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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 1

Jewelry industry is rapidly expanding in Pakistan because of its popularity &
culture values. The new trend of design developing on computer & modern
machining process as made it more attractive & popular through out the world.
Besides this fact, the jewelry industry is facing a lot of difficulties regarding
shortage of skillful workforce to carryout the works as per modern trends of the
jewelry market.
This curriculum is designed having two years duration keeping in view all
requirements of jewelry industry by more focusing on practical work along with
necessarily required theoretical knowledge in order to produce skillful and
capable workforce.
This curriculum has all the compulsory subjects of English, Urdu, Islamiat &
Pakistan Studies of Intermediate level along with the related subjects of
jewelry, its tools & equipment including metallurgy, gemology and marketing &


Name of Course : Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing

Entry Qualification : Matric or equivalent
Duration of the course : Two Years
Total contact hours : 2720 Hours
1360 Hours per year
40 hours per week
7 hours per day (Friday 5 Hrs/day)
Medium of Instruction : Urdu / English

D e ve l o p e d b y C u r r i c u l u m S e c t i o n , A c a d e m i c s D e p a r t m e n t TE V TA .
Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 2


On successful completion of this course the trainee should be able to: -

1. Use the jewelry tools and equipments by following all safety regulations.
2. Use the manufacturing techniques properly, specially forming, saving,
piercing, filing, soldering, fitting & casting.
3. Use the computer system properly for jewelry design.
4. Use the CAD System in jewelry.
5. Make the jewelry designs as per requirements.
6. Use all the process of heat treatment. Write the characteristic of
7. Prepare the feasibility of reports for business.
8. Make the plans for effective business management.
9. Make the plans for small business.

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 3


On successful completion of this course the trainee should be able to: -

1. Explain the history of jewelry.
2. Explain the technological advancement in jewelry.
3. Explain the fundamental of design & drawing.
4. Describe the introduction to jewelry manufacturing.
5. Describe the material handling.
6. Define the manufacturing techniques.
7. Define the computer system.
8. Define the CAD in jewelry.
9. Define the 3D printer & CAD tools./ mechanics.
10. Explain the metallurgy.
11. Explain the metal shaping process.
12. Explain the Gem & gemology.
13. Explain the physical & optical properties of gemstones.
14. Describe the entrepreneurship.
15. Describe the management of entrepreneurship.

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 4

Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing
(2-Years Course)
1st YEAR

Sr. Theory Total

Subjects Practical Marks
No. Hrs Hrs
1. Functional English 68 0 68 50

2. Math 68 0 68 50

3. Work Ethics 34 0 34 25

4. History of Jewelry 68 0 68 50

5. Fundamental of Design and Drawing -I 68 306 374 125

6. Introduction to Jewelry Manufacturing 68 408 476 150

7. CAD for Jewelry 68 204 272 100

Total 442 918 1360 550

2nd YEAR
Sr. Theory Total
Subjects Practical Marks
No. Hrs Hrs
1. Functional English 68 0 68 50

2. Math 68 0 68 50

3. Work Ethics 34 0 34 25

4. Fundamental of Design and Drawing -II 68 306 374 125

5. Advance Jewelry Manufacturing 68 408 476 150

6. Metallurgy 68 0 68 50

7. Gemology 68 102 170 75

8. Marketing and Entrepreneurship 102 0 102 75

Total 544 816 1360 600

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 5


Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing
(2-Year Course)

1. Functional English

Sr. Theory
Detail of Topics
No. Hours
1.1 Alphabet 5
1.1. Capital Letter / Small Letter
2.2 Consonants and vowel with Syllabus 5
2.1. Consonants and Vowels
2.2. Semi-vowels
2.3. Syllabus
3.3 Sentence Structure 5
3.1. Alphabets
3.2. Words
3.3. Phrases
3.4. Clauses
3.5. Sentences
4.4 Sentences 5
4.1. Type of Sentence
4.1.1. Simple
4.1.2. Compound
4.1.3. Complex
4.2. Kinds of Sentence
4.2.1. According to meaning / construction)
5.5 Introduction to common tools. 6
5.1. Read and write the names of different types of tool
used in all trades of each institution
6.6. Translate technical items into Urdu
6.1. Tools 2
6.2. Machinery 2
6.3. Equipment 3
7.7. Sentence pattern (exercises) 2
7.1. Exercises

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 6

7.2. Use of is, are, am, was, were, has, have, had.
8.8. Parts of speech 5
8.1. Noun and its kinds
8.2. Pronoun and its kinds
8.3. Adjective and its kinds
9.9. Concept of tenses (Indefinites & Continuous) 4
9.1. Present continuous
9.2. Past continuous
9.3. Future continuous
9.4. Present Indefinite
9.5. Past Indefinite
9.6. Future Indefinite
10. Application writing
10.1. To principal for
10.2. Leave 2
10.3. Fee concession 2
11. Translation 4
12. Use of tools 8
12.1. Describe the use of tools in simple / small
13. Name and Description of trade job
13.1. Write the work steps used in each job. 4
13.2. Write the work steps in job preparation 2

Total 68

2. Mathematics
Sr. Theory
Detail of Topics
No (Hours)
2.. Mathematics
2.1. Matrices
2.1.1. Definition and order of matrix
2.1.2. Types of Matricess Row Matrix Column Matrix

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 7 Square Matrix and Rectangular

Matrix Null or Zero Matrix diagonal Matrix Unit Matrix or Identity Matrix
2.2. Algebra of Matrix
2.2.1. Equality of Matrices
2.2.2. Addition of Matrices
2.2.3. Subtraction of Matrices
2.2.4. Multiplication of a Matrix by a scalar
2.2.5. Multiplication of matrix by scalar
2.2.6. Multiplication of two matrices
2.3. Special Matrices involves in the solution of
Linear Equation
2.3.1. Singular and Non Singular Matrix
2.3.2. Transpose of a Matrix
2.3.3. Symmetric Matrix
2.3.4. Skew Symmetric Matrix
2.4. Determinents
2.4.1. Definition of a determinant
2.4.2. Expansion of a determinant of order 2 and
order 3
2.4.3. Adjoint of a matrix
2.4.4. cofactors
2.4.5. Properties of determinant (only application)
2.4.6. Inverse of a matrix
2.5. Solution of Linear Equation
2.5.1. Solution of Simultaneous linear equation in
two variables by use of matrix method
2.5.2. Solution of simultaneous linear equations in
two variables by use of Cramer’s rule.

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 8

4. History of Jewelry
Sr. Theory
Detail of Contents
No. Hours
4.4. History of Jewelry
4.1. Original of Jewelry:
4.1.1. Introduction 1
4.1.2. Jewelry in Ancient Egypt 1
4.1.3. Greece& Rome 2
4.1.4. Indus Valley 4
4.2. Medieval (500 AD - 1400 AD)
4.2.1. Introduction (South Medieval and European 2
4.3. Jewelry in Medieval India
4.3.1. Introduction 1
4.3.2. Gandhara 3
4.3.3. Muslim Period 1100-1700 2
4.3.4. Introduction 6
4.3.5. Sultanates 6
4.3.6. Mughals 1
4.4. Technological Advances
4.4.1. Introduction 1
4.4.2. Europe (1500 Onwards) Introduction 3
4.4.3. Renaissance 3
4.4.4. Industrial Revolution 3
4.4.5. Arts and Craft Movement 1
4.4.6. The Subcontinent (1700 onwards) 3
4.4.7. European influence 10
4.4.8. Pre and Post Independence 2
4.4.9. India and Pakistan (1800-1947) 1
4.4.10. Middle Eastern Tradition 3
4.4.11. Contemporary Trends in Jewelry, 2
4.4.12. Introduction. 7 Europe USA`

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 9 Middle East South East Asia
Total 68


Sr. Theory Practical

Detail of Topics
No (Hours) Hours
5.1. Fundamental of Design & Drawing – I
5.1. Line
5.1.1. Introduction (Drawing) 2 6
5.1.2. Different types of lines, line and 2 6
dot (Two Dimensional Design (2-
5.1.3. Study of line in nature (Three 2 6
Dimensional Design (3-D))
5.2. Tone
5.2.1. Tones in natural and artificial 2 6
light (Drawing)
5.2.2. Tones in mild and high contrast 2 6
5.2.3. Tones created with color (3-D) 2 6
5.3. Color
5.3.1. Color-basic and primary 2 6
5.3.2. Color-secondary, tertiary, 2 9
complementary etc (2-D)
5.3.3. Single color with different 2 9
materials such as plastics,
metals etc (3-D)
5.3.4. Color in nature (Drawing) 2 6
5.3.5. Color and texture (2-D & 3-D) 3 24
5.4. Texture
5.4.1. Different types of textures 2 6
5.4.2. Low relief (2-D) 2 6

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 10

5.4.3. High relief (3-D) 5 24

5.4.4. Texture-color-material (Drawing, 2 6
2-D & 3-D)
5.5. Volume
5.5.1. Volume and its types (Drawing) 2 6
5.5.2. Shape and volume, 2-D 2 12
5.5.3. Shape and volume, 3-D 3 24
5.5.4. Volume and space (Drawing, 2-D 3 24
& 3-D)
5.5.5. Volume and body (Drawing, 2-D 3 12
& 3-D)
5.6. Pattern
5.6.1. Motif & Pattern (2-D & 3D) 3 24
5.6.2. Low & high contrast (Drawing, 2- 6 24
D & 3-D)
5.6.3. Balance-symmetrical & 6 24
asymmetrical (Drawing, 2-D & 3-
5.6.4. Harmony of similar & diverse 6 24
objects (Drawing, 2-D & 3-D)
5.6.5. Rhythm- visual & actual
(Drawing, 2-D & 3-D)
Total 68 306

7. CAD in Jewelry
Sr. Theory Practical
Detail of Topics
No. Hours Hours
1. Computer Basics: 12
1.1 Basic Components of a computing 1
1.2 Starting your computer? 1
1.3 Studying the directory / file system. 1
1.4 Creating / Saving / Retrieving Files 1
1.5 Introduction to Word Processing. 1
1.6 Introduction to Spreadsheets. 1

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1.7 Introduction to Graphics Tools 1

1.8 Browsing Internet 1
1.9 Installation of Programs 1
1.10 Running a Program 1
2 Basics of CAD: 9
2.1 Introduction to CAD 1
2.2 History 1
2.3 Applications 2
2.3.1 Robotics
2.3.2 Engineering
2.3.3 Design (Fashion, Architecture)
2.4 CAD Tools (Rhino, Matrix, Jewel CAD)
3. Graphic Tools: 12
3.1 Basic Mathematics 1
3.2 Objects 1
3.2.1 Lines, Circles, Polygons, etc
3.3 Mathematics Operations 2
3.3.1 Transformations
3.3.2 Rotation
3.3.3 Projection
3.4 Class Projects (Pen and Paper)
4. Development of Model: 27
4.1 Types of Models 1
4.1.1 Wire frame
4.1.2 Skelton
4.1.3 Surface
4.2 Simple Mathematical Treatment of 2
4.3 Feature based Modeling 2
4.4 Parametric Modeling 2
5. CAD Modeling 27
5.1 Introduction to CAD Modeling 1

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5.2 CAD Objects 1

5.3 Points 1
5.4 Lines 1
5.5 Poly lines 1
5.6 Curves 2
5.6.1 Parametric Curves
5.6.2 Non Parametric
5.7 Class Project
6. Environmental and CAD Tools Basics 51
6.1 Introducing various views 2
6.1.1 Top
6.1.2 Front
6.1.3 Right
6.1.4 Perspective
6.2 Working with files and folders 1
6.3 Creating Projects / Saving / Reloading 1
6.4 Command line usage and Basic
Commands 6
6.4.1 Join
6.4.2 Explode
6.4.3 Trim
6.4.4 Union of Surfaces
6.4.5 Project
6.4.6 Rotate 2D / 3D Objects
6.4.7 Shading
6.4.8 Rendering
6.4.9 Adding Layers
6.4.10 Editing Layers
6.4.11 Changing View ports
6.4.12 Measuring dimensions
6.5 Polygon Objects
6.6 Ellipse Object 1
6.7 Curve Objects: 1

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6.7.1 Lines and Poly lines 6

6.7.2 Circles
6.7.3 Arcs
6.7.4 Polycrubs Basic Concepts Controls Points Edit Points Curve Knots Curve Weights Curve Domains Fillet Curves
6.7.5 Surfaces Planes Surface command
6.8 Transformations
6.8.1 Move 1
6.8.2 Rotate
6.8.3 Scale
6.8.4 Shear
6.8.5 Mirror
6.8.6 Twist
6.8.7 Bend
6.8.8 Taper
6.9 Dimensions
6.9.1 Linear / Align / Rotate 1
6.9.2 Manipulating 3d Models
6.9.3 Difference between 2D and 3D
6.9.4 Conversion 2D and 3D 1
6.10 Alternate Views 2
6.10.1 Analysis 2
6.10.2 Plug-ins 2
6.10.3 Scripts (Optional) 1

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6.11 Writing Scripts 2

6.11.1 Basic Commands 4
6.11.2 Declaring Variables
6.11.3 Control Loops
6.11.4 Input / Output Interfaces
6.11.5 Running Scripts
6.12 Assignment Projects
7. Summary: 18
7.1 Interfacing CAD Tool 2
7.2 3D Printers 1
7.3 CAM Tools / Machines 1
8. Project: - 48
8.1 Project
Total 68 204

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2nd Semester

1. Functional English
Sr. Theory
Detail of Topics
No. Hours
1.1. Functional English
1.1. Verb Adverb Preposition
1.1.1. Verb and its kinds 4
1.1.2. Adverb and its kinds 4
1.1.3. Preposition, and its kinds (with samples and 3
1.2. Tenses: Perfect tenses
1.2.1. Present Perfect 4
1.2.2. Past Perfect 4
1.2.3. Future Perfect 3
1.3. Change of voice
1.3.1. Indefinite 3
1.3.2. Continuous 4
1.4. Composition
1.4.1. Paragraph writing related to their trades 4
1.4.2. Description Essays
1.5. Communication Skills 1
1.5.1. Form of sentence as per tenses
1.5.2. Form of paragraph 1
1.5.3. Proper voice with correct pronunciation 2
1.5.4. Describe the situation 3
1.6. Safety Measures:
1.6.1. Read write safety in lab / workshop 2
1.6.2. Read write safety in use of machinery
1.7. Description of Lab / Workshop: 3
1.7.1. Equipment installed in workshop 1
1.7.2. Machinery installed in workshop
1.8. Parts of Speech (Interjection & Conjunction 1
1.8.1. The conjunction and its kinds 1
1.8.2. Interjection (examples with exercises)

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1.9. Use of Articles 1

1.9.1. The articles and its kinds (examples with 13
1.10. Change of voice
1.10.1. Present Perfect
1.10.2. Past Perfect
1.10.3. Future Perfect
1.10.4. Layout of application
1.10.5. Job Application
1.11. Letter Writing
1.11.1. Formal Letter
1.12. Composition
1.12.1. Narrative Essays
1.13. Filling of proforma use in trade
1.13.1. Demand / request form
1.14. Report / request form
1.14.1. Repot regarding faults / demands
1.14.2. Repair and maintenance recording
1.14.3. Work order sheet completion etc.
1.15. Description / presentation of relevant trade:
1.15.1. Each trainee will prepare on brief regarding
two year training and present it before the
class and submit to his teacher in written form.
1.15.2. The teacher will prepare a summary of all

Total 68

2. Mathematics
Sr. Theory Practical
Detail of Contents
No. (Hrs) (Hrs)
2.2. Mathematics II
2.1. Arithmetic Sequences and Sums: 1 6
2.1.1. Definition

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2.1.2. The nth term of an arithmetic 1 6

sequence, i.e. an=a+(n-1)d and
its related problems. 1 9
2.1.3. Arithmetic Mean (AM) and its
related problems
2.1.4. Arithmetic series and its related
2.2. Geometric Sequences and Sums
2.2.1. Introduction to geometric
sequence along with nth term
formula (without proof) and
related problems
2.2.2. Geometric Mean (GM) and
related problems
2.2.3. Geometric Series and related
2.3. Binomial Theory
2.3.1. Introduction to Binomial
Theorem (without proof) for
positive index
2.3.2. Expansion with the help of
binomial theory
2.3.3. Use of general term i.e
T r+1 = [n)
(r ) a n –r br
2.3.4. To find middle terms and
constant terms.
2.3.5. Third Semester
2.4. Inter Conversion of Sums and Products
2.4.1. Conversion of sums or
differences to products and
related problem
2.4.2. Conversions of products to sum

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or difference
2.5. The law of sine (without Proof) and
related problems
2.5.1. Solution of Oblique Triangles
2.5.2. When two sides and their
included angle is given
2.5.3. When one side and two angles
are given
2.5.4. When all the three sides are
given (by use of hero’s formula)
2.6. Introduction to Areas
2.6.1. Area of Annulus, sector,
segment and related problems
2.6.2. Introduction to Area and
2.6.3. Area and volume of prism
2.6.4. Area and volume of cube
2.6.5. Area and volume of cubiol
2.6.6. Area and volume of cylinder
2.6.7. Area and volume of con
2.6.8. Area and volume of sphere

4. Fundamental of Design and Drawing - II

Sr. Theory Practical

Detail of Contents
No. (Hrs) (Hrs)
4.4. Fundamental of Design and Drawing – II
4.1. Line
4.1.1. Line-observation of line in 1 6
jewelry (Drawing)
4.1.2. Visualizing lines and dots as 1 6
design components of jewelry
4.1.3. Study of line in nature and 1 9

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application in jewelry (3-D)

4.2. Tone
4.2.1. Tone in different metals 1 6
4.2.2. Tones in mild and high contrast 2 6
(polished and sand blasted
effects), also tonal variation in
jewels. Visualization exercises
4.2.3. Tones created with different 2 9
metals (3-D).
4.3. Color
4.3.1. Color-in relation to jewels and 1 6
jewelry (painting of jewels)
4.3.2. Color-secondary, tertiary, 2 9
complementary in relation with
jewelry (3-D).
4.3.3. Single color with different 2 9
materials such as plastics,
metals etc (3-D).
4.3.4. Color in nature (gem stones etc) 2 6
4.3.5. Color and texture (gemstones- 2 9
polished & rock formations) (2-
4.3.6. Color and texture (metal etc) 2 9
4.4. Texture
4.4.1. Texture in relation to jewelry 1 6
4.4.2. Different types of textures-low- 2 9
relief (jewelry based) (2-D).

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4.4.3. High-relief (pre-historic & 2 9

ancient jewelry) (3-D).
4.4.4. Texture-color-material (looking 5 18
at materials used all over the
world conventional and non-
conventional) (Drawing, 2-D &
4.5. Volume
4.5.1. Types of volume in jewelry 2 6
4.5.2. Shape and volume in jewelry 2- 2 9
4.5.3. Shape and volume in jewelry 3- 2 9
4.5.4. Volume and space. (jewelry & 2 18
environment) (Drawing, 2-D &
4.5.5. Volume and body (also concept 2 18
of wearing a complete set)
(Drawing, 2-D & 3-D)
4.6. Pattern
4.6.1. Pattern in jewelry (ancient & 2 6
modern) (Drawing)
4.6.2. Motif & pattern in jewelry (2-D) 2 9
4.6.3. Motif & pattern in jewelry- its
manipulation in design-process 2 9
4.6.4. Low & high contrast (in volume, 5 18
pattern etc in jewelry) (Drawing,
2-D & 3-D )
4.7. Balance
4.7.1. Symmetrical & Asymmetrical in 2 6
jewelry design (Drawing)

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4.7.2. Visualizing balance-symmetrical 2 9

& asymmetrical in jewelry
design (2-D)
4.7.3. Creating balance-symmetrical & 2 9
asymmetrical in jewelry
4.7.4. Harmony of similar 7 diverse 2 6
objects-observations in existing
jewelry (Drawing)
4.7.5. Visualizing harmony of similar & 2 9
diverse objects in jewelry design
4.7.6. Creating harmony of similar & 2 9
diverse objects/patterns in
jewelry designing (3-D)
4.7.7. Observation of rhythm- visual & 2 6
actual in jewelry (Drawing)
4.7.8. Visualizing rhythm in jewelry 2
designing (2-D) 9
4.7.9. Creating rhythm-visual & actual 2
in jewelry designing (3-D) 9
5. Total 68 306

5. Advance Jewelry Manufacturing

Theory Practical
Sr. No. Detail of Topics
Hours Hours
1. Brief Summary of the previous subject 2 -
2. Filigree
2.1 Plain Wire 2 30
2.2 Twisted 2 30
2.3 Spring 2 30
3. Polishing/Cleaning
3.1 Polish 3 12
3.2 Vibrator 3 12
3.3 Ultrasonic Cleaning 2 12

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4. Finishing
4.1 Dull 2 15
4.2 Velvet 2 15
4.3 Matt 2 15
4.4 Blasting 2 15
4.5 Electroplating 2 15
5. Stone Setting
5.1 Poway 2 18
5.2 Punch 2 18
5.3 Channel 2 18
5.4 Prong 2 18
6. Introduction to Specialized Techniques 8 18
(Kundun, Enameling etc)
7. Casting 2 -
7.1 Wax pattern carving 2 12
7.2 Development of Master Pattern 2 12
7.3 Rubber Mould Vulcanizing 2 12
7.4 Injection 2 12
7.5 Assembly 2 12
7.6 Powder Investing 2 12
7.7 Casting Process 2 12
1. Beading & Stringing 4 15
2. Jewelry Repair & Care 3 9
3. Quality Control 3 9
Total 68 408

6. Metallurgy
Sr. Theory
Detail of Topics
No. Hours
1.1. Introduction to Metallurgy
1.1. Definition of Metallurgy 1
1.2. Types of Metallurgy 4
1.3. Difference between Ore, Metal and Alloy 2
1.4. Physical Properties of Metals 4

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2.2. Ore Physical Minerals, Properties of the Metals used for 8

2.1. Gold
2.2. Silver
2.3. Copper
2.4. Aluminum
2.5. Iron
2.6. Zinc
2.7. Nickel
2.8. Palladium
2.9. Platinum
2.10. Titanium
3.3. Classification of Alloys
3.1. Ferrous Alloys
3.1.1. Carbon Steel 2
3.1.2. Alloy Steel 2
3.1.3. Cast Irons 1
3.2. Non-Ferrous Alloys
3.2.1. Alloys of Copper 2
(Brass, Bronze & other alloys)
3.2.2. Alloys of Gold (22,21,18,14,9 karats & white 3
3.2.3. Alloys of Aluminum and Titanium 1
4.4. Metallography
4.1. Introduction to Metallography 4
5.5. Heat Treatment
5.1. Introduction 1
5.2. Annealing 2
5.3. Normalizing 2
5.4. Quenching 2
5.5. Tempering 2
6.6. Corrosion
6.1. Difference between corrosion, erosion and rusting 1

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6.2. Introduction to most common types of corrosion 2

6.3. Preventive methods 4
7.7. Principal Metal Shaping Process
7.1. Casting
7.1.1. Introduction to various moulding and casting 4
7.1.2. Defects in castings 2
7.1.3. Introduction to various melting furnaces with 4
respect to precious metal.
7.2. Mechanical Working 2
7.2.1. Forging 2
7.2.2. Extrusion
7.3. Welding 2
7.4. Machining 1
7.5. Powder Metallurgy 1
8. Total 68

7. Gemology
Sr. Theory Practical
Detail of Topics
No (Hours) Hours
1. Historical Background:
1.1 Origin, Geological Timetable. 2
1.2 Mining, Occurrence 2
1.3 Major deposits of the world. 2
2. Introduction:
2.1 Introduction 1
2.2 Crystallography 2 3
2.3 Physical Properties 2 3
2.4 Chemical Properties 2 3
2.5 Optical Properties 2 3
2.6 Distinctive features, Inclusions and 2 6
3. Organic and Inorganic gemstones:
1. Properties (Physical, Optical, Chemical) 4 3

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2. Sources 2
3. Identification Techniques 4 9
4. Diamonds:
4.1 Introduction 1
4.2 Types of diamonds. 2
4.3 Importance of four C’s 4 9
4.3.1 Cut
4.3.2 Color
4.3.3 Clarity
4.3.4 Carat
4.4 Instruments for weight estimation. 1
5. Colored Gemstones:
4.1 Introduction 1
4.2 Famous gem stones and their 2 3
Classification. 4 9
4.3 Importance of four C’s
4.3.1 Cut
4.3.2 Color
4.3.3 Clarity
4.3.4 Carat 1
4.4 Instruments for weight estimation.
6. Nomenclature and Grading System 4 6
7. Basics of Gem Stone Cutting & Polishing:
4 Types and forms of cuts (Diamonds) 4 9
5 Types and forms of cuts (Colored 4 9
8. Identification Techniques:
4 Identification of Diamonds. 3 9
5 Identification of Colored Gemstones. 3 9
6 Use of Gemmolite and other gemological 1 3
instruments in Identification
9. Basics of Gem Stone Enhancements & 3 6

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4 Synthetic
5 Stimulants
6 Imitations
7 Treated and Look –Alike Gemstones
10. Sources and Characteristics of Pakistan 3


Sr. Theory Practical

Detail of Topics
No. Hours Hours
1. Prerequisites for the establishment of
2.1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 1
2.2 Planning 1
2.3 Recognizing the need of a Product 1
2.4 Clarity Company Objectives 1
2.5 Developing short, medium, and long term 1
2.6 Development BUSINESS plans 1
2.7 Implementation of BUSINESS plans 1
2. Management of Entrepreneurship
6.1 Location 1
6.2 Effective Management 2
6.3 Business forecasting 1
6.4 Study of consumer’s ability to pay 1
3. Development of Human Resources
5.1 Recruitment (Selection of Key personnel) 1
5.2 Retention 1
5.3 Motivation 1
5.4 Setting performance standards 1
5.5 Performance appraisal 1
5.6 Remuneration 1
5.7 Personal training 1

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5.8 Salary structure and review 1

4. Finance
4.1 Analyzing financial statements 1
4.2 Expected rate of return 1
4.3 Cash flow analysis 1
4.4 Break-even analysis 1
4.5 Feasibility preparation 2
5. Diversification
3.1 Contemplating new products 2
3.2 Spreading the trade risk 1
3.3 Evaluating different opportunities 1
6. Understanding Marketing and the Marketing
1.1. Definition of Marketing 1
1.2. Core Marketing Concept 2
1.3. Nature and Scope of Marketing 3
1.4. Explain Marketing Functions and related 3
1.5. Difference between selling and marketing 2
1.6. Define the term Target Marketing. 2
1.7. Under stand the difference between 1
customer and consumer.
1.8. Under standing the “Four P’s of 2

7. 2. Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer

2.1 Definition of Consumer Market 1
2.2 Characteristics affecting Consumer 3
8. Market Segmentation
3.1 Definition of Market Segmentation 2
3.2 Bases for Segmenting Consumer Market 3

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9. Product Strategy
4.1 Definition of Product 2
4.2 Levels of Product 3
4.3 Product Classification 3
4.4 Product Life Cycle Strategies 2
10. Pricing Products: Pricing Consideration and
5.1 Definition of Price 2
5.2 Factor Considering when Setting Price 4
11. Distribution Channels
6.1 Definition of Channel of Distribution 2
6.2 Distribution Channel Functions 2
6.3 Number of Channel Levels 2
12. Advertising, Sales Promotion
7.1 Definition of Advertising
7.2 Major Decisions in Advertising.
7.3 Definition of Sale Promotion.
7.4 Sales Promotion Tools
13. Visits & Lectures 12
Total 102


Sr. Theory Practical
Topics Sub Topics
No. Hours Hours
1. Workplace and Equipment
1.1 Introduction to tools & Equipment 4 6
1.2 The workplace and Layout 4 3
1.3 Safety Regulations and Environment 8 6
2. Material Handling
2.1 Melting/alloying 4 18
2.1.1 Sheet Rolling 2 18
2.1.2 Wire Rolling / Drawing 2 18

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3. Basic Manufacturing Techniques

3.1 Design Transfer:
3.1.1 Manual 4 18
3.1.2 Technical 4 18
3.2 Chasing 4 18
3.3 Sawing & Piercing 4 48
3.4 Filling 4 48
3.5 Soldering 4 48
4. Making Tubes
4.1 Round 3 18
4.2 Square 3 18
4.3 Triangle 3 15
5. Making Balls 3 18
6. Findings
6.1 Chain Rings 2 18
6.2 Push Locks 2 18
6.3 Clips 2 18
6.4 Screws 2 18
Total 68 408

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Material and equipment list for CAD for Jewelry:

Pentium IV 25 + 5 = 30
System Specifications
RAM At least 256 MB
Hard Drive 40 GB
Processor 1 GHz
Graphics Card with appropriate speed
Multimedia Projectors 2
Scanner 1 (Flat Bed)
Printer 1 (Laser, Colored)
Server 1

Possible CAD Software:

Rhino and Matrix

Jewel CAD

Split Air Conditioner 2

Material and equipment list for Designing

Name of Items / Tools / Equipments
1. Drawing papers
2. Newsprint papers
3. Box board sheets
4. Ivory card papers
5. Brown wrapping papers
6. Watercolor papers (Kent sheets)
7. Old newspapers
8. Kite papers (various colors)
9. Glazed papers (various colors)
10. Graph papers
11. Pencils (HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B)
12. Charcoal sticks
13. Oil crayons
14. Conte crayons
15. Dray pastels
16. Inks (black, blue, red, green)
17. Reed pen
18. Crowquil pen
19. Ball point pens (red, blue, black, green)
20. Fountain pens
21. Round brushes (number 2, 4, 6)

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22. Poster colors (Basic Colors)

23. Steel cutter
24. Scissors
25. Masking tapes
26. Scotch tapes
27. Brown paper tape
28. Drawing pins
29. Drawing board (Imperial size)
30. Glue

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(For a Class of 25 Students)

Sr. No. Equipment / Tools Quantity

1. Microscope Stem 12, 12A 2

2. Compact Schneider Microscope AP7, AP7A 2

3. Raynder Emerald Filter RD974, Rayner 5


4. Rayner Illuminated Refractometer Rd0475-4- 2

220 V / 50 Hz

5. Gia Gem Instruments Prism 1000 2

Spectroscope SC 8747 (220 V / 50 Hz)

6. UV Light Viewing CC – 8410 2

7. Specific Gravity Liquid Set S-134 2

8. Leisa Microscope 20x – 120x 2

9. Microscope 10 x - 60 x 2

10. GIA Super 60 Zoom Mobile Lab 2

11. Ultra Violet Lamp 2

12. Calcite Dichroscope M/s Gem-A 2

13. GIS Spectroscope 2

14. Prism 1000 Spectroscope 2

15. Rayners Portable Polariscope M/s Harald 2


16. Colour Grade/ GIA Gem Set 2

17. Colour Grade Disc / GIA Hue Wheel 2

18. Chelsea Colour Filter Ms Gem – A 2

19. Synthetic Emerald Filter M/s Rubin and Sons 2

20. Ruby Filter 2

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21. Aquamarine Filter 2

22. Electric Balance 2

23. Sartoran Gram Balance 2

24. Shindler Scale Gem Gauge 2

25. Brass Gauge 2

26. Loups 10 x Triplet 2

27. Optivisor M. Head Piece 2

28. Specific Gravity Liquid set M/s GIA 2

29. Rayners Refrectometers Fluid M/s GIA 2

30. Rayners Hardness Pencils 2

31. Fiber Optic Lamp 2

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Material and equipment list for jewelry Manufacturing:

A: Tools

Name of Items / Tools / Equipments Qty
1. Piece Diamond Bit Set 1
2. Assorted Burs Set 1
3. Dapping Block Brass, Size: 2” 1
4. Dapping Block Steel, Size: 2 ½” 1
5. Dapping Block Steel, Size: 3” 1
6. Dapping punch set (24 Pieces Set) 2
7. Knuckling Block Steel, Size: 2 ½” x 2 ½” 1
8. Steel Draw Plate Half Round 1
9. Needle Files Pillar, cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
10. Needle Files Pillar, cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
11. Needle Files Pillar, Half Round cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
12. Needle Files Pillar, Half Round cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
13. Needle Files Pillar, Crossing cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
14. Needle Files Pillar, Crossing cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
15. Needle Files Pillar, Knife cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
16. Needle Files Pillar, Knife cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
17. Needle Files Pillar, Triangular cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
18. Needle Files Pillar, Round, cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
19. Needle Files Pillar, Round, cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
20. Needle Files Pillar, Barrete, cut 2, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
21. Needle Files Pillar, Barrete, cut 4, L: 140mm, 4.8 x 1.1 25
22. Precision files Hand, cut: 1, L: 8/200 mm, 21.3 x 6.3 25
23. Precision files Hand, cut: 3, L: 8/200 mm, 21.3 x 6.3 25
24. Precision files Hand, Ordinary Half round, cut 1, 25
L:8/200mm, 21.3 x 6.3
25. Precision files Hand, Ordinary Half round, cut 3, 25
L:8/200mm, 21.3 x 6.3
26. Half round slim or ring file, cut:1, L:8/200mm, 15.5x4.5 25
27. Half round slim or ring file, cut:3, L:8/200mm, 15.5x4.5 25
28. Triangular Normal, cut:1, L:8/200, A=14/2 25
29. Triangular Normal, cut:3, L:8/200, A=14/2 25
30. Chasing hammers Face Dia: 1” 1
31. Chasing hammers Face Dia: 11/8” 1
32. Chasing hammers Face Dia: 11/4” 1
33. Riveting hammers Face Dia: 3/8” 1
34. Riveting hammers Face Dia: 1/2” 1
35. Riveting hammers Face Dia: 9/16” 1
36. Riveting hammers Face Dia: 5/8” 1
37. Planishing hammers Face Dia:1” 3
38. Planishing hammers Face Dia:7/8” 3
39. Nylon Mallets Face Dia:11/4” 3

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40. Horn avil on base 2

41. Ring & Bracelet mandrel Standard 1
42. Ring Bracelet mandrel standard 1
43. Ring & bracelet Mandrel Grooved 1
44. Tapered bracelet mandrel Oval 1
45. Tapered bracelet Mandrel Tapered 1
46. Tapered bracelet Mandrel Round 1
47. Mandrel in steel Round 1
48. Mandrel in Steel Oval 1
49. Mandrel in Steel Square 1
50. Mandrel in Steel Triangular 1
51. Mandrel in Steel Drop 1
52. Mandrel in Steel Hexagon 1
53. Bezel Blocks & Punches Round 1
54. Bezel Blocks & Punches Drops 1
55. Dial Caliper Resolution: 0.05mm Max, Measurement 7
56. Pocket Venire Caliper Resolution: Max, 25
Measurement 80mm
57. Gauge Degree Gauge 25
58. Dividers 4” 25
59. 4 Scale Measuring Stick 1
60. Metal Ring Sizer for standard rings 1
61. Hand Vise 4
62. Hand Vise Wooden Hand vise, side screw 6
63. Outside Ring Holder 3
64. Flat saw Frames Depth: 21/4” 25
65. Flat Saw Frames Depth: 3” 2
66. Light Weight Metal snip Curved blades 25
67. Brown Shears 2
68. Cross Locking Tweezers Points: Blunt, Length: 61/2” 25
69. Tweezers 25
70. Insulated Cross locking tweezers Curved 25
71. Pin Vises 5/8’ wide jaws, opens to ¼”, 3/16” gap. 6
72. Bracelet size gauge 5” to 9” in ¼” increments 1
73. Jewelry Design template 2
74. Steel Rules Length 6” 25
75. Steel Rules Length 12” 2
76. Brushes Brass 6
77. Brushes Nylon 6
78. Draw Tongs 10” 1
79. Draw Tongs 8” 1

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B: Consumable Items

Name of Items / Tools / Equipments Qty
31. Arknass stone Hard, Length: 175x50-18mm 1
32. Sia Emery cloth course, Grit: 1/0 3
33. Sia Emery cloth Medium, Grit: 2/0 3
34. Sia Emery cloth Fine, Grit: 3/0 3
35. Sia Emery cloth Fine, Grit: 4/0 3
36. Emery Ring Shells Hard, 5” 2
37. Emery Ring Shells Medium, 6” 2
38. Emery Ring Shells Soft, 7” 2
39. Emery Sticks Hard, Grit: 2/0 25
40. Emery Sticks Medium, Grit: 3/0 25
41. Emery Sticks Fine, Grit: 4/0 25
42. Satin Finish Buffs 2 Ply Course 3” 2
43. Satin Finish Buffs 2 Ply Medium 4” 2
44. Satin Finish Buffs 2 Ply Fine 5” 2
45. Emery Belt Stick Grit: 240 ¼” 2
46. Emery Belt Stick Grit: 320 ½” 2
47. Emery Belt Stick Grit: 400 ¾” 2
48. Dialux Polishing Compounds (All types of Metal) 1
49. Dialux Polishing Compounds Shine for yellow gold 1
50. Jewelry brushes Bristle type: hard diameter: 9/16” 3
51. Jewelry Brushes Bristle type: Medium Diameter 9/16” 3

C: Machinery

Name of Items / Tools / Equipments Qty
1. Ultrasonic appliance LC 20# 1
2. Micro Vertical drilling machine 1
3. Bench Shears 1
4. Bench Vise 1
5. Double Spindle Heavy Duty Polishing Motor 2
6. Rolling Mill Wire 1
7. Rolling Mill Sheet 1
8. Drill Press 1
9. Gas Torch Burners 30
10. Flexible Motors with shaft 30
Casting Equipments:
11. Vulcanizing press: 6
12. Set of Mould Frames / Plates 6
13. Scalpet Handles and Blades 30
14. Wax Injection Unit 12
15. Air Compressor 2

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16. Set of Perforated Flasks and Rubber Base 6

17. Weighing Balance Electronic (5kg) 1
18. Weighing Balance Electronic (1 kg 0.010) 1
19. Evacuating System with Mixi9ng bowl 1
20. Owen for wax recovery 1
21. Burn out furnace 800 c (1 gas Operated 1 Electricity 2
22. Melting Furnace 1300 c + Crucible (1 gas Operated 1 2
Electricity Operated)
23. Vacuum Casting Machine capacity upto 1 kg 2
24. Centrifugal Casting Machine (1 gas Operated 1 Electricity 2
25. Air Water Pressure Jet for cleaning casting 2
26. Electroplating Unit 2
27. Work Benches 25
28. Vibrator 1
29. Tumbler 1
30. Electric welder (Precision) 2
31. Water Based Welding Equipment 2
32. Gold Recovery / refining unit 1
33. Engraving unit 1
34. Hydraulic Stamping Press 1

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Name of Items / Tools / Equipments Qty
Drawing Designing Lab:
1. Drafting Tables 25
2. Stools 25
3. Teachers Table 1
4. Teacher Chair 2
5. Tracing Tables 5
Manufacturing Lab:
6. 14 Workstation Table 2
7. Stools with adjustable height 26
8. Cabinets for Polishing 2
9. Cabinet for machinery 2
10. Tool hanging Board 1
11. Sink with attached water supply for Polishing 2
12. Gas Connections for each work station for the soldering Gun 26
13. Vacuum Connection 1
Computer Lab:
14. Computer Tables 26
15. Computer Chairs 26
16. Cabinet 1

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1. Mineral Processing Technology by Barry A. Wills

2. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by Sidney H Avner

3. Mechanical Metallurgy by George E Dieter

4. Principles of Metal Casting by Richard W Heine, Cavl R Loper and

Philip C Rosenthal

5. Corrosion and Corrosion Control by Herbert H. Uhlig & R. Winston


6. Metals and Its Usage by Dr. Fazal Karim

7. History of Art

8. Art Through the Ages

9. 20th Century Jewelry The Complete Sourcebook by John Peacock

10. An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry, Harold Newman.

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Sr. No. of
Qualification of Teacher Subject
No. Teacher
1. Incharge One
Masters in Related Arts/Fine Arts with History of Jewelry
related experience
2. MA English Functional One
3. MA Islamiat Work Ethics One
4. M.Sc Mathematics Mathematics One (Visiting)
5. BCS with solid background in graphics One (Visiting)
Diploma in CAD Technologies for CAD
Jewelry / Diploma in Graphics Design
6. Art Graduate with 2 Years related One
experience in Jewelry (Permanent)
One (Visiting)
7. Graduate with 2 Years related One
experience in Jewelry Manufacturing (Permanent)
One (Visiting)
8. Graduate with diploma or certificate in One (Visiting)
Gemology with 2 experience
9. BBA Marketing or MBA Marketing Marketing & One (Visiting)
10. M.Sc Metallurgy with related One (Visiting)

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The pass outs of this course, may find job / employment opportunities in the
following areas / sectors: -
1. Jewelry Industry.
2. Jewelry Design Houses
3. Teaching Institutions Conducting Jewelry Courses.
4. Jewelry Workshops
5. Fashion Industry.

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Jewelry Designing & Manufacturing (2-Year Course) 42


Trainee will be deputed for four weeks on job training in the central industry
during the summer vocation of the second year of the course in the following
organizations / firms: -
1. Jewellery Industry
2. Jewellery Warehouse

D e ve l o p e d b y C u r r i c u l u m S e c t i o n , A c a d e m i c s D e p a r t m e n t TE V TA .

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