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Apologize: Disculpa
Behavior: Comportamiento
Chosen: Elegida
Therefore: Por lo tanto
It's been ages: Ha pasado mucho tiempo
I'd drop you: Te dejaría
Snowed: Nevado
Stuff: Cosas
that's been going on: eso ha estado pasando
Anyway: De todos modos, en fin
Complain: Queja
Anyhoo: De todos modos
What have you been up to: Qué has estado haciendo?
Slightly: Livianamente
As for me: Como para mi
Lots of love: Mucho amor
Stuck: Atascado
Complain: Queja
broke up: Rompió
Actually: De hecho
I'll wave: saludaré
for quite some time: por algun tiempo.
Coverage: Cobertura
Consensus: consenso
Ongoing: En curso
Growth: growth
value chain: cadena de valor
enterprises: Empresas
encourages: Aliento
increasingly: cada vez más
showcased: exhibido
Enablement: Habilitación
Partnership: Camaradería
Property: Propiedad
sets out: Establece
bridge: puente
skills gap: Brecha de habilidades
businesses across: negocios en todo
harness growing: arnés de crecimiento
Annual: Anual
Sources: Fuentes
Main(Ly): Principal(Mente)
Faced: Enfrentada
Overview: descripción general
non-tariff: No arancelario
assesses: Evalua
across: A lo largo de, al otro lado de
widely: Ampliamente
regardless: a pesar de todo
broader: Mas amplia
gadget: Artilugio
towards: Hacia
customization: personalización
aim: Objetivo, apuntar
ease: Facilidad
overall insight: Vision general (Overview)
overall: En gral
insight: Conocimiento
Flat: Aparment
Gone: Desaparecido
away. Lejos
Kitchen: Cocina
Burglar: Ladron
Show: Mostrar
Hold: Sostener
come in: Adelante
That way: De esa manera
There you are! Job done!: Milton: ¡Ahí estás! ¡Trabajo hecho!
good luck: Buena suerte
I'm sure it'll all go well: Estoy seguro de que todo irá bien
Uneasy: Inquieta
Whole: Entero, total
Mostly: En su mayoría, en general
Upper: Superior
Dive; Sumergirse, bucear
Somewhere: Algun lugar
I gonna: Voy a
Acqaint: Familiarizar
Templates: Plantillas
Switch: Cambiar
Switch off: Apagar
Might: Podria
Print: imprimir
Highlight: Destacar
Highlighter: Resaltador
Towards: Hacia
Tiring: Agotadora
Brief: Cortos

Helpful: Util
Heaving: Agitar
Overwhelmed: Abrumado
Hardest: Mas dura
Guess: Adivinar
Soulful: Conmovedor
Whatever: Lo que
So first of all: Primero que todo
Disadvantage: Desventajas
Such: Semejante
Approach: Acercarse
Down: Bajo
Whole: Entero
More or less: Mas o menos
UH if: oh si
Come up: Subir, subir
Huge gigante
Time to fare: Tiempo de pagar
Throughout: A lo largo de
Plenty: Infinidad
Enhance: Mejorar, improve
Least: El menos
Last: Ultimo
paraphrase stuff: parafrasear cosas
fellow: compañero
Figure: Cifra
- I most read, and learn to the 30 phrasal verbs of this exam for using and be able to of understand the sentences
- In this section I have to read detailly the topics for be able to answer correctly most answers
- It,s recommended do a review about the all questions and answers during the break, and be careful in the moment of
answer those questions.
- These questions are based in brief lectures or classroom discussing with listening. It,s so important take notes on this

I must speak about a familiar topic and discuss material that i have read and listened. Are very important the heaving
templates, preparing and learn previous sentences for start to speak, or write about a topic.
I need to be so focus, they find introductory phrases and diversity in the student,s vocabulary

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