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Newspaper Report/Newspaper Article

Your main goal is to inform.

You cannot put your opinions, because you work for the press, your job is
to tell the facts straight with precise detail.
Your audience will be the general audience, your tone will be formal.
You cannot be biased at all.
Tense will be past tense.
 Should attract the attention of the reader
 Should give a clear idea of the topic to be presented
 Can use figures of speech
Journalist Name
Place Line
Place where incident had happened
First Paragraph
 Who?
 What?
 Where?
 When?
 How?
 These questions must be answered accordingly, which can be
found in the passage itself
 Use varied sentence structures
Body Paragraphs
 You must tell the events in a reverse order, from ending to
 Be factual
 You should quote witnesses
 Use the information your collected for all three annotations
 Use short paragraphs
 Each paragraph should represent each point
 Use time connectives (After, later that day, at the same time)

 End with a prediction of the future
 Future steps taken by a higher authority should be
 Write in a way that the source came from the authority

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