Std 7 circulatory and excretory sys question bank part 2

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Std 7

Science: Circulation and Excretion- part 2 (Question Bank

for portions done after PT4)
1. List the blood group in humans.
The blood of human beings is classified into four categories A, B, O and AB.
2. Write a note on Blood Transfusion.
When there is a major loss of blood due to injury or surgery a person may require a
blood transfusion Sometimes, an anaemic person may also require blood transfusion.
The transfer of blood from one person to another is called blood transfusion. In other
words, it is the transfer of blood from a healthy person to another person who requires
blood of the same blood group.

• The body of the donor can make the same amount of blood in a few weeks.
• The person who donates blood is called as DONOR. The person who receives
blood most often due to illness/injury/surgery is called RECIPIENT.
3. Who cannot donate blood?
People having infectious diseases and other diseases like malaria,
hepatitis, AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) cannot donate
4. List the precautions to be taken before blood transfusion.
• The blood has to be examined for infectious and non-infectious diseases.
• The blood of the donor and that of the recipient has to be carefully matched before
the transfusion. If wrong blood is given to the patient it may lead to serious

5. Define heartbeat.

Ans: The three stages in which the heart pumps blood are together called one heart

6. Name and describe the instrument used to detect heartbeat.

Ans: Contraction and expansion of the chambers of the heart produces a slight sound.
Doctors listen to the heartbeat using an instrument called a stethoscope. This is a
device which amplifies the sound of the heart when chest piece is placed on the chest
near the heart.

7. Define Pulse.
The stretching and relaxation of the arteries with each heartbeat which can be felt as a
throbbing in the large arteries.


1. Define excretion.
The process by which metabolic wastes are removed from the body is called
2. Name the organs of excretion and the products excreted by them.
i. lungs – Remove carbon dioxide
ii. Skin - sweat
iii. kidneys - urine
iv. Liver-converts wastes containing nitrogen into urea.
3. Describe about the rate of sweating.
The rate of sweating depends upon the weather. We sweat more in hot
weather than in cold weather, we also sweat more when we are exercising
and doing physical activities.

4. Name the condition due to loss of excess water and how to prevent it.
The body loses a lot of water due to sweating; this can result in dehydration
which can sometimes be very dangerous. The amount of water lost through
sweat and urine should be replaced by drinking enough water. An adult
should drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water every day. The body also
loses salts through sweat and urine. The loss of salts I can cause muscular
pains in the body. In summer refreshing drinks like lime juice and other
drinks with a little salt can replace the salt loss.
5. What are the two major functions of kidney:
● Kidney excretes metabolic waste in the form of urine.
● It maintains salt balance in the body.
6. Write down the composition of urine.
● 96 % water
● 2 % Salts of sodium, potassium, calcium which are produced as
wastes. These salts are not poisonous but they too need to be
removed so that they don't build up in the body and upset the salt
● 2 % urea
7. What is an artificial Kidney machine? Write its principal.
When both kidneys of a patient fail, he/she will need an ARTIFICIAL
KIDNEY MACHINE. This machine works on the principal of dialysis.
Dialysis is a process of separating small molecules from large
molecules using a semi-permeable membrane which means the
membrane will allow only smaller molecules to pass through.
8. Name the permanent solution for person whose kidneys have failed.
A kidney transplant is the solution to this problem .A healthy Kidney taken
from a living or dead person is placed inside the patient’s body. It takes
over the work of the patient's own kidneys which have stopped working.
However, this is an expensive and complicated process. It is also dangerous
as the new kidney may be rejected by the patient’s body. It will then stop
functioning and die.

9. Draw a neat labeled diagram of renal excretory system.

Renal excretory system



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