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C: Hello girls, how are you?

J: Hello carol, very good and you?

K: I'm fine too

C: cool, i'm fine

J: I have a doubt, what are your favorite foods?

C: oh, my favorite food is pasta

K: my favorite food is pizza and yours?

J: I really like french fries

K: mm yummy, and what foods do you dislike?

J: I never eat fish, I dislike it

C: really?

J: yes

C: oh, I do not like carrots

C: and your favorite drinks?

J: I always drink lemonade

K: I love coffee

C: very good

J: girls, do you mind if we go for an ice cream?

K: Yes, it's ok.

C: Perfect, let's go

J: what is your favorite ice cream katri, what will you order?

K: my favorite ice cream is vanilla

J: great katri

J: Girls, who do you live with?

K: I live with my parents and my sister

C: I live with my parents, and you julianis?

J: fantastic girls, I live with my sister and my grandmother

C: what time is it girls, we have to go back to class

K: Oh my god, it’s half past seven

k: When do you have the next class?

J: Quarter past eight.

C: Ready girls see you another day.


: Hello girls, how are you?

J: Hello carol, very well and you?

K: I'm fine too

C: great, I'm fine

J: I have a question, what are your favorite foods?

C: oh my favorite food is pasta

K: my favorite food is pizza and yours?

J: I really like French fries.

K: mmm yummy, and what food do you not like?

J: I never eat fish, I don't like it

C: seriously?

J: yes

C: oh, I don't like carrots

C: and your favorite drinks?

J: I always drink lemonade

K: I love coffee

C: very good

J: girls, do you mind if we go for ice cream?

K: Yes, it's fine.

C: Perfect, let's go

J: what is your favorite ice cream katri, what are you going to order?

K: my favorite ice cream is vanilla

J: great katri

J: Girls, who do you live with?

K: I live with my parents and my sister

C: I live with my parents, and you Julianis?

J: fantastic girls, I live with my sister and my grandmother

C: what time is it girls, we have to go back to class

K: My God, it's half past seven

k: When do you have the next class?

J: At eight fifteen

C: Ready girls see you another day.

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