Writer's craft II

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The amount of rubbish in front of my eyes had to be processed by my

brain before I could even utter a word. Heaps upon heaps of garbage
made an unending wave going westwards, getting smaller with the
distance. From between the tops of these uniformly sized mountains of
filth more lanes of these conical monsters could be seen right behind
them. So this was an assembly of the by-product of our modern
consumer society: spanning across what looked like acres of land. The
silent yet ominous witnesses of man’s sins against himself. I looked at
the shiny red pack of crisps in my hand and was horrified by the
deceptive beauty of this magical on-the-go, ready-to-eat marvel of the
industrialized world.
And how do you respond when a man with a white shiny plastic helmet
approaches you with a broad smile saying “this from today sir”. Again,
the information takes time to sink in and be actualized. Lost for words, I
look westwards, the Sun is dropping down, right behind the “garbage
city”, pale, tired and disappointed.

Explain how the writer uses language to convey meaning and to create effect in
these paragraphs. Choose three examples of words or phrases from the paragraph
to support your answer. Your choices should include the use of imagery.

Write three words/phrases selected by you. Add related ideas next to the words.
Prison: Punishment, Forced labour, Need to escape, crime, etc.
Use your note-books.
Write clearly in black ink.
Use the topic Writer’s Craft.
Sub-topic: Commenting on writer’s craft.

Question: How does the writer use the language to describe the view of garbage
dumping site. In separate paragraphs comment on each of your selected
words/phrases from previous assignment.

conical monsters

By using the phrase conical monsters the writer has brought up an image of an
uncontrollable force of evil that is certain to cause destruction. We are compelled
to view the dumping site as an unleashed genie of sorts. Also the word conical
gives an impression of a ghost under stealth of some sheet.

By using the phrase conical monsters we feel that the writer has been trapped in
some magical horror. Surrounded by brute force of hazardous garbage the word
monster clearly explains the dangers. It implies the disease and the utmost
destruction of environment being caused. The word conical brings a picture of
some live yet mysterious being, this coupled with the word monster makes the
writer helplessly left at the mercy of evil.

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