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Revision Sheet

ICT Department
Trimester 3
Grade 11

Tile Bar: shows the name of the database created. The Minimize, the Maximize / restore down
and close buttons are also found in this area.
File menu: the button on the left of the title bar .it contains commands like new, open, save and
Quick access toolbar: this has some of the most frequently used commands in the Ms Access
Ribbon: contains the commands that can be performed on different database object.
Navigation Pane: the left pane of the window. Database objects in currently open or new
database are displayed.
Tabbed Document: the database objects appear in tabs, unlike the overlapping windows in the
earlier versions.
Status Bar: this is found at the bottom of the window and displays the status and buttons to
change the page views.

1. Which of the following is not a data type in Microsoft Access?
a) Text
b) Integer
c) Boolean
d) Decimal
Answer: c) Boolean

2. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a Text field in

Microsoft Access?
a) 50
b) 255
c) 1000
d) Unlimited
Answer: b) 255

3. Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve data from a database in Microsoft

c) GET
Answer: a) SELECT

4. In Microsoft Access, what is the purpose of a primary key?

a) To uniquely identify each record in a table
b) To sort records alphabetically
c) To group related records together
d) To perform mathematical calculations
Answer: a) To uniquely identify each record in a table

5. Which object in Microsoft Access is used to create a user interface for

interacting with data?
a) Query
b) Table
c) Form
d) Report
Answer: c) Form

6. What does SQL stand for?
a) Structured Query Language
b) Standard Query Language
c) Sequential Query Language
d) Simple Query Language
Answer: a) Structured Query Language

7. Which of the following is not a valid data type in Microsoft Access?

a) Date/Time
b) Memo
c) Image
d) Currency
Answer: c) Image

8. In Microsoft Access, what is the purpose of a foreign key?

a) To uniquely identify each record in a table
b) To link two related tables together
c) To perform calculations
d) To sort records alphabetically
Answer: b) To link two related tables together

9. Which SQL clause is used to specify the conditions for the rows returned by
a query?
Answer: b) WHERE

10.Which object in Microsoft Access is used to summarize and present data in a

structured format?
a) Table
b) Form
c) Query
d) Report
Answer: d) Report

11.What does the acronym SQL stand for?
a) Structured Query Language
b) Sequential Query Language
c) Simple Query Language
d) Standard Query Language
Answer: a) Structured Query Language

12.In a relational database, what is a relationship?

a) A connection between two or more tables based on common fields
b) A calculation performed on data
c) A report generated from a query
d) An object used to input data
Answer: a) A connection between two or more tables based on common fields

13.Which of the following is not a valid data type in Microsoft Access?

a) AutoNumber
b) Hyperlink
c) Binary
d) Float
Answer: d) Float

14.In Microsoft Access, what does the "Cascade Delete" option do when create
a relationship between tables?
a) Deletes all records in the related table
b) Deletes the relationship between tables
c) Deletes the corresponding record in the related table when a record is deleted
from the primary table
d) Deletes all records in the primary table
Answer: c) Deletes the corresponding record in the related table when a
record is deleted from the primary table

15.Which SQL keyword is used to insert new data into a database table?
a) ADD
Answer: b) INSERT

16.What does DBMS stand for?
a) Database Management System
b) Data-Based Management System
c) Document-Based Management System
d) Digital Business Management System
Answer: a) Database Management System

17.In Microsoft Access, what does the "Like" operator do in a query?

a) Selects records where a field matches a specified value exactly
b) Selects records where a field contains a specified value
c) Selects records where a field is greater than or equal to a specified value
d) Selects records where a field is less than or equal to a specified value
Answer: b) Selects records where a field contains a specified value

18.Which of the following is not a valid relationship type in Microsoft Access?

a) One-to-One
b) One-to-Many
c) Many-to-Many
d) Zero-to-Many
Answer: d) Zero-to-Many

19.What is the purpose of the "ORDER BY" clause in SQL?

a) To specify the conditions for the rows returned by a query
b) To sort the rows returned by a query
c) To limit the number of rows returned by a query
d) To group rows that have the same value in one or more columns
Answer: b) To sort the rows returned by a query

20.Which object in Microsoft Access is used to perform calculations on data?

a) Form
b) Report
c) Query
d) Table
Answer: c) Query

Write the scientific term
1. Includes complete information about a particular record arranged horizontally in a table
2. The representation of data in a printed format (Report)
3. A collection of related information in the form of rows of columns (Table)
4. A column arranged vertically in a table that stores information of the same type (Field)
5. Components of MS access (Database objects)
6. The format in which the data is accepted (Data type)
7. An integrated collection of logically -related records in the form of tables (Database)
8. A link to an internet resource (Hyperlink)

Questions with answers

1. What are datatypes? Name some commonly used data types in MS access
The format in which the data is accepted
 Text
 Date/time
 Number
 Yes/no
 hyperlink
2. What is a DBMS? Discuss its function
DBMS is a set of computer programs that controls the creation,
maintenance and use of the computerized database by the user
 Its function: facilitates sharing of data – Ensure data security -reduce
data redundancy

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