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Final term Examination (Fall – 2020)

Course title: Discrete Structures Time allowed: 2:30 Hours
Course code: MATH-103 Total Marks: 50

Note: Attempt all 20 questions. The questions carry 2 marks from 1 to 10 and carry
3 marks from 11 to 20.
1. What is the predicate logic?

2. If the cardinality of A is 3, B is 4 and C is 2, then find the cardinality of the set A×B×C.

3. Which rule of inference is basis for the argument p  ( p  q ) ?

4. For the set of premises, what relevant conclusion can be drawn?

“If I take the day off, it either rains or snows.” “I took Tuesday off or I took Thursday off.”

“It was sunny on Tuesday.” “It did not snow on Thursday.”

5. What rule of inference is used in this tautology (( p  q)  (p  r ))  (q  r ) .

6. What is the negation of ‘Miguel has a cell phone and he has a laptop computer’

7. What is the type of the Graph shown in figure:

1 5
8. Solve ⌊2 . ⌊2⌋⌋ = ?

9. Write the Adjacent vertices of 2:

10. Compute k
k  50

11. Let f ( x )  2 x and R be the set of real numbers then what is f (R ) ?

12. Show that p  q and p  q are logically equivalent.

13. Suppose that the universal set is U  {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} . Express the set {1,3,6,10}

with bit strings where the ith bit in the string is 1 if i is in the set and 0 otherwise
1 1 1 1
14. Find a formula for      n by examining the values of this expression for
2 4 8 2

small values of n.

15. Prove the formula you conjectured in question 14.

16. Find the shortest path from 1 to 7 using Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

 
17. Find Ai and Ai if for every positive integer i , Ai  [i, )
i 1 i 1

18. Answer these questions about the rooted tree illustrated:

a) Which vertex is the root?

b) Which vertices are internal?

c) Which vertices are leaves?

d) Which vertices are children of i ?

e) Which vertex is parent of h ?

f) Which vertices are siblings of q ?

g) Which vertices are ancestors of b

h) Which vertices are descendants of l ?

19. Prove that 2 is an irrational number.

20. Let R1  {( x, y) : x  y} and R2  {( x, y) : x  y} be two relations. Find

R1  R2 , R1  R2 , R1  R2 ,R2  R1 and R1  R2 .

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