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Details of work- load of teachers for at the F.Y./ S.Y. and T.Y classes Sr.College only for the Academic Year 2023-24
N.S :- 1) Work - load of post graduate classes need not be given
2) Information about intensive extra coaching need not be given.
Name of the College :- Bhaskar Waman Thakur College of Science , Yashvant Keshav Patil College of Commerce, Vidhya Dayanand Patil College of Arts VIVA College Road.
Name Department :
No. and date of letter granting affiliation / No. Aff./ Recog. I/345 of 2000 Dated 29th July 2000 ( Temporary Affiliation)

Total No.
No. of periods
periods Total of
Whether Total No. of batches
No.of for No. of Lecturer
Comp./ Total No. No.of No. of Lecturers for
Sr. No Name of the Subject Class No. Of Student practicals practicals and Remark
Optional Of Lecturer Col.4 x practicals
Division offered for Comp/ Comp/ practical
Applied Papers per week Col.6 x Comp/
the subject Tutorials Tutorials s
Components Division Col.8 x Tutorials
per batch Col-10 Comp/
per week Tutorials
Col.9 +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Zoology 2 2 173 3 12 11 6 66 78
Zoology 3 S.Y.B.Sc. 1 100 3 9 6 9 54 63 We require 3 staff
Zoology 4 T.Y.B.Sc. 1 50 4 16 3 16 48 64
Zoology 2 T.Y.B.Sc. A.C. 1 30 4 4 2 3 6 10

F.Y.BSc.NSS FC 1 F.Y.BSc. 1 16 2 2
S.Y.BSc.NSS FC 1 S.Y.BSc. 1 16 2 2
Details of work- load of teachers for at the F.Y./ S.Y. and T.Y classes Sr.College only for the Academic Year 2023-24
N.S :- 1) Work - load of post graduate classes need not be given
2) Information about intensive extra coaching need not be given.
Name of the College :- Bhaskar Waman Thakur College of Science , Yashvant Keshav Patil College of Commerce, Vidhya Dayanand Patil College of Arts VIVA College Road.
Name Department :
No. and date of letter granting affiliation / No. Aff./ Recog. I/345 of 2000 Dated 29th July 2000 ( Temporary Affiliation)

Total No.
No. of periods
periods Total of
Whether Total No. of batches
No.of for No. of Lecturer
Comp./ Total No. No.of No. of Lecturers for
Sr. No Name of the Subject Class No. Of Student practicals practicals and Remark
Optional Of Lecturer Col.4 x practicals
Division offered for Comp/ Comp/ practical
Applied Papers per week Col.6 x Comp/
the subject Tutorials Tutorials s
Components Division Col.8 x Tutorials
per batch Col-10 Comp/
per week Tutorials
Col.9 +

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Zoology 2 2 100 3 12 10 6 60 72
Zoology 3 S.Y.B.Sc. 1 100 3 9 5 9 45 54 We require 3 staff
Zoology 4 T.Y.B.Sc. 1 80 4 16 4 16 64 80
Zoology 2 T.Y.B.Sc. A.C. 1 40 4 4 2 3 6 10
Description of Work- Load (as show in Proforma A-(I) of teaching at F.Y./S.Y./T.Y. Classes of Sr. College only amongst the Teaching Staff for the year 2023-24.

Name of the college :-Bhaskar Waman Thakur College of Science,Yashwant Keshav Patil College of Commerce ,Vidhya Dayanand Patil College of Arts VIVA College Road.

Sr. Whether full Work - Load allotted

No. Particular time/
Date of Name of the Lectuer/ Practicall/
Name of the Teacher Appoinment Dept .Affilation Subject basis Lectures Tutorials Grant Total

1 Dr. Anushree Kini 1st June 2005 Science Zoology Full Time 3 17 20
2 Dr. Smita Subramanian 3rd August 2011 Science Zoology Full Time 5 17 22
3 Mr.Johnson Varkey 24-Jul-2013 Science Zoology Full Time 4 16 20
4 Ms. Sonal Salvi 1-Jul-2016 Science Zoology Full Time 5 15 20
5 Ms. Sonal Dandge 24 August 2016 Science Zoology Full Time 5 15 20
6 Ms. Shweta Shahasane 16 July 2019 Science Zoology Full Time 4 17 21
7 Mr. Juber Ansari 17-Jul-2019 Science Zoology Full Time 5 15 20
8 Mr.Kaustubh Jadhav 4-Jan-2022 Sciences Zoology Full Time 3 18 21

Note: Two teachers are required on the account of resignation, whereas we have workload of three teachers so one can be appointed subject to the
availability of sufficient workload (Therefore two out of resignation and one staff for avaiability of additional workload. So there is total requirement is of
three staff)Candidates should be preferabily MSc. Endocrinology or MSc. Physiology Specialization or background.

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