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Implementasi drone sebagai alternatif transportasi barang di Indonesia

Abstrak :
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan regulasi dan implementasi drone sebagai solusi
alternatif transportasi logistik dengan di Indonesia. Penerapan UAV (Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles) atau drone sebagai transportasi pengiriman alternatif di Indonesia mewakili
perubahan transformatif dalam bidang logistik, yang menawarkan solusi terhadap tantangan
geografis dan infrastruktur Indonesia. Hal ini melatarbelakangi pentingnya drone dalam
meningkatkan efisiensi, mengurangi biaya, dan menjangkau daerah-daerah terpencil dengan
tetap memperhatikan masalah keselamatan, privasi, dan ekonomi masyarakat. Artikel ini
membahas tantangan-tantangan seperti penegakan hukum, hambatan teknologi, dan
penerimaan masyarakat, serta mengusulkan praktik-praktik terbaik seperti kolaborasi
internasional, keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan, dan tinjauan peraturan yang berkelanjutan,
Penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan secara yuridis normatif dan konseptual.

Abstract :
This article aims to explain the regulations and implementation of drones as an alternative
solution for logistics transportation in Indonesia. The implementation of UAVs (Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles) or drones as alternative delivery transportation in Indonesia represents a
transformative shift in logistics, offering solutions to the nation's complex geographic and
infrastructural challenges in Indonesia. It highlights the importance of drones in improving
efficiency, reducing costs and reaching remote areas while considering safety, privacy and
economic aspects. The script discusses challenges such as enforcement, technical barriers and
public acceptance and suggests best practices such as international collaboration, stakeholder
engagement and ongoing regulatory review. The research in this article uses a normative
juridical and conceptual approach
1.1 Backgrounds
In this modern era, shipping goods has become an increasingly important need. With
increasing public mobility, demand for goods delivery services also continues to increase.
However, conventional goods delivery systems via land, sea or air vehicles have several
limitations, such as congestion, delays and relatively high costs.

One solution that can be considered to overcome these limitations is to use drones as an
alternative for goods transportation. Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are
unmanned aircraft that can be controlled remotely. Drone technology has experienced rapid
development in recent years, both in terms of capability, size and carrying capacity.
The use of drones as an alternative for goods transportation has great potential in Indonesia.
With its vast territory and complex geographical conditions, there are often obstacles in
sending goods via conventional land, sea and air routes. Drones can be an effective solution
to overcome this challenge. Drones offer speed, flexibility and lower operational costs
compared to conventional methods such as trucks or ships.

Some of the main advantages of drones in logistics applications in Indonesia include high
range and mobility where drones can reach remote or difficult to access areas that are not
reached by other modes of transportation. Fast and on-time delivery, namely Drones can
deliver goods in a shorter time than other modes of transportation, especially over long
distances. Lower operational costs such as fuel, maintenance and infrastructure costs for
drones are generally cheaper than conventional modes of transportation. Efficiency and
flexibility where Drones can be operated automatically, reducing labor requirements, and can
adapt to various types of payloads. This allows delivery to be more efficient and responsive
to market needs.
collisions, flight disruptions and potential misuse, that need to be considered and addressed

1.2 Problem formulation:

- Can drones be implemented as an environmentally friendly alternative logistics
transportation solution in Indonesia?
- Can drones be an alternative means of transportation to deliver medical equipment and
The problem identification in this research is regarding the implementation of drones as an
alternative for goods transportation in Indonesia. This issue involves relevant legislation,
legal theories, and concepts related to the use of drones as a means of transportation.
Carrying out this research involved collecting data using several methods.
The method used in this research is the Conceptual approach and the Normative Juridical
approach. The normative juridical approach taken is to conduct a literature review of laws
and regulations related to the use of drones in Indonesia, such as laws regarding aviation, air
traffic and security. Analyze existing regulatory compliance with international standards in
the use of drones for goods transportation. Assess potential legal changes required to facilitate
the implementation of drones in goods transportation. The conceptual approach taken is to
develop an ideal concept and model for implementing drones in the goods transportation
system in Indonesia, taking into account the capabilities and limitations of drone technology,
the needs and characteristics of the transportation and logistics sector in Indonesia, as well as
the economic, social and environmental aspects of the use of drones for goods transportation.
Data analysis from a normative juridical approach will involve mapping the existing legal
framework, identifying gaps or inconsistencies in regulations, and suggesting legal changes
that could support drone implementation. Data analysis from a conceptual approach will
involve developing relevant legal concepts, such as legal responsibility, privacy, and security,
which must be considered in the implementation of drones as an alternative for goods
transportation in Indonesia.
3.1 Drones/ Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ( UAV )
Drones, generally unmanned aerial vehicles/systems - UAV/UAS - were initially used
exclusively for military purposes. However, in recent times they are also used in many areas
of civilian applications such as disaster management, delivery of goods and information,
search operations, surveillance, forest fire fighting, repeaters in ad-hoc networks, wind
estimation, civil security, agriculture and remote sensing, traffic monitoring, medical and
health-related services, emergency medical care.
Moreover, their use in large cities is one of the most developed areas, and society and politics
are continuously working on its development. Drones are flexible, fast and mobile platforms
that can be used for many applications such as traffic and crowd monitoring, environmental
monitoring, civil security and delivery of goods in smart cities. They are more flexible and
can be used in many different locations and situations, including difficult locations and those
that pose high risks to people.
They can also fly in the immediate vicinity of the target object, allowing for greater
measurement accuracy and more targeted actions.These characteristics bring advantages
when drones are used for smart city applications. Due to the demands of the inhabitants of
big cities, delivery services need to be faster and more efficient.
One of the proactive solutions to solve this problem is to use drone applications for package
delivery. Due to their advantages, drones are already being used in major cities to improve
urban life, for example, to record accident scenes, assist the activities of first responders, and
monitor construction sites.
Today, there is still a variety of powerful drone systems exist. However, many systems that
meet payload, range, and environmental requirements are lighter electric systems that have
been improved by advances in battery technology. For example, Amazon and Walmart are
working on a new platform to use drones to deliver packages to customers.
In 2018, Amazon released a video of an octocopter with a 30-minute flight time delivering
packages weighing up to 2.3 kg (5 lb), which accounts for 86% of Amazon's delivery volume
(Amazon 2018). Similarly, DHL, the largest postal company in Germany and China, has
begun experimenting with a drone fleet that can deliver around 500 packages per day. The
use of drones for everyday consumer services is growing and becoming a reality
(Microdrones 2021).
However, the risk of accidents in the sky increases with the number of drones used. This
not only endangers civil aviation safety and infrastructure, but also reduces road safety.
Some of the most notorious drone accidents have been reported recently (Wilshire Law Firm
In addition, numerous cases have been reported where drones have nearly collided with
aircraft. According to data recorded by the FAA, between January and August 2015, over 700
near misses involving drones were reported by pilots (Whitlock 2015).
Furthermore, a study of a dataset of drone accidents and incidents in Australia was
published by Milad and Mojtaba (Ghasri and Maghrebi 2021), which showed that there are
two categories of accidents and incidents: equipment problems and lack of coordination
between aerial activities.Therefore, management and regulation of drones in traffic flows and
urban areas is necessary.
This study has the following objectives:
• To review the current drone management systems in major cities in Indonesia.
• To provide a comprehensive review of drone regulations in Indonesia.
• Analyze the effectiveness of using drones as a means of transportation in Indonesia.

3.2 Drone Management System

In this study, a drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), that is, an aircraft with no human
pilot, crew, or passengers on board. A UAV is a component of an unmanned aircraft system
(UAS), which includes a ground controller and a system for communicating between the
UAV and the drone (Hu and Lanzon 2018). Flight of a UAV can be performed under remote
control by a human operator as a remotely piloted aircraft, or with different degrees of
autonomy, including: B.
Autopilot support, up to fully autonomous aircraft without human intervention (ICAO
2011). Today, the miniaturization of electronic components such as sensors, microprocessors,
batteries, and navigation systems has led to many different types of drones (Floreano and
Wood 2015). A variety of drones are used for military and civilian purposes. Drones vary in
size from huge fixed-wing UAVs to smart dust consisting of numerous small micro-
electromechanical systems including sensors and robots 4445 (Hassanalian and Abdelkefi
2017). A comprehensive list of drones including airborne and satellite platforms, low and
high altitude UAS is given in (Everaerts 2009).
According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), all small drone users must register
their drones if the drone weight is in the range of 0.55 to 55 pounds (FAA 2020).All drones
must be managed and controlled as aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations
(Vattapparamban et al. 2016), which categorizes as follows: (i) model aircraft operators; (ii)
persons with 333 exceptions; (iii) public operators; (iv) public operators may choose to
operate under Part 107.
However, airspace and equipment authorizations can be obtained depending on who the user
is and how they want to fly. this process is simpler and more flexible when operating
commercial drones. A "phased approach" was also implemented to integrate drones into the
national airspace system, from rural to urban areas, and from sparsely populated airspace
to densely populated airspace. Drones can also be used for certain applications in restricted
areas, such as atmospheric surveys.
In European countries, the Joint Aviation Authority (JAS) is responsible for operations and
authorization, while the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for
airworthiness and maintenance regulation (ICAO 2017).
In the aviation industry, and especially in air traffic control, the growing number of drones
creates new challenges that endanger flights that take place in the airspace. Therefore, to
protect scheduled flights in terms of safety and compliance, it is necessary to create a unique
operational surface. To efficiently manage all air traffic, Sandor proposed UAS Traffic
Management (UTM) to support the execution of flights (Sándor 2019).
Such a system can be used to maintain the distance between UAVs and conventional aircraft
and the order of traffic flow in very low airspace segments. This system works independently
of air traffic management (ATM) since data are fed into this system .Based on the scientific
results obtained in the creation of a comprehensive road network model, Péter and Szabó
proposed a new air traffic model (Péter and Szabó 2012), which represents a powerful new
tool in the field of air traffic network modeling. It has all the characteristic features such a
system is considered a large-scale stochastic dynamical system used to describe the
processes of land transportation.
Since traffic networks are complex and characterized by various rules, geometric data and
seasonality, the authors developed a new model for air traffic systems. This allowed the
development of new models and led to nonlinear systems in mathematics . cs. The result
from the control point of view was shown by applying the Lyapunov function method, which
showed that in a domain bounded by an arbitrary closed curve, the autonomous system is
asymptotically stable. The authors used static route parameters to achieve minimized delays
in the field of air traffic control.

The model used in this study is a macroscopic model based on a system of linear time-
invariant first-order differential equations. The optimization goal of this model is to
minimize the overall delay. For example, the landing of an aircraft should be done in the
shortest time by selecting the appropriate control parameters.
In this way, the solution of critical network problems and the application of new control
options are achieved. For example, two aircraft may plan to fly the same route close to each
other and at the same altitude. In this case, the air traffic controller, who must follow
procedures to maintain the required distance, will mainly propose changes in flight altitude.
If a speed limit is agreed upon , no speed limit is necessary; otherwise, the instructions of the
air traffic controller must be followed. Another scientific report provides an overview of the
possible applications of drones in transport management ). The authors focused on the theory
and practice of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in transport and traffic engineering. This
study showed that when drones are used for transportation, safety, effectiveness, and energy
efficiency must be guaranteed.

It proposed an architectural framework for UTM based on the definition of a UTM system
and its six main objective functions, and the communication, navigation, and surveillance
technologies (CNS) that support the UTM system in 2019. UTM system is defined as a
prototype of research software applications that aim to enable the safe and efficient use of
UAS in low altitude airspace (Kopardekar et al. 2016).
The process of this UTM system is based on: (i) enabling UAS operators to submit flight
plans to perform specific tasks; (ii) determining how to enable single or multiple UAS to
operate safely within line of sight (VLOS) or beyond line of sight (BVLOS); and (iii)
coordinating airspace services of multiple carriers.
The study also provided six key functions of the proposed UTM, including flight plan
processing, operations and management, wind and weather integration, congestion
management, separation management, and emergency management.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in drones among commercial enterprises
and recreational flyers. Therefore, the safety of people, property, and other airspace users
such as helicopters must be ensured during drone operations. Evaluated altitude restrictions
for drone operations in urban airspace based on available technology, drone categories, and
intended use.
They then introduced the concept of drone tracks/tunnels or routes to enable safe drone
operations in urban areas. These corridors would not impact existing helicopter operations,
would not disrupt transportation services, and would not disrupt industrial or maritime
activities. "Geo-fencing" was introduced and identified to prevent drone flights over security
areas such as airport areas, military installations, and other restricted areas.
Geofencing techniques set virtual boundaries for geographical areas over which drones
must not fly. This technology remotely monitors geographical areas that are surrounded by a
virtual fence (geofence) and silently detects moving objects entering or leaving these areas.

3.3 General Drone Regulation

With the development of science and technology, drones (UAVs/drones) have developed
diversified and are widely applied and used in many fields, bringing many socio-economic
benefits such as improving the agricultural sector ,and lowering labor costs
However, there are also potential risks to national defense, security, aviation safety, and
social order and security.
(i) Security and defense.
UAVs/drones can be a means for response and counter-attack forces to exploit terrorist
activities, surprise attacks on important and sensitive targets, and unauthorized collection of
video recordings. For example, in Vietnam, UAVs have been caught three times invading
military territory, including by the Ministry of National Defense (2016) and the Third Corps
of the Navy (2017).

(ii) Aviation safety

The launch and release of UAVs near airfields where civilian and military aircraft fly may
seriously endanger aviation safety and lead to aviation disasters, especially if small UAVs are
launched when aircraft take off or land.
According to a 2019 report by the Vietnam National Aviation Safety Committee, a civilian
aircraft collided with an unknown object (possibly a small unmanned aerial vehicle) causing
the nose to tilt, seriously endangering flight safety.
(ii) Social security, order and safety.
They can weigh anywhere from a few hundred grams to tens of kilograms and fly at
altitudes from 100 meters to several thousand meters, but if an accident occurs, people,
vehicles and jobs can be put at risk.Drones can illegally collect information and images from
organizations and individuals without their consent

3.4 Regulations regarding the use of drones in Indonesia

The use of drones as a means of transportation in Indonesia has increased significantly in
recent years. In 2015, the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Transportation
issued Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 90 of 2015 concerning Control of
the Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) in the Air Space. This regulation aims to regulate the
use of drones in a more controlled and safe manner in Indonesia. Several important points in
this regulation include that every drone owner is required to register their drone with the local
civil aviation authority. Drone users must obtain an operating permit from civil aviation
authorities before flying. This regulation also sets restrictions regarding the use of drones,
including maximum flight altitudes, prohibitions on flying around airports or other aviation
facilities, as well as prohibitions on flying in certain areas considered sensitive. Drone users
are also required to ensure flight safety and maintain the privacy of individuals and property
that may be impacted by drone use.
Thus, there needs to be clear and firm regulations to regulate the use of drones. The use of
drones in Indonesia is regulated by several regulations, including:
• Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 37 of 2020 concerning the Operation
of Unmanned Aircraft in the Airspace Served in Indonesia. This regulation regulates the
operation of unmanned aircraft, including drones, in the airspace served in Indonesia.
• Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 63 of 2021 concerning Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations Part 107 concerning Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. This regulation
regulates civil aviation safety standards for small unmanned aircraft systems, including
• Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 34 of 2021 concerning Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations Part 22 concerning Airworthiness Standards for Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Systems. This regulation regulates airworthiness standards for remotely controlled aircraft
systems, including drones.
• Decree of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number PR 9 of 2022 concerning
Technical Instructions for Approval of the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft in the Airspace
Served by Indonesia with Information Technology Based Systems. This regulation regulates
technical instructions for approval of the operation of unmanned aircraft in airspace served by
Indonesia with information technology-based systems.
The legal basis for drone use in Indonesia consists of several regulations, including:
• Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation. This law regulates aviation in Indonesia,
including the use of drones.
• Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 47 of 2016 concerning Control of
the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Airspace Served by Indonesia. This
regulation regulates the control of the operation of unmanned aircraft systems in the airspace
served by Indonesia.
• Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 90 of 2015 concerning the Introduction
and Use of Unmanned Aircraft. This regulation regulates the introduction and use of
unmanned aerial vehicles, including drones
• Government Regulation Number 71 of 2014 concerning Air Flights: This regulation is also
relevant because it provides general guidelines regarding air flights in Indonesia.
Violating drone use regulations in Indonesia can have several consequences, including:
• Administrative fines. Administrative fines can be imposed on drone users who violate
regulations, with a limit of IDR 100 million to IDR 5 billion.
• Criminal sanctions. Criminal sanctions can be imposed on drone users who violate
regulations, with prison terms ranging from 1-5 years
The use of drones as a means of transportation in logistics has never been implemented or
experimented in Indonnesia. To regulate the use of drones, there needs to be clear and firm
regulations. Various regulations have been issued, including Minister of Transportation
regulations and the Aviation Law. Violating drone use regulations in Indonesia can result in
several consequences, including administrative fines and criminal sanctions. Therefore, there
needs to be awareness and seriousness in following the regulations for the use of drones in

3.5 Drone as an alternative transportation to deliver medical supplies

The previous COVID-19 pandemic, an aging population, and a shortage of healthcare
workers pose significant challenges to care for people in need and those not in need,
especially in rural areas. Therefore, the proper delivery of medicines is more necessary than
One scenario to provide people with urgently needed medical supplies is drone delivery.
Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles used for a variety of purposes, including military, public
safety, delivery, and medical care.
The use of drones is widespread across a wide range of applications, including environment
and conservation, agriculture, healthcare, construction and industry, commercial marine, law
enforcement and traffic monitoring, and education.
Medical and healthcare drones are widely used in public health and disaster relief,
telemedicine, and medical transportation. Drones in the public health field collect information
on the number of patients in need, detect health threats, and help with epidemiological
Drones in telemedicine are used for remote surgery and remote diagnosis, as well as for
treating patients using communication technologies. Drones in medical transportation are
used to deliver medicines (vaccines, medicines, etc.), blood supplies, organs, defibrillators,
and other medical supplies.
Compared to helicopters, medical drones are considered a cheaper alternative to air transport
of medical supplies. Areas with mountains, deserts, and forests that lack road access or long-
distance travel options, or areas affected by major natural disasters, are considered to have
high potential for drones in healthcare.
It is notable that drones could revolutionize medical logistics and healthcare in non-hospital
settings, but drone delivery is still relatively new and unproven. One report focused on
experimental studies of the use of drones in healthcare.
Of the nine experimental studies identified by the authors, none were conducted in real-
world scenarios using simulation methods. Issues that arise in real-world situations regarding
health effects, external factors, and people's preparation have been overlooked.
A current population survey provides information about the German public's attitudes,
willingness to use, expectations and fears towards delivery drones and air taxis. Overall, the
results showed that the majority of German citizens are skeptical of drones delivering
consumer goods, with the exception of emergency situations such as delivering medicines or
transporting injured people to hospitals.
This requires user involvement to improve the efficiency of medical supplies utilization and
ensure that processes and technologies remain patient-centric.
In this sense, ethical challenges exist for humanitarian innovations, including drones. An
international review identified three main trends in ethical considerations
They focus on harm (i.e. ensuring physical safety, environmental impacts and benefits),
fairness (i.e, cost-effectiveness, equitable access, stakeholder responsibility), and respect (i.e.,
technical aspects of information security, privacy considerations, are active).
These considerations imply a greater involvement of users and stakeholders in future
research to improve the trade-off between harm and benefit, maintain justice, and respect
Previous reviews have focused on how drones are used in medicine and what their potential
will be. For example, Hievert et al. identified eight health and wellness-related applications of
The most commonly identified use was the delivery of medical supplies and treatments by
drones, followed by the use of drones for environmental monitoring and delivery of
automated defibrillators (AEDs), highlighting the importance of drones in improving access
to health services.
The review found that all drone studies were in the pilot phase and had not yet been
deployed or adopted in health facilities. The identified studies focused on 4,444 flight routes
and payload regulations, with little attention paid to how patients and communities interact
with drones, Rejeb et al. identify three main barriers to the use of drones in humanitarian
logistics from technical, organizational and environmental (regulatory) perspectives, which
they call TOE barriers.
In particular, user acceptance is a organizational barrier to the use of drones in humanitarian
logistics. The authors recommend applying technology acceptance theory and using case
studies, interviews and surveys to understand the success and failure factors of drone use in
humanitarian organizations.
3.5.1. Medical Supplied aerially delivered by drones
In this section, we present the medical supplies delivered by drones. These are categorized
into (1) first aid kits, (2) medical aids and human body parts, (3) personal protective
equipment, and (4) others in the order of urgency. Though the medical supplies elaborated in
the sub-sections below are vital, they are a limited asset to health care systems especially in
developing countries due to the poor transport facilities (bad roads networks and limited
ambulance services). The urgent need to deliver critical medical supplies, therefore, relies on
the level of the health emergency and the geographical location.
3.5.2 First aid kits
First aid use is a recommendation that could be administered in case of an accident by
bystanders before paramedics arrive at the scene which could occur at any location in a
country. First aid delivery by a drone in response to an emergency constitutes the most urgent
medical aid delivered by a drone [27]. The first aid kit contains different medical supplies
that a drone can carry to an emergency scene. Some of the medical supplies could include
medications, antibiotics, blood samples . Sudden health emergencies like heart attacks could
also occur at any given time particularly now that Africa is faced with the double burden of
diseases [29] characterized by increasing prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases
(NCD) such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung and the battle to deal
with infectious diseases such as COVID-19, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis,malaria etc.In such
cases, drones provide faster delivery of medical devices like automated external defibrillators
(AEDs) which could be used to provide first aid before the response team arrives.
3.5.3 Medical aids and human body parts -
Blood is primarily the aerial delivery product by drones because doctors often require blood
samples to complete diagnosis. Under such circumstances, drones are the option as they can
deliver faster than the conventional transportation system. Most often, transfusion is required
during accidents and other medical situations; blood is vital. As an urgent need, blood is also
required in health emergencies such as pregnancy-related complications and cases like severe
anaemia, hypo-glycemia, and brain involvement Rwanda who pioneered the use of drone to
aerially deliver blood to save the lives of most women who suffer from postpartum
haemorrhage is a typical example.
As such, drones come in handy to help health care providers in rural communities assist
pregnant women during labour. Blood supply with drones paved the way for expansion to
include medical supplies like vaccines . The delivery of antivenom by drones (for snake and
dog bites) saves the lives of people bitten by such animals especially in Africa where snake
and dog bites are not uncommon. Interestingly, drones are not only used for delivering
medical supplies but also human body parts like the kidney as well.
3.5.4 Personal protective equipment
In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, drones can help in easy social distance inspection in
public places in an automatic way. As many governments in Africa found it rather
challenging ensuring citizens observed social distance protocol during the COVID-19
Drones could also deliver Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to prevent the spread of the
viru. The drones deliver PPEs (gloves, facemasks etc.) to emergency scenes and health
facilities in some countries.
3.5.5 Others
Medical supplies that are not often classified as urgent need but delivered by drones are drugs
and contraceptives for women. Other supplies include pathology specimens, laboratory test
samples, and HIV therapies.

3.6 Challenges and Barriers

Regulations could always be a bottleneck that may hinder aerial delivery by drones
considering the misuse of drones which has damaged its reputation. Because many countries
are yet to establish drone regulations, it is difficult to acquire legal permission to fly a
medical drone with the aviation authorities. On one hand, unless drone users demonstrate that
they can operate the drone well and avoid collisions with other flying objects or properties on
the ground, regulatory obstacles (not permitting usage) would be difficult to overcome .
On the other hand, regulators are largely concerned about how drones can avoid or minimise
risks relating to technical and privacy-related usage. So, as much as we want technology
(drone) to deliver medical supply efficiently, effectively and save more lives, lives and
properties must be protected. The use of drones should not also result in the evasion of
people’s privacy, otherwise, issues of human rights will be violated, and this could have some
Another challenge is that in the past drones were used for war by aerially dropping bombs,
and this has left a perception in the minds of individuals in such war zone countries. In such
countries, once a drone is seen flying it does not matter what the supply is, it brings back
painful memories of death, trauma etc. This creates fear and panic . This ultimately could
lead to protest against the use of drones in such countries.
In the public health sector, except for trained professionals, not everyone is familiar with
administering an AED to a patient before the arrival of paramedics, therefore, aerial delivery
of AEDs to an emergency scene could initially increase stress as bystanders might struggle to
operate the AEDs on the patient. Similarly, it can be challenging to fly a drone unless trained.
Also, current delivery drones are unable to carry heavy objects and fly long-range.

This means that delivery drones might not be able to carry along trained personnel and this
makes it difficult in accidents situations, where there are no trained health professionals.
Though drones provide great potential benefits, in some settings, others believe it would be
appropriate to invest in improving the conventional transport system than drones [35]. When
using drones for public benefit, there is always this enthusiastic response, yet stake-holders
have raised concerns regarding value for money, privacy, and security

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