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Prepared and Compiled by:

Hon. Ministers of Education 1 & 2 - (IPAM-SUG’21)

Mr. Augustine Abu Kamara @ MoE (1) (+232 76 291807)

& Mr. Fayia Peter Sahr @ MoE (2) (+232 30 499482)

NOTE: Recommended Extra - Lesson is ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE

SYNDICATE, Call the above contacts for more details AND tutorial


communication skills paper is divided into sections—A, B, C and D.

Section A consists of essay writing. Section A has five questions, of
which students are expected to answer only one question which is
compulsory. Section B consists of comprehension and summary
which is also compulsory. Section C consists of public speaking with
Two or three questions to answer only one. Section D consists of the
grammar aspect which have various questions but to only answer
Two questions.


In section A, students are expected to write an essay that is not less than 450
words. In writing these essays there are some steps students need to follow,
they are; proper uses of grammars, punctuation marks, and paragraphing.

Answer only one question from this section. Your essay must be about 450
words long.

1. The written and spoken English of university students has become

a cause for concern. Write an article for publication in your college
journal discussing the possible causes and the effects this is having
on the students’ academic performance


Note for this section we are only going to give you all a Tips on how
to answer these essay questions.

Tip/ guidelines in answering question one

An article is written for publication. It is an “Expository essay”.

Article is written on various topics.

The first thing to know is which type of EASSAY you are expected to write.

1. For question one, they type of EASSAY to write is an EXPOSITORY ESSAY.

2.. Understand the topic in full.

3. Write the heading (title), and it must not be too lengthy.

4. Write the body, which is the main part of the article and it must always be
in paragraphs.

5. Write the conclusion, which is the final paragraph.

2. Write a letter to the Dean, faculty of management sciences IPAM,

discussing at least three ways in which the lateness in the
publication of examination grades could be addressed.


Tip/ guidelines in answering question Two

Formal letters are written to people in authorities. They are also

called official letters.

The first thing to know is which type of EASSAY.

1. For question Two, they type of EASSAY to write is FORMAL LETTER

2.. understand the topic in full.

3. There should be two addresses (sender and receiver address).

4. There must a heading or title of the letter.

5. There must be a salutation (opening greetings).

6. Write your first expressions of the letter.

7. Body of the letter which will be done in four or five paragraphs.

8. Conclusion (closing).

3. Write a story, real or imagined, that clarifies the wisdom of the

saying, “money is the root of all evil”


Tip/ guidelines in answering question three

Narrative essays are essays that tells the reader about events,
interactions, and experience that have happened to the writer or an
individual during a particular period of time.

The first thing to know is which type of EASSAY you are expected to write.

1. For question three, they type of EASSAY to write is NARRATIVE EASSAY


2. Understand the topic in full.

3. Story must always start with a title (Heading).

4. A story must always be in past tense.

5. A story must always have a starting date (beginning of the story).

6. A story must have a middle event.

7. A story must have a conclusion.

4. “The use of plastic bags and bottles should be banned”. Write

your arguments for and against this proposition.


Tip/ guidelines in answering question four

An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance on

an issue.

The first thing to know is which type of EASSAY you are expected to write.

1. For question four, they type of EASSAY to write is an ARGUMENTATIVE


2. Understand the topic in full. must state your stance. should not put forward arguments that opposes your stance.

5. You must have a thesis statement (your point).

6. You must have the body paragraphs that is, by isinglass evidence and

7. You should acknowledge the presence of your audience.

8. Each argument should be stated in one body paragraph.

5. You are to do an exposition on the barriers to effective

communication. Write your speech, suggesting also how one can
develop good communication skills


Tip/ guidelines in answering question five

For this question here is the answer

1. The first thing to know is which type of EASSAY your expected to write.

For question five, they type of EASSAY to write is an EXPOSITORY EASSAY

What is a barrier to communicate?

Barrier to communicate is anything that prevent the free flow of

communication, or make communication not to flow form one individual to
another. Below are some of the barriers of communication.

Physical Barriers: Open plan building designs are attractive as they allow
colleagues to communicate quickly and efficiently. The moment you shut the
door to your office, create distance between people or erect walls that divide
your staff, you are creating physical barriers to effective communication.

Perceptual Barriers: While physical barriers are easy to see, perceptual

barriers are those you erect in your mind. The way you communicate could be
affected by preconceived ideas, your typical behavior patterns or
misunderstood body language.

Emotional Barriers: Self-confidence plays an enormous role in breaking

down psychological barriers. By having an in-depth understanding of the
information you’re sharing with others, you will be able to deliver it with
clarity. This knowledge increases the probability that those receiving the
information will understand it and be able to act on it. However, sometimes
our emotions take over when communicating with others, and feelings such
as anger, pride and anxiety can cloud our judgment and prevent our

Cultural Barriers: Modern business is conducted in a global community,

whether it's the mix of staff in the workplace, or working with colleagues,
suppliers, and retailers in other parts of the world. By understanding cultural
sensitivities of any business stakeholder, and respecting their values and
beliefs, cultural barriers can be removed from the process. Respect is the key,
at times, you will have to adapt to others while other occasions people joining
your organisation will have to adjust.

Language Barriers: Communicating with people whose native language is

not English can pose problems. However, it’s not the only language issue
businesses face. The way people speak is different from each generation,
speech impediments can cause comprehension issues, and industry specific
language may be difficult to understand for someone unaccustomed to it.

Gender Barriers: Men and women are different, and while workplace
relations between genders have improved astronomically over recent years,
there are times when communications break down for one reason or another.
Communication styles between genders are often different, which could cause
problems between work colleagues, so it’s important to be respectful of each

Interpersonal Barriers: Poor self-esteem or an inability to make

connections with others can prohibit us from actually communicating with our
colleagues. This challenge can lead to withdrawal from the business dynamic,
keeping your opinions and ideas to yourself and removing yourself from the
workplace community.

Ways to overcome barriers to communication

Ensure Proper Feedback: The purpose of feedback is to find out whether

the receiver has properly understood the meaning of the information
received. In the face-to- face communication, the reaction on the face of the
receiver can be understood.

Follow up Communication: In order to make communication effective the

management should regularly try to know the weaknesses of the
communication system. In this context effort can be made to know whether
to lay more stress upon the formal or the informal communication would be

Be a Good Listener: It is the essence of communication that both the

sender and the receiver should be good listeners. Both should listen to each
other’s point of view with attention, patience and positive attitude. A sender
can receive much relevant information by being a good listener.

Be Aware of Language, Tone and Content of Message: The sender

should take care of the fact that the message should be framed in clear and
beautiful language. The tone of the message should not injure the feelings of
the receiver. As far as possible the contents of the message should be brief
and excessive use of technical words should be avoided.

Clarify Ideas before Communication: The person sending the

communication should be very clear in his mind about what he wants to say.
He should know the objective of his message and, therefore, he should
arrange his thoughts in a proper order.

Consistency of Message: The information sent to the receiver should not

be self- contradictory. It should be in accordance with the objectives, policies,
programs and techniques of the organization. When a new message has to be
sent in place of the old one, it should always make a mention of the change
otherwise it can create some doubts.


Tip/ guidelines in answering comprehension and summary


1. The first thing to do is read the passage as many times as possible for
proper understanding.

2.Do not make assumptions.

3. Reduce anxiety and calm your nerves.

4. Don’t go outside the given passage.

5. Summarize the contents of each paragraphs in your own words.

6. Upgrade your vocabulary.

7. Read the page again for evidence and techniques.

8. Read the passage carefully.




1. To appear before a gathering to speak for the first time is

challenging for many people. State and explain four (4) reasons you
think are responsible for stage fright and say how they can be

Reason for stage fright

1. Lack of confidence: that is if you don’t have confidence in yourself, you’ll

risk alienating the audience. Being obviously nervous is especially problematic
because when we are nervous, listeners are more likely to focus on negative
vocal and visual cues.

2. Lack of organization: you can lose credibility by not spending enough

time gathering and organizing materials. Conducting research about the
audience, topic and sources re preliminary steps. Arrange the information into
an attention getting introduction, craft a paragraph for each of the three most
important points and follow with a conclusion.

3. Lack of time management: run through the speech to ensure it meets

time requirements. Many speakers run overtime because they have not
adequately rehearsed and timed the delivery of their materials.

4. Lack of preparation: practice the speech in full before delivery. Saying

the words helps speakers hear: where they are rushing words; where to
improve word flow and voice intonation; and how to project enthusiasm.
People often don’t not prepare well, as lack of preparedness will bring the
chance for them to have stage fright.

5. Lack of attention to audience: make sure you know the audience, or

the presentation will be unsuccessful. Researching their ages, culture, values
and current level of knowledge is essential to shaping the speech’s tone and

How to overcome stage fright

1. Think positively: focus on your strengths and on your most powerful

experience, believe in your values and believe you can do it.

2. Prepare your speech well. And arrive well in time before the delivery of
your speech.

3. Acknowledge your shortcomings (language and articulation problems) and

work on improving or overcoming them.

4. Know your audience.

5. Energize yourself, relax, stay calm, move around a little, and take a deep
breath before you speak.

6. Connect with your audience.

7. Do not concentrate on yourself and the nervousness or shyness you feel.

Question two - 2

2. Speaking and communicating are similar but different. List and

briefly explain some of the skills one needs to master to
communicate well in public


Strategies / skills of public speaking

The following are strategies/skills of speaking in public;

1. Plan appropriately: means you must have a good and thorough

knowledge of what you are to talk on. Do proper research. As the speech or
presentation can be impromptu, it pays to have a good knowledge of what is
going on around you, in your organisation or in the world as a whole. Think
about what you are going to say and structured it well. From the beginning
you need to intrigue your audience and keep them interested.

2. Practice: if you are going to deliver a speech or make a presentation,

create it or write it out as early as possible. The earlier you put it together,
the more time you will have to practice. Do thorough editing and proofreading
so as to ensure that what you have written is free of errorless. Practice
reading it out or delivering it alone, in an empty room.

3. Engage your audience: when you speak try to engage your audience.
Get the audience involved. Talk to them, not at them or above them. This
makes you feel less isolated as a speaker. Also your positive body language,
facial expression would make both you and the audience relaxed and ready
for a good speech. So pay attention to your body language.

4. Speak slowly: it is important that you sound confident, natural and

authentic. Pay attention to how you speak. If you are nervous, you might
speak fast, trip over your words and say something you don’t mean. Force
yourself to slow down if you are nervous and breathe deeply.

5. Think positively: it is important that before your speech you think

positively. Tell yourself that you are going to do well. Tell yourself that you are
grateful for this opportunity to help your audience gain something.


Choose from the options lettered A to D, one word or phrase that is

nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is in the sentence.

1. Lovetta was quick to say that was the most SUMPTUOUS meal she had
eaten in ages

A. Heavy. B. Delicious. C. Extravagant. D. Oily

ANSWER= B. Delicious

2. The employee sounded AUDACIOUS in his attempt to define himself

A. Bold. B. Strong. C. Bitter. D. Funny

ANSWER = A. Bold

3. The children in that era lived in an atmosphere of INCESSANT fear

A. Never-ending. B. On-going. C. ever-present D. Increasing

ANSWER =A. Never-ending

4. Mbalu offered a PLAUSIBLE explanation for her recent acts of indiscipline

in class

A. Ordinary. B. Reasonable. C. Doubtful. D. Laudable

ANSWER= B. Reasonable

5. The long-standing ANIMOSITY between the two teams finally exploded in

an open conflict at the match last night.

A. Problem. B. Hospitality C. Wickedness. D. Enmity

ANSWER=D. Enmity

6. In times of war, famine and disaster, people often SUPPLICATE their gods
for mercy.

A. Ask. B. Beg. C. Query. D. Go to


7. Marie was in QUANDARY over the money she found, as much as she
needed the money her conscience will bother her if she kept it.

A. Joyful mood. B. State of shock. C. Dilemma. D. Trance

ANSWER=C. Dilemma

8. The speaker kept saying: ‘future leaders of tomorrow’. If he had not used
such TAUTOLOGY, his speech would have been perfect.

A. Repetition. B. Language. C. Jargon. D. Alliteration

ANSWER=A. Repetition

9. Although her new job affords her more luxuries, she feels AMBIVALENT
about it

A. Unhappy. B. Uncertain. C. Remorseful. D. Scared

ANSWER =B. Uncertain

10. The crowd broke into SPONTANEOUS applause when the Deputy
Minister ascended the podium

A. Loud. B. Impolite. C. Continuous. D. Unprompted

ANSWER =D. Unprompted

II. Give the correct tense of the verb within brackets to complete the
following sentences sensibly.

1. As I speak now, the mourners (process) to the funeral service

ANSWER= are processing

2. (Look) before you leap!


3. Alimamy (drink) heavily every Saturday and Sunday. It’s a habit of his.


4. After the vice chancellor (speak) to the students on the value of hard
work, even lazy students clapped and changed their ways.

ANSWER =had spoken

5. IPAM (be) in existence for less than 50 years, but it is competing favorably
with other educational institutions.

ANSWER = has been

6. By this time tomorrow, the guests from Ireland (settle) in sufficiently to

enable them go to the party later on in the evening.

ANSWER=will have settled

7. During last Friday’s press conference, the student Representative did not
(communicate) very well.


8. Although isatu tried to fool alpha, he always (know) about her dark plans.

ANSWER= knew

9. While some serious students (prepare) for this second semester exams, a
not-so-serious Vandy is acting as if he is on holidays.

ANSWER=are preparing

10. Nokia 3310 mobile phones (trend) in the late 1990s and early 2000s
when more fashionable phones suddenly knocked them off their perch.

ANSWER=had been trending

III. From the words lettered A—D, choose the option that best
corrects the misplaced modifier in each of the following sentences

1. Although nearly completed, the analysts stopped working on the report

to have dinner

A. Although nearly completed

B. Although they were nearly completed

C. In spite of being nearly completed

D. Although it was nearly completed

E. Nearing completion

ANSWER=D. Although it was nearly completed

2. Added to the raise and a company car, Albert demanded a four-day

work week.

A) Added to the raise and a company car

B). In addition to the raise and a company car

C) In adding to the raise and a company car

D) Not only a raise and a company car

E) In addition to the raise and wanting a company car

ANSWER=C. In addition to raise and a company car

3. Mowing the many-acred lawn, the skies began to darken and Kelly
went inside

A) the skies began to darken and Kelly went inside.

B) the skies began to darken, so Kelly went inside

C) Kelly went inside, being as the skies began to darken.

D) Kelly, the skies darkening, went inside.

E) Kelly saw the skies begin to darken and went inside

ANSWER=B. The skies began to darken, so Kelly went insides

4. Depressed and sorrowfully inadequate, the job seems to be too much

for Joshua. A) Depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

B) feeling depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

C) since he was depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

D) being that he was depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

E) being depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

ANSWER=C. Since he was depressed and sorrowfully inadequate

5. After stocking up on potato chips, ice cream, videos, and cheap wine,
lying all day on the sofa seemed preferable to showing up at the office.

A) lying all day on the sofa seemed preferable to

B) laying on the sofa all day seemed preferable to

C) James preferred lying all day on the sofa to

D) James was preferring lying on the sofa all day over

E) lying all day on the sofa was preferable to

ANSWER= B. Lying all day on the sofa seemed preferable to.

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