Education Case Report Final

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“Case Report”

Psy-607: Educational Psychology

Submitted to:

Psy. Mam Asiyah Atif

Submitted by:

1) Ayesha Javeed (736201/3301)

2) Muhammad Waleed (736203/3303)
3) Ayesha Liaqat (736288/3305)
4) Khubaib Ameer (736207/3309)
5) Muhammad Umer (736221/3331)
6) Jawaria Sohail (736223/3333)
7) Muhammad Usama Imran (736227/3337)
8) Muhammad Umer Attique (736287/3353)

Date Signature

Department of Applied Psychology

Govt. Graduate College of Science Faisalabad
The educational report is being summited to the Department of Applied Psychology, Govt.
Graduate College of Science Faisalabad, for the fulfillment of requirement for BS Applied
Psychology degree.


First and foremost, we would like to thank ALLAH who gave us strength and encouragement
throughout all the challenging moments of completing this dissertation. All of us are truly grateful
for his unconditional and endless love, mercy, and grace.
Now we would like to acknowledge our indebtedness and render our warmest thanks to our HOD,
Professor Akhtar Ali who made this work possible and grant us permission to visit institutes to
conduct data for our case report.
The highest appreciation goes to our advisor, helper Psychologist Mam Asiyah Atif. As our first
advisor for our all guidance for the completion of these case report.


All Praise and thanks to Allah Almighty for enabling us to conceive the idea of these case report
of educational psychology and then instilling enough strength, dedication and intellect to complete
it as well. We are also thankful to my Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S. A. W) who gave a
vision, a road to success, and abled to identify myself from the wrongs and noble deeds, and
enlightened our life by providing his Sunnah. Afterwards we would like to extend thanks to our
dear parents, brothers, sisters and our respected teachers who supported with kindness.

Table of Content

Sr. Content Roll No Page

No No
1 Case no 1 3301/736201 6
2 Case no 2 3303/736203 10
3 Case no 3 3305/736288 14
4 Case no 4 3309/736207 18
5 Case no 5 3331/736221 22
6 Case no 6 3333/736223 26
7 Case no 7 3337/736227 30
8 Case no 8 3353/736287 34
9 References 48

Case No 1

Institute Introduction
I conducted my case report data under “Govt. Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School,
Faisalabad. The staff members are both male and female. All staff members are qualitied,
supportive and hard working. Total enrollment of School is 3000. Total number of rooms are
maximum 100+. Total No of teachers are 65. The behavior of teachers is kind and Corporative
with students. All of them are result oriented.

Case summary
When I met the client at first time his gestures show his feeling of nervousness and anxiousness,
his conversation is over all related with his family background that is not according to his thinking
and mental state. He said that he wants to become (‫ )ﻋﺎﻟﻢ‬he is not interested in this formal education.
But his father forced him to study in school. He said, that is why he can’t pay attention on these
studies. He also reported that he spends his more time on social media.

Identifying Data

Name: Hafiz M. Amar

Age: 17 years’ old
Father name: M. Farooq
Mother name: Abidah
Gender: Male
Education: Study in 9th standard
Birth order: 9th
Siblings: 10
Postal address: Nisar colony Faisalabad
Occupation of Father: Imam Masjid

Source and reasons of referral

Refers from class in-charge due to bad result in mathematics.

Presenting complaints
 Lack of interest in studies due to his interest that is become a ‫ﻋﺎﻟﻢ‬
 More anxious about future
 Discomfort environment at home
 Not good in mathematics

Initial Observation
He feels comfortable. Give proper attention on my questions. Show depressed feelings by his body
language and way that he uses when he conversation with me. I feel his anxiety due to his trembling
of hands and can’t properly make eye contact with me when I asked some questions to him.

History of problem
The data can be gathered from his own vies. And some of the data can be gathered from the class
fellows and teachers. The problem can be started after his parents admitted him in school. And he
became anxious about their future. The level of this time is critical.

Background information
Personal history:
My client’s current routine is he get up early in the morning and take his Fajar prayer then he takes
his breakfast, goes to school; after school then he goes to tuition and then go back to the home take
Assar prayer and go to his room and use cell phone and computer for watching videos and play
online games, after this he takes dinner and take rest then revise the school work and go to sleep.

Family History:
Total family members are 12. And the environment of home is not so good. His parents are
educated. His father is strict by nature. Home environment is frustrated.

Assessment is complete by two steps:
 Behavioral Observation
 Clinical interview

Behavioral Observation; I can personally observe his behavior in the class is normal not bad and
in the playground is also normal. He takes part in extracurricular activities and performance is very

Clinical Interview; His class fellows say that he is normal in class but he become nervous and
anxious in every time in every field of life. Teachers say that he is not good in education and his
Performance in the class is normal. His class in-charge says that he is very obedient student.
Tentative Problem:
Less interest in study. Want to live alone. Can’t focus on study but open the books a night just for
formality. He can’t focus on the study.
After the treatment he show good results. He became less anxious and less worried about his future
and about their friends.

Case By:
Ayesha Javeed

Case No 2

Institute Introduction:
I conducted my case report under “Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School” near Govt.
Graduate College of Science, Samanabad, Faisalabad. It is a government school from 6 th to 12th.
The staff members are both male and female. All staff members are qualified, supportive and hard
working. Total enrolment of school is 3000. Total number of classrooms are 150 with one
auditorium hall and library. Two play grounds. The behavior of teachers is kind and polite with
students. All of them are result oriented.

Identifying Data:

Name: Abdullah
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: 10th
Father Name: Zahid
Father Occupation: worker in foreign country
Father Qualification: 12th
Mother Name: Shakeela
Mother Occupation: House wife
Mother Qualification: Middle
Siblings: 1brothers
Birth order: 2nd
Postal Address: Faisalabad

Firstly, I met with Sir Raza sb who is working as Art and Drawing teacher and also as a coordinator
in that Institute. Then, I met Sir Khalil Ahmad who is the class In-charge of Abdullah.

Reason of Referral:
 Class In-charge referred due to;
 Poor family concentration on child

 Poor performance in all subjects
 Not performing well in over all
 Interested in only playing
 Low marks in 9th due to lack of interest
 Want economically independent
 Takes a lot of vacations without any reason

Initial Observation:
He showed comfortable on seat but showed shyness behavior. But frankly conversation with me.
He is not openly conversation with any one about his problems according to him.

Developmental History of Problem:

All data collected by myself. Some of data collected from teacher and some of data collected from
friends. I have personally observed him that this problem is started from 8th. Now the level of
problem in critical level.
(Also, his family couldn’t be interested in his achievement they can’t focus on him they leave
him on his behalf also he is not having any one to guide him for to select his future pathway)

Background Information:
Personal History:
My client’s current routine that he gets up early in the morning at 7’O clock. Then he takes
breakfast and goes to school. After the school he take dinner and take a rest for a while. He couldn’t
focus on his study.
He interested in traveling, get to get gatherings.
In spots he loves cricket and football and also play those games

Family History:
Joint family system, environment of home is normally good his father are the only source of
income and mother is a hose wife 1 elder brother.
Education History:
Schooling can be started in age of 5 years. He is good in education before going to high school.
He has joined academy till 8th standard. The interaction with teacher is poor.

Behavior Observation: The behavior in the class is good but he can’t take part any extra
curriculum activity.
Clinical Interview: The class fellows said that he is a good person. Also, he has a good friend
circle His teacher said that he is over all subjects.
Tentative Problems:
Less interest in studies. He wants to be a entrepreneur.

Educational Strategies:
On the behalf of problems, I have psycho-educated the client and told him some positive exercises.
I motivated him about some minor issues in his study,

After using these techniques better result showed. Through psycho-education he has produced
positive effect in his feeling in thinking process. He made some goal-oriented activities. And takes
new stapes for achievements.

Case By:
Muhammad Waleed

Case No 3

Institute Introduction:
I conducted my case report under “Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School” near Govt.
Graduate College of Science, Samanabad, Faisalabad. It is a government school from 6th to 12th.
The staff members are both male and female. All staff member is qualified, supportive and hard
working. Total enrolment of school is 3000. Total numbers of classrooms are 150 with one
auditorium hall and library. Two play grounds. Teachers’ residence also presents in Institute. The
behavior of teachers is kind and polite with students. All of them are result oriented.

Identifying Data:

Name: M. Mansoor
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Class: 10th
Father Name: Muhammad Tahir
Father Occupation: Sales man
Father Qualification: B. A
Mother Name: Fatima
Mother Occupation: House wife
Mother Qualification: 10th
Siblings: 2 younger brother and 1 elder sister
Birth order: 2nd
Postal Address: Faisalabad

I met Sir M. Shouquat the who is the class In-charge of Mansoor Tahir.

Reason of Referral:
Class In-charge referred due to;

 Deficit in to understand the biology subject
 Non-serious and much naughty behavior in class

Presenting Complaint:
 Not so specific deficits, issues and complaints only have disturbance in the Biology subject.
 Having non-serious and naughty behaviors that’s why can’t capable to pay full attention
on studies.

Initial Observation:
It was showed comfortable on seat but showed some shy behavior. Use frank way of conversation
with me. Showed the positive emotion with relationship of parents and teachers.

Developmental History of Problem:

All data collected by myself. Some of date collected from teacher and friends. I have personally
observed him that this problem is started from 9th class due to his non-seriousness event. Now the
level of problem is not critical level but it’s bad for his next future.

Background Information:
Personal History: My client’s current routine that he gets up early in the morning at 7’O clock.
Then he takes breakfast and goes to school. After the school he clam him-self with take dinner and
rest for a while. He uses social media on phone. He sleeps 10:00 'O' clocks at night.
Family History: Separate family system. Total family members are 5. Environment of home is
normally good. His mother is educated. Source of income from his father.

Behavior Observation: The behavior in the class is good but he can’t take part any extra
curriculum activity.
Clinical Interview: The class fellows said that he is a good person and some naughty. His teacher
said that he is good in all subjects and but only poor in biology subject.

Tentative Problems:
Non-serious about studies. He wants to do something which give him fun, like (games).

Educational Strategies:
On the behalf of problems, I have psycho-educated the client and told him some positive exercises.
I motivated him about some minor issues in families.

After using these techniques better results showed. Through psycho-education he has produced
positive effects in his feelings in thinking process. He made some goal-oriented activities.

Case By:
Ayesha Liaqat

Case No 4

Institute Introduction:
I conducted my case report under “Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School” near Govt.
Graduate College of Science, Samanabad, Faisalabad. It is a government school from 6 th to 12th.
The staff members are both male and female. All staff members are qualified, supportive and hard
working. Total enrolment of school is 3000. Total number of classrooms are 150 with one
auditorium hall and library. Two play grounds. The behavior of teachers is kind and polite with
students. All of them are result oriented.

Identifying Data:

Name: Muhammad Azeem

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Class: 8th
Father Name: Muhammad Sultan
Father Occupation: General Store
Father Qualification: Middle
Mother Name: Amna Sohail
Mother Occupation: House wife
Mother Qualification: Primary
Siblings: 1 elder brother
Birth order: 2nd
Postal Address: Faisalabad

Firstly, I met with Sir Raza sb who is working as Art and Drawing teacher and also as a coordinator
in that Institute.
Then, I met Sir Irfan Ali who is the class In-charge of Muhammad Azeem.

Reason of Referral:
Class In-charge referred due to;

 Poor in study
 No extra curriculum activity
 No friend circles
 Irregular in class

Presenting Complaint:
 Interested in math rather than other subjects
 Labelled as “mental retarded”
 Friends are not good
 Weak in study

Initial Observation:
It was showed comfortable on seat but showed shyness behavior. Don’t frankly conversation with
me. Showed the negative emotions about his own self. Showed anxious behavior and also low self-
esteem. No eye-contact.

Developmental History of Problem:

All data collected by myself. Some of date collected from teacher and some of data collected from
friends. I have personally observed him that this problem is started by birth. Now the level of
problem in critical level because of upper classes. Therefore, now he has poor performances in his
8th class.

Background Information:
Personal History: My client’s current routine that he gets up early in the morning at 6’O clock.
He offers fajar prayer and goes to “maddrassa” for reciting the Quran Pak. Then he takes breakfast
and goes to school. After the school he take dinner and take a rest for a while. Then he goes to
“Baba’s General Store”. He watches “Action Movies” on phone. He wants study till matric 10 th
standard. But his brother says that he can’t do this because he is “Mentally Retarded”.
Family History: Separate family system. Total family members are 4. Environment of home is
normally good. His parents are uneducated. Source of income his father and brother.
Education History: Schooling can be started in age of 6 years. He is moderate in education. The
interaction with teacher is poor.


Behavior Observation: The behavior in the class is good but he can’t take part any extra
curriculum activity.
Clinical Interview: The class fellows said that he is a good person but he is totally weak in
academic performances. His teacher said that he is poor in all subjects till three years.

Tentative Problems:
He is interested in studies but can’t perform due to low mental level. His current IQ level is

Educational Strategies:
On the behalf of problems, I have psycho-educated the client and told him some positive exercises.
I motivated him about some minor issues in study.

After using these techniques better result showed. Through psycho-education he has produced
positive effect in his feeling in thinking process. He made some goal-oriented activities.

Case By:
Khubaib Ameer

Case No 5

Institute Introduction:
I conducted my case report under “Allied School Sitara Campus for Boys and Girls (2019)". I am
very thankful to Mam Sana who is the principal of this school. It is a project of Punjab Group of
Colleges (1985).
Address: Risalewala Road Near Gulshan e Iqbal Gate Sitara Colony Faisalabad.
It is a Private school from Play class to 10th. The staff members are both male and female. All
staff members are qualified, supportive and hard working. Total enrolment of school is 230. Total
numbers of the classrooms are fifteenth with Science and Computer Lab. It has also a playground,
Waiting Area and a Canteen. The number of teachers is 25. The behavior of teachers is kind and
polite with students. All of them are result oriented.

Identifying Data:

Name: Fiza
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Class: 9th
Father Name: Muhammad Maqsood
Father Occupation: Milk shopkeeper
Father Qualification: F. A
Mother Name: Nasreen
Mother Occupation: Business Women
Mother Qualification: 10th + Hafiza
Siblings: 1 elder brother
Birth order: 2nd
Postal Address: Faisalabad


Reason of Referral:
Class In-charge referred due to;
 Poor in academic performance
 Poor performance in studies
 Aggressiveness

Presenting Complaints:
 Not capable to understand anything due to face a traumatic event in her childhood period.
 Traumas
1. The murderer killed a person in front of her.
2. She received a massage from unknown number who know her name.
It’s all information was taken by client;
 Her feelings were fearful at all-time specifically when she is alone, she thinks, someone
wants to kill her.
 After traumas, once upon she suffered from fever very severely
 She thinks that she forgets the lesson which learns
 Aggressive behavior shows in society

Initial Observation:
I observed her the comfortable on her seat but showed nervousness, sweating, hesitating, and
paranoid behavior. She used serious way of conversation with me. She showed the negative
emotion with relationship of relatives who is lived near her.

Developmental History of Problem:

When she was in 6th class, she received a message from unknown number who know her name
but she did not know. She told her aunt and her aunt told her mother then her mother changed her
cell number.
And she saw the murder in front of her. After seeing, she cried very much and her mother caught
her and carried to home. She could not forget those events.

Background Information:
Personal History: She gets up early in the morning. She doesn’t take breakfast daily then she goes
to school. After the school, she goes to the Tuition center. After all, she reaches the home at
evening then takes dinner and then uses the phone minimum for one hours in a day. She uses social
media on phone. She Watches some videos on cell phone which mostly based on fashion
designing. She has interest in fashion designing. She sleeps almost 11 O' clock at night.
Family History: Total family members are four. Environment of home is normally good. Her
mother is a housewife and business woman. Her father and mother both are earning members.

Education History: Schooling started in age of 6 years. She was good in education before going
to high school and now the interaction with teachers is poor.

Behavior Observation: I analyzed that she feels fear and she showed the symptoms of anxiety
like sweating etc.
Clinical Interview: The class teacher said that she is a good student but she is poor in some

Tentative diagnosis:
Post-Traumatic stress disorder.
All problems are creating due to trauma.

Tentative Treatment:
According to problems, I psycho-educated the client and told her some positive exercises and some
techniques and tools which will help her to deal the problems and I also motivated her to follow
the treatment plan which will help to make normal. I said her that all of us able to solve the
problems and can change everything with a little bit effort.

After using those techniques and tools, she performed good. Now, she feels the beauty of life and
she manages her aggressive behavior and traumatic events. Through psycho-education she has
produced positive effect in her feeling and in thinking process. She made some goal-oriented

Case By:
Muhammad Umer

Case no 6

Institute Introduction:
I conducted my case report under “Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School” near Govt.
Graduate College of Science, Samanabad, Faisalabad. It is a government school from 6 th to 12th.
The staff members are both male and female. All staff members are qualified, supportive and hard
working. Total enrolment of school is 3000. Total number of classrooms are 150 with one
auditorium hall and library. Two play grounds. The behavior of teachers is kind and polite with
students. All of them are result oriented.

Identifying Data:

Name: Hamza Ghaffar

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Class: 8th
Father Name: Muhammad Ghaffar
Father Occupation: Canteen
Father Qualification: Middle
Mother Name: Musarrat
Mother Occupation: House wife
Mother Qualification: Primary
Siblings: 2 elder brothers
Birth order: 3nd
Postal Address: Faisalabad

Firstly, I met with Sir Raza sb who is working as Art and Drawing teacher and also as a coordinator
in that Institute.
Then, I met Sir Irfan Ali who is the class In-charge of Hamza Ghaffar.

Reason of Referral:
Class In-charge referred due to;

 Poor in math and science

 No extra curriculum activity
 Naughty boy
 Irregular in class
 Bunk in classes

Presenting Complaint:
 Bad company of friends
 Lack of interest in study
 Fear of teachers
 Required attention

Initial Observation:
It was showed comfortable on seat and make proper eye contact. Very frankly conversation with
me. Showed the negative emotions about his own self. Showed anxious behavior.

Developmental History of Problem:

All data collected by myself. Some of date collected from teacher and some of data collected from
friends. I have personally observed him that this problem is started by 6 th class. Now the level of
problem in critical level because of upper classes. Therefore, now he has poor performances in his
8th class.

Background Information:
Personal History: My client’s current routine that he gets up early in the morning at 6’O clock.
He offers fajar prayer and goes to “maddrassa” for reciting the Quran Pak. Then he takes breakfast
and goes to school. After the school he take dinner and take a rest for a while. Then he goes to
play ground for Cricket. He plays “snooker and table football”. He wants to change friend’s circle.
He wants to became a train operator.
Family History: Separate family system. Total family members are 5. Environment of home is
normally good. His parents are uneducated. Source of income his father.
Education History: Schooling can be started in age of 6 years. He is good in education but require
attention. The interaction with teacher is poor.

Behavior Observation: The behavior in the class is naughty and take part in extra curriculum
Clinical Interview: The class fellows said that he is a good person but he can’t pay attention on
study. His teacher said that he is poor in studies.

Tentative Problems:
He is interested in study but require proper attention. He is fit in physical and mental state.

Educational Strategies:
On the behalf of problems, I have psycho-educated the client and told him some positive exercises.
I motivated him about his goal which he wants to become a train operator.

After using these techniques better result showed. Through psycho-education he has produced
positive effect in his feeling in thinking process. He made some goal-oriented activities.

Limitation and recommendation:

I recommended that things;
 Join the good company
 Leave your bad friends
 Think about your naughty behavior
 Show the attention in your studies if you want get your goal

Case By:
Jawaria Sohail

Case NO 7

Institute Introduction
I conducted my case report data under “Govt. Comprehensive Model Higher Secondary School,
Faisalabad. The staff members are both male and female. All staff Members are qualified,
supportive and hard working. Total enrollment of School is 3000. Total number of rooms are
maximum 100+. Total No of teachers are 65. The behavior of teachers is kind and Corporative
with students. All of them are result oriented.

Case summary
When I met the client at first time his gestures show his feeling of aggression, non-seriousness,
memory problem and his conversation is over all related with his friends he said that when I see
my friend’s poor (weak) and saw them in any trouble. I want to help them. If I cannot do this then
I suffer in aggression, cannot control over mind at this time. When someone torch me, I also
suffered in aggression. During aggression state I had fight with people that do wrong with my
friends. Before all of these all I was very well, happily and I got 80% marks in the 8th class. All
these symptoms are affecting on my study and on my life. First, I built a rapport to him then I used
the techniques to reduce the aggression after these techniques then I psycho-educate him for these
problems. A lot of changing occurs after these techniques and psycho-education.

Identifying Data

Name: Hamad Shabeeh

Age: 16 years’ old
Father name: M. shabeeh ul Hassan
Mother name: Asiya
Gender: Male
Education: Study in 9th standard
Birth order: Single child
Siblings: Nill
Postal address: Sitara colony Faisalabad
Occupation of Father: Businessman
Monthly income of Father: All most 1 lack

Source and reasons of referral
Refers from class in-charge due to bad results of first attempt of 9 th class.

Presenting complaints
 Lack of interest in studies due to absence of parents
 More possessive about friends
 Discomfort environment at uncle house
 Have extreme aggressive level
 He felt asleep when he starting study

Initial Observation
He feels comfortable. Give proper attention on my questions. Show grandiose personality by his
body language and way that he uses when he conversation with me. I feel his non seriousness
about their all activities.

History of problem
The data can be gathered from his own vies. And some of the data can’t be gathered from the class
fellows and teachers. The problem can be started when his parents are going to foreign country
and live him at their uncle’s house. He was in stress. And he became anxious about their future.
The level of this time is critical.

Background information
Personal history:
My client’s current routine is he get up early in the morning and take his Fajar prayer then he takes
his breakfast, goes to school; after school then he goes to tuition and then go back to the home take
Assar prayer and go to ground for playing cricket with his friends, after this he takes dinner and
take rest then revise the school work and go to sleep.

Family History:
Parents are live in foreign country. Total family members are 3. Now he lives at uncle’s house.
And the environment of home is not so good. His parents are uneducated.

Assessment is complete by two steps:
 Behavioral Observation

 Clinical interview

Behavioral Observation; I can personally observe his behavior in the class is normal not bad and
in the playground is also normal. He takes part in extracurricular activities and perform their
activities very well, rather than studies.
Clinical Interview; His class fellows say that he is normal in class but he become aggressive and
anxious in every time in every field of life. Teachers say that he is not good in education and his
Performance in the class is normal.

Tentative Problem:
Less interest in study. Want to go out of country. Can’t focus on study but open the books a night
just for formality. He can’t focus on the study.
After the treatment he show good results. He became less anxious and less worried about his future
and about their friends.
Limitations & Recommendation:
 Rubber Band Technique
 CBT thought record Technique

Case By:
Muhammad Usama Imran

Case NO 8

Bio data

Name: xyz
Age: 12Years
Sex: female
Education: 6 class
No of sibling’s: 6(5 sisters and 1brother)
Birth order: 6 born
Occupation: Student
Financial: Dependent
Income: Nil
Marital status: Un-Married
Father: Alive
Father, s occupation: Worker in factory
Mother’s income: 8,000
Mother: Alive
Religion by birth: Muslim
Mother, s occupation: Work in factory
Examiner: Sundas Rana

Reason for referral

The Client was referred by the psychologist for the purpose of assessment and management of his
current problems as slow and inaccurate learning profanes, poor academic result specially in math,
aggression, poor number sense, poor memorization of arithmetic facts. and fight with class fellow.
Speech problem, poor adapting function, slow response decision making, writing problem.

Table 1

Presenting Complaints and Duration of the Client’s Problems according to client.

Duration Presenting Complaints

5 months  Gussa buhht ata hay

 Lraie jagra buhht krti ho class ma
 Mari bat nai manty ghr ma walye
 Mujy math ni ayta samth
 Mara result b acha ni ayta try karti ho buth

Table 2
Presenting Complaints and Duration of the Client’s Problems according to her
mother reported when she come.

Duration Presenting Complaints

2 to 3years  Aggression
 Abusive behavior
 Tor phor krti ha
 Apny apko marti ha
 Is ka school result acha ni ayta
 Math ma interest ni layti
 Muskal se lessoin yaad karti han

Identifying information:
The child was 12 years old and overall good-looking girl. studying in special education school.
Loss of interest in study. Speech problem, poor adapting function, slow response decision making,
writing problem. Client father is died before 2 years and her uncle supports their home. child is a
young one and other siblings are elder. her elder sisters are married. They also tried to help her
mother family. She lives joint family system. Child other cousins are also same complaining like
his. Child family quarrel which other. Her mother is work in factory. Her other family members
are illiterate. He and his brother are only going to school.

Presenting Complaints and referral source:
The child was referred by clinical psychologist for psychological assessment. The client mother
reported that he is fail to gives close attention, Loss of interest in study. Speech problem, poor
adapting function, slow response decision making, writing problem. Client father is died before 2
years and her uncle supports their home. Child is a young one and other siblings are elder. his elder
sisters are married. They also tried to help her mother family. She lives joint family system. Child
other cousins are also same complaining like his. Child family quarrel which other. His mother is
work in factory. Her behavior is very stubbornness. The client mother reported that he has been
suffering the above-mentioned problems for the last 12 years.

Family History:
The patient belongs to lower class family. Patient’s father was worker in factory. Her father was,
the patient’s lugs issue, mother also worker in same factory which their father work. Patient had 6
siblings. She had 5 sisters and1 brother. She lives in joint family system. Her cousin also weak in

Family History of illness:

There was positive family history of any psychiatric illness in her family. Her mother was
depression patient for 2 years. And also, medical history was present that her father has lugs issue
and high blood pressure.

Personal History
The client mother reported that he has been suffering the above-mentioned problems for the last
12 years. According to his mother. that when she was pregnant at time of her birth. She faces a
major operation when he born. Because his mother high breathing problem and also child mother
is high blood pressure patient. According to his mother after his birth his color was light blue. her
weight at birth was weak 8 pound. She faced breathing problem at birth and doctors recommend
oxygen and also under 1 year. She feeding her mother properly and normal. But after 17 months
child again face breathing problem. There were some problems related to birth. He was a healthy
child. She suffered from fever for a long time and also face breathing problem in childhood. Her
mother was good relationship each other and also with her. Her mother was very cooperative with
her when she becomes ill. she had no school phobia. she entered in school at the age of 5 years
old. She was hard worker to complete her homework. Mother reported that he achieving her
milestones in late time.

Family Environment:
Family environment of the patient is good. Her family is very supportive and caring towards her.
Her parents are very concerned about patient health.

Psychological Assessment:
Following assessment modes were used to assess client’s problem.

 Clinical interview
 Behavioral Observation
 Mental State Examination (MSE)

Test Administered:
The following tests were administered on the client.
1. Clinical Interview
2. The Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)
3. Human Figure Drawing (HFD as Emotional Indicator)
4. Human Figure Drawing (HFD as IQ)
5. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (C.A.R.S)
6. Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)
7. Beck depression inventory (BDI)
8. Conner’s Rating Scale
9. Wide range Achievement test revision 3 (WRAT3)

Clinical Interview
The child was referred by clinical psychologist for psychological assessment. The client mother
reported that he is fail to gives Loss of interest in study. Speech problem, poor adapting function,
slow response decision making, writing problem. child is a young one and other siblings are elder.
her elder sisters are married. They also tried to help her mother family. She lives joint family
system. Child other cousins are also same complaining like his. Child family quarrel which other.
His mother is work in factory. Her behavior is very stubbornness. The client mother reported that
he has been suffering the above-mentioned problems for the last 12 years. According to his mother.
that when she was pregnant at time of her birth. She faces a major operation when he born. Because
her mother high breathing problem and also child mother is high blood pressure patient. According
to her mother after his birth his color was light blue. her weight at birth was weak 8 pound. She
faced breathing problem at birth and doctors recommend oxygen and also under 1 year. She
feeding her mother properly and normal. But after 17 months child again face breathing problem.
There were some problems related to birth. He was a healthy child. She suffered from fever for a
long time and also face breathing problem in childhood. Her mother was good relationship each
other and also with her. Her mother was very cooperative with her when she becomes ill. she had
no school phobia. She entered in school at the age of 5 years old. She was hard worker to complete
her homework. Mother reported that he achieving her milestones in late time. He was sitting in 6

months. she was starting her walking 11 months. she speaks single world 3 years. she controls her
Bladder .and Bowel 5 years She needs still help of her mother to some case. Child herself said that
she wants to control her behavior. But She could not control herself at time of learning her lesson
and writing problem. Reported by teacher She can’t learn fast She face difficultly to per nose single
words. In class She try to maintain herself but failed She has also speech problem Some time her
behavior showed her lack of interest when other girls learn easily.
The time of birth child was normal but had the problem of oxygen after the 5 minutes of the birth,
he started to have problem in breathing and the doctor gave oxygen to baby.
Furthermore, she reported that at the age of 4, she noticed that the child did not pay attention
towards her or even if he pay attention towards her, his attention quickly shifts to next thing or
object. Moreover, the child’s mother reported that he uses sign language to communicate more
than uttering words. At the age of 4 the child started to walk.
The mother had problem of high blood pressure during her pregnancy because of marital conflicts
with her husband. She also took medicine for high blood pressure. The child’s birth was normal
but the first cry of the baby was very little and a bit delayed. Her milestones were reported to be
delayed. The mother reported that his cousin also same condition she has a positive family history.
The details regarding milestones are as follows:

Neck holding 1 years Talking (single word) 4years

Sitting 2 years Dress-up without help 5years

Crawling 2 year 5 Taking bath without help 5

months years

Walking 3years Toilet training 6years

The child is very aggressive and hostile and creates loud sounds to show her anger. The child is
also very stubborn. She gets very aggressive whenever guests come to her place and irritates her
mother very much. She also irritates her teacher during class activities she is not pay attention.
The child’s behavior was aggressive. She didn’t sit still for more than few minutes and was
constantly moving around also irritating other class follows during class activities. Her time
orientation was also poor and person and place orientation is little bit good. She was making
different kinds of sounds and couldn’t do paper and pencil work due to lack of attention span. He
was unable to maintain eye contact as well. During clinical interview and behavioral assessment,
child was seemed shy, his body movement was not appropriate. Child wears normal dress. She
came with her parents and her behavior The child’s behavior was seemed shy; her body movement

was not appropriate. She was seeing down on her feet and floor most of the time during clinical
interview and test administration. Her eye contact was not appropriate. she showed less
cooperation during test administration.

Behavioral Observation:
Client was sitting comfortably in the chair with satisfactory physical hygiene. Her mood was
normal. At the start of the session, she was shying but after rapport building, she was very
cooperative. Eye contact was maintained and motor control was also appropriate. She had usual
gestures and postures.

Mental State Examination:

Appearance and Behaviour:

A young girl was sitting in the chair with satisfactory physical hygiene. Eye contact was
maintained and her behaviour was cooperative.

 Rate: The rate of her speech was normal.
 Rhythm: Normal on rhythm tone.
 Volume: Low in volume.
 Any abnormality of speech: no abnormality of speech was noted

 Subjective :( verbatim)
 I am happy.
 Objective:
 The client was in good mood.

Thought Process:
 Delusions:
 No sign of delusions was found.

 No disorder of perception noted. No audio/visual hallucination.

Cognitive functions:
 Orientation:
 Time: She had orientation of the time.
 Place: She had orientation of place.
 Person: She had orientation of person.

Immediate recall: I saw her list of words and asked to recall them she recalls them as the same

Short term memory: Questioning about the events of previous day indicated that her short-term
memory was good.

Long term memory: Questioning about the events of years back indicated that her long-term
memory was good.

Remote memory: Questioning about the specific events indicate that her remote memory was

General information: Questioning about the general nature indicate that she had knowledge of
general things.

Abstract thinking:
Abstract thinking was present.

Insight was present.

2.Beck Depression Inventory (BDI):

Qualitative Analysis:
The patient’s scores 18 on the BDI, sand the range is 14-19 shows that She has mild level of due

3.Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)

Qualitative Analysis:
Child age is 12 years. Total score is 13, percentile 5%, Discrepancies 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, Time taken 43
minutes and the score indicates that the patient seems to be intellectually defective.

4.Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT)
Qualitative Analysis:
According to the SDCT scores errors is 7 Accuracy score is 81 %, the patient’s eye-hand
coordination does not seem to be intact.

5. Human Figure Drawing (HFD):

Qualitative Analysis:
The picture on HFD revels that the patient seems to be very anxious with psychosomatic
complaints, don’t dare to strike out at others and turn her aggression toward herself. She shows
poor self-concepts. poor inner self. She shows depressive features.

6. Human Figure Drawing (HFD IQ)

The HFD of the child seems to be range level her score is IQ

7.The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (C.A.R.S)

The category rating scores is 19. The score seems to be normal. Child has no autism. Number of
categories of normal range is 15 – 29.

8. Conner’s Rating Scale

Results of Corners’ Teacher Rating Scale-(s) revealed that child is markedly atypical (indicating
significant problem) on oppositional, hyperactivity, cognitive problem/inattention and conners’

9.Wide range Achievement test revision 3 (WRAT3)

Reading score is 20, start score is 59, grad score is an absolute score is 54 and spelling raw score
is 15, stand score is 57, grade score is K absolute score is 458.the arithmetic score is raw score is
3, std score below 45 and preschool and absolute score is 427.the result shows that the problem
seems to b arithmetic aera and less achievement in three area.

One the basis of history, behavioral observations, clinical interview and interpretation of test
results the diagnosis in made according to the DSM-V diagnostic criteria:315.1 (F81. 2) Learning
Disorder (With impairment in mathematics).

The prognosis for a psychological intervention is good. At the time of admission, the client was so
much had loss of appetite. So, with the help of social skills all the problems of the client are

somewhat settled now, so with the help of psychological treatment and with the cooperation of
family the teachers may become healthy.

 Medication
 Relaxation Training
 Social Support
 Emotional Support
 Encouragement
 IEP plan apply
 Family education
 speech therapy
From interview and behavioral observation and psychological tests, it was identified that the child
present problems come from her heritage. Psychological test administrational results show that the
prognosis of the child seems to be poor as he is suffering from the developmental disorder. Social
skill training, IEPs, family education, and speech therapy will be helpful in treating the child’s
current problem. Owed that she faces problem of Learning Disorder (With impairment in
mathematics). Teacher should help more in her study.

Sessional Report:

1st Session:
In the start 1st session, the Examiner introduced himself to the client and built the rapport with the
client. examiner talked about weather, environment and other things and talked little and asked
about client problem.

2nd Session:
In session 2, after greeting patient, she was asked about his family & friends, what he been doing

3rd Session:
In session 3, it was observed that the patient somehow feels at ease to talk to me, patient discussed
hi dislikes and likes. What did at home? How was everyone at home? In the 3 rd session, He
described about herself and family attitude. She said that she has no confidence to face the people

and talk to the others because She feels anxiety in the front of others and in school no one her
friend due to her poor academic performance and She did not participate in the conversation with
her friends and cousin. That’s why her friends and teachers get the importance her other class
mates. Counselor listen the client very active. Client showed depressive behavior when talked
about his less confidence. Counselor showed the empathy.

4th Session:
In session 4, the patient discussed her relationship with her family & friends. He also talked about
her favorite programs on television.

5th Session:
In session 5, family education & daily activity chart was discussed with her mother. She had told
how family can play a role in the betterment of the patient. In this session, her mother was taught
how to deal with the patient.

6th Session:
A comprehensive well standardized test was administered in 6th session.

7th Session:
In session 7, patient was taught social skill training, how to deal with other people around her.
How to deal with the stranger? The 7th session client learns tongue exercise and blowing exercise
by his therapist. For his better movements of tongue and stuttering

Patient, smother along with the patient was taught adaptation skills, so patient can adapt & adjust
in any situation or given environment.

9th Session:
In session 9, the assertiveness training was administered to patient, The patient’s family was
psycho-educated that how they would ably cope and mange her problem, to ignore her whiles the
relapse accord. The signals of relapse were also described.

10th Session:
In 10th session, a comprehensive discussion was held among the therapist, the patient and her
family to find out the improvement that had shown by the patient.

Follow Up Session:
The follow up session was also discussed and advised that if the patient ever had the same problem
or any problem regarding social maladjustment, she can again visit hospital and receive treatment
for it.

Case By:
Muhammad Umer Attique


CBT Thought Record:
Rubber Band Technique:


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