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An Overview

Cyrus Lentin

Hadoop Overview – Cyrus Lentin 1

What Is Big Data

▪ Big Data Is An Evolving Term That Describes Any Voluminous Amount Of Structured, Semi-structured
And Unstructured Data That Has The Potential To Be Mined For Information
▪ Big Data Originally Was Characterized By 3vs:
• The Extreme Volume Of Data
• The Wide Variety Of Types Of Data
• The Velocity At Which The Data Is Generated
▪ Then We Talked Of 5vs:
• Veracity Or Uncertainty Of Data
• The Value Of Data
▪ Today We Talk Of 8vs:
• Visualization To Make Sense Of Data At A Glance
• Viscosity Would You Want To Keep The Data With You / Something Useful Or Important
• Virality Is There A Chance That The Data May Go Viral? Can The Data Be Used Further In A Post Etc?
▪ Although Big Data Doesn't Refer To Any Specific Quantity, The Term Is Often Used When Speaking
About Petabytes And Exabytes Of Data. (10^12 Times Size Of Ordinary Files)

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What Is Big Data

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What Happens In An Internet Minute – 2022!

Hadoop Overview – Cyrus Lentin 4

Big Data Metrics

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Big Data Metrics

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Variety Of Data

Structur • Data containing a defined data type, format, structure

• Example: Transaction data and OLAP
• Textual data files with a discernable pattern,
Semi- enabling parsing
• Example: XML data files that are self describing
Structured and defined by an xml schema

• Textual data with erratic data formats, can be

“Quasi” formatted with effort, tools, and time
• Example: Web clickstream data that may contain
Structured some inconsistencies in data values and formats

• Data that has no inherent structure

and is usually stored as different types
Unstructured •
of files.
Example: Text documents, PDFs,
images and video

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Velocity Of Data

90s 2000s 2010s 2020s

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Velocity Of Data

90s 2000s 2010s 2020s

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Key Enablers

▪ Availability Of Data
▪ Increase In Processing Power
▪ Increase In Storage Capabilities

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▪ Problem Is Not Getting This Big Data

▪ Problem Is How To
• Store The Data
• Process The Data
• Analyze The Data

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▪ Introduced by Google was GFS (Google File System) and Map Reduce
▪ Then Hadoop became open source covering both HDFS & MR
▪ Hadoop is owned by Apache
▪ Hadoop is used by Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Rackspace

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Hadoop Trivia

▪ Creator – Doug Cutting

In December 2004, Google Labs published a paper on the MapReduce algorithm, which allows very large scale
computations to be trivially parallelized across large clusters of servers. Cutting, realizing the importance of this
paper to extending Lucene into the realm of extremely large search problems, created the open-source Hadoop
framework that allows applications based on the MapReduce paradigm to be run on large clusters of commodity
hardware. Cutting was an employee of Yahoo!, where he led the Hadoop project full-time; he has since moved on
to Cloudera.
In July 2009, Doug Cutting was elected to the board of directors of the Apache Software Foundation, and in
September 2010, he was elected its chairman.
“Hadoop can fill a myriad of different roles within an enterprise. The trick to getting real value from it, however, is
to start with just one task. If You Want To Succeed With Big Data, Start Small !!!” – Doug Cutting
▪ Name History
The name "Hadoop" was given by one of Doug Cutting's sons to that son's toy elephant. Doug used the name for
his open source project because it was easy to pronounce and to Google.
▪ Logo

Hadoop Overview – Cyrus Lentin 14

What Is Hadoop?

▪ an open-source framework of software

▪ for storage & large-scale processing
▪ of massive data-sets
▪ on clusters
▪ of commodity hardware

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Hadoop As The Solution

▪ Storage -> Hadoop Distributed File System

▪ Process -> Map Reduce Paradigm
▪ Analyze -> Hive, Pig, Impala, etc

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Hadoop for Scalability

▪ Hadoop can scale to multiple nodes (1,500–2,000) in a cluster

▪ Just configuration changes are required

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What Hadoop Is Not

▪ It is not OLAP (online analytical processing) but batch / offline oriented

▪ It is not a database

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Hadoop Versions & Distributions

▪ Versions
• OS
• Hadoop
• Distribution
▪ Developed & maintained by
• Apache
▪ Package & distributed by
• Cloudera
• HortonWorks
• MapR

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Hadoop Applications

▪ Predictive Analysis
▪ Sentiment Analysis
▪ Customer Intelligence
▪ Fraud & Security Intelligence
▪ High-Performance Analytics
▪ Risk Management
▪ Operational Analysis

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To Whom Does Big Data Matters Most

▪ Any Organization / Entity That Has Webserver Or An Information Logging Utility

▪ Utilize It's Logs To Find Out Information Relevant For It's Business
▪ Get Insights Into Data To Increase Revenue And / Or Decrease Costs
▪ Functions
• Marketing
• Operations
• Research
• Finance
▪ On Sectors Such As
• Healthcare
• Customer Service
• Insurance
• Banking
• Social Media
• IoT

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Big Data Analytics - Case Study - Target Predicts A Teen’s Pregnancy

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Big Data Analytics - Case Study - Target Predicts A Teen’s Pregnancy

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Big Data Analytics - Case Study - Target Predicts A Teen’s Pregnancy

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Case Study
▪ Big Data Tutorial For Beginners

▪ Big Data Use Cases

▪ 5 Big Data Case Studies – How big companies use Big Data

▪ Top 10 Big Data Case Studies that You Should Know

▪ Hadoop Case Studies

▪ How To Answer "Big Data Case Study Questions" In Exam
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Thank you!
Cyrus Lentin

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