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1. If 54% of the town’s population received the first two polio dose but 10% of these did not receive
the third one then what percentage of the people received all three dose?
a. .44% b.48.6% c.49.6% d.59.9% e.64%
2. If 65% of x is 195 then what is 75 percent of x?
a. 215 b.225 c.235 d.250 e.26
3. A store sells a watch for a profit of 25% of the cost. What percent of the selling price is the profit?
a. 12.5 b.15 c.20 d.25 e.50
4. Successive discounts of 20%,20% and 12.5% are equivalent to a single discount of
a. 36.5% b.52.5% c.40% d.48% e.44%
5. For a certain article, if the discount is 20% the profit is 20%. What is the profit percentage when
discount is 10%?
a. 40 b.35 c.30 d.25 e.20
6. x is what percent of 4x/5?
a. 75 b.80 c.120 c.125 e.180
7. A stock decreases in value by 20% by what percent must the stock price increase to reach its
former value?
a. 15 b.20 c.25 d.30 e.40
8. A baseball team won 45% percent of the first 80 games it played. How many of the remaining 82
games will the team have to win to register a win percentage of exactly 50?
a. 36 b.45 c.50 d.80 e.100
9. A store usually sells an item at a 40% profit. One week the store has a sale, during which the item
is sold for 10% less than the usual price. During the sale what is the percent profit the store makes
on each item?
a. 4% b.14% c.26% d.30% e.36%
10. A retailer buys a radio from the wholesaler for $75. He then marks up the price by 1/3 and sells at
a discount of 20% . what was the profit on the radio?
a. 5 b.6.67 c.7.5 d.10 e.13.33
11. What percent of 50 is 0.15?
a. 3 b.0.3 c.30 d..03 e. none
12. A trader buys eggs for tk m per dozen and sells them at tk m/6 per piece. What is his profit?
a. 20% b.50% c.60% d.100% e. none
13. If each side of a square increases by 30 then the area increases by
a. 30 b.45 c.60 d.69 e.71
14. During a tournament each 6 six players will play against each other only once. How many matches
will be held in the tournament?
a. 12 b.15 c.18 d.30 e.36
15. Faisal’s weight is 140% of imran’s weight. Rahi’s weight is 90% of milon’s weight. Milons weighs
twice as much as imran. What percentage of faisal’s weight is rahi’s weight?
a. 64.44 b.155.55 c.77.77 d.128.55 e.none
16. You can now purchase 6 more oranges with Tk 72 because of reduction in price by 25% Calculate
the current price of one dozen of oranges
a. 24 b. 36 c. 48 d. 32 e. None of these
17. If. the length and breadth of a container tank are increased by 40% and 60% and the height ls
decreased by 75%, then, the volume of the container is decreased by what percent?
a. 44% b. 25% c. 50% d. 56% e. None of these
18. While selling a dangerous artifact, Tanisha was asking for such a price that will enable her to offer
a 10% discount and still make a profit of 20% on cost. If the cost of the artifact was Tk. 30, what
was her asking price?
a. Tk. 36 b. Tk.41.25 c. Tk. 33.5 d. Tk. 40 e. None of these
19. A 30% solution of salt is mixed with 10 grams of water to form a 20% solution. How many grams
of the original solution did we start with?
a. 40 b. 20 c. 12 d. 10 e. None of these
20. Which of the following is equal to 85 percent of 160?
a. 1.88 (B) 13.6 (C) 136 (D) 188 (E) 13,600
21. Successive discounts of 30% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of
a. 16.0% b. 36% c. 50% d. 44% e. 33.7%
22. If a survey shows that 28 citizens out of a sample of 200 support a particular Senate bill, what
percent of the sample does not support the bill?
a. 56% (B) 64% (C) 72% (D) 82% (E) 86%
23. The import duty on a car is 50% of its cost. An additional supplementary tax of 30% is charged on
the cost plus import duty. If the total of import duty and supplementary tax is Tk. 2,85,000, what is
the cost of the car?
a. 3,00,000 b. 3,20.00 C. 3,75,000 D. 4,00,000 E. None of these
24. A sales person earns a commission of 5% on all sales between Tk. 2000 and Tk. 6000, and 8% on
all sales over Tk. 6000. What is his total commission in a week in which his sales total Tk. 10.000?
a. 500 B. 540 C. 620 D. 720 E. none of these
25. In a certain shop, items were put in a showcases and assigned prices for January. . Each month
after that, the price was 10% less than the price for the previous month. If the price of an item was
p dollars for January, what was the price for April?
a. 0.4 p b. 0.6 p c. 0.6561p d. 0.7 p e. 0.729 p
26. What would be the marked price of an article if the cost was $12.60 and the gain was 10% of the
cost price?
a. $11.34 (B) $12.48 (C) $13.66 (D) $13.86 (E) $14.00
27. A tank contains 10,000 gallons of a solution that is 5 percent sodium chloride by volume. If 2,500
gallons of water evaporate from the tank, the remaining solution will be approximately what
percent sodium chloride?
a. 1.25% B. 3.75% C. 6.25% D. 6.67% E. 11.7%
28. A cricket team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How many of
these must the team win to make it record 75% win for the season?
a. 20 B. 25 C. 29 D. 32 E. none of these
29. The price of rice has increased by 20%. In order to restore the original price, the new price must
be reduced by:
a. 16.67% b.18% c. 36% d. 60% e. 66.66%
30. A jeweller prices his items 60% over their wholesale price. If a watch sells for Tk 192, what is its
wholesale price?
a. Tk 120 b. Tk 150 c. Tk 200 d. Tk150.50 e. Tk140
31. Bashir sells a carpet for $ 480, making profit of 25% on the buying price. Calculate the percentage
profit she would have made if she had sold the carpet for $ 576.
a. 20% b. 30% c. 40% d. 50% e. none
32. What percent of 50 is 15?
a. 30% (B) 35% (C) 70% (D) 300% E. 333 3 %
33. In how many years taka 1800 will become taka 2250 if the simple interest rate is 5% p.a.?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. None
34. If 40% of all women are voters and 52% of the population is women, what percent of population
are women voters?
a. 19.2 (B) 20.8 (C) 26.4 (D) 40
35. A car goes 20 miles per gallon of petroleum when it travels at 50 miles per hour. The car gets 12%
fewer miles to the gallon at 60 miles per hour. How far can the car travel at 60 miles per hour on
11 gallons of petroleum?
a. 193.6 miles b. 195.1 miles C. 200 miles d 204.3 miles
36. One dozen egg and ten pounds of apples are currently the same price. If the price of a dozen eggs
rises by 10% and the price of the apples goes up by 2%, how much more will it cost to buy a dozen
eggs and ten pounds of apples?
a. 2% b. 6% C. 12% d. 12%
37. Workers wage per day is reduced by 50% due to recession. After one year, the wage rate is
increased by 80%. If the wage rate before the decrease was taka 100 per day, then what is it' now
in taka per day?
a. 80 b. 90 C) 100 D) 120
38. It p is 50% more than q, and then q is what percent less than p?
a. 50% B) 40% C) 33.33% D) 25%
39. A borrower pays 18% interest per year on the first Tk. 600 he borrows and 17 year on the part of
the loan excess of Tk. 600. How much interest will the borrower pay on a loan of Tk. 6000 for 1
year .
a. Tk. 908 B) Tk. 1028 C) Tk 1026 D. 1,080
40. If the interest on a savings account is paid monthly at an annual rate of 6.25% and if the interest is
not reinvested. then in how many years the total amount of interest earned will equal the amount
Of money saved in the account?
a. 36 B) 24 C) 18 D) 16
41. Nahid's salary is 50% more that Shakil's salary. Shakil's salary if 50% more that Nahida's salary. If
Nahid's salary is $450,000, then Nahida's salary is:
a. $100.000 b. $200,000 c. $300.000 d. $400,000 e. None of these
42. A 10% rebate enables one to get a meter of cloth extra for $45, what was the original price per
meter of cloth?
a. 4 b. 4.25 c. 4.5 d. 5 e. 5.25
43. What is the concentration of the mixture of two quarts of 30% acid solution and with 3 points of
20% acid solution? (1 quarts= 2 points )
a. 22.5% b) 23% c) 24% d) 25% e) 26%
44. How many quarts of water must be added to 10 quarts of alcohol that is 95%, pure in order to
obtain a solution that is 50% pure?
a. 0.5 b) 5 c) 9 d) 10 e) 15
45. Nabil. Hasan and Rafid lives in an apartment and share the rent among themselves. Nabil pays
30% of the rent and Hasan pays half of the rest. What is the total rent if the amounts paid by Rafid
and Nabil differ by BDT 500?
a. BDT 5.000 b. BDT 7,000 C. BDT 10,000 d. BDT 12,000 e. BDT 14,000
46. How long would it take for BDT 250 to become thrice itself with interest at a simple interest of
12.5% per year?
a. 8 years b. 10 years C.16 years d. 20 years e. 24 years
47. How many liters of a 70% alcohol solution must be added to 50 liters of a 40% alcohol solution to
produce a 50% alcohol solution?
a. 25 b. 40 C. 50 d. 60 e. 70
48. A salesman may draw a fixed salary of 10,000 taka per month and a 2% commission on sales or he
can draw a fixed salary of 4,000 taka per month and a 12% commission on sales. What volume of
sales would earn him the same amount of money in both rates?
a. 50,000 Taka b. 60,000-taka C.70,000-taka d. 80,000-taka e. 90,000 taka
49. A merchant marks a certain lamp up 30% above cost. Then he gives a customer a 15% discount. If
the final selling price of the lamp was $99, what was the approximate cost price?
a. $78 b. $86.20 c. $89.60 d. $92.50 e. $99
50. A Denim Jacket marked $120 is offered for $80. What is the rate of discount on the marked price?
a. 25% b. 27% c. 30% d. 33.33% e. 36%

1. What would be the marked price of an article if the cost was$12.6 and gain was 10% of the selling
a. 11.34 b.12.48 c.13.66 d.13.86 e.14
2. What percent of 30 is 12?
a. 2.5 b.3.6 c.25 d.40 e.350
3. In a poll of 66,000 physicians, only 20% responded. Of these 10% disclosed their preference for
pain reliever x. How many of them who responded did not disclose a preference for pain reliever
a. 1320 b.5280 c.6600 d.10,560 e.11,880
4. Of the 3600 employees of the company, 1/3 are clerical. If the clerical staff were to be reduced by
1/3 what percent of the total number of the remaining employees would then be clerical?
a. 25 b.22.2 c.20 d.12.5 e.11.1
5. The price of a certain television is discounted by 10%. And the reduced price is then discounted by
10%. This sereies of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of
a. 20% b.19% c.18% d.11% d.10%
6. A tank contains 10,000 gallons of solution that is 5% sodium chloride by volume. If 2500 gallons of
water evaporates from the tank, the remaining solution will be approximately what percent
sodium chloride?
a. 1.25 b.3.75 c.6.25 d.6.67 e.11.7
7. If the length and width of a rectangular garden is increased by 20% then what will be the percent
increase of the area?
a. 20 b.24 c.36 d.40 e.44
8. In a certain lawn mower factory, 0.06 percent of all mowers are defective. On the average, there
will be 3 defective mowers out of how many produced?
a. 5000 b.2000 c.500 d.200 e.20
9. The price of an article is reduced by 25%. In order to restore the original price, the new price must
be increased by
a. 20% b.25% c.33.33% d.40% e.50%
10. Increasing the original price of an article by 15% and then increasing the new price by 15% is
equivalent to increasing the original price by
a. 32.25% b.31% c.30.25% d.30% e.22.50%
11. A union contract specifies a 6% salary increase plus a $450 bonus for each employee. For a certain
employee this is equivalent to an 8% salary increase. What was this employee’s salary before the
a. 21,500 b.22,500 c.23,500 d.24,300 e.25,000
12. 5 is 25% of n+5.what is the value of n?
a. 5 b.15 c.16 d.20 e.25
13. A shirt of market price 0f $12.5 was sold for $10 . What was the rate of discount?
a. 2% b.25% c.80% d.20% e.45%
14. If 10% of r= 20% of s, 20% of s = 30% of t, 100% of r=x% of t then what is x?
a. 20 b.33.33 c.40 d.166.66 e.300
15. A fertilizer contains 32% nitrate and 10% of the nitrate is pure. What percent of the fertilizer is
pure nitrate?
a. 32 b.3.2 c.22 d.32 e.42
16. The length of a rectangle is increased by 50% and the width is decreased by 50%. By what
percentage does the area of the rectangle increase or decrease?
a. 25% b. 10% C. No change d. 10% increase e. 25%
17. If y % of x is 29 what is the value of x?
a. 2900 b. 29x/y c. 29y/x d. 29xy e. None of these
18. Fifteen percent of the coins in a piggy bank are nickels and 5% are dimes. If there are 220 coins in
the bank, how many are not nickels or dimes?
a. 80 (B) 176 (C) 180 (D) 187 (E) 200
19. If 32 students in a class female and the in the class the ratio of female students to male students is
16:9. What percentage of the class is female?
a. 32% (B) 36% (C) 56.25% (D) 64% (E) 72%
20. If each side of a square increases by 30%, then the area of the square increases by what percent?
a. 30% (b) 45% (c) 60% (d)69% (e) None
21. A hammer and a screwdriver currently have the same price. If the price of a hammer rises by 6%
and the price of a screwdriver grows up by 4%, how much more will it cost to buy 4 hammers and
4 screwdrivers?
a. 5% (B) 10% (C) 24% (D) 40% (E) 24%
22. In a certain shipment, 2% of the boxes shipped were damaged. If the loss per damaged box was Tk.
35 and the total loss due to damage was Tk. 700, how many boxes were shipped?
a. 20 B. 1000 C. 200 D. 100 E. 2000
23. If the sales tax on an appliance priced at 300 is between 5 percent and 8 percent, then the cost
(price plus sales tax) of the appliance is
a. 310 b. 312 c. 314 d. 318 e. 325
24. How many ounces of water must be added to 48 ounces of alcohol to make a solution that is 25%
a. 140 b. 144 C. 148 d. 152 e. 156
25. X can do a work in 12 days. Y is 60% more efficient than X. How many days will Y require to
complete the same work?
a. 8 b. 7.5 c. 7.2 d. 6.6 e. none of these
26. The length of a rectangular plot is increased by 20% and the breadth is decreased by 20%. Then
the area of the plot is
a. increased by 20% B. decreased by 4% C. decreased by 20% D. increased by 4%
27. A chair was on sale for Tk. 5000. To get more money, the manger raised the price of the chair by
8%. But later when the chair was not sold, he reduced the price by 10%, and the chair was sold.
What was the selling price?
a. Tk. 5400 (B) Tk. 4500 (C) Tk. 4860 (D) Tk. 5000 (E) None
28. What annual simple interest rate was paid if Tk. 60000 earned Tk. 6000 of interest in 5 years?
a. 2% (B) 5% (C) 2.8% (D) 4% (E) None
29. A money lender finds that an increase in the rate of interest from 4.25% to 5.75% per annum
increases his total income by Tk. 300 annually. His investment is:
a. 10,000 b. 12,000 c. 15,000 d. 20,000 e. 25,000
30. If the average weight of boys who are John's age and height is 105 lbs. and if John weights 110% of
the average, then how many pounds does John weight?
a. 110 b. 110.5 c. 112 d. 114.5 e. 115.5
31. A fertilizer contains 32 percent nitrate and 10 percent of the nitrate is pure nitrogen. What
percent of the fertilizer is pure nitrogen?
a. 0.32% b. 3.2% c. 22% d. 32%
32. What percent of 30 is 12 ?
a. 2.5% (B) 3.6% (C) 25% (D) 40% (E) 250%
33. The price of a cycle is reduced by 25 per cent. The new price is reduced by a further 20 per cent.
The two reductions together are equal to a single reduction of
a. 45% (B) 40% (C) 35% (D) 32.5% (E) 30%
34. A mixture of 20 kg of spirit and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to this
mixture to raise the percentage of water to 25%?
a. 3 (B) 5 (C) 8 (D) None (E) Cannot be Determined
35. The logo of XYZ company s enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 per cent larger
than the original. By what percentage has the area of the logo increased?
a. 50 (B) 80 (C) 100 (D) 125 (E) 250
36. X sells a product to Y and makes a profit of 25%. Y sells it to Z at loss of 20%. If Z buys it for Tk.
140, what price did X pay for it?
a. 210 (B) 175 (C) 140 d. 150
37. There are twice as many girls as boys in English class. If 30% of girls & 15% of boys have already
handed in their book reports, what percent of the students have not yet handed in their reports?
a. 55% (B) 65% (C) 75% (D) 85%
38. Feisal's weight is 140% of Imran's weight. Rahi's weight is 90% of Milon's weight. Milon weigh
twice as much as Imran. What percentage of Feisal's wight is Rahi's wieight?
3 5 7 4
a. 647 b. 155 9 c. 779 d. 1287 e. None
39. 0.2x0.02x 0.002 =
a. .08 (B) .008 (C) .0008 (D) .00008 (E) .000008
40. An art dealer brought a Ming vase for $1000 & later sold it for $10,000. By it what percent did the
value of the vase increase?
a. 10% (B) 90% (C) 100% d. 900%
41. During a sale. a clerk was putting a new price tag on each item. On one jacket, he accidentally
raised the price by 15% instead of lowering the price by 15%. As a result the price on the tag was
$45 too high. What was the original price of the jacket?
a. $160 (B) $150 (C) $190 (D) $105
42. In a certain town 40% of the people have brown hair, 25% have brown eyes and 10% have both
brown hair and brown eyes, what percentage of the people in the town have neither brown hair
nor brown eyes?
a. 35 (B 40 C) 45 (D) 55
43. If the radius of a circle is decreased by 30%, by what percent will the area of the circular region be
a. 15% b. 49% c. 51% d. 60% e. 90%
44. What is 25% of 25% equal to?
a. 6.25 (B) 0.625 (C) 0.0625 (D) 0.00625 (E) None
45. A sum of money will double in 10 years at simple interest with yearly rate of....
a. 10% (B) 12% (C) 15% (D) 18% (E) None
46. A dress on sale in a shop is marked at Tk. 1000. During the discount sale its price is reduced by
15%. The staff is allowed further 10% reduction on the discounted price. If a staff member buys
the dress, what will she have to pay?
a. Tk. 800 (B) Tk. 960 (C) Tk. 765 (D) Tk. 725 (E) Tk. 650
47. In a examination it is required to get 40% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 265
marks and is declared failed by 55 marks. What is the maximum aggregate marks a student can
A. 800 B. 750 C. 650 D. Cannot be determined
48. On a test consisting of 250 questions, Jassi answered 40% of the first 125 questions correctly.
What percent of the other 125 questions does she need to answer correctly for her grade on the
entire exam to be 60%?
A. 75 B. 80 C. 60 D. Cannot be determined
49. In a test, minimum passing percentage for girls and boys is 30% and 45% respectively. A boy
scored 280 marks and failed by 80 marks. How many more marks did a girl require to pass in the
test if she scored 108 marks?
A. 132 B. 140 C. 160 D. 112
50. In an examination it is required to get 336 aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 35% marks and
is declared failed by 42 marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?
A. 800 B. 825 C. 850 D. 840
51. A bus uses one gallon of petrol to travel 15 km. After a tune-up the bus travels 15% farther on one
gallon. How many gallons of petrol will it take for the bus to travel 150 km after a tune -up?
a. 8.5 b. 8.7 c. 8.9 d. 9.0
52. The price of an article has been reduced 25%. In order to restore the original price, the new price
must be increased by
a. 20% b. 25% C. 33% d. 40%
53. If 25% of 260 equals 6.5% of a, what is a?
a. 10 b. 65 c. 1000 d. 130
54. What is 10% of 20 % of 30 %?
a. 0.006% b. 0.6% c. 6% d. 60%
55. There are 50 students enrolled in Business Studies. Of the enrolled students, 90% took the final
exam. Two-thirds of the students who took the final exam passed the final exam. How many
students passed the final exam?
a. 30 b. 33 c. 34 d. 35
56. In a class of 200 students, forty percent are girls. Twenty five percent of the boys and 10 percent of
the girls a signed up for a tour to Cox's Bazaar. What percent of the class signed up for the tour?
a. 19% b. 23% C. 25% d. 27%
57. Three persons A, B, C whose salaries together amount Tk. 7200, spend 80%, 85% and 75% of their
salaries respectively. If their savings are 8: 9 :20. Find salary of B
a. 2800 b. 1600 c. 3200 d. 2400
58. Rezoan started a business investing Tk. 50,000. Four months after he started, Ameer joined him
"with a capital of Tk. 90,000. If at the end of the year the total profit in the business is Tk. 22000.
What would be the Ameer's share in it?
a. Tk.10,000 b. Tk.15,000 c. Tk.12000 d. Tk. 16000
59. A club wants to mix 20 pounds of candy worth $8.00 per pound with candy worth $5.00 per pound
to reduce the cost of the mixture to $6.00 per pound. How many pounds of the $5.00 per pound
candy should be used?
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50 e. 60
60. As the price of mango has reduced by 20%, it is now possible to buy 2 more mangoes at Tk. 12.
What is the current price of 50 mangoes?
a. Tk.50 b. Tk.40 C. Tk.30 d. Tk.70 e. Tk. 60
61. The purchase price of an article is Tk. 48. In order to include 15% of cost for overhead and to
provide Tk. 12 profit, the mark-up should be:
a. 14% B. 25% C. 30% D. 40% E. 43%
62. A jar contains 10 red marbles and 30 green ones. How many red marbles must be added to the jar
so that 60% of the marbles will be red?
a. 25 b. 30 c. 35 d. 40
63. A money lender finds that an increase in the rate of interest from 4.25% to 5.75% per annum
increases his total income by Tk. 300 annually. His investment is:
A. 10,000 b. 12,000 c. 15,000 d. 20,000 e. 25,000
64. If the radius of a circle is decreased by 30%, by what percent will the area of the circular region be
A. 15% b. 49% c. 51% d. 60% e. 90%

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