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Doing The Right Thing:

President Biden and Withdrawal

Governor John Waihee

1986 – 1994
State of Hawaii

Governor Ben Cayetano

1994 – 2002
State of Hawaii

Governor Neil Abercrombie

2010 – 2014
State of Hawaii

Doing The Right Thing: President Biden and Withdrawal

Time Takes Everybody Out.

Time is Undefeated
Rocky Balboa

With the Presidential Election looming this is where we are: a minute-by-minute

dissection on social and mainstream media of whether President Joe Biden is
mentally and physically able to secure the confidence of the American voter.

Will he be able to lead the nation, coherently and vigorously? Above all, with poll
after poll showing him behind can he defeat Donald Trump?

What is now known as The Debate was a moment of truth – a moment not of
revelation but rather confirmation of what has been apparent for months – The
President’s obvious physical decline and increasing difficulty in communicating
clearly and cogently. A glance or two at his demeanor and command of language
and issues in 2020 set against that of this June’s debate is heartbreaking for those
of us who admire, respect and have deep and abiding affection for President
Biden, personally.

He had one task only to accomplish – one mission – reassure his supporters and
potential supporters of his competence to lead and his capacity to campaign for a
second opportunity to demonstrate those qualities.

Instead, we witnessed and listened to a frail and seemingly muddled President

Biden agonizingly take us to the brink of electoral wipeout. Donald Trump’s
disjointed verbal ramblings and baseless false hoods were ripe for counter
punching with authority and focus. President Biden’s lack of a pointed response
let alone taking the initiative to Trump made it appear he was as unfit to
campaign as Trump was to govern.

It is apparent to us that the debate was much more than a “bad night.” The
debate was not an episodic one-off but rather the result of an ongoing condition –
a condition of decline that will not be reversible. It was a graphic demonstration
to millions of voters that will leave a lasting impression of disillusionment about

both candidates – a situation that is devastating for President Biden with no
similar electoral consequence for Trump at all. The debate did not change a
single vote for or against Donald Trump. There the outcome was perhaps
catastrophic for President Biden as the post-debate atmosphere was and remains
rife with the question of whether he can defeat Trump or even physically make it
to the end of the campaign.

The three of us are the 4th, 5th and 7th Governors of the State of Hawaii. Our
respective Native Hawaiian, Filipino and Caucasian ancestries are indicative of the
diverse reality of Democratic Part values in electoral action. Our ages range from
78 to 84 to 86. We are linked directly generationally and politically to President
Biden. We are well aware that the question of withdrawal before us is not one of
age as such but aging and its implications and consequences for the overriding
task of defeating Donald Trump.

Simply and directly put we believe the President needs to withdraw his candidacy
and free his 3896 delegates to the Democratic Party nominating convention. This
will demonstrate without equivocation his lifelong devotion and commitment to
the core values of freedom and the Constitution. The nation and its survival as
our democracy are at stake.

Of President Biden’s fierce will and resolute determination there can be no doubt.
But equally commanding is defeating Donald Trump – our most fundamental
electoral objective. We ask President Biden to take the responsible path to
achieving that objective. Withdrawing of his candidacy will accomplish that.


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