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IN THE HIGH OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY ORDIANARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION NO.6 OF 2018 Sunil Shukla .....Petitioner Vs. ‘The State of Maharashtra & Ors. WITH WRIT PETITION NO.3170 OF 2022 with INTERIM APPLICATION (L) NO.202 OF 2023 Respondents, Binod Agarawal Petitioner Vs. ‘The State of Maharashtra & Ors. Respondents Perticulars [1 | CONBAITTES REPORT = INTERNAL ROADS OF AAREY MILK COLONY 2 | Annexure-T Letter dated 25/08/2023, 3 Annexure - Notification dated 05/12/2016 4 Annexure HI Leer dated 11.09.2023 slong with acopy ofthe map 3. | Annexure=1V. Statement of Tntemal road of Aarey Milk Colon @ | Annexure-¥ y ‘Annexure ~VI Letter dated 31.08.2023 ‘Annexure — VI Resolution dated 09.06.1998, 9. | Annexure ~ VIII Order dated 04.11.1997. _ TO. | Annexure ~IX Letter dated 01/08/2023 1, [Annexure =X. Letter dated 20.09.2023 __ 12, | Annexure -XT Letter dated 06/06/2023 13. | Annexure ~ XII Letter dated 02/06/2023. 1. | Annexure XIIT ‘Burlgetary provision of Rs. 5.00 Cr. by Finance Department ConMMTTEE REFORT—INTERNAL Roaps oF AaREY MLK coLony — L? Subject: PIL No, 6 of 2018 with WP No, 3170 of 2022 with 1A (1) No, 02/2023 fled inthe Hon'ble High Cour, Bombay regarding the repair of nteral roads in Aarey Milk Colory Reference + Order passed by Hon'ble High Cour, Bombay on 2.082023 in above subject mater, “The Hon. High Cour, Bombay in PLL No.6 of 2018 with WP No, 3170 of 2022 with IA (L) No, 202/2025 inthe matter of internal roads of Aarey Milk Colony’ vide ender deted 2.082023 directed the constitution ofthe following Commitee = 1 Secretary, Dalry Development Department, Goverment of Maharashtra TL Seertary, Department of Forest, Govemment of Maharasirs JIL Seertary (Rous), Pubic Works Department, Goverment of Mabarashtra, 1V_ChioF Engineer (Roads), Municipal Coporation of Grester Mumbai \V One senior level expercientisengineer working in the area of environ protection, ‘ith National Exvionmental Engineering Research Insitute (NEER), Nagpur to be nominated by its Director. VI Chief Executive Officer, Aarey Milk Colony. ‘As mentioned in para no 7,8 and 11 of the suid order, the commitee has boen directed fo submits report before the next date of Tisting based on the following terms of reference {@) The committe shal sty the conditions of oad, iequied by paying a site visit (©) The committee shall also suggest a road map for eps’ reconstruction ofthe roads ‘aking into secount all environmental concersinluding whether all or any ofthe rouds ‘would fall within the Eoo-Sensitve Zone, {¢)The commitee shall also, in its report, suggest the flow of finds for repsn! reconstruction ofthe roads which are subject matter of bth these petitions Accondingly, the mestings of the Commitee wore held under the chairmanship of Principal Seertary (Forests) on 10.08.2023, 30.08.2023, 11.09.2028 and 09.10.2023. The commitee members delete extensively onthe repat / reconstruction ofthe intemal roads ‘of Aarey Milk Colony teking into consideration the environmental concems and the extent of the eco-sensiive zor in Aaey Milk Colon. Based on the terms of reference, the report of the ‘committee is being sibmited forthe consideration of the Hon High Cour |A. The commiree shall study the condition of the roads, if required by paying spot visit “The total length of dhe intemal roads of Aarey Milk Colony is $2 km. The main road fiom Goregion Chock Naka to Marl Check Naka and Powai Check Naka of length 7 km his been banded over to Brihanmumbai Muaieipel Corporation in the year 2014, As directed by the Hon, Court, the commitee members, along with representatives visited the site Ic is observed thatthe condition ofthe emsining 45 km intemal rods in Aarey Milk Colony is not good. Lot of potholes are seea on the roads and the roads need immesite repues. The cross drainage works also need repairs / reconstretion. Since these are bituminous roads, prope side dain and side shoulders long te sides of rods are required for channalizaton of ow of water. Considering the geographical situation of Aarey Milk Colony and presence of green cover, it rains heavily duritg monsoon resuting in secumulation of water on roads web results in water logging on roads, Therefore, thes intersal roads require regular repairs and maintenance. “The strength of 1S in soa ffom Aarey Market to Mayur Napar was inspected by ‘Commitee members appointed by the Hon’ble High Court and itis observed that about 80% ofthe oad surfce area ofthe 1.5 km stretch requires reconstrcton instead of repairs. The Chief Engineer of Public Works Deparment vide reference leter no 3908/2023, dated 23/08/2023has also informed that the road from Aarey Macket to ‘Mayr Nagar neds reconstruction instead of repairs Annexure“. 2Ipase 2. The Commitee shall also suggest a road map for repair / reconstruction of the road taking into account all environmental concerns, including weather all or any ofthe roads would fall within the Beo Sensitive Zone. “The Mistry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govemment of Indi, ‘New Dethi hs istusd noifestion dated 05/12/2016 according to which the entire area of Aarey Mik Colony is prt of the Eco-Sensiive Zone (ESZ) of Sanjay Gandhi [National Park (Annerure-ID. Addtionlly, a6 per the notification dated 12" October, ‘2020, the Rerenue and Forest Department, Government of Mabarastire under Section ‘ofthe Indian Forest Act as declared total are of 286.732 hain Aarey Milk Colony as Reserved Fors. Im onder to suggest the road map, City Survey Officer, Vile Parl and Malad hes submited a jeter died 11.09.2023 slong, with the map depicting the Eoo-Senstve Zone ad the Reserve Forest slong with existing roads and structures of Aarey Milk Colony (Anesure- ID. It i observed thatthe total length of 5 kr of internal roads hich are meant for usage by Aarey Mile Colony residents Ile in Eco-Senstive Zone (ES2), Ou of which 11.98 km are anked by the Reserve Foret area, The intemal roads of 45 im have been categorized in 3 categories considering the priority of thet tization by the resents commuting in Aaey Milk Colony ony. The 3 categories ate ss under (Amnexuré1¥)- Caea09" Description Tenet Lise=T | The rode which ae uized the mow and need immediate | — 19-77 repairs TREAT | The roads which are wilized Tess and can be wepaired with | 17.72 am ess treatnent as compare tothe List Trad List“ The voede witch are closed oF not wader wie or where | 822m alternative routes are avaiable, These roads wil be closed permaneny as they ae not needed ens ‘The following facts are taken int consherations:- '9} The Opinion of CSIR-NEERI on the existing ineral rosds in Aarey Milk Colony. (Annexure vy 4. eis undestoad that + The existing internal roads which nec to be repaired resurfaced ! rebuilt fll der the ES, + These internal roads exist since more than 20 years and Clearance isnot required ‘to mainsin / construct these roads. Further a commitee empowered by MCGM can also recommend construction of such osdsin ES. ‘+The uae is regulated in Aarey colony and entry of heavy vehicle is banned since along tine. This arrangement willbe continued further ‘+ Theexsting internal roads are made of asphalt bitumen, 2. eis recommended tat the repairing /esurfaing/ebuilding ofthese intra roads may be underbken using asphalt / bitumen, However, Secretary Roads), Public Works Deparment submited that ss the Aarey Mik Colony area has high reinfil asphalt/ bitumen roads may be prone to higher wear and ta. “Therefore, undertaking repairs / reconstruction using concrete may be preferable as concrete roads are mare durable in the long run asd would sls result in-economic use of budgetary 1b) The Director, Vanshakti (NGO) submited thefts for consideration tothe Commitee on 31.08.2023 hy email which is annexed with this eport(Amnexure-VD). ©) At the time of establishment of Royal Palm Society as per their demand, vide Government Resoluion No. LEN 2696P-No.S122i-5 dated 9 June 199% from the Department of Revenue and Forests17690.2 sqm. area of Dairy Department from S.No 169 (pai) of Magje Marol Maroshi has been specifeally alloted to Ameer Park snd ‘Amusement Pvt. Ld. Present name Royel Palms (D) Pt. Le.) as acess road fora peciod of 30 yea lease subject to the terms and conditions ofthe grnt of land (Anmexure-VID). Als, 05 pe the owe ofthe Disuist Cuttin, Maal Sabu: Diet date 041.1997, the eras snd conditions have teen decided fr the place alloted (Amnexure-VIID. This separate acoess ad has been alloted via Fiterpada (o Pow snd Goregaon ston Aarey Milk Colony is @ government institutional premise under the jurisdiction and ‘control ofthe Dairy Development Department ofthe Government of Maharashra. The separate road is availabe to Royal Palm scity and even 7 km oad is connected tothe sald ond the private vehicles of Royal Palm society are alowed to use te intra oad from unit no SL ‘Aarey market via uit no 29 and snit no 30 to Mayur Naga it wil result in heavy trafic causing pollution wich is adversely affecting the Eco-Snsitive Zone of the Aarey Mik Colony as well a the wii in the Reserv Forest. Thre is no legal sight confeed pon motorists, gods vehiles and heavy ml sl vehicles ofthe Royal Palms township / societies to use the internal rods of Aarey Milk Colony to each their place of work o residence. ‘The unauthorised uso ofthe road has resulted in rapid increase in encroachments, The Dairy Development Departent may ave to take suitable measures to prevent encroachments and unauthorized use of roads inside the campus of Asrey Milk Colony. ©. The Commitee shall also, in its report, suggest the flow of funds for repalrs / reconstruction ofthe road which are subject matter of both these petitions Handing over of intemal roods for repair and maintenance to Britsnmumbal “Municipal Corporation though the Aszey Mik Colony is already in progress. The CEO, Aarey Milk Colany has requested Rrihanmumai Municipal Corporation vide lever dt (01/082023 to takeover the 45 hm intemal roods forthe purpose of repair and maintenance ‘only as thé ownerhipof the oasis with Dairy Development Deparment Ammexure-IX). As per the letter dated 20.09.2023 of Urban Development Department, MCGM has requested fo declare them a planning authority (Anmerure-X)_As the internal roads are for sage of Aarey Milk Colony and dhe owneship of those roads cannot be given to MCGM, ‘he Dairy Develooment department has given alter by whic it has communicate to tke possesion of the roads for only maintenance an repair to MCGM. As per letter dated 06.06.2023 handing over of intsmalrosds for maintenance and repairs only to MCGM has been approved (AnmexureXD). Hence the ownership will remain with the Dairy Development department. In this situation, maintenance and repirs wil be done by MCGM by ther finds if hey are ead) to maintain at ther cost for maintenance and repairs without teansfering ownathip of roads. I MCGM doce not agree, Dairy Rawrloqant Aapartment ‘wll have to maintain the roads and make the provision by isl 1 “Meanie administrative approvel for Rs. 48.46 Cr: hasbeen issued bythe Animal" Husbandry and Dairy Development Department vide leer dated 02062023 for smainfenance and resis of 45 kn internal roads of Aarey Milk Colony (Anuexure-XI), The approval forte above work has cn taka up by the nance deparment as mentioned in the above administrative approval Accordingly, budgetary provision of R. £00 Cr has ‘een made by Finance Department and remaining amount wil be given as per the requirement and he work progress (Amnexure-XI1) ‘Recommendations ofthe Committee ‘The internal ross of Asrey Milk Colony are notin good condition and need immediate repairs. The srech of 1.5 km from Aarsy Market to Mayu Nagar need reconstruction instead of repairs by fling of potholes. ‘Total length of intemal roads of $2 km lie in Beo-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) out of which 7 km {sanded over to MCGM in 2014. Ou ofthe remaining 45 km internal roads, 11.98 km are Aanked by the Reserved Foret. As por Annexe TV, 19.17 km roads neod immediate ‘repairs on priory bass, 17.72 km roads ean be repre wit less treatment aod 8:2 kn roads need tobe close permanently as alternate routes re available. According to the opinion of CSIR-NEER, the rads need to be repird / reconstructed / rebuilt by using asphalt / bitumen. The trafic is regulated in Aarey Milk Colony ad the ‘entry of the heavy vehicles inside Aarey Mille Colony is banned since a long time. This ‘arrangement shuld be conned frter. The cleerance from the recommended commitee such as EZ, / oes snot required to maintain! reconstruc the existing intemal roads in Aazey Mi Colony However, Secretary Roads), Public Works Department submited dat 4s the Aarey Mike Colony area as high rainfall asphalt / bitumen roads may be prone to higher wear and ear. Therefore, undertaking repsrs/ reconstruction using concrete may be preferable as ccnerete roads are more darable in the long run and would also result in ‘economie use ofbudgetary resources. ‘In order to increase te it ofthe road and avoid frequent potholes, concrete road patches ‘ean be built at locations whore the level difference between existing roads and adjcent round is higher or sucer type formation hn developed de to en decrees in th eel ‘ofthe rod or tthe cross drainage works ‘The inter roals of Aarey Mik Colony were constructed for he Aarey residents and its activities, Tabe units and their respective administrative activities only. The Dury Sirae Deeoment pane mayne otk ste ease poate ant (27 ccnoieduot alsa top vero afar ew ine te Font E> Sea Zoe ee dmayn een ay Cy eto a hee opin ee wg ot fio at 920016 by The Mis of Enieanes, Fs! ns Chan, Goverment tin Thr woo he lof Any Mlk Cn mtb ne o CGH The fay Dogme Dr a coped he MCGM he over rx pind sine pases However MCOM a on iat ese Un, Devoe Deen ee MCOM png sur pve fas Tor, ene, MGM wing adn Ay olny ova tek oweiDet of el hy Day Deepen sal mae Day pins fr ee / sng na peat at Principal Secretary (Forests) Secretary Roads) Revenve & Forest Department, Dairy rr Department, Pubic Works Department, Goverment of Maharshi Government of Maberastra Government of Mabarshira i ae YL. bod whe? Pal) (Dr Nitin Goyal @ re) eae ee Principal Scientist ChigfExceutive Omer Municipal Conpotionof National Envvmetal Arey Mil Colony GrenerMurtni —_Enginsing Reseach Insti (NEERD, Mumbai Zonal Cente CS. afer aie mies rary, ag somaya |_ MET HE, avr, ter, tees oot, erin: (Om) Bootle «ER: mumbelco@mshemdsonin eam: (07%) TOUTED aan : wae amahapwidcom sumytiveny 380d jew. Reale = 83/06/2028, + arsars wf, pried age eras feo, SRR aTar, TTA, sara, Het fae: at geen 4 Psat oS ote ce ee Ro _geatard pied recreated ares weet we TA ‘atarea. 2 sv ate, pe capers greene fore a weer erie from, senor, at ad Wer METRE TORR UTES, Roqourer 2% arte aT AROS ROR Me eT aT, Yat ates Rovecho ace sre, ve, cot gre area apt et nah AS sierks wet Rete a geet get erected west pera Tape, eT Toe a a eee aay agin oma@ wale om ar maar emmRUTETte, Reoejonpeows aad wed gealad wermreattrdant eat ATE oer He aT, recat relate merit Uo Rove det ened sie, an, Fh TATE fer, a, site, ee, ere ie cy eer Roy, or ore art ‘a ofall shpat ree sagt’ wd lenis caer went sare, ait ec TE eT verter sficert it fei erie’ wr neal onteH, Reawooors scat armen wer tra set ante, wee Te mr greet Fort orerart age cet gered aerrrenfirtens eerie: ecard orden yo ars sens cat Serer pester get serrate rent cms ara et ona reece oR ae tice, ant ht a argarpmaye.ayaints Tetame FERRO, RoyecRet art ayer ainda, qesiat serrata air iat ome. coma) eatren mer wel amd areinis or meh eRe. etUEEe, feovyoe 2098 ara ere ere, Be, eps ger feet a ATT TT freer, sore, ad ahh oat Tore mando, wager a sateen sword axe. wd re me TT ITI HE TH I. Rowvecreozs da sen rar, ad asd wre Tae eI fish teh ont abe a ae or 4 Pea wr er eget afar a “aeraTar (Motorable Sarees aries ate re ms a ace cand fre eet it areca ceTeN EE Servet com GER woth ert astra apt wae sere ae one a, ane CF ‘aisha peut re save Sem aay Stem eet A a oR eT a sem arser STU onary ear went tear aint at fe xe/oupeona at wed eaters ees wea pt wet aT ea eee woud fir ye order fern, ont asap ain, serra wear sar paren zea ak, wt str Samet Geet on cet aE TIME vues’ esi er arqrar sreear Faerie Rowe RoR at eT OAT arden nrrton orgie we wt pee saree bongs wes oe gw adhe. erarpin orem airrer aera rear ernest er earch Rs a ae ‘stem eta cent) ger ater smite Fay, 8 ae er + aca aba ate oy ar GET TATE, “ry eben afer ee ee wee ondeg arog ad Sie He Sak er oat ihr vat eda ofr at Sr Py a ate, ee ‘gerade set = ert fend ot gore, ee gh at rf ger area ws HOT Amel (3) REGD NOD t sss s The Gazette of Gudia bxreoRDIvaRy PART Seton Se etn) ‘afare rate PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Tar "ara, eats, 2016 TaN We, THE No 3611 _NBW DELATL NONDAY DECEMBER 5. 2WAGRAHAYANA 14 1108 rate, ate ser afta are sire 1 Reh, 5 fear, 2018 a, s645(e) ag v0.8 et ve wih cre or, heh eat se & Sa ‘oe ah ate mew era Fr wre sea a, ae ary afey ste {8 ate. wea, 229(8) fee 22 seh, 2016 cer on ea st Re Se oy arent ox és, Fst am coe afar, Ft gw ste & aren a tw sare fet aa aire mee ate ey tee eH Gee Te HTT ane me oe am racer, Ft Seating sate &, af a a 20 xe, 2016 $1 somes seat; ste sre weer re rears aap ere Ht sah ena er a ‘gona ormen: Rrar Frar om ote ni ret aa (Pe a wee rh er we se ere er por ey frets ate ae ete, OT ae as FRR se zoe 19) ag A IO" 21" eae Tess 72° 56 tore a mat a asia rar aren ae rang ager nf ox Pere sere asm 1900 th ste aft, a5 een A rane, 43 HEH Ha. 38 aT HIPS to oes A arf, 300 rR an, 150 Pa ra ae stg er Berard sonftet i gar (er oy, seach re (gr oa), se aT ak Bem, sages ar, a FH (Bir at, fe (fa Pe ae adh Sere ayePeen, Pay fre ee sere ter ent frat @ sarah 4 ar (aah eatoe, hew eh Be (ecfaar sept, emcee eke ae Fea fi, PT ee, Te ATE A hae TE a stg oF ar 8 Fae ee ars yb eer ae @ (oes si) ene: soe 20 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE, NOTIFICATION ‘New Deh the 58 Deere, 2016 5.0. 36452) Wheres,» draft naiestion, doling Ecosse Zone around Sanjay Gand Nason Pass Borah in Mumbat of Mabaracies Ste vss pubiohed in dhe Gaze of Ind Erowinay. vide nein of the Goveramen of lain he Ministry of Environment, Forest and {Girte Change rber 0. 29(E, ded the 22nd Jury. 2016 ning ebjectons and suggestions fn ‘person ely to be allel techy within 9 peiod of sig 6ys othe dae on which epics ofthe “Guat contin th a noteton were made avaible abl [AND WHEREAS, copies of the Gate ening the sl uifcion were mae availabe wo he publ on he 24 aay, 2016; |AND WHEREAS, ction nd uggesons eve rom all persons and stakeholder in pons ‘ote dia eifeaton tae ben Gly eomidered by the Cel Goverment, [AND WHEREAS, he Sanjay Gandhi Nats Park hriater refered to a he National Par) a nique bia enceved inthe metropolis af Muh andi Toe tn he Thane and Mumbai Dist of Matatne Sta bernecn WI 00.1" 2 ltd and E7253 co 72" 58" lenght, AND WHEREAS the Nina Park ome t pamber of eninge species of Nl nd faust and hstvrsapronmaely 1X0 species of Nowerng lint 5 species of marrnas 43 spss of reps ineteing 38 spear of sake, 12 aeses amphibians, 30 species of is, 150 species of utes |AND WHEREAS, the wea ikaow for mamain species such as Leoprd (Panthore por, ‘wit Bear Surg Fur Hared Antelope (Teracerar guaccrm) Backaped Hare, Wid Cat (Fel hs) acal (Cais eres), nd Porcupine (yar Ie) an aso harbours many Bid species sch Pracdk (Pav croana. Lever Grebe, Pape Hern (drdee purpura). Sailr ret. Laser Whistling {ea rsh Kte, Boba snd many Teiles me lo ov ne Satna Par plang seas us oan Cotes pe |AND WHEREAS, te vogstation ofthe aru singe om tar! frets westem sop il Fores nd ss perth eid saaicagn of Inion Fre: Tes by Champion and Sth, the National ark I Sour Propel ol Mid Desdoos Fret ard Westen Sub ropa Hl ores and some ofthe tree apeuen ae Taio rons, Termini tomentos, deace eleeh, Ana enrol, Miragine Durer, Pleocarpen marapan,, Holansere antsseen, Bates orosprnn, and. Dioryrs ‘melnoxylon te: |AND WHEREAS. necessary to concer protect the ate the extent and boundaries of which is specif n prope ffs notfcaton around he Sanjay Cans National Park as Eases Zone From ecological snd etconetal point of wew and o probit industies or clas of nésines and ee penton hd processes n the sid Ecosse Zone [NOW Thetefoe, in eerste af he power conered by subset and lus (0) and ss of sutesoton (2) and meton() of estima tie Enver (Preset) Ae 986 (29 oF 1986) read ‘ib adore ©) of le 3 of te Environment (rostin) Rules, 186. te Cental Goverment hereby Totes oy anc oan exer 100 ere ofr Eleseters ay ie bonday of Susy Gand Nations ‘etrettoas Eee tenstive Za) deta wich ness nde mary ° 1. Extent and boundaries of Esrsentive Zane-—(1) The Eavaastie Zone is spread wie an te of {piab sqlon wn eet of (0D eters to for tilemetrs oe tho boundary of Sanjay Gandhi Nal Pk a the bouadydeveition of te Be eae Zones given a Annexe (2) Temp ofthe Eeo-sensive 20 lon wit ines logit sine in Annexe (0) Te ist ofthe wigs fallgwihin Eco seat Zone ie inchded in Annexure 2 al Master Plan for Eeosensitive Zone—() The Stax Govereet sil or the purpose ofthe Eso {cate Zone prepare, Zon Mester la, abi = eid 89 Yeas rom the dao pablieion of is w ‘sien in the Oil Gate in conslaton with ol pop nd athring tthe pains sve in tis aeabeaton| (2) Thessid an Sal be pproved by the Content Author inthe Stat Goverment (3)__The Zonal Mast lan forthe Eeoseastve Zone el be pepred by the State Goverment in sch ‘zames 6s specified this miicaton ad also i comonance vith he leven Cantal nd Sine es a "he fides sued by the Coal Govere any (a) THe Zonal Maser Pn sal be prepared in eonsulion with all enced Sate Deparment, ely © Environment 40) Fores (Gi) Uber Deveopmene (ey) Tori, (6) Municipal (i) Reve : (i) Aprcatwe: (i Maharastra State Pallation Cnt Boas (6) tration, (9) Puli Werks Deparnens, foregone (8), the Zonal Maser Pln stall not impose aty restrotion on the approved exiting land use, ‘nfsuctaeapd acs, ns so specified nts ntfetton snd te Lana! Maser Peg de ate ‘mprovenet fal nfasustrsand aces 9 be moe ein ote Pel. (Th Zoi Master pon hal provide fe ream of ded ea. unsenion of xing wer ‘bodies, management of cathe ara, wateeho anagemen, guna nansorenee oka servation, neds of Incl conminity and sich ether spec ofthe tangy a enivnmc ter seed ©, _,JB® Zonal Master Pla sal demure all he xing worsioping places, village sed won ‘ctlemets, gps and Kinds offre, agen rs, fre ene, ween sca noch, Bake oe ies haretual wea, erhaakc snd eer tr be (8) The Zona Maser Pan sal regulate development in Ecosensive Zone ab to ensure Ec-rendly evelopment for vetoed ety of asl amma, 2, Matures to be taken by Site Government-—The Sits Govsrmnsnts shall ke the following ‘eases for giving efecto teprvion fs nutcabon, ame: (2) Land e—Forest, hrine ares, april sre, parks and epen spaces eanvrked for "eseatonalpupses nthe Ecowesive Zone sal at be wed of convened oases tr cecal Provided tat the somerson of grea lan, incadin he lands indi th calegor’ of the ‘90 development nin he Deepen Plato he mina sites w bi he Eensonaane hee oy oe enited'o the recrmenduie of the Moniring Commas. withthe ps spree ate ee Goverment © meet the residential neds of Ina resdent, an for the sence Teed nono eg ‘numb 1016, 22,32 4nd 35 neal (2) of he Table mparagh hana (0) Eeofteny cages temporary ecspation of oss, uch a ems. wooden houses ee. fr Ecosienly outa ves, clone! considerations nit (G)Witesing and suentesing of exing roads, cron of new rods noe inrsrcve works sch as una met a @) 2 “THe_GAZETTE OF INIA. EXTRAORONARY anys 300) (i) Reyovaion and angrenton and wparadaion of sive amenities including cretion of Irasucte for Wa spp and soap her ss arc, nling greta a pgrdation of exstogtnsisin line, tecormunesion tery, ee an esublaet ne undenround ararusion ales apd comaniaton sles, (60) Smal sale indus not easing polation, (0) Raimwaerharvesing snd (+8) Couage indies iuingvilage ini, convenience sore, acl ames, public wily ‘community bulge Provides fer tht 19 oe of bul nd shall be permited for commer und instal evelopment seiter without the por approval of he State Goverment snl witout conglitocy ef the [rovsis of are 244 ofthe Cositun o ti oy for te Kine Hing infec. naling te Schl aes and cer Tadtiona Furst vel (Reengton of Fore igh) Act, 206 (2 of 2007) Provided also tht any evr sparing inthe Lind records wihin the Eco-enstve Zone shal be ‘onecedty he Sate Gover aferobuining he views of Mon ring Commitee cae ineach ee and {ecu of anid err stl be inmate othe Cantal Govewnen ia he Mins oF Enver ove and Cine Change Provided alo that se sbove correson of srr shal nt ichde change of land win any nse except as rriced unde his spars. Provided aio tha hr shall be ao consul etion ia gree as, suchas frst are ant srcanwl sea der Shal te mde forest th ante or sich wrod agcaulmeas (2) NatralSprings—The cakhment aes of all natal sings sal be iene and pans for hee fenseraon and euventcn al be copied inthe Zon Mase Pana the guises sul fe ‘Save up by the Sale Gavement in sbch# uber so rab development sti ator nea ee reas whih ae dtietal toch en, (0) Touran — (c) The activ celing 0 tours within he Ezosenstive Zone shal be asp the Tourism Maser Pas ‘ic bl frm arto he Zant Master Pla () The Tears Master Pan shal be prope the Depart of Toure, Govern of Mears tn conulaten with Deprenentef Revenue an Frets, Gover of Mahara, (0) Theat of tour sabe elated ar der, aly (at oc ora sv oF expansion of cating tari aces witha dhe Eosensitve Zon sal bein accordance mh che gidelnes sabe bythe Coral Goverment the Mini of Ernren Forest and Clinate Change ad te xooarsm guises sued Wy Nasonal Tier Coneraton Auto, “mended rom cnet ime) wit psi on eco cura, ea-dacaton and xp development nd eae lying capa sy of Eo seve Zone, (Gp sew constrcon of hotsand reso sal nt be permite within on ilometer a the bond of the Sanjay Gandhi Nasonal Pat gr the evens of Eooseraiive Zone whichever teres exes fr ‘commotion fr eporary tie orto ated to Esp ely toe even Provided that beyond ae lenccr from the Boundary of prota ara il tho extent the Eso sensitive Zone, te exabliehnt of new hotels and veo shal e pom oly im pre-and and designated ares fr Eeouren ules per Zonal Mater Pan, (ie the Znat Maser Pan approved, developmen: fr eco ad expacion of exiting wsrie se hl He pei he encemedreplsry athe se un the ural it spi ei ‘decors of te Montring Commi. 4) Natura Meritage sites of valusble ata Herta in he Eco sense Zone ssh athe ere pl reaver, ate Boi, rock fort, wate ing ons oes caves oy al ‘ez lf et hall be idened and preserved apd pla tl be dan fo ther potion nd (a 50) sas sso B @ onsertion, within sb month om the date fpubicaton ofthis mtiisaion and sch pln sal fem px te Zonal Maser Fae, (3) Mamaade heritage sites —Builings, sricnast, artis, aris and precincts of hs chtectral asthe, and elealsigcane sal be indents in he Bea seat Zone ed pa i, {her coseaton shal be pregted vbin ix moth or the date of publican of hi nti nd incorporated inthe Znal Master Pian ‘Noise pollaon.—The Esvroment Deparoent of he Sate Gotement or Maharshta Sate Potion CCntol Bos stall implement the regains for cnl of ote palaion nthe Eeosenive Zane & scotance with he poisons sulted of The Nowe Pllaton (Region And Cont) Rol, 2000 ued ‘fe Esvrment Preeton At 1986 (©. _Air potion ~The Eaveonment Deparment af the Sie Goverment or Mehsrshirs Ste Potion Cool Boar hal dup guidelines end egos fr te cena of st plion in he Feb Sense Zoe in accordance wih th provsane ofthe Ai (Prenton an Cone! of Potton) ke, 981 (td 901961) nd theres made own (Discharge of euentnThe discharge of wed font in Eeosentve Zone sil Sei ‘cordance withthe provisions athe Water (Prevention a Cont f Polaon) et, 1974 (of 198) sad Te rules eade hres. (9) Sota wastes Dispos of std mazes sal be as under (0 te sold waste isos in Es>-enstve Zone shal be cued ou sper he proiios ofthe Sold Wase Management Rules, 2016 pubsed by the Goverment fli, Mssty ot Covent al Fst ed (Cite Change vide nsitentor number 5.0. 1357 (E, ded te Api, 2016 mended fs ns (3) the tcl ators hal rap plans forthe sergation of slid waxes into badesradbe nd bem bidepatbl component, (i) he biodegradable mater shall be rested retiably hough compoting or vermis; (61 The inorganic material maybe disposed ina enizenmentaascpable mame sit ined outside the Eorseatve Zone and no Diy or cncraton ose wats al be ented in he Esaso Zone. (0) Biomedical waste — Tae somedial wat pin the Ecosensive Zone shal be cai out Bs the provisions of the BioVedial Waste Management Roles, 2018 pushed bythe Govern ot laa, Misty of Enviroment, Fores and Clinate Change vi Nae mmber GSR 343 (Edited ‘he Hd Mach, 2016 a smendel rom fe fo 1D _Vebleaar trate vetcuar movement of wae sal be Ysa in wha finaly ‘tanner aed specie provisions ths reed shale itorported in he Zona) Master Pana time as the Zonal maser pan is prepared and avowed by the Competent Autor the. Site Geran, he Montonng Cammitee abl eit compli of vicar ovement he leant (02) dst aits— () No esublshment of new wood base Industies within the prposed Eso-senlive Zone shall be erie exept the exsing Wo uted Inds pw pore a (©) _No estlishent of ay new Industry casing wie, sil mise pion within the ORO Exosensve Zone shale pemites. 4 Lis of atvtes prohibited or tobe regulated within the Eco-sastive Zone-AIf aii the Eo Sasi Zoe shal be govemedy the provisions of te Enanen! Protection) Act. 1988 29 of 886), {he rales made hacer nde rege nthe maone spied ine Take Sol arcs a “Tee GAZETTE_ OF INDIA: EXTRAGRDNARY esse x ‘TABLE ‘SNe Aca Remarks Prohibited Active 1) Commend Mining: done uavingand| New and exsing mining yminor andar frabing uns ‘ier, stone quarying and crashing uns shal be | pranbited except forthe domestic needs of bona fie Toe esiens with eesence tagging of eh fr ‘ontucton or fpr of bes ed fo manure ‘Sten io ks for ning fe persone Spe teeter af exising mines wd sone rashes {Hi ote extndod 1 heen ils the existing Ful une diferent Acts the ene wl eerste ‘The mining epestions sal soi be in wecorence Tras he lc order of te Hea he Supee Cou (dies Bede 2006 nthe mter of TN. Gedarman ‘umlped Vs, UOL inW P(C) No-202 of 1095 fed order of the Hon'ble Supe Cov dled 304.201 he ater of Go Fount Vs UOT In ‘Winc)Ne- 95 9r2012 2) Seng op oF erie No sew or expasion of any xing. sw mul {hot be pete nthe Booseghtve Zoe 3 [Seng wp of laut ening wer 8 [No new or expusion of polling Indies ine ror sul or oe polation Exo setive Zone tal be pit [oP Raubliment of Fytorecne pres | Prohibited (except as wiberise povided) os p= sdb power ls pple avs 5 [ie o proton of way Dazsdous| Prokibied (ico w therwise provided) at per sobsanct | agate a | | Dishare of wtetd evens and ld | Pohbied (cept at oterite provided) 5 per ‘west ral water bods hd area, |aplable vs 7 | New wood based nt. Talis of mr wood Dna indy sal not be Pvt ihn he it of Ecosse Zone Provided the sxsing sooebued indy may oninus une pried wade any nw fr the te | bringer 3 [Rew cpcechens and ei| Encroachment fal Kinds shall be robe So [tans eur of tubnargeace were hy] Tal han on Teas for ming. sing of anv aor ‘rienon depute, {ivi the submerge aa noe red toe ated prose ter soppy & alae wots tee) te kes snd unis Regulated Acts Ta | Ematmentofborisandiators. [No new conmecal fowls and sions shal be] Fe, tn ltr of a) Whicker Is nese scope wed "ony | U (or ur 3) was ore ro Provided tat bejeod one ken. fom the bowmdary of the Sanjay Gand Nesonal Park area snd pt the xin of the Fsoaenniive Zone al ne goo {ilies or expansion of exiting ates shal Be ontormity wih the Zonal Master Plan | Cimcon aces ‘Consrcion sal be permite wihin te Eoscasive | : ne pr prvi fe approved Devcopmest Pan and ober spac ls ae ean ade oe ‘Malacca Rell nd Town Poin Ae Proviled atthe ander consractontenoation of commurial “bling acing pou. hong ‘oan, offices and sere sich at Irma ‘echoing Ena Sones Parka Rens, Power Terman ince and be ‘eeonmmcaion Tower and eile, Sena ns ‘ive ance te andor constuction pgs such ‘= Nobu Nw Ral Shes seaion 0 eow Sve enter sich a ater py weed soto and Ecites nd Operon & tenon fossa, felis of te amenities sanedone by concerned tea Saif Goverinert wade apeined Despre Mun tere Mshc Repl aa Torn Masning At nay be geome wien SZ nest 9 {poll erent Provided funk that comm ebm reeonstuto, reps of exatng smite which ele pup hwing seo, sncnsd by onccrad Local Se Coveramert ander approved Dewiopmest Pian ener te Mahara Repo ard ‘Foun Blaming Ait ay" bellowed wn Sent Zane asject topple les and relaons Prove ther tt the commercial reetopmet reeoatucton, repue of exuing suc ach Inlaes ro housing sce, sarconed by ‘Sneed ca Se Goverment ater proved Development Pan wer the Nash Rel | ‘Foun Faming Act ay be alowed wn the Ease Ienative Zone subjee to appcale ler and “he eencon ati tele spa ele ABplie ls and reuse poe rermuson ome soot stay "The Approved Development Fan shal te in conforaty "withthe Zonal Maser Pan aking Consderion the conserabon sped of te Eee ‘enatve Zoe Ta Folingof ess, “There stall be no ling of wes wn the foes we Goverment of even or private Tans witht pa | sermon of de compron uhory othe Stu) Gorm | (16) 26 TE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRADEDNARY rag iste 49) rom Remarks “The felng of wee sal be replated i accord wid the proves ofthe conezmed Cena of Se At 2d the mics ade heed TH | Commercial water sources icading |The cxracton of aufoe wate and ground water soune {hal be ported ony for bona fide apres ee ‘water harvesting, fd domaaiecontumpan of th zcpier ef th and Entston of surice water and ground water fo fn be eufmce,ehl ruire pr wren parson fro he eoncrned regulary aan The constuction atts af tr supply infatacace ‘ucts of Manipal Capoten Cone read 6 untemaes, sehubliaton aod augmetion =e peated Notation of surface water or ground water sal be Bins and kere forthe equreen: a5 splstc Shall te povmted Sips shall Be taken 1 prs inlading agricul. Ty | Escion of learzal catia ard [Reged as per applic lan. {cleconrmlcaon overs CConstucsowAugrenation apd reovatn' of Power Trossmission lines and cables, Telecmmaicion Towers and cables is permiged. New underiound bling pronred 1S | Fencing of existing premises of Woes | Replted a per opleable tus. A wall Fc sul be tou odeee ese over dh using Roundy Wal of he Say {Gandhi Noord Par 1s | Widening and seeagomangof existing | Shall be done pe aplable Tavs vo ese nuvi Fondo, badge, infartuctse, an | wah aves pact hn te Eooaastne Zone enatacton of ew rad publi wy omar baling. TH [Movenearafvehicokewaiiownght | Regie for sommersal_pupase unier appli | tows [18 | iouodustion of exotic species ‘Regulated as per applicable avs, TB. Prteston of il slopes an iver banka Relted a pe apicable 20. [Ducharge of west efivonen ntl] Recysing. of woasd ofioon all by ercourase ‘terior nd we. nd for dps of sage or Sl wats shall be | icatane ts the apbeabeeglsons Ty | Commerc Sgn tosis wa howins. | Regulated spe: wppliale avs SE | Saal see indaomss oot_casng | Nenpolliting,nowtivardon, altace and sve pallutoe ‘nai, acre, fora. horialufe oF 3g bed ody roduting proce trom adeno | oats fom te Eos Senative Zone an Whi 2 at | hus say cre impact on enionment shall be | _|peried oA) (om 500) seme so n Se asin Remeris 2h [Golecton of Fores proce or Now | No collection cee sal be permited ithe handed ‘Fiber Fores Prosace (NTP) fetes fm the boundary of Wd Life Sancta of tonal Park 2 __| Arandvetcubrpotton Regulated wp apple ve "| B5__| Use ofpyhene gry shopkeepers | Ruled per apple avs 26 | Date Change of Aico svete _| Reguledas per aplcable vs Fr, Gonna uo fhewoud Requawd (ces at aeiwse provided) ws | 28 Undeakng ate lado warn [Replied cep 8 erie mowed) os per] | such as over-iying the National Park | applicable laws esa by aif hota alos, [Bove te 19, Sold Waste Management Repl (cpr we wtbowies ode) we RE Spable le. S| Beton eqalted.(ecept av whervise provided) as per l appicble Promoted Aetites Si [Onscior aarzuke ant orieure | Peried under aplcbl laws Praca Oy lea ommuntes slong Sn die ey tein giclee nt oer 3 Ree water barvesing ‘Shall be ately promotes 33. | Ong ring [Shale acvly promoted. ~ 34 | Adoption of green tehnseny Yor all | hal be etily poms sete | 35 | eonage inves incteaing_vilge | Stall ke analy promoted Tedheres comeniace stores, lea ‘Snes, ble wit and coms ings 3a | Une ofrenembleensgy ures | Bio ga, solr ight et tobe promoted a | Agora. Shall be ate promoted 38 | Skill Doveopment Salle ately promoted 3D, [Eovirnmcnt Aware ‘Shall be ately promoted i E_ Monitoring Commitee — (The Genial Covenant for efeive mbntorng of te Tae Fenstne Zane hey contin Montag Com (@) Municipal Commisioner' dion Mi ice ich sal omit Flesing ame fsivisl Commissioner, Chaim ° oricip! Corpurston of Gretr Mma (COM) Chief Conservatorof Fares and Ditton Saray Gandhi Member co) 2» THE_OAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY, arse 3) (©) Additions! Munisipel Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Member ‘Trane 4) Deputy Collector Munbei Suburban Distt = Member (©) Depary Collector, Thane Distt Member (© Deputy Colector Pasha Distt = Member (@ Onereeesntative Non Govermental Organiation working ~ Member Inthe field of ewan: o be nominated by he Goverment Ue Miaburasts fr aterm of oe ear nach cae, One experin the ae of ecology ant eavizcamento be Member Domine by the Gerumet of Maharshi (Regional Officer, Marah Sate Polation Conte! Board, Member 1) TownPlening Ofer, Mombai Tiare Paihs = Member (k) Assistant Conserve of Forest (LRP) Thane Member (0) Member of Sie Bioiversity Boat = Member (9) Deputy Conservator of Forests, Thane Foret Division + Member Seetmy 46 Terms of Reference (6) The Montrng Commitee stall monitor he compliance of he provisions af this uation (0) Thetenu ofthe Montring commit fr te (3) Je, (©) The atvics ute ever in he Sched to he nation af the Gvermnent of Ti in he ‘tes Minsryof Ears! an Fest number SO. 1536) date the 14 Seppe. 2006 and we ‘ling inthe Eco sestive Zan exept forthe pobibied aco 3 pied ithe Tabi under ptagzaph 4 thera, al te eetines ty toe Montrag Compute based onthe acl ste-sscific cons and ‘eionel o the Cova Governtan inthe Minsey of Enron Fares and Climate Change fr prt ‘Svs leancsandrth proves ofthe sd raueation (The sctvitie that re ik covered inthe Salle tthe moteaon af the Goverment of India, Mins of Environment and Fores ad Clinate Chang: nurber SO. 1833 (E, ded te 1” ‘tpt 2006 and te ling in fe Poosenive Zane, eee probihtod tiie ws speed In the Table tnderpagaph 4 hes, al be srunied by the Montoring Comte hased en De at [Staple condones othe conerad replay authors (©) The Nember Seer of the Monitoring Crmiter or the coneined Coletta the sonemed Fovest ices sal be compet to le complaint ser rection 19 ofthe Eainmen (Pseton) Ae 1986 agunst any person we ctraents the provisos of Wis wou xton. (The Monitoring Comite may inate representatives ce expens fom concemed Depart ‘presente om Indust fasion or cncemed eakeblders oss i deletions depending ‘on te equrements on ste tose bas {) Tne Montonng Comite sha swe aka! atom ken reper ey cuits He wn Bt ‘uc of cery yearby 30 Fane f tat year othe Colt Wife Warde of te Stat spe ro fora (b) The Cental Gover in the Ming of Environment, Foes and Clte Change may give suck Uecton ae dear ote Mosteing Covance or effectve Ustharge fis ants. 7. The Central Govemmar and State Government ay pecly addons measures, i any, fer svg Cena proven of ths nae, The provisone of his otfeaton ae subj 0 te eres if any assed, of be passed. by the Hobe Supreme Coat flag rhe High Cour National Gree Trbural [NOT com 5) sane se » a of Boundaries of propred Keene Zane of Sanjay Gandhi National Park ‘Nerh [Boundary of Sisunawpar (Mahi pda) Naa, [Lane 1902088 91°N] [Loginde 72053°3247°F] ieee Boundary of age), Ovala (pl, Boivade p)Vadavai et, Kove (ph 7 [Keliher pe), Mang), Majvada (Pha Pt), Malurd (Pe). Nabur [Cerabed Fe), Vit [enti 19169 38N) (Longe 120831179") Sou "ave of Asey Dairy Division Bouedary. Villages Sal (Pe) [Lace 1907785 13°N) [Longitude 7205246 57] wees ‘Ara ofAsrey Dairy Osan Bouse, Melo Pe, Ab (pe), Par (PR, /agatane (1), Kane (Pt), atisag PU), Kash (Pt) Nie Pc), Godan (P.), Vanave (Po) Sarsnvahar (Pe) [stad 190193 22°N] [angie 72051°45.76E] GPS readings ofthe Lacaton points on the Boundary of Noted Ars ofthe Sanjay Gan ational Par, PaaeNe ‘Tae ory Tonga an n Hn ror o rH Trae © rns rsa" u 17 w6s rears 2 say Tspu400" | nT roy rss 28 rm ior6303 Tss228 fs ena an i 9S esr " she mom 8 gris 20" 9s SSA x0 WE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRARDINARY trom sce. ein Ne ade Non oni 2% ge 7178 mesosae 30 wissase Tessin a Ig. ssn595 2 ig. Tessa 3 neriga. 3 messi 38 vere a8 messi 3 Iw:19s3° ese 4 wri72738 sso 2 Wripeai TeSSS7S 6 92 oF Teas0 a a swear seen ae ke C ese3E ® u925 77 nessa 0 igen asses" se wT mess | 5 1wr6538 61985 st 19185 S738 o 1953526 Sesei030 o 1gnasoat™ ese ny yr0a5" ze 2 wa Te 1963217" aes —j na 309) lk sane ronest anigion corse 204 oF SSsuALoMau IEA PA @2) 2 Tie aazerre oF Kk: EXTRAOROIARY ingernsee 50) proposed Eawsemsive Zone ome 5) {GPS aston pnt as show the ma he Boundary of Exo Sensive Zone and is stance from nares point of the Noid rea of the SGNP- Boia cs Taede ort onan ant) | Noted Boundary To ESZ ™ com co Distance in meters T OTST TESTE Toa T Drow TERT 10 T wioass TENSES 1 7 Tae TTT 10 3 pias mame tae z wins TH 50 7 wana EIT 307 ¥ igor EST TH 7 wae RS To © DIs0es7 TESTS cs 7] T DERE asa 7 7 Biss BOT 1 a weirs TT 10 7 wise ESET oy % TBISSST FEST ae 7 THTEITW TESTE Tw 7 Bae TEST co 1 poe RSaR ea waa aR 1306 Ey wana Sa om 7 T3075 SOT = z Baer Tas a a DIE FER TIT Es = pia RHE Te e 9303655 RT Ta 1 % 19303007 Sa i EF To OR Sas 7 7m TESTATT TEBE 5 w TAT ASHE ag W Wess sea ar DEE TESST 7 2 Dias TT - Ta Ey wisa0s Ta or @4) u TiE_GAZETTE OF NDIA : EXTRAORDINARY Paar see 3 m Dist ESTEE 107 = TTS a 1 % Teas TRS 1 7 WIS TEs co = Ed TESTE TH B Wis 100 TTS oo wo Baa TET a Be ERED a Disses ERT a ORT a a CREE TERE - — = TORRES TESTS = TROT Bao a Worse mane * oes ame 1 = WoaTea BITE 1 @ WOT BRE 3 EG TEE 5 Woes FETS = DIO EE = T3008 pos) Revenue A. Lin of ilagotowasin, iste the Eswsrstve Zone alg with rte Aes (Coote of es on poi here) AatLong with repet of Be nn [on Tai oa) me ft ain i 12, [Clerabad 19" 0959.11 hassane 5 ta em ese 195 ie isa rose soe 5 na irons era [eran veer frase a Kanjur 19° 0832.66" Tess 1380" a |Paspali fir ow 9a 34° 20,38" oe worsw eae TO wa ay En Dp Df 90 esr siao ia ~ [iow pan (oe n-we 309) 25) = Ene [vitane [ated (or engi 2 [Mart Nero 1 08 2227" pe 3373 ro) i? 1 5099 Te se sae 1 [Ab rst vesP ane 1 (Pas reso Ge sears fiend in ra iP 503855 i [Peat i one ie see 1s |Ranke res Te Shas | Stimpot Toe Fe S045 fap BoriaiTarF Malad i 40770 nes sar ad iF wie he seme aan Fs fe vas a [ii nis Bp De (Grodbanier wiraiae TE SFT bs (eee ine he senaze [ene vie 28 rss 0130" 27 [Owls (td Vilage -naaieg wire hesenar | ow village (havens) fe veda ST Tar ae fp (Borate isan Tessa po (Resear vis 30 est sa ay [Rote ese reser BE _(Nanpada wena 136 feseaaer Bs [Maia mela" pera se _[Pachpaea isn 1506 rest 1s as [ver 0148" Fe sea Se Seamer Irs eae by (Men wars fe sense" 8 [Pome inane hp ssan0r 39 [Kanan i 20 72 i aS [Stara 20 0032 fe 8 Hor iv (Nase ieee eee 36 “THE_GAZETTE_OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY B.__ Villages snd sorvey aurmbers wiht are nla in the Ee Smet er Fearn) "ages cL Saver No Feria [Foret as) [are [Mand | S75ipe Sp ape [soon | 7705I—e | zaao | ata Bap in aba 3 inure i799 aR MOD | Te TIO YS Min sp > [eat | Guapo — | Vora aeine [ye [asa meee (irate | 7 ‘(iar | 665,58 Wr ake | S70 ‘some | te) 5 “sah rey ‘ae Diy od braze press J Frey | (2p pe Devcopmest Downe ie decree Satyr Sebin 7 [antes Prat | ‘ronin [CTSNan | Fanoon | aoe ere) os TH 67g [Ta |e false se Sito to, iae is. Sveti = aad [S86 waar [Se [ose | ware 0 eke |p 209 avez, | 0 2, Big spe ep, Bp zie Ft 2 me spe a Bi ip tie i Kone same bite a Tact |p Spe eTage | ay | Wimp [oon | avo 2 Far [ sonata [sia [vgese [rani | as6i0 (om si ca} aw et pp oe ig 1p 5 ‘is Spe ope som Kanter ip ip Aon ‘ope ip one Sp HL Has stp 20m, 2m, psp ip pp 10, Site Mine Spe on 5p. ile 7 ie pt Set 6S oe, Sin m0 ‘peut ips sion Si tapes. ap, ine Spee te Si st Spe Se 3 Spe sot sae Sige oe enc Seip ee quasars a ye Sm 20,1 ap ip 8, ak ap ieee tes ap 21, 6p pe, EB Sieg ape oe S61 ee HIS tat? Gann, {pe pie ema 6 Sop, Sap, Spe, Spe, Sep ep Se onl ai 96 36 2 Dips 5p wisi 38 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, EETRAOROINARY Ramet Teeate Zane td! us sy Saha te ii ite lug, 1200, 239, pe Beameht Sata, ‘sop 92h, Bac ae he ep Tam corn, spire wid, tip pes USpcissten eh “0008 s ic Bip 0 pag Tape tp a, ica. top 716, pe eran a, s7i Saami op sae Sp 99 Baa sun sas Sd, siltpe Sia, onl, S907, 08 948 cory so 25,2 2p 29 deen ait 29 Pact 124548 Ap Dic rye Epc dep spe ep 2m, Sp 3p STHok Dope 282 2 inet ‘sie i Spe ro Yew Wine Ae wrasse aon sa ‘oar BAI. 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