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Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

Final Project

Choose one topic from the list below and share your idea and thoughts about it with your classmates.
Think of your audience and what and how makes them enjoy your presentation.
As this purpose, use as many grammar points and vocabulary from this course as possible.

り そう りょこう
a. 理 想 の旅 行 (My ideal trip)
b. 私がそんけいする人 (A person whom I respect)
くに ねんかんぎょう じ
c. 私の国 の年 間 行 事 (An annual event in my country)
しょうらい ゆめ
d. 将 来 の夢 (My dream for the future)
わたし いちばん おも で
e. 私 の一番いい思い出 (My best memory)

Due Dates

Due On Blackboard
11:59 pm of Thursday, March 26 th
☐ Outline (p.5 of this handout)
☐ Draft 1
11:59 pm of Thursday, April 9th
☐ Grammar List (p.4 of this handout)
☐ Draft 2
11:59 pm of Thursday, April 16th
☐ Grammar List (p.4 of this handout)
11:59 PM of Sunday, April 26th ☐Video

☐Watch all of your classmates’ videos

11:59 PM of Wednesday, April 29th
☐Write at least questions on 5 videos

11:59 PM of Friday, May 1st ☐Write your answer(s) to every question you receive

Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

原稿 (Scripts)
1. Structure:
1) Introduction: Tell your topic. Ex. 私は「(your topic)」について はっぴょうしま
す (I’ll make a presentation about “~~~~”)。
2) Body
3) Conclusion
4) Finish your presentation: ごせいちょう ありがとうございました。
(Thank you for listening to my presentation.)
※1) & 4) can be counted as two of 20-25 sentences.

2. Type your outline, drafts, and script (12-pt size font of MS Mincho is recommended).
4. Length: about 20 -25 sentences in about 3 minutes. (No self-introduction)
5. Grammar:
-At least 10 different grammar points from Ch.7 – Ch. 12
-Check the grammar points that you use on the Grammar list
6. かんじ: Write readings in hiragana to all かんじ.
7. Correction: Your first draft will be corrected with coding on page 3 of this handout, while the second
draft will be returned with corrections.

ビデオ Video

1. Create a presentation video. Ex. Making a video with PPT (see p. 6 of this hand-out), taking a video of
your making a presentation with a camera, smart phone, etc.
2. Your video should be 2.5-3.0 minutes.
3. Edit is not needed. Your content and speech are most important and graded.
4. You may read your script; however, practice well in advance. No need to speak/read fast, but fluently.
5. No subtitle of your script.
6. Provide any aid to unfamiliar vocabulary/expressions for your classmates with picture, photo, etc.

しつ ぎ おうとう
質疑応答 Q & A

1. Watch all of your classmates’ videos.

2. Write at least questions on 5 videos.
3. Write your answer(s) to every question you receive.

Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

*10points=1% of your final grade Coding for Draft 1

J in Japanese
WS wrong spelling
First Draft K write in kanji
1. Originality and Creativity /5 WK wrong kanji
KT write in katakana
2. Structure /5
WV wrong vocabulary
3. Grammar /5
P wrong or missing particle
4. Accuracy /5
F wrong form(ex. たべます→たべて)
5. Content /5
T wrong tense (ex. たべます→たべました)
Total /20
WG wrong grammar
^ something missing
Second Draft Inc. incomprehensible

1. Improvement /10
2. Accuracy /10

Total /20


1. Fluency /10
2. Pronunciation, accent, and intonation /5
3. Accuracy /5
4. Voice volume & tone /5
5. Effort to make your presentation interesting and comprehensible for your audience /10
6. Q & A /10
7. Time (Video length, submissions of video, Q & A on time) /15

Total /60

Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

Grammar List Sheet

Check all grammar points you used in your scripts.
10 or more grammar points on this list should be used.

Chapter 7 Chapter 8
☐Noun が好きです/きらいです ☐~んです
☐Verb の好きです/きらいです ☐ほしい
☐Noun 方が(~より) ☐ほしがっている
☐Verb の方が(~より) ☐~たい
☐ Particle や ☐~たがっている
☐~の中で一番~ Counters ☐ひき, ☐まい, ☐さつ, ☐本,
☐~も~も ☐かい, ☐えん, ☐つ
☐ (reason)ので ☐Contrast は
☐~が (but)
Chapter 9
☐~にする Chapter 10
☐~をおねがいします ☐~番目
☐~ましょうか ☐~ている (Resultant state)
☐~ましょう ☐~は~が (Physical appearance)
☐Question ward か ☐~は~が (skill)
☐ Question word も ☐Noun-modifying clause (present)
☐ (reason)から ☐~と思う
☐けど Counters ☐人, ☐さい
☐そうだ (looks)

Chapter 11 Chapter 12
☐~ている(Ongoing) ☐~時(とき)
☐~ている(Repeated/habitual action) ☐~前(まえ)
☐Plain past forms ☐~後(あと/ご)
☐Casual speech ☐~ことがある
☐~は~が(characteristics of places) ☐~たり~たりする
☐~は~が(objects) ☐Time-span に frequency/duration/amount
☐~は~が(time) ☐~そうだ(hearsay)
☐Adverbial form ☐Noun-modifying clause (past)

Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

The Final Project


Due date: 11:59pm of Thursday March 26th


 Consider a possible outline. You may break up the body part in to subparts.
 You may write this in English.
 If you have a question or need help with brainstorming etc., come talk to your 先生.

1. Introduction (this part is already decided as below)

My ideal trip

(“I’ll make a presentation about----------.” Please write a topic that you chose. )

2. Body
My ideal trip is to some day go to Japan. I want to go because I want to see the pretty cherry bloosm
trees and the large mountains. I want to also work or go to school there, so I would stay in Japan for
a year. To stay this long in Japan would give the opportunity to experience Japanese culture and not
be a tourist. I really like Japanese food but I think it will be different in Japan. It will be fun trying more
traditional Japanese food. Ever since I watched the movie "Sweet Bean", I really want to eat a dorayaki
pancake! When I go to Japan, I think the first thing that I will do is visit a onsen. They are large baths
that use hot water from natural hot springs. They sound so relaxing! I also want to visit Tokyo while I'm
in Japan. It a very big city so there will be a lot of resturants and department stores to go to! I have heard of
a building in Japan that is just a big arcade. I really like arcade games and would spend a whole day in a
building like that. I think it would also be fun to see the smaller towns in Japan. It has really beautiful land
and I think small towns have very interesting personalities. Before I can travel to Japan, I need to learn more
about Japanese culture and Japanese language. When I go to Japan, I want to be able to understand and
appreciate everything that I can experience there. I am still very busy as a college student, so I will not be
able to travel to Japan soon. I know that someday I will travel there and I really am looking forward to it.

3. Conclusion

「ごせいちょう ありがとうございました。」( “Thank you for listening to my speech.” )

Purdue University 2020 Spring JPNS 102

How to create a Power Point video

-Use a microphone to record your voice.

-You can include animations and transition in your video.

I. Record your speech

1) Go to Slide show tab on PPT and click “Record

slide show” to start recording.

II. Save your presentation as a video

2) On the File menu, click “Export” and find “Create a video.”

3) Click “Use Recorded Timings and Narrations.”

4) Click “Create Video.”

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