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3, AUGUST 2010

Comparative Study of Energy-Efficient Sampling

Approaches for Wireless Control Networks
Joern Ploennigs, Member, IEEE, Volodymyr Vasyutynskyy, and Klaus Kabitzsch, Member, IEEE

Invited Paper

Abstract—Wireless sensor and control networks are attrac- not need a battery and has a life time in total dark of up to 90 h,
tive for many embedded system applications mainly because but only if it has been fully charged after several days of op-
they don’t need wired connections for communication or energy timal light conditions, which renders the placement of device in
supply. Therefore, energy efficiency is an elementary requirement
of devices and concerns not only the hardware and commu-
good illumination conditions to a common problem [9]. Thus,
nication protocols, but also the device applications. Adaptive while node hardware continuously shrinks in size, batteries and
sampling approaches promise to reduce the energy consumption energy-harvesting modules stay large and prevent small form
of applications by adapting sampling and message transmissions. factor devices as long as the devices’ power consumption is not
Selecting appropriate approaches and parameters is challenging reduced.
as it strongly influences their performance. Therefore, this paper Further, energy efficiency and reaction latency create a
compares several adaptive sampling approaches in different re-
alistic closed control loop scenarios from building automation, to tradeoff [1], [10] with practically relevant compromises not
develop a guideline for approach selection and parameterization. easy to reach. WSN devices save energy by deactivating parts
of their hardware (sleep modes) and try to spend as much
Index Terms—Adaptive sampling, building automation, energy- time as possible in a deep sleep mode, in which only a timer
efficiency, wireless sensor networks. ensures the wake-up. Thus, a device with long sleep intervals
has low energy consumption but long latency. The optimum of
this tradeoff is mainly defined by the processing and commu-
nication requirements of individual devices and the protocols
coordinating their communication.
This tradeoff has been often addressed on network layer op-
IRELESS sensor and control networks (WSNs) have
W several benefits over wired solutions, such as ease
of deployment, small size, and improved flexibility. This has
timizing MAC, routing, and topology control [5]–[7]. Beside
this, it is the device application that finally defines the practical
energy consumption of the device. As a result, common im-
made them attractive for many embedded systems applications plementation approaches from wired devices cannot be simply
including environmental and habitat monitoring, healthcare, transferred to WSNs as they do not consider sleep modes. For
traffic control, and industrial automation [1], [2]. example, if a system integrator implements an illumination sam-
Thanks to the significant research of the last years, WSNs pling periodically with a 100 ms interval and transmits all mes-
can fulfill the requirements of theses domains. Energy-efficient sages as it is usually done in wired networks, the device battery
hardware and operating systems [3], [4] permit a runtime of will scarcely last longer than a few days. Two general design
several years. Developed communication protocols [5]–[7] take principles should be used for WSN applications: first, allow the
advantage of these mechanisms satisfying runtime and real-time node to sleep as often and long as possible and second, process
requirements. Further, energy-harvesting approaches provide a information locally, as processing consumes significantly less
maintenance-free alternative to batteries. power than transmitting [1], [11].
Nevertheless, practical experience often shows a different This can be realized by adaptive sampling approaches which
picture. For example, the demonstrator of the Irish ITOBO transmit samples only if necessary and, thus, require less en-
project [8] with about 100 wireless sensors (Telos rev B and ergy. They are generally easy to implement and decide locally
Tyndall nodes) requires that about one device’s battery needs to for each sample, if it is transmitted. So, there is no communica-
be changed per day. An EnOcean sensor with a solar cell does tion or control overhead with other devices. Adaptive sampling
approaches are known since the 1960s [12], but their practical
Manuscript received October 30, 2009; revised March 26, 2010; accepted value for energy efficiency is still discussed. Previous studies
May 19, 2010. Date of publication June 14, 2010; date of current version for WSNs like [13], [14] compared the arrival rate of single ap-
August 06, 2010. This work originates in the context of the Research Project
AUDRAGA (promotional reference 01BN0908), supported by the German proaches to periodic sampling in open loops for simple signals,
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) due to a decision of the like a step response. A recent study by Pawlowski et al. [15] ex-
German Parliament. Paper no. TII-09-10-0283. amines the applicability of several approaches to a greenhouse
The authors are with the Department for Computer Science, Dresden
University of Technology, D-01062 Dresden, Germany (e-mail: Joern.
control scenario under fixed parameterizations. However, ap- proach’s parameters have strong influence on their performance
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2010.2051812 and need to be considered for any comparison. Further, simple
1551-3203/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE
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control loops do not represent practical systems with measure- has also been suggested for wireless networks [13], [14] and
ment noise, disturbances, and transmission losses [16], [17]. is commonly used as default sampling approach in EnOcean’s
Thus, the results give mostly hints about the performance of ap- wireless STM sensor nodes. Basically, send-on-delta samples
proaches, but allow no general comparison. the signal with a fixed period like periodic sampling, but
This paper compares several adaptive sampling approaches transmits messages only if the sampled value differs more
based on practical scenarios from home and building automation than a given to the last transmitted value with .
systems. This is a particular market where wireless monitoring This transmission is often limited by a min-send-time and
and control systems are gaining momentum, primarily due to the max-send-time , specifying the minimum and maximum in-
easy installation without wiring. WSNs support flexible room tersampling intervals respectively . The
usage scenarios, where walls can be flexible moved to adjust to min-send-time prevents babbling-idiot problems if the sensor
new layouts. Devices can be installed where no wire can be used has for example a loose contact, while the max-send-time pro-
like on fashionable glass walls or in historic monuments. This vides heartbeat (alive) messages. Summarizing, a message is
addresses the most important scenario, namely, the retrofitting sent if the following condition evaluates true after sampling the
of building automation to existing buildings. This market covers value at time and if the last message was sent with at
already most contracts today and will further grow, as building time :
automation permits energy management in times of high priced
energy. (1)
However, building automation is quite conservative like any
with the conditions for the min-send-time
automation domain and not very experimental with new tech-
and max-send-time . These conditions are
nologies, as the systems have to work reliable for 10 to 30 years
also used in the next sampling criteria.
with a warranty by the system integrators. Hence, WSNs have
Integral sampling sends a message, if the integral absolute
to fulfill existing requirements of this domain, such as a reli-
error of sampling is larger than a limit , which re-
able message transmission and real-time requirements down to
sults in a bounded sampling error in contrast to send-on-delta
100 milliseconds for illumination or ventilation control. On the
sampling [22]. The is the integral of the absolute dif-
other hand, requested battery lifetime starts at five years [18],
ference between the sampled value and the last transmitted
[19] to reduce maintenance effort, rendering energy efficiency
value , usually estimated via the trapezoidal rule. A min- and
an important task.
max-send-time can be applied as well, leading to the condition
Purpose of this paper is to investigate in the performance
of sampling approaches in terms of energy consumption and
quality-of-control under various parameterizations to give prac-
titioners hints on the selection of appropriate sampling methods (2)
and parameters. Therefore, practical scenarios are assumed
with simple system design, simple implementation of sampling
and control algorithms, and realistic plant and disturbance Predictor-based sampling extends send-on-delta or integral
models. The scenarios and simulators used for experiments sampling with a predictor. The predictor is used by the receiver
are introduced in Section III. The sampling approaches are to extrapolate the signal progression since the last message until
introduced in Section II and their performance results are it receives a new value. The sensor uses the same predictor to
discussed in Section IV. Section V concludes the comparison send messages only if the predicted value significantly differs
with advises for approach selection and parameterization. from the sampled one using either a send-on-delta criteria

The basic idea of most adaptive sampling approaches is to or the integral absolute error of estimation between predicted
transmit samples only if they are of significance for the receiver, and sampled values
which is decided on base of a signal criterion. Energy saving
potential arises from the fact that waking-up, sampling, and de- (4)
cision making costs only a small part of the energy needed for
transmitting a single sample. Transmission energy saved when
the signal does not changes significantly can be therefore used The predictor bases either on a specific plant model of the
to support smaller sampling periods to react faster on signal system, or on a simplified model that, for example, linearly
changes and improve sampling and control quality. The adap- extrapolates the signal gradient [23]. The downside of the
tive sampling algorithms are compared in this paper against first approach is that plant models are often unknown and
common periodic sampling that samples a continuous signal may change over time. In the latter one, the predictor needs
with a constant sampling period . This results in a time to transmit at least two samples to update the gradient in the
series of samples at times , with sample receiver and, therefore, has slightly increased message size and
index . As each sample is transmitted, the transmitted value energy consumption.
equals with . Gradient-based integral sampling uses the integral sampling
Send-on-delta sampling (SoD, also called absolute deadband) condition (2) to decide about a transmission, but additionally al-
is the most common adaptive sampling approach. It is often used lows to adapt the sampling periods to adjust the energy con-
in building automation [20], [21] to save network bandwidth. It sumption of wake-ups. The next wake-up time for each period is
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estimated depending on the actual gradient (slope) of the signal

[24], [25]. To avoid that the sampling gets stacked in an infinite
if the signal gradient is zero, a max-sleep-time defines
the maximum sampling periods. Gradient-based sampling also
allows to wake-up between estimated times to correct the gra-
dient, which is parameterized by a step-factor defining the
number of wake-ups in .


A. Simulation Model
Usage scenarios of WSN in automation can basically be dis-
tinguished in monitoring and control scenarios. In a monitoring
scenario the signal is sampled for logging purpose and offline
evaluation. Real-time requirements are usually nonexisting. It
is only important that the signal can be correctly restored later
and, therefore, fulfils the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem.
Adaptive sampling approaches allow efficient sampling in this
Fig. 1. Simplified block diagrams of the simulated control scenarios. (a) Sce-
case. But, also the collection of several samples and trans- nario TMP of a temperature control loop. (b) Scenario ILL of a illumination
mission in one message improves energy efficiency [3], [26]. control loop.
A combination of both is the usage of adaptive sampling for
If the sensor is used in a control scenario, then additional of 1 s for the temperature control Scenario TMP and 100 ms
real-time requirements exist. Delays, jitter, message losses and for the illumination control Scenario ILL. The disturbance pro-
the sampling period influence the quality-of-control [27], [28]. cesses (sun, people, ventilation, etc.) are identical for each sim-
As adaptive sampling results in irregular samples, it has sig- ulation for comparability. Hence, variations in system behavior
nificant influence on control loop performance as discussed in between simulation runs are always a result of the sampling ap-
Section IV-A. This paper investigates in the more challenging proaches. The sampled value is handled as double float value in
control scenario. This simplifies also the comparison of the the simulation, while quantization influences of analog-digital
sampling approaches besides their prominent energy-efficiency converters are ignored.
as the quality-of-control reflects quite clearly how the require- To simplify the comparison of integral and send-on-delta
ments of the control loop are met. sampling, the parameters and are set in a way that both
For the comparison, two scenarios from building automation create the same sampling rate under ideal conditions. Assuming
were investigated that have diverse properties and cover various the value changes exactly by in one time step and the
practical aspects. Scenario TMP (temperature control) deals signal progresses monotonously between samples, then the
generally with a slow changing control process of the room air integral sampling also creates a message, if the estimated error
temperature. Heating and cooling requires time, and the fastest equals . Hence, . In all
disturbances influencing the temperature are air movements adaptive sampling experiments a max-send-time of 60 min and
created by ventilators or air conditioners. In contrast, Scenario 10 min is used for Scenarios TMP and ILL, respectively.
ILL (illumination control) considers a very fast process. If The max-sleep-time is set to and the step-factor
the light is switched or if the sun eclipses behind a cloud, is set to 2 in the experiments meaning one wake-up between
the illumination changes nearly instantly. The scenarios are samples, which are not further than apart.
individually introduced in Sections IV and V.
The scenarios are evaluated by simulations as only they B. Scenario TMP: Room Air Temperature Control
allow the necessary long term evaluations of the approaches
under various parameterizations. The simulation uses a realistic If a person is present, the room is either heated or cooled to
model of a single room that is highly automated with temper- 22 C, otherwise the set-point of radiators is set to 18 C and to
ature control, light control, electric sun blinds, and ventilation 24 C at the cooling ceiling. To prevent that heating and cooling
controlling the air quality. To optimize energy consumption of are activated at the same time if the temperature oscillates, the
the room, temperature and light control depend on the presence modus is switched with a hysteresis of 1 C. Hence, if a person
of persons, which is simulated during business hours. This is present and the current mode is heating, the room temperature
adds many realistic disturbances to the control scenarios from has to pass 23 C to activate the cooling.
changing weather to people behavior up to influences of other Slow disturbances are induced by the heat exchange with the
controls. This provides an environment for the closed control outside and with neighboring rooms over windows and walls.
loops that can be assumed realistic. The simulation model Heat exchange with the outside is intensified if the ventilation
was verified against the common building simulation software is activated. Incoming sunlight and person’s body heat influence
TRNSYS [29]. the temperature too.
Each simulation in the later comparison covers a full Cen- Fig. 1 shows the simplified block model of the closed con-
tral European year of 365 days with a fixed simulation step size trol loops. Strongly simplified, the control value of the valve
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opening at radiator and cooling ceiling influences the temper- quality-of-control or the control loop performance is the rela-
ature via a second-order time-delay element with dynamic pa- tive integral absolute error of control that integrates the
rameters. Large delay times of the heating and cooling process difference between the set-point value and the continuous
make the system hard to control, especially with variable sam- process value (in the sensor) relatively over the simulated
pling intervals. Two PID controls are used, since they are most time via
widespread in industry. Observer-based controllers cope better
with adaptive sampling [30], but are less typical due to more (5)
complex parameterization including often unknown or varying
plant models. The integral parts of both PID controllers are lim- The is computed in this paper only during the time the
ited to prevent a windup of the integral and to make the process controllers are activated, i.e., if people are present in the room
controllable. This is a necessary adjustment to adaptive sam- and, in case of the illumination, if the incoming natural light is
pling as otherwise the irregular samples result in large integral lower than the set-point. In that way, only periods relevant for
errors in the controller (see Section IV-A or [31]). The con- the control are considered.
trollers are called each simulation step and have a zero-order Average draw current of the sensor node is used to compare
hold on input side that use always the last received sample value the average consumption of approaches. It is estimated from the
for computing the control value. energy model of a Telos rev B node presented in [3] based on
C. Scenario ILL: Room Illumination Control the number of wake-ups and number of sent messages
at the sensor. In this model, one wake-up for sampling
The constant light control is set to 500 lx office illumination if needs approximately 9 for the temperature and 12.2
a person is present, otherwise the light is switched off. The only for the illumination. The transmission of one message usually
disturbance is the natural sun light passing windows and sun costs the sensor node 227 and 265 for predictor-based
blinds. On a bright summer day the direct outdoor illumination sampling as it uses longer messages. These costs include the
reaches values of 120000 lx. The sun blinds are down then and increased current required by higher sleep modes for sampling
block most of the direct light and only about 10% reaches the and transmission. The node draws further 9 in deep sleep
room as diffuse light in this example. Hence, artificial light is mode LPM3 which is not counted in the results as it is inde-
usually off on a bright summer day, while the light control has pendent of the sampling. The current drain of all actions is nor-
to react often on a cloudy winter day when sensor values change malized over the simulated time and, therefore, equals the
often. In contrast, sensor values do not change at all for long average current in amperes a node draws additionally to LPM3
periods during night, when the light level is too low to be sensed. mode. To be independent of any specific MAC approach, the
Simplified, the illumination is directly influenced by the dim energy model considers only the energy cost of the sensor for a
value of the lamp by a proportional behavior without any delay single-hop transmission and ignores the overhead required for
[Fig. 1(b)]. This instant behavior makes it necessary to con- synchronizing the receiver and sender wake-up times [5]–[7].
trol the illumination with an I-controller, which successively The Telos rev B supports a supply voltage from 2.1–3.6 V and is
increases the dim value until the required value of 500 lx is usually powered by two AA batteries. Thus, the average power
reached. The integral part also defines the time delay of the consumption in Watt can be estimated by a factor 3 from the
system and, therefore, the acceptable delay of the network. Both given average draw current.
would need to be parameterized quite sensible to avoid jitter-tol- Robustness to transmission errors is another important mea-
erant, but slow rising responses or jitter-intolerant control loops surement, as wireless communication are error prone and easily
that windup fast. This makes the illumination hard to control disturbed by other wireless networks, electromagnetic sources,
over a network in general and particularly with adaptive sam- moving people, or objects [16], [17]. Therefore, it is important
pling. Nevertheless, the sensibility to the jitter can be removed to analyze the robustness of the sampling approaches to an unre-
in this case to provide a better quality-of-control. Therefore, the liable communication—especially in case of adaptive sampling,
controller is executed only when new messages arrive or the because fewer transmitted messages also mean fewer samplings
set-point changes and the controller accumulates the absolute that can correct eventually lost ones.
control error only instead of integrating it. Hence, the controller The analysis uses a Gilbert–Elliot error model that emulates
successively changes the dim value depending on the set-point the error behavior of wireless networks quite good as these
difference independently of the time passed. This is a common have time-varying and sometimes high error rates [16], [17],
adaptation in building automation. [32]. The Gilbert–Elliot model is a Hidden-Markov model that
switches between two error states with different loss proba-
D. Comparison Criteria bility, while staying in each state an exponential distributed
Relevant for the comparison of adaptive sampling approaches time [32]. In the experiments, each state is in mean 60 s long
in wireless networks is their tradeoff between energy consump- and the packet loss probability of the first state is .
tion and sampling error. A higher sampling and transmission The loss probability of the second state is varied in the
rate, created by a smaller sampling period and delta , leads experiments between 0% to 100%. These parameters represent
to a lower sampling error for a monotonic changing continuous measurements made in industrial environments [16], [17].
process, but requires more energy. Robustness to measurement noise is a relevant requirement
In control scenarios the sampling error directly influences the on controls as all measurements carry small noises added by the
quality-of-control, which provides a better quality measurement process disturbances or sensor hardware. This may require a fil-
than the abstract sampling error. A common measurement for tering of the sampled signal. In case of slow periodic controls,
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executed periodically or event-based on the arrival of new sam-

ples or set-point changes. First, it allows for different estima-
tions of the integral and differential parts and, therefore, influ-
ences approximation errors. Fig. 2 shows also an example of
an event-based control that literally gets stuck on its maximum,
as the controller waits for an update from the sensor that is not
created as the process value does not change without the con-
troller. In combination with an integral windup, the system may
get stuck on a high overshoot. Therefore, it is advised to call the
controller periodically.
Limit Cycles happen due to the quantization errors created
by the transmission of only samples with a “significant” dif-
ference, which presents a sort of nonlinearity [34]. Limit cycles
Fig. 2. Step response of send-on-delta sampling with typical phenomena.
are small-magnitude oscillations of the process value around the
set-point in steady state, which add unnecessary messages and
reduce battery lifetime. Limit cycles are typical for all adaptive
the noise is often tolerated due to large sampling periods. How- sampling approaches presented in this paper. Their magnitude is
ever, in case of adaptive sampling, noise may trigger the trans- defined by the sampling type and the threshold value . Usually
mission condition unnecessarily and result in higher power con- the max-send-time is not small enough to prevent limit cycles.
sumption. In the experiments, a white random Gaussian noise Control approaches like [31] can eliminate them partly, but re-
is added to the real sampling value with a variable standard quire a special PID implementation.
deviation . These phenomena are influenced by the parameters of the
Robustness to transmission delays is a common issue in net- adaptive sampling and control algorithms and occur in all fol-
work-based controls as transmission delays and their jitter add
lowing experiments.
random dead times to the control loops [27]. Transmission de-
lays are usually below 100 milliseconds in wired networks [33], B. Periodic Sampling
but can be larger in wireless networks due to message caching
in multihop transmissions if hops have different sleep cycles. All adaptive sampling approaches are compared against pe-
Transmission delays are critical for the control if they are in riodic sampling in Figs. 3 and 4. The figures show the average
the range of the control times. The transmission delays are ran- draw current over the relative integral absolute error of control
domly drawn for each message in the simulation following a in the simulated year.
negative exponential distribution with a mean value . In case of periodic sampling, the only way to save energy is to
increase the sampling period and to reduce the control quality
simultaneously. The sampling period was increased from 1 s
IV. RESULTS (upper left point) to 300 s (lower right) for the room temperature
control Scenario TMP in Fig. 3(a)–(d). For a sampling period
A. Event-Based Sampling and Control
below 60 s, the integral error rises only slightly. Beyond
Adaptive sampling results in some new phenomena in closed 60 s, the integral error rises exponentially as the closed loop
control loops that are not common to periodic controls [31]. To starts oscillating.
illustrate the differences, a worst-case step response of a closed Fig. 4(a)–(d) show an identical behavior for the illumina-
control loop with send-on-delta sampling is compared with that tion control Scenario ILL. The is quite constant for a
from a periodic loop in Fig. 2. sampling period below 10 s and rises above this value. Due
At first, adaptive sampling results in irregular samples that to the changed controller the loop never starts oscillating in
impede the analytical analysis of event-based controls since these cases, but the settling times increase drastically. With a
the common control theory considers periodic samples. Also, sample period of 1 s, the illumination sensor requires 248
common PID control algorithms presume periodic samples and for wake-up, sampling and sending each sample. Sampling with
show the following phenomena in their step responses if used 10 s requires 13% of this power (33 ) with nearly identical
with adaptive sampling. . The power falls to 11 for a sampling period of 90
Approximation errors are created by the controller whenever s. Thus, the sampling period influences directly proportional the
it has to estimate the correct process value from the last trans- and inversely proportional the power consumption cre-
mitted one. The controller often use zero-order holds to extrap- ating the typical tradeoff for all sampling approaches in Figs. 3
olate the last signal, or in case of predictor-based sampling the and 4.
signal gradient. Both leads to approximation errors in the in- The sampling period can be parameterized with the
tegral and derivative parts of the controller, resulting, e.g., in Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. It says that a bandlimited
overshoots when using them. For that reason, the PID control signal with maximal frequency needs to be sampled at least
should be adapted to irregular samples, e.g., by limiting the in- with a frequency to be restored to the original signal.
tegral part. In control loops, it is usually necessary to work with frequen-
Event triggering and timing relates to the execution of the cies 6–20 times of the system frequency of the loop due to
control algorithms. It makes a big difference, if the controller is approximation errors that are inserted by the analog-to-digital
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Fig. 3. Results in temperature Scenario TMP: (a)–(d) tradeoff draw current I /control error IAE ; (e)–(h) sensibility for T , T = 90 s and  = 0:25 C;
( =12
(a) send-on-delta; (b) integral sampling  ) ( =12
= T ; (c) predictor-based  ) ( =12
= T ; (d) gradient-based  = T ); (e) IAE sensibility to
noise; (f) I sensibility to noise; (g) IAE sensibility to msg. losses; (h) I sensibility to msg. losses.

Fig. 4. Results in illumination Scenario ILL: (a)–(d) tradeoff draw current I /control error IAE ; (e)–(h) sensibility for T , T = 10 s and  = 5 lx;
( =12
(a) send-on-delta; (b) integral sampling  ) ( =12
= T ; (c) predictor-based  ) ( =12
= T ; (d) gradient-based  = T ); (e) IAE sensibility to
noise; (f) I sensibility to noise; (g) IAE sensibility to msg. losses; (h) I sensibility to msg. losses.

conversion. These considerations are also valid for adaptive parison as the control loop reacts at these points quite quickly
sampling approaches, augmented with the fact that these ap- to the influence of noise and losses. Figs. 3(e)–(h) and 4(e)–(h)
proaches introduce further quantization errors [30]. show the sensitivity of the and for all sampling ap-
The robustness of the sampling approaches is evaluated with a proaches for increasing noise and loss probability . In gen-
fixed sampling period next to the inflection point of the tradeoff, eral, periodic sampling is least sensitive in terms of to
which is at ca. 90 s and ca. 10 s for Scenarios TMP and ILL, noise and packet loss, because the high number of messages
respectively. These parameters were chosen for an easier com- allows a fast recovery from both. It is notable that even under
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messages. The same behavior can be observed for the illumina-

tion Scenario ILL in Fig. 4(a) where 65%, 40%, and 10% of the
power is saved for 0.1 s, 10 s, and 90 s sampling period with a
delta of 0.1 lx.
It is also visible that an increased has significant influence
on the integral absolute error . The reasons are the phe-
nomena introduced in Section IV-A and particularly the depen-
dence of the magnitude of limit cycles on .
The great benefit of send-on-delta sampling is its robustness
to noise. The quantization defined by enables it to filter noise
smaller than delta. This has mainly influence on the power con-
Fig. 5. IAE sensibility to delays (I sensibility is insignificant). (a) Scenario sumption as seen in Figs. 3(f) and 4(f), which is least affected
TMP (T , T =1sand  = 0 25
: C). (b) Scenario ILL (T , T = 01s: and in most cases the lowest. The of send-on-delta is
and  = 5 lx
). in general the largest of all approaches with the used parame-
terization, but the difference gets smaller with increased noise
as more messages are triggered (Figs. 3(e) and 4(e)). The ro-
complete packet loss for ca. 60 s, the in- bustness to losses of send-on-delta is comparable to integral and
creases only slightly for periodic sampling. As discussed above gradient-based sampling, as the relative difference of the
in real application it is advised to use a sampling frequency 6–20 stays the same [Figs. 3(g) and 4(g)] and the power consumption
times higher than the Nyquist frequency. Then, all sampling ap- is not influenced [Figs. 3(h) and 4(h)]. Send-on-delta sampling
proaches are less sensitive and differences become smaller. shows a good behavior in presence of network delays. Jitter has
Periodic sampling shows in Fig. 5(b) the worst response less influence in case of the illumination control Scenario ILL
to network delays larger than 2 s for the illumination control because the sequence of messages is not scrambled thanks to
Scenario ILL. The reason does not lie within the delays itself, as their reduced amount. In both control cases, the increases
the modified PID controller is robust to them, which is visible slightly for large with the jitter problem.
for integral sampling in the same figure. Instead, the many Therefore, it is advised to set the delta in case of send-on-
messages created by periodic sampling are scrambled by the delta sampling rather small because of limit cycles, but larger
delay’s jitter for large and are not received in correct order. than the mean noise magnitude.
This adds noise at the controller’s input that is directly boosted
in the proportional loop. Therefore, jitter is a known issue in D. Integral Sampling
periodic network-based controls [27]. In case of Scenario TMP, Integral sampling tries to limit the integral absolute sampling
the same jitter issue has no significant influence on the . error in contrast to send-on-delta sampling, which limits the ab-
In this case, the noise resulting from the jitter is completely solute error. Therefore, the quantization errors and the limit cy-
filtered by the plant due to the strong delay behavior between cles are not so distinctively related to threshold as in case of
heating and room temperature. send-on-delta sampling. Figs. 3(b) and 4(b) prove this and the
is in general lower and does not so dramatically increase
C. Send-on-Delta Sampling with a larger delta especially for small sampling times .
In wired networks with send-on-delta sampling, it is common However, the usage of the integral absolute sampling error as
to sample the value in sensor as often as possible and limit the transmission criteria increases the sensitivity of integral sam-
minimum inter-transmission interval with the min-send-time pling to noise. This mainly influences again the power con-
to avoid babbling-idiot problems with broken or noisy sensors. sumption in Figs. 3(f) and 4(f) as small disturbances quickly
In WSNs, the sampling period should already be as large as add up and trigger more messages. Network delays also have
possible to minimize wake-up’s energy consumption and, thus, less influence on integral sampling due to the reduced amount
the min-send-time can be ignored. The constraints laid by of messages.
the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem on periodic sampling
apply to both times and . E. Predictor-Based Sampling
Figs. 3(a) and 4(a) show the relationships of power consump- Figs. 3(c) and 4(c) show the tradeoffs for predictor-based in-
tion and for send-on-delta sampling. It is visible that tegral sampling with a first-order predictor, which uses the gra-
the power consumption is significantly lower than for periodic dient of the last transmitted sample to extrapolate the signal after
sampling. With a delta of 0.02 C the power consumption falls the last sample. Particularly, for very small deltas and sampling
by 99%, 83%, and 57% in case of a 1 s, 90 s, and 300 s sam- times this results in the smallest over the lowest power
pling period for Scenario TMP. Increasing the after exceeding consumption of all approaches [ C and
some critical value has no more significant influence on the in Fig. 3(c) and also for and
power consumption. The reason is that the absolute gradient of in Fig. 4(f)]. On the other hand, predictor-based sampling also
the signals is usually negative exponential distributed and most provokes the highest and power ratings for larger deltas
changes are rather small than large [21]. For example, the tem- and sampling times in the temperature control Scenario TMP. In
perature changes in mean only 7.89 with a maximum case of the illumination control Scenario ILL, with its fast dis-
of 0.027 . Hence, the delta is often larger and can save many turbances, the predictor-based integral sampling behaves even
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nearly identical to a predictor-based send-on-delta sampling1 TABLE I

with its increased dependency of the on . DECISION MATRIX WSN SAMPLING APPROACHES (CRITERIA RATING:
Reason is that the predictor works fine as long as it is updated O—LESS IMPORTANT; N—UNIMPORTANT)
often, which requires a small sampling time and delta. Oth-
erwise, incorrect predictions increase the control error signifi-
cantly. Further, the rarely produced messages carry more valu-
able information, rendering their loss more critical. This makes
predictor-based sampling particularly sensitive to losses as doc-
umented in Figs. 3(g) and 4(g). But, also noise has a strong in-
fluence on the and power consumption as it directly adds
to the prediction error.
These pro and cons are prevalent in Fig. 5(a) where pre-
dictor-based sampling with send-on-delta and integral criteria in the lowest rise of the over the noise. It increases also
shows the worst and best response to network delay respec- the sensitivity of gradient-based sampling to jitter in Fig. 5.
tively. On the one hand, the predictor is basically able to com-
pensate network delays and does this correctly in case of the
integral criteria. This results in a minimum number of messages V. CONCLUSION AND ADVICES
and, thus, jitter influence. On the other hand, predictor-based All result figures showed that quality-of-control (in terms of
sampling is very sensitive to jitter as it results in incorrect mes- the ) and power consumption create individual tradeoffs
sage order and incorrect prediction models at the controller. This for all approaches that depends on their parameterization.
is the reason for the bad behavior of the illumination control and Therefore, no favorite sampling approach can be named for
the temperature control with send-on-delta criteria. To summa- wireless sensor and control networks. Each approach has
rize, predictor-based sampling has a high potential for a very its own strength and weaknesses that need to be considered
good behavior, but shows this only in a narrow band of param- depending on the application scenario.
eters adapted to a specific case. Table I summaries the guidelines that result from the per-
formed experiments. Depending on the relevance of the inves-
F. Gradient-Based Integral Sampling tigated criteria an adequate sampling approach can be selected
for a specific scenario. If for example the quality-of-control is
The downside of the sampling approaches so far is the lim- the most important criteria (yy—rating), because a critical, fast
itation of the sampling interval to . If this sampling interval control loop is run over the wireless network, than periodic sam-
is set large relatively to the Nyquist frequency, the control loop pling should be used regardless of any energy considerations.
quickly becomes oscillating. If it is set small, it requires many Send-on-delta’s ability to filter noise renders it the best approach
wake-ups increasing the power consumption. Gradient-based to handle noisy signals. The lowest energy consumption can be
integral sampling flexibly adapts the sampling interval based reached with predictor-based send-on-delta sampling, but only
on the signal gradient. This allows for small intervals in case of if the signal is slow changing, free of noise and the algorithms
state changes of the control loop, as well as for large intervals is perfectly parameterized. In all other cases integral and gra-
in the steady state to save energy. dient-based sampling provide good all-round solutions, where
Gradient-based integral sampling uses the integral criteria to particularly the latter is quite robust to parameterizations.
decide about message transmissions. Thus, it has in Fig. 3(d) The two scenarios were selected to cover a broad range of
the same reduced dependence on the delta as integral sampling. system properties. Scenario TMP examines a slow process with
The is even lower than for periodic sampling, especially large dead times, while Scenario ILL considers a fast process
for large max-sleep-times and small deltas as the real sam- without dead times. Both scenarios use common adaptations of
pling interval is then lower in mean. For the same reason, the simple PID controllers and are affected by realistic disturbances.
power consumption of gradient-based sampling is higher for the The authors assume that the presented tradeoff behaviors and the
same compared with the other adaptive approaches, resulting guidelines do also apply to many other control sce-
especially as the used step-factor results in additional narios as other studies showed comparable results [15]. How-
wake-ups in-between. ever, generalizability cannot be proven and especially controls
Gradient-based sampling is least sensitive to losses of the with a known sensibility to network influences should be exam-
adaptive approaches, as any oscillations in control loop that re- ined by similar simulations.
sult from them can be faster corrected by adaptively increasing About the parameterization of the approaches can be said that
sampling rates. This can be seen as a slight power increase the sampling period should be set 6–20 times smaller than
in Fig. 3(h), while the stays quite low in Fig. 3(g). As the Nyquist frequency. Gradient-based sampling can handle a
gradient-based sampling uses the gradient, it is sensitive to higher max-sleep-time , but it also defines a maximum reac-
noise. This mainly results in an increased power consumption, tion times that needs to be considered.
which rises in worst case even higher than periodic sampling The delta for all adaptive sampling approaches should not be
[Fig. 3(f)]. However, the higher number of messages also results set too large as this will not save significantly more energy. The
1This is not shown in individual figures as both are nearly identical in Scenario main constraint is defined by the limit cycles. If the control can
ILL and the relation between Fig. 4(a) and (c) applies to Scenario TMP. tolerate oscillations up to a magnitude of in steady state, this
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