. to run B. running C. run D. having run
11. She avoided _________ eye contact during the interview, which made her seem less confident.
A. to make B. made C. making D. to have made
12. The committee appreciates _________ feedback from all members before making a decision.
A. to receive B. received C. receiving D. have received
13. After _________ in the rain, I felt incredibly refreshed.
A. to walk B. walk C. walked D. having walked

14. _________ such a tough decision was not easy for her, but she knew it was right.
A. having make B. to have made. C. having made D. made
15. I enjoy _________ on new challenges; it keeps life interesting.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. having taken
16. _________late can cause you to miss out on important information.
A. to arrive B. arriving C. arrive D. having arrived
17. We discussed _________ to the new policy during the meeting.
A. to adapt B. adapting C. adapted D. having adapted
18. _________ in silence for hours, Jane finally decided to speak up.
A. to sit B. sitting C. sit D. having sat
19. The artist talked about _____ from traditional techniques to digital art.
A. to transition B. transitioning C. transitioned D. having transitioned
20. _____ such a long distance was a significant achievement for the team.
A. to run B. running C. run D. having run


1. These T-shirts and jeans __________ in the US. in 1900.

A. have made B. made C. were made D. make
2. The building is very dangerous. It __________ down next week.
A. knocked B. will knock C. will be knocked D. was knocked
3. The room looks nice. It __________
A. was cleaning B. has just been cleaned
C. will be cleaned D. is cleaning
4. Our twenty houses __________ when the fire engine __________
A. had burnt up / arrived B. burnt up / had arrived
C. had been burnt up / arrived D. will have burnt / arrives
5. English is __________ all over the world.
A. spoken B. speak C. speaks D. to speak
6. Where will these coconut trees __________?
A. be planted B. planted C. plant D. be planting
7. She left home in 1993 and __________ since then.
A. hasn’t seen B. didn’t see C. hasn’t been seen D. wasn’t seen
8.__________ your house painted last year?
A. Had B. Did C. Was D. Have
9. In England, the academic year ________ into three terms. Each term __________ by a one-week break.
A. is divided / separated B. divided / is separated
C. is divided / is separated D. divided / separated
10. Gold __________ in California in the 19 century.
A. was discovered B. was discover
C. has been discovered D. they discovered
11.Two tablets __________ twice a day to have you recover from the illness quickly.
A. must take B. must be taken C. must have taken D. must be taking
12. The next meeting __________ in May.
A. will hold B. will be held C. will be holding D. will have held
13. James_______ the news as soon as possible.
A. should tell B. should be told C. should told D. should be telled

14. My wedding ring _______ yellow and white gold.
A. is made B. is making C. made D. make
15. Mr. Wilson is _______ as Willie to his friend.
A. known B. knew C. is known D. know
16. References _______ in the examination room.
A. not are used B. is not used C. didn’t used D. are not used
17. Laura _______ in Boston.
A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born
18. There’s somebody behind us. I think we are _______.
A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following
19. Somebody cleans the room every day.
A. The room everyday is cleaned. B. The room is every day cleaned.
C. The room is cleaned every day. D. The room is cleaned by somebody every day.
20. People don’t use this road very often.
A. This road is not used very often. B. Not very often this road is not used.
C. This road very often is not used. D. This road not very often is used.


1. I am going to have my car __________

A. service B. to be serviced C. serviced D. servicing
2. We got our mail _______ yesterday.
A. been delivered B. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver
3. We __________ last month.
A. had painted our house B. had painted
C. had our house painted D. had our house paint
4. I had a dress __________ for me for the wedding.
A. make B. making C. made D. to make
5. Peter will ask Jenny to buy him some food.
A. Jenny will buy food by Peter. B. Peter will have food bought by Jenny.
C. Peter will have food asked by Jenny. D. Peter will have Jenny food to ask.
6. He got his car__________ yesterday.
A. fixed B. fix C. to fix D. fixing
7. I __________ from my other address.
A. get my mail forward B. get my mail to forward
C. get my mail forwarded D. get my mail to forwarded
8. I__________ a couple of days ago.
A. had my bike to be fixed B. had my bike fix
C. had my bike fixed D. had my bike to fix
9. The window cleaners washed the windows.
A. I have the window cleaners washed the windows
B. I have the window cleaners to wash the windows
C. I got the window cleaners washed the windows
D. I had the window cleaners to wash the windows
10. The shop assistant gave me a discount.
A. I have the shop assistant give me a discount
B. I had the shop assistant given me a discount
C. I get the shop assistant to give me a discount
D. I got the shop assistant to give me a discount
11. I am having some documents__________ right now
A. copy B. copied C. to copy D. to copied
12. Can I have this announcement__________ this morning?
A. to print B. print C. to printed D. printed
13. He needs to have his pants__________ today.
A. lengthened B. lengthen C. to lengthen D. to lengthened
14. She wants to get her dress __________ by the tailor right away.
A. short B. shorted C. shortened D. shorten
15. Can I get my sweater__________ in 24 hours?
A. to dry- cleaned B. dry-cleaned
C. dry-clean D. to dry- cleaned


1. If he __________ (to study) harder, he __________ (to pass) the exam.
A. studied / would pass
B. had studied/ would have passed
C. would study/ passed
D. would have studied/had passed
2. If she __________ (to take) the earlier train, she __________ (to arrive) on time.
A. Took/ would arrive
B. Had taken/ would have arrived
C. Would take/ arrived
D. Would have taken/had arrived
3. If they __________ (to listen) to the weather forecast, they__________ (not to get) caught in the rain.
A. listened / would not get
B. had listened / would not have gotten
C. would listen / did not get
D. would have listened / had not gotten
4. If I __________ (to know) you were in town, I __________ (to call) you.
A. knew / would call
B. had known / would have called
C. would know / called
D. would have known / had called
5. We __________ (to meet) earlier if I__________ (not to get) stuck in traffic.
A. met / would not get
B. had met / would not have gotten
C. would meet / did not get
D. would have met / had not gotten
6. If she __________ (to invest) in the stock market last year, she __________ (to be) rich now.
A. would have invested / had been
B. would invest / was
C. invested / would be
D. had invested / would have been
7. If you __________ (to ask) me, I __________ (to help) you with your project.
A. had asked / would have helped
B. would have asked / had helped
C. would ask / helped
D. asked / would help
8. If I __________ (to realize) the meeting was today, I __________ (not to miss) it.
A. realized / would not miss
B. would have realized / had not missed
C. had realized / would not have missed
D. would realize / did not miss
9. She __________ (to join) us for dinner if she __________ (not to make) plans already.
A. had joined / would not have made
B. would join / did not make
C. joined / would not make
D. would have joined / had not made
10. He didn't study harder, so he didn't pass the exam.
A. If he would have studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
B. If he had studied harder, he would pass the exam.
C. If he studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
D. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
11. "She didn't take the earlier train, so she didn't arrive on time."
A. If she took the earlier train, she would arrive on time.
B. If she had taken the earlier train, she would have arrived on time.
C. If she would take the earlier train, she would have arrived on time.
D. If she takes the earlier train, she will arrive on time.
12. They didn't listen to the weather forecast and got caught in the rain.
A. If they listened to the weather forecast, they wouldn't get caught in the rain.
B. If they would listen to the weather forecast, they wouldn't have gotten caught in the rain.
C. If they had listened to the weather forecast, they wouldn't have gotten caught in the rain.
D. If they listen to the weather forecast, they won't get caught in the rain.
13. I didn't know you were in town, so I didn't call you
A. If I knew you were in town, I would call you.
B. If I had known you were in town, I would have called you.
C. If I know you are in town, I will call you.
D. If I would know you were in town, I would have called you.
14. I got stuck in traffic, so we didn't meet earlier
A. If I hadn't gotten stuck in traffic, we would meet earlier.
B. If I would not get stuck in traffic, we would have met earlier.
C. If I didn't get stuck in traffic, we would have met earlier.
D. If I had not gotten stuck in traffic, we would have met earlier.
15. You didn't ask me, so I didn't help you with your project.
A. If you asked me, I would help you with your project.
B. If you had asked me, I would have helped you with your project.
C. If you would ask me, I would have helped you with your project.
D. If you ask me, I will help you with your project.
16. They had an argument, so they didn't become friends.
A. If they hadn't had an argument, they would become friends.
B. If they wouldn't have had an argument, they would have become friends.
C. If they didn't have an argument, they would have become friends.
D. If they had not had an argument, they would have become friends.
17. I didn't realize the meeting was today, so I missed it.
A. If I realized the meeting was today, I wouldn't miss it.
B. If I had realized the meeting was today, I would not have missed it.
C. If I would realize the meeting was today, I would not miss it.
D. If I realizes the meeting is today, I will not miss it.
18. She already made plans, so she didn't join us for dinner.
A. If she hadn't already made plans, she would join us for dinner.
B. If she didn't already make plans, she would have joined us for dinner.
C. If she had not already made plans, she would have joined us for dinner.
D. If she wouldn't have already made plans, she would join us for dinner.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the numbered blanks.
My family and I had the chance to visit a circus last month. The first item we saw was a show put up by the
(1) _________. They performed many gymnastics and balancing acts. The 3-metre tall (2) ________ were
showing off their skills by playing the skipping rope and falling and picking themselves up rapidly. The (3)
________ was a 12-year-old girl who had to walk across a rope suspended in mid-air by two poles.
However, the most exciting acts were put up by the (4) __________ gobbled balls of fire, and the (5)
_________ who placed his arm and head into the lion's mouth to entertain the audience. We had a lot of fun
and I cannot wait to go to the circus again!

1. A. do B. make C. fix D. acrobats

2. A. drill B. stilt walkers C. hammer D. spade

3. technician B. engineer C. tightrope walker D. mechanic

4. A. fire eater B. paid C. run D. fallen

5. A. remove B. lion tamer C. fill D. undo

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the numbered blanks.
Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political (1) __________and lecturer. She was the first
deaf/ blind person to graduate (2) __________ college. She was not born blind and deaf; it was not until
nineteen months of age that she came (3) __________an illness described by doctors as “an acute congestion
of the stomach and the brain”, (4) __________could have possibly been scarlet fever or meningitis. The
illness did not last for a particularly long time, (5) __________ it left her deaf and blind. Keller went on to
become a world-famous speaker and author. She is remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities
amid numerous other causes.
1. A. actor B. actress C. activist D. action figure
2. A. at B. from C. out of D. in
3. A. down with B. across C. into D. up against
4. A. that B. it C. which D. this
5. A. and B. so C. for D. but
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word for each of the numbered blanks.
The advances that Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist since Newton, (1) __________ in science are
beyond measure. Einstein’s theory of relativity still reigns as one of the most influential (2) __________ in
history. As the developer of the most famous equation in history – E = mc2 – he, quite rightly, earned a
Nobel Prize (3) __________ Physics in 1921 and published more than 300 papers during his lifetime,
making his name synonymous with the term ‘genius’. Not (4) __________ was he a formidable scientist,
he was also an active voice for human rights, (5) __________ for a more peaceful world and ardently
denouncing the creation of atomic bombs.
1. A. did B. made C. took D. set
2. A. breakdowns B. breakups C. breakthroughs D. breakouts
3. A. in B. on C. about D. of
4. A. until B. before C. only D. much
5. A. campaign B. to campaign C. being campaigned D. campaigning
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 11 to 15.
How men first learnt to create words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a (1)
__________ All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express
thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they
agreed (2) __________ certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and
which could be written down. These sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, are called words. Great
writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that appeal
powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style.
Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can (3) __________ his meaning in words which sing like
music, and which by their position and association can (4) Vmen to tears. We should, therefore, learn to
choose our words carefully, (5) __________ they will make our speech silly and vulgar.
11. A. story B. secret C. mystery D. legend
12. A. at B. upon C. with D. to
13. A. carry B. convey C. transfer D. transmit
14. A. take B. send C. break D. move
15. A. or B. so C. although D. because


Join us at "Urban Beats Club" – the ultimate spot for creative souls! Dive into our world of music clubs,
tattoos, graffiti, and cutting-edge fashion. Whether you're looking to dance the night away, get inked with
unique art, admire stunning graffiti, (1)_________discover the latest fashion trends, we've got it all. Our
club is the perfect place to (2)__________ friends, express yourself, and (3)_________new experiences.
Don't miss out on our weekly events where you can showcase your talents or simply enjoy the
(4)__________ atmosphere. Be part (5) ________ our community where art inspires life!
1. A. and B. due to C. or D. in spite
2. A. make B. create C. lose D. find
3. A. remember B. ignore C. forget D. explore
4. A. vibrant B. quiet C. lonely D. sad
5. A. with B. on C. of D. in
Step into "Canvas & Sound," the city's most eclectic hangout, where art meets rhythm. At our venue,
music lovers, fashionistas, tattoo (1)___________, and graffiti artists come together to celebrate creativity.
Enjoy live bands, witness art (2)_________ motion_, get a custom tattoo, or explore the latest in
streetwear fashion. "Canvas & Sound" is where you can share your passion, (3)_________ with like-

minded people, and leave with memories that (4) _________a lifetime. Join us this weekend for a unique
experience (5)________ every visit exceeds your expectations!
1. A. enthusiasts B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
2. A. of B. to C. in D. on
3. A. depart B. argue C. connect D. disagree
4. A. last B. diminish C. fade D. vanish
5. A. where B. which C. at which D. who

Discover "Urban Expressions" – a unique event at your local public school that celebrates the fusion of
music, tattoos, graffiti, fashion, and the stories of our lives. This Friday, witness how art can transform a
space into a canvas of vibrant expressions. Participate (1)__________ workshops, enjoy live
performances, and hear tales that (2) __________the heart. It's a chance to discover new talents, get
inspired(3) ___________the creativity of others, and see the world (4) _________different eyes. Don't let
this opportunity to (5) __________your horizons pass by!
1. A. into B. on C. in D. to
2. A. touch B. break C. harden D. silence
3. A. to B. in C. with D. by
4. A. over B. through C. under D. from
5. A. broaden B. narrow C. limit D. shorten
Welcome to "Art in the Heart" Day at Central High! This Saturday, dive (1)_________ a celebration
where music, fashion, graffiti, and tattoos tell the stories of real life in our public school community.
Experience how a single day can transform the ordinary into something extraordinary. Join us for
workshops, storytelling sessions, (2)_________ live performances that will encourage you to see the
beauty in everyone's journey. It's your chance to (3)__________ with peers over shared passions, find
inspiration in (4)__________ places, and truly (5)_________ what it means to be part of this vibrant

1. A. under B. into C. to D. by
2. A. though B. or C. but D. and
3. A. connect B. separate C. isolate D. detach
4. A. expectable B. unexpected C. expectation D. expected
5. A. discover B. forget C. overlook D. neglect


according to trace make over went goes get track

Hello Team,

I hope you're all doing great. As we discussed in our last meeting, it's time to start working on our group
project. To ensure everything _________(1) smoothly, we need to decide on a few things together.

Firstly, we need to choose a topic. I suggest we gather _________(2) Zoom this Saturday to brainstorm
ideas. It's important that everyone contributes, so we find a topic that interests us all.

Secondly, once we have our topic, we'll need to divide the work. I believe dividing tasks _______ (3) our
strengths will make the project more manageable and fun. We can discuss this further during our meeting.

Additionally, we should set some deadlines to keep us on _________(4). Let's aim to have a preliminary
plan ready by our next meeting. This way, we can__________(5) adjustments early on if necessary.

Please make sure to confirm your attendance for Saturday's meeting as soon aspossible, so we can prepare

Looking forward to seeing all of you.


[Your Name]


finds as a result could interest to afterwards makes feeling

Dear Alex,

I hope this email_________(1) you well. I was thinking about our conversation last week regarding our
shared _________(2) in art and history. So, I've done a bit of research and found that the new art
exhibition at the City Museum opens this Saturday. I believe this _________ (3) be a fantastic opportunity
for us both to explore some incredible artworks together.

Would you be interested in joining me for the museum visit? If you're available, we could meet at the
main entrance at around 10 AM. The exhibition features several renowned artists and their contributions
_________ (4) the world of contemporary art. It promises to be both educational and inspiring.

_________ (5), if you're up for it, we could grab lunch at that new café across the street from the museum.
They serve the best espresso in town, plus their quiche is to die for!

Please let me know if this plan sounds good to you or if you have any other ideas. I'm open to suggestions!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]



be referred to displayed take a closer look focus on insprire others with

convey known for satisfied with

Artists express themselves through their work, which can be _________ (1) in galleries or museums.
Some artists paint portraits, capturing landscapes or people. Others might_________ (2) abstract ideas,
using colors and shapes to _________ (3) their thoughts. Many famous artists, such as Vincent van Gogh,
are_________ (4) their unique styles and bold use of color. Art is not just about painting; it includes
sculpture, photography, and other mediums as well. Artists often spend years mastering their skills, hoping
to _________ (5) their creations.


making allowance for set up given permission In total In contrast

bring take raise the money

The city of Lódz in Poland was another unremarkable industrial city until a few years ago. In 2009, an
organisation called the Urban Forms Foundation was _________ (1) by a well-known art historian and an
actress. Their idea was to _________ (2) the tired urban landscape to life again.
The Foundation planned an art project that would change the city's image and presented it to the city
council. The mayor of the city supported the idea and the Foundation was _________ (3) to go ahead and
_________ (4) needed.
Famous street artists from all over the world were invited by the Foundation to come to Poland to work.
_________ (5), artists from eight countries took part in the project over the next few years, and more than
twenty huge murals were created on the sides of buildings in public spaces.


The statue of Rocky outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art is very popular with tourists, who often stop
to take their photo in front of it without bothering to visit the museum itself. This irritated the artist Jessie
Hemmons, who knitted a bright pink jacket and put it on the statue of the boxer. On the front of the jacket,
Jessie knitted the words ‘Go see the art’. Jessie hopes that more people will visit the gallery. This form of
street art has become known as ‘yarn bombing’.
The craze is believed to have started in 2005 by Magda Sayeg in Houston, Texas. One day Magda decided,
just for fun, to knit a blue-and-pink cover for her shop's door handle. She loved it, and unexpectedly, so
did her customers. Pedestrians stopped outside the shop to photograph it. Motorists slowed down to take a
closer look. Their reaction inspired Magda to make covers for other objects in the street, such as a stop
sign, a lamp post, a parking meter — and even an entire bus, which took awhole week to complete!
There are now yarn bombing groups in dozens of countries. They photograph and film their works and
upload them to the internet.
Jessie believes that most street art is done by men and that yarn bombing is a more feminine activity. But
not everyone approves of the new form of street art. Some people argue that covering public objects in
wool is vandalism and littering, but the police appear to have a relatively relaxed attitude towards yarn
bombers. They might interrupt them if they see them at work in the street, but they do not often view them
as criminals.

Whether you see yarn bombing as a bit of fun that brightens up drab cities, or as a form of high culture
with a serious message, it is a craze that is likely to continue.
1. Jessie Hemmons ‘yarn bombed’ the statue of Rocky because
a. she wants people to take photos of it.
b. she thinks too many tourists come and see it.
c. she wants more people to go and see the paintings in the museum.
2. Why did Magda Sayeg knit a cover for the door handle of her shop?
a. For her own amusement
b. To attract customers
c. Because someone passing the shop suggested it
3. Jessie thinks that yarn bombing is different from other forms of street art because
a. its popularity has spread via the internet.
b. it’s temporary and soon disappears.
c. it’s less masculine.
4. What is the police’s usual attitude to yarn bombing?
a. They make it clear that it is against the law.
b. They think that yarn bombers are strange people.
c. They hardly ever try to arrest yarn bombers.
5. What is the writer's overall opinion of yarn bombing?
a. It is wrong because it’s against the law.
b. The writer doesn’t express a personal view.
c. It deserves to be called ‘art’.


When we think of art, we normally picture something which can exist for centuries. But there has always
been a type of art which doesn’t last. This is often referred to as ‘temporary’ art. Sculptures which are made
of snow or ice, paintings in coloured sand, chalk drawings done on public pavements: it’s not that these
don’t have artistic value, but they are designed to disappear.
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada is a modern ‘temporary’ artist, and one who gets a lot of attention for his work.
He uses groups of volunteers to help him, and his pieces take a long time to plan and create. But they are
mostly talked about because the final results are so impressive. For the past few years, Rodriguez-Gerada
has been creating gigantic faces in empty spaces in cities. To people on the ground, it looks like a garden,
and it is hard to see any kind of design in it. In fact, GPS mapping is used to set out the design. Then an
army of workers use this master plan to create the image which the artist has planned.
In 2014, the artist created an astonishing face on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It covered an area
of 25,000 square metres, and it was created because the mall was getting new gardens, and the land wasn’t
going to be used for a while. The portrait was of a young man of mixed race, and was called Of the Many,
One. The artist says that it showed one of the millions of faces that represent the American people. After a
while, the sand and soil of the portrait were mixed together, and new lawns were planted in its place. The
portrait has disappeared, but it will not easily be forgotten.
1. Temporary art is a new kind of art.
2. Artists use sand or chalk in their artwork so that it will exist for a long time.
3. Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada is an important artist in the field of temporary art.
4. His work is very quick to create.
5. He uses maps to plan his artwork.
6. A lot of people help him to create his art.
7. Jorge’s artwork called Of the Many, One was part of a new garden design for the National Mall.
8. The artwork does not exist anymore.

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